HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-03-31, Page 8?Mit /WILT
teile.A7. MaleCe1 Mee. 2532
Retety 02 eeeteetweee•ge
fa tee:eel/eel tete taz1:;i7ny n":, Z2:27
a.:X;:e. • .
IseeteID Deem el Ilcreeevl eeelte.
tieg leee. and elee, Geteleet ialecv;ert gce.
ale. and Nee; eeeymend Vennlean etee0
eeeledeen veeited- tee. anel tee.e.
feenereleZen tettreley evezzire.
telena -Blaine a Tereeeee ellen
Eer-eleY eelide /zee meleice. nem.
‘71743 Ca;
Alte'ea eLte...e.e. el the it). C. i. Le
cteneeng Me rill: a: tete inane '
pare.uFe, eele. ueul eelee.V2 aety.
1m. E-4;lelY CnU rtel eitilileen, pi
-Detre% niee eateeelitte the reeler lattlidaYi
with flee. Verefeeelles Feereats; 51e.eand
Mee. John Me'.
• CeAlti...e0W7.
• 4.
Armin •the 'hand eeceitea Lee. -Dem
eiretched out nuel Meta' feene eur total
one Wm WM 'sera eadly lased In her,
beene,• where her telgiet pereenallty raei
dieted clzeer end. helpful:tea in the
church eneel a large cleeee •of felende.
'eclee. to tile'. late Elia RebteteeneWeloVed:
wife a Mr. Eilniard Vietrir. -of the Mb
ten. Colborne, .but tbe.Brat f 1nnrsh
Mrs. -Zither we's euddenly. etzlehon with
a eevere filnees end. in epite ot meelleal
ant. laving. care lrer flf owly
"ebbed away. and the lofl. thiee7 on. the
afternoon .e.t. Eeste: Sundciy. eeere. Feelle.r
was the third "dauehter a the late Alr.
•end Afree lefet7 Ann Lena Hobert-.
April 2od to 9th
Special VattlieS-*
also other paPag
as low 'as•
5c per volt
imerrtber. the Pates
Coles Book Stot
SeVeral of our citizens have been
tipseeth nod bad colds..,
Mies French Powile vieiting her
- tetti)nei plonteber mo 6U O2 CObQtt1e.-Marerlecl braitttell.set..144x.,1441pivr:t tIzte4eilltehesie epeeehag
'Alr. risher i'llirtY"thr0 Ye4r8 3/c/ 'the IVCA: Unit
fOI the firt few years lived Pear Ben- her sister here, Miss Ethel
miller, coming to tiae :elan east of Car* Ivir,
Meer ninon had been tiaeir home elnee. .4. Pateltell, of the Hasa dt Own-
Tue da alacie 2901 was /ter°°' pt wce4-ePti ItIA 21°41°
I y
•e Snare s
Very: lamely attended and the eervicee
Vera emadtleted by the Rev. W. T. GocL-
wU1 o thePresbyterian choral, of Width
the deeeaeol was a Member and MI
•motives worher. Itev. W -J, Patten asetst.
ed.- The philbearers were three eousins„
Jelin, Barry and. William Long, her bro-
thee, Charles A. leoberteen, And two bro-
thers -In-law, Herbert and Arthur Fisher,
Tho iloral.tributes wee very thautiftil,
emeree.eing Muth love, and esteeni.
.flAir Plant t)kat, as Seed Order?
Goverammit Standard Seed •
Higbee!, Quality
Everything in Packages
Peen*ll'ieareeth lo Pancake Ileur.
eleiree,th In all the leading thadta
and Syrup or your Panctibm.
W )113 PKgr,4nd, '54. all oeders
pure Lake Huron ice:-
erilreent-teStai and liar:tided nit-
4er tne supervision of 'the Beard
1-lea1th. Prompt, ..serviee end
ibiseambIe peltes.
J.,•H. Graham &Son
• Phone" 13-W
1111 ILt
antn-end clearing of new Spring
Mats. A MOO assortaIont of .steles
hi HUM Sellers mai Zoets.
tebbeeltin. g and rtonotlelling are -
fully mid reesonablY OMR.
We invite setar patrenage.
