HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-03-10, Page 6Ff VAQS Sim ,. . _ - mH wbEptien sur.
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I . I I �. � . . I . � �'. _1. — V_ I � CEREAL RELIEVED The Depression .4. , , I... I
. . . .1 .
I . .1.. I I r1w Mystery, � .. '�'.
I I :: I I . � .� ,.,A
� 1� � I . ....".
I V,�,,
I. .. I I I : I I I I � e 'HIS CONSTIPATION 1(137 it. U� 13.) ... .,L:�._
. . . . . .. . . I i o .
I . . � . nd yari, la this ,�
� . oe .. 4W 1 f I As we Journey Wtb,� a. �e .1
.. � I . . . . . . . 11 1 -4;0 ucarly V�,"y ... .. .
... ... I � � Helloux's AT,L-Epi*� Brouglit W04 latul. we axe a, �'.., .,:,-
� .11,11, . . Ito=, of 07,w 44Y al to w4on wo think .. � I � '4,
. . � . � . I � . Now Health will Came W. I end ta tlwa prc�eut,=,happy I
I .� I 11=1Z : . i
I . I . "14114114101k 1 I . .. I � . I . Wate, of tll� business tmrld. Fir a poor � �
. .=34al ,to UMMPI, an Answ"r to thI
' * �
� r-wery one who has suiTored from -11 14
tion, should read Xr. r. X. ::. :. ,
11 . - INt I .
� . � N . , LIN BURT,-4,:=,,� _.- I a "'t' 4 lque;m0n, would W ac; futiti, az f.V lilm to . '. .", ,
I .", 0 1 . . . . _,O. . - . 0-- .. .�_-�, - I I 1�1'ohcr'ls lottor, , iqt_gdAft.1Qr tb� termination of things, I .� _
� � . . � I t6ry J, us to whic"IX, we'Are told. on . -11 %:,. ,, �
. , I
. . . -a -, - _
I � .
I � I NAL INSTAMNIV ,% .C4 W h,,% - .. ;..:
I - I " . I ac=4 'lit) faralghod, "�1=011,ya dau�Utor C140 thero. It's not evelt I"); IT or nlany yeara I sulfered. froi 1AUthorAY which -crumot-ba-gpestioned, I ..:
. . "But roll?" . . T*h omplo funds. Sim woulid, be the ,tied up. %Tmt, hand mor over tbi,,-sparl.- constipation and used, for relief, all that lu,e Angels In beaven. Unow no., tbo . 1. . .
I I �
I 'law. I'll out oil oald Vou.vau -find Nick Linda of laxatives. AfteF a few . I . _....
. . . ,%�oy.uwu:;ht tl�at, %To bad qu=elm heltc,�s 09 J021,kM fortt'no: Uo reason ,day nor the bour." . ;,A
maL,Q vo,�' days' treatment, I w.cUld only find. , . I . lw I
I . over tliz stmg. turd, 1=1 VAQY tare my f,ir licr to statr diminished lu=ry cT In bait P, ro:and. if you a I _ The Ohrl5tfaa Cantu -.1 (Clituago) re- I � .
, . 1� . , IVA a pleatrure rov bZ.,3U:-,o og tho UUQr,r.CtCd condition the same as before
- - -h r1l put % holo In your pretty cewc=- mid " � �,
.1 . ."a looldn' tor t �cm.
. . . . Ito= to 'Tilf and at tilnea worpo, cently publiz,hed -a very enlightening Ary . . �`:j:�w,'�--:
I . wonder you wero"Ib flayVd. 4n 010 cc-IrCh. I traaedy -of 410=011W41 Mental brcandoixa, salm the r -tuff. - It's In rour b3g therat" U. -To In this con=tton. to the end that I 'S ... �1'1111' .�i:� :7:,::�x�-
.'I I , _. . I :. .
I . r4rd L-nows whon Tella 11114 t1wra. in cetret, 0io two conlWators, made She zhool; her bc;ld. - 110 tobit the. et . �; �. ,;-;..��
Some time ago r s.tarted. to use I .:.,;:"��': -
� ,Ita Meaders might realize the frailty of �;:.\. .'..,', .. : -
I I � .:. �:: `i�:'�
� But the 'Falice C-mIdn't pin anytbina On th�lr prevzmtlons and czt Ulclr date. Cam from Wr, opeuc4 It And quictly Xwllogols ALL -BRAN regularly, once innnali wIsdo= at sucii a time and the I I ,.:,?..�, .;::; . "..
I % I I � ... -
1. . _�:;,:,
aw. - Vor lavl; of evidon.-o 'I 17=43 triC,d Mot: &.-t the pisaporto, bou.-lit the tlokw pagLeted 4he gems. Tizen, he be;au to. a day au directed. - Since doind this,, utter 4,,ongolon.whiob. rules aman't". tiltra , . , 'J", y
, , . :-�%,f,
. I ., 1.
. . � ,...
� for th2ft As vs-eli 'as for murilf"r." 0-5. � � back tor;ard tho,ifoqr. ' . I have found that 1 40 lkot 'need. who have 'hvrootcre ba.4 �tha eal.�Atcry � _
. . .
I �, I I *,And inhe dIdWt fell? I mean qt the Xotda, alldtoVeed for trAvel Unit, bold. �s lj� stepp,,d; from tbadoer, I,yach,a . tiny Other medicine to pro=e the, to posa as cconomi� exparts. .,� I I � � . .
; . trial Cho didn't tr3r to Will Vu W.tel-' Ing Jn. bor 114ixds a Rather ca�o wbl-�h Loura-,,e Bared up. Slro-daftctl afterillm , desired result, and it 1wep-9 ilia lit : The 4sWte Mr. Caolidae, we Team . .1 . .1 I _ . .
. , ' ' * . .
� ; . I C a verr healthful condition.'
