HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-05-26, Page 9. 4
F,� ':
___ I I �� _ I ... �_ -, �_, , - � ...
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- - I i I ,,,,It . "I
, Sunday
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''It . I I � � ;
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11 1"e- - loon.
Af'. - rn
, ,
. 10y I$APEL HAMILTON, COVERICH. Qxr. . . _-1
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I -
Simple ria% and BaIW..gutft;�
I I I. . .1 I
: � 14-='r 4� al, ,7=1141er t'lle ,uc!�rcw
Inwara r!mee,,ancl %Award xw�lat,
llyon% ancl zpayzo to his mastvr Q1 t1l'a
, �Aar 11410n Q= Vath'al)Wlrgi-
; eircu=t3ucca vl_),��h ,bad 62CUTUI 111 tb0f
V-4st bAA 40 tb�-rlght. ,
- , "'Prison.. owltearlow-tDIS, t4o kulj; Vat
epuraga brotl4r.! do not ,9tum4le,
la great llastQ to bave JOZQV4 brouglaz
4 Thoushlft pat"A 'lie dark os night. frem tW prl�,ou. Uo VW10 Matter Of
.1 1'44�*l
�111', "' ,
I py3vouv =,'v gr."A a k'K - "I -.*, .I �
dcllvcud t3 V'ZI-11 w7 ur, .-A2Tu,_n,_,;C,
I CAuhurnir"Z
�r.le ji�c.se, c.3�'�ec*.i-�,4i W41 bil f,'-. t�-al�
Qur4ay a�hzel wa;rc, 1�
r.�v, MV, V-cn, OT 1:n�,.,7,), C::Ups3
tho PUT�7X2 ca t1l" Va,ItQ,l C', =go 4,�n,ol
UrIll ul�' ,_�_"; ZlWd W = ttz) 11�2k U1,
la�.It sllud;,4y W420 R�v. P�?. M,_,;Vmn�i
,%t prcZlcz� .
cazductcd 'AuntVCr4aw, FCyVL-C3 Q� k1--A,11;
4Mr. 4�4 =0_. 114te== C2 WFIZIN13 1AIM
a t=Q.- r,X_.",:,�TatD CT,Iavge�
4%0 pc�ts 01 UZ. Wet? at p=;at.
___ - I - -
i N�� 4zi '-�fr�- W'm- 1?atV;ecu- 01 ttzo
I vXauo. vr*ca 44=413, In M2"k1c6t-,,.1 tl�,Q
I a .
furme'r pa.'t"ot the WCOC', - _ . . I
Afv.,Edward 2101w4w is vblthi; Lin
. .Vy 1"CUV1%WCI;,y1 - 1. -1 . I I
Vzcudo Mr. Q Vlzkcz. ex Va4mow, at
ul= are , ccrt.,,ft ICUZ that 0"Ircull-
, nrcze I .
dr,"a mckl. lrtxre aTa "" ce,taln fo:3411
- There's a 4ar to ouldo tbo 1=4)10.
1,440 414%: Up I,o UZU4 11RAW 4.64 . 1�
QQA app'lintca for t1w Wur wh1wh U24
L - . I .
. . . I
L .
a 4phurch radiant with eternal lifef. but I I I Nineteenth Corktur4r American poet� . I. .; . . I ,� I I I
W. And Mg. Geerge. ]Dxv�,,an V1411tcd
thot, our Qhilclrea 13,0. IMU thc`o
I Trust 4a God, and do $40 T1411t.
. Norman. MaeLcod.
at length arrived. (-Vratu S;t�rrd RLIA04,
To Dut in a fall 44% Work, VOU
, need q full wWs streiigtb. A i0an,
friends in waii3ligat tTaD to. -MOT V=t of
ItIm weei,c.
Oza %,Q 0111lay. wo have MMU
fer row,-�lvq; XV11ca tboy d"Ier. th�ve Iq
We thank Uee, our Vather. for tholof
by 3)r, Uitts).
oo3eph was Prime Minister In tile land
Invested w1th,-absolute atithW,
RUpt, I
balf-sick frorn, coyiWpatlort, h5s
i' e to uul�eeed
�, .e*s 1pbaue .
I ;W. Henderson. 'of cozbom'.. township
Was, the, guest ox Mra. mr-1 We$ QVCI
Mail ,c,lilte for aj�kruil L .
'Orown-ups'. change View Met at tile
Mous' prQutises a guldduee that follow
, ,
Ity la ,donsequeago of his Interprietattou
Uea tompetition, I
the week�end. � '11%
-00u=d ,laa. and
. , of the family phys,J.
to 018
I us t1woug'It Itte. Help us to be dillaelat,
, I spirtit, cerving the'
In, bit -s, ferVept L
, of the king's, dt!Qams,�. and of the WiSQ
to Vh%raolh.
d This insidious condition oft�u
caueei hadades, loss of ener(�
mm Lottie r,%wlor, who has wen in
Gc4trIcU during the past Winter, tetur,:n-
ia, McA 'cams start cure Dr,valling
Almost UWAcd1atQly- - With chlldt`4�nl '
Lord. Amon. "
S. S, LESSON FOR JUNE 40, 1930
1gounw). which Of" .1
� s
N4 time W,as W ted
the UUtaW as, seen in
plan, bo'had
f4leeplessress. It takes the edZa from
'W - � lit's
$our . Orking .0. ...
