HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-05-26, Page 1Every Thursday Monti The Star is publiehed every Tburaday morning, REGULARLY, and in the reader's handl_ the eam e day. with Al the Dada up -teethe =Mute nem and the merchandirshig memo* at the eterekeePerra and otheu. in ample tiene for Perinea for week -end buying. ijt tar IPrinting That Pleases imbues and Vadat Printing Itont The Star office la caereet Sa tux and D iteti printed. Peampt acrilica an Mriderate Palls 1:szvmrtr-Turto, nett aPeltae,lildletir $2 a aear in Caned* year to U. points. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, TFIUR8DAY, MAY 29th, 1932 any Witnesses to Testify 111 Action to Boy Meets Shocking, Fate When Horses Run Away LITTLE STIR ON THE'litiLIDAY PT, Old Sol -on /Ust iBeterieur-For Victoria% Day Events PATRONAGE IS DIVIDED '• Some Citizens Go to Races,. But Majority Spend Day. in Garden otoceileh sportsmen divided their pat- ronage between. alitchell -and New Flame , blase sne Ilicteria Day, with a few going V to Saralee Beaatifta weather prevailed id .and taerougitly, enjoyable programs ere . .'evorted. • Pour theusand are xeported to have. • passed through the gates at atlitehell; . where baseball, horseshoe pitertihg, whippet .and harness raeing were. on the program. Ramona, Grettan, Dr. White. ly's good mare, was to haVe started in the rree-tor-41,-but.the race dict not and enta cancelled. pad .Grattan, the • Penetang horse, paced an exhibition Mile in 2.09K to ,equal the track reeord. Net - lie Gold, -owned by Pr. Pinkney of anat.. ford, won the 2.23 and hal Ilea, owned by. Lady., laineardine, took first money in the. 111 Prauk Allen, Goderieh, was one of the Jadges. At New 'Hamburg '. Thellew hamburg meet was one of the, test id years, with ecene of the fastest horses In the arovinee 'cempeting, ;bode - 'men horses wereplated third and tourth baselle three races. The results: • er,-- • . . .• 2:15 Face • la Lady Xsobel (Rowntree), L.- Jones; Midland ... ." 1, 1 1 dr 2, Zonite (Litt) ma. alitonen .. . . ...... ........... •4 .5 4 p, Peter eChillo Littti A Litt:Stratford • 2 2 2 3 4; .• Ray ',Peters .(Heaslip), James Hillis, . .. a a dr Private' tared (Wright), . W. *f. Owens, Tilleoaburg 5 3 4 1 6, Alf. Abdell (idhalmeent, •T• ‘sinith, Gt.ielph '7 6 a 2 Time -2:12, 2:15, 2:16, 211.534. 2;21 Pace 1, Partisan (Chairman) .R. Payette, . reheat:at 1 1,' t 2, deda Harvester (Frazer), Carrion Knight, allenlielin 2. 2 , 2 s 1 Baron lanwater (Ram - ay), Blue liVaters Snailee 2-, a a 7a2 Tinneael :14 te, 2 ;One ' 2:15, 2: e6. , 226 race i, -Pearl Grattan .(a)hairMattte ' R. Payette,. Penetang, • 1 , 1 1 dr 2, . alleet T. • 2, 2 2 1 3', Maxin.e, Harvester. (aine. . say), BIM Voter etabes 3 3 • 4 3 '4 Hazel Petere „ ... .. 4 4 3 2 5, Wm . Todd; T..rishor, ' ' • Asitdon), 1ingamfl1 55 dr Tene-2 i6te , • 27,101/4 , 2 :15%, 2 at. aSzottya MoDongaltedid pot start .any ef his horses, Mit' took in the rates at Sarnia with "Johnny" MuilIn who will drive for 'lain this season. • • . The exodus and arrivalt,from town on the holiday was not large, either on the "'highway or on the railways. The latter report business dar below normal: Apart from those wlao spent the greater part e the day on the gole links or bowling grtens, citizens generally. were to be found ix( their gardens. -.Fewer visitors then in $orrnarl.yeara came to.. Goderich Zr the holiday, although quite a number fret:tout-of-town points were to be found at their cottages Easy For Stoddate "Bob" Steddart had no trouble win- ning the pole vaulting .event -at the Wes - Ida Coterie track meet 'at London On the. holiday. He leared the bar at 12 'feet ani wee not required ..to attempt anything higher. Hie. tearest totripeti- _ EXPENSfVE FISH ' .Calvet Smith. like -Calvin Coo- lidge, le ea aiselpie or Reek Walton. The firstamentioned Cahill last week was enjoying 111S favorite Spot in Gederich toWnship waft% assistant CiaMe 'Overseer W. A McLean of 00dertelt happenea Mengu examilIatan of Calvin's taring revealed three black bass and as a result he was baled to coat. It cost WM 230.25, all told, or slightlY over $14 per ,ftsh. Gal- vin comes from takesicie B. R. 1. The Mack bats seaton does not open until June 15th. S.