I . Und tkio truthl'i . -. ontahi,^d Aor toilet articles., hc,r Monvy W�Vnexlnntvdlj, co 'blosely -at his heels, - Nr` from the Tolftarks of 'the Christian .V,�n_ -.- " ' The Lwt'Word in <
� I ,,sbo :4Kwt sMh ixt tile trial or aad tile jQwels, cat do�vn ,beeido liler win- I that -slto was tbrou,71% the4dcor b,!z,4 be P, At. Vishor. (Address on request.) tm, said, on ve.-� 4, 1928.- 41nilet 0001. q1T,;rl,ty . . . 4 CXt
� .
. . alterwardo" ho. OAK "'But you Must x,'.- doiv -to. Wait for Nialt, Ito bad been liv. could Took it. Aeliz tied dorm ali�. sth!ro Constip0loif is caused by laelt of try Can Tegard thot pregont with satisftc� . I -
. . . . . MIM Rght .
I I , . member that I 4123111 Idiled I,, -,r lover." Ing In his old ;rooms and ivas to ctima.shis drwa In ber.breath tosbotlb but two things in the diet; "Bulk" to tipu and. Anticipate the -tuture with CPU- ,
� ..
�, �,f "Since. I vact �ou apin, I liated ftEr for bet at eight -thirty. I Quayle Stopped -below her and Avith ia exercise tile Intestines, Vitamin B Mi=.o W, Hoove', On, JeWous . _ ,Ina-
. . .r -AU3� 1�1, 162%
1 � - Afresh. And ro, bacAuwl I thought th%t Startled she saw that It was already hiftus white grin 1,40plea Ilia Sun.' 13c. td-tonis tbi intestinal traq. Ai;L, : said.: uWa, in America Ara nearer totlie .fe
i it Would tear bway her mattz and cxpma tire, that Molt was very late, ,She be� fore her Voice bad left ber IIp3 lie fired. BRAN supplies both -and 41so Ira final trlwuph over poverty than evQr be- � . .
. I the background Of Im,r_pktY, I-4-* b.99. gan to be ulo,rmed. Passenf,em -em �- liwy, for the blood. .
- . , -w- __ -ThtrD. wa._ with her shorten yal - __ � I ._ I . � ..----,,.--- ..__,.__.__fbre_-In.-tb,a ... history- Of -Any, _T=,ci,,!:�.� _--"--4- - - -, _ " --_�
4 . .
� , , . jewels, X., walitc4, you, L�nda. to r �o b2r supposed 4-o be -aboard by ton, cry, a shook of sound. Quayle r�outtleid The "bulk" In Aw,DRA,1q is much My 1, 1930, -he Eald: "I am eonvin6ed � I I .
. , . . I I
. I .
I .. . in lier true Colors so that tb" not ba , $he 'plioned Uie 0ask 11�at was Qd doum and out, paot FUJI W149, tmd tho like that in lettuce. Inside the body, that VO -have ,347W ,Q tf V .
� : . , pas od %e wora , . . I
� I I , that there bad been at) call. . -I'Lynds, lay Crumpled it forms a soft mass, -which gently , Ur, Mellon saId� In Oe,pt., 1928: "T .
� I awe to 11190011-04 YOU ag3inso, Ina t Ili� front door open. I
I I . end.01 I P � . .1 . here .
� � I $,he had hardly Imat; up tile receiver near the banister over which she had cleh,r$. gut the wastes. 1. . is ITO cause for worry; tile bigh. t4do of I I
1. . � . 'lob. Nick, NIC4. Nickv! I when uhrilly the, mechani-em, rang, She leaned for her Intended oute�:Y, Below � � .
I I I Ing pills un4 drugs-. . 1 4
, � . . I;a 't 4,Tbls. M -, � , I%AVP�wod to shoot, was the go often harm- - � SH C
:1. . , - . prosperity will ,cautinue,'t � on Usy. 5,
I I i . ::be you .blame me so inuob,911� . knew Fuji'a queer little voice: �,- , . ,,her on. -the stairs, on the veryl stop where How muchsafir till$ i's than rI,*- 1631, he was warning the. Inte'rnational I
5n1b blame .. .. only. why oUlft las ar . - ful. Just Oat. two tablespoonfuls Obautber of. ,Commerce against Wage-
. . 2 . . . . � If, .1100 . Quayle 1-n - ... ,
I I you have trusted Mo?" I . . � . : body
� . , 4 . I . . I 44yes.#) . . 1. , of a:Taan. She hardly-�novr when 49411Y -,in serious cases, with every ,;cuts. "The standard of. living miist be .. - , . ,
, �. "The hicum of -cards has fall'on, Nick. 44 aSQ.__;I4q4y_9k1_n�_ I Ishe first moved, fthat 4ha,was living,. ox . weal. If your intestinal troublo . . maintained . at all costs." OU, Oct. I, the, vUles, The criuntryslde�
. I F - --.----- - =d--iA--MY-�C-UIY'--ClOtUO$-X,-b4-VO--.O.MZ Ple -90-q..Mlgmt'-�r-B44'--ivli,a,t--lu4.swnd-,her life. � is not Tolieved, Inihis way, sea yeu�. - ' 1931, -his Aftiminum- Company ot Amer- -like otle; vast tdVN1l--4fta,-'a-znb
, ; . oaolt to you. Whom visa have I now in I dol. go aay. . Velly. tud-don. slek. " Xo Helping herself up by the railing and . . I . � T .
