HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-02-04, Page 1iposs**41~4~,~P4P404~~~4~41~~4.4Nospip
Advertising That Pays
Adieriesine The freer g51.1 int?. tir.
"-Inn ef tu want to do
eearrees yeah one not.• Mx;
eareereeare •••
Printing That Pleases
an fieeral Pfintina teem 'Vie
See effree. re eelecee faza ated :3
cote arel Meat:rate
64°141'14°4'a GODERICH. ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY} FEBRUARY 4th 1932 WAVIER laillerree Walther
'nu tiro gssurafick ampolg of Ogada.
A gratifying feature of many estates made public recent,
through probate or otherwise is the comparatively large
proportion of life insurance. There is no more satisfactory
way of creating 411, estate. A email amount invested annually
out of your income creates a most valuable asset. For further
informaiton'consult us. .
(othee e3,6
EPUIPS litesiderice, 249, H. R. LONG, District Agent 1
anOD—Zxperierzeeti Maid. by 16th
of ,Feloruary, Ants. A. 0, FAINTER.
• eter
VOrt, SALVe—Used Vietrolae eor eale.
FOR RENT,—entaly :loeatece warm
dualaa. house..ant garegte
or Waterfrent employees. ern-
.. Mediate pedessien. X1 W BQWB14..,
FOR SALEee-Aladdin LAMMccallielete
With shade; good. is ilea', Also
e.ntiaue tilt -top table, octagon shape.
Amery to MRS. G. al. , MeXENzlE,
phone V, Dungannon. •
Fon AL —T300 'Peres choice eleY
loam. Must be sold to settle
eestete. MRS. leCtleT..01,ARXE.. phone
6 On 246, SeafOrth. eeptral,
FOR SALE.—Metal ge,rage Ga. nraanate.
Rd. Apply at the herne of MRS.
Wet, BIRD, Britannia ltd., after 5 p.m.
IDOTATOEs FOR SALE—A large mean'.
tity ot genuine Green"' mouptain
Potatoes. Aoyorke wenting ,mty write to
WM. MENAlter, MR, 6, Goclerieh.
house on Cameron. etreet, All
convenieecee. 4.1/Dly MRS. OSCAR W/N-
NitIde West street. e.
rEATHER 13EDS REMADE into sard-
•••• tary -mattresses,. all Sleet, 13.50,
We buy feather beds. All whth kePt
separate. Drop a cord—ageot win pale
P. 0: Doe 6e1e Goderteli.
TO. RENT.—Ited brick hod on Wil.
item street. All conveniences.
Oeh/d be arranged' tor two *mall fain-
iliest Immediate Poeseesiohe
MRS. Pny,topr,,r Pabile rabrary.
M FOR SALE.—Forty,imres. More
or less, the leroPeityea the e tate
C. Neftel, eieuated at the end ot,
street on ,the southern boundary
'the town; of good clay -loam. large
house and barn, drive shed; workshop;
hen -house; artesian .well e (lee feet), the
very hest, of water; good, fruit treeee
Teleal loeaticn, close to mhoole and
Churches. For further particulars aPP1Y
on the premises or to PERCY or WILL
. • ,
I. am prepared to grind auto artd truck
cylinders with. Heald Orbacier dud fit
pistons:aed Tinge at $2,;(e) per cylindet.
eariealso supply all make a of pistons,
rings and pins at very reasonabie prices.
This vein make yotir power plait as
good as new.
All work guaranteed:
Phone 10 , Vietoritt Street
- -ree. ). $50.00 REWARD
inviszear'cOuiT ror the Gillette, Pthbalt or^ Velvet
Steps Are Take'''. to
Upset Bedford Will
Daughter anti One Son File
The well of the rote John S. Bedfeed,
who died on &Mealy 14th; was orrlVien-
daY filed for probate by V. R. leatrow,
solicitor, with Itobt. Johnston, Suerogate
Court Clerk. The equtty in the estate,
weielt is *belly real and personal, Is
even .M• the war at .$23,000; The 'will is
be contested by thine of the belief}...
elaries. •
The will eireete e1900 be paid to
Gladys Bedford Melee daughter, -of Les
Angeles, and ' 02,040 to Mrs. Bowier.
liousekee,er Irs awler Also edsthe
radio and a diamond, ring.
. The residue Is dividecl equally between
the two sops, John of Los Angeles, and
Kenneth of Goderich. •
Aettne on behalf of the daughter,
011adye Allard, and the ton, John, Bays
& Hays, solicitors, on Tuesday filed a
caveat, stipulating • that notnieg shall he
donee 'Without riotifyieg the applicants
or their.solleffors, •
The will was made ofi Ocieber .23tra•
1931. X s elaimed In the caveat that
undue influence was used. with deceased
and that he leocee teeteraeatattt oapat.
Ity at tho tune, the WM. was Made, ellie
next leeal step Will be an application
by the thliciterefiee -the estate, before
Pgreogitte , Cottle.; Judge,
to ceirmitenee'eareffe `filen ;actions -
•will lee heard.