$. "Manitoulin" to Call at Goderich Will Cal Here Every Sunday Morning, Starting July 10th AmiorniceMent bee been made that the Passenger steamer "Ialanitoulina Will commence 0, we* -end. service from Wiadior, to Goderich mid Kincardine, commencing July 9th and extending un- til August 29th. The boat will leave Windsor at 5 p.m. each SatiledaY, arrIV- ing at Goderich early Sunday morning and departing Sunday rdght on the re- turn trip from Kincardine. Sarnia also Is a port of call. This aunouneement is made •by the Owen Sound Transportation Co, Ltd.. owners of the boat. The regular weekly tripof the "Manitoulin," will .be to. leave Windsor at 5 pan. .eveay Monday, tailing at Sarnia, Owen Sound, Killarney, Idani- towaning, Little Current, Gore Bay and Sault Ste Marie atetafteni there will go direct to Sarnia and Windsor, arriving at Windsor at 6 a.m. -on Saturday, lorring the mine evening ter Goderich and Kincardine. e The faxes from Windsoror Sarnia /or six-day canes aro •$40 for, an inside ealeht And $55 Or an outside, and for the week -end cruise. to Goderich and. Kin- cardine the WO is zlz for laskla and 05 or en MIDI* (*bin. • a TENANT. ACQUOTEP OF ASSAULT CHARGE Lorne swift*, Aged 14, Killed GOderich Twp. •Acticlent • WHEELS PASS OVER HEAD Slipped From Seat of Sprayer... Team Takes Wright (Porter's Hill Correspondence) On MondaY morning of this week Levee Switzer, aged 14, son of monis, awitzer, hayileicteClinton. road, WM idlled wben he slipped oft the seat or &spray. Ing tank in his father's orchard, failing under the horses' heels, The team ran away, the front wileel of the vehicle Passing over the imrornmate boy, crush - Ing his head so severely that death was instantaneous.. . The funeral on Wednesda7 was very largely attended. Lorne's school coin - minion& to 'the uumber of thirty, took part in the eervIce, singing a hymn and marching before the cortege to the road and at the hayfield cemetery from the gates to the grave Rev. Ito al. Cane, minister of the Crated thurch 4 hay- field and Porter's hill, and Rev. Mr. Paull, rector of the . Anglican charch, hayfield, officiated. Anderson Stott sang a tole. , Surviving are his father and one bro- ther, Earl. Ms grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Ja& Switzer, also .reside at the home,' and Mr. Jas. Switzer is at prese ent seriously ell. Relatives were. present at the funeral Irmo Paisley, Teesivater; Kincardine, Blyth, Wingetam, stratferd and .I.Cippen. The tragedy was a shopir to residents' of' the conmitmity and deepest sympathy is expressed for those bereaved. • Blue Water Prexy Throws Up Sponge Col. Woodrow 'Disbands the . Association --Asked to Reconsider? The Blue Water Highway Associatima !through its president, got. o. ele 'Wood- row Of Sand& bits "edam towl e and altlet along' the route that the absocia: tion has thrown np the sponge and will cease to exist. The letter was sent out At • Blyth last Thursday Alvanley a week ago and has been published else: Garret, Millet township, faced County where. Magistrate Reid on a. charge of assault In his recent tour of Places along the preferred by William Austin, in 'whose route Co Woodrow reedited encouraging house' Gareat lives. There has been Protases of assistance at Coderich and some trouble vet rent and It was on the other pieces, but rude jolts at South.. oceadon of one of the landlord% perkett- ampton and Owen Sound; which places cal visits that the assault was alleged tor have withdrawn their financial assist - have taken place. The evidence die- anee. closed, however, that one party was in the letter Col. Woodrow expresses Dowilin g_ Novice :equally as aegressive as was the other his- great disepPointraent, especially after, and that accused, for the most pita twee