The Goderich Star, 1932-01-14, Page 21.. (00Der{{-1 Wised part, are sed on average weather pro- s J ww ���� "" veiling over a given number of year's at The Star �q. i:sery ThtutdaY which have passed and on the assttmp- C odYlrtch. Su1>scriRRkion Price— on that the weatherman travels In a 0044449)andGreat Britain 62.00 per ' in advance (in arrears $2.00); cycle. Btates, $2.50 per year In advance. But this Olaf and new addresses should be gltfelt when change of address is re- much to. aANCELIATIONS-We fl n d th•lt angst of our ,eubacribors prefer nut tt1 Imo their subeertptions interrupted its ()ase they fall to remit before expire - MO. While subscriptions will not be Y ieI in P-rcara over an extended per- iod;, yet. unless we aro notified to cancel, wQ ,119elime the subscriber wishes the ser - Vice continued. REMITTANCES should be made by registered lettermoney order or cheque payable at par in Gude- rlrh. THURSDAY, JAN. 14th, 1932 STAR SPARKLES ...and people. Last year this magnificent Gasoline companies In Ouderten report • days. race day and fair day. Think that them. I worked for one man who get winter is different—very AGRICULTURAL PARK It seems to us that Agricultural Park could be made much more adaptable to outdoor sports and brought Into more general use as a civic playground and community centre with very little ex- pense and with much profit to the people of Goderich. At Agricultural Park we have a splen- did plant, one of the best In the Pro- vince, with a modern grandstand capable of seating fifteen hundred or two thou - grandstand was used on Just two half corre5popdel)ce and read their mail for record sales this winter. It's an 111 wind, etc• rver his wife through an advertisement In -0011111111111, THS OOD.f,'.iRICR•F AR AgainBy• MACK The HiredMan . e Hued Man) M. F. MCINTYRE �. ("�"lliei (The Nerve of the Working Class) ) "Folks, the Hired Man comes to you women are alike ? Well, its this way every Thursday from station W.O.R ve, (they can take a small thing and make located in The Star office, Qoderieh. a lot �t out of it. Here he is— offhand remarks I pass out ....Jo evening everybody, I am glad to are not just a few local' digs. For In - be with you again. I got through early stance, In one article I said that preach - tonight. At 9.30 p.m. the boss told me ers and teachers were human too and I could have the rest of the day .54. sometimes were not any better than they Gee but its good to get through early should bo. Now get this for tt is true; and have a little time for yourself. that Ls no crack on any local teacher, 1 have to1ci you o1 some of the people for my part I wish I could think up a I have been with and have worked for good excuse to go to school up 'in this but I have not told it all yet. 1 have worked for men who could neither read nor write and I wrote their °.With all due respr:t to the Geee•re.e .the paper and he got a lemon if you un January 'ask me, I worked for a man in Alberta The county council meets Trotting and Pacing Association, and L' 25th, and a number o1 the old boys aidwho has been murdered since, shot by is an up-and-coming organization. in the'his own father-in-law. I might say he remain at home this year laying out and equipping of Agricultural Awa, one of the best bosses I have ever ° PALO too mu h attention was paid to had; he paid well and [oil the very best. I have worked for most varieties, includ- What with a forgery and a balky vault arses and not enough to athletics Last year S500 was set aside In the re- 1 bald heads, yes and hot heads and a very much in the lime g lief expenditures for' the making of a few fat heads. I was one place where , Mg red heads, hard heads, grey heads, lock Goderlch's banks were last week 11 ht. 0 0 . baseball diamond. The baseball bleach- they even fed me too well in a sense. This woman was a real genuine honest - A theatre patron threw u bottle ers were moved over alongside the main to -goodness cook. She cooked lots of through the screen of a Barrie theatre. grandstand. The promise was made everything and, oh boy, It was good but 'rbat is one way of expressing one's din- that a baseball diamond would be Laid this was the sticker here. She would approval of a picture. out so that spectators could sec a base- set a dish with about three quarts of oat meal in front of me In the morning , o ° ball