HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-11-05, Page 2fw 1�- __ � I - __ � . Mxefwo . , THE GODERICH SfAlt __ . ­ __ ______-________k,� � �1_ ­­­ -­ — - ,--- I I I I I ,,� �__ __-�-__--W...*.�.�- I __.____.___ _ _ __.-,.*A.,_"W � ­ I - � I tiv 40, 66crich *iAL � T H - .. DEUM IN MURA I'll TOWN TOPHS __'_1 - VIVIVWAV, zwv, 5,zl, &9317 1 , ---"---- - - � � ___ �_l 1­�­­­­­�_1­1 14"MW __ -.- r ... -0. I— V I , ,�,_ 17---_ I I ­­ ... ��� ­.- . I - "VIONFE I -% I - __� � .- __ ­__­­- - - � - - ­` W" SE VAN % . __ I - �, � . - . Mftolttm, cOMTOWNT , V.0=0 cl c�Nao�=, ;Rc!x�t Tmz=z- �­,. More I ­ Z�e. , I —_ -_ � � I IN:. ­,� 1 I 11 rtata tz,g4 1w, V'M ;Qaln b,� a CaL=M.20 ,',';--�; I` ,' 1 i I 0 RF.kW1j"NCF. JDAY - * ,�, fcx a, cmt at VID cumavil hl;z-a' at ti'la . 11 ,U %, ­� . ,-, f, * , 9=,UAn,C=ln�-, CIVI.- kIc0-1z,)5. Mr. Tvxgl. , . Q v! ��. 14c,t;t %Vc-&=-,'�Y, Nnvxm t�-,7 , � , , llav I tz,. tboy ca,14, was nit ,yct ce-,lain arr t!� � del i c I 0 U S . - , fc,r t.,Z!3'aT�'I - ttn�� W,41 a � � .:I* jmt ww!zu o6m, uo v;xhacantr5t. tul. ., ,,* (14'.�Ii 1, . a& &I . C=1,0, V40, I . 11' .;, ­ , ' ' I I � VAV�,xlal Loltzy L -11D M, m U=x:41tra"1�0 . I . thkat be would -tlnC1:,1nbtc(39Y t;a Z cax,49- , T4 . I ,,rr, I, - I" r�d I 1%1`11 I . 1W, I 1A lc�tcrvawa of 00 x3l . 15xCY,'37,V 4 . t �� date 10 ano or ot4er of th!� ecatl In tw 4. W _. ,� ,1,ore I I - .1.�Ta /_...., . . . " " I �, . ;; &.1 I " . -, K ,at OrP. d.1011)l d elkho armt1ticp wilicb, I eoulidL � I . .. -1 .. 1~ I . N, . . t. - __, I ,� , , �eu ;p,,;c4xb-.r 43t,-4 . 1010, bzx3jht tbe � , . r-rrrrrr I , n udshin . . . . , . 0 61 7 . sp�at�-,� was, In Ufs=s t�) D e4�-- 0441 . I 1 ,4T. T1119 WATIERFXONT . rV, 'N� i to� 5. I '. The paolxa�e fix%liter uau= ozaico . . . -tuil, ez,=�:Gn tbo ullncb 4 P'll CC= , 11 .� . I . I � � , � . . . I I �,- WondaY md Wloailed !fivo eazlcafb of r d;Ajj3,Wj,a tT3'Wl'bx,% to 010 days of,tilo I I . . 1. , � � I I � . i I . 'ROW At 4110 WAMICINI frelgirt &hells; . 7C � I i . I . . gnat commet, to aihtL of tho w,*rW1.03 1i � & I I 13110 104140 IrOln the )�W 'of the lakO , QjY X I . I 'I OAT / .1 I I . , . 1, "I- � – , * *jrtoU r.L,re Ma,Ao then. 0,4i thIsoCO3- I I I I I Alld Was bound fop Montreal 74tlx tug 1, . ,_ . . . I � .. . I I � -7 , . . 4 I . , , I -a w1ampmad desire IN, 1 . e1q Nilauco, of her #our vargo. 1. , . , mon. too. there will 4 V .4. I . .,&� � - to 44) lien alm_- man, . t;�t , I I . or to tl�o utewory.of tho"o on, I I '. ", , I . ,. . . ; W04men on the Bormloigham eon� . . . I tract ',were unab* -to woriz on Tuesday 112AW191D. . Sr, � I I . , . , . . $Aa4 caerifice for, - I : . , , , V110 , a %U,Z rsn;we�,w c I Z"V'. 'L I I " - � I I I owing to tile Wavy Bea. Which was run� . I- KER . I I Were beo3;dngL ovef. , , , .- . I I I . tuor country =4 r-MvIre , - . I .. 1_1 . I _ . QUA .. W&Ltvr balls I , � . . . ; �. � 41119. The Waves I k� in ,21/ 1993� . in ljqr�OrIV4 malimd. tuo code-Ach . I . -which Oro - coo ,2:mln"te9 Aftor 0. 0 1 I 7 . I I ;b"nCjj,o1 the Canadian Lc-;Ioa dwire3 - I .. . . that ,portion of the pie= . . . I I" I . - __. I—- . _ :.._ � I .. . . . . . I � I'. �, � I . I b6lulv reconatructe4, - . . mo� - . I ... I 1 !;==7;z��__ ­�� � I to kec�p'to the front. the lrtsllWag . I . 