so mach time ana effort has been given BinnersLuck only defending himself. Hence the dis- in the past eleven yeas He confessesniissal . Has eg' that he cannot understand the attitude . NOTHING JUST LIKE GODERICH'S S011. • • A Windsor Irian wlio spent Vte- tor Day at his summer tottage here, returned home convinced thet Cioderieh goll produces some- thing More than dew worms and vegetables, While doing a little spading 2L his garden. TueadAY morning he turned over three per - redly good bottles or Velladian. liquor, Ile could Searcela believe his eyes et flrsb, but the Geverna Meet Seals Were :ouzel !Meet. ,alley were l'ound at three different pieces. With, the flat discovery be redoubled his efferte and with the discovery of the second, he trebled them., The Soden was spaded in half lite regulation time and at tile finish the dirt was nye Ing in ea directions. The man is coneldering resigning hia ,position and taking a inh digging '<lode, rich aardens. It would be 'unfair' to say which garden in the south end of the town produces melt wonderful crops. Council Discovers A Discrepancy? Now Says.YearCo $4$2e g 02a711a 57 Not uIng o; title With reference to the claim of Dr, A. Entraeleon, thairtnen of the collegiate Institute !hotted, that a saving et $2,075 )sad been affected in, the Collegiate esti- mates this year, the town council finds that the reduction is not $2,075, but only $320. Following .is alt extratt from the fMance corninittee report: 'Regarding the letter of May 5th from T, Emraerson, with reference to the Collegialeaanstitute financial require- ments, stating that the Collegiateis esti- enatea, for /932 were $2,075 Tower than estimated tor 1931, we And that in tau the Collegiate Institute beard, asked the pouncti for a14,80e linden 1.932 the town was asked for $14,480, or only a reduc- tion of 4321" • .••• Trita. lettee was flled, , WORK COMMENCED AT . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • Work wa5 started by''''Wesibroole `as frarriath on Monday moruingt at the' Presbyterian church, where an eatenalve contract will be coMpleted this summer. Laserything has been removed from the basement and the partitions and floors are being torn out. Several sub -con- tracts have been awarded; W. IL Dix*, cement; W., -Phillips, anasonrY; Dave Munto, painting. WANTED AiGelINTS WANTED, -Don't be work- . less if you want to be active. Be- came year own boss in selling MO home and . farm neceesitie.s. 100% profits, Make $30.00 weekly to start with.. Can- adian Line. Sure sale in every home. No risk, Very attractive proposition, FAMILEX. COMPANY, 4785 St. Cather- ine East, Montreal. BABY CHICKS FOB, SALE , Baar CRICKS FOR SALE. -S. C. W. Leghornsatexceptioncaly, heavy lay- ing strain, 1500 hats since Dec, 1 have given an average production of nearly 65%. Bred for health, vigor and high produotion. We have used pedigreed tore were S. Apps of parts, and B. Nemo- cockerels for five years All eauset ehtick, Detroit, wile were thecked out at 11 feet, 9 inehes. • "Bina harrow, who Was entered in the mile rate, was plated fourth, a , very ' cteditable eh -awing' In a 'forma. the,' I ' event tvaS evert*by E. More of Hamiltorx a In tito splendid time of 4:26.940.' - .- . .. LOST 140 eiT.-ttetweeti Port Albert and Kingebridge on Monday, May 40th, a five -gallon elm full ef coal oil. Pinder please totranunicate .with Canadian .011 Co., Clinton, or with WHITE ROSE Shit - 'VIM STATION, Huron Ad., Goderich. PUBLIC NOTICE inAwN MOWPAS STIARPIINED andre- paired by machinery. All worio tolled for and delivered. BARKER 5311,00., Blue Water highwsouth of Godericla Piattie 241 456.00 REWARD Per the Gillette, Probak, or Velvet eidgeBlado that .lifitinstructions fail to sharpen. They oast only 50 cents and last a Olefins% no extra cost. I had only .1 new paCkt f blades nest year. A. PLZMING, 54 Illantyre Ave,. Toronto, GOMEL .1,4,4.1tE6t. Consulting and lifunicipal Engineering Drainage-tand Surveying attranle Temple Bldg. Goderich, Ont. Phone a30 predated On the faint, May price Se, June' 90 or 48.5o. per hundred. Also chickens 1 to 0 weeks.old at 11e, 13e 150. W. HUME CLUTPON, R. R. 5Clo4eri0h. Piteatt 14134. FOR SALE. OR TO 11.V.S1 INONT.