The Main items -which go " to Make
theeeeetatee -are Ptto' ei3et11'eitil 'Block;
the .heine en West .street and A Stude-
baker automobile. F. R. Darrow Is the,
sole • exttutoit- •
the whinedto Tuesday night's bridge
tournarrietit. at the Badnilaton and
Bridge Clab we as follows: North and
teeth, ltt,, Mr, and Mrs. Prank Donner.
ly; 2rid, Mese E. O. •Beetem and Miss X.
Maya East and west, Ist, Mrs, O. Jen.
ner Arid Miss 0. 0144, 2ncl1 or. and
Mese J. 41;
AbOut a store oi peopie from Gode.
rale attencred the ClintAn Coif Club
((ghee on leriday everting last. Visitors
from yarrow points la the t ouety were
present and a very enjoyable time was
spent, •
GUS .'xn.
•' Primary Creditor
and .
Primary Debtor
°and '
el the Township of west, Vitawatiosh,
Upon the' APplleatiori of the Prinle,ry
C Miter, Upon. nearing the Solicitor for
t(davit of Charlee J. ki. loowler, p
i fr41ieant, and upon hearing read
filed hereba. •
• 1. ft vie Ordered that serviee Mims the
Pernimy Debtor, Thomas McCabe, of the
.eittinettons in thie action by publishing
ties order together with the Notice there-
, on Indoreed once a week tor three weeks
preceding Thursday the leth day of Feb-
ruary in a faecal Newspaper rablishea
within the County and baying et general
earoulation in and about Dungannon, be
dmeeenegood and Sufficient eerviece of t re
did Swan:tons.
2. Arid it is further ordered that the
said Primary Debtor, TIvainat MeCebe.
° do enter a diSpute to the tatd Summons
in the offfee of the Clerk of the 6th Di-
vlsket Court at Dungatinen on Or before
the eetith day of Febtnery. A.I. 1932, and
judgment may be igned
T. M. cosirrao, .ruarse
The Printery Creelitor'a claim le for
$305.09 on it promissory ride for Tem
Hundred and Piety Dollets ($240.00)
with intereet at 6 per cent., dated easeea
. dth. 2927, payable 32 nioriths efter date,
•';, de by the refinery theaor in favour
he Primary Creditor togetaer with
UM Of Sixty.Pive DOW% and Sixty
(65,60) for littered.
, rid the Printery Cteditor further
tiefins the costs a this action.
T. M. coortazo, Judge
a din:Aber a farm hotted anti fareas
ter eate very the,ap. Ask *bout them.
1 W. Altliffi1110140,
"Sox iCkmferleh.1
L. •
effclge Blade that Jiffy instruetions fail to
sharpen. 'They cost only 50 cent's' and
that a nietline; no extra cost.. X had only
1 am pachatee of blades. last year. A.
PLEMINO, •BlautYre jive., Toronto.
will -sell,by public auction at lot 13, con-
-cession 1, thiderlele Tp.. 3ee, ridlee eouth
of Ooderloh, an
FEBRUARY 16th, 1932
comnfeneing at 1.30 eetioele sharp, hie
farm snick' and implements, Including .
One pair of Matehed horees (mare and
gelding), 7 Yeats old; 1 cow, 9 yore old,
needy freshened; I cow, 0 years old, due
April lith; I cetz yeare old, due eitstrch
OM; I eotte 4.years old, due Aprn east;
I steer, 1 yeAr•old; 1 heifer, 1 year old;
4 ealtros, 2 geale,And 1 gander; 25 White
Rock hens, I year old; 20 Barred Reck
Pullets; atifiercie Pulletal leheart Jam
wagon: 1 gravel box; 1 Democrat -wagon;
I good rubber -tired buggy; I read tart;
1 set. of MOD sleighs; I fiat rack; 3
Masseeedlartis mower; I Bissell diek;
tot iron harrows)1 1 walking plow;
raper; X Set of team harneSS: 1 set of
singleliarness; grhidstorm; 1 ,Massoy-
Harr* cream separator; 2 baleeof chick-
en wire, forks, chaine and nilinerotte
other %Melee.'
NVerethIng will bo dispeteed Of, as pto.
prietor leaeing the brill.
sums .of $10 anti under,
veal; over that amount, eight menthe'
eredit will be given on furnishing Joint
notes app: -o. -cd by the Bea of Mon-
treal. Ooderieh. A die:count at rate of
6 per cent. per annum allowed for cash
Oft eredit amounts. .
SPEMAN. T. outortY rk: CON,
r.r. Chnierielt Auctioneers
Ambitious, ifieXperleaceel Men,
50 eeilte per holm.. past . time,
ivhile kerning garak.o work, bat4
tery, tleetrie. acetylene welding,
tiectriettY: btlek/seirke, barbeting,
beauty culture. Write
(Chartered COMPlanY)
IS gams West
ter trm Illustrated eataloeue.
