HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-02-04, Page 7.1
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UUMWAV. AW� 4ib, IV32 --- I THE GODERICH STAR I ----� --- -- �� ------- -, - � PAOIll . 1111111111111 I ' . .
----- -,-- — 60"Amw- --W �*w i 11*w- � --- -- ---�-- 1��- - ,, --� .�'—� ,
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iicallumvId fr�xft me 1) tinue, firkuk's Jald uUdcr t1le lirtscat a.--J� —.&!e.& .
Tp 13.0-6Z MANXMAN, Godesich, 00. ILW;th the prinCipl Qf JIL, ri U V*AM
I I e �.Wlutlo% but 14114'emenT.. Tile W"Aiva carxied, " did, I . I
*=9X====0 01==X=;;X0=0Z=====0%=0 , e� %IW a mottall asking the K�)Vcmmellt v)� . � � I U %%*
0 - rcgretted that It icaluo from the 1&itt A tw I .
. ,rcase the rca r � t_ tr 4,1 t , . .
.134, , a SQ
varmem of ontarle.. It Was for it , d 4 an M ��
. L%ht Of lift'. thAt 7411OW3 113, fAdflig. lagrullioatality and that of all ,atbcr , cent 110willi; to, the Uzi; tliat twl�, �
nom *11 cla-ngm Thau art free*, men, We Are the channeU ttx0ligh �easwt 1iArIdZz411PzJ. lit, 424'1 Ho cug- K- .
001Y x4ht thQLt knows A-3 sbaftg. which tile Inexhaustible soupco et 0ow'slacted that an menti -11. cf tho, U. V. 0. 001,crument has kalneaud Un W.=Q I
gooducss 113ws, to the world . � req's on aU'.=0AIv7:1 I
abine. shine on me. :--beacming 1* Qut fcml the recAu"loa And tbat I
I "sIxt of ]lie. t�al. knoWs no, fietting, eyes to tho band. teet to tile I=e, help OQUilellt &1q,,4 If$ OW,a irat-_4 t3 1hei go -VI 4,,U Va.- oxco i I . .
, . i -
Ai Day orid n1g14,4:ay bearita W40 Zee, In any way to the llopless. we re4ditramou me.- be asucl. 41thev provinClal Coliggbio VllitesIde C.1ji;3 - � I
Jay und pev.0 In W be'letting. , AvIst, procecdc;l with tile eure. I oww daea it " il ow
. all the brain% Of tldlj, Pri-3vium aro U1 he had bcM 4*cd by big 4epar, , ')
how V '112clit, t, Ar
. , slillae. &40 wa 'Wo. . The ml=le WAS not completed, on tht the OtS, of Tmlazem. Why e4ould Vic !�a request counts Cw3livil, to provido, Will &rm(ws I .
. Recatius - nonar. spot. Tag ulau was requiviii to go to I With an ADJAVO and to pavilair tho, vent. I Tft ;(MOXV .
. I VRATER I tile Pool of S1103m and, Wash. Aud requIred to ask the Ontario Runway and The C-iustab!a implained that the Aa I . �
. I wbat'�Vtr tblr� tatiaht, tuot man, it $a , Uunfelpal Board If wi� may J�Alc, dcbea . 11 I . .
,�V b I .
eD -4403 are free f dC t- ,erit, be was Mloweg $10 a al�)ii% I I
Verciful Vather. who 4wouva in U�Iit us a symbol Ot tho,trilth that light d3'a turfs? 'UUV tQW VeQuircd M, 3colm0l, to pay an tho xej�t. � . 0 . 11
. , Are we nat qualtaca -to 44Y Wh�,�Ilei Wo At pre- . . . I
which a:) XA= can approach unto,.wo, U -0t ,Come by the Iristalitaur=5 towla 09 I ---t. - - - - - - - - I'll ". ----. 1, � �- -----1 "I -- *���-
ahoUld borrow WIMqut ask!ng,,,)�-op, me 0,
- all .e. ,,VU3 for the uge -of his ho . His tolophan . �
, I In our ;Ialporoanea and blIndues% conIQ rist's lfand'Eo muchas by our falth. . .
, auto Tuvo for 4iiq�ihatlqa -audoiddanco. fully doing His bidding. 11,Ho that dooth have rile;1 up MMIU04 of Italura of debt also, was paid. An of[Aeo could be so� I given special, a,;�51staaeo t4b year lit tho IM.*# ` v "'a" ` an""'
. .
We 19rawfor f -4-v when the beam t1la't the willot God'aliml in tula, Vzovine-o? The order ehould b". curea' dowa town for t2l) a lav�itt% I- --;� . 11 dy Le�sons " ", "au Qrr' ' al'
. ,, Ny of judges. _ � � VI %�
� , , ignown Of tuo 406- reversed.11 . . � 4�414. Our Week COMPL2MENT: that %vu-e� cvi� .
4threo, � '��-% hill &Uall lightert trine wh�thQr it be or ood", 0 UQQVQ (Ioldthorno witl4rew from' the -
41--11 vVery1anfrIn HiS name we pray. The Mau, by W5.;BUD44%sion %q:,Chr4Va 'Upove x2KIWA mlar'bam) �, , Fr--�'Toll them *ro plctc.-. "Irlio eamplowent C wAl beWr
.Zolala- necV0 Oel 11=41 CuildreVs 64elter 1=mItittee. Warden.
, - PSI �
-1 I . hoallhg. t,;luch land Am Ilia obedience to ed that it. wad nucli muriolpalifies = 11 h . � I Rader was avinotaNd 41X bA stead. . . . Ilia English 1%�VaQdcsty." ..
I . - . V X 04, . IFIM. i,;tA. ioii I I -
.. -A , . . I . . I . I -�of - w4t W -O wo--On- tuo,-bor -1 . OTIM MO . . �
. � . .. ,49r .0 ,bq )r The ,Constable replied t
S. �S. "S84. .&U4-4.1, t 110 he only ,.: - - . The 04 Kcr tho Varoler.-A LAUC! a
' Z � M17, ilmiita. , tored lilt Ity a *Wew � rowth WX G AX 1 .11y, W. L. Gordon ,
. ' Vi I where there -bad been mushroom g wanted 4,rullbg so that lie attl(��riupiy - -- - VA , - t'%t !0, l5r�9� - N �
Xltuc I . . . in, i ' " � ' Wdrills 0�.-el'011SU�elx
.�'. , �C&'44 Tor"esag'Arld The Uan "or" world and, when the opDortun came to which the legisliltitut 44 to his auperlor. Thcre was no lawur. - �'Wo, aro running tao,tmt 0'.01al lea-, Dr. 7116,41w, Vic-MI'T -at--la, t1w, 1".,�-. , - - ,
. . Zewon ,PASsago-Joba's I A-11, 30-38, to tell who UL- re4lly,wau 4na how -the Government Wa pplied. , The atice that -big department would aQood, . 101110011, I .rofor* particularly to 01( , d a ,% M 1W J)'I
� . , ,I AaQ Dh not eay. "I whil to. lay awn � $or boll,--,O� will cav,o'P'many J�ur ,
4QQI#eA TeXf-40bU 8-.13. ' . . change was Made, he feared no man but Investor. of a eeeklng� to protect the he said. � , . PClisions, Vor Is Vona =PrCsa-cd, In P'N�Iill(-." - say. ,lie dowh.1% .... . � � dzctor. It Is not only caod la? t1se, Ca� .
