HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-02, Page 7_"Nowip", " - -_ --7-'V--,-l-'2-7 � . - . . - � _,11� - __­� -1 I �. � .1 ) % " I , " 211= som -1 I : TRUNVAY. am 2113,111 2101a I THE GODERICK EMkR � __ - - - - - - - ­ .. -� -1 _;=_---_, 1 go , 1. ­ -, ­ �� -4 . I ~.­"W� 4PP.r____.__*,­ � ---.1 I � I I -­ I- ''. ­ ___ I- I � � _­_ . 0009111101001010011110"000-10 1110 i , I 1. I ­' I I � I I malloopppjolop�--l�-I 101001000000110001 SUMMER =AGES TO BE BUILT � THE r2 NO MSC$ff$ MUM I . CrOSS Baby OUT OF SHEPPARDTON CHURCH - . I � Sunday, Afternoon __ I - build4w. fig we way ote -what ingumco I � I OY MAIIEL HARMON, GOP]Klilcii� ONT. �Rz�s'VHWA". j4,uLW=,1=,WN*11". rl"=r ct k"Olt Scia"%* 1A . � jiving BASYS OWN ,wv,oa Gtoevils Story of tilt old pulpit MW have 2u the couwu . I 11=0 I surted chawbe,4 of colboule t4waship. , . ilver c "aw be b JV%t WOW"- - Tho RliKent So% � . How beautitul tho 4ght rested for Utaling J�wph% r, UP TABLETS. N vl___�_ The old Pulpit raluag, or commuUtz-41 . � "I'll .. jupy ve%" BABY'S OWN TA11- I 1. . of ibretbrtu who agree wbkh bad Purposely ��een Pla,2ed In bb I=$ m thialdW COLDTHO"F . BW$ pWIT 11kiling.,%" ImOcked dawn ta 47amex ReY* . - in friendoulp to,uldto, I Eack. on their depadure. T21W incident tmtsiat for da. uold$ gj the county jail ter one dallar. - . , ­­ L And W314s of. 94#t.K_ --,-,.-- -, -stewA_ oy- -6-0-1AA.- ,ktxA4XP_,_1AtR4ty " 6 ,.- - *""St",je%Vj- ­ ­ -' � I . ­ 77'-_7� , ­ .- ­ . I.- I Time- mlq�t ba � - � � " I - . I yo been some Influtlice III I . I ,Tjs like the, I;re,,Ious ointmenk 4he4l threAteu ftut Witu a reaewed verpet'.3- X1111''.L.. colic itud upse L � jh"y CNIAocid Days At* Rv- tilt air to PTOMPt a" i�4 , loathcUY 1*0 o'er Ali his r0eO. from A&rQWS Wad. tiou. Qt the very crime they bad com. . ! jailer Reycolds to buy tho <,'t)mM=t0u I , InItted ikgalilst Rwbers other Son. Uey , stomacb. R", - 4cow With * Touch of .11040 vhwh. Per- rr�5 11);e the dews that fill ad plpdg�d their , 1. , .-- less. S*0 cartf. raillas out of a get 1k, The cups of HE."IDOWA flaliver&, word ta their fatherl , Acate In CA01 250 $44"" � haw It atin has E.0me v4tue and way or zlows fruitful hill, In the 'Word's of JUdAb, Who said- 1-1 .. lwkw� 20 1 , � Still do tome gzaa in the eouAty XL It 11 11 I . . .. . . Bright with. the drops of showers, will be Surety for him; of my )land shalt _ I treging t+ . . . The follawliji; very lott �Qry ct g1so. 11 a relt3 of theold UtthA�4t New I ... 1111� I When mlogling odors bre,AthL, around, tl'Qu Te41*0 11114' It I W414 Nut not UU, W.W01"We � . ralling -­ . 4=e)pdon ­_ I . ,1the history of 101lepPardtau with the Qld , sigilurch, stud At Its ... -1 And glory r9dZ On Ali tile ground. to thee, and set blut before tbee. then a%" TASUM ,church (which was xpcently told uncle." .� , er goqht fOrglVelleS3 Of his I . ­ . . . . I Pa -Alm 133.. liet'lue bear the blame forever.o Family ISAWS 7-- I'll, -1. .... the AU,.tioUeevlfj hammer, as the Centre, $ins- . . . � . . . 11ove rises Above -personal safety and I . � � I l?"TER . Judah Is not left to bear alone the out. -­.- ­ ow--_... - 0 r. "... � �_ Wa% written. W t4e owner of the 014 The 04,01844 that used to Peal Out R3 I I . , . ., � Help. us ever to seek to 041tivate Irlena, come, of his pledge, �Qurloslty Shop Ili QQderlch: sa2rtd melodivi. was Sold"for $6.0-T1103. .. . . 0 . . 4AD for the .sake of Him who ever Stick- i The words of the Steward, THEN CAME THE DANDELION1 I V�ifty years "ago, In tile Ray eighties, , ugb,,ty� on, ,,, the original , , 11 ,:�. I . , . . �. I '0- .. I Wien Ito . this toVA of abeppardton could 114 of has gone to 2, good Anglican home after I !*;� eth closer to us than a brOthm 4=04. overtook -them on their homFv�a , . Agode in Cana& with COMOW404 WAW* . I _ l�k.yv ­% T. 04"es. gen- CUP - I . . ,gy, . It's I . I , 0 .. I .", _7 Z�.,T,). -tour tusl=s Pla'.e$1 -erjug,tho.11% ofold aud'youlig with � . . . 0 . S..S. =$SON -FOR JUNX 42, IRZ - _�_, , V;Obaiz. V. "rollou '0 natives, � _... I � � . . , . 3 pierced them like a kLeu;%bl9A.e lsy vral store And - pastom-0; William Sen- sacred music for momy $core. The,Powa I 1. ... HIMM VMAT COWAM=6 , I ,., It I , . � , Xtosc;t Topk--judatt the Wtue Brother; fore have ye reworded ovil for good? March Winds blew;. Apra mirf, ton and up ba it � . . I C A $ .. �. I . _­ 4 sage-Gan4s 44.10.341�_ -What d.legrace'to, follow go soon on the ,tt, general store; Prank 11ait W Y' (exiaept some $laid to Jailer WYU0143) I I I .. low"A Pas I -then came the daudelloall It Is the bjaoks�h j1hop; Royal Oak hotel, kept went to Mr..pry of Detroit, who, U"� a I . .1 .1 , I Iden Texti--ft,40 138:1. 