HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-12-03, Page 7• , - trintalleall. IMMO. OM. Mmi 'In Days ftf, yere vir sow men reibee.." emit lit lovely tableau* performed by „ Ilte„) Taylor mut Mrs, John Itunin twit Proves Popular *as &min -Awed the Kla• ''fr,f•• . Your Old OreyMouiwt Tikki.eff on Welll•Knowm TIsit $ecOlail ress Caw. Anomoment Wal For the scond part ef the, prozrern .the stage A•a3 appeeprietely decoeged, Mr. 0, B• Deviea was at. the piena and chareeters of twentyefive e-eaee ege• were presented. Sreh old numbeera tr: onion Lew," ."Clementiree" "The Cane- . Wan Boat Song," "1 1.tlst My Willi'," ;were tAing as choruses. Iteelueld Fisher tend 1#45.3 Wurtele sall3 calee n1'4 a quartette by R. Bather, eifirees efeenborne • and Wartele and W. ne,at vi Lord ta _advantage. "Madame Will'You Walk With Mc' Repeat Se pepuler was the carets:meat, "In Daya Velee' peetented by Geergen cleneeen talent, laet ThursdeY and Beleay evening= at the Perish heu# that arrangemente have been made to e.rescat it again thie tTitured*Y) even'. ing. Peeked Itemee greeted the twa initial earformanees. welly &tending throughout. aim ,detertaleartent Was eteired urieler the attan!e-coZ tile was aeted nue sung ty 111r. Fisher mut Ohurchweman's (lend. Aiies Wurtele and wee ee well 4e:1e tint After leobert Beery had played eeveral, ate emote was swan. old favoritea 011 the carnet the Certain The east 1Va.0 datedained utter the etioe te the etreins o Juane. 'Sweet liome." Tee opening Gem* presented two latlies &rated in all old-fasidoned parlor, and on the arrival of visitors. 'Mrs. Hine." the hostes$ expleins that the has purtim msed an albu"at fifty two yearee" A3 the turned the leavee ef Misi Mona Barris= was a village the album, which wee ettnedine 011t1e belle. wive licid the last rase et Glimmer, Stier, plenum or her xdatives and anev d the lely old song of that. Immo friends -were cletierlY Portrayed in was eune. Icour vididren in the neat, tableaux within the !rattle the book, pleture represented !Jr. Bit', family. The ladies representing the Imetees and Herbert Palmer won applauee tes Coen - her guests were Mrs. ,Thutt, au the fore eillor B. D. Brown. U. 0. Sturdy and • aler, and Mesdames' Palmer. •Bartwell M. Connolly liege o -coed eel:re:mute., anci.Lawrence a$ the lattter. • tion of Sheriff Reynolds and Mrs. Con - The tablzeux • were exceedinliy 'well nolly in oici •time- dress. Miss Sallteld,' done and caused Mach .amuscment as the preadent of the Guild, in large hat well-known members of the church and feather. wail represented• by Harold were annommed. Blackstone: The -first, "Groanteather Rime' who As they were announced, the "pie. "walked Wirtz,* miles., on Ws etwn eget," tures" paseed.in rviewacross the stage was ' represented by jolan 'Iltmter; and the ladlitenereldYine a pep of tea'was • "Grandma Bine" was Mrs. (Dr.) Tale- the climax to the first half of the peo. or a 'bride and bridegreent, the latter gram, • in uniform. were Mee'. W. W. Martin and Miss Limy Barris= clamed the sword Mrs. laturison. 'Wben the next leaf wm dance gracetelly and Rev. Mr. Mills in •turned it disclosed an elderly Connie, well a brief address expressed the apprecia. • acted bY 044,340..0;6es, e# 'WA ,the guild In the sPleittlid Pat - solo, "Dereing, X am Growing Old,' was eonge received. Ire 'states that the first •eung by R,egintild Fisher. A small child emrt of the prograM was- Under the in a high chair played by Ralph Black- able direction of Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. stone, was announced as the rector, Mr. Gore ,end theemuste under that of miee leigge' four sisters, one ot Reynolde. 