The Goderich Star, 1932-05-19, Page 10;,••
VaileaWDAY. MAY len, 1E2
0 ow pf
un annon
eare. W. te. Maiee r.nreiee aa aage
. vatteat ace:: Leettaaw. •
tax. et, Teelleavea reentereeg Ceme
tear: the Lease et Iter are:ilea Lea
uC1'aaaePaetel, aad leer cleeeta, p,
Meras Vaceaeed. reeteet.:a,7 reset
teat, Mr. elarpeara Mae area.c.e.:e
Celiceasezel are U.
, awl Caoe. laleat. Dem ilea ae weete
ex: clay lel meet the fonieere =Aiwa
Mee. Ocerce 13:re, Ins eunti M.• Erewn.
end brother-m.1cm, Mr. teleertetaleee'exa
ate two ceusina, Mice eaeainten• . Ile
and Ur. atorrard. Wawa, all of zeusear-
eltee• Erase Iteaph, who haae been i
zoirec-ttnu Ia VI:aerie Laspital,
Leacadeu; is a atteef with be parents, Mr.
• and Mrs, Burtea Bona, for a few daya
•We:a rowans her dutlea at Alegandra
Merino •and General Ilespital Ooderich,
where ehe wflt complete Iter three-yeare•e
•The half-day coaching elass WhIele was
sehedulea tr) be held in Duneannon on
• fieturday, alay 23th, 1 to Cii.e held rani
Saturday May Met, instead, It (will he •
amnion leaded ehareet et lam paw six montlis' eourse as a nureeein-training
,Special, Prices_
in WalloPaper
To Char
Also Room Lots
Bring- Your ROOM
Cole's 'Book Store
a held in the Suuday eehool room of Dun.
ei. haifeday class win also eiele et in Victoria -Hospital, London, on Wed.
• Aub• ri the ea d t 0.00 • needay. Sho will return then to her
venefigge maiden= jeheaellatamen, duties as a ninee-in-training In Alexaue
Goeerith, win ,colobrAto may Com- dra Marhte 'and General Respite:, Code -
Amnion 'in St. Pala% Anglicen thumb, data where elle 1411-a0MPlete her three-
lattrigannott on -Sunday next. May 22nd, Year WAX'S, th13 Ma Will -be
at, the eervice at laeop lane alai at ("heist among the zeuree$ to .graduate in June.
church, Port. Albert, at the service at Rev. William flan • le ePeadIag tI'414
3110 1)M The Archdeacon will be the week nt Lannon. where be is .10 atteade
preacher at both, services, as the e.eotoa ane at the "Retreat,'" eonducted bY the
Ray. enamel gale win be ree London, -Right Rev. O. A. Seeger, M. A., D. De
The regular reedier f the z,ungannon L De Lord Bishop of Iluron, aad Dr,
branch et the Weneen% Institate will be Ce C. Waller, Principal of Huron College.
heal Theastene May 28th, at 2 P.m. dt TI* Lce'd BIshaP " 734°rie Rigbt Re14
the time at were, chas, Alton. The eon A. Seeger will held Ordination services
eau veig be answered by the paying or in SL Paul% Cathedral, London on Seri-
reee and the annual teport of the Year day next, when fiVe men will be admit -
Will he et feature Of the meettnee. The ted to the lefacoriete and ger Men will
hozteseee will lie Mrs. Ilurtea Rauh, be admitted to the 'priest's orders Bee,
ivies„ Nor° otawatt ind rarka mat Vitil•liam Halt will be one at the rile. -
who era. aho havo ohmage oa , the pro. The funeral or. may Arnaldo, Black,
gram. wife of John Smith, formerly of Dun -
The Misses flora Derain Many ilannon, and new of Bluevale, who P1
nor Margaret Ryan, Laurette ,lefeCiare tied Away at the family„home at Blue -
awl Bola Brnyth, left en uende5, efte.;,,, vale, was held on WednesdaYe of. tins.