1 P Spring pg , dwellin . . . . . . _rAde of "greens!" WhI,11% InOAdQs. by oiearge Hilton. Two private g vu*joer Cottage on the bank of Lake I I �f However th* splrlt� rose as Sack; aftear ivay yeAr. There ILM houses, R*ud%l GmhaWa And utchard Huron at me . lec"laut 3%hu is Irresistible. Wa0mu" . . generous treatment thoy had zecelv0di . Joseph applied dagront tests to §CQ if . our markets , c I nesetung Park. Many a Souls; I sli�jjfeel -that I have not ocrlb- . � Back was opened and no cup found- I . � .. cis summer flowem coal, af� 4 m6imtaiw. � � .,his brethren had changed In-, their tbirtl-Illue vArl4ties In 411, evexytiAng Uoariett,s, wero� in tile town limits. , The ho,U439me girl. many aged tathm And blea In vain. 5prjV only Senjamlit's to,te seitobe4 and Vt. A, to W (Artichoke, to VO4=000. SIX . _1g, Wonderfully lrivlgotatlint� Sat- . 1. I � I .1 rAtures Any dUrIn7Z the twenty Years he coorsq it would, never 'be, fountl In his from ,Uorbs-why, yes$ the old towullad 11A motIreloa as, W611 as some bad boys have ftetty Girls Nvero Attvaction tting,okRaWhAtens the hands. mo-ma%ft . had )*on absOnt from them. HIS, first saq�k. But there It The One attra" .ft# the most attention suburbs. TO the West w&33110 Orange eat In those Pow$ since 1056, as the Pow$. 3 j�les_ s9ft4texturcil and youthful, VXe4K W test, that of b4prisonl4W them, On the was . - . ,and getting the mc*t Applause and praise Hall, witll a Urge membership in tliqse as Well as J.he pulpit and the communion For .MY891f. I was brought UP I L I Hdd these men b �their old tqm- , . � I 06 powder base ,and Pis w pw­! een of , the Methodist NOW bytetriaLn and wlign a b y we t to St. Au- WomOn 06 . I 0 a I . I Pretence of their being Vles, worked per they would have Surrendered Son. at the present Moment is tht dandelion. days. wl�eje the Gunpowder Plot was cet. ralling, came from Albert. la tha Ices Old to lovely COMPIOX'Witt' 1W 'r . I I wooders 01% them. The uneasy feeling . One green eath4simt, Wrote' "It , lebroted every �Sth.09 November with an cormexion, olurch. may they be 'put to drew's church at, Port A. men as an effectivo hair ftatlVe or &%W- . 3amin to the Steward, and onr,e again . and a which eacb. of them. had hidden in,his dandelions disfigure your garden, out low cid,time,%auf . corge S Q . ,e, Wily McPhOe 0 d use in their declining years, and good old days of which I write, the A carried back 'to their father Q6 tale of to th,oso glj�ans, Presbyterian.$ ' and kC,jlcdlst3 ing jollog. And for elaildroA, U00*10 I . owa gonsolences and Which the lttp4e of - and e3t 'era." This Is a sound bit of Armstrong us the fiddlers. To tile cast may much joy and comfort come I -a tilt tender *W . I . twenty years had not materially alleViixt- 'blood. But thpy Seemed so rcely to oozx� . a s P24t. sootheA and protect , eir I . . . � a,. advice especially at th% time Of the YQaT ,of tile town, up the boundary, Were the who occupy them. in days to, come. Thor lived In h5rMOnY 004 the n tive � ; � I . older whether he was Innocent Or guilty. The boys, Son- like, the delleately cool Vord= ROW- , . ed, found expression, And Joveplh heard: .. when dandelions ore young and tender schpol-house And Morrish's sawmill, also I very poor set of pews to sleep. In- I ronized all the CUUM110. ..�__ . I , hop, trzh All w1wro there -' �- .11, . . . I � I I . but as humbl1ed, Ood-smItten Man, -they 'It u � tile chur. - them con,fess their guilt and when our lawns need manicuring. A blacksmith a and a general t 0 01 ls, the back. , . 11, V1. , , ta each other, � store I know. for I erally W*ut to 'r ''I I . . � .. Ty ,rent their clothes, 4qnd la4ed every Mail There Is nothing'Whiell tastes quite 43 belon !Qtty gl4a. Ivor instance, 4 . nder these strange circumstances, they ging to tile uOrvIsh Tail). this east- I tried them put Nvbeia I was, a boy. were the most in � i I- � . � n . I .hurch were Lou% i . R�. . I : . his Ass, and returlied,to the eltY." On it t mess of Aaudolion:' I)ctrelt in thq -old Methodist v . . saw their tit more clearly 04 were entering josep4ls house ,tbV jell,b,for, good as thQL 1 $ . era suburb in those, days having a larger I I . huMbledby the d1stresa. Into which it bad- , I !hey have a flavor Which . is'. population thou, the town. Proper. � Some .. , er BUYS; Cbunit �: ,Graham. (afterwards Mrs. Judao John-; I - � I . I . . I b!,s heart warmed n ulfilling. greens� 7. . , - . I . k. daughter of John . -t Prailses Sargon, . I I I I ),, brought them, Josep -purtgent; =4 balt-iAter; Only' epi. Of the f%lotiles of. thosa'dgys. Were the The old churoh,luiUding was knocked r,tcu), Lily Mortl8b . . I , , . towa:ds tboln; but be was not ,So sure ,of his first. dreani, No ,lo -do .can read balf , on of course Campr,3ells, Bqa4etts, Burrows, HAVOIlEt, down to Mr. Fry tot 41ISO. 1 believe he J,jo.vrlab, rici N 6 th of Now York , � . .1 .... . . I I Judah1sspegoh---oiie of the most patbetip cures dosaribe It well. TU . , w rs, MI � �tjjem.as to Make they have hiddej qualities, minerals and postelothWaltes, Morrishs, Vlobera, vark- will use the lumber to build Summer! cgt�, City. alia Ada Haynes. Who marr:0 K . . ­ I Ilonry R, lWour. a . I . . I - ' __� . I ,_ 77' t%tW- , his identity %nown, on record -in which he replies to Joz- �wn atid dQue$ and *teens, John Walter$, late Of Lages -on tile lake bank for his ch'ildreli H=y Zolilln. , . - �rl�, .1 1. I Well . RVIOVIM These weil then , had to - give � evidence: vitamins, which are better kni I . , . : t 4 ctwm me, I I . . I .0 7 � . . . . et)Ws )pie have 6altford, was bookkeeper loward along the I F I 'f4 . 