HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-12-17, Page 1B212nee of 1931 FREE The GJ4v-.eh War will be sout tA uew `U4� " , 4 -�4"- frou t,ow ta I ,Ian-, 1933, for 1 �;"'-i 54��u LNAWS, A. � prilmotly *Ad I E4 Cie fall bentfit ot uws r,pej�la oiier. 1-1 ) 11 J I I ,,, _ I - 4 1 , I r - � 111L , r I& 11( - Christmas Greeting C�ards &O Tbe arteurl't CAT44 fQr f�.J%*Una btfQ,re '04dil? FQur Qxder. A0.1 fit** pod all prica. I—- . . -_ ­ , "''. ­ STAFf OP TMM AT . '--- ... 1. I— I _. -_ I — __.___,__- ­... ---.-- . .... i . I __ - --,-- . MENESIST. STA1110NIbiamond Wedding m&%.m' "'A"30N AND I Q C. L STU 13OWUNG . 11 , , sun Life #884rance Dom Of 0848de � . 1, .. I I 11 . i 3CHWEYER IN ACCIDENT DENTS, ­� I . . � I I . ======== p ---- "5491aeu Must be 10kinj up On timill, � Animiversw7 I AMr X , I AS -01RATOR& T,,a U4�o3 ana aspara WU!3 tile r_Ce,,r& I .1 I . � . _17— V. P. R., whou % staff of three U ". . Oavhlag,bome from Qodetteb, '11.10z� maq0 , . I . . I I SECURITY I . quIred at,Meneset.ptation. And the$, &1e aundAy evenin!; Messm W. J. Dollckltl. . �.r_ I a. U In a gamo in tile, st,Qle, . . � , . W* " Ws- Jo N., C*PVbeH Son and P. 11, sphWeyer.,of Vella 0.) , ril. Wss, yXM*ret OIAQ t3umAmcat Ma -War nfuht at the I I I � stioltuissoclose to their dutta that they , C � R11131 Bowling Anoys In, the, ouristom . . � . t . a of even Spend �hq night on the J,4b. Their efolw4to Haim AaWvets'47 ,c,r!,1Q,,ttu,4,aU urfent tall AwaIt.14C tile= � MOOVINki Firalftuo- , tur4oy coutz.5'.. ot-Wr c0rea made a . . I I . wily Aould, any luau assure, his IWO with.the ide, MeLean 00d Alex I I ,security Ili tnitid, 1110 Insures III$ lif�,be0ause*1. I I . duties 40"not seem to be ometal at all , I I, their 619 �UOAQ44 * yth. re. , , , I. it puts iiiis-lioule in security � I . And &To volullta . g 0"411M I . �. _. . Mck and they set out. to trip . . , * . i k . � Make the I I I A. T,wlor ZIG a.�d �.I. WMIAW $73. ; I , � . - irlw� 001011odi cQuSistin . , %Mer# hero is another tollivamout 1 2. , He -arrar;ges for secuTity of the means to live for his wife 011i011y-of clewnir 13P refuse around the I . — � but at Welland. Port, not many Miles . . I I . I . . � . T. With, also A . � I . . I I place. ivor instance, it is ogted, they MR. CAMPIiELL IM -WARDEN from their 442tulit'Qn, there happe turkey M prue tov V40 bcst, three, 4on- . I " . I and children, ' , . a bad accident Which Put them "4 W.O.SAA. RULES "aOVURN amutlyo uamm. a� mmott has a more I He gains simillar security have gathered up. enough paper from a � . I both In . — � . of 027 And V. U[Wtl.11 of 080 in tills, 4eV,1.1t�, " ' . .. f in his later years. - the hospital. Tile night wm f4ty and ' , . I i , 1 .4: . lie provides security. for his estate so t the 0eaning out of cars to Stuff tile Jiou F�smily, Gathering' *t,. Home at their ear TAU into %'* 4urrave ga,-, inaux at Addresses WeroInteropmed With I Both these, tournaniont-3 el "; at it p.m . . . , . . I � . hit it Is notsold or Which make thor beft and pieces Q �04 =C. 34th. . � , Mortgaged to Pay estate� duties.. I I . . . board. etc.. to loall the lir� going in - Mr- *ad Mrs, ROY *1040010� a turn, It, tho, road. Pull details of the Moicat Numboo--A. .Lwgi. I � I . I � I � I . I . I . their.liew placeor ,abode. we havenot . . . I acelddat Are ,$lot knowa but both mr. Tile Ckotch 4oubw tournament sit th, I I , I I . ., Residence 440 I I . . . able to, learp thel . r xiames, but. the . . �MOU411Y , Donaldson %litt Ur. 64hwe"r were sor- . . A*&snat ,;' Royal on Monday night rcsultedlua,w1a . � . . , , . for W. 0100t, and T. UoDermot� Wft - . � : I es : 1 Offloo - Ji -_.R-- LQNG0 District Agent = one Of the trio, who is dubbed tuo I � , .1 I 10111AY" Injured, Mr, J)oft%ldsou sustain. . I � . ­ V ­ � I ­ __ . , Mr. Afth Mrs. J. X-,Vararw, of West. Ing a'brokeu hig And Ur. Solive,ver four v Ur. ewple, and V. asurlder$ Second. The . . � I - I 1_0 . .- brQkQn Sib$. Mr. Don Iftli Jay " .1 . �_­ ,I . � alado were a3 follovs; . i . �Z _­ � . I . . I "Professor,'- is the purchisIag agent for I ,or the second time Iii two years� MIS. . 7 !_ �7.7_­�`�, .1 - 1. o­­_­­;�;;;�� I I., I .1..; . I 1114ty ATAU Anct to so offtlent th�j it, 10 flold, colebrotoq� - ou Doc�:: 1,ith - tha . .4 . for A Margaret UIZUan . r . . - I . __= � I I 1= � . � . .Ir - � #,_�­ __ r _ , AV , as awarded girls' 11135 ' ' �. . . � . TOW. 0011010 Of hours 14, the c"t in the dit0h senior -oratrgrical lion6ra at tile %xinuai, IV isset,and T. McDeMQtr ..... �.� ........ 141$ � .1 � . I WANTVI) . r 'N r ' Said -11P 10 Able to buy a basket of 'gr i o- sixtieth Wedding UnUIV44ry it the at the side or: the'ro" *ad We 111VO not Calleglato sealgr publlo apeaking cont�44 Mr. SIPPIQ And, V. Saunders .... Im I .�. . ���__ I . """""" cqim for A. dime And get the dime'bwok home of their 14%iAur, 'Mra, Roy heard just iia;r - ... ? ....... �1310 -, , , i � . . � ....... � . T . he RUCT 'AfT -brother-ba- hold In M4.0KO 40iW 04 �Frld%y evening. V. aunt And 4.. Vicars ........... I ... ! _ . �� : . . OPICS in obange. The r6qr �f the station bou.sO Ptollehouse, of Godvrlch� Mr. .and. 06tm 106W Were'at laxt veiloved in their pro- IF. Martin 00d, F. meArthor..- � W"D.,­M411 Tiant's work on form " r , r r . INE ARTS, (11it" ,,,. J,r ced.� '­__-'�-' �_-. - Is- not absolutely ld,live,edj . _ � 4 * Apparently arp. ft wro taken to the bQs- Well. . - . I App . ly for Winter'niontils. E*perion � � I . w*ter t1glit but the trio Campbell. -wore married at file homo� of dicanient. They WL nor 3sublect'"4 "Oovict Au"la."' It *as V'- AbllstM 004 J- IL Tayl= ........ ;320t. I . U- JOHNSTON, West St. I , ding it. a aft(l. t#0dt,L%, e4reta Pro* T. D. Ua$tXfi%A,W(f -W., . .. r � I . . ________;1� � Mr. ShleldO.'repV044#40 the Comfortable the bride's panots, Mr. and Mrs. Wm p1tal, in Dunuville'. and 4 specialist paration. Ale IV, Reitmo ........ 