game from the grandstand. Of for breakfast. And although the Hired Chairs and footstools at the county course it was not done. The money was Man Is so Scotch he is too tight to even court house should be closely guardedused to drain the park. get tight 1 like a little oatmeal but my Some day they will be valuable antiques, Agricultural Park should be made capacity, regardless of what some might symbolic of the "years of depresslou." adaptable not only for baseball, but for thhtk !s limited, Now, with three quarts of mush In me, I had no room box lacrosse. football, patriotic spectacles. left for pork chops, ham and eggs, An automob.te mechanic opines that military and band tattoos, etc.. and the sausages, potatoes, bread, butter and while "axle grease" may afford splendid !,how ground and playing field should be peaches, pl(e, et^. You can see what protection for the hair and head these dlreYtly In front of the grandstand. :so predicament I She hadsort too a of evcrything, and Itwas surein. smel wintry dap;, he personally prefers to matter how much :pace is required. good, and you were absolutely welcome wear a cap or hat. This can be done by u°ing a removable to all you wanted. but, darn it, after all fence and a portable Judges' stand. For that mush I didn't seem to want It. My horse races these necessities could be put great task was to get a fair share of Official records show that there were ss than an hoot I' 1s dune por fewer business failures and fewer fore - k chops, potatoes, bread, fruit and iinplace M le pie without the horse feed. I politely n other Lowes• hinted several times and in several ways closures of mortgages 10 Huron county ;n 1931 than in 1930. The reason given Is that officials have shown leniency, and in doingso have received the ro- aperation of financial institutions and private Individuals whose money is In- volved That Is Just as It should bc. A man 1s advised tos.lck to his trade. It seems that the horses have had that (though I worked like a horse, still their innings. Let's give the people n I was not a horse) ; do you get me ? tat old gL1 c (some people can't you know). Finally and for a little humor the hired man the only way I got around it was to eat has gone to the drug store for the idea, my usual allovcanc: 01 oats and then I don't patronize the druggist as much set the res: over as far as I could, and chance to use this splendid playground as it should be used. The Goderich Amateur Athletic Association should ex- ert itself. part of the country but during my pub- lic school education ,I was set back a for each individual in the United States According to an accepted estimate, it takes. 34 lbs. of grain, and 86 lbs. of roughage (hay, grass, shags; 4a~tli3 to maintain a cow in health and weight and produce 100 lbs. of milk. To pro- duce the epctra milk consumed in 1929 over 1917, it required on this Oasis 72.2 lbs. of grain for each man, woman, and child In the United States. To pirovlde merely the increase in coipsktmpttbn of milk, there was needed to filed the dairy cows 8,748,000,000 pounds 61 grain and 22,113,000,000 lbs. of roughage: In the year 1917, aeeOrding to the' Bureau of International Revenue United MIXING �Ryifeyy ' �t DAIRY BUSI•tst ESS Mi ter Qf Agtillglture, ftdtlx� ' Oato G4illc Prcdlr e'1* A*r 849# 'i?tte s8o,, swig Iiia. ' teJ>e'(1Rentalhtetl Ontario tRt�t f+I. n4liiillloring Ekatefa lid '3'otfil#ce e i o stiffly and flail out flow 'iii 11tYd Tofte etrfeWhere .. 11114 ; xeprexe t neve$' 01'0, R1ttF - lI wa ild be *gli that. they confer 1tli the dat'Ir. Rittku)yiftes •of the, :[tauten 'Matte National JG raligec VIM are the. Witten 4# the following tlgute01 Translating 'eon*umpt1, u 'RX butter leg cream, cheese and Other. mt11t products Into the raw 'Milk #I;i�lrirgtt on the "'Os of universally 4,004 ted• taldes, the con.