HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-05-05, Page 3- I I 'THUE GODERICH STAB PAO* TOM WHURSDAY, MAY 5111, 19r42 ­­ - -- -..-.- --,-----------.-,-----�.---,—q--�- ­­ ­� �, -- ­ ­ . . � I � I.. 0 � ­ - —--0,!,!1 - , ­ , ­'. ", !­!!!!! " M--1 A, ar'su"SS CHIINOC AT Cum-; , ­ . lowl"00---jop" , 11 1 1 Synod of Huron I . I Another U114408 chaup h" oc=rw I in vilwtw�. Mr. D. J. AWas-4a. having . Ic retired: from the Vardware *Rd *Urd- U n d e r w ei! ght? Gets Large Beq'uost �. I County and Distr "I t ture, ,Cokapany. wIlk-1k will up conauued I . S, �\ I I' r N D. IV 11 B4,11 and J. 1 ZaPte. the "My b4by was so thin kh bandswtm ­­ . - -- - ---.. � ­­­­ j oo ,f ,x 'L - I � . . 'totalfef1linli wciniivra of tile 91111. like Mid clav%% But -he tbti%td won- Amovat Involyod � May , Rwh I - j " , Xr. AtUiuson has h%a YWY indliTtrent ,&du1iy 44et I $U144 Siv;Ag DAWS . I r ., NAt $60,WO to $7000—To - 11 � ­­ ­ I— I � . — " ........ 1.1.111, 7.,.5111V11.,. 011.110111XIIXIII health for some,time and lie did retire Own Tv,bkts�" write$ Xv. L. Rennedn' . .1 - &Oct ChW& ; , A N " sw�x T , K some Wears ago tut was induced to, re Portland, Ontario,. - .KIRCRAWS FARX AT DMURELli, NEW , turn as IL member of tile ftlawberk the Baby's (hmjab- - ' . ,,Ur. John V2 lgwl�6 fovingr Proprietor A new vents furnishing and sboe6toke hardware- b-olum was purchased. :,\ ktSj�elptete&UUte Tho will of lud essia Uu1sa jwulo- 'ef the CzImue.7441 Hotel at nea5all has went to scarorth on a4turday last. when . ,.". Lose dcath ocewca 1. :. son, of Toronto. wr Vur�.Oasea tile farm of Jolla M,Wtx X, M, Thompson, Of London, opened In �) I 11 stovilIch and bow- on tbe 12th justaut, b bclag entered ter 41 ju$t north Of Mitchell. Ue. 1=10pu the PrIch block� Before going top Sea- THEY UAVX To COME, To "VILON . . . . . . eb-, and the tbio probate j)y the Canada Trust Compalpy, takQ3 Immolate posseislork. forth W. Thom bad lived Ilk london "I ..1.111111 I'll'... L b : � AIM gainsweighL b: a :, . role ,oxv,,utor. Mr. John, Mcquaig, Of Anistall, 4134 : b: : .. I and previous to=m In VateptIver. 'Mr. McPhail, Of theDepar-tkikent L 61 Apt- . . Absolutcly safe, Miss Jamieson, waa a laughter of the , . bRATH 0*1 LVCKNOW RESIDENT I culture, Toronto. were In 4�eikfertlk dis. . I L.: ,� .11 2SQ pa&age- 233 late Rev. Andrew Jamieson. U.D., Of the L trict rowzltly purchA51bir show hor4c., ­­. � - 1. Or. Willt.wA", Diocese of Huzon. who died several years WINGR4X 401"00 MUNDS CAL& ­ , Mr. XMIalk congram"Who for the Dast, for the, *eveasoki Stock farms. Among � ago. lilbe-vas a ' the 041- . . graduate of TrInl.W and four Years had been * resident of 1,uck. A 0411 has 13eet extended by the purchases owerre 0, three-year-old PASY1 OWN TAISLITS primipal of ead;vIlle. school, Toronto. . I i � . now. passed away, on Wednesday, April clal board Of the Wilk9haill 'Tulted It gelding from Mr. Alex. Wright, . i. I I I . 001010040 After providint,'for bequests to relao , . -.k. I - , 20th. Beside4 his bereaved w-ife, there clkargh. t*,tho,- VA%;,w,s 1. I ­ - ­ . -�Wkerslkkltk; a four,,yexr-old from -18 tives. . And Annuities for life to thrco , ,,,., m�­ �,,,..111 I ,1,111, ', . , ' ,,�� to I , * -0., E., Thompson. friends, the catliv residue Of the estate SkkrVl�ea one dauohter"�fta , � 'Auto, to . � �O.Yej,v. 0131014ttOg clergymm, The deemsed . j�qd a t,� , . I ' � -' `� -' !' , _ L _ � � - � � --- - Mqt son, w h 4 i a, *8 t 9 e he -- .-4.-e , survived by 143 pWiai.'Mr. 931doMrs. . � . las Ave brothers and , 7, 1 , '&�L . valued At approximAtely $60 . $*Ceed, I . " , " . Henderson. of -)4Ucku6w. 7 :: . . 4 TR, from 0. impthorh'.. ,000, is to be L I . . . June 14 Mr. Currie, bas''toem . aged I . . L John. Trifteri and by , I � � . In specIAl work for the cburcl). � . I , . . col0erted Into cash After the last $ur. ,, . L I I . I two sisters, Alit yonAger t119.11 himself. vivor or the three friends referred to , �$CIIOQL PRINCIPAL VEILY ILL, , , 4 Id t L IV � ''. . PRATO OF CLINTON RESIDENT . They are:.DavId. Uon, Gordon. StOw" obAll. have died and Is to be pa Over 0, W. R, ftcamus, principal of the - . I . ". rld,ay.': A*Il 22ild, Ogasie Brown art� Jean, Grant and Marie, ,The Pall - 41 I I WAlkerton High school, wiho was report- INj)UCTA0 INTO VASTORA'TFA I . 0A 7. , r k , Harold 1114 Inco.-pel*toll 83,004 of the Diocese . . widow 1pf lRury Basler.: of clintod, Vas� bearLers were: Norman at 111%. el of Huron of the Church of U00314 to . Rd -as Iklkjroviik� slowly,- from uwqI, Mr. i%, X ' B.A., who was student a away -, � - - - , . Romer Russell, be Used within two yeArs Of Wh pay- - i , L . . err* ed , at her home. ftnpeso street U6'we, Joint C . that Of excessive Ikcae ,bleeds which for- pptor At' Blumale and tsdies last sunk- In her soventy-sixth year, After An ill'.