The Goderich Star, 1932-02-25, Page 6•
• TflINt NtUN. &UT
• --rn-••••••••••*•••••••--
e-144Uarta rW 1 e entre at Jovelen be ,nota ,,,,giaatly oy Mane up
lT tete,.. raa+at ae cap uvea xw ca ..,.:a a.a report on' c iniac. Lynda eaye elle
*4!Cet i:a"t°I6" a rc.l tinea_, balsa, asset believe Ids story. OW pep riot
are= a=lata, a"- „+ t atlfettal ret' :other visit en her lather and flees to
ate µflint watt ter eteatti Fels .•ebalast 71tl lain and dafcea will J90:.
lan father. biiat enteral. rue- t%1no audderly atopy and telly her he is
caabrr5 .tin' gal, lame nr.E golfd to tate liter right Ionia ,.Ile had
.re tea telly, her ire n -or to eau ear ten Felladastcing with Another woman.
atte::taatateetai, riaac ;Girl 13 teal la, he, Marl: discovers' Jock malting Jove to
.nett l life > in . the raw anti to b_- . t Oa when Ito return home teamed/a-
c ler. el her maths to toe iety. I3er :s-. ' niter: the Drihta get -there sand're-
w;^ s route Iter aaurronta4£ngs; Oleo latra for b la3G a, convict, Itettirit-
ttaaide w.etta her father in Ids dingy ,tat home Jocelyn finds her mother ben -
teat eete fiwnde fear seen p etette, r nine aorn.o immensely valuable Jewels.
r .
14,74 elan arreat, acct ct t'1rn, il: laden "behind her pile deed;'
stere Belsa'ard, iter father telae he,. is-; rel."; tells .ra:el3n that Jc:l: le a
;tee a ieltsto lout bat wades the uirl be ` ,ao t ltee cramp. Later Lyncle tells
b a taltre Jot!: she rices not believe in his Mara
tel oU It
., � :i'' fad ,
:.:��......-._...�t;�J3.;i,.EC',?+td 4:"::.. 4`h.rci�'"$1 flan-. ease 4 coati will fry' and n. , {.,
44444. rola s l}n lata ,tit the wait tt ,x. - cedlela hero JoaI eltabh3 will dear
se - weather at ea a ,,,world Maas,' t., Tonne. •
Marcellafinds her Jevwe1:, otejen and
Tt e tent trete"t ve Woo uncovers
•i 'a into a ^ :a' n, v oat -ar e:tines of Lynda,
vim : awn dieQ. a. ,1;;
lel rang v�1to she is. Lynda
all tc?Ix'a ...`. ett e , IA.,father
aaz#u inert dee, d idea to marry Felix 'quick
t titilona to ta ot:,t.i: arc anode for the
Sat wen. Mai to tell her the
tale.Lyn . i .t 2 •ante nation of his Safc', as a allelic of
F t; . t�anfdence in her.
• ......:..-....�.•.�.�..s ....
041EN1 AL ' WORKS.
11.i MILTON- ST.
Material and--Latest--
flakier' 'Workmanshipr
AIR: Work Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable
ltoar lhttsirwssi will be
yam 'alpiSe TION
4 t11U1fl ONTARIO, -
i'~: O. Ilea 16I
A t'n" -chin nation and as
1»mpanied by Jocl: Linda enters Felix'
effete at Maid, abstracts the wanted
pence's- from the safe and throws them
down to Jock, wile is welting helots,
n tint ed by the Janitor and
turned over to the '.police. relax learns
the hod amara}lain, in W tithietoll, `that
s.. 'boy" had broken into his safe.
Felix finds Lynda in a cell and de-
mantle of ler the papers she took from
bet We.
t ne) ON Waif if TIE STORY
He laughed grimly to saver lila; furl
loam • astonishment, his growing fright
She' teemed to him acilange]ina.`
"loo yqu know what you've done? Do
you even begin to know what you, are .up
against? You. Jocelyn ` ilarlo*ve, hat'
been taught In the act flf house-tfreak
ing tad theft, You e:e in the hands Cif
the lags Do YOU know anytiihrg' al:eut
its rower?'" .
"More: than 1 did," quoth Irynda with
Nick's tool irony. ' •
a3 ra,a a..,-•4•••0.• aa,taa ttarC to defy
me . et is my t; meete.6Y ale; o that can.