- sumption of milk per capita 1n the wet year 1917 was 754.8• lbs.' In the dry year 1929, it had reaelret�,',9p7tl7�a,esa increase of 212.5 lbs. et intik " cOftsUined year twice beoause I was a little mis- chievlous and set the school clock on a if an hour or played a good joke on the teacher on April Fool's day, etc. But at that I did have the wit to get on the train and ride to another city in good old Ontario and write the same exams as my class at home and pass. Friends, I have run across some very Interesting human nature up this way but before I ever worked In Goderich "ownship I had worked for no less than thirty-five different farmers. I have not started to desarlbe local people or their homes or systems, etc. The ideas and phllosophy on the whole would apply to any farm ne'_hborhood In Canada. There are generous and, too, mean, mis- erly or greecy people, good people and others not so good in every community east or west. Sometimes people think that a sermon w" around them when in fact the minister might not have had them in mind at all. Did you ever hear of the case of a manager of a theatre who once said, "there is some man here with another man's wife and the husband is around at the back with a gun so we will turn the lights low for a minute or two so that they may go out," There were half a dozen couples went out. Just a case of a guilty conscience; there was only one husband and one gun but the dif- ferent parties thought it was going to be their funeral. The Hired Man wishes every one a Happy and Prosperous New Year, May 1932 be good to you. The home -brewed verse for this issue Tk Quid not take a hint Is a bit of serious thought in "For Sale" dig into the rest. This finally worked. WHAT OTHERS SAY In a week she got ns as it were. and did not ladle the oats out so strong. 1 A hired man would snake a good man Stat sometimes he roams. with credit to War Debts Expensive himself. A Clinton clergyman In h: New Year's sermon referred to 1931 as "a year of gloom." After the service h: was told by a business ntan, a member any country today what they are cc,.- ° • ' what T. have eaten and where I came of his congregation, that if he (the Ing in trade dlsequilibrlum. Most iat.l• from and how long I am going to stay, clergyman) referred to the material ligent people recognize that. The big What wages do I get?3Do I save my Jab now is to translate that idea into money? Do I carry money 1n my pocket? things of life he was probably right, but etatemanshlp, that if he referred to spiritual platter<, Have I money In the bank? Was I In the Yearly Sold Out war. and so on without end. A real he was wrong, good hired man should get a report (Saturday Night) While the world is getting its major made out by the Governor General and .A. Chi.n;o despatch sa)'s', maladjustments straightened out, the get it passed and o.k.'d by the local crican business mat may eo to bosh hops for Improvement in business M.P.P., the local preacher, teacher and ofllces next spring wearing bright would Seom' to lie in the increasing need crown attorney. Personally I am not dais, no Bose, and with their toe- for r�,eement of gcods of all kinds and afraid of mate present or resent are future. Even t -t that existing su plies of nearly myslightly to take the census: he gets used to ques- lhs. Personally I have been asked (Financial Post) millions. I have been asked 1f I was pleasant and courteous even though the The expected revenues from Topa"" married or single, sober or drunk, wIalt hired man just bought a few stamps. tions and war debts are not worth to aim; 1 'Jt up, „opt Lme I went to bed, They seemed to not resent the fact that as sons because I gave up trying to make myself beautiful quite a while ago and decided to just let nature take its course and the "lucky" girl that gets me will know how much hair I really do own and its color as well. But one of the local drug stores has been so very A (the) red nails painted a delicate mauve. Their the a . wives may go to church in sky blue sans all lines of goods are the lowest on re- sous; they hate as it were very enquiring dais, with crimson -tinted toenails. cord. This means that almost any in- minds. Such was the predctibn o1 delegates to crease in the rate of public consumption tof After carilly reviewing am the e I thou- u - the trienty-first annual convention of w111 necessitate an immediatesands speeding- q e the National Shoe Retailers' Ass.Y^tation up of the wheels of industry, and con- decided ta dedgto ones. answer some e, oeftheHmost ow nout- at the Palmer House. sequently an Increase in employment and standing you get paid for writing for The ch Put the accent on the "may" as far wage distribution and public purchasing Star?doAnswer—Did you evern hear of a as the men are concerned, but one can power. This development is already overdue. hired man getting too