C. A. 8t S. MeKINNON
,Pitione 181 Gederech
The fieliernien ate bt1i3tPahlting
•their boas and•getting ready or
early start At fishing.•
Mies time McKay, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with her parents here, re-
turnine beelt Tueetley.
•Elva and Weir Elwood, oe, Toronto,
epent the weeit.end here with their
Mettler. Mrs. John sCastie,
•Miss• Grace Jewett, �X
OuclPii, la visiting triads in the
village over tile ezolidays. •
eete and Wes. Jack Stewart. of 'Hamil-
ton, spent the'weele-end with her par-
ents, Mr. ape! Ivies. John Polloele here,
• leliss Jessie • beetcalf, ot Detroit, is
•spending tile Etister holidays with her
parents, Dr, and eVile. eileteielf, hi the
C:.',a3 ietree (et Sencire, •
zeeeee ceeleeee. ae ceedeeleele, %al rme Dx;14:.e3 se visiear
" c celeeea, wee ,eeL.eee..0 well tee held a3 neaal et -e re;"r1-,
useseee cewee, Ti' ireeeeee ,ezei weree eieltleyereg $t lieatc LI)
lee-e-eere epeet f aay 3 t:th the Leaden teach- O• 1J,,a,,4141. _ R
ncfe, veZne Mr. Mee. T. lecemiek. ire; C.:en:11:41 the veeetiert the `74"' "ug0;357., 5;ratit'
6.'2.(13-3 ale -Lien -c/1, Iti"J 'W. 4ir;ftiErsr";:taL,I
l-,daN Pxcwitt:;
1.4'`21PS' CZ -.!,',C7. Mee. &len Ceivan.
; eeeTe /Unit?, Weis. cf
tecrit ne.7 vette:tee Me.
end Le. Neeze. telahL."
Tire rynteeFlty se this ttelay Fe [se
terdeel leerry Averts -ewe e.nd
gem11.17 fet the zleeset ee he- 'Zane- vet-
,11,"eite. ef
W. viell meet at the izeMe
of Lesee. G. Naylor en Thula:nay. Awn
i Albs Jean and lelaestee 'Ted Itebinuon
I :pent the week...VA at tize haute of :their
esezelee Mr..Gerclen ItteOliniery.
, The Weraen'a Irzetitutekthil ...meet at
1 elle holm 'of Airs, Jolut` ItodmiInd. on
VsredueetleY. April 6th.
.111ns. W. Creeter, of Ceewe; spent tile
former paet if the avefk at the borne of
eller paeente, M. end Wm. • Cantle.
eerrY to "reinuf that Mrs. ;olio
Chninuen, who bee Igen onely lit,
not Improving aa •fast as lier man
felends Could wish. Norge Bobble= is
ettil in attendance. •
The ?Nang Peoplet; Soclety wilt meet
as wail on Friday even•ing of tine week.
4 elvom- texture a the progrand.wUl
be a debate, eftee,olveel that the a
the dvance-
ment of country depende more upon
ite natural resoutirces than uPon its Peo-
c cairairan ty „,
ate entendeee t3 M. and Mos. Beld,eeen *)Y 4'443 el.,en CYJnitell. cf
Sowerby. aen) wee! 'reuried
Ti9V111-=-011 elierelay, March .133ill,
Ai'd elIes. Ilareleeee (nee
Einnee Seevetteee a elazieheer. Cienera.
Laveme Pentland; et Beerele, efeent Om
Si:el/day with iAs 'panne, Mr. and 2.1r5.
A. D. Pentland. . ie
M. and Mee.. Nana atel family, lee- 1.' -
Ira. vieited At the tteme ve Mr.
MaratiElite l',Ilecucr. co:
e e. 4. II. Pentland, whs. t act.,
• 'r, Al*. 8. Aeltilelti (Dungannon) was an..
eleb. wee a. veei".ec Cz3:1 Valay s
ht „
olIzecto.lzremw.ozooafori.ter &exert' AS" and Atm iu* 41C11.11".. t413 rato/35.(15 /1.