1103 ec . .. judgment Ahat Bei�amln alone and clerk Ili tile and Standbilildren: He Will find the Now, it tiav6l nort I,. Ila lfw't.. - I.. . , I .. r mentiozied since 00=0 P0 I YOU , I C . � . that' they not Only saw, and In Some Should remain in Egypt, without s which jjore, Bobby McDonald, of Durilop,"waO. lumber :"rd_oW$, %or as� a, boy ray, bro". Blur, Wato Highway and go throuah the . .; : .,I . a - T . , I . i . per, neve , � . -sense reponted,of their shl, but aliso that queer quirks .about eating food I .. � , . - * , , I . 1. I I ainp till I to : 1. . . , odArtg that he epeaks not' as one who are -good for them. And greens Always lumber .Ad log scalpr, Paul Morrish Was ther� Da44 and I helped My father to old town �* on after the � " _ 1=1 I .. I . they;bad gotten rid of the ovil'passion , I . f Shoppardt 'z�, I or a. an to . merely seeks to redeem a pledge, but as I I , ,P'., as . Va e . . I which ,bad , IL . '�; , , ' His. next test I . - -blacksmith, This 'WAS the extent 'of saw the lumber at the Morrish will. We church is Wrecke44 the only oriq of the .� :. , . A good spa. and a good fan in that classification. . . , I . (4 . ­ I . d to it. L , the , - - � coul 't Ott! - I, I , . . .. . '. : I . . .:. .� brothek. He There are d , Ifferent . Ways Of oervibg. the town ancItts Suburbs In the Year 1880 were ,only boys then, My, brother and 11 original buildings you will See W the old I .1� 1�' � I I . I I . I . brought out.'clearly the .c)*nged charac speaks, too, As. the�'mouth.pieoe of the. . 6 .. ", . , � , 00 0 000to . . � I � ter of the brother4'for to a, man they he 34st of tho.old landmarX& was -but we bad.to work for Q. living ln'0111' bl cU4mlth shop. Tuo building oil the $to Me wt 0.,1 X �' . . rest, and as he had taken the lead In dandelions, Some .like tbein.bot; som. When t ,, . . .1 I h . boyhood days. Soyou see I have a. kind � a 11 11,i��'. I I I dice zved; I .90 I I . . , . � rallied round Benjamin when he was at, like them cold, The wonder. child John built -the Methodist 0111urc - I corner where tile old hotel used to sto,nd I '� -,, - . u X thso � � . . . I I I LLLLLLLL t 4 . at . . josepills. sale" so hQ does out sbftk from ' hiber in '.moved there a few Years ago f:Ow, .� . t . .,Vd a. . I I . � .. � Henry who rose up In bed a few- days , " Rev, 7,uthek Rice I of reverence for the hemlo . ­­ O- or 11 . . �� � .. . . . . � standing forward and. Accepting the . . , ok Ill was . - � . . . � . '� . � after b ifidcalledfor a; sjab� of bacon', the old church, and may the Use Mr� Pry . 1, .. , irth Rev. Luther Rice, �reacher or the Nile I Pry a farm-, after the old hotel. Was burned 1, and I actually toot atron-, aue -c=- � � . I . . "r 4vbt a b%- I . . . ­ . I . � I heavy responsibilityl.wUlob may now urch bring Ulm peaze and prosperity, * their popula-,l I �,.',tjto 11ho I I did ychro go. � I It vMVM I . . I . I . � , .1 111. I : I , * The man W O,v ind 4. pot of greens was tight about cow- circuit, was ,the.. 111fathe" .11 of the ch puts it to' down, The su'llurbs.. witil , appetito now and Cat 4ua allythlog . � I on - . r many tton., also passed away Years ago.. without trouble. TbO worhed like a t Yin . . PRAIN "2;.:.. 'h a . His former faults, are red . � I I 11 I . . -Cavily avid. naturalyll Oderlw . � . . . , � . b .,presents these f . � I . . and way lie. enjoy his houses to I un . I li,".thtcu . eem binations of flavor0. - . building. Along With, him were, Thomas I . . V. This V0 S D , , . . � � , I I UNI - � � � $ , �Ourage one may sayO I � . - . I . 0. K ORE cut 1:106 -13carted wovu . � by, t heroism. : DANDELIONS AX,D BACox -oraham, . James Graham, Job .Win, years. I 1 .1 .. I a jny* laliele. 1 . . I . . I r . , RuI6 Minard'i in ja It . 'ed �e - 11 . .. � I . . , 71 X The old thunh had rr any scenes, Soule . One .Of the Old So$. i 111�at �. . - � otly. .shows. Znd .9 lie spoke, So the 11 . . I John Morrish, Frank Hathaway And many , . I 1.0 . ­ ...- � I I . I . . penetratfs Pore! ligmews, 1.1 he 'low dellons. -3 �trl' I $ad, some joyous, 'within Its walls. in, the doderich,: Ont, - . I I . � I , , . .. I ; . . .. inflat4mildon, woth", ,rest felt. They could riot 4rhii'7them- ,I Pound .dan Ps bacon, otbgrs.� Charles.flawkins Was contractor p. S.-Ijorgot to mention that one of . For side by 3. A. CalmPbe-It � . * . I . . t I lel c we 1. � . I I . � 11M.8'. . . . . selves .. o infilet a new sorrow on their salt and peppet, I cup ivater. . I for the building, George and Thomas old days. When the death 0.14L a I a eloped - I I . . ... I I i0dil ! I neither could they: bear t9 Put blaftched, dan n deep - ket- - Cbristilaw, w 6 carpenters, William Gat- for e the fair ms�ldens of the old tow .1 I I I . - . 