1476 ­ 5 , � . snAdiau abode In this! Uwe 9f depression and the from 'Toronto was twaur *' 14ov'car' who OW" X., Ueld. and, Oto, BowM... ......... ....... Igo .. 11 ­ . I � I . Mer Arts 'GUQ( = out tasty gilddie 18,11, 'by ,,b r on "The Freedom or- the Wqae, WANTED.—.14xpbrionced , 1, Is IA IOWA aU4 Is ad, Cc* Ia. Able to t HllesI Of'�I,Oett township. on 1*..14th, . ea. W. ftbwey� . . aeas Contro!, . I 11 UtOdIeWOMan, " tile Virlpiq SCUPOIA C'*O On- A tin call AiLttisned ,out, sod ' Qe*orth. Cret -11" since been able tOgOt Xbout bitt h. and .. . , .*ill undeiiake WOrkf dressing the,'pup" of � 0 Rev.. T. Mr. Vero betwpeti Om4 Britain and X;nited Lloyd, U.Knoy .......... ......... 1240 L� . . L I - I'll, at holao.or by. day� Childrou,s i clothes., on ,the. 6ulijectofCAnadlan alt. I wore tin cans, thoroughly 'cleaned, c9a. Campbell (nee Louis ', Hila) Mr, Vonaldson WAS, more,serlously hurt. R. Hillott-glAkfA - MMUL .............. � ..... .1240 1 . .�.. .. , years, Ag, r a - wu borg. StAtes," was declared senior, boys, cham. . . .. . A, xpoulft4ty., . on 82 D Ia ye4ju ' L fte*t, Alid Mr$� His hip, swelled gre4t4y and It LW" not : W.. Jor"tou d P. lusset .......... i -%l2w I . I . . r.. . 1 Ms. G. S, JO�WSTOM, slaysy or _ WC,, Oltuk ther dishes In Use. A*ed'where 047 . plon. MW tutell Olarlen and Har ... I "I . L -4t 4, '5.; 000046h. . . , , ENOZ�Sv TEA I they hailed �fro Sanipbell, (nee Loulsq.t -till Tuesday that thO''TrActurO Could .be Tayior ,,were '�runnera_up M. 301-nidon.-I ... :..1101 . � � . *�t.__ , ___ " ­ I I . � �. Inspector Cavon VIS104 the 0. C. X. ) n one, or the party T07 in 'Ungj�ad, 80 Ailes) VM born . . I I . 1. '. .. ,lied th4 yeam set. The . gentlemen bad motored to The auditorium ma Alled, fornspectIvely' 0, XM%nus And . --;Eli " , `_­ P 4 they had.been lhero,before, 60nilug 'to Canad% Nd W- Ust October, this Popt'. L r $. fJ%Je;_.,j,__ � .1080 , . . rL .. i.. �� 4� OL XOTT(X , ' - . ' - 934 T4049Y to #81*'ct' the., toaobin' GO(Terich on 0000,z biloging' 'Uta. Dow- lar ag"4UM'. event, � r ,Kk.z*4ftq#s bft-Ung #Iler 4 ChrUi.r., , . . .1 . ... A, . .,VtWLI g of sO in V406 the cens" etlulnera,W� falled ' th, Aer parents, lit . Tile Prizes, ton and . I 1. i . , ! ielw�__,_,� , Pagwit lie is making a Survey -of, the reCord them we wish to report th� the age *df #Ve4 year$, AettUng In, Rul- AldsoO sMd ?&s. - Schwoyjr to gay, till live dollar gold ploco$, Vet* donated and . . . I , s4 i L <pL­` t . latt; Tbw4sWp When . It Was $It bush, . MR$ P%'01 W OVered for the 11"trest acme I . I . i . . I , -A Aocommom _r The e4ohnalo - of English throughout the popula after CbrWmaa vdtlr their J*Teuts, 11r, presented by 'the Liolis' Club, A to Ill mada between Dee. 10 . : lime the r , Province. InSpecto ,r . . tion of genesdt Is three. : and Mrs' r bineek 24th, god * prin for tho th and Dec. . . I . I � . beside Red JMrn, SoUth S, .r ' Auglin -visited the . . � . Mrs, .Campbell .',often tells wan�r low- - M R, Hum,ber. They.ltft. iLWut and MA,plo Lo4t Chapters of the besit three � . .1 ? . 4mftg closed, the -entrance to tile StA;b0l school, IA# TbUrSd4y.and,1rrld%J, %Or the ' L. r'' ' 11 � .1 I L r L . t4e 4 r r 4 O'clock Stopped 4%t 10tchenor, for.a 1, o. D.. g., consecutive PMM. O� Stowe. J&ddA . . I r r ecient, vsting g'of the woo solmats Oxar, the Catholic, vorgen's I - . I , � and tbe.r J.- _# ohustdq� Harald Atione Oil& Les,0SWO. - � r . . at tue rear. hAs t3etn Vil ,Q r - sbent� Tbe'settl agreed 'deer and Wolveo) .Which Ivamed thei& . Literary Society of the �aftgod to the 'resu rjLJ 11 dom ; L _.,_ �. r , the thne Church itcrV1,06, And; - Arrived home� ibout League . . , Ia _Mpo ' , I . wW, ilde of, stiLglay -at., ,opposite 'the TS' M, ' " . .11 r I � on by the Partie"I WaSfOr 4225k each party est. Mr� Campbell WAS a 'Wood 9.001blak. Mrs, Doftaldson�-_aud Mrg� Saltool. L Th4 Vinnore I . 1. Ian IJAVW, QACIr W*Jod� 177'80 there Wilt, L : . . .. . . Oddlellows, Hall. -Spme. adconloodatJoll OVING TO GODEUXCH. : r . . Vorker� will ,represent . I .: � ' . L . to pay his Own Costs.' I I by trade, 114VIng war With Schwayer. and, Tdr be 4 1013Y;,off. Anil. for tho. three�-Ctm. . . . . 1, r 4 for horses. s4 b,pjdre. I , � ked Mr omos W, I 1310114dooll's brotlier, Q, 10, X. in, the Provincial, elfillin4lon, , . .. .�. . . Mr, Nelson Hill, who recently purch, $6, l3ruftsdon, of . ,a: to Wed Donaldson,' ,we to DunlavIlla cQgtests. ., * ,F. . . I . I . - 00,000 DEVELOPAUNT. AT 1PINMy Londesboro. ,And W At . I ,- . . I � seautive games = Johnston hast a Foro .. _. , . , . 'A=,Sr OA*U#XCK. UCCd'tito 1434f,4400. 'branch of,the bus-, .. I 5ee how things wore. returning to S, Ccn�, of 714", r - . L I . I ,r I ­ .� . r I . . . 'Ji=C NOT%CV. ­.� L ' , : L : - iness Of 0. F; 04tw A Sarnia despatch, urlder date orDec. Slater. QVIIJAh, MOT WOMAK CA'40 the Go lerjob Wednesday night. , ' L Thisr yagr% oratorlCal Contest. wa , ; . I I . I I : . r I . . & Son,, Ltd., and Is d - , ­­ �L ' . 'r . .P! . . I Carrying ou'Undo ' I farm S$r,yeara AV% known as the Helps , L ..' Dy MOR# , , " , � � . � �r .,L . . L .r the name, of 'The lith" 4 M follows., ,sale . dilated undo w W.04,0A., roloo In ALREA . SNOW— r , . � of tile ":P14_ farm , located at Westfield corner ,which It WaA feared that' there Illight be Addition. to. r no prepared'. oddrew �'con- . . r � . 40,10- , tho . ' NOTI(M IS IMIZVOY GV= that A, Carey COMPA6,'? Is MQVIng to Goderich 4 wooded'.fratt of lake. front lond dguger of pneumonia -but . L .O$PECTS r .. o ., " , . L Court Will be 'held, pursuant to tbe,oft- shortly havIng rentoct Mr, Jesse Moun� on L%ko Huro' 1' P 440sed of �561110 years 10ter,'iacl Ia 'some the �0- totlants also *ere, -requir0d, to make 'a WTTER CROP � PR .. . : , . , . . Or On I � I 4QL n1n, bosanqupt Township, 1905 pftj,ha�,:64 1=0i, known as IbO m r - , 4 ' 1. ' L L ' _� , , � I I . _OUS I$rttoq, street L r InUtS, nuprogiptil, Speec'h�'r They . 