'Mt ' Milis ' also mid, that whom lived et the fashionable watering thanks was due to IVIre. Jonathon Miller, eeme, Bayfield," were lefesdaines Glee •one of the oldest members, for selling zier, 0. Thomas. Iliendiet, and bliss 'Vies' 4,0 s# let Taylor, A pictere of a soldier boy (a study) was aceompanied by the song "The Gni X Left Behind ate" and the next age shoved' "the girl" grieving. She was portrayed by Miss • lerargaret Rucstort. afiss• Noah Jude in the eos- turtle of sailor hose represented the church' warden, 14. Parsone, as a' ,child. zers, E. •Evans ' and Miss Kath- leen Veheteley were Jr. end Uri Gra. ham. "Grandpa and Grandma Biggs," perfermanee by the Claurchwomeneii • The awins. Ada mad •Arebellth e. wi! Ouild. flaxen tresses. were Harold 'Tolman and Leelle Riley, one of vitent became a etif- fragette. "MY brother Slim` si-•`n•tert- cents devil and a dellar Moatli for niee rd5" WAS eX 10 I INCREASES MEMBERRILP LIMIT • The Menesetung Canoe Club at its monthly meeting Tuesday nieht passel a motten to amend the constitution to increase the membership limit from 75 te 100, and four new 111eMbers Were ati mitted by ballot. A committee was ap- pohited to arrange for the Christinaa At Home. , Nerves Were a Total Wreck Could Not Eat or Sleep Mrs. Gee. R. Mills, Lake Alms, Sask., writes:— ' I was taken down with rheumatism and was unable to walk for some time. Although ',got back on my feet I was not right as 1 could not eat or sleep, and my nerves were a total wreck. decided to take 1V1Wfurnes Heart and Nerve Pills, and found after taking two boxes 1 had gained five pounds, and never missed a night's sleep. Right now 1 never felt better in my ' • Solct at all drug and general stores„ or mailed direct The T. Milburn td Pricelic a ox Inotigir;,,Pot by • Cu.," 1 Bonus of $468 l)is. trihuted. in littron - • ,• • Mum 'county'. lAtte Stark Men • Receive BOntli on Pura. Bred Bulls •• A. Meeting of the Buren County Live Steele ,Xinproventent Association Was held in the Agrieultural °Oleo. Clinten. on Thursday, November, lath. Mr. liteth Hill, Goderithe who Is Resident or the Association, occupted the their and - afl were W attenclencje. • Titts association, 'widthwas formed lest April, is interest- ed in •the constant imprevement of live stock throughout the County and it is through tiles organization that the 20 per cent. bonus is paid en all Pure-bred hells purchased by fermers in guar& County. ,peoviding thee have not previously. own- ed -a- purebred sire. Of 'course, before any bonus IS paid, the animal must iirst pass inspection. ,' The report. of the secretary, ehoweel that ,durieg the month of June seven - 'teen animals were inspected for tile bones. Of this nuMber two were not ' eligible because. ;their 2owners had pre- • viously possessed a pure-bred esire but • the. other ilfteen, passed inspection and $293 • in bonue money was paid. In oetober •fifteen. mere -anlmale were in- epeeted end eight •werepassed which , Will result le about e175 being distribut4 ed belong 'the owners of these animais Of the re:Mining nuniber, three were net eligible, and four were turned ,dawn on conformation end. type. I In view at the existing e0ononlic• con-. „ditions the Associatton feels that the re- '• sults Obtained to date are eitlite gratify' ing, and, urnfoubtedle,'. when conditions Innerotte, more renege will.be Intetested ' pier.o.vpeudtype.rehasing pureebre, d. sires.sip , of -. 1 At thel organization meeting in April, • the following directors were appointed, one for eeeh Township': • . • Ashfield-etohn. Parrish, Lnelnlow 1. . coibernee-Bugh eine Goderieh 4 Goderich—llerbert dox, Bayfield, 2 Stealley---Clifford ICeyes, Varna, 1 H. Bader, Dashwood. 1• . Stephen—Wm, oestr.eicher, Ceediton •W. Wastranosha.-Erallic Todd,. Luck.now E. evatvanosh—Melveri Tayloke Belgrave Morrih—Vtr. J. liendereOn, Wingham, 4 Tiirnberry—L a. 'Wright, .WIngharn, iiowlek—R, .1, Sanderson, Irordwich, 1 Cirey—Oliver 'Turnbull. Bruseres, :leullett,--11oreard Armstrong, .Seafortli MoD—Gordon - Mettaviet •WitilteneA '• Ttigkersznith--evIelvin Oriole seafortb- ersbowie—rtenest Vyln, Eltetele 3 • • Anyone wishing. InforMatioll, 'or any- one, applying for • the berms should get ,in touch 'with the director for his town- shap, or write direeb to the Ontario De-. parent o .Agriculture,. 