HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-01-14, Page 7V MN 14:111Leimmusi
tl AY Afternoon t)ham Make his Test H_omebodies
10.••••- .11•111•M
i Everyone Past 40 Hints For
IWee Asmaelag mat Weber Ranee trait By Jcitee Allen Brown
'By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goifiricii, Ont. I Melitee-Aga MAK ate Tlese Came Tim aument of ieeslcsr, stuff tiott. rue -
Daily Asialeyoutee mud Sap eurnulatee in a liQuie es au3
0=1=01=011===11111;110====k0M. Vitel Von* one needs to move to find it cat
Chrieeian Mat and hope tItsPel tilasselr Eine; but as Nee that
,„_ tleought thet 1 was ketellatt our hause
ears of guilt and we time had not, asrrived, and therefcre He Na
langer wed fake neer oe aeet the fairly wen cleaned met tut / Noe out
Tbe t1ord Almighty 1e our Irlend, lett Judaea for tealilee, prime oX OW pot, ute %eels thee° pelletal nevieet tidey ellatteeel tvhen we Maved
who Can prOve a TOO A line drawn from Jerusalem te Raz- antl Often eenaarmeeiug eendie:aris last eneuth. 1 wall eay. X Wil net Ileac
ath rewould peel thrcugh the tritirit WoUght ea by overwaritel, eluggist1 leid- 'many old wearable elethes, as there are
Who en can teer divide us mo tbreadtb- et Sawed*, iiilla quite close to step or Lladler Weaenees with tills to many needy people ta heard useful
Or break the reared chain Met blnde the town a SYtinir. Santini* ettetched distreseine symegenis ot Larneoess, Pains tiling& liko that. But ai for other things
• le Jews atid 1 is 0 ,
elga aerose trout the see, to the Jarclam, in taele and dawo through gratis, Semite 1-olt dear nee! Tlie sere of thing that
seotttea /aqua see , so that tlee slewe, who were to scrum- but frequent aria burning urtriatlenOlyea are not using, but hate to throw
The tattle ta heaven atmeee
, rnivEs. zous to woe through it, were compelled "Getting -up -Nights,' and Nervous Bele away iti Qase it May b MAO. Just try
to cross tact Jordan tweee. Rad Make a tabilleyeebeeause a ten cls' tot of len Slum -slog it away arta there v;a1 to a cry
Grant, 0 Lord, unto each one of ue o eo
• nsldemble ileteur ef they sobbed to go Southwortles URATABS will cenvinee go up tar lt lenneilititely.
boldly h the most steotleal or the value of this, "Pity talk about women Warding. ^
Willing Writ that .we In" cMne ta tialee. Our Voril had
no ette
• Obtain mercy. and find grave to help Peellealer Masbe. afe experience is that the Male
sex: re athe worst . And the Younger
unto the throne or grime, that wis ;nay scruples. eass tea% tuerefare. tue great ep,e1 treatment eoe mete
Vine oe need. Alnen, HiMlienigtliirt *114:Xs til!tXellettamig 1°tItuire: kineatue teetimony Ot PhystelatiS and
AN' altet, Lo a sat use.% giVea a•
Zeman Topieetiesto Aad The Seenaritan
liewsott nose. ge-slohn 4t9e2a.
'Golden Teat -4 Theothe 110.
er Jews lett Jertateem because His Intr-
ucles we're attraating the wrong kind of
Volga, and treating a IntereemePtion of
the nature UM kingpin. He Went
Into the rural tiletrtets, where Ile teld.
"simpler, Jess sephistieuted persons to
deal 'wall, eee in today% lessonthat
Ile did not hesitate to proclaim Himself
'to the welnert cif reeMaria, because she
Was a simple-minded woman who was in
need of sympetby and Spleitual strength.
Tao time would Celine Winn. Atter con -
taring en many humble souls tae bles-
fsh4e of ate W110401:1%, lie must publicly
oof of the pewer
they are the, worse they get. 1 have
learned by experienee to time MY teen -
down, while the discipIee 'gent twee of IlleATASS ta restere Health and Urea to a it p
Leto the town to buy tread. Strength to a wesokenea, infttened ire school goeS It the bop aro home X
And thee arose that conversation with rltated Bladder and Valnarst Tritet. A are, Pot allosved to burn anything, Time
'amine sYMPtoms seem after time live, put ------ ar-
liESSON VOX witb. the Torencilms walk, our r t lace ieleledlately after
End Pibt, Sr/00ft a. Illastilog
. (1/14114ORRIROIDS)
woh zarn-auk oisprodelnutent.