I - . -
I I 1, the World to love and to trilst?" Can, come. No can get to' phone. Please moving � shakily down, ishe found Nick .doctor.. 1, I I . . - 104' feduced wagcs� ten per v,eal,, X -r. Including tboazo Of taxation, �
' I I Sebwabi said,, on. O.ctober 26, 102D: -,rn coiisins, ha*e� � &-urativelyl
: I I 'I 1� . . . . They looked at oath other then with lady tarnobla.rcilm now." , .. I sandal., his hands still .M4 behiliti biti. .-. i1qually tasty as 4,gereali'or used trily long assoclaticifi With the steer An- moved. Into town. without e
� , I their wasted:and faintly sludiar.-faces "Toll hini I'll be there, at On"," � buk. !its Mouth was'gagged. With In."cooking. i1et the red-and-greeii ' dustry, I have niovej knowli it to enjoy a left the far.m. . Tws is 'why. V,
� Z I ackage atlyour giocer's. Made by I -
1. . j, .. . and thetr wat strained eyes and! contriv.- 'She IturrIed clown, and got hersalfand 501110 Contortion, some hideous effort, be . 1
'4 i , � , greater stability or more promising out. community has. been. hard I
, . _., * . I ed for each oth er'a take it sort of vh ken ' '�,cell,)P-vHn London, Ontario. . . -
I _ , . . .a . ber bags Into a cab and gave .the ad- bad, burst'froo from ,his -temporary PrI_ . I . look than It does today,,, , ,ql s7, steel .depression, Besldes� this pz*
, I I laughter. . � . , . � �
I 1, I . I 'dress. : P . son, had thrown. his body down, in front . I , . ! . I I I I I . . -conon'.quotea at 185 =-,Oct. 30, 1929, 1 food, the�r produce have shru
* &
I . . ::, , . � III am not going to �111=7 Z011t. 1 '. She 6ot. out quichly"at Ilia door, told Of Lynda, knocking .bar over, tag,b%ff her S. totiahw. M-4, on Jan. 0, 1032, 1;jlc,�d =U1 �=4� out of -in proport
I I .
. � � won't ever sea him again," she told hint. her ArIverto wait, and, Iceoping the small deatli.to his own heart. �Our. uvvlem Paid; On. July �1, 1930: lltuslabn ,_I.j a 1-r �;tionsln th� rieps of thi
1; . :,. . . � . I. . ..ekly Lesson L P
L . . 1, " I She hurrIed. to b6r own Toom, shut out casse with Its ,pripale,ss contents All hor Me sat there on tho stop and hold bb , I � .all Tight., I am not In. the least peszhnf�� tUred goods they must buy.
1. i ; the haunting faces and lay on her boti, ban*�-rail 'up'tho steps. ... I I I . Inactful bead upoll her arm.. , I . . I I . tile!' On. March i8, 1931, "There is-knOst OlbY People, WIth the *;
11� ."L � . . . . . . .. . . . . I . I In. E11919sh . . !
i� I . . . . tearless, until sleep came. . . � . . . . .11. . . I .. . .? . � . I .1 : , plenty ,of work to, do, it pvOpI6 will ,I;
. I . . . . I . . I- . I .. I . , I factory employees, are,goll
. . i . , F 4 1 A wedding must be muccI04, all Its , I .: . . __. . L � I I -.i*- . - . I War& Often - � Misused , . I it." On Aug. 12, Joal, the Nat.,gn�altl,w� in their old way and
I * � _. gifts returnei:l, . Ito ,guoits. dismissed. . .1 . ... I . = - 9, single thing,frour I
I I . . '. . . , I 11 . chrouiclod: "Hoiry Ford bas�.shu.�, dO", I� ed
� C ' " � � : 1. . L I L . . . . ... . . . Do JlDt'S�Y,L.",Jle �S not near ao Aveal- -1113 Detroit kal to ob � �, slon. . 11 . .
. ;_, L, cousin Sara Mullet, -arrivin from New, I , ... , � in lie factories' qlmPs .
I 1, � _ Jersey. was Invaluable .for these uaplm- . .. '= I .. . thy,as ,his father.,' Say, "not nearly," oq,upletoy. A. least. 15�006 , , All Was'
; " I I . . �� I . . I . , I , men have Jiwt therxievor.te of
' I , : I I .1
� L vaur urgent niatters, Marcella, holding � . ..�'. -1 .
. . . . i�.�.- �.V.. . Do not, say, 41 .propose sending my been throwilout of woik.,P atr,
I . . I . . . : � i*:,: .., . .. . Babson year 1093, The fai�mlng oornt
, . .. . , I . 1. L I L ,%. ,;, I 3 � .. I children 4way,11 Say purpose .to coAve . I ,rv&ythlng: , still luxuriAtLzia In the sin�p
I fille - � ` .1
. . . hi-A,c, lap a leather box , 4 with 1gut-, I ., K
I . � L I . _ S in.
Si: � V .. I . . . y'said, on may: 0, 19SX:
� I % . .K. , . , ' L . .
, . I � , . I . . ... , . , : . I
: t, I - . tering Ave -and --ten: cont atoro'jowalo had . . - , . fill intention. " . I .... ; dicate. thatzeneral. bushiess'li-as turned members had never been us(
L Ito .1 :11 � 'Not. as. I ,k.11DW.' SAY, tile corner, L.'. r and, -say prIoes,fqr. their
, .
. , ;. I been a hon away, 4SMJAnr, Aftd-PIOAS;j, . -L I '. . . Do not say', 1 1 I .. I go farthe. pioduats,and,
I : . I � 11 � I .. 11 ; . q that'L.1931 should, offer the greatest C.P ;they ciould 'economize and. I
11, ,: i 1, . , : atgevWs sanitarium. . . I , . "Not.tbat I know," Or, ,.*I do'not know." _ _
. I
. t I It was iwt until eivar4l days thereat- I I . L . . y Yea meet. . At the same time the
�,- , � , L . I I . DO not SAY, "Re fS W47 d0val in AT=I-� P.�rtlhlitY' ,of an r for generations,"
. to bl%Zon til, L� .. .I- . I
: I �' . L t4T that the P,t`pers began 'i � � . eo." Say, "Ite Is away down�', ci ariere- . Charles E, Mitchell, ,611airman .,of the Were teally In -dirt, itraits. and
I I A " story. of a Icartilla. Felix Hent, -hi: .L I . f I. �... I I I ly, "Ne 15 down in Uoxiea." L I I :Board �of the� )WI,oual City Bank of Vew of, them suftertrig from hungai
i,- � -�Valth, lils pe,"Ible crime, lit tr,�Aall�ry.l . � . . ....... I ,:,4 11 ..... '.,."'�, L -Zhis, is the msst beauti- . York, Issu4.ed ari optimistic state
..... Z
i I . , . I . Do not say, I We have otttft-'heard our fr
. ,. . �;-*.-.! . _ '4 - I . L $Ul City of . me'lit, ion
. I I , . . . . � - . . . I I
, * I i I . 'L the law court fit Chicago was -set Or it ,i:,�-, :. '�-' PW� I . L I any X -have seen I say, "of Sept, -so 10.9 - . !'Uare 14 nothing to went through that Lperl9d of
, , " I #
- � ...... - all :[ ll_.,I,Ve Soen�"L .. 1. .
