The Goderich Star, 1932-03-10, Page 7ear el - Lyne' be re- am ffer did TintIttaittaY. lWcI( 10tb, Iii Social Order n Dance -Christian Prinripleti of Co operation Are. Not Adopted. In Indttotry and Among Nations `lire Giui.,tianizing of the indust order, the etc Brig of vont, the rceee'Tt Oen of the shame as a co-operative um, rind the gr retest educatienal opperh r ity in existence)were :one of the m reforms a;ivocatcd by i'.1r. Chas. Pies man, secretary of the i'rovineiel 13eya° Work Board, in ctd;lr ;sin„ the father and son banquet ,held in North street United •church on Wedueeday everting Leet week, About tn•Q hundred; men end boys, fathers and cons, sat down to the banquetwhich was arranged by the Ex. • celsior Bible Claes et the churh. It was painted out by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Watts. during the evening that • .1"rorth street United Inuele lacks e, gram for boys' activities with the e'tcep. latloil wile lac eSsary to coed sprat anti italkil »k•i.1t Bought ea fetitence C,:.rcvr eeeetr. i-i:fertilese Cf others. t ., P, 1. ...na7 C >d1.1,...V a I':,'inee et cera a c:.-4 ul h he %tole attendance - 0 Moot two ii;uitzlxco1 Qtartieips.tiug atcer, kept every enc its el,,tel hltiar,er whf$e ot me ::nine time he Leet tl:rv(..r g out werie et zt'itd, rn Baa' the Tuella gone, teeing of aid telationehine in life. A t A. k to the boys was proposed 1)y Aare' Salkeld and orae to the fathers by i]3 Win r5G„t ..CrlArt3, e. A Vete et titardee to the ladles et the +, ,Eseeisler Class for p asvld;na the ltaugairt ant arty o was anevcd by Mr: J. W. Meore, reondcd by efr...L W. Rowell and carried with rtteh uPPlause and ae:knowloltged byrthe Miles, and: the gathertu; disperaed alter clueing Auld Luny Sync and . the Na• Motel Anthem. BAT Fee L ) (Intended for last week) The Clinton Badminton Club played a friendly match, with the 14ea1 players •here on Thursday evening last. The f1otring were the results: Mixed Doubles or Dr. Newton Brady Norma, Cook ten of the Sunday settee). While 'f gills it has the G. G. I. T., the Mission Circle, the You Youpe Women's Missionary Society and the W. M. ;<s, for 'semen, it heti only the Sunday school for boys. 'r'or men It, had the Men's Clubs anti the Fellowship class. Mr. Plowman raid that his board were very sorry that Goderieh load neither Trail Rangere nor Tula' SreltpS, •Perhaps as is • result ot the father and son banquet a fun,latogrami will be taken on. • -- One-Immediate:-resulto€ the -gather« ing was the passing of a resolution that a Sunday school plants be held the cora- leg .summer, and the men who were pre- sent stood up as to unit when asked to pledge themselves to support Such a. pie - isle to the extent of at Ieast 50 cents. each. • The anotfort for the holding of the picnic was • introduced by Bill Suth- erland, and Ralph Henderson and. it was on. Mr, Relit. Johnston's challenge that the men pledged. themselves to butt up the ;project. A father and eon service in. the church a week from Sunday was the proposal of Mr. C. •. M. Robertson, superintendent of the Sunday school, which met with favor. • Mr. ',lemmas critized the present so- cial order, which, • he bald was In danger of toppling over, in that under it 95 per cent, of the people owned only. '5 per cent. of the wealth of the - country yard the other 5 per cent. 