- .
ed� to 4or home 1100 l"t week-
We are carry to state that Miss Mar:
mutplicattons avlsQ. The v4111 who dacs
.lot like milk, quito often rc,faqcs to drink
. ,
LmQn Topic-$osepit. Alte Watker. ..
verses 04-36., 'A. 41*4 Joseph
!. 1�
LaboratarV 1�N�. Is okv�xsxlldgg%,�
1��= Is not improving Ar, fast I as
The thild who dom not care
, leaving Un- ,
vegetables, mrsists In
14mcn, Paw tj0_(b1Wl0 41;4G.$7, "
�L. 091deik Tex�-rrovvrlts 2 -.149.
exchanged prison.oarb' for royal robes,
and was honored, though a4orelgtter,
AvitwBuLmN, sui�liqs "Lulk" to exer-
'else the I intestines, and Vitamilz B
her, friends would. ,wish.
Last Friday evoulag.Mles Mortimer of
� .bed, these green vegetabIts that are
, nd Jon-91t,V45 t4irtY .Years Of 390
' "A
. .
before tile people by being driven in the
to tone the intootinal tract., ALT,.
h I
the unitea,chur.44 entertained or salb.
Maced -before r4m. As the child In mimy
40=8 is the real rultv, the country la
, ,
vilen lie itood before Par h king of
ldnglp . second, char!ot through the streets
�O bul
BRAN alc K iwm Xor the
,s in the parsonage, A
bath school clue
I, 11 -1- wtth mnfhnr.,% and fathcra
__ � . � ______ --.1., ....-
;,�,_ _ - ��_ -.--..-., _. __4_,1_-1 I _-.--. _, - � .. -
r4ypt.11 For .this, Joseph had been cast Mraoh chau4ed Joseph's name and Thq "bulk" in ALIAXA X !,I so . I � .
1�111. pleasant social evening was $Pen;54. - W .. . �
. I . - wAliza their children are 'not 80t� --. � ___%.,__ ,"� .
I this, be became known 44VO hint a w1fe. . the d4ughter, of A - lar to that of lettace. Within the I Those bright spots ot our youth. arooften who . . $
Into prison -for . .1 I it mass, which : looked back to when we. arrive .at mature, dul; the foods they need, but seem, P.=- santeso. One ounce of A1143r,ia contain �
I to tb� chief butler there --for 011s, that prince.. body. It becomes a so 'ZIlly powerless to remedy tho:,ovll. AWAKE APPETITES I '*as much Vitamin H os',One large 4PPlep I
person, and his, zoinpaulon bad their We see how completely Joseph f a y rs � . I . .
, ,Atted In gently Ochre the intestine of Ca - . Whether We like the idea or nek our I Ono largabanatta. or Ave ouuce3 of orange
dreams, that, by the Interpretation 91 to, his. now ciroumstances.-burying the ivastes. Ilo,,v much better thar usim Last monday the community was sur� . I �
. past In th� prese.it, when be ugmed,his pills And drugs - so oft= barmfuf prised to hear Of tho, death of Mr., WII. �hlldren. AWO have certain things In By Barbara a. Brooks i juice. it aiso ecAtains twice as muou . .
-them, Joseph mlautimprem a fact con. --vor&;etfuluess. . "" )�avldtson. )KO, had not.been vQry. their 00t. They must secure car4ohY- Lot those lazy good for no. nourishment trort asono ounei� of liver. This cereal
wls first born son Manasseh nust, have �rbteln foods, appetites be gone, This is ap.ingi We %, therofore, an O.Ncellout food for.AWRk- 11-1 I
, . Corning himself Upon the -Chief butle Two tablespoonfuls daft will will this spring but his trouble was not drateS. They x
. mind, which, although for a time forgot. Title does not mpan. that the, past was I rats. ,minerals. salta end ncei enqrgy to climb an emeraldhill; to cuing the appotttet and 4eepma the body ,
� obliterated tram 134s memory -for the correct mostItypes of volstipatlion. - � They tort got 1, . .
too, he would- not,141 to remember In AT,L-But.,N is not habit-foratinq. If reaarded as serious. UUt. two weeks 4ao . - follow some gurgling brook and to match ,at In general.
, . he Called In vitamins. . I
I the important hour, when his royal very ,4" ut Is eneI of remembratto, ItFor . your ititestinal the doctor, who informed . I
� 00d, mid, he, bath made me to forget, 04 - I.. �� trouble is not re- him,that h�.w4s In, a serious cond,4100, And they must have a Certain U01011 -at our wits against its overflowing ;cItuckle. ' tt may seem Irbuleg, that An �%PqAlto
� mastor should be perplexed by want of of roughage it they are td'be free trout All nature seems to have now life, Why, for teed may be stimulated through tood�
t � an, interpreter of his dreams. In that m3r�t011, 4ud 0,11 my fatIter's house�ll The - �" I lieved,this way, see -He had liVed alone during the past foW - .
� emory of his troubles was,compara� 'dootoF years, and came to Ur , . John Syminatmlii cousapIttlen. lind Its kindred Illi. 10041- should WO 41,tback and be limited In our but it is true. It. ,by An adequate diott, .
� � . I = . I , your Istipatlen is, W.jOU3 enough in tin adult, activities; because we doWt Icel like eat- -you regulate body pmce=3 and increase
-, I 1, I 1, tjlyely.lost in Iness that had now AWDR ' A I I 0 in thi village. no was born In Vale- . and '
� , . . . . . , the happ, - In 't at cors. . - ind and consequently baven't very much health, yet, �vjll -your appetite re- .
.� . . L -and- -two years
. . WR 1. I . � `11_1`1�1 . green pa-Jznp.,e,. ago. About 40 I even If you know I
I . the r r 'donla, ,near Hamilton, eighty . I
I � . Ishod no resentXul d . but the -constipated child is pro�e to de
, remembrances .against those who had vouty * years 4o he came velop Into the adult who nuflers with ambition? I . , turning. At �first it may be difficult tot .
suoteedW, He Ober I
. . - - chronic constipation -if the child devel- -it you hayo . the fat . ntest notion � that . eat _ food Is What jou
. .. � � I I . been the Intztrumenti of W aidIcUou, i 11-tdo by Xellegg in , Wltb, his Parents to West W%wanosh, � w U need no .
