HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-05-19, Page 1- 0 jr#�'"­��.��..__--­­ , 1. I" I % .% r "t "Wery ThursdayrMorning . 'It * _�Vt j � _W �1_4 , .2 � , ) ta 5 , 4 I "V I 1�,�', a I 05joOrtlic, - ,-; ", .A& A6� I , ..o 0�=- 13 V,Mli3l;4,0 e -;Cry Th'irsday xw�rnt-,!R� I � , � . I � , 1110 I e7nm;l 1 4 UEQutjr.1,V, and in t43 rcadcr'a bands tl,Q, 14 1 . 11 ... � � Z came Cay, W4.1-4 All the Igte-t up-to-tbat wtunte I : . I . I . I -w vle5saie:l of t1io I I I It 1101�;a ana tile sucizhandi= I . I . . . 4 1 JV 4 t1.a41C1=2PXrZ and 10the-.31 In ample ung 0 Im- 9 . I � � , . . I V-nusal for wceic-end b4irv. . 1 4 . I � - . :", - ___ P- . 0�__%. -, ---- -­­ ­­ ­­�_, ­ �-_-­ ­ 1-- - .. � ­ - - - . ­­..'.. �. .- - - � � . ­ � -1 - I 1, ~44410#10047*#_^07#4_r�­_� 44-4-44-00- � . . � . . -_ -G; ---7-.__-7-- . __­ .... -----­--­- -_-_...-_-1____-__-__` —_ . I _1________a_ I - - - _W� ____ ­_­­ ,.;= ,;;�;�­6— -_ �_­__ __.--1_____ �­= __�­���­—­­­- ��- __��_ I I " . 4 . SuU5VrIpU 04'. $a a .Vcar in VAUU40 . . . 3Z.V=-TY-TRMT) YEAR . . w Q. pojuw I GODMUCHo ONTARIO, C,�NAI)At THURSDAY , ATAY 19, th, 1142 '. WAL "43 1?A*%T4 pawtstker � $2.50 a -year 'to .. . . � � Z - � . I - 1 . 1. I -1 . ___�1___'_,___­ ­ - . 11 I - . . I ­ 11 - 1-1-1- ­ -_ ----. ____,__._ -­­ - I:, - -_ - ­_ - - - -_ , -, '' - - . I .. . - ''.. I. --1 ----. I A . I . � I . . .- ' � ' '. . 0 0 . - . I . I . . - . I . I 1, . . * *9"1 . - . 1. ,a,s � I I .0 1i I , 11 , � � 1,4 M litary, Cam .. , 11 I 1,; I e. . eld,'H%ae. ver Dom,91A n, Dav .. . . . .. ' . 1 ' I I.... � . . . I � � � . I _� - ____ I ­`­ .'' * �, . I . . .. *.*� � . . . , ' � 59 HORMS FOR' ; 4 1 .I. —, � , $ I . JUDC.F.'S MAIDEN r EFFORT nt; ,. , e. .. � . $1010W PAID IN 1, '.� r,W ,i $8,000 '- ;� . IN fV%G15TRATE13 ROM Elgin County Regime . � ' - j I u ' 0, wr I - HAD SOME FEATURES .- I I I � ,. . I . 1. . 1�,;, � PREPAID TAXES - - idlow . - - ­ .. . - I . . .. . .. . - I I I I � . 'qo ;aid Goderich W I � . � 225.Str Two Bands, ' STAKERA'C�W I . ", I .I . � . I At Gordo yesterday Mrs. William On& I . L � � " I ; * 1, " ; I . . . I ��--'�,Sp,,;mml Ex" Discount'af 6 pop . . - 0 0 Goderich ;W00*6104 k1o; Record . �11 , , '. "'t9a, HOW` township' App"rea be- . . I I . I . � � cell pet ao,� � .1 . ... Reoult Manhole Bla,St fare Judge Costello, actWg for MAxistrate I BigWoliday, Attraction - . I a . ' . (I - . , I Entry List Thill " . . - � . I I . I pp e 4tyt. . . I I I � . I I t . . � . 1. . . I I . � . I .� Uol , In - police. court, ,chlarged With, the . . .. - I . I 0 . I I .. I . . . � .11 . . , , I . f. I � I 11 I � . � . . . . theft of a hand saw from. Oliver Stewart, - I . � I I 1. ' . . Year .. . . . . , . . Settlement to Affected- with Consumers Gas Co,, Bell Telephoxw Co. from whom she took It whea the 4two . . I , � �Tlhera� has#boen A.spjazdld response to . Crack St. Thomas Unit to Assist Cifixe*0 Band in Stagiar Militaty * "P � . . . , r. .1 . . . met on the highway some time ago. B, , I When -woderivIl wrottivs gad vat�lua- . .. I I . I the Town of GoderIcla's oafr, macto Tor I oud Torento Torminah in favor of PubNe Trustee—COMPOUiell Spotton mid the saw belonged to bar Spectacle --Soldiers Will Be Under Canvas, Fow I)ay*,Ct'ti-. Assocla 0 � I 3,ther Chap, son, andshe kept It. When served with , . t1l a Met, last night to consider ., . , tile 'first time this. year, of a spatial dis, Are Abolved from All Liability by Payment—An, I . I , 3gene; Meeting Approve* of Pians—Town Apees'to Provide ' . . . L i" p Will B H 0 1 .AIL(, 1TW11 11 i summons to appear In'court lor theft � I . . the -entries for Its three stake xaces-of L I .1. Died she tore it up, bUt threat of a warran . . I . I . count at the Tato`df live per cent. per , ter Is Written in Strange Tragedy in which Father Fe�v a t the, Rotiom L . � I I . L ' . . . . I . L I . — I 1. I $1,901) Durso qacl% On Civic 11011day,AUS, I . 1 arglum for prepald taxes, in Addition to Ho6o a I . today, Tile . . . . . i . . fk6r Son Was Killed. . -� '. ` � . . caused li4r V,Ppe,o VOM06A 'A, . i I list Ist, It was found that rio lca� than , , ., I T . I I . Vo , , i .. -the rgoular discount. This offer-applIes . . . I was ,Allowed Suspended sentence zigin, county regiment, with % 30-plece o Program, A36 staged, either afternoon � . T , on . . I I . I . I . I .- . I I on or xtvealug, but not both. The I - own by L l_'. L The accident in which the late' Nor- was unable tq. pay, but in as much as bugle band, Will hold a four�-fty camp. band, he said, hoped to. m%ko aonloth 0 L 14 the 2.1$ "Golden GOO Otakotll twenty- I . I tonly up to June l5th, the dIrst due date. 114 a Judgment handed d .. payment of costs, which she said she red�coated br.us band and. a, 24-pteco local Afty,elght, borses. were entered -twenty, 1, - . . I . Ila I 1� . . 