HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-06-02, Page 2Che Oc.ftvich Slat
-Published eiery Tnureaay e Stex
04110 Cliodexich. Subscriptiou
Cfassis411 Oreat 33ritain $2.00 per
eftar in advance fire wawa PICO
Mabee States, PA Per Year ha adVaine.
WM Old sad new iddreues she= be
given, when change of adduces Is re-
,hat roest et otir subscribers prefer net
beve their eubseripticab InterettPted
cetee they fall to rerait before expire -
not be
wat altogether from coosideratIones
to whether er not otar judiciary is under -
pale, and them Is a sham difference Q!%
opinien on• Ma point, the &teemed
made that met Judges do not reflect the
beet legal brains of the country is alien
ape*, "Legal brains" de not neter.
eerily constitute the best equipment tot
W1 ub�er$ptlufl* muted ba soreatS over en extended per '1'4#° 3r sl 1Ti3Iitt1'3te• The moat 1411e
lod, eet, mires we are notifie4 to cancel, I5r paid hiwyer i ometinies oue Nano can
lee assume tee subscriber wishes the01'-
00 tentinged, livalfTTAtnagS should $ee °de f't "I° case and /las
d tte money capaIty fer beering dawn on the court
order or eheque psysible at, per in 43104e
THURSDAY, OBS 20d. 1932
'Star Sparkles!
43pok1og est veraelte the pave of Cu.
. tie Lee been tieded to the toll Of greet
.reuterican inventors,
• The Bedford cath :result again
home the fact that It is a diffieult Mat-
ter to break a woe
With the County Council in session.
*led icek we will again be remanded
' • that the depreesion stIS on.
Gorierich• leloitioultural Society has
given ample Wilde:tee this year that it is
, • one of the sprightliest organizations in
Presumably, we are waiting to .repair
s • r
• ‘. • °lir made .utttil atter the arrival of our
• •
• • •
summer visitors, tints obeerving en old-
. fashioned custom.
1 ,•
Perhaps it .the Collegiate Institete
. Bortid was to publish just how its 'esti.
metes were made ep last year -arid this,
, • ' all doubt et the emount of saving eftect-
ed, and 116w it was brought abeut, would
. be remeved, '
with all the power ef ht a wit, Pereonal
Chitral arid knowledge te Present hie
client ea the 'best pobsilble light. alis
honor, on the other hand, Must be en- 1
dewed with a capacite tor seeking teeth,
exploring motives and violet -Aire; evidence.
Like ti inagletrate, Ins ImOwletige of
human nature Is aliooet AS ilinterhult as
03y Oessie Allen peewee
leisi knowledge of the law. Lewd steturten
hi a judge is, of course, eeseutial. It Queer, the differences of opinion pea, -
mews tO us, -however, thee, apart front ple have. Olr Weill 'That belils to make
the question of SOdetry. there is a differ- llfe More interesting. 'Wouldn're it be
appalling 0 we all thought the mole? I
once between legal and judictal brahis heard two Caeleseate, principals express
that should be recognized. thole opinions on the Smile subject. This
time it was. about books and **gaffing,
Economical and good
ed Rote Tea
Rea Labei
25 lb.
Every Package Guaranteedi
Our Weekly Lessons
cm. OA that lie did not encourege
pupils to read much because if they did
En, h they were apt to pay teo muoh attention-
to their reading end pot enotigh to their
ethool work,
03.9' L Gordan/
The other' one said.. Unit lie thought
one of., the moat -important things thee
Words Often Bilsused • did in their school was to ericourage the
• love of good books. They had a good
Do not say, "I shall wOrk the balance school library and a very el:II-dent
of this week." 'Say, "the remeinder of ,
ian Who had great suCcess In MOUlding
this week." lithe reeding tastes' of the pupils, His
Do not say, "I was .Just pine to write Idea that chudre4 were not en -
you ,a, letter.," Say, "I Was 304 about moraged tina trained to eajoy good
to write," • 'books before they were ready to leave
Do not say, "In what seetion et the
,e.„,e, school, they were net ,apt to devotee into
emintrY do You live?" Sun, "In readers at a later date. Ile telt that
Part of the country."