4 � 11 . 1. I . . . - sthma-A most distresslu.- . I � � . . � I I . .. ' �, . . , � ". 1V=1RkSTOXEx ,OAR$, GO - file tank, the L WRr, fritAct and. 400 4150139t . I . . (houglit that the de3a ean Wi be 11014- - , . - �,' � . . ., I . , . . " endinQ obaracterIA10 of thIS'd9bi1itAt . I . I . . I .. , I . , with VIUCh ftauerjn�l L I . . I w A by taMno ,0110 of th6= wbo came I �, I � ." . . ,1' it would be Interesting to k�aw julet. 'otherwise the car was in iuCod shape; It I the persistence - I I . , c ' , L , . L IS " . � . �,��%Cnlo, btll� %VlXo" F L , . - war, forind In. an isolated spot 111 ttacks Come to 'Sap Away Stlren�tlx and I I WO )WI %* no &,:jori. . � . where the stolen automobile$ which ore t the I , .�- 1 *�3 for Count � ry'QMd.LFA4plr0_tbQ�'Q for . . I a ' bush" Me Of A I , . ( - - never rO ovi=d, oventually find. a home. ,1m A ,blind roo,o. The markers, lbaVe the sufferer in.. a St jMQ3t:*, . � I ; , . . ' , . L ,Whan� %be war Is not YA Over. Tborci ",I I . ; . I The Mystery of at. jeaA one Waz solved tqao were , .issing. The Constable 114SL Continual exha.UAWA. No wiser px I , , . v n that of ke-_1 - , , , . . I .11,111,11, , . .. ,. - ­ I .� - - 1.11 F F_ I � - Ust - 'Week! When, Alex, vow I . I I , e0u, Aay h1stenctod. Ur. Moug$pgti to. have the tion car be taken tha , 3nds 11A 0arlada, :who .. 11 I . 1. ­ il - . . I , . . � �.d I -.at,j%n&-a4VRP!Y,_0.9 IX J. D. Xelloggla . . ., . I- -are tons, -of.tiiou- _ . I - - . . . . , 1-1. ­ I TWni4b1p-,�ArMM-:-reported­,W �-d � ,4utQ-jajnQVed-tO--b1s--VArd.� Tb0-Vn81lW . - . . . - car . . :--1.1 0 a y, R_­W_,QW­*tl%Q71.nQ3t ... �­-rz­­ . .. I -are &tin sufrailug.from. the ravages, of . . I ST. (1908091% golf, 00091tica I "I I I 11 I _1-11. ,� - ,. . . . .4 �"d ca R m d f m 0 . . � I ._ L . . . � I . tO, PrOVIA011 'Congtoble W.Wt- Ide, will be 'dismardled -and the serial nutn� AAhlua . . I ,var, And who, 4o ;l, result, art'in, Ole. � L . The. mural 4o."OVAUM4 around' the )qbancel Arab. aro Mustrokting 00-oreat I . L 4 a$ � , tfie potent remedy' for eradicating the dt�4' . . � , . . I . . AIQX found a 1927 model T Ford JA jilig bers secured In An* effort to 10cat' ase irpM the texider air passage$. . .. Ir I . I � . . � ournStanocs of 4I$tre$S.arr4 great need, . . * . - . I .1 I I bYm;r%Oftheo11urQb,tlWTovoVU�. . I L . bush Vast Of HeWA. Ufa radiator, owner. There Is. no question In tile con- a _� , . _��'__. L ' ' . . . L - I . . The -Canadlork Legion has, Pledged Itself . (Reprinted from file Boron Deanery NOmbor 'of Tbo Canadian- Churchman) . . . t1re$ and bumper had been romoNrod, a sto,bles� Mind but that tho'car Is a $W- And ,gomeiime§,'the man 'who dele-aa . I I .. . . I . .1 . I . . I . . a . . . L I I . . L . I : I . - I I .. I., . I . bad Maller parts.