HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-02-18, Page 5T- _,�_ _�7 an 1� -q1jNr-jMrrQPWw., I — -7 - - 11 I I I - _­___ -- ,W- __ I � - - 11 -v 1. I - ­ — " -7 , - TUIJUDAY. PWD, 140t, JVU THE GODERICH .STAR PAO% - I .111_­.-� .. � - - __­�____ P� ­_��__________­�,"_ �__ �____­__, I --------- - � S I � -� 41 " __ , I Z�, -,— ­ -- - I I I . I I I � I.. - : � s(I.101-AWS, � I VITAMINS PRODU CTS For those who callnot take Cod LivQr Oil we Squitlh'�L, Adex Tablets. Each tablQt coidaltis the Vitamins equal -to !,D' teaspoonful of Cod Liver 011. build, up your ro,istauci� witti them; you need this resistance at tills viola of ,the yi�ar. OOW Vitamin Pcoduots..-Squillb's Chocolate vivatosv" rich in. Vitamill R 6he lack of Vitamin, R gives poor appctite, . nerves, indigestion); also Squibb's Cod Liver 011, Vit-2111lu � tested and protec.ted. . I . I : See fW1 4:501ay in window. . � . - . I . ��_ . . CAMPBELL$ DRUG STORE � � Phone: Do . I I % 0011)ZIM0111 ON.T. . . _. � . -,— - . � I L .. 11- . �- I ­_­ _� . — iir� jvmeci A1,21.1irl, wer') ariy.:� !:.,-.--P that the wicia'af Qwo daysiwex ,,-n-, I (L' t)rce Q9 40-4140cr wid tzrCEW41t, 1-,�­ gaygroment b0are tbat t�ln�o W1 �, ­ " - ' ctatrall"d In Umuto wir. it-wa,, Q.­:�, ,C� C-11 alul. U,�! nl!'- Uwt tll� rz�pl.o vc.,o n,n bl4a*lc--4� lie was not ,WWII�ai;Vaw " 13 UVOr Qf thO UZZ-.4111 ef 47411t% It W1% ,Carrlea ta extrem-.-� la Outar.,:) aml V;1-� Iused t") llmar,,�, C-,bn,,1:1, Wj-,j-j 411a jy�,,- LItWO-11. An wo j;�� 0 I=A fe�o 17,ran,'n 11, i Uturik)17 1,�Ww_ld that vo wi��,e cur. , wtw.4cl by re'"'alaulas. T11c, wn,za t whols utel to bo. flunwea by tbo ^ . , ,,mT:-, but twenty years 4g,a tiv� f2a eyalxm wa% abol4hca and now tjA0 igrant was p3aa On W Pie'., C�at-,Qf tile C;Is auce and 04 40 ve� cent Ct the 'Cort of tonstruettm The, aoolitlell of tuo te(l sssttm was pCirte"itly proper sma it Ind icne or two ber'CA.,14 results. TIAD rural mople felt .1nere Interest in the celu*ls and In Clinton. &,%forth And XxC,,-,- ttko proportion of country and, t�iwa, Pupils Wa$ Almast even. In GoderIch Ina . . 1, "on t . . .i , . � W10RUAM MCM WErie MOM tOWA al'1101-' 'A *4%;-, G4Wfi4"44r44i -04�X,660a& 46.1W&SO %4%P 0W'V-4r­,-*, I ." � -he f0owsna night, . nolft made 4 trip to ,Detroit th-4 pal". . I , - - ,., ­.. at". 000'65.6 35'per cent. In the nVa - , � . 11 It' . . $XVFWT0X8 OF 1C9 A VAT . wz2k,tad to 5ce'Mr. 'Repolds' brotlnr JKk,;CjKjUbbS tAeEADITUAV; of Godorlob. Tho eromanimt graut7 Skirta,;PaMivers, Blouset-'and Woot'Suits'r . � � I , �11. I I . wh* Is Seriously Ill aad. ild exDc4tied to. I I . , . . . IL If S 00- I D � r. for bulldhlT got s.)m , i. ,_ 1-1.1, _ I -11, '. Such will be the,041R,10t� of -the Artf- rk.14VM. I . . .. �'. I . . . . I % bA .UOT a.vountl(r4 into 3. �j . .- - - ­ - . __ ., V! 1� VINAb4 k , TlorAblu *eoadltloxx� and rqmo had i% - -to- be oxc I . . � AcIal 'Ice Want, w4tch 066--ae 411r,-;.�.= , Urs-' *altu . xim 4tWW-W-fh-e�-1-0-zU;- --- - - t.;. ­:.-.-�n,�_.-. - �j L ON at are eptionally.good for spring . - . I I . .�­­.,.. . -.,- ­ 70,U0 rate on Accounk,of � tao -44w,"193 - - * I is, Installing ,an Wagstall, Etrae, 'tome lag� of' `th� exeautive, - of ft�'Colli4a"MUC-le ' . ' ' � . . � - _ I ",l � �- ­ - . . . ' - " , � . ­�__­ I _� 11 I _­ -1 _ - - I I . b0ildirig,' .embarked on lb�-aq5ai 0? thlql 4nd--%*a#nw#F"we*r,­ -----T-- - ----- � :_1 . I I ­ � I . j '* Of the, lawliblery 'is =.riving to�4.ay orld branch Of th4 W� M, G. oftho Unitied (doptinued, fro% pv It Ito . I . R . ze 1) . rnmgclit 11. WAO arravoed partly as a * . Q �r 10 im�mbcrs In tile Xag� grant,. And this was what � M449� th,o . I � � I xpe ut ,a I . . . . . I . I . I Mr. Jobuston, e. a;3 on- enotllt.w. of tho Church Ili London. on Tuesday. It waa ccula not -un4erst4nd *hY the - 044-AtY ZV-1) - Cal I ­ . . - I � �. . I , �. COV003ment talk of Provilinjait 01mro-Il't . I I �. I . .1 I . . . . 1. I., 1. . .. . ... . � . 0o*az-y, Toronto, .wh4 .= dcoidedw to ewm, the cost Of 4 M041110 0.9 council &uld ouly the ,Clerlt's -al I all 'at- P$141den% 'but this did not ri�ie'r to 'C016.t,tes Ilk . I . I I J. L. Wilson ary to lslabuM - 14 in PArliamL I . . . I . . ' . . supplyInsm .tliv maclilp��ry. next �'*ge% to the conference brallob. tbis ) .-a zakerls . � C - clork, In the S P, Croft � of the -I;63V4 Of W400 WAS In OQ I 0 , � I , . $12*0. when the I - 1111ron but rather to Oshaw(� And "%�.jr ., Install . tha ma.,-W-.­ry ' (,anzl,03i.�,4',�,- . Mr. - J, A. Joh0q,ion. h"Y:64 to laiva. little town was getting $1800. X—r I Chair '�Ad be called on Mayor U�e for 4 Toronto, and the Border iefties. T*jj,.,Rntj. - I We ,have just received- our I .first ship- ,, ! 1. rmlimir-w wari Is i� "progrM irk the Torontol after a t*o wo;,q-ts, v I I , � . 1 ,� e . . . : , js�,t �V.,th IjOIm%n haid,icit the,iteaciling profe,islon few words after Which Lionel partcor% Qrt-104 90o some relat,ive Asyur" i�# ,ia. . . I . i4aamt,tMi. , W, bm*.hgrr Alid sKara in Ocderich o6nd . he'lalalit have commanded $250u lvlce� president of the Boardl WrodUccd ! me -it of the new spring. apparel. Why �1_ - ". . . I I . . I � vicinity. Mr. jobusto.li has M where, . Vxow4rthl, who was present bcnture Obt And' . osset'sment of various . I . �. , I . � I . '. . ­ - .. . # - ; WATER ANO rOVMR ently T -.11M With .superannuation, Gordo, Mr. N. W counties. SCUbOro, toWnshin b.qq 1I - ­ . . .. . TO MAXE ICE turnad,1fircm a visit tohia son' ve of. Warden Rader, Mr. 000-000 ass-'ssment, With sconmon rwfi,� . in 4� tee 'early - . . I � . . Mr. AAr- young (county treasurer) of cOUM4 had taking the Tlt� not drop . , nd make your ,6ho 0 0. . . . . . I An Application. from, 0earge.Joblistall.old Johnsittia. and Mrs. Johnston, at back to and Harry Ed TrQivartha raid. Mr, Rader was a good I for instance. We in IjUren hj,d Tpaqqr. + . I I . . � I .� . for VVID.Ir -`.�,vlce to Ids premisea on W-4trious. "Qsk., and with fxfs�a the farm to, go business man$ a farmer who bad made , � 11 . . . I I I . . I � - . I . .� ft at wards didWt need the MOUOY� -'1 Wa4 congratulate Ourselves tliAt we hstvo ,i," , I . I . . I I -1 In Making Arti- , ,Saw the hyster I the lood Mid Was not fe-31111g,the dep,"e;sioa. . . . � . . . � I . . .i 4" , , - I 1,jZC L'.thbrldae, The trio to Watrous was sad indeied when I I . .4valled ourselvat of the oppqrtunitv of. I . .. I . . � - ' 1. I I I *W Ice was Inade at the ineeting.of Mad# for the PUrP6.1* lot jnzt41lIn_q'hf!S County Council' Worked itself ul) to And I Ill 00derich TOWnshill the 'four COIAM-11- grant ,too muOhl I . � . . . A : 11 . . .� .. I. I . . . . 11 tho WaMr ,,..,, -'s,4 0ammisslion laol. EOU,* Uarold, into thp offlee of am -K den,t th$ak It fairly repgo-.Dnt� thl, feel- .ors, v#o.x4i�,eve, the cler, an t e 3 .. . �4 . *1 - , ­ . . . .1 . . . wlz: A 101CAr Casa for xi;re 9x4cutlit-tre 0-1 I . '. I ­ . . I I ­ 1; . . I , . I I I . .1 . I . Cbarg,4 -to, be 11:4ed when *the quantity of M., of WAtrous, . .1 I . Railway M...11 Don% patronixe.own Road did not ouip, 4 dollar .and this was Me I. Blue Witer HlghW;jy 1. I . I I . I I 0 11 I wator to �bv Used Is known. A,nother ap- 1 , 0 ,, , '' I I Rz.vt:tIn�.to the railway situatlon Mr. tortof men to have In charge of affairs. . I . . I . � - I 1111t . :' , plicatl6n fkba Mr. Johnston ,was fOrjo � . I to. . uUm County, M,, Trowartha' said, ' Tile good roads'system stqrtiad bc,f­j I . . I to + U ., . . � I . t� . Thllr�daY Dv.. -;4 and arinted. -�Ii:� Master of MaA1607A Lodjo,-A. r4,, ,and ji Of .the county,,, ,said. tile sp�,_,.kor, surer -wero all good liusliness umn . . . . ' 4 4 it tr;�­ L . + - . �- . , _ ,, in . I t; +` , H.dBERT � I I � . . . AUBURN .. Spp'-ton said -when there Was talk of ,the days Of autos VAd the first idea *vc­ . ... I . I � . 0 . 1. ' �. I I h. p� of ,clearl-ilty to op2rate. a Mot . . � to ate ,c unties , . . . 1. I . his e, good market -r lities like � Rein ants Clearing, -at 7, . ic . . . . I I or dUetag,tht, -servl-,,b id and fr-'41 a Own W-45. One Of th most up" -d o ,oads, but -COU n 14 Prke I . . required for the! plant. I The begintilng.of the ,%reck Mr.. aud toi�n therem was a plea made -for thz In: the .Flrovinc-,. It had only a small Wthtworth, had 'rot Into the butifta of .' I I . . . � I .. I ­ , -,. . . . . . . I . .. I Mrs. George )OaWson visited . to , debt, 'which, would be, Wiped - , at . * . I .. . , .. . I I . I . . . .9, ,. , " ;_ mi i­�� frIC1244 14 tralins. to be continued. Theo there IV= d0betltu - � � � I I ; . W.Ugham. - ­ I . . , paved r6ado 011 Account of the. subu-Inn .1 ':­ � -' I . I . I . .1. ��. . . 1. .. I � . . I . . . 1. it petition for a truck Man to get 0, Ile- Out IT% telL YQD,' rs, 0116 of the best systems Area P*nd..the �samo condition 412,9 tb, .,Phone 86 1 - . - I . ,Tho Cash Store . . . . I � . . . . . U la . .- I .. 11 - , 11 I . I 1� , � . I I 1 14 The United pr4yel. meeting. In, the, ease -to operate a route' and every mil, of good roads And One' of tht- beat, edh- tro b at the Border C14M and In. 9H. ­ I . � � . I I . I .. I . . � I . Pr-])Yt�rlali ,Church last PrIday after- Vay Mal, who had ooeasloh. to "40ve eational 'System,, iTbei Board. of Trade N "" � � - 1. . " ­ I I I ­ , . . � . . . * i to I I d1c3ox"countY. 06derich should lei . . 11 I I . :.. __._'��,Z�___,..o . 1. . I '.... I r'.'011 Was Well attendo(L All the, dc�, from, bile town to another had a �fuclj WA )e conji;dUl.ated, on. getting eaIrtone Unturried, jiow, �_ gRid. tq --* � I � I . " , I , � , I . I . I I , + ever, b , , b for the, tvc AW4 , , , . � � I ; nomillations; in the village Was well ro- bavit, up tichis door to Move his fli,ralr many mm tqgethei�. 1. " � . I . ua� Was wQn4Cr4ua It it %V.13 jiio, 0'a a,)- atted as. acqompants -i I � . I I prii:senteed, : . , . . , .. more Appropriation for' t1is Blue, W.1". � ivity of btr, spotton and and was equally At home ti�hetljer, it w;w � . . .. 