- boldly told. his story and stUck to it even Ills Own kntiviefte he Refuse to liternit Fine 't 4rea when ta4ea w4th colds watt ttw;�
119� , many quarters tbot tha administration DO =t 04, "I nin not very uVoll ab3n
I , I In the latter put ot. the foregoing though that wb4oh his parents reared �Aew Of people who could nbt now col. I . * na - e4ger.11 � �A-
-1 -r we road of an attempt to atone , lect ion 'the A 3 of Vo,Vd I I t very and to". the matura who Lulliv L �X,,� I .
. cha& Might take place,'acWally did happen. ofthelto pensio.. is gettiars out ot.b=d 901n,fV' SaY., "110 I a-
. . � 4estis., "but Jesus Uld blmsel& and wout go was put out:of the . aynav City. The Government could not mal.,o Will'O Constable Whiteside, was botore and that inare tare will have to bQ oxcr- Va.ilnt 44Y. "110 enr0liectet V10 tra� pains and acbc�a. but thero are, 4&ectwm. I
I . out of the ,temple, goinl; . through - the �Qguc, I , for -every mUnialianly', .. ; CoUnall ho was, qUI-Mcd 4a to the clr� cjspd." said George Spatton, M. V.; lathe fte%)n '&U'-2essttIllY-" O.VY, "Ile Managed for Ito. unm on. PAS: cattle. Tucie *AOWA�l
I I I ,How soon after Nina ,cast out by the 'a law � curristarieca surroundirio the 11,alilL, of a .course Of an address to county coun-ul the transaction." � alwav ber a bottla ot It lit tho, hqmt, ,
.. . � Aildst of them, and so passed by," As, phorlaecs, -the Lord met, him, is rot &1;3t.� , Reev'Q VMght-1111 they woul'I Only Howlick YOXMG man $100' and Costs for this' aflernoola� "A few years ago - Wa M not 804, 4.80V�Uftught S'N", - tot , 1. ------
lib-was PMS143bV WS 4#011tiOn W063 At- ed. One door waa closed .but another onforoo the 74W As it now &"401 OvorY7 a brOaelx OR tile Liquor Control Act. had FQvonty-Avo aged people to taltq ear4 seven hundred It IM - - � ---- . 11 - -- I .
. � � tractell and hold bY.a , M . an . ,blind from operted, He Could no. , I .and, thing would be all rlt!bt. This.logisia' a d a . V car, ,,06vexi. I '
411s,birth, . .. . . . � ,longer beg tion is just camouflage. it' we abou - Reeves Gamble And Taylor had been of at the House of getne. Today we U411aut-SIS." . , .
. .
. having been excommunicated, Ae would _ . Id geVklug� to 11MV041113 AAV remitted Owing are looking, after ovor' seven hundred - DO not ev. "We COVSUIV4 the opinion 60DERIGH u I
V146 question t140 dtaciplea asked, Jesus be shunned As a tainted Person. But want to Issue a, few debentures for a to the poor olrequistanoes-of I - I
I la o4a that h $'perplexed qU thoughtfW joall bridge we would hove to W34 are the 10411, aged people in this tounty� It 13, be- ot an expert." Say, IINVO consulted an
� . a _a heard, of:hla. Punishment, and . und Who bad a Wlfe$ two obIldt '( --Vt 10 NUMENTAL WORKS -
. .. -down through the Agog.' What reg- $ought him out, �04. deal � ou And' a comfi* o. great burden and we iriay Well Nport,*' Or, "Wo se,,Ilred tile opinion . 111110 .
� , '% . men; ared to ]him until we got thQ%corisent of the�rallway widowec! mothQr to auiiport.. � He had ask Ourselves %ftero it Is going to stop. an expert," ! . -. HAMILTON ST4 - .
I , � '
.'. . �, � � ittatts the distribution of pain? U fiu%� more fully who board." - - I I I � .
I .
I . .. � . . Be ulwelf was, He unconsciously' sold A gallon of older to your county. councillors have,the rem- X?o not say. "The child Isn't ,very , .Beat Raterial And Latt-A
I ) I 1- loriag sent that ,chaiaoter may. be Ith. thua Save to the Man assurarlze of Reeve. xiowman-'s is not 'hitting -at two youths, for 76 cents. a vas no a 44 app,,I,.a. bilahVl "Mentally alert" is better. 1. Desi 's. � .., . I
% Is it sent, boo' � Rurim county. our r4urrielpagtieg, would H ' t' vily in Your owri'llands. If .. 11
1�1 I It I Proved? . . ause 'of - anon's friendship oubkolghbao lit- value what he bootlegger, they stated. tion Is ,,Ciumedt, at God6kich lw,q cr,a , i AVor4s Often. 311sprotionueed - I f Expert lVo%r"waushf:
�. � .
. � early trXosggosdOns? Is It the result Of had lost. And a c 4s ever t o reward not have allY,troublO ,.With a debenture� Constable Whitesitle replied that the I I
'. . a parents? Wrongdoing?, ,,U � �thtigo 'a 11 1I issue.,, . . � . - . . , it, got any. fUr.ther? U there are v_buses Almost. Prougunce the a as in "all' I All Work Guaraut&
� , , _y. t4Q 'rift . . . I I �
� I � 44stypr of 01111 MAU004 . 0.0-fDr-CM-lat. . priffinal . CbqrS9W;kg- 1 . aln -41 ourselvc& YOU. and accent first syllole* I .
. V4IQh JesU$,gave He Old not Bug oat who lo�L, 0 t --of -'War Rffilef - - . "selling.,., This dilli bla .-Q. � . Prices Reasonable
. . . . 9 __ jeroploymont or. friends t$y 0, a he suggestion, doll nyQnqL.wl;.y -Simflv� ... pronounm -sImW%:- lit : , ,
1. , Meaut a two mouths, Jail term with " --"- Uoth- -"& 1' ': � Aptir, bualness WIN
I. I a=ont fix$ 6 I. I . i ,u A--- .11, I..... ..... I -
Mug 4s suffering boldly confiisfilg their indebted olutlon was,referred .back to the option, Out of sympathy for the min v.eifiah, Ungrateful sons and daughtor$ as 14 "It," 0 M In. *'111�,' - t Y .. , . . ' :
I � . . that .there Wrio ouch. t ness to the �es . .out can� stop -it here, There are" too many,
. .