- There was Lul � . hesitate gets lost., L . � to M that thwo men are property oved! - ' L � I " . gas., I en,onL� _ ____ _ 1_11"� - _;� . . - L -.4 I I .1 �` L ' ' ' I . ...... W_�­ .. IV, . . L I .. _. - I . I ' I. I I -- - . for, but ,001Y '4Y generow public, Suit- --,-,^ ' . . I 1`04000f - L . . ' L . I . . .1ing by AITV-400. L . I . I ' I . - � . � . . I port Cart. this pledge be I01111104, I . Tht� 14 the teas on of t1107; �03r in which i � , 'OD I.CH , � I I 'F I . �R . , I � . 11 ,.. It Is foe aris purpose that the -DAUX1101 , � LAID OTT LIKEL.G , . .. I r'' I I � . L . I the, Ornameu4tl radiator 01113. .Justify I I : � I .. . I I -pclppy�Dale- Is bting undert4kon in .00de- . 001C On which . . .. I � I . . . . L . 1, ") � ,� . , their wastanoo as o,. 11 � L to I I i . I Xle'll; as asewhere, on V riday and satur- . ' . . 5 wtor, tb, U. S. Corital" Who . I L . . . drapo. tire old blanket. . L . . - ' , " .Q �mri Canadion V, . -aw at tw Weelt by tile local Post of,tho 7 - , , '­ .111-- , '" .. , L . . . , : � , .7, *1 * ­ . ., WWI With Qua*' 0;1d Stabilh-'� " I tl L I , . . . � findii barca& AOS00 . . . . I I � L I L � cariadjap; -te,�icm, By distribution of . , . . . . � til ' ' ' Awgoitigan Mid. I. . � . I L . � . I'll ,; �heco poplplqo, WhIch everY, eitl�oll r'boiAld I stariley 13aldwla ,Is -Modest, to. SAY' 0 � , M . . ,L . � I .. . . I '. .. L' L . I . . � L . � I L I � I 1. . I . . . . . ... . L ., I . L . wear, on Remerrib Ca 1)% a 'In :am. least, also 0110rous Far, intp___r� I I I L L I . 'I raln L YL a � L � I ... . . . L' . . L . I ;,, rojj�d..rap tor C9rPQrVatjVa I . . , I . . , . he. ,ad majorItIeS . . . L I . . *j;.to a ZW �,� mom 'of bonor to. tbe. herole dead, t . � Tile Star I$ pleased tblS we� , lye Spottish. rItC temple, so vast that , do ,, .. - ' .1 I . . L .;.. . .I I Rp relief fund over y year, candidates. 14 th.6 British election h, abler to I L p following letter de- -is in Constant atteadanxe. 0xil,t once'in ''I ... L Legion ralsm l . . - . ' pr6aent th ' ' I . I . givez Liberals the biodlt.� It Is dolibt_. geriptive of , 5WnSton, D,C,, and near- two, years is a mectin he,14 of the 32ad � ._� L. and.tilis fund to -used MtlrelY to take . L , . Whi, . 1; . .. .. I .. I . , 'ver, if that will mal;0,910 Lit). by points at l4teresti And ,,vbat will be degree Maoons- The bnIldlux house$ , . eare or civaes or speciai.*neca 4pa distrm ful, 110%, . . I partioularly,plertsing, to Canadians 15'the the most complete library Of UAsonlq � . ., L . - . 4 � .. �� L . jamir , Orals- fact any b*4% . . I dent writes. tb�l,t llterAtOe� 011 tills continent, wxd':haa� L I - . Motto; ex-servize men And theIr . . I . I. fact" (ML �Our correspon as� . L Iles. This. is a wortlry tas�, � vllblcb� tile � . � ___1 11 . . Canadr� Is. 0ottented alriong out United special rooms. sot Aside to display W ' "I I � . .1 . I I . . � I . . . L it is bein 1-ov1=141 states 'people it& belna sYnOnOMou$ With onlo costumes, jewelry'and. -band,scmve I . . Lefflon has underteken, strict -it 1. 4 .