9 1 . . I . - Putx you wyour aje4 father; . I -delloris I wer a member,Qf the ca�igregatioti .th I . . ; . . I . . I I . . 117 ' I I add, in - ke painter,'and the Pastor always prea6hed a funeral sermon'. � and Married a young f4rmer $Vow the . . I . . � I � . I . . . I i ' . , . I leave their ,young brother In the hands tie; , Inced bac6a And seasonings. side ot.Goderiall, was tl . I , . . . . . . I , . a' - � .. . . - . .. I I . of stigigers . . . Add 'water, cover and pimmer gintly,un.. Plastering, I believe, Was done -by John This was always a Very SAO occasion to Nile ol�l the night of the opening te RVL . , , .. . i ' . . � . oh. . She was hand- BUY. YOU K, ­... . .. . . . I I ,6 our teens. Then meeting in the, chur, I , , , . . . ". . . I . . SteP, -4Y stop Judah recounted all that Ill tender. .. - I . I I Sproul, ' Rev. Luther Rice. was the first us boys and. girlsin I �jjjgB, s6we_�_aud- just . sweet Sixteen.. . So YOU . .1. . I . I . � . � I.. . . I ha -ell placi� concerning Joseph's - : Dandelions are dellclol� � in salads,, -Or �reacher; John.4chlin ,And Prank, Hotha- there: Would be the revival meel . romances in PAST91YRIZED DXILIK - � ' ; ��.. ., �w I � � � I . I , I., . . . . . 0. tak re , � X the old patriarchs from see the old town had Its . . 11 .. " , . :. . .. I . . � . I . . .� ' that the younger br� Wilted.' For 'Salads they Tany be. Used , �1; superintendent and when many o . I '' I COFV9Z CACAM � - I I I ­ . . . 1 $ quest I way were..the :.Ott, 0 h S a . ; 0�1 H., 0. I . " . . 1. . . . . . I .. . I 4KING.O.F PAIN. be at .b6me with the father, should to 'it# 6ther greens or'veget*w,, . � �. teacher 4 . - ., . . thir Said - . . . �. . . . be .w . � the Sunday school. Also there Miles, Around. would endeavor t ,convince t,,.o e d ys. . , . . 1! . . - .. 11 I I � VMIPPINQ CUEAN . : � .. ... � � I I I ley again cauka to ' I I . � tit riders who offt, the. sinners to Sea � Tepentarice .of their . . I . .1 . I . . . . . - 1. ... . a ... I I brought. , along when tl I . i ' were two young cirou , . . . ­ I , .., Fitusu nUTTR%Wz,% - ': � ... I : .1. :1 .. .. . I Oro. . The father's plea that ton- . COLD DANDELION SALAD ,elated at times, 'Orie Of these WAS UeV; 4AB.. There were some fine men among . 10 . I I . . I . .1 .1 . . . . � � ' . . I I ... ,� 1. . I - ISERS I I I . . . ! . . I _: I . . . I buy c . . . I I s, a h as Joseph Hether- A HINT 'TO ADVERT . _ I . . I . jamin.,be . . I I I . .- . il I A . r0ference to Joseph's disappear g, I .clove garlic ' .: , � .jj0rsk,bpok.' Afterward. h I I . - I - , - � � not taken from rlh%, even, the I paUnd dandelions, .1 dUp French J. T. Legear. .1 reluerdber he travelled on these, exhorter ue . . . � I '. - - . . . . .... . I .. , I I I I I I - ingtQ#, John Echlin, Thomas. Stuart and , ­ � I 7 I . A , RYAN'S DAIRY . - . . I . . . � . .,� . . I . . I j ance And . ., dressin I , I . . . I 4 marrled,.a 4au others. They had some . quaint and ,home- Toll me not In mournful rturabers adver. � phone, 334 Brlt%nldi� a&:. . . I � � .� . I I.. � I e . I I . . I �; . . Apparent . iragle death 14 not . emitted, . mixing bowl' with garlic, add ghter 'of David Pisher and later MOVed - : � Ming Is. a dream, �. I .. I . . . . . I .. . . . " . . . . . . ;il* , , -, . .� . , . Tw9pty �years before. the, ,*,pni,bt of nub the to the State of V,chigan. The , other ly sayings, bilt; their. discoursig were hon . I . . . . - s :, .. �.:. .. , � , I . . . . . . . bringing down . thol � t f . other's I . 'g-roy halts the cleaned, chilled dandelions, p our Young preacherl Rev. Foxen, also moved eat. and sincere. I honor. tlielit memories Poi tlie bUstriess man.who, slumbe;s, has � � I ! .1 '. . ­ . . . I . I ­ I . , . , over the'Prench ilressing- and � toss Until 1. - . . r , % . ­ -_ . I I , � � . I . ., I I . I *Ith.sorrow to the; gravel' did.nOt deter . more as T grow blder..and many.a boy no chance. to. skini the crealn. * I - . . . . . . .. I , I . � . - I . . . � � I I I 0 or: td� buelligall., 1. . .. 1 -Life is earnest I CompotitIOU'S ­ . so RICH .. . 1. I . 11 I . I , -1 went gut Into the. . . eaves are Well .covered. Sery alone - I And, Sit . World from Life Is real I I .1. . . . � Jousr.!bn I . . . . I : �Ilem. from veriting their. .JeA I . I I I . many Local Preachers el . � . :. � . , . . . , I Joseph but now that is pointedly refer- in combination as ,follows' - � . those revival Meetings with a now vision something flerr, Ot * ' ' . , . ; I I � .1 . ' ' . I ; . . . Dandelions with quartered hard -cooked ,Also many local preachers in the early of heaven.- 1. 1. if .for diVidailds th6v Yearned learn to - ' ' I INSURANCE red' to. Not until then.,does. hLk make . eggs *- I . L% I... . � eighties. med.to ex-poUnd,the.,scriptures I I � � . � I... . . . . . &try, . thrust and pleroe. . 'MONUMENTAL - WOR111091 I . . . � . I .. . I mention of his having pledged himself. Dandelions And atoes � I I ,. to the natives. ­,rlioe were Chas � . Girvin, All You Could, Eat for.TWerity-flye 4bghtS - P Ily. I . 