--Light hottekeeping roorris for rent or rota With board. Cooe Vetiletat to the Square. ,•• Pnuniire at STAR, OnTIOR , OR .114LE OR WASH. -Teo -acre orchard, with bificlings, hayfield Road and Bennett rat. Apply MRS, 010* WESTON. FARM - FOR SALE. -Forty acres, more or toe, the property of the late W. C. ttsftel, situated at the end of South street on the southern boundary of the town; of good clay loam, large Wise and barn, drive shed; workshop; lienshousea artesian well (105 feet), the very best of water; good fruit trees. rdeal location, close to sohools and churches.. ,Por further Particulars aPPI9 on the prenntes or to PERCY or WILL NAPVIIG, C. H. HUMEIER d Kt/YELLER THE SMALL MORE WITH tilt OM STOCK pun Lifi date. feast Who needs We instiralice Meet Is.the man tato cannot get It. Ask any of the 400,005 men who last year Were "turned down" by the 'lilo insurance torepanies when they wanted insurance. An *cadent, or a fesv days of illness often convert a good risk into et rejeeted applicant. Tie policy yen caa. buy tooday tcag tot to adatlitable next yearl. The time to inseam is now. &Ice us ,rhente: thesidente 5 H. R. LONG, District Agent of a city, the refusal of which, it must “Bill,, Barlow and Ernie Pridham have been known, would difsrupt the Association. however, it is now done, • Win Holiday . the Asseciation it through and all that remains is the payment of about $1000 in IDoubles outstanding accounts, *blob, if the municipalities do not share will have to be met by 001. Woodrow and Secretary Ferguson. The Blue Water Highway Association has undoubtedly. done much. valuable work arid it ie a matter of regret that It cannot be continued. There is a movement on foot In (Wed& to have Col. Woodrow reconsider his decision. , Special for. Friday . and Saturday, 25 only Silk 'Crepe Dresser, regular from 0,95 to $16.50. Your choice for two days, only $4.95 each at SCHAEFER'S. eseaste. • COURT OF REVISION' • -area . (10Vear OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP . • Court of Revision Of the 1932'assess- merit roll for the Township of Colborne will be held in the ball at. Dario* Tues- day, June 14th, At 1 DAIL, •wheti all com- plaints of assessment that have been re. telved by the Clerk, not. later than NfaY 14th, will be heard and, decider!. • V. .M011,11,18, Clerk. • sitEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE AND mounats= AGENCY. Good 200 acre farm for sale, slaughter price, over 100 acreS now under cultiva- tion, iriore ready, prinoipally clay loam soil, mostly self drained, no waste. fine condition, plowing done, balance pasture and tiniber. Bank barn and 8 -room dwelling haute in good condition. Lo- cated about 12 MHO from Gotland), 4000 to„echeol and good village. Price $4,600, being only. $23.00 per acre, worth much Mere. Terilis 81100 emit, easy ter= for balance. Immediate poosession, • • Number dwelling houso for sae front $530 up. Good' lee stery brick lioute, full mod- ern equipped, peke $2000, very eaint terms for payment. &nernl. houses for rent. 4, W. AlainTRONG. . hox 80, Goderich. J. W. CRAIGIE . insurance amilleal Estate DOMINIONPROMO/Mg MUNICIPAL SOROS. THE 0. F. CAREY CO. ME, ACelfiENT aria ROTOR CA* Mee It A NC% meter Kit, Tile Afidisi Life of Canada mice: -"Aeolic server, west sr.; +motile • hews 233 NILSON SRL Nam WALT1121 Niklarldfa PubUthsc BEDFORD CHILDREN eita BCLItuABSIIWEASTER MUST PROVE CHARGE -c - UN U INFLUENCE Judge Costello Refuses to Upset Will of Wormer Hotelkeeper, hi . Which Mrs. Bowler, Housekeeper, la a Beneficiary—Not Un. usual for Perfect Strangers to 'Receive Gifts. Says Judge Costello-AOrders Trial to Proceed. The Surrogate Court action to upset the last will and testament of the laite John S. Bedford, hotel man, concluded its first day before Judge Costello