HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-01-21, Page 80.
reenteloett from page I,
asel Gee. P. (tennis lady direreessea
nine Jae. Secnrcile,Mn.SWas.%31,iL
111.:2., M. W. Walt, Miss Perrino,
enn, IL le Sattefeel, Mes.WmMinh Ma
TA11111".aY. Mee ee tiroine. XX. Roy
,eleaseires e. A eon 7 fr,:-..7.1 ,7474. J. C.
One:seine reereselee Teen resi$natien.
474c:Sii3".° Tem Onntialeo,
Ce 1:.21..icttt.li, W. el
tetel'3, Miesee, et, Feiner:in J. W. Cale
1-c11 tand W74'. t‘itzlc2.
The 'auaneial e:atenlent enteved 'Meet
nosielpis of #8010.92 teed eesssinateree „eel
*Ole L *tonne 4;
enterio Gat eneit .7*`.
1:1,31SUleD ,09ZM
exiuty„ tra4 . 14S0.04
Tenn entelerieei . „ . , 204;00
Tour:10 c? tiesloesen : 25.00
Gate rezeipte .. .. e0e,$5
Giand etand ••. Ca.03
-Banquet ... • . - ,• . 9e.00
Xeileatt000 , - „ 1003
Advise in prize -• 26.00
ntemeerelnp tleirets . .. . •47.00
Ram GATOS 115.00
Colter:intone 4.00
Tees . ....... e10.05
.Bilehres• •and daisees. nee 114,04
Membereldp retail -Led , ... 1)0,50
Rees Maimed , ,
l'eanie lean . , . sea . .. , .... 415.00
• $0010.02
Prient belartee in book .... a• 112 13
, Ourstandine onequee ° 4.00
• $3134 fail
Debit . -••
Sank balaileo. forward .1030 ...... $ 400.31,
Pelee MOney Kitt ' 091.48
Rote Money paid •" 400,0e
lellillaing nee 30,00
• Band 70.00
Printing and adVertiSing „ 21.,115
..1)1,1tribUtinr„ dodgerg 42.64
Plane 4,50
.011arde and conoteblea... 31.35
Poet:toe. 50.22
Secrefneen celery 100.00
• MeMberellin retained ... 05,50
' neses 054
' Oritarie Ass'A Of 2.09
Light aot. to "Sept. 30, 103e.. . 5100
Judges • .,18,00
'Icleace, soloist . . . . 10.00
Coat of banquet 1105
ne,PaYMent of notes to bank . .. 415.00
Rank intereet on note. . • .. 1346
Ilank interest ott ovordrart ..... 6,77
.igundry expenm . , 0.17
Flowers, Baskets a n
Party Favors
of the
I JANUARY 25th to 30Ih
Register early at
Cole's Boot, Store
Cene. Rebertsen won na Tosesseen
ion (.en) iast week,
mins Anninnn, TX.NIC7,1 Wia.c.70 fcw
eseseat the wenesenti Ionia nee restee, Mee,ei aeYe wart felentles
. Leon. ,• The menenne •e! tho Parlavaiese'
asidese Ciele enteetaiten let* lezeno3zule
elif2e3/14° V32711.rcj tim nem of ntar. nt. MeKeezto on •
• TivF:212trilini; egilersc' cc11,3g.3' klday wiren %etre .enpper
non WiPeene Wei ecla1 3neilay
seen cereal,
Um eyeripatiee ce te.e eneereantin te: eee.e., eenesene ,..• __nesse., ,..,,s ees;
E3',`,Cadotl. b 317. Mad 21f2. 'V= Cznulitl'Sfri f',44;tf4,..,f,;`,,,:',.",.,".`1,...',..t 'e,t'........;',„'
neat ia the leea a the'4: infaat"*"` vt,oi.., •""94'...544'411!4_ ia.-4 ..,'01C^'"
erlice Intone, memory ot Denearo.ero,
Mr* 4n4 7.5rze°tin tw° (4141;11 in tile deaZis ot then* intent con, Mee.
41i'cil aad Lllicl Ii•''' -'•'-'2:1 4V-4t-a°':ci V154tzll days old, Lie seleetennoa Marino ancl-Gene .
wee411. trio -143 as 1•034C3144-0 •C3 I'VCanc"; oz'al Iles -gal, asdeeisie on Tinendey,
1 - . t Zest. IntorMait r,-37 le Colborne coo-:
TO te P. O. will Isola tireir meeting t,1 sees, e s Inman,
en the tewnsline heti ere Friday ovening.i. Tile ineleenale moot of the mutual -
Jam e2. ProeressIve erokinoto will be mintiree oe tito limaemmen leaned
Part ef the es'elliree's reee'leleel a tun chorea Iml tzcn, rc;:eivcd teem the eenne
•010:3o of 7.71iiali Mach will res, eervesin earn; Tno mamas mecum og 1114.4aAn... .
nveucfct, tome find ir..1:0 il Cad time. b non 'United chUreit vas .hold Mendor
On Tucedan evening in tbe too -4411P erentrig sat 8 O'clock. nee. O. C. Ie'elne
hall the menet meetioo ef the Smith eccupted the 'chair, And. Mr,
1111teetevregattow wain, Ireirie---Aftese A Maven- -acted-An eiserotarye lici).,.t :of
openino excretes eneoUraeliza xoports of
an department% wore eaven. Offieers
elected for t'ais year wore: Church nee-
retaree Mir. Helen Clark; envelope ceere-
•tax% Fordyce Clark; miseion neeretary,
•Mre. A. Y. Ilendemon; eiturcli treesurer,
WM. Me,11Wa1n; board of managero,
'Frantz Wilson, Jail. •Gallagher, Wm.
eiteir divine election of officero.