Da not say, "she vats botmd to go:" do I
one of tthheirtepst luthhtvga Too tg theeythemould
or e up as v e
Say, "determined to go," taste for goad bOoks, •
Do not say, -"She feela kind of sick."'
X em inclined to agree with the lattee
Say, tslightlY • ' f 111 b t tbin
Do not say, "She commented. t( sing Pr ° ' eu
can do as an educationist is to ixteuloete
at oil early age." Conirnenced Oaten;
14 preferable. , ,a love for good books, and the malleable
Iteeneage is the-Ume to do it. It is a
Words Often Mispronounced 'most Important pa tt of thee. education,
protein. Pronounce pro-te-in, 'o as In We are too prone to look on passing ex.
"nor" e •as in "me? as "in," accent aminations as the end-all and he -all of
nest Syllable, tedUeetion•
'Afspall; first a ttnstressede seeond a _
In "Mr' accertt last syllable.
; 'With a paSsenger lake steamer galling Credulous, Pronounce kredett-lus, e 'Ontario has taken a further step In
at GOderich evert Sunday Morning', and in "red," tile du as in "veeduee." aocent abooteene examinations. These who de
returning, oh the evening of the same day, first Unable. , ' , sufficiently 'wed:in the term exeunt in the
an opPortunity will be afforded to thou-
' tend, of Western Ontario' residents to
...‘ spend a pleasant day ot the water. -
"It hes long been our view and We re-
peat It, that the -office -of Liguteilaet
Oovernor Is AS obsolete as the Pord Model
• le and as useless as a -whip-socket would
be ell V41." -Windsor Border Cities'
Star, One wottld. gather that le -thee*
hare times it might be &clapped.
, • .
With the salaries of tannty offielals
• 1 , i • cut to the bone and,old age pensions re-
Molted iron -the realm a county pouti4.4,
the eedithnit brigade Of. the County
..._ •.. •.....,.......,_______•. ... • . • .
1 • . ' " . fields 10 vortquer, and •perbaps their eyes
s • ' will tome to resteon the 'cost Of •edir00.-
t; ! • :... • . . Son, which is altogether a different inat7
• • • . - • ter now than it vas. .ivheri Owen
Geiger. for . instance, .tirst 'sat '7. --in the
; ' . , • COUrt notiee challiber, .'
Love of the, -work, both orf the part ot
tbe land leader •atil of the boys tif tile
band is responsible for the Very marked
succets% the. junior band has -attained
• • Since Mr. Iluekins Started with. the boys.
Hebas labored in season and out of sea-
. ,son and tile boys have caught his en-
thusireere and the result is that the town
' already has a very exeditable Musical or-
gertizatIon which develop into some-
, thing even better as tore goes on. ittr.
' IS dOing a niece of work for t
cOlnratinity that is worthy of high praise
the boys have been supplied with a
way of epending, their *ere time with
, profit and pleasure.