much. How never tell what sort of appeal these sky - t ^'..Idrea's Tastes In Finns blue s:andais may have. ° I A magazine devoted to community and have no children, I have no, well didn't Congratuuation9 to Mr. George W. artistic Interests of the screen is bring - I say before I was waiting for leap year. James, editor of The Canadian States- Ing to public attention an experiment Do I expect to go to heaven when I die? now being carried on to tied out-vv'hat Answer—That's the way my ticket reads man and president of the Bowmnnvllle children seek in films. The study of (I hope to board the right train). Am Rotary Club, on his election as Mayor children's taste In films has been sue - of all thio Well folks, J',tr b^t.vem of Bow•manville for 1932. Mr. James cessfully carried on for several years by ourselves when I am not all there I am PA doubled the vote of his opponent, the motion picture committee of the all away. Was I ever arrested, in jail Parents' AissoOL'ttlon of the Horace Mann or drunk, etc., etc.? No dear folks, I getting 800 votes to his the footsteps 400. of Schools 1n New York City, Teachers, really have missed some things, why I Mr. James follows in footsteps of parents and juveniles work together in have never Breen arrested or tined or his venerable father, Mr. M. A James, this study. An adult committee attends drunk or in jail (this is straight dope who, like the new Mayor, served as the new films and records those most nereiember)I hate never been >n a Reeve of Bowmnncllle, sand also as May- suitable for the elementary school, the bread line, 1 have never ridden in a Junior high and Lhe senior high school. patrol or a hearse or been in the electric or its 1803.4. Mr. James, sr., still takes In n magazine ptibllshed by the Parents' chair; the dentist's chair was the near - a keen interest in affairs of the town Association, brief reviews of the films psi I came to 1t. When I was 1n it, he despite the fact that he is a semi-inva- are given, Another branch of the study shocked me physically and when 1 got lid. Today (Jan. 14th) he is eelebrat- of children's film preferences is carried out of it he shocked me financially. on by the boys and girls themselves. I have never been hung, I have never frig his eighty -forth birthday. They have classroom discussions of cur- been killed, I have never been drowned, rent motion pictures. Although the I have never murdered any one or kid - 'MIS WINTIrR �IS DIFFERENT teacher brings to their attention points napped anyone, not even robbed a bank. which they may have overlooked, these Whether you believe It or not, why I This winter is giving the folks some- discussions and cret:c1sms furnish the don't chew tobacco or the rag. I don't thing to talk about. Here it 1s the mid- °dulls with much insight Into the Juvcturn- gamble or play cards, why I don't even ►lo thought in regard to motion pictures. dance. You see ft's like this, if she had die of January and we are still basking It appears that children have much bet- small feet I would not want to step on in autumn weather. On Sunday there ter Judgment in this matter than they .•the dear little things" and if she had was a snowfall of three or four inches have been credited with. They like big feet, well I would not want her to of sad the mercury dropped, but the cold flims which areStran"tunny and with Lhe plenty step on mine. So do you realize how action."Strangely enough, flims slow the hired man is. Folks do you spell was of very short duration On which measure the highest in their esti- know why an artist, a writer and a Tuesday morning the snow was rapidly mation are those which have as strongly disappearing. It seems that Old Man appealed to their parents. "Tom Saw - winter Just can't get a foothold. Re " yer," "Huckleberry Finn." "SkLlppy••' Father's Son's and "Daddy Long egs" petted attempts to make ice at the skat- are all in this class. Left to themselves. mg rink and to get the hockey season children seek pictures whloh are filled with fun and adventure. But though under way have failed miserably. Some years ago at Columbia Univcr- they know very will what they want, with film advertising as it is, they can- i city, New York, a vote was taken among not always find pictures that measure up the students as to what was the most- to their speclfldations. This 1s where read item In