The Goderich Star, 1932-03-03, Page 2• '41.0,41;is wad Orcat 14414,1 C.„ -!,ca ii.A tkliarn Nos.x -ear iii ereance tal arrearz 42,50.x. 5 tiCaray three tisal. cs bait tana of c1`,:3- It illfrit pa' 5c.ar Ito xlvonce Itzuca frzaa a Tam,* tra,(1 Qat,"23.217,E.,,rii ''*3111 CI 44:A 41" titzta:x":" 41.--1 - i -w' 'il• wzile. c:7,..t czrt frona Clutan ts13,,-.',Ac'a 11.11st • "Ant rata! elber.ga ef alarc:n i.(1(sc- • tc,,,..4 ta c4;,7,320i-.1,,,, lx..,•,-,-? til eilleen:11, .VelelefILITiCetir..-..--Wo • ilticl- ,,,i,_;,„1,,•„. ti..-, mr.`,„"--1-,,t„3--(-,3- 2,3 cc..‘,, hat nria'.; of .'0 bovn tbstr.sal.17:ripl!Pas int=t!Dicd V(740 bY fraaht., tt..z.(1 raelL'il e1,4 to t.,,.:., • ix cote they ton ts rerIXt iracna enplza • cl-Ge.;-cat Vzilr,15 .t1,131-1. o, railin 0 T,4).. \Qv-. c,,,-,.-20Dm,•,.0 vist ets, 1.3! - ty atica Our) .t1LIMG. W.Wa,iTlf.-4?„1 el tiae . .:ar.r1s4 in CM.= over al c:T-.2.elc:.1 vad, Sc, -.3, untrza WO- itTO natincl ta eancci so cLaVan-le atm lOutS2r1tter wiTtes Coo car. cizo tentinui:d.- teV-4/Veral'Ee7,7, die:1W • Iv tee:ea L7 re3istcrsil ictler, acero,R tracr er c-Ilczlne r.-.4vv.o- ot pet, Ite .aiele. •RF.1.4.11." :r.,...... wxtri-mixT, tuuRcli sria, 1Q30 ' --. ' STAR SPARK.LIPIS is "here...earain.' . • . 0 . 12 1".* . Iltalsolin Calnplmil -hcconisze an'. - :Xoycd t?ricxx lie. can't Aatto ids car Mt -• 1,tud t;avel OM nalleZ or Mere .sx. hegr. „lea 4115411er y eve,. 4: et 0 Gelleelth hen *earn wen its O. 11. evaeup 041400,011p. wbich le -110 Itnalt 7.r -.:.-.?-::.,.,lo mt.*. It 0 thz43 ,...•. D..•,., ,m1 4 . ..n elie lee elty Itx eceele ea rere/ tele7a t f45.- tg iliz t): -.1-45t3 i'4•ZS:TO. all l,:a 1/321-i titles, clr.la C3 0 1".77.7 Va7,!3l• rete, 1711',21 d'.1trary, parzol_ pe'l:.• and tin lika.1 AbmN. to Ma .Z.IiCeies;:x• ,Geeawce....." Cola atleaere. e-:.'eeek'e.l. at •Otre-.1'21zt-lt lant. Y -',...-r- " ellelezzama toteD 0 gar. cee cfte-,a7„,-....,tlreeo at - .-,— V • ,,,,..... ,,co.i.4 '4, .1.1, 4,-...,..4 , ,... ,.....,.....,. .:- - ,._..Itst goi- o,osa. hereille, Vint it eeye ale Ilte te ceere eet, IVA n_ eur, of (1tYll,er, odo was g-.1-• ••., ra-mt• 1113,1 ri, t.'",cm.nr±r1. 4,7("1.1' a V al x .!.,,. nal 3 4410t., otirav,..t,.., Gr.„7 vaull cal craze to'reccive culvii5o1 a..63'e4 bar:cis. I1,030, barrels. were Itzaillr.:,3 elurIna le, 1;3 Dca zma .07;Q•4 -a .clualz ,c;mt, to , the contrany'i3 ir.int scezzx, - lit ts t;ecnt4a aS ORD a2E.V..i Vartt4 cf its tra.3 city 1(3.... 074/42ty 1,4t7zroacur; c271.03• .4ita Xxx the,provinte. The strestme Va53 crz,...trJa t7ilk, an oyo to Mts. future.. Th ereee vta eleyea taM on tine old !nap, „ _ .To any old port, ta any cid town, Ar.4 5 --.-ax fed a mud -0 rap. , 41^4 latt-tnitinea ttm, tdee aa:i..3 Oval, • I tt-g21.1;'. Sanic`..'tenca1tmir 11;;-21wige.7 Vc;', plca.torea sad CTC.9.11, Wo ure oftimes tea Wad to cat the, nce' O ?Sol:7;4741am. Loa tl?.,7ell.(;„ the cisa that' corteu eit7 ang to iropovc_4111 th3 larazr rortlan the 1.m!Mril lo rues: around, and an (additional ctory way 133 I al' proportions. s uern Acold storaao far lle Wilan'avilica for We publish. this bliiidin that is being erected elsewliare. rural coniMunity ffmn adab o calt, pvt•vere advantageously, (raiem( rewired. This explains why and ust alve the structure al9tr:40 a bit lev, duce clue . dee end (curr.,,tlait c6021,,,e uoattor) picture Ws week to chow tho type of a scope:mu or when you c2xua hard messed cur. Witticuur zcrilarcei .da %IA pop or wands:a To the helpiszs elsg already down. • Visas.: (do not or a der Remember Vitae to Many to edd the ideks AndartQlalli take tho time to leek rer ell 'the atenee and all the bricks. 