HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-11-12, Page 2L
PAGE two
11 _ _ . ,.
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Q�j �.ItC r, .1.
t' axe 4 )49?° T, i7 SF�Tt, 11P 11 a isI progress In , I �_11
. _� __ f, yit I� "
.y �fa ccry:., �anp�e,�� t1r3ea sp�.aM'o rr Mir' lalfefnc T1���+�f/��Vffaarl 1
'M40 "A llatl._..,S/.'.1.•�i nt el dirr�..-t =all cz-,'V ''a w ,r�i 11r'I. on- _ 0�4 �iA•' �i t'n•
" of United tiiurclit f
ptttcccnaadc:i:;a rinuaycicl is a
i=ettor (TOY" MW How -e11 ■' "` i `+1
°ailai,zt,i r,w� f.:'a. will ccaaflllyi ;Ad> 0 '''in-
. Retiril Ait� 4 ..wta aIC is pSaemn t �Ti.all bct"weea � ChInawar �., w.1 I rt' • �' �#•�*
=c 'E t1 i~Wl to gars via . lftltcaa azad All h'AQresting addre:� en W;2!c 2saa -01,
Ur 33 �zc.Oeld, L.Itll t13a dolay tbc;t f3 un4' r;txk 1�X AYrt a, illatstratcd fay Haute in each! ��ut--- �� � ,
aveida 'jo with two tuaneilesa, aE1d whit clidea, v= Nivel on Wcdatrsday rdr>4t, ' I l q�C t
C;au tn' In a day � t1m ,am'ZA lane Nov. 0t:c, M tho 104uro roc:m €rf lYaartl4 r�1t(G
rte ronrc l3 it,_ study ?lacr .tlnwaq Of day to t tr+ et Il:aftcd ti41rtr111 by == 0I.-abetuM. pickaxe ' of � �,
Breis% =an to. act resseaaably Mompl. A%asl;Cr le, all t3t:atfa 4., MI, Iona,
dekive at the ,ulcer +Vault sa..ly %t Clvp furlo:lllh froal Ang03a. vicst Afrin.
a uaJ, li3reet mailerwise #aw- ,'Flip 'Q ca£3Au was clic ti uturiva ciao irM» '
tteeat tkt0 two points would iia a ;;teat afrrrflt;, fleihtg tiff tlza Woraan'u . 'Alta-
eionary Society iaf. the chureh. The
IWzovcmcant. . . chair was cecupLtl 4y tug P'esident, •
-- I Mrs. "1't. J. Andrew. Mra. J. `Z'. Fell vias.
1 4ar..the first tlnt0 t11e To;sn af' Ciodo- at the picric, rile .sCrfptura ivaa t Cad by
83ob is.. 1jpkga'thas,.car tv3tli sirs. R". Ttivcxs, .and prayer rias a#rered , - , 30'
. � the voters arrRnaed In trielve cWodldis by tl�e minirter, Rev. 0. To Watts. .' � ,
- _ ,_ . An #iltetrestt0U Ietter frim M1M" lti7,aa1(f , .,_
forts #ngead of levels._ VO the =Iven- oatswk4` "CI' INAWARIS " 1"4
fence of the,public The 4tar has print- connecuowcntion
trierItu a riw enyleri nceaTrinidad
in .
canriectlon with her wont .fn �19razcidad _ .
'ed copies C.I. a map. sllotvina tile' was read -by her mother, lura, M. W. ,W IN .
civ oflha sub+dfxts- Iiaw211. Mr. E.%. Belciaer rendered a: FI)H'._W1D�
Yaaadaxtra of tkfa n .. 5 usual t at;itl . rc1a11ner,..Mr, 5C'lQ P Q1l'S
. . a ,see what But,, salt, to his p p . g BATF ILD .CHURCH Rep
or Idol; up the map tv Douglas Campbell acting as accowpan
+dividoit yaiia are iia and then 'mare sur0 tit, ^^-^P "'�'�
fah Township er T n .