'elnea tile Announcement was made about justice Kelly, in anprem � Con . . L . I L a Lrt Ws- man Lewis lost 13* 14A Is'oner of the defendant ovMs *'farm, the court 414 At� Agricultural Park, Goderich, from out of the tattoo with Which to *buy Unt-! four lu� the 'Voderjoh 6tako" slid 'tea in, ..'I I . . I ��10,000 has be'ea paid Into tax. collector'S Joan L. Lewis, wide* of Norman 'Lewis, . I I . . I I � ' . m . . this strangest tragedles an rgcor& Walking not Argue. Mrs. Spotton .spurned thd 4une, 30 to, July 2. The, regiment Will -forms, . . I . the froo-for-all, "Blue 'Water Stake," - ­ L not. one killed In a manhol , Day demon. . . I " � I " Office. Lapt year at ,, time I a explosion in frout"Of advice of a lawyer and conducted bar participate Ill the DOMWOU 'What About the r&uOy? . I - , .,. . ).. ,eent WL beeb. Pala In,' I I the 'Union Station, Toronto, on February. over, %� maoildle toward sk drop letter box own ease in vigorous, fa4hi6u. Mr. Istow. stration here, cooperating i4th the Citi- . . I This entry list, of course, Is a record, . 1, . To, outlt'brfefly, the sp�eow discount 22nd. 1,931. is awarded the sum of $8j000, in front Of.the Union Station, Toronto, art got his saw back. '- � I . � � . Throughout. tho."oussion. Councillor both Ill, quantity and quality'. 'Only Out L I 1: . zensi Iland ir% atagins atattoo And mlll� �� � . I . offer simply diverts money. from bank Thq,ponsumers Gas Co., of Toronto, the an explosion suddenly shot him Into %he . .1 . 9 ­ I L . I- tary specto, . Hinuber wanted to know,wbo would put entry waa dtsalloWcO, that.ot Willis Qrat.i- � 'gavIASa � a-.cop9tg.. where It Ort,kws 3 per Bell Telophon 9 I Canada, and"the alrLaud�6var,thepavapot. Ho.w.askilled . . . I L . cle. either on -the Afternoon up the -money In ease It valued or the I �_ I or. evoullat of, the holldoY. detwils to be at failure j' ton, owned by 4 F. McConville, Oadow - - . 7 . ,ror;,nt Of . c6lebratloh was a financl or U I 1, ,cent, Interest,' to the civic .treasury, the 'Toronto -NaiWay Company Almost Instantaneously, He.w�s about Pt . . j, tax-paye.s recelving.the ben4t of 'the were the defendants irt the .suit, j4undh- t Post a. letter to his wife telling of the ;F:ATHE , IS WILL I arranged. Bond concerts and a church . . I I . I . . any other reason. He insisted the town burg, N, Y., It b4ag rctelved ten; days, � * 4 � . . spread of'2 per pent. ThO muid 0 a . . L .. parade Also are on tho� program. . t4o, lato� The* association lost night laid - - I t % , elpality, Oct by the Publle.Trustei, on behalf ol conditl,q of h1i lather, the. late Judge L . To council ohould not bo. asked to put It -up L I . . . . L ;, . 10 EJED � This Important business. wag transact- 'it haa. been I said that b-meball, as ' . . 'In redtV . ,A'ffACJMJPA - . ,ing Its bank, Indebtedness, oil Ws. Lewis, no* a'A Inmate in a Pro- Lewis, who died, a fow- hours after hitr son . a down a hard -and -last rule; sponsored by . I . . L I , � , , � , , vh-'�oh lt,A)ays 5% par cent., also benefits vinclal Institution. . I . . was killed, .a�d without knowledge of : . I — .. I . . I ad at a citizeue meeting at.ft town ,Domintoll Day, gttraqtjorl. in O.Wevloh Dr. WbItely, Who, pze4lded, tb4t the clos-r , . �i to the extent of %, of one per cent. The Tho'ze�tlement for 08,000 Is In full Qf the fatal awIdenk ,Vbr the reason that � - . ­ . . hall On Tuesday evening whou. -it "Was 'had been Wlled cleadei.thah at doornail, ir . ta data $or entries. Ma)i 2nd. Ineant ' I .1 . ,.:-, L . , a ration, but,Councillor Humber.did not -think -so. I / -if L - his L. father 'by, Q 1p SintrogateL Action Over Bedfoid decided to hold 4 July 14 ooleb, , � . banit, of'oourae, IoSes 2 ,4 per Cent. all claims, lftoludtu� tests, the Judgme,at the son piedeceaaed 'w . . tast year this celebration was allowed olsely what it paid.. Too many as$** , ": L ' , I L . .. EstAte to Start on L He 8414L an afternoon program ot-base- pro . � f Interest Is rcokoned on .daily balaucejsets *ut.. The defendant companies, end hours, the wldmv of the son, 4 ibeneAciary . atloAs are spoiling stalto races 4�)y CO- � � ., . . � , , I . . to lapse when Clinton ,held a fireman's ball Shout cl � the Epocial dissoduat Is being Allowed on eAch of. them � Afe discharged Of and In his. father's wilL �dld not ,share In, . 1. d be staged, but Ile got Tit? sup� � L L. . . tourLn4ment. The Clinton affair.. was a, L cepting entries after the expiry data. - ' , . �,',, , : land and property, ,businen and Income frout all lial)&V .-Under the Vatal Abol- ju�ga 'Lewis, estate. 1qO"m=,LqwIs had . . � M0147 I - I port. Mr. Bui0ei continued to ask The free-for-all .vill bring, togethot. the * I L I , � � . .. I . , 11 . L taxes, , . . .. I ., . I dents Act, . .. I -1. . . no.childre . n, L .. .1 . : . . ; . , ,. . I . failure Anancially.. This year the de�, ,wilele tile jonay,.to 03Y the regiment ' * . , , . I . . . 1. I . I I I � I I LL lori. is.to ba roVived-here, L . . . L fastest bqrsos In Cauada-Zolitte, Itar L - �� '4 1 1 1 . I . I . I . � - . I I L . . I L� MANY WITNESSES CALLED � ".9"'t'at . was to come vom. I . . :. Peters" aid Hal. Alt Abdall., Ca�taln L ��, . . I There gia about 1100 taxpayers In : - I I . 1. I � I I L . I . L . . . 11 . : . .. . I To, Purcbasa:Ratldna� I knows I . �'! L. 1�sodeenh, paying, a total of $1,90,000 this L' * , I .1 I . � .,.I I . ' I I W. H. Uobertson­119r. Humber . Grattan, Aamouth, OrAttani Peter Chilla '. - I year. Not.1cas willa be all ,out by this. Colleggiate Board - . Active at 97. Years, � ­ I . . L .. 