1. . . . a . . .. tUre, while -at the sa,tgq time -,the roll- �. �0. gobtrison, I Dry Liberal nighwAY- Work thrOU91% your . G,'11 �'C4114cf �114 Act 6Ant- "I'M'for E � . � . . . . 124. .. so manly app W E r,,,,. . .. Till*. Amer 0eached tliq hIgh%t.mArjr It Way� wera advertising for people to Use . 4. Ro4ortson ithM , I Ver'BlOwIAG Oubbles," or 11W � . . .1 ...�,;4 .. ,: . K". I. N 01, . Ur, 40rolt next. Roaft 'Comnibilon, Get your e(,-,jd - , Wild Xi . 11 ..� ,. 1. � I . .. .. . h�4 been within - the menigry - of . any tjje� rail%�aysj 11�row -can. any rallwAy. . 01110a. on Mr. wIgf.- to 11 . ments ,came to this county �40 ln� hl,. ,ish,noW,11 or Doe. Orabam!�s vpL_ . I - 1 I . � . I �. I . � I . �.., I .'' � 1 . . �. . ­ . . � 41i� roads,'CoallaWilon to $auction aliv A-.11AMI� I -to elalty. ,,show, Me the Way to qo, x4y;Ae � . 1. .. I '. I hu -P. 'if it bad*been filleA W#h floAtIng ,exist being. pavAlleled and. paralyZed Introduc Mr.' Robertson, our member in. And- we will do, our pait " -V - Owa Casio the appointrawt,was 0Z ' I � . . . . , , � .1 � . � ��re thirty, the. local house, Mr.. Robertson, Mr. . I ,., said 4 r� Rib. .that .06 man could not be, Ap- .or "Old Man. River'# or some 61�.�er 040 - . ­. . Ice -1crything Would have beeli.flooded this way?" he'asked There lcrtcilll, "I do think yo ' I the rule. ' , . I . I 'S CIALS along the b4liks'. . .� .1 I . . � draw- Wigie said, was. patriotle enough to be I More. owendit'l 4 have ,a..-.Te.Ar pointed Judge of. thecoUnty Ill. *111411 bc of Mr. Meakties �Opertblro I . ., .1 I . � I .. gvo mea he know �i In tht C.N.R. Case � for to: on the xp%dq . . . , , a a% � .. I . . ; . I .. T � . . I . hat is a t 6dueaied In our �own schools, alid"hio leading to a . . A vate-of thanks to the 'al, , . I I I P � Last wieek Ing $15,000 each, - "W CA 'per . , qd had -resided. * - .9k TeRIMS When 'he AV, sp�. .e. I " � I . 1. . . . .. I .1 . . . Mr. a , lid 9114, Jos. nowatt .. I children Also w�eve iducaked. Ahe same WAt 1. H, orioll. I mean. the Blue He:SdAlUted .to performers Wits moved by Cl � ... 11 I .Cut to th�so. merr,'� no ir*ed. Some ­ 0 V1. - � m4a Satoo' . . I . I WerA visiting their daughte 'Mrs. *Kea , . . ghwa , � � . . I I I N I �­ . . � � . * I � 'r, - cent. - Mernbors wm,% ae Was the thh-.d.gerierattaq,pn . apstinted that he' wAs being Ont from'. dora; And ooknowl4dged ty mr, Xt5t3erti. . . I I . AT � . "m Of Tudkerawith, Mr, time agoj:suggestecl that the . � "A$ to the Matter of tivillinx �Ob:��13 . , I . . 1. .� I .1 I � ... . In .110watt .fe- , d tha way4n�ret the same Urm. �en of Uden Aown $on ,And Mr. Spotton and the qathtria I ll. . turnod. at the -end of the Week. Of Parliament lea � I rencb� ROfertling to the' on- in -tlie, 61nallet* hospitals,,, MI., RCberj,,,14 pr y near. the Gard ,c . I I �; t I I A.. � 0 I Mrs. ment by.t . aklog a On per ,cent. rzduc� oyclop6sdla Mr. Wigte foUnd it roorded� . .1 .1 �, . the'.W of B . . . . - i . I Ircewatt -'extenoed. -her -visit. , . I .. I I 1. that Mr. Robet*li lo"d quells, ehoot-. have founcLl%r.�R6bb eminently to somewhere near lie W .. � . I I . .. . I . . I .on.! Xat!Oftal', Anthem. , I . . . � . -& N'S � . . . niont, lin,4, d-,- fair, I ibluk you are nea4lessiy ,alarm. (apologies tolfr.'061molly) and I . . 12 .. I , S liald, lir Ada . ruce 01110 to an old with tho-driging qX, tim . 4 0 �­ PRICE �i , t1oh, and now the Govern � 0 j I ' .... � 1.1-1 I I 1.�, . � . � .� , k.Ub Saturday Atir, And Mrs. Mula- cided,on a tea per cont.,cut All zoutd. ing - end flowerz,. especially the potato Id,. Mr. Robb has tald bettr. resulta 4ered it he ii�g boing tent here tO,,d1vI- � �, i, ! % 1 ; " . ". I . . . . .. 0 , � 1, L I . .. . . I 11 . . . . . I .. I . � .. ,d . . .tYrei; of D , ,STV " ­ , . I , . . , Unganuon,,Passod through the W,h . . � 6toln3d,'from the training nt Ilso this part Of the provIlace.but � havhl� UXUANIAN ABBE. . , 1. I . � I . . . y pay. $20,000 to , ilie, chairmwa - of flower -and he boltoged to the dry. sec- Can be 6 I . . " . I . ! . , ,. 0 ;.� .. 10 1. .11 I . . .. .", . illlage cri ,their way -to V1,04 001atives, ,in -Bb;,,d� That ,rmlary .�oUld tiOn, Of tho L'beral .party I (laughter), nutses ,in the smaller hosoiltals. T ted Ili this County h6 W60' a Ukianlan wi� . Arre �.. . . i I " I lie rboy . W,t L the Liquor '31tad. al.:'Winglulm I . . ; i'' - - � hdon. , their . , and the , t,o, become Acqualn, - the fatoty . ' L 1. ... . I . t,y , I - - Ic .1 , wlthbi% Vrazidjlapther�, Mira. lAwlar", Un, . I � . n tO6 - - . . his thil In *Presv os I I I ght -to � . I . . Finnan Hod&e, - � _ , son, Jbilinte, be cut Ili the middle," said ?At. 813*. lie was a Very i0itutt: PoIttician. -a8fttlbli did not driginatip In ith, X), 914d tO'4vo cc o and-Mrs,'O tello And ,on Thursday �And brou , I . P0.0 jh.. . . . o . . . .. 11 � . 1 ton. These isidary cuts must tomoi� ac- o ly ex-Wardiph' . get. � 4 ri 4lutloli 1�1,rtm,xt� Of Realth but, In t1lb Assdola,: , dren W ex sod therilselVes )all, �Chargod, Vdth contributing to. xlf�,. . .. . . : :.. , I tH their. return. I � .. � . A _�­ - -� . I . . . .., , through the County. Council that � War- tin, son,know tulle dallaquenty, It... Is po� $Ibl L . -the salary. A P#nclple .09 . I , of X,;r,,,e$,,. the ­ ; - . 1. - ,� there Is no, , * :.cording to . It 1VOUld be a 'calamity' ta-the'sAme Ofo�t. :Mr. Robert ,j 0 . . .. �, . I I 1. I . 11 . . ' ThMe. T40W �ays thing but -taxation had- always -been that ,thq�e deh ,should be feturh6d again the noxt nade. ,him As a mixeri"Ahdoften W)ien he eould� charg'o MAyLj)e dbau�"ed to� a morL'Va* , � ­ . � �, .., ... P7 , - . . I If � 0, change Were I The Goverjj� � 1. � . n ' I . , ; 1. � I . , ; . 11 ljo' 1141 t had'folt the Pinch � 'L . � � I . ".. . ." I . Fillet of . , Haddito, , . Valeni any. amount b,j ,�.jlerri passing best able to -bear: the � burd6a should I ya&r so that,the: cofiaik� council would -not And 861,40 of hts, 'Own party .to. talk IOW One . . . . .. I . . . . through' the post, oMM . some i smiling so.. , .1 . . . . 13 � 1. . ;, I - . . 93. ' 17c . I . 1)3,ve *16 bb.nent of his kaowledgc� It . . , . . I I I I I I I . :. . . I . . . . , . ..... � . . . � : ,� � .0 tryla, to retreng Of d4l's Ioll to when be .-�___ I . I . . . . Per . . . �v;, . �,! . . . � . ,when, � . . . alld , w it was In'Val4ament be would I . h. . I . —­­­_­ — . I . I I I—. . I .11 � they.,open. them, othors.exprossing . ' wal the bop&�Of thq�1604etjch B z`rd of, Huren ,to I � . 11 I � . I . I - I I � . .1 . 1. . - 1: � .. . p I XeNv hours, wIth Men- )Ike Mr, I . I . I . I -Corkk peas al W. TO * � . .1 , . .Some Huge Sularles I . I oshQwd . . Unty's 0004, Vinanclai ro�jjlon ' ' . . . . .1 � .. I . ­ i I! .1 I thell: thoUghts In. larijuage t&t Would - Tra4e., that lf'.:tbe��<Zvemmlnt . =,Oli. '116 Intended. ,to' take some . . I . 1. � . ' � I . I . .� � - * � � Mr. Ispottan then spoke Of Sir Henry "1111311011 County with onjv $1.900 '(1. I . I 1. . . I . YOUR' MILK ' I I . vuidoej� 3 not b0101cri In- a PrOtMqted ,meet- . -was the'44 _000 _ . - tit 1 1 . : r 1: .* �.. I law � Thornton's salary of $75;000 a year, aA4 ..change Anil this y 71th Rev- benturg ,debt�,for all muniew.�11t,", witli. 11141"14t 111 the 4CAW the 'Co4vt - n .1 : . � I I ' . erritatIntS that he d h ... . . I Y. - BUY, I I . I I .1 .. � :�. , : ": . , tins. for . ., ­� �-....%.- 25c, I tng�- - , I I I .. . . otfiir $15,000 lot an ,expense ,fund' which WoUl rat(: A plaft,.in, in! it with an ,,asset=ent' I H-6 felt It he had his -life to live ovar* ­, : .. . . I : ' � , .. . ,. I I . I �; , . I I . . , the. cabiapt, . . , of $40' In he would' like to Iako* up , AT'T"E , I � .1 I I I . . . ,.: . 000.006,, -or qply One Ill twontZ had noth. aga boys, � - � , � I I I " I .. . . . Me' G=ge- Daws6ll'bAS trot tired, Of he,.Wa� not te4uired to. Account for, $5.- . .� . I ,. I � % .. 1 . I ..� I kee . . bat rAdc 1. _ work �an acttvo Ill - 'NeW Paittarizing Plan �� I I 1. I � . . " oideii wax. Beams, h - e4o, and, he - Past 000 from 'the Great Western- T�allway� W Bc�" af,'T Is DbIng . Ing to. Viorr#Z40oUt. Essex VAd $1(1.000.., , ire had' tikeo ite"-zi � t I . - - I � , And.hIS bous ',f , L , ,he I . . I . �e $r . . 4r. ' during - the "OQD taklo� r . . in sports and liked ia -mingle with the . 1. - ____ . � . I � . . . I . two or three y , debrk with $9o,000,000 . . � I .1 I . . r . . rool 04 ar .COMP'My, S e4ldng ,of the Board of 000 Of.4 dcbefiture . I I . . : . 2, I lirg's tift for .25c ulltlag bouze 'm . P , I . Trade Mr. I . . _ , . i � . .�_' : . .- keep r. Mrs. Blatoliford � AnVe, entered $5,000 for travelling . . . . younger men �, the old follows wera 15,.��t: I - 906r. Rew or hot rize I I . . . a further assesclapIlt WW,: York ounty 'Was W . . . to d , I . I . I I ,; . .. . . . .1 .� I '. into C 4, *6 0ment. '14st Eatur&y all* I ! W410 raid It acted as a filter for Pro- warsb wit , h . . evsa redeAlp I tion onyWay.: Mr., -Robertson %6s I . '..... . : . .1 A ..� � . . . I . agr� = , $39.600,00c ilk 8 Cent* a Quart. � .: � . � - . I . . I I., I . owance for contri 0 athle* jects'to go to the council and lots of 1) or debt,, and� au -;oi�delleat -morifty; -he belonged to We. . , :" _ _.. I . . . night Rev, Aft, Zaafi'tied the DbPt14l societies, eitc.; at%4 05,QOO for a. residem $114,000.060. aa�essment, ojily thr,�e . � . . .1 I.. � . I , . I ."lit uh, pa" ' e work the council� Iftight do Was carried ' I RYANIS DA14Y � . I. 1 I .. . . . . F �ur 7 1b. 'bog, � 4011 1 . know . times tbo, debt, Scarboro owid 6:�C, in .wrong, party of course, but outside, of, . I . I I . .. . . �. .. I. I . . , �_" . kn6t' 'We' gratulate .']thim Ou 014 in Montreal, Thltity�five Mon he , , , ... � I � I , 18c, I ", . outbl, the 96iird��Df Trift The Board . Was a 'fin fall(w - Phone 334 1 . I I . , , CoUrre they took. . .