on Monday and was adjourned until Thursday. With ,thirty witnesses yet to be iheard, the trial V expeCted to run well Into Friday. The case has aroused widespread. interest,. • At the outSet on Monday the onus was placed on the executor, F. R. Darrow, to prove that deceased was of sound mind when he made his last wilt and that undue influence was not exercised, as alleged. .After a day's testimony His Honor ruled that the exeCutor had made out a prinfa facie case and there was no reason, on (the evi- dence so far.adduced, Why the cavial filed by Mrs. Gladys Allard, daughter, and John S. Bedford, jr., son, should succeed. His Honor therefore dhifted the burden of proof to Mrs. Allard and, •John Bed. ford'and ordered the .case to proceed on Thursday. ' • "So far theft has been nothing produced to dititin,guish this will front ,dozens of others. It has been the experience of all of •us to find that gifts to perfect strangers are hard to understand,' said Judge Costello after hearing argument of counsel: • It Was disclosed during the evidence that John $.,Bedford was at one time worth front $40,000 to.$100,000, One counsel stated the estate was not now worth a fraction of that amount. Evidence yet to be given is expected to reveal particulars of the expenditure of rentals amounting to $4,300 a year for the past two years, the par. ticulars of heavy dettts incurred since Mrs. Bedford's death two years ago, the placing of St t,6.00 Mortgages on the property and the dis- position of $10,000 received from the sale of the hotel chattels to Litt 8/, titt. The allegations, of undue influence being exercised re- volve. around Mrs. Mary Bowler,• beneficiary under thew:ill, and housekeeper for Mr. Bedford a.fter his wife's death. • • he action to upset the last will and -qnce Of a diamond ring, the property of testament of the late Jelin S. )3edford, owner of the hotel, toed business block which bears his name, comtneneed in Surrogate Court. before His Honor Judge Costello on Monday, morning.' The will is being attacked by Mrs GladyS Mtge - bent Allard, daughter, a beneficiary to the extent . of 41,000 and John Se Bed- ford,- a On who shares the residue with another son, Kenneth Verdun Bedford, Mrs. lelary Bowler, housekeeper, received *2000 a radio and diamond ring. It D vitiated that Mrs howler etrarcise4 nine due influenee atter the late Mr. Bedford and that he lacked testamentary capac- ity'. Much ot the evidence revolvet aroundathese points. 4."6. ifaklnS E of Stratford, 13 acting or Mr& Allard ated John S. Bed- ford. D. E, Holmes is acting for the Of - Frank Dointelly Is acting fOr Mrs Mary 'Male I was there Ma Bedford. Isi tidal .0uardiart and Kenneth Bedford, Bowler and F. R. Darrow, ehe executor, structed me to draw up a new will for represents himself. Two Hours on an - • he wanted and hetsaiel, Make it the him," said 'witness "I asked him what same, exeept that-theagtfe to- the-110a?0•,- After a saint:ash by counsel as to the keeper was to .be changed from 51000 to tfontasru ait,1°1118 wwhichIltleedh y °trlcauthePletdinetkheceut; 52000, and also a diamond ring and radio given to her should be placed hi the position of Plata- "/ . • • tiff and all others derendants. In two hours' at the Monday morning.. otinneuetamitarm. elattraintrgow. , "and he mid: 'the ""staa "-vas tavarae vele able ond ask co him whiTchhe diwia ni 0:Ad:arca:a.- hs,„(neveeteo eeoeok , „ session -F. Ft, Darrow was on the witness Up next day in Mr. Bedford's bedroom in Paprkol,rjfitgetutthrie. PThianala Hata People's Presbytery are platin:intseY3e!tbuntigni a abort after -supper address.. Menem - stand. He stated that he was executor the presence of Dr, J. M. Orahant arid afternoon of sporten-racee, ttigeot-war, girls' and a boys' coftball mune. 4. Jae, Fialay will be present and will give IL.Macklin, This will gave but 51000 to taint, June lltb, at 2,30 p.m, Mrs Bowler. A derplay of tulipwill be hold by the Reverting to circumstantes surround- 