'owned 95 per cent. Christianity needed to be put into the industrial order to right this great in- justice on some plan of co-operation.. The •homeshould be a.,co-operative unit whet* the parents shared on a to -so basis; and the children were taught re- sponsibility and had their share In the nliances of the homes. This type of home was the happy 4neditlm between the old type of partilarchal despotism and the Ultra' individuaiktioo home where everyone did ashe or she pleased. Among• nations :too the plan of cooper;' Mrs: Newton Brady J. C. Candler 15, 15 2, G Marlon Davison 'Mary Hovey Pat Patehell Stewart Cock 15, 15 ' 12, 9 Claytett Weston Mks. Rbumbiali Helen Seeds Bob Gaudio' 3, 0 Harriet' Gentlier Joe Gaudier 4 12 15, 15 Milton Papoose' Miss MaBwen 15, 15 J,• 1?ease - Mrs, 'Westlake 15, .15 Susie Westlake Chas. Wa1lie 11, 15, Men's Dr. Newton Brady B. Patchelt r5, el, 45 Clayton Weston Don •MeKenaie 16 Milton Pollock Ler Eil%tt, 15 C. Cook..... , ..... Mrs. Seley 7,10 Mrs. Cooly. Mr. Selley 15, 8, 15 Doubles S. took Dr. Dandier 4, 15, 4 Joe •Qandier Bob Gaudier 4 'C. Gook W. Seley Ladies' Doubles Marion Davison Mary Hovey Mrs. Newton Brady Miss Gaudier 15, 17 ' tt,. 15 Helen Seeds Norma Cook Mrs. 1vfeEwern. Miss Gandier is 15 Susie Westiaile- Mrs. Seeley Mrs. Westlake : Mrs: Cook G 15 .Lucy 1alocds Miss Biggam' Nus. :Paull miss MoTaggas't 1Q 15 Always keep• S Douglas' >,gyptian Lini- ment at hand, ready to bring Immediate - 'relief to burns, sores and :felons. Stops bleeding at one Prevents blood Splendid :for • soa•e throapoison- ing. n d quinsy; st Name all the qualities 'of at motor car that .go : to inspire its owner with lasting pride --and' you name the very things that make the new Chevrolet Six the world's. most popular automobile and The. Great Canadian Valuer PERFORrAtriliClE The new Chevrolet is 20% more powerful ..: has Down -Draft Carburetion for quicker "pick-up" . . and combines Silent Syncro-MViesh 'transmission with A Free Wheeling. Ltywest Operating cost 'of any full- sized automobile. COMFORT . Begins with built-in six.cylinder smoothness and roomier new Bodied by 1?isher. Fingertip adjustable driver's seat. 'Fisher non -glare windshield, Tilt -beam headlamp& anterior sun visor. BEAUTY 3STew ultra -modern Fisher Bodies Deeper and narrower radiator. Longer hood with adjustable hood ports. Interior luxury and conveniences have been carefully studied., Generous use of chrome plating throughout.. SAFETY t(' 5yncro•1Vl'esh transmission, with worttl+and•sector type steering gear and powerful four.wheel brakes ensure positive car control under all conditions, Rear -mounted gasoline tank. . L*STRG sAnstArnolit Under the General Motors Owner. Service Po' licy,,any Chevrolet owner experiencing defective workmanship or material on a Chevrolet during the warranty period may call on any authorized Chevrolet dealer in Canada or the ~ United States ,where 'the labor and parts will be supplied at no cost. Over 10,000 dealers stand back, of this CHEVROLET -7 warranty'for your protection.' — fi* Produced in Canada l NEW O ♦ _ .. _ SICK __ 'w•iltli Sileni Serwndl S"yweire,414eaw1i d+>ra+rX Simplified Free,. Wheeilhog MacEWAN & TERBUTT, 'Gxbder ieit L. -1%1..MedCENZI1, Dungannon "Masten io (ttonal Meters' brio caste et All Maple teal ilcrkcy Tun's Juane arses treat CHH, C1 CL or CVCA at 5 pee." • NIETIIIPOLITAII LIFE INSURANCE Ii CANAINI EXCEEIS I.)kv dentis t Policyholders $7,775,ouu Higher Than List Year— Cdititlt, Investments Exceed $231,U09,O00. `:n1no't>i: the tttltritarttain : t 'hour of the :Lt..1 annual btlsiitcse state - went of the Metropolitan bite Itieurance Company are; the son- tinuation of Ow Ishii dividend scale, •. which will result in dividend pliy- ru'nts during 1tt:9 of over 5102,- 400,000 to Its lxilieyiloltlers, tan increases of $7,►'7.t1ael over 1031; the inert ane in the Company's assets hy” 3;'S0,0,93,'S3;, bringing the total as, s'ts to :;3,530,l1u,0:e^a, tvdlicit etre larger than