HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-03-24, Page 4• PAGB OUR P.Ntmenvitammommmemoimee..****msoraw~phroa••••••••••44,4w TOWN TOPICS 4,4w********.itia*Aw4tommomopo.o.rearefeitirefair MORE LIGHT AHEAD Without, diseenzfea, ..the •Oatarie el:mewl readitile te an Act ziet waVRIC3 that motottga, 5.04 taw! Mes. El. ft Mena, Mo. A. (I. Ifiraten Ottawa, Mandl glate-A etateMeat Ct eande of polleyhellere et the Sun We geta age feet ahead, and that truzies :revs ale, AND *OSS • Canada, Pa 001 ethar 1110,10%)• al53 Nv°1174Ledeaertner wee tined: $100 •and costs for Hn. It. B. Bennett when. eneelting reditee the length et trusitatenine IV= IS 'FREE IYIAN AGAIN Pi. 4 dire -try 61avaszer. appeared beeeee 'Magistrate Reid en $eturday raerairle faedi wine two el'42 trteS. One woe that he kill at laxetee Illareh etit canmune laver a pane place. Be woe tined $10 aed. ea4ts Cr la OP irx evieleit lie had aletatlY eeeved. The ogler eliarne wee that aet cbtatniteg ere= hy fraud team Vaallate. Ilefigeet, Esetee. On nee vamp he was given demo:idea eentenee fee OM Several other ebareee and eptanctiona in Exeter and Goderich fel- lowed in Hie wee ake et aizott'e a:nin whialt lee erase the star Crown wit:leen. CROP COMPETITION CANCELLED lereldo euperintenderit of agriculture and hestiestture cocietlee,haa • written the seeretary of every es:piety to thee effect: "I reeret to stpte that Z • havo been aelvir,ed. by the DePutY-Mill- ister et Aexieulture that in view of the cutting down of expenditures neceesery by the Government% reduced incenie, and oho by reason of the tad that tile Dominion Oovernmetit has its grant towards the activities of my branch of the department, we are therefore, obliged to cancel all field crop •competitions during the season of 103g. Kean. acquaint the membero of your • agricultural society who Intend to ma - pate this year of tide cancellation." . . THE GODERICII STAR t DILTILIVATE MIDGE !Sun Lite Co. Is Solved if At the week4 dapneate inatige toneaa. • • tineat Itaa Taesaay evening, the, fcliew- itee were the Witmege: leoatie and Eietnit—let, Mr. E. O. 11caceen; and, 1)7.J. 3•14 Viola and Premier. Characterizes Attack*" D. Batman; arta De.• A. C. um- on it widow, and ter and Mr. P. Ie. Carey. East find Wt • -1t alo. I. D. Ent - LEO DOC, 144141iimuut auac.-a0c3 TraMo Tao Pad' MI" )0' 15V101410; 214, Mr- and liana en their care stitch wial etlew ob. 244 Mt. Cal-eY (OA)* tic*. interest to the banareele et tlieue Meat UOa travel deem than 100 tee to /n pellee e.ourt Tuesday Mrs. Caerlette by the prime minister of • ASsurance Conlpeny of (Pomade, wee metier iz hreaell of the L. •C. A. and promptlaUie Home of Canons On Varela 14, ee 0 • paid ter line, which gate te the Pre. he characterieca ameillzione and mel- to 5 - feet. ST. PATRICK'S DitaCE • able, for the reaseil that the infonaut- tenant" ,attaslie made upon the company Vote was not Wei by town oMeers. M. And Mime' has eelninate band irk tlaa A, St. Patriek'S Dan (Mee waS held 14 the Marine Cu) recite Thuodey, March lath. Green was the prevailing eolor, all the Vests eecatiun elutaireek. There was a large attendenee. The first MeAeriaar quantity of Boor In her balsa Whiell had been ieetirmi on A. fiatl. tCu ioue permit. A "stomer" became ft talCated uad on being arrested gave the pogce Information :vhich resulted in the gfi eadvaneY of ho institution. His knowledge of ti e nositien ot the company wee founded, he said, upon Ins personal inaulrle5„ upon the - part ot the eatertainulent Waq i- --- ot I))0 Dominion Ineurrinee depart - rive Mehra with twenty-two tablchare and no. es, ment awl upon the amlite of the Men2. ance departmente a 30 atatea a the The lattice' gait prize