- Charles MrIen and Harold Fattier, In- ment for erecting, or asslating in erect- . I- ced, him to be ',removed to the Vr,Ace M04 graduated I in Theology from, Knox . ness Of, heart trouble, extending over Ra terine"t was -made In the new division Ing, In the Amese of Huron at 4 P1490 County hospital, Is. not so *611. A sp�- College, Toronto, and has beta ordained period of two year$. Surviving Are one Of the, Exeter cemetery. , I - to be designsted by the Bishop O1,RUrQU. . oclailat. fro . m Toronto, following 4n. ex- And inducted Into the !pastoral charge or act : William, � of Toronto, and two . . . . I . I a church which.sh%il be c*1140t.'An- , . UltInAtIOU. had. WW *Move& -go the Avon and 'Motherwell in the.6trittford daught6ra, Jealk, widow of W. Grieve, WINDOW jrVErm CHASED I I drew's. This 13 to be 4 Memorial to Miss Western Hospital .in Toronto where, it Px,sbAery. . . . who had cared for, her parents during jamieson's father and mother, MiLrjorte , . I L � . Out of the. fastest records In mAra- Was 4-Veictedbloccl tran0fusions Would be , _ . their lost days, ,and Mrs. Fred Co*, - Co.urtenay Jamieson, . a I .. given the patient and other treatments . . .. . . 1. Wyandotte, Mich, 4 � . thon. races wa* smashed at Uarristou to In. the, event the Bishop prefers to use . I Provided to aid1n his re�overy, ' $NALE.SArNDERCOCX � � . . ' � Cettly 'Whelk i% YOkm& 0treet reSideat � I I . . I — . I the funds for efectinst, one or more �L . I I ding was' solemnized At C L I � noticed tile face or someone against the - ., : , -j ­­ ' ' ­ ' L A quiet wed I - in -his , -a t . line churches on Indian Reserves, this is made . I fV . RANGE RATE FOR VILYTH HALL . window pane � I , . Clinton on Saturday, April 23rd, at. SL I . � L . domicile at � ­ " L . ­ L- �At a meeting of Memorial gall BQ%r41When the family was preparing to re- possible provided the churches so erect- . . Z P.024 when'Vera Helena, eldest, daugh- ed shAll be- called St. An0rew's as 4 , . 4a, It. N. ]AVENO, Hea,. Slyth, Miss E.,Stelikhoff Vas selected us tire. IminediateW'upork viewitkir. the face mew . I , OrgA41st, Of ]KnOic ter of Xre. Annie 6aundeftock, of orI%L Purther provision Is Mdade . Church. Teacher of piano, VOW, S.All. W�n, treasureyj In PIK,a of the late Jas. D, against the parke the householder, not b L I 11, L V, L ' Was United in' -marriage to I desirous of disturbing his famll�, made that should, the .money not be employed . )� I Organ 4nd harmon . Terms At ApPlica- George Snl%le, eldest jon of Mr, and Moody. At the :neetIng it was decided for either Of these purposes, It Is to W I � tfork, Bedford Hotel or Knox Church. . . the door in an endeavor. , .. , I . 11 Mr4. George Smale, of Helvall, the Rev. to lower tho hall ratio. to an local orgattl­ tracks towards used ter the erection of, or assistalz6o. lul . . — �. ..,-- I . . - , � I . I Mr.. T'arrell. offlolsting, � .1 zati=s to $1040 Ihstead of $15.0 which to obtain. a hold on the peeper it pos I b I , erecting, in the ,Diocese of Huron. it 4 1 MR. A. D, 1). PUDW9LL, T. 0, M., L,, I , . .. has teotI7 the price charged, except. to slblet� The Intruder, .who. ap . L" . L � . . . parently place selcotkL bY the, Bishopo a church L . . teacher of plin4forte and: VO4AIL I . . . I , . , phurobes. .The rate joi; .i�nteit%ji)Ukents knows the neightorhood, made, a 4%sh music, Is Prepared to take. Pupils either S I 7 . , Smith ,kot, In home for the a -god, to be naimptlAit. An- , Put Lon by local Organt. for liberty With L the black . . . at their homesorst,pbe r0ldvaim of T44,, lUFFERS SERIOUS ACCIDENT Other than those , ftq%-A� game of. , tag - &round drew's as A, lasting memorial, I J. Whittingham, Waterloo st. (next . An . unfortunate . Accident occurred zM1040, remains At $150. Mr., Frei pursuit and a L The late Miss Jamieson And her I I Capital Theatre). Terms.- 6,00 a Ilan when =$a .F,V& B . I . . � ther were former parishioners of . . Olt, Of 'yVinihank, jel,l Somers was given the work.ot redecorat. several back yards the peeper, tranaged 1110 I I � � h0*0': 760 akl:llour� . . �.. I . . from 4 ladder, AllthoUgh -the , %U was Ing the Interior, of the basement. . to secure his. getaway by hurdling a back . I .. '­- ­� I I- . . fence. Tile peeper Is 'r6orteLdL to have Bishop Seager� who,la.remembered In the . � - . . . from Only five feet, up Miss.Bolt, fell In . . . I — I 'all and. we . a . r- will, with a sm,01 bequest. — i . . . I RAY100M P. PLAYER, A; T, C. Mot such, a matter .that both bonea:were .. I . . I I .. .. I I . I beOn a man about six feet t . ­ �L I . Organist and Choirmaster of North L DEATH: 00 - WINGIIAM RESIDENT fill; a. cap., � , , . , - . ­ b I I . I . � street United Church, wishes to an4 broken just AWva the Ankle. The break,. ,,I,,,, jameSL . I . I I I . CANADIAN 13UILT I .prepared to Ameptb ls.g­aerIqus One slid It will be some time' * Howsonj �'one of Wing, I 1; . I I I . . --1-` . ... b . 1. L I nounce, that to is Y L � . .highly respected citizens - . RT ALBERT . .. - . b L J?Upils b In PIA14% Organ, Tbeor and, before Miss ;Bolt will be'able to be -about ham's . . b and , PO, . .. . . . . 1 : . I I . I . Entrance of PARIdalre Corporation; - I Vocalo Terms on: application, Re!44'Agalla- ­'. . . businem men, passe a . . . . I 1 . L : b I I :,L The following'Is tliw repoit for the world, largest r - . . a maker of electric 'rarig donee and studio, Xewgat6, Street. I . I . bank: General Hosplt%i on Sunday, April Port Albertsobool-honora' 76%, pass 60, -nkar,ufactktr� I . - L ' . . I . - ­­ _­ , . t . . -into th6 L I I L L —7--' * =7 .. , . . . . " L24th. lie was Zorn In Halton County, below - er4t0ra, . Canadian .. I . I.. LEGAL CARDS L. ' WTX TESTIMON1. . . I L 60 omitted. Sr. , IV-jallfford Ing field, has been announced. . 