those of anyy financial institution In the world; the passing hy.the (''olelleny of the billion dollar mark of line insurance in force in Canada; and the increase lit Can- adian investments to $231.030,528. The Company has now been doing business in Canada for sixty yeertl, and the wide extent of the Metro- poittan ,activities, is shown by the total number of policies, In force in Canada, which now nUttiber 2,524,- 001, and by, the payments to policy HAIIR1r D. WRIGHT Third Wee -President and Dianager for Canada states "life insurance payments and; the strong finaneica position of. the life insurance coin- panies have proi'ed ` to be ga`eat stabilizing powers duringa time of world-wide deflation of values and social change." holders in CanAda a daring IOU .af S«2,032,007 Frew vital a factor" the Company stands for In the life of the , Dominion is denaonstrnteti by the.: fact that during the past sixty • years the 'total amountpaid by the Company to Canadians,• plus tare • present • investments :in Canada, ex- ceeds by. over $100;000,000 the • premttiills received from Canadians, which total nearly $400,000,000 The welfare work of the Metre -- mitten in Canada: was continual in 1081 as •in previous years -- the free nursing visits during 1031. to C at a di a n policyholders totalled 405,080 and . the- total number of health publications . distributed in Canada .during.• the year . was . 3,820,5!4 In commenting on the amount • which wilt he paid during 1032 as dividends to policyholders, Third • Vice-President_Wrrgiit, the Mlirtager for ('amide, said, "This dividend declarations of $102,400;743 is the largest annual declaration ever made by a life insurance -company, and as the eletropolitan is a mutual 0rgaineation havlri no stockholders, fill divisible surplus is returned Le the Company's r pany's pol icyltolders." The report Indicates that 8450,- 080,242 tears paid to ilfetropolitnit policyholders or "thein• beneficiaries Miring 1031. and that of this amount 8307,4.10,000 was paid .to living policyholders, while the .balance of 81.$2,264,182 wan paid hi ` death benefits, "These figures indicate hi a striking way,". said Mr. Wright, "bow large a factor the life Instil. - once' eompaniea ,•tre.in the economic life of the .nation. Life insurance payinents and tire. strong financial ' position or the life insuranee .cony ponies have 'proved to he great stabilising powers alurang a• ilii' of tivbi'.idavide deflation of rallies natal ^metal t'haulge," • A feature of, the report Was the daily averages of business done by the Metropolitan during the year. These were pointed out' as' loll,ovn:•' "The daily' :average of tite . Corn - pony's business during tare year Wes 2,177 a dey in auttuber or elating isaicl; 18,953 a day in number of life Insurance . policies issued • and re-. vived; ,$11,820,700 a day in life fn- aanrnttre lssueii, revived • .and in- • • creased; 52,22(1,290 a • day In pay- ments to policyholders and addition to reserve; and 8924,402 a day in Increase In.aSsets,t' t.,s ..,.3TH1 I,I;itST DAtt'ODIL l"y Molly Bevan 1 saw no poet's ethousand-headed throng," On that March day I seer:lied for • laggafd Spring, But in the •.garden, staunchly strug- gling, One .dauntless bloom raised up its golden • rong; To herald April`scoming wait to round A clarion call, clear as an -elfin* bell, O'er barren field and leaf -deserted deli Reveille, to all, beauty sium;ber-bouudr• • No child uhouid lie' aimed to seer an hour front worms (when prompt re- lief can •be get In a simple but strong remodv elotiter Graver,' Worm Eutar- snivator. • THE E t C _ STAR fir SOUP STEW. £T(. In eceltanga for 40 ()xu: Cube