­ . L 16 -�rgued f1lat Pl . . . . ... . ,�L of ,notables or the faith- , .. . I �, : ; In' which � 6CplQ1 40 1 f tills loyal com. �0-43, co,qt z4oro I ' 'Or$ ,In 1 1 - 'glass .case. , to bul.14 Alla, Maintain quolity, And. stabflity� Vie hope at a oil paintlar . I the 1), L 'tdS� ':Oooplo w110 mel, 140r dato. to have W1110 XUV,4�k leW . got - 41lCh TOODU It large 1, . Ing 'do County to' frorn the Rate writer. , apy ,- L . . surralty 61jould be L %%'ill to crotiVely eo� than I . . contained to jlasks at clifleront alzak � � . , - tlm Lthocity of Wash_ shap �04 �do, . . sjgsis� The Cot I , . - . .,�re, probably a3read . t tho , A canaditin visiting as .. . I a cl guide . I , these road$ g , Operate. - - � . I . ., � � . L i .. . . � . I . . . ­ .. -1 I Provinol . al reads 4raL WorLjh' the 'e:4� -JI16,t", lxa.. finds It to be laid out Along when as%od the #urpose of keeping these, I L' . I - 11 . L � .4­�� � - , . I XtSL - reP . )10d' with 'a humorous I twinkle 11, Ills . L ' � 1, -A HAPPY DECISION , cost. It also,ts said t1i(tt lilredt (colikity) lints similar to Godericb, distine eye, "Dop ted Spirlt$l," ' L I I I I I � . . L . jxtcnd+-AC� Is :tbe . 4r, , ;. " : L., � . . L I I I . _LL L .1 I . c!l1capest. The tlVg reatuee la Its excellent city'PlAnning' I .1 �, . , . superl . . 1. . ' .� I (,tcmo, �y a Vrencherwincer, MWOr Pierre A �Ister - of Vilna, has llvact', In the I . . 'There - is A controversy .mbeirla. waged thes'peSt I �, r, or how 1004 1 , L ' I , ;j,'ErrfajAt, At L . .. . 1 . t1it Irlsta'nedLar George V41ted Stat6840. nearly thirty Year$. I � ixbout town as * to - JU4 VV46 owlis � ffie I . I � , , - 'he ba , �. . , I . . L . L N Vjolrfttgton� LHe'* drawlto On VX0110h Xn that time z 5 naturotuyt se,= 'a . . . , I . moXft. rapre�v,&AtIUU tile surplus of tile , . L. I I 'ti ' 'L history,. laid, out the olty.with wide dia- goo'(tLdettl Of.the country,,including.tne . L 19al cloutermiall one faction says It, be- .�� F1iWi0*1inC-G*W,Pe'11L On gonal ayeruies,. crossin,­ streets, plA=e4 varled scentry or 0311fornlai the SpArx- . . . I " I . . I — .* , . I . . on the gridiron 'method. -The Capitol ish cit . y OAA�Antoala In Texqs,.4nd the . 1011P to the PPopli Lind should be turiax- . . L I . . ,� , ca Building, 751 fact 1049� Wltn a 111190'more 4rttilpially deVelopocl.itatci ,of Flcii- ,.. . . . ad lritoLtha�Lelvle,treasury and -u -s -6-d- —for ' (An. n�lorial �from T114 7011 Yt .L L . � L . . (line RovjeW_Repp#er) W12tte dqzue, damlAates the city. This Ida, Y-'hbr mind, however, the plate , . * .4 I 11� I 1. relief Or gt%y 'Other qually commendable . I.. . . . L L L . bpticilogtIs ,Connected by subways with mfith most 4ppow, Is mount I �, I . I L , . . . I . I I ­ - firary Of Congress, which . I . �: - 1wation. :-takes, 'the ' I L the famous LI 'home: or George Wbshlng� . lmrwc. Anot er , . . . . t a so n r, t be - . . . b I q� It a ,a d. la �es - U 40 111173 1 , � I st=4 that� thoL surplus belongs to the L we have ban ,w;�tc'hing With 4=011.d- is said to . ��Oxw T�jooatecl -in the state of Vjrw . I. I .1 . . . . I . * JaL in' the" uvrid, bofng� exceeded ofil,V bY g.j I . Interest wh%tr,would happen I W��:an '' L, I ,,� a b1liff overlooking the Pot, I . . eltizons, teplen-xiial, Committee, Which old arable � .. ... , , . 11 jtl$h� in 1. . 