WIIH ?H anfs sum...tt
Thirty -Second Annual Reunion
Han Record Attendance
Lag Friday
Mayor Lee Turns the -Hand
• Organ for Radio
Tee 3244 Annual at honie and ee-
Won a the littren ow. Boys' Addle.
An Open Letter
Chiropra▪ ctor Asks Indulgence o
Public In Eliminatinl •
A. N. Atka -Isom tea:drum:cider, lieu tide
deemed the followine letter to The Star
on. the eubjed of rade} etatic
Deer air,—Ori nuMereits Occasions' I
have been abused peer the telephone for
belee the cense otetie, -et, alleged -1,Y
oecaelonea eleetricaltiPlffialleee wliteli
are used in our prefession.
I should like to draw the attention of
the public to a Mineber of Mete regard-
At he tullehrried annual eneettne
the *Worrell Trotting OW Peeing Afro
Matron 11.,eld alieelay eventeg the Am
money for the meet to be bold on Mon
day, deuglast let, was ilk:creased 'Ire
$3000 to a3500. Tbeee aro the larees
purses to he offered for a harnees meet,
M. Ontario Mt season. Tame will be .
four events, three stake and one Ma
race. Trio events are: Dreeefor-all tro
Or Pew. stk. PUree $1000i 2,18 trot o
PaCe,. Make. $1000; 2,22 trot Or Pace.
stake. $1000; 2,23 trot or paee. classifie
Highest Paid Official* are Cut 1
Front 20 to 49 BANQUET FIXED •
Per Cent. • ,bortieentlecortnettpinutoentoartaymbao noulttontut
M,P„ and 0. A, Itobertam.
NEW SCHEDIA't APPROVED 'baYesuit'cl inaQeat."lemwurAbdeu'ad rtart
d, Drastic Reductions Come • As tohro. p4D,eicidcwror.d Foliebtreual torn 1112otue,,vottntin3
SUrpriat4441ArtMy Se*.
sion New*
To Mark Site of
tion Urea° was In the Arca- /na Pr°eauti°11 )1Alts takell Dr 1)unlop'S. Tomb
dian Cant on PrIday evenine 45t, and safeguard 4alus"t""' .
The Byer° Conaroldion /lee Assisted
a the weather, the attendance was the In installing underground cables and COWa. Harry blccreeth Unfolds
largest iri the history of the Mode-
tiore A large tontingent Min the
towne of t,he old. County drove down be'
auto and toot in. the "Big killew."
Mayor Lee cued Mrs. *Lee team oede.
MaYor Dely and Mre. Daley, of
Searartia. and Mayor .Craig, of' Beerier
Ciecidich old bey, and Mrs, Crate, wig -
merited the crowd, •
notwithstanding the disagreeable Mate m
conclensers, at a heavy eimense, at MY
residenee and oMee, and, e have made
cnaeges to my wiring and Imve also al -
Unique Scheme to
County Council
lowed tile Government radio etetie , •
to to try out the condensere, etc., on A unique seheme to better mark the
different occasforie. have also report-
ed this case to the Itacito Department, site the tomb or Dr. "Tiger" Daniel).
• Ottawa. The Hydro people Of ;Amigo — -
Buren County's first %date settler 'and
have promised to assist. Mstalling an its first Warden, was unfolded before
Relnanefirs orchestra. aulerilled static end am willing to bear eny share
Luigl,OPplituice that VIII whale eliminate this county couricil Wednesday by Councillor
told were rendered for the rikeio taction. ' Harry GVIeCreath a Colborne township.
tise music. ter the dancing and ellitable of the expense if it :will but elve satia- '
On the embank.xnerit or terrace slop.
Miss Etolle Xing and ears. (Dr) • Vera,
The reason of this letter,' re that ing froM the last resting place a Dr,
guois• • • have been• tailed over the 'eeluine And
. Urge ntlinhers indulged in euchre and --
liave been abused *Ikea nie pied of
bridge In the, gallery, the prize whiners business was Mosed up and ,,not Meaty
In euchre being: Gents—let, Mr, J. way- betas' Operated. But • is. always
Senn, end, Mr. COnisloye my:place; that gots the blame for all
ist, Miss e•MePhereon; 2nd. ' Mrs. M. Matto; no ether place; could. possibly be
Scarlett. , „ , • • the cause of et.. • .
