HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-05-19, Page 6fA 1 1 - - - TIIE GODERICII STAR .c? alia IC:I..), 1933 ,im•-••10 cn• oderich •• The Pretties The Routes toTake to Goderich When Motoring I3j, Way of the • - Following ckies: We take pleasure in reprinting the following from, the 1932 Hotel Sunset 'booklet just. Issued by Mayor Lee. Mr. Lee is sending out 3000 of ithese boo.klets•this year and as they advertise the town as Much as they do the summer hotel, Goderldh is getting a large 'amount of publicity at no .cost to the municipal treasury ° Buffalo,. New York R • Ohio • •OrOss thePer,ce Bridge to•Vort tole, Ontario, 'Aimee to Niagara Pal% Ontario, MI then take. Xinge Highway No 8 through Hamilton, Galt, Xitchener and firrifferd to Ciodericlin-111 mfles,paved throughout. . • • al 'Aka O & 8 boat to port Stanley, Ontario. and then follolv Xing's. HighWays. No, 4 snul. No..2 to London, Vinge Highway No. 4 from London to Clinton, and Xing's Highway No.1 from Clinton, to Goderich--fif miles iront Port Stanley to Cioderich, paved thralighont. (2) . Motor by way Of Toledo and Detroit to Port Haron, 'Michigan, thence by .ferry 'to Sarnia, ()Mario, where you. May either,— • •• ' • ; • (a) 'fellow the Blue tWater IlighWilp'S gravel road, a distance of 82 Miles, northelOng the shore Of Like Huron Irian Sarnia to Goderich. Total distance from Cleveland, •318 . • (b) Take Zine Highways NO, 7 and NO. 22 from Sarnia to Idasonville, Xing's High- way No. 4 from Masonville to Clinton and IChres Highway'No. 8 from Clhaton to Ootterieh (120 miles, paVed,througholit). Total distance trOM Cleveland 358 :idles. (3) •Motor by way ; Of Erie to Buffalo' and then follow the roixte from Buffalo to 00derich sheWri Shore. 3/0 mita, paved throughout. '" .• . . Detroit, (1) Notor to Sarnia, Ontario, by way of Port Huron and then take either the HIM: Water ,miphic,a„ • Highway or the 1014'3 Highway to Goderich (as ha Cleveland (2) (a) and (b) &have.) The • " . distance from Detroit to Cioderich via the Slue Water' Highway (see 'Cleveland 2 (a), AbOve) is 135 miles, •Ily taking the Iting's Highway from Sarnia to Cioderiels (see 01evieland 2 (b) Above) the distance from Detroit Goderich is increased to 176 miles MO the road le paved throughout. . • ' (2) Am alternative 'rade is to cross from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario, and then motor to .11oderio1l by way of King% 'Highway No 2 to London, King's Highway No 4 from London to Clintortand Xthig H3hwa N 3 from !Clinton to Goderich. The distance is 184 miles and -tite road is paved. throughout. •: MAFEIMNG 41rOraae Blake. rah* has 0eon con* AMA to the house for several da 73 with la grippe and its aftse eifects, is recur.* ming and hopes soon to resume her du. ties as teacher school, Mrs. Mary Blake. who has been the Wiest Of her sliters. Wises Margaret •nnei $ara Mallough, 1.4101inew, and her son, john Blake and Mrs. Blake, of Wingham, during the past month, ro. turned this week, •itIrs. Mary Anderson, WhO Vent the • winter with her daughter Mrs. S. 3. returned to her home with. lier daughter, I•frs, Isaac Andrew, Wednes- Mr. 8 � Mothers and daughters, Agnes and Illizateth, of Essex, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton. • Mr, and Mrs. i. D. Hessen, Of Stott, ford, and Sicherd 1CSPatrick, of Strat- ford Normal School, spent Sunday at the liOnie of Mr. and Mrs, S. J. IOlutit- rick. Mrs. rraie Andrew, of Zion, Spent part of last week. with „relatives here, Ogle, Untie White, of Stratford, who has Put returned _from Montreal, where she' spent the winter with her son. Mr. °liver White, is the guest Of her brother, Mr. Richard Johnston, and Mrs. John- ston. this week. Mr, Elmer. Johnston is in Toronto this week. • WOULD RAVE BAT .TOURIST ASSN. Hamilton, Togo loco. lughwfty No. 8 by way of !Galt.Kitchener and Stratford to Goderich-107, . • Ontario paved throughout., :London, 4'Ontario. Motor to Clinton by King% PlighWay No. 4 and trots !Clinton to Cioderich by Iting's Highway So. 8-61 miles, paved throughout. ••. . . . • . ' . • ' . • ' • • .. ••• • . - • - '• • . • • . ' ' ' • • -. 