. I I I I . I .. . . apprev a c . . . . . . .
. I I �
, I . for individual o�- hereditary Bin. ' By 110hrist. T�hey come into Possession of 06 legislative Committee to redraft.: owit- the charge Was, amandta .to one Of I in tills, Country ilegle-ctin3 to lake care lable, I � R. A. SPOTTON .
I . I . �
. "breaking the great moral laws ,of llumafi conscience Told of oftence, and a -spirit ting MoutlOn ot the tinited Farmers of ,shv,ylrio�pp ,He pleaded i henc t. dy .( w Y ).: Pro un 'PAUIVN, - I .
. , guilty And wa$, of their p4relits'ln their old a -e " So o it No orlt 40 te - 0WRICH * ONTAX111P. .
We �Mork c:onot�ntly' Involve both thern- superior to worldly, iblafortune. .. . Ontario.. Later on In the afternoon tile Alled $113: Tile Man. had sold the older - 0. A. Robertson, U,P,P., alz�!a '-1 I,. Eke-nelt-ta-di. first a uilstmscQd, rcpind I .101 � ,
. . I I .11tea: 4nd - , alit , . ,'2"- V. 04 Box I
;$a tl,10� iob�&ea� In lifelon I Mar- counoll- W ,Oil record as being opposed to ,two youths, Who became, Iritoxic,Ated Bed council, He 844 hu V�as. pgep,t . r d to c as Ili *%vok,11 A unstressed, I* a in. "it," I . 1.
� 1. . . . . , 1.97: , . Coadelised from, commentary,by - I
. , I . I e 14
... � . sqlterin&� . ' . - ' I . I CUB Dodg, 3>.D, '.:" � - � , ,� . � , tb-. all legislation which seeks to further And -wont out dud stole as, -the Con- back Up a, proarilm. , �rv) ` . �. i': 1�111'lt Zeeolld Fylla,W� - I I � -1 - i � I I .
. � . . , � . , of more 10'. I - 0. � . . . 1. . 11 * 1.
. . . � in ,this miraculous healing of the blind: 11 . I �� �1. I 'I, 0-01"v. pr�a�),AUZQ I;q-., 'O a� Agi -
I � . . . . . '.1 tv. - tiI.Au a" Gas in-
. I . Xnall Jesus demonstrated that He . � . V14ORLD MISSIONS . restrict the Powers of nurnicIPRIttles- stable explained. . highways ,Sri Huroa v) -an' �,.l I
. I I . ThIa. wals n, ' I - � toin
. I ot dolle, however" until- after Reeve Geiger , I - ,*I
� � . wag rograin -ed -,, 't�.,, .. al korz., - I . the S ach.
I . � . I said he Wanted to, be p. Was as'. X,). He �r .e.1 ur,
I . � what Ile claimed to be -tile Lighi of tile , � A Bit of - Rxpftler*6� 4 Motion lia.4 been defeated to refer the Butle that Itsdolothing�1 Was not put�,Jj council that, there. Sault ;S,Alxi',,,, . Xan� Odloli,), Pro. . .� . I
* � �. I � I . . I
. . �. 11: World, "I must work . matter to t'he. cammitt'OL UPPblated - la§t was 5111h R tll:14; 'A '1:' ^0 Lf;oo "lit 111"k-rl. O�).JJS in '%;)O�' I . . .
. I
, tile works of -111111 Some *.Years ago .iL tourist, 'stood or%. VIA that cider after it Vita ,sold before lie false, 'Coanomy 4n,road bulld;hg anj L.1, � 7� � � .Iul� 6: . . .
. I. . I thit sent me, while It 'SL day; tile night dock Lot anl000ean atewfier just at sunset . . December to ,d0al .with suggested amend, made tkP Ills whad, 1`19 Viero any eVI wi%en the Minister, cf. xiia,j.vaya hIJ I . I r4t. syl. . L I
, . I . .
. L I �� com7eth when to..man car,, Work; ,.As The groat vessel . lad loft a Sco I ttish port merits to the. . I . i both al"; ,6S In Inlw�, ti-n"etitli I I ,i I D
I Uunl6lpW Act, ,The vote. d. -. � :L - . . -is � angerow ,, �
' The division. -a ent ho di ast Nv I ., . .. I
L .L . . dAme as to this?" bit ftsil. askc;l for ourtailm d not niw lable of 1. .ora. . I . 1. I . . I .
I � .
I . Jor1g,a4X&M III the world, I am the light only X, few hours before exi rout� for Was 10*13 against, , C 0 . I . — .
I . . " By I I . joriat4ble Whitesido.-"Tho man pleld- Huron, but rath r ;c ti s Ill ,,, h d Aftineila. Pronounce am-ne I . .
L I �� _J�s'a � C oun a a a . -,q-4, first .
.. . I : ,of the world, . Yes-BOWman. Carter, 0111ott, Fran- led guilty, Men don't, plead guilty for okerbUilt and' which were now fo&l1!,- 4 M. - in "Wr);" 0. as in. "me,", I as in. � lt,ceommends Daily, 'Use, of 15hwa*01, .
1, , I . nswer -he ithp- AmOrlcaj, had ntwde'Its wiLy around file I
I .
. Pod. tbb diolple.4 1.4 .1hoir -Urcharitabl,o iaorthern coast of Ireland and -was pas� cis, Gamble, 061dthorpe, I-I'a4dke, Math- AothuIg The 'made the youth-titild. . . - . L I ". nod, ti coot & coud B�l- MLIKA013, to , .
: .: 1 . : . . scrutiny 6t . , older pinch . . v, last.a tuistre, .c C . , Ovorconte Toew
I I L. the mAft'i life to find tire aing a littlei Irish hamlet "91)0 MeXeZzle, MOQU=16, Moser, drunk.. 'ilhere, Is notiling,to It" . � � I I lablo� � . I Caused by Acl4:%ndIS"JW^L: L ' .
. I . , . . on a 'hillside I . .
L � cause of WB,� ruldortgn he andscap, Ott, Sinitli�13'. :. , . . . . I . I . .. , .
I.. . I � . , C, By.big,min. ,,On the Western r�uxaL T I 1' q or . . ,, � , Reeve Geiger -,.,I have kert7older for � Offl"=W ,.0VCr:5. , - , . .. L Words. Often Misspelled. � ' , L I ' , , .
L : , Istry to the blind Man Ito showed them Was % Byrophony'In grey,, the sky Vab L No.-Archiliald, �Pall, 13eaver, OamP- g;1X months and It.Wouldn't make Any. I The greater part ,of NVgil�ios.dayls tes. Clag In t'no"L sto4la'-li acoompmued IL"� I I
, t
� :,. L and UiL that all allffOrinir, ist in the ArgtL greyi, �Iie water. was grey, t1w sloping b6llf, rr4igiq" 3)6uditls, *. 06iigk, Lelper, ,body Ldrinlk.#, , . . 1. . 6 on was taken:.Up with r . Francis tinasolilluo), Vratices (fem- a full, blw'tted feeling otter eathlij iiie
L L . - cport-& of, tolul.
