HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-02-25, Page 2T nc
aut qji,
rimb-C Gobedd; %tars,
cr;� a v%a fca'.1r.g. On$ 21M RU mb",fr C's llcaltlh, WLIM U rc;�s;,4;m,
wcr zz) Vzz-,!r*:0 WXX4 �Dc ta =Cul� L,;� tac mazagemm ct t:10 A-Azxcr 1 -os,
,�o 12.
C X3 04'
ontatk), 00VkVA-kMM1.1 dml
"aZA11.1 4210 ai-t:313 e1cu V.
zza.- �R C51 u,�
mat 6t�ia 6 uutm chAws ia tuo
4r 4a.
70=3 $2,03 rcc .7,-ar In
=;r ut==", Valnlna C:bq,�!a wiwga
CAU7,4Wual cumua for vuz-C3 cr
� T,
nQ�� 1 ,
�Vvc:j wlx�l diango 02 eedrcz4 zi vt
'Tan ;.-I,
4 , J;Tav!
')r. cz� ..-- C- ,
ZCz4sWl03, I UA100 Seen the ealstorul
dmm r72 1Z3,,* V14-Iro. o V�1, "w;d *y zma�
bu�bave not md It all. Ue 03m.
uAr" ma'a 02 cm* WetU nr,
11tal b:�a74 zza
fWavent, b OLI"yx 9-fady to H*U to
o MV0 911"Irr em:=04�:w, fat= * a
- -, V:,' :0WnaArV. P-4 !3D a1z*
aavg�% -but I Inv "y that 114a �Cjiaego
a ta�o tucy Wt to rcaA& lx�zero C,
Ia amtoulAWE3 In the nw.tcr -RA� th(l
40n. V640 EX=2pliam Will 110
iarzlc�lj M 011VIZVa Wr pin W=4A per
bw:, -
tho C=3.
wa ara u3tulca to can�co
wjsjic� tlkiq s,,r
T'h'0Mo Vt,
mado b�l rQ315tcrca� ll�tterl. =encl.
Vder or ebmw rivablo at par In. 0
V11, �-o 6, rolu?�� "h.,- 'Ir of
TownsW14 0"r4 Anpo$nk4
I "I C. ',. �1 V
.rAAduat..- . C
20tb, 1039
"1". thl:� -;2,
Who Reformer has favored ti)wnship
of .rr= aral;y3t1wi Ia de�71 IN the
sOMI boards 744 A =Oro emotent wt of
km,�Ilvr lzospItala wIll be eon-
aftfalsItering rurals,%=15. OU4
MUIVU0 to. gradu their
#ugantl, yearg ago, Dr. X�geYWU Uyerc_4m
birei &tandhrd -of allrm,
was i�catiaq W to��41* board� 64
,Asu iour prut&t for XANAM, the
Non -secret rwmip"90 of a. giftea
caioAdiau Chen".
ATO YOU One of tuo count%�za r?uz�rem
from WdRey-131adder wolmcmz., nh,=-
matisat 4nd GO% V2110 ha* otried. ovm-�J
thlue, and come to, tile point whox* you
fee, your caso I-$ bopelew. I
gave UVot XAR4FXX Tablet%-nalst
Ova You qul0c and'vura rellef from 4111
thq misery of Bladder Weakgc.-s: rellef
1frvm,'13sokaihe; lfg pains; mre and
stiff 4olat% swollen feet qnd anld�-.; and
rheumatic twinaes--or vour monev I
JW oiae-p re-zUtanvo to the japart- tue, iamer wspu= to c,,-% wir mcisaer no nor iton, u.,M%ox(t ycx- be TeMaed, without question. I hose mis, -hauled by trucks, agd =446
o4i This' v411 much guson, could cQUVWVo, the =ra ft�i-lttp rttUrrAs thqr� (6boy do tirs, the rnWQ*ziZ . The
ew !,big i4�- At 0hanvu4i doco not OP. , tratqlug ools, InaAdlents of KARArw ale LONDESBORO tecord time. The entlm roof was agame
suarer rapidly r0oce the ranlz ef. - that It WOU14 lie "in their Wst Interest, service. plainiy PrW4 44 'on the label. Ton . .