• When the proerain went on the. air I should like to draw .atteletiou to
ever. C.FCA at 10.30 theth was a telephone call I roc:Mead OnaSueday
great Uproarr the crowd. grotme.d. avowal evening of this week at. 6:40 A'Ona come-
1,3thltemtrirnige,rkeinolezzo:e.:sh.lging old'-tirne songs,
assiateci by . a group of • young iadies • body who. called himself a •Tniae; cer-
tainly be couldn't- leo a gentleman be-
. :Mayor 'Charles C. Lee, ofeeiodertett, ''ettM.e '111 1•44'41113ge- ov°r'Ihe was
swarth, .stich that an utieciacated back athodse
.coani:Lsreristijclehntunnt aolYve'r*ithe radlo.„ that, .mare would blush weal '8,1Meriete •
an uproar, .enae Avg, mayors* „' Thieetatee matintio, ththetened to vet
were decked out with special head -gear ail MY 'wires,
ante while Mayor' Lee turned the 'rank -8.0 cowardly that he could not come to
hut Wonder `Oa' he was
of the heed organ, Mayor, Daly . told 1113e •ettleoe and give 'me reVsee so .tve
runny .stm.ies aver the radio. The m.3.3,_ could discuss the matter. properly. Oh I
ore weee etssest.ed by two monkeys in Yila covvard . •
collecting nigkels and dimes geom. the Now, ni eoeclesion, I assure the. radio
crewel. The photograph taken by the public that ani deeply hiterasted In
Toronto star photographer, of the group thine teacarts and doing all / can
in action ti a mast-dote:lee 'A cope' is te. Mop the interference which may be
cat exhibition in the Goclerich Star ,of- caused by my' .appliancee.
flea windovie ' • -Mr. Palter, I thank you for the vain-
, .
Another special feature Avila:the Rea- able silace Whiele I nave taaeieup and
ori county, 'eteeplechese, In which coven hope the ,public eleoperete with me
contestants, tepresenting different toetalle in getting rid of litisiggilbte,4,A;A.--..,,..,
•In.,..1.4.0..•,Xeoutity, toot part.' -,`Theic;..,/eas „I -thank you. • . . .
peat •,•difficulty in , getting • the • terms . • • A. ette ATICINSON.
away to •a geed •start and utifortaftetely • • . ; • •
the teinse was eroWded by hundiade of ir
• Session .
spectators: A surPriso entry 'end. one jea
that,. ethated much etithustasin. was a , ••• •
eeinated colored .boy representing the"./. . •
MeLaren. stables afte labelled "Pin- • • ' '
or% para." •This entry took fright at lertaCert• risite
'dark" horse 'ridden by a -little twelve- •.of
tho. water itunp• and finished backwards. Basis 'of Suit, Whch •
Mr.' Matareit is 'being Mach oritioiSed •
tiff Wins.
the way MS entry acted, as he was an ••• ..•
favorite- for the eutt 'and it is ' •
Clainied the horse was not in tonclition: :There waS a lengthy, session of Divise
mil. G. IA Parsons ., of - Cifoilarreet Pieta like Court . on ,Monday, being; '6.30' In
down with ' 'a party,' • thelucifile!attee
the evelling before Judge Costello -lid-
journed proceedings. •
The appeal of Wilbur Lockwood,
against a maid court tonviction for
Jeannette Martin and Miss Eleanor
Whitty, and were joined in Toronto by
iriessrs. Jim and John Parsons, who are
attending St. Andreyes college.
Ma and Mra. Harry Salkeld of Ciodee
rich, were in the limelight and met
many old friends whom they had not
seen for many years.
The Ooderech epotingent hmluded
Mayor Charles G. Lee and Mrs. Lee, Mr.
and lefes. Waiter Naftel, Mr. and MrS,
}Tarry Saliceld, Captain and Mrs. Wil-
liam Oraigia Mies Eleanor Whitty arid
Mee Jeannette Martin. .
Mayor John -Daly a Seaforth played
• the fiddle for the old.thne dance With
rehri lefoon at the •piano and George
Ferguson canine ,
• "Swing them around and do-th-do"
was the slogan at the old time danees.
Luigi Romatielli has a great orchestra,
and the Huron. Old Boys Mum. It.
Mayor .1, r. Daly or Seaforth is a real
tmort and is au able representative of
the staunch •old 'town: Be talked to
the oinike" like a sixteen-yeareold,
Mfgs. Jean Woods, gold medallist of
the Toronto Oeneral Hospital, was, at
the head of ro ityffelds contingetit dhe
is the daughter of the Bayfield post-
IllaBTitisierre were good tielegatione from both
Gotlerich and Seeforth.
• Pollee Magistrate leretbleen of Oak-
ville tvas 'early on the job, aceomPanied
by Mee, atalveen and ttvo daughters,
Mr. A. 0, Staab, formerly of the
Wire -shaft Advance, was eitictraritiried in
lila horrie, With hie family, and unable
to be present.
smile Walker. "live wire" besets -
tent theretarY, led the Dieter contin.
Robert Holmea, ex.M.P. for West
'futon, and en.editor• of the Minton
New km, was in his glory. and he etay.
ed the end of tat preercen.
Mre, Neweorribe, of llettlt Dat-
e ord, Sask., was preterit editli Ime
daUghter, Nfts. 11. D. liScirris, and took
In all the program, f3ho tk,*ris follnerly
Mid Mary Brown of Illyth.