tea% won ley Mo. Leaman scHo011, OPENING United States, sie well at those Of, other David MeIlwairt and the ladies' emzela- went to Mina Helen Pultoid. Starting Ude Van the high. Schools in countries in which the Sun Life doe* gen- „ /wet wawon s by var. webster Ontario will open. on the fent dayn et busiess, ..........., etie New Kay "JUST A STEPCHILD" will he presentea hy well kne'Wee lozal talent an atas-Way Baal THERSDAY and FRIDAY MARCH arst Rust APRIL lee at 0.00 Pen. under the alespizeo a the Vitemeana Aseoviatioa 02 Vietscia St. United Clineeb. 12 CIZARACTKRS---el AHTS— •'VMS ele 110111la The plabounds in !Manage • Situation.% end live dialogue arid • •eparkles with humor. Was, the I, 01,43 and Ilan Oerdon YounE won, the. ewe Seaterobe.e, a recently Issued bulletin "1 need hardly ay to the Itonte," said front the Taeleartnaent of Eclucation veins. Ur. Bennett, "that nO Matter+ with whieb E010•10n. M. Bonny. the cub steward, mea . nerved imp& toeover 150•igue5ts. OrdinallY, .•, the •eobools resume their e have bad to deal M.= (aloha post - Dancing and Five gtmdrea were nextedn cbsg0 gn) 014 day tOneWbag renbea XIV, tion gave •me Moro concern than this. Which nollday is the first !day a tha Why? Because it ter:wiled the lives of the program, which, loeted till 3 am. Tim preeident thanked rs. alliday, Month' The edict Means that this Year, hundds reet thousande—yea, almost mil- MH Who donated the im. zesoar/ au who instead of returning to ectiool n 'Tees-lion—ot people, ae welt as of many yet mborn. and my duty was not to hazard took part in makine the event, widelt is the fifth this mem a triumphant slice eeea. Music was farntehed by Mr, Me. Nevin, Mr. Young and allee Aladrewe. - - 'LIBERAL OBOANIZER,IN.TOWN day, Sept. 0, as they odnai1y would do, the Pupils win have, to return to their lanytleine to a mere guess, but to endeae elassee on ThursdaY, • sept. 1, • Tabor 'vor by every mane in my power te Ace Day,Sept. 3, will be a holiday as neat), 1 to it that our officials eitould make o report which would enable me to say to the peoplinot4Canada. and vieewhere, who were dependent Aeon the solvency of tide great enterpriee that It was solveet, that vepqrt make any statement. I beUcv it la true. 1 •believe, the Sun X4irS. C°11/241V is as SS1Vea as any come pany transacting the business of We in- surance need be." • Sieh direet and lereeful support of any individual corporation by a prime minister molting on the .11oor of the House is •aintost without precedent and climaxed, four years. of sniping and In- nuendo wbick"ha been made use of in Canada and other countries, to the de- talment of the Sun Life and to the pea& or mind of many Dolioyholders. •1 • . •-• e'••,',—• • . . GLADIQLU To advertise our superior Washington Bulbs we are giv- • inr, away several thousand Gladiolus Premulinus Hybrids„ new type of Gfadiolus highly recommended orCaCCount of the long flowering period and the exquisite pastel coloring. • • If • planted in succession, they will b100n1 from May to Novetn- ber. Mail this ad., with 25c (na stamps) for packing and mailing of one package containing 24 bulbs guaranteed to bloom. ••• l'his oiler is good until April 15th. • • PUGET SOUND BULB co, •. 329 Republic Bldg. .