pear to tu l(ki*WG IA aaroli.. 0.8t E S H A L 1, When they xe=he4 the acene. I se'
the :Auzo, and, Irom an pronondo xo%� a rural 40ba%bot 01, Volumeree, However popular It may W to VetUrQ MqOW exactir v4mt, you!,re te,10no---and, L laid from d; creek ln _rQa0Ac&$11hp7Wd1
Aandpalnt, tho larger bas;W.Wa can I.Vomel gut in, r%vor of. the: �AMO thing the o1v)J.scrjr=t as, an idle, and prosper. the cost I� gmull, any adjoiXLlng buildings be endangered,
W.oWea 1wJCh:,0 bg- allowcil to bold oMca bottev allQrd. trAlUed. nurstr- &taffo and It will W Interceft.T fbosgo, what ef;. cus parasIte, there is 0ery- evlden�e community ball at. 1,onde§�qro' but the bucket VrIgade prevented Any
than the rm3ll limpitals. Wt It TAII have. tWt,, for I the =Ost part, the C&U.44taU The
nth of BlAh, Was. destroTll flying embe-s from
4 chortb, but Of == thOy 'W0%k1d!Vt "It An Off of Merlt.-I�r. Thomas! Wee- five =1104 so �Otlng further fires.
at. Imp"W Conference , peoplo, an%I the peoplo of Ontario, havo defective -�707499 insuirauce.
Want . to bq loldorej 40MMOtS Wk CX- sh- ,j eVer 1-.1tj ;ro�ed been well and �poWeientlously oerVe.4 by We Oil Is not 1L. Jumble, `of modivinal sub- by jare, apparently caused. by
(rinancigi post) out about 5 P!!' the.JOSS or the fine haU is deeply felt by
file rnl�Olng tml, 4!NI� the V is a favorite theme of some editors. ihQsc In government Offices, stances thrown together =4 -pushed by pipes., V112ich -Sroke
dr)" -IF rlt, Jn'Aftit wht,�h a;aj -,pubIll, f;n . p__ That there, should be greater oftlency advertising, but the, result, of the ear;e� ?4qnd4y.,:'-The building Was of
e%t; *V"o d1sc= t4e�
bas been dovelo0ed by, 1W %--,i%-- ond greater economy In government, thit fol Investigation of the be,11ing, qualities: "Donitru.,tion and wis built about ten
aftor-dUmer speO0110 lxorthcom,4 Imperlat, Wonomw 0onfe.- . In j As l4n�! Douglas, Fgyntii�i roW.-
avp.aM, mi servi= might be Of certain oil$ as applied to. the human years ago at A 00st Of 00,600,
of a J%lf &ZOA OY me The existence P -le to� armne that the 0,0%dcrence should rca.-Onably pUrtallad or even Abandoned 1)0(!Y� It I$ A. r4rQ o . r flghtin equIpm-1, able in jt,� vd-k F� v- 4�010b. r,
re or4tor6 a con . f where,, and it desboro has a fI e- g
I "AU I d 9�4 li� %,0wrqvbed In 9, b4rzainlag soirit, needs nq discussion. But the cutting of won, and kept public ZOVInobrintraotionthe first, an alarm was sounded at BlYth kLs F0011 lieves.instantly burns,* spralm, t0dthWOie
tanporary d1sptses of one With they can be reacbe quickly in =0-01,T110 Wnlfratlft 00 there ts NoTething civil service.,zAlWelf ought to be vff�Ikd A U14 of it. fire -was d1seovered, and the BW -h gia, XnValuable f& sore
willearry conviction to any as the and neuMl
VJmk volto i4riefly.1- The- Toporter antl *1emz-s1tp 11 the,way,to btlaff ibe bme- mean and oetty abotit bargs&ftS is qne with d 'Who doubt It$ Power to r4palr and -heal, brigade left with Its steam Pump s."4 thrp d qt4nsy.