1. . _- . . ­ I � . . " a . .., . I I . ,....gGias"'the whole way.vt Self-sacrifice' . Sliced tom. �. . lam pello* and Then the old-fashioned tea -n . i0eting I , I In. the business geld ct battle, Mo . *-HANWPON: ST. , `.' I . I I . . . � � . . cuoumber. and ridish , , - coddles have no place; ..' I I . . � I � . . . Dandelions, :�jojepb Het4oringtonj Will . . I Best Material and Laitewt . I I . � . . . ---- mIN6 'therefore,. I pray thi.Mlet thy gV those so far'men- e I . I I . . . . . I W . Dandelions,, iromalne, and mideed ,celery others. I lieli e All , .remember the. one at, the church Op Aing. Be n6t like dumb. driven cattle,. be A, live � . . . . � . � . " Of the lald a boAd- . Designs . . 11 I . I I I .1 . ,The'Mutual Life I serve* abide instead Lt Dandelions, chicory andollopp6d-lollv6s. . jloned 'have Passed 46 thelr�teward' in The boys starved all day so, they !could . .. one In the ra4c. � I I . , . . I . . . I .. I . .1 � man to m9l lord;. and le the I lad go up � Ill "" day, with get the worth of their 25 cents : Usperi'Worknisixiship . . . I . � . �., I I .� I I ellons, 'escarole and c ved, chopped that. land that, is, fairer than � In Ple and Liveg. of great men. 41X remind% its We MUM' . � , . .. � I % I I I I I . ipkth his brethrmll There Is through- Dand. . . I., L . .. � I 21U n All Work Guaranteed . . .. I I � . . . I . , . Out his.: speech Ao' hint even that. 'the VMTJtD DAVDZUON CM=6 the exception of Robert McDonald Of I cake, which were Ill ties I those days. bring the bacon home . . ces !Reasonable 1. - .. .. �. I i ' .1 - � Dunlop slid John. MorrAsh,+proprietor of The motto wks, Eat all yoUcan, then fill And, departing, leave behind Us toot- - - I .. . . . . ' - . , I - I.. I . I . , , . 1. 1. "Cpy I younger, brother May have been tempted . hoine or : �, PrI . � 'A' . W and shake the-wjll - .who. lives son In ti�e your pockets ti eat on the.,way . . Your business, *111 be . . . I . . . 1-1 . I I , ee he SAW'at Jo$eph!� ,ash grkmS. tho4jughly I . I k I I withohis. Prints on another's dome, - ' ' .. I � I . ... � . I . - - � I I . Appreciated, � . I ­ � _ . . I '. � . . I ,. . by 'the magnifteen, . . I Until, drZ Pxy miriced,ba,con until. crisp ttate, of aa. and �nearly, 9,144tY, �� - ext day, � Then the next and d I . . I . I - ,,, I : I _aXe, t�qjcho,ql, n oing, otherwise ;. �&�, I . � -1 Lc�*ia; .,.-, 4,, 11�:�,­ iii, _ - � . Let us then be up I ' - � - .1 ­ . of. C Ada � . . table io. takei-back,homp�,A,X02040' 01 And; therf-remove p- ec4s, o , n. - Add' 1� ye I are of agO, ', , , " ,� t . we may be done; I R. A., SPOTTON . .. , .. , aim - r I I . DI "I ba&; ght-a tenwcen Social to gat the frag-� - I . . I . , I � his, trip . ab�"6ia.' Innocent - c. gulltY, : be let�;rx ji4ce or, vinegar to the hot bacon Now to the passing of the 014 charch, ments-whtch was.-Sest of all for Us -boy& Still achlevitg_ still pursuing_adverMe GOORIL.ICH . ". - ONTARIO . I . . , �. I 1. : : E'6TA81,ISHF_D 1809: '� � M. - be releas . ed at all ,costs, and the 1. . . - I - I I ) At - this teg-meetirt - and church, opehina I . . . : - .P�-O­Bozjsj� .. , : . I-% n' '. � m_ �. . .1 . � I .. . . . . . . 'Pour over greens the I , I . 9 * ' and get the mun. -Anon. � . t I . . uit fat and heat qUicily. ast landmark of those bygone dAys, I � . I . . . ­ I �� I AD . een seasone ..emd Mixed .. .. . 1W I HE OFFICE: ,W�TjE4i,QO,. ONT. nobility of character manifested, ,by .. action. on May 16th,' ,t was .One of the'. boys chosen .by the - . . . I �� - I I . . . . . . I , Which' have . b d which *as sold by 41 . . I I . . - . . I . . : . . ­ .1 I ' Judah redeemed his cld'past; fins. The Vith bacon. Toss *htay until'blended. 1932. For over it I fty years it bad Servedicommittee to act as one of the waiters; . , .1. 11 . I. . I . . ' . . ". . . . � . . . `� . . . . . .. I I . � � . I � -NEY I as a platee of we Ives, and I was an overgrown country Sam L"a 0 . I I I .. � � . I . . I . . perIeljce,,;,but,orje tbAt prepared the way id dandelions -with A )$ft, -of.: corn btead -many, of�their children who W�ut: olat into hajiug been. brought up an the Shorter " , . . . I .:j L _ I .. ­ ": . .Do Do MOO, I 1brethren:had pawed through a hard ex- . If you prefer- you., cAn serve PlAlft cook- . irship for the nat . I . L *, an I d. , r . 11 I . ..- r 'd I I I __ -for a now life under new cirtumstances , L.".. . Lozem It' bed., and L'L Borne St . � . . . I . I - AGrNT .L . . .. I L a,Ad bacon. . .. I . I. . " I 1 4 thd world to do battle for a livelihood got catechl4nj and oatmeal,. 6r. in other . . .1 . . . I . . .. . 1, " L � I . � I 1. .� . . . . � . L I . . . . . � . in a new,country. , . . I 1 4 ' I � L . .. . ,., I . religious training within its Walls. words, beln1j'of the ,Oresbyterian persua� - - . . I . � I . ;. " , ' ' L'�, . ... � .. .. - . I . . their I . . ,. 