Phone 121 P, O. llox 1.31
P4 -O' --
the woman Or Syeltar, evidell has Orought
hope *iteta comfore to mane' ;meeker
thirsty' and weary Olds 'Titat winch.
multitude of a
Teagfroyminik 'dos
eaelly. Add the vanilla, tvlacias eau 'tea zeeleetea to make it. Tied eenfoetitiner
Delve frent the eteve. Pam the weave. ,f tla very guilty 2 cotiteit ena tatted
removing all of the bitter whlte tneul- ene mloht replace n with ttm race%
as $011 would an apple. rattler than he te tbie. le 'Whoa WO. "eateneeseosageatoree ra
tPetfolt Nowa)
A eliMple in a Otis' dreg, is icoetle
Inane., It le better to part) the ovaleaee pe groom thoy s Igo% tIlatatoattttaanalatcabaalltp.oareettael dee
peel It. SlIce tbe oroliges in O tetddiree 'crearie" Ito weeld liaVe beea talta''-,til? Prelere Ms Aethem Relnetlsei. grace
dish and pour Wee ellem, the neckline mar. Tile ice Maul Wa5 401te4=. 145 DA tr,Cr 01 11,.. J. D. reelleteee liethare
to (Moldy elleappea-au4 you. see atta bage, to have them diecovered, and mixture. Chill thoreitighly Mot cerVe Was tellesti With feta and sPlees ^and WIllo Remedy moil It am otfist remedy which
struck the woMml herself. and the dis- within two or three days. ! M r . viAll givci Vella, tbouget for ellitecen ;seem
feel et truly gertubao improeement often reecued, Now X am like the doa with a With ereara. • lunteoegniZed flavor thet Iltado it very
ciples le not that evhich is hkelY tO en- Hooka:hes, Ito Inure pain, no more etne show consideration, bet when thines are „see, e, ,..„ ,„ pe Q
press Vs 'Most distinetly. We aU feel the barrassrdeat, or GettIng-up-nighte. I UO good at alt, what fa the use ot clut- *toe Pena Ch eeeathee it ts OOM to Seri* Bon ofteewards. but V theY del not they
hrieurPaeseti dellcaoY and. grace of the OloW slake sottedly, arol get upto Inuit. thAe.. tering tuop tiele wneorusoeywiaatkleint: et). lo' me. 1 foourdo'Plendtdeillieefeee'moryhecrotied•mTliaxeei theta
tellplxiye imigveeittv ooltiollaweoesorto itleriec‘ibloenotyslyeeept,. attor
whole subtle. Dr. leforeats Peas wanes morniniefule ot *pep: pleas
leo o e one 1 bury it deep. At that 1 ery to omvs memos delicious, Out 4411 My etiots were tee
lit tovati tied they batl"intliges-
thus ef itt-sNO poet ever itoagineci a TABS! amount and when enouett tor proper chIlline, Pasidings even ouco, 5 moo agate os stole or
ot a :starchy nature, sue lt as any cern* Wale° becauee et Maelettabie toed One
threw Out art aMaelng
situation in, watchthe free Inoltemerds While now to the general public'the 1 sra
aw lioW tielr we had. left, X dieettrd-
of human nathee, the picturesqueness wondrous value *alAT
aABS bas been. ed as we enleeekcle. Was riot ruthless 8tatele mixture. talaece, or SUP, ore cold Weater's ilight we were eerVed
ved tie theroUgli illne. plping hoe top of soup wtth crackers
a outward circumstances, area the pro- thoroughly preVert by years a sueoesse 0001. The cellar,
la thMule Int
e cateloetU and
roundest spiritual i_ntemsts. woo- ece Imp* ful use the Prlrato Practice Of nr, 11. it is much too ft& NearlY every hoese;ee_seue fauleUY is not fond Of Milk Pilde and eVeryone enjoyed it, tle it was un -
11113a fleshes mid effectively combirtecl. C. Southwerth. And now any good accumulates, and if you have never tune% maY hceease Via% have no' usual mid This soup was a
ou, leave no idea now much you been eeraing thent at a proper era- creain semi was cernianation of 0,
Ttle chief thing which struck the woman
and the dleciples was. ilio ease with. ------------------------ lc it reot Pea
double boiler and i
-.4---'erYlgti 1QaditItti ‘av1441,1 ;4e inittlr1Z110, sglenTtat114iet tat for 401130 beano We tete it.
