HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-09, Page 10
Every .Thursday Morning
The Steri pubbahed every ThureclaY Mernint.
IREOULAIS.14T. *Ild fit the readers bands the
slime day. with AU tale Uteet upeto-the minute
newi the meretiandiseng meirestigei ei the
stamIceepere end otnere, antple time foe
Penetat far week -end buying.
Printing That Pleases
Beanies a•ad Sactal Por-Intinig 'Hem The
Star effiCe ti careeet feral and is Well
netnteil. Paeinpt aertlea iliad Moderate
CHtletitWettelletE TEAR
subscription' -42 a Yeer In Cared*
$2.50 * year to U. S.
GODER1011; ON'TAitio, CANADA. 44-17URSDiTY, 'JUNE 9th3 1932
WALTikie MOTEL, Publisitte
otorcycle '..Races and Military 'Manoeuvres for
AskNohody Forced to Swallow PS
V' Dignity, it is Now
Sheriff's; Car OUteille the Park
by Consent, Not
by Order
The police eoltrt trial a Sheriff G. C.
Micidletori, charged with a breach Of a
nuutteepal parking bylaw, did not m4er-
a eleedided last Saturday morn-
ing. Tie summorts was returnable at a
a.m. and a godly prowd had gathered in.
the Itepe of hearing the age-old prin-
cipIe "Eqdal liens for all and 41=14
.previleges ter none," dehate4 by the legal
enninartes, but 'they were doomed to db
:appointment-, Wiser -counsel -had pee-
•veilede alArd-headen fellOwe had got to-
gether a.nct decided that "tins thing"bed
gone ,f.ar•enougn. • •
Enartly before 1/ &clock Town Solid -
"ter Douglas R. Nairn Arrived •at the
poitte our ehaniber nnd imrnediatele
'Went tato a lauddle with Magletrate Retd.
• shortly after the • alciagistrate emerged
with doctunent in his haict n was
• the letormation, His Worship .hangled it
to The Star reporter and aeross it as
s wrttten "Withdraten ity consent of the
Informant." The informant, of course,
was the Town of 'Goderich. •
ominous linsh bad 'fallen over the
• poncecourt environs. Entente Middleton
' wee not. to be seen, although his car was
handy. Likewlae Clem Attorney Holmes
whose autemebile also visas close at han4,
both...without the proldalted area,
.Xfl the Mr a
Bat the great question of whether or
ticit Sheriff .0.11ddleton o anyon.e else,
ctiuld not legally Parkin the
Court Meuse Square Park had not been
answered.' It was left in the air -hang -
on the and of. a Ifenb. Noe was it
stated who, if atiyate, hadswallowed
his dig:Mtn, . Spectators were plainly
• dissopointed.
• Out of Court •
"Has there ,been -a• eettlement or 'un-
derstanding, or arrangement.or anythIng
of that eort?" asked The Star of Magi-
strate Reid. '
"t know nothingof that replied nis
.Worship. "An I know Is that the case
out of court." •
Officialsat the' &mat' hatiftriadstvertn
ttle to say 01 the inoident.-4t-was-ex-
plairied to The Star that there had been
a misunderstanding. The sensing of the
esummont' on the sheriff had been taken
- as e personal affront when It was not
bateaded that it ;should • be. The town,
had mere le wanted to make. a test ease
and Sheriff Middleton was the "teat,"
"Had they delegated someone to come
andespeak to. as on this triatter the by-
laas would have been observed," said one
offitial. "Some. of us considered the
serving of the summons as wrath* high.
handed piece of btisiness and we re-
sented it. • But or It there -would have
been none'of this hullabaloo." • • •
Secret Council Meethig .
Wtth blinds drawn and doors closed,
and the press parked outside, the coun-
cil dbcussed the ssite on Friday night.
leaites were •raises' early he the discue-
sion, but things ctuickly ealmed down to
a Item. After the committee rote the
tow n clerk told the reporters that every-
• thine was "latuiky dotty." The town
• courtell and court house officials had been
fighting an Imaginary battle, it seemed,
with a raisunderstanding on both sided.
One tient sides got on common ground
• the battle betatne a tea party.
elebody becked down, or backed up, it
was further •explahled. A court house
• official had 'undertaken to nee his per-
• sutteive powers to have his colleagues
• meet the 'Wishes of the town with re-
gard to patting in the Court House park
• and -things were cnimped right there.
• On Friday morningSome cars were
„ aide the park looking out On Saturday
emoening- ands every -Morning -since these
!Wears have been oft -the outside looking
• • in, But this, of course, May only be a
• coincidence.