'clintore I • LEEBTIPAT ' Tvirs, Bogie and daughter spent e day in Auburn last Week• lenss Evelyn 'Berton is holidaying at her name here. for nshort time, 'Sterling. Finford w•as tome , over the • Week -end.• • WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Get Our Prices on Fruits for your Christnias. Cake IGolden Mixture au new Christmas , Nuts 2 ibt. 35c 1 McLaren °.s. INVINCIBLE JELLIO. 5 Aga 25c. Roman Meal !tankage Neilson's • 25 Chocolate bar6 s Bars c titime:xed lb. 15c New CUrrants 2141,5. 29c CLARK'S Pork and Beans IVietl. c.p• 3 zDc size tina kellogg'm All Bran Per phi; IUD' Plum y Jant # no 40.0z.far Aloe .Exrk.A • Superior Pahing Ptviir cizt.i5C.2.. 23c 10 Bars 33c Cut Md. Peet 2 1-2 Ib. nc„ Packages Li, it ORANGE MARMALADE • • GOOD QUALITY PEAS,- CORN, EXTRACTS u MINCE'Sl!ajAT,ItIbs. 29c HILLCREST 44 kat: ad,. 4)1L. C •Lose 40 -oz. jer. 21c LAR(4 SIZE TOMATOES 3 tins 25c TOMATO JUICE 3 Tin.2k rattily Olend TEA lb... . Royal York • Orange Pekoe TEA, 114i th .28c Premium. Tea (Cups sod Saucerti FREE) I.b.. .59e PURE CLOVER HONEY 2% lbs. 41/0 lbs. 25c 39c • J. McEWEN J. CALVIN CUTT Miss Chestnut spent the week -end at her home lzt Lueknove • 'Wfiss Ella, }rotten is home from. Gode- rich whereshe spent . the summer nionths. -- Mr. Robert Bogie went eloWn to Wei- land on Sattirdhy to see Ws sort Tom, who bar ban, very sick In Welland hos- pital, hut is now on a fair way to re- covery. Ta St,. Peter's Roman Catholic churelt on Thureeay eternize, Nov. 28th, at 8 o'clock the marriage, took,,place of Mrs. &wan 1<eollgh to Mr, , Peter II -McGill. Shorter after the ceremony the beldae, • couple left tor Chicago. After the wed- ding trip thcyAt#111 return to their home Leeburn.• Hore and. There ‘'apitua ‘-.tti ccu'? yeer ie.ilt en oft. (eel prelemeer) eetenere pareirg tee total elein h.tadfree_ ree7il-f.ee Queues C0in- eared ten irL newea in rIzo. Canada, i)*u piaecer iVet/ celtere en thte eenticent. Tle firet fry Ireethel fro:r. eettilleleely fr%Leiill Canada were • Trocluced in lee'ee and that culture . wa0 eetabOielied 00 nit0011116014: (lOtt113RIMP. cersice in 18e7. Iiritlahers ere cellin'a t'annellen egp,s this yEar With their break. fast bacon. Ilatimatee for 10el, place a fitoaro t4 26,000 eases. vadt of :34 tiotten tel'g.s. foe eeport - to Great Driteie. 1.ani eat' it - Wan only .6.600, woe% • The tor trade Is etill out) et • eneadtee big easetee 1n 1667 fitra • to the value cf 50,000 trance were exported to lereitee. letet. year their value wen Pinned at 187.399, moetly , to -Great, Britain and the United States. Gtain Miele Landied by the Palladian Padfle for October last shows ti •couaiderahle inerease over 'that carried for Oetobere • 1930.. A total o: 17,921 tars was loaded last month from the Prai- rie Provinces as,contnared with a total of 13,573 ears in Oetober. 1930. PORtkR'S Mil • mrs. JohnBlair returned front Buffalo, • on Sunday after spending two weeks • with her daughter in that city. Sumlay echool of Grace •rfnited clittich Inteecc holding their .0hristmas • tree reel entertainment on the evening of Tuesday, December 22nd, On Thursday° evening lar,t the Ladies " - Aid of Grate thalteceschurch gave a con - erre in the thareh hasement es 'a wind - to the sum -neve contest, A splen- did program Was given, whielt included tile follonerie nuinhers: Violin seke. tions by Rate R. ler, Clete and Peter Vottier; piano tole, Miss Gale; IMpliers by the Ilelineaville orchestral It. eel() he' avirt.4 Howard *as; a ditet by Miss Elva • Cox and William Yee, and a recitation by 141.30 Elva What At the regular meeting of the MOWS • Club Tueeday evenieg of hot Week Mr. IIO,V"eurift gave a very