• Seattle Wash. • This Easter Time The usual fine stock of out flowers and plants will be in stock. Nothing but the •finest of flowers used and the best of ser- -vide eo. Stewart - • FLORIST 3011ERICH •• Phone 105 • . Hon. Nelson Parliament. termer Speak- er. in the Legielature and, oreartizer for • the Liberal Party.livontario, was a Mei. to to town on Tuesday; lie called on • party Stalwart% who reported, that he was • just "loeking around" on a periodical visit in that his presenee here bad no • special 'eignificance. There le no Inten- • tion of leehigirig Mitchell Hepbutri, LM - Oral leader, to Ooderieh, at was added Mo. Hepburn is making a ProvIncerWidc tour. • Horn Mr. parliament started to • motor here, but, was•,forcett to abandon b14' ear and take the train. • CLERK OF BLYTH • DIES SUDDENLY .4.riTlies D.latoodY, clerk ofeeelyth, died euddealy. . on Monday mOrnIng. Two •• Weeks age lieeontracted a void, but. had &how n improvement and was able to sit ' tip for a time on Sunday, During the • night he . took a weak spell and passed • . away at am. . The late Mr Moodywas a prominent citizen ot the town, being • clerk of' the municipality, also treasurer of Meinortal Hall boarci, He was a val. • tied member • a' Queen street tented 4:hank being a member if the .sessiore church trustee board and parsonage truttee. board. Be leaves to mourn their loss his 4fe, who was tormerly _lane ..tessio Reninson, and One clallgliter, 'ale* three stepchildrere Hass, Pauline and Ernest. • Robinson.' The, funeral, which was private, was held from his late residence on Wednesday aftenioon. In- terment was. mad jn Unit% cemetery. • • Yon •sceoad-handaboettseller is second • to none In the 'worth of the treasures winch he desPeriees.—Leigh Ilunt„ • Turbine engines driven by steam are belts tested M model aeroplanes in America. The boiler is heated. by fur- nace oll. • • • as ions b.:th� 1932 Easter Parade Spring Coats -New as the Season • . • nUR new coats feature the scarf collars, high waist- N-" lines and side.fastening which are the outstanding characteristics of the new spring coats, Gay colors, new fabrics and a complete 'stock. Prices ranging•frorn • $.995 to $23.50 New Spring Hats for your Easter Ensemble Glistening.Black Straws, New Reds and Muses • Trimmings of Bows, Flowers and Quills • SPR!NG GLOVES • French Kid in fashionable diodes.. Mack and white Gloves with the new • ran Cuffs. • Chamois.4te Slip-ons with outside • stitehing:• Stuart shades of beige, brown, black, white. • 14141•111•1•1411111111111•14 Step out Easter Morn in a New Suit and' Topcoat This year you can be turned out in unquestionably good taste at a cost . considerably kW than, for years. NEW SPRING SUITS SPECIAL SALE for EASTER •-Navy Blue English worsted with fine • .Stripe, two pairs of trousers. Speciat$22.50 COLORFUL EA$TER NECKWEAR New color, New Ties4-Silks and Satins EASTER TIE- SPECIAL $1.00 -410•11•10.0.05=11.41.4*.1.6115% We have a c triplete range of Spring Caps, sturdy fabric* and well tailored. Price ranging font 05c to $1.SO A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR West Side of the Square Telephen 418 • Mr. Bennett's direct declaration dee illorea the tact that the `Malicious and attacks had been graced by repetition in parliament and in one part of his speech said: • • "As far as it is poseiblefor one to satlsfy 111msef, having na interest eis, Poneyholder os etherise, these enter- prises are eel:fent. That is me profound: conVietiOa, my fixed and. certain con- victiort, and 1 believe that .nothihig. but sinenjuFtoea.theeceiltralloneit tbesee.. aminy.peantdkethayserintdo, coranierce an investigation of the, bhare eater diggastede* Tine matter carne before. the House by way of ea resolution. introduced by Mch- aej Luchkovieh (?regressive. Vegreville) asking that inquire be made into ram - ors and allegations with which members of the house had been deluged. • . Mr. Beatlett's :reply was "1 believe it is wrong—it, is wrong, 1 say, to the 0am:idle:I:people and to the leisured Men and , women in thia and countries that. ina, this parliament A malign and malicious attack should And :credence ..14" being read by any 'Member.' •, • . •Mr. temiett'a assertion of the Solvency , the, cOnmallY . and of the absence of ,Any necessity for An investa, gegen. was Warupportecl by , Hon. 3. X, Ralston, nifilister of milltiaaln the, former king .04.bikotit mut by 110,11.