40toadrerlivcitibdolomiticuusulturriaclo!oeneidet.neY mnim ibTehe (Continued on page 0 of the Soddy are asked to bring their flowers to The atar oftice Saturday morn - be fashion -right is to wear Polka Dot, Smart Cap aleeve Woos and Jackets. These are very prootical and the prices are moot Veatonoble. A lull range of deo are to be found at . • Council Warns All and Sundry to Pro- Next. Tuoday evening Dr. A. d. Vine SCHAUelada, epeak in the MacKay Bali on. the Wet 'Selves eubject of "Narcotice and Canada'a Part in Them." Dr, Vining cornet as a repro: - tentative Of. the Dominion Social Service Council and is well qualified to speak on this subject. he has travelled extensive- ly anti Is an intereeting speaker. Mr. 3. P. Hume, principal of the Goderich Col- legiate Inetaute, will oteupy the chair. A silver collection will be taken up, howling on the green for the first time in competition on Victoria. Day, "Bill" Berkey, baseball magnate of other days, enjoyed. "beginners' luck" in whining the, Scotch Doubles with Ernie Pridham. Second prize went to James hiseet and George Manley. It certainly was an auspicious entry into the realm of "old Inen's sports" for Mrarlow. . Eight rinks participated in the holiday event at the Picton street greens. Con- sidering the earlinese of the -season the sward was in floe tondition. The club 18 Making seine iraprovements to its pro- perty, Stronger and, higher liglits, and more of them, are being installed. It 25 expected that the new steatite will be Med for the firet time ort -June 22nd, on the becasion of the big tournament. The club . has seventy -fare 'Inernleers and Is looking forward to a big season. Heavy felt paper cemented to your floor, then Inlaid Litioleurn Cemented to the felt and you litiVe a Soar ethich will give you long years of Wear. Your choice of a wide range of /adds at SCHIAEFER'S. EXTRA OPTICAL OFFER High grade, etylish and Most' up to date Spectaclend eye glaesee, rim or rimlos. Your choice of shell, white or Mule gold-lilleda with, lentea complete tor onlY $3.50. Itivielble bifotale, with balite tomplete, only 512.00. Zoete prices Include a thorougit exemittatien of your eyea by our well-known and paint - taking opecialitt, li,fr. Ilughton, over 20 years towing to Goderich. You are assured of the best optical work to be obtalised Mut at these extraordinary low lento. %%amity and Prickly, June Oth and atiotrrinG ART STORM Gederielt. Kenneth "Bud" Bedford. "Thera had been Some publicity in the nail/slid:pets about this diamond, tie said, and he was &eked' what he could do :to Patch it •UP, as it was. undesirable.. The tang, it Was explaiaed, had +been found and retinned, ' Under crosseexarnination by Ma Mak- Ins, Mr. Darrow Said that he bad an ex- planation published la a local newspaper setting outthat the diamond had be - tome . loose front its setting, had been knocked off a window sill and fallen into a crack in a floor, .where itwas recover.' ea by te.workinan. Por & nine a piece 01 glass' was substituted for the real dia. mord,. which was eventually returned ou pressure ,being brought by the police Mr, Darrow saarthat who had 'called lam to the, house about the •ritig. • • • • 'A New Whi Ordered • • Mrs. B. E. Smith Sustains Broken Arat.--Datroiters Eyck*. Two Motor atelderitS biwe been re- ported in the pat 48 holm. Mrs. B. E. Smith, Visite of the Vice-president and sales Manager ot the Dominion Roads Machinery Co., had her right arm bro- kaceton.olirusitliyieesaoaDepetaro*tetziteurstythlerorythr:re.4Mtronai.; When their ear turned over three times. Both accidents oeeUrred en the Blue Wileaidte.e IllithWay between here, and ' Shertly after midnight In Wedneeday• Mr. and Mrs. Smith were returning front Bthsraeltipilrotelitht4okt. tbRrnearverlotwIrbte4dagrille *sevOn Miles south of Goderich they Met a eotithbound tea 'Striking loose gravel In turning out the ear started to "ehimitte and the dust from the southbound car obscurea the driver's view. The tar crashed first, into one side et the