HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-12-10, Page 4r
DIV. 101b, 1641�
U=w bZ4941
kN- RA HOSPITAL lu thro =W MW; P1,CR4,
rA-W:-- M*r CwWaaaw la tho caw xww„
'SERVICE as W021,�U, Zad Isur,&Y t=,41 -j
1 4 . U
dr AutNXV- 0T4MAt'N5 of A 419W Stod,,Gf CIA F10 f I-
VWt Now Wov* MAM IW` Me LtUII f0v 1xAM2,Qg a su, Tiara, eteDrW.�_4 9qMZ ?M" 411nk nlftg* ganrl Aw. wa�s ou band mady for any oc- W -T at, Hardw
A verv,&M11 Bei w4mg T#aa a f a»e faorri is as foll3wa: 1p=474 On 00410,42al 017D 4n. furnf5h4n,; C"L_$100, sueb as wedding Flowr�;,
440 Up;= 0-1=lum. Tz�o MOV45 Club iloral work, etc., an 4hort notice.
X"ATSCn% VA-01dcut; QcLrgo vat -
TO 11WROVE'TM GROURPS U2=, T. 0. OMUCU, 14=11404 thalqwer coloe;uw at a cost 11,4
F 0
043 t4a UP;Mr roe
Only lUn4M Atton& Amoxd frc-4-1&4); 24rs.,Qaar1c3 A. UcM t, a ca!�'g of 4293'. Zrz�io 4pipmrWa GEO, STEWART
A. ix. uo�.an, Mrs. W. h. 1.1=1va in- a
Noting -M411 W400 olovtcd); C, 0. UD tr ze ealtlla Town t4c, tu'rAahina U114 UPL-Lxw 02 ma cam- nORIST
00;2aell), 0. V. cra"Gle (r0D:CS2nt1A6- vatlza.L: WOMWS Uaga% Almon.
.1 - -a ma ad Bruce St.
'tla{.0 an, ca, jula roam 11, the goora
41.4 - *3t"rfaL, Gamo
To were less than a ba�;. 4reproulmtin�,, Iaqftal CWIM); R, 0.
A11114�=311 tltc Ilays. vr.,, 4. Moele&dl: o;%,_r, ro=% proviou_rly f1mlWAjej, Lave ;n_%tatenan-,c 4na treatm ' eat of CHRI AS 7.
beoll "d dcorated by their patieWls, $12,103S.15; rnalute4ox-O ane?
MC!2071fflas W,=Oera, of the A273 vupellntea-
3trorc. TW all sh'= $qlerow holler; treatricqt 00 Irdigent p4tients, $1.1w;
aent; wiluam talle" konotmT ATA111tipr. p
baar% JIT q Utend Tc
annual =004 of Alexandm T4artuO A. M auditor. • WO eZ . our mo# bcartY Sincere 4=M, %,-i of GuftrIcb. $50% cOuntY
+„ tliaraks for fbeir.Xgucd oftort. 04f4 Co. of uvtoa. provime of ontarlo,
and GCORr3l 1105*1' 1. M1 In, TJUUa7 4goratiqu. Me haVq, still AVO new roms� $850.36, ricW1.!c.1$hfp tIck-il,01i $440;,
Zo ren -
In Pa- ara�nj=tjon wvcu he repro.-cnud was' ta bo furnti;I�,d and isball. be &d W ta
lun, the nweang 04 not 1-124 &;�.Z_jay room, $Irjo; j41q"jr Con se $1 to $5-00
and pride als_9 cc_-=AA!0au* witli any vnquircys who trol soird.. r0#"A- .0102-01, Mapm U%f Sleighs... 59C to $2.39 bl. HockeY SL
Were wwrmse4 Ill the proureS5 whivh Pralkatial Aditm:53 may %141 to commentoratq that AMC, bond - zalo,,
f some re4ative or orgo=i=tIon. The $1.840: interest on bonds, $102.53: Xa- See tiie" new Hummer Sld-Sled,
g- -F lectric Irons and Toasters
124d wwn ;;Mao •
in a period e6vering a 1A 41Z ndOpal vrcdd�-nt 0� I.I. Vampno 0
applloxlma6a cost of furnishing a room todA u4ner, r�ndowment Fund. %M,
guano+ of .a .cc ata ;for this year rns4rhs cold:U combines a Pair of Slds,,a Tobo
_X fool t.i.m this year, we, bavp .49c
DO, 'As 7011 - 1VM note from the An4polal Jugurthy Graham. $I,- --an& ia- -,eal�steotihg 4.16d Bo'b Slt#ek'at,
the "'Mplelfou of tweats,40vo F(Mrij
tingly Marked the CoMpletiM Of WOMY, 13tavoment wo leave hI;4 a vastly jogroas- 000; J. 3W. zwluan. $500: estate % AUQ7
P161 vr�=Uoa In 00derloh. Avo y0ars of bcspital oporqtion. In 0040- one.