Tile final returns of the official eensua
takett jut*, /031, which hoe Net been
itSUed, give the population of Canada Ete
' /0,374,100, or 20,4011 more than in tbe
• . PrellMinare eStimate lotted in the early
• eart of last IX`SeMber. 'The Province of
Ontario has the largest Population with
• -- • • • •• 3,4311031 ratielita 'next' -with Z874;e55•t
• - • 'ffillowed by Saskateheenn with 921,705:
• Alberta, 131,505; Mitaltoba, 100,130; Iirte
• Columbia, 43003; Nova Geotle,
512,040; New Brunswick, 400,219e Prinee
# EdWard Lland, 0,030; Noe% 'West Tere'
riteries, 7,133 and Yukon Terrace%
, 030.. The total Monate since IOU lo
;Pageant. Pronounce pae•etit, a as in luiddle School not have to try de -
'rate preferred. partmehtal examinations at the end of
• Comely. ProrIOUfice tile .0 as in the school year. Both the above printi-
"teme," not as in "homp," pals report a very decided impreeerrient
Oopheie Pronounce- go.fer, o as in in the term work this year. The lulu -
"go," e as In "her." ' tenni of the largest, school. mentioned
!above, says that in all ins teaching ex-
-Words "Iwn 4/11331/euzu Iperlence be never had thlYthing like the
Disappear; One s, but two p's. Thrt
good restilts that be had at, the term ex -
bezel% three es and double Fallible;
_ iminations at christmas. :axlittising that
three re, Lacquer, ghSerVe the oriu, encourages work throughotit the eear
PreelPiee. observe the niPi• Molasses; stead of eratnIning for examinations is
three as.'• Ito be commended. Promotion 'without
Senonyme examinations has dangers with unserue
eatisfy, iratify, appease, eon- pulous teachers, But these are few and.
tent. • far between, as the teaching profession
Intrepid., tearless, updaunted, brave, has e high standard of honor. in any
heroic, valiant. • ease the good, done by eueottraging work
1 Dismay (Verb), dainit, 4041, terrify, throughoet the year will more than bal-
etarm,ltighten. . lance the oreasional pupil who gets by
Slovenly, elhishod, slatternly, untidy, without the proper Idundation.
sor erly„ dowdy.. POOR
IntriOate, involved,. complicated, en- . _ • _
tangled. ' nave yon ever cooked Prunes,that
Constrict, crarnp, bind, vontraet. stead of being /loft end luselous all over,
tighten, squeeze. Iliad tough hard spas? Did you thirik it
watt because they were poor..prunes?
Word Study Vey** they were. But ntore likeler 13.
"Vse a weird three times and it is was the fault of the 'poor prune* who did
yours." Let us Merewae our vocabulary the toeking, thok rim a long time to
by Mastering one Word each day. Words And out stemt was wrong, but at lad 1.
for this lesson: Ilaave diseovered the trouble. You blow
IveteLTIPLIOITY; state of -being mani- ,that -prune& are often Stuck together
fold, 6r very numeroes. "On account of :when they Some out of the package. If
the multiplicity tot duties; be 'Worked these prunes are put to soak, stile stuck
far into the night."' 'together, there will be parts of the prune
that are not hydrated, or to put it more
•ADAPTABILITY; quality lit beings
suitable. "It wee chosen for its adapta-
betty to all shapes and sizes."
PLEBBEIANi pertaining to the common
people. 'lie Was not ashamed of his
plebelah events...*
MUNDANE; of or pertaining to the
world. "Our **undone existence is on--
PATIIITOITSi characterized by stupi-
dity or folly. "Their plot Was tatuitoua
from, beetInning to end."
PERVERT teerb); t lead astray.
"Man hat been knoven to pervert the
truth to juetify his own wrong deeds."
With, Lone ateleente oteurring itt 119
reaoy (lava on the -Illue Water Ilighwae
the feet hrbught ferelbly home to Piot-
1.1 teeth -that this read is "eat:Maly net a
sate opeedway, and tbeed dttribuictl by
, • the Oleo le the Cense et AU four 1111S.
hap% DtiVete Meet IMOW, but thee- ceeert
1.0 fend. that they walla 3110 Wag en
Vait etiefatett with treazhenits
tnett-el with the earee feetrite that they
do en a rued highWay, and thiS Ls par.
tieuleely tree a the cer it a lett mole/.
Time are • feW raotcrireS the Leve tee
• bee the Ceeetrienee.o itan we call
• the: tat:Attu, of What a lietai et lease.