1 . . I I i . .1 r . - I I : . I I � . . r St�' of 110over homestead, ,where be r' I L . Of Mper The following letter of Appreciation, . . �­.4 1 . -taflo''voters, USts Act, Joy HIS, lion -h .miles nbithei the, port last night V104 that tfieie, *AA u6, thrce� . , L or the. tam's I I I I r this city for ap, . ' ' Judge Of tAb.CoantyLaotn Of the County I I ,r , 11 r ­ esIded un- sign Of ImOunionla, and'A goo� recovery drew thoir'.adbjecta from $Ups I . : .r . STRATPORD LTONIt VI r PrPrOlUlteli half a ,=Illlon dollars, L w ootly . I . I , . . I 'i, � -. � . , : - AS til he " bell gave up house. . . . . . . I In ai hat. and Wero anowed, tWelve. glift- as red.OlVed by thro secretary of. the ', . . 7� .' . � I . I of HuroA at the Court liouse, Goderlob, . I , OITINO, . ainotuiced. here yesterday ;by . a 10%, andUrs, CAMP is maild expected , I W I of - ( 41119 Of4alous �0 k*?lng three y t; *'ai'D, th!�.resld�iig - * , _ , , r . I . I I .: I I �,on Tbursda�, the Ift December, . 'rho final mei . , lub for realtor.' The, purchaser earg r . , , - I We%. for preparation. The ,I) KO Cf� 0, W. L. from a grateful 9' aftilly Ia na" . .1 .. ; . I . � . . I 1031, at PloVen I I , a are a Detroit with tlicir only -404 who -IQ otln.,L . � � � oreel%A . � . . I '. % 11 . . . . . . . .. . . . 'the WrOlacton the year Will be,hold '04 Vrifty evening group and It Is Intended to develd A_ IQ FOR : ( In pared And impromptu venna I : .1 I to hear an _. O'clock ly. , . . _ pots� PROSE �Ti6 i � . . Arks for .the �ro , Bask., lor their, share of tho�'&Oft* -. . L . % .4 detergilne, compl4fixts R - L I . P the 'essip-a �Cf -tile x4rrft� Mr, L I . .'. I I L omde;R.' Rev. -:Mrs. . ,NOT MAKING RETVIkNS addeelses Was, d1ilded 65 and 35. per Cant signIftant. Or fruit * and Vegetableq,r ... �, I , otc., 0. . - . . ;1 . ; �, I "I � LLL - . . . , ... L Vote ,� List this week, wit-ii.elecUdo a property as a ,rCsort I?Ians embrp4e CalliPbell are WO-Iong, .fttetn�aAsnclof the . - . reSpectilely, , Tbo_nQw.rrUIeS are AdVQ1 4111 Od from MQGa%# 4tatidn. recently, , r , rrr ... � , . 'errors and OMISSiOns'lxi the rx r .V. G. Lightil . ... ., of the, Muilidipalit of L ' _r ollrok of straitorai win be construction, or a golf course , Club hous, . . op . I . ----- y Of L the Town , � I t . . r r .. 11 I.. . . . . I . . I � rr r � Goderlah, for tij t a tsp and a number Or. L ntambe and. yaChtr harbor. . Rldinj . a d ,KathOd1sb, now 'United Church. � L. . r . and Add much Intergat to thO coateSt'L To the. Cath6Uo W . . r , % I I . . I _. . . L. I .. I LL% .. ..rrr . .r P year 1631 - � beeaker. rs n . Winter 26 L 'Camlo'bell , . I TWO - Aubtkn manufacturers,, . L dealing. r , .onlaftla Leaglic.. . r r . I. I'll .. I .. r .. 193i. 'd Of r . ,Stratford -,Oub Will . A460111pany ZtOtt$ a . ;j R r .. sun- b I . L I . L . Dated At OoderIch 'this '24th day,, . ISO f0tra part of t _ 0so served In tho',c ��fn' cl-lar And lakil et, have been sub- TWO young -man And, eight young Ukdles GoderIchi, ant. I . . r I . . . . . - LL rr I I . I . .. pk6graln; L L 4& tentative a .' ast ' t S tooftelitok caftacCt , , Appr . � . L ... I .. INOV03fiber. � A. . . hl� ;, . L . .. . I 'em ��l � I Wawanosh* Arg .0 eat: before Magistrate participated, L. . . I . I. . .. I L I . . 'r . r �rhe . Improvements c= - f . The cootestants other Dear Ladlas,_r wish. to ti -nk. " . - ' ­ I . I . I . L � , "A'1K. Olp, RQRStj L L no L . : r� I - plated ,Will 6' t, ift th 9 than - the winners, wlth� ,the, SUbjectso . YOU , . 1 .9 L . . . - : .. ClerA L.:L. XKOX I .. ,or time y ars, then, as reeve f�r,.Seveft Rejd� charged With -failing to make, re- and'aIS6 to' tell , toful, . " - L I L . : M OOM'SI014 - $660,000. ' L a S . I a . neighborhood of . L yoa,M'and was elected wardeh',of the t1Jrnq,'Qf t'.kojj salag 11 L S ere oil, 11H I gra :' , : ,of the TOWA. of'OodQrich, I . r I L I . L . I Margaret TWA$ oroia *of iiii, you llok veq. . 1. ­ � - -1 . , . .1 .. 1 4 A loax e , , , * � I . . .` I r I - we all are for the got. of I L . L I � -.1 1­�, .- m.,q: bor4cs ?baldligigg to Wit. .. L . �01111 y 919, after'whilob, #s dined, , �or under, the 'spe�clai WA4 Polir.Oeas;lt 4est Abeli 11010heer%Life Ili r . apples,., etc., . , .r . I ---_­,-__r--_�- ­_ . t of Huron In r . . r J L . 'J.6eanty Lin Wilt . . L . 1 .1 I 4F-' %red latewp�t, of ,Colborne,' 400k 'Jright� VOSING - ME G' OF , FbBIA he retired from office, but always, .Irat oh -t Uv6;I1 Ddrothy, . I L � , ., . I TIN I . C 'Publio UOVentle Act. Xllezo are the I - tile , . you.sont, which Ca o I r . . r . L NOTICE TO CREDITOU-9 ' this 'Thursday afternooft,�4t, jgaec� ,. Ia tdwggbio.affalijs� I pro.. . a ro,,,,, ,,,, Were distributbdr by.th6ladlcs. of . ` . L'' . . L � ' " . L ­_",__", 'a. L L .. 11i,r's SCHOOL BOARD, I took a * deep. filtoregl; Linklater. "Th the 04=113- . Ar=W. :. . . I �. ­� . I I � r , I I .1 secutims 5f .this nature ever Instituted We live. %xtoell miles, r.drth aA . . L. . ' MM AP.4, proceeding homeward collided The lastmeeting of the Godoit4k Puq�- Wn of All War Debts;" Marj4rlo Mae- ict- thoa I ­ I . ;_ _NOT100 TO CR8Dtx`OA8�'. " . . TO Mro and Mrs. -Oatapbell were b6m llt'tW3. coun�y, F 14,, DarrdW J1 Acting - , ... I . ) . . 4 oft .lit: Schbol., card for . � Ware Some there Inno.j. � L . . . . . . , � . . I 1. with Chas. Videan's, - delivery wago I was' held oil on, for tb.,4.,FedcrA1 . "Plonoo; I Vo not ,two Sao I .6411th - . I I L , ',"* . . is zovOn, children, six. girls and. one i .06erament. fie, r 1^;�" ,Mary U�%Jgftoft, fi4M t%jjen�yr � , , !r", - . L . I .A$$ I � ,V k3, ,Q - 1. , . : L I . � ' be DDY 91VOU 'to all peksdgs� r ere on . aUg, Dec. oth. Wile � L 9MO &ad Ili Walley, . I "JU$t Aft it r d of Ars,Aih , f,aljplea. . a . . I r, 'i _i� , b � '041tserd hill, 14411Y, 330 1,04r4, w Tuesday eve . i6ft". " Avid '"J411dre "A ' . I 6206 ? the brldg , 6. 