temen Jews and Samaritans. Xie reply to arelliteets, When
This Sarnaritan woman theti was
druggist will supplo tleem ore a guarane
WUU tee of satislaction or money bhck. Try boo itures
URATABS today, . MAN-MADE HQU&ES THE. --16"114v °I'm" ,soup. A can oeut M the
which Jesus broke down the wall of Par-
tition 'which tbe hatred of centuries axed
erected between Jew and eamaritari.
It mill= awaY Veen
lie bed coue*t. for belp. etcera of
less ouffcring may be eteee'cittee lteltere
Ole Wonderful remedy at the taint watne
Mg of trouele. W203 ore ample, Site
cest c11,714,, and it can be percher:A
almost anyvaiere4
taleen ,quite tibaek teten the, quiet' manages to Aral the eunaleet Plieee every Ise f 0 ot Celt 0 the ride.
' MLaineimMeplee t4)aktio3ta donete of bead% Meath,
her inttuiry Jesus makes' that great an- penult have to. put up with: In bouses
t ed the simplerequest,Hof . a , Not in any particuier and belated plaee, had to do More houeetvork, we Would chair,
she bad' recognized' as that of a Jew,
uttered ,As ahrsaaaImo e He tells the women, is ,god to be found, trove. things more 'convenient, X only
done, slee twitted the414 ew w s o
J livthmi et Nein
- nave mt. in . the teraple et OerusaleM, nor in wish plumbers tad to break their backs 1t follows the sun around the rugs tuna
0 the r
fignr0 nouncement winch has ever since stood still h
pos excuse men do uot know An; time. 111 the early morning our eat
on the well, which by dress antl accent as the manifesto oe apirIttial worship. better, you will agree Vale me. Xi men t:lees eien titlelastuozolisssniesortilvioostiosnoct,,t -510avtoco0e7fsititl:o.ebitlatt;e,
wberi theY at ,at night, just on geoeral
principles whether they need it Or not
It is a Bound Meat as wually theotoode
eaten are add formine fowls and 'the
soda Will neutralize them end melte for
rival struottuo in Gerizim, but ite weer sinks and wash -tubs that are too tr.: IA :.rAvealstiltineer.Dsatttk,,,la roc.TIMaet:Itrva: Igeni,e.rasl.._eortf4ortlt,
ing and tale *1 %she r%* 115d ta eat 7
ago and, what a time bad to get whet • , ' ' -
TARING AWAY' Teere o gra elter3, 'else ese, Spanith onions. and
Mind fight to get the siok high enough : At a, tee the nteres oecseeolese X hcerti mince . Pie! What a romhinetioa
1 'wanted, almoets 'had a hand -to- •
Hut e got 'Moro weresno-waseseauos acimeemetheas of young eiblidren telIdee night! Everyone enteeed it and ne,etly
a friendliness which she sappesed ,was, spirit. eGod is a Spirit. and they that,
helplessness to quench it. Put to uer Worship Hint must Worship in spirit and
in truth e' As our Lord intirnates, this
wholly due to Own tweet thirst end
great surprise, Re end not wince. befogs was .a new kind of worship, essentially
her thelett, nor awkwardly .armlogise, or different from. that to which. Jews and
seek to explain, .but gravely Ansi earnest- samaritans,- and indeed 0,11 men, had
1Y, and With cligniey, uttered, the perplea. hitherto been aecustooted, ‚tier next W-
ing but thought-provoking worde: "If terance prompted ,lesus to say to this
thou knewest the gift of, God, ;tad who unfortunate arid ill -living ellen woman,
it is that Saith to tribe, Give me to .1 tole speak, uoto thee ant, the meee
drink, thou vtouldest have asked a Hime slaw. , •ely • • ,
water."' . shows some desire to recetve: His gifts,
, • , Ancl thee woman, if foe a moment the and, who is not above owning that life
MOH -CLASS • • felt as if Christ were playing with her, is a very poor affair without some such
• . or making • het enteniatical offers that thing as He offers; to every dne who is
P RI IN lie Who. made these ellen had fully in tanglement . se does make eamaele
could never bring her anye substantial conscious ef sin, and. who looks to Hint
good. was immediately made aware that .as able to, deliver' frotn all its tout en -
„slew the barehest fads of her domestic.lvizown
• life, In this conversation at Jacob's• s d ,f .ete the
!gilt 1 tvroto above,
lOw. It would soon. bring atone a
chenge. We had the Somewhat painful tiara inc eat does to be in teri SIM
Pleasure of building a house some years It Ineebt be. better for were Melted tett ta etiend the eve.,1-,
and 'Ile , would Kaye given that livilag To every one who, Ilk a liis ever:nen,
We can., give you prompt.