1 Moy.Ood holt) "the do:: that's down:' frto •Leauto mtto2%. r33),..13c,t, patientiy to teach little Arthur • the '&001 Points of the comparn. • -ee the. 'featuring of reseeemieute ireei Will be Smartly, C,orrectly Dressed AtOur Price, $22.54?1:1 Our Special Order Spying' Sam.4$ are here for your inspcction Spring Suits and op Cots CHAS. BLACIC. Next Bedford Ilotel Phone Wel' Red ord Pli. ELY y -Gg TABLE , - Tita teacher bed labpred lone and Oeneva loam toward Shonabsi.-and 47exl, ••••,,N, . 4+0. would .respsst csolcunalY TYzatItainent Opnierence, alhe-`4. ezee the fierce perpetuating of prnotiCO3 iI e mc6 "te curtail. Yet betwan the Maya =.eumnIthzuvnt tn. MI5 'almost1111'0;cl' og Ora, froth the h0ttietrent• world ;leas winter. The boys ara aairrIra. , . tninind nit thcir obiliV OW. tquallif ---ceed4 7-(7,..,altey..3en,syskr,„olush or ice.. They roV raTaa'illa erOW. • • xteiwal, at Tema° Verkine Men • pe hickinz hoccrum , they are werldrig • elatv rut Um° 014.:14v41.1 tnn v14G ger tuplemento Cann% te have teassd lawarcrilaller* lectors. Versme, force—and until - 5 weak. That bla 47.404qlfl lootiont. The objectives ore toe.fUll.ef ob ns Ontio. Ootiell O. to - er ;meet woet elm ----- to, gani, that ing nu' enfOrced; At Geneve. states., as t ou„ leaclete in *mew, read, more than the tee the ValtatICSO aicOunnander dramoti. aDST KIDS mere tourse •ct eurfaee. evente. • Tey , - sare. Nx__.at _Angst pz., left 0 I have loved a thousand Isids, lly- decla. .. the quick, (jure eettlemeut of foee,katydid ,, , auu --But -reellyenevereowned_o_eree,_____e at out ta keen hie prowo, ioi, movpirz veal= ere ee fuesy au s aln Sh.eneiliai ens/ everything centieeemuo X3ut Most are full of Mt" trt a- Sew limns.. Eut combat", efter I love to hold Uteri on.clarlinee, alY daY5 tlia nlOpping With ever big- And stroke their curly toweled hate in Now tine is eealler fun Mr me, or X love them all, dark or fair, A y The Hired Man': • Mneh end Cho coat of latrine• ht Tevente 111-11- 141/Dr ti4 Inge BOal)00*t agt tertibily not twice what, it is in Otiderich, 0 The mic Maw of Walkerton's was - Wer... pumping .statton, who is on duty holno vsleY, has asked tor ono holm. ott ach thy in enter that he may go to the Poatoniee, Tiia40tvn council tvill into a huddle to tUicuss thellsity 'queS. tion. zNnizniallY, We. think, elm hour li •entirely too long In eaten. to ern to the DOetofilne ce. Tho eincer q .eeniparo. tbrelY l'elmg men and le eaparne • of =marine both woya. I love them all, yes, eirls And boYs, like -to . I e to sce them at their play, '11.1 help them mend their broken toys, war. And xft Shauallai, or tuor encauraaemeat. war ,ciariatialy And inAke tolethern haPPY daY. u knew I have never qUite 'forgot, It has not been eo many yeers, 'runt 1 wnq Just tiny tot, " And life eves laughter, fun and te:ars: • rats, I eat a very confidential tie the other evening (as one hired man alright say to another), "that I must remember and 'net forget that I was only a, hired man." It vre.S not the big boss with the white shirt thud. SO enlightened tee,. but. 8.real honest -to -goodness hard-working $on of toll who inforined MO that "X was 1ust a hired mart like ha was, Well here is the, point.' very much, appreciate his goad intention in , the warning and ineyehe' the hired man, gest of xnY •articles .aro headed" that way but I dis- agree on being like hine Not that 1 feel *greatly -superior at all but rather vastly different. 