noon for ,Guelpti. Where they are le at,- r*ek to paagallnall cemetery. gem de-
tenderize at the Ofrire Confererice .being ceased, aa teal as her Inicband. Were
held ilr McDonald 'College, May 17th Ai we" •erlawa In Thiagal/aaa and vlainItY"
lent, ineluelere. Mrgy LaMar Is sent by rta '°Ie Parents at bath were pioneer reel -
the JultiOr rnstitute and ekergaret leYon dents of the district. in addition to her
by the Settler Institute. and ,expeuees husband a grown -UP tetra" aurvIves. Met by these two oreanizations. The services were vendueted by Bev.
The •trip was made by motor. Pat,terso.„11. of the DitieVale Presby -
Right Rev. C. A. Seeger, Bishop of ‘'er'"a cuara`"
*Wrong `WM spend an day felday, May The ,vegular meeting Of the Junior
.2eth, in this parish. Confirmation will Pertners' Club, *able% be'held in the
tie administeeed Eit, Pours church, Parfet' Hallo DalaSaauan'' an ThursdaY
Dungannon, at 3:00 pen„ and in chrtst evening, June 2nd, Promises to be a very
ehureh, port labert. at 8:00 pan. The interesting one.. 'following the eon call.
Anglican cemetery at Port Albert Wee be • which will be answered by one -minute
' dedicated on Ms &W. an It is expeetedl,eneeellee, and routine am -Singes. ehet'e wili
that Rev, Wall= Hall I* inducted De a Veiling Mateh, the Imes* to Pay
flatreclozwr otrt,tialfejevce•Par rtishb.e Intoneithrinistatlooniturs.sei::
nthisen mole, The .guest -speaker win be
erahestra Which WM afterwards fur-
; ger, Arnold Voicea Who Will give a *worth
MrS.• Iteitoh „*pent * -few While addreat. The Junior Institute will
11-.140. at the beginntrig . this Week ra be entests of the Junior. loarMetre Club
. Lextdoh, as gaeat With ter datedlter that evening. Refreshments will be
• "mess Entla Thiaeh, who will tompletehet eeevea%
.Mies Claire Pentlend lent her Inane on
I Thurecitter afternoon for the regular
:monthly meeting of the Jatilor Inetitette.
'width. was largely attended. In the eb.
'settee Of the 'president, „Vass afargeret
Darren, whose home is Ineaer querantine
ieor measlea, 'Miss Mao Lednor, tbe first
ivierapresiclent, Perferined the duties of
•president and conducted the • anee.tingd
Tile roll waS anewered by alethat
eonsIder to be most important in a girl's
personal appearance" cense seien An-
derson read a paper on the subject, "The
-Girl and Iter Personal APPearanaat" and
Miss Evelyn Culbmt gave a. Palter on
the subJect. °the Girl in the Horne and
In the Cornmunity.'"there Was a pare
dde of house dresses gtven by. the Vases
Laurette McClure, Mary, Lednor and
Amy Young, These weed judged by the
alass and placed In order of choice, the
first choice going to Mary Lefton Itea-
sons for the ehelee 'were given as regards
tolor, Materiel and making.
Arrangernents were Made for.the distriet
anneal meeting Whith is to be held at
Belgrave en Tuesday,. June "a and the
alieses Margaret, Durnine Doris Smith,
Evelyn Culbert, were appoirited as dela-
gates, A demonetration on •talile-setting
.1.5 to be given at the distriot annual meet.