3 . toiled CIentS eg the edge of a reed, CU
do to a tate -Unveil:tee eer. It alight he
Well to creze -Mee warning delvers, but
it Weald set to taceeeeerre and them le
likelihood that they :meted be ch#
reivel. • It eccree thee pteete mute
taltiog eheereta 'Mere me, tee:e. ate'
met happy unetee they arsag,t211R MTV
Mr. 1§. D, Croft, 0. N. R. agent here
and President of the Board of "e'esele,
has writtert te the S. headquartere
suggesting that the 0, N. R. put moan
excarelort-to Oodoich _ffir a st4teek-end.
Suggesting lune eath, which would be
the opeffing die Of Hotel Sunset. 'At- the
Board of Trade • Meeting 01i Monday
night be Asked ffir the eo-Operation of
the Board et Trade and the theretarY le
ee Write to the O. 11., also to the
municipal authorities in *Linton, Sea.
forth and Mitchell, asking their eo..oper.
atipn in urging euch Ali exeursion. It
was cleaided tdso to write to the secre-
tary of tho Huron Old Doge in Toronto,
with copies of tile letter to he seat to
Mr. J. A. ItIeLereit and to Mr. Rat Mee
Creatit, suggesting that the It. O. D. get
behead the eXeeniell Stec The H. 0. le
used ran an Anneal exeursiert to
fluron County and, At 140„5 fen that the
Association might he "glad to lave etrit
an °Ming *gain.
Mot 'Of Vali et= votera In The Liter.
eel? Digest% PA fleettt -to be using alio or
berley etreWs.
2S,yylONE 2Orl2 1031_
Bespeak Character Keep in Touch with
Deeds, Not Words,
Dr. Vining Stakes in Hi. Baptist
back through the eploaeli, but if you lift
the spleach out lute another dish, you
leave the did in the bottom. YOU 'will
find that you will lIghteri your work and
hove gleaner spinach into the bargain,
if you ibe Ole common -Seine method.
Spinach requires no water to cook it,
Other than the water that elbags to the
leaves after wraith; it., Start it cook -
big slowly and you wil Ifind that there is
eufficient water. Save the spinach water
to put in, the gravy. gives it a de -
gaol.* flavor and: saVes the precious
Mineralet ehat otherwise go down the
8111k, TblitATO OONSIlleVE
1 pint tanned tomatoes, 2 cups diced.
applep, juiee of 1 le,mon, 3 cups _
sugar. Mix • ingrediente and
gently until Oleic, stueing frequently.
Battle' while hot.
• -SPINACH SotTell.,B
• 1. cup cream sauce, 1 .eup grated
cheese,1 elm spinach, 3 eggs, '
Make a crealri sauce, using 2 tablespoons
dour, 1 cu n milk, salt and Pepper. Add
eheese and Spinaeh to. cream sauce and
stir in the beaten egg yolks. Beat the
egg Whites =tit stiff and fold them into
the mixture. Bake in a moderately hot
°Vert of 375 •degrees for 40 mieutee.
plainly, properly soaked. These parts
Of prune •tvill be tough after cooking. If
you want your prunes porfectton, bil
careful to separate each prune hetet
Seeking. Prunes should be scaked over
night, then cooked slowly in the wate
In orbich they were soaked. etrben they
are tender add the sugar and continue.
catering tor a little longer. runes re-
quire long siele-dakieg,
Spinach is a tricky vegetable to clean.
Veit think -you have every enrtiele of
eand Mit and then when you eat.it, you
find that there is still some grit -present,
As one little lad saki, he knew there was
Iron In. epiriacb. because youtetdd taste
The eaeleet way to wash epinach is to
use two dishes and lift the spinach from
one tO the other. When the Spinsteh is
washed the dirt falls to the bottom, 1.1
you pour the water orf yoasend the dirt
Children Or
ralt FLETCHEIt'.70
agh, "r1 R 1; A
. 4
thel tit otate owe eeeeet 1
AEWAYS liAS KM 1-011 etka
otS. Cles
*I CAto,',,A1 Ik7.1.9 wat, etuOv 7N1
rain' itortrt-A 5t -.50o.
tM4 Peer/ fee InaGi 1
tab De has retzi (1.13
e1.50 t$3 1
, nateS oocms $3.0tto S5.00
Sindentifk7..614.1:4t4t:tleovt Soett
4 1
_ ......in.,-......kosi...