And satisfactory service at
a, moderate price in the
following lines of printing...,
-Letterheads - •
• --....Satitemenb •
• -Billheads •
--Private Cheques
--,-Circulars •
,••• • •
-Factory Forms
--Society Stationery
• -Blotters -°
--Business Cards
-Visiting Cards
• _.-wedding Stationery
The Star has an up-to-date
commercial printing. plant
and we are enuipptd to turn
out all classes of job work,
Prompt service.
• Phone 71 •
Con. e r
veti where. IONS' •
Jesus spoke of causing a well to spring A Chinese Woman's 'Westimong
up „witum .uerstif,„ sae stlU games Year ty year aa we receive our Chin-
-Merely of the :domestic convenience of .ese sisters -into the Church. 'and ' h r
x ositor a ble
, •
well the women for some time,. quite WORLD ltrisS
eaturally, missed the point' E
Some such arrangement. Jesus sees in em testify theirdesire 't serve
the has been revamped to provide the lady
thts echild-like simplicity a much more their Master; little do we realize
hopeful, soil or His message then He struggee that many of them. pass through of the house with. her heart's desire. So
all eve must not despair. We will get these
had found even iii 'a thoughtful man ox ;before they leave heathenism with yet In 511. seriousness, we need
• education ' like ' Nliodeinus. ate seelcs, tits "superstition behind *them and 00111a things
-therefore, to prepare the soil further by ;to the full joy and light and freedom of women arelliteota, •
quickening within her a sense of spirt- 'the Gospel. GASTRIC ULCERS
ft took Ulu bottle nwee eveteolla ate two trance. turnsovers, nes.
made that were high enough, so I bad about whon leY
Why it ,e s lmost a. pleasure to wash from their babies, so I pined them. self tneletted. I (10, not ketoev about, the. •
listen on the diseession. Did you ever•-reeb of ' triode .leta I slept like a top,
the tubs set en bloCks to raise them,
Is I mince turnavers, cheeee, and all.
a • the women whit neve al) es
Wall space ss another wing that men lwa A seem tget gether at any t- P SALAD •
talk -"baby" me that. It le their absorb- get eau seosco ilas been, rimed with eeia
in those tubs, , notice way, leAt.
will • not give us. The house, in which
we are living at Present has no less than
three dooble arettwaya and by the time
You Mita these archways and a fireplace,
there is no wall space Ieft. No woman
•would have designed a house like that.
We need not give up in despair though,
if we keep on struggling we will get these
things. Just look at ouplsoards. 'or
years women talked about cpboards,
tuitil they arrivd. In tb,e joke .cetegorY,
lIke mothers-in-law. But they got their
cUpboards. New houses have lovely
clipboard. spaee and many an old house
doe gathering? Mot of the ----------- they Arrange balm of canned pears in a
that want, Therefore lie teens her Item is the story in part told inc not lee you are. the thin, nervous, hard
saboughte back • on her actual .1E6. Toe liohlt ago hY one little widow. She was working type, and have oceaslonel MM.
outcome was 'her deciratin: esir, 1:Maried at 15 to a man very erlitc'h her gestIOn, see a doctor immediately.