ue discretion, . There ar#, W feel. at, croup an
010 VMter b6th are to ber congratlil4t_ flto.� of hospital tervice, to the people, and that should be ftnelled. It the Xmper. many other gua. Moro important fields.
oat be Considered as. torward &tcp,j,1l1 'have to'be W'bUsluess�llke tr4cUng
- R 10CAL . �hVWIW UtO Of oOUP,06*10 UPOU a ba4s of agree t people already Vltbo,ut employment, the
'WWassoto ot-ovor forty.mlltlono 9#4 TAO 67UdU4W 0. - men itg
undue. ourtailment of purehasw�
fal E;MnQWQ ConfOretiod of 1932 is to
on their good taste. my -move that defeAW that object.can. . for the exercise of oronomy at- A tip
succeed. -where the 1934. -Onec failed, .40
like the, present, With mr many of bur
gab of th0A Wo Willions� mostly absorbed 'lopalllr, us Mrs. jrort�o, LA, the * 9�agr`%I � OrItAIP14 of Xmporlal
pbwet of so large o� toction, of thepopu- on
'Pre3ldent of tbo Womewe ROV161 Aux- evelooment, ThO' 1930 _0=- lation as tbosa_-.coMprIsW9 the -dvil ser-
c^onoJzio 4 M F 'TO
00%mtV have little 7 �fprweo wal toompraotica if W.
Omsta this Province, that 'wish, thoywere Of 0=05 USEF
It. 'Pebtres twto 'WOM4 not b6 the: qualified Imuraftle-31 theories and. their
In *12004 shape, or 4aything like,
UUra$ aVAIIAble lo=lly to the. 6=0 ex., rompietelV emoty. But t Wbetller bar� ORGANIZATION'
an A 4 - vice o�nnot be timed with equanimity.
to worry ovkr� There are plenty o0un' iffar�. peints, oUtt an4 it A" the tr3foing WOO Of those who Attended that ton- E C,
t�_ b4 ;lozie� In IM00 14eytve wont I�Ith theIr heads filled wIt
t0fit Ar, at, 1;�csant, to -tbe disadvantage qatnInc,for JMOerjal preferences is sound
7%0 Opposition, is got laekhj�j $or or not It Is goltiq to be the order of th
smaller e Vijt
of 'the contres, orta, Home and School Club Nofts
cro twoRepburn.
laiders 4t Toronto, Th , VVOM the hunl day at otiawa in july.
0,41W140 Standpoint Nve 63y, "let. t1r,
Sinclair, Nixon and mow Or, 10. 4. 61101P.- Vaoorles -for i0mada Anniv,ftsary
qW.:iJ I MrAe physiolan, is. spoken of a$ =all hoszgUas eowinue to 'hely' (Thornton PArkis In . 84pirday Night)' Iiinth anniversary of, Its 01.,gaj I_
strXinhil ila4qols as -at present.,, Tite 'win
legor �t PA w0piadent 14bentaroup, If the proJected Intra.1;mpIre Trade zation was celebrated by Victoria, School
ur 'Thetre having Godvrioh. hospital board on4t)l Conference, Which U�sohedvIed to :take Homo and $chool Club oil Thu=dayf
two graduate uursts, -one for 4ayr, and., vlace :10 0ttawx-.nsXt Jft DA'XIVes a night Iri the kindergarten, room of the
A tausb timo: gettlovvid of Mr. Sb
for n1ght and, a�;,occaslat some0basts for.,intoempiro tj*do pre.; so#ool� The tonual reports were also.
dems;n, ferences, we may -look for ii vast number.