Pedagogues, high and pUblie, were teen
Presented, ewe() twenty -coven being lit —
Doetoro and- ilentiete counted tip to man insists That lie Go to jail; „ not.
reckless driving was thsm.ssed. liarry
Purtin, Londesboro, was allowed. $35
• damages in his milt against Lockwood
arising out of an automobLic accident, ,
en the • case of Mrs. Burkbolder vs. 3.
McGee judgment was given for plaintiff
in the mine of $50 41141 Costs. The claim
was for 896. Defendant sold plaintiff a
eatitilhand" eine eSlioillY • aftee Mrs.
Burkholder% niece drove the car through
a plate glass window. 11 Was claimee,
that the ear -was defective and not as
represented. The defence set tip that
the aceident was caused by feulty driv-
ing and that the car wee in filet -clad
shape %then sold. • Mrs, Burkholder
claimed that she was told that the car
was Intoned *when she purchased it, but
after the accident she found • out that
it wile not. The tale price was $215,
One wands put a Value of $175 alt the
ear. The Judge awarded plaintiff - 00.
and eostie Frank Donrielly
D. R, Nairn for defendant.
actien of Mrs, Ella MarY
ney vs, John Mcnurney Wee adjourned
-until February 1212* after over two houre
teetimeny, It is an aetion by the
wife for separation allowance payments
allegedly In default. V. It, Darrow for
Plaintiff', Frei* Dennelly for defendant,
At the annual couaty nicotine a the
Dunlop and tweety.two 01 11111 relatives,
on the Blue Water nighway, just north
of Goderieh, Mr. McCreath prePoses to
erablazeh in the green swatd with white,
. w .
• DraStie reduetione in -the eolarlea Of 'charge eaPeete. Met one leteasirect
eOlUitY CinPlOYeeS, 'ranging froze 3 • to 33 'On be present • ' .
Per cent., featured the Jlpillory session ..'"'""'"'''''.""*"---0,-.,,e0•0,--•,— ,.-A.-...
, of Huron 'Collar Connell which. con.' . . ""'""`' ""-- - •
Seek Permit For an
eluded .Pfidey aftentoon, -The laborersa
and the teamster's wage. Also were cat. '
to 20 edita and 40 cents on -hour iespect- Artificial. ke Plant
tvel,V, The Corn borer Inspector, who. . . .....,-,-,... . .
last year recelVed 75 'Conte iin hour, mud 'Board' of Health Receives Appli.
this year .clo the same work for 40 cents, eatjem.,..eelto insult machinery .-
find hi;; own 'conveyance Anil pay his
nectwujintY7Pfllillet8 11.1.0netinVrtaveolfil,The about the
tlolet . Au (4u0 ,o' f .t:.""---*t°1antiCttetality laud inter‘t. .
toe cnildrenestutienticietylus0Pmeeotoe,rwl-aTochotbt: is' *round in the . implication ot George
vort718.county (aerie seffere4 a $600 iteratttmon to. oporato an ar.tittata leo- . .
dent ase, the calla)* treasurer 11,500 and Johnston ea. Sons, itingston street, Mr
the county engineer e500. The comicil- Plant in Ooderieh, reed at the.Board of ' ..
lots therneelths tea, n.10 per tent, eut Health.; meeting on, Monday afterneen,
in tlieir teesional • and 'eonenittee pay, • Tho letter says in peat; • "'We propose
but nothina. ine Mileege. ' .... to Marco the necessary afferations • to
A .3temeatoo. ehty . •, and to eise eur'eement black buildbig on
It,' was a somewhat MoMentoua day. for ileCein.mgsatriaree
. t ',lard to.. install .the latest
letternly,Aea renrerr'ed to Dr, Ranter. •• ..: . . .- a.
county .effleials. Everybne ' knew- that a wrIIII.:r.
Battey . reduction Was brewing, but no. who was givon power to net. : ... ., • . . . ..'
body. expected that it would be et (lease There a very mat laaethee4 .0e a uut,„ . .. , ... .,
mid ice harvest In cmderieh.tpts winter. - .. • •
• Meedaye was! the •thst meeting •of the, ' .- • •
hoard ot health this Year. A. D. Mee,
.Dean • was_ appointed eliairnian. Other ... ' -
membere. present Were Mr, Oallow, 1).
Marwick, Dr. Huater and 'Mayer Lee. • •-• ,
Recently an -Inspeetor a the Provinerai • . : -
health deem:talent. patd a visit to the • '
pasteurization plants of Coderiell and
arm 4airies. The inspettor's report
.eueisione The committee is eomposed of eIvvea:la rteernd.blit.l.r)gro.tallleaOlelitiolmilexteProlamntle
Reeved Sett, Margie, Miser,
and Gelder., *teeth -Geiger led the eel. ' •
WAllekso meedatione 'were made for a few' Alter- •
utY reduction forces, . - . ' ' 1.avtlit°hq°t'ille%:1ollwellictrif It'.1" 9' n' LI t3. ttUte'" '
Inspector's Salery Cut „ Assistant -Smeltery Inspector Fred; • .