. plonq I !!l , A., lot -, I � you� are losing. your P,ppetita, take these need -but after aw011o you I , . .
) I ME Uifter � His subsequent conduct shows tb,At ,he .- __ 0- 0 t * it e. he has since resided, L De Was, Of ops Into, -an adult at all. . . - .
., 1. .11, I . I . .. Iton4on, ,, n arlo. , 1 w. er The . I .
. . I � �� 410 L -, -, - I .. � - _. -:roughage Of. vegotMblers Usually AcVs. � ' Of -PrOventiOn Immediately. tow.dng. *lour appetite will .reactt. a .
. LL
�, I , ba4 .a most. lively recollection'of W . . ��- a. quiet and retiving-41sposition, but took ConStI,pation aw deeplyL Of . .
L i 'I' L '&* NW*'V&rt L the �Uood fr�sh air and sound body. . L 1, . � � I I L -
- IN ..,V,w suffices; to keep ay -pro- ,rckthe L � .. 11 - . I . .
� . . V 11 � . .. "father, Neither had '. he . coas6d � to - re- KtLeS KEEP"YOU 1: [T a keqn Interest, in � everything that was I � a If, P, IbIO, ' Take , . . �
I ,
. . . 11 11 . Start. . . member the cruel treatment Of his bre- . . IL : 'L . Wor the betterment of his'lleighboll. 110 v1ded Ono eats liberal - jmantltles� oft vese- exereisif.c. In the ope. ass. I preserves aitia enhauectr
'S,%. , . 1 1WO ,so" 'll"iber too, I . - Where this is not, dene, And the out tile golf sticks. put on your wailzina Persian balm .
.. . I. thien-. but he 0eased to I%y*lt to heaft. . took . a deep Interest In the Baptist tables I I klis natural heritage of beauty. FOV I I
, __ 1. . 11 11 .. I church of - which lie was a ilevoted mem- woman who 0.rves - the meals does not shocs Or grasp a . spade and,do things I to NVOMcr . I .
TO his second solt JoWph gave the name _ know what to supply to take tile place of the, gairdert.. - I . . tshoer.leminitie loveliness,it Is unrivalled. I
1�1 I. . =, , 1. .L, AS long a$ 110 Was able he attend . .. I I
t �of r&0hra'm,L ,which means faithfulness . . . . 13F4LFAST . . lber lo is In I Next' look to. your A , Tonea.. Lind, rejuvenate& the skin, and, L �
. ,� I . I . . . le roughage, troub] ' let,* See ftiat It, A x DI 13 ,
. I 1. es the ieasou-"Vor - ed the Sabbath school and the public this 'veget4b . . L I I contains plonty of vitamins and minerals, MaXOS It RXVIS110 I te, tute. I lit-
, and for this he giv - Miss Melda Lane Is home trout St. at-
. . I . I of the church, He Was thii latt the OMAR. 'L . Die f'gre da with;fal �tl) use- Smooth L and,veIvfty_It Im- I ..
i . I � . k. . - 0.orl Itith made me 'fruitful In the laxi ford. Normal for 4 low 'days with bet services r Liberal quantities of fruits and Whi plenty o en things and too . . I .
, 4M of my affliction," I . parents, -Mr. and Mrs� George Latte. - *of the family, lSever4l cousins near I 1pairts a youthtttl charm to every vom .
'Of , W . I . I , - cereals L Will I furnish this roughage. , The fiber NvItich mak . I cleanness. 1. .
. . I 19 J L . . o for inter4a ,naable to all 4'Xinty' L .
. L , , . I . . bon theL famine. Commented, Joseph Mrs. Wra. Love. of MarnoCk, IS visigng., Brussels and Caledonia, are, his only re Ith JM_ It IS Well, in this StaSon. of houspOolm- I ple4ou, IndbpL I
. I I 4. opened the stores, andbegon to sell the with her brother -and sister, Mr. Gilbert latIV63, on. Thursday attemom a, large fortunate children of fartners w , . Especially roeounnendea 'L tor I I
. I
.1 11 � , L . corn, not only to the 'EMOA I ns, but to V . . number of old associates followed -his r'e- mouse orohli.rds may nibble, apples,-.,pewo Ing, to make sure that your Ifown per. I WOMen- I .
. I I . _V1 : : I 1 int and.Mrs, Will Baldwin. L I L malus to. Sall's cemetery, ht its, day.after day. and sortol house" Id Oeanseid Inside and out, make hands'soft and white, DollcatoW . I
� .. I . I I I " came for1t; and th%t . . . I . I : . s last testing chot- and ,other fru I i . I I . � L I
. - -4 " for ets �AS , , . Nit. and Mrs. John, . I . roughage they tefUSO to toke� ,and ready for summer activities. I I fragrint. !Preserves and enhane0 *the L
. I I - . I -proves th I Mullin and � Mrs, plaoe,�Jbeslde the -other members of tile secure the . , to Aun I, loveliest complexions., .1 . .1 .,' . .
� I Qrdigners dift oome.� . at Joseph I
L L . I
L .
. � .
I 'Was de�jlug JUitly 'With ,the Egyptians Nelson, spent Sunday�afterntort with M.r family, � .1 .. . I .. from isph-Utch . and lettuce, .-Other. chil- .A aluggisli system 4008 Much L . . L .
. .
I L L - . r,bl. and Mrs. .1tobert Xolson�, near i0ourey's . . . � . L . . . orcit seldom secure enough fruit to an- the appetite. It,givesa tlrod,foellng4nd I ),' 'L , :
. I .. I and " Ing the. grain for an exo �. � . . restaurant .