• C. IL crihara secietary' Of State' in the Bennett Miaisn7...: Batn these members, as policyholdees, in the Sun Life, .had made eareful felony in Omir own behalf iuldenot may declared tnele rudest con- ficience lit the security of their policies, tint jellied with: gr. 'Bennett 111 paying tribute to the Integrity and capacity of the dirootors Lalfr dad etS dr *hat bin. Bennet t Milled "Canada's greatest fitlane +dal institutieni," the Sun a Lite ot, ,CAnZ 3. Earl 'Lawton (Coneervative, • West York)', 0. B. Nicholson (Conservative, Algoma ZOO Abel other 'members of the house • added emphatic madorsation to the speeChca ofIlletsrs, Beemett, Ralston and Cahari, all stressing the point that every investment •of the company was strictly Within the Canadlan law antIthat not only lead no funds properly belong- ing to policyholders ever beenediverted to shareholders, but that actually Ma Per cent. of the Participating' policy profits rightfully belonging to shareholders had for Many years been voluntarily distri- hided. to policyholders. The. discussion of affaire of the com- pany Should. eftecttvely counteract what Mr. Bennett regarded so 4naliefous at. tacks and fully restore any confidence in the pesitIon of the toniloany that might 14 have been shaken by them. 1 j. People We Know Mr. :aorden NOW% of Toronto, is vis.. itina his mother, Mo. Qeorge teoble, • West street., • alr,.E. bloody, secretary of the Ituran out .now mtociation, wz a business Welter. itt town dinitsa the Week, • Meters. Charles Meraeld, William Bar- wick, Robert Jana:tort and Vern Willie left on Tueedey moruitte to Joni the crew of the W. 0. lrana, which Is fittiim, out at Sarnia. The many friends of Ur. and Mrs. tflbu rouse, East St., will bo more tin" n pleaen, to learn that their Infant t,on, who mulerwent o. very serious opero ation in Viethrla Ilespital, tondo% On Monday of this,week, 15 SO tar making • good preerees •towards recovery. oderieh friends. of Pleancr INiagazaifls, Ontavio, vitt be glad to knaur that the is rapidly improvin/ after her reocut operation. %ter mother, Ztiia. Lome Smith, is also cenliaed In the Ma- gara, Palle Oelleral Iteeeilted and omeets to undergo an operation oiMar& 26th, Tallare•arian alAreeil 24tEz, Style Quality, and Value You'll find all these in our uggle-to-order elotheo, and this season the prices are lower. • GOOD neLOTRES GIVE A MAN -CONFIDENCE Peal grey in inen' s hats i the shade for spring' DRY CLEANING, and REPAIR SERVICE • FRANK H. MARTIN PlIONV r4lL0k and HATTER Burn:are -robbed the Imam a C. D. Weniley,. heed of the Criminal In,vesti. Capon. Department at Scotland :tard, iddrig even medals awarded him for ins •••••-•—•.... work agathst crlxnlnals, OLDEST MAP A .erude drawing uearthed at the 'site of aneient Nue, in Iraq, and dating bar,: More than 40 eentariese la considered to es the oldest tnapein the world, Edinburgh has, banned Sunday inoviear CWiSe inv EASTE RIFIt .q- 1. We feel that It is -particularly appropriate at .this season of the year to emphasize the care that is token in all t & P Stores to maintain at the highest • . point the most rigid standards of sanitation and eleanlineSs, limierthese circumstances the sound values that are foand week by week at all our stores are doubly appealing, Many Easter spetials • iltiect your attention to the choicest of fresh meats, new, irisp vegetables • and a selection ot groceries. • A ch P • Fhteat Itlarity • l'ANCY SMOKED •Drealtradt • Style• ullilaz "Ave SMCgD, 1413. 