Ger, Nota taint taf this retly. this ;hatable
tea' Do yea Fant to ray exigent„
ttate'a' Itasca? There; ate till..tarisa 1% tan^r where 7r .e:1t escuen pd -
teat...„ are dented. rand flea.
" etave gent other people tG
erred Lynda, 'Teeple. very much less
horny than T nam'
Ills narrowed ley eyes probed her Neale
Mee- $ler face twat. litre .a #idle 13111P;Itis, lite t blue sliver of ''s£ ea, " They
g,owed and aldttereed at each Other for
eau itistunt $llesitly.
"Mont ont'have yotisla .your hind? • What'
turret influence Itas been at work IA
,your life? What has Ied, You to d�crive
me, Jocelyn?. To deceive your mother?_
Tae �a'on .xemeanber that.'wo axe to'�be
antarried tomorrow at noon?"
She shook her head. and moistened
her Ups, trying to say "No,""
"Yes. Nothing you can pateibly do or
pay case . prevent you now from, becOna
Ing my wife tomorrow. I'11' take you out
of -this and carry you home and wheat
You've told, me the truth, of your ugly
and wicked est:apad ; you can w�aela,
youa„'.elf anti burn there herr idi clothes.;
Where in heaven's =me did you get
them? :And Get temp sleep and then
you will put on your wedding dress and
come to at. Peter's and ...... atter you
are Mrs. F�elitt Tint .' ..'..". •
He 'paused, Her •b� a've 'wide eyes had
rnE 000 me 5TAI
c maitte l oral Mares t to et se tae: a s
. a l too he ];a -k A'al 'ta D fruit meta by Vatic
,e alerFei a, Wail Mari at la^, 17(:','"::,'
1Va;w^iia c;:is Med; Meld, ark. 1:C
br.7.4kliag tiete tgla irta teetia, "Year s,?:ll
Buse me the, witereabonts of thee gentle-
trnan w eM you CI eat believe ear line
Per treat bat fee whetcr >rai.e yea' Una,:
a cy cattle of yetlatta in the New Ye.iz
ti ." c.'i3 tat lava. (U 4 SW Sin l C.1.;.:=1. t
like to Moats as'ai Maya twit v;autal inti.
s„a:.' Iio cl1 «k Iter fiercely ea, Malian
he wall haver cli';tIW Ilex to death.
"Give MO Ida al:ld,ees. Tat flet It.m,"
But that slit etead:;ttly softwee. to et `
At last they reached her seethe«'a
tract where he had round Jecelen.
Wells,' tell me-• $o Sou rated: t::•,
.he Innocsa metalline whoa '" MIM -
cella s 'voice had an Almost inuous
tivone;:$ ort alae looked ease tiertehit
her, then,at Nina," area my. 3ewels?""
Felts etas. etartled for an instant away
from hts own ;table preoacupatian, Ho
itched at the silver cross. .on Matv:ella's
flat breast. $11a platted 1 e�;* thin Wattle'
lice, then tat man, "About my leads:?"
"T didzVt icnotis--"
„Of course; I forgot you were not to
b told. 'I have had oat:. Jewels: .
hexa, hidden. They are not • mine,
They are a trust. They've beexr .stolen,
eod' mustn't say . u tford. ` sine exeitedTy
told ]rim,.
Jocelyn stood and roolted at tb cloth-
int on her bed tend the blood in tae;
body =tad, strong -and free. There lay
the outer a nblaneo of Ntak's'•daughtett
Lynda' Sandal, and the :began :to know
that it vas not only the outer semblance
that had retrained, rt vas Lynda San
days self that stood there 1oolcadown
4t Lynda' Sandal's quaint art e. The
night's work with all the adventure o td
filled. •
'• "After' you are my Wife." be said and
then .with as ery ho gathered her up into
his arms. and parried her about the xoom,.
kissing her wildly, ruthlessly,, at his will,
until the went 1'anp` and her 'head drop-
ped back.
Then Vella laid her down on the floor
• and as soon as, her eyelids fluttered he
went out, locking the door. `
He Came, Mopping his bitten 11p and-
laughing, to the dcsi<,
e ',Took here, Cracker," lie said. "This.
- isn't at all the sort.of looks 11ke,
The girl is one of these silly debutantes.
She!s been •put up to' n : wild sort of
prank by some of herr friends and she's
had. her • lesson, What name did she
give You?""