0 6 God
S, S. N ,
F er Ree+ or
n rent oi` . otrrit ,
;4 . i voters, list In WItI1 rifr. c, M. Robertson •mantpulai- Er. Rev.
l °
haat Your llama !s On ilio vote Rex, W1n, hinder by Ills tiVffe The YoUgivlrlg is the report of S. S.
that subdivision. in ease of 'error tkw Ing the lantern, Miss Mackenzie gave an rlo, ,e, Goderich Township, for the .
. instructive, and deeply 3tttereatitag talk an 'rnq' laeauty of Trinity church. Bay- month o$ Cpetober, 1831: IV.-�Tt,tpl 300
'last day far appeal maollnst the voters . field, has. been greatly enhanced by a nth Porter,, 293 (hqn.), Will Porter,
. the worl; AY rho lratited chtuckl mission
llttt vas'„,r-2tgazl by the cleri;'rs notice, Ia in Portuguese° West Africa. Fartyrfive superb stained Sipes window itL, :the” 281 'thoal.}; : Gerald Orr,. 229 Mon.) ;
Nov, Wih, which Is :next Weduesday,. ao years ago, site said, Dr., Walter Currie, 'chancel, the handsome gift of Mrs, Helen Stanley. Mcllwaln, -'025 (hon.); . Graham
tinic oil the voters' list now. repreaent3ng the Congregational ahureta, Hinds, to memory of her husband, Wil .Johnston. 221; Jean_ sotyerby, lop, or.
vitrify your n . . went to' that 'station, ticcompar,fed by 'liam Tlinde, who was rector, of Trinity
Copies of -this map clay ba had at The church' great X806-1908, Th gift, TII•--Total Soo-wMaurts, 50; -Mal 246'
. his bride, formerly IWif p Clara Wilkes,
Star Q3IicB at 3 cents tacit, laced ns'it is behind the altar, 1d espe- (1109.); Eric 11t1cp111ster, 150;52aitIand
- 02 7Qratattord.. lVirs. Currie I#vat airily. I? Fuller,: 141, O 4averne Powell, 80: Fle: - ,
three menthe - after reaching Africa, cially appropriate in that be; in whose .brit' Poweli, 30. Sr. ?I.-tI'Atal 2pp.-
14TaC1t of tho roil worl: h1 •connection. W#tlz his civ#) hands . !)r. Currie made memory it 3s erected, was active during
~ rtr Lh. lnutafci a13ty in dons quietly and her,coffin, tlleri continued his wgrk alone 'his reotorship in,. making the church Viola T#chbortleP'' T4s; Evelyn Zti%I1k,
i p p
more beautiful: • It tivas due to 'kris ef- 121; Botty Puller,. 1Qs; Lottie Powell, 82;
an African S 50,. .
only comays to pool#c nttent3an txheri9the ht. o mud but (an tha 4an1� of A o Arnold IUAerJ fi1,. Mildred Dawe ,
, Mutt is announced, The prment.m;tyor streon,. After eight years of bard worlt, Yorta• that atatned glass lvindolvS were I ^„Total 150-. 0= MCA1118ter, 110.
O Manuel, medl:a,l, and ovangellstio, lie' placed In the Have'. of the church. ,� t is 1hon,}; Phyllis 'ttxgllk; 108; Mary Har-:
.. , 9s Eommtlaing
.of _that sort of Worker_ bio was tible to . organize the w ilrst christiatk a vary' tit►e aeproduct3on of Tia m
9nsts3nce Coming tit 'light lit the last ch}taxch . ia1 chissamna, with eleven Cott» Mint's "Light of the World,"- executed wood, IOB; iris Spelran; 63; Mildred
i council was the fit- vats, , by Hobbs. Ltd'. Upon . entering the Monk, • P:4-- ,).; ' 100--li ,d '0
sraecting of the to to coU q I Johnston,. x00' (hon.); Eiva' ori; i)1
The . develn :neap at the country Was church one's attention Is .immediately
crease In the ainounIt of t1w program 91 p attracted to the Window and -the ilgure (hon•): Dorothea T3ohborne, 70; Edna';
a LIlluminating anne b •the • - V -Joan
t is
shows In at .manner . Y 'Powell, 20. I#est speklang T ., ran:.