'With what' 1 think X imow and -with tire experience have had I Would sey thil, I. would not even trj to f111 his '811110 or 'tate hiS place /or a Mande. Ile IS doing fine -where lie is, I believe, and can eertainly continue, for but strange as it, may seem, I A LOCAL MUSEUM itelee Coetellot veal:irks on Monday toms. at the meeting of the YemrX intourn eeoitty. of North Street:United . nuurcit vitif,11 ha obnImentect on the M- e' terist -attaching to the histeeic elong the -highway mad the t'awn, Making a monkey mit of iteelf, CaitattY0 DUSSIOn (Wastem Nome Monthly) It may be that Caneda'e greatest nits- sion in this world of nations is to lead resttaing and promotioa' ixecte. In two Ways she is fitted. to exerciee tine leaderelaip. In the gest place she ie -country Witheutarreetrenite. 'or a lame dred. eve= Mee hs,e lived hi friendly re- lations. with Iler great neighbor, •armi there ig no bristling fort to Mar the beauty et her continent -wide bounder.y line, In the tountils of the world she preacher. by exeMPle, In the sseand PlaCe she is pactplesi by citizens fr,oxn ell lands,. and they ase learning to Um together in friendly 're- lationehiP., Sometimes the hiving of netienalities into large constituencies has preverited, coalescence, but *a the what\ owing largely to the good work •of the ,publie sehools, the spirit of ime derstandin,s and co-operation steadily • t finer in floral 'work. ore neereity floral Little Armin- fatter a thoughtful •.6t4wIc Cnt W•l'otare alwaYs-- adt'll°a5 tell me tale directione. b '000 F IVi• clotyre tor custazoars to olmose tram. Nothiats nt yon?" Ptc'as obtainable anstwhert- than t om r etomach.li Teachcr--7"When you stand xvitheSOUr • face to tke north, your right, hand is ;t3-• 7101Ver$ Mei:Atha; :etarg.,a ward .the Des; yew left toward, thowest, and Your -beck ton -Ai* the saatiri- Now, hired man." Well, deer fonts, you to pop. the 00100 the Ara t'll4a 2/Mr't STFWA course know vome would say, "Who a. gni or the first week I know ter. Ot might be eueprieed," It might be like ..-have him ,anyhowt- Jae- is- just G013ERicir FLORTqT RT oelleut Wine te deatroy worms, Valees NVarms be expelled from the esuzvetrinlet_c_nanavbrodue Moettix: witco:....40.....040....,4410....410.0.04nonruce St littIO ineident I know ot, A man vieited none two_ different relatives and the *second one he visited was angry end Said, "WhY did you not come here first, SO and so - leas only apt two toive en4. ere: have twenty!" "Well," lm sold, "I did net come to as the -cows." reelize that this love, honor and obey stuff is serious, Did 'you ever hear about Seedy? -Ife • ted (a hit,. then Sandy got rather quiet; I toot his 'girl for drive. and they chat., then he seed,. -"atingle do- You love nee?" I. and Maggie "Ayo ffendy. 001 11 do." They -drove on a bit ferther age gage and then Sandy seid, •litaggie will you Marry inor .nno, Maggie atty. !