bridge railing and then the other, From one Impact Mrs. Sinith, differed a brearat arm. Mr. Sinai) was rendered mouton- tarlly uncolialous but not before be had brought bis ear to a halt. On examinatioli .it was found that the skied or the oar had been cruelied, but the enatne and radiator were unharmed. - The maohlne was driven to *Wendt ' under its own power and medical aid eeeured tor' Mrs, Smith, IVIiraculoas Escape Three Detroit people,n lady and two men, extent yestardey her while their, oar was being repaired, Three miles . north of hayfield, at 10 o'eloeic in the meriting, it turned over three times after strlklirol nagol‘ooy stoorocavcounpagnettrriegae4ouptediniarcounry- Is sonsethhig they eannot themselves ea- t:dein. The ear sustalted extensivedam- ages to its renders and running boards: also the top, hut , proCceded to Owen Sound late la the afternoon "ailed tem- Peral7 repairs had beennnade. 1 COthinh Events -• . ... . . AND. BUSINESS BRIEFS • • • . • ' The Vittoria Horne and 'Wheal (Stub will held a baking eale ill 0, M. Rated-. son's . groeery dere on Saturday, May . . . ., Tip evg.ulat 'meeting of the Sanford Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the home of mrs. Wm. latav .on' Thursday. June 2nd, at 2.90 o'clOck. . . __. . The Oeatial Horne and School *Mb are having a lawn entertainment and tee on Friday afternoon, May 27th, at 1.30 aharp. .A prograM of 'demo, ,chOntsee and doubting has bon arranged. Ad - Maiden ide, tea. 10o. ' - Th' e regular . merithly. meetina ef the Goderiett Women% Distitute will be held at Maeltay _Hall on Thursday, June 2nd, at: -13 aTamsk. Cuteent egelets win tie given by Mrs. B. Price; a paper on "Vege- tables, and Their Value," will be given -ay Miss Groves, and roll telt. w I be an - of the estate of the late Whs. J, S. Bed- myself. We -both witnessed it," ford who died in December, 1928. On rt developed that the first will, Made the nth of October, 1931, he was tolled on' October 28th. 1929, Was dratvn up and to °the ehdomdeureinfstavisitthhelateatrthat . ahtbedtfoolatter in duly witnessed in Mr, Darrow's tante wan the presence of Mr, Bedford and Dr. A. wished to make his will. Mystery of Diamond Ring Mr. Darrow said he was first called on another matter, that ot the disappear - Ask Single Men, Too, No Parking Edict in Court House Park to Grow Vegetables Town Town Council Bans Autos— Say Police Need "Jeolting UP" ,After some din:unseat on Friday night eoUnell passed a motion instructing the police to put s *top to the parking of autotnobiles ar other vehitlee in Court houte Park. The motiofrwas sponsored ba Councillor Rebert Turner and Reeve J. W, and received unanimou sus "The pollee nhould be notified to familLarize thentaelvett with the bylaw, of this town," said Councillor Turner. "Carr: are parked in Court 'louse Park and they are Paeeina step algae at a ter - rifle rate. Cart alto are parked three and four deep on the Square on flatur- day night. Why can't the pollee regu.: late these' things? 1 am not suagesting that citizens be hauled before the magi. toria re tool for his havIna some pupua etrate, but they can be reprimanded by or *the echool who helped themecivea to the pollee. 1 would etiageet that the Chief come up town for a few hours on Saturday nightami kelp out.. "The tourt house park b not a park- ing ground," mad Councillor Turner. "I admit that perhatio the ludao and the pollee, at times, find It necessary to en- ter the park with their ears, but other - wile 'there is plenty of room outeide to park. There 'Mould be no privileged people. Time land, belonae to the eitieens of Galeria 11 vale never meant for a parking ground. 