't W.'as. . oosiderable, dis- that for years'ar . . ' X not until after t I A years -we have staged Pc"sy '9axvevter, Oud Grattan,- Gratt;� . , I 0 I , I I . I I Son and Oauv.,hterl mire Plaintiffs , I -Dominion Day celebrations here'. and. 9oxin . I . i , - week -end. � . I . ' *�.g IS L ' . W I . . . suasion, during which objection. WAS rais. ' . no, Tommy *bauualt, the latter . . - . The Spe."IAI din-ount offer made -by the . I 2 L .� —Another So n .:- ad to the St.. Thomas -proposition by that WeLbgVe never fatled."L . , ' , . Y, W * . . , . _ , I 'L -L 4' . . .S fivin $29073- Mother Lived to 107 11 . 4 from.11altburg, X.. , hat a1lst I , . ,Ij I . . r' Hmnbal��'I on't know anythlog 1,1v � � town wa� kedelved -With general ap roval _Z� I 1. L . I .. . ! ­ Councillor 0. H, Hualber, that An agree,.; M , I . d .by som . P I . _ , I L . _ 'L � , � � , * a ' of the horses have M WavIt of' 2.05 .. ­ �; ' I . . L Defendant � = - , . ail a with enthusiasm. . . . . .. . . I . I . I . I . 1. L . . I . � L . ant was reached. The meeting wAs Qf the Aind. I. know the town has bad I � .1 . I I 1� �.n . I . I -, . . . L I 1 . -- - ' , ' addressed by Mayor 0. C.: . Stewart and to Put UP 4101103t," . I or batten . , ' . . . once L . ' . i.� " . .— %: . I L Typ�griphical EiTor.ln Ile Star Agidd Lucknow L�JV4 . I . 'When Counollior Turher wag asked for.. The track Is tobe put Ili &h%p at . .. L .� . I . L . . � , �, . ; A .., I .. L , Xiich . interest is, be . JLA . I . .and kept, So. J A.;gd.word, A, Steven- . . . ,." . PP-t4T. GRANX)FATH M, . , . 4SWe it Appear . � , . L ljejjvt��Wan jn� taken � the Lieut. Bruce Shaw, who motored here for -, �� I , . .1 L L , . I" to L I . L I _1 .1 � .. essr6 -be. zt�id ho, . - I!, �, , .1 I � L . . the occasion, . 1. . ,an :expr , n of opinion,. . I 11, . %'ho-.% .A: son , . . . -L Surrogate Court Action which will bom- son, 0. Otani 'William Croon, X.J.:0014 . I was bom to..Ur.,and Mr3. - . . 1L. .. - - . .. ,. - - I , . 0014itW L' , . . I I " 4 . Mayor Stewart said that tho-only ex. would be able to speak more. freely It the, . . I L , `. Rdbert Belyea, Jam,es Dignall,. former . $A0,7j;. 'L ' " . , .. ,Church. � .- , I , . I _, 'L ,L .. inence (in M6nday n�xt before Judge � thorpe - and President Whitely are -I . I 11 . � I . . . 1. . ., L I I . . I . I I . , . .. I 0 8Xea ,to .bear at. Thomas moh would, leave the room. . . .. � � I . . I I . I stable . � � 'Ex.6ter,bl'acksmith, now of.14ucan, I . . . . . . . L . ­ .— .1 pense Goderich would b a things over. today, The L. a also are. I . mtame , . . ,"tioxi baing to Upsot.th L I the cost'of the .food, estimated 14i They left, at once and' roturned'to learn . . . . 4- �, I . A: . I Costello, .tpe I e was W repaired, . L � . t, j 1% great grandfat&r. L Mr. n1glign. 4s. go. In ,quoting a letter- written by Dr.. A. - Of t,he late 4obA S. BQdford,' owner L from. $1.60 to . $11. - $160. for , to , . . . . L T6m&rkQ;bjq old, Ijd7 Is Mrs. nobert; wjU . 5. In retuth'the ragl- that they would be guaranteed . I . I . � J, � yrs Age � i4d Is still working, at the T. Zramerson, clsairmaxi �f the Collegiate - ucknow,: who, at tllq, age of of the hotel andLbuSth"S block I Oat- . , On L Victoria Day Ooderich' horsemen � 4 . U, . 1% . ment Would , provide band - concerts and fbod� It .to. be purollaied, locally,. .The . .IVII L I Hays, of, 14 n a , I . L . - I . � . . I., I I � I . A Of the Dionlinlou In I -M . are goingto Mitchell, New namburg and, � I . .. I . . . boardi to the 'Town Council, The Star ninety-seven possessts all her fam'1+1­ rich Which -bears, his name. He..I ,� 311 oonnitrate in any .way In otion vas ,carried unanilalouft. r .. I . I I. . I .. , . . � ,� . i� I ,f��, �,:t; .1 1). �. " � �k� � 'A :L I " , , ,� !� . 11..t . . . 11 I N , L - - � � ,r�� � , . � , , . � , : , , �! k - "f k - 4I"...- . _. 11� - : � . , 0-1 ­� , , �� , . L . , �, 1,1 , . _ . , . �4;1­ . ,.�. . ., - ., .4, ,� -, . I . It"'. ,. 11�i , !�; . f`l I I L '.. , I 1. � . 1`;"" L , r'. . I , 1. ,�, . � t � - e W, . - I - . ! �.. . . 11 � 4.J.' L � iiiy CRICKS FOR qA= ,'. . . . L� .;_-____-.�__._ BAB"kI- -Laghcru$ ­ L - Ow4=s* LFOP- "A'4-,��- 0- W- arld-11"­44' I RodkS.�. LeghoruS L . .40 _. a- ay Barred exteptionally "heavy , jayliW�stroim Average dally'productlaii of 250ollps for. the lad three months, 102I. -Ms, 'Orod'tor .health, vig.or And , . high �triodftatdn. All Oggs set produced On th�­faM,L.Ngy pr , jghOraS; 9e; +; .fee L Bafred'lRct94 loc, Wso 00''Barred Ito -.k yearling ha& and Vullets layift , I I , , g about 50%.At; -,present. �- must, sell to acoomm6- date,' chickqns. 'Price Ifi.c each, any . number. W-.,nU=,CLtrTTON, R""A' 5, 00404Cb. 012=0 L �413, .Carlow, L� L - =a!;____­"==__��­__1. - I — - -, I I COU�AT or IW IL � "' — . _ VIS ON, -, I � . 