°Witco come gentieroen liOteted to
aeatu accept oinea John Soworber said;
eGoed. eitizenehip, requires that, 'eve mot -
•beets . otiose up. Thee? gentlemen
should not grumble, now that West.
dent luie again aceepted Oleo. has,
oet: te good eoampIe and be ehould teo
beened one'. '•
Pe IL Winie alSO raid it Was a Door
tene to iawep bonen fie paid high tri -
tette to X. Oonnally,
Tlie proldent Was liaMed to attend
the Convention ot gotorio Amoela-
non of :fait fairo Toronto an Februferit
inn • '
Waa ae the Aboard eeon. hold ofter
the annual .rneettine, 'that Mr. %mil-
eombe tendered hie .resignotion. He said
eimeeted to be Otat of town Much' taf
next ,sarotrier, A ttrliii4f; ComMittee Woe
relined, coniposed of 'Messrs. Connolly,
Leffg, Wigle And Itoberteon.
lefr, W'tole, urged that a etilley of nee
conirriodation for stock ot ti: foir
Orounde be naride eit once, and that ebans
eee be Made,, either of terAporary or
perinanent natUre, so that the expert -
mice ot lase year, whioh be described 'as
"erliel," will not be repeated, setter
etoOle netonurtodation, he eaid, would add
to the prestige of the tair and put it in
positiori to reSetve better eollsitieratiOn
from the government, • • .
, . •
The •OlninunIty seximathiee' with Mr.
ene Mrs, Vero Clueningliaan in the-neatii
o tbeir Irifant son lase Thursday. •
Mr., Peareeneof Nita Shipped a earload
ot hogeand Oleo one of tattle from Me-
Gaw on Tuesdey laet, and the Co-opeea-
eke vie en Mohdren. • •
*roe Intites." ',A44 of the Peesbytertan
group intend. holding a Valentine socfal
on the .12til of loehrttary In the ter/veiny
/tag. Fertber pattieulars will be soiveri
, .
later, -• * .
The annual meetharr ot. the congre -
Ion of the Caned eltUrcit 'wee e in
the -townetaill • hall' on Tun: ay 'night,
Jan. loth, rvith,' a large •attendance
Members and AdlaerentS, the pastorcItev.
W.' J., Patton, .Presidniff. 'The meeting
*Pond' 'with eingIng hvinn 89 and Ur.
MeX, Young led M prayer. The minutes
oe the 1ASt auntie -I nicotine, were read.
and also refernice • was .Inade to subse-
relent congregatiOnat Inteeinge, bp the.
sec:retain, Ain John, A.* Young, and
'In Me addrees PresideneConnolly stet -
:ea that net inaujoyeare had the etoeit
-exhibit • bon as Rood a 'in. 1031. - Th
,•.„ boner. entry list, he taid, ems eneoerage.
• • . .
"I Ow eorty there are not More here t
-today.- It. is A terlette. tiling to. lot this
eshow lag. It Iteepe the Country and
tern% ,follt tegetbo." • • •
Atelide point :Dr.' F. Clarks. for
,rantileeneare.seoretary of the fair, entored
the MOM. He hes' been Out of tonal for
'Seine titne and watt ,glven heartl wet*
>tome • Ile was Apia *named honerarer
-aeorepry-treasUaer niad asked to take the
GlevePhit Shoes
EN and IN oaten
They give c o plot e
satisfaction in widths
eold et
phont 43w The, sq Lone
Clearing Sale
Stockings, Socks
land Mils
eab -week-day after.
noon at the
-Wei& Kait6g co,
the various organtatione Oe•the ebureh
were Oven -from the W.. M. Se Womenn
•Aamelation. Suradoy eeheol, Binetsior
Mane the ecerrIon. ,stewarde, end mieeion-
ary end maintenanee'.0trensurer. Theee
teporte were all very eatiatactery. Spe-
elae mention. may ha made of the
• Vienf.S., they heVirio met their full al-
• IslArsh. hao. Treble. Amos StolleW. Ray- location -of 420Ter The retirino etewards
molid; ehUreh aUditers Thee. Wilma. are W. A. Culbert, Robert Roe. olio
ArthurInalott. Wins electton of atesvarne,
BENMILLER lezttlod thoeoppointment of thefole
" townie; W. A. Culbert, Chas. Convent.