I ;1 L. ....." I . L .
� . $cAndalbus Ulal, n6t ,tile ro-openln$ of - I . S�Z;�, , L . I . t%.01.17 about in the tn`�nolal:sltuatlon '41 In, Toronto. teli.of the their
I �, . . an I . . . I.. I . , . . I L
QnoiellLt . . I A . .
: . , L . Ihi;ilctment of one mider, - . .� . .. . ... . Words Often Xfbpronoun,6ed 1 the t1bittd 'States," pn ' - 4tai of that' Tbet05 were whole, blocks 1whal
. � . . I L I . . I Do-
tI . I .
; �: � p .- - I Z=4ta ongIneer tut.a pow trial to. .. :,".. . :, Scila& _ ___,, L ,,
, L : . Provg L - -L;. -.'L- . ___ __ __ ., __ --'--'-L'-- " his , occupied
. .., ": Yea. bank ,OfEci�od its 2 CMpIO,,,1.OctW0 bous2s� were
. I L ,,::::: - .�X I - 1. L I . -a sAo-as, o AS In- "of" "
. � XcuVs embezzlement.of his fellow. I I ...... .. .,�. . I Pronounp
11 " .. . City. - I L :L ...... -11.�.`,. -,:. Apectable -family could hava a
. L .. I , , ...... .. I .. ;, . ! I (Oat 'as in - 4'sole") . a as in "Prefage.", rights" to purchase dock at 2oo,. . The:
I . ..� 4' . I zens, funds, Kent, was V017 exp�uslvely $ . . L . _.Z.., I . flr_� quotations of ,Xatt - onal Ci 1. ty nank stock., for .the Itcoping of it in. repah
� , L � . I I � ;�- ,.".;,,�� .
. �, I
� . v and very Ably-nprosont I , -,� , t-ftiperage. Pronounce am.po�aj, 4' for Jan 4, 1032, ware: A(36!1, bid, .37
- ed. Joolt!a story ' I .. . i, i 1Y -wealthy People, and- alk -pea,
, , . I I U as In ,,am, second a as In "eare I I �. .
, � _�,;. . . tn.onis IbM cranother tun to *V0110jubs., -, I .`,.:,..;. .". - � L . I asked." Prof. Irving. Vfsber:� . modeidte: means, Appeared
. , .
� - � , L . � . . " * --- � �:,:;.nl$�� . third A as in "age" (unstre�ned-),,ucccnt, - I 13redt-.ted,*
. -1., ., . I Lynda meanwhile In her,own, 'fashlow I . .. xXk, I I I On Sept. 5, 1929:. "Ziere may be .a re. streets In. -clothes! that today
, �i:.":�,�:�:".k�."P.I".�..:::: ft0oncLsyllable, , .
.1, -�7, 1 ��',�,'. :,:,;.':.11`., . : f� . . . . . . ". ..
. � I . It Was tell O!CIOCk of � I , : " ..: ".11111, . . I .
I . prowled thtilroom, _ , :,: . �_� , .-,-: 1, . . olkised as.pcor and, shik-bby.
: � � L . t, r!L , —��, _1 - _'--`�': 11, . , .. Palaboose�. Fronou4,e kal-4-boos, first cession In stock price3; but upt'a L
. ,,,mg-'i� - .. . -4 ; , I I . , nythln�K . a VeiT
L. � 1, L . n, 93Y spring morning. 'L : ,_,., 7_,;,.-,,.1,-R,: � � I. . �. . --. . I . I I . A, taont4l -time
I . � . . Jocelyn, was:dws L-��' -_ . i � t ..: �, ":, � . . - In "at" secon -ad, Loo Ili the natum of a crash,,) . At the Present , I
� , ,; I : , sod Again. in., ber; ovv%, ordinary clathea , I . I I I . . . . L . . I I 48, L , I I'd a unstre- "' later: "SWelt Prices h%ve reached what people In Our tmiras and citie
� L ", ' . L, .1 . I ' . L i� I 11 One," and';ftocelit last syllable,. -
:, I . and -ware her heir amooth About the ' . ' - white. tile ,lot I -inaliently high ple.eau.
. , ! _- . . _ * , He camo t6ward her, looking tall and Vb and I ' . . Ooks.aike a pox suffe"d anjr reductlaii in it
. . I =,.,=t=� . , , , I � ;�a '. I .. - -1. . first. .. L.. �. . Y'et if CoStSthera enOrWcu4YLJ
_�:!___.4_=�_�_ . I . .. . I expect to See"the I L . I 00
I I � � faCe.' But the face wall LY1fid&',%. iAzid I I I. -A11016raloi Proti,6wi��,en-ne�4ilk,,,,%,gsln' deal higher -t stock �narket a go They are- -therefore better off t
. . ; , 1 11 - It had.notimably thinned, ,. I . I . I I . - . . L � . . . I . .�, . � . . . I Clay
, �.�L , . she turned I -.11, I �_ . I L . I sla"It", a as in 'line,". I ik% Iri ,,It wltbin�*4
1 vasslonat4ly upon x1ok's silence as 1 Fuji ud.lriitted her and !pointed up the 71le pollee Sound the - m 'and I took thFm . I . they have ever beforebeen in
I �11'- � h, I . I . I first .syllable. . I . . " "'At few Months." (The VVLt erashL joamo
, N , . .W,ba L Zpe6oh... . . t�tai=, I*Tos, lady� Some a*=L_ Mis avaY And mornlu�, ,the . . . , soon -after 'this),. melvin theyL are' I . Uxurlating. TILls a
I L fflio"It It 0% , m. next -, 1114rlowd Iron. pron . , �A. Traylor, .