Her piasters spirit winced and'harden
ed, -....
"You talose very little as yet. Listen
SAilliors.testify that BABY'S OWN TABLETS' ern invaluable
for childten's heed cads and feverish colds.
"rltrtrlietgn of a cold," writes i rs.
ileterrte Shaftesbury place, To.
trwita" nein nine children have been out
etereseitia latter ler, X give. Baby's' Own
""i ntelidetassi their are 4114644 agaialthe
ieteJ -I.
• i�y'r's. E..Knowles, R. R.3, Gran-
;knn ,1rtt;.vinr"tes: "Ilaby'a Own Tab-
, easily --•Y waiutdn't
she ;#a:me tato r if they test take' 45
Mee ?Co;mor. •Godfrey, Ont.,
saw +;'at',ailea'. Own, Tablets are non- .
efitv thilerena told:, and fever."
Ivirs Frank; A. Tallen, IIarroNvz miter,
Ont., Nitrites: "It was next to animal -
toes, atter ,living Why's Own 'tliblets,
how quickly the fever disappeared."
When, you see your child with a coact
camtng on, dont ,lose any tuna in give •
ing. diaby`s Own :Tablets. 'Th} " arc'
elft tivc, Ipso, for :t,ethin
Co1ic, constipation, vomiting, steeplesa-
nags, and whenever a child is restless ..
and fretful. Absolutely SAFE -see the :
una<lyet'a • certificate an each 2S - cent
package. Over iele0,000 peekagrs sold
iia 193,1. 222
ET _
nd .. Keel
Children Well
Mothers Know
e:c SC tlO
DeForest Crosley
super --heterodyne
"Herald" has ALX,
the. latest :engineer
ing developments' it
gives -tate' highest
peak of radio perfor-
mance ever attained'
-the greatest value
radio' has '-ever seetn..
A demdnstratiOn
Will emphatically
prove this , to you.
.•i J
etv .ote. with 2'ubes
tato ne the milky features of the "Herald" are Super.
e Power-Autodyne First DcteetorPeritode and
rt Tubes Diode Detector - Complete Riegle Tone
Wit. These extra features mean 13ETTSR THAN TEN..
i PERFORMANCE. Parts and workmanship carry a -
erirrrPiasir guarantee (except tubes). -
ir rtr"eonmi$ht end learn 'how easy it is to own °Herald".
JFberal trade4n elilowaawe
p Oise Models Ranging in Pride tram -64.SO up
Let H. ZI N
t"'de "aati*re C+nl rich
Mrs. C. R ., Varane!!1: xn
writes: - -� I land bnitersd foe years
Irmo f'ar 4ipittiutt,
1 r P Fir7a titt!'il at .a %tees sly bowels
tet"+vo i%ha'i 4 1! wheat saelitet1
rlefr t,,,,, to *, sed after a *tale each irnl
,;i it;.,�,ti, T .�;" ~ ?eke, ter dyer
9x t C' . a t:. ;^.:s, ►' soat�', A friendMewed
i .� f Y f: f � '\t b. ;.,r•i a ! e'te.,T,iver rine,
^:' •if':;. " t: i':e Win.. bow... int Rr+Tlt?!}t+1►,
salt sin matte1 ,••1•_cd'eeth the r+emtttti
I taloa IM4Xfti4 t they piiW."
•rid et Are Sleet sea. rate eel wawa, et iNMr4d *!!M aw !'Mimi ef prime ue
waOs, tat , T.}eaM, tit,
"First Jimmie Brant :mrd then Lynda
1►faY,,. •
"Well, of coarse neither is: bee real.
name. I want to :hush this.thing up
and. withdraw• the change and take her
home with mai stow. The pone kid le all
din, She fainted."
M "
"About' Erg i crit?
thema K
bo papers, A
Kent's laughter etas ditflcult.but it
atilt emit_, a short hard laughter.
'That's . all might; I'll; get them back
The little devil wanted to give me a
scare. - When ><.- lay hands on the bay.
thgt helped leer �:'r
Goderieb - Hospital's -
Hundreds of Visitors View, the
Splendidly Equipped Xnstitution.