� � that e, And 6 11110 � mem., I .. I . I . , _ each dollar . � I . .1 . . . . . .1. I .� ,% , .� . . . ,. � .1 . . I . 1. A , . I I of' in the'C.,X. R. were getting from bad written 1he. trade commissioner at yourselves . of assessment. 1"Ou 041, Pat so, I , * . . I . � � I . I I.. ... .. I � Z, , I . � � . . .. I . 1. , . _ From another ) - - . 6., for the , ridihiis of - foreign tr6i& On the, back that yOU Wor4' - bad met Mr, . � 1, . 7.I .1 11 .. 11 . �. . . : . I . *_ , ' `01T""`d"t df p en�Zt,.^!. ,not ,carfied.UWAY � With overdevelopment,t, Sobett,'011 "tt _. ­ . . . I . - ' � , , �15,006'io $05j*600 a joa;ri�hlle -the tmok Ottart,' �bai of the Roll � . . ­ I I I MIq . Franc" me I e l4id ofl with their, .IJUdgb CoisWllo, Wd,ho . . I , I , 4. of Mr, . I—— �.0 ip L-A#f 4ipedt Suinday. I I dommls4loners alltt;tthe, cecretark ll�d d.th . . ... though,hp bear i . I I . '. ­ . . . — - __ e ore,' And �_6ft#jl *on . , 24 1b. T3 O'. . * , 6 Hat homiii here.. .7 ­ m , VrIttft1heth Khftjttwliitt6jj'jh0 jecfo� .. 0 ptople Ot opl*t�; r � = .: I ., . - '� ,an , lie ulgaim-'ecingtatwate _ . red I . - as . I 9 . . . -there "$.a h I..b d �. A . -11;;�` 49t I .. in wanL Tutu I ,. . � men. *er - � I . . . I I . � . . I I I I I , , . I . . I—. � 1. . I . ' On blow little this coulltv had I . � . I '.., 21r. I . I I .1 � AUA. J16baston is a p nt rig ed GadsQ1% *no drOw 'nearly $400,000 19 Alfies Of Boara'66Ytado in the States felt the , depre,won .4ort of fvliov�,-tbls *atton ws ... . , . .1 j, ", ' " 11 - . ' . - _Iesi - than ,90 per Ht$, jj� . s. .. 11 I I ,� , . ' t ,ress' �Isitl six years and 252 days And would have and;had put aa ittIvOtitement in The cent. of � the ,at impressions were g R114 . ,;, . ; i, A" F �i, , I whit. . . I . . IN, � I . Rideau Hall Loaf ' hor 4,1vighter, Mrs, (1)r.) Weir. - . come back.for $1,0,000. � . . Manolal Poi ' . . of a, Cody . . I i . I . - .t In:.t ' counties of the provin" I . a IDOAI . 'k � . Cheese, per. Mr. and Mrs. H. 4*.e and children he effort to locate :and we should be Optimistic -be cogay man -whom he would itot want to . . .. . . . I , . 11 I I I 24c' ' "This Is our railway," rald:imr. Spot', Industries. here but Iiftduistrl6s� Were- not '. .. .%! P101roN a.r., , I 11 1b .... ..... �, . . - I I vL4ted at Ripley a couple of days jaj�t calls" hear - very - long; but haVing. heard the . . � . � . 1% . I I ton., "and we.have no Mrsoid .to blam Dresent ,conditions would not. I .. L . _. I.. I- . I .. I . . . I ..., e = You could'go'out-*Ith..� .Wheel prevail Mr 'Contr' Ct0j,j.,.%.j ,,r-,,, .:,,,, I . " much longer, at least. he did not think not'WantL . to repeat them here � . . wcak. atorles Sp6ttoft couid tCII'L his wquld - . I I . but oursol�ez. The first line of stt.--1 And bring In, * (Smile$). I . . � I �.. I L 11 Home-made Maple L . I Mrs. J. HOW,Att is . , at present:vIsiting 'erar"-s Canada was the C. P. R. Then . Y64 Could OJIL Of SO. "Tighten UP Your belt and -congra- , L Goo4e Williams thAt I ... a ­ -i 0 . . . : . . With h- . . the -advantages of the town ,but as soon . it was to 'Mr. . L . . �. . f4DP . .1 .. .. . .. I . . . . . 4.uohter, Mrs. chekjoy,' ,of Sir Wilfred went across the country say,. As it taine. to a questio of a er, d I . . . .: 1. . L . - 35CL ' ' . I L: "Ate Youroolyeo,L that, - . . .... . . I . . Syrup, pints - L . . . 61 n P W An and yon Will be o you a" eofwnt thOdUtY Of 111troducing Mr. Sliotton. was . . . ., �. , I . I .. .. .1. .1. nielar StAforth, . . � . Ing, it YOU want iaOtfitr line of rallWO It. Was - learned that 4�Wbrjcb boughtl 200! ties to �b I ne of the lint CoUn. . . ... I . . :. I . . . . I . . . . i -no. Mr, Williams gave b*.; - L . . I .L I.. . . I . . . 1%� I � i I .1 . I I �L, I I . tjwLA . q to higil ,%,Ater , BDg.je_.wAt follow the white plume. If you elect I . . pur the 14Y bl,ck to amaignod a C0.88LE STO E ... � q � I . . . . . L . .1 I L' . L n me b. P. at $42 a N, p. It WILs all io�ff and we ProsPority - Spotton the credit for nevtr1laving fall, - ­ I I . . I I 'W OP I I.; . . �. Un-a"e to the. te t of the Provirlice.-, , . . . . 0 to tell .bile L Ortsp, I .: : , � : I . I ­ . . erau his Chopper for ft�.er. you will get., the rallwaY'4nd 0444d% did not' got A thaue .Ct s . ed,to do anything ho could to CEMENT a", , .. ­ -­ . I I , . 6 c � . . Al Gays Ast WoLk. I .. I . IL ttald 106 .ahead arid build! I am blam- thg give a L cbim$ � C"flit for . Oopcslug Hydra L assist. * . . I I I I " 7 Z - *---,.-- . I - I iada,' Amount oert3fa . . betW, L ? I . . . . . . . ut. We people of, Cal 'CEMENT 183L0 Si L , , " , .____QuarU._._ _11-., t �_ - __ . I b th# town would , I I I *q I doMMUnItY Angin *was` indulged in I . .. I - Mitahener,_1 L p-, 10 party, b ,,Tliofi- _jjjd,_ ,, . �, 9 . . ., I msi� rXat1d_Wa2ha1.W4dW- to I ____ ji�jL _,___, ___9! ,kOWer. _Lree-, Tli6 Soirdt. had contract . I . L . . I . . . . -.--. ­ --- ­­_ - �, _­ . . an courseo, led �by­ Cb4r.IOS- L . . . . . L ' I L I . . L said Mr. Sp6iton. . those, sudh an exp rq 3 ---W- -"R76 - ---r-t- -1�-das,-Aritr '-Contributedr- _M__gton. W,6rk 61011 ,;,% I 11 - . . I I . P. & a. .%ap, -10 33. L'I on Tueafty. She Intends to SW some Jobbylsta. 'McX6nz!3 and Z erleb 5ith an. oil company, - -H. -Wrtuoir, Who n rd�rj -c --Mr;--Veaklris� Saun- I.. . Weeks With her cousin, I , , larin. Wei Th,da Ge .L . � . I - I I . . . . . I � L , orge Lurtliwafte 44 5 . ­ �.._ . 1. � - .1 ­� . : I , , ., I Mrs. Wettlaufeli I . bro bt Up Judge Coo'tello. -said thoBoard of Tride number'of songs. Mlss Gone bZ1,01 I . L L 1. . . 1 11ars f4w...;, I A .,4 . C I OjL.Cnat City. . . I built railways and handed thom.o.4rto -the icold.#orage su ,aras simply, A. body of. ordIn c n , . - ____ L I I ' , . _ -----,— i ". . � , I - . L , . ggeggon, Th& ]$card ary ItIze a ,�__,­. ­___ . I . � . ck 1--_____.__1 . I - - . I . . . I . tberC mpa and bought them b= . 0106it, saw the Agricultural representative, in- trying to 'do th . t, t C uld . - I ---- ' L ' _­­ -4 . I I . . - I . Quite a humber from here attended I . I I 0# thes. I ID do . , I . . � � I A ­ ,.' , Kippered Snacks, and It's.,your mess." v Innedy here and gave some things, Which the collision 601114 — . . , I . h* f . L . .the funeml of the late Alex. Obbald%ton L � . , Red Hon, Mr. LICL . .. I . � ... . . . . , . th 09 itf' Cf Goderich Is 'F�a -the .farmers complialb . - whf6h the. Individual effigen I 11 I _,b priday, Afternoon. MT. .. L tor the Situation Squarely ntary tiekelsi so not do at I . 1. . 1. .. ; ." I , . .. t= 4 tint i4;)C L C,.,bald-,#on Was formerly u iresident 'of : The thing to'd . o'Aow was to'lacd -the that they would bear the Minister. Th�y could, not dof, mr, Robertson took pre. .L I . . ,UL ­ 1, . � ; ., . , , I � - . . , ! . � ..for.:. .' L ...... ta's vicinity. . I rituation honestly and squarely, A ooru-.Wert interested in the subject of cola dit to himself as"b6ing the oajy�rqan-to I . 1. . . . � . . . .. .1.1 . . . � . . . Mr. 14elzon Patter -.on,. and Mrs. Rob missloa : ad heen appointed to examine L Starace but not to the P611it of Subscrib- -stand Up twenty years ago and, sneak . I I . I � . � . . t. Ing for stock in such a venture, even against the hydro contrart. At +S,,f, : I P EL . I . I � M"xUkd0, liarge C T431-cr, Of the Sra con,ces,si the condition-. and. out Of their. dellbera- . . . L. R�10 I I I . . .. � . . 1. I sealer'. .. .. . ,. . L . .. 1.9 . on But Wa'. tIons gompthin& *ould bit evolved. Mr. , with. the,'Govoi-nment asolstinde. It was .. time he caid If the contract were signed � . . L . . I . . :. � . . . wanosh, havie� had ,tile Blyth m4nielpal I hOPCd thaj when the raimerts pri.j.-ex Godprioll ,Would L .. . . L . � I . , I � . . . I I I .. . I I . I . ... I . I I I - phones Installed in plater of ;the Gode- Spotton did not think It should be aftkal became never $tot fillorthor Vil. . I'll I I I . I , L . . I .i ' I i . I I . . I I rj'�_h ' rural system. L . 1. g4mation but do-ortlinatlon. , bAler he Would. become ihore du'Ar.v and he Claimed it had not had, I STORt S+ I I . . . I � . I.. . . I L . . .. . � I is, L . �_. L . L I I � I L . . . . . I I Half a million dollars for a bath at receptive to,.the ,Idea. I I 11 I ."_-11.11 I 11 . I . . . . � Criticism Of thO, a mew indu8trY from ,that time to th . . . _======= I L L . L I I 1. I L L'We delivir free4 Tile Y' P' a' of rl�ljok L trn'ted church the Chateau Laurier'soa out on the Beard thoUldL &ie. c0attfUctlVa n9t & and he Was not hopeful of getting anvI. . . I . � . . . . I .. . I 11 401tin'S Party 04 TU,'-,ftY gVelling lifteg the poor, strUctiVe. Another mitter tbel Baird Hydro he claim was un L .. I. L I I I . cluffers - were trying to get . ha,d t4ken UO Was - olyoor . fair to rural I I . of this wee . SoMe 'thirty YoUn',folks 1. 'Ition to the Siii,Z. oOMMUajjjeS. L ed ' I i. � : I i Wa,t7 Cre%ft k � A. bath, In a wash tub. It might b a said Mr. Robertson paid % tpr4 .Food Prices Never So LOW'' IL . ! . . . . . .!W C . 40`nt"d PWAsastt ,hour on, the too . and that the ,C,bAt L P . I . . . t2 Whipp. 9e8tIOA Made that training school bu6er to the A ,I ­­ .. the ' ' , L . . I eau Laurier aid Its Oper- 9 mount of w6rk the W L . . . I .. . 1. . 1. . � I L I . .. should I* Ab011shed'10 Amall , ,s, rolm .. . 'L � . . . I I 1W . L . n went to the vilarob, where after ating charges but !tbit, did not, include hisgoltm, tary Of the Board Was doinq 14 the way ;L I I . I . � . L. I. . . . I . Mime gamos' *,ad Contests jUACh' '%Mg InterestL all .the .There were four hospitals in th-, couft. Of correspondence and then referred *t* . . I V-1 .9 e . . : I L.