rneetine which Is to be held at leolgrave
en Tuesday, June 7, and the Mieses Mar-
garet Durnin, Dells SmIth, Reelyn Cul-
bert, were *Pointed 'deiegates. A
detrionstration on table -setting is to be
given at the distriet anneal meeting by
the aunior Digitate of Dungannon and
this waa arranged for Communite sing -
Mg by the aunior Inille*te of Dattgan-
non, and this Wee atriatgeti for. CM-
Munit3i gush* Ives Interspersed through-
out the program, Vehleit elased with the
einglag 'et the atittititriet AnthetereMiss
Clare Pentland alerfernled the ditties of
Pianist. At alaieglAre or the meeting tee
fregintads Were Served, the he/kettles
being the Mtge* Jean 'JotMeetan, Amy
Yatteig end Mrs, Ditelderal. •
Aleh Pentland. and Mile Margaret
Pellttend, Of Clederlat terretshile 'Vistted
•ims-ThiratzED mulc
, copszt ciimir •
- SlITTE1101111ME
Phone 234 • Britannia Bd.
, OW'
Window and Verandah
Do not neglecb the nertnY Ping-
bilitlee of Making Tout borne
more beetttllttl an& attractive
through the use Of Ilanging
Bailees anti flower 'love for both
year wren and Windows. Ale°
IMprove year serrolinclinge with
flower bale teleely planted.
imire St. , Phone 108
rtien*s and Boys'
Sweat Shiris
with Ziaper fasteners. Just the
Shirt for spring and sunitnee Weer.
in, an the pepidar *lace or ,
aletaell, Slue. Greta end White...,
Men's sled, 84 to 42, at
- $1.35
Pore gees, 20 .to 32, at
Agent, tor
Tip Top Tailors •
not in
We let ,prepwred t* All all orders
with pure take Huron isa. - GoV-
trument-tested tairl-lierretted tine
der the suPerVISien of the Blind
Ilealth. Prompt serVice and
re/enable, arieeS.
J. H. Graham ti Son
tune 1$-W
ee Kaitting Bros.
We can supply you with
Screened or unscreened
Remodel Lawns and Cemetery Plots. Will
e individual contracts for Garbage Collection
once a week or twke a week as desired.
ireaarely seeee Kea- aarente„ U. aricia!
,eare, A. D. laCeCiereal..
Ma. Waimea Peatee, Gettaateee two., t
4a..e reecat eieleter witel fete-eale eie Rae-
• ArtnMe- T'aaesea. htratterd
aeietteel were* week:mei abler wiles age",
• .methce, Mo. Brain.•
a Rana filiadeletea, cf Stratteed tkee
mal Ea:Dee& *eat Kee Weekeena with lela
fan41T2g. young People et tlee terieci
,eleareine in Dungannon hoere eeeelvedi
invitatlea Atm the young Wage el
p. giezent at a eecial gatiterase in that
Andrew% chtteela Pore Albert, to tee
cesereleo Zerlday eveaine Oe that wed:.
May %he peeeram Will ba Ziaea •
ey ate vleiting Youtig PeOlde.
•Intereet area talcen in the meet-
ing of the le: P. S. of Duneannon United
clutteit held on Wedneeday, Ow 1.5th,
when 'the 'chief feature wee deeate in
conneetien wall • the Irateeelareebyeerial
Delietirie Aseoelation. of the United
eleurele The •subject •*twee: A141alvad
that athe-Valiaideati—OtiValateneent 'await
own and centrol. all telePhone. telgraPh,
inti =Mo. seatenas Canada.". The af-
firinetive was upheld by yoUng people
of Dungannon, the Misses Claire Pent-
land and Luella laaine, while r epeesen-
aelvee the young people ot Turner's
Corners. near Clinton, supported the
negative. Turner's Corners' Yelnia peo-
ple went winner& In a debete vritle Nile
Young Pantie adme few weeks ago upon
the ettleJeat, "Resolved that a untversity
educatioa should be provided at penile
expense to any youna Person snowing
the ability and. deans' to aequite the
same." ' The Dungaution, young people
were winners in a debate upon the eame
saniect with the young people of Blyth.
,Tbis te•the second debate In the eeries.