1 L �. I .. - . nem� Georgetown, 17 years Ago, but for Crawf6 . —­�­­ �--"­�- ty an. . . I I I . I HOY I . 'L � jj,AY$L'& HAYs, - . 1b . .. ... . An. Open verdictumas returned the past. �6 years had be . ark, a ras*ut of - leen - I Leclaor, I . 69. Jr, rV.-Ch �Deflrklte 'L decision to establish the ... I I . I . . . 1. Exeter jury Inquiring intoL,t46 de4th Of the distilct,' having been i6agaged.In the Crawford� OZ. U aiolOttl the -Canadian factor�'Wat ma0wreceatly . . Aera ana- Solicitors. b . . atrj McMillan, 10; Fred sident . Barris at I PredOrl0k Trielmet, killed. When struck milling. business In Wingbarn for. the In Dayton Jby E. 0, Weteblef, pre , - . . R. 0. Rays, X.C.o, and R, 0. Hays, 13A...,k� .6 q"A+,t­. On the -j.1,+..41, A ril . . L Crawford; .70� Annie. Young; 0; lan a",' vene,lal manager of Frivida. - - � ­ . 11 .��; - ­-, on . . 1' I ­- I . ,. - - I L � =, � 11 -,-- -_ = . 1 —4. - I = , . I � . I . I 11 . I . I...''. � I s I � 1. � .1 �, � I , �.-jam, e Is' I . I .., L . . .. .: -I,,. � . L , ­ ''Lt� . t . I . . . .1', �. :,:� L . I .L . '. I � I 1. ' - Worth Anything I It ­_ _,,,- I . I � �, . �.: . . - I . I ., � I I I " I I I � � I I I � , ­.. '' ­�­ %, - I . 17 i, ­ ,::.. � ­ I . TO YOU? I . . ;� , � �,�: . I . : . I � :. 7.1 .1. '"'. ;, I I � ;�-� L ... .�� . . , . " .,.;�. 'tJ'. I . , . .. I I-- I ''. .,!:'. �, .1 -1 OST people who buy M I � ­ I . . I 1, % .�, 1''..., � !, a . . - !.1 .,�.;;: �: . . .11 .:.* ., ., �­ -, . 1:. ,Money orders could . .: .. . . . � i . . � L:.� 11 1. ,. �� . , . , * . , .:�:�-7�.4:`i �. T:.��', " : `� :.!:. 1:"-' - �: - . save titue by purchassing . L... ..: .1 t: ' 'L noon.Priday j�­mffi& blaze threat- ,pensable I �z,;i�,., �-�:­� ,I �,� y:i�%.��!�m��::�:-::i�;o them at a bank. If* as L �. �:� .:. L; � �:,!:�'�' I I t :. .: " .: �: �.' -.1'! - ::L:'�­,, -:.'t�:..j%:j . �.L-.�!�'­ ::. %;.'%j ' I usually happens, the funds �", '':L ,,!,:, . L . " I,: 1 ��'. �': . �t�., L� . 11 I", j.::::,� - t*:��,;:,,!-! .:��;:�'t; ":::.1:�,::t.-', - I �,::�.�*'.'�:������.i��i..i�il,: for -the purchase are ob. . �� � � � � '.. �:­ ! ::,., . : . ' L�- �­. 1-1 , ,; _ . . ­ L I -:i�j:, .'�j;,� . -���!!:i� �ij�, ` I. L - I tainedat a bank the Money, L L , ...!.7! . - . �: �:`� , !� ,; ;. . , -� I ,�, : I , . " , - . :1!t.:t; ��ii�ti.,-�i��, - !i*'.*!:! - �-,iii::ji .. --i* .*.,7 , � .:�i-,.;.- .t .;- '"' , Order can be bought at ihe , L L , � LLL , I . I , L�': 't� ';�: I � ': I : ... 1� I ­*.�, 'I. i:: , , � - i�:'.�!ii�;�!�'�--...--;I�!:-'�'� , - - i:;.* -;-:-:.i,:.,:.. � - , 'L -sqmc titne. , ' ! . . . . !�­ ." .. :�:' �;,�, I .:�, L . I L..,;�.: ­. :. t:,:;.. �` , I I I � �i�!�.,..i-.!�.,�-.,�:i;�.i���'.�: - . �i.'.".il...,;;���i��-lil.������!��� , *:*�:j:-:;;!:j:,.!.;;'.:!::;. - . . , In, this wa two trans- . y !i�: ..,�!:;: - ��-,�:, ,.: , ,. �;�;-:::! ��*­*t,�'i-; -��;`* � -`�i �:;, !�"' . . I . � . . . I . . . . .1 . . . ­ � . . � � . . 101, I -Lt. Tin - - i-* ,.i..-*.*...,.:i.i�iiii"�..i:�-i : i!..:.;i*".�l:�',:!:*�.:,�::*,i i ,!�tiom are very conven- I - - � 7:1:.:i,�;��!:.:,� "...:.i .-.*: *. �11 * m!:,. � i i:::.,.: 1: I I , �",.'. i i I * -1. I �, i -1. .".. I.; � ..: i i " i � i " I ! � i i -....' I ,.; ! * , 1.". i -, � -,.'; ': *,' � i , L iently combined in one, . I �: -1. �'� � . �i-,�,..".,ii��:i:�i�i�:�i��..�-..� , � ::':*:':,t':�:,.!`4:j�j;:!: - i*.I-.*..;.,.i;*...-�:,.�j-.'.:j�i: !:.':':':�*:::,.*,:".Z:i:i..*,- i: ., i'.. I " .. *.. i j * �: j: -, i .: .,:.:: i I L Money Orders are sold -at �!,*.,-,:�:�;-.',�.i,.!::,.��:���-I '*;."*.'�,�:i:-*,---.�ii:"�t:;!.*.:� :!, . ,.;!*.- - ..::,,,*.ji:­.i:7; ' �' � ..: .�.: .. ! *, -: 1 ii ...'. .. it i -.; ! " ii I all branches of this Dank. , . ,�:-;j:�;-,!' � �-1`,*�"`!!`-!� . . . - � ,%� ­. -..:.!­:`.:!� . " , :,i":%:i*i*j:j:-%.',:! . . ;�:i..:ii"i,�:L:,::::*:*;,.:.,. ;..:­:,*i:,:i*:-:',1 � . Will be L� Our nearest branch, . :��!:..';!�!-t*%j,.Z% �. Lt.. .. ..:,.;,;::�:;­;r: *!1ii;:t,.,;�;;.�, %'�:­ � !:'�;.'tj '! � i!.. ... i j ,,:�-,!:�::i, :;:'.:;j�-�;�t:t:1:-;:L!.;j! , i�ii:,. ---�;.,,i�.::i;i.�i:::::: � onj too glad to L y serve You. . � ­­ %j:;,::,.�-­ Z-%'.! i��-,.ii.!�,..!::�:.,�,�4.i,.,.: :%:!;1-.-*% ..:ti, - , . !;.:%:*::j,:�-,:j!j,�::::.% . ;-::i-.Tt­;!:::.%�:,;::% . . a this respect I . , . L . i . . ;: �%. . .�:. ,j;;..`, -.,.*..y*,. �7,,!��­.tt. , 1�1'.,:' L , ,:.�%�4j'_ . . , t . *-!*.:!*:-�;:j:::j:j�j: .:, :. ,:;t;:L­.:::j:!:::j:: ., !:t:::t.:;-::::;;t::% 1-:-.:j . j'Zz:�"Z:!::�t�:::;:j:j:::: L 11 ii�:iii�i,.1:!i:i*.i.iii-,i ji i i §:, ii;.:'. " � " i .. *. i .. i � .. .: i :'.,: -.: ,;,.".. ; j * ,.". - ..:. . 11 oi Z".; L ::i..Z..:�.i!"!..�,..,".'.""'. . . . ... � .114 - . . , I �. . . . I .. � . L . . L diumb . L . I I , . .:,:;�!. �; - . %!;::`�,�-o!­;,. , ;:::-;%%;.!:.��.!%:;: ,j..::';:, ­�� ': `�!L"t, . . � - - � . .:i' - .;:,.�;:: ��:;�.jl, �.;;!:�:j,::,:.t.%,:,.. !'.�L::­";L;��...:M�:';: - :t!t'%! ;�'.:;;;!