1. -L . , , . . . . PHONE 250 ' . I on ensed, from The Expodtorls, .. : PAN , . I ded ii as a great honor to be . .. .. � . . ft . L- '­ L ;. L . (10 .4 . . MAIN COOHM 01ELTONS . . , . slon, I -reg4r I . � � I . . I . I .L. 'Ch, Ontario � I 1h I . Bible) . I I . L . .. L .1 , . 4 Solemli Occasion I I of ., . I . I. .L I Ndfth,Rreat . ; : Goderl . . � . I I �, I I i invited to Poe a -waiter at the opening . �. .Not. * S1 . I . . : 1. I �L L I Drhifr bollecr. dandelions, sbae over Alto - . 1. L I. Could 1. I L 1 .1 . ., � � WOU10 2�ftsgj() 8, .. I L. As I Journeyed out frow Goderich to WelL I strut- - . L . I I . . I F . I L' . �i, Will - - - �L '. . N I.. . with salt itrid pepper, the,new Uetbodist church.' L. . . . . 1, . . I . I I I . . I . � . I : I . I to dry, soason . . � . thet auction sale, to see ther last, of the old ,,,,, � 4 the. -boundary to the S' - 1, � . I I . . L . to, L '�* vinegar andoll. L uburbs at'. .. . I . 1. . . L ,� . In. a Burmese Te Ole , . . . . L . land �h,s.wjjls. fee, . . � There Is no remedy I&O RMA . I .. - . I . . I varks of my bid home town,pass Into, Morris ing like a young roost. : . . . , ' . .­ . . .1 1. . . That wofiderfuhl, story 401 Honors Will.--. other.hands, 4 feeling of, sadness seemqd * 'T . .81 11 I for givinj rellefo no remedy thot ow . . . I . - . C .,AD *178 BAtOX . . er wearing his first tail I athets. I. had . . - � I .. __1 - 118plendour 'of God,", has DORN. . ME . I to creep .e . I do more- Or those -who are ddvm to � . I ;sle Morrow, I.. . Overrate. The clouds were heavy, , I . 11 I . . I . .. � . . . * , Past TjjdS quite a crowd quite a time finding a girl -partner; I 11 . diatraction with the ,terrible tortwof,, I , .L .1.1 � Stimulated an. IntereA In 'Burma is exactly the corn bread to go ;�tjftaln'L threat6ning, and Asked three before X *was Accepted. How�- . L . . . I go . � I . I . . I 'ELRS And Present,, in levery one who . ho,s read with the greens. * . I .1 I I of ec 'we. L I . L . . NEWL , HEADQUAR-7, I it. Writer in . thL- Br#Ajj4 Week , ly re- � 2 eggs, yt cup -sugar, I cup milk, Y4 .,of the natives And others had gathered to lever, :1 .got through my first public full- . . ; - I . . A . I . . see the old church go under -the atiogon-, I Mrs. - Cecil MAOX&Y Xubvz* . .L .. I cards bowiHenry Havelock, then a young pup. all -bran, I cup corn ineal, 914, ction as a walter,at a toa-weetino, and Bridge, N.B., writes­-�,"Vor a wmo. . . . I... . . I 11 LL . lop - , I cup 116ur, I/% teaspoon. salt, 2 : tea- set'& hammer. We all Welit, Inside tile strutted h6me with -my tail feathers still . . . . . L I . . I I . officer was In garrigon: In Fort William church, where the sale. darted, Tho her of years .1 was troubled via I I I I . . Spoons baking powder, , U pound . in the. air. Miss Emily Johnston, of Ood- L . eezeme, oil In hands and. d" I wqs declared against _ L crowd seemed Lto feel they Were In a . I 1. _t 1. I erich township, was the scho6l,teac.her at l(bura so at .� L I THU COCKSHUTT PLONV CO. Cal,Zit�, when war . I cicher, at . I vvould itch a�t , fi�& �, - I . - . . I - line. of Farm 'ITU. L Burma, and at. its conclusion, he was ,bacon (diced), 'Add sugar and mi'teburah, as in days gone by. as there was -weetino she re- - , . . . .., . � I . . . i I . . . . and'geneval j ,* one of those who Were present at the (Beat 09gs filightlY; a -feeling of reverence, even of sadnew, in Sheppardion, At the tea, . � could not Mt. ea��% in&', , _, L _ L' L , I . plements .and RepairS, ine Im en Adon- well. Add Milk and . - - All -Bran. - Let cited "Curfew'ShMl- Not Ring 'Tonight," I triod, different rem I - . ing the tlnited an(L Allis CU. offiefal dinner at Rangoon wh I . diefttrL the air, and Auctioneer Gundry, With all, And the applause she got made the him- UUUMMV . -_ At NA ' �' . I I I . 1, tram and Ann .Judson were .honored- 8oak-L $ift dry itigre and add to big tact could not raise as Much as a She afte I r. . ­ I . ojutmeut�, but of no avail,, . . .. I Mpr Itggtors ­ .. . pour into greased pan and lber Ili the old church ring. . I Was ' advised to tales Burdock , . . - - - _ ___, at - � -gUestS-.-­He jolned.-w4thftll-rn admiration flat mixture. L . smile upon the faces of the ,congregation. L 0 If$# the OW 52 loan I im . ' , I . , . . . I . �, I Arles, and in .indignation sPrh%kle with -diced 'bacon. Bake in two pulpit , Married John. B.'Graham, and they � I . . Blood Bittem, and after taking tho L , 'GODERICH 'of t1lese n-da"On The sale started. The . lamps I wards f Dr. Meredlih Graham. . . � against the Burmans Vho bad treated (400 deg. V.) .'oven for 90 2nintites. - Re- y for one - aria the parents 6 . . MANUFACTURED 0"LV Oy bottles my.bands were oom*or ­ . . . . I . . -andplace under low broiler 3 win, were Rnooked down to Yours trUl of ooderich. I .. I . . THE.y. MILnU'RN Co., Limited b"led, and I have not had a A* . �L I .. L . � 11 . . � . '. . . . Kiogston, �t . . . . . them so barbarously, and he enjoyed, move , ' I dollar.. As they had served their day in .. . . ­ I I I Ta"rito, ont. L � of the eftoma'aince." . 