t4• I , . ,
ed collective lays" of patients, 6606 Igay, � z 5c aid 0,
1,00'a, estate W. )3. oraham,
smaujnz tr the public" W, IL Robil rfcX At . the last annual, meeting, of " compared with 5600 last year, while. eSftt", C, J� �spouce, $200; trans*
red the board that the scant the AqsoclOon. the Board rtes cQmmis- the q�voraqe test 4f treating a, patient f& f Wagons, well made and the.. prlc� :4
wiv re.4 Son 'wool account, $Goo. Tuq 0
nod to, havo'plans preparod1or the o key Sticks. 15c, "C; 250
attaoftnea and app:)reat lack of lAtQr- was roducca from,, last �.var to total exjj,�udlturea were $24,382.07, bal- oderate.
Est did not tavan that the public lacked erection of a sun -xoom, for*WbUh a $3.20 this year. OW to larply attrj- a4ce 11%, bank The total is M
fund had aiready been started, Al": butable to the longer average Stay of tAe assets .iro the. s. urplus QVrQr ...15C -to, $2,00
cwfidmce In 0o board of 9OVIDIVAOTTI. going t�orojj4bly 'Into the practloahilIty -See the Boys' Dump
Wagon, all 4i POcket Ive ...
Dan that the Public patient, dporvosiDd rA-q.kpf provisions, an liabl)'tles heula $01'790 33:,
Hutt the oftairr, Of t11O:hO*1tI:i1 vmo -in of adding WAS I-OOM IQ samepart of thiI
main build4nT it was 4etermined that efficlt1t and coonowle purchasing and )3ep-),rtIn4 for; the property committee steel body with rubber tires. Boys'Xxiives and'Chains, with two
imad U.-tuds and that the institution was , Porvin! 01 toad, and In the purchasing Ur; T. 13. Reynolds said the total cost of
the only pj*,)L�r location #oU14 be tothe h
b�-Iug admirably conducted. Res0ts of drug, ouigleal And otbor supplies. A the now. aadit!bh was $12.976,00. which Flashlights,
qmibw� -., themselves. lie taid. SOAU weqRont arowdlIng of the Pa. the 30C to $2*05 good blades at...
achf6v , , the problem 6f high ata lard of Service was alrOrded in luded oxtra;4 of $1,210.00, which, e
in mo
card jfenii�4�:�
Au it vote of thanko to the b extra rojow accommodation. The upper "104�iglr well, OompftMt our sup= p*R ehTlained in detail.
partjo�.-of the kitchen wing Was OMOY- In which 'they have 101AM4 Improvoment Of the hospital ds, P 77H
for JtG �tzoxts.. , The ,Motion - was Eccon- erinteadont And staff. for the excellent Nout ye4r a. start Will to in vn�fie 1=
ded bylMs Etta SaUlft. gr6un, D E.S.-
M%Ung- Off E.
RCZolutjous of thanks 1giso mere un- ed but it would be uccessftry. to Mise, their V vt�
arlo Autles. made each
pjftcj!sj7 pj%bucd tha and re� -Ptructure 'IWO have, been oonfiorted and An 09cation will be
_pkiag the superin- Orcngt roof the I L In -thO ;year for that purpose, It was aonouni!�
-shift, At best Whistles
ftudeal and is [and the vavlous assist- and then Only A 4make past two Years, with the. dMculty in. ed, Chin Mug$
Ing. or.o.�idfzaffana for their splendid of- could be ri"omplisbed. Xatimatioll that vollooflug, fees Indebted for patients, The regular meeting of the boardfP17 Imt
wroo- substantial bequeota Aq the hoe i, ChOWICabinets.