. . . . .
L .
.., . % :. : plocei, a flelctAn which the worksof God billaift woo colorless. Onl ng MeXibbon, - MoNab,' Ride . . . . . V. offie,ers, III the Morning Coo hiftle). Trouah�, thou6h pronounced trot. �
I . r,* ,Stewart, Constable Whitealde---PAnd'I I V , aty Ea� - qlMost. certain ovidenco,of the PJe9eQV_' I 'L
1. . ., may'.beexhibited. J;o matter whit hvs� light of a`distant llghth,� t�e g'o r, WallacdIL 6weltzer, Wright -16, L OkS,.Qld . know.of il - nor twe4e. Metallic, of .excessive, hydrochloric, add ITL13tv � .
I e bil-ght:'ed Tayie, .t*o�. we older. glueer attersori tind'�uWla School In. TW20d not twCad
, . . Caused the suffering. tertifill. I I '. .. I � . I . . 11 . which. was highly aboa . . one t, 1)ut two,lls., Impel (one 1), Jm_L I .
L -
. . .. v it Is oi. the sombre scene, . ,. I ' � 600a 'Roads. P record." I ...L . . � . I ors E. 0,. Smcom and br, J. K stomachi cre tuft, so-oalka 11avid JvdW,,#., .
l . I . wport .. I . I... I I I , C * lr� the pelledi Impelling (t*olls), Glue'. clue " tion.li . I .
. I ways Witli Us,'atdr What 'We 119*0.to do : With six long dais on the. limitless I Reeve Field gavethoir reports,' whit . . 1. I ' L , 6rvo the C. d �. At . � I
� , The* Zood. roads comulit* .report I Geiger ..'was, not Convinced,. GIUIIIO;, no ei , I . . . L .L. .
. tea I ! L
� . I w1til it Is to finilLirl'it thaterial'alid op- 601441i ahead, arriltbo a4tive touring t t V on C Unty H't afterntion-R.'T. ]@.dwards, �Children's, Aid 8 uOy, OI)s I . I Aold *stomachs tire danger"4 kWcJA"$- L .
I day's tba, ,'he, rate L of Pa, load asked that the iriatter be laid over Until inspector,. .Oswald Ginn, cor!4t borer in- . . I . Ss'llonyms . I .1 .
. I
I � I . PbrtUft1t,V fqr4-Work:Of,0.od.L ,. : oilly a jnem6M ,It .V", -O, bit lorloly� fpr 1932 be *40 Cents ax .0 ,3 June. Sever . al T,eeve , s'exl*03sed them- = � .� . too much Lacid Irritates � flie 401qXv.1Wz- , -' I
. . 1. Of heoling thei.blirld, man I .1 hour ,for man r, alld Treasurer Gordon, young Resido, abide.'4v6, tjwiil� stayi sojDurn. InIx ,of the 'Stomach, often leadIft tr, ,.' 'L, .
I L I To the- work L .. 0 mly -Irl 11re Illirlt:ening 5WOW41 a and team and 20 cents all -hour" ed to remitting the ed to LC6tilloILL . . . C.oudenin, Comore, blame'L . .
. I Jesus a . lifte selves is being 6ppos . . : .
101100: APP Ca. Himself, He To - � L for mai� - , .reprove, r - gilstritis ,ao.ompan - 8 , - , � I
. � fine oiii the ground thgLiLit wairld create L I I ...e ,, led by "ion% %%Ojo, .
. . atli. ulcers. Food.. ferments adif soot.e. , ,' �
I L . . , . � . . - . .
. 11 I etignized that God was, in . the, 17*rl; I slitit4er, until .tire hamlet low h e un . a Ores this par be� . L . L of inspectors, territhrlits and tho.now - ' Post . : . 11 . -Oreiltluq,the 4btressing gas,wIllo'k 4W.- , . .
. � . . )I '*ht �,"Oared� And t'hoa' ;rr'�fhcr, and : A� second clau*, Teedramended that Mr. Beacovii . �
. . I I ' WAS 4R , wit,. 0 t . ,% dangerous, precedent., ' "' . . . plalne� tile realignment PrO00h.
. . . I . looking with L COMPaSidon an All human � fthts. What .*aSL the ' V roA .txpendit . ority, .descendants, .9fripriog.
. , I . L'' I L cause Or Ibig -url" kept �d,wn to one ana .%. L halt mills. , . � . . L L .
.L L I . . 90MWY but that this, 16ompaSSItia Couid expected pleaStrts?� 01�ly'tbla' L LThes . . . . To Va I .., � System 0 L giants.. H& Sj ReBignationi surrender, abdicati ' � 1. �, . . ..
I L . ,� . I . ". The anatterot 'Paying, the annual $15 L . robase Chlairs f 14 therc� was an . . Oil- N- tuths.the sborrtaoh and hampers tb,-.*AW, � .
. find . ex , I a eugtom% when, L .. � . .
L ,, .. prof8lon , only, through- His. O" alit folk bat . L . increase: 10 tho number of children at. linquishment, renun�fatio�i. . mal tufictlons or 'the vital intornaLiar,, .� ' L
.1 - : I .1 . I * 'Ile p - - too to the Ontario Good Roads Associa- The Property commit butlil, gan oft�a afreeting . I
I . . . � L tee report, adopi;�' tending school, .the first to be recorded In - C`011411-`Ib!'.�, ,I-OndUolng, conitrl �, �
. . . I � --- - . .. � , . . the. treat $hfps, passed in the night of - i . � .
I lighting, . robes III front of ev'07- h;meL ther or ,lot j� the L .
L . I .11 . L . . .. , . , . 0. tioll Was shelved until'it. isknown whe,:. ed. without disd ' . . L . . .. 8. th�. he4rl. - - .- 1.
I :11 . L 1. T�--- I.... . . usslqu,, rocommended that years In'ruralaettimis dnd.an Indication tending, . � . I . L L I . t is the worst of follY to I neffierA sua . . .. � . . I
. I . I
I I . I . � - -, - - all#� Vat 9 them to help And obeei, the L . . delegates ,Kill he �Cnt . a fence ,at the'rear of the registry of- that a "back to the:latid'? movement"Wag Possible, practicablti fr-�Jbk% . I dition or to'troav,WIUL,W�, I i
i I Wave 1009. The repo I I a aertous. con I �
. I � , The Wpst S , gronger-traveler oa,his way. nt , rt wa6,.adOPtgd, flee be repaired and that Curtains be )?lit In. -progress, Average attvndancq, too', I � Word, Study - I -,
L I , treet, - : I .. Contrae I is Awaraea .. . . � on,the windows .Le MagiSfr.ate'S Of_ dinary .digestive Oda, vb1ch have,,Au I I
I I .., This Incident May well be Called aL . � L , 11 of th had reached a. new high level in 1931, ,,use a* word three tor.es and It Is neutralizing OTect on. the stollitich ltd,tjk� I
4 '.%�. : I . . I Modern Parable. Our Missionaries "y L The executive committee recomr6nd- flee. � A Coal oil or electrAc stove,- C�st 92 Per cent.L or a per cont7 more than in Yours.'� Let us lnoroaB6 our 'vocabulary instead got from any droaUt , 'lAV*L
I .