Use$ the VOrVicos of other loe;,O gmdu. presented showing a year of fine endea,
SAG of Amer c
1 -an factories W come; to. Can-. vor and activity. , DurtAK tbe, evening o
ates. and 4 00nslftrlDg� �thO'de$I.rabilltY ada In: o�der to maintain their export -am W�z tile.
pleasing foq%�e of the progx
when times -or- uar4. 4*0these are now, of having, a thlrd.gmduato, on the sto, )o�ttion, This Ut turn should have. Its presontation of- Vwcr lovely sfl*r bud
Why go to=, -ref;tdarb', to thlitAbe Proportion Of grar lmueficl%l colo" at upo� every form of In- vases to t1rio retiring dent, 30s., C. TdIRD
'I '171th a frown on Our
:Tbp Uddress was, read by VE
-so", In. training Is 'good, his, Rhould res:wre a large am tein
Just attor the U�Vpk birthday part�r I qunb Of bUs. Calvin Outt, the gif g Present
And by -ounolves, and telt 0,u of A
'brow. 404w,... 1 to nui Iustty. emploYment *111 Incre4sO, 4ud! X. NN 41RSA N -SALE,
wage earners' pUtc4aslng poweri freight tid by'Mrs. gorbe% Miller.
rar vbo knows �what may WPM to� the, 16041 4ospit4l a0d'the splen(44 St4te traille, shouid hlcrO�s,,, and'agricultilie , The secretarl,, Mrs, millar, -Presented
of I eill0ency. visitors to the hospital sv�w rhoUld benefit by stimUl . Atied domeiti . a the r'e ort for the. year.. Nine r6gulw, RE R -WE. SHARk OUR PROFITS,'
on -that otoa ,the toport of br, Weir dew4nd for produciz, medings were.held, addrmod by. W*' WITH YOU, BY:GI*1[NG YOU 5 PER
We know that God b1thero above, plori WITH, A
Inmeq with h no-Ity jolt but WL. do 3�oj Civil, Service SAW100 0eprge John#zg, Dr., W. AUrtln� Mrs. p CENT. PREMIUM COUPON$
I HeU -protect us vVith his love.
Miss Mary HASH OF *:25e. OR
think the overnment is itt'PIV to Q, - Afthlbal.d, Seaforth, Ws. 0. X 99bert, PURC
ztv* *ftp, our- fath''bi Jesus olitist will Up. son, Or,, Obalk of London, CASH
qtieh %'dtastic step as.%�gestod.wlthout 5'
And lie %a 1044 us'thfougll th!* strlfe. r)lAud recent jnno=eemenft� Of dras4i nobertsort imd.Rev. J.- M.Wis. Playo� OTHERS IFIAVB, TRIED OVA GOODS,
looking, more th roughly 1�0 giotmd equipment anti a, lantern ba4
whalb the reductions In, the 6�1040. of ser -
"on. ft�s are bott�r, as they arobound beea 0=huld -and indk fuihishea to
results W0414 be.. WHY NOT YOU?
to bet v4nt% we think it Is Just W917 that the some 'of the chdakil,
'khO mattW we. brbUght, to, tho.;attoa. rank and Igo *I tho 01vil swvlo;6 is net
-TWO %Wok'HIM doun On'bended kne% The Welfare report - read by Mm A.
of: Ur, 0. A. nobertson,. North Hur- on th6�"Wutr"30 Taylor . for 'the conveniM 3drs. R. "Daer, R -C 4 d: 0 0 r List of: Auniv'eisaty Extra" pecials-lor.the Week
-ought, there aft many able p1ubllt, servants who ''I . I I
And tea HIM as we suroly� 'a: Membof,'On SAtUr4ay night, A�d I was �Qn txc
n are definitely iWdorpaid, "d who, It -is ellentone. QUIldrisn's. cloth-
aw much -iw meant, �vhto Our oouu Ing bad been made and xqpA ad'
IX ;-an
tho uRlsiature! 0D
tho AtAttmf'ot fm Dr. Rbb. moreW '944% receive VeAter financial for Wfi* funU shoes, rubb
`5 k
Monday he CocurC4 not to be' 'doUbted� would, In tho Com- autem , ph -quIlt -had beou'a :dhq 0eans
and athool sWilMi- -had al- vm pur� IP 'k, -1th 19at M�Al h
ru h1A $M" :1111 ut tlle� 190011141=1 last
M Ado. mb,
t v tho me �r for Xo#h'Huron
o�ntroted the xQ:te -at WhIolt cloderjoh.