An electric gran grinder and roller
has been installed In tile barn, of liobte
Davidson tor demonstration purposes,
and is receiving =Itch, favorable comment
• by farmers 'who have hydro installed and
•mho tome for miles to see it. in action.
et. la the output of the Hydro-Eleetrie
co. an was Installed by Messrs. Talbot
and Cornish, eleetricians, of Ooderiola
Recent visitors itt the home of .14,11r. •seaday very' Decently, Mr. Wm. Craig narrowly esealsed a fire
..tavnedek,..menaster Cierald Diestow, spent- the
leers, DavIci Errin%on evielrle Messr321 Toronto.
Vidor Erririgton, eaneession '1, West Wit— the graduation of nurees of fat. dosePirs aehildeeri ulna the lairip. • Tbe flle was Leslie Pentland and Mies Mary Bogie as
wanosh. 'We, are sorry to stateathat Mr.
David Errington who has been confined
to bed through illness for the post alic
vieek re is.not reeevering as aulealY as his
many friends would wish. •
following an inness of about a week's
duratIon there passea to her reward early
Wednieday morning. ane of the. niost
higrey esteemed 'residents of the. twat -
ship of 'Colborne in the Pena= of ,lehas
Catherine Setepperd• Barn '71 years ago
On the farm an wind) she had been a, •
life-long resident; she was one.of..a.
am -
fly ot sots and daughters of the
late -George Shepperd and the late USA
Jane Pentland. •She le survived by one
brother, Samuel, and two astute aliss
Mary Jane SheeiPerel, and eefre. Samuel.
TreleaVen, of iDungannon. Qt a very e
quiet and retiring enspasition sne Was e
very fond of be r home, which was
by het brother Samuel, and her sester.
Mary Jane. She was a aatthful and
memher of alte United chinch
and attended eerviries with great. regu-
larity as lona as health permitted.
ta withal the last year she had been e
valued teacher In the Sunday school it
Nile. Besides the parents she was pre-
deceased by fear *there. Jactsh,
artin Tailoring
Means Better Clothes —
Wo raeintata Quante fa oar
L'XISO bOttar ciace weetlene,
ttilli;11 VC taller in our oria atria.
Special Order
$25. to435.
Dan Dobbs Rats
eetisfY your alutiety or core
at etyllne•
Dry "Cleaning and Pressing.
Altering and Repeiring Serytee.
Frank ii hiartin
Tailor and Ratter.
aolu' burnt'D
• .V. Ciara lege tlee araanaltaa
Ofti-n WeelZ. U: zeta:idea veeet Us tee
eine paeit wear tam- acen Caput peepar.
leg mai plantina the eardene Sat' the
Ler. and Ms. Jonee, Calcdoula. via-
itca tbelr erotism, M. vraliam Devede*.
oa Taesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Daviezen, a aroaz;,:s,
tatted their casein, ear. 1,11111 run David.
leet, emelt.
ealea Weatherheed. of St. Helens, spent
a part ef lett wee e neither; old aaqualna
tam= tho
Mr. William IsTeave, a Goderiele, spat
last SInitlay visiting Itienda rend old etea
allaintanees t,he villege. • .
The Rev. ele Callagher, Of X*010,0147,
1.11a the- Rare Mr. Pocoek, et Se Marks,
eenhauged pulpiteelasteStmdaye-• • -
• Last week Ur, and Mrs. Jones and eon
of Oeleacnne. ' Vistted their eousia, Mr.
Davideon, et *the village.
ter. and Mrs. Co*, of tendon, and
tamlly, oalled ion old Acquaintances ire
tleis neighborhood the beginning of tins
,weac. • •
Mr. and Mra. Elwin leillatigh had the
supreme satisfaction of welcoming a
daughtee to the featallY allele the begin -
tang of the week.
Mr. and UP. 'Chesney, 'tticeer-
oath, and Mr. and Mrs. Manning, et
Inndesboro, visited at the home of lier.
Jas. ilewatt last Simday. •
• The Presbytyalan congregation of
,Auburn and swath% Rill were supplied
by the Rev« Mr. Comore of Ripley. Mrs.
Connors accompanied him.