" e lantern a k-
• t the uov rnlnenof Christ boldin a rn an kn c
zellef wort, which 3pictures tllrawn an thn st:reenJ ilae prf- x t g n d .. .
Ing. outside a closed door immediate) Sowerby; III„ ' Maurice .Harwood; ' TI.r
» .: .Approving, the lncrense bairig,; frpnl,'mitive grass buildings superseded by y viola . TIciiborne: i„ Jean' 114cAltister. .
o e o rds h are reminds n f iva whit, x 1n-
mit) the
tile, t e f i s
t .t of br d h q. r a h average a 'ante•
i i as iue a those 1� an o B a e, trend
t�1o,000 tp• 815,040. xh s x S p Number on roll 2, v g
Mayor Lee's Activity. In taking the mAt-,'worn by Chausnnds of passfng.3eeL, note, aoritied ori' it. Behold T stand at the door. 24. Those marked ° missed one exam -
y y through native worL•, giving place to and knock."' The memorial inscription ination.' .
M V.P.
: ter ups with C. A. 1tob4i3sOri, autoanobiie roads, and the nBCietlt Yai- reads; I'd the Gloat' Of iTod and fn . MARGARET A: VWT-LAND,
' ' . George . Spotton, lvi,p;, and Hon, Dr. Ion-tre0• bridges. replaced by subotantial, loving 1xlt:moLy of Itrev, Wm. 'i Inde; - Teacher.
Id i aril the extra $5,000 allowed railway' structures, so that the dla X681. " The -window was 'placed .in the .
o11te th hi
eri h Township
S, S N
e •1:. nti a To F
chancel some days' ago but will':riot ice•
slater tho:Relief i3tt3rd lied Axed- $10,000 finers -at one citric :>?a1uYu11Y covered by dedicated until such time as the new 'The tolloW3ng'is the October report of
three at
of travel.:can now . bo tri-
st5 the 'tot tl .relli program for Qdderioli r t ' 1 ii h t went - o ,hours, bishop fs: appointed and Is able' to visit S. S, No, 1, Qoderieh Twp.: Sr• Iv.-
versed In,leas t a w . y f ur he parish o that s i Eli ort &1. 'Jr. IV.-Glsdys Pnr-
is the xc+tvrorct of 1+2ayor Le a s, eifarts, : 'It iyas Interesting to learn that a1- t pa. h Y r tI purpose,
Mery n 1 °
thou6l : the province of Angola) is #,Ltst •..
' Qe 'i�ERS XI south of the equator tha ]and is so high '�'
. . above 'leu level that the hcat is not so . . .
F.Inax. iLetnrds ISpslness Great as In the Leight of summer lit On. ''
. a 30
Witrinere ,Advocate) t x.. , ,. dl rrw ), ` '
This .texas. bar 1 as . tnu11 Ycar, but Hier
- Tho missigtaartes endeavor to uplift
• the people Of the district. has bceu ani- at • . � : ,
. are $ 0;0 0.000 more on 'deposit ill Can. -I.
. ply "repaid, Not; only :flus Chrlstiattity � . .
DO= :banks than in the full of 1930. ' been accepted . b7• thousands,. but ! WAY, It"� '
It t Th1.at's whst mitres #t a tough year) ('l' ry
and glils, risen and Womeui are taught q�I.
Tho. Uses aY , ,dvert kty. ... efui• ars ' t lit r 1 es ro ee
us t clic # tlxei - i� . t m, d p
M n7_ -Na 1, I e � �%
, tRedina Lender Post) Poverty at, .comfort, There are now r
A new bre.herhood -May be in the, abp'ut "400 school -Houses in .the: district
t �:,.
snalthtg:It1 Canada. nut: oY circle days of taught cltleiiy Iiy, ilativo. teachers. At -
. stress acid Etratu. Tile', West is deeply the Currie Institute boys are taught ° , . .