. " not to exceed $35, and paint up to $12, L 7% I
I... fledrical Shop I ber'llkened, ,unto.the.torebbearors who .oil that -the print4rig,terlder of McLean 1930. He it'trAbuted; this to the fact that for tbla� ring, Ono Word each day. Words BISUrated Uaguesla And take, N lei-
, .
. � : . 11.,�. ..,,% I . I . I .are Ughting tfie toroheS 46f truth all over Bros.. Seifarth,* be accOPted. A grarit Was eanctionett for tli�- Jan. , '' the government grant Is based on the by masto lesson. . � . ;- - L
. . I L .1 Poontul. or four tablets: In water rW,
� I ... I I k � , to each hoSplial, The curtain Is rusig 'down on the av 4 . , made ,done, or tittered a 'a I �
I , . .lbe-da*Oned Plad0s of the eartit; and Of $700 was made . crAgo attendance., , IMPROMPTU, 0 .
I , . Judge's 'lounging chair episode, Coun- . , � . . . after eating. This will 7 drive lbe V.
- ." ,. WO:c1irry a good 'stock 6 f I , the;eby-ogrTying -tO the, ,people and to doderich, Clintoil,:NIVIngliam and Scott I � I SafarlftL Are D6 "L L ". pn the spur Of. the Moment'. :00114nd, Wind' and bloat Tight out of the!boft_ L
.Electrical" ., We nations the joy, the peace,'and the, memorlall.0eafortli. The broad, contract' Acil sanctioned the, ,,.purchase of two . I I I 'We r
. . 401,iancei.,. . - Tewcherio islarj4 . nade ail Impromptu speech." I Sweeten the stomach. neutralize Oftvz- ,
Af I—, . ' Kth WhICft they .11 , were out during the AVkftL,E0;"#16 JintI610;Jt6i especial , d, , , , _t6rmatio. L L ,
L I atro crave wwit to V; V.� Cleveland at'fl�`cents for . blob ,had b"it, bwoiped - ,arld if- , _ CeSS aeld .� ,
.A bed and' Chairs W an prevent Its "k,
I I . 'rixtures, efe. these are not suitable two, others are to year Just. closed, Mr. Beacom reported. ly with tear, ,,She opprebonds danger there Is . . I
. .
I I , 11. . I — .'L , � I . I .Jesus said, "I ant the light 01 the World'; a 3-0�Und 10at. C., V. Allison was .,be purchased for the ante roorn, which The average I salary in his Inspectorate In eVery gopd.00 - . I Urate no sournesA, gas On Palo. ft�
- I .1 ;. (John 3:12), And to his disciples "Ye awarded tile meat contract for t ' n 4 Magnosio, On Pfwder or _
: We SoecialiZ40 in. L L , lie Jau: at Is to undergo thorough renovatio- and Is now $819, a decrease of about to pol- XKCQ�,1pXTFXT toles .
l . . , '. �, L . . are ther.light, of the World!' Fii;ttliew it cents a pound for boiling beef, The redecoration, . .. . , cent. Twelve schools were paying. $700 -is , ; unable to do What form-Illever. In liquid .Or milk� Is �hvm. .
I I I.. � . .. . . 1 , 5:14). InLthese two..versoS . lie$ the gee_ p4rellase of milk Was left to the* gaoler The session Closed With the readin less, I . L . . required;' incapable.. 'lie was tncom- lea.% to the stomach, inexpensive to Ulm-
'L� L� WhIn OAII,Kiridi rot Of -the redo ,and .tile groceries". L Contract , 9 of or potent, btoilu%e of Llack ot training," ,and the beat form of magne3laLtor 1�� I
I , . 9 I . MPtlon of the' world, was award- the Customary bylaws sanctioning the Reeve Gelger of Hensall interrupted tanglble;L . Abxm.
I - Ai it PALPABT4133: obvibu$. "'What ath ptlrpojej�, It Is qbud by tbojaxlid�* .
1. , sunrise and -at. aullset the rays ed to Calvin. putt. .. -
- I . - -
0 1W
I i subs I
I . . .
I "" I
I .1
%iQ1 I
I -
�1 , 11
11 I
.1 .. I
. . I Estimates -given 6p, . I " logIslatl0ti'of the session. 1. Ito say 1119t teachers' Salaries should be. a �
. L 1. . ' ;� . Or. light reflected from the a Grant$ made, were.� - Institute, . . - lie had -feared now becarne� -palpable" of POOPle'wha triloy their invals wMao -
. . I. . I I al�pliciition ., 'Un $pan the . for the � . I I I I : Put another,10 or 15, per cent. . . - I inarg tear of in *cation.: '� I . L I
. L .. .1 . - . I . . horizon from.north to gouth,.$o the light Blind, .$100; Siek. Cbildren'SLHOS . . . ' ARROGANT; dasurning:' , ba�j�tyl �
I. I . . . . . L Pitall . TJR-VRSDAV$ S0$11ONS, Theinspector Also reports an Increase .. �. I . . . . . a . . . .. . .
I .... .11. I AtIl Wor'k Guar anteed , .6f heaven streams Across the -4t.,.1 BC11001 fairs $20. formerly $26; 1 . . I . -- � .- � �.I....'�-�—,�"--.,-�-...L-��.�7--�,,�-�-, I I I
I . .
I . � .1 . L � , pages of. no gra On Thursday' morninK wrfioti6n was , In the number of.pupila trying toeir on- - � — I - L W - !�!-� � r.;r!=- orwm!tlm : . I . I
. .1 L .. , . the ' Book of 'Books.from the fir-Wchap- librarleSi L $25; agricultural -fairs, $100 - . trance. . Of the 350 who wrote 294,had I I . I . � L . .
. . . ed L Provincial L Goveraillevits tov cut the sal. I . . . . . . . . � .1 . I . . I I
I .
. C . . . . - sso ,,,,as recommend for each plow, . . . � t , P* , le ' 'fill d NO . ... . I � . . ;
. t OT Gellesig' to the last Chapter of Relisall Seed LShOW, * Introduced asking both the Federal and a
. . L or $25� A 'grant of passed. Of the 04 who; Wrote at Godo
'. . I I Frank ,M Artbur - Revelatloal nary Monthly, L. * go per cent, . , , Mira I'M I - � 11 I . . . .