Mrs, Wm. &ern. TetoBrien, of White-
clatrolr; has been spending a few days
with- Fier eons, Jasper and Oliver, on the
lath concession of Nullette
East 'Monday the farmers* Club ship -
We are an pleased to see Mr. W. W. per a carload of togs to lateonto market.
Walter out again after his long Maass. ore Tuesday atratsen Bros. of Itlyth
Rev Mr. Connors. of Rodney. Preach- pad a earload of hogs to the saute des -
ed to the Presbyterl n congregation
We Give a List of
rug Store Items
ithiat AZ Cate Sim Tawny end help eon mate a eaving
Mee Roca witea we tarn every eGratCr Z:lhe eh* neva«
Radio Otation,
I . Pala
Mozniae, Wednealey
, • wag Satuaaay
lebatiug, Developing'
• P..41.NOVRA........0010.
: We have
Eine Linen.
Mare Paper and, Pkg.
of Envelope, 25e !
Special Prices
for Saturdtly
EletiteATIVEs 4ga
SAI, PicPATion, alage
IPANA ToOTli 1%Sn e90
oho 490
leo for •geo
COLGATE'S S. la* viasip_
cuuniit 'oeo
AStaarS SALTS, med,
axe 49e
BRESIleatleit, 3 for 400
CitsCANOrg, mod. size goo
OINT•DIDENT, 35e, laie
Silver Case,. neturel
shag'e only, spl. 49e*
plcea. ler-0
twill remote Mk gain
Have you tried ?
4 cakes ggc
. C. Dunlop, . Lauder, .1, Campbelt E. 11. Wigle
Nths Evelya Slum returned from Tor-
onto to her home this week. •
Mrs:.Tab 'made a sbort visit with her
friends Toronto .at the beginning at
this week:,
• Tbe Port Albert W. M, S. Is to meat
at the Nile pareonage on friday after-
noon of this week. •
Mrs. D. mcPhee, aVIrs, J. H. Poullam
erbert Alton. David „ Ere gton and W. L. Voting ahd, %firs. youug, last week. Ile vas maldn: some rpatilris .The 'Immo Ladties' Guild ttet oit
frank and Miss MarY Young. attended he the. house at night a one o e day afte,rne'en this wee With, Mrs
-litia:13e;e:aiRd'eu:.din:osnn.adQ.n'th°entr. the
78th. Mi
ozaiNiscfs Pu:t -9(uftrobrnert3arneorhixercb'elrarne:oeniTt) d°21 -e. LiOitCisCS
Y• • nrearara for Friday even -
The tegui
on Thursday, Maar 12th, „With fourteen A very. pleaeant afternoon. was spent; it A well innein 'character has suddealy
tehsciaaliiaPutist ing to include iteras by Hilda finni-
ander the. direction of .0oedon Pearson.
ar 'meeting of the W. M. S. Li:filliessarnAlsitinthlWaYs MhseSidtilSitstn°Tuf
Was held at the horae. of Mrs. A. Wane,. 10the at the home of Mrs. Jno. Malming, ly gate and Oeval etePhee and Phyllis Rene
menibers and to visitors, Ws. Haider- roang Mrs. • mewling's...mud birthdayeedisappeared from Nile -road_. 'It is MI -
8014 a Past President, presided, Tile. The President, Mrs, C. A. 'Howain, arae ckle, the faithfia eteed• of Mr. Sam-
meettna opened •with glad prayer and a in of the meeting and after the nel SisePlleada it 'died -of old • age about
hymn.: The scripture leeson was, taken 'beatiess for the day was discassed, Mr. a 'week ago. .