�� . . . I � � I �. . gerved, . L I L., Inves�tmftt, and Mr. -none of which Sa *ng " N v, er ,So brot - - � � I . I 11 I Sootton gave fiqures -it thd v,v­oin 'H- oul4 afford 14 emplay, the Absence, Of tl�e Wardell and said h6 . . I. ,� " I , I .. � . .. 401- n .248 ., � At t -he x-gular Meeting 4 the c , . t L . I . � i I . , 46 e W01h- - tels In the Cf. N. .R. ol-Ain, showing what graduates and their oXiStenCe idepanded was Wonderine it bw absence was net I _­. I � -1 . � .1 , I - � . I . L . I . , I �1 � 1[ I I i 1: 111- . . I 1. . I : � I 1411i�,01 I —1 . ' I $ K I 5 ft - � -i-A 1, f, I"' �1 S I . I . eh's Institutia cri Tiles"y of this �veok they were - ocsUng. U$, $gO3,000 her4o, 01% deftlating "this pgnpaso,l, Then the due to the crigeism following the ,lt. - _ 'I , ,, L , I . . . ..... — I _ I I I ' - —_ . I I . � I - 4 . . . , . L .. I.. . ..n .. . Mrs. Robt. Mvid$00, at DUngann6n; dis, $214,000 there,. $95,000 In shothor,pilao el. DOMI`4 had discusced -the question of jm� tIng of the county pay roll. The -War. . . CLARK'S see Hive l>UR"AM . I . . � . I . Frar Ox I � . . I � L � trIct President, give the ,addtm*, At �$166,000 in ,still another, and iso on. ,ealislt)yrl�ent. which was bad in 1921), den Might -feel that he Would be Sh%liq_ oTtos ­ I , I I . . I rrice & Son : this Tdoeti49 Mrs. Nelson Hill V4s pre- And the two railway WO 0 In 1940 and.chronjo in 1931, and hal-ed If he tonjo * I PORK CORN CORN 11, . I . oyawnio were rac� "' a 40oderich and Ito . ; L ; I i .. .. . �111,� ' '.' ' . seated With a pretty cleet"o goor ji�,Mp, Ing to Put Up. hotels in 11411fax When had edifie to the conciWaft, t thai this fe'eling be 'lot taken and BEANS SYRUP STMCff, . COIRNIW I .. I . I I I . L ity Gromrs .. I . ' Ut,._,t'he. ,44vicod . � . L atep 1. , �, s. , L. . .� 1� -1 . Mrs. Bill will be =Wed ,as,slib .*as one there was Act eribumb trade for oii:�, � � Offleso'cin sfiould -be handled bj business WO Much to. heart, He was in favor of 2 $-oz. tins 24b. till 14c ... __­ , . , I . . .... . . . . . 11 L I I I oil $110 Square, North . t% "of the'oharter lnomb.iis anig ,ever- willing "The guy I a After to a Man named Well not by Pblftldlihs, and have em. -'everybody In t6tvn 90ttI31% good big . ISO 5-1b. till 31d pkg. .. ,9c ' .14!,dz. til; v,,C I I , . M . , . . � I , I . . , I .. I—- to 40 her part. , . . . .. . . ,76noS,11 said Mr. Spottoft.. Xesping.up WOVerg Pool their,wantq for vustabout wages. It Wa's a Puzzling situation ---. I . . .. L I . I � . . .� . I I . L L . When- I . . I L . I . . .. . I I L I . . . *.41, Aou& �T­ — __ 4-s- . 41 labor 0 that all 'Could be giv -*iv. We had good cron't h -A ­ tuit- - - � - I—. L I . .. � I — 0 0 . . I -IV 4 Was . I - ­ -- . troubles. It wd:4 ,co-Ailig half a. milli6n' work. If *0 .don't tolve this Probltlh, going 41011C WC11 W far as nature Wjj . Tomatoes, 2 squat size, . . top Up, doVetamen&_1touse , . . dollars to k d , W os cialism or. ocim� concerned all(I Yet �00010 Were in , ify "olne roan I L . I Munism, concluded Mr. Wigle, t 4 for. , . . # - , -'. .*. .25c, Family , . . and 10 Toronto we were doing very Wdir I I oses On ,ihO verge -Of starvation.. Th- I I �. � Without one,' Our ftanelal house must TO Take ]Part In Debate in House means of idlatirlbution did not olbo wlj� i - Blend Pumpkin, 2's ""at size ,se 11101A � be put hf.order. Our biddg6t had to be Mr. Roberticon expr . elsed Ids pleasure the moans of production. The, Coutlt� I Tollet Paper, ftite Cro", . balanced and we,had to Meet the obli. as be realized Coulloll Could tot be blamed for tryina COFFEE . TEA I . L the thought that was be- to find a 'solution of the oltu alL fl 1 2 for ...... j ..... �sc . I It . gAtIO114 for the money the Country has hind the gathiaring; it Meant that the there Wag very ation And . a re avar LL boriamd. "If You have any suggestion Board of Trade thought Mr, Spotton little they Could do ex. Fille of Haddie. '. . . , . ISO Real 'valud that Will b send It to me and I will. =d'Ahe were doing what they cePt in the matici of'taxation, only by, 9c, Larv� si'2e tins Corn, Peas, per lb. 39a . . . . , I elp , could for looking At the 81tpation unrelilsWy. and 3 'L , . roll up my slftves And try to put it into the riding, and he Was only too glad to ' I . leftelat. 'Waft - fbir' Party advantage till do -anytIting.,he Could for this riding. In Its clitiretr would It be nolved. H,j i; __. " ___and TOMA110ei, 3 for 95c L L. I . . next � el , . , . li ottloft," Rightly or wroagly tW Ile was,preparing to tajo part ,a the Might be,asked', "What- Is your sojutj�ino . . . . I I . . I I � . . .n givina but wP Superior - , I d the HOUre next 1hurc4ay so geo h and was not a�ythina k10 Fancy it people called Ili ift, 21'aw dootor And the'debatO I and bla admitted he had one thing to-do When the doebr you onM,g_ a8ked to be excused If ho, forgot himself to o ,. - Wir I Od Prescribed avvo . . . . 13AKING I Loote anything 'Wa t6 follow A'ad made u�er of some of the mater.al Coaling to I Hadwater I I I the advit! Be patient and the patlent by mlstAkc, that I* w0s. intending to wi costollo the Jntroductiotl of Judzo POWDIER � + COHOi ' Would Pull, througov all tight, Sat-,, oilt Ili tha do ate. Ron. Mt. Koantdy, th3 g he 4aid lie did not kno . Roadicot SALMON b 'eutlemal, ,,Very ,*1011', t w thit I to tha P0,61tv, 403ts Off to the Present. ' : Ptblvlft�lal Mitti,ter of Agriculture, Mr. in any trouble no having bcon . 8-o I. tin 150 � I SOAP . ,wrlrtt rolliks, , � ..0 . Macaroni VC , L * .pnd Don't gook the Boat Ilobattm said, Wag one ofthoil ' but had formed A; vrTy i if ;,. thl 4 large I I 'i 'Sj 41; _ Aest men fine opinjon of him aad 110 bellevct, tho . . Ca IC3 . j L Ill his opening.. remarks Mr. 6potton you could mc -pt. : 110 had ftlarkCtt-d 15,- � I . . 2 JI)S. ISO L. 1". '..*$0 ' had c'011grAtUlAted the Ward of Trade 4100 barrels otapples jumself last sgato fftlftlj� - of the town of Ooderich ,�-=, 1 23a 960 I ; . . I I Olt the fine gatherl"' and on, the L igeod 'The marketing of awc-I'Vial down to "' Very Warta tOWafdq him. Ile w4j; 013d , ., ,, � I I . I work it was dobur,,- U; wag glad to Ad. rolence nov�. Tile app:c_2 cit b3 I A lie Wag here and he was ta4ing an In. :Z�_;= , I ln�' 1 - - '- - I ...­_ - DIU P eked , �=�� ,arets a mixed awleaw slid he was glad at tl,,A r1clit tialt, and tot in tfr`014 ill GPOrb And In 0170lytbing 1�,j C301 61.0ir- ,,Own. 'IeeW and C4rofti 2 tin f6h Begn lr, I .... 1; .Choice size W*X r. I wo were not living In acountry 61 dead no,,, Ife did not bzjIc-V6 Mr. tcellwdy , brolm Into I r. . . . .. . . 0 9 for ............. � IV018, but on3 of all uatlonallWg, troodi w6uld favor a cold Abra�oo plant in nod- Who" the aud"Ce 10*5 a �qa � %ad colonk: 110,wa�,6104 to tea co nimly crich (tht�,, Vh0Ul4 ba la jftra� tj,1trcg I Jolly ,Good r0low,tjwre tal no d,lu.bt . . about the cood It'ding. I Millionaire Satdl�ee, 2 Libmab pre--mb. In tiniva.like-I'lle.co we Wicre thero would be a eonttZ� dl�mand Judas M�tello said he wonde.led if 40 AwL-Aan Peaches 2 for 45c, for. I . . - - . thould largc-13� forg,nt p3litio Aild. 13A 1`02' the, lwduttg) but what wa wouldl Auhz6allaa Apricots, 2 '' . ...­;*, � 0111? fic,�t tOg'31ler Under tho t!sblo cmd, hav," Would ba M c0olina and gr,ld.Ing Wag breakkina: a precedent ill cemblI to , th.a Illard f )f Tra,10 -111que", 4::!,AljD=jj1c- far. .' - ... ....... 41tic in - lcgtoA thiliga ont, Aud While' %L inall I)I311t, I , W I Tol"to, Juice, 3 ta, I fo.- *sc' . v;aq in 6*rg& of a pbip'th%t W-11 tojt,�r_ what 11 - atfl%ty , ' I ' . I , Mr. rZ:i'.XW3'1 Mid he li�pad to, t�o ,,,,, relu"ed from bug' e- - Whoat Germ, per lb., . . . �O Asparagus Cuttings ' � '03t" MO PTOJ04t ,"O IWAI Ill tjj�� nCaj� fatUrl. I V,jl ties, L Intz dealt do, auy'",ilt t* roek tile L I ho wv appointed a judigo, tvAI-.)Lt I . . .'Zc, .. .. go natural to! ___ . I . ��� Mr. silotton 4o", Ito was oft,%T 2allcd 'ID10 %,43 ou3 of tile thing I � � . �.. _._ ,. - . . i th,ii nitm:)er fit r -'!&I& larbor In the 0�.dmrWj .P,!1sItIon.Wag,eon,,�c,rncd. V�hoa Ili, 1,aud jo il" M 11 . . 11cm � � (Ustriet. I t tlt_,�t the objo� A C, f th-A banqu, : I . . a, 03 iii.,eZU111 of Ilb L,3wstlng th, �t Wag ratt- BROOMS . . . 61(1�rbh "61,0". Ile Ilia 11,Wd Mr.'Pdr. Vtoftt S;Vj!tn% L#idi to r� sfrav4gance j IY to Day tributd, to 143 44 fWat�t, Velvet 010 . ICEWEN OXYDOL , Vona orepaw a statoractit afliout. fho4 ftnr. i , and Saptirvisloll ocarp spottan and 'Charl'r, 1-tabeeti, a I . I '­� , Z 'Xi Mal rtattcd to ca;a.11io wagi C d to corsic and Iloid UIJ I P 5 -string. Large pl:,,�.. 1i Uar ellowing It3 history 8vowth and a;.' Ur. 113IXTL la 0yo I .�joos value � VC101=011t =d 144 tOt thI5 01 It%)- rat! 011 U191,11044 of W=!y V�Ara a,,�!)Ieverg ullnuto '01 It and wlim Ito heard L J. CALVIN CUTT card, CMI that 01 tcdlY, SiI11Y �70ro ago t1lo, Utc tallltrei of tln� Mal W10 S�o�e he 2k -1 � E-11 Tb!� Wl�ird 4 Tmado ci,vjua. t,�3,3 t-,011 ViCOJAC' VC10 a -11 1. --1 .I,-.---,--- I . 1. I . �. ­­­. ''I". -11 L fthfttl ftl LAItt2o foZ r,'� ! Itnow Why Nurm munty Men 1=4 m1do —, .- '� - __ an��Icac,-J, ov_- a himend, V�m =4 tu'j�a3 CW,ttb1,4 C'01vorawait .,� Imal r1shil, their n1ark sit mo lif-"WXY of canad.%, ­ ( . I I 1i I . . . 11 ,� I I i 1. I - 1 . I .. i - I . I I � TOWN TOP" � 111�__­_ �__ - - ­ � -_ _­�­­­� ­1­1� ­-__� � . __ People We Know ` 1, 144,00 For. GobERIC" smullor I � � MW Mai;): C,41MAZ-4 ls-,Ught e;�'Wja In , "", ,--,- --Ii I � tlw 11:,U-�11 tht; wc2k 11soviae, fiar 0, V34%D , M7Z. McNally Itavia t'xlzy ca a V""'. , of 11206, 0f w2dch $14,600 ii a rev-,tei t;� hcr cana, SzAt u'-X44y. 21 Dctr�llt , ). f�,7 W:;I,� In 14Z� 0,11Z!�Ivh jj�wa,-r ,,�1113 Ur. E. VA.:;Ay, cr Tcz�-rtD� ,­c,,��c'lvy , , I � Y"r. o,-, ule Humn aia ujr�, Ac�-;.-m".,z'l, v. . � A. eaderIZIL Nislitir. Tuc�uy. i JAS. CoNsoux is vitleSMENT .Mr. E. rlzlAy. 