a newspaper The weather the First parenof ll, parents may' help is of gattend reat efilmsl mon by a large majority. The weather, which have a Juvenile appeal and find of course, governs the daily goings and out for themselves whether the pictures tominge 0f most people. They either go are as advertised. They need not be - static plate, or they stay at home, se- mane knowing what hildrenereally wish mnsors. But y motion picores. Cording to the weather. It also dictates parents can tactfully recommend films What they Snail wear It makes people which, to their estimntlon. have fun h$elil. Or miserable. The effe('" of its without vulgarity and advdnture without r*mifieati0ns are too numerous to men- sensationalism. Hon. That Is why it was first place as Worms eatise tretfulnesa and rob the it newt Rein. infant of sleep, the great norisher. I Hili Dot want a prescription filled, o: a hot water bottle, or some pills or lip stick and acted so genuinely friendly and decent I right then decided to recom- mend them to my friends and my wife (when I get her), and in the meantime the hired man worked his think tank a little over time and produced the beauti- ful ballad called, "The Drug Stores' One Cent Sale." a hired man dined out on Christma d en(oged a very plea- sant day—a g d feed and pleasant day and Santa did hot forget the hired man either and I wish to thank the good folks I Christmased with. Perhaps when I get that "beautiful vision of de- light" that is going to darn my socks and sew on• my buttons we will return the compliment. Don't forget, folks, the hired man comes to you every Thursday in The Goderich Star. FOR SALE For the greed and gain of cursed gold, Human lives have oft been sold; Men will barter their souls for fame, Women will sell their honor and name. But clay by day and year by year The end of It all is drawing near, And soon or late we'll hear the wail Of human hearts that are for sale. much do you pap Th: S .- t: ::iut your dope? Answer—That's a secret. Have (Christian Sclenre Monitore you a wife? Answer—I have no wife. I Tint getting beet to the winter of 1931- Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will 0 r l d !n slinea and store healthi theess. li S nit ideations are being mode. There llrti ifia30 telt* say we rill pay up for M iots the rMather we bay ,had allot that the "atil,Sen will eXtend 'melt into span^ r :old note in a veritable bib ard. There orb othe13s who say that alintcr'9 back. ;ma.t y , broken and that W0 eatillet iduit for ninth snow now. ltbkI 1P beck over the 4O1'1 feta (fluff! .t`st tome ecro ,ts (:fay t:o•cl>,1lcd aitdhctify tithe predicted eOfrYtC`ly, r� per it, •. C11�E blas tonin cyriwlY trfitt .lft5t tt+� nit#its, 'retetisl 141sT 'Tib eaLti* 32. It to not yet over and all sorts of clear the stomach an ty • WHET In TOROfTO YOU WILL ENJOY OUR SERVICE IF YOU PREFER A own WELL CONDUCTED MEDIUM SIZED HOTEL. TRY IT NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN TORO 1TO. Cheerful, comfortable roosts Testy food, Restful ■yrrus.ndinz PLENTY of CURB PARKIN© SPACE GARAGE ONE MINUTE 'WAUt Sinete 11.5O to 53.00 Rates Doubts 53.00 to :3,011 HOTEL WAVERLEY Spsdit+. Atom sml Cottage Silt Deese Told From Dotter Vtl,arh-95e other of Five Children Nervous end Trsd et Night Airs. Is;stac Shanks, Sao*',Jio&l, that, +kritita:-- -1 am tta nither of five ,tf i tufa and!uma lot of work to do. Bly bean wont t *try Ittak, and I 'ass$ ter DaYOU4 and bird oat at ? ilekt• .1< 'Java dtll ltll'b MAK alai Nort6 Pits Qin b* ti aft -twang tbit'lilt.!Oo>U'lionat'i1°thq 'tirlate me reit (7b *eft tut() Vitli zip sti• fit ti rid Makb "tate it;tot* .Ilei±tltnl• r.Reid* t 6 oe do doett THE DRUG STORES' ONE CENT SALE Now the great moral found in this little tale, Is "Buy real bargains at the one cent sale:" No matter what your infirmities or your ills, You can get a good cure in the form of pills. For anything at all from lock-jaw to gout, Or reducing dope if you are getting stout, You should stop eating rich red meats And buy yourself some bitters and sweets. Now you maks) the kale on the extra box That is where you save your precious rocks; The drug store is the right and legal place, To get the dope to give your miseries a chase. Sure if I forlorn, Arid my rouge and lip stick tver,e, a bit Worn, Well I would drop In and buy a tan or two. ltd paint up swell and