1-� '* �' n , I �, T OXV-1 IoNr­ M, . :, or. T;mIck , � �_I_i . I — . . . L . , . A court of revision on, the as�essmftt roll of the Township of Goderish will be beld, in MUth . . ol sn&s hall, - Holmesville, L on Thursday, Dflo 20th, at 10 am. to hear and do' at with complaints. of � ggsogs. . L meni; . or � changes of ownorshlp� -All parties complaining thould have their cQmPlatats sent -to the- clerk i3efore this date�. . . . L All. having destroyed the!r. dogs and not returning tb . a tAgs will 1?e charged in, tue�. � .., . . . . I L I . " I R. 0. WOM-Sbx, Clerk. , I . .1 L L , a� OW :. COMT OP RIEVITON) SHIP or, CorjBOUN , , I L - . A Court of Aevision-of the 1932 assess- ment Tell for the'ToWnship. of Colborne will -be' old In the hall at Carlow Tues- day, a 14th, at I P;m,, -when all com-; plain ' of assessment that have -been re. eelv bv the Clerk, not. later tha, . n May 14th, will ,be board. and , decided, . . I IL F. M09RIS ' � , ' - . - . I . . ; clerk., . - .I.. - ----.--- — , I - -RIZAL WAVE -ANIY 1NSTJKA1N0K­ ' lylig ARMSTRONG AZAL ESTATE AND IVStMANCE AGENCY, Oaod 200 acre farm for Sale'. slaughter price, over 100 ures no* Under cultiva- tiOn, more ready, Principally cliy. loam 604.,11nostly self�dralned, nc waste, fine condition, plowing done, balance pasture I v,hd timber. Bank barn' and 8-1!6091 awaiting house In - good tondition. Lo- cated ab6ui 12 miles from Ooderich, close ter L 80fioal and good village. ' PrIoe $4,600, being Only $23.00 par. acre, worth much more, Terms $1100 cash, easy terms for balauce. Immedigte. possetslim. NUMbtr` dwelling houses for sale from $550 up. . I . I Good 1% stavy brick houae, full mod- ern equipped, price ,$2000, very eask terms -for 'Payment. I Sovqrai 1161180 tor,rent. .� I .1 � I , , . +1 W� AgMSTAONd. - . . I . . . . L Box 819. , Goderich, __ � . - L ­... ­ L -''I'' , I - �L I . � .. I W,. "CRAIGIE. . . I . - Insurance and Real Estate I . . . DOMStON, PHOVINCIAL, . "I"ev" BONDS. I , . I . L . �1 , '­`� --' I I - il 1.-.-11-1- . I . I I , , , , . 1 THE 0. F. CARBY CO. :1, � F199, ACCII)ENrang motolt CAR ., . I Ix0v1eA.%%;CL" . I 111, muln'Adb4trom , " . � I The &I Life of 611aft 4kFP1d9.-NA%0Njd fftftg, WCtt a -r_ o00t*jC",* ' phalls 250 � NELS01i HILL, Manager ­­.. 11 0 last - r - . I h a 0 about $25.000. - . I I elebraflsm� A concert iwoula . be HUmber dissenting. .' � :4 . . . . � . , . pallua. � � I ... . . . . week made it APPOat that the She continues tb'-help with ' oUsework, e ate f I adys Day - 0 . I . . . , ­_ .. I - I . I 'The action Was lgllnchect'by�Gl I on eaturdo,y night on tb6 Square I . . To Arrange Program . -Shoo. manu%oturtra of':Swoden .376 1 1. ;ipardla- eAlmates -this' year wo;;e en1j., reads the newspapers daily, wrltop1etters Ellzab6tli Allard, daughtiar,, And John given . I . , � . . . . and, a church parade would be held ob, -Will Arrange lighting' foreign competition ,by advertia- 1. I � 103s than in 1.931, wh6e . The ofticers and, executive . 1. . . . . � � . . $20.75 as the to her - friends and takes, a kce� Interest Stephen Bedford, 'son,,Wh,o, applied for. Sunday mornifig; ,3 . f, Ii. T. In . . I . . . . . . . porrect..amotmt; as 'S1Ate4,.jn 11�r. SM' L r o- c eerfui " I 4n Order after their lather's. -death' to., � Hei said similat.c4rap the progrm ,The suggestion o g i heavily. , � ,- . . - . I a i 'At Tillso . . I . - .1 . . Urrout eventi. Sh h Ily .greets held'at�Tlliso iirg. -and *.Aidgetown ,had, r,dwards� to hold a county or inter-coun. . - . . I ' morspa's letter-, U-42,0754 In as, nmell . have the ,will dated October 8th, lOa4,1 I sucpe!�ses. Overything . . � � . -London Is to have a new permanon,t* as the board Was und�jr attack It coUnm her visitors from many points of Huron . ' ' ' I ty. athletic field day. Will be. given don- . CDU1atY..g1ftd bayou - , . declared na end, Vold' And of no affect PrOV464 ;lInAncta . display. of everything: used in tuilding. - I - . I b he 0 t of, food would be borne -by sideratton andbanball will not bd.overw . I I I , Oil ;Qr not etoAaluiZiug, the fypographl.. 4.and, as, far,us pos OA grol of, - tostanloritAry . t ut I � - No . 8 being looked. The Usual . .Program of ,children's 1. . . - . I �. . .. I I . . I si�le, rus .the � fistts.! ,She - =ds' of lack, 1. h re i�ent..Itself.: aid .r�va . 4 I- . � . . one and The retu enjoys I I . r a g I . . 'I. I I I" 1, . Cal eftOr is.a regrett0le- nee. . a ive front � . .1 .� , . � . splendid'health, Her njother..was a can.; capacity ana.usi Of Undue lullue, e e d the Dept.Of National Do- sports will. be held in the morning as . � Star hastens to 1,make this correction. at� the ,ago Under the,:*w Mrs, Allard xeced4red, fence. The: reghnent4ould be willing. to . tinotype mashines (Icy fanny thinis at tellarlan, dying at Sek&rtlk - o Usual And a,blir -parade after dinner, I � I . . * ­ ' Qrn, i ,,E . . - 7 ' . ' . .1 . of 107 �. I 1 $1,000 cash, :Mrs, Bowler,' housekeeper . inA. , Vents-, I . times, and in ibis, inst%ncO it made . . . I . $2,000. vash,_A iadl* a4d dlam � - da'anything within reason to 'help !Out ,the offloers Are- Chairman, Mayor 0. 1. . 1�1 - . I . � I 'viOlk!'