Air,,and elm DrGeL; Orn wad Imo vele Pointed as a &teepee to the Annual coei-
Daiwa. agrn8o-'ea upaud ventlea et the Trueteeee and Itatepayera'
aro cptmatng tele caeltzen at nub Department a ti Ontarlo Faueationa1
neer homea here, •, Aeeaelatiofl. len foe efeerenta, aigomp3n-
very utorcrieim ,Ez.e3ter s2rtiee was led by her elaualiter, Mice alezeareee.oi
' held in Caen ohneelt or: Stinclay when °cll. TeAvemo VeutIaelltt. Uf--Defrolt
the paetor. Bev. V." W. Crain', tlelivered elehool CleSCct ler the Easter vavatlan
Inaletcrr in4oeuelcilageyeintopt3nr,e arneeilt, Iona D'Xianni/sadnanyonaleeruilueptnItiatuderthe-AUxitievaaetrlielorics
Friend" ;reintea, "But ;they tou„. and Rueeelt 'Seale left the Sane evening
te spend the vacation at their respealve
for it Is toward. evening and the day 2; A very ImPreeelve eerviee which la,aed
she:lined vayIng eAblea •with us; ,hemee neat. makt.eng and Rip•
ley, •
far event. And be went In to taro :for three, hawse Was emednefed by tha
Il1Q$11"-St" •L114e 24:21 2)111.1119 Teeter; Nev. William in 84 Paul's
church, Dungannon, on Good •Priday• ,
dent Xnatv that My Redeemer t4r.,, WIllkleriellag 14 12 11'cl° 119°/1"
the serviee the olloer eang the anthem,
"Clulet the..Lord fe Weer,. Today.' awl le
The Wednesday evening eerviees which
Oth," was beatilifully elute hv m M
- --" - have been elelet in et. pears orittrell
Phillips. mid Afr.
;as. 'Vanua. Both throughout Lent, will now be distantin-
Aire, (TOW Shaw• went to Toronto
is Week to Visit her mother, '
• Miss Alice shepperd, a St. t atherwes.
.is speritlina thii week „with b.er Mother
here. • ,
. The Nile Sunday sehoel.begins nest
Simday lit 235 pen. and the church ser-
• vice at 4, The latter is to •include a
no Easter pageant as well as the
•See:Intent of the Lord's Suppee,
It eequixed a greae deal of. )ersever-
ance tor the Carlow young people to
eon* to Nile last Friday evening on a2 -
count of the terrible ;condition of the
roads, but all hands seemed to have a
eclat time whea they arrived, The meet-
ing was in charge of t1e. lapel west.
dent, Harald Squire, poem were given
by Miss Ecoth McPhee and leir. Shaw,
miss Ver -ba Tb b and Maio shaw gave
it piano duet and Mrs. Gorden Pearson
rod the Scripture leeson. Games and
contests were eoralueted by Miss Tabb,
after which refre.slunents were njoed.
......,.--........---_-__ ,..
Miss itirk, prindipal o Our. public
§theel, ie, spending the holidays at her
home .near London; elio Wes Ivlargaret
Pompton, assist:Mit. teather4 ho home
M tionendville. •
Special Eneter eervicee' were held In
the three churehee On Sateday. The
choir of the Preebyterian churele,
ton, drove •over anti furnished the Easter
enthems ixi lf-lunt Presbyterian thurch
here on 'Sunday aftentoon, Rev. ,e1r,
leougen, .of Cituton..eakinge the eervice,
Miss Ruth Iletteton, who hew ellent the
a four leephs. at ,tter Immie here -,while
reeuperating. after . Lete iePeration ..in Vie-
toria Hoepitale Leaden. -1e4 :Itticeneber,
I ramming to tile vity ibis week to
eettin take up her paSition kvith the Lon -
em Liee, 'where , she has event the past
tett years. • • •
mr. A. E. Stain noised a telegram
on eatUrday tummies last of the death
of. his brother. Robert, t6oat place
at his halite at; 1430• Broadway, Telede„
Ohio, a a wo.h)t,It .Saturday • uterrdfig,
Otherteed had, Iteetti ete Toledo the nest
. _ ...
Ierty years, bring engaged with the Steel
Construetien Company of that city: -
About four Years any he suffered A but
fracture from whieh be never reeovered
and whielt flia11y emitted in his death.