Tne congregational rantino of Ben- and ntiojanci "noun
'United. c•luire•n will be held , •
Tinireday eve•rana the Omen. .• „ l‘tanfitti"/°11/°flad0•14'nro•re-WhtanYntiartdan°•r,tethe•a
We are plecaseel to state Ur. Vahan/ 'young 'People's Society tor /*Whig 3
Waiter of theretta vOtieeSSien la linprov- mann In tbe sunday :rouse eneenn nee
frM•Oan attach of pnetnnOttio., . the priniory elaSSOS. 'The neetitio.
There wee a lore crowd at tile shoots 010104 With prayer by the 'pester,
hag metch at Ur. Aaron Flames on Sat- '2to annwzl neeth1g bc D*ngauro
eionny svere sueoessful In getting .8Aarianneoutlituroual TuteOceiaetitly,W,aas4nuliaenrldn1:11i1,4,unin-
towlIttre, M. J. Ainslie •and little Donald, the., afternoon, The -following's 'officers
Mrs. Rot Broeltord and Norrt, with were elected: Honorary Presktent. Wnx.
lvIles Marie Shielde, • nursennetreininn, Heine; president, Jan Leona; 1st *0
were calling on friends Isere thee week, president,P)ovid hfreAllistere end- oleo
:and:Urn .Fred Kerr of CreditedPreSidentr Ross 11/1eP11eet. directors; Ash,
k noldonlas. AIMO, ler. A. Culbert, Jacob
visated witheenn and IvIre, Chas. Kerr en Reeds Itont, Deeldsola; Wet -W0111(411
'Saturday end took in the ahootino metal
Fiehern. . js Theropeons A a Thompson,
room, ritsoo, 'Tstyliii; COlborne-s-
The Young People, at SenmIller W
church are haring a . debate 14 ebe• Ans Errhinton,. rranh Iteg.
cherch on Jan. 20th. The subject ler •sonsehh. -lattetewl Dullgaranone-C. .W.
icrybinart;::at` t141:°18.4°15111.ftta;nitheof cftiltnna,fm.haret. Tatt).riktal5.yaelnientzsGI'PhSwaye,413; thotanhet,6'.I.dlakusteerg;'
the. ease _of living high." Ulm Isobel1,443r 011:0etPr'Sw„ UtS. N. P. Inhyttrd, Wire.
ManedMattrichazel'oleitheaolradinnelorforiteheallinremeaettlive:ItT '8At.citshteer,ersel rrs 't tly4' ;aanliidieett°thil'
uveryboey weleome, , .02 the directora which wee 11014 at, the
Tin natnniunity eimeired to bensel.aasse otifppthalentanned aatileoniroeteat,rinr!trOoal7uxa,erAltektno
blado on. ThursditYJan14the
or tno sudden death of Mrs. Daniel Pit -
take the piece of N. Whyarci, Who re-
,. .... Til
veaeed had ot beett in the best -at nealth
tor seine time, but nothinn. '.serioue was
thought of. She was born 'in Colborne
and reeidedon the tarn she woe bin%
on. all her life. She Was of revery.eheere
ful dispositioneand was liked by all, Sbe
kavee to mourn .bet lose' bers huebAnd
:and e family of four -children, all at
-IMMO, 'and tiaree, brothers and twosis.
tem and her father. Mr. Naegele,
Toronto. The Itmeral was held' on Sato
• urday, condected by Rev, Mr. Patton, of
nenmiller, and was -Very- largely attend
ad, The pall-heerees were three bro-
there send • tiaree hrothers-inolaw. The
Inter:Out triakneace 10 Oelborne eerie-
tery. Much sympathy is extended to
the bereaved famtly,
s ee• The annual meeting of the Raelleld
aPP°htting. cit ""°°°"' Agroultural &mew was heid in the
ad o ed
tires after holding the position 'since.
line. A vete of aPPreolation of Wa ser-
vices during this long term in office was.
extended to hint. The. directors decided.
to Meet the eecond Monday of •eich
month and a sPeeial effore will,be made
to carry •on then-Agekeultneal Seetety
soccepsfolle for enitithet year.
The Arneutie :meeting ot Paurs
Anglican dieuroh, Dungannon, was held,
In , the thumb on. Monday -afternoon at
2,00 p.m. Rev., William Hall, the rector,
presided, and Mr. WilbUr. BrOwn was ap-
pointed as estretall Mr the day. Tho
soretery,, reed theOmiraetee, of.„..the pre-
vious vestrY Ineethig Vslitelt were adopt -
Cil. The report 'at the rector, given Mt
Rev, Willtam Han. ,showed the average
attendanee At the Sunday service for
.the first live Menthe of the year' to have
Oen, 14; that af the Mgt seven month.s
to be- .40;" nveregOe'neteiadance for the
Sale. the first busblesSi es Mre Ireunff toeise jialt fieie on Thursday lest p'41rell(1111.§,erlirdr'aftifsaour. '1141'fille.ereitut‘d'eraYe
IL Clerk Wee OPPointed. Then followed., four infant bagiSiii% Earl' 'Ray Stewart.