L I . . ,,om The Missig men's aS80CI0,tJOh,.L ThiS WAS talaed,to arles 61 their employeea.by rich only four failed. in 193o .th; . .. _ Yr _ . . . I I . . I.. . �
1. . rhot3e 82 W,�sf Street i I I 0. — - . . .$100, M last year, �Jlrai M0n1bgrSLCarry_ It carried,linanimously, Cbples of tho schools of his hispootorato received $34,- 1 'L " .. 1. �. I � . . L. � I . � i
I .1 L I 1 I I . -- If . . . ., I ... I I I I . � . 49 their point after a letigthyL discus_ resolution *M1, V6 Sent to, Hon. R. B. .40.0 ill: government grants., in 1931 .they. I. . . . . -.. : . . -- . i
� � I . I I . L, I . " ' . . I.... �...& , A O- , lion, W. . L, Mackenzie ,Xinft � . L I . I U - i&- . . - I
. WE . glon, , The sum of 490 Bennett received $28,600, a reduction -of 18 per ., I . 1, aftevAll OVA r F - I
I . � L ' . . L . L. , LLL .1
I : ::: 00 CIL
. I .
� . —
floWers for the. F, e r
.Court House lawns.
A. clangs . TeCom . mended that.the c arn
and Hon, 0. S. Henry. . ' I . L
A bylaw confirming thp,appolatment
cent. The Money, he said,, had been I ,;.� . 1. I I .. . . I I . L .. I I .. I . I
I . . 11 . . I . . . : . :L.... '. '. I
diverted to assist sparsley settled school ----- � 1. .. . . When I hose Vasty; mAttery jjjjqAM� I ' r 11 . �
I I .. . I I r
The West Wawarlosh municipal oouri�
I Oil hold Itt first meeting for i932 Jan,
borer Inspector be 'Paid '40r cents an
hour, he to Provide. his, own transportit-
of Traffic Officer Lever at; a County offi.
� CI%1 was allthbliz-od. HeretoforcL he -has
' L
sections in eastern and northern Ontario. - . . . . . I .
a potoo on tile b" their presetim is& .
for total ligures showed all Increase of . I I I .
L . . nnbarr,
. I soaren of t monerit; to 4haw,:
I I Ith. The inioutes of last in eeting were
enses. Last
tion and r expe 5 cents
by the.
been employed county i!oad coai�
In I . . I
. . ' L . .. ..
. . . . . , MOM, * I . . . . .
' I . .
d ,accepted. .
r�aa -and . Bylaw No. ,I ar�
I Pointing the Officials for 1932 read'
,year .
,tiras paid. . . I
:t '
.1 Cove IdeXibbon—W
, by don't you - be
. mission, Re also
I Is to be ClotheO with
. the authority Of an L. 0. A. enforce-
. ONicts to NofWal Co . . � . I . I I
I urse . � . . . � Why then rest tinder thig 44i,q .
. I . Whon there is an tffectoal reattkv . , . I %, .
.During the course of the remarks of I . .
.Was ,
three times -.eand . finally passed. . . The
following .are the. officjals,� M&,osgo.--�-
fair. Why don't YOU, toil :the Govern
Merit to do away With corn'bom In:
Merit officer. . I
Pay sheets of oommittats were Pro-;
. .
109Pectors Beacom and Field they werd : L I L for thote facial deftets. I . . I
quizzed orx several matters Pertaining to' - . Mr. N. Sisaaek, 303 Cliabilem Av#_��
Ross Murray: romector, Chas. Alton:
sPectors. You are trying to starve � this
dticed On-. request., The following 49-
Ure-5 Were toad; County
education. Reeve �Tohn Ucxab (Grey) I . . . . . . . . . . ,� I . :, Alan., writelo, - My (sim
I . . Witinipep
clerk, 'Durnia - Phillips, treas L -�
urqri Win
�Xnan (Mr. Ginn) Cut.,, . . .
home Committee
1 $910-70;
�trentlollsl� objected to the twooyear I � . . I was -eOvered with na,qty plillpfir 1.
* ' � I
Webster,, ituditorso W. T. Mitiler, Thos - .
B. -Taylor.,, caretaker, Joe Vorall, So . ard
Several reOveg replied t here wem
plenty L
men wilting to accept 4.0 con%s.
. property. .$4$.o 0, ChIldreWa
Shelter $131,90, old age Pension $1026,25.
normal course. He said It was scheme. filled sv.itli autlt(r. .
. . .
.Of the teachers' association to keep� sal- I . . I lb . .. I went. to adoplor and lie %14 Ott - L I .
lot 11041th, br. Vokes
- ., 7D. B. Murray,
an hour. Two t!k .
-reeve$, L defeal?d Ili
, Obleation Was taken to the last -item by
: I . I
06 Ilia ton had had hio timfles PIPS114
, -
!,sanitary In sp6ators, W. McQuillin - John
' - - , -
January, applied for the job. Later oil
ill- the day t&, Ginn said he
.Reeve (Aerisall). lie did not
think that Members 6f the Committee
L 4
" up by-usin Mrdoe Hood Iliktvn
said the schools of.his.in. for the pot 59 mrs . ,f it, I got. &
I tpectorate.weie In, shape fhlo.ncial� and advise( mot. to
I Redmond; sheep vi6ito'ra, LO`Uis' I 0 rai it
. ,
A� Andirson, VV. Thompson, Jas. Sproul.
Cept the ,cut. . I would ae.
- - . 11. . . .
should chase around after proapecilv�o
good .use
ly. Many sections had a, brLudsome bal- T"E 'r.'M1LIJU1#N 400., L1 L bottle and all flip rimples vonaaL
I r"Ited i,pitftlniy�
roundkeepor8, A. . Brown, R Taylor H.-
' 4 JD19CON9161i * On 'SaW�zg .
old age Pe�isfonors and - be Paid for It.
, vol now. I Ila , �
ance, and none had adeficit. He had . ve atoe
. Aft"A . I .. "r T1 In tp, . I
� I
I . . � I I .1 . I . Bove McKlbb Wiligham, chairman nothing but oralso, to I - . I I I VF%MW# 6 1411.1 11 , , .
�- r ochool fairs,, A . I .. � I I -. I . * . I . I �
. Ref.4 Jag..Iftb0lson, .7, Walsh, J. Xlnfl�- R9ev6 Crai*- Protested against th, Ot.21the, Old, age P�nOZ Committee, re� vote of thanks was pused for =�'. I -
. . . .
. . I I . , ,I ,,, Ww.. 101., ...'�.
. . . I the excel- . . . .