. _
Town Topics
"It b not what * nun says, but what
he does that deberminee char/Actor,"
Stressed Re. A. J. Vining, 1W. la the
course of Ma Sundae eVening enniverser7
mum at the Baptist churela Dr. Vin-
ing quoted Emmen to illustrate his
Point "Valet you are *Ands an loUdie
In toy ears that 1 eanoot beer whet you
*eye" This chservatien same at the con -
elusion ef the story of the paral,Vtio,
taken from the opening VereeS of the
second ellaPter et Meek. The WraiVtie's
iffiVelerdecondition, Dr, Vining sled, was
the type of the moral condition of the
world today. "There was no human
Oro for him, Ind as there was no human
eitre for 3117, but there- waa a divine cure
ter MM. lust 74,s -there 15 ti divine cure
far elle" •
Splendid eonegegatereet were present
both morning and evening on the °sea.
stun of the anniversary, always looked
forward to with keen interest by the
Baptists or Ooderiele The cherob was
bright„ with beautithi spring ..dowers.
The choir, Under Mrs, Robert Wilson, or-
ganist was assisted by a quartette front
Stratford. The anthems were well done
The 0o,derleb. •Hortieultural Society
again del iteele proud with its Magnifi-
cent tulip. display In The Star Windows
over the week -ed, ;with twenty -dire
raeMberS; sbewing and tortY#:seven
bits • almost every coneeivable specie of
this beautiful spring flower was ori 413 -
play ;and attracted large numbers of
flower,, lovers to• the West etreet: windows.
So great was the numberof exhibits that
adieirting WiridoWs AM either side of The
Star had to be pressede,nito servIce to
aeconnnodate ell There was every color
from the flanking red to the eubdued
' "The Other Fellow" •
To illustrate,ffis evening subleet, "'he
Other Fellower Dr. Vining gave instances.
where men. and women. sunk in the
deptbe of sin beyond -hope, had beer.
reclaimed and kept by the grace of God.
Pea/Mg-With the story of his text he re-
lated how Jesus Clu•ist Was In one part
of the town, 01 Capernaura and the para-
lytic in the other. 11 they were ever
gOing to be brought together, as thei
weee, one must be brought to the ether
"That is the way Oed has always done
leis work, employing men and women
as Ins agents. The coming of Jesus
Oluist to this world was foretold by the
prophets and when It was futfined and
Christ came and gave Ilia life • and was
raised from the dead, He called.ills dis.
eiples about.ellm sold commissioned them I
to go. forth and tell the story of His
love, 13ecause men. have been true to
the maxching orders of Christ the gospel
has been brought to us and We would
not be tree te 73 -en unless we pass this
message on to -others,” said Dr. Vining,.
"r Your Tailor
03y Usteke
You am not g-6-3-1-ifr greireaurithes-emiele
-But it pays with your tailor te keep et touch,
Far tbe rot of the world. from, Iristt to thitch.
Ara sure to take Stock inyour looks, elothes end such;
So it's up to you to look tidy and neat
As you. alt SA your office or go down the street.
Ties is a tip that well eannat be beat,
-lust take it from me. It's as good as the wheat,
, It Pays to Get Your.