F th os ' I ,of the ,helping agriculture and alga how to make; ,every �
sic%al tar 1s g uc, p r
, . the' l thing'' for the .buildings they- note erect, : �4 " ' `.t..� \^%
:hand so generously pbti 1564 by a d
Trovinceg of the 'East In this day of its brlok, rice, ` carPbntry-woxlc and .ovary-, �. / >'
!. . nt < _ - thio ; else necessary , Nater. ower is.... ti. '`:"r`"" ...
v3dter .ty. - Y p
ri0ty utilized' b :.them'to run tihcix malls
Iietneinbrattae or °Iloltcla5 y
h n US P Q C"
. aril tAi x 'hop.- soonto iisn it to enaatc SYIViPOS1UMY FAMO ii
• .i. • . f�arotit0 Gtlobe} , . „ . ' . l � � ,,. r �., .
: ,ele tri'aty. Tho Is, learn. home n hk» _ . .
. ; n g.,,. .t r • , y fir 1. .� 0 du ted b illtam 'T,ewin ..,
n C W
•tri of G y
h bs E
�. t f t o C '4, 4 c •t.,
, T a, ,. a y e U- Y
. � ,. T 1�A
its a. d en ..• i a
Tt •, I11 � dot ant t lei, fc�.'
el d a b
. .a 4
t tI C tr,q nt,,.,k. .114nce; In its a -C s-, lei'h,1,lg anti agriatiltuko•
he world is, '
b b that cba
Cs in
toured alemnity, is all that Yeai'•y »iat- To select a stiftabla name for each a y
ThC la picture showed the. native
tris. Par. better .that alae viieais of ' indeeii, an absorbing problem. Millions of xlew babies were linin last
gathering in thousands for tYte great . at there are )Ess than 1000' names to elioose from. Parents:..
business.should coatlnue o turn as as- ubile at'Baflund in.193 .h year. Andy ,
j e• �. 0, when a frit a estions. Il we create some interesting'new, .
uai, exceli. for that brief period, than 1grgat ria v'• search directories s gg Sha
tt choir gave tha cantata;,' •. .. '
�,. , '' that ttla rear meaning of the hour heti Estlrerk as v:all as rendoring :atria .of rite names? • .
lost' in fr+c-clay celebrat#ons and ordtn-.. vetWh clans ar rile church Inalud3n. the'
{ ' { y Na. 35,.- John F. Stervens
° ray Ilolidwy furl. f RalleluJ4h photus, : ,
I ; . tGota olid itt.d Sritoola At the . Close hof this fine address m.
,c. .
: r• es ` o' s est for the baby. on .
cSt 1tSar Journal -Arius) vote .of .than%. t5 the spealter wool' mov. Y do not know that I have, nam t rtga
?i ; ys, t 1'
r, ed by~ Mrs: ,las: FlatztfltGn,_secondeal lay generlil,prina#plus, klntvexer, I prefer the old Sacort pantos Sar both
Thar Ontario has thirty consolidated ,
i Miss Mabel Same rid he;trtil .:endorsed Estelle,. Estella (Stell Essie: The Latin' word for the stars, also) -is
schools, all . of . tit4011 ,are, doing good Ei a tt y e1 a.
3 . by U14 audience. The offering was, thea) steUa:. but ok3A,t.10 y "e. names is Persian, "Astarte " .
3.: xvorlt, i as t1'le statement made by ilial. , , ,,,,,c., h .
, .w : " Vr
11 prO�Cnted. rho . pray0r of dedication CSIs . nn �tlieYitbnBC. origin meaning free man, >+ratik is
ria .\fttC eth resident eP the Ontario t 1�LAN l tt.. }he -af g
y S cal x3 , 1� being a3Yered,, by Miss Ivlat RgbertsohI
I f Tmrz to s' Ass6pIatlon, to St. Marrs Rot 1` the Contrap�`ed. form: Sir :Francis Drake svas' d #anlous Engifslt. nava
e . Tito Pres#dant announced that t11e
r , cth s id h had: visor- gator, �exlll. . and adttiirAl of the Sixteenth 4entury, 8t. Franc 0, .
ns. M . Us,cS a e
a t a a offering _amounted, to $I,Vc Tho meet
eti some 6f hese shovels -lately- ttnd 111. _fctalndeic �sY tihe afa ss�ah Q_ dsx..#1► t11,o_T% tl CenturyC vvas -gn 3dea1
e t ing 'was cies lv t e sne con' y • of. Altulsm and self-saerlflce:
I no ca a would rife topic curie .to 'revert
1 r of thins, the :pa tok, after which ntanY took the.' a me'.gf As +rian origin, meaning "star,' It Is•the itanm of:
tj to the old, hide ESTHL t..is, ria sS
t 1'osslblil3ies oY I'rehtbl0oh. Enforced opportunity of meeting Miss Mackenaie.