. 11 - I __ . not'hold '. I . . . . and in this condition we .' $10W Waiter (in London . .. . .
. . 4 . - I � . I swor. the. purpose and their .parents must -a l9w ,resistance L. IL
. I I . � ,became wide- Comers I . . (Prom another correspondent) 11YOur coffee, Sir, It's, special frowsouth. . I
, . I I ts,nt price. The familuib . - ,�,!, , L . � . . L ..
I I '. Mrs. James Cook, who hos, 8 . � look. elsewhere, for� roukhsg�. , . caro.very little: about eating and grow . I I . 11
L. sprisdn�-v)ttendiag to all lands, One Of Pent� a , gly more unint America, Sir." . 1. . .
. . ". . .. I - couple of. moftthA with her, sister, Mrs. Wr8i 77, Str&ughan visited at. her sonts, This may be secured from rice flakes JAcreaeln ,,, one L crested In food. I . . . tlt%V.% . � , ..
. � JOHN PINDtR the mcdt.toucblfig� memorials of the'fa. Wm. L Straughan's on Friday last. . - . which contain. vegetable cqllulos6vr� have As Water at tile best cleansers.in -, Ditior (Sarcastically), "ob,* so . .- L
.. L L. 11, . . 1. . I 'mine ,*ith 4whidla Joseph'had to deal Is Fred TQPP, - and Mr. - Topp, of Toronto, . . awhere you'v . 6 been!".4utich.. L �� . . I . . 1.
. 11 . .. . . . .. .1. . I . MrS..:S , ellie, L this ,,vejetabje ,sIfecIt11-.-,and it may .be the: world , Indulge In It, Drink Six to I . LL . I . . :,f : .
, .. . . . :1 ; _ Mr. E. Heivig is at' Present with his . . .L I . . . . .
11.1 I . � - ; . found 'Ui �L sepdl6b, . I - -
ral. Inscription in accompanied by M�., and In
. L , . �- . I ., .. Mr. C Decker; of Lucknow, obtained whether the cereal 14 oaten as eight- glasses -a day and see ,how mueb.. . I . I L � - . . I . . 1, .
L , 11 I . ., I � ho, al . n Toronto cousin, I . I . . . I .1 L I I I .1
.. I L � ., . - , .. , Arabia. : A od Of Tain L I , d bare, a tomb and ,children, motored . up froi L'Spont the kfast, or whether itcomes better you 'feel. ,. . L. I I I 01111� . 4. I I ,
I I , . PLUMBING1 HEATING ,L In .Wliidh lay a woman having on heIr orx.Saturfty % spend, the holidays with Mr. and.Mro� Q. Thompson % oereOl at broa . . . 1. I . I I IL . . . I '
. . ..., . I d holiday.at the hdrae.,ot W. 14'34ogridge, in the lorm, of a .muffin, macaroon or , As for foods, with fiber, the �markots 1 . I
L L' 1 . . . 1. I I "rson. a Profusion -of JeWaUi �vhtdh re-, her brother, . Mr. Chas. Uomnagh, an 'AL L 501% I I . . . . L . full of them, most of these men-. 00 -A�&A 8 . L . . I
. . I , arrived safely at theLhome of. liasteful ptieldinglaterLin the day. to . . ! . .
1, I SHEET METAL WORK -McDonagh, near Zion, L . "I'll . . - - I ... . L 'L
'L L � I ., .. presented :a, very lirge value. At her Mrs, . � . Mr. ChOA Dan= last Sunday 'to 0 4 .re I'll 0 v� -gible, 4ow A --^M IBUK . .
. .1 4 . , ming, . Fortunately,' in, st . .re - umm' �nelr - , are fa or win be. soon. ..
., . I . ' IttoDd 'a toffer filled With treasure, ,, I ________"_V__ . ...... . , L, I . . .
. " head I Ingorj,ptjo.a. L "I . � . I Mr., and ,Mrs. Jas. Ijowatt are- this morning dish oV cereal.. particularly Qleart� The Skill Of ' I . .
. . P.L I 0. BOX . . and -a "tablet .With this . .4 . !. :. * . . . 00(>b Fool)-SOURICE$ OF SELL'U- I . 0. L I � N 'L ' ,. I ' I I
. � , Phone 12T 1:3T, 1. L . - week with their 4A49hter, Mt& P. Man- wber-6 itig served w1th,irult, :But those . I .. . L L 1. I
L . I - � . . � 11AOSP .
. .. I . . .. . � . . ,. the GO yar, . . , ql� F%BER I . � .
. . . . I L .. , . .d of Dim -YBRPOK, ' . who. even refuse their L cereal *111 L I ..
! L Thy nume, , 0 'God , L . . .DONN nin., ,of 'Unnitt L ' . not to- ... . . . ECZEMA & RAS 11 . . 1.
L' ,
- I . 1, Tayar, *the daughter of Dzu Shofar, .. I . . . I . . I R;berton �is. Lot his father's fuse a *pudding: ,Dessert to ,children .is Bran. , � , . .. . . .. I I L .. .
. �
1: . I .. . z. .1 . . . � I . .sent, my ite?ivaid to -Joseph, ,and he ,de.- Wedding be . I . is are ringing. I . Mr.. , prank . � . . Oatmeal � Turnips - . . .� I � .1 . � ' . . I
�- ' L � ... .... . ... .......... 1. , �. , ,.,. I . � 'L' I L .. I * L' .� I I . hante suffering� tram an -attack of mes, the:*same as a box of candV to a sweet . q ONIONS= I.. .. �. . L .