01 T07=0, cz�iUa'.7 zf � At the aUUXUl lael,�tjll? 4Df the W03tCM tile 111104 Old D4,e AZ�-.a.'laUDI., Vrz,"a a Wcathipv lum-al-Q0 0�mliiany .held lathe 034erich vigitor Tucsday. i city of W.73asto-It C-1 veb. qtb. jaule-$ Mr. and Mrs. Jahn pinan- �Iud 11WO I " Connelly uas'iolczted prc*vni Tills is cou "4. Mr. AAA MO. Randall AXAY;13.1, , I t,W, Oron.90a =111VU4 Anaudally in thi� w1cro vk4ari ut Artliur dating tha wrck_ i . :4)i PrOTIlice. IUVIDU a CaSh SUrplUS of .11�oat Q:ail. 0001000. . We -are plleasO 0 rx-o Me,- W. V. X I. I 1140 out asain afOr his rwtiit azel­ I , JACU-WOODS HAS AV0XQVXT 0:0 -In which k;� ,sm-taw-44 S2100 1:­_*,.;� I� ,. 1� 111 *P_ llcll�uy WaUll'all. muday r4p,ut tills. . . I . bera, - wh�a 04i"Ich 00.,*d V'Noter. Mr. and ,Mrs. 113*41d 01=10 �aaa kaW, i � ,14ak W4.7:23 hadith.a.lig-4mcut3of Ili$ Jett of m1tricit, visited 30s. CwTtea NV -'W,3. � . .A:- itbuO) bZaki m, Th.,'.- Ir4urerl mom �� Ur. Una Mra. Q=rae, rxbw', 4014n,- tha h" been bAT,tna Medical, attention but paA we"u. I . . I . . Joek Wa3 Vat deterred f-- — -'Mr. --T---- -111� -4 -R,r- ,r - T- I I . I I I � I.. - : � s(I.101-AWS, � I VITAMINS PRODU CTS For those who callnot take Cod LivQr Oil we Squitlh'�L, Adex Tablets. Each tablQt coidaltis the Vitamins equal -to !,D' teaspoonful of Cod Liver 011. build, up your ro,istauci� witti them; you need this resistance at tills viola of ,the yi�ar. OOW Vitamin Pcoduots..-Squillb's Chocolate vivatosv" rich in. Vitamill R 6he lack of Vitamin, R gives poor appctite, . nerves, indigestion); also Squibb's Cod Liver 011, Vit-2111lu � tested and protec.ted. . I . I : See fW1 4:501ay in window. . � . - . I . ��_ . . CAMPBELL$ DRUG STORE � � Phone: Do . I I % 0011)ZIM0111 ON.T. . . _. � . -,— - . � I L .. 11- . �- I ­_­ _� . — iir� jvmeci A1,21.1irl, wer') ariy.:� !:.,-.--P that the wicia'af Qwo daysiwex ,,-n-, I (L' t)rce Q9 40-4140cr wid tzrCEW41t, 1-,�­ gaygroment b0are tbat t�ln�o W1 �, ­ " - ' ctatrall"d In Umuto wir. it-wa,, Q.­:�, ,C� C-11 alul. U,�! nl!'- Uwt tll� rz�pl.o vc.,o n,n bl4a*lc--4� lie was not ,WWII�ai;Vaw " 13 UVOr Qf thO UZZ-.4111 ef 47411t% It W1% ,Carrlea ta extrem-.-� la Outar.,:) aml V;1-� Iused t") llmar,,�, C-,bn,,1:1, Wj-,j-j 411a jy�,,- LItWO-11. An wo j;�� 0 I=A fe�o 17,ran,'n 11, i Uturik)17 1,�Ww_ld that vo wi��,e cur. , wtw.4cl by re'"'alaulas. T11c, wn,za t whols utel to bo. flunwea by tbo ^ . , ,,mT:-, but twenty years 4g,a tiv� f2a eyalxm wa% abol4hca and now tjA0 igrant was p3aa On W Pie'., C�at-,Qf tile C;Is auce and 04 40 ve� cent Ct the 'Cort of tonstruettm The, aoolitlell of tuo te(l sssttm was pCirte"itly proper sma it Ind icne or two ber'CA.,14 results. TIAD rural mople felt .1nere Interest in the celu*ls and In Clinton. &,%forth And XxC,,-,- ttko proportion of country and, t�iwa, Pupils Wa$ Almast even. In GoderIch Ina . . 1, "on t . . .i , . � W10RUAM MCM WErie MOM tOWA al'1101-' 'A *4%;-, G4Wfi4"44r44i -04�X,660a& 46.1W&SO %4%P 0W'V-4r­,-*, I ." � -he f0owsna night, . nolft made 4 trip to ,Detroit th-4 pal". . I , - - ,., ­.. at". 000'65.6 35'per cent. In the nVa - , � . 11 It' . . $XVFWT0X8 OF 1C9 A VAT . wz2k,tad to 5ce'Mr. 'Repolds' brotlnr JKk,;CjKjUbbS tAeEADITUAV; of Godorlob. Tho eromanimt graut7 Skirta,;PaMivers, Blouset-'and Woot'Suits'r . � � I , �11. I I . wh* Is Seriously Ill aad. ild exDc4tied to. I I . , . . . IL If S 00- I D � r. for bulldhlT got s.)m , i. ,_ 1-1.1, _ I -11, '. Such will be the,041R,10t� of -the Artf- rk.14VM. I . . .. �'. I . . . . I % bA .UOT a.vountl(r4 into 3. �j . .- - - ­ - . __ ., V! 1� VINAb4 k , TlorAblu *eoadltloxx� and rqmo had i% - -to- be oxc I . . � AcIal 'Ice Want, w4tch 066--ae 411r,-;.�.= , Urs-' *altu . xim 4tWW-W-fh-e�-1-0-zU;- --- - - t.;. ­:.-.-�n,�_.-. - �j L ON at are eptionally.good for spring . - . I I . .�­­.,.. . -.,- ­ 70,U0 rate on Accounk,of � tao -44w,"193 - - * I is, Installing ,an Wagstall, Etrae, 'tome lag� of' `th� exeautive, - of ft�'Colli4a"MUC-le ' . ' ' � . . � - _ I ",l � �- ­ - . . . ' - " , � . ­�__­ I _� 11 I _­ -1 _ - - I I . b0ildirig,' .embarked on lb�-aq5ai 0? thlql 4nd--%*a#nw#F"we*r,­ -----T-- - ----- � :_1 . I I ­ � I . j '* Of the, lawliblery 'is =.riving to�4.ay orld branch Of th4 W� M, G. oftho Unitied (doptinued, fro% pv It Ito . I . R . ze 1) . rnmgclit 11. WAO arravoed partly as a * . Q �r 10 im�mbcrs In tile Xag� grant,. And this was what � M449� th,o . I � � I xpe ut ,a I . . . . . I . I . I Mr. Jobuston, e. a;3 on- enotllt.w. of tho Church Ili London. on Tuesday. It waa ccula not -un4erst4nd *hY the - 044-AtY ZV-1) - Cal I ­ . . - I � �. . I , �. COV003ment talk of Provilinjait 01mro-Il't . I I �. I . .1 I . . . . 1. I., 1. . .. . ... . � . 0o*az-y, Toronto, .wh4 .= dcoidedw to ewm, the cost Of 4 M041110 0.9 council &uld ouly the ,Clerlt's -al I all 'at- P$141den% 'but this did not ri�ie'r to 'C016.t,tes Ilk . I . I I J. L. Wilson ary to lslabuM - 14 in PArliamL I . . . I . . ' . . supplyInsm .tliv maclilp��ry. next �'*ge% to the conference brallob. tbis ) .-a zakerls . � C - clork, In the S P, Croft � of the -I;63V4 Of W400 WAS In OQ I 0 , � I , . $12*0. when the I - 1111ron but rather to Oshaw(� And "%�.jr ., Install . tha ma.,-W-.­ry ' (,anzl,03i.�,4',�,- . Mr. - J, A. Joh0q,ion. h"Y:64 to laiva. little town was getting $1800. X—r I Chair '�Ad be called on Mayor U�e for 4 Toronto, and the Border iefties. T*jj,.,Rntj. - I We ,have just received- our I .first ship- ,, ! 1. rmlimir-w wari Is i� "progrM irk the Torontol after a t*o wo;,q-ts, v I I , � . 1 ,� e . . . : , js�,t �V.,th IjOIm%n haid,icit the,iteaciling profe,islon few words after Which Lionel partcor% Qrt-104 90o some relat,ive Asyur" i�# ,ia. . . I . i4aamt,tMi. , W, bm*.hgrr Alid sKara in Ocderich o6nd . he'lalalit have commanded $250u lvlce� president of the Boardl WrodUccd ! me -it of the new spring. apparel. Why �1_ - ". . . I I . . I � vicinity. Mr. jobusto.li has M where, . Vxow4rthl, who was present bcnture Obt And' . osset'sment of various . I . �. , I . � I . '. . ­ - .. . # - ; WATER ANO rOVMR ently T -.11M With .superannuation, Gordo, Mr. N. W counties. SCUbOro, toWnshin b.qq 1I - ­ . . .. . TO MAXE ICE turnad,1fircm a visit tohia son' ve of. Warden Rader, Mr. 000-000 ass-'ssment, With sconmon rwfi,� . in 4� tee 'early - . . I � . . Mr. AAr- young (county treasurer) of cOUM4 had taking the Tlt� not drop . , nd make your ,6ho 0 0. . . . . . I An Application. from, 0earge.Joblistall.old Johnsittia. and Mrs. Johnston, at back to and Harry Ed TrQivartha raid. Mr, Rader was a good I for instance. We in IjUren hj,d Tpaqqr. + . I I . . � I .� . for VVID.Ir -`.�,vlce to Ids premisea on W-4trious. "Qsk., and with fxfs�a the farm to, go business man$ a farmer who bad made , � 11 . . . I I I . . I � - . I . .� ft at wards didWt need the MOUOY� -'1 Wa4 congratulate Ourselves tliAt we hstvo ,i," , I . I . . I I -1 In Making Arti- , ,Saw the hyster I the lood Mid Was not fe-31111g,the dep,"e;sioa. . . . � . . . � I . . .i 4" , , - I 1,jZC L'.thbrldae, The trio to Watrous was sad indeied when I I . .4valled ourselvat of the oppqrtunitv of. I . .. I . . � - ' 1. I I I *W Ice was Inade at the ineeting.of Mad# for the PUrP6.1* lot jnzt41lIn_q'hf!S County Council' Worked itself ul) to And I Ill 00derich TOWnshill the 'four COIAM-11- grant ,too muOhl I . � . . . A : 11 . . .� .. I. I . . . . 11 tho WaMr ,,..,, -'s,4 0ammisslion laol. EOU,* Uarold, into thp offlee of am -K den,t th$ak It fairly repgo-.Dnt� thl, feel- .ors, v#o.x4i�,eve, the cler, an t e 3 .. . �4 . *1 - , ­ . . . .1 . . . wlz: A 101CAr Casa for xi;re 9x4cutlit-tre 0-1 I . '. I ­ . . I I ­ 1; . . I , . I I I . .1 . I . Cbarg,4 -to, be 11:4ed when *the quantity of M., of WAtrous, . .1 I . Railway M...11 Don% patronixe.own Road did not ouip, 4 dollar .and this was Me I. Blue Witer HlghW;jy 1. I . I I . I I 0 11 I wator to �bv Used Is known. A,nother ap- 1 , 0 ,, , '' I I Rz.vt:tIn�.to the railway situatlon Mr. tortof men to have In charge of affairs. . I . . I . � - I 1111t . :' , plicatl6n fkba Mr. Johnston ,was fOrjo � . I to. . uUm County, M,, Trowartha' said, ' Tile good roads'system stqrtiad bc,f­j I . . I to + U ., . . � I . t� . Thllr�daY Dv.. -;4 and arinted. -�Ii:� Master of MaA1607A Lodjo,-A. r4,, ,and ji Of .the county,,, ,said. tile sp�,_,.kor, surer -wero all good liusliness umn . . . . ' 4 4 it tr;�­ L . + - . �- . , _ ,, in . I t; +` , H.dBERT � I I � . . . AUBURN .. Spp'-ton said -when there Was talk of ,the days Of autos VAd the first idea *vc­ . ... I . I � . 0 . 1. ' �. I I h. p� of ,clearl-ilty to op2rate. a Mot . . � to ate ,c unties , . . . 1. I . his e, good market -r lities like � Rein ants Clearing, -at 7, . ic . . . . I I or dUetag,tht, -servl-,,b id and fr-'41 a Own W-45. One Of th most up" -d o ,oads, but -COU n 14 Prke I . . required for the! plant. I The begintilng.of the ,%reck Mr.. aud toi�n therem was a plea made -for thz In: the .Flrovinc-,. It had only a small Wthtworth, had 'rot Into the butifta of .' I I . . . � I .. I ­ , -,. . . . . . . I . .. I Mrs. George )OaWson visited . to , debt, 'which, would be, Wiped - , at . * . I .. . , .. . I I . I . . . .9, ,. , " ;_ mi i­�� frIC1244 14 tralins. to be continued. Theo there IV= d0betltu - � � � I I ; . W.Ugham. - ­ I . . , paved r6ado 011 Account of the. subu-Inn .1 ':­ � -' I . I . I . .1. ��. . . 1. .. I � . . I . . . 1. it petition for a truck Man to get 0, Ile- Out IT% telL YQD,' rs, 0116 of the best systems Area P*nd..the �samo condition 412,9 tb, .,Phone 86 1 - . - I . ,Tho Cash Store . . . . I � . . . . . U la . .- I .. 11 - , 11 I . I 1� , � . I I 1 14 The United pr4yel. meeting. In, the, ease -to operate a route' and every mil, of good roads And One' of tht- beat, edh- tro b at the Border C14M and In. 9H. ­ I . � � . I I . I .. I . . � I . Pr-])Yt�rlali ,Church last PrIday after- Vay Mal, who had ooeasloh. to "40ve eational 'System,, iTbei Board. of Trade N "" � � - 1. . " ­ I I I ­ , . . � . . . * i to I I d1c3ox"countY. 