from !Luke 1.3 end was, read alternatoy, We C. 'Robertson 'presented Mrs. Man- A spiendid program by the 'IncletteVe
aftet, which three melbas, mrs, marsh, tang with a .vase, which eras aerentent- Thdtod church .orchestra and the -Lecke
Mrs. lale/larain and Ursa 'treble, led in blame from the -Ladies' Aid, width tar- now quartette assisted by • IVEss Margaret
prayer. The seeretata aerial the minutes tied With it *meth love and esteem teem mocalhan, reader; is to be given In the
and matters. of Interest were discussed. each member of the. Aid, enetawith the Nile church on the evening of Tuesday,
It was agreed to eatay on the aopper hope that the wawa be epered to see' May '24th, An •oid .fashioned 'supper is
contest another month. Mrs, aleadersori, =env more bapPaebirthclaye, • A . very to 'be served from 6 to 8 med. altogether,
who hetet been a delegate to •the Presby- suitcrble pregram, was then given, include a geed. tiene Is expected at this 'annual.,
erlal he yeinghane, then gave a report ing talk on missions from Mrs. (Read Nile tea meeting. • • '''''' ••
- •
and the Meeting closed with the hymn., Bunt of Ooderich, which was much en- . -
"I Heed ,Thee Elam Mitre" .and; all re- joyed. Thle was followed by a sump- • • •
patting 'the Lord's- prayer. A QUM he for tuoua tea, ttable .being beautifully .de- , •
the, supply allameat was then aulited aorated-. with. flowers which had been Mr.. R. J. 13roolcs of Toronto, called on
and while. Werkirte -this miss. ,clark iead Presented to Mrs. Manning, also a.birth- friends in this vicinity jest Saturday, his
an article, after *Incha . dainty lunch day Cake with 82 lighted, candies. - sister, Mies 'Ethel Brooks, returningto
eves served by the hostesses'. The June Toronto witb, hint
meeting la to be held at the -home of
Me. coad Mule Sid MoClinthey and
Mrs. Henderson. , • ', Donald • meraerevae of the Dine family visited on Sunday with friends Ma
water Highway. Wet with z'. seams' acct., tnts ' .
Alexander and Themes. Trae funeral
Will be held on Friday Pam. rtelle
the family home, with, interment in.Duri•-
gannon cemetery. We are sorter to re-
port that Samuel Sheprierd has very
poor health at present also. .
Mr. E. Ce Beacora, I. P. Se *West Hur-
on. Made his senti-annual inspec-
tion of titingantion, public school • on
Wednesday.. ' •
Laverne Pentland' was i•ecent. visit*
at Toronto.
Charlotte Reed, with Metabers of
her family, were visitors at the home of
her brother, A. E. larrington, and -Mn;.
Errington, . of tiarloW.
Stanley .11ayderte who has been resid-
ing In -Ooderich for a few' yeara, has an-
swered . the tall of the "back -to -the
!arm" :nevelt:lent and, syttle his family,
has .aneveci to a farm on concession 4,
Ashileld, where he is busily engaaed In
Robt. tlhatnneera and Graham Chanel:ley
were Stratford visitore on Monday. *
nom of last week at the borne of Male a
Tlie W. M. S. met on Thursday aft
Eueilienda .Chanusey. In the aliseneat of
the president themeetine was led by the
,Ist vice president, Miss Laura Robinson,
,The' chapter, in the Study Book was talc -
en by Mrs. Naylor, the scripture leeson
was read by Mrs. ..Tefferson, Sr., atter
e =dings were given by Mrs. Chas. Jef-
ferson, Mrs. J, Utibinson and Miss a'
Verna Cheranea.
• Neon Street
Notice to the Public.
Havjnt past experience at
Goderfch Wheels Rigs CO-,
we are now prepared to re-
tire any size or make of
rt.aby airiagei-re.loycycles or
Bike Wagon, by our new
. equipment just; installed.:
Barker Bros.
1. South of Goderieh.• Phone 241,
dent Tuesday of this week; wheo. as the Mr. and Mrs. >John Ounniaghara, Mr.!
result of, his tealli running aWay on the a •'. ' • ,
road near BayEeld and throwing him ne- ' I
to the dlteh, he received a fracture of Vall81811111011.10911801111110,.....
the leg Net belote the knee. He is at WE ARE Now. -
present a patient in the Clinton hospital.