•The referee -the Pattie -eat call it a
"draw,” and "draws," partitularly in the
• squared circle, have -never been satieface
tory. The public ;byes a finish Eght,
When one end et the main drive ebatt
Oe his ear suatienly dropPed to the neve-
=ant% turtling tie car over s.eveeal thns
Herbert, Cretneton, Erie •&entice stetion,
Miraculously ateeped Berions• injury •or
death on Sunday eveitieg at 11 otelock,
near lealtbwalte's farm on the Huron
road, The shaft dug into •the concrete
On etriking the first obstacle, causing the
ear to turn Untie While travelling at a
good citta It IS bedly wrecked, but for-
tunatety Mr. Cranston escaped with
seraterfes *and bruises. The ecoldent Is
a most UrilleUal one. •
Blue Water Ass n.
Functions This Year
Owen Sound Is Dropped From
• Route, Says
, -Sarnia, June 6, -Although the futute
Of the Blue Water ilighettlY has hung in
the %balance tor several months, members
of the organization have deeided to cat -re
on for another year and advertising and
PUblteity plans will be robed. to come
pletlon as soon as possible, W, 13,, Fer-
guson, secretax7 of the association, seld
o ay. •
The Blue Water route this year will
undergo a slight enange. It will origi-
nate at Serino and take in towns and
summer resorts Meng bake Ewen, in-
cluding Chem' Bend, Itaylield, Goderich,
Kinta.rcline "and Southampton, and in-
stead of following the present route to
Owen Seund and Georgian Bay towns
it will , continue' on to Wiarton, Lions
Heart true Tobermory,
The exclusion of Owen Sound from the
Blue Water highway route came as a re-
sult of that otty's desire to sever its Con,
nection with the association.
Root capoxs FOR SALE. -0. C. W.
Leghorris, exceptionally heavy lay-
ing strain. 1500 hens for the past six
menthe have given a high average pro-
duction of nearly 65%. Very low paced
at $8.50 per 100, considering that a few
extra eggs per bird pays for the total
cost of the chickens. iDayeolci chicks up
to June 22, Also chickens, one to three
weeks °Id, at ine, 13e and 16. _Phone
1413, Carlow.' W. HUME `lenetelTON,
R. 5, godertch. .
NOTICE TO comorons.
In the Estate of ELLEN KELLY, late
or--tite;Town-of-aoderich; in the County
of Huron, Spinster, Deceated.
All persons having obi= against the
Estate of the late Ellen Kelly, who died
on or about the 29th del* of March, 1932,
are hereby required on or 'before the 23rd
day of June, 1932, to send to the Under -
'signed full particulars ef their claims
duly vertfied. as after that date the
Estate will be distributed without regard
to the claims of which no notice has then
been received.
DATED at Goderich this 31st day ot
May, A. D. 1932.
Goderieh, .0etarlo,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
MOTOR BOAT Fon SALE. -A 22 -foot
• •
motor 'boat, Buick enaine, in first-
-class condition. Enquire at STAR OF-
FICE or write MR. R. NUNNS, 88 Mowat
51., Stratford. ••
POE& SALE OR LEASE. -Ten -acre
•e•• • orchard, With buildings, Hayfield
Road and Bennett St. APply MRS. JNO.
FARMpFOR SALE. -Forty acres, more'
or les. the property of the late
fi. W. C. Nsftel, situated at the end bf
South street, on the southern boundary
• the town; of good clay loam, large
house and •barn, drive shed; Workshop;
hen -house; artesian. well (135 feet), the
very best of water; good fruit trees.
Weal location, close to schools and
ehurches. For further particulars apply
on the premises or to PERCY or WILL
wire THE rno stock
1932 TAXES:1932
We: J• une • ca. is the last day discount
OW will be allowed on. lst
Installment of 1932 Taxes. '
Pay your taxes early and obtain the maximum
• discount.
J. R ROBERTSON, Tax Collector,
un Life lissuranue Onmpafig of gala
"Your cheaue for an amount l'ar inemcee Of my anticipations reminds
me that eeseir agtrat had a hard time p muscling Ine to take thb policy. I
roan that he pietueed the (Iv when I ould rezeive this ciitette. I talked
tio:6 abant the Ineonvenienne of PaYing the Pretalunt. Ile could co farther
then I. Ho vial right and / ti, -as wren. t wish 1 lad getdel to hie lin-
aid taken !Eo huger peliey lie adverti me to take."