06derich should lei . . 11 I I . :.. __._'��,Z�___,..o . 1. . I '.... I r'.'011 Was Well attendo(L All the, dc�, from, bile town to another had a �fuclj WA )e conji;dUl.ated, on. getting eaIrtone Unturried, jiow, �_ gRid. tq --* � I � I . " , I , � , I . I . I I , + ever, b , , b for the, tvc AW4 , , , . � � I ; nomillations; in the village Was well ro- bavit, up tichis door to Move his fli,ralr many mm tqgethei�. 1. " � . I . ua� Was wQn4Cr4ua It it %V.13 jiio, 0'a a,)- atted as. acqompants -i I � . I I prii:senteed, : . , . . , .. more Appropriation for' t1is Blue, W.1". � ivity of btr, spotton and and was equally At home ti�hetljer, it w;w � . . .. 1. . . . a . . .. tUre, while -at the sa,tgq time -,the roll- �. �0. gobtrison, I Dry Liberal nighwAY- Work thrOU91% your . G,'11 �'C4114cf �114 Act 6Ant- "I'M'for E � . � . . . . 124. .. so manly app W E r,,,,. . .. Till*. Amer 0eached tliq hIgh%t.mArjr It Way� wera advertising for people to Use . 4. Ro4ortson ithM , I Ver'BlOwIAG Oubbles," or 11W � . . .1 ...�,;4 .. ,: . K". I. N 01, . Ur, 40rolt next. Roaft 'Comnibilon, Get your e(,-,jd - , Wild Xi . 11 ..� ,. 1. � I . .. .. . h�4 been within - the menigry - of . any tjje� rail%�aysj 11�row -can. any rallwAy. . 01110a. on Mr. wIgf.- to 11 . ments ,came to this county �40 ln� hl,. ,ish,noW,11 or Doe. Orabam!�s vpL_ . I - 1 I . � . I �. I . � I . �.., I .'' � 1 . . �. . ­ . . � 41i� roads,'CoallaWilon to $auction aliv A-.11AMI� I -to elalty. ,,show, Me the Way to qo, x4y;Ae � . 1. .. I '. I hu -P. 'if it bad*been filleA W#h floAtIng ,exist being. pavAlleled and. paralyZed Introduc Mr.' Robertson, our member in. And- we will do, our pait " -V - Owa Casio the appointrawt,was 0Z ' I � . . . . , , � .1 � . � ��re thirty, the. local house, Mr.. Robertson, Mr. . I ,., said 4 r� Rib. .that .06 man could not be, Ap- .or "Old Man. River'# or some 61�.�er 040 - . ­. . Ice -1crything Would have beeli.flooded this way?" he'asked There lcrtcilll, "I do think yo ' I the rule. ' , . I . I 'S CIALS along the b4liks'. . .� .1 I . . � draw- Wigie said, was. patriotle enough to be I More. owendit'l 4 have ,a..-.Te.Ar pointed Judge of. thecoUnty Ill. *111411 bc of Mr. Meakties �Opertblro I . ., .1 I . � I .. gvo mea he know �i In tht C.N.R. Case � for to: on the xp%dq . . . , , a a% � .. I . . ; . I .. T � . . I . hat is a t 6dueaied In our �own schools, alid"hio leading to a . . A vate-of thanks to the 'al, , . I I I P � Last wieek Ing $15,000 each, - "W CA 'per . , qd had -resided. * - .9k TeRIMS When 'he AV, sp�. .e. I " � I . 1. . . . .. I .1 . . . Mr. a , lid 9114, Jos. nowatt .. I children Also w�eve iducaked. Ahe same WAt 1. H, orioll. I mean. the Blue He:SdAlUted .to performers Wits moved by Cl � ... 11 I .Cut to th�so. merr,'� no ir*ed. Some ­ 0 V1. - � m4a Satoo' . . I . I WerA visiting their daughte 'Mrs. *Kea , . . ghwa , � � . . I I I N I �­ . . � � . * I � 'r, - cent. - Mernbors wm,% ae Was the thh-.d.gerierattaq,pn . apstinted that he' wAs being Ont from'. dora; And ooknowl4dged ty mr, Xt5t3erti. . . I I . AT � . "m Of Tudkerawith, Mr, time agoj:suggestecl that the . � "A$ to the Matter of tivillinx �Ob:��13 . , I . . 1. .� I .1 I � ... . In .110watt .fe- , d tha way4n�ret the same Urm. �en of Uden Aown $on ,And Mr. Spotton and the qathtria I ll. . turnod. at the -end of the Week. Of Parliament lea � I rencb� ROfertling to the' on- in -tlie, 61nallet* hospitals,,, MI., RCberj,,,14 pr y near. the Gard ,c . I I �; t I I A.. � 0 I Mrs. ment by.t . aklog a On per ,cent. rzduc� oyclop6sdla Mr. Wigte foUnd it roorded� . .1 .1 �, . the'.W of B . . . . - i . I Ircewatt -'extenoed. -her -visit. , . I .. I I 1. that Mr. Robet*li lo"d quells, ehoot-. have founcLl%r.�R6bb eminently to somewhere near lie W .. � . I I . .. . I . . I .on.! Xat!Oftal', Anthem. , I . . . � . -& N'S � . . . niont, lin,4, d-,- fair, I ibluk you are nea4lessiy ,alarm. (apologies tolfr.'061molly) and I . . 12 .. I , S liald, lir Ada . ruce 01110 to an old with tho-driging qX, tim . 4 0 �­ PRICE �i , t1oh, and now the Govern � 0 j I ' .... � 1.1-1 I I 1.�, . � . � .� , k.Ub Saturday Atir, And Mrs. Mula- cided,on a tea per cont.,cut All zoutd. ing - end flowerz,. especially the potato Id,. Mr. Robb has tald bettr. resulta 4ered it he ii�g boing tent here tO,,d1vI- � �, i, ! % 1 ; " . ". I . . . . .. 0 , � 1, L I . .. . . I 11 . . . . . I .. I . � .. ,d . . .tYrei; of D , ,STV " ­ , . I , . . , Unganuon,,Passod through the W,h . . � 6toln3d,'from the training nt Ilso this part Of the provIlace.but � havhl� UXUANIAN ABBE. . , 1. I . � I . . . y pay. $20,000 to , ilie, chairmwa - of flower -and he boltoged to the dry. sec- Can be 6 I . . " . I . ! . , ,. 0 ;.� .. 10 1. .11 I . . .. .", . illlage cri ,their way -to V1,04 001atives, ,in -Bb;,,d� That ,rmlary .�oUld tiOn, Of tho L'beral .party I (laughter), nutses ,in the smaller hosoiltals. T ted Ili this County h6 W60' a Ukianlan wi� . Arre �.. . . i I " I lie rboy . W,t L the Liquor '31tad. al.:'Winglulm I . . ; i'' - - � hdon. , their . , and the , t,o, become Acqualn, - the fatoty . ' L 1. ... . I . t,y , I - - Ic .1 , wlthbi% Vrazidjlapther�, Mira. lAwlar", Un, . I � . n tO6 - - . . his thil In *Presv os I I I ght -to � . I . . Finnan Hod&e, - � _ , son, Jbilinte, be cut Ili the middle," said ?At. 813*. lie was a Very i0itutt: PoIttician. -a8fttlbli did not driginatip In ith, X), 914d tO'4vo cc o and-Mrs,'O tello And ,on Thursday �And brou , I . P0.0 jh.. . . . o . . . .. 11 � . 1 ton. These isidary cuts must tomoi� ac- o ly ex-Wardiph' . get. � 4 ri 4lutloli 1�1,rtm,xt� Of Realth but, In t1lb Assdola,: , dren W ex sod therilselVes )all, �Chargod, Vdth contributing to. xlf�,. . .. . . : :.. , I tH their. return. I � .. � . A _�­ - -� . I . . . .., , through the County. Council that � War- tin, son,know tulle dallaquenty, It... Is po� $Ibl L . -the salary. A P#nclple .09 . I , of X,;r,,,e$,,. the ­ ; - . 1. - ,� there Is no, , * :.cording to . It 1VOUld be a 'calamity' ta-the'sAme Ofo�t. :Mr. Robert ,j 0 . . .. �, . I I 1. I . 11 . . ' ThMe. T40W �ays thing but -taxation had- always -been that ,thq�e deh ,should be feturh6d again the noxt nade. ,him As a mixeri"Ahdoften W)ien he eould� charg'o MAyLj)e dbau�"ed to� a morL'Va* , � ­ . � �, .., ... P7 , - . . I If � 0, change Were I The Goverjj� � 1. � . n ' I . , ; 1. � I . , ; . 11 ljo' 1141 t had'folt the Pinch � 'L . � � I . ".. . ." I . Fillet of . , Haddito, , . Valeni any. amount b,j ,�.jlerri passing best able to -bear: the � burd6a should I ya&r so that,the: cofiaik� council would -not And 861,40 of hts, 'Own party .to. talk IOW One . . . . .. I . . . . through' the post, oMM . some i smiling so.. , .1 . . . . 13 � 1. . ;, I - . . 93. ' 17c . I . 1)3,ve *16 bb.nent of his kaowledgc� It . . , . . I I I I I I I . :. . . I . . . . , . ..... � . . . � : ,� � .0 tryla, to retreng Of d4l's Ioll to when be .-�___ I . I . . . . Per . . . �v;, . �,! . . . � . ,when, � . . . alld , w it was In'Val4ament be would I . h. . I . —­­­_­ — . I . I I I—. . I .11 � they.,open. them, othors.exprossing . ' wal the bop&�Of thq�1604etjch B z`rd of, Huren ,to I � . 11 I � . I . I - I I � . .1 . 1. . - 1: � .. . p I XeNv hours, wIth Men- )Ike Mr, I . I . I . I -Corkk peas al W. TO * � . .1 , . .Some Huge Sularles I . I oshQwd . . Unty's 0004, Vinanclai ro�jjlon ' ' . . . . .1 � .. I . ­ i I! .1 I thell: thoUghts In. larijuage t&t Would - Tra4e., that lf'.:tbe��<Zvemmlnt . =,Oli. '116 Intended. ,to' take some . . I . 1. � . ' � I . I . .� � - * � � Mr. Ispottan then spoke Of Sir Henry "1111311011 County with onjv $1.900 '(1. I . I 1. . . I . YOUR' MILK ' I I . vuidoej� 3 not b0101cri In- a PrOtMqted ,meet- . -was the'44 _000 _ . - tit 1 1 . : r 1: .* �.. I law � Thornton's salary of $75;000 a year, aA4 ..change Anil this y 71th Rev- benturg ,debt�,for all muniew.�11t,", witli. 11141"14t 111 the 4CAW the 'Co4vt - n .1 : . � I I ' . erritatIntS that he d h ... . . I Y. - BUY, I I . I I .1 .. � :�. , : ": . , tins. for . ., ­� �-....%.- 25c, I tng�- - , I I I .. . . otfiir $15,000 lot an ,expense ,fund' which WoUl rat(: A plaft,.in, in! it with an ,,asset=ent' I H-6 felt It he had his -life to live ovar* ­, : .. . . I : ' � , .. . ,. I I . I �; , . I I . . , the. cabiapt, . . , of $40' In he would' like to Iako* up , AT'T"E , I � .1 I I I . . . ,.: . 000.006,, -or qply One Ill twontZ had noth. aga boys, � - � , � I I I " I .. . . . Me' G=ge- Daws6ll'bAS trot tired, Of he,.Wa� not te4uired to. Account for, $5.- . .� . I ,. I � % .. 1 . I ..� I kee . . bat rAdc 1. _ work �an acttvo Ill - 'NeW Paittarizing Plan �� I I 1. I � . . " oideii wax. Beams, h - e4o, and, he - Past 000 from 'the Great Western- T�allway� W Bc�" af,'T Is DbIng . Ing to. Viorr#Z40oUt. Essex VAd $1(1.000.., , ire had' tikeo ite"-zi � t I . - - I � , And.hIS bous ',f , L , ,he I . . I . �e $r . . 4r. ' during - the "OQD taklo� r . . in sports and liked ia -mingle with the . 1. - ____ . � . I � . . . I . two or three y , debrk with $9o,000,000 . . � I .1 I . . r . . rool 04 ar .COMP'My, S e4ldng ,of the Board of 000 Of.4 dcbefiture . I I . . : . 2, I lirg's tift for .25c ulltlag bouze 'm . P , I . Trade Mr. I . . _ , . i � . .�_' : . .- keep r. Mrs. Blatoliford � AnVe, entered $5,000 for travelling . . . . younger men �, the old follows wera 15,.��t: I - 906r. Rew or hot rize I I . . . a further assesclapIlt WW,: York ounty 'Was W . . . to d , I . I . I I ,; . .. . . . .1 .� I '. into C 4, *6 0ment. '14st Eatur&y all* I ! W410 raid It acted as a filter for Pro- warsb wit , h . . evsa redeAlp I tion onyWay.: Mr., -Robertson %6s I . '..... . : . .1 A ..