Red h'rappers, we will send you a 1 .inch solid Aluminum cooking spoon. Every housewife 'should !lave' Oxo Cubes in her kitchen . . they put the heef in left. overs, stews and hashes. and add so'mgria telt the flavour of:these reciaroc;; i.uvi,p, • Send your the ,Cube Red Wrappers far the big Oxo Spoon, to 0ito Lianitee), 1910 St. Antoine' Street, Montreal, •(sue. r. WI* eller applies to rose. dents ef Canada ours rrd .. opine on '.ffirif $O roof! at . �1 Close. i r Clots. a to cost ------ •"This 3522,1130.00. compared with 4519,907.90 for' the previous year, or virtually the , mine profit, although sales :tnc)•'ettsed eves one million dollars, , •saving,`Y indicates clearly that Dominion Stores. Limited %vas erdeavgretl to pass es es •the public without dela ever decrease in food east that accnrtect tatty : lug 1931," said W: F Stewart, Secretary Of the Company, la an interview. • Out plan of turning over our stocks ;rapidly`3`]id and _buying only meirchandise :ae . qu red '"" ' me5iate sale allowed• our .Custom- era to talc stall advantage of an average. decline of 1(1 o In the In•ice of :food stuff's:" The 4filcers of oris .Coin an are: de* lighted,'' continued, MMi . Stewart; „thato du ritag tiro past year, wizen most• cont, 'Ponies ; necessarily a hewed sotrre retrench-. mart, we'distributedbylxu' . more wages, more money to ttauisport coarapan sand of . ers : 'h , and tools • Ixorn the 'consumer less Profit . per dollar of solea titan ordinarily., In a period when a great number of feiloty Canadians are obliged' to practise the most striggent, economy, we feel that our. Company. has dote its part, by ear. tying on, not only :le Its usual Way, but . a'un an increased number;of; stares .and and by takinghour less than, two cents iter profit franc each-dellaar oP sales: " " rro one •hopes..for. an improvement in eener3l conditi our customers may rest content that during the present period et' low. rices we will pass on to them every' possible SLEET-aISTURBING' . BLADDER q �r �+�+ � Y l`1R �7J OUICKL'Y 'ENDED 1f. you are fine ttf the diads ul tvh. suffer from Kidney or Bladder Weak of frequent, n .s+ntisintty or lxaioful 1irir night,g- ach esti andbc and bed al dull cache hi i►zek tlasit'e e 'spine, 'paint in .le"S and. tin ul1' eaeitili undert' • P swelling eyes, recurring attacks o h yam Lumbago and lt.tartea stn, go to your druggist tthe tar s tea pa of f " o ICARAnath the neweprescription pro gifted Crit atti l chemist, c �oia pre pared to quickly `aver med these trim, isles; Not a secret , remedy. The rasa guxuln know printedgoon CVC ' `bore�'b : yatu gill . good at its Motive dtugQJs, tell port what Its Iriorpro ifs tirtut let tell you what tails presCrlptior should do for. you. It's good Idea tc :know what you are .taking. And Jelinlet first pnck4ge of Iertain IN does not give you swift, and. certain relief, right ro to posit Jost and ll hour it the Since there Ana risk. In trying it. why not - set same ItARAT0n0 .rk.tN . .. Canada's LargestRetail Grocery Chain 1Viarkets On 2 Per Cent, Margin . - �--. It is l etarestltl . te_note from tire xe- part of Dominion; n Stores Limited, whieh has hist been sent to its shareholders that .with sales for' the past year at a new high . figure . in the history. of the, Company, tiro net profit is less than two comp :fey each •dolor of sales,. other Dominion,ut of every dollar spent with Stores, more than •.98c' was pant out to. the manufacturers of : goods, in-wages to its own w t enty-five hundred employees; and in transport -costs to the various. tics. railway and trucking companies, leaving less :than. two cents, for eepan� Sion of the business .and Y'or dividends for tlrnte 'a ho have •invested in the en. terprise;' Canadians living in Ontario, t�itebco; ISew ,Brunswick and. Nova Scotia bought from the Company last year groceries: 'employees vegetables, fruits- and meats lit the ami oynt of t25,200,Q11'000 .compared filth 124,100,000 00 :in this previous peer. Pro, fits,. after Operating penses and pro•• Vision for Federal Incoirie Takes. ,mow;, s :,.