1 &rat want to be barols dud have it eald that I take MD vita' lxaule 1 40 not drive a tate I want to be fair." Single, as wall aa married men, who received relief Lauri the towtt last winter, are 'being warned to Oho time by the forelock and put something, particularly vegetables, away for the proverbial rainy day, The following letter, eigned by E. De Brown, relief chairman, bee been mailed Out to everybody on the relief list: P "We have just tome through another winter and, have beett able to belp you by giving you work on the sewer, but we tee nothing In sight for work for neat win- ter. We therefore urge you to plant enough vaaetablea to provide for youreelf and family for the confine year. If your lot is unsuitable or not large enough, the Council will provide for you a vaeant lot if You will plant it and keep it properly eultivated. "The eouncil has decided that If you do-naot take advantage of this and grow enough vegetables for your own use that they will not provide for you nal coin- ing winter. "Tine applio to single Men, else." Mementoes of Napoleanic Wars Are Available to the Historical Society Th te Goderich historical Soeiety, a beautiful portable writing detis inlaid through Dr. W.. W. Margin may come with mother of pearl and alver, a unique nto possession of a valuable and Most tea cabinet. Napoleenic •war medals, 4 hitereating collection of antinues repre- title of nobility :bestowed on Captain geldinga period of over a century ago. Ottway by Queen Isabella of Spain. the The collection WO.S glvct tO Inr. Martin jack. and royal pennant of It. M. S. by the late rank Itayd n of Port. Albert Coniet, Indian relies of tite Northwest for presentation to the historical Natty, Rebellion and others of the Fenian Raid. providing suitable and pc:raiment guar- 11 is by far the 11104t interesting leaterie tele ars wcvued, cat eel/talon in there parts. The collection originally is that of the In recent Weeks tlio town counell ton lath Captain OttWity.. of If. M. f3, Comet, forred the matter Of quarters for the and most of the articles were collected historical society to tile *total commit - during the NapOleade wars. In tire col- tee, but nothing definite has ever been fettles% me 4 et ord, a swerel'cone, taut!. decided, on, other than that a vonort col initruments, telesczor, snectaeles, that the stetter was Leine Icaltel la13. eketehes, chart!, ete„ a itond-sitade and A room in the punlie library is under hand.earted dotibie.baselled ghat rin, copmeratten, , • Cain OF THANKS . . Mrs. John Weston and family with to thank friends and nehrhbora for kind- ness and tympana? thorn Worn at the time of the illness of Mr. Weston...and in their bereavement. Tney also thank those who lent Care and' those wixo sent floral tribince. Mr. J. Bicknell wishea to dove= bia thanIts o Principal Stonehouso of Vic - Sequins "jacking Vp" In the epinion of Councillor HuMbet the orate° require a "Jacking IIP" Itt the Matter of enforcing town belawe. Them etatetraente bad teca hauled out 1st the daylight, lie eald, and were Iound quite adequate to coven the -letine if they were only enforeedn-if the Pollee 01117 were convertant with them. Mayne lineonnOtte, policeman eanitot watat eight milers. I Valois titer law is pretty well observed:' Contiolhoo Turner -"Welt then, lathe, Chief COMO up town at iniglit and help out," flowere from Mr. Melmalas lot lit Selte ford make apology for tbe maderacatter, lbw should ae it warning to others. Mr. Bicknell also winhes to ask bays to re- frain front shooting from the beak amens the highway. • • ' BORN COMM. -4n Alexandra Marine and General Itoepital, on WednesdaY. May 25111, to Mr. and Mrs. 'lame. Setilres, a ton. DIED exAtp„ONapea-lin hayfield. on Thurs- day, May linh, 1e32, John Tudor Gated - nor. Iltlitittra.O-At London, on rriday. May 20111, 1032Augusta WESTON.--At Goderich, ntaundaY, May Minn '1032, John 'Weeten, in Ins 85111 year. • IN astatonticat Ifni -AV. -In loving memory of riebert Hasty, who passed sway May 29t1a 192a. 11 is lonely without ;on, cleat' .fattier; Life hat stover teemed illtt tho name Sinai we cannot allay your coming, Or weteemo your vein again. May Ood grant to us all a gathering -Li a beautiful home above; Whom wo all Moll !Aug 1113nt3t,21 Aza lave kilowleage Galt oWat be. Coolly sitisoca 'by WIVE and PAIVIILV.