Last Thursday -
Last Thursday was thosoecasion of the
seventh annual birthday - party of the
Alexandra Marine• and General Hospital'
and throngs of visitors visited -the insti-
tution - ,during the afternoon. and were
tine Pain and the wild furtive delight highly gratified. to see the splendidly.
that had led her surely to it had killed, equipped institution. The men's and
In spite of her own Contrary intention, women's solariums 'have -added 'greatly to
not, Lynda Sandal but Jo'elyn Harlow*. the usefulness and nttraotiveness' of the
Tile convent .g1 1, lvraroella's prisoner, hospital and ' the sun Shining• brightly
the patine lady bride of Felix Dent, had made these rooms, and in fact the wleele.
gone . Forever. <Now lived and breathed hospital; look a cheery pla�o indeed, and
a woman .of strong will curd vivid pas with the neatly -uniformed nurses flit-
cion, with courage to face and to find, ting about the solarium where refresh
with the bitter courage' for truth and ments mere served end the other Booms
for reality: A w eman who loved Jock beautifully decorated. with 'flowers, the
A riewa'd, no other man; who. would go .gift of Mr, George Stewart, Mr.' Joseph
to +hurt through tiny barrier, to stand if Juck, Mr: E. V. Cook - (Clinton) and the
the must at his dishonored side. • Ahmeek send Maple Leaf Chapters of the
'Rapidly end'sut+ely she got herself in -`.1. O. D. F„ the whole aspect was rivit-
to the queer.+ little symbolic costume land. ing and attractive, • •
even ran her fingers through her':bair, The guests were received by Mrs, W.
She' meant tb. th4W Marcella and Felix L, .Horton, president of the Women's
n. changed 'character. Hospital Auxiliary, and' Mrs. •C. 4 Reith
She went into the . living -room and Gifts were received by Mrs, A. b. eats
stood there facing Felix. Kent, Lean of the Hospital Board, lexis. E. W.
"Now." she announced clearly and .Carrie veld by Mrs, Henry Breen of the
even with pity for him in her Cool volee. Goderieh Township Auxiliary, hiss Cara
and eyes, "1 will • tell you everything, Fe-. Me1llanus, Miss Chambers end Miss
I ani not afraid of you any .mare Hamilton,' graduate nurses; conducted. the
at all. visitors through the hospital, .
Felix after a long staring look sa''d, In the tea zoom the pretty table.was
"Who hi heaven's name are .you pre- 'graciously presided over by i)Ir 73. J.
tending' to be new?"" ' • ' Saults-aand•• Mrs. -learn; '&alkeld, °e4ssist-
• °"This is tlte•costume of ;a silly truant, ing in the tea: room we.e Mrs. 'Murison;
Fella, romantic enough to enjoy a dan- Mrs, rotvlie,.: Mea. • 4 F. Sturdy, Mss
serous make-believe. I'll Yiot wear • it: Etta • Sxults and Miss Mary
. M
a sin. .ButI �n �t forceyouSlate a oven of he hew wing
given. Mt' vin
d Watt oto itl the in t
on. H re
report o the sessi p
r� me like this, Because 1 felt that if the �Woaset2s AuBiltary of the G.W,V.A,
you 'ouee could see me as I really am , „ have furnished pale of the rooms and it churoan aniembers'hip of 136 in ,full !rem-
and, Felix 1 much Marc wanted to-tro :is ene of the most •complete in the hos.:bership. 13 Jaad been received by two -
possess -"--0 pitaT with iti regulation bed; Windsor' fession of faith, one by certificate. Four
"You say thingse* chair, eomfortabie easy chair and pretty members were removed by death during
"Bemuse T knew that if I looked and
rx.1.lUaata.11n'. rte. 1ui1a, 3333
NVe are on
Main Street
that .great business highway
which takes in cities, towns, vil-
lages and even Many new outpost
communities from coasi tocoast.
On this horoughfare we are in
the cornpany of all classes 'who
work hard and contribute
much to Canada's prosperity.
We count it a privuege to
in the attainment of their
We' know of no higher
ambition than to con -
on Canada'g co -Pi r Main
". with whichts amatywntiOact
4. H. TAYLOR,Afan
(intended for last week) Wm.• Walden showing a. balance of . ,
Westfield United cliurch was held on sionary Society Was given by Mits. B.,
. The annual vongregAtional meetinalof .1$13.20. The report of the Women'a
Wedoesday afternoon. The pastor, Rev, Vincent. They raised $18841 during the "
W. .7. Mortimore, Ale„.presided over Ile year, teds being about $40 below the al -
lug %tare tread by the secretacrye Mr. Mara was presented by -the prisident,-Mr. Noe- ,
vin mcDowell; and adopted. The re- min eleDowell. Total rbceipts $9.63„.
running. since October. The Dramatic
fred Campbell.. The total topelpte were
$429,16. Trie balance at the' end of the .
a/apoitited caretaker fee another year. .