`I will Sandy." Then Sandy turned euround and drove beck end he eve :so quiet Maggie said, ''Sandy -what retakes yoe so quiet?" "Weil Iviaggie I'm wondering if I've said toe much- already," • Well to get away f' rem such a ead. Sect for a bit, want to telt YoU of a few good. ldred itten that laave beard of, and of sonie others e• Imam met. One- man told me Of a man he once bed, Who, when he got up -in, the moreinge ran to the been to start work, and he said, "laheck you know, if I asked him to get anything • Ile could. not walk fast enoticli,-. he -ran," said, "Why. did you, not keep a good man likeltht" runny bow these real. geed men. are like good times, a, matter Aof other days. Weil / told this particular pillar of the church and tiller of the soil that was inelined to be very different. from that good .men he had; that- I would not, es It were, tun 'for hint; or from him. • Strange as yoomight think, I Was with hint' three nirnitlis and -he wanted Me to stop longer. Ent al; the pre:ethe1. might eay, "I felt e had fulfiled my -mission. ita that quarter, so I moved on," Anotner goody= I heard of tried to pitch up- a biggere -bunch of hay every time Ito pitel.- Oa on to. the load, and inside of a .day or so, he was putting on n load in about four fork.fule.- ' Another good man I -heard. of,. cradled with the old fashioned cradlo ten acres of grain daY. Jart stop and get this, it the best yet, and I coat direct you to people living who will vouch for tit() Veracity of that staternezit. • Just think, You up and corning far- mers,af Iola had a geed- man who Would eradle ten acres et. Ole what a eaving on oats, hernese awl, horses, let alone machinerle Why one evoieldhave to bliy nialf a dozen farms to keep ti good men lIke- that going. Thee" have been some Of the -good ellen have heard of, but I 'did not have the good luck to meet any of them. mit t laVe 'met a few who were Odra, -good. -Otte in the ivest had werked. five years and; had not drawn a cent; thee! kidded • him along that his money was in the *butiness„ and 'seine day he would own the business. It worked well tor bah. parties, they were both, very eatislied, did give the said partY se hair exit, And he needed it Just as bed as Probinson. Caruso ever did.Whether he was • too tight to go te the 4h18 help twrite mir artotte* indieetlen of the inteernt that growing. business, social and politi- don't believe:I neeo May be developed asan attraction for tat life all eaeeds•.OlaSteS and riationeli;. little sermons ----- all, nd I don't quite emptialgei odiattaita a loczi c4fie lite -partners, it is cowmen -ter find more than 40111411111 his „position and viettors the lately of district, end 'ties are renboted. Evert 111 the selection think he could Write hem hinise14 anY • t distthetions of race, religion. and Wet, as 1 see it, would be absolutely be- enuseleal. Itave 88 tin• .Ottr4`,4101 eative tongue are ignored. -The triumPli Yotld Weulli net attempt it' • alldi for Vitliore or a sPet, of latereA dariti(r of to -opera -tiara Is zertrierted to the home is 1ffe ut I ane willing to stand be - their etioura in the town. VIM gather- 'wads and is a eleady iniluence in pro- Intid What -T write in any compariy, together el inanY .400tUrlentS ird think t ktiow my subject, "Ihunan Nae but her silent witness mayinductice ineincritous decisione, meting international untieletstiding. At Geneva, Canada may have little to say, tute," as seen by the Hired man, 1 kneel that1 dont write like Dickens or Shahespeare