. . . ..
. A vote...talthei on a' motion to 'volute Weir reported that in Dee:carer lie vice., .
o'elook. 33oth. Mr. Piletton end
Ma Rebatn have oeeepte4 the
Invitation.' The eenimittete lit
cobble stones,' • tne • words "Dttnloers
Terra)" in ten -foot letters, in .order that
lee 'historical eignifieance may be more
foreibly • braeght home to the rising
getemetion and to the Canadian
113 emerale Ikaany 'Wee,* he sold, did
not khoW .70± its • exietence, althoegle
•thousands yearly passed by it. .
The .thheme outlined by Mr, 1Vicereath
is to have all. 'the •echool children of
Hume County make a pilgrimage this
summer to the tornlY and bring with
theie one or niere cobble 'Mmes.
. He is . mileage the • support a the
school theaters of .the eminty.' He was
prornieed the hearty to -operation of the
reeled.' He proposes to do the -.work
MInself, gratis: Ile expects tee have the
week wider way by Jene next. •
VITThAelre S:.eAreTpiSinTel.ry7tMe ,Gclde"
rith in 'Mgt *.eaetiee ehe same number
as in 1930. The Inertia:tea were 20 and
28 respectively and the deaths 60 mid
65. These statistics are supplied by
Toveri Clerk Mum
Everett Rae, foriner inspector of Pro
virieial police in this district, was arrest
ed lehidelphia on Monday Be Ms
appeared last milliner allele on allege
shertege of $1500 was discovered in hi
athounts. He has •waived extradition
Itae was known M Ooderteh.
Norman Wileon, accused of forgery
oPPeured before Judge Costello yeeter
day for electiose He chose to be tele
before judge end jury at the neat com
patent eourt of ittrisatettoti. appii
cation of his couoser, •Prima Donnelly
for trial at ,the June sessions -wee re. -
fused, This means that there will b
eriniinal docket for the A.sizes on
Fele-ear/ 29th.
A fresh earl of snow enabled eergean
nOss to do some•sieuthing, early Tuesday
morning when he picked up the trail of
thieves euspected of robbing milk bottles
of looney and tickets, of which theth has
been an epidendb. • Two- young mien were
questioned and admitted previous 01 -
fees a this nature. However, they
were riot caught witleethe goods." • They
are said to have involved three others.
One lady In the north •end of the town
lost a $2• hill, and others silver, ceppers
and tickets. • .
tic on alletals holding the most respon-
sible pi:Mittens. A 20 per t ent, reduction
was the outside aeon tallced of.
The eacouteve committee Which dealt
with the salary list, entirely diethearded
tw mlitions which were sent to it, Ono
was for a 10 per emit easittetion And the
other for a 20 per cent, eit, Itetiter did
the eommittee rerieW each position
eeparately in arriving at it decision. Its
report was adopted ie tote Witheut IL
that. peat ot the salary, paid by the
eetUlty te., the Ohildren's Aid Inspectoe
from $1000 to $600 \Nets taken in the
afternoon, the yew; and nays being Ask -
ea for. The vote served to show whleh
,way the wind was blowing. 'Die vote to
reduce the salary by $400 per year' WaS
as follewS:
To reduee ealarY by $100-13allautyne,
BeAvere Campbell, Douglas, • Geiger,
Leiper, Mathaeon, MeNale Me-
Clearrle, Moser, S(:otte elAdth, Swotted,
Wright -15,
,To name ealary $290--Arehlbald,
Bowmen. Caedlie, 'Crated, 'Elliott. Fran-
'ele, Cambia., Cloidtherpe, Mettensle, Me-
Xibbon, Stewart, TaYlor, IN011acv13.
, • .
• The 1932 Salary scheaufe
1031 1932
OelintY Engineer, with
car and upithep, For
Good Roarie 3000.00 2000;00
For County recede . • 200.00 e00.00
t oaoler, with fuel, light . 1000.00 950.00
. Salary Salary
Warden 100.00 100.00
Merle ... 1600.00 1200.00
Treasurer ,. 1900.00 1300,00
Clerk of the reaee. 1100.061000.00
• •
The Action of Israel Olatiow, Toronto
bike and bagging dealer, againet the
Goderieli Manufacturing Co. and .1, E.,
Baechler, foe $30,000 for alleged Pelee
arreet, hoed in Toronto last week .be.