The tinier:II .teoh plaeee at .Toiedo on
Monday at two Wein*. Ile is iturtived
by his Wife, also our brethem; •being
George. of Prince Albert, Haehn Thonteee
.11e of eitleron. Sane of Mabee:lona,
Miele; .thel Alfred E., of this villAge, •
I(Preen Anothre- correspondent)
Mr , Ted Nee. ot Louden. Was a pay-
,noni on •Sunday.
t• biles Merlon Davie -on retorned lioniL
,Haturday after vielting lu Loudon,•
I Mr, J. Oe. Goldthorpe and John Me.
LOW, Jr. spent SUnday itt London,
IMr. A, P. Patehell epent ttie week -end
with his parenta at his liome In Cheeley
1 Mr, and aim. E. Bark and farellY Wet
Szintlay with "her parente. Mr. and Mrs
Feed Peahen
-,„ • -......--ee-,
urn's ing
It is wonderful how you ibrighten up the lipme at
small cost.' The new low prices make this possible..
Really a smart -showing of all that is new in•made
up Curtains or nets by the yard.
A special purehage on our part enables us to offer
you 4 Fancy Damask in all the -wanted shades.
NU 50 inches wide at..... .... per yard
A e omplete stock of Oilcloths, Congoleums,
Linoleum 4 yards wide covers your floor without
ceam, also "inlaid," pattern goes right through
to the back. Congoleum Rugs in all sizes.
See our Rouse Furnishing Department upstairs -
whole floor devoted to Rouse Furnishings.
ial Prices on Sunworthy Papers during Sul
word* Welk APRIL 2n4 to APRIL 9th.
Plante 5$
•• • r. PORTER'S HILL. •
'Miss.. Dorothy ,C=, Xialdont.is
spending.the Easter vacation at her:Mule
here- . • •
. .
•Berti-Te Mr. And Mrs. Astiliner Bar.
ripen. eelareh nth, daUghter. Con-
gratillationS "
'3';'rcd tillett, 'who has been:suf-
tering l'eeta. severe Attack , the
gelpite, is leillnizeinee. .., •
Miss: 1-relen Oki, who spent Good ,Prie,
day her borne here, returned to Loa.
don Stmday eVerting. • .
The men* friend' of 1VIrs *MS
SOU %ill be sorry to entete that ;the is in
bed suffering frein an tittaek la grippe.
The $. hold, their regular
meeting Pride/4 4Prd let: A corcita1
Vtatiou le extended to all young Peon*
TheeeeEttetere.toreilee tit.- Grate ' tinned;
church -was attended. The Choir,'
ander the. eapable leaderazile ,lWez
Howard CO; rendered ,special Easter
mask. leln Gale arid IVIiss Gale render-
ed a (Met nest beentlfully,
' COLL'ORNE • .•
Miss Marie Fisher; assleang Mrs; AI
AWn tor 4 time. • .•
tvzro. Aldine Allin, 'who has been; siek
with• the flu, is improving. .
Mr. Serb rilorris is not as well as' Mt
many friends would wish. ••
The sympathy of the cornintrility goeS
ent tO Tither in his reeent ead
bereavenaent. . •
.1OISS0S Amelia- anti Marlette nether.
ington,. of Ooderieb, are visiting a Caro
hire store thes ,weelr. • • ••
IVItss Edythe Marsh, who has spent the
past two 'paputlis in Toronte, returned
to her honie nere -last Thursday:
lhoine. for the Easter holidays. •
Miss 'Floierice Montle, of Toronto, spent
Easter at the formees 'hem here, .
InisS Olarlya, 'Treble, and her friend,
Mimes Eunice Long, of Part Albert,
and .Evelyri, of Stratford Normal,. are
Urn. .dean Walters and Miss Julia.
vow, a TorOntoA spent the Week.end
with their another. Mrs.; Pt, Me Young. .
We are sorry to 'relate the death Of
Mr. John Drovni. 'oudtoo, Sunday,
the funeral taking plate at 2.30 itb Cint-
tan cemetery, Mr. Sreavit V.as a..
lti-law of the ICde 'Mr. and /lam. Samuel
Poinielfaker, both familles.lornaerly liv-
inf.; In the neighborinxid•of Shepporaton
mid, wilt be remembered be? Many old fie-
tituaintanzes. Ile leaves to mourn'. his
two. datIghterS, 'Airs. Gen; Jenes&
torla, Mrs. Herb Osbeldeston. of
IfelmesvIlte, one con, Pinest, or Petrone..