or Bobbie Burns or even Twain and, dear folks, 1 an not trying to. / am writing lite Mack the Hired Mat, arid I am quite aware. that a. cramk on, English •(as she Is wrote) might find, a eta& errors, as one might finderin, odd Weed the potato patch, objecte bletorie Interest *ea on of tho hobbits of tile late Mr. Black end of tho Gederith Historical Seviety an the OPeMllg Of 4 pUblie roe/nevi-tern all midi midi- might bi displayed Would eteri eentee of Much interest, and many per- seree with bidorie docaMente and objects na ito doubt tame fOrwoxd and pre - sant Vieux tAo Su* a MUM= it OM Wete to ba started, Ala the' earn= One is, Deplorable ululate's*, over Dadra (Toronto Satinday Night) The deplorable attentpt to make a Peliticel football out of the Ontario de:A-Electric • syetedi, deprecated bn e and still find lots of porntoee too, My I -O these Wuhan; months ago, goes merrily °tu' 6tigillat I got MY Ideas ail° olong its destruttive eourse, Trio, man. observations tirst hand and am telling ors" Citizen, tineeneerned xvith the fate of !Mr sterY InY own, Wards- do know that to the arielority . of people it is in. 0-1te4 theillore Of 'well 0bieetz .of We- pelitical tottries, may well •ask what herb) Interest will be seVed, ' . 'Hydro really means lerizerily et is an teresting, "and it is somethhte they did not. read before. In feet every- 110e111 I. REMr:.MI3ER BEAUHARNOIS kidd m th., world. It,'is an enterprise bay& filrea as YO, iS MY own, and the , .....„..... that a quarter of a, century ago was al. t'cro in this it...ea1e. Make jest an even doe- . The inquiry ' into Ilytir,0 affairs, r moat norx.existelat, but which tedey Is enso tar' that / originated. I did not rtta= .tha Abtives willeiii utemptea me qo asset the replacement etelue of which copy them. out of . env, of,her author's • . irernstriel • ernicerrneethe greateet. Its. - would total eboilt 4 hieleou (tellers Rs book, eie few- I did dopy out of the ilrat fuoury, savor sttongly polities t4t, aw.plo a ma, over moni.w3, 15 not voittme et -my owrepoems; the others I ra MAW: "w11-4 enteorne the effmt only mt. in'itsalf,•hut in ratio exceeds Wt0t6 145 wiOte th'e "Uele' The t°1I 104 la IhrOOlitical hem can be riameti anywuero. that of any ether induetrial coneern one Sunday evening a coanle of thet last ttvo you got via the Star' wrote Weeko .the thetrartops that there is "something peopie Orderio are tall partner% hla Sane people are bound to get things teurible ee=t1 'With IlYdriee. bon created (Without imposing foto, twisted a bit anyway. The Libel -els imere been shouting from zits orxrtnouz ,atset tho OgO, 040. jast exeetlY know whet it is, bib etal ettain ealYhollY. It lees vastlY tura° ewor:Iletterttiltggt, Mwviliner: IsO%rna: ea tests. The, impetue it has given to hannorous monologues, and some of my blether, or had no ehange, IereallY aln . it La "settrathing." conEema.,, iticreased the. tomforts of life at leasen- tives antwir. that. the Liberla attack is 4,, OW11 stories and poem% as well as sing- hOt tare, bUt dna iiartY who knew him leo • ' e • 1-414/18444. Pradattfaa PMaTia the 'possibly some of Barry LaUdet'e Inunher of ------ -rnee that lie More or. les* than a ernoke ca/culable. Lest year it was, aimod tbk OW a cootie songs SOld to me, "Were you ever would dig up a nide of si alk to fin tam bright, spot irt a tecord of Industrial ri In our