I .
, , L. I Ounce . 1 -urn, 1- .
. , , : . "I _'A'04% talk Utiout 10at's.-about tair 'Suri-ld �ci illy stak'" � . 1=1,13r IaMlar having been summontd. . . not run' ' president of the First National Bank of Very great ,deal yet to learn 1
1 . �ll j ly, VL I Marcefta,& :L
X . . Word% Ofk-',. VissVelted , OblcaM
I I I t's ft�- this Present vriter is *on
11 i I MA .trial. N161L I flowt w4fit to see - � She ;climbed up thp three., Well-ro,� the police delivered them at .1. I . . sald;' "Appwtntly
, .
I i � I . busiam
, I � � I . . but ,two �Qlj. leadership nor 1poilt!cal leadership -knew r
�! � .%h& PaWrs'- I 'WAnt to 90 Wkv4y Until It's niiinbared flights. and hurried in iht$aft-� spartmotiLt. ' Thore Nielt 0 'L Poll" , does ,not oil, . .
, andal lay 14'a Pr6fest0r; 1014y'. laia .f ,A% tlu-41 tblngs�'v
� . . L ftQWeM , ," � ' , L , t , J. ,
L L . . . I . .With , While sp,ringL� Il.r 01�$Me tile final (VOUIS, all�L Jn_
.over, please." . "am sweet _ ore about it than a CIO Ittee:. of igh again L until AM have
I . L . ]go L was not tir tfto . Comm ed, or .
: . �. . "Well, I was about �,to s ' dars tmiookta door. . 'Softi- tiWa% 11ardy-gUro ,made .-Incongruous TotIrnament, 0143erve the'. ou., Tockc- ,0111 . severe less6
� 1. . � , West qn ad,- strippad L iront L JroouL %%a; .bAtt - Cc boy$ oz(! - boll;,�hops Would have L . n. Thf� VKI"erq ,
' .
11 � eked I
. � I venture, Will you Come with m0 L to however, hew the 6ash Imprint, 'or Z ,y .
. . I I melod _ 6eneath .the sun-NIed window Co. Observe the two:�4%. Conrlolsseur� known." ". .. .. . M014 US better Mix and'wo
IL � I I I France?" I ,. . . � - . , L p�lo young dauolitET Wept.. 1. 1. I . I L. .When we, 40.'all finally bi
11 . . -io . ts and. h# _ Observe -the, two ole, two n's, and two ,on
tiot 111r; suit "e, open, Its, contoni .. . . .. rVe :the '-h. . L The Chrlitian t ZUry, rightly I the =ood ,vOierd .-via 'will be f
_ , ,
. � .. "What is -your Intent10% t . ,�,, lbody, . . . I &% ?DlPhtlrong. Obso , . �
,� Y, . � . I . till, -ithrown, About, 6tood #ou the flobr L ., : # I I
. down 04. .our, 4 knees 04. � hum
"To retum to..�'the lisarqul�e do Mon- T6 :[�,r& Outsider wa§ 1=14d It, �hei � I P� ilak corlol�de�..-tilat, as to the c . d * " I
- , I I eon- .
�., � I . 11 . .. -ailed '"'It "U"'agh the Harlowe. 'burial. lot zlid' lay there un- . I' 1 . . ' L � . I � Our He,avefily Father for
�� L!� , . . - t him.. gaid , Synonyms I
I Iree hor 44wels.11 '. .. . � I . sh, I . OMIC future of thaVef1d, we are All now . forg
. . I I . . k � 416 i0fidergarten,. and
I .;, . . , : dmmt,s: -to . : 6x1mm door. That room'was amptyl troubled by smial.,.distinctiom or anI., Instrument.. medium, 4gen .tool, 4m-� it; I -that the for- Our niaby sInS L (f'or we Are 't
. r.. . I what I mi:aat , do, . mmo I 'Ord dLftlftantled L-ana ime . . L I . . . I I I
� � , _ L eCUPled. $'be ,mont, utansil, appIr . ; mer 60 --called eXoelft, will,' 'to the ,th and
�, T'.. I .day,#.,. � I .1 . . 14 L the outor L On sense of his inferlc&ty. 1ho dr, t, pit , AtUS.. L owing We think,
. L:. . . . . I .. I darted Imok trom -It Into ra " , Clergyman. -coushi IMAM -he � Congenial, kindred, sympathetic. utter Confusion in whl,�h they findth - en, . . then only.
. Sara am- well again In: this -old World,
I . � I t I - . � . Jodah's lawyer ,at %1cw1yA% ve4ite8b .Quayle, u'mart shis, had seen WItu aler And one ot I her .Mollet, loeelyn I L Breed (verb), generate, engender, pro- MIM, h1%V0 to go , 'to t Y
of jlc� ,F,if;LIM , of L �h% QWIT father, stQ the o4trance . o0r. . Orea 0, PrOP0144tt- .
,,, .1, I took L 'Ohordo L Od 4cod beside the grave�. t . .. � down Zile toot Of man of us continue: In. our.