Clothes at
Next Bedford 11(41
been pfou.s until:they get up in soelety
or politics, and forgot ad about their
obligations to God; but not 50
He prayed when. he was a peeper and.
when he was the greatest man- in the
empire; ''
"If there ever was a time when • we
need men and wonien to cathh the Dan-
iel spirit 'it is now. We, need them in
the pulpit, on the farm, in business and
God, knows we need them in Perna-
Tbe clietreb Was very beeutifuliy de-
eerated ' tor the an:lb/Oar/ with sPring
flowers. The Stratford quartette con-
tribeted rausieal numbers and the SU -
vices of the day were bright and Mapir-.
Must Be -Co-operation
/t took the co-operative effort of four
men to beine the paralytic to Christ, satd
the speaker. T7tere wes no such thing
as success without cb-operation, :Sweeps
In the thee' or ureversai church was im-
possible without this get-together spirit.
• -"These men were men Of determine -
tion; they came With.. their sick friend
anxious, to' pla,ce' him before Christ,
They -Couldn't get into the hquse because:
of the Mob, but they worked. their way.
around to the side of the dwelling and
'up to the roof to lower :the sidle man
bronze and black. The "parrot" top, orerhastoug7, eamht4lesiniz.. eitto ththee Psrpeesaekneert. of.,N.Joetshu-s
an exceptionally large variety, 'the lone
deckled -edge specimen and the• "doubles"
attracted ntucli attention, as did a vase
of narcissus. Baskets frem the gardens
of the late Vigilant. Coats added Much to
the -brilliant display. The eower Coin-
Mittee in charge was composed of; R.
Stonehouse, J. Teerell„ leliss Swaffield,
Mrs. C. Stewart, Mrs.. Boyce and Miss E.
salkeld. The elchibiters were: R. Stone-
hottse.,-, 1. T. Pe13;1•00o,,, Gould, The Hall,
wriss it: Aitken's, w.-lstaevicar.- lifts;
Boyce, Jae, Pell, Fred Barker, H. T. tel -
wards, Ono, Hunter, tifrs:•Rebt.. Winters,
Miss L. E. Salkeld, Martin Knight, The
Coats Garden, Miss Swatileld, Mies M.
Robertson,eeters. -A, D. MeLeau, Atre. W,
re • McLean, . W. F.- Mite), evliss Mary
Gordon, Miss Mauna Campiaell, 'George
Bow, Miss Mary Buchanan, Dr. Mabee,
-13o noteallow•Wornis to sap-thCvitality
of -your thildren. If not . attendedto,
worms May work irreparable harm to the
con.stitution of the itifant. The little
sufferers cannot voice their ailment, but
there are many sigiis by which Mothers
e made aware- that a dose ot Miller's.
Powder is necessary. These pow-
ders act- quickly and -will expel Worms
from the system without any enconvele;
knee to the child.
Skin Loveliness
Easy to Oahe. Famous
VegetablePilts Better -
than. Creams
Miss E., T. has proVed it. She sayer
"Carter's Little Livee Pills will do more
to keen the complexion Clear than all
the face melee I hove used."
effectivetordeto both liver and bowels,
Dr. Carter's Little Livei•Pills are with-
out equal for correcting Constipation,
Acidity, Biliousness, Headaches and In-
digestion, 25e. Oteede, red pkgs., e
where. Aek for Carter's by NAME.
To 'LONDON and
JUNE I 1 th
• $1.5°
Present Railroad Tick-
ets to obtain reduced
rates at London hotels.
A ihlether •
Eastern Standard Tinto
Lv. tioderich- . 0.35 0.14.
Londono,,• ,‘ 10.50 aan.
LoutIon-o5.30 pan. SaturclaY
..1.05 ass. Monday,
' Ticketti'goOd on aline schedulto13*
etiathes only. No beggage
ed. Children 0 eare and under
12, halt tare.