look like new. YoU can buy( your girl a nifty valentine, Or treat your old man to beef, iron and wine; Procrastination is humanity's greatest !curse And tomorrow you may be riding in a hearse; Don't ever live to just weep, mourn and say, "I saw a bargain but I turned it away." was a young maiden and all Persian Balm --(hero is nothing like It for creating and preserving a lovely complexion. C o 011 n g, caressing—it soothes and dispels all roughness or chafe eaustd by weather conditions. Delicately fragrant, It adds exquisite charm to the. Most finished appearance. Dainty wont 1 'inevitably cheese Peltier' Balm, A v tlitty stnooth lotion, 1t makes the skin rasa -•leaf in texture. Recom- mended also to soften and whiten the hands. Truly a peerless toilet requisite for every woman. 'WOMAN, 87, NEVER TIRED —TAKES IRON. DAILY stn WI and gs to Church taic9 Sun- days, take lens titles anti attend parties, but, do not Rea tt bit tired. I eat 'ilftd sleep itetl,, ' 1 thinks 'to ttiTio'1 Mrk. tai, ifxtdot Ofd lit limo and Sit %net, in �t�lt i tibik lie11Cllt tint* it n, liter" J pO1!! it* tetnbit'td �tl! ,'X' Stas) tikin'iliZ rt IttinallY toed Men and rt"dlii '1 Oat_. 'Jt Ott* 'Itt. p r , seal Discount of 1 per cent*. y� J.sl CLOTRES or QV, !Ja1JF• t TAUORI » TO AS . Sues,. SOP COATS and OVERCOATS JANUARY s e) un TO FIEF« .. st All clothes, including Imported Blue Serge and Worsteds CHAS. BLACK iext Bedford Hotel Phone Hotel Bedford - States, the grain used in the brewing and distilling plants of the ' United States amounted to 6,202,000,000 lbs. To make the moral plain, 1t shotlld be said that the prohibition law has been followed by an increase in the consump- tion of milk and milk products of 28% per head, and in the demand for grain to the extent of 2,500,000,000 lbs. more than the total used in all the breweries and distilleries of the United States in 1917. From the office of Ontario Prohibition, December, 1931. Jugoslavia has less than 14,000 tmezn-• NOTICE SPRING CUSHIONS to fit that reed chair or rocker you bought .ast summer. Cushions ready for the covering. P. A. ZIMMERMAN UPHOLSTERER Phone 330 Nelson St. OME TO cBAECHLER'S GIVE US A TRIAL FOR SUPPLYING YOUR MEAT AND GROCERY NEEDS YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE SAVINGS EFFECTED REMEMBER WE CAN GIVE YOU QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE AS WE HAVE OUR OWN DELIVERY. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Sat.,Jan. l6thtoSat.,Jan.23rd HEINTZ TOMATO'(' KETCHUP {' 41d A prize with every package. Get yours Crosse and Blackwell's SPAGHETTI 1 tins for 250 BULK SAUERKRAUT 5 lbs. for °... 25e CHRISTIE'S "Barbadoes" ■ Per ib. SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA 2 pkgs. for 15c P. and Gt. ,SOAP 10 bars for 39e 8-oe. bottle, ARTIFICIAL 'VANILLA Each umammoommommis BLOOKER'S CfeOA 210 1 Be sure to try a tin FRANKFORD No. 3 PEAS 3 Large tins. 25c PURE BLACK PEPPER 40e COOKIESLarge bottle RE MAPLE SYRUP 69c Medium bottle .. 390 2 dozen for 25c SYPACO TOILET TiSSUE 250 3 large rolls Sheriff's GOOD MORNING MARMALADE 3 a 2 lbs. net HEINTZ' PORK and BEANS 2 Large tins. ..35c ' Medium tins . 23c 3 Small tins ...25c FRESH LEAF LETTUCE Per bunch ..... 100 ‘; TEXAS SEEDLESS 0RAPE1FRV1T.• 6 for ,.., ... .................... 25e FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS IN SHELL Per Ib lfc SUNKIST SEEDLESS ORANGES Reg. 43c a doz. Per dozen 37c at 19c MAPLE LEAF SALMON Tall tin 340 Small tin . 19c BROWN or GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. for 59o• REDPATH'S ICING SUGAR t lbs. for 25a Challenge ,or Durham CORN STARCH 2 pkgs. for 190 OUR OWN BAKING POWDER 1 Ib. tin 19c Heintz Medium Tin TOMATO JUICE 2' tins FRESH Shankless PICNIC HAMS , Per lb. • 1 I C GLACIER SARDINES 2 tins for OLD DUTCII CLEANSER 3 tins for , 230 ' 23c Four McLaren's Invincible JELLY POWDERS 29c Free Jelly Mould, all for CALLA LILY .PURITY FLOUR 244b. bag 47c 7 lbs. 19c 25c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 cakes for ' 230 ROMAN MEAL Per pkg. WAIVER QUICK. Macaroni at Spaghetti,. 2 pkgs. for „;x5e SOo THESE PRICES FOR CASH We want you to compare our goods and prices with what you have been getting. See the wonderful premiums that may be obtained a'bsolutclt free of Charge. Others have been getting thein, Why not you? Give us'an order and convince yourself. tn.