�.read $20,75, As the letter v I Before her. m .. Ond vilogi ,the holiday program*, It'WoUld.Lpartiel- I . �a 0 , �. ead ,%v;Iage to the latO Robert C. Lei, se�v6tary, S. 1). CrQft1treasurer, AND 13VSIN9 Allplis . . . �. I � the xUldat goInk to ,4ho 'Stephen, and pate, la a tattoo O* nimt ry spectacle Of L. L. k�oX; ex.ecutivp, members of the I . I � 'A� C.", . - � . . in Thq §tar,'Jt most un- Rays, ,Sealortla hotelkeeper, ,Urs. ,Hays I . . r a . was, of 4 . Kenneth Verdun, addfotd. . . . I .. I j ,,,, larse, : erving of Was Wisss-Anfiia Laird. She was.born in I ,. . any .sort., Or -would Put on at. complete towu council, 'civia committee of the to 'I ALV . U4 ta � $I;# board,, , h 1;3 des, I � Thc,,� WM -was 'probate. program of jts� 0 , . I . � Get: your Rod .,License VoM , I . . , I I ,.Ireland , and came to Canada When. quitf. � - � propopAded, for wn The nle* fOr the board ,.of trade, R. Sto 0086, H,�-Ww TgBBUTT'* 8011, Fee $2.00. . i to oconoralle. . , I . full crva* I . I , 110 neh I . or its eg?"i" . 701 - � ' arrow, exeduWr�, Mo. Allard Soldiers, he said. )vould be �prepftred and:.Criath. 0hair*e1% of committees are : * - , . ­ 1-1. - . � �. I'll ­.. � - " L . .. L mg, At t *.-rexld6s vii)a llei y - , VIOL I'. 1% � - �­_,; *�--, _____ . presazX , , ­ I I .. . - , I . � and John I3, & abOUSd',H_ T� " Vhq Victoria . 01, - I � _1k6AU1y I only-thild. 4dra, X j - , � , - . On . . � will hold a, V�klnd sale OA Saturday, May -,-, L �o­ . b'r; EllI6U;­itr-L, OWOZ4,41ecf; ',�c0ffll0ktA1Id tllq served. by themakv0so, All that . was Children',0 1;poito; -A.,-St _ ljoMo and. 40ho ., I Abb* AND , I 4ak Judg6 directed the ioue lArtried. 1� . � I L . . 1 . L . --- - _- - � now. $490. Hays JU a. Presbyterian and ,- Vant.ed was the rdw1fo6d. ' _Ie Edwards; advertising, q. L. Parsons. de- 28th, . . , '"" � , . U ­­ --- li . .1 ­ . . I 'ROOM 'AND BOAnD-Conv�Weiit to ittrely ay. 'more .. Between thirty, and �.fofty wltnassO� " . Bandmaster Agrees , privileges, L. L - A -h_,_:!_'--'--- ... � ". -'- _­ ' ­­ . L- . . .­ - ' nllAseg Church,oA Sundi . cotations, WIllid Friasor, I , meek Cjl�PtL , I . . , trial ma . . � I L . . . . 'j.. 1. O, D, I.I., WIJIL 11014 , ^. Harbor and Square, ly BQX Over, she walks to tworsilip. � . have been Subpoenaed, and tb� y . --agre . H. Humber, . .. , dj. .­ .� . . . I I App . . .-Hays has scores of relatives and Is# ..sevqaj` days, Hays & Hays for. Bandmaster Ruckins was I . 'a bridge On the grounds of, Judge .us- I %'STAR O"10E. � ". * � Mrs. L a , ., - I .. the St. Thomm: proposition after it. had .Citizens generally think that ton� - . L I . ____ I __ triandl!-MoSt L of them pay periodifaI plaintiffs, IF. 1R. Darrow.for himself as 9 A;_ strike Was made in having the Elgin tells, Nelson street, on July �Bih, rte . . th6 Oflicial .been explained to him. he havin . . . 'LlAte. Us.' Huckins ha . d . asked, f or regiment come. to M . date, . . I .. 1. A.UCTION SAIX - . . Visits, to her, always to. find her bale and executor, 1). 'E, Holmes for, . I I I I �Gocicrlch. *Th6re is no eiiybor the I .. . , L ­ . .. . L ' _____t�.. - . - .. . I Guardian, and 3Frank'Donnelly for Mrs. rived I . . I a so , ,gre ly"'reduzod PtIOM On ... - . tjR,NITtjA - . L .. better trained, military unit In Western Must -b ,ld . at . , . _V L and, bearty, Her Meow are Mrsi,'Tuomas Bowler. ' .' . L I I . . permission to stage a band tattoo , on I � - I AuOTION SALE Ov'-v I I Oundry, Oodorich, Mrs.- Kathleen Mark . . I '. our complete, stock, of f Spring Coata, ,_IHN1'rlDljS. . - - . . I The trial Is. set -for 10.9,6190 L k.,I�Onday Momirdbia'01y evening And said bb would Ontario -and, three years ago it would - andina I . . I L . and Wiss Annie Laird, Woodstock; MLm . - I . be pleased to. have the assistance . , of � the. h these Ve - utd valUes. L . i . .�, - I rusted I � I I .. BertiO Rays ooddrich. .NopbCws.a Dr. morning'; May.23rd. i % .1 I I ' . a * ve cost $1,000 dr more. I to ,bdI19 It make . -as MO . WeL are inst by re .4 M M bands. ' Mr. here. It looks like a big Dominion �1)3y Make, yodr selection early while siz M . . M _ . 9' L ,� : Elglq regiment and . Its L .. I M V. , M MR. CHAS. A. WALTMS, - Camplien ! NOW' York City, Hector PROVINCIAL.. SECRFTARY HOUE Huolklos was Inalstent. how . ever, that only in Goderich... . . I L . 'Comlijeto'L . 0. ZOXAIWOR., - I I L . L M M L to sell by piibUo auction..At his - home, Hays, God0rich. James, Adam and 9. a. I I . M M � �-- - ,_ .,--- The Central Home and School, Club I . Park St.,,Goderich, on M " M I HAYS of.seaforth'. 1�. C. Hays, Ooderich 4bn. J. -9. Challies, Provincial Secre- M M . .. I . M . I M I are ,having a lawn., entertainment alld M I �. M . Mrs. Ads Staddaker, of Seatile, Wash.* tary� and his deputy, Mr, 0. A.'Weelands, . . . . . M m M M WSO is amfece,� . I 0 were in Ooderich last Saturday on an. OATS,ScAp , 91 ,IN PRICE B M � tea on rriday a M 'SATURDAY,, MAY 21st , . tQ: �11SE 9 UT I fternoon, May 27th, at.. ' , I comidencing at 1,30 O'clock M M MI.. L M M M I M 1 .30 sharp, A proaram M Of dAntou"; M L I M M f . la to government M I go I M I M i I Goderich Oman; I Singer Sewing Last Sunday a number of relatives 0fficl41vlSlt 0 lusPect'o YL choruses and tumbling has been tirratia4 M machine, 9 couches; I .