Seethe tickets earlY from
and Depot Tieket Mem
isciallemossialarlay -• \
By, Children:
RUM and Tired at Night
Mt. Iwo Shanks, Snow UM, Ont,„ writte:-
"I am the mother of Mt children and hoe is let
stork to do, My heat would' get very i,e�k,
WM very nervous and tired nut at right I always
Milbunt's Heart and Nerve rille on hand end,
by tiling them ocessionally they make me reet
ably and Oen') at night, end take me
fed like new roman. Realtfi the Pak have be
Hold by *11 drug and teneral store, er mailed &feet
est receipt et pans by Wit T. ?dawn 00., Litt,
Toronto, OriL
Ns hex
Ina' is atcomplisherl without pluck and
determination," he said, quoting /rem
the lives of great men in history. •
"The 'Word tells us that when 'Christ
saw the faith of those four men Be said
to the sick man: 'Yeur sins are all for-
given.' What Be did then He has been
oineg,.teortegrwohaintceaanmand says,
atoinumeutcoh, duo.:
whit he does,. that determines his War -
Raps Partyism
'fates. Bi.gOtrY
By Barnara Brooks
Of all deseerts which. is your favorite?
Nine out ef ten.men say "PIE," A good
manlier of women would probaroly vote
the same Way if they weren't taunting
calories and, theretore rather shy about
admitting a Preference in which they
dare not indulge. " •
Pie Is always acceptable as a dessert
no matter what the season. We are
sometimes reluctant about serving it in
violin weather because we dislike to heat
an oven. This -is no longer an excuse
for not having it because there are the
uncooked varieties, the ones which re-
quire no heat. They are sometimes cal-
led refrigerator pies.
Refrigerator pies usually have crumb
crusts. Com flake crumbs are extrellent
for this purpose. They have a good cola
Or and add a distinctive flavor. The
Says . "Read' Biography, Don't
.pend Ton Much Tillie.
on nation" - - --
-The ' %Yeomen of ZInstria matia' the
greatest mistake of their lives when they
lined, up Grit and Tory with their Mts.
bends," said pr. Vbaing le the courseeot
his sermon at . tile Ooderiett 'Baptist
church en Sunday =Wiling 101, "1 used
to fee a tremendoue party mon but not
any more," he .ssed. eYou work your
head oft to elect a inan; who doesn't
eare a snap of his finger or. sive A. hoot
for the people," he said.
The so called broadniended man, he
saire-Wry-oftenels Itkee4he-rivere431a1
epreade, out broadly 0.184W power and
betemes stagnate "rhe so called broad-
minded man is usually found streddling
the fertoe instead of having rine strong
convietions, However the speaker :laid
he did not wish to toentenance bigotry.
"I haw bigotry as. 1 bate the devil," he
said. .- ' "
'Read biography," Enid Dr. 'Vining,
mlitit I questiozt very much the advisabil-
ity of Spendhig meth time ori the great
moss of modern Iletion."
All these deliverances, however, canie
as asides from the main subject of his
sermon, 1-thich. eratehesee on. elte charare•
ter of Daniel. Re used to enjoy- singing
"Dare to be a Daniel," but this seethed
to have fallen aut. 0, use'vere largely.
"Daniel was a netti of deep convletions.
Mee and warden' who ho.Ve moved this
old world have itleta,ve beeti men of con-
viction, Seeing slaves sold on the mar-
ket by auction in the city ot New York
kindled a Conviction in the heart of
ttbralitint Lincoln which, resulted in the
freedom of the slaves. Joan of Are be.
cause of •Iter conviction that God wanted
Iter to lead ti: annies of Prance, Was
euecetzfol in he.r Plee. Joseph, Samuel,
Gideon, Paul, Peter the Hermit, Martin
Luther, Savarnola, JOIM Wesley end
Srtergeon were all men of etrorig cowrie-.
tient- A man without conviction is a
nice man, but plit 11101 in a tight place
and he jumps With tbe crowd,
"Daniel made the best of a 'great dis-
appOintittelit ill life. One day he was al
prince and the next day a slave with
blighted hopes. The -speaker ehowed how
Dante' pulled himeelf together and made
o new name for himself. The man who
makee the nixt and bat of himself io
the ono who gete to the top, The trouble
with too many of no Is that we stop
growing too soon. No man ever Wed
who Made a mitten without warkingitard
td no mail over worked hard who did
not makea i.neeez whether he died in
tile peerlueale or not. There are rough
roads, eloud*, talk, slander• heart aolie,
hut go en," urged Or. Vining. "Some
people get, on a molehill andnoider 0
a great thing btat It ls the- man who geth
te the ritUratairt top. In tpite of DercCeg*
ton, or hisildieaP. who io eneeessful.