... . - hall, - Mod � Rumplxrey, W.. A. Miller, 'V, drastic reduction in salaries recommend. pued thAt there wat 110 Chasing ,done, lent report,a, � � . . . I .. . .� . . .1 . . I .1 � � '. - I I I . . . I 9
. . � . Alton', fenmVleWora, Jag. nillott, 0, o4. by the �exvcutjve� committee, of Which but that Investigation wa,s aasential and ' I . � I I I I . . . I I I
'.. .. I . Johna0a, It. Xing, J. Durnift (,con. 6). 116 is a Mquilber. He said he had, taken . vouxTk VINANC.Es . . . . I I
. The Hydro Store Was requited by the Act. I I . . -
.1 I I ,� I Win, Ar---'-Zg, 'P. Vatson, ,G. A. Greer. strenuous o4jectlii .in to mittee. . . .
-1 I . '. I , it in . . . I Clerk Holman said there were, now County Treasurer, Gordon Voung, To. . . . . I �. . . ... . . . ,-
, Thb 611110ii klecil&d to- donate $10,00 to Reeve Gelger-"Where Can these men seven. hundred receivInt.old ail rotted the firtaiiClal t6ndition of Huron - * . -I'.
� ' , COOK WITH I I the agricultural COUrSer 'in Dun&AnnOn. go .and got .as ,much money as. we 'o Pensions . I . I - I � I � . I .
. I . . I I �.. ELF.CTRfCffY - A number of' communicationa were or. t6 pay thorn Th in Olyer In Huron County, � . I . I . I . county as flourishing at Wednesday � 1W. , I AL � ,.
V. � I ? OY tU bled all - over Reeve'Oolgor-l'Wild burlj�s them when noon's seade on Of the Wedne0ay county I . . . I . , .
. ,
I I I ond0drA dered filed, The Council adjourned to themsolven to get tbgge� , JOh9 at legs I they dlo?t council on Wednesday. The � standing of . . . '. .11 .. . I I . . . I . I I . I . . . . ..
I . .
� . Quick, clesno 'ge meet Feb, X4 at 1;30 Aru� Money than we now propow., to pay. I neiv- . the county highway account 13 the bmt I � . . . .
I �
. I .1 I , I , o MoXibbori-We do. We buried I I . .. . .. .
.1 . i I . , IMM= PMUM, Clerk. The ,ongineer Is a, man, granted, tWO this Week" 4 tot- some time and the aencral aecoulit, ; ��. .
,.-" I . . - ......�� i . , � . ,good , I . . "I . I
. - I �
: I 11 .. 11 - I � . . . � . ? . So are -the others, but I don't care where I Reeve �W;Jiilt,Tf A pensioner. is tak. deficits are 'being gradually wiped out. . � . .. , , .
C - I I I
I . .11 I . . pittstin, � Bahn -TinTA64ble � to the they to they cannot got any more money on to 11. hospital, who pays the bill?,, The report given by Mr. Youn� ls.45101- � I , . I 1. .
". I .1. . . . .. . .. 11
11 . . . . .
. I today� just as .lows, . �. I . . . . . .1 I . . . . . . % . .
I I . � . . whole filwlly�, �To. the Mother, a "Haw. we catIont get any morel Reeve Cralgle--Pvve are responsible G . .1 I . I �, .. �. I . . . I I .
. � less aid ta.lovcliat,4s. To the (.,bild it aervicag. They for the amount over and above birl Pon. 056,000; retire .
. i for ouf Products or,,our' �neral Account, - OUtstandiag notos, I I I I
I I I . � . . i roothlog, boaling balm. And to the have to come down luot, as .we bad to glori,o , I . I d notes, $10,000; borrow- I 'AC H E S r N 9. U R I . I . .$I . , I 4 � .
9ftO idoNg. We Were asked 'to rotro od, $130,0001, total -loans, ,0176,000; loans . I
. I father, 1. splendid lhj�lr ftativo and cool- inehl Reeve Ooldthorpo�% know a mail in I H 9 A D1 . . . T1 I .
. . and when we do so. ObJeAtion .1s'lilado"', I an retired, $14o,oao; balance of notes car- � . .. . .. . I I
. Jug shaving lOtIOM 'Ptrolarl Balm tones . lour tOwn$hIP` WhO'haa beeil draWin& .
. �. . land refresh% tile el�ifi. ,makes hands B"Ce" TMIor (ROWIck)-1 favor a Old age Pension for two and a, -halt yf,fts ried Over Into 1932, $30,000. . � � .
I . I - �� . delightfully soft and white. Ind"on. reamilable Out, tlY 90 Per .06lit, Thore and fit, Li not seventy years of ago yet,, County Highway Accounn Outstand- -N E URALG I A,r C 0 L 1) S
I C . I ,,, May' be ,nil Odd official Who is gettin I �j. ink notes, $78.000; Vetireld lit January, - . I
i . -.1.- ... .111 - 4able to dallitY Vomon. A lit'do gont � . 01 Clerk HOIm4n-"Th0.M%ft took an � . . . . . I
11 , I . . � 1. . rubbirld and It Is absorbed * tha skint too "T10a.- , , , $10,000; lotill, $69,000, At the,. did of - .
., -_ -1 � - - -wA , .1. � . . I 111W - (Clinton) " - fld�alvlt as to his alle.,, I I . Whenever y4)4 have come Thd tablets with the . I
� I & , truly Tote -leaf In texture. I Reeve L said he 6p- Reeve Qoldthorpe��Ireople will take April the Government oub�idy of $0,000 . I . . I .
-4 � 1644�.6,.k..j. , � ''I 1, � ", POSO4,to tltaotlo 4 reduction, Irea *per im offidavil; au to gnytf1hrg.#, Cleared up all loans. - I . .
. . . .. M , - - �- -� 00itt, wa,� gulfielebt, -he saidg , ,, . � naWng oi:he or pain,, take 13ayer cro8s; are alwayt.� tafe.
I . . . . . I ., ... CE�W-11 . I I- Reeve 0efgt1r-"Tako him. up for per. bating the year the county borrowed . I . ..
i . - Inet-vo gtlottb�#U�.,t Vir ,-Ou. ,Cut tho jul.7.i., (r4lighter), I I pirin. TheY tidn't deprdss the
.. . W- , In fLI .
I . . Ill . ... ��� - . i . I , offieltla 5 ptr ecut and the laborin5i $100,000 fit. now notes, and retired '$40.- t=ne 16104 of I An i � . -
.1 � I., � . Bladdei iYeak ss man 10 per eca. , Thave not lay uture P3,Yments of accounts, other 000, leaving a Wtlo,uce of ,$G(r,000; eAtl- 1. . ,ef. .
; . I I 0 , . , . 0 Way than statutory, ean be Mado Only On the $noted Goverrimetit grant, 00,41,000; egli. 1. .1 you!ll get itntnediate rot' heartt or othenvice ham
� . I I : Of 4 I 19 thl,195. It, aid when things Order �or the War4ell. Zils *as bloor., rnotcd bAlAnolo, $S,000. 1 you. Use theol jue.t as. oftm " �
11 I liri6vo I a1h 'K1111V to COM0111tr ln-.Porated Ili tile, finanto o . .
.,; .. , f - Troublesome Nights in, Or .0runlittwo. te_ .