rotas train %no dinteroet orgarthsetions.1„ inns. neveral nen- Was were brouitht Dorothy June. uttpledge,. Aroold Lorne
The pastor VW° the One, from tbe so. int°arnh pb133Y.50tnlie members for making 1002 Rivett. all of lite Peeth, earl • Bernie%
and more attractlie than Joan Vvoolidge of 'reroute' There vo$
olokx.. showing A ilebefut sigrit :and.- previoug , years. The auditors" eel:nat.' no 'eonfirmatien elaSSi but prospects' Are
operation amonget tho. members. Systa-
port000 refereeee val mode to the lose Showed Mee balente on. harnleafter all' good Me .0he 1932. There were rte
410nd:tied by death 'Of Itodeelek toaing pre, es And other bills were paid,' The marriages. Them - Were two, buria1s-7
folaneing officers and iiirettOrs .Wore 4P- lien* VIWier O'`h•av Jahe WoodS•
in A Ost Ile Willi a in be The redo tonveyed thanks to Ur, Bela.-
ert Daltnial who had acted As people's
warden, rector's warden and wsceretary-
treastirer thrOughout the year., 'Ile false
thanked the menebers of the Ladies'
Guild for their aesistance during the
Year. He manned* budgeting scheme
whereby if 'every', confitined reember
would eoratribute 4311. pet Sunday throe's.
out the onmino year, the amount rated
wottld be entlicient allot all require-
ments for stipend, missions, ete., month-
ly. Tlee report oe .the church was f,I.Vt11.
by Ur, 414 ,Is Durnin as follosys
eelletS-Iblvelonese $334.20; looee colleen
time. $110.04; Proe'eeds from Buppera,
0121,25,. miecellancoun: lo.m Tote'
receipte, $050.40. Depentlitoree
F., n. Gibbet e,tinend, •$2/6.50; Rev. loVral.
Bah, sthienti, 3,211 Midget, $661enesee.
Oellaueena. 958.49. Leaving a Instance of
$10:06; Toe. Adoption of this report w.1e.
moved by Mr. nnd eeponded by
eln Mole. Ancl wee curled, The SeuldaY
sehool report chewed an asterasie attend -
ante of 0; collections $2.52; expeturil-
t 4 00 th Reit f $145 laeln
after ten yearre of Nike, resioned, letiss • 2,40, •nnn pan nttannanan ne nun,
_ pointed for the year: , President, Joins
Seeders tor MAO Seem and an advotate
Of every good Week. The treasurer gave 1410,1e0;11A1:2;°Id"v4itcovip°:eStrcletanklt,en.rto'hiln3RbeLtlurrellell;
a4lIttinatdeembelltesitnels anne°411°nIfen84111°Zehlgantnit 'siattivreatragi A. Erwin; treaatirele V. A.
directors, T. M. WOOdS) 'Sala
ba144Ce on the right Side. Mrs. *Marsh. Hannan En ranee, -wen J. mom
gavej the report. of the W. It Se, shorn ears. Teen naoeseen• wns. Stewart, Wil-
$100 raised and clothing sem, barn sparks, W. W. wese, Mrs. Beet%
to the West valued at $125,, besides the ups,. (Dr„) woo, tut, reed snenseens,
fruit, Vegetables end apples whI411 Went Bert Dunn, Fred Middleton, Robe, Mc -
the three ern -leads Bent to the West um", Tenn anatirden. Imre, Jane
Mtt. 11. Wilson gave the auditors' re- Rod, prenk xeegatt., and Wm. stepsons.
Ilert. The DV:neigh* board Was re -ore eon; •solditore, • John R. Oinneron and
4rinizet1 with °ix thr6e Jas. Reid. Tine President, John Me -
stere, two for two And two for one Year. Oinfe, was appointed a delegate to the
Mr. Alex, Young and Mr. namee Gall'- distrat fairs naeeting at London, also the
bee Were appointed trustees, along mitt! Atmelatiora of Fairs meetino in, TorOnto
Mr. John Oallagher. A heartf voto el on Feb. 4tle and 5th.
manes woe tendered those stem C4. faith- Th: anneal_ Avenue of the Ilaylleld
.neerleff eri 0003 Ole se*. demetereeCo. Wese held IA the town- hell
Perienees Of len. on metiOn of Mr, W.
W. Vaniter, seconded by NV. Alm, tonna', gmn,etonaduattutonioralalt%h.e.0 Tat)o.frillocidw.infogr
a cordial Invitation was eatended to Roe intleil presinant Jowl lieDobnki,
W. O. Patton to remain wrier Seer iee, jas. ite'ic .cee.treas. 4. h
Mien* pastor. The meeting elesed with direetore, Chas. IL Alatileton,
peayer, aild lunch waS servoct saw n so- I n, 11 511112C11, Geo" flume. Rene
Nal hour woe spent. •
Seotelimer, .fogepit IlleharctOrt ansi Wm,
----"`"*"---1-neotelanter; tektoil, Robert Orr.