-WrIting desk; 2 motored to Lucknow to visit M Institutions. They twore, greeted ,, b I I I . BUTTER AND. EGGS "DIRT CIIE-AP I I � M I Mrs. Hays. M I M , , ad. Admission 15c, tea loc. . �m L I . rocking chairs,. I parlor. table; 3 small She -greeted all Sheriff 9Xiddleton, and byGovernor J. 19, - M I I M by their, Christian names I M I . � L I I M . .m I I I I tables; .1 extenkon tolq; 8 dining chairs; and throughout the social call neynol4s at the county jail, where they Wheat I - N . M You'd better be a-dIz9,In9,, out your .:m . . m I war&o�e;L was "the found b,orythi,g in appl�pie order. The Wintered Well and Seed-' 78 -POUND STUkGEO M � , batillug's,utts, folks---�Ixt won't 136 long - 1 1 dresser', I chest of draw- life 'of the party." � M . I . I M . owITTE6 SUICIDE now-" Ilemerabor. how you Admired thaL - . . I ers; I corner cupboard;. I'hanging lamp; __ N M . - Minister And: his deputy are travelling by � ing. Is on the . M . c I L I 'kitchen table, 1 kitchen cupboard: 2 � . , I . - M motor ear. . M . :1 � . I M 'L I I M M — v 1 1. Igntzen sult,y6ur friends wore last 70�10 , I � I . . I I M I — L M La3t Lap � M . I I 4EEB IS M , The new 932 styles ar . M the L commodes; I coal 'oil heater; I coal SAY r NAMED . 6 just tho* last I heater; 1,11our barrel; I drop leaf table; M M, M I M . I A 10-poun4 sturgeon got itself tangled word In sv,vbn suits, This year wear . 2 beds; dishes, pictUres; I set malatform FOR REGISTRAR'S J L I M '. � up in the nets of Louis Metiod, commer- suit that put the style In swimming. ' , � M . L ,scales; I single or team wagon 'j,th polo . M M 09, NwBageballln _,'.. �! LESS ACREAGE POTATOES slat fisherman, bf Hayfield, , tbe other dA,y Now on sale at 11133' B,ZRT'S. I � M . I I . L , � M M . and sbafts; I gravel box; I stepladder; I the aPPOIhtmeut 'of a county 10 M M M . . � — . . ' - 2' ": - M, �, . . I - M - Dicani - _j,_,W.heAjba�trQZ M registrar ' , ­ - - "---M __ ­­', _M I , lan­ in -its frattlameff,orts* to release. itself- '___ Out, regular 60a box of Day -L.W . . � M ... M . - mmmmm 'M L M ­ I ,badlesstuoket-, 1-iran to- sucueed: the -r=6 -Wulf - - M � Amitc--,�Jll- ---Gode-r-ich,,T,hi*s-,.,Y,ear,, � - , mm-deemd6d �aur` 'WcUl 6 - - -or ady .11-,"', - - n . . wagon gear; number of -bits; 1 litter car- 'Zot be made Until after. Ja'Um M Fiuii -drowers ReAdy For Cen. in some manner put a ball -hitch around Face ow kettle; I blablmmith nnvil;, I steel axle neL 'at, it IS I M . � L t- . M M M M I .1 tier, .track, guy rods and hangers; I mill stated 'in auth . . M M � its noolt with t r, Mo- 50c Day Dream Article. form 500, M . m aritative-tircles. Hon, W1. Softhall Is ici . Take m Its Place trill Packing, Not t . CAUPA =Vs DUT1101 STORN. - - I . I M I saw; .1 blacko,mith vice; I lawn mower, H, Price, Attorney General. under -whose . : M M I I L Cold Stor'ag''e? , m� I Grand Bend and Nettla Point the big of Interost to, ,women, the new models� M � M M 2 garden 'plows; 2-sectlon harrows; 3 Jurisdiction the :appointment 'eOmes, is , A 1:eague is Being , I . . .M M I 1 '�A Vioundatlow 00tralOAN *ill M . I I m M " I M 40 -gal. gas drums; I applebarrel press; at present holidaying, in the, British West I m . L fish came up like, ..Ao�, but %fds &IiII of. Namo-flex I --in - .. chains, forkp, rhovels, and other articles. Indles.and will not return until the first M . M Forrne.d - I . , -will be fewei potatoes, ,planted alive. All fight, however, wag,gonc, for be demonstrated our store by Miss TZRMS;m-Cash, M M 1. M I - . M M , M M I Tl�aro � . M � . I The property Is offered for sa . Is or f the month. It IS stated that Alex, I M I — . . the fish may have been captive for two 'narroli. 0, trained orsettere, oil VrIday rant. .. m� I . in Huron cq�nty this spring and the days. It tangled the not up almost be- aild Saturday- of this week. Women Who L . . �. , . I � CHAS. A. WALTE", Proprietor. cab, former reeve of Stephen township owing to lack of support arid financial :V,hdat acreage altd Is ,down, A01 M etall . t yond repair. - L I. L M hoe a corsetry problem atD InVI I ted to I - , . . 'L . T. GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. � and a defeated candidate for the Peder- difficulties wIllo . h baseball ericount . a . red t Catches of ptur L geon Were common Im consult Miss Barron at LGOHASM'O. . I . I j I UIL Parliament -has been named for, the I I . .County Agricultural. Representative M, . . __ 7. - . I - L . ,position, but th, . riot be last season the great, summer pastime, kifiabn Informs The Star, One ma' these fishing waters' thirty. arld-.4drty, Kindly arranjo to come Friday If at 611 . . . is, of course, can .. . . P who . I 0 . . . I . � . $50.00 xtnwup - I . years ago, eaut it Is on very rare c6cadons po3hible. . �.. . 'I , � Officially idonfir "He has the Inside once so popular here, will not be played Iiia aighty.s,"an Acres of'potatoej last . ' . or, & L Gillette, Piobik. ,.or Velvet med. that one in now caught. 'the fish was The May ificetind of the �W. C. T. 10. - I 'Odge 81ade that Jiffy lustruetloA3 fail,to track," a -. high-up ConsevvatjV6 told The in 0odartch this ae'agon, A softball' year, -this year will have but tight acres: ,vtr 'uh $Oct,. In. lOngth And WqP disposed w.ill, be held on.Tburoday,:tho 12014.0 � . I � . i isharpon. , They cost only 50 cents and Star th& Other day,' - team, bowovee, is being formed and OfittY As a cash crop potatoes, Of course, have "of locally. . . the home of Mrs, j..'% Colborne, St. . last �ii lifetime; no extra cost. I had only - .. .1. . . 