"Daniel raaa a purDase. !taco a legit
peipesee hetet our wagon to a f -,t•%7% It
t:ta't alweee the bIllignit Mail win tn3-
CV.-:.1S. Nit 'MC inell Wil3 lime ellek-te-
iticenete wall averaEm aliitity.
"Daniel was ttstea and made good.
here is to man who can Stand four
snniu'e for what is sight and tar state
against emit w wv,-ag aithont making ,
•enerites. There tie pecele who have i
Phone Hotel .13edford.
crust may be made in two different Wars.
I cup corn flake crumbs, le cup
butter, 14 cup sugar. czeam butter
and sugar and add "crumbs, Knead-
• ing thoroughly. Pres$ into pie tins.
tins. • ,
tup eon flake crumbs, Ya .1)
sweetened consensed milk. •
Combine the ingredients thoroughly
ael. press into pie tins.
1 1-3 cups sweetened condensed
cup lemon juice, 1 sup sliced
strawber,ries, 3t sup whipping cream,
2 tablespoons powdered sugar.
Blend Milk with lemon Juice, Fold la
strawberries, ,Potir We nine inch pie
tin lined with Corn Piake Past:e II.
Chill. Serve with 'whipped cream sweet-
ened with the powdered sugar,
The above recipe can be made -with
raspberries blackberries, or blu.eberries,
It. can RUC) be made with two medium
sized bananas cut into pieces.
A lemon ,pie made in st stainer Manner
.deltious. •
LeMON Cfeeem
1 1-3 cups sweetened condensed milk,
14 cup lemon juice, grated rind of 1
lento, cuP whipping cream, a
tablespoons powdered sugar, corn
flake pastry 11. '
Combine milk, lemon juice and grated
lernon rind. Pour into nizre-inob pie tin
lined with corn flake Past*. Chill and
top with wbipped cream sweetened With
powdered sugar.
June 4th to June 11 lth
Phone 368 for Good Service and Prompt Delivery
- 'Aeroplane Quality at Submarine'Prices."
Farley' Quality Pink Salmon, tall tin.
De Luxe Jelly Powders, 6 packages for..
Shirriff's Good Morning lijjirrnalade,
32 -ounce jar
Corn Starch, 3 pl_gc s. for......
Golf] Soap, 1,0 bars for.
• or •
Granulated or Brown Sugar, 10 lbs,
Our Own Baking Powder, 1 -lb. tin. ,
84 -oz. jar Sweet Mixed Pickles .. . ..
Centre Pull Wax Paper, 3-pkgs. for..q
Fancy Blue Roie Rice, 8 lbs. for...
"Baechler's Pride" Coffee, 1 lb. tin........
Our Own English Breakfast 'Blend Tea,
144b, package... - ... ........ ... . . r.
IMcCormick's or Weston's Iloney Graham
Wafers, 1-1ba ozs....... -.....% ......
lleintz Cream of Tomato Soup, $ for
Sy -Pa -Co Toilet Tissue, a rolls f6r....
Gem Flake Lye. Try this, per tin..
• 1' • • *
Choice Dairy I3utter, per -lb... ... .
Javelle Water, fa large bottles for. , .......
Happy Vale Tomatoes, 3 No2. tins for.....
Heintz Tomato Keteimp, 2 large bottles...
Phont 368 Our Own Delivery.