I melee, event the won -end At his lionto
Patehell, of the Hank Of Coln-
I Tile Library Board aro bolding a po..
eretelve euehre and &Moe in the teiVit
hall on Thu. 11%' evening of thee week.
Cleod Good lortece will he given
fur euehre.
See Mir Winter Ihnierwestriaten'S,
A 011611VeZ tit 4 pr. to: $1.00
Itonwhide Mitts. ISet *se ems.41.161
Largo joky Orintetrolt, 4 ter 6541
We are Ambitious -
• Wm. Stinson has started tiro men cut-
ting weed in bis bush rie there Is to
mow, Making It better for bush work.
• , The trusto.a ot the villaeo held their
firet mating for •the sear on. Monday.
Brandon waS *Pointed chairman
That every tau:chola this timuld buy their drusetore •
Wants from their own kcal &Mkt, AIM ie Ansl• ou.e render terviee.
Protn weLit to neck we adeerthie a number of Veil time 1i:tee with the
hope that we may Interest sou. The followirat Iseteee Will prevail foe this
r*ItAlo rat
SORE raitoAT heasebrid; into• iarpORTIER '
• fr,e 16 or, 4Sle one
1.141310 eat LEAD PENCIL
32' ter. 41.4*
To dcar. a fOrz
tiltiait Crow
2 rolls lar
111011114 WAIN
Reg, Me
Miterme to eithiwni rieipkr:ts for
'special prim! we ettet the Mho -
leg: Dr. Themes* Feleetrie
tife; &yore Aspirin, diar.
eettipaele-4munel hp, miner,
rem fee 45e
laceeateteMled c c . ilheyre
th7c D.041.11 the Teeth 'Stasis
4.0.1418.06. toss
$e ketildrateres
*rtely *advent,
fortalaly in the
Se. 4k, 8 ,46
MFR.% 161124
C1116110143 Meek
to elver
• ANTISIelle
Three wog
Ole, $1.44
tir. Skews&
WOK C . lair. E. R. Ylisie
THURSDAY, JAN, ellen 1933
tock -Taking Specials
All- sizes, .139 to 44. No sleeve,
half sleeve, long 'sleeve °
$1.00 to $1.25,
• in good quality fiannolett?,
7,5c and $1.00
, SWEATERS for Boys and Girls: -$125
.2. ' $1.00.
. also separate garments at
50 Cents.
Corsets, Wraparounds and
• a few sizes 01113!
..• 1040 40, Reg. $10 .$10.:and It; -Clearine a
The benediction Was pronounced by RV.
W. A. Walden, Interment- was in*Web-
ster'S oeMeterst And the fellowing
ingu acted as PA1.1-,beaterS.: RCN% O. W.
• rtev. L. W. Reid, Rev. W. A.
Walden, Rev. Dr, C. N. Elazqn, Rev. 11.
• Pergiteen, and.Rev, A. JI. M. Thomp-
son, The lo,teAlr. PentlUnd .was 0. na-
tive of the Township ot, Ashfield, ening
born onesand-thro-splarter miles north
of Dungannon, on the farm now owned
by. Ur. 'William SilIlb, nearly seventy
year ago. ge was the third Wriest of a
f seven
t-stiwlare ! °r4. reanelnd
Thomas Pentland, pioneer. residents of
the district. One brother, Mr. Samuel
Pentland of • Dungannon, predeceased
him ie years. The remaining membos
of Use family' are: Mrs. Brydges, of
Nallten, Alta.; Mrs. 'Ocoee Trwiri and
Miss Celle, Pentland, litiagannen.
, 0.f ipaci.ieherlamon,0"xiActd:
Beside his wife, who wad miss Naorni
Barker, of Port Hope, he is survived by
a family of three -one son. Rev. A. E,
Ctille.n Pentland, of White Hall, Illiriois,
nets Olive Pentland, R. N.. of 'Windsor,
and Mr.,. Reessell Needlieen of Ildel•ton.
He received his early education in Dun-
gannon public school, and, afterward.
attended GoderIch High School. His
college trainine, lie received At Victoria
,Oellege; whiela was then' to Cobourg.
Oredileting • therefrom forty-two years
aeon lie had served .in all nearly forty -
live years in the ministry, three years
as a probationer and nearly forte -two as
an 'Ordained minister. Some of , the
charges in which he ministered were:
ures, 5., e o .
mot by the ream,. The Larliee" Ound
reperterl: Receipts, $78,20; -expend!.
tures, •Inelutilaie' • $25.00 elven to • the
church. .$70.40; laving te balance Of
$1.88. The Ouild also prepared and
Shipped 4 bele to the needy1» the West
valued at $121 •They also nesualed the
responsibility for the re -decoration of the
interior of the clutroll during the year.
The parish ball roport domed: Receipts
$112.90; expenditures e94.62, Meluding
repairs on hail, interest on dent ors hall,
and porches:a of fuel for 1032. The fel-
the West 'with his daughters, visited with
trona. in thee Imlay last week,
(From another correspondent) •
Mrs. It MOgritige returned • heme oti
Saturday after spending several weeks
with her cleuehter, IVIre ThomPsen.
ef Loudon. • •
, At the monthly Meeting of the Wool-
en% Institute .ori Tuesday of this week
it was deadest to hold eociel evening
in the hell on Friday, Feb, 6th.