perceive that thee art A prophet." Con- le•eillor, but • a Obri.stiart. After their Gastria ulcers Oorrie to the lean. tenter -
Incest , of tole, elm, woman 3:1r91,0*:.to. marriage - he tried to tetteh her ana win tutiatelY, the iedigeettero apparently gets
,„•Xlestre *lie stiniciblg sublet 'or debatehoe 56 Pilri; 1114 altholtglaeleeeknew to better 'mid Itaisetheseseletimeentct a' false
' • . ---------t he bad timed sense of security. If. gastric ulcers, are
lag interest, but I have seen occasional -water, Pour lemon JellY over this alld
when the rest of the party was bored to hill until firm, To serve -cut in, squares,
tears listening to them, Itch squaee having a belt ,pear ie the
timBeutit gIet iisbtascokotItoit out s rianoythoeltvt.
eTaulitt centre, Place • on
alad dressing is one made of a mixture
lettuce, A suitable
They all knew that the bottle should be Of equal parts of' salad dressing and
taken away at the age of a year and the Whipped cream. s • • - •
babe taUght to drink tint of 5 elite One
fortunate mother said thats she had no
difficulty. at her baby ' gave up the
bottle without any troatee.. The rest of
them nil had difficulties. Some :at tbein
gave op the .attempt • and let the baby
have the bottle Mitil it . was over tivo,
which is too bad. • • • •
The baby does not want the milk, so
much as it wants the contfeet Of
bottle, The trouble Is that mothers We
allowed off .1931
Water .Rates
if kid on or hefOre,
ray now and save
the Discount
Water and light
The :11yrii
The West Street
Electrical Shop
We carry a good stoeic
Ekerical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Eatimatet given on
_ 411 Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Phone $2 - West Street
comethitig which seemingly had indeed distovered in time,. cOnsiderable can 13e
transformed his life, still she would have dope for them, but if not they are a
none of it; what had, making foodMid serious menace. Give your doctor. a,
clothes, tending babies, and Icioking after chance. He -cannot cure yeur indiges-
the multitudinous duties of a Chinese thin or discover ulers, 1! you do not go
home to do with this religin, She said to hint. •
to him, "Show me your God --shows me BAKED PC)TA.TOES
this Jesus you speak so much about who To brace potatoes is one ef the very
can do so many wonderful -things, X beat ways of using them, as nothing is
will have none of Hem, or this religion'" lost .in the cooking. Sometimes it is
she often woodeeed though what Could difficult to get potatoes of a suitable size
cause her husband to get up •so early and shape for baking, To net wound
every Sabbath and walk AO 11(20 miles) this difficulty, x keep a basket beside my
to worship with others bag of potatoes arid eaoh day ; put the
Then she became III, and she was so peed= that are suitable, into the haat
touched ,by Ins kindoe.se and patience as ket, as X tome to them. In that way /
be so sympathetically tiaid oncomplain- have them eorted ready to bake. It
ingiy nursed her that her heart softened works two ways, as the very large pots -
and she said to. herself' "Yes, 1 will be- toes are not as good for boiline.
lieve-thls Gospel must be true" But ORANGE PteDDING
after she became well again her old 2 ,cups mills, 2 tablespoons. sugar, 2
doubts returned and os she herself said, tablespoons crnstrch, 1 egg, 1 tea -
"Today I believed -the next day I doubt- spoon butter, 2 tablespoons eionl-
era" Then her husband took ill and starch, le teaspoon vanilla, 2
died and then one of her children. Iler oranges. •
Ade the butter and sugisr to the milk
Mid put on to heat, Mix eornstarch
with a little cold water utitil smooth and
oda to the beaten egg. When the milk
is almost boiling stir a little of le into
the egg atid cornstarch. • Add this to the
hot milk stirring steadily. Cook tale
over a slow fire until the mixture Miel-
ens and then cook ler three Minutes
longer, stirring constantly, as it will burn
• 'SONETIMO$ • ialcciavngo
onto State Journa). • •
• When you see a man running around
with She seat worn Mit of his pants
don't Jima, et the concIusloo that he
got that way Trout lazing' Owed,. zny-
e he wore it out fighting. with Ins back
to the wall. • , •
you Merry a gold- digger. you pay
alimony for lire. yon steal a fortune.
from pain
A. lot of Mop con causea headnelte
or other pan, but there is one 11:,
that Will alwaye peon yea relief! Jiist
take a tablet or two ot Aspirn. Mow
• Suffering cease!;. Belief conies
stonily, regardless of what may have
been making veer head throb with
Aspirin is hrmless-cannot (Ii"
press the heart. So there'a 00 isee.