!i �Mqw CA 11.0, 16,3 do-
"turo 6;4 Ulftlq 3 Del' 100AC. VI i th
4 per 0#t� tM Provl�eils paywoi.
bo. te hlt,thO $40 1Dr -the
did Wt W$ t!
csW two *=tIn begore t4o Provin-.1.4
loan *as offere4. Th=gh It is true that
ttwdebeatures; *ere'wt ready for ha*�,
40"s Qvq,tm P130 tile m1040 of 404-
uftr;� tho werp I$ftcd 43 Of daW We, Ist
--mm, tees topart
ot XW. 4t -h *xt autborized the mayor,
dok ofi4 treasurer to com.._-loe th� 8110.
owseiieh was lucky. thatit dI4 not JmVe
1ho majoce of ozolber munIcIpAty
In � �PJJM eeWN11k hourd which,
��d tho,holdr, of ldvrodn; batic
*49* U10 price Voted'. and the report or
00 *=w VOMWtteo et Veb, 404 wbich
IWO;Iel'tha totopletlon of tlio� eale of
4jairloi, 4�waf�rcs, awkea this
000ft#, 441n vlew.ot tbo.voeeut raue
In Intomeo ratow we �,-ro Viewd to my
tbat.1ho ta%% L*. Most fort-twote in being
zatt& IA. sUch
"0 rabgeltldn of tho ritime.,og the
*W,02,01! nUrshig efteabou von4i4et.0
bs, Mr., 0. !4. Weir,. protosa, 04, Wtna-
06A UV 1�t 'nuvot"W 4 DrItIsil, valaw-
bus' VhWh ;tz=40nds t1lat nursel,
Itabdug 3ftolA� be oballshed, in Im-pitals
VIM, " t1ban 70 kas wet Tcce�ved With
-3 -ter-AtWon, by
WWW3 AWO t Whs
tb0e6,%t0!t!0d %a til� 11�mplfal hero. if
80111 & Move should bo' deeld"A on It
%ta-Avza fatm lgow 40 smg.
hogv?41!� SU4 wilm w. r. 0. em -
at thor 114spitoa I)DAVA
VU "', ttl uhat tho bMZ4 VOul(l di
tc�ulatlm b;� aev--al"
Unp2als %. IC4*04, ur
t04400 OX9 "UMO aursts, oplied lm-
ftwWft "01%0 uto" 110k_#It4 up. it
. joa$ rA" if 'W'b, C�o r=ftft tJJS
'at %h,.% S=(S� "a*,taon", 116 "Ia.
Ift :1 M4 cj�o rtLintig At fo�-
t-X1MWaltV-r It WOU14 terts&4!? bo
�Wl VILTI& to mauy va,�s Of
toott *6 tile twt 0� of '03dt-
=6 VO*Nly It, ft erftr to V -111M
va"tllo vicraq 40 Wr '0W1.
chaftd. Ur ;i4ylor,in coftelusion, said 7
that in'tho,11p*,di
�ys,of the.club *begt
twmty_$Ilve� P*)* vmm-. provided
c1OUft9 044,'fte nUlnbir IM novv J
creaud to. .0ne hundred. Mrs.
. over
'MIOCT�Ath Is" t1*1 -now corivener of vgs
MEA 16 and FIA "CLAIliks. FRU W.
r. Mm Robertson. ikvWuted the i
PrWdent,_ W.9, W, - V., Price, who, r Ara choice
mpres 1K. ORK EA E
m appreciatfo4 of -the lorsi suv*;� VEGRAR
sed he Milk -fed
thO -lAtmbeft W. javen 'Past prvsidents�
Large size 17c
piano ArittruMeptib were� weft' pia$o CHICKENS Faik
d cy
�bll UalPh Henderson and Vaster Harold er .17c Medlum),.,s for. -29
YOU019, Several contests were conducted
by MWes Barney and MtWj%la. , Un Fresh selected S*eet.and juicy
Stonehouse, In-',oharge, of �he,.lante",
showed 1414 �f South Amor . ton, the OYSTERS 33C, 43c and.54�.''