�:��!�r, %!::-,:%i ... :,::t:.!. ,t,:::;:�;� -. , .L ;:-1 I , - , "'.i*' '"', took Place Wedftesda** Apr. I W T, !ift, from tile family rtsidence in gar , ��,- " 5�., � :::*t�:::,:�;:!..t.-,'-.'-*:*.,.'� . �:i��":i�:iiit;::� ::. i " I ". : ". - . I .-.i�:, .il":.. 1. ... I , . . --t I . ; . ,-'.;!­ .� iiiii�. - I , , ::...!:::.!: I '-Ii '.I-- . - ---; 1111: . . I .. 0 ; 1-1 ;%!::..� : .. �'. �t i �: ; , '' I � : - - � - . . I --;1::;*: -­­�t�li;:! . t ': I � t: �� 1: .... 7^t1.;i;!- :.�: ,; . I. ,.'.!.-­� . :;:, I-,; I, I - . ! '. - I ... - - ;:"-:-:;.,:,, - , ... : ,-.: - - ,:. I.- . . ­.. ... ; !;:::�'.:; - . ;i .". - . - Z : ! 4w: .1 . . :�!. , , ; .1.: .:. ,.': .. ..,: , ii; . L. t . ­, . � . . I . . . . I . . : : . I I : . . . . , . . . � I . . . . I ' L . I I . . : : ...::%:.1:; � .. I :.. , I : ... : , � , , L i! �'., , . :,.,, �t: �!. i ; ;,;:;�ii-.. �. -�:::: , I . . . :;. ,,�t; . , .: .:, �:*:: . "t: ,, I I . . - � . . L � . I " 4T - .L " .q j .� - ,.xiffl.CffiNMMN'BA1NK . L 1- . . .. I .. . I lrw* I . I I . I . � . . I ..... 1. Of LCOMMERCb I -.L� I ;­, ;� 1;, ��; ,-I.R ­.1..:�;t:;:,:. ;,.,:Y: ...;::: ..:. t!�i '. . ; t;:::.,: �:; .�: ; C� .. apital pjid up: .. L. : $^000,0-00 . ;;:.,.j,j�..;;%v­ , � �7­ - ..L. ; I � ", ... �:::: 1 - -.: .: i -.1:1': �,!. �', , . . . '' , ", , I .,.: I . !.: !.: "* ., ;:�::� � �,:. : ;. t::::;:t:%;:. .Z: 6; .; . :..: ..:�;.:::Z::j:.:;!t!' ...: .;:t:�,...�t:;.!Irt! . , '... . I .., , :'. . . I 0 0 : -,000,060, I I . . 1 Reserve:. Rind 'L ' $30 % . ' I L . . ;�! , ; ­�.:Z.:!�:-:�:.�,.: ". , . �::;,;,r,., � ,,,';:.;:;,r,�.,_11 I `t'� ,; ,;4:;:,*�* ,. j. L 7 L:;., :!,, � . � A i TAVISIM11 143. 2 Tin IMPAWAT M- i I — � L'_r M * L I � . Hamilton stf9at I - I 11 I —' L . X- r past . 42 years. Surviving are Two sons, ygaggitt, .91; . Sam Martin, .60; .Eimer I . . 4,V 1 . . 1. .4" ' L r '" L . . r . I . _,, Goderlell . . ' r I __��_ , r, L . I ;.. 23rd. A p ece Of human skull and a Prank and Dr. Qeorga. of Wirigham; one &raiion ,After % thorough Investigation 1--1..-11`-.;.W I I � . - .. . I . r . :Telephone 88 L . I .. r ,,, r . I. Drgper,.60; Ellwood Murray, 00. .Sr.M� ' . . . . . - 11 ... ­ -1 . I.. . � ,% ... -1 . I . L . ,,,,at oor, r � .r . .r tuft � of hafro"tAken, fiom.a door: hlhg�e of daughter, Ura�, D. O. Me � into th� Dominion field., L . . p � LIV and. restfully 0.8 r 0j child. . . I r L .1� . I nnon,. of Tor- " gi . r Corpo Nights of Agony co . ' ' I . I Dor S It. NA;RN. r , � . . O'KetZle, 61;, . iation, A General I 'doWli. .tho genuineL at . . J.. . , .. . I . . I I the car by 7oralf1co Officer Lever, bore, Onto. .. I Cecil McGee, 14; r Dorothy MeMillan' . Frl' daire , me In the train of ' . GLA . ;Zfl'� testimqny of the ,late which befOl . . . .: . . . .� . , 70, ,MxrJorie. U. Margarei Motors ,subsidiary with headjikartersarid. asthrha. The victim' call1a0t. lie . y o ur, ikearliy , dr�jgl$.i. ,.. ,. 1: I — ' . . - I L -1 .. r I L —­ L I . . 1. I 1. . '... . � .. . . . Crawfordi 02; -Gootgq FrltzleV. Jr, Mil. r . . L . W. sleep' M driven. from his brain, , r . - I I . i . .. .­­ . � . I . , , I . �� . I deceased. . I . . I I .:. , r. MAIlufacturing PlAnts. at Dayton, Ohio, Al L r 4 L � . . L . . I I �:. - Barristtv and Solicitor- I :j2.. L. I . L ' � : �. . . , . , , .. I � � I I - .., . . L. . . . . ­ -Adrold Nixdorf, 61; Agnes Lednor, 60, and . Worl . d�wlda distribution, will open a. What r it 'is the, ImmedIat6 , en V . P., , a : . . . NORTH'ST. L i ' . . . . L .. I. . STEPHEN TAXES NEARLY ALI, PAR) Kathleen W. 0. grateful relle . ' h ' %, , . .. I L I : � �OfFce: Phon* 6 . Helen McGee, Norma. -Marray, � plant -in Torol�to -Immedlatily, effect Of Dr. J. 1). X611oggla Asth= Q 11dr Or -, L . . I I . L 111 . . � I I ­ SPORTS SOMAOTTEE MT. � - . The tax collector of tile Township Of Nixdorf. �-pr. 1�-Eleanor Petrlej 88 ;- Wright, L manager of PrIgIdalria's ,Canadian I Remedy.* It banishes t'he frightful edh- ' . rtR FLETCHER'S ...r . r' . . . ' L I . . . . . . . r VRANIK�DONN=Y1 B. A. .. - , 1* . '! A meeting of the Central spo - Stephen has, completed the collection of Horace L Crawford, � 80; Job McGee; 66 ; r .1 ,. . . I . - 1 I . . ., . I r I . . . rts Com, . ILI. operation, said. . I � ditlons$ cl6ws the pamges, and enables . rl-A ,S -r 0 R � A., - , : � " . . 4' r '. I 'L I ­ I mittee. And those Interested lik .outdoor th�, 1031 takes, ,The :pbople . of the. Harold, Adams,t Harold McGee. Jr. I . I . .1 . I the hillicted,orke to again $loop. as sogno. : il� % , . I.. . . . L . VlarrIater" 06fieltot Etle , � * .L . . township have reijork to cohgratulAte Vqma Pettle, -Phyllis McCrejjht Installation of tool�, and machinery I I . . . I . I I - g . .ohk dr . r , Roder- . . � , . . . L . 11 ... L . . . -.. I - . . , ea on t . . . . .. . . . . phoneL 2$2. . H,&WMTON r A - 'Ports '*as helCi in the cokka�ll rab ' themSelv' .the mAnnerl iij willoh the PT, for Squipping1he Toronio plant Is b6ing I � I .r I I I I I : . .1. . I.r I . � I I � . . r . . !r., QPdqrIob­ 101iAtbiI, on Tuesday evening ofJmt 'Week, L' . Itek Mq�Xenzle, 'Gordon Martin'. S,r, '. . . I -1 r . . . L . I I I.- L . .. . 1. 