Ins 'Bret wife, terinerly NitsS Annie Pen-
tick:it:en died a number. of' years NM,
lits eCeonti wife, formerly Mrs. Jordan,
• Of alsO Away to. the
Great Beyond, three other . retie .Satii,
the 'vita In tile wan. Prank
tiled In tile Wc:* and Charles died In
Petrella eerceal Van ago. •
Ilifts- Elaidee Lerij. the libliclant
Atm. Cnre enent a few dap hi
at nee home. /tete,.
Geleri-,41i lest week. • • .
flu '.nvelYia Long. .. ratferatNermai
b keen° tee the holiday. •
numbere Were greatly ,enjoyed. Despite
Me bad condition, of the roads there wee
latr attendance., •,
(From -another 'correspondent.)
• Were. Reg. Fuller conilned to tee
•bsd with the flu.•
M. Joe Dalton hns ha1 an attack a
leraneltitis; bur. is AbIe to be up again.
.. Wes ' Margaret • MOWillien is at present
s•hieert • ‘ev.I. ,tlt the XI. Ten. Whitely '• attenclhig„
Mrs. Itiebard Bonet of. Ooderleh, spent
the week -end With her sister, Mrs. Les-.
lie Cox. • • • •• .
Mies Dorothy- Coxa tim London
triliversitare is spending the:holidays with.
her parents. • •
Miss leery ADAaton, Detroit. is pro -
dressing Irene .her recent, *Peration to
• 41°itlien* Coix, of London, has: bee• n
visiting her parents, .Ir. And Um, Her-,
bort 100x, alaq her 43ster, leas. ItingsleY
'Harris. .•, • . • -
, Mre. Ilarold Montgomery is attending
her mother. liers, Aldirt Allen, Colborne
TownSlilp. *ra, Allen has been very. ill
from low blood pressure: . .. • •
Mr. Pobt.• Rodgers. and Mr, Oreille
Rodgersnave .been confined to their
'beds With the AM . Drwhitely has them
well on the road to recovery. • • . .
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Perd and Mr. and
Mts. R.' David:eon l'at on SeturdaY or
Toronto where she will attend a meeting •
of the ceteentlee oe the 0. E. A. Hhe will
also attend. the Annual convention ofetile
0. p. A. on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of the same week' in Convocae
time Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. 0, M. Xelnenste and.
two • children, Malcolm and . Audrey
Jeanne, left on Sat`tirriair Teroato.
where they arill be aaests with urs, Ate-
•1{arate'a Parente,. Ur. and Um. J.
Woolidge. Mrs. lvfeKenzie and cltildren
wilt remain for the Week but Mr. MeXeri-
zie will return today.
Miss Jean Mothers, of the Toronto
staff of teachers. Is spending the Easter
vacation. with her parents, Postmaster
anti Mrs. Stotthrs.
The 'present price a eggs; ,to
mem, nine • cents per dozen for cz-.
tras and seen cents tor firsts is unpre-
cedented in over thirty years. Just why
city people should be paying tne peke
they do for them, retail, is a matter of
speculation among the tartars.
On Good Frieley our mail cerriere en.
/03efirl a holiday
"' 114111' Va12' 4 lumesvme, 231'403.- -mu:: 'Aji•Mainee,snleit:;,*atotr isliltivelvElaitiel:gephoeitr
, daughter, Ifirs. Manning, at Loudesbero,
ed to Kitchener, an Sunday to attend
kthietchfeoza1 of 4 ,,,,,i,,, ivx,,, rota, of her Easter Itolidaye under the pareutel
- eare.bere.
Mrs. Johnston, a Carlow, is spending
ot Mr. Reg, • a few daye with her daughter, wire. 05r.)
On Friday of ,last week the neighbore
Puller held a .wcied bee to effeh., ea the vehige, ,
get in 1115 OVA' 01'W°44 as the/ 100. The C. G. I. T. of the Presbyterian
all their ,woocl• in their reeent fire. Me. :church ma ebeie regular. nmatider„ meee-
and Mrs. Fuller appreciate 'the itireinessAm. ate terrie of Mrd. noble. .