Qa_behalr at,the liospItAX The treatment IAtt have outstanding $2,12Z" lowed 1hae.-MUMI meeting.,
Wte, ;as 11080ticted'-w Wall letters tale would br t9rthcQmjgg:�jncfted, the notwRh$t4najVg,, we Toy Iron$
F, rty , C found it advual;tle Tha_, PrISL31del SO rne�itioned Jews -Harp -
A. tearing d0Wjj Of the: 01(l kitchen L Wing - had, susti4he&6" Washing ',8et
CUAVID.0ing Ache board's Appreclatio , OpL ommittee •Io. consider the to write OV Saine )t al the,
Wis. Iraftan ur-.Wbatoloy and Mr. - this year. $2000 130 Year, and great )m the Scud s
$1800 It 18 .n es that iho. •death of Was . Annie XeDonatd,
wivro' ,re-elected to the boara, and +.a crest a, larger, !Wing of modern we safeguard against further serious de- who had been, so V64 williog to give'd Kazoos
A. 112,'
and-'hr6PbXyf iconatmot3on. The Uoar4 pletiou, of revenue by taking such steps; her ti- ar sts� f E rectors TOY st
for V, term 'of three 'Years' M' and. readily 'ipproved L Of the Idea,,. authorized ne ond.,,t4jent fit the ink L e a,,• Brootus for i9
Dii Pans�and
aabo,-tson Ivas again named auditor. 44 :tO.'A$$Ure,oUrSejVeSL before Admitting the b)spjtq3-,,. Tinker ToA,
prepared, 6alied for tenders 4 patient �vhat may. be, ever
Zfrl jVj)ILam Lane •. honorary auditor. PIOM to bO PrOP the ablift3r to
and Qlotted -the 000*6Iet In 004Y •• July, Child's. X -tip Plate. ind.Cup
pay, T19.5 tvould nob debar a patient Yop trW -d bags iw cows� T�oy, Sand' Wagons
No action as taken on the sume4tldn ment, Of, o4ke
A substautiul two story bri* structure
thatnMeOs Anould be paid. frMn bolng, adraltt44. and.- proporly, treat, or mot, use pouglaw Egyptian Mini-
•was calUploted* Tead$, for acMAU now
0appin cy �ja 6d 'but, i In fairness to. the *anag�M%'Jt, rnent,--ther quick, sure, remedy. Save Plal4r. s Shovelsii
cis in, IWOOL 'NoVember. In this wQ haVe 4 new kit-
-record for further USeLjj tr6Ubje and C)tp prevents blemish 68 jolarIUM Would, afford a Child's 3 -Piece Knife' Fork -and
,-'All We rd out of Chis IS the bapPl- cbenj runes, dining-roolh, . 0
aym.04 were, 614yed, DoIrs Nurshig'Sets
e4 stocu : L.
-r P 'L . X Spoon,. Stainless.
rle oerived 'in the work". %Id Pre.* gaining. sun from east, South and 1. ip, Ig I -
L 01 we had. 'Imtortunately, One V.Pry re- Baking Sots on, 49c.
i Ing'the �p- two MW TOOM,% for senior nurses, AoXmAU4Y' i Tohdore$
dent, I qroons, In ackn6`01. aj grettable hicident' to meor4--the un-
proolAtion of sho'boar4 -for the, motion roont and 11ve PAtleAts' rOQ%nS. Four of . timely domigo of one of our most faith- w
ettest month .there were. 15 days of
"We do not begrudp our the todas have bath-roolAs communi-� "absolute chvutbtl�,thls year. t.I'1VyV*VV2WM
doWL11W of time alld energy Land. We Ca#AX.L The bMuteat pr4vides for ful 'members of the Board, Xiss Anne
• feel we aro� amp�v repaid An the lad laundti, drying, and ixoning-room,, veflr� XcWrald.. Mss 14cDonald was, for )FOOTwoA4 vor. . cwusrAtAs dims
that.0e now hAV A10t vMcient rdember" A
0 one of the flnest 4.0z. otabI6 And fruit storage,, and gofttal -udgin&,ly Of L her time 04 in the Old f�Aiohcd.'good
14 wost1cm OZ1144e. store -room .tor other hospital' r��qulsites. and, gave ulig. and Awn b�
pitals ability', , an . d particularly on the house old ames, Ovistmas. gifts 1pouslsti& most -
"t nave boexx connected with Mr.Alar- The fjr.anciuf; of this wing VM not be, 4
ComMittee'vIlere her counbel and ad- JV Of Useful 8XtI0les_ Of 01 POW& and foot-
eons :tX Wear.
public activities for twenty dillioult. or prolonged matter.
said 1/ice-Chairman .WilliamsIIW!t In@ we hax
years," s. Vice, h the completed W 0. vice Wfa frvrjue4t�ly.sougbt,
Atid now let Me. congratulate the why not `make. :your money In
"I -want to say. that he had olvon un- incroasod our land-, buildings and equip-
ird .tunes In a real useful, Way
to pproximotoly M.- Aq4Wl,1tI*n 01% haVing tuch�A*ell-bal- these, h
4101497y. Of WS ft0i I64ergY and MOn4 rMAt VAlU ti
g, anted Board of. Governors" giving un.; by presetting the members L of `your fam"
carrying $05,000
toe the bznM of Godorich It has been 000, oil w,04 stinthigly of their time And ;experience fly With some good foottwoar.