The ebeve tcstemene reeelend by tile qat] We Ateuranse Co. reeently
eeeeke for !tech/.
f Oftee 116
I' 1 iteddence S49
H. R. LONG, District Agent
Sips Paraguay Tea
• With Alfalfa Bill
Wesley !Walker Chats With
Eoneletrie Governor of
Oklahoma •
• Wesley Walker, well-known Goderiele-
no, has returned from a ten-day, 4,000 -
mile -motor trip to the oil ilelds or Kan-
sas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas,
where he and two score others from this
section are interested in properties.
At Oklahoma 'City Mr. Walker drank
Paraguay tea, With Govern& "Alfalfa
BIW Murray and enjoyed a friendly
clutt Mr, Walker Was aecompanied on
the trip by three °there from London
and Stratford, and glees att interesting
aecount of his trip,
Just now thee are threshing oats in
the tends in Texas. The barley has been
cut and the second erop Z alfalfa is
ready. The vegetables are all Matured.
Mr, latalker saw loads anti loacis of cab-
bages and onions going to market.
Them has been plenty of rain in the,
'The people are ell in good htimor and
appear to be, happy," said Mr. Walker,
"Money, of couree, Is some, but X saw
no eve:tome of disRess." •
• Mr.• Walker was •particularly well
Pleased with •coriditions In the on fields,
It was to see this at drat handthat he
made • the • trip. But • after motorizig
through eleven States -he saw nothing
nicer than our own lemon County.
"'Alfalfa Bill' is a fine chap," said
Mr. Walker. 'His Paraguay tea is good,
teo. Be puts brown sugar in his, We
took a pleture of the governor and his
'wife, They treated us most eourteouse
Asked about prohibition in the treela.
Wesley said: "There isn't anyl"
drink of American bootleg is like kissing
a sparkplug. The bootleggers all wear
special 'buttons to avoid selliffa to one
And that's that.
• Mrs, Margaret 'Carey will sell .by pub-
lic auction at her hcime, Wellington St..
Goderich, an •
SATURDAY, JUNE lath, 1932
commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp:
All the contents of the house, includ-
ing: One parlor.pet of rattan furniture;
one settee and two chairs; two separate
rattan 'chairs; three small tables; one
parlor rug 3 x 3 yds.; one day bed and
obvern. one large bedroom clothes box;
one vacuum cleaner; one hall rack; one
extension dining table; one sideboard;
dining chairs; two lounges; one Edison
phonograph; one rug 3ef.„ x 31/2 yds.; one
mantel cloeke. eurtairis and drapes, pic-
tures and 'books; one complete bedroom
enite, mattresseandeepringse. onenron bed,-
inatRess and springs; one enclosed wash
stand; one sewing machine; one toilet.
set; a number of small mats; one Happy
Thought Quebec range, with water front;
one electric plate; dishes and glassware,
kitchen chairs.; kitchen *table, fall lean
boiler, tube, ironing board and µether
•kitchen Utenells; lawn meter, garden
hose, garden tools, window streets; one
Ford coupe, in good condition; and num-
erous other articles. •
Everything must be disposed of as Mrs.
Carey has .sold the property. •
TERMS --Cash. '
T. GUNDRY 84 SON, Auctioneer's.
P,XECUTORS' SALE, rum, cow-
The Canada, Trust Company and A. J.
Cooper, Executors of the Estate of the
late Samuel S. Cooper, will offer for sale
on the premises
oemrnetteing at 10.00 a.m.
The full contents of the Normandie
Hotel, Clinton, and other miscellaneous'
artlelee, consisting of rugs, mirrors,
wardrobes, number of sets of bedroom
furniture, trunks, tables all sizes, quan-
tity of chairs, pictures, overdrapes, cur-
tains, electric lamps, desk, sofa, sewing
machine, two toe' stoves, dining room
furniture, electric neater, 2 pianos, mis-
cellaneous brie-a-israc, quantity of gar-
den tools, large plate gla.ss mirrors, mis-
cellaneous thine, glass, knives, forks and
sPeOns, 1 Willys Knight automobile
sedan, 1928 model, good condition, old
Chandler automobile, hotel bus, and mis-
cellaneous articles toe numerous to Men-
tion. TERMS -Cash. • ,
GEORGE H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer,
. London
ALEX, X. 000PER, Gederlob, •
For Sale at Once
Sellie very cheap, Well located homes
In Goderich, and farms.