�� dl . � . . . I . I . . agalo!it y. L d I Tb is , WAS, Jack Aylftatd. He dl,Cnot ., I ,the class and start all over Again, : Per. 'vtaY, sometimes With, 0, brA2
; � , I I lie was emiling stlokil L . . s . -
.1 I Dispontinua", h4er�lon_iuta
�, -f -- . . I . I . L 1. . SP -alt to . Nlekla daughter during - that. . . ,=is- haps, their previous training will :enable I of prcs,perfty In. the sight 4
� . -_1 . -_ .. "nonx. yeil,",.UL war I ' I . . � tion,.,eessalttoii� 1. . . . I 6L.9Z
. 1! , I . . 11 . ...; . � I . . vd ;her., She aw C . . .. .1 .. them ' ,to ]CAM faster tlmn, the rest Lot UM. fortunate, as Ion we fall
� . I . 1. ' that In his pocket, t'� Jump tfir",' up- "" many ' . I I . Silent, reticent, tandturn, regetired. . I I
- I
�,�* F - ,-- 11 .. .. . . I . . . �. ,� - . I . 9 .. Tharp Was, a, new. b1fterness, a bitter- . . I We recall -thio. depression, the gpeatestithat Ili this life we are only I
L � __ __ 'Wa I ,Preliminat
� i . , ro, threatening ber.. , . I ,y. (ao= , .Preface, prelude, I
I t; I 1, 14 . �� 4e071 .T_1 - fil a 11, I . ) . I . 11 ,4D.Ur time, . Of tlii Year 1893 and s C_ . far Us. we. are Able to be,of I
I i 1 ' 1,took a-Ilcro, girlie, M'oa to MOk L illr"S of ..life r -a er 4han Of de t ID introduction. 11
I 1� I L : and YOU'L YOU got th� lady's sp:$rklthra. -Tocelyn!s toam,,*Wti she found ladmifl. . .. , eeeftg years. which, drove sil many of'filli(W-filen, 49 1=9 4s we
� I . I- oe I# 11 S � ; going to beat #, to %gra*r, along In her desolated dwelling Place, . .. I , Word Study. '. . p$: to the United States. -e i�hen �'Whdle %tM and object in life I
. d Lit is hard, beyond the -border 'but -no of SelliSh eZnpl
� . � I ., ,and 'You're 'Vtal a' -word. threc, t1mids an . times wei oyme
I , - JLPD�"t� A neat job too." . : Jock 'had . iiot, lcobtit at Aher. lie bait nt, we a
. I � . " I . . I ' L L Also'
I i h :ycium", Leb.ua haerea,se our vocabulary Va6adl 'Went Ion y�d. �, f6r ; both, oneat �aaia ,potatoc
. . i _e - . An .
; ,. - . , -d down da thouah he ,4ould acti I
I I . . U Dr. Thom,11s, I ; Is he?, Lynde ivIllspericil. lool;t for b6tt
L I I . .. � ir "Not far ,away. I found ho didn't through earth find obotly and, tho dust I, by Mastering one: wo� each day. Words, I'llere has bear%; a revolution In our or tiftieg� . . i. -
I i Ecl(-ctr . oil I L . manner ,of living Ill Vanlaft�slnpe ,n. . . I
. � . have the Auff .,o I got Fuji -.to ,call you, that Would. go to �dust, .,,in, ticiovea for. this letson- . ... . . tile . I . .
� L .� - -_ I . : IMPRwAim to Involm a cume or evil, In .these days the, members. of -the farm. ' I . I .
I I , �,__ X�A Dowt'ye% , I gat I" In a closet out. epIrittlal body NvIth happy resurrected .
: : .. 1.� L I . L __ -.7 . . I I . . . . I .L I . .. .. � . I eyes� *With his: ow,li %vild-wingcd eyes ho upon come one, llcursot6 Always recoil 1114' OCIMMMItY IlVeathO Simple life and L I . __ I . . .
. L . - . � .
I � , . . I L . . . I , bead of hi'm Wh imprecates were 411 the happier for It. They. had I
i I � ' " ' �-� -"--.'- —1 L seem 0
1 ; — .. . — ,� C40 to be Wowlu,T 1110% Into a Ilght, ,on , the . . 1. . I I s.
11 , I .. ,
. .
L - . . . .1. . .1 . . I � I . .. . . I � . . I . I 'thent.11 '� " , . , I . . 0 n* '003, 40 telepllanes,,iia radlos,,,110 tdr ,
. . ... . � I I I . . L . ... I .
I � -
:, � , I . I , . . . . . p: I 0 . I I . � I . .1 i Zy.ndo, roent i itar the w,in- . Pj�aT,UI%33 . I . . .
. . I . .. . I I iter:.dusks n. I ;� to d1sturb,'greatly; tio& phonographs nce! even. any Planes, we , . .
, � . . , �
I !t 11 , , dow. Alone In the broad taffrou. sun�sot ble, , disquiet, "Angry, and perturl , back 1.6 the old COLDS
I : . . 1 * . , led I would not b%v6 thign'go ..
.. I I . . I.. light Shd� would sit, rcmcmbering� And Was.;Lt. a dlsadvantago�ll .. I miumOr ,of 11VIAMr, but we mus�palftt out � I I . 11 L
-i " . . I Tr I . . 'love kindled In, her UANIpVLATg�, -to ii di . L .
� ( , osperity f6r _. , ,hot- sad'and bittei the
5 OL � I . , change, �Whe4 a,farmer faand,'Ib
, . . . . . �. . . I I 816WIY like the 110t$ Unto It.glittere Up #.It is� '�'ory difli , on a skilifully., I ,
� .
�, . d cult to ftoccSgary to go L to .town. he bit 4. one
! I . � � I : . manipulate the � che
I . L .
, . - - and up Into a, pillar of.pain, . t I *, of his, light bars
. ,:: . r, . .. I ., . ... , bitrIcato parts -or thisma.11411O." .. I . e4A* the buggy. If :::::: .
". 11 I � I .' . I . . . . . . I . .
� � , ". Canada . L . . Ived ten- miles ,a lie I .