illtetesting and detailed iteeetuit of his trip to the West • by the -Canadian route and the return trip by le. S, A. Ile displayed great gift for observation, arid his description, • omitting none of the details,. triad° la's • tall; very interesting, A Concert will be given at the meeting of the club next TitcedeY Melling, one of tho features of the prcerani to be a tiebote, "Mesolved that rural life litts elono Wore towards tile upeuildble of Canada than has ur. ban life." Ilea Will be art open meeting and everyone is invited. Idla since the first 'week of 00-• Wier, the Will of the British. Empire Steel plant at Sydney, NS.. is again in operationgiving full thue *employment of vex days a Week to upwarde of 200 men. They are rolling soft kneel for a nune# her of orders recently placed with °the company. . • ' Mr, gored J. CM MISL V111100.0 "OW PI* my 10/4 *ad UM .1, L. eactimieli were Clottrith either" on leondey, Miss Jeorphisie Woodcock and Miss Ana, lieu. of Myth, weee Weetritid esasilers on Sunday. The wiled children lin the vatletee escheole are busy prcparinz fa: touir ,telublimas eitneerfs. I Mr. real Mrs, Reg. Jeartine-e end babe ef Winlior, spent the wecie-end with the pareeee. Me. and 'ir. Wm. Wal. den, IMrs. W. I:eily and son. Jituralt,?. VN. ited en Nion0ay with, the tamer's par. 1 ents, Mr. and Ms, .7. nittoOk, et Ma. ganwn. Mr. and Ms. Thomas Tummy and da,lugurtehtyir. of Nietom 'acre here tor the I 41111Cral ef the ferni.f er%) le,telter. Mr. .. ivt'. l The Y. Ileaver-tlenattce, of Woodstc.l.', can; in the Westfield United eittlYeb. on Sunday. Their eerviece Fere mueh alP predated by all. .--. i The Weettield community reeelved a sudden ehod: on Wednesday last by tho euddea tall by death of Mr.lerties Inn - my, an old and highly reseveteil rest' i dent of. this -community. Mr. Timmy flees in the been chain& at non sten • the summons came. Bo was in his 73r4 ..year. He leaves to Mourn 1st e depertere hie sorrowine wife and three daughtere. Um. Barrington of BIM. Mrs. Wesley Keelanie and Mrs. Walter Cook. of East Wowanosh, Med two brothers. Will of tho West, arid Tem of Magma. Wile re - 'melts were laid to rest in. Ball's eeme- tery on Vrlday •after/teen, The ftmeral eerviites were conducted by the pastor. Bev.• Dr. Mortimore. of Auburn. The pall bearers were Messrs. Wm. Walden. With a trail mileage of 7,162 miles to hie credit and having to • date seen 424 moose, 69 cariboo and 494 deer in New Etrunswiek, B. le Pope, of =Boston, Masse eis - bayk in the New Brunswick fore este on kis 2711j hunting; trip Au seasons. He will spend sev. eral weeks on this trip. — • Nat. Cornfoot, colorful golf peo . nt the Canadian Pacific learigara s course, VaneouVor, for the Past • five and a half years„ sailed by the 'Empress of Russia recentle, for Tokio where he hi.wiaet as golf instructor tit the Fuji Shekel • Ghee course. This organization operates a Wipe indoor layout •in - addition to its ontdoora links. -• Meier lohn*W. Siren), one ne -the proerietorti of the Alunitoba 'Free levee% Winnipeg, seated- at his writing, deel. in his private ' tesidenee ent' Toronto reeentlY. • •pulled. a lever Which, throegei the medium oe •Canediata .Paelfie Tele- 1 grapits'eransielseicin wires, set in : motion the new ten emit. speed • press justerected in the Free 'press officee e diet of $300,001, The now press, has it rated in:tee- med capacity 'of 'mere than Noe 000 forty-bege PaPet•e.fier tiou • . T'weive int 10 red . cOlon I s (sr 'screeried teea,. end their accent- Panytne. eueene froze the Provineo"-• Oe Alberta. to • ellite • waif the q 11111011e featttro• or the 'Canadian expert trade t' thc Orient nrlIl pf the ehipeMbeaneeoreetteeteetestee:e• :'Rev:elm ieteently. The Miro- Peen a& nAilierleitti bee produeee neaelyetWire,ata iraten•honey ao itt • Asiatic brother that has ,laten ex- • pIoited by the ishiebee lace the time oleonfrictus. - . • (Tee> • The New Fruits Have Arriv YOkit 016461101. Baking will be delicions if yen et rar *applies from ow frisk and window** stock et Raisins,. Currants, Dates, . Figs, Cherries, Peels, Cocoanut, Lemons, Shelled Nuts, ,Chocolate, • Cocoa, -Lan!, Shortening, Eggs,. Butter,. Extracts, Flour THE BEST Or EVERYTHIPta. • Order your wants frson as ad your Baking success is assured. , ., IIEVERYBODY WELCOME . . PRICES RIGHT ... ..