1. , . . . has Already, been madt In a 101906 -With bbeh a big disappointment this -year. . Patrick street, at'It.30 P.M. � I ,�­­�­ " .I-.- ­ � L I 1. I 'neW pabitage of blades .last year, A'. - ___ -1-�--- — Clinton, Scaforth, IlAylield - arid Grand There Are Still themands of, bags of tin- * . � . . . . . . . FTj9MINQ, 64 Blantyre Ave., Toronto, . ., ]PUBLIC NOTICE Bend, A meeting was held at Seaforth sold I'murphyall In 1juron. One�-farmer wotk-wend In Goderich townsh' .p, Col- The regular, meeting of tho Womm's . I �--.�._­__�_ I ­ I I . on. Wpesday night of this week and Gotta- is leading three hundred bagg a week, borne and A31lfleld, also in the. southern Uotpital Auxiliary will be held in the . . � .. . NOTICE -OV MEETING LAWN MOWMS ammPENED. and re- 'rich 'tatered a team . . . .. . , I Paired by machinery. "a -'former Is getting 30 cents o; ba�- sections of -the -County. In ,11owick and public 11brary board room on MOndaY, , --------- ��­ All work This action was aot taken until after when he'can sell them, � . Turriberry, however, Ahe farmers are 'a May 23rd. at 4 p.m. A full attondAnbo I TTtmox CYOUNTY COUNCIL called ' for and delivered. 33AAICM . ' . N ,the baseball situation had been Ahor- Ith hav week to ten days behind. , I is requested., .. . . 02 I With the exec JLJL ING, , I Blue Water Highway, South. of . ption of oats, Wh e , . . : . . I . 1, . �, 4, ,. h. 'Phone 241. � .. oughly tahvaes&L Aard ball players taken a jump#' the price of farm '�ro., Where Have Applen Gone?, Von will be glad to -know we have Just . . I I I , d were lbath to quit the sport, even tem- ducts I 0howa Very little Iminovement. Latt week, the apple orchards received passed into stock a fluo Botany Yarn. .1 . The 1rur'o"h County Colmell will meet OaTCV1. porarily, but they could ndt see a blue oats Are now selling for 35 cents .a a. In Ila the County Council Chamber, Court N , . I illeir , first gpraylut;- The'rio are - one. or the same, as the manufacturers Us "' sky, fifiancially. I 5 a . maklua thoao smart lacy pullovers. Alt denletoo L Committee ha bushel, All winter they ba,ve sold. for 20 two new Orchards 4n the rc. ul r 8pray!. House, -430derl0h, On, Tuesday, June Ith, The Colborne �e Those wisbing to play softball. are Ask- cents. . Peed Is ctnrce In many settLono_ irkj service this year. Last year fluron the h= shades are� here, also new knit ­o . , '1932, In the afternoon at two o'clock. decided on Wednesday, June lot, as gen. ad to communicate with "Butch'.1 Mur- of -the county. Last weeh�end 4L Won, count, tina boot: with complete instructiow. A . All accounts, petitions, noti-�es of date- oral qlesm-up day In Colborne tetpete y harvested 20,000 barrels (not 19ations and other matters for ,the cop-' They. Invite all who are Intotested in tZ ney or Chris Arther, Practices are to treAl buyer went ' thr"ough 43oderloh eompleto stock of yams, alway�6, in stock �, . ,sIderation of the'Obunty Council should cemetery to be present, -A team will be start at once at Victoria Park; , ' I counting hampers) of first grade apples, I � be in, the ban& of the Clerk On the Sat. I . . . toi#nship offering 15 cents a .pound for * but it is not po--lblo to ,;)uy a decant at. SCHAIWOR'S, - . . ,� , . .. hired for the afternoon to draw dirt or . . - tl- . Id 11 specimen In, a Huron County store 0- . i , _­.--*� . (�� . - vious. . �- 40 allY Other necessary ,work. The came- TIM ]PINAL CHAPTER ,, . .� butter, at the farpti, and 7, 0 ai � . . Vd,%righ", May Isth, 1999. 11% cents v� dozen for eggs, according to day, 'Noy can be purchased In Migm. CAUDS OF THANKS . tL'rY extension Is stalced In lots ready for The final chapter in the cage of David grade, He got all he wanted. '. land, Vranee, or even In Northern- On. The $amity -of the late Mrs. John. 144C- ... . I . 0 Mi. W. HOLMAN. sale I . however,. I', nnou acknowledge w ith deep appre- . . . County Clark. , .' I . Gauley, *who has -been sivinc the* afithor- Wheat Wintered Well torte arid Weatern Canada, .1 I "_=.__.L_ � � . I- ­. , 1. � - - , ­ I H. V, UORRIS, extended ta Ahem � __ - I - I.- -I ..­_­___. _� � ­ .. . Secretary. 'ties ulue" trouble of "t6l war' WrlttOn The fall wheat wintered tu,aptionally Our beat apples are all sent away. Last elation the sympathy eath . . . 11 . . . - . - - . L . t�__.__ _ - - � I ­ I . . on 01'aturdaylast with the hrrival of. at- . a. . Atkinson fall half 3 dozen. cars w�,re sent to Wes- in their bbreavament through the d ' * I � ­ ' ­ ' ' - ­ . , . . . . . )jj;�SA_LE_ OR T­O� OUNT — tond4atilraM tondon,who removed the well In Hurall county. I I of their mother. They alto with to I . "I . � � , I F( . said he had travelled over the 06unty tern Canada in bullt.and the groWet,58U thanle.thoje who cent floral tributes. and: .1 � I . I I �'t.!_ man from the county jail to tile provin. and had not nee na Itilled-out plt.11 they made more 4honL�,y out of. thig moth- thow whojoined cars for the funeral. , � I . C. H. HUMBER 1�4OR SALB.-Gar ge r ale, cheap. gin institution in t.hat city, � ... Ltr. Charleg A. 