PUJV mills, frUIW of 10any lim6,.4nd per Jut 0 .390 2U a. dOzOii
children of 'many lanift.. Thotbz sil .2:10.. P�g. Prunes .................. ...........
WOre, recently purchased by the -club, Try us'for. a choice Texas Seedless
Dainty WUSUM6465 Were. served bi or a, lbp� ............... .............................. 23C GRAPEFRUIT.
the social comulittee, in thugo, of X,�W, stealk Ro, st
Wofthy. � A. dellolou- Of Beef, Pork :5 for *...24C
,s birthday cake. gay Otif own
With lighted calldles,.was 'cut by o, for- rmtE NAMOA:10AP
Lamb ok Veal.
mer president
Um'Alberb . Taylor. wliq 10. bam:for �.�Aoa Choice At*
In a pleasant littlO $Peoeh IcoftgratulAted
on the pa .4 Try, its for Your DE tUXE nLLV POWDF19� TOMATOES
.accomplishments and eg0ressed-the houe neXt order 6' for ........ . ......... I....., ................. L.....2m. 20c a lb., 2. lbs. 35c
the *Moors and � merabeft
that the coming year would prove even GOOD', BULX L J$LACK TEA Head
More, GUftestf`Ul than any prevIous year, ..Our piloes UV6 ............ .....
right., hutk SOOA BISCUrrs LETTUCE
2 lbs, for .......... ...... ........................ 250 Good size, for
0" _jWW I . � -
PL Sheriff's, Pure*.: Nitta Butter
Largo bat�rel 32 -oz.
iie4 ea'eh,'.� .... 31c'
We C". 41*6 you prompt 4-1b. firt STAR
serik6 at
prim ih. the AMMONIA.,
-f611oW;ntvne& of pri, Large pkg. 44e
6, 0 SY�PA-CO
Small 4 for..,,.2U
]BULK- -4_
3 large r6lls for 23c,
3 lbs, for,
*W_Nvate Ch"ws
Heintz or Crosse
_T*0 Blackwell's
_& . I . . . . . . . . . . ........ .....
Oak fSt'"LIV SOAP Largo- bottle, 2 for
I-DoAroft, 6, bars. . for. *43c SAIL'
-.F#40ry Forms
Xrosh from the.
_W#"9 $Waxwry OLIVES ree up ad.
lArge barrelj� 35 oz. ing k with 'Baking Powder
ind, each . ..... 314C Purchase. 16 -oz. tin.
ny lu &W h6s ft 1040."
t3 w_ X0, t!W� *V,7,%d ftomseftia V*06* punt
Nerves Im"Wo-re a Total Wtftk a" we a* ***#a to tWA THESE PRICES FOR CASH
UA 4 M111 C)Uwly- W. Vllmwu URI at Couto Not Ent or Slem�
Q* 1"W*I aro ti bo ma to mm TRY US Folt yoVU CIGAR AND TOBACCO SUPPLIES
011(i TM G002WH
tc� them %k6 tl*m noft �Aft Sol"
Mrr* b -A E:�_-A T�41d Caly bA, to fffl I AM r4A litht M IVOW' 4W *qk
G, Woo BAEC" "LER'
.fro of I tk,10*1 Iq t1as' Mourn's Irmf aud'gwft " ___� $1
w!*�, uAnut. 04 i,�i6l Oto -r fA* 1" ho" T Ud wi"4 bt
mfft, �Atd Thtm 1.�� t -V Int"_ .140WK **1 W"Ir abiad a 11u,
t *** Amv� 'R*k sm ST
ftfflr W" . 111hoft 68 con. P*AST AND SQUARE Ou,r Own Delivery
ChIldren 0XV1
to_6"M"" of the um-Ofm y0a4d*wt E--n
W*_,e V., kM n fA9tdU)1y!1 160 FL WN
i -111, 011
-1 M ""Pt of It" " �77W Tt= avalfawsw
hk"Wil IWO Uo a 101t (".4tZ 4 M,
AV -4. t. I CtAZT0 R IA