.,,,,,,,, . ,.,,._;,_,.„, .a'famous character In the': Bible, Its variants are ]ulcer, nester,
illtChfca;lo Leader) +4 $ester,' _Estelle,: Estella, Stella, Esste. 'rho Latin word for ,the star,
• i . They seem to et their school girl, "Astarte.`.'
g also, is Stella;' but oPiginally the. name .is l'erslafl,
I. When ev`e loot about us� and' .noto the .''Complexibris long - after they've left` r.
'" - 'sMutaay effecis thus tar of Prailib#tion, school. - .• -.
daltCtinBly though it Itis. bceti enforced;::� , -
„ it es l' ;
vilten w0 sI, .the 1090 roll of fam i
re ted through the hicreaaiar, Inabil- w�..V
. - ' .,,"^ .. t1 ix ,r,.,+l _.,.5., . �, .n....-.,y;'w m - M :�: ... .0^Y: 'C-'^�L.v,v^r+a+WIR) .
the: bibula •3 li band and' Mather w .;r $#IMNK 'tom ° t
sty �ttc u
ii tri whe a consider the : ,.} ..
4tf obta3n.liq b , n w
x:'� y"
111 nuntb r oY drunI.
i .steadily diminis ng e
a a t. 1e 8C
s rut b u t C
asr , e o
g v y
whea ae poodir earofully. the etupen .
ofprohibition rt, erl : s . ! :. >�;
sous ,Possibilities .p p y
fa�4seGil: -•tlC. •';kt;�ni: C#ad ` banSi take 19 I
. - rr . .
eoUrpk >` a
ail for CuL irr rU ntutures
p 4 5 C t 1>t ..
1 7' ;:
tt lnanc3al Post)
Gunadiait,lartsineus tncn and taxpayers I1, a r ..> ''
h the Can tti0ri w. a u z. -, y
I mo aright .n froling - that e d '
it of out national finances Is not 'entirely �.: j � ;
a tho product. of the world econon;lq ovIslo •
i e� ;i
t taut that ft has been Intens3iled by an .. ; `F.
1.. ung mTented policy of public spending, , a ,, 1.
s r s..,:
Iiiltta<fdi by' previbu, f;aXEr11111e1tts, tinrl' :4
o in .d- b " reM t 'on
C IC nc the iiia C,
3 p
It fw fau13s11 to say filar tx0 Ctaa"3f10t cut , "'I :i �'
. '� ... .F - ,�
Si4erutnCtia �;S .aa$el, Ikus3nC s '0010- 1 "' , 6 ;;i
ream an rivate ludividuals 113 a:.made . t y i
dp �. v t ! '
4tavlilgs In th.lt own affair:; that they i
r1� firalt tlrqugllti tvero 3mpc sllalq. Can
, oda Is slot approaching a 'erfsls fn its y �, ,
31ft1ottal irmallees wtie:x the country . t r c :F :
f'ac % c? fl l' In oti f quarter I.
¢ Cs e c , to Year o a
.1I. ag a hlllipra dollars, t4lacit aiaanCy tt►ar» 1t :
( Mets virito dorm Its bonds; It. ha -naeh* .
f s.
j cd tDte +Crisis, , '
t, wottia b,a pt, sibin to slash a Him- i .
i1 it 1atlllfan a ,70V -of! Federal novern-. b ',,,;,r % {
anent •costs, even More, It might meal% .r -
;1 serapp* ing mitral. baru os6,1, farm laansund ! :+illi t
atlter' ratemal, fads; 1tilctiit mean res- `+.