life?" a 'lost rilekle (and he Was _not Scoteh screen to eever u» ts ouch ea termsible, tho blot plated on elm on greet Lib- eral liSrty and its leader, ,Rt. Non. W, Itxelamfde. Ulm, by the 13eallharllois zt dieriOnreeu le efephasteed Alia the electere will ferget. _that three Moil emotes • m*do mU1bn of dollars out of hOwer rith•ts pacured bard A Liberal Oman - men% that the Liberal Party, ,Provincial . And rederel, oteePted over $700,001) of thie,111-gett, in, and that the Gillet, statkernio Xing, a close ;Send et the achonitig Cena'itim, if hat a fpartY' to the, 'whole wiletasteful affair front • alifig cud, at least shawl Ir the lett tho entent bevine latThilla paid by flu) wel1th7 tenatera. In the tegislattire iatTitura•day !Ion. Cluni•yi llterta, Mister Ones, dealt with Ore emike -L.:awn angle! /to Mb!: 41".(1gi Oppoeltion .Lnualat that there IS nailing 'terms With 11$11to. depression—for it extended its 'business Well I 'raffia' think. go.•have had either, -he was Welsh). la an 4e1d$ in the t'an'lltl° T,„,..,4„131 years real occasion to 4.1e very serious txt times. I have aeon saate Vell good /died men the. Ontario Iledre-Eleetrie Cornea -store of Pf°51331tY• Erb° tentral °I.4:4 -m--411.- One time, ,tor %stance, was one Sunday hl Ilir ramiilee and A,Onio indeed that hos produced Ahem results Ott a. co* Afternoon / drove helve to fled a nine- had tar mere horsepower than MY en - basis Viet Is 'Iteeer thau,,tq 3tflown in, roomed maid brick house m asime. and gine is rated, but -these good, extra, good connection with 4111( Prit'ateW owned tne roof did not look either. That less X Might add it was all 'furnished and Men, that almost broke the world veeord ern -potation, It. . ie eri Ohjeet of t e event day, such -men as, tor instance, world's edinhatiort. •No hitting:Int ‘IvIttsti:rwaoaaattolittta lit,,11°P.malilgtibtd°alleaaf°ure' %nit AlellleitidinerletrniSmeleartajndlir amnia; W146oVrkerliarSt°dP, tinier Witheett borne nrofeutidir IMMO* . Lste‘V.43. n11731°1h, Ora 1 found gathered Otero had all left tho ommunitieS, -where their an:auger frOm any tountrot eomee to One vet, In brio, ttilen eas looks taek ()yell (worth thirty thousand or moro) and fom fate directed ney wandering foot, good old MUMMA deacon reeords and fame were broadcasted, he. 113 Ifistaill it I° <4 g°4/d " ot a` alir°41°*' remember it trtta Sunday afternoon and deo there. No 'doubt their tame 044 re" This, there att the otterprise whie•ii, o tow outat-elbows politiciana and blatix. in. !the 'remains of isey home 'were Still Wm. cords increase with age and telling. crskiting journalists have been trying to-. Well this goat old encen tolled The luunc-browed 'verses for this issue diopernee midheraphoh ta terra iniS* tad, sin yott 110170 an Ws Of eelling the make Tyrone,. Whether. yon agree about Me off to one .shle, and this is what he ore two- more attempts of yarns- truir to deralang why the great power ring in give me Srat chance," idol); you the tlenning there it eense mid platio, 'eltieVeue enda. It .is quite' few to ult.. brie.k.tt tip tinitil Istatt.