The young people of Knox united
church Will give their piay, "When a
Pellah Needs a Friend," in the Forest-
ers' Hail here on Friday evening, Jan.
22nd; under the aesniees of th# local
Orange lodee. • "
Miss Fromm A/Marty spent Sunday
at the' home of her parents, Mr, and
MM. MottartY,
Mts Sadie Carter was in ,Clintort tatt-
ing Ore Of 'Mrs. E. Lawson last weeks
. ear, 0. B, Erratt is in Toronto 0,',t Pres-
ent With a carload of stock.
Mr: and Mrs. s, Co, Who have been
In tine neighborhood recently, returned
to their tome 14 GOderieli on Monday.
Mr. Pegs Ball, of neer Clinton, is
assisting Mr. Hart" Sturdy to Ware a
euPPlY of wood for the seeeen.
The eomminaity 'empothises :with Mr,
and etre. Vere Cunningham in the loss
of their introit son. , •••
The regular monthly meeting of the
,Alemen's Institute was held on Tuesday,
January Ilith, .in„. the,e'oreeterse Haile
with Urn Woods. presiding, The meet;
Ing was Opened hsr -singing the Ode, fol-
lowed by repeating the. tord's payer In
After the reading et the min -
Brigden, Cairngorme Brooke, andeareen- utes, letters. werenread Irom: pcopieiu
ston, eoncluclingetels'bilnistrY' in July or the' Was:, who were lienefitted by tho
IaSt Year, einettivildeh •time ilea lived contents of the ears ehiplaedsfrom this
retiree,. on %Mt' Ooderfeh. Jot'. hes loco -lite last ,f.all. The letteee expressed
fore the New Year with Mr,. 'Pentland, gratitdde to the people of Paulo for
Jia left to Visit with their .daughtet',Mra. their nifidnos. 'The tonowing program
Needham, And shorts' after he Wail telt. nee then presented; Rowing. by. vim
0. Taylor; cole, Billie Craig, Jr.; rood-
ine by eters. cites. Straughea, tetra,
Washington chose for her topic two
chapters front Mrs. Nellie tine,Oiureies
book, "Flowers :for the Living," The
Ilmetine• closed with the Natiorial Anthem
followed by hutch and a metal half hour.
Ifostesses-IVfm. ttlrs. Stolt2,
Miss Viola, Thome-ems. '
' MRS. A..7. FERGUSON, Press See'y.
en ill -and was rex:Soared to 'Vtotoria lloss
pine, Where on. Monday; January 4th,, he
atunboauetrwaentweeak he AlepaplareoAltryntliotnno.r: optreocir
'after the -operation. vrhen eminnidatione
see in, and the toroth!' were all, oiled to,
his -leetisida . Rut despite all timt expert
lfleCiic.'tl .,kill and the best of trained
nursing could do, he paSsed away on
Wednesday. Ilia three sisters roldentin
Ontario,. Mo. Or• Irwin, and 'Mies Cella
Pentland, of Dungannon, and Mrs. Henry
of allesherton, were in Attendance at the
'funeral. 'His ,brother, Vilford,- and his
:sister,' Mrs. Brydnes, of Alberta, wore
unable to Attend 011 aced:nit' of the 'dia.'
tante. However, Mrs. trydoce, with her
two daughters and tuto small "grahdeolas,
rsPerattive4s- inerYchillIttri•PloY otnhtelisir
during . the past ettnoner, when many
haPPY re-unto/4r tool: plece- Others
'from Dungannon who attended the fun-
eral were Mr. George 'Irwin, Mr. and
Mr.Donald .newler and daughter,. Miss
Melba lenvier, oleo Mr. and Urn Mee
Cauley, of Ineelierton. Anion g the-rnin-
itters eprevent for the funeral were
•-notiCed the 'UV% •a. 11. peters and Mr.
Bertlett, formerly Of Dungannon. The
relatives at Imisaannorn have aneeitireil
Many IfiesSageS arid lettere of Pqrnpathr
rtilhamich -were very much aprrreciated by
The rnenibera RiVerstOn L. O. L.
Mrs., John Marteer, of Ontlerich,, has
been visiting for a few days at Um home
of Mr. end Reek enethwein.