� � . . . I . agr� = , $39.600,00c ilk 8 Cent* a Quart. � .: � . � - . I . . I I., I . owance for contri 0 athle* jects'to go to the council and lots of 1) or debt,, and� au -;oi�delleat -morifty; -he belonged to We. . , :" _ _.. I . . . night Rev, Aft, Zaafi'tied the DbPt14l societies, eitc.; at%4 05,QOO for a. residem $114,000.060. aa�essment, ojily thr,�e . � . . .1 I.. � . I , . I ."lit uh, pa" ' e work the council� Iftight do Was carried ' I RYANIS DA14Y � . I. 1 I .. . . . . F �ur 7 1b. 'bog, � 4011 1 . know . times tbo, debt, Scarboro owid 6:�C, in .wrong, party of course, but outside, of, . I . I I . .. . . �. .. I. I . . , �_" . kn6t' 'We' gratulate .']thim Ou 014 in Montreal, Thltity�five Mon he , , , ... � I � I , 18c, I ", . outbl, the 96iird��Df Trift The Board . Was a 'fin fall(w - Phone 334 1 . I I . , , CoUrre they took. . .� � that e, And 6 11110 � mem., I .. I . I . , _ each dollar . � I . .1 . . . . . .1. I .� ,% , .� . . . ,. � .1 . . I . 1. A , . I I of' in the'C.,X. R. were getting from bad written 1he. trade commissioner at yourselves . of assessment. 1"Ou 041, Pat so, I , * . . I . � � I . I I.. ... .. I � Z, , I . � � . . .. I . 1. , . _ From another ) - - . 6., for the , ridihiis of - foreign tr6i& On the, back that yOU Wor4' - bad met Mr, . � 1, . 7.I .1 11 .. 11 . �. . . : . I . *_ , ' `01T""`d"t df p en�Zt,.^!. ,not ,carfied.UWAY � With overdevelopment,t, Sobett,'011 "tt _. ­ . . . I . - ' � , , �15,006'io $05j*600 a joa;ri�hlle -the tmok Ottart,' �bai of the Roll � . . ­ I I I MIq . Franc" me I e l4id ofl with their, .IJUdgb CoisWllo, Wd,ho . . I , I , 4. of Mr, . I—— �.0 ip L-A#f 4ipedt Suinday. I I dommls4loners alltt;tthe, cecretark ll�d d.th . . ... though,hp bear i . I I . '. ­ . . . — - __ e ore,' And �_6ft#jl *on . , 24 1b. T3 O'. . * , 6 Hat homiii here.. .7 ­ m , VrIttft1heth Khftjttwliitt6jj'jh0 jecfo� .. 0 ptople Ot opl*t�; r � = .: I ., . - '� ,an , lie ulgaim-'ecingtatwate _ . red I . - as . I 9 . . . -there "$.a h I..b d �. A . -11;;�` 49t I .. in wanL Tutu I ,. . � men. *er - � I . . . I I . � . . I I I I I , , . I . . I—. � 1. . I . ' On blow little this coulltv had I . � . I '.., 21r. I . I I .1 � AUA. J16baston is a p nt rig ed GadsQ1% *no drOw 'nearly $400,000 19 Alfies Of Boara'66Ytado in the States felt the , depre,won .4ort of fvliov�,-tbls *atton ws ... . , . .1 j, ", ' " 11 - . ' . - _Iesi - than ,90 per Ht$, jj� . s. .. 11 I I ,� , . ' t ,ress' �Isitl six years and 252 days And would have and;had put aa ittIvOtitement in The cent. of � the ,at impressions were g R114 . ,;, . ; i, A" F �i, , I whit. . . I . . IN, � I . Rideau Hall Loaf ' hor 4,1vighter, Mrs, (1)r.) Weir. - . come back.for $1,0,000. � . . Manolal Poi ' . . of a, Cody . . I i . I . - .t In:.t ' counties of the provin" I . a IDOAI . 'k � . Cheese, per. Mr. and Mrs. H. 4*.e and children he effort to locate :and we should be Optimistic -be cogay man -whom he would itot want to . . .. . . . I , . 11 I I I 24c' ' "This Is our railway," rald:imr. Spot', Industries. here but Iiftduistrl6s� Were- not '. .. .%! P101roN a.r., , I 11 1b .... ..... �, . . - I I vL4ted at Ripley a couple of days jaj�t calls" hear - very - long; but haVing. heard the . . � . � . 1% . I I ton., "and we.have no Mrsoid .to blam Dresent ,conditions would not. I .. L . _. I.. I- . I .. I . . . I ..., e = You could'go'out-*Ith..� .Wheel prevail Mr 'Contr' Ct0j,j.,.%.j ,,r-,,, .:,,,, I . " much longer, at least. he did not think not'WantL . to repeat them here � . . wcak. atorles Sp6ttoft couid tCII'L his wquld - . I I . but oursol�ez. The first line of stt.--1 And bring In, * (Smile$). I . . � I �.. I L 11 Home-made Maple L . I Mrs. J. HOW,Att is . , at present:vIsiting 'erar"-s Canada was the C. P. R. Then . Y64 Could OJIL Of SO. "Tighten UP Your belt and -congra- , L Goo4e Williams thAt I ... a ­ -i 0 . . . : . . With h- . . the -advantages of the town ,but as soon . it was to 'Mr. . L . . �. . f4DP . .1 .. .. . .. I . . . . . 4.uohter, Mrs. chekjoy,' ,of Sir Wilfred went across the country say,. As it taine. to a questio of a er, d I . . . .: 1. . L . - 35CL ' ' . I L: "Ate Youroolyeo,L that, - . . .... . . I . . Syrup, pints - L . . . 61 n P W An and yon Will be o you a" eofwnt thOdUtY Of 111troducing Mr. Sliotton. was . . . ., �. , I . I .. .. .1. .1. nielar StAforth, . . � . Ing, it YOU want iaOtfitr line of rallWO It. Was - learned that 4�Wbrjcb boughtl 200! ties to �b I ne of the lint CoUn. . . ... I . . :. I . . . . I . . . . i -no. Mr, Williams gave b*.; - L . . I .L I.. . . I . . . 1%� I � i I .1 . I I �L, I I . tjwLA . q to higil ,%,Ater , BDg.je_.wAt follow the white plume. If you elect I . . pur the 14Y bl,ck to amaignod a C0.88LE STO E ... � q � I . . . . . L . .1 I L' . L n me b. P. at $42 a N, p. It WILs all io�ff and we ProsPority - Spotton the credit for nevtr1laving fall, - ­ I I . . I I 'W OP I I.; . . �. Un-a"e to the. te t of the Provirlice.-, , . . . . 0 to tell .bile L Ortsp, I .: : , � : I . I ­ . . erau his Chopper for ft�.er. you will get., the rallwaY'4nd 0444d% did not' got A thaue .Ct s . ed,to do anything ho could to CEMENT a", , .. ­ -­ . I I , . 6 c � . . Al Gays Ast WoLk. I .. I . IL ttald 106 .ahead arid build! I am blam- thg give a L cbim$ � C"flit for . Oopcslug Hydra L assist. * . . I I I I " 7 Z - *---,.-- . I - I iada,' Amount oert3fa . . betW, L ? I . . . . . . . ut. We people of, Cal 'CEMENT 183L0 Si L , , " , .____QuarU._._ _11-., t �_ - __ . I b th# town would , I I I *q I doMMUnItY Angin *was` indulged in I . .. I - Mitahener,_1 L p-, 10 party, b ,,Tliofi- _jjjd,_ ,, . �, 9 . . ., I msi� rXat1d_Wa2ha1.W4dW- to I ____ ji�jL _,___, ___9! ,kOWer. _Lree-, Tli6 Soirdt. had contract . I . L . . I . . . . -.--. ­ --- ­­_ - �, _­ . . an courseo, led �by­ Cb4r.IOS- L . . . . . L ' I L I . . L said Mr. Sp6iton. . those, sudh an exp rq 3 ---W- -"R76 - ---r-t- -1�-das,-Aritr '-Contributedr- _M__gton. W,6rk 61011 ,;,% I 11 - . . I I . P. & a. .%ap, -10 33. L'I on Tueafty. She Intends to SW some Jobbylsta. 'McX6nz!3 and Z erleb 5ith an. oil company, - -H. -Wrtuoir, Who n rd�rj -c --Mr;--Veaklris� Saun- I.. . Weeks With her cousin, I , , larin. Wei Th,da Ge .L . � . I - I I . . . . . I � L , orge Lurtliwafte 44 5 . ­ �.._ . 1. � - .1 ­� . : I , , ., I Mrs. Wettlaufeli I . bro bt Up Judge Coo'tello. -said thoBoard of Tride number'of songs. Mlss Gone bZ1,01 I . L L 1. . . 1 11ars f4w...;, I A .,4 . C I OjL.Cnat City. . . I built railways and handed thom.o.4rto -the icold.#orage su ,aras simply, A. body of. ordIn c n , . - ____ L I I ' , . _ -----,— i ". . � , I - . L , . ggeggon, Th& ]$card ary ItIze a ,�__,­. ­___ . I . � . ck 1--_____.__1 . I - - . I . . . I . tberC mpa and bought them b= . 0106it, saw the Agricultural representative, in- trying to 'do th . t, t C uld . - I ---- ' L ' _­­ -4 . I I . . - I . Quite a humber from here attended I . I I 0# thes. I ID do . , I . . � � I A ­ ,.' , Kippered Snacks, and It's.,your mess." v Innedy here and gave some things, Which the collision 601114 — . . , I . h* f . L . .the funeml of the late Alex. Obbald%ton L � . , Red Hon, Mr. LICL . .. I . � ... . . . . , . th 09 itf' Cf Goderich Is 'F�a -the .farmers complialb . - whf6h the. Individual effigen I 11 I _,b priday, Afternoon. MT. .. L tor the Situation Squarely ntary tiekelsi so not do at I . 1. . 1. .. ; ." I , . .. t= 4 tint i4;)C L C,.,bald-,#on Was formerly u iresident 'of : The thing to'd . o'Aow was to'lacd -the that they would bear the Minister. Th�y could, not dof, mr, Robertson took pre. .L I . . ,UL ­ 1, . � ; ., . , , I � - . . , ! . � ..for.:. .' L ...... ta's vicinity. . I rituation honestly and squarely, A ooru-.Wert interested in the subject of cola dit to himself as"b6ing the oajy�rqan-to I . 1. . . . � . . . .. .1.1 . . . � . . . Mr. 14elzon Patter -.on,. and Mrs. Rob missloa : ad heen appointed to examine L Starace but not to the P611it of Subscrib- -stand Up twenty years ago and, sneak . I I . I � . � . . t. Ing for stock in such a venture, even against the hydro contrart. At +S,,f, : I P EL . I . I � M"xUkd0, liarge C T431-cr, Of the Sra con,ces,si the condition-. and. out Of their. dellbera- . . . L. R�10 I I I . . .. � . . 1. I sealer'. .. .. . ,. . L . .. 1.9 . on But Wa'. tIons gompthin& *ould bit evolved. Mr. , with. the,'Govoi-nment asolstinde. It was .. time he caid If the contract were signed � . . L . . I . . :. � . . . wanosh, havie� had ,tile Blyth m4nielpal I hOPCd thaj when the raimerts pri.j.-ex Godprioll ,Would L .. . . L . � I . , I � . . . I I I .. . I I . I . ... I . I I I - phones Installed in plater of ;the Gode- Spotton did not think It should be aftkal became never $tot fillorthor Vil. . I'll I I I . I , L . . I .i ' I i . I I . . I I rj'�_h ' rural system. L . 1. g4mation but do-ortlinatlon. , bAler he Would. become ihore du'Ar.v and he Claimed it had not had, I STORt S+ I I . . . I � . I.. . . I L . . .. . � I is, L . �_. L . L I I � I L . . . . . I I Half a million dollars for a bath at receptive to,.the ,Idea. I I 11 I ."_-11.11 I 11 . I . . . . � Criticism Of thO, a mew indu8trY from ,that time to th . . . _======= I L L . L I I 1. I L L'We delivir free4 Tile Y' P' a' of rl�ljok L trn'ted church the Chateau Laurier'soa out on the Beard thoUldL &ie. c0attfUctlVa n9t & and he Was not hopeful of getting anvI. . . I . � . . . . I .. . I 11 401tin'S Party 04 TU,'-,ftY gVelling lifteg the poor, strUctiVe. Another mitter tbel Baird Hydro he claim was un L .. I. L I I I . cluffers - were trying to get . ha,d t4ken UO Was - olyoor . fair to rural I I . of this wee . SoMe 'thirty YoUn',folks 1. 'Ition to the Siii,Z. oOMMUajjjeS. L ed ' I i. � : I i Wa,t7 Cre%ft k � A. bath, In a wash tub. It might b a said Mr. Robertson paid % tpr4 .Food Prices Never So LOW'' IL . ! . . . . . .!W C . 40`nt"d PWAsastt ,hour on, the too . and that the ,C,bAt L P . I . . . t2 Whipp. 