1: 11 . L L . I . ­ . L a kollowin(; the hat oft a Bt . WoUrril. . L . oMfLo. RiVer abotit 11i4een miles, below the_ work and madQ L the nioricy�. anq the town of VArimr(lin . . . . . .1 . . I . I 1. L.. I I L . W.a�qbingtorl is tha­'Wat of the V. S. W4sh,lneton, P. C. It -As a 'w0aen house . .. L I I . , . . . . .. L I the G I I L low ,Ceilings La . nd wide 'Verandahs, . . I . i w It as ,clOSIA9 Of the Salt Company and to overnnizat' apid as siieb. Is not salf. ,With I . I * ­� L . Ut hOW About the old Or L I I meantime* UAVC, -at I U410 , ti little ,of the ruled - . governed by , Of the, . 1. . It Sate Zi S . , but , Is , . V049TeSs, and It,;contajjjs Much original , 1, L . ., - . .8 -no furnitqrq. !$pact I . I L I and old boys? Wlthout� -them, the cen- decline at the $alt1ndUptry 10 this so C� ,There Is, thereforei no mayor, and ous lawns with shaded. � � I .. ' I . . - counall., -.Tha, residents pf t1le distriat -&I�Cli and �Wolks,- curved colonna(10, a At , jid ba4Ujjfui tf6g§ �jjsjoa�� I I .tonlflal,WoUlid have been vi Auto. The . 714 tills .=. have no vo ' ' i - At' ''d do sjjjs�j ,*114W-0 . ,y 40411116 of - t11V 011t lndWt , . lea in its govertune I _ . I ' L ' . ' . . : 'proVIded Colo, anit ;t is well itnown thitt tbo ZinvardlnO not vote forthe president, iut�tliey re- bled from I , the undoubt dly I to L .L I Z�parts of the aarth give tuo I i I . L, ,xa ny, �was. purchased by Can m ,tain residence In the gtat�s froin4bich plate the r.tmosphdre of the leisurely. f . tich ,of the.monvy, So whets a citizens, Salt .compW . �. a � . I . .1 . . lndustrLas� 1AM 0ey ,they'originally'aame and vote, in those It& of an L;Tlgllsl% 'country gentleman, . . . Meeting the other night voted $200 of dian I � .1itod, :and A60 . . the L , O'bs � . .. .. ... . states' tusually exorcising , ant who, howoverloyaj to the New Countr . to f UrAiSh a room ja the a L L . Y, . ; . I . I . 'this 6jixpius ontlaucK operating the pli%nt for. a . L ,, L -Ail occasions. vgIn& th -blood and )Eng� . L joWn. L voters,. pflvilego)1oh" I bad In. his . gli8o, . . . 1. � . . new *11119, Of Akica,11&4 hospitali A bap- short: tfta� It waa clUed This I things that Imp I I . I I Among, the kes� A 'law lisli tradAtIons, 'which, have left their Int-, .� .. Company L 4180 . _ � I 'fair retreat, ')w ., . . PY ,decision -was: made. clue to which we . operate,% the big ComPtiny comei aro the m4hybes4utiful trft4,.Pvo- pr"- upon, thli . ' L . I .� .. I- . L baVo no doubt hot that the old girls and At Sandwich and .�Vheri Yom Ask 1% jntj,� todtad by law, and the,trittre absence of nook, there Is 'a plain brick. tomb design- . I L ' I 4 ephone or light ad by Washington where he and Martha ' L aa W3 'L . . 1. ver . ' q I L old boys scattered tbioughout.th� iongth, carclino dillZim Why�, the plant at that 0 he res for 't 1 . . I I . . . and, power, all Of4hese cable$ being laid Washington lie burled; Oontrary to . . . I An4 ,bre4dth 'of CalladA. and Ur4tod town vms'olosad 'down,. he - sti�U 'his ton L I I I � I ' underground, 04tt. In' outlying: districts.. popular -belief the government doeg. not , . . . . I . �. p �Statt$,j�"Wjg y.f.Azoixis"�, I ., I "depression A sight 4evet to ,be 'forgotten M that Of Own the - estate and 'support At,. I . a . , I oue In,his check =4 says the . . . . I I . 