'Niagara Falls ' cross to Niagara Paile Ontario, and take King's Highway No. 8 to Goderichr-,157 miles, paved throughout. "..11ellr York Sarnia, (1) Take the Blue Water Highway northalong the .shore of Lake Huron to Goderich-82 Ontario n11es, a gravel road, , • , • - ' • (2) •An alteimatiVe reute IS to take Kiaire HighWays No. mid No, 22 to Masonville, Xing% Ilighway No, 4 from AVIasSoltrille to ClintOn and King' tElighWaY No.. 8 from Clinton to Ooder., • •It;Ii**1241 paved itRougliolit. •• •• • • Toledo ' 0) Sy following Clio Blue Water; High." essa- way train Sarnia to GOderich (see Cleve, wow land (2) 'Ca) above) the distance from Toledo to Goderich by way . of Detroit, Pori Ilur0,n an4 Sarnia is las cures• . (2). By taktog 'the •Itinire •HighwaY • ° from Sarnia to Ooderich (see Cleveland (2) (b) above) the distance froth Toledo vntan to Goderich by way of Detroit, Port • Huron and Sarnia is 238 milea. Highway' No. 1. through • Srampton.• deorgetown and Guelph Kitchener and Alien take Sing% Highway No. 8 through Stratford. to Gederich-152 ridleS • palled throughout. , • Windsor (1) ':Cro$3 the river to • Detralt, Mich, ' Then Motor' to port Minim and cross the St- Clair 'River to Sarnia.. From Sarnia take either the Bore. Water . route, • • gravel .rOatl,• or, the lang.'s 11(glaWaY. Paved throughout, to Gederich Me' Cleveland • 2 (a), and (b) 'above.) 'DM •' 'distance via the Slue Water High•Way• ,0Y• • 139 miles and by•te Xinfee Memel' is • • 171 (2) An alternative .tOtite ir to • take Toronto, 0) Take King's Highway No, 5 (dm ,ontario. Dundee Highway) straight ahead. pest Clappleon's Corners to Miles IfighWaY No. 8, then Writ right and continue on Hinges Ilighwa.y Noa through Olt, Ifitchener and Stratford to Ooderich- . ••••••4••••••••.• (coin:Inwood Bulletin) Having thrown the Blue Water High- way into the discard,' there now e0alee from 'Owen Sound a Proposal looking to the formation of a Georgian Bay Tourist Association. The efun-Timea says It is worthy of serious Consideration and adds that it .31411 commend itself to a great many 'people and, municipalities in the Georgian Hay district. In the past the Worts of Owen Sound and other pieces. have been pretty well confined to the Blue 'Water, Highway Association, and while that organization has ,done ,splen* did work and has no doubt been respon- sible for eending many thousands of tourists Into the -Georgian Bay district and Owen sound has benefitted mater-, Tally thereby, with the ever increasing flew of tourists into Ontario from all directions it is perhaps telvisabie to take in a wider territory than •that covered by the'Slue'We.ter Asseciation. • After viewing the possibilities of the traffic and setting• out what it believes to be the desire of summer Vatationlete, the SIT adds, It is therefore necessary that the Georgian Say district take the pro- per means to Identify itself, with these larger centresand adopt modem meth, - ods In setting forth the advantages of this part of tire'ernintry. and at the seine time Owen Sound' could hardly disasso- ciate itself altogether (with the Blue Water Highway ,Association, as suchra would mean Isolating :1 'r:1 _ other p esens1 er ltS existence. It might he good business to reduce' the grant to the latter organi- zation, but the value of Advertising...the advatitagog of the CieorMati Bay district to the tourists of the 'United States must not be last sight of in these days when they are spend.* millions of dollars in this province every year. More details concerning the proposed Oeorgian Say Association will be weleonied." CIRCULATION OF THE BLi)01) 41a' ;145 intlea, paved throughout. • A, (2) alternatlie route Is to rooter north on 'romps Street to Thornh;II„ then turn left and contbaue On King% ' Itimra ;Highway No. 2. to London, King's •111gliv.A3 No. 4 from London to Carden 'and Ring's Highway No. 8 from Clinton to Ooderich. The distance is 183 • paved throughout.. aint Pant! Paint! Phones; Store 22 .• House 112. TowninT-Callad4--- Save the Surface and You Save Alit When you buy SCARFE'S Ready Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Enamels and Varn-O-Lac, you buy the best Remember it takes as long to put on a poor paint as it does a good paint and time means money. When you put ..o4 SCARFE'S Paint, you are putting on the best • I( It covers more square feet 'per gallon than other paints. •CHA. S. C. LEE. Hardware Store 'at the Harbour r• .