Fine lie story brick house, excellent
condition, modern equipped' With cellar,
eloee to Square, price 81400; lle .tory
haute, pertly polished hardwood floors,
finely decorated, Modern teplipped, good
ieellar, thoice location, prize $1300 ;
I lte atory house, $650; 134 stent houea,
e$50; otory house, poo.
ntany othere-as!: about them.
Some houses to rent.
GoOd 200 -acre farm, rtrinelpally clay
loath eon, fine tortilitima, mostly self
drained, no uhettennes3 or waste land,
about GO acres thnbered, balance fine
grotving grebe trap, hay and pasture,
good bank beret, 8-toomed dwelling house
in fine condition, located alrout 12 Milee
from Goderieh, peive $4$00. Terms
$1000 null, balance my terms. /mine -
(tette posteselon. See or write
Pox $9. Goderieh.
Inashinch as eertein articles and erne
toreals appearing in the recent roue of
the "G. C. 1. Review"Izeve given taus°
of complaint from orgahleetlene and In-
dividual citizens, we have to explain that
the Reinter is considered to he, to a large
extent, a student inagazine tit winch
students may try out their Mersey abil-
ity and, thus participate in another
phase of extra eurrieuler activities. The
preparation ot he magetere wae left to
those %voluted as ofilelalsk and in them
the staff pleeecl full confidence,
2u behalf, therefore, of the 644* the
stueent body end the writers of the,
articles containing views that, if inter-
preted seriously as from a grown up
writer rather than as the vaporbege of
the youthful mind feeling Its way, might
be construed as a cause of offenee and
condemnation, we, the undersigned,
herein publicly disclaim any intention et
giving an oacesion for anyone to feel
aggrieved; and we sincerely express our
very great regret that the views set forth
were ever published. '
.Aa an earnest of our regrets, we are
withholding 'from circulation the unsold
copies, at our own Personal expense.
W. SurtIEMANzio.
• At the early age of twenty-flve years
Mrs. Harvey Edward Steels died on
day last, She lied. been ill since last
Christmas with heart trouble and the
end -was not unexpected. Mrs Steels
was, before her =Triage the autumn
of 1930, acties Angelina Elaine Jardine,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George .lar -
dine of town. She was born in (lode-
rieh and with the exception ef a few
years spent in the United States had
lived here all her life. The funeral on
Tuesday was conducted by Rev,' Ea J.
Latie of Knox Preebyterian churth, the
service being held at the family home
on Angelsea street and interment made
lir Maitland cemetery, There were no
The .4ollowIngbowling tournament
dates are announced,:
Seaforth, Scotch doubles, July. fith ;
rinks, elimirtation. Aug. ist; rinks, twi-
light, Aug. 22nd. •••
' New •Hamburg, tetilight, Aug. 8th;
rinks, - Aug. 27th; Scotch doubles, Aug.
13th and Aug. 24th. •
lefitchell, June 22nd, rinks; July 15th,
tWilighte Aug. 3tst, .rinks• :
Stratford, June.. 27th, twilight, rinks;
July -lithe -rinks; -Amr--:iattr,-edomeleen--
Sept 1.4th, rinks.
Tavistock, 'June 17th, twilight ; Joh'
29th, twilight; Aug, 19th, twilight ; all
.rhaks competitiOns,
St Marys,July 20th,. rinks; Aug. 5,
rinks; Aug. 17th..doubles. •
Blyth, June 1.5th, doubles
Parkhill, June' 29th, doubles; Aug,
lOth, rinks. '•
• Woodstock, Mine 81, June Bee dou-
bles; July leth., rinks; July 15th, singles;
Aug. 10th, •rinks; Sept. 14th, doubles
Oct. 5th, rinks. -
• London Thistles, June lith, rinks.
Guelph, July 101, rinks; Sept. 14th,
• London Thistles, Aug. 9th, ladies`
doubles. • ••
Stratford, rinks, June 291h; mixed an-.
nual, July 28th; ladies' doubles, Aug.
Sarnia, rinks June 29th; double July.
27th; mixed einks, Aug. 24th. .
Seaforth, doubles, June 2151; trebles,
Aug. 9th.
Insurance and Real Estate
On Monday rimming William •140 -
Arthur paid 5106,50.1er havine six bottlee
of liquor in his house, declared a public
plaeb. Only a few weelce ago his wife
paid a similar fine, The information
was laid by Provincial Constable White-
Tendere, addressed to the undersign-%
ed, for thp brick building known as the
Old Church, on the National Shipbuild-
ing property on Brock street, will be re-
ceived by the Town Council up to 8
o'clock p.m. on Friday, June f7th, 1932.