'Or. ,trw;�,�rs, two -of, the One at . — � ,.� � 1, "W11ton � , 10 - . I . .. I . . I ., � L' h&V,IA61. CIAIMS " agaLLast the ostate, -of I .e. serious ., da�lagas; L the Age of Canadian, Writer." '. ��. r . .Pounds of lift ,, I s . . . . 'r � niorr Ln. Lqh . r . whose terms - are expiring rare Messrs L four.and a half year$, . 1. , L till I'and 3 j3ra r I . . . I �, W , Those I I 'S - 13ARN ' ' - Of fruit. One J�r had the name ot , , JoAftua, alleri law of tl X W1011 jjooX NEIL McADAM . . : r . - ' I , . . , �', r ' of r I 11 IREAD, . . 1. . J. k, 4 .Ia T,Ownsftlp,0 t have� keglilted.LTh6 P,. R-:%inii, J- �CU%O. L Parsons anar JIVInar are Mrs, N: 0. Ailloo, of Z$.oftrqP; -_ In announcing the. Winners Dr� 3.. M� DIVS . r . I �,� 0000410" in . tile County Of. . liuroftI VIdeangs, �WAOOU � , L ,� Mr, waltai . I . , , IS; � A Y =U1 at r AleX, MaCVJcAr,4 James 13, Reynolds all, ad Will 'you plectre. . ir i'Ll , J L ' I L _W#4 nocked 94 � a� - the bUsifte - W16144 I , O.' Campball, of W , , , LT Ileld deqlax�d �r I . 1P r _ . , � . � tile' NAftel. After 1. - . r . , I � . , ss� of the , Mr. W Outfield*, - - . 11 . - Mudh h 'ed op*t - n , ting the iaovkra� id)ourlic . , . . I I th r tallL Ile." that we arO &%ving th ra%n � ' . ,r j� ,, arineri wao died on or About . oroes,sgstgul b . . '4eded PISS I , . I . was , " . _ r _ � . 200n, 1931" to lo:Wa4U 'Same to L the A nV "$* - Mrs. , Berk Thylbri of West Wnwallosti, I zpeech re arded by the judges as re , . ... r I , , I I L I . . 4L 0"WCd , � I :1 . L '.13 ot, L , #. We 4aV ' 'r " I r ­� on L r Un- �rta* artomiou '10f % vall-,'" . L� fte$day" , jart� 2()tli, at, L$ O'Clock uIL-the ani Ursr. R. tonehoziso,. Neil McAdam, Who' recently had � his the boqt, of the event", Ueoalua E wsi berries L for L Christmas 1) I .0 UV.01 . . . � , � �dcrslgaed- ,or .before tfie� ;ail. oa�y' of . I . ' ary, L : a ' crigh � Ildten of OjOhool ' . . 4 i . . I . - 46 Oil Ario aliter .Ubl*NT . t L tl� 'A �' r p4rn , ,b�L 1).re, has ph . . I I I , AQRV L _ ecipplote4 don;Q0$had .a BE )3* . W: anct Mr , � pa*o , . ty as alt- .: i .T'Vy . . .EDL . ­ Oenlftg� Phis behig tfij statutorY date. lor h'',L * ... .... , go and I N�rj$b 'VOU L . . DecelaOer, A. D. 103A, . or ...' ,r . ,$. ,�� �0y>'itillr Iarg0y',0r19f:g01 The ,d w : I _ , , , , Clive r A 0 4114* biiTtk. 'They - iv�- � �IiCf #&A- -now p I - deurriltq1t. they,' were ., . I I : r thati date'the Estate Win be distributed, tL , . th WRMWIloetfuir of the UW: boaid. . ". a ne pradtically completed. .j6 I d the voice., q t t could have"Seon bovir . . L I I . ., . . . I L d t , tb , " ament e r Wing c011ent, ha Cold; 0-4 So. 11 ' b% . . � � 1. a , Lnrand SIX gTeat 'grand'ohilde 0 , "'�­Lym.%4"L'� * nufacutr� -,,Vh(? prinblPallof'Oontrak school�repdrt hUdr 4JM, , ol Oil I . . L 2MM94D, -tU&i�,Persoft1--enfttI*4 tbore " , ,§. . 116. Aodorichr U� -0 a -a undation. w.ans of the it- could be hoard in Ali pa, a of A last :aLTht to, see raw*, apples. :80 y . . I . , " , 11 L . 0, 149 (A , Lk ,. Lia., r - ed . L' I d:bp�rn crumbling rt m ". Will ,be sure they were a e,rcl!ttatL We r r 1. :. -.r . ,, � I UyIn regard only, to the a qoanty podri.Oase or, tile 224 Pupils on'the rolls in November, A . or the ,4901no,Ud r the, new structure Is larger ban..: Miss Mildred 'Wilson's ad- r ppr . , : I =11an, claMs� Of" dwAe�. for -lost. ' .rv- I F wedding . � . I L , L. 'r . AdOot � I dd 'AOL knoW 'wher, I . , . _. �L . I � � , nou.-e has oeen *received, Wee,Ws. court, has, been otagA4 atteAdaAce. 209, or 95i3 their son-in-law ,and da4ghter, *60"16ft 'bun�. (in the cement floor And *e una' dress an Paullfte 4ohns buy Atw­ . . . . Goderiqh this 10ta day 'of CS$46d ' 'b,VL- A.%raeglant., - The PIsilutiff L Is Pe Y�S * 1. per ent., Mr. And .derstagd. it 1, Mr. . . 4 on�, the Ind . .. L at , I I .. 114 ank'depQsits, $Io,30, number r of krg� ROY, otoll L UeAdam's Intention poqtess, wa$ A rare treat, And A 4A ther the- report waa d(rrect L I .. L . . r I I . .� . � - . r 1). 1931.., , * � I . �­ I � ellouse entertained -I it the pre- " -but Vie read .. , L L .Met, A . L AU 091*4 6AW filer 'rand, engag 4 , .4. their to nibVe the new,buildiftir off . . . I .1. ,. , the'tuanager C , ad, with deposits, WO,'Mm� Radditt taugim half a honor on Won my At dinner, During the , this -in tile pared list' Was given Arst place by the In OnO paper A vbilo AM that acres of . ,� . . . . . . ,r ; 't I HA -YS and a&_Zb,L I . r I L . f the defendant Oor w1ternooft . an evening mally sprilag'and then to rebuild a f6tindation Judg6s..Miss Wits 0 JIOWOV� r r., lost tomatoes bad, been plowed under r an�l - I . I .1 . I . ,- � ,� I Hamilton ,,, . . on -out . . . . . t r I I Sere04 , .: . under An agreenaint dat' ftoany day for 'Miss Durgin, A Ils& of supplies d- , 0161s no* barn, The' structure Ike is on bar Impromptu. speech when she bc-� later -that who 3 �, L . r .� . . . I ; I �_ ,., , . Uottorich r,Mt. I lj,�., , !;ije Aa6l ad iW 10til, nettled by MISSL "DUra]ft_ Was enclosed. called to ORtond �dongrj%tAtWns to the now oin s and miles of grApo 'L . , i . I , .. On WAS for wage aneg- :Who prlAa)pgI -of'Victoria, school re � oting Would make a good -c2me "stage- struck," as the .announcer ,, C�6111 ' 4 I I . . . t be L 4UQ L Under � r � bride a4d bri . c. pl, . . would .not. be P)dkod'anct Yet r .. r -, licitoW -for tne . V14., W*to poried dWoord of aixWyoars. The ,driving shed When the new..6arn. IS. b Ilt put it �hp Price L agited. . I I r . not buy ati at i . .. I �, . . . . I _ r . . � ', _10r I I I the - 49keeloOlit,' 0� PUNIS on th&,rolls Ili Novoulbei, Av- house was s&tra r - _ _11 ,. . :­ . ' ". L - -_ r I . %Iaofiad ­ . � . I I . � � _ . . - ­ � - ... - . . erage atte4dance . . . t be made with . L I . . . . . . . I 4111DIRAIlIg ,. to $676, and ,$60'for wood I . O#f6l� decorated with: Come 41f -_ ---- . ., ­ -- - ­­ - 1. OTTON , , . . . ., ,- Z22.6i, or '91.13 par� :461kOrs'- -.