• SURE WILL. PRESERVE LET'S PUT OUR TOWN ON A PEDESTAL Proper pride and real economy are shown by the householder whose pro- pertiei are kept well painted. No better time than the present Get busy now and Come to .Us for the Best which also means the most economical „ . Paint on the market Thirty-eight years ago this spring Sherwin-Williams Paints were'first sold in Galeria' and since that time it has given that service and durability that no other paint ha i been, able to even compare, let alone equal. Why? Because it SURE WILL PRESERVE. ' Shemin -Williams owns and operates its own mills, thus you are assured that nothing but the purest of ingredients are used in its paints. That's why the colors are standard and true to shade, one can with another. What other paint company makes a green that dosn'tturn blue in two years? That is why we suggest that when you clean up and paint up this spring that you use Sherwin-Williains Products. • There are three, winks to the lamp of a znan's Itfe„ Press the brain a little and the lights go out, felloWed by all others (step the heart a minute) and out goes all three of the (wicks); close the air out of the lungs (111 is cold end dark). Moses declared the blood is the life. Scientists of, the 20th, century proelaint this statement to be true. The average weight of the blood in the body is 05 pounds, tvery heart thr forces sht ounces of blood out through the arteries of the body"; The I00,0011 daily heart throbs lift 400,000 ounces of blood daily. *is amounts to 31,600 pounds or 181.1 tons 'daily. The human heart is the mightiest engine on earth considering it site, it lifts ONO tons of blood annually or 50,000 tons in a, life- time of 80 years, •• The blood streams carry forth eleinents of life and *death. Marnot Floor Enamel For inside and outside. This is very durable, dries hard arid fast, .made with Marnot varnish, • • Sherwillac Varnish Stain A combination of, 'color and Marnot varnish, which means to be walked on. Dries fast . Wonderful finish for floors, woodwork, chairs, tables. • • Marnot floor Varnish. • Highly recommended for its wear resist- ing qualities,. for hard and soft wood floors, linoleums and other surfaces where 'a good bright varnish is wanted, dries fast .• • &M.P. Flat Tone For beautifying.the *ails of your home we heartily recommend tills flat tone for that soft 'velvety finish that is so much desired no*. Excellent as an under- coating for .enamel, Prices Were never lower than , Let, us quote' you prices on all Remember .wehave, only the pure they are at presentyour paint requirements. ;materials. If you are in need of a Lawn Mower, Garden Tools Or Lawn Ilose we believe we can save you money. W6 are with you in this Clean -Up and :Paint -Up Campaign. East Side Square Phones; 501.363 ta w n Border, • painted • green, sera top, 8 in. bigh, per foot......10c Bali Bearing Lawn Mowers, • well loom makes,. 14 and, • t6 in. cut. • Kineurdi Lake. litho MOnforit. P1 CLEAN UP! Ala'ba.stine and Muresco, colors. • Johnson's Wax, per if). 65c.. -Fly To; for • flies and moths, 8 oz. ....... 40c 16 oz. ......... . Whiz Fly Fume, 8 oz,..35c • 16 oz. . .. . . 60c • Whiz Fly Fume Sprayers': G a lv a n 1 zed and •Ilironze Window-- and -Door- • Screening, 18 to 48 in. wide. owes Quick Prying . VARNISH Dries to NIL hours for FLOORS and WOOD WORK r.. Kings Ilighwatit 3hown — someesio twoag Nos. volliotio, • formed Grovel Mi eeles Stielmtihip ilettittors Pedater.Aiia Litiovvei linforo • rik itchen • 1 Oranoeville 4,4 Thornhil Abroras Late me. Otifrario • Pam' • $itileoEf,1,1,7 14 job,'" 43uri. 0 Do You Know? That a quality. paint will, cover from • 80 per cent. to 60 per cent, more surface • than the socalled cheaper pts- Tht these cheap paints contain a large percentage of water and other worthless qualities Thatfor this reason we recommend only LOWE BROTHERS high standard Paints °and Varnishes and Ena,mels as the best in point of appearance, service and Nineteen Ottft01 ef r 9! NeWYork Mos es..1611. *WM. rennS9httinitiJ• ROAD MAP hrAbtt a Of *maul *Woo to ifs lie * i • Hotel Sunset w ,-1 (1430Ertieli-ONTARIO-CANADA i ncAie, tele economy. SEE US BEFORE PAINTING A Paint •for Every Purpose Alt Tebbutt .& Son • Phone 486 19f tt Ohl Slate!,