10.e ;11102111111.ealieei Beek VIAT lb* • SLICED, LB. 19e • Extra . Dig Special oft Easter Hams MAPLE LEAF =AND • SMOKED PICNIC STYLE. Shoulders 1b4 • laTo Lns. nvnita0E, ' FANCY VEAL .a'Olee EASTER Smoked Sugar. Cueed • IiIBRAAsPLDERA3,LELAP ILILF OR 'Smola• gpk SLICED, LB. 23e. • . • LEGS FILLETS ROAST oewHAtroug Sirloin CUT •Rump ib. *80 ib. 200 lb. rZOC. ALL CLEAR IytEA.T.4Z0 WASTE—EMOKED ottage Roils A & P QUALITY INSpECTED BEEF • BE Tien PIECE , • Porterhouse lb. 26C PRIME R.IB• ilb. 17c • BONELESS, ROLi42D . . .. . . nee • 11 . " ATfaeNTIc : . PnEset.:cAuoreT e4Eleieg, LB. ie • • al,I;IRE •Ilbat.•• WHITEFISH . agyamiurr lb. 1 5 IVEW PACK ' • S.ALMNT51b,is. Hzt,ar.2, Ibti. 25c OYSTERS• BdigINT Glass Sae c VICTORY BRAND •QtrEEN mit' 1 20 OE SEEDED Mt SEEDLESS RAISIt4S Delmont& eortmittaik—sumicn ANYWHERE MATCHES. " • tAnt, BLACK • 27c ib. Pk Pi 22c • 530 SALADA , TEA MADE OF OLIVE AND PALM ons PALMOLIVE SOAP •3 Calms EAT HOS FOR HEALTIL-4111111i: THEY LAST 19e • •COOKING, FIGS FOR G000 MOAT` • OT of BUNS AV•solts gond' Vegetables FO/N/A 3131ICZ suns Trxmil snows RANGES GRAPEFRUIT Lars1 UMW* 9* 4 tirsr zse TiC 8. 25c 19c & PACIFIC TNA tki132721 or CLAIADA • etelleinni, ivp11 *fah ays 0geed and gemee to ther ireeeue noble, in their hour of need. • • Tickete—Adults 30e children 23e and may be seemed from rnem- blue et the Assoclatieanar-Natetbee' paroftau., - , . aneate_inenna4 a Mr. Bennett's direct declaration dee illorea the tact that the `Malicious and attacks had been graced by repetition in parliament and in one part of his speech said: • • "As far as it is poseiblefor one to satlsfy 111msef, having na interest eis, Poneyholder os etherise, these enter- prises are eel:fent. That is me profound: conVietiOa, my fixed and. certain con- victiort, and 1 believe that .nothihig. but sinenjuFtoea.theeceiltralloneit tbesee.. aminy.peantdkethayserintdo, coranierce an investigation of the, bhare eater diggastede* Tine matter carne before. the House by way of ea resolution. introduced by Mch- aej Luchkovieh (?regressive. Vegreville) asking that inquire be made into ram - ors and allegations with which members of the house had been deluged. • . Mr. Beatlett's :reply was "1 believe it is wrong—it, is wrong, 1 say, to the 0am:idle:I:people and to the leisured Men and , women in thia and countries that. ina, this parliament A malign and malicious attack should And :credence ..14" being read by any 'Member.' •, • . •Mr. temiett'a assertion of the Solvency , the, cOnmallY . and of the absence of ,Any necessity for An investa, gegen. was Warupportecl by , Hon. 3. X, Ralston, nifilister of milltiaaln the, former king .04.bikotit mut by 110,11.• C. IL crihara secietary' Of State' in the Bennett Miaisn7...: Batn these members, as policyholdees, in the Sun Life, .had made eareful felony in Omir own behalf iuldenot may declared tnele rudest con- ficience lit the security of their policies, tint jellied with: gr. 'Bennett 111 paying tribute to the Integrity and capacity of the dirootors Lalfr dad etS dr *hat bin. Bennet t Milled "Canada's greatest fitlane +dal institutieni," the Sun a Lite ot, ,CAnZ 3. Earl 'Lawton (Coneervative, • West York)', 0. B. Nicholson (Conservative, Algoma ZOO Abel other 'members of the house • added emphatic madorsation to the speeChca ofIlletsrs, Beemett, Ralston and Cahari, all stressing the point that every investment •of the company was strictly Within the Canadlan law antIthat not only lead no funds properly belong- ing to policyholders ever beenediverted to shareholders, but that actually Ma Per cent. of the Participating' policy profits rightfully belonging to shareholders