- i croates. Vilder prC%,,,at tort,ditions .a port ,6na wat4,doho to 1), tc. 1.1%Vhicial Highwily Account: Cpdlt There's tWrColy c'Ver an at they em,, sp'
"UN .. wth& � . th -0 ct tile trea. balanoe, $96,125.40; Interest, $d=.05; . I , , are: you -ally . i
I � . I .; , . 0 � talarfea are fafr� I 601vt th,94 the surer trom people. demanding payment ache or pala that A0,pirin pain or dlseornfoft. just bc
I . I
I I . . . I I . I Committee IA�,Rouc r4f- a�tr$7.41 Vrtivooda, $44,271.11 ; total receipts, I . . .
. . . Swiftly Relieved lot bills befOrO they bJV0 b,gerl Certified. $Gg,97f.ls, . .
1. I
Ow I .. 11 fte&* A(mende, (Ashfielo tald t1lat, In future tho poll -C r4agialrat,ofs iid� . I vlonit reli6ve--and never a sure to buy Avirin aad
! %��J[ I It you are troublea vVith a burIllag tra. , tII11 whole Ito cobsidered the "VOtt COunt3 are to bo an' ftymonta: Debenture issuci, M,9410�-
� . I Cllt�tloli, Hladd=. W�aku-ss, fIT4utat, wa4t ,fal dited loy ula crimin. I
; � I r- at' WIM DI"!td,0 r,C0 that Ill alldit board and Vie con '51 auditow. 48; provincial, hithway worlt, 1939, $00.- time Whorl YOU can"t,take it. 100t a aub�titute. I .
� I .11 I . daily atmoyatlw. gr,,t:n-,.UP-rl1r,�IA% dull the lu'Affort of the nou�*0,01 Refuge IM: ThIc 13 being done at tho 033.7G, total, $71,994.92, wh!ch mcoe&, . I 1. I . . . �
. a geque,st of. -1 .,
. I . , I � Palm Ill baek. lnw�v oWomen and do,X-ft not Wuftd- If AbYtlft It 210111d be U661ttrato Reid, � the ro'elpt3 by,$2,013-04, - .1 �
i � . . � . f through gr,�In-,-yofi sliouid try tile incre-ft", . c I . I
. � I ! � -b�)n I . 'I Zle Matter lot C-4tialked =�,�=�Ient, Liability.. BAak 40eft, 02,6U.04. pro- . .- . -1*1 I
. L . ama2ingr value ()f I)r. Southwotill't; ft-qe Mc,kj, Vcr1t 0,1 reeirtl a!,. which eOme3 Uo this: SnO, the five.year V111,9131 111911W11y aceount u1mtur1n13 in � . Z I I .
IL , 10"*46*40* *Vratabe and, see vdiAt a woudtrful dif- . 1K. I
J � I ovilmtq, to iouttblu J0316t-;aj, $1000 'and CNIC"dula of Valurs h'tiving, qkplreti, Vaj My, $41,650,97; debenture to mature . . I .
I fevenco they inabol It ti4s Valid Old ullft. .A�-P,Vo noVinaa of Umc2ojs, 0 ... I -
I . 1Z
. . . . s06 * *Opur 6e Voi6o formula, of a, well Wwn I'llytMoin prozel a alpillar view I 02- shelved until the June &cs3%113� It Ij Deeombez, 1932, $12.050.40; toteO Ilabli-I I .011, � N j" %� �
- � Ilffings $OU tlz &VIft *ad ratittylag ezlu- I rile raj*ije, were t 41keLy,that the VIC-xnt raheatile Will be lt,V, 062,022.47. � . I
�koft Uo one at a renowed another 7 & . I I I
StAft "a Mw4s a .. , loft it Ila,, biroaght'ta ft-talS of o�%ew. t1roo, T110 .rppat ,,,4i,Lrl,6.a without a . edir, amna to tuo top. I � I . �
L . . ,;ott istfroly wIll W thankful And vory %"tit &fIllao, in t.h,6 -, SY-ttwt,v vrolmut,*da� or&xxtv Valuct. Milleeg Worm Powder,G flat only maltal ; .1
I ... M2 d pluv%d. it it does not, ght0ty. the dcus. , k,ab1t1A=t6"J re�mrt, I Wardell, Rader and Reeve wright,worb 610 Infantile =tom . untonable 0: ,i 1 1 1 1 . I
I camalft4e, 11.,66fleA : C10=ftItC4 dole'.Zatca to .the C�oafcro��C, werni-q, but by their action 011;tlics &tor,l- WAWIM
11le By rosto r"Ist tho aupplita you is #ttit'h&W-d to . MUM rov Tomutor on rcur 4th �t . I
ra"Irt your money GAIITM� boic �tffehm The caunen tulavx�aomly voted to, L WIVY .-)57 ach, U'Ver aild bowela they corrc�t rawlt , CAVAOV, i
GODERICH Ved. Vits, give -i San a ten-dkv ttst oficiL',01in'l 1110 Alrleultmal; Aavls�);rj r,-��-"I. the, 11111IS!,C-7 of Agplc-atturc% F t7oublea aq latlt of appttlto, biliminc.--a
I .
. '14 ffidlt(n,0 appalated Izl�� 1)�- - I tall U-�Lvza, comity VZTv"alwZ3J Pa. and otlitr Ifitc-mal disindex that thel I
I � urafft" ClWkilf, VL -k of Cost Milo.-,:,, Mr-lb,hr. IWO .
4 'I I bv& for V - PDR-Attl %W1 resnits�,M, it sim would callimPtco %a� ErKtontat-170. tol crtato. ollftca th3vo wal I
Uft **9 - tht ti�e C13111ra-V-1 Cf 211114 vle�ld!� 4 C�W,,�X tlut Ills 3D� wozws � , . - I
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Mg. They OM XWO44 A k1t9,7 the Joys of, t�tjtfrzd. reRfal alctp 0-= m. plmllattoa balid. tell I t V tll�) VZO. 01cm and 210 matter what coallftl tll,J,r .
11 land a 11"31-1ral, healthy blAd0r. A.M0, t4n, 11COV0 ftellre oud 1111,23"J�,,YiJ4 jtl3v� VM80 Scr 10U. Mod f t ttli,� ye!lkr Eced 1V,,aV%-1UfC51(,1 6"0=123 Illay Ln In. tlicy
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U141 J te"t t6eay' A,�'Y S" (!�."�e,�! �13 cvv,�;V,l ?3 r1'�,'V,%1,n E,10 , T would 11r,", be laval V 11.
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t3 ;C-Vext to StAtt0e %ber gntf �0 faim �u �
00,01,1114,01 " 3rob, I I tot tm�� 'U .�2 Would Ile bo ftc-Attlic'M bcgM�- . .
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