-. , r . .r . I . ..L . . itish, aligement canno . I ! I 1, In the spring. � , � I I - . Lauft Bi Navy . - 'I Xt' Bar., OF COVW - AND L WAACII was to have been delivered; Cask IeL , etl ' IL I --- L 11, I �, .. the rall*cLy Companies $a that $oli people I r L' I I �A� %PftItqGMZ HnIVZJZ*. r�L; - ' -- Pezit,;,, Penny , Oan - - Thic Is tab Was pr i � . 1. Even with P . . k aspbsits. $113.$6, bride � . . lr�arriftged arlty ,91 inavItis *aa. bc4weea In it more yu ro r I � . � I I I I I , ift94JOtaI'bf$728.Qb. The work did- no,, pildib,er,, 4pt , ,with tall crystal Vases IlHedr WItIL pink FARt.-BooxAL rwonErTHAN v4iii. �&rcdt p,;Italn Alid tha� I Obtariggould. SO ct Of. lit 1) _ L I rL . . I ' 11 . . L . L of I deposits. 008. Mrs. Re4ditt . . I . . I . United States ducts to, us in . the west� we. have had� . - . . L ,. _,11 "I I , . . — . . : require- a full day and Mr,r IlAochler pupplIed. one,, and �& balfoys for Miss G,. roses and. tern. The euchro. and ,dance held In- V4lc Alex' . , � , L . . 04r. Stoll6b.ouse was I . . UacVlOar. believes that Great, Brl-� . , '� At Lot 69, Sayllold Line, GDderldhr. the .defendant companY claimed lie ,was sturdy toastnihater.'.. lrile'oast to L Odtifellows, Han, IASI thrae,bad Y=4 but r'jft tbankfui to ' . � . � r ,� ,Tp., 6 lallog south-Weat of ClIntou, 10ft And halt a day for MSS Nelson, . I . 4 Thumd�y, al D4111 -Will continua to rule the waves ba- Car there LIS Mor , I Only, required. to the 'bride ,was . gbt . . r. I . ... � � I . f, , r . TRUPWDA)tj D40. -loth ' , , �, . PW 60 Cents an hour for Aftd.'Mlsi V. Sturdy 'sup d ' ' �, Unftni , .8 was, &,good 'suctesgi With a large attend- cause� Of traditions and. sup a snow now tWal we,hzcl � . . . .1 I r corantencing at 1.30 sharp; r =t� .. - ============ Miss Horney L plied one ,day for WOPO30 by Mrs., L ori "I k � I . PrWity of I"t Year 'and bat .: I , � , . . OST� 'r.: 'L 'The. treasurer's' L boto, And respo il..:em t. Ance. The ptim winners. wore o.s..fol. maniangblp. .lie 'traced the LaCWOVL,. L I ter Pr.ospects.for 31O.Vt .. r . . . I I I , At euchre, Wm, Oieen. And J� men year's I . .1 .. - 25 cowl aifd1ialfers, Durham, JP61164 .. r ' r I 'report, nded to by,the ribs, Iowa, . crop. I _ �, gus, Ayrshire and Holstein t$pd� .3 . . ,.L . . showed $11,056.72 expended, to the end of diinghter, Mts, rdon A , lie, Of . to of, the Dritish navy from Trafai� . I I I . . - L . . . . . . , . . 4011 L I wit L . . . r I . . sit mith tolf, at -toot, balAoeo�d - *Oar­2jJL__ November . -live , -Iteftnd L,rateful thanks :t Alrthe Idn&. . October; , roo.,'Mjdh._, for 1. Rhelan; xi� hundred, Uc_ h 6 0 ,. -i....-.- -.-..I'--- , `­ ­­ 11 � L- � . , CfL it a no 10 . , _kctef - - i , - Mrs. ft . C� , ' L ' , , I ue-In 'L hWL'irdli'l�ifiiii It ___q.XpgUSes_$1Al3.16, ... ­ - � M. rrrr ,,,,,,,, ba th . gar to Jutland wa!j made, th- -=-tb- - -peoplo- -- -alld`--�ood--wIabeB---r0-r -4--fat—gW I r . �! : L , I - ember, January and February. r Tbig' . And 0 91 to DeO- ISt, $0,960-88. A ZuiAber of CAMPlit I was %$roposcd by his brother, tUOY' , Aft . . -Walter Johns I to � . WAS British warships Which escorted Chrutillas. . . . .. r Ppy . . . t 0 by ftynsId L � r. . I . . . . � . . &ft exceptionally good lot of stock and - th& Masonic Hill!, a -purge containing Agedmita Wore r refdried to r the liganco. William Campbell, wid responded . -, I . . American convoys during thc,gr4at war, . I . I .. ­ I . ill be sold on the foHowrIftg'tai=, $'two $10 bins.01nder pkPase return rto the committoo to pair. if found Cc et'and the* b6$dgV6orn. Among.. thdS6 "b L . .. L I ..� r , . L . far � . Youra respectfully, .r � given onr furnis . rre ere . I'BSV.bB. I�w something not generally ,admitted by . . . I , .1. 'L : onths' credit will be h- ar,&R- 0FW`10Z and receive it L . a cases of Pupils, As to whether 6 the Celebration Were . VOTES r Arnericam The various conforelicesanti r . . � . . r . r! . r Ward. Mr. Land Mrs. Ifrftftl� - IA". woragy . SL&T�M, . : ,� - : approved, joint bankable paper, or U _. _______________ ­ � . clissify , thern as residents or non-resi- '04'UP11611', .UIS$ Wiftalfred L. and Mr. � A how issue of sink of U61itrcal nott!s their e1yorts to aodot disarmament also Rav4n1%% SL"Ic, MIZ. Ir t. . . I L . I I I I �. L 11 ,r Ount of 4,% straight c1loWed, for cash, NOTICE 9P XEj,—rING_ dontO were dealt with I iii. den6minations 61 05, $10,. $20, $50, were dealt wit . , in I I . . .. . . . . a nwriber-of YearitogL.Stears and� ---..,.. - -, `_ , r, � . . . . D6U9Izs,-Campbe1J, Also Mr, And .Arm L. r h In a qomprohenglyb way, *' ._­ . ..... *--.--� - � . � r L .".. .� 00 .1 � And , , . . ; . Bot Taylarand children, & $100 16 now being placed, in circV.1a. . . .1 erg whi�li will be .Cold by private NOMIXAT�Or.q MgZTWG. DEBTOR RELIEV. COMMTTEE.. r - I r. 4nd 1&s. "Give true praise to God. for the British LIME DAUGHTER OF DP. , ' . ; _� r . . W. it. 0am ktion. The issue Is the -first. .giftea Sir naVyr" . : . I . , ; W ' andlChIrlob . . I , i . . — . . , P4011, Of WesMeld, A . . I I ho'c6licluded, I . EDGAR SWARTS DRdWW . . . A. EL-TOWNSHOW, Proprietor. , At a ,raectifig of the GoderIch General Mrs; jazn4- L181ey, Mrs. J. Tamblyn-, qf' Gordon, OZZ,, became Preti- 1. . L . . . .. . . . ,,p - . . . .. I � . . GEO.: 14. =IOTT, Auct �' A .nizeting.of .the ratepayers of Col-% nellef C0111141ttge ,011 Saturday .after- Londe.borW, X,.GOrdcft.AlftsIIg, of dent and therefore the first upon W . Who 19 tbe Vatriot 7 I . — ., . � ,. . I , r. .1 I loneer, Mrs. his r .portrait V hich I . . . r 1 I _.