The following are the officers ler 1932:
Members, of eessioe, Messrs. Marvin MC-
Dowelli Buchanan,. W. V, oampholl.
T. H. 'Taylei* and Jas. McGill; board Of
stewards, Mean's.. A. Walsh. Leonard
Cook, W. J, Peeks. la. Viacent, IL Canip-
belt and Wm. Walt:len; ;Waster, Mr. L
Marvia McDowell; missionary and. mane -
trustees. messes. J. L. McDowell, Fred j.
dressiog Jable. Another interesting
room is that given by the Respital Boatel
for the Use of the graduate uurees while
on duty in the hospltal. This -room is
beine furnished by: tbe ,abeinvae and is
were; ittra Ramiltoh, Glaciate): Town-.
-ship Auxiliary, Saltford, Auxiliary, aexe.
J63. McCann., Mrs'. Wheeler, Mrs. 4. De
the year, three removals .and eight none
resident Members:- The stewarde report
was presented by lier. Ale& McDowell,
The total receiots were $617.06, the ex-
penses ,A$618;93. "Wm. McDowell,
heeiT received...The report of the Sun-
day 'school Nvaa given by tae superieten-
dent, Mr; W. F. 0amplietl, Who reported
tion. The financial reportawas shall by
Cook, Robt. Snell, Jet= Viacent, Alva
etteteta, wirs, monwain, xes. ed during the year was $142a$ there is Minnie- aneii. mr. Mertimore osed
Greenwood, tides. T. Taylor. Mrs. wie tin with a er •
a me., a balance of $20.21 oa band. The IA. e g pr •
Mra 'VIM Milan IVngs
car, Ms. a r, Stmlay, Mies Davidson,
• Mrs: Bowler, Mre. L. Knox, 14ra G. Hill,
Mrs. rt. o. Reynolds, Utz. Rod John -
save Mrs. A A7.. tenet Mrs. lifore, Mrs.
W. Webster, Mrs, Priddle, ledss O'Reilly,
Mit. Hays, Mre; Shore. Wire. Wiuitely,
• Mrs. aleNee, Mrs. Bolt,' Mrs. Gavin,
Mrs. Gavin Greco, lied. et. W. Biotic,
Mrs. (Dr.) Martin, Mrs. tlar.) liuntert
'karat ale you, pretending to be now," relit asked. lairs. W.. F A Naftel Mrs Coulthuret
erraorkindate, Mrs. 'J. 0, Platt,
Ins fist on 'Ito• desk top wluretted.1 ewno, tne mat thinga' 07 '7431%m -tura: Val airs. .4.• D. Brown. Mrs. J. ;Murray, Mrs,
tile police ofneer who looked. down ta It i would novel' %vont mo ter Vete vrife." ..
M. Ainelle. Mr. and WS. It C. Eittnielt
• 'Vele, what de I hate to do to got doggodly and with 0, sudden derk flush,
thie elille out -of jug Mei to Iclep the "I'll, not let you go detim into tile etrote
Whole piny Vastness meet?"' - . •
plained what Might he tme. There i.vas
ed course ne aeouser but Ma Itent.,the
lent. provided. :. .. '
The moviso being torSel for, Peng, re-
turned to the lotted item arid found
Joselsra sitting daredly against the well,
her head dropped forward ets her knees.
clothes. Ite helped tier up and, getting
her hat; pulled it -down over bet ., eyes
and so, shielding her trout .ainuesti And
half tagged tier mit to his wrdtitur
As 'WO MOW, silentlY up tho cites
er4wded avenues Felix prer:entiy reinem- uretotype. 1 .tvott't kneel i'lOr eilt to you,
be,ed the' ecinversatior that took plate rem What Ore you gang to 40"
as thoY drove. fast teaVard Nith the urirst,'" he said, *T11 take you hack
wind ht their eyes. At the end of 0 to tho polite dation mid Immo yoo over
careful xecairiniett011 0, thla 00°.vox-4- to' the tender methods they use there
for getting information. Yon know I ,
what. that meattsto,
'they both looked about and el
tlieW lips,
Mrs. qtr.) Oration, lifim W. Ball, W.