1. ..... L . '. I . r . . � I . . . - 'Dr. Shaw, chalrina,il of, lost year"i I , es have been pod In vlew of. the.pie- -4-Leroy, Draper, Harburn r Ada " rapidly completed, Mr. Wr4ht said, and . � . � . - com- sent 'r — , 1.�� - � ', .1 . ..7 . , L . V., �r I el tax . Ins, '11" . rr . Is., R� DARROW' . I financial. 'condition � In rural ,cpm- Ictuai'Pr6ductloill will begin at once. 00007- . .. I.. I r I . .. - � inittee, preolding... The' following ofdcezp . . Pr -Frances. Madrilght.. -Rose 'miirray.. , . r ,r . ' L . I ; I . I I I - total of $60,537.71 taxes NU_ be r roll Theplaiit has been tooled for operations . . I . r 'r, . . . I ;L' . r r r .. r . 2-� . L' .L. .. 11 .. 11 . - I I . Solle �—tjk;y Ptibliei Ete. Vere ele,OteM, Pi�slderkt,-G, T. Jenkins; Munitlos. . of *a . M r on 34, LET�jo= M. LONG, ent er Canadian market . I . ­ I I .. ' � � ` '. - � . . BarrUter, � Itor" NO , 'Vice, LH - WL . DrAp on -the .rall. tile ,'Urk�ald non-tesident tax Teaoll6r. 4 ,r .. . , to supply the . 1r, .1 . . ­ . 11 - 1. V� , , , ,L . I ,r' .sor to -J. L. Xilloran . .. , . Lawson, sectetary,lb, I e� . , I . I . , . . . r , . . . - Is $593XI. Only $144.64 of this Amount . . . ,(Intend6d for I t ee ) . - � The ,manufacture of, PrIgIdair.e. pro- . .� . , Succer ; treasurer, Morley 1060' I , - r . L . . . Phone 67. � 941 . The, square. Goderidh Or . � ter.. , � as w U L ' L . .. I ce .,. I .LL . r ... L Is ,ch ,ble,on lands in tile muhlef- - . . duets In -Canada will benifit Oher'Cah� . L. .. L' I.. . I . I e' . I . I I . . I . .. L I r . . . . L- r 'L I . I. I r ,Arg � 1 I . Quite a number of trae summer visitors adlan Industries,. Initial. orders. for. mo-, . . L , �. . I ", 7 I . I .. J ,; r — '.. r . . pailt roP,r and the remainder is - on , . . . . I I L. r EST X. :L,EE. . . . . DEATII. Oj?L. MR�. THOS. DIVEINS&r .rre, P s* An.the Grand Bend sub sPent'9ndsy Ai'thdir cottages h a. . . . m L L .11 . . I : � VAN. I , L I � � on lot -. . or. tois and other parts to be used it the , , ULC R BAD� L CS, .L. I . 1. . , : . I L � . . . � I - . 9 r .. . .. . . L . . ... . =—, -------� . . � E S E �— , . I I 11 o- 1. I 'he.deAth.becuried it Hengall on divisions. ... r I . L' I I . . miss Ruby Dickson and miss Clara building of. the Canadian Prigi,daire have I I L I I O'.. S . . . ES , r . . L I . . . Earritter-r3uld Solicitor . Sunday, -afternoon, AP L r . Willis are welcome guests -At their homes een Placed with Canadian manufabt� - .L. I 'Sun Life� Bldq4 .Adelaide and Victoria L r ill 24th, of anoth- , . p L — . . h L . I 1. L .br � L . L I . I � I .. . . �. Telephone: Eigin $301 ; r . er , of known :-residenti in the EkljTER DOE . . cre.r I .. ... .. urerS. r . L'. r . . I , . .. � ` , I . . . I Person OfL r . . 'S."CoMEBACK,, . r 1: , . ' , r . . - .. I . . 1W UND i-SOR I . . ; Its .WL . . L . L. . - . m- , L r . - r Mr, and Mrs. Meal Sebram, of 0cde- OLI . . � - L . - I . � . L � , T0TOLtQr;,. ­ . . Mrs'. :Thos Dickinson. Ms.. . Production. bblkedul,w for -the present, L . I . r . I . . . r . . I .� :.? ..., . . 1. .. . I . ... , =!:t� 'Diekingin, Vild.se. WaIdOrt name WAS. r The business zection of 9xtter ia.mak- r1ch, visited at Mr. Roy PgtrIols.oll sun`� .. Wrift said, call for the buildipg"I � I I by Zam-Buk. . . . . . I . I - " Was bort, in'­V.,­ . a ditt .. . . 1: . Ig . , SIV 1101119d . ; - . " r T =-7 aborne , I I . . I L . . ' - ! marvellow.r.q . . . I L I .. I.. I , h&k\ , _ Ing Inct, recovery from the closing day last. raplete , I . . . . . . . SPECIAXIS L e.. 11orton, . I ,tr ousehold Pr Idalre cabinet$, I .. r r . I . . - , L . .1 . .. . . . . L . � I . I a - I . .. , � Of fIve places ,of business in: the, past. 'Mrs. Victor HOY Is spending a few lea c eta, . . . . � . . I . I .. . ' , W-111 . . -----r-. r . �­_ 010WIki 1p..73 years Ago, Some- fiftivars . ream cabli Q04'ing 46M It'd 'r". . ... 11". L . - ������������������������������������������������ L I ..... .. . R. FORSTER, .. 990 she married Mr.. T110so 1.3itkiworkIr eight ,, months. One flionk has reopened days visiting her parelits, 'Mr. and -Mrs, compress6rs for both home.. and obiankeyr- '� LL � L . I . I 0 ILI . I .. . . ��� . L . I .. . � - F- J-. . r I I ,cal . 111 all . ePpardton; - I - I 11 , L I �.� DRr . L . who - survive.% h des r other )00Ati6rj.L J , *jjjig rawell Riclialld - Cousins, ,of Sh r I . I ". to I . I . r r ­ er. her'aged hus- . I CIAI Use. . r 7 � . I . . 900" . . . . I I . . L . . . I . . �1. I 21MV EAR, NPDX: THROAT " -barld she1eaves to M�4rik horloss two. 'has. opened a Salesrooln, ,and this we* Messrs. Albeit and James Brown bad - r . ., 'Lr � ­�_, . . __�.­�- � I I . . I � 1 4 L . r I , . . I .. ... I . . I r - Late House Surgeon New York Orph- d ug#tjra'r MrS,:Geo.r,Gienjl O$. the Lon_ two young men, Leonard Fisher and Wll-� the misfoittine to -have their ,cou . .r . I . I � r.. . . , I .1 .... I . � - . . .. . � . . . � . . . . �L - - -1 . . .. L 1: a rpe Oar I Insaw � , N . .. L . r .L . . . Ilam; Oteele. of Strathtoi, have � comnken.� destroyed IbY fire on Saturday night list, - -' r . r I r .: �. f � r � �. � . I I - , . .. . � . . . 11 I L .. chalmI6 and Aural Hospital. "sistAftt St , doh.Road. And I . . : b I , . . I.. I I . . . . L . . 