� : L ".. .. L . . 'Iajftg to:rdturn to -me, I sont.lny hand- - . .. . �. 1. L . i_ I . girl L ... Broccoli . .1 I . .. ...... �_ , . . . I
� .
� .. � L .1 � I . . . with A7.MmEure of -,sllvor t , d .bklng isir. WI1ft.Id'RcbInsOn,.of Toronto unl- sles. .1. 1. . 1. .1 . graduate or a new set of matched Carrots . 1. . - L . - ___ . I . .. L. I I L .
:�. ,=aid . I . . . ... - ' � : , : Cauliflower Cabbage, .. . I .
. I I . . , L � . i.: , ,
[ L I I . ... . " I ft,i Miss Olari Ikoore. 'of doderloh; spent irons to a golfer, - I . . .1 . 1. .'' : I
I . L I I I . me -back. ,a measure. Of Aoqr; and *not vcrsIty, has returned to his'home for"t) . - is0L ' then., ,L4rp ' We :sliggeitlons for Diets I I . 1,110% Done 1.i 1
I �elng,,1151e'to -procure it, X sent,her 'with summer.'vacalt .. � . I L. . . * ek-and with her.frl L 4. - 'Hotre, 4 't . I . . . . I I . : � . I . . . . .L
. I . I . , .
� 9, measure- of gold,, and not bet . lom I . i L.: I . . . Wilson. I - - L I I puddings that will Supply roug .. , a "y I I I ,
�'- . . I lag able Mrs. J D. TAIns s i- . Miss Lillian. Drown; of Mitchelb As. the Both are filled, with foods, that children Asparagus. . - Dates . . ... . I.. . I.
. INSURANCE: . With a L . � � .. . i IONUMENTAL WORKS I t - � 11 b�
� the we end,, M I . hage. Lentil .1001' GODERIGHL
. . � , .
� , I : . ,pent a few days; to .
�, . to procure'%'J,ftnt'her ;neasure . L ?rilons . - . . pigs -, . 1, I . .
I �. . . . I L Lre. these �, ,L , . . .1 � I L ' U.OjI0014 8% I ' . L
-1 . . . , _ � ' -e cortly ,wit!h her daughter, Mrs. Norm'%w gue# �t the bome, of Mr. and Mrs� A� J. need, and. It -thd cfee dakes.tised i 11L, ' Lettuce" ' prunds '. ..
. . I � .. .. . � , ot .Lp,earlt;� �and Act.being uble to precut . � ; . I . I ,Ferguson this week.' . L L . . I that have ov"'vegetable efted", to Rhago, I L , orilif and Lates 11 , -
�� �. . . , . ded.thern to,be ground; and Thompson. � I I . L � Ralshis I " sest Alut, . ; . .
1�.- . . Mr., and Mrs. 0. Clarki of- Apoderich. has bee Aceg . , " . . I
. . 11, %, I .. it, X:.couunafi . . . n unt.ed for also! - ital; I . I . L L , 11 � . ... . I I
� L ' N, j, Mr.� John Chamney, Sr., Meisrs, ; I I L , .. . . '" Whol I . I . .
i . .
: , . � . ` . I
; . 116re., , Is inscription Is. genuine- L I L The first listed IS bran. I .
I � I Life - � "inding no proat in them, V am shut up ft�bt __ . , . Chard o Wheat Bread. I I . L . I Designs .
� . .. The Ill Ila . . .L�. If Alt apd Elwyn and, Miss yerna Chamney, visited at the houieW Mi. 19 ' . . Whough, I . Date Fluff 1. I . . It you havb � , . Expert Workmanship .', . I .
. I
L . . . . 11 L . . . I . . i w and there seems no reason to call it In . � L 011�'day last Week. � � �. . ' . 3*eggs . . . one I of. those Mmilles, the M46MIIIOM of . � All Work GuAranteed' . I. � � . . ..
. 1. . . I . . . . . .1 stion rs n - Tuesday ' L L ' '
. . . qw _ItL s)tovs that there, is I were London vlsItQ' o Saturday. The lish, had a hard time On Cup rice flakes," tiushed . -'
. . _. 'L , ' . . I 1. .. 11., i 'pratibn 'In 'th . Stotemeni. of� L n N�6%mg . . ,- - . .. I - . ,r . I y � L . . , " ,
: PeOplits". Sooiety, Win meet if the run A , meWber%that' by adding, .bran to'tho' our 666ess- will be* - : .
Lg e our nar-. The I L nber bf. cars Parked, near ' I , . J/ upful. sugar* I . .
I rit6r. that the ,famine Whis very grievous, as usual next Friday evening.' A.,special . - cb6ppeCIL , diets you ,Will b -' approciattd. . . . r 1. . . ., . ,
"' - �' . '. As'su rapeetoMpan � .. . streams ana.irlftr 'Wag any IndlIzAtiOn Of . . % Zup riuts, . ,
I I I I whiq4 are finicky about .vegetablis, re ,' Prices Reasonable . . �
� ,
I . L. Y' . I , e adding fiber much like . .
I . . . .... . 1.�L ,OP. And, feature. on the program ,Ylffil be an adv : the number of Ilih . . L'. .1 1, cup fttes� thopped. ' ' I -is-. foun ableb. I . I '. � R. A.1POTTON L . . 11 .. %
. . in other lands as well as in F A that which d IiJL Vegot ,�
. calf", I . to �
L '' 1. . . Next Sunday will be hilaron's day.,at , egg -y i - %ifts Mi ra1SL (Lad VitA_ . . , L''. .
11:711 �� .. .. Whether genuine or not, one cannot but nton. r,nbx United )dburch. The -children ' -Will I Beat Ak And � add to dry Ingre . Stan, Also,� cont - . ...... 1-
P 7 . . . of �_ Unlada dress -by Mt, -Geo, H.; Jefferson, Oil' . I ,qe . QQDERF0H - - ONTAR I .. . . !