• ... - - CALL IN AND EXAMINE OUR FRUIT . - Sparr's Grocery • o • 0 o THE STORE OP SATISFACTION IlHamilton Street, Goderiols Ph146 one We Deliver in town maws , o=itotosztor toomomommimotomat John Vincent, J. flts, Al' Getver, Wni, Bowatt and WM. Blair. The sympathy of thts vieinite la entendeti to the sore rowing family and friends. Barn fires In Ontario this year up to teetobtr 1, totaled 794. with a loss of 41,872,083. accordinis to E. P. Ileatore Ontario fire marshal, ••••••rg +.•••••110. BAYFILD' Mrs. iktary 7.raser is visiting her niece, Mrsmeetae. in Strathroy, at present Mr. J. Lauder Bedlam of Windsor, is visiting his sister, Mrs, N. W. Woods, Mrs. Shepherd, of Galt, spent the past • twarieeks with her sister, tare. J. Tough. Mrs. Omen W. maw returned horeie on Sunday hist from a two weeks' vide with friends in London. Mrs. Albert °Wing, of Port Stanley,' visited her mother, Mrs. Sturgeon, here on Monday and Tuesda Mry. I s. Mabel Prentiee, of Toronto, spent , the weele-end lath her parents, mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson, in the village.. # December let lest:I-red in, a show storm, reminding us that the nice fall' weather is almost over and winter is here. Other Mens ethere • (Binghamton Sun) ' Mayo the colution ef the nreserit eecnornie problem 'Will 1p Abend be the farmer moving to the 'city and the city xeplo moving to the country. Zech croWil know) to remelt better what eitglit to be done hi the other place, , Clieft.,1811111cCe23,1‘.4064. le thell Yet INV 20 YOU ft% ete $•15•• cal.t IV (.s Mr. and Mrs, John Pollock arrIveil home on Pridai laet after a month's visit with their daughter in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McDonald, of De- trol, spent the week -end with her par- ents,Mr. aerieMes,Earry Weston, iii"the village. alra. John 1.Ptefe�n was taken to Clin- ton ,hospitel a week ago to go under an operatiori. Iter friends here hope for • it speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Weslako, flarold Stinson and Wm. MeDone arrived home last week from a hunting trip up north, bringing horee two line deer. • Bay, arrived in the village on, Saturday ppent the put two years at Providence 0:nr., and ,Mrs. Dee° .Sturgeolt haVing. and intend ependhig the winter at Cre- • The sehoinrs of the pebite echeol to- gether with the Yotate Peophee Societe of eit. Andrew's United elumeei are prac- ticing for a joint Christmas concert to he, held in the tetvn hall•Soine date be- fore Clettstrnas. Pull ennettneements later, - DONNYBROOK • Mise Myrtle still% of Dungannon, was a Sunday :getter tvith friends, At Donny - brat*. • Miet Verna Olieniney has returned home after a week's vicit at the home of, her grandmother, MM. J. 11. Mills. ' Mr. Robert OinurineY and faintly were among those who attended the Masonie at home at Carlow last Friday evening. Mr. Sam Jefferson, of Mildmay; Mires •Oladys Jefferson, and lktts Olive Jefferson, ruiree-ingraluillit at Wood* pteck, were home for the week -end. Me. and Mrs, litirint Morley, of Wel- laceburci, spent a few days last week with the fourteen untie. Mr. J. C. Itch* limn, and ether friendi, BRITISH KNIT haVe a nice lleti tit artielea cult - able for Cluestmes giftee Write or call and 1 win be olczud to SIVA7 thc111 to yeti. MISS IPAMIttS11. Watedes St. R.••••••:••,,...0tr*•••••1 • AT ME WATEIMONT. The Quedee arrived On *Xtresder 1110,41" UV WW1 a mon of wheat, for ,the eleva. • ter.