1. 'S L Eye r Hospital' $40 - Golden . � . W-0 ginina, At.home, - , . . . � . � ... . r . . i . � .L The Ladies' Guild of Christ c ure . . I .L : I . . I . . . . L I . . .. - L . rZoorefield' ­ ced 43 katl6ras in: thb old post office as ' h h . � . I . I .. . . . r 0 '. .r � . � .. . L L . I - . . Square. Throat HoSpital.:London, ,Eug, , . I � . . 53 Waterloo St.1S., Stratford. Tdie- � o . phone 207. 1 � .. I , . . I . � . I . 'L I 4 L ..ACh .1 L At, ,Hotel 13edfor , .06darich, on the . IL . . evening of 'the third..Morlday of e . -,month until,the following, day, Tuesday,. I . . . * I . ­ . I .L. (jt.jL..P�;qL - � . I .. I — .. --- 4 == . I � . I 1. . . � I . CR�=ACT'1=0==�=- , I ­­— .. i —­----­— . . I .. . . r)RtIGLESS, PRACTMONER, � I . . I. . . . I - L I L . . . . . . . . . . 1HIROPAACTOR- AND DRVGtMSS . . ..., '-E]PMAP S'I'.. G0P=CH, .L ­ . I .. . .L . . . . .. ----4 1 .. I . . . . 1, L I .� . I I � I Equipped vith electro-magniAte baths, . 4% ... 1, Electronic electric treAtinent And chlrOoo . . . I , . . . ar6etic, Chronl�j organic and nervous L insesses. Lady In attendance.' Office . . hours 2 to 5, And' 7 to 9 p.tn,, eiCOPting . ­ . -1 I I . MorkdaV- and Thursday by appointment. - I . . . . A, N. ATMVSON, tesidencL-.. . alhAl - office, comer of South street and Bri, L . . I . tattle, onoad. Phone 341. , . . . I . I I . I- I � L L - ------" —. nf= I . . . . . .� �, L . R)NG , 1. . 11�� I . . ­10­1­--^� . 0 . I . I . .. . .. ,� I rpHOMAS QCNDP.Y & SON. . . . . . . .. . � I . �. . . . . . . . I Livb Stock and General Atictloneekm, L . . . 1. . . � . Elgln Avq,, 06detkh. . L . . Sales inado eveii;*ao and an efforts . . . Wadi, to give YOU satisfaction- , : . . . Farmers' sale Notes discOUnted. . . Phone 119. � - '. � . I L . . I I . ._t q�ffl�e� 't.. � _ _ . ,!�t�� ­ tn==!t!t!!� ­ , _ � .) . w . ,. N61j;jj,j PM1,110jo ETC. . " . . ­--;­—� ----------- � � - I- 1VM1 Z== I I . I I I .. I . . I A .. I NOTARY ' PUBLIC I . I , . L General Conveyancing done . ­ Good Companies Represented. ­ I I . . I Phone 298. '. . . 00derich, out. . ­ ­- . ­­—­­- -:�� , .. CEL . . . . I L .. I L . iNsuz�w ­ . . . I L . . o' . , fox- . . � . I . . ': 'I— I . . rARNT -AND ISOLATED . TOWN PROP- , . . . F,EtTY VS1.11MI). ' � .. . I . I '�1411?e of Property InsurM up to jan- . . , - . Uarv. 1010, $3,648,975,00. . I orriaMts-4ohn Zentiefto, Presl­ . . . L I derit, Broadhanen; Jas. Connolly 'I c , V'realdent, Godtfich, D. 'P. Mc6,eN!0;, �, . Sec.-Treas., geafortlk.' . . DlArOTM-44s. Shouldice, Walton*, .. Wjn. WrIn, Constan6e; r jeorga Njeftt- nov, 18alforth; �ftdbt. Ferris, Ilarlpeki ' John Poppeg,'33riloofield; A., BroAdfoot, I slealoorth. 1% I � . .1 I AGEM115-AV. 3-Yeoi tt.'R, So 011iiton', I ,ytbv . V". Watt, 8 I Ed. 111richlay, sea, , (oloth. John Alurra�,62eaforth. "- poll A .agSp . . cyi oidera can pay their 'assossl. .8 _ .1 � . Mentq at Calvin CutVD stotlep Goderleh 1. i Tho . Royal tank, ,01faton, or J., w P.eld'a, 33noyfield. . zt�l:-=.-=�� ­ -:----t-- ­!� - � .� ". - ­­ ­-­­­ � . - L � FIRE 10��v jj"C L r, -- * -- - — A . I I I . I . . . I 9 T � I -- I I I . L ' . I I . .. . I . . I L I Huy. YOUWAILK. I . I , , ;6tallk destrq�ed :the' T" Bainton Saw . - and prayer. Lunch. was served by th� I till here shortly before.10 o'clock Frl- bOstess, � . - . . . . dAY:11korning, Thb building, used as a ­.. Peralan Ealin Is unrivalled.for pro- iAsumm W , X , .. ,UL , - � . , . . � I . . COFFEE CREAM : L �. , . I L . . b I . � WHIPPING CREAM ' , mi . , � . . I . FRESH RVTTERjVHLX wag once saved only through the pprsis� moftfig feminine lovellnesg. . Tones and I L ­ L . I . L .. . I , I .. IRYAN'S DAIRY �, . , L Phone 334 . BrithZinia Rd. . i , tent efforts of the Blyth Ilre depart. reJuvenates the skin. Makes It exquisite- I . L I . . . . � � I I I .1 tl�. . A. - L . .. 1. .1 - !, a .. . ..­;� L . L I I I ,=z==�== . - . ­�� - . . . . - I .. —. 11 1. ,. �� . , . , * . I . .. I , --- . .. - � . ­­ I . I I I . . . --.. . 1. I I I � . I I . I .11 . I . . , . A:JA . . ICH,E , .. I 1. ` ­­ ­ . AN 1 11 . .� , . � I . . , , � . or, I 11 .. -M - . . NBC: Jar -.. I Impam � 'I I ' I i. � .1, . JQHN� PINDER noon.Priday j�­mffi& blaze threat- ,pensable I . . .. I .. -­�, ­­­ __--., - . .. 1. — . , I . . I . I . . .1. . PLUMBING, HEATING : I . I I t . I ' SNEET!METAL WOW . L I .. . gI cal. �ft . results. jqayos A ves, of W. Johnston, . . A gfas.s fireAs aald to lave ignited the ,building. tige of stickiness, Persian Balm is the ' Pho I ne 127 P. 0 : . '1 �. , . , Box 131 I 11 . .. .. I . . 11 i� . . I . . , : , . Bic MUM !nded by Experta In .' b? I � - I . � . - .1 . I .. Vro Aurvellinco Cherries I . ..�' . I Our Own I'lant. . I . . I . ..- - I .11 I I � . cares for charm and olegan.ce. . . — I . ' . . ... , I . . . . . I � . I .11 1PRAINS . . . . . . - . guh, M'Ihard'i lis oftilt. It . M r'h L - I pouttratell Isord lisadiftko" . . - * infiaMbutions, soolbim, 11 . "r, � , . 9'.... I I � -yoor f6st I I . .. �7 Pub yOU . . . ,an I . I . . -1 I L . I . I. ,..� ,. 6 ' ' CONI)TWOM, r � .. � . - . . . � I ..... 11 I I . . 1 7 L I . I . .