. . . . ,Silo could think of %lo ono el2o pre. n&TIOX.&L (protioUno Out I
1� . I . a first syllable , his visits to town 'did- I A Canada's standard temi
4, ' i , � � . . - I - 10 : . I . I tently. Tomenift W ,one elre. J&very,,rAsh),, agreeable .t.o rcason,, .�&nsibja. not - averag6 itare, -than A, dozen per year OUCSC16 an other cough at
11 I -_ find the entir, .
L . . ..P �Oioritv tor look of -his noblo face ,%,ag hcr�-, every I "IM0 OAIY *t!Onill- cWrs�- Is - tb. rovis, ,4 Cost Of transport to and, . preparations., 116TTER-
I � lil. . 7,- ' I .1 .. turn of h1% Orong find gra-wiftll body. the AMendulaut,*, � . from was not wore than ono,doll_-t oa-.Il
� I . . .
;t I I IL I I I , . I � . The Ilanda she had, called o t.rlok,-tero- '.AA%h16t10tr8; unoortain, especially ,43 Urne, Including Wear And tear. Xowa. d DIVF�MNT..
� . L I . .. � 1. ., " � i ' . I
- , , , ,
� . . Ch, "Uon, I 'Atti 11k.0L , F
t, . I . . . on '. . , " k6pt", their tou her. . A' clean it*. Ifteahifitr. ,,,"is propogtiou IS. too am� days n fA"nti*, Sim ' 1,*Sj '
. . I I I � L . Y. � . . L . make th I 02rly situated '*ill � to
. . . t4UCh, 'nou'afttile 1JUds. It WA� J,Mk*a blgUons"� L . !�. tAme ftlp ,at IeW�t. forty times
� i I %. . . ,' . I : . ` turn now to Oliva up'oub of tbe��dust, to iEXTANTI, -.fill o-idating. ,-It is .the . a, V,Ir, with his gas -driven vehicto,* in. .11 ..
,� - 1. � L I , A&WffS*=WWS
: , �t L . . I � 1: . . motMt and to zride. But why must it be bldcst Uttmb 0 t3r .11t. the World.,, . addition to 0Or1Z-tAntIY't1'aVcI1In'g Inother I L W -R-11111111111111111111111
, .
t � I I Y placing y6lur saving -9 in , L ;, rk%V Irom, ,her? I I . I � I . !!4��� �. . L 1*ftectlons And, it he property ,.,,.,, SAW I I L I I
i . � I . woet'a Wor* Powder& are sweet And costs, the 20 m1le
I . I 4 _ 11 �� .....
, ,; . . I , 'tuft - ,
; I I I B a ihaitered bank You She Saw, turnfill, - with .. - J0=0Y t6 .and from
I L . and
I I . . . Ap Canada f6rie , And with W0333-neza, that Ito troub* ' PAlatllblc fO 411100", WhO sh-6W no will 001k, time "60t hinl ba,6V from -1
I rolly he I . 'A'All ft the. I
I � IZOSKAMY 11* takins; ft.ani. ThW $2-00 to $3-00, 0040rding 0 It in g na . - L
; � . I I Votlhule�. , - L . *III he rl I I .
� . . 0*A . CaWnly bibig all worm .trailbi.s. to all . easb of big, Car.. '11ft Item -I 1*0 . i
L altead, and further your L . go ,eame toward her, looking tall onfl enil, ,r I I � - alone, there- ...
�, 4 L I I ,d . 11*
I , . . I . ptwpar47 M-13 harqP41=0 21 - , . I 0 A* 4 strongtWilingr and fore, amoutits to 1tround $100 Per Yajr,
�. . I . I . .- -_ � � . I grAllo and ,white. Tho saffm� evenhig 6thimlating m&t[CJr.C, orrecting the ft- 0-MInSt'"g US 'formerly, L I , , . I L� 11
V . Well. Oky 1*4440 �hltft Visible to 'her, but Alt WS Ordera of`4d1gtsJiou that the we CAUZe trly, eVoty War tho I he �� IV.- '.. I I
! . . . . tMA . 'rn no. � *6ple ioZV t,
. . CM $110 TA115t kAV0 Iltell A ftrk outl e, and jml*rting 0 &� V tone '.. I
V� I � . .1 . . I Ill I �Wtk to ther faft% today firld lt,=IcMary to Cpe�dd ' . .
. dollar* for �dr .
, . I . silent And. snno= ive. me Could not I'm mwt noottal 'oar %Ith their frienda in
�� SX114 Bank Deposits are . . G . . _-___�___ ______.___ . -
ANP - 1*111C. I - iz ldlie!$PM�1_1_ _., '... L . . . I
1: . . never at the dispmat of Otte , -Have �rou tutil t11C, �Iptrs, lot&w. . ... L . I . � I � Irk
I .
� I I .. .. . man or group of won,i)ut aro. . 11tr "no', va,q. Inaudiblo. SW lhtW . . .. , . I I I I �
1� . tWd to Ixad tllou. Tho Xia%t,- hiLd . I . . . I -
11 � judiciously 1�nt to aid tho '�, rAttle �h(r feel $aInt. Sho bad n�t been' . V . � ' I 11P..'.1�10WOWN, ,
. . I %. . UbI0 ta� G* �M. I . ,I I
f4ulner, luinberrAMI 1,0111" . L .1 -"k : ,What' Shall We T'rices reduee&-the
4111vo -�tt AV - veto"t, I'm - tic�rol 6--, .; &, . I 01, L
I v ' i, ..k . I . I . I I '6arbeyfiloib! i otb
I 4 I futur.-i'and every other . ,D.)'n!t "y "'Lo` tp��' %"dA. I Wan't i '. . . . I . r1atta-'
. bu * ess 1113n, — Constantly tta:r. I know vllat "u muq, fz)l toWazj . � L I I . � i -for 111 Vitamins
� . I I I Sill I . L . r 1, L . I date in an
I 11 I � 'Stiolulatin- the Commerce of ino. 11vo opellot rour life .. .. or sau .1, t� Name the Bab ). them ntronpr stud ket
. 0 tIlInk r,y. And I'Ve 4hred'to mmo bitto 40 � I 0 GUAPUNTMI). .A
. I . ry and at L t1te SaIne I "! 11 .
our count , W tll�',,Alk J*u .f,Ar giving me tho pow�r ta I . I .* I I . . I .pays, to use the b6at
L L 1W - I . .