1. . . � . I � . I . I .. � I . too -as who would not?-.�-the discom- titer to -brown, bacon. , . :­ lighting the pulpit for .the, preachers at I Barefoot Boys elf Old !Days .. . :1 I L � - I .. . . ­ L L I . I . I ... b I . . I . I . 1. . . .. 11 fiture of the Zurmese,officlals When they Yield: 16 -small, pieces., � their evening servicess I left one .-With one crowd at - "" 'I . L . L . . . . 11 I � .1 ___ l0l,l . I As I cast My Ldkes over the . . . . .. � ", - ., :,, ,* . I � . eld Mrs. Judson being ,led by the . . the saw yary,jew 0Ahq,Qld,-b0YA1 . . I . I I . I L.. . 4jen . I . : - ------- � ----.O- I .. of ,the old Sunday school teachers, the Sale I' 'A' . 11 . . I L I � I . 4 i ,-i . And I . or I will keep myself, as a remem-: ' ' ­ . I I I . . . ,� 1. 1, . . I . .general to a-pl4ce at,his right'll eatinent of caked bags .in cows, oth . who went barefooted to iafio'ol At tho . . _" . I I . They ex- ji0se For tr I I . � � I I . I . 11 ,. . - I . . .. 4 pected. nothing less from V, did or girget, list DOU91AS'* EgYptiall Lini- brance bf the Old church. I . time, old church was built, There ' . . � . I I . . I I 11. I . - I � . I twor 'but torture and death, so little oure Temedy. SAVes Old ,were Tos. Dougherty, John B, Graham, . � I . I .. . I. I . n;eht,-,othd quick, . . Pulpit Brings One Dollar I . I � . . . I . . . . .. I they know , them. . a blemished . pu . 1p . . Ill, .. I . . , I S Havelock assembled his men dally,f6l time 4nd ,,txpense. PrOVOPt . The old jt next. I bid .fifty -cents& Nelson Gr4bain,'William 11AWkIrI8, John I . . . . � . - I. worship In Rangoon, and lot this pur- dock. I � .: I �.. . Albert 0614thorpe, 'ageve Of ColbOrne, I Poster, William Johnston, Angus Gordon, . I :1 I I . . I l .. The Hydri � tore'. . ' . . . . L raised the bid to one dollar. So tile! OjdjMY­brotber ])avid and X. i0iiief Portele- � , WHEN you are building-, . L . I . . I . Pore be secured A chamber in the ShWAy . I I . I � I . I . .. . . . I I Pulpit went to the Reeve of. 'Colborne, I I thwaite of Goderich was"another of those � .� . I . . I 1. I Dapil Temple, the glory of which A re- ­ I I -_ I .1 , intended to buy It, but X thought it, barefoot boys of the time of which I I � i 10 the best thile to . 'I DIK WITH : � flected in so nidny 6f the pages of'Mrs. ­ had * 1� I . .; : I i, � P,g� ��' K'f.x-.,_ . 1, : there was any virtue in. the old pulpit I write, but lie Was not'at the sale. I have i I . hiAke your hOMe safe, front I .. k I 1. .. . Morro . , ..-.: :I-"- 1, " ey- 6"t'in-Colborne,tdimell,bba ... � '-.1''.... i ­ � - I � . .- gwftxay�L w1s book. All'around -the chamber . _1 i�# I I . . the ' ' - -t CO, . __ 11 I - - 01.� ,_Bpot In My 1. - - �.__' , .._1..._1_.._1V1l_.1N9 - �- the 1460 , heart for the old ' - --- - ' . I I . Clean, ECo , al . wertf-ma ma d­-6fiwF13Ad4nr,-Atth%T . 1-11: -L,ix!,V� - , , . . ._ _*.,hArjn oid � the dilgiage fire can do. . � I I � 1. .., . . . town, the old 6hurch, the I . I . � I I 00MIC - Int,the Usual posture orb5sed-legged, WIth . '. Vj,� , A . ber worse than I tfeeded it. In dodench i horne . . I I . I . . Quick? . , , ..� 9" . . . � . ., ..... ?" It ,. , 4. , as a relic; so I lot the Reevl� of Colborne preachers and the Old local preachers, . I � . . I . I -or . , �,�� �. ­ � . � . I han& testing on the lap. An .Offlz , 9,;. 0 . . I . I . I . passing, one * day heard the singhig of a , � K ? -..:" 4. f have It at his bid of one -dollAr. Who the old Sunday 910hojol. teachers, and for � Order time -and -labour . 11 I . ­ I I I . ,Christian hymn, and, looking"in, lie Saw I I .� .....­ -.,.'j,%, , - I knows but it may still cArtY with lt,ft the old inhabitants ot the old town and ! saving Gyproc . Wallboard for I . . . 11 : i , 11 :..".. :�. ,'t�,%, 1. . 'Aifves who war. Fire , - _ I ... �_ Havelock With a Bilble and hyinn-bOok ' : . .. I ", � ... _ . spirit that .may Influence the council and Its suburbs. For t1fe I I � 11 . . I . r.,..::,.. �.' j,'�%.:::: ..... ,$- d church and who have I all interior W ils, ceilinks titAl . . , more than a hundred I 0 . " the tax0ayers of Collborna to pay 'due TO shipped in the al , . 11 I LL 1. . . � . lbefore him, and . I -- . f I ���:.!.,�'.-:*,.:':��.".*."�.,:"*- `;%.., . � . I I . .. room 'Would have .. .... :. '. � partit' . I. " . .. � 11 ell around.. The . ­ ..r. L .1 . '.� IF � . .. peet and honor to the reeve as he holds passed on to the better land I have a ; 0 , I tons* . I I � I L ....... L� 1:1. 1. . forth froul. ,behin o s bu erence and sweet memorties of them as I I . I . I . . ­ .. . been JA heaV darkness had riot the Men � ,:,.....­.... ...... I knew them In the long ­ I . ...."L." . � I I - . . obtained lawpg and placed them, one by I ­ ,� .­ :­. ". the spirit Of some of the old divines may I age To those i . in . . I . L .... . , . 1, mspIre7 the Reeve of Colborne to expound who' worshIpPed in. the old church. and �L' eri I ;. When re odelllne$ extra. � on . . . . Is earthly highway' . I . . � � : - who are ttill upon th . I I . . I I . 