A ))leisure to wo.rlt ,with him acrd "with Insurance. e hAv6 an endowment
4�;ro - the "board. The 922,700,'the inter on so
lu c dpctlng the a0alrs of hospi- We. lessor the very best in Leather and Al,fo
oth Of
rebts fund of of which
beep, barmany 611 the %joy.ft is 4616jM4��- artalu tal. Alay, I bespeak for them, or their Rubber Vqatke4r, at'the lowest prices,
the lapkoep of el
Of patients our confidence- and' Valued Come arwd,see W.
sucoex=4 �01
$1 s Wkett $,bst.tbe Inconfili rooms an who 11n
araon d for -the care assistance' lz� the -incomdog lea wis" g �Our good. patroasL a X
Ir4, ronSjde_ L to erry
VJSIIIK the 0640titUtion have !t0 incans 4 support, We have, Oh�W ign%in. at. :your soiy1ce. Ph6ne.-486 YGODERICH
SO as to. assure 200 iperte4t; octliel".- recebf0d most valued assurance from Financial
presentitf6, It doveloPed that a mem. the, z)veral active *ompWa' organiza- George, wunams present !thq V-%4 St air Sh6p
ed a. compre- FootweLar and 4ev
Opposite Icnox 011urch.
-berhad uit attended one nieat.�, t1o4s. Tuo Ooderich WomeWs. aos�)341 sive !lnwtr!a4 rep6rt. . Thii total receipts,
'boatd, In. 19�1
And that the Auylllar pre
PF; of thc�
y AijbserlbOd 42501 to amounted to $25,560.69, in whicit v --WM AM, 1�cprl6tor.
tl�c,. sun
M1111101111t 1111
f�r�14.4 MEN "A
YL to
THE, .31FT STORE' .6 Wei Th�are'an s yhe
mt)st. t
%;11;, jjl;�A 1A %.3LjJ I lot
AftrvesHan .,h a e �$PieaFL ourdh. {tIla telop Rayo 'B gene" Hos k ieSilk L Srj�j 81%-�Vt 7hi
tur Christmas Something t Wear you . I
M ftv
Fan 11 and a Noveltle spe 11T: boxed p a and P Oft,will' ba'A
cticil Gifts 'at
KAYSER. 'L NG E.R1 E Prices
YOU: W*11 ploputir
t, tn i Me Gift S
Ervo Opplu, UIFT
Beautiful shadeg'of
at rose, waize,
bonze the
i also
4,nbo, a
w, Xayser Semi -S 0
�C er,$ blending, Of eolbrk
nael 7 THROUGHOUT V .00
w.ing in With f h we, per �air.$l
any •color oowbina-. Xayser Chiffon, 'V"
80� X too. $3.46 to 5.95 eit
slz% .T
tions .$Io
pair. 41
,"vice, per. pair..,.
undreds of useful rj) HpLp y
Kayser Heavy Service, per pair. $i.50
and practical., qgt$, We certainly' havvWt forgotten tho thildton. RAYOU vests,
•., . 1.pair,-50
SOLVE THE GIFT "Sansheen" per
and 33loomeraj ages 6 to 14 VOAZI, Pink Or POR011, 010h SOO- ......
14 yrs.: It"!'Wo, Ool -
= "Ifim,_L to, A.."p Ist
at popular p4coS4, BLOVSES 0ARY full fashioned "Slendo" heel,
-With the -shades all sizes.
e now cradle all
The best ho values i'
PYJ"A a town.
Rose, maizet
New novelty designs in smart color combina-
Beautiful deliCate'AindertilififtS SO ideat to the fewinine LINGERIE ETS in all sizes tions., These are sur6 to please at
1jeart-no lovelier Lift for i"Her"
0 avers
Vests or Bloolnetso.. * ............. Oct 60c, TFacb
and Colors
L50 each
Stia?.... . . 413rpw Sets, lace trim...41.00 DED JACKETS
Gowns. 4IM to 43 -SO 11yjanlaQ..0.50 to,*a-W�'
Af . *A' Handkerchiefs
i 1a "M41 XALOVEIS naftsSING GOWNS 17
- I`
IRLOPSES An Old fav,priteLp
)I An esoftlally ft" Aftift prettier -than ever,
Nap; W7. WIM 10. 1 NO M. -V N I %M, rM 0 41 Irl,
M f T]
PULLOVERS hand worked, PUreL
oil *I*$,
Uhtd "s Wool, Glovo. BLANIKETS
'The smartest in Bags Irish Linen, at C, IQ—
Really a M"t C ghtning TER COATS for... $1,00
I zona, leather, 1i - SWVA
I'Aari hm*e& of P-** to •fastener, a pleasing 0sortmen
t t,rh"4t tram rt �400 4��Ij j
JL 'Gift.. Only. WOOL DRESSE's boxe .-, ,
from 15c to
Sgel $1, 1W.
r box
a �
A Stoko, full of pitasing Cwts that
are 4"My pleasing %'hon the
prim are so attkoetive.
1111 ij� 411 1 11� I I I 1 11,41 110W
YOUR0. 0P Our SMiAl Sale Prices on Ladies'
wr UP , a S CHA EFER . VAand Childrojes C.oatg are, par
E ticul-
8TORM $flsey attractive for the holiday
PHON56 LUE,ason.
. J , M