The intermediate baseball team of the DELIV'ERING ,
Zden's club has entered the .1-lueon
softball league and the first scheduled
gatne.will be PlaYed With Baydeld on the
sowing his araPs' ' .
Arther Elliott vas the victim of Is
pannier aceident while. shearing . sheep
'at his farm email of Dungannon. When
the eheep struogled the ,shears slit' the
thumb ot his lett handopen, severihg
aneartery, leletlical aid Was stannioned
and ,the, Artery as tied, and some stit-
°bee put in to close tile wound.. In the
meatitinie he lost. Italy a quart of blood,
• John Savage lost a buggy, 'wheal he
had gored in the barn of James Steno -
house, on the properta retently acquired,
by hint, tho estate of John, Reety. The
buggy vraa set en Ere, evidently the
prank of. a small bey wins' was seen on
the premises alertly before the ilia was
eilloovered bY Mr. Savage. -aTo further
damageresulted as • the • Ere, was actin.
Stalled, but not before the bagief was
eompleteler nestroyed. • .
, Dungannon geects ate brilliantly light-.
ed now by hydro -electric, since the. Ina
atallation of the limps by ezmileYee$ of
the canaPenY. For seven years I. ist•reet
11g11t1ng system was Mimed and omitted
by 1110 *odd branch At the Wienien's In.
stitute, el an approxllnate expenditure
of $1.500,. The expense of the present
lightbag system 'will I* met by ' a, tax
levied 011 the properte ovatera of .the vile
lage, .
, ra1ge Autithers �f -cattle are being dis-
pased Of hi this neighborhood at present,
thialtrlaeS paid being front 3 1-2 cents tol
4 14 cents per pound. Som er are to go
on 'the Vale While' anent aro for ship-
ment to Toronto. t
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'ElliOtt and Mb.
. on, Ilextree /Aye returned trate Poivat-
een, where they 'were tailed owhig to.the
1 terious illness et Mre. Elliott% 'grand.
father, Att. Rates. The Venerable .gentlee
Intin made A surprithig reenvere' from
Insearnenia .deepite the at that he is in
his 90th Neer.
ales. Clara Smith left On Moadty for
Iter home at. Port William, after a Valli
with lter brethar, at. P. Vitheard, 'Shit
was aezonipsnicd by her Slater• Mlea Ida
Whaard, RR., 'who tame to nate her
when she hed her ankle injured in a
Mr. and Um. G. D. Itesson and Miss
Clara Sproul, Of Stratford, were 'guests
ficT,r.litrgerUts, Sitt)‘. 4.4 ettrelaVt'ele and
rt:igithes,dren, were guests with' Vlinton
n, X. Reed, of flotterIch, with his
. „daughter. Miss U. *rept Reel, of the
' ifetsit of the hese( °Mee of the Royal .2tigor
, or Canada, Toronto, visited on anda at
• the home of Mr. anti Mrs, Rebell Imv-
Mrs, gush Oren, who spent the win-
ter with., her daughter. Mrs. MeIrtn Reed,
' Toronte.„ hr Mine Mas returned to her
, Atter spending the wItter with her als
• ter. Mt Johnstone, deltiots. Mit Milt-,
ilk% Pentland has returned te Thillgari.
Isleol *hear :the will remain with her tie.
"tea WM olt1110_
Conic let ith buck up and grin
And get war eine) and taters itta
All theleading aarletiee of Seed
Com Just arrived. Order yours
Club grounds on ettie,adtee evening before.
re. the hour of the regular meeting. lease"-
. hall practice wilt he held this. fridttY
evening, •
• The vegular Meeting of the ariese's Club
_The VVest Street will be held next d'uesclay, elreie
inh, tante'
24111, whets leev. J 1'? 11 MI118, rector of
Si George's • churoh, Ooderich, will give
Electrical Shoti ais address on, «Sane Aspects of Oar
Present 'Economic Situation." This should
Prove vete interesting, as Mr. Mills has,
seme original idees on government arid
4urreney.- A Ittli lipase is looked for.