•Nott Sunday the service will be held
ose usue,1 in Union church at 3 pone nun -
day school' at 2 pen. Itev. V. W. Caen,
the pastor, evni preach,
The regular meeting of the' 'otmg
People% Society of Union Ohtanil will be
held 111 the ehureh on Fleetly evening,
,eanuarsr 22. lase Nora Soweriee, the
presiderit, will Ilataf charge or the meet«
Imo All youlig Peop•le cordialbr wel-
•ramble -the PUY. 4.'8owinfr for •the
Reatheir, - to -he "p201011206, .2 tile ladies
of the WomenIlltesionary Society of
'Union thurch sitenit the middle of Veb-
mail,. Mere later,
mrz. D. /lesson and lais Clara No. 145 are holdingan oystee copper In
Sproul, of Stratford, Were recent vLitors 2tIr oTha anuoTpehrorwednaly be
in Dungannon, at the home of Mr. and
NM. David Sproul, having accompanied -Ft°4 rirklraln• Everyone We1c°1",
• Mr. Harold Sproul on his' coming from(PrOni. another torresponden) •,
Mel:Isom Saskatch•ewan. •, &In and •Mrs. 'S. Anemone, Mn D. I
lidiaq Alice Coning, R. who 7ias SchWartsentruber, Mr. and Mrs. A.. Proc-
ject for dieeussion will hai "To what ex-
are the YoUng PeOPle responeibie for •
the ittoral'tone of tile nenimunityew All
young people are asked to :attend, ,
'Pbe telephone' men are boo repairing
She., ,clanlage , done by• the ke-storm on
New Year's eve The Bell $Yetern •hererel . •
Iwo lines .throsigh, trie wires p,seng not -
erica to the foto post., uttil the new
poles are created, ern Rural' System is
stilt out oe order; • '
ML Ilelen rearceson, tile Sallastem
Set -mei 'ot commerce- Spent tile Week-
end at her liOrne here.
Mr. and elm, 'Slain Pertenoef Stainer
towesinir, were eueste the hernia of .
nfin and Mrs. Relat Davidsson. on Stine.
dAy. • . •.
.r.pnt niunEtti. Scooqt •
..rne ronowing 15.rno- renert for the
Port Albert, salmon: , aloneni 15%, pug' .
00, below 60 omitted: .0r.11,7 -Olifford
Cross/Ord. 14,8; Thadre'W. HoY 14.5;
Kathleen tednor, 12.5. , Jr. IV,e-Char-
lotte Crawford, 86; Fred CralvfOrn, 74.e:
Mary Ivenerillane 73.8; Ian Ileggitt, 68;
Sain, Martin. 00; "Alrete tesmin 69.6e El-
wood .Murray, 60; Einer Draper. Sr
Ix1.-:-Dorothy MeMUlon, 15; Cecil
gee', 14 Marlette McKenzie, 70-.6: Mar-
garet •Prawford, 89.6; George -VrtteleY.
• Jr. Leenor, 60; liaeold
dell Belen: 13teGee. Narita Tvlutray,
kathieen' Nixdorf. 1.-4:Meaner Petrie,
IThrac."°--,OrtkwX0S"0, Jee • MeGens Harold
Adams, asmviti McGee: Preenrefna, Pet-
rie, Pnyilis iVInelrelght,.Roderlek IVeniteri-
ate, teroY'lziraPer. CfOrdon Idertin, .
btu% AdarriS. mutoo- On roll .
. ,
•• •
At tbe inaligutal rneetirk, a the public- /
school board held Wesinescily evening'
gannet Blaekstone ,atets, appointed. thair-
plan and the following atanding com-
mitttes were named; leapply• 'Truetees
Thomson. Walleee and putt; finance,
Trustees Card°. 111.1115 and *leltaeferi
sehool management, TrUeltece
Mille, and Carrie: property, 'Trustees
Outt, Thornsen arid Sebaefer, Bin -
me -on 1V3S arVOIAted to tile, G. 0. 1.
oatxt and PrlitelPal Stonelionse to the
library hoard. And the regular meetings
• ,
wilt he held on the .tiret Venda)! of eon•
• The condition Of •Mr. Robert Winters,
who last week as reported eerlotisly 111
'with rwewrionia, is revolted re be moat
'1mpiooci ne areipledeed to 'learn.
/S .
„ Por a 0604 ,leh of
•• go to
•00Drittert PRENCti" Dint I
West St.„ .Goderich
. ,
Dungannon as inStrUstreSS for the Olase
n. onto Nursing and Plat MO, tor the
past two weeks, returned at the week -end
o 1zer o IA Toronto, Mto. 22. Mee
Donald, of Ripley, will take charge of
the girls' tiros in sewing tittking the lieXt
lOWIttg • officers were eleeted: Rettort) two weft, bee dutle3 crm
un(.neine, on
warden,....VIet" )442k;11°0°1" walttru, Monday, Jannary 18th.