George, the Antall aon ef Mr. And Mrs,
George Ginn, Met With what aught have
been serious accident lad week, by
pushing frOin behind the thr, getting
entangled In the Week wheel: tittle
lie/1 14u6h Mise Christina Rthertscee and her- sist.
ter, of Colborne, me visiting their' aunt,
Mrs, (On) Wen, of the
The Itev; Mr. and. Um. Zeigler, a
godericti, are imending few days with
the latter's Mother, 'Mrs, Yunsishit;
ticorge 'was unconSeious for awhlle, : 10,1 -
Paterson of Toronto, is spencl-
Mira s1,' is ±1estslLrr hot Vostre lila-
daya in Totonto ana -iliincsten.
Vile Oaraner, a remdee, ,snellt
• "the Liellday at nvatattier 0..lui rattan:
Mien Ottimitreeham Is spentlita3 Ilea' hull -
tins tet Um Lento et .iler patents et Bel.
. /Mee Ceeele Gledhill, of Torentos
trent teeter with Iter .patoltse Mr. au
Ala. W. ,Gledbill. -
IAie. Pettfilitn =a' family aro mind
nds week to Cottow, IZevireet ealted Mr
. Tem Wi-Isn's Cam. - .
Quite e, number from Dcrimiller at-
tended ilte filiterall et St's. X`.1 it'l.'ihcx
et CArim.v. on Tuesday.
ant Proton, 'Abii las beth Miler tri
• (beton tafe• for some nine, to..Ar
rittezil to eny. Is' Imnrovhag ebtly.
' Tein_. loting pen: pr5 et 'tenni/Ter ar
presenting their van. 'Mutton the now
!At tkrati$11)0k en Wet/c.o.d.:kr., Mead
Me. J. MCCAtt ras tzensa. Me
,,Conint7,41-3 (.4 inelfettli, f(' The, eurritet
Mid he hes naeird into the; Itntst tertat
tit bY Mr. JAMbS.1, 'Alla las Meted t;
1 -
- •
s Josephine Weir. of the village...
, Last Monday Teething the lee broke
p on the river; There- was
am owing,nto the condition of the .ice.
. lass Efee Stoltz, who is tegiching near
hathiten, spent lier Easter holidays with
or parents on the Blyth gravel road.
The selzools are eleeed" down for their
aster holidays. •The boys had good
times during the -latter
art -of last week. r
The Ladies' Aid a 'gnat Presbyterial
Ohltroll Will hold their pancake supper in
the baserrient of 'tho ehilrch on Friday
meting, Alai! eth. Supper will be ser' -
Cd ereirn 5 to 8 pan.
Last week Mr. William Davidson
nearly lost hts liouee, Be had cleaned.
cut the stove and EOMe litre Coals were
Piked in a tin pall weelett he lefe on the
lloor. When lie notiood it again the
floor was binned thralah.
The Rev. Alexander McMIUafl will cc-
caPY the lutlint* 4 the tinned church
morning and evening next Sabbath and
el smith's 11111,111 the afternoon Over
fortY Years ago Mr. Meminan 'wee Pas-
tor a those two tonteregitiellss.',
. 131.ItraiV111.1(
, Tilli Real Spring Tonic '
none 4m. . Honillton St.
A t
Geo. Johnston
4 Sons
Phone 499w Kingston St.
'20% off
ALL . ., ..
Lamps and
Shades ,
Viirnitute \'Inealer and Funeral
Ilanillion it. ; GOdetleh
Stoves, and in fact any.
thing for the home for
1932, and we positively
save .you money.
Oa th litesilway of &Avid"
Large • Hinstitched Sheet• s
Finished with net.lt hemstitching at top, qualit,v
of fine even WON% good weight and fine appear-
ance. Note the extra large size, about SI x 109
inches. Pair...... ........ . .. . . . ...
New patterns, first quality, 3 x 3 yards...$$.50
yards ....... .
Two specials, 3 x 5 yards, reg. $17$0,, for $14,00
, 1 1.'eg. $19.50 fo.r, .......,..$16.00
Heavy _opaque and mounted on Strong rollers,
size 36 x 12, in green or cream, complete With
brackets. Each, . `1. ........ „ „ .69c
FuUf ashioned service weight and, chiffon,- lace
top and spliced heels in Pepper, Smoke tone,
.,Allegesse, Putty Beige, Noontide, All sizes.