9e8tIOA Made that training school bu6er to the A ,I ­­ .. the ' ' , L . . I eau Laurier aid Its Oper- 9 mount of w6rk the W L . . . I .. . 1. . 1. . � I L I . .. should I* Ab011shed'10 Amall , ,s, rolm .. . 'L � . . . I I 1W . L . n went to the vilarob, where after ating charges but !tbit, did not, include hisgoltm, tary Of the Board Was doinq 14 the way ;L I I . I . � . L. I. . . . I . Mime gamos' *,ad Contests jUACh' '%Mg InterestL all .the .There were four hospitals in th-, couft. Of correspondence and then referred *t* . . I V-1 .9 e . . : I L.�� . . . I � � I �. . gerved, . L I L., Inves�tmftt, and Mr. -none of which Sa *ng " N v, er ,So brot - - � � I . I 11 I Sootton gave fiqures -it thd v,v­oin 'H- oul4 afford 14 emplay, the Absence, Of tl�e Wardell and said h6 . . I. ,� " I , I .. � . .. 401- n .248 ., � At t -he x-gular Meeting 4 the c , . t L . I . � i I . , 46 e W01h- - tels In the Cf. N. .R. ol-Ain, showing what graduates and their oXiStenCe idepanded was Wonderine it bw absence was net I _­. I � -1 . � .1 , I - � . I . L . I . , I �1 � 1[ I I i 1: 111- . . I 1. . I : � I 1411i�,01 I —1 . ' I $ K I 5 ft - � -i-A 1, f, I"' �1 S I . I . eh's Institutia cri Tiles"y of this �veok they were - ocsUng. U$, $gO3,000 her4o, 01% deftlating "this pgnpaso,l, Then the due to the crigeism following the ,lt. - _ 'I , ,, L , I . . . ..... — I _ I I I ' - —_ . I I . � I - 4 . . . , . L .. I.. . ..n .. . Mrs. Robt. Mvid$00, at DUngann6n; dis, $214,000 there,. $95,000 In shothor,pilao el. DOMI`4 had discusced -the question of jm� tIng of the county pay roll. The -War. . . CLARK'S see Hive l>UR"AM . I . . � . I . Frar Ox I � . . I � L � trIct President, give the ,addtm*, At �$166,000 in ,still another, and iso on. ,ealislt)yrl�ent. which was bad in 1921), den Might -feel that he Would be Sh%liq_ oTtos ­ I , I I . . I rrice & Son : this Tdoeti49 Mrs. Nelson Hill V4s pre- And the two railway WO 0 In 1940 and.chronjo in 1931, and hal-ed If he tonjo * I PORK CORN CORN 11, . I . oyawnio were rac� "' a 40oderich and Ito . ; L ; I i .. .. . �111,� ' '.' ' . seated With a pretty cleet"o goor ji�,Mp, Ing to Put Up. hotels in 11411fax When had edifie to the conciWaft, t thai this fe'eling be 'lot taken and BEANS SYRUP STMCff, . COIRNIW I .. I . I I I . L ity Gromrs .. I . ' Ut,._,t'he. ,44vicod . � . L atep 1. , �, s. , L. . .� 1� -1 . Mrs. Bill will be =Wed ,as,slib .*as one there was Act eribumb trade for oii:�, � � Offleso'cin sfiould -be handled bj business WO Much to. heart, He was in favor of 2 $-oz. tins 24b. till 14c ... __­ , . , I . . .... . . . . . 11 L I I I oil $110 Square, North . t% "of the'oharter lnomb.iis anig ,ever- willing "The guy I a After to a Man named Well not by Pblftldlihs, and have em. -'everybody In t6tvn 90ttI31% good big . ISO 5-1b. till 31d pkg. .. ,9c ' .14!,dz. til; v,,C I I , . M . , . . � I , I . . , I .. I—- to 40 her part. , . . . .. . . ,76noS,11 said Mr. Spottoft.. Xesping.up WOVerg Pool their,wantq for vustabout wages. It Wa's a Puzzling situation ---. I . . .. L I . I � . . .� . I I . L L . When- I . . I L . I . . .. . I I L I . . . *.41, Aou& �T­ — __ 4-s- . 41 labor 0 that all 'Could be giv -*iv. We had good cron't h -A ­ tuit- - - � - I—. L I . .. � I — 0 0 . . I -IV 4 Was . I - ­ -- . troubles. It wd:4 ,co-Ailig half a. milli6n' work. If *0 .don't tolve this Probltlh, going 41011C WC11 W far as nature Wjj . Tomatoes, 2 squat size, . . top Up, doVetamen&_1touse , . . dollars to k d , W os cialism or. ocim� concerned all(I Yet �00010 Were in , ify "olne roan I L . I Munism, concluded Mr. Wigle, t 4 for. , . . # - , -'. .*. .25c, Family , . . and 10 Toronto we were doing very Wdir I I oses On ,ihO verge -Of starvation.. Th- I I �. � Without one,' Our ftanelal house must TO Take ]Part In Debate in House means of idlatirlbution did not olbo wlj� i - Blend Pumpkin, 2's ""at size ,se 11101A � be put hf.order. Our biddg6t had to be Mr. Roberticon expr . elsed Ids pleasure the moans of production. The, Coutlt� I Tollet Paper, ftite Cro", . balanced and we,had to Meet the obli. as be realized Coulloll Could tot be blamed for tryina COFFEE . TEA I . L the thought that was be- to find a 'solution of the oltu alL fl 1 2 for ...... j ..... �sc . I It . gAtIO114 for the money the Country has hind the gathiaring; it Meant that the there Wag very ation And . a re avar LL boriamd. "If You have any suggestion Board of Trade thought Mr, Spotton little they Could do ex. Fille of Haddie. '. . . , . ISO Real 'valud that Will b send It to me and I will. =d'Ahe were doing what they cePt in the matici of'taxation, only by, 9c, Larv� si'2e tins Corn, Peas, per lb. 39a . . . . , I elp , could for looking At the 81tpation unrelilsWy. and 3 'L , . roll up my slftves And try to put it into the riding, and he Was only too glad to ' I . leftelat. 'Waft - fbir' Party advantage till do -anytIting.,he Could for this riding. In Its clitiretr would It be nolved. H,j i; __. " ___and TOMA110ei, 3 for 95c L L. I . . next � el , . , . li ottloft," Rightly or wroagly tW Ile was,preparing to tajo part ,a the Might be,asked', "What- Is your sojutj�ino . . . . I I . . I I � . . .n givina but wP Superior - , I d the HOUre next 1hurc4ay so geo h and was not a�ythina k10 Fancy it people called Ili ift, 21'aw dootor And the'debatO I and bla admitted he had one thing to-do When the doebr you onM,g_ a8ked to be excused If ho, forgot himself to o ,. - Wir I Od Prescribed avvo . . . . 13AKING I Loote anything 'Wa t6 follow A'ad made u�er of some of the mater.al Coaling to I Hadwater I I I the advit! Be patient and the patlent by mlstAkc, that I* w0s. intending to wi costollo the Jntroductiotl of Judzo POWDIER � + COHOi ' Would Pull, througov all tight, Sat-,, oilt Ili tha do ate. Ron. Mt. Koantdy, th3 g he 4aid lie did not kno . Roadicot SALMON b 'eutlemal, ,,Very ,*1011', t w thit I to tha P0,61tv, 403ts Off to the Present. ' : Ptblvlft�lal Mitti,ter of Agriculture, Mr. in any trouble no having bcon . 8-o I. tin 150 � I SOAP . ,wrlrtt rolliks, , � ..0 . Macaroni VC , L * .pnd Don't gook the Boat Ilobattm said, Wag one ofthoil ' but had formed A; vrTy i if ;,. thl 4 large I I 'i 'Sj 41; _ Aest men fine opinjon of him aad 110 bellevct, tho . . Ca IC3 . j L Ill his opening.. remarks Mr. 6potton you could mc -pt. : 110 had ftlarkCtt-d 15,- � I . . 2 JI)S. ISO L. 1". '..*$0 ' had c'011grAtUlAted the Ward of Trade 4100 barrels otapples jumself last sgato fftlftlj� - of the town of Ooderich ,�-=, 1 23a 960 I ; . . I I Olt the fine gatherl"' and on, the L igeod 'The marketing of awc-I'Vial down to "' Very Warta tOWafdq him. Ile w4j; 013d , ., ,, � I I . I work it was dobur,,- U; wag glad to Ad. rolence nov�. Tile app:c_2 cit b3 I A lie Wag here and he was ta4ing an In. :Z�_;= , I ln�' 1 - - '- - I ...­_ - DIU P eked , �=�� ,arets a mixed awleaw slid he was glad at tl,,A r1clit tialt, and tot in tfr`014 ill GPOrb And In 0170lytbing 1�,j C301 61.0ir- ,,Own. 'IeeW and C4rofti 2 tin f6h Begn lr, I .... 1; .Choice size W*X r. I wo were not living In acountry 61 dead no,,, Ife did not bzjIc-V6 Mr. tcellwdy , brolm Into I r. . . . .. . . 0 9 for ............. � IV018, but on3 of all uatlonallWg, troodi w6uld favor a cold Abra�oo plant in nod- Who" the aud"Ce 10*5 a �qa � %ad colonk: 110,wa�,6104 to tea co nimly crich (tht�,, Vh0Ul4 ba la jftra� tj,1trcg I Jolly ,Good r0low,tjwre tal no d,lu.bt . . about the cood It'ding. I Millionaire Satdl�ee, 2 Libmab pre--mb. In tiniva.like-I'lle.co we Wicre thero would be a eonttZ� dl�mand Judas M�tello said he wonde.led if 40 AwL-Aan Peaches 2 for 45c, for. I . . - - . thould largc-13� forg,nt p3litio Aild. 13A 1`02' the, lwduttg) but what wa wouldl Auhz6allaa Apricots, 2 '' . ...­;*, � 0111? fic,�t tOg'31ler Under tho t!sblo cmd, hav," Would ba M c0olina and gr,ld.Ing Wag breakkina: a precedent ill cemblI to , th.a Illard f )f Tra,10 -111que", 4::!,AljD=jj1c- far. .' - ... ....... 41tic in - lcgtoA thiliga ont, Aud While' %L inall I)I311t, I , W I Tol"to, Juice, 3 ta, I fo.- *sc' . v;aq in 6*rg& of a pbip'th%t W-11 tojt,�r_ what 11 - atfl%ty , ' I ' . I , Mr. rZ:i'.XW3'1 Mid he li�pad to, t�o ,,,,, relu"ed from bug' e- - Whoat Germ, per lb., . . . �O Asparagus Cuttings ' � '03t" MO PTOJ04t ,"O IWAI Ill tjj�� nCaj� fatUrl. I V,jl ties, L Intz dealt do, auy'",ilt t* roek tile L I ho wv appointed a judigo, tvAI-.)Lt I . . .'Zc, .. .. go natural to! ___ . I . ��� Mr. silotton 4o", Ito was oft,%T 2allcd 'ID10 %,43 ou3 of tile thing I � � . �.. _._ ,. - . . i th,ii nitm:)er fit r -'!&I& larbor In the 0�.dmrWj .P,!1sItIon.Wag,eon,,�c,rncd. V�hoa Ili, 1,aud jo il" M 11 . . 11cm � � (Ustriet. I t tlt_,�t the objo� A C, f th-A banqu, : I . . a, 03 iii.,eZU111 of Ilb L,3wstlng th, �t Wag ratt- BROOMS . . . 61(1�rbh "61,0". Ile Ilia 11,Wd Mr.'Pdr. Vtoftt S;Vj!tn% L#idi to r� sfrav4gance j IY to Day tributd, to 143 44 fWat�t, Velvet 010 . ICEWEN OXYDOL , Vona orepaw a statoractit afliout. fho4 ftnr. i , and Saptirvisloll ocarp spottan and 'Charl'r, 1-tabeeti, a I . I '­� , Z 'Xi Mal rtattcd to ca;a.11io wagi C d to corsic and Iloid UIJ I P 5 -string. Large pl:,,�.. 1i Uar ellowing It3 history 8vowth and a;.' Ur. 113IXTL la 0yo I .�joos value � VC101=011t =d 144 tOt thI5 01 It%)- rat! 011 U191,11044 of W=!y V�Ara a,,�!)Ieverg ullnuto '01 It and wlim Ito heard L J. CALVIN CUTT card, CMI that 01 tcdlY, SiI11Y �70ro ago t1lo, Utc tallltrei of tln� Mal W10 S�o�e he 2k -1 � E-11 Tb!� Wl�ird 4 Tmado ci,vjua. t,�3,3 t-,011 ViCOJAC' VC10 a -11 1. --1 .I,-.---,--- I . 1. I . �. ­­­. ''I". -11 L fthfttl ftl LAItt2o foZ r,'� ! Itnow Why Nurm munty Men 1=4 m1do —, .- '� - __ an��Icac,-J, ov_- a himend, V�m =4 tu'j�a3 CW,ttb1,4 C'01vorawait .,� Imal r1shil, their n1ark sit mo lif-"WXY of canad.%, ­ ( . I I 1i I . . . 11 ,� I I i 1. I - 1 . I .. i - I . I I �