Everybody Welcome,
- •
We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliances.
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Emigrates given en
applie ation
Alt Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Phone 82 West Street
of Moths.„
ear, Zarb Plther Was: lu ;mild= one
day lest week. ' • '
IVIrs. Jeto. 'Pebble vas in Tororito over
the Week -end.
Idles Beale Crawford spent Sunday at
her home at Londeerboro. .
, iatr. Peter Gowails, of Wingham, apent
Manche Witri'Mee. RalafeeTounge a
'We are glad to see Mt. Warner Wal-
ters out gain after his recent Illnes.e. -
Mrs.' atter Pettinan 'WAS the guest of
her dit hter In Toronto over, the week-
end, • '
'ears. Henderson, of Loire', has. been
visiting/4th Mre. * U. Toting the put
Mee Isabel 'Oiainiat'fitnd Wee ,PlivIlia
Walter wire week-endvisitore in Tor-
onto. .
Miss Late 'Meaning, of London, visited
with .her -cousin Miss Edythe Marsh, on
lituidaf. ''
Messrs. Ed. and Ilea), fisher were the
guest* of their brother, Mr. '16W:ter
fisher, Of eitenntiller, on Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Reberteen. SecoMpanied
he Itinas Beetle Crawford and Mr. Ed.
fisher, were be London on Wednesday
Ma Metter Wang down for treatment for
his eyes.
W. M.. or. held thele meeting at
the hoe* of Mrs. Allen Wilaten on mutt-
• dar. During the afternoon I, quilt was
tainted. Innth grate iterved by Mrs. dor.
clon McPhee rued Mrs. Warner Watters.
Those who attended the v. P. meeting
on Friday night enjoyed a real treat
what UM W. Watt of Ciodeeleh, gave a
&Milano Illenologile oft "Jean -Venom"
'mob, tuo emiso nitro damage
than the, peke of a Cedar Chest.
We hatro a niers aseortMeat
Cedar Chesta which' will proteet
Yottir fins, blankets; ete.
Row shout those Window Sim* el
that need renewing. havo
them in an Moes.
•ritniture Dealer $0111 Varietal
umnilion St. Oaderich
, ,
IVIr. Ralph Ileliderton of Ciodericii ran.
deed two :soleswhich were appreciated
Wetly, Ile was iteeompeedect by nova
*WI Yelling. •
of Yours
NW Cleaning?
Wall take out every
• spot. Phone 122
etch bey Um* Weeks
Witia glint
Tireless Arch Boots
and Oxfords
These Boots and Ox-
fords are built for real
comfort And durability.
Sold at
$7,00 per pair
Get them at
A .Phone Call Will Bring Our,
Denver.Wagon to year door.
Geo Johnston
?None 499w Kingston Si.
Special clearing of lelillInery for
tile week -end.
' Roblocking an d Reinacialling
carefully and reasenably. done.
Gotharte. Gold Stripe Rose in all
the new stades'. .
We Invite yaur patronage.
C. A. gr S. McKINNON
Phone 155 The Saieue
Y 24th, 1932
10.00 a. nu—Ladies' •Putting,,Approaehing'an' d Driv,
ing Competition.
1.0400 a. ni.-:-Men's 18 -hole
2.00 p. n1.-.11,1ixed Foursome
edal Play (Handicap)
edal Play (Handicap)
Suitable tvizeo, will be awarded for each event.
Ill be available at the Clubhouse.
NiIN HATS ' just arrived for the
weeft..end an holiday. .
These NNW .0101.8 are distinctly
sinart thrir individual style.
New *ide r1u arta here, Metes and
jmnrinoton Ve, Owls
and Coetwrfa Jewellery.
Vett ate eorrielee invited to inspect
our emit, /
nitston Street Goderich'