'L e. on. the idols! 11ps. - There &at -the I . . - I ounell and taxpay - . lluddhas.. tflent, unconscious light -bear- L .. '.'.`-.._... 1-1 .. L -L �� , .. the Scriptures to the ,space MaY be gaincil hy . I I � ....... .. .1- I 11 . . -'r... ". ....­ 'Blessed are the and Me nlypelf nearing their jaUrney'z � i . . Ight after ftht, to a gr6UP of L .... on, with such text$ as I I ... ­ krs. 11 . ....... - � - 11 . I I .�, 1.11 .. .. I 1. Cht . Istlan worshippers. (Selected), 1. . I I...... I . . . peacemakers," or "Render Unto Caesar end, I would say, MAY the good influen � i dividing ihe attic and base, . . .. . - - . . L I , I -, ... I- that vhloh Is Caesars." Pot the, old put- ces thar came Into their liver, from the i ment with Gyproc partitions. , � - - - ". - " . . I . Their Requirement% . I t. .. - . � I L pit canto originally to ,the old church old church and It9 Preachers and.teach- 1 0 E i . I . I 6 440-4.,t..t. 10 New Connexion era follow them to the end of their jour- i , 1 . - . . . . ie -0 E " LC I" 01 . church of 06derl6b, built In 105G, WhIoll I ney. if they see this scribble and It i t� _. � ., .. . 1, .. .. -, one Of thL1 -twor churches In a villag STFUL -S .� f" -�4, ' from the' Methodid . YOU can paper it or panel � . I � 0 llt%d just got a new and Very alftart or. 11% . � �, A L '.. '' ... I IL ; A member of the other cougrega- .� L .. 11 IS now, part of, theold Doty Engine Works, fL%&,aitens any Sweet, fnemorleg In their I I it. if you ivish and it is = . - L -'#L LL ­ d i .� - . gan. . . . . . . ( . - � . I tioill met the beadle lea%nB the church ETFUL I . . - 11 USE ... I �,,,, . for PR , 0 1 . eXcelleat base for Gypten or , "I . P one day, I � . I . . ... . I . I . � . . � 1-� I ' ' I I I . Alabils.tine. I I . . � I I . I I ,� . I 8o ye hae in OTgan," he said. , "X ye, F LV � I . I q a monheY." . RISH 00 Get.AL ou -are , - L . i 11 I R PILD I need noo 1. . I E I , L y ' L ! I . L . ­ ! ­ I : . 2100� 41.0,11 nald the beadle, "And 4' yet need . . I I . 1, . ..I I I . Cyprov may be ea;ilv. dpetfied by I * . I I . .. 1. � . I is . . ,With Cagforia's rogulation I 10 . . I& NIF I . . . .� . On 4ganill . . f . . - . . = W Ite vameon the bbard and tbe . I . . . I 1UW I (irem: stripp along the edge. . . � I . . __­__� -,-- . I .. . 'I r I wlienyour child to&.seg and crim Covying f6r 40 ' I I . - - 2f,, LIME: AND ALADAI�TWr,, ... .1 11 . . I . . out in Ili$ SleeP. it 11100115 he is not Pr . I .. � ' L � GYPSV . I I � I I . * comfortable. Very often the troublO "Inie best Is always the mtqt, IncX11th- . L 4b . . "I I Canada, LIMIUd I . I L � . iq that poiAnnom waste matter ig not gVe, is an c1d. WyJM vud Undeniably . I - `��l Nils, I . - onialdo i A � L . being cartleg oil as it should be. true of it1t,cirle refrigerators. In . 11 , ICZY . . 11-l" C11 .. . I I BoWejq q1ted jielp-lhild. 6,01ttle helP - W(StI119110USee, You: OnJOY the full 7 . L L I . L ­ __.. L . I .. I . I I I . &W1ykjjt?41 . . -but effective just the kind Cd%- a_nsurauee of getting ALL that you ar6 '. I. _ %A"tttL"OkKWA � . . I toria gives. cantoria ig a pure Ve q, c. taying kr. , � JAM life-19mc dertaft- . I . . . I I I . i , . table preparallon made Special]. Or taity U30kita by a name famous for . 11 . I I � 17 � - Aildrell'a Milklents. it colitaills no Integrijy %vherevt,r eiceiricity is snade 04 13�;, 1 . . See the display of Various 0, horsh, harniful druf,l, no nor-cotiez. Cr Use(L Take no tlkance:3, Lot 0.q . . I � . styles and tuaws at I Volet let your child s re,,t---and 76ut fhow 700 1vtOlughooe 1%krftt4td Ai . I L I. I . I � 0 -, 0�vn_j)e intaTupted. A prompt dom Iteftle4CratiOn t1tdft YCU dfTlat-A . VV I V� " � of Gastoria nill utg,l stubbornlittle I I I I I � I L V . - . - I � I 1, L . Tu i n], j- , i ECONOMY ib DDED _�' I H EAT - r " I "' a" LI!: I , I. - , I I I . r_. � oii -1 - I I I I I . - I �1 I - I 'IL . "llll,l­ . - , a I i-1 9i . � a I I I I � , . , I bowels to wt. "rhell relased Comfort . L 4 ... 4 of I . IN I � , * . 1. . L' LLL . I AA - �� � I ,�:�q­, �­ ."�:�q­, ,,�:� j-, . I 1 ,t:111440 1 cWtoria . .� , f . The Hydro ' ; �� � I end m5tfui 0100 -PI 6n1luluc I— �� . 1, ­ . - 1. .11 - � __.. 1. "! jk� � alwayll has the xlalll,�. I �, I __� I.. ",_ ), rm "I"Aho, t & Cornish � '0 I For., GAP, Jay " , , V- ��,,% " . - I GODERICH I il".;,­ 1" ,-L" " � d ? ", . ..1. I— 0 . 46t�W200_, On The Equates "Gode � T lie (4oderlich 51anuftletarill I V I � 7,;�� 4 knll. ;"A-51 I M. - n6ch r, *0.9 Limited. h . Use Hydra bullis I � �il i - I 11:. . #� A— I � 11 . I ­ L , ' ' � � -i ­, L" I ­ "' '' 1i , !or light. . . I - I'll, � i. ­ 4 - Ill 1111 Goderiat, Ontario. . I jog. '"65, ee go"An i . TOO, . 11 111101111 ��. � . t6ed. -0 IP, i C A S T 0 R I A �4 4 I Goderld) Planing millu, (1,640016, Ont. � , 41 ­­ 1- ­­­­ � 11 Ill - ------ I 11 i CA=. I CNAMW,1111115'affiII11111 WAAM I " I - z . 6�1 11 C., 11 . ., I .. _­ . . - -A�'