fore Justice, Raney and, jury, was talcen
from the jury by Ilia Lordehip and dis -
Matron of gaol • . 209.00
Gaol „physician . . .. . . . 120.00
Turnkey of • gaol, with
fuel and light . 950.00 000,00
letintaeer Ilouseof Refuge • 000,00 720.09
For use of car . . . .... . 100.00' 100.00
Matron Home of Refuge 700.00 700.00
Assittant a/lateen"•• 400,00 300.00
Inspector, Mouse of Range 300.00 275.00
Phyrie'n, Itenige of Reface 400.00 900.00
Chaprn, notice of Refuge 900.00 200,00
County Auditors, each 50.00 40.00
Auditors, Criminal Jul
nee itecounts, per dey 5.00 • 4.50
And 10 cents per on
day travelled , ... 900.03
Caretaker of Court Home 2039.06 900.00
Corty couteillors, per
day --------------------5.99 4.50
And 10 cents per mile on
day traveled
Cotruni4e0 meetings, Per
• meeting . . , ° 5.00 4.50
Medd. The. cane arm out of the sale ' FRIDAY MORNING
by Onalow to the Ooderieh Manufact. On Friday marline, under the head-
urIne Co. of 3,050 cement beg° at 10 ,..
cents each. This wastu February, 1031, were eorrect that it warden of the cowl-
eig of inquirlee, Reeve MeNab Need 1f lt
Orange Oyder of Smith llul'on lieId in theme reetitution, had Onalow arrented
The bags were rejeeted by the cement
cOmpany and Ur. Decaliter. failing to !tee and
tY had overriaden the property tommit.
by the committee.
made pureliasee ixot authorized
'Exeter tin Tuesday, Feb. 2ntl, it was de-- for fraud. It %astestified at the trial 1 Reeve mefabhon raid that Ma McNabb
tided to velebrate the lath at atm, en that Onalow also mid bags to a Dmitri,' i oetensibly had refererne to eoniething
the Towel of Cloderiell. Members Of the ton firm, that these ban Were rejected which was. vela a ti C lb ' e ,• f p
tended the meeting were Brea Aleph Onalow in a elvil action. Aa hiatus !E2vvral Years ow. 'he saki.
Orange Order trete tide town who at. 'and that Judgment was gwen fteahrt , neminations. 'the. ineldem Was
MeNevM, James Adams, B. U. Clot*. etaeal limy. Mr. Raechler is out the Priee Wardcu leadt;r cald that its .1u 40
/add, David Sptmle, Joeepla jum:„yobn he paid for the baae. Plue court- eaele, wae coneeenea there would he Lo over.
Jecir, Thee, Pell, TIroe. loan, Arthur unlegs they tan he collected'. Mr. L. le.',rldine ef conmnitteee,
leAltinge • Erneet Ereeicemedee. John and Mr. J. C. Malaita anted for Deeve William Stewart (Wan Wean -
McGraw, ,John 0210201. • Me. Baechler. • 4
noeli) wanted to Meow If tve) attetten.
ters; Member9 of one firm, could operate
1 on tile sante Ileetir.:e. Ho %xi told that
twelve M the attalenee. inerinit •• ItlepOrtg Adeptcd
Vresidellt Harry Stiewe had a^ditife de t e • agistra e e VIMIDIP The Itedelative comMittee reeoramend.
1V1 * t bd Oblig d t
big as the side of et Irma*, vdriti Mrs,
ed that the reealuirene fartsartied tbe
tabiro went one better, united Maitre, Of Lentun and Addeo -ie.
After Wing appc31 againa a eon- that you rennin out of Sail,"
ton be approved. Ono protested a3ainst
briMdorse, *to. votio_p; !Act eharto of the vietlen for theilas deltang before Judge Ttekwead pleadtlt ao did his lawyer.
thd tit-ee-tisirfrauvuteyeinert StOWe suPere Ccatello iit Meister/ Court en Monday Ile held 'NE,' tat:1 buLiu030 wa5 retr mud er2td,ECI!ig,,Weatitleto,,!..U.-7.a.tretqlechllt 1/".
meeting. Wilbur Leektood, Clinton texi that Ike could net think aer any tvay to' e—", ""`„" "eue ereee4"1"e,"' 1° elle Lae,
Seeretaty _Pion/1_4 need 120 tiekette. delver, made ettelighteray for magistrate matte till0 winker than ta errand (.11141."Y.6 t34 °a4 05‘. I'Ll"110 t° 10
-1 A Iftnelthy letter fr.rt thr,
Dennerry, and reemested thet his fine ruetlimmore, Lee/mail Meet pay - " - Are
"Nothing etieeeede eircee:$7 la hie Rebrs (Ace alth hie lawyer, Frank daye thc) ceunty SAIL1pm cent.
t 'Mt& F-4113 Welt$ 4?anw tli) iron r#66 money, a10.00, lie baek Kea and limey tea elaniaece to repeir tael(114°U Of (314tar2° Ca•Vr°112 3 W-AUtion
69' 2488' t° *tteba the event, t3he•
tint He be Eta te• for tea lattree atitoZeetalf.•. The cetera, of Itl°t°t1"3 tIsell,ettOti by the
mourn' D. D. Wilson Was a busy did Ile eiliee eale!alet. Celle 21C21: Lirge°110ta 110 Mutt alea rae se, Muntelpalittee, Perth:0* es regard,
rtlar.L. tisttiot roan in the Het plea. dtabb VeMeeitice: Wise 1,:a3 eeatell In A fc'•-: t" 1.3livncae 01 02,2-tAttee the maw. fleilateineetiCautzeatuitriaedo c%trniiiitteteige, 1.()Isisuelttitesti:tevtlo.