L. I., . .. L . . I . 1. .. . L . I
. 11
, -, W � I itan-Are.the krint'humor of the starving . L . . I I . . . dients which have 'been thoroughly mins. it. is a good source of Vitamin B 1. . P. o. Box 2 1 . .1 . . .. I L
. IL I EST. ABLISRED 1869 : '. . .. . . .. .. I � 11 . I . . .� . . . . 61 .
, 1, . L . . . . .. . I . I ., I mixed. .Fold JuL stifily beafen M whites, - I I , -L ,. 1- . - - .
. I L . .1 .. woman getting : herself buried in the . I . . I . . .. . . I and the minerals, front, copper and man I 1. . 4 , . . .
. I . L .WliloU ,had $Uddonly I 1. . . . . .L - L -buttered loal,0in an bake .1� . . I .1 -L . �_. ...''. "IL i, . . . ,.. . . 1
. . � . .HEAD OFFREt WATERLOO, OPT jewels dropped to . Pour Into 4 , . �. .
. I .. I I I L I. . I . I I . .:. I I � ... . . � . 1. .. . , 11 . .L (376 degrees F.) I L ' . 1. . . . . .1 � . . I . . .
. . . I .. � ' I .
I I D, L .1 . less than the value of a loaf of biead. I . . I . .. � I 1. .. . 0, moderately hot. oven N_ L 14,� .L . I
. � . '.
I I C 0 , 2.44 � . . - I . - .1 . 4 . . . . L . . . . I IL � . I . L I L . : 45 =�ttutess.- Crumble and Pile Lin sher,w ., - " L
I L I . . 'L .
I . . .. .. . .1. I I . . I bet glasses.. ,Servo with Whippe I II.L L . . .
. I . p I 'L
I . . . I ost , -ad With, �' '._
� : D, MOONEY I , (Prom The Expositor's Bible). d cream
. I I I . . WORLD MISSIONS . . I I - . I I 1. . L . I � Or lemon.110tuce'-servio'hot'or cold. ..This pies , fill - 7. . ... �
, . . I.. . .11 - M 1, .1 ..
AGENT . . . %. . I " .. - � .. . I y I . . .. I . . , , . ._ I . I . . . . .
. I arrest. I . � I Matt, ' 'L
. or. Harrison presents to' %is an 'arrest , 11 . '- L recipe will be.sut*lent for six. . .1 11 � I . . � . - � . . . . I ` .
. PHONE 2$0 " .. . gL pletuie� of the power and ,stra city I . I I . ... I I . L . I , I ' ....
in, I pil, L 1`17'hatShAff - W, 6 1 �, L
LL I I I . I L I � . 1L., . . . . I I .
tj L. ' Oijorkh, 00tijko nmedgn religion. The whole. . . .. .. . 11 I -_ . _ - - -.-,. ----. . I . I . 4 IlIelloloas Custard Pudding I . I . 1: . .
. North L Sift . - L I :: -of the;moha) 1. ,- - , - - - _ . � I . -:---- ____ - --- - _ � . ... -.- - I . . . - - . . I . . .
.. , 1. . I . .. ;r- . W. . . 1. er Ovet Face. I
I , . 'L �. . . I . , "There Is no 0 d . 1. . . : . 1L. . .., . . -4All . .. .
I . . I I , . 2 eggs I . I . I
. I . 1 creed is expreised in. . 0 1 I : . r IL . I . 14 'cupful raisins . . . . 1. I . .1 . I . . - I I—.. L . L . I I . . . - I
_ . L I - but -Auaw, But within tbat creed there . ,
I I. . I . . I . .1 I . I � . I I I , -1, � � I .� , I .. Whenthoienasty,matterypimples Lf. . '
I . . .1 . .� . . � . . . . IS room for theL extremes which,are also . . . . I I c6me'on the fao their presence is a I I ..
. L . . I ) .4 . N a'me.-the Nby 0) '. )/- 1,01.�.u.l 'sugar - . . I V 9 I .
. I . ,� I .. lit the Christian, religidn---at one end the 'P. . ,.. . poonful - vanilla . . f embwomment, to them
. , . . I . . . I I ., § . philosophic cl s of: the W I_to_ QL .0 . . -.. - 'L . ,. . . I I I . L . �. . I . I I flakes' . . , 0 1 = .1 I. . I . .
. . . . . . I . . . . 2 c uls milk . .. 1. . . . . I
I educat4d; .at the: other theL emotional 11*1 I I I - this cloud L �
1". I � . I . ,
p VW. - . I .. . . .. r . I . I . . I orating of nutmeg df desired) I . . , .11 � Why then rest undey .
. Nf . D Aw A appioach of -the filiterate a . . . .. , I , � when there 16 an efroctual remedy . .
I I I All , REA QUARTERS I hd p6or. Who . I . . 1::�� . . Beat eggs well and add -rice flakes and . a, . .
. . . . , OF L . L' will preach the Gospel to 'these last?- " - I . I . U4 . . I . (or those facial derects. . I I
I. . 6 . . . . . . . Dr. garrison writes: "W& WJmtL Some 1 11 ... � .p - .. .. .. . . raislns� Mix sugar -with milk and I I 1, I I I
. � . I . . missionaries but in Arabia who can Weep . � . . . . . Nl�/ '111*1j. ., � [to the egg and rice flakes mixture.., Add , b . . . -, Mt' L W. Sissack, 303 Cb4lmm Ave., - I I . �
. "X COCKSHUTT. PLOW CO. . . L\�. . � . I . . vanilla. and nutmeg If desired. Pour In -i L I . . . Winnipeg, Mon., writoo:1111vily face a I �
. I . . . . . 1wheit. they preach about. Christ. That � I .. . . 0 , . � I I .. 'I I V00 covered- with nasty -pimples I . . I
. . ry� that we need a& . I � . I L I .1 I . to a greased baking dish, place dish in a 1. . I
. and general line Of4hirm IM- I Is a type of missionk I I I .. 1. I , L � .. filled with matter. .