Wilbur Brown reprezentative to Synod,
• caretaker of the town hall to 11°v° °t Tiari6h AUBURN
• Of tho board, John peasso lsargo eseessense anniWillistan Mole; alternate, =bur itrownii
. hall
lir. Jaffie3 /tout* left ler London i,l,a dining the ee-ar: • tenor Blast:, Wilbur : OA Tneeday of tine we& the Wonenee
nrawn and nev. •winlam j'qaus Institute met in the Fore:tern Hall,
week to triers a posit • ion for tho wffiter, ter the re-deeoraticu Of the reotell' WO 11%11.. UtIgIV 14V-1°3 1°41 in theClihtini
, Tho onniltd meeting of the eallgrcgu. &online, The, =WA; eloced with tho hOsPital laSt IrCelz having her tangle re -
tion et St Andrew's United thureli IS • ' moved. She has cornpletele reeovered.
being beld In the basement of the ehurlt Th
ee funcral of tho late lioV. Simon The Baptton
t ceert 'which Vial to
cn TileSdaY evelling of t,hie NOCk• RV. 1 Van rtenn!elex Pontleini„ who ve Passed nahem held last stoodaY evellh114 743
Per will be eervedney woes of the away ill Victolla Irotnitsi. London. indellinitely perepteied. owlog to the Rev.
church and reports will be received trent enedneeden jamotty 18th, following tut *an S110110311 being tool to ?Awl* bY
the treasurere of the different tomillife oneratien 'OlOndaY, 'Jantiery 4th. the. :sudden and ceriells ilinesse of
tees of the thureit and Sunday sc11ool. liehmt was apparently cticeessful, I1.Ltfather-In-/ow.
irdi All isittesses Seld
Wog homy
Also greatly reduced
prices on odd pica*
broken lines.
after which there. followed earapiica. OA Prida,y eVeatfav of this wcok the
Row; Was held on rridity Alterman; broligenint of the village lama OM;
January 1521), from the hame of his tow an entefta10in0112 The Play le entitled.
Inslaw andscuttaitter, Mr. awl Mrs. This- "When o, renew Needs a Mend." All
cell Needliem, of licietten. 'The funeral ate InVited to came; fa coed time i5 es -
cervices were very inlirkeideee tlero Praed.
being eleven rninistm 0 the United . Mrs.- Johmtns, of Oedcrieh, in vil,..-1thIg
church plesent, Ilve of whom tok Vert at th.e Mose of Mo. John Symington in
in the taerrices. Rae. Mr. flapper, pastor the 0100.
, of Ildertort 'United church, conducted Owing 10 the heavy rains the river
tile I
sokron obseguies. attigtd by Rev, lag week reached the high water mark.
. O. N. limn, whi read, the 40th Last Sabbath the services in the Pres.
ne, the jest one ret, pcated he Mbyterian thurcit caul Smith's Hill were
onus preenese to his dtatb, Droner take* by Ur. Rebertme. a :student of
e ,WM offered by Rev. Nell Leckie, west. 'Wax College.
fat of London tooforonee, De ave art glad to set Mr. John Houston
*wrest aim oven by istv. D, wit Nic. around rigale. Ile Us t Witted to' the
" Cones*, who evoke in very shies teress et house ter a few clays 8011retl1Ig Item the
• she rennsplare ahel fltroffel chrieitals effects of too elate prentrolly to ono 0
ehatoeter She elorround moon sand. eon- . the horses heels.
i vvred wit of reentort to Ow vela. ', Mr, Aluirtfi Wflidhsr. of flamingos,
l (Ivo; *ho bereft rt o rn,,h.rired arrived in *be *Mote tnek week
t haleesion /Ash • ed benthet A emend 'to eel l'' 11 Mc ati3hi30t-
,11116,1•41. front Frited chart+ hood et the rilleat ,
; sena T "IMO filtry *our i Mr &ohm, *sr. ... foemer reredent, e
All:t ' l' ;. Ir. Armpit' fiat lift sip - Rion A OQ um acre l!ate..N Teokidisr; '-,,
rareheve Meier esti iriaaret
_ tes, triedeiset.
tor of Zurich, spent, a day last -week with
Mr; and Mrs. George Praetor, Out Line.
On Sunday Rev. Cratk had
charge et the service at Union. Ile do-
anillsPiring Oddreer, from the
text, 2 ThnOthy, ehap. 4 and verso 10,
"For Demon halt forsaken Me, having
loved Me present world, and 13 departed
Unto Thessalonita; Creseeus to Galatia,
Titus lo Dalmatia." He Illustrated the
text, by giving tonerete examples of pets
pie who were paying the prietet loving
tftkigaof this presed world, The choir
eang an anthem. "Who Will Our Pilot
nor with Marion Porter and Oestlief Mc-
Ilwain taking the duet. •
klettt thintle% at Sunday school, the
election of officers will take place in the
les„.ton period. The feeretarrs anti treae
eureteo reports wilt ho reteived at this
• time. • All who aro Interested In the
work cf the ralanday eehoal ore ,ureently
asked to be present.
' The Molar meethese of the Young
• Insopast Sweet& nill be held in the
church on Fritlay evenine, of this 'week.
The sem pereident, Nora Sowerby, wul
be in charge of the meeting. The euh-
Busy hands...at hard lath
thiy in and day our. Persian
sInt kethes1tin soh and
pRa14 ReMOVe* refines1.
and relieves irritation.
iser IMMO*
CARE OF -mut
Stoves, and in fact any.
thing for the home for
1932, and we positively
save you money.
Oa the Brooilway of Welch
CIA Fkrwers and Plants
for the sickroom.
• Flowers for ever occasion.
The finest in floral a n d
'S,Vetlditik work. ,
, Owe it,