, . mtlon rag tsork on such job, a3 'tho und-
#t Bean`s arta nallcvaiy, poi*, extefaslearas and .'
t aha naLowl lalghsvay; it Ii 1ft8aat „ ` =,z
T1 vwhi.. up the lrznent toll�,,mally oit'raw.', <'..:
. 1. . � I I. I ... I . W : r ��
v+ );ant cycloila of enaploymont retlef iia '
raver ct alratglit vn1� tauml to ttn n In,
tAGcd; It W101A mean a eut. hi elvif ec.-
i I . rrice Gail mind a stat its elvil savl a .
e� l;a. nut tla0 eatintry eoultl ctataal Nita was'norried ... sloe could not imaging where site Marl
cttth 1X=3 ns thCs_1 better t1 +a.t3Y it call lost heir-bracelet—lir the hotel or oil File jour neq 11011. , .
• w e, n ,r ,
r t ,.d M t. rx ibl d Il^les d 'tic In-
'.i CS a C a roil 1 !
ta7lCti•7a•Sddlap ,
� f. )
•, f ac kept
,.,,,r r ne; a she
k �., _ty ,Ira delns t,a.•3v lat,llt3eal a1tl�als sc,trt , 0mc� � c�tdx tre7ascerx �'.i1t1 X c'at� t tllilalt tvliar i<• could terve d�1 ,ewlth ,, p
f .�_,. _ ..,. _.-�_r 5� pars, is:�3 tellita her ialotlacr.
tl3lfth Ia rite ally eolttClaal i». cart t3, .
f� ? .
M ,. W ,
F&Zk .
The calendar wild t1y1
I:.-?ra, _._3e �"oi"_rte .11Lt:;,
t+: twirl/ray aL fU 1";1..ssi,r_eay� 1
'iii:' .I... C':.L.'i`.]t�Cj L,- ` i,: �c,-."!i7. I
,trytr {tie sax . aEc .
CV ;:a r,elc. 84.4tr,eca tIX"hy eros telopbow. to the hotel," mother togrested. "It's
0150 p.el• s.1 4,10 err.,. after c ht -chair now and u call will Onlycoat a fern
r<'aso" bolas s::'.3,, ssill cents." .
k tvs r. Iill:l0ine Nita'. joy When the llotcl cleth told her that tho
w • btacelct had thin found ill 11�t room and would be faa.'riled
� to tier right lay. a,v. .
, I L Thanks to 13"4 M7i *,:1�ae,-,, czi'g.��Jdoa, Not a's RO Niety ,%-as ro-
t;, , "' licted clt oit�:a .. ,Ind e"' COSC of d1a roll r.ag c�� nrMe Moly
,C 401d* }`1 a , r e
lc s t.�am la s xw i fain fc�ial alae u¢a¢iia.
i G
0; Ada' va-. P % 0; William
T . -
57�n7.. �r.(�'1 I€-•U,ra-,e ¢Bqyyegqga9/�t�tie, X774*.
Mott., a
���v.fail��c���r�[Lr�s�' .
ZNUitt, 0; ' Franc*' P
Wier CraQd�r,.Tt,0.Jr. 11
ca e,t° 43. ' x .-BilW
d sSeattle. 74;
MansfieldCustom Shirts
Ori la, 68, apt Tac
load of 1137 inset in the
i% ettt� balk 8crreien' Jallttston,
13eaEtic, 8r.<=Jacilie ]�1fioEt>
Nlarlsfield "made-to'o'de1:
E. DRIVER, weAcller.
LY a Ore erica Or the
Shirts. This should interest QVexy marl
So S. is, W, Wawanoslt
likes his skirts to fit properly.
Tito fallowing is tho report of S. ro.
r • the Samples, You'll
be to show you � p
IG, WC.A Wav;atiosh, f®* Octabe" :
well .glad
XV.•�Jeau Rabinson, 46 ; San
life therm. • .
C3. Jr. IV. Vergae Platy
1t4; Melvin Craig, Gs. Sr, III-
. Mads, to order Clothes and Mats
Earl Flowi'nan, Gil; Ted: Robinson, 63;
Dhamney, 50. Jr. III. '
shit$ Dry leaned
04; Howard `)"nom, son. 00;
' °Thompson,
a" d;