. . . plomexits 'dnd Repairsf includ. ded to the missionary force today, The I � L , pan of hot water, and bake In a ifioder . ,told me I . �
11 Ing the United And Allis Cbhl�, Indians weep easily. why should We in� A -SYMPOSIUM BY FAMOUS PEOPLE OF I ate oven until Mptard IS firm. , Serve I I went to a doctor wid be . I L
I I . I , � ' ' I L . 11 . I I . . I . . very cold.: . I I . . .. I .. . his son had bad his �implcs cleared ..
. met Trotters, -at , . siSt upon committing the missionary en I . . I I . . . , ... in. I . up by usin Burdoe Blood Bitters I I
- . I
I . . I . I I n � . TO -DAY -.Conducted by Willisin . Lavin I . . . ror the past a Yin . . I
� . I terprise to 6tolos. Who have lost ine- I ... . .. . . . .. I . . I I . . L and iAvin me to U88 it. I got 'A .
I I .� I . GODERICH ' ' tenths of that mobile, flexible sympathy I I . L I . .. I IL . . When Astlima,-Comes do not despair. MAHUFACTURKO ONLY bottle and. -all the pimple$L v4whed, .
., I r . L . . I . . at makes a religious message attraot� To $elect a Suitable name for each babyLthat coutes'inth the world 16, Turn � at once to the help efrective-br., T14E T. FAILBURN CO. fiow. .I certainly have *great . . I . .
t L
. . i Phone- $98. . . xlhgs�on St. ive? 'Why should tot men weep When . 0 � i. V, Xenogg's Asthma Remedy.. This . . . . Torontoo I Ont. L it .
L Indeed, ,an. absorbing problem. minions 'of new babies war born last ' &I h in B.A.B."
. . . I
� . . . . ", . L . . . I I they tell about Christ's suffering? Why year, And yet there are less than :L,000 names to choose trout. .Parents , wonderful remedy will, give you the aid ,.. . � . . r . -1 L� .
I . ''I I I I L search directories for suggestions. Shall we create some interesting new You tIPOAL ..Sp,, _poiely,. Choking teases, . __,____,7___, _,_'___ .- -
� I
I � � . I . . - .1 I was. it tjaat Methodism, swept America 7 . I . 4 . 1. I . I , , , , , " , 'O., I ,-. . . � L . . .1. �� L . IL ' I 1. I
, L I I . I. - I It Wag not because of Its stoical Self- . uatueSil . I . I . breathing becomes nahiral and Vi h6tit . . I I - . L . . I
. . . I I � � L . cotitroll We need to learn of the 'past, I . � . 0 . � . . I . . L. . r . . efforL Otheri� thpusands of then), have . � I . � I .
. .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . .. . . . I . I t� 0 the implications of . . . I. suftered as you suffer but have wisely . .
� . . What" thett' at I . - , �
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[!M12_ '
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r!kh, O,�tw� - 1.1 'I
I- 11 1� I
. =� 11 11 I :L
. , 1. . I . HL. . . ,,,, evangelical missionary enterprisolt No. 42 Jesse L. Lasky . . turned. to this famous remedy and coas . I � I I 1: .. . . . . . . � .
, . St'o.r L They at*, fittt of all, a the,"age sUited to . . I NOTION PICTURE JFROI)IUCE9 w . I I ed to suffer. aet a package this I very . � . ,Oi _. I, . I �, . 1. I I . .�
. I L .
.. . .. 16 ydro e. men who dre Pd9r and. not to men who . 0 ' . . I day. . I . - � � I . . . . . I . . .. 11 1 I I . . . I . I
. ' Illiterate, rather My suggestion. for namin - a baby areL Gloria and �11A,Dr and Walter and . , . , � . I . . : . . L
.1 . . . .1 I .1 I . . are rich, to men Who hre .. Milton, V . . . I . .. I.. . . . . IWO matter how Igmall or I
I . . .1 . I .1. . I . than to mon,who art 4�ducoted, to men I . I , . I I Scotland Is boving street riots. over L ' :
I _W'At"a IS a nameL',of IteUtonle 'origin mea I . . I.. IV 'IarkejU changes yom . �
. ,
_k, I COOK WITH. , ' . who are dirtY'rather than to mell.W116 I . , . nink "Powerful- warrior.,, Sir, 11 evictions of renters. .. I . . � I � . .
- , ICFW� . . I
-1 alffy�� � - ;------. , plan 1nside,, Y,Laur . housgj� .. , , '.
. - _9LE ME aro,-41ean, And. an_omotlon�.rather_th 0 - '_ ----,-.----'L-- .
"'.. '� - � Walter Scott was.a famo�s Scottish novelist and poot of the Nine.. , 11 % ...
� L. I . , W , - -_-__-'_Ta-i-__- '�__�_ _ --'- '.,*�' ,. . ,. 7-
� I I I � . . : . . - , I L -_ .'' � L I - - .
I . " -- '-'Td*eh,m---a4Ffil,w,-vs-va-kldhv,b-vv-,x , W ,:..: Z � L
. . . a ttolcal Ore8entation and the vislon, Of � I . JAZ Wmman Wag A among - ,, : Gvnroe nrovides the material; *
I -
I Qulik, .Clean, . EcOnOnuc
L - . I .