Special per pair... , , . .890
Strong and snow white, plain ,heanned to ensur
long wear. Reg, 50e per pair. •
and pay theft respect to One. veho In his
quiet unassuming way held a very warm
tu tlteir :hearts. .As the cortege
approached the eintreh the pram sofciy
played, "Safe en the Arms a Jesosi",
special remiest of Mrs. Iteletteb, art aim;
a the deceased. •
Practically" every member of St.
(lieOrge!s choir was present and led in
the beautiful chore' Burial Solace, of
the 'ablireh, while the members a' the
rector's, bible class sat in a - bode he one
of the trancepti,•the eleceased'e.son ;being
a reveler and faithful meMber of these
two organizations. A very large repre-.
saltation Of Boron Lodge, I. 9. 0. v.,
filled more than one side of the church.
The Veil., Archdeacon Wilfred Jones-
e3ateraan wetted the rector in the ser-
viee, end Mr. Iteginald Plena sang
beautifully, ,!There" is rto 'Death," Which
yeeth -the hymns, "Pethe, ,Perfett Peace',
entl On the 'Resurrection •IVIorning."
beought, unteh eomfert and comealation;
hope and confidence to the hearts or
those who mourned so sudden ri parting.
As the ben toiled the caelret was balm
'!rein the thuthli and thence to Meitland
-oemetery. 'where the beasitlfu 3t1u01 et
the 1 0 Q F was taleen by Brother
VISO/ Moo etijiArether„creatge' ,„Afae.
Vicar. The. pallbearers were Eininerson
Evans, Aclam: .(141, wittiest. LaWienee.
T., -red Seats:0014 Harry Barker end Noe.
Johnston, The floral offerings -woo not
0!:Wir .milnereusbut neentiful, among
vbfth were tliose from the Dominion.
Bonds Maellinery Co, • ninon Lodge.
0. 0. F., St. George% Ounday Sehool,
$t,' George's Bible class, 'coriie IA.,
G. 0, Ptan the following glose friends,
Mr. and MI'S. A. Opel,. Ur. and Airs. E.
Evans, Mr. And wire, W. I.Aevrence, ..mr,
and Mrs. -Geo. Mathieson. Getters -were
from Ur, anti MSL Pret,1 Seabrook, Mr,
and Mrs, Alen Stieling 'and Olive, mi.
and Mrs. A. Harker, Tecouglth Wilson and
Gladys lnurray, the 13Ver/..3 family, bro-
ther Fred And family, brother Charles
and family, Grandpa 1-tturt, Mr. and
Emv.g ownk.Ou PROMS
Elwyn George rouse, aged Ave
months, Infant e'en of Ur. and Mrs. 'Wil-
bert Prou.se, East Street, PagOod awaY
letimilety 4 this week at the Children's'
eloepital, L0flden, Where he had been
receiving treatrnent or the Dag five
weeks for spinal tsbllfl, and where he
had 'undergone a •serioue Operation on
Monday of last week from which he was
thought to bit vialdng a good -recovery.
The...funeral_ was hehl-frow the...tawny
Lome • oh Wednesday afternoon, nor. "r,
• W. Creek, Miltieter of Victoria 'street
Thlited cluireh, condhettag the eervicere.
Interment evea wade in Maitland tenni-
tory. ttles, his parents, there, elitylve
three Liston and three brotleetie
1VIrs. IL 0. waiters and family. Mr. and
iesas. Goethe Nevi ton and Betty, Mre.
Poulton, Bertha, Annie and BliZabeth,
and BrenheY ar°8'
The late Mr. Hunt mar:fed Mies
Mthel Whitenswho with their Sea
Walter, axe /aft to mourn trie loss of a
faithfui lati*.t,b41 and a pod father, He •
was the son.of Mi, Georze alicl the late
Mrs..11unt, is survived by his two,
brothers, Fred of Goderich, and Charles
of Toronto, and this.fatiter, Mr. George
Hunt of Britannia Read. , •
• out of towis filends here far the !tut -
Orel were Mr. end Urs. Charles aunt
and daughter, Terante; ears. NisPber-
son and Mrs, Poulton, of London; lett.
and Mrs. Alex, Stirling and Olive, of
Seaforth. .