� .. , . . . � � .1 . . - ­ . - - - . - - ; ", - . . I a 0, I mu, apparently her Usual beaXh and attended divine . I . I . . I 46FKINE nc bA I 0 1. I . .1 I . 11 .. . . I "I. � . I . I L - _ L L . . I . . . !,� ­".­, .. 11 . . I . � . . . I . . . . .1 . . . ­ � . . � � . . 101, I -Lt. Tin . � I . . I � . . . L ...., ''... Sunday, InOMIA&I, April 24th, About six ' o'clook In the evening ,she was suddenly, I seized, with a severe stroke, of HEAT 'FOLKS . L . � . . . . � L I � Rrotou �ros 4-P - , ; � . . 00DERIGH I , . ... J%hQ,�h . .�. . . . C vn 14 . . . -TIM t.8AbINQo­ '. I -- the following morning. Miss Broadfoot . ALLX100 U614 . r -M=—:=--7 Wag �borrk Ill SeafOrth where she lived all YOU WoRic ,�'--4"-­ L , . Vtj, � . Vp or 'TtAL DIRt _Ton . I 4"d UMBALMERS I ' A ' , - �',. AMO . .1 In Otratford wild.,,framoton. surviving � I . A BULANCt 53111VICE, AT ALL . u0ityus-NIGHT 01i DAY - . , " NO. 5 TM, . . . I . ALI, INSIS Pon 0. 50 hoats- Night 217, - bay 120, ­ I . .. I I . . ­— Arthur, Moosaj�w; 4411103A New 'Jereey, MANA6E, . . . I I he Exeter ' Auto Wreckers. .George Port Albert met at .the home. of Mrs. I I " 3rown of..Woodstock, and his 'zion r4el. Harry Ra;kl,s on Wedn6sday, .April . � from Dangunnon, have moved into 20th, With a laroe. nutiber of members te, .shop* fornkerly�:.coeupled -by John present and several v1sitois. The f1rat , M1 3',tanbury.. ,where they will- conduct a Part, of' theafternoon was speilt-In 4uiit� kktch0r -business, Under 'the trade n=e Ing, 0ter' which the business .meeting W Brown & zon. I I I I .. � � ,took Place. The meeting was opened by . . . � I : r . the pr4sident, Mrs.. Thomas Dougherty. I . I . . . . . � � . . , . BNe reading -was -taken "by Mrs, Harr , � r. .Y 3LYTH SAWN11111. BUR"D - '. I-rawkins Business was then discussed . I Breakingtout anew froin-d-blaze early ana it '"s �decld.d to hold the next Thursday. night,. firei which - originally meeting at the. home of Ilia. John Fos-! . . tarted frdm Overheated furnace pipes, ter. The meeting, closed with a hymrk . I . I storage to, fore In . . - - .r, :1 �'. , . . . . . . . I.. I . - .. . : - ,. : � � :. . . ­ 1. I � I . I - . . I � . ,. I , . . . . . . . . .- a . . . . . . I . . . .. . I . . ­ . � . .z ... . . . . .. . ' � . . . � 1� I �; I . I �.. .." I .. . . .� . . .� . . . . . : �� 1. I � � . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . I I . , . I I "I , . I I ., . .i . ��. �.. . I .. I . I . . . . � . � . I . I . I . . . . I . � . . .. , : .: I � . . 11 . � I . . . 11 .1 I , . '. . I I 0 ­ . .. . 9 A - PTO Mog I s . I . H �� .. I . . I � . I . I 1, , I . 1. . I .. I I . . I I 1. � I . . .. � � . .. I . . � - SPECIAL VALUES Fo,q AfAY Sth, 6th and Ith . I ... .� . . . I .. . � ... I ­ -I � I . ., .1 I I . . � . . L . .� I ., . I . . . . .. I . . I . . I 11, . . .1 . .. . . . 1, I I . � I . � I . . � . .. . .. I . . . ­ .. 11 .. ... 11 . . . I . . . . , . q . . . .. I . . 11 . I . I I ­ - - .1 . I . . . . . ., . . . . I . . . . . . � . . . I PURE ORANGE 1, . .1 . . . I �. ;6tallk destrq�ed :the' T" Bainton Saw . - and prayer. Lunch. was served by th� I till here shortly before.10 o'clock Frl- bOstess, � . - . . . . dAY:11korning, Thb building, used as a ­.. Peralan Ealin Is unrivalled.for pro- , . . �. I � I I � I . � . . . . . - I I I . . , - I . 40�Ozl JAIL 0 .. � ADE .25 M Ra'ff OAL A I I . , . I I . I . .1 . plant for -wool and sheepskins, I . mi . , � . 1. ...� .. wag once saved only through the pprsis� moftfig feminine lovellnesg. . Tones and I ... I .. I ' � I . I . I . I � .. . i , tent efforts of the Blyth Ilre depart. reJuvenates the skin. Makes It exquisite- I I . - . I I I . .11 I ­ I . . ­ - �. . .. Went. The �mouldering.Tiooj Is thought IV. soft-texturdd. %tak6go hands -:a%*- , have ,caused the second outbreak, - The IQss1Y White. Alf.Mlally 'recommended , 11 . . I ''.. . . I . . . I I : . I I I . .I I . . . I . . .. . .. I . . . . .1. I . I)WAINION . ' ;1 � Wadoln 04r,om 13aL-ory - . . Dw"ICIOUS PrIzolt 11 1. ,. �� . , . , * oss, estimated w611 Above $1,00 . to Soothe and irellevevoughness or chaf- lally covered by 0, Is Par- M9 i�atoed-.by,-ivtatht%r-:ebutlitlons..,-Ila:- insurance.. Shortl bo- � V . 11 dis - to -every ' dainty wornan. . .. - � . ­­ I . I I I . . . --.. . 1. I I I � . I I . I .11 . I . . , . A:JA . . ICH,E , .. I 1. ` ­­ ­ . AN 1 11 . .� , . � I . . , , � . or, I 11 .. -M - . . NBC: Jar -.. I Impam � 'I I 1. . . .. I noon.Priday j�­mffi& blaze threat- ,pensable I . I . .. . I � . s I I . , � fa - "' " " I ened A, garage At the rear of, the home ,Coal .fid r6fre . ailing. Polleatoly fragrant, I Ma � Never � . .. . pnobtycT � I . .. 11-11 . . " . .. . . I � CAK E , . : , . gI cal. �ft . results. jqayos A ves, of W. Johnston, . . A gfas.s fireAs aald to lave ignited the ,building. tige of stickiness, Persian Balm is the . � .* I . . . .. IN. A . ,. �� . , ., � . . . I I . . VIIII Me= Your 1161ate . I ­ , -1 � ­ - I TIN LAAOM With Luscious 8 I . . Damage � w , I ,as one toilet requisite 'fdr the Woman- iv!6 aght. ,� � . �, , : , . Bic MUM !nded by Experta In .' b? I � - I . � . - .1 . I .. Vro Aurvellinco Cherries I . ..�' . I Our Own I'lant. . I : - . . . I .11 I I � . cares for charm and olegan.ce. . . — I . ' . . ... , ,*'' . . � . 