. . . I
L .
a 4phurch radiant with eternal lifef. but I I I Nineteenth Corktur4r American poet� . I. .; . . I ,� I I I
L . I I 1. I . I I .. .
I .
. I
oriental and diddrefit from, ourselves. CAMILLA Is � name of Latin origin meaning ,'attendant at a.,sacrifice.10
. I
I . 0 , � _L, . . r r,
,,This is going to- take lilth our
L . In the . I
- Aeheld.Sfie IS a VI)taregd-of I)laua. . . .
. . .
I I . _.. . L' ... !!! , ...
po,rb and, forr those of! IM whor look for- . . 1. . I . I .
I I 11
. .�
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r . . .
word to the ralsslotiaV 0001;)ike, It Is . . L,� ... �'. I . .. . . L L' , , . .r.
. . . L
L . L .
_'- - -_ .
goingto take ,preparation of a type, Mi- --- r I I I I - . . ... 1.0 . -_ W
- , - -
a Ig t4uoht fit . .d,i;..�, LL � I r .. .I 1.17 . I I , In"..'!1-
ferent'froul vhi � .
TIle Star and World wide"now .......... :: : 1.1
. .
I . I
inarles. You And, 1 .are engaged In � � I � .
� L . I
tarryint; the Gospel not to the feW- but _ , 11, n r
. .
to every one!; we believe in the univer- "' '
10arl6t bInd W6 must b0tdulel I he Goderich Star"s
-111� -
sallty of . ,
. . 00%
nomewhat, antiVeri3o.1 ourselves..' .. . we ., . .
. � . .
. I
. . . .
r _� I � . L- . L 111110MINPIR . I
' I I _ ,�
must have our deepest Interest and our .
st love, for those, who, are, poor. If
. �t..k 4.. '. -'. i. . .
I *
we do that, the missionary enterprise .
. __ . .
- .
will be different, but it will U6 acording I , ,
. 1_ . ", . . � @)
I to the inthd, of Christ and; therefore, It , *,��. . . . I
' . . . .
. 0 . Lr L . .
. I I
L . I I I . .. L
,will lit) better." . . .
- . The Stir and'Undon Pree Presg. . . . . i�,. ,;t....$6.5o
room I=e Tft,siona-Y Monthly; L
� LL I 9
. I I 1 .
The,.Star and The ondon:Advettiser. ,,. . . . '. 6.50
. 1
I . . �
I . i , . .
. . *50
The Stae� and -The Toronto Globe.'.#m,". 0 . 6. ,
. I . r
WAV - ;
T 0 0 0
Tom%to plants are tftking the place oil The Star 4nd The Mail and Empire . . . . .. . . . . . . . 6.50
leannotes, and white ratte to defect 0 .. .
. �
The Star and The Tdronto Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5o .
. . I
IOUIs da$03 011 Utitilill, tubmArInes. . . The Star and The Parmer's Sun . . . . . ... 3.4o 11
I I .111
r r , .. . .
-----.:----. _____-__r - I L. . L . . . . . .
, mt. 6 - t-1 6, 3; It.
,we the display, of vatious
styles and "Mktg at
The Hydro Store
Vse,Hydr6 Whs f6r light.
ing. They exe gnuan-
teed, I
Q 4L, and I he RA ity crald and Weekly Sta too
The Star and Saturday Night..;... 4 O... 11 I*...., 5.50
The Star and,rhe Saturday Evening Post
The. Star and The New Outlook ...... . o ... # a
The Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens ....
The Star and May Fair ................... ; .
Tho, Star and tile Youths' Companion..... � ...
Tho Star and The Catho90 RecArd ......... �...
The Star and -McLean's Magazine .... .... �....
The St ' ar and Rod and Gun ...... .........
The Star and Montreal Witqns)s. i ...............
Tile Star aud World Wide,xenmval .......
TIle Star and World wide"now .......... :: : 1.1
� .Special Clabbirlit Rates with 6ther Peri6dieals
.A may & hadton application
call at the Star Office 040 IP116ho 71 for any inforlaaf'464.
1. ",I
� . 1. I. �.. , .. . . . . .
. I
I of least expease. and- most . .
. fire-isafety. . I
9 � . .1 U e n S .
I � I .
. I . 0. 0 � P I I I partitloBs that "are a barrier . .
� .
. I . .
. . . I to re. , . . . .
. You eati paper Gyproc or .
. I
I . I leave it plain 1when pan. � ' L
, .0 . 1. . elled) and It is an exeellen# .
I . 1. base for Gyptex or Alabaso I I
I .
... -
� tine finisheff. �
. . ..
. Gyproe to Inoxponsive*
I draught and rodent - pro6fi I
. .
. I structurally strong "d quick. . . I
� ... ..to erect with .a minimum of, . 1.
mess, . .
. OyProc may be easily idesdilUd by
. I . I . . I the name on the board ard the
t III I I Geem strip.- along the edge. I
____ -
. MI% I - os - '
.0 WaIN' a. -
. Magical in ita beau- r, P
tilyiug effeetba the . 0
. complexion. Soothes I -
. sunburn --A subtle N, ,
0 fragranCe Vfte5 Aiming - I I
I 0, , charm Try th!S&inty - ". '� -
. 0 it
I 0 toilet fteigisitd. . 11
0� 0 Afs&attinaw . i .
, .- 4
I "' � � 11
45 .. It 11
0 ,
'. 1 BALM
� 1�
� � Cinadso Limited
. a � i0xids 6 . 6111faill.
I . to-
, .. . . 1. . I . .
, ,
. I
, .
TIte Goderich5lanufacturing Coto Limited.
G'oderlebo Ontario.
Goderich ]Na'nhig �Iflls, Godericb, Ont.
-11 A