The building, with exception of Walls
adjoining other buildinge, to be taken
down and removed from the prentleea
within two'nnonths, all to the satisfac-
tion of the -Town Council. .
The higheet or any tender not neeese
eerily accepted. •
a. P. GOULD, L. L. UNOX,
Ch. of Industrial Com, Town Clerk
County Council Are Attending
• Funeral In a Body
• This Afternoon
Reeve McNabb Protests That He
Has Done Nothing
• Out Of respent to the memory of •the
late Thomas McMillan, M.P., whose un-
timely. death occurred in 'Clinton holt.
tat On Tuesday morning as a result of
When Traillo Officer Lever traste
• ed Russel T. Wilson, of Detroit, to
• the extent Of $'.'3e one'ffee 0211d,
he was "kidded" by (elloWeeftleers
that he contd. "Whietle" tor Ws
• money, The Yenkee was short
• that amount in his tine for speed -
'Mg, Now the laugh is on the
other 'Aide Of the face, fer Mr. Wil-
son has sent along the 37.75.
Wore one for Mr. LeVer.
accidental izljuries, county 'council did
• not meet this (Theinglity) attern004. • . r
The vouncillore are attending the iun- Mr. W, D. Harrison spent the week-
eral at eeatorth hi, a body. 'Yesterday end at his lunne in Harpurhey.
Boaters were purchased by Connell for Mr, .T..v. Johnston, who has peen visit -
tile bier of the deceased legislator
resolution of sympethy waa unatilmolls-
Anci a irrg with. relatives here, returned to Tore
onto on SaturcleY. ,
le Passed and dispatched to the bereaved
daughter, Miss lefavgaret talclelillan, Pit-
ting teibUtee t:If his worth and ability
were paid by Warden Rader and mem-
ben. . .
, To Make Amends
• eWe are all human, we make ells -
takes, but we have a elear constienee,"
said the Warden in his opening remarks
on Tuesday afternoon, '7 have atten&
ed many -committee meetings and 1 enow
that eouneillors are trying to do the
right thing. Xf there is anything wrong,
we can square it away."
The Wardell had reterence tothe
tharge that some members had collected
double, instead of single mileage, for a
committee meeting. Reeve NIeNaitto
(Grey) brought the matter up later in
the scission, He- is thairtnan of the
house of refuge committee and Reeve
Switzer (Stephen), a member'returned
his cheqUe for the March 1st meeting
because it was tore much. He also wrote
Treasurer Yetilig.' that be would not ac
cot . double mileage. '
• This same conimittee held a Meeting
at Clinton on Marck let and did not 'ac-
cept any mileage whatever. Pending' a
ruling from emend], as to whether the
charge shoUld be reckoned by the: most
• direet route, or' from the 'nearest rail-
way station. • ° . '
Reeve McNabb eiplained things.. to
council it some length. "We haven't
done anything very serious, atthough we
have been given a gfeat alneunt of pub-
licity. It used to be that all nnilerige
wee reelconed by railWay, then mileage
was-.paid-two--waye by the -most -direct -
route. Had 1 travelled by rail my mile-
age would have been 80 miles and 1
would thave been entitled to two days' -
pay in addition." Miss Josephine Weir spent the week
Reeve Geiger- The bylews says 10 end visiting Mrs. Rice at Ayr.
cents a mile one way only. It's as plain • Last Monday lair. Jahn Dingwall, of
as can be. You can walk, or run, or ft, , Myth, called on bid ecetitlIntancee In the
or came by horse, anything you like, but villag°*
:t ro ilkerieWonee" way. The latter part ot last week Mre. Geo.
the bylaw says you must not collect
days a sessien at $4.50 a day and doliect
$27. I•'m not kicking, but stM I would
why county councillors work only four
like to know," - -
Reeve IvfeNabb-"X would like to know
. 014 -Fashioned Custom parents
:neekhwe eBalyrteh
. this locality.