11 I, I . . ..'sionol'IL" . .1 � � .:. 1. . NOW C011tainA ,. , DOMINO . 45e I ' I . I . . � I . . , ! DEATH OF MISS AROADFOOT , . ..' . Death came w I It . h startling suddenness � . I . I *a THE � . .*.16. I . . 11 .. � .. 10(,'� flutter I . 1. . . . .. . I . . � . rat I I I RICHMELLO . 1b.. 61a . lb ' 0 ,21 7 ' . . � . . on Monday of last weelt to miss IcAth. . I . ' 1 49S is -OZ, COLDEN TIP - 1b. 75C � . . Infl. NESTLF . . . elite Broa4foob, second daughter.of .the ate Mr.. and�-1%0u. oloha- Broadfoat, of I I I Scaforth. The deceased was GODERICH I L . I . I. ,..� ,. 6 ' ' CONI)TWOM, r � .. � . - . . . � I ..... 11 I I . . 1 7 L I . I . .� .. , . . . � � .1 . . - ­ . - - - . - - ; ", - . I . I . - -- - apparently her Usual beaXh and attended divine . I . I . . I . . I I . � . � SPRUAX 0APPO .�. � K 1160 . � I . . . . . . I I . . I erovico in Pirst -Preabytorian church on . I . � . . I . � . . . I . . . . .1 . . . ­ � . . � � . . 101, I -Lt. Tin ..� I Sunday, InOMIA&I, April 24th, About six ' o'clook In the evening ,she was suddenly, I seized, with a severe stroke, of HEAT 'FOLKS . . . ­ . . I . . . . ,. . I crtbwx On BVEIIIW� I ., . . � . � I P,��" <I.. - q0 TOD I I .. . �. . � parraysis and became unoonsLdoug, passing avlay . I I 111. .. I , ... J%hQ,�h . .�. . . . C vn 14 . I -- the following morning. Miss Broadfoot . ALLX100 U614 . r -M=—:=--7 Wag �borrk Ill SeafOrth where she lived all YOU WoRic ,�'--4"-­ -% I . � 4 � � . I - I I I � . . - '11�� I . I . . . &� " )p 11M.A.'41) IN OIL - AM) . la IM-N-2000ND � . . . I. 1 . L cePtion of some years . . . � . hOr life with the ex NINE ox ce-LoCl< ? . I* 1�== � I . '4 , , U , , IRt X as , . i�wONSWICK. , . , ... In Otratford wild.,,framoton. surviving � , 1. I . , . , Am live brothers: Atexandery Charlesand HOW, DO YOU. . - . , " NO. 5 TM, . . . I . ALI, INSIS Pon 0. 50 Arthur, Moosaj�w; 4411103A New 'Jereey, MANA6E, ISA . , 6 I . . .31 I . .. IT . � � ED,- - and Fred of i8eattle, -and also one sister, ? Was May Broadfoot. at home.' , I �z . � , , � . I ­f1!,V.1,1!AL11 . 14G., C I , 11 � I . I C " 2 Irl. I 10 . . . . . . I I . . I . VUIED -%. HE .11-1c: , 7 ACCIDENT VICTIM n , I -.-AT fO L:915 " - WOOKIN6, . The yubel'Al ,Of Ptederiek THelmer, I I . I . - , . . . I I . I ----=!�!�tl� . . i -­­— . SAVO , , , I , fly Tilt, ,�Iln . . . W `X(M.110 NI)ACTRA ITMArAl, P / ro"Mr. T,V,. 170 W1 � I . OR, .. I Victim Of the fttif motor car accident � Hri - � TICAr Bketdr, V A,L t I AII . . . I I . 11.101 -!AVE!' fo-oz. WO-APIK23 'N. . :Vhk'�Ilz� 11% AMIS 160, -...--�-ffi,. o U I took Place Wedftesda** Apr. I W T, !ift, from tile family rtsidence in gar , ��,- " 5�., � . I � . -­ .. 'CAPIKAW T . . !11 . � OttyAll AM) 2 Lr.q. 1-4)e 1 � 0X19 NG 13611 V 1, 0ja (r-10 I, . 1 TOWIk01110, A UumbOr Of Members of the 64 "' 1 .1 to$ PLUDIP 1. � . , I . choir of TrIvitt &j0mo,-Iftl church, EX6, . I ­,�-� ttr, led the I �11/11 "nock I . . . . t ror,t TnE I � . . - 4 3 RK14(mo 6MIrLOT I)POOr,tIT rmO 740 SOAP . singing Of tile hYMn, . ,,,, ,�­ ri�-� .. 11 . � . I — 11 11 � of Agea." ReV. L,. L. V,IvIen,.,L.T.h., reo. 01 I � . I t 'A'03TO 1311AN..2 121,9o. 27c PEA11UT . 22�02, Jar � .. \ I tor Of TrIvItt tumorial church, wz tile . "I - �1/ , -1 I ,. b. - 11 .ill.- I 81 I . 11 ,� , .. .1 I � . k­wo , . . . b.1111TA-M IfAT,V M.- ' ' BUTTUR . .. ......... 290, .24TO OtAiT . WALNUTS .... lb. 45P . TOt I)Aro 10 . Campbell's SOUP 9 Tina 250 10 43 . I . I I � � . i TAVISIM11 143. 2 Tin IMPAWAT M- I I I A gow wausr stem 40es a b6usel:c6por 1% . ;­A611DEMR111-11 � - 250 tivi'lliurs" .. 2 vknoo, 226 J� - . ,� I ' . � . takot. in a day ? I � I I VANCY 15'a 11v V0130ir . -AT � . . - � CRAIIML .. 3R, noLLUD OATS 5 lb:3� lCe I 11a,vo it atton d to by Me . —. -­­--�- , �� � it deron& to a croat eutont oil tile rand I . I ­­.� � I . � . . " � IVES -I, WAWANOSR *11%VAL 1PIRE ­-­,�� ,of C631 D116 U=. � . I I I � � � � I . INSVItANCE CO. � 1. rKablidled IM * . HtAA Office: Dn"Onnan, Ont. I . . . allas. Itowitt, Xweardmo, President; � Aubt. DXVId*A DlingslMon, Vict-ft03- dtnt; in additlan to the V201deht 'And �. 1 V106 pf"Idont, V10 following ard DIT", I tow: �Vm. lvatwa, Auburn; IV. A. . , 'Thowinon. Ateml; . ,wm McIaluan, 'Laeanow. W. P. Ittel"It., n, 2. LaWknow. 1jarry L, C19.kc-ld, 040triell; trx1C1,1t Ac:wftl Holyroat 4 Tftt GrIM21, no It, No. 71 UM110T. .11� � * V . 1-1 , cmtj . Tat!*-1A,V-M, cc,c. THOM OWTUMA TIC". * . noat volks coal meand fe�cr Atem I . 0111-� OVIN l3t)VIND. � I . . I . %,?-,= numeping anll�dmtlna-lew window � � '0 � va2hing and curtain olearking, . ,Rio OVE01w, . 1b. � rower tripo to tho-funmee or rauce, . , I �OACK,,GETEA- , . 2910 L= tifile.,tPent in the kiftiton. . . 0 -- - ----­--­.-­­­-..-­- ­- 140411co hor daily, Work to a nt InImum " '*3 1 ' ---- --'- , . order 70F '21110 Coal' from, ul" Spedal--Seedless cr�pe Fruit, 5 for 25c .1 . CMIL THE , � W" Ruj Eggs, Highest Price's Given I I (ArwM9 I , . VVV I 1. i Lar e Pineaniole 23c each I 9 OF Jv I I COAL � I I , . ­­­­ �.�­- !­­ ­­'0-0".JWO"�N� I � is es MUSTAROCOMPANYt k —­ -11. 1, ­ . , I i . I I i I I I . j 1, .--------­- I I