• AA ial3ht She WAS Ortelde the 141,4 bar withM view of (lode:Lich lights but unable to enter owing to the storm which as raging. , avow ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;•***, K MO Ettablitilsid 111117 ar presentation, in easily understandable form, . of the Bank's . ANNUAL.- STATEMENT 3Ist October, 1931 umuunEs LitIB/LITIES TO TIIE PEriac Deposits . . Payable on demand and ...trfter7,1104—ce, Notes, of the Bank in Circulation Payable ()Wein:rand, • Letters of Credit' Outstanding „ Financial .responsibilitio emdertakete oninhalf of automat for ea* menial transactions (see offietting amount (xi tm.nitemoutot ). , Other tcp: "a4ohibeiplitities. do no came to: der the. foregoing headings, Tout Liabilities to the Public • .t.TdiBZL/T/E#S TO THE SII4RE}IQLPERS Capiiid, Surplus and Undi'vided Profits Reserves for Dividends . . 7'his amount represents the shareholders' interest in the Dank, over which liabilities to the public take precedence. Total Liabilities . . . • RESOURCES To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Barth has Cah in its Vaults and in the Central Gold Reserves' Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks Payable in cash on presentation. Money on Deposit with Other Banks • • . Available on demand. Goverment MC Other 'Bondi and Debentures * Cilt-edge-Statrities Ike majority of which nurture at early dates. Stocks • s• , • Railway and Industrial and other stocks at or below marluvralue, Call Loans outside of Canada . . Secured by bonds, stocks etnd other negotiable securities of greakr value than the loans and anesthetist moseys qsickly arai(abte,with no disturbing- ejAet on conch:lane in lenada. - Call Loans in Canada • • • • • • Payable ote demand' and, mooed by bonds and stoat ((greater value • at current gimbals? than the loans. • 06%047,25138 38,028.37030 6 8,90,524.0 • 2,311,581.19 •4718,330,72912 • • $ 76,192,604.84 • $794,523,33346 arposts===asee •,- 4 85,625,914.91 •35./94,511.20 22,270,311.79 236,433,817,82. • 1,785,228.04 28,252,80246' 9,243,921.73 'TOTAL OP QMCKLY AVAILABLE RESOURClig . $417.406,508.45 '.(equal to 53.11% ofall liabilities to the Publk) Other LOAM . . .;* . • . 548,525,148.48 etternitfecnirers, fanners, merchants and ohms, on conditions con. littera with sound banking- Barik PreiniK.1 • • • • • iv Thire properties only are terriegi in the *boo Of holding impedes; the oak and bonds of Orme coneq pieniiere emir e yawned by the Dank • mid Omar 011 the books 4t $,Loo la each tam 411 other of the • Datek's premises,,the raise of whieb largely exceeds $14.400,000, at* pear under this treading. tbe cou • Acquired in rse of the k lierees bittiness 'ad in process eing of b 1,735,466.32 Real Estate and Mortgagee on Meal Estate • '. milked upon, x Customers' Liability under Letter. of Credit, . . 8,943,524.01 biretta• liabilitks of ontomerson account of Lmte r ofCredi s issued by the Bank for detente**. . Other Assets not inchsded in the Foregoing • Making TotstAstets of ". . • to meet payment of Liabilities to the Public of leaving IM eXCen of ASMS over Liabilities* 10 the htbile of. • • 14,500#000.0° PROFIT and LOSS ACCO.UNT Profits for the yor.toding else Octobet, sot Dividends pd payable to Sitireholiterti Provislpet tot Texts, 13ondiiion Government Itesertedest for Beek Peetnises . . • . . • . . . . 34;320,00ag, . . 6t0,000110 0 . • 361).000.06 • &demo of Posfie indloos Anotua, ear Deroberotoo • Italince of Pro6r and Low carried forward . . • 3.412,686.66 $794,523,333,96 718,330,729.12 $ 76,192,604.84 3g:4E07037 re7,230,000.00 $ 114,379.57 047.047.38 ele o3.4.:6.91 • W. A., Iggie ClIARLE.3 h. Goa DoN, JACKSON 1.)f)D03, Ptetidem icgo Mtteral Afaga,,wi * The strength of a bank is eldertnitted by its Min% it$ o1ky, ttl'management mul the extent of its Teraina. For 114 years the Bank 4 VG:areal hal been ii At forefront. of Canadian finance. ' • • „ a 6"