Marsh, of London,. visited friends in. this
to, last Saturday called on friends in
Windsor, spent the weekend witla her
The Rev. Dr. James Wilson, of Toren -
wiles Effie Stoltz, who le teaching neitr
agertativneffl road
014 8 t'r e e t 0
more mt than 4100 7c0cut(ittws0
Nobody volunteered is direct answer to improved with gravel and oil. We are
this question. It• was just a good old- trying to .keep abreast of the time.
fashioned Huron 'County tustom Meng- Mr Wm, J. Thompson attended ;the
urated in the day e of old dobbin, when-- regular monthly meeting of • the Weet
it took a day to 'reach the county seat Wawanosh ensuranee Company at Dun-
namors. -
and a day in which to return. • e
"Mr. McNabb, you • pride yourself se Mr, Vaniey Garret, formerly of Lon -
being one of the greatest economists•
in desberough, has moved his household en.
tots and family to the farm of Mr.
this council and it is ep, to yea feo live Thos. letcNall. .
up to the rules: If you travelled by Mr. Edward Heltvig, who has been in
railway I have no objection to you cola Lucknow for a short visit with his cou-
lecting railway mileage, but 1 tertainly sin, Mr. C., Deolter, is improving. He
.object to you collecting railway mileage was here on a short visit last week but
when you travel by'car and it is only a returried to Lucknow. •
fraction of the rail mileage," said Reeve , Last Sabbath the Presbyterian eongree
• Goldthorpe. '
turderstanding.•, .. .."
ereeee meNab-"There has been a mese served the ordinance of the Lord'ssup
.. -
The Rev. Mr. Lane, of Croderiche had
per in the Presbyterian chu,reh 'here.
because I was, overpaid. All I wanted .
(Front another correspondent)
• Wen 10 cents a mile via the mast 'direct Mr, and 'Mrs. R. D.• eilunro and tenths',
route, one waye would not keept
• rtiOney aecompenied. by Misses EAand El
for mileage 2 did net. trevel," •Blair, visitedeerlends In Londoneon-Sun-
., , ,
it-eove Hugh Scott told Reev,e McNabb day- lest,
that he could not expect to travel arouhd Rev. Dr. Mortilnore and tar. Walter
the world or all ever Ontario to get to tunnInghtteri returned home on Tuesday
Clinton, He said hp was aurprised thet from eit Thomas, where they event the
Ouch an argument had arbor. • • Past week attending the mutual confer-
ence of the United chureh.
No Fixed Rule • Mrs. M. Jewell visited her father, Mr.
It wile decided there could be no flked Itetvivt-
6 are pleated to statethat Miss Mary
Scott,. a few days this week.
rule- on mileago, owing to varying •
weather conditione. 7be warden told Robertson is improving in health. Mite
Sadie Career is at present teeing care of
committees, in effect, to let their con- •her Slice Mese A. Walters returned to
potence bo their guide. He :mid he had her benne
etiffitient faith in their honeety. The eVir. and Mrs, Harvey MeLachlin, of
members should travel the ohortest route Toronto, spent Sunday at the bane of
possible, depending on road ‘ conditions, Mr. dThht. e e. .
and collect 10 cents a, mile.
Reeve McNabb -H1 the.* it is up toPerguson arid Dr. O. Peraueomwere of Club-
tie St. hoepital stain Toeonto, Peels
this commit to make a ruling. 1 have
,Of Mr, Brown's nieee„, letra. R. D. Mute,
done nothing dishonest. I have acte,c1 ro, the end- ef last week.
the gentleman on evere hand." Mr. and Ma. 'Wm. •Straughtin and
.W.* .....0,01 0•
PLANTS fOle SALE • Council. was adamant ift its refuse' to family event Sunday at the home of C.
W. Williams, Goderich Twp.
Tiltalt, SAM-Cabb• age planta et •40 change Mee bylaw. •
Mr. E. Lawebre lied the saw mill nun-
-a• cents a hundred; mailer. Iota Walt scoson CHILDREN Comma nina, again tine week cutting oome Ioas
a cent each. Alco cauliflower piatite at recently bought into the yard.
The school children of reeet Wawa -
a cent each. JOHN PELL, eor. Cambria note D. MeTavesti will lecture in =no*
lid. arid Trafalgar St. nosh, with their teachers, are making a United church next Tuesday evening.
--• trip to Goderich neut Saturday, each June 14th, on the eubject, "What do you
PUBLIC NOTICE bringing a brIck for the marking of Dr. think ot It?" A male choir will provide
eeneeeeeena....eeen "Tiger" Dunlop's tomb at Claltford, muele.
NOTICE TO DM:MORS. Reeve Pater Cott took an intereet in On Friday evening, letay Pith, the
Ia..*•this rttatter, 'while Mite Mary /flans, Bel- yoUng people of Brick church (Seigrave
change) will give their play, "Orange
grave teacher, has oraanteed the trip, Grove," in the Porrestene hall here,
which will doichtles3 be of much educe. Watch, for 1h:tete-M.