waitieg for a headache to "wear off."
lt is useless to endure polo of any
kind when you can get Apirin. 'kis a
blessing to women who Sillier regular
systemic pain; to men svho must work
on, in spite of eye»stain, fatigue or ..,
Learn. its gulch relief for Col'
for sterritt?gerthal:dittileplitirtat
druggists keepeespirin tahletee
so afraid Agit if tlie eaby does not take . •
therequired quota of milk, it will starve Yeti never hove to, tatY lt haelc, Ain t
1 work getting Me rralk from a law grand 1 •
cup, but it sheald be persisted with, at
in time the baby will bedtime aocustoneed
to et In the Meantime use smile of the
milk ire tooking its toed, and get esound
it that waye Cook the cereal in mllitl
instead of water; use tustards; aadmake,
cream soups.
One mother bad A baby that had beell
eiek In the summer and had lost consid-
able 'weight She felt that it was more
er .
important to regain that weight than to
break the bottle habit, so she was mak-
ing no attempt to take the bottle frotn
her baby. She was aceustoming him to
drink from a cup and he took water and
5116 -
hi orange juice and a little milk that
Plair.14 a a your..
....9 faith • was indeed, tried. The neighbors
-^"said eSurely you tell' give up any fettle
"-'""*":* you have had itt this new doctrine how-
GODERICH your husband dead, your child gone,.
But still she struggled on Impelled by
sonic hidden urge which she eduld not
uridrstarid. theft "te leaties tie' read, to
listen to the Gospel and to Watch its ef-
fects on the lives ef others, until gra-
dually light. came Into her darkened soul
and she found that pace which the
Rest Material and Latest
Mtpert Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable
Vont,. business will be
. R. A, vamp;
P.. O. Box 161
Received on
Tuesdays and Fridays
Igg shipments receive,'"
every week-oley
*Open Saturday Mights until
10:00 o'cick
Igggs officially graded while
you wait.
& Jervis
Warehoue: Ea9t Street, Goderich
leeleplome 155
• ••••• •
Nei lees Troubled MO Coustipatioil
Saviour alone can give.
Jessie B. Boyd.
In the- Italian Messenger,
(Toronto Telegram)
In Australia as well as England, it has
been demonstrated that Leber govern.
merits aro -kind to everybody but the
One of the outward and visible sigma
of hospitality is the serving of geocifood.
Sometimes, beweVer, we are almost kil-
led witle kindness. Women lavish hos-
pltality by serving the very richest and
most indigestible itods at tight. Foods 4
can be most deileietts and yet easy to i
cligest. So if you wish to be truly hos-
pitable, have your foods digestible as
well as delectable,
I still have qualms when I think of a
Party 1 gave laat winter. 1 served a leb-
ster salad, and that in 1tSe1Z5 Olt I,
risky, 'bet X knew some of my guests.
Were particularly fond of lobeter and X
ook a chance. Wishing to serve a sine-
•ple dessert after the lobster, ordered
Orange Water Ice, Midnight came and
it suddenly dawned on me that- .-the
Water Ice had not arrived. A frantie
phone call brought forth the fad that
it bad been a speelia order and they had
Ask your Druggist, for ITABAPI. 5110e4n-seeret Prcseription ot a gifted
Canadian Chentitt, •
Are 1tOU one of the countlese sufferera
trout tti•iriey-lacifam Wealmess,
nudism, Mid Gouti vtho lams "tried every-
thing" and come to the Point where Via
feel your aee is hopeless?
nave hopai =ARAM Tablets must
give you, quiet and sure relief-from'511the snkiery of Bladder ell'eaknoe; relief
from 13ctiabbe; leg pains; sore -and stiff
jointe; swollen feet and ankle: and
rheumatic twinge-ar your money veal
be refulided. without mict,tio3,
The inevedietite of rtaltainal ore
rvintcd en the lahel. Von
t1101,v.r e20t1y what. you're 'tatM-and •
Mr, It. 1). Grant, Kin' es Iraq, I.S.„
writcs: -"I had been touble(' with eon-
stipation from clindhoed, and tothing
eeetned to help roofer any ltrigth of ti'me
until n. dater vtomrocodrd Milhurn'a
Ielesativest 112.1e 1 fond oftcr to.king
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