. ,tim ennlljf��-, hitercst. which do It. Sliftee I Ixt tmv Tou you'vo beeii . . I , I . . . w.0
I I I . . burt U�Wbly. 'And I ,Wtnt, away .6nd : q %, 11 . " L . P"TT1 FOOD
L � L � makes yoursavings'SrOW iAtO lat yea to 1RO -thiough with it almo. _ I I __ L a - WW
. - . I — ,. -,
'TU 'N
, ,
I .1"
I . . ot St)und CA1151 fq6('rV0J 21W4y3 IV4 W311sr. rm atmuled. liat", 4W I �Pk__ '. 3 ,I ; .1 . � G� �
. ' u held out Uts Wnds, Iftat no eno will ,eall L . I L . .
L avAilable when yo tod it. th"111 t� tXefto Nitra rtgaln. No? Ims, 1,1�11
. . L
. xqouth is, teAQW-S utitatli. And ,, .. I ' . EOZeml r Ito
t, 1 E laver Vaal 4101-tisal ImqlAve. We, Is oAteAd A S)(MPOSIUM By FAMOUS PM!PLV. OF . I I
I Tou cat ensurc for yoursel
grater progwity by Saving I . C! rm 41thomb tatre� has Ixon W MIXII � TO-I)AY��auctcd by.wUXAM ,&Wlt I .
. vuAt "Willid. Ara T Itavia a WWA, Im I I I.
0 . - . I I
f � . legularly" and by dopositin,f, hzDIAV.11 I i -Ptl "Jopf. * ,t,1J#L4Lht6 "J, A fW. !�
. CA',11 11ftl%* #JJfJ! e,%1,A0,t into, a
Le "VI(I J#.�
'i I L � I T,Ovr savinp in A,b=K. 11 - ruir ,111 =51.3tic, MM4 �14,04y Elcarard 11-4k", AI% AM"ll." X&R111. - IMUMOM 'Of MW IiAblft 'Ktfl- bom lost
. I . .. i�l t&tdal's fam a Immy ;rc,%ft&tIM. I
I . . . 4,IV,4 too bad wet6 ww3t I* 6�t"thy. 37ftr, And J�et thoeft #re W*s uml I'm 'mults to chome from. VU0111ts
r *$ &3� I 3111vtwt fty IIM4% 16'r afthtl "ftlk dh*10110 lit 8099�SU014 G1411 W'd 7106 061110 fnt�rtstwg now
.1 -1
,r I LOW6111111110*0111111im '00. — I . and VerY Rttto �Atinim at 611*1th Imin.,l,', 101b"? .
I I I VMW 41ileat VBI �* 'KAS4,04. Aftd t thilik
lb w," uozr ,1,-�dsu 1mr1t)wo "IlAt XOU . L �V- A. (fifflillY.) "-WOY
' K , loveil. I Ina i�,nu Sawil. 1,4A flstd . K100441114103T . 6
orcowo"ME . Gf 'All ,-,X11=- A1.Z:1 Ito bt,ta Imlely. I
CAM% $161A 4MV0 a nlm_,�, fcT, NLI,:31 111111A NV "'Al"He ,by�v ramcs art 40"aw, irme, %v,,nl% &Iukai, Davol. WaW. I
lizi , Al
AlkO�-',,#ndt Vw1rd. F,V ItUb I Mar V10 r -3r_3 Ua*, MZ-thl. 1XIM. I,,
I — — b lt�re 1kild 113VY, i i
I ft�,#.I�*#.�,-�i*itotmtd!#AW,l�to Jaje� fttllik, ZINW,th. rl=,Za X'SOMftl-
I ( wl K OP CANWA ) r, A", 8At th,11 %M tc,V'k,7 p7d, 01114 ,
"I 9 STANDARD 13AN or CE-O!h q cutIN lnu� M1,10 XtAltn :r.rN04M is A Lnmm_ ot xt!4,192, W�Sla 2.1_-1r,5:"3 ,--C�m��.,, it 1� ts r4,pmTm* , 4
. . I V-%& ��111 *T�A.ft�.ru �
I . 1. I I Ci*_".1fttt VWVVrrd� 01iVOICA Intl) 011a nF
I Mr sad It Wmed to L=AX 01"I in I,_,33 ALI DIRFIV is & namt r-1 Vmtzs,23 cn:;'xi rlmnz ,- 114,4,�Ne N'nx_*dC:r=1.11 it I 0 ftot" so* a V
131ACt, 'Kat C�,') atff,A ,Jgr��Mii, ct t:"_^�!!�.�,U.j th-'s nfnit� of ad'Wad"� ,- M 011K�- "M Von 14k^- It." I "
�* X K TAY", 0 *06#11W � r#W_r,f*_" " ' .1 1. I- I - . _. . . 1-1. I 1. .. ... I LL �_ -1. � "a To ON&XV01 "I
1, I me Im -5 I r I I - 1. I I - J L 14""% O"
1. I I
womms"aftimp . . q0 . -&—_ I � .. I I . r . A .. I ___ - � - —, - . - ., , _ _ . I - ___ _' - _
L __.:_,"A, d,_1%, _,_, , , I , , - _ -, . . . -,Am. � 4.� -, k� __ A-410 " ...... me. - .Wod-W a _,.AW@6" -A - , ,� .- — . ., ,� . ., .- I * . . . _.. - �� � '. _—.0--AWN1111111h
;1 ---- L A — - .
- . _AibtAiid� � ,
L-, .. .Iz.aik i � ___ . I . I __ - __