•.-., Y WEST,, WAWA OS : • . • inun'iefpal sour Jl of West tion Panash held the ropier Meeting opt, Fcb, 9th, 1932, • with all the member's present. Tint m#nutea of loot meeting were read andG ngoptere openedena for: hyo township whiting trete anrl'tltat of the Sinal Printing Vo nas accept- ed. Messrs. John Mills and nt'tltur. Cu t- tori were appointed t pp tied insp4etars fee 19x2` uplxsintirti; Mr. .T. lJcarl el eltorford'of Utingi three as township soli, cater. was read tiri times and ,ilnnlly passed. The reeve. and road . superin repairinent were 4udtmagd to leak raoa the: repairing ot, ae s Messrs, life culvert oa tole. Cession 1. YVlessrs, tV T. Miilgx.aittt T. B' `>"stylar presented the •auditors''.tepert tor 1931. The council: decided that' 2215 cents. per hour for men, and 45 cents icer for a man and•:team would botite rates for -boric on the roads of the tussis. ci aIi•6o p ty tor 1532. The cotmell adjourned to' meet Marek 15th at 1.15 pent. • '. Dtl el"III Pl31LI,niS. 'riumphant rovide 32'im U cleric, 'your Uggiast. today? ew Studebakers rovements for 1932 Iew Studebaker ' B+ dye Model The St. Regis Brougham for five is the newest of body types, a distinctive Studebaker re ti appealing to those who are ever alert"to choose the .most worthy of motoringdevelopmentsoa pn while still fresh from the designer's hands. The seating arrangement and basidesign m.:. ably combine the intimate atmosphere of the coupe with' the roominess:and extra seating cal.. pacity of the sedan. The St. Regis Brougham is available on the new President, Commander Dictator and Studebaker Six. chassis. ' • yt ; t •i. • •• ,fit . .1. i./r : li e.44A Every trace of thatold, harsh "metallic" feel' of the engine has been eliminated fn -the now Studebalsere by use of "cuehioir- ed power". Encinec are now mounted tin live rubber blocks, which effectively insulate the power plant fto:n the frame, anti absorb every remaining trace of engine vibration. Free Wheeling in its finest form, plus Synchronized Shifting, is a feature of all new Studebaker models. You can now free wheel in all forward speed*, while smooth, silent and : effortless $ear shifting without the use of the clutch is provided in even greater measure. A hand lever • below the steering wheel gives positive con- trol on the int;tarmt, A large dial on the dash registers "gree Wheel- ing" or "Conventional', Safety First Consideration Safety plate glassrecognized protection against flying glass, is provided without cost in the windshield and all windows of all Hew Studebakers, This,iu the first time this safety feature has been offered as standard in euro in the Studebaker price field'. *V V' It Automatic starting makes start- ing at easy as switching on the'. light in your home. A turn of the key instantly starts the engine, and provides assurance .that it will keep on running. t New Studebaker Six Sedan The now Studebatter Th Six Sedan for fiver'ovides championship p performance, comfort di tncoelona, safety and appearance rarely found in 4 car, of this price. It includes safety inccha w13 eiiast, Vtea Vthr windshield l rgbl incl alt forward speedstpplustllSynchimprovements oniized sS hif4slag, auto. matte starting and improved silencing of holy aced esat?icne.