___ -".,-- I- ,L , borne TOW11SI111) Will be hold in th6 hall noon, December, 12, the following pill- Mourog, Well. , "Wild In the Patriot?" was the subject A telegram announcing tija gad news : . .� . .. . � - . . I And signature appear. in I I . . a Monday; De L � , the r � , REAL )ESTATE AND I$810RAXOL, ' at I o,clocX_ to.nomEfiate 0, .28th, 1931, 0141clal Matelftent, was submitted by the ' - - . addition to president's po4rait, the Chosen, by trarold.Taylor,.�Who doclared of the,drowalng of the little daught*r of . r, . I. . I L . 11 . - iL Beeve Treasurer, -Mr. 11. T, bdward : 'L . 1. . .. I and s L the true patriot to.b a WAA of religious Dr, and 'Mrs. 8d9a . I . . .. I L — -----,S---- POUftell' for 1032, Should. a ­ . . SEE SANTA CHR1S'f.%1AS, - AOta� CAft the P4tiafts�of r the general . 0 r Swartt M tok, , � , .. _-, . , I . T . 10 - I,& par I . . -,,t . . ­ ... -r . I L =TATk be necessary It Willbe held Monday, ja .r . - n election I 0 donoffitfiW, 'COnVICtIdu,­hOne$t and­;Ufte, 16yal to MY., wila'received by"Dr; : , " VIM AnUSTA0140 � AM . ' RecclptsoL-�1926 . 11 I AL 'r . . 11 . )EVE AT 3 O'CLO'"W """ the $5 and r � . L� AND INSU-AAIIV� AQIpf".. 4thi 1032, from 9-a.m. until 6,pl .. at Mayor. 11, ,J. A. Waaftan� ............. 4,25.00 . a .1 r —.ti0ft# having the portrait Of W. A. Sog Odd, church and Country, cents -Wednesday morning aact tAcy left .' .. . . - _ ' . r ' I he - ,. . .. . � yternooA. for VantQlr " Wo.:� 1#4 ,,- - - . In the was, on . ticulara wore : g Veii, r 1. th telegrallL I , , 194ces ­ -1 ' a0darlCh WOUieft's'Institute.. municipal Christmas tree . ri., good r.*Oo_ I acre farm to, be 91v L 9 ' ,tol*hg polling 111ACSS and wl . � .. ..... 20.00 The " ­ and the $10, -W and $60 denominations Alex. WaeVlcar!d� IniprQlaptuL r ad . dress In t ,. r, , . "Ottr.64tthig, r , .Pu . " A JOVVAng oWeer$ In oharke--laR. . . 1464036turig Canoe C166.:� .... o ........... g5.00 Square Ithilt Of Jacksop Dpdds, Except I . Rink," a, bu 91 r " I 00 Morris., .r 1, r," . .ndin I a � I MAY to the person who will purchase, L . , L . . . park Is now Illuminated OverY PrO the poitialts,1fiere Is little depa, which, though rather old, se So the I----*— . . . . . '.. , .�; 'Vol, NO .. Ahtneol; ,Chapter,. 1 -0 -Da ............ i. 25.00 evening a ' ,. ry I I . . . . 06 house and barn now' on the property, I 1-lZea"gmilter, � . . . . . - Young people . . � r D" R, O.-Varne Gledhill a ud�Santm Claus is to appear at tUreL fronl the familiar design of the PUMO42� Of giving,the OX. bad exer- . . . L , M*08, I,Kd' ChAIAL14 3�`O.DX . ......... U.oa 3 o'Clock '4ieAt Tbursda�� aftern on as 'Already 11 a I d the Standing timber'At a low Valli%. Hall' .I- 0 not I r irculatibil.. . Cite -slid cnJOYakent. At good C .. .1 � 0 r . ,. I VnL 0 -pay the taxei'lor this .year 0, A. Vabstone. MM RoodIrt Outt ...................... � ......... 60.00 (Chrldn' , 0MING - EVENTS I , ),L . . . r . %;dEvel I'do big istuff." 411 L''. I - 'rr . . Words to I I - '. 1 1 bAck, taxes or uny- Poll NO- ZrSaltford, UWo C) I �� eltl,to . r say of the town council . I 0 Ral . I _T__" the boys will� be there. . for L I ­ 0 . Charges D, -R, '0,"Wm. Symonds P I" - , , There Will -be a Christmas tr taking steps to ProVidd for opei4t air , AND BUSINESS Ramrs ' . . . pr9party. Location =4 do- . . C.-,Oeo, - Total ............................... .. � .......... $170.00 r co, and en- . . . . of orty: , Pultord' L ' . I r . ' L . . . I I , � L � ... . * . X tOrt2innient at the Childron's Shatter rinks, 'He regretted lack Of artitivial. Ice -'el-1-11;_­��IA-_~ ��, . I . PrOp I - � , ,lipellditutes . I I With two, or, three inthibers, of our on Christmas eve. I I . I r, , . I " ,, Nii *Xo. s,4040* hip .Iran , - , I 90 as to get an earlier start at skatin . tu*tett in the township of West Wa. 1), R. O._.HerlJ, MOQ,,,TOWnS st- . 9 . I . . Osh, County, of Huron, Ont.i. (me- WnSon,L � L � . . P. 0'�--Thos. 11: Milk And 'Groceries ............................. $ 14L I 10 � aff Off duty tills wetk'wo regret The .. -.-----,---,-,- * and hoped that some day Ood ,,job arldgC Tablo Covarzi Pyjama Dags L L I r .1-11 . . � . 11 0 L . L r 0 - � , , , , .41110'. from .School, ,0110-balf mile I I . 1� cool . .......... � ......... � .... t ............. � .............. ' JAS 1% littl late 11gain �W Week. The court so," the IlCartnu appeals Would have .An Ice palace that would 411k oc4rvo, Moves, Purses, Handker- . . . i :"W Mill, three miles from age I 'Poll No, 4-�-Utburn, " Foley,a Home. clothing, etc . ....... � .............................. 50.40 M"alk 4nd ReddI6 McDonald two �4tlll ilgalitsb the voterst Ust and Assessment re With the Maple -teat Gardena chiefs, are among.the many culart thing% L I ­ I village, conventent to good loaro D- R', O.-Horao-Hortom..p. *--Ben Sal. in bank Dec. X2, loll .............. 29,05 fishing off Ood6rich. TuOdIcRewddle In Toronto, I . I . ,In Ane fArntulg ,, district, good �01lish9bilf.L " ' L X , ' . " ' , , . 11 . I I r .. I h town was' �held r this " Thursday . . .. 1. . tO lit found at GORA13FEWO for tIlCL , . � I 1. I . . lifted A� good Catch of �06fich e morning. A: number. of minor chang�s , Harold Taylor woul(T Make . a gobd Christmas 6ndppor. . . I I I , bOrhood;. twelve miles from Oode- � . . I . � Z". V. MOURIS % . . — W W Chicago, . r I lof the I . . I I . I . . L � . Good roads. Close to bydro. I $170.00 S pped . were made. - .. L I" . . T.". 01ok. .. An urgent Appeal Is made to arganiz- -'-' - . . . D publicity 111411, Judging by the splendid Ha"O,You--v�vn our UA0 of-Calefu6s , . ,� acres now tinder cultivation, more !:,_��_ . � I . . . _ � d0criptive poWar&4he exhibited as lie With Canadian :zcenes ' ­. i I . "_ 1and colored. L I �q I .. - 101m, r r I TOWERS WAliTIM 1. xtiong and Individuals for donations to ObS P 0 . told of ,"The Attractions of Goderich an, . . ,T T- 11BLL, Photo Studio. . ' L . rl dpally fine ,e,147 ,oll; . I . �, .. I I . the fund 'or tills cOlMul tee. The bai- erver Some Questions . 