• which. tvisliec to tor- Ina otit 041,428 two tor toct, but to le :called ember 14 the euhetenee of the teXt. One -.1 beet that ear. 11,0:nate. Nature? Ile dld nee the tvater PAWere. Of tint eoutittyl was out for u baraalu. $0. you wallow "The Dog That's Doan." "dust /WWI and tho other is They ptetty for -pritiate =fit, ehoUld Wish to tee it, noes. It you make oebeea forget for a much tell their owe; steleye 1 hbve al - tow Manatee (with humor) the Carts W4/8 loved child:ea and have quite 0 ellgO waY- The ‘sibluPaigue of do,frim- and worries et me, eorna think $011 aro coliectiOn or 0/Afton's Attu= that II Oatetlea Ilydro eiteredited In every pos. 'nal 4kaan In Na‘v Irrkl'aill C„..,'"e:,..1,5.?,,. hilly, foolish and Without sone. and Nun cnoliPed At tintes hero And there: Some over *04 Vara il0 ant. .113 ,-'t'-'4* "'"-"- on the other hand it yen act rand look have oven beat enlarged and Printed In 11.0etleCil ever date. nut ib fo las eanY ram. mow, &lune tignic you are lust Soule Of the biggest paperS hi the StateS, a mean old grouch, Soine are bolted to the ander don. lilloY taY the. whole get the wrong slant to- what you Write world loves .e. bra, OKI teeny Ve tell or eay, whetever it is„ So for i nava no The, other ono is 'just a little word cm apoloV to make for either.- know admire a whiner. Success (Mims . X SuP)ese Stur think because I $C81* t* MOO •deers thanks rind eliurchts botlo., bit about tic girls or 'write, a telt called Como ca Yi a winner Iler.e« With 01111 0 elericeorne" et 01:1 4(beteleing," ete., that quitter never wins, but tome tintecir. thoy stimu ,:•4f poisons and your !Ivor, SO rid - 1/11PrOV4 Yalef APPETITE:, . 25S:tadtt4eve7e-ricatielkings. CeAltrrEltS MINUS. •COME TO ECHLE •••••••••••**,01. 7 SECOND :WEEK OF OUR THIRD ANNIVERSARY SALE REMEMBERW1 WARE oult.PRofirrs•, wiTn. YOU BY aiVING YOU 5 P ER -0 CENT. PREMIUM *COUPONS wail A CASH PURCHASE . OF 25c OR 0 V E R, OTHERS HAVE • TRIED- OUR GOODS.; WHY NOT YOU? IRead Our List of Anniversary Extra Specials for the Week Sat., March 5th, to Sat., March Tht.4, to tun% tuat, ancreitess ept,„ to utultratand why Cana_lions, alto la; vit nauhamas Away tirm tlaitn to CpCalt as. xcpoorible beings, out offering on lots of prof, theY oX XrdralliaMm." hecti tasking the Inon,-; iitiimQ that Tfoltdvl cat by MIL ifr. hieerts, the inanagment el this colossal tuts: - out of the piestrxmv,s. came DTI raise le emlred and cortup'.", root turd thidgfs he Liberal Patty, 25 was la terOlo alts*ek to tho cr Calatia to oc‘Ir that the Iiiher4s had tenivod bpicozds of 4700,00 ft-41111re m.xustess ot Beauharnois it order to obtain from * Mend Gave:mint the conceitiona and grants it had ebteted in culler, to. mooed Bt./Minim:It% r, et) ts vela to hear in mind that when Itt IL B. Bemett was offered $200.000 el tbie loOt for his party, ito rep/led in the nowfitmats phret, 'tibt, datat:d Rd it * foregont tancham the the Mortal lintlliors about Itydni, shite this Aorrestigation is la pogrom *Vibe talexa or& * grata ot ea% That is ot, very Oplifitielli that the $1t0l*avaP..t. NI saw** by tho tutarst twit tam unfortunate p2olti•on, Isorrolor ZIMIttiarnolt, Or*? are whige.1 41* tiza voics, tbDat Pin in the hue end cry. "Withitt - bralreh, end delnalet thet the Ontario ,uxu wourau, nolo pr4r, goverdnient do:1M a'..pt Mat theery. Two to tue fatty one 2 mcd; cvou the u--- 13e•ad hook says. "With thy knowledge 43 " • caum.t.u.... Same just lack the b.11aren. 0 y ,vinclomtartlinet. I nut rather backward FOR FLETCHER'S: its earning fel-weed tehen gato to this etASTORIA serious Ma. ara Szot3t and old- roneoaoa titenea not to be at all liable Duli Patrols Around Her. Heart Shortness, of Breath t4041RNS PriN Mot IT. Worn, lor Vonmoon Aye. 1.7 ont, writoc—PTor omtv5 umn bad my ileac I' wan ao abort bmath I could hardly go up luidia, and could not got aday7 Attie at night. (Owl had told too ahout Milburn.