Sonel interest for the children. Port Mr. J. Hewett. le improving his pre-
, Albeit teltcol children nave already eon- petty by a fresh coat of paint on hewn
tributed their bit and Gorierielt public and barber ehop.
alteel children have helped. The white Many of our community, -particularly
Totttring Of brick in the green Mara, e•n- the old timers Who remembered him in
eaced in cement on the aide of the elope Inn boyhood, atteride4 the lecture given
holder the Itleteric tomb can eeelly be b7RJ V. G. Witten, of Erie, Pa., in the
I Porresterce Hall ter Tueeday ',evening.
teen from the eittileriell Illaci tif the river. me, velem fe a yaretfal and efeeeene
Clehnelnee null' MC-Cfeatil has Iteeee of epeaker 144 leas thought and leetured
- finieleing the job thie ter areer. Ile al- numb on the eceial problems of the day.
ready lub put a erect! amount ort time
and eilfoee en It. The Eigin regiment off 00.0 elteri7 Week Gederiett 13rItSe1ete'
Spe.eiale, Dela Mtn tide teCeit. . Titonnte has been aekel to Melia° a
an.l teen ricer' c3. 10 ...• eeefee. fount inazch to the tomb while Le Gole- ....e..*.e.,
e, Mice Edna Caine:sell 11,s moved her
?deka ae0.00 eveckie to stay& eith. an. - •
Mem Line. flute tele in Meg hears,,, ,0catalsr eiten tO the pnereetee next to alls3
ere eget were etentenee prepeeeeen, „.Ctee your ton of Vosemen !lee. piece efeeeirivieeees Millinery Derlare. Ora the
rinvigyr.rx ee ereeneasw, eeee ce .ceeeeee eee CeneelaI a eimee time, 10. only. Square. Me ennmeste,emesitapieseace ha
no Mt, MentecaL CANHtlatslataD DWG Dram. tine iertne CZ The Star.
The regular tervices will be bold next
Sundey as usual, Mr. Gale will be in
charge, Sunday eehool at 2 o'clock and
thereh service at 3 o'clock, ••
The &he softbeff 'team played their
erre came of the Season Friday night.
The game being oaly preetise they play-
• ed the junior team of the Men's Club, •
Ur, and Mrs. Victor Ross and eon.
Marvin, and Mr. Wilmee and miss Dora
Harrison, -were in Mitchell Saturday at-
tending the funeral of the itiee_illeenEal-
The P 2 111 hold their regular
meeting on Friday' evening at 8. o'clock
as usual. All Y. Fe" cordially invited.
The girls' team is to play betoreeteme
Meeting, •• ' •
• Mr. Thos. Taylor and son.lierbert, ac-
companied by Mr, *tunny and son. Rose,
visited it the bonzes of adr. and Mrs.
John 'Maguire end Mr. and Mrs, Jarnes
Harrison over the holiday,
• The regular meeting of the Club
will be held on Junee4th, when Mr. Geo.
Jeffereon, .of Clinton, will give a. lecture.
ore Sbakespeare's "Merchant of Venice."
A cordial invitation IS extended to the
men of the community.
The 'service at Grace, ehurch was well
attended on Sunday. Owing to the ab-
sence of the neaten Mt. aloe. .31 confer-
ence, the Y. P., 4.. had charge of the ser-
• vice. A young- people's choir eurnishe4
special musie throughout the service.
Tile president, Mr, ISlatirice Frame, gave
a spleedid eddress. biz King Harris
assisted him. Mr. Fred Elliott led in
. , _ _ ,
MM. T. Brown and cianghter, Mrs.
Ali amounts owing to the nen of Alf.
Tebbutt and Elea must, he tettled he
June 30th.
(Signet) ALP. Tnantrer 46. cart
, -
$50.00 ItEIVARD °
Per the Gillette, Probek, or Velvet
Lida° Blade that Jiffy inetnietloffe fall to
eliarpen. They tot only DO eenta and
iattn lifetime; no extra tot. 1 had out?
1 new rineftege of Neetee bee year. It.
mama. 64 Meagre Sve., Terento,
mum KM
The Midst! Life of Canada,
erreceeesseee nettle. wine st comkenal
heat% 231• !WEARS RIM Newel°
GENTS WANTE1.--436811t Ire week -
Ito if you want to be active. Bee
come Mar Om tgin elling heelle
• OR. le le WILSON
The sciebileing et the means of pro-
duction so that people could go to work
without having to Walt till the whistle
whistles; and religion that would. mete
to remade injustices in the nolv and
now instead, of Cinging of the eteeet
and bye; Wag the burden of a very etrile- •
Ing address by alr. le. le Wilson, of Eric,
Pa„ in the Porestere' Hall, Auburn, on
Tuesday evening, Mr. Wie_on le a native
of Auburn, end, hes been revieitine the
sceues of his boynead the past week.