1'. L a Tourist -I.Zocort," with It4 sunsets rival.' Reserve Thurs"y alld .1 FrAda . y, Jaiiii_ . . . . . ) Ined. Mile oven undulat� . t . No Was I . . once on band is t..ctally Inadequate to ' r 11 �.L . . .. 't tin&, .. ointS . . � . CO, de, very tow stones..tTMERS WAXTED.. : M606'the calls'Which come in, The gu& I I n CoUn *1 ,lion thOSO Of Ital3r, Its beautiful ccenery ary 28 and 29, Tot a L .0. , Cora I I I Ads, of excellent barn yard feMli- . . th 0 r . L r . I , el 9 the river, its fte.botelor.and In-; man"o, ... ,,�t in MaeXay L r I r ' . . . at the Mayor nd'Tow dust nall. oko Ju- � . I L ust spreAd bn land, About gixty To Vent tno, . , . L an 5L . . . . L 1*2bired, balance past Goderich 8"t , Xtfilk 00JUM14ttee ,In. Charge Is especially adap- , . r, I I - � .. I 11 I I � I r rle , . 'ar; t I for tile: Junior Public opeak- I I I r . . I . i . . . . I'll Urt, 0004 for the W"'a Season, of 1031�3112. A;;' ted for the carrying on.. Of this . . . cammuftiont Is working - havoc lftgcontestz� . . . . r-', Ply BOX:L.13g work. . . L I � . That 1. . I 4el t -room, house. Sank barn. 1. � Any ,contributlor,ts, sent to the 11'reas, bear mr, Vdlt�r,Ag ,the term for with the childron and that the country 0M.1111 didplaya throughout our r,tore L. . . 4 ' t, acellent wit I �_-�_,__;_, Ooderith, I S. -Ta it fair that lhoob.of the cost of to turning GOdIcas me n ,t t 0, . . . W. 11- _ -1--. , I - - --- - - --:=L= Urel"r Mr. H. T. Edwar&, Will be grate- which the present - town 4OU116il was hii Work Eh6uld be charged to the pro. _ . I as Payment required, 4,',IW-_ — — . I t ,ro I die men _q Ulaq help YOU to Wive the alit problem. ,ZoU . . . . I tel 3 for balance. Estimated to be"' L 'PrOWSXLE OR f0AENT fully recolvcd�L fte4noWledged -and Used to ,elected Is drawing jo. a Close, it woul party owners, wIlt Moog '0113rieft ;evened at,00vlet nuosia � . . , 4 ft Most of t 11 - enjoy 41101)DIng at 1111chuleea.l. . . .. L timber to pay this. balance iff]Fm 'SAM. -Violin, Cc --- the Very bestradvantatre. he benefit In her Address. Any approach to reng. will . � . ,1_ .at thirty dol, � be Of Interest to roma of the tax payers delflvbd frcm it is enjoyed. by auloglobil I 11 frundr�ds- ot"practical and W,ojul gifts at . . - . I I � I b3ndlad- Imincill4tO 002tos-' lmr,�-' 900 bo'71 ease and chin rest, all 'At the'AMP-Otilig lalt Saturday the, bffl. If the glaynr, Of some m6mbar of the a 0 WAS rejected by the govern vopulir orive.5, I . toln.r of good well curt . Owners? . .r. I incut. . ,. : I., I 15 ,d hay for W00ft dollaro for quiet, sale. Address cot -9 Were ro-oleato4, as follows., �,ClfoAr� town council, would give. im.,an honest, , O. -Is The Waders 6f the country were not . ­­­ __d­� .L . I . '; quantity Of r straw gIV011 Witli tho. reply to 'BOX 10, ,STAZ :W�4 rho' It true that there has been all � I I . � . r 11___Z____-4 OMOOr L . aretaryt Mrs, ned� Intelllaaftt Answer toL J following UTIMAzonable and unnecatzary delay in Pad leadors and .Athelam Wag eftatatifta ,. , .. I I . _1 . J. W. __­ Ueagurcr,-H. 'T. mtwatdg. questions. ­ . the nallon, � . CAUO or tit NUS , .. . . . I . . '. . �_____4. .L ,� r I moing, the necessary ascemmeno for � I wl mally fricildo for tile . . � . ARM-qT90N0- Fog SAM—B- flat -cornet, in J . . , - . The afts�j 'erg, If alven, Val pfoo, cerve ton6rote Varly Dav I floral 11h.4unatetsila! A I I �� Ila 89, 06derloh. 10011(litiOn, _�M Avp1,V ' to 0. , . I � . sido walits laid In the past few a Goacklelf tuna neiatiboto jor, 19, . I . I 25 a Isait guide to Indicate bovt we yoarg, C their. oupre,,glong of s EvatI17 in my ro_ 7 1 2-.A-. L 11 . Watch. - "' aud Yin . ­­- -, - -- ---- W,"W, jaftu�,fiod. Phone 562, a ng additional cost to th_, tax A MOEt Interecting talci of tile hjatorg . ' L I I V r. I _____�-­'�-�L .... I---.;- 0 at the eonlinu olection. In Payers? . or GodcrlUll . Wagrtold by Miss Jea,%Aball, cent bereavellient, .. . r . . I . FOR RBWZ-aslx-voom apartment on , pe,ople We Know t . 0 4 oto who =y be teching 7. -To It truc that tile pros ft the L 04ree I ALMA COZ. r L I I . .1, ent ac. Who fouched 0. . Modem 'cou'vanionem r vv�A.Aw"" 'thO Council board for 1092. counting system ra Of ,Gaadjna, Wo ��Iisjl.tj,eatmd IllauL I . API)ly J. ,,.r ........ =0, 1.�: oil ,,, to, I I Va ot. I W. CRAIGIE 8" ", _ 1 -14 Of tile town Is cit- GnA and Dunlop andr tile days of, the, friends . . . ­­�_ to true, that com and nol�hbaro for their laqdftc-,�3 and - .�. . . . � I . , — Aws Macara left on Tuecda.S� for Lacb w are a or thazc WliO trOU101Y MlOqUAted, and the L annual 04nadl Oom!�any, ' aild . .told bot7­tho . 000ted 14 1081 a!) members of.tho sywoatkv durinC oar 1!o�eg� b,,,re3Vo_ . I . TO the Vill O"P664 ta7- Town, Council Were I led 3t it t ' Pet out In such a way that M'^ne�ctulkr rivel' had Its 2101113 chl"Ced Aklent; tl=e who Iaancd cara, and To RVNT--LC'vOIy furawled front ueti- oty. w1110113, Who 11 1. Gtatemonto , . 11 I " I ceand Real Estate LIZ*= t7ith all eonv6nlenct:7, Close, 0.0al weekm I wo M e, -pa- r ­ I porly 1111 the ploitiona to Wit OIVO- they cannot be proporly understood 'by � to tile Maitland In hanor bf.L!);ed Malt 01.111y thar Vjo,ntera V.x,our U1115 em oyeoa t, . ,r �� r I t6do 1011 thtSr lo,,VlAoft, or exPlained ll� alt .2p,rrt? land, The llri)t crop 0 ,It ,r;n,q Tajo. tor t1loIr livan-mijul flo� I t ,,;) e 'p, I . . , �, � to , Pnovin"tr , Gt0TAW;41101rPC0i'X6Prr1VAt0 famn�" APPW 1tt Mr, And Mrs. 33, & O."Vt of london V a o appo li .1 V,111L 3 r at . . I I . I � —­ - I �. I I . sr=t the Vaok-tnd at tho home of the ar,tttudo 0: ,tra becauce they had no 0--rs It true, that hundreds of itill. CA CA the Ctound which now forms Rr$r. . Xrv. and Un -3, JO1W U001M. � I CIPAt 1IONDS. � � .L., - r I uft5 to quallf$r them,ti now of toods of lloglous %voed t,;ere al. brr Part:. 