wit"sorguit Ifintent;exilemelittettVgmilfdriweseitewomes:, their r: extby. The Magretrato 'a fteetei decreer
r3vri, man ths is, .eteitti eurged into tto,yret t..),tir,tketv_tr,f.edi:.,ftraen.,,rnVatt , Ties ia 116 fleree Get:mien la Gedetecil rt3111432M tlut aeb4t0
t'-27tchnaclitt' ty It'esitlent Vela I finally rp.id ante thee hal tate in arieere the efeeietate referred the ree ‘"""n •r•?'"'" """ erb° 41(:31;•
.0-311 welt et a ID.3:4 tO tCY ,taIL
"Iri,let°ClItaff14' o)(4fey) reellee"1 erel
War;cr""ig ftla Irtin Or 416tgio, The Magittrato 2.111 Iceeed ea05 rlerieed, re.71:03 aroa) ont or a anosidwolinetal 031tguntolt of the' DoweVI
$98 thst ttod to reeeeeeel n,23 1.1E!",::msh 0) cece. ' tete eel. "e ' „
feeettitued en Mtn I, ',eta that eeei reo to ,feica, to mime realre ddthed hirn, rieovtittatd rift peep Tp
ed the Cloderieh Dairy and fottrld el/die •
thing In freetaeIdes shiiike arid -In -keeping
with the regulations. '
During' .iativary complaints were
colved about eonditions en Brute coact .
Gibbons, streets, These are being- iantes, "
tloated, the inspector • say§ epeet a-
total of 14 hours at 'his work in Decem-
ber and JanuarY. '
The inaugural meeting of the 0. O.
Board wag held yesterday when Dr,
merson Ivas cloaca chairinam 4. 3111..
Praser viee •chairman, 41, He Robertson r.
hemmer and P. Hume reeretarY.
The following; torinnittees were appotnt-
ed: Property, 0, M. Roberts -on, J. J.
Robertion, Rev, *LB. Ford and Dr.. Ern- •
Merson; Supply, a. W. Vraser„ Dr, A. U. •
Taylor, W. A. Coulthlirst. • P. J. Mo-
t:wan. Commercial and Industrial. P. •
macEwan, Dr. Eininerson, W. A.
Coulthurste Fraser, repreeenting
the board, and C. K. Saunders. C. A,
Bold, 3. W. Taylor and T. U. 'Mitchell
representing employers and employees.
A resolution was passed requesting the
Ontario 'Trustees' and Ratepayers' Ado -
elation, which meets; in Toronto at
Easter, to urge on the Government the
Continuation of the teaching or graminar
and arithraetie for two years In the Col-
reglates Arid restoring the one.year Nor -
,•.a1 tette again in place of two yeate.
"We've had the hewn) end of the sin -
is 'Meal weather obeerver told us alt
Tuesday eCancilema, Day) when themin
failed to penetrate the (gouda and tho
groundhog was unable to see hiS shedow.
IT things turn out as they are auppoued
t , Ooderieliitee will be Mowing their
lawits. about lefareh 15th,
Valentines at Calimbelre Druz Store.
Tette uilvantage of the special prieee
offered threttehout the More during our
leebruary sale at SOITAPPERes.
George's. Itch tea and eale of week,
Shrove Tureday, Pebt O.
On Tharedare February Mir Zoom
2.36 to 0.00 p.m., the Womeies Iffeepitat
New Spring Prints just In, epeetele
ly pereed (Mane our Pobruary cola.
0, W. SOWANIePat
Vieter February Records note. on tale, •
A Ifleeting of the Cloderieli Histerreal
Doelety will be held in the Couneii
Chamber Town Hall on Menclay, Feb.
15th. at 0 p,ni. As the ()Meer.] foe 1932
• will be eleeted at Vile meeting, every ono
Intererted in the litany of our town ID
requested to he preeeet.
Mr. II. A. Duck Deal Mr. and etre. te.
IlleltoP take thia means of cep:cal:Mg
their thanes far atatineee eel nyamatily
€nrtcnitcd io them in Melt beecnermeat,
"They wish (dee to thank those tem (pee
the ale of taro and time aim sent fierol
1101.1t. ---To Mr. and Mrs. 0. 12. 2io3'
lotto OcrtaitVv 1'stcr a Veliritat'y
at Women!? Iforpital.
Wronte. a datigitt?„ fittadeline Jena)
0 1)1ED
rIteel1AteAe7.---40 Gees:elle svca.
ntsday. VeN'tiary 302 Lettees Ceek, ieee
loved wife of tlaireee 11. Dantean. aeed
69 Yetere,
firecteal earl Deld cee GAttVelty
CoLattZsri tweel the Immo c1 Deo eznaete
133 Tete leatee:e Pheleetree, can teeeee ea
St. Ocelleee eiratelie