H. Rebertseit, aim. 13. J. Saults; aers.
Sale, Mrs. L. letaskell, Goderich Dairy.
--or 'into the mud. 111 klaire you ill „Mit end Mrs. George Stewart, Ma and
spite of your madness and your wiehed- ;Vire. 4 F. Sturdy, Miss Etta Saults, Mra
nem And AO% to begin eaelne 'ytal, Fe W, Carrie,. Um. a is. Reid, liars. .7,
Eali Me what eau know and let's get on A Robertson, Mrs,. Sandy, IVIrs.. °cargo
with the search for Ma papal. 1 take. aracVlear, Wm 4 L. Cole, Mrs. IL 3. A.
it that you understand. what use this IvlapNwan, Mrs. M. Meseta
man could make of them to ruin itie.", Cash. deflations: Miss 'Taylor, alto.
"X love that man. I want him tol Sinclair, Mrs. .7., XL Tastier, Mrs. Shaver.
clear himself even if it'Intist he at the George Witham% Judge !Costello, S. '4.
Nice of Your rutn, vedlo. Sault.% Mrs, A Chaplaart, Toronto; Oed-
Pax, very euu and grim end white,
Borten, nev, Jo at natl. Mra. Mills,
"I'm 61106:36 06 tor Our mentY then? A. Taylor. Mra. IL Oreeravood. "Mrs.
.L. Potions, Canon, Hill; Mrs. D. .Arnold.
Robert' Jolmsbett, Mice Ada Buffett, A
"Yee. X have "been •knelt to, 45 Your Itatrcellde. Itirat le UnalcA Mc Andrews.
Mrs. O. Taylor. The total trash et:earl-
After the petty the fiewereewere dis-
tion tpoke• and looked down at her
FOX leaned Wee,. •and how
did you meet tint?'" be risked quietly.
"Nick Sandal. lie in In this city. Re
eamo oho night to we to In the apart.
'UtIt Fells, If her moths:4
must kUDIV tint Niek had. vitited bra -
what about the lowetsr
"Row long ogo was that2"
mtaable. coot b13.
, 'lust aftcr our 'comment was aft.
taunted. Ile taw it in the papers,
nee eyes filled and et -allowed silently. ,`Loo- le eat, /Se Don let her
"I lave Niek. reetN,"
tt.;14Y..°11%. tc113 1:"‘``1.7 f3th" at- 10,-tettufingir o'itwsrso,btetrnv.husel:erecioubekn. th:Te.„4.1sthiswInnov.t1:
be:n khn n104', I man vita alts iseett gobs arid out
After 10' Years el Asthma Or. 3.
Kelloggei Asthma Remedy proves the
ed only relief for one grateful user,. and
this is but one ease among many. Little
wonder that it ban now beeeme the one
rczognIzed remedy on the market. .rt
luts earned Its fame by it5 never failing
ritettireum. amine it,
it has done ter tem Xt is the greatest
estlusia cpc:1111a within, the reach of suf-
fering humanity.
Marcella came' into. the rota. lane
:lotted toward Lynda with a quick ery
of 'Mid, then checked herself. ttaring.
deed lookira from Kent to the tall
strange girl. All at once lie? fue deep.
ly colored. She velar:lied her hands and
maad tliem curiously up and down,
She ran over to kbe doer that led bolt
into the almalment and locked it, still
with her siAted eyes trm Lynda; then
gvaured to Kent to repeat this al.'
• /tenth* Cate his eye.2. nem this peel. (To be eyetinuell
era tett at?'
"Vee. 0.1 tat eke teat (la it•Dtil
! latex et.. -11 deatate titeastel tat. eteee' esate •4110111W3
The Mutual Life
race ay
f Canada
(IONE 25.0
of any
Cooka 21i rain's...after the -water bolls 2ess
Whenever you haVe'llOrne
nagging ache or pain, take
tate tablets of Aspirin.
YOull get immediate relief.
There's sew* ever an
ache or pain that Aspirin
tisne'whenyou can't take it.,
The tablets with the
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es they can Splete you soy
pain or distomfort. just be
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not a substitute.