740 first n1110oner wal t1le T41'. WM. 13rvino t,�io!i,m.,, to kut.zEld hio I F ARM Z�O.0 gAta-rorty =eo, Ulorg atrtet. i1crfatin, the " 'a " . 11 vi I 11. W. 0. Roftel, AltuStea At t. , duties they =Mumctl, 'and lowed to AWIn. on lands directly under MarY Ann built by 011ristop!l4r, ormbb thrinIm to tile Wn,an . anada z1ow � . .. . -1 - .1111.1.1 .. ­ or of Par. tT those rAlo 10. for the . I . I I a the Southerit bounds* Violft,y their daualitor, C,�Ira, aralel T MWII�_�v to orkablo 0111 to rondor ally TOAS011 that there %1;03 not proli,�r attor%. Ulmont, 11.35 to 113.07. 4nd tttso& A6�,n T"Aic'-d"o David Mvhacl. I ­ he end of turned to their lm,ne Ia Toronto aft,c . ­�11011 L I 1=1 or lels. tile, prop3rty of the late ur and Odra. L, It. Bontitr have ro- V("ac, not Students: Of MUWCID31 affairs tile Control of tile town council, for tile Dn Dunlop t,�a5 the, lirot gic.mb �;* - ' U'H5' to' thc�0 WhO SOW :V401W= nnd I South stroot 0 .th anc-d their cam of the tOTI'll: Of V631 t'ISS7 10 I or, Mogul Cavleo, to tile *Oumllmlty they t, I ZoWral of Al"r. � 118M� flild h an'. large, r-34� r,trat, I Z' vero mp,vaed to repFr"t1cut ? .on Blvm to cuttino", wcoda'hk 1031? f1f rcal'hb fcr,10113 will. Tim lightlio-4e ro,­Catly, who 41oa In D,�t"ot. vc�. 2n4, .. . A MA *IVO slift Torksholi; jqr.� en,j �& thO to'" dUMP .Vtolinds; could only r= uIlt I , th ,e " (3CZC,1%!4 Was titc, luth bw UZ tho � I , at the 1051 'Cor In 047 a onttactor being MIL hen-lion'st" tM11rilall Wen (135 feet). the 3. war ML. 'Price =d � two "'i-13 it true th , 'let�ry b WILL BUY , va,v bm,� 02 water thudren, ;a D"trolt. nwnt thl wc-��L­ I'land W sMa%* tbefb wr,uld b., an On,'Wor to t;llj tl* late Adam tlaeVl�.ar.- n�nj=-jn fa;Wly. Tit ZIC-011101* dica vin years Q��o, I . - 0 good fruit trees. r-nd ,VcI1%c0`1 affalt, va5 handled in qUc�hticq). . . 11==3 was: Mor grat myor'. rul-, fol. . 1908N . � 'Xdcal l0e;aticil, 010�- to achools and withiatz. VZ180'a p3roats, Mr. aU4 0, msp� UAUMIZOZ311ko lil=c% C=1213 E_Z! it true that rowe or tile tmn�,o ktn raid and othor 101VOW3 W, 01110 MA7 MCMUZ.-At Alevandra xc�D:tlf, Olt AID V I IV:; 1111"to V ""'ll" " fatlli;r 1),witlenw-1 avw7 T'IL-1 Ela sockt..", left tolks? for Un. t��= ta tile tax lmycrsp, � . ffilblq eVf1rW zln�h of tbc tov milty wqro tou"lled On, Monflay. Nov. noth. to n1r. ,�Ucj aw. I CURREN" � ",On tile p7tal4ttC5 O.� to 131nw. V or ,�rzt bles. Gas. 0436. . I at&6 olatentlon And WHICV01SATY 0,14 r1ld 41 ky of tho M, L , -, 1� ""M . 'L doft to C�nt�rliaoL 11or C I thno '411 1440telt gjttjv, thas no,11er,tIgr,? Mitli t-Iloon 0,B71011 Cc,, - . _3Z_$t " 3 nUr,t "100- Wilffid T- tfeLC311, a dat:Zh,�Icr, ojjj;�a 'I, .1 .L*� � . 8� O the 4WL - __ - ­ ­­ 11 1�q Z tMo tll3t the t*4`otk Of the tlltl!� dUtIC3 and fallina to olvo 'a roa. ulcn� of callada'a raotwecn va a. rmulter MUT101, I � - - --- -­ -1 ­ I I __ ­ ba-trainfas at VIC-tolls lw*tal, as tile PZUO Wdt*5 D�"Partme,lt 1!1, afad tiz ran&ble tcrvlto? t 0 dovclo4luxaz nnd $MaW�0r,JC-JJb Of . having UWAted States '­. C-5-mpletlon 09 hei, t,=So, All, Alm'xidra I lb-zon lo? yt-az %w,-,, a Mere �bUnj . a I . !�, Ut- 10._,T5 it tr 0 tf � blen , r , G 1� lab tDa,20 In flacv tf)1�4z a ? Iltut"ayal 04L% tw_CM &O laovolal)- ZZI)IT., �At 034C.VIC11, On WC�'X=,:,1"kt/-. - y for site, pl6asc . r 14thlo% alld -denerhl U081fital. ttazy la*trag or mtem. or emalen!:Y; btl2ding,3 J5 1,11uglj L11t_14 11 molt Of alcaml Of - tranex:-tat on fro,uj : 1),- ,tt- - - 0. H. * INUMBER 'I'919'JIT Wlt��t$ Of IZ", And MM WAU3, MM, ttltld b 29 Draptr tys!rm fr,. t1to DUtVo" of 'pItk *31UC3, tte'. an 1 61N0.1 r rata .ping rt 'a Wt)a? 104 1032. N(1111,'a McUa,q. " an, a Vile DArkWavo 1.'at3no CS $Xrman* d3ya -up %Zdotv of tj"o 1,1to Tle"*t-t r_1C,J,-,,T. 154. Will buy larga . JIF.W9LLFI1 tit 131 171"'Ma3c VZ11 Illclula t1j!0r, rtWks, Knd that =Ai mo.ney is WAAtM th!tb t-rit3 vl�lat-11�0 teado to oncouvaaa to, U40 Pzr�-mo Alan zz;A3 tT5", Vie 121 7OZ11 y/car. Ia', Itte I I 6 .r ton, claytoa R., waft5, of tho,rlaet orid. n 1za%,-0t=_r(1 wak. VZO Is Of !'IS rtlt%,.ftldifle�cz,�o c4l, t1loo para of trnvn ml,-, SZOWwout Of cuz hU't. I . t THE 1541ALL $I ORP, � , " I I "WI It ial#005_1��., U11to Qzhmll &OW VidVt"Ity. MaIL-Ju. ,�alan to flub, tolwnl . =!Va as rttza#s I . I I'll I I I I , i I � � — '_ , " 11'i — I __ , , �C= I I - 'Seo I ' I "" 2. '� , 3 I ' �, ;:-3 I - 4. � , � 'I , , . , � . , I " 7 1 I I ;_ I 1, I t Ii9loi I 11 J I I I � I , I I I 11 . I I d i ,a I I . . 1. re ; I in 0 [,of-,"', I I I �Fcl _� �-��� ! 5 1. —_ - I 'I I * , I , , FIP-io-pi-� We �Know - i , 1'1'���� , I � 1 1 ! I I I I I ` � I I I I ­ �,__ I I i ---"1 :-7-7-----� I rall, 1, 11 � FFICI L 11 ,11 wamw , t-3 NZO &7&VUZOnt C1 t1lo 4C,��Zlf - r I WITH The old STOCK I X. 1. anA tbeZr d3tighter Pit S C� W�i �ft, - 1 .t1S, i 4�-Ts It trUt that ti I ��"`­­ ­ ­ . 6 '. ,� tatVIS Im the rftds ft ever"Are, fov walit 111P.,adinj sove In $,mle.,.,�811*20 paytr, Tic". to rne � d�_-��r;11!13dl, 0: ft bmmtr, 401M " " , _­"�� . In"b. N., r_,aCrL,-;V raS1'z:to4 moza., 1!!�� -16 cas�j of p,Ixting rmtking yi�14 fav �,= kinex:n Ia tll" 1'brt'O'YC� "a-'O."I 'V;�!S r't:'4'0 er"'_ 4&_47 . I 0 r.T-_5I1I!1o*a.-4A 15%nl nirma".'? of my � _� ' ­ - 11 .. , ,��, Tal'.& of a �:"�'Jptr LW, 'r . zlz�� mot -0-4. aw" '. 4,, 1 ltfti �t A. 'a V=H-Slcn� yc!tv aso Dtctmt�,7 31��, 21" . '. 4,, �,P_ �,% 14. J. _ _" , Z — - , C SMUM1101a, I , I 16MMVEal tcd:�tlzltcl ,,a pz!,ro Oh . I ,.. �, �1.*!y r.-_ -',, tv �­.' L!31M& �, d � I I , . . . . � � . - I r At . I 1� I — . 1. 11 ---&.. � __ --,,No,& _� . _,��: , ­ ­ . 16Q�J� I ­ — JF__ _,_� � - - . - .