* Heart and Nerve, bib', errs T thought I, would give them * trial. T thaukfid T did for aftee tmannt aisle* Warm felt likex es different perAcin,,, ran eli.olr roundlr '41 tight, arid flo own Ito& nage tiold ilrog awl g000ral *tore*. or mailed diroelk re, -pt of pneo by `The T. Milburn CAI 1A44 X Toroato4 Ofic cuinstautts altei cases a bit. It we knew all the facts tilt loser might even ho the winner. . The Create:, Obaracter in history, the Ntart Who alts born 10 tho Manager, and died on the trots, according to tho good book, and Jimmied Ohrfttianity, was, as the world considered, a, fame. ilis re4 nusy bandoe—*t bard tasks ' a in and darn*. Persian lisint keeps the skin soft and Removes redness and relieves irritation. At mot Drwsisi PERAAN BALM A FREE STICK of the New Honey Yeast or Juicy Fruit Gum . to each customer 110111111111111111111 BitovvN Olt 1n/011MATED SUGAR - 10 lbs, for sso 'Freshly Roasted. PEANUTS Per Jumbo S.a.lte d Per lb... ...15c tosammilistamsoim Form DRIED PEACHES and ikritiCoTs Per lb. di1e ammiamia Baechler's Pride . COFFEE 1 lb. tin.. , ..35c summinoiniammiminus mos uooT OR GINGER DEE* Per Pkg.20c 11.11111.1.111111..1111111.111011. • CORNED BEE? 12 -oz. tit, each. 15c miamommilmoulim ARTIPIOW, VANILLA E./traitor d for 211C Large . Zeti 1111111111101101.1610.111111111 Flaked Wheat 4 lbs. for.. ..25c astrisairissitrairsioirs FRUITS, and VEGETABLES .Spanish Onions, 3 lbs. . . • .25c Fancy Urge Leniorts,• Perdoi. . .25e Hubba'rd Squash, ea, .....10e, 15c, 20c Vegetable Marrows, each . , , . . ..... Sc Cooking Onions, '8 lbs. for ........25c Orange, Grape Fruit, Tomatoes, celery, Cauliflower Head Lettuce, Etc., at 13e0 Prices 411111111111111.1111•111111.0.1m1s. MEATS and FIS.11 Salmon Steak, per Ib.................,.15c Halibut Steak, per lb. . .........10c Breakfast Bacon By the piece, lb.. 12c Sliced, lb. „ . .15c • Pure Pork Sausage, country style, 2 lbs. for . .25c Choice Pot Roasts Beef, per lb....10e Round Steak, per 1b; . • . lTc Sirloin and Porter. - house, In. . • .20c 410010101111011111111111111. 41111.111.111"1"1111111111.111111.11.11.1111111 PURE MAPLE SYRUP Per pint, 35c Aunt 3emima's PANCAKE FLOUR per package 17c 12 -oz. tin FOREST CITY Baking Powder with Free Piece of Glassware, 23c /11111111111111.11111111.101111111.1 corm, PEAS and TOitaVIES 3 Luce tins 25p isisamomoitillinflog HEINTZ PORK & BEANS Large tin, 2 for.. .35c 1VIedium tin, 2 for... .. ..23c - Small, 3 for 25c atarLp LEAF" SALMON Tall tin small tilt A Speeial Representative of the PALMOLIVE CO. will be in our store SATURDAY, MARCH 5th o demonstrate Palmolive Goods. 340 19e Our Own Blend ENGLISH' - BREAKFAST,. TEA. Black, Green or or Mixed • IA lb. pkg....23c 11111110111=M0001,11111 CASTILE SOA? .11110 teree bar; k for Soleil bar,- 5 tor' /50 . HEINTZ TOMATO JUICE Medium ;tin, 2 for.. ..... 23c THESE PRICES FOR CASH Our Meats and Perishable Goods are kept under Electrical Refrigeration. tig,tritzl, Kindly let us have your order early. G. W. SAECHLER hone 368 COP. EAST ST. .AND WARE Our Own Delivery u+1006.01140600110P#410~1V4000•406.41111000ftwolfrowlivaiwolival.0400100404,404, '42