Er. Wile= is a graduate -of North.
Western University, At 19 yeara -of age
he was called "The Boy Preacher .01 UM
Rock River Conference." He hew speltele
front coast to coast in eitUrches, collego
years ago he made a two-year lecture
and study tour in, England. He returned
there In 1023 and )tad the distinetion of
being the only American 10 campaign
with and for %way MaeDonalci in that
electionHe camPaignen much of the
time in lteagleonald's ozvn district, spend-
ing Melee weeks with hint in the cam- .
• Be Is a brother of J. Stitt Wile
son, formerly mayor of Berkeley, Cane
tonna, who is well known as author and
lecturer. •
Leek of space this Week prevents a
full report of Dr. Wilson's address, which
will lee publiehed in our riot issue.
st. v. for South Huron Passes Irma
'Result .of '4!enturies,
• _ , • • • -
Thomas Mountain Member of the '-
Federal Parliament for South Huron, died
in Clinton hospital Triesday • morning
from injuries received kite Monday when
he teasncrushed against the Ode of a
stall by a colt, Mreffeetillan eoeived
terrible injurlo to his abdoitien and an
operation was performed ln Clinton bee -
paid in a 'heroic' effort to save his, life.
Ile lived through the nieht but passed
away quietly today. . •
The motorcycle races planned for the
Dominion Day celebration in (factorial],
promise to be a big event, Chairman
Harry 1VIeCreatti of the committee with
this feature in charge reported at the
meeting of the celebratlon committeet6t
night that London and Strateord riders
would be here and as there is rivalry be-
tween different =keg of machine tile
contest .would be keen, Another big
event of the afternoon's prograni will be
the military manoeuvres by the Elgin.
regiMent; Then there will be a soft ball
tournatnent, fotir teams competingand
a prOgrain of athletic events, with prizea
of cups and ,medale. And Bob Stoddart -
will give all exhibition ,pole vault. levee
events will fill up every Minute of the
big aeternoon's program at Agrteulturat
Park. The morning program will atart
oft with a big %parade, decorated ears,
merchants and induetrial floats, decorat-
ed bicycles, ealithannearie, etc., followed
by the children's games on the SqUare.
The evening program will vonelet 01
band comae and street carnival.
-Moe (Dr.) Finlay; of- London, -eustaine- •
ed a broken hip .1tt a motor accident near
Centralia on Sunday morning last. Her
huebend 'anti daughter ecoped with
bruiso. The daughter, who holde tibe-
ginner's permit, in turning oft Na. 4
highweti on to the Crediton road, made
the turn too feet• and too wide, the
machine taking to the ditch and over-
turning. The injured lady was taken to
Exeter and later to London. The aeci-
dent was Investigated by '1'refile Officer
Norman Lever. •
‘Comzna Events
The St. George% Churchrsomen's Guild
will hold their' annual garden party on
Tueaday, July 26th, on the restory
The Victoria Iforne and School Chin
will hold its regular meeting on Titans -
day afternoon, June lath, at 4 p.M.
The eegulat meeting of the W. C. T. le
will be held at the home of 'Mrs. J. 11
Colborne, St. Patrick etreet, on the
Ing 01 Thureday, June 1011h, at 'hap 'PIZ
Me -Me -Cho clout 12.10 and 0.15 each
day, Winahatie recite atation. Liten te.
Prefeasor leurt. $1.00 a nottle.
&ea Vic Barri:ones announcement on
peon 0 of thie 133110.
• J. O. Cat has purelmeed an auto dee
livery truck and is preeered to aive
prompt delivery at ibi time.
• 'he list of pebeletotie reeuired for the
regimental• tamp of the Elgin regiment
wheat opene here on Jutta 3etle, may be
teen at the town clerk% oMee. Deatere
wiehicig to euballe Delco may eee the
list and their qui -tatter -4 will ne tunnies.
ted to the ofeeeee of tim reeiment
Geeteelcit, 00
&MO, 3r0, 1932i, Angelloa nine eearaittee
helenca• wife of Mr. naTtCy Eltml
la -her 2115 year.