ItelieVei; Asthma- at Once. -/r /oit
could read the thonSallell a unsolicited -
letters received • by the Makers from
grateful users you, too, would realize the
remarkable powers of Dr. 3. A X.ellogeos
Asthma. Remedy. Ali -cams: incipient •
and chronic, aro benefited by this great
faMily remedy. Why suffer or experi-
ment sv.tth worthieSS preparations when
the genume eceiloeg's can be purchased
everywhere-. ..., •
, • ,
roar Spring Togts
An Idle Dollar or -
Two Makes Them
Like New
Send 'cm Along
Goderich French Dry Cleaning
West St-- .Goderih
in these Dollar.Stretching Days you appreciate the
Sea our new line of Men's Heavy and ?I/tedium Hostvy
Work Boots. They are solid leather throuttout, fil,O(Inrately
,prited at $2.65; $2.75* $3.35, $3.50 and $4.00,
•Hxamine and tit thent and you will readily appreciate
• .fitetr value.
W. HERN'S Shoe Store
- The death ocetnered Sander aeterneonl
Of Ella Robe/dem, beleeed irife of Ed-
ward J. Fisher. of Colborne Township,
near Carla% Mrs. Visitor suffered: a
stroke of paralysis.. a month ago and
shoe an atteek a ed,V)..11011 Ler weak.
efied condition. 'Meld 'not withetalld, re.
mil/sing M tier tleatii. eello Was hewn One
. tha. homeetead ht. Colborne. :the dietrelte.
ter of AIM and Mary Xiang Robertenue.
After Ler Marriage to Mr. Fidler. they
, -
.'resided on a term near 13euralliee, later
, moving to • the one;4 arloW. Mee.
Felber WAS a Menebter of the PreeelePtere
tan chard!, And was deeply betereseted bus
'all the nettiltiee Of- the thatell •At Care
,mw. There everts 113 -eIntdren. v...ddez
'tier emeliande elm Is =Waived by one. bra- •
• their. C. A. Wheaten, letleet. for North '
•Ituron, and one titter. Mies Mary Rah-
ettsen, Wita bete been With Ler during
The lotto Leder Itobereetn,
ce Nike -Tea Palls. *AS * brother. .
After, an illitees 4 Mr two weeks,
there peeted,ateay at MS brine Ploton
'etteet,15 wellehateertu teletletieh boy. In
!the peeeen tet Harry t4, 1100. A private
i!serinne fee the" relatives was held .itt the
'faintly rendente at il-.010 p.m. by the
nen. A. N. 11. 1LiulL. sct i. tleer.
sees -0:mtele, the Tate Mee linnt
IWO a velutel and blethly ceteeneed •mente
Jher. Aiter the theet tetelee tit the home
tte punto •aa:s heal tre Ct. Geer,
eluittlt 2.16 pen. Tire e.bureh
• wee/tiled to olieti011ifitit with hien&
he came ont to elteltOle their eeffilueibee
To read this advertbeinent evety ve eel:We dgeer epeciel peicea .on tee. •
tains daYts. n *interested dent delay In making your leetthasee as, the
speeials ette• for deelenaterl tiara. T lib Week we ere a/44 81Mirlting
After-the-ilu tonics: - •
An Alter Me Fitt Toni
5 for 49c
10 for 150
Saturday we will glve
• movie of Shaving
• 'Cream with" pkg. of
• Blade& -
4 eaten leir.elee
.40 tablets 80e,
Xf tho voien 11 a
I ttle hinity re..
D,. Brawn's
Jost a few left,
1101' *WATS*
• • SYruttlittultlittlitItC•
Watindle's Cod tiVer
• Eldred.1
• Waterburis (cd filter •'?,
Ikea, Hen eind .Wine
Sraelt ettee.aral tares& liana;
• Crrmanes, Ilia TrY
rer a &an harvest you.
Mint ltsve dean seed.
• We cell
rer eso a pound
xtmair ?nu
rot Rheumatism
• "*".4 SrM,E
• ; •
or Manta.
goelt lee
SaltirdaY Only
, .
St ill's
asc for .23o
Saturday and Monday
'141 -ES •
Diarnesta, Vetitiabe*,
Babb, Stinset,
ITALIAN it1133t
For l.,Ao
"eilze:etY Leta Mitstdy
rumors 'PILLS
• MI% Ile
B. C. Wisp, 3. 11. We, 3. A. Csapiell, Wigle