had for Many years been voluntarily distri- hided. to policyholders. The. discussion of affaire of the com- pany Should. eftecttvely counteract what Mr. Bennett regarded so 4naliefous at. tacks and fully restore any confidence in the pesitIon of the toniloany that might 14 have been shaken by them. 1 j. People We Know Mr. :aorden NOW% of Toronto, is vis.. itina his mother, Mo. Qeorge teoble, • West street., • alr,.E. bloody, secretary of the Ituran out .now mtociation, wz a business Welter. itt town dinitsa the Week, • Meters. Charles Meraeld, William Bar- wick, Robert Jana:tort and Vern Willie left on Tueedey moruitte to Joni the crew of the W. 0. lrana, which Is fittiim, out at Sarnia. The many friends of Ur. and Mrs. tflbu rouse, East St., will bo more tin" n pleaen, to learn that their Infant t,on, who mulerwent o. very serious opero ation in Viethrla Ilespital, tondo% On Monday of this,week, 15 SO tar making • good preerees •towards recovery. oderieh friends. of Pleancr INiagazaifls, Ontavio, vitt be glad to knaur that the is rapidly improvin/ after her reocut operation. %ter mother, Ztiia. Lome Smith, is also cenliaed In the Ma- gara, Palle Oelleral Iteeeilted and omeets to undergo an operation oiMar& 26th, Tallare•arian alAreeil 24tEz, Style Quality, and Value You'll find all these in our uggle-to-order elotheo, and this season the prices are lower. • GOOD neLOTRES GIVE A MAN -CONFIDENCE Peal grey in inen' s hats i the shade for spring' DRY CLEANING, and REPAIR SERVICE • FRANK H. MARTIN PlIONV r4lL0k and HATTER Burn:are -robbed the Imam a C. D. Weniley,. heed of the Criminal In,vesti. Capon. Department at Scotland :tard, iddrig even medals awarded him for ins •••••-•—•.... work agathst crlxnlnals, OLDEST MAP A .erude drawing uearthed at the 'site of aneient Nue, in Iraq, and dating bar,: More than 40 eentariese la considered to es the oldest tnapein the world, Edinburgh has, banned Sunday inoviear CWiSe inv EASTE RIFIt .q- 1. We feel that It is -particularly appropriate at .this season of the year to emphasize the care that is token in all t & P Stores to maintain at the highest • . point the most rigid standards of sanitation and eleanlineSs, limierthese circumstances the sound values that are foand week by week at all our stores are doubly appealing, Many Easter spetials • iltiect your attention to the choicest of fresh meats, new, irisp vegetables • and a selection ot groceries. • A ch P • Fhteat Itlarity • l'ANCY SMOKED •Drealtradt • Style• ullilaz "Ave SMCgD, 1413. 10.e ;11102111111.ealieei Beek VIAT lb* • SLICED, LB. 19e • Extra . Dig Special oft Easter Hams MAPLE LEAF =AND • SMOKED PICNIC STYLE. Shoulders 1b4 • laTo Lns. nvnita0E, ' FANCY VEAL .a'Olee EASTER Smoked Sugar. Cueed • IiIBRAAsPLDERA3,LELAP ILILF OR 'Smola• gpk SLICED, LB. 23e. • . • LEGS FILLETS ROAST oewHAtroug Sirloin CUT •Rump ib. *80 ib. 200 lb. rZOC. ALL CLEAR IytEA.T.4Z0 WASTE—EMOKED ottage Roils A & P QUALITY INSpECTED BEEF • BE Tien PIECE , • Porterhouse lb. 26C PRIME R.IB• ilb. 17c • BONELESS, ROLi42D . . .. . . nee • 11 . " ATfaeNTIc : . PnEset.:cAuoreT e4Eleieg, LB. ie • • al,I;IRE •Ilbat.•• WHITEFISH . agyamiurr lb. 1 5 IVEW PACK ' • S.ALMNT51b,is. Hzt,ar.2, Ibti. 25c OYSTERS• BdigINT Glass Sae c VICTORY BRAND •QtrEEN mit' 1 20 OE SEEDED Mt SEEDLESS RAISIt4S Delmont& eortmittaik—sumicn ANYWHERE MATCHES. " • tAnt, BLACK • 27c ib. Pk Pi 22c • 530 SALADA , TEA MADE OF OLIVE AND PALM ons PALMOLIVE SOAP •3 Calms EAT HOS FOR HEALTIL-4111111i: THEY LAST 19e • •COOKING, FIGS FOR G000 MOAT` • OT of BUNS AV•solts gond' Vegetables FO/N/A 3131ICZ suns Trxmil snows RANGES GRAPEFRUIT Lars1 UMW* 9* 4 tirsr zse TiC 8. 25c 19c & PACIFIC TNA tki132721 or CLAIADA •