'Walters and sintern vibb � I JCWCLLP_R . - I Apply JOHN C . Tj St. Patrick .11, ­. worth mentionin(j. There has been �o od of shipping than any. other. I . T145 SMALL $I ORE . street. . I , reseeding whatover this opiloa. ,There "We are ready for ,central paelaaC to tbanic their many friends for kind I . I ­­ _..�, I*$. carall Viola, of roar Tree, rne' - sympathy 811OWn them In the time Of - ' I , I .1 . , W plenty of moisture in thd:coil ,and a heroill said Mr. Atkinson. ' "The u4j wt+H 'Ttia;n10 STOCK F-0111 0ALE on =0a=0r,_$9,0oo land, who an a child was �ory delicate, warm spell Is all that b U�ede& formity of pach would help the antall their gad bereavement. also to L. 0. U 11- 11 n ,firtf, lhort%903 or four ,bull- ha!� just djjj�, rl�ed 100. 13eeding wag I)m2tically finl8hed lArA grower find a Market more readily. 1 1-02, and for beautiful floral tributes And - ____J1 . I A ,� '. ,,j. to t1lese who leaned cars for the fun- I � . - _�__:__ ____� I . ­ ... ­­ "� ___ � galowa ju wAA4utur for good la M. AV- — ___ Milt, tlk"IR we L41t; MUM AC3 ,V U V aral. . I � . ­.�­,.i.—'. - ..... ­ __ - ... ... ;, 1.11 4�� 11. ply BOX 14, tTAII 0 MMOE, � 1. storage, but it VIIII coma." � I L . —.-- __ � I Fop, IMNW When Mr. Atkimon was told that In, 000 L Vt. , 11 1. . � , Ar � .--Warra house, cent rairy Nearly Two Hundred Get Shelter I Wdofttocic a, va.,ant fattory was being CTMIL-At, abderl-21i, on Thuzcdi�', . . I . located. with �., without garage. 41 year ,rCv mped fcr a,cold otorcao plant Ile mid "May 12th. 1032, Alfred. Younge�^t Wa of I - Lt. 1#0WZLt1 � -.1. a V.,O. AV. and Mrs. Ja=:GtOel, caad S m6atlll . �, �8 . . W. I — � -At Town Hall Siinee First Of the Ile hadn't heard cl It, A vitallar � �_ un LifeJeoutflnue ­ 0 M, a of 0008da _V.-Touuk rtrawberry plant, . . . patitlon was adversely reported on In and I � . or � � I I _tli� n M016 or Premier, 100 plant5 I ­_­�V-� . 1� r)jjtppur,�J)�-At 141le. on Weanmacky, - I W I . An: I 0 days. I , Claderfell. I . . , I I � I , midor Duniop ,plautt for Iltilf Ginta tj-za $J=t Of this YCO 171 glan, JeAt not 14 this dirc,otion, but . "I I . I . .00. Sn a great Tuo Ifuron County: r-rult aryvic,rs May lath.' 102, Catherine mlcllp�ra, I The 'tan wht, tetas Life 1waro'hea most is tho nAn W120 cannot,'jet it, thAt Price-wodid "ll a halt hundred many of mem wevo boys, havo teon MAnY Of tho amateurs, he tays, ar" tal)- A=oglatlon 11014 its Ann OW. . . � ual Ineetina Como daughter of' tile late m4&. and W. A I little white tpTuej) tre-05, al�,O, N, To 4 idly bommina prolm-lonA13. Come of wooks ago, but t1jo tornarant was to Oheppe,td. . i A#k any of tilb 400,609 Men Who 104t SeAr VvtrO, "tUrned down�l by tile , r1don; st, W. I Mo . VALVV' glVa:a blleller at the town hall, 000rLeb, � 1, MMM0 emptalds vIltn they *Anted iwurs,nc�e.' I _­­­__�­_­­L Alas+ ', funeral '02MICO will t'11:0 V,wo'at - ; , of t120M alto hl,V6 W.4 them have learned Most tricks of tile tensaw ana tile a4u=ioa co iona 'AL V ARAI POU SAtE.-Porty fterts, Moro W&VIde'd, trade , drawn-out that ofll�evs were Oct elm -ted, the family reildonee. 1411e. Olt rMday. . il - An fttetdeut, or 4 10W day8 of Ift e* � Oftda 'Canv"rt a good VL.k Into 0, 46 woa did tileso youna men do wtoro .��_­*__ . ; � -escutcd Aptuar"+, or ICS1, thn propott7 of t1lo latt WIth 'One or, Moro dno3is, very few lit'jo ,Alap 20%. at 9 0!elaelt. Interinent at . I . I � I . I , ­ . U. W. C. XCftel, situated at this end of & M=3UCnt addrdis. Tltey 06,M1.1 On- tht ma of depx-t5lon mt In? Ocrgc3ut OVSTOMS COLUCTIONS Vp , '10 P011V cwtoma concttion5 at the Dvit of nour av " I VOU 0n 0317 0-6,S7 Way nat bo obtalap-blo noxt y0ar. 5611th ttrcdt 011 MO Eadth= Wandary ly Lolnelcn, but friondless And ttoney ltc�s Dut Us q=,tjou a good anally .-At Godettelt, On %'Vodalesl- � The Uzo to 1=re, ja now. 4 MO tOWZ: Of P691 01.0 18aW, 1AV80 brake. . I ��, � ?Ion -'s and birn, dvivo the - ftes. They 'Worit"d in tile factorlm, in Goderielt rwezo UP W80 In April m corao day, May 10th. 1032, nenlo V31rine W�- I , I I I '; War sp, nergant Art It= duriner fil'o winter ft eifiit% the bmh and oil the far M1, pawd with tho t3ma irawnth 6210 YCA? Donald, ,01dow'of t4o lato'404= m.1bb- " " � � 'ano""'!V "IMM '07til (135 lett), tho . 0moe 1101 , ' ' ' Vtwatm, good fruit treL", � vok I I pt b t ,o fliMMS t:�Ntl VIM mott Of thest un- Tl&o wc,ro a law oMeo mon amang aaa, .c6limtor Andrew Vortoi� Catm*czts� I , , ag � P, 0�1�t�j 'tmos . . ! , �n *1 to Ael -3 as Ile CC8WmrCd tizem, Ninety per thm toa. ro:? kilo rewn�t Vitt tac4j mik T1107 will '011ow - - I Tile 10 vmzc� at - . I , clo� I"% Aftd dtrez an oven croatcg gaereng, fulletal wvdeo will tah �. 0 . I Ite4deum C49 H. R.. LONG, Diltriet Avnt thaTchts, r1r ftfffb�? J)Airtfc-ularx applif Cent. of tbem, ho ew, ranst, In ow, from their 13t, ma!ovlaleally and V far aa is � for May, 6wlng to U=p IWPW3110,413 r, M. . ac-oigola etinvell 0a Glturd,Ny. MV � I ,1� ; .j.,6W'j0ft.j-jL0@0jWkft0@ J.0*W0Wjd,j"""' ­­­ 1-1111 . 11 On tsm imml-kcs 02 to � or AT to 9$ yeans, W;th few tk,.tteVtIM3 tilt klwwu elltm Itas rtot 0 a t4=11 $a tho � rpt (Sal, awl tmz machivaiT, frain Mo' Zlo� at 8.10'a olela�k. Rate"meat Olt m3lt- � -, -____I* PZROY WIM t, � , I .1 I I . I .. I MArm Dnfel_,*!�5:1111 llblal!l 1$ mt travelling, -at, t* Aynitcd Statm ,111la comotm. 4 ; �� I i