1. . I . . I . 1. � 1. I the � thousands of JapateW cherry W-0 tor i the 'rescue, L . . I . I . � killed Alia business.., I . . . . A group of Women came I . � I I . I 1 I 1. *ME WARD OF TRADE . nowoer., whether the plant was. ties" 41! blossom - at ZaStpr time. . The, ftees as ,#Oman SOL often have -had t6 do, whou . . L . I . . �. . ,., , L , . I .1 . . . I L line tM OurYed bAlik of The Tidal B"Ist the mansion was, fantrig, - into decay. , I � . � ... . . . I. I I . ad for the Purpose (It . eljMInAUij,, It's :And were Introduced into -t I L L . ' � , , . . ,� � Goderith Board . of Trade: has been I up� Camp . . 11 Ills boUntry They formed ,what, is called "The Mount L QtItion .with the Sandwich.,woiks Is' by Mrs. Taft, the wife 'of fdrxn�r:Presl, Vernon, 14dies, Assoclatloil,P 0 h a .L � ' . , , . b ug t tis ' . . . � � ... I . L . . I *Ad comlog this ytar and'has certal�ly not trudge discusslori 'At � thir. ,time, cleAt Taft.., Overlooking, this Impressive manslori-and W acres Lot .the original I � . Justifiled its rain I v4a�tton L . its OMeets "Wii4t aftep n _mAje$tio ptatIAO-Ot 140� e#vjte� 4Aa dedicated- lts',upkoop to 't b" it .bad �pdjj the joW4Lj . 'lot �ta d$ Lthe . . . tbo -.-- _. - . . 11 I p . I. . tyr, &ea4tast_4nfta8 IOV ' L ' L, � L . an,, memil L icoln tbo, Z�Ijar ad irremory. bt-,TIrj-.r-athe.r of :hIs!'Country.t, I . I I A I , . . . It . . I .. . . . - ers or�: capable man' and un' Although the closing Of the .plant CreAt- t of L Amejj*ftn$. ' I I ,� 1. -spite *of her L . , JctAcn. the pf� . I . My sister ,Says that ilk I L . . , AoUbt0MY 11%Ve the Interestg of their ad s6me . constern pie, are Thr()40holitt, the district Are MACY long eesidetice aoross:the' be d r L . . - . . , . t 6 $be re. : ... towix it heart.- but - there Aro 4' jew -000n, if . Dark$. best krio-tva amorig'whlth is P,wk MAW a 001adlan atL heart with, deep , . living, In boks that It Will To , I I ,. L L I I . I wrinkles ,wh1oh. will have � f� . be - IXOA04 not for, the produs;tIon of salt . then for �!roek �Aek, where Theodore Itoosevelt roverimee fdr'Zokllbh� bnatoms A-AdL his. " , I . I I . . . Ireed � to take his daily horseback ride tory, .T. asked her whri if that is truei , � � oub. beforo they call got illf ,on a oxne, at-Ijer pUrpW3. 1A t1w. ruaarlttmO saV-'along the bridal path. .A touch Of old she like so many, other Canadians,: out , � I I . . . . I .- . . well-deflued 6ursci which will lead them oral -fawlies. have moved from the town Zriglacr4 I$L d- he I x I lot there, histe , ad of here� She said L . . L I . L.., I .. . . . . . I - . . felt here, whete rustic bel - 1. L I romowlitro, I ". I . to tgkC up Vork okt other .plants .owned 904. 06 rocky lord or two, well kept green she J�o Analyze that her_ I I . . . ' L I . _0 'Often L tried to . , bI I I . - . - W6 rater particularly to tile relations ' V C ,. . I ,$trOt4ll0j,.IiltuMet4bl,O.OaMfidlir prelerv�- self, And she felt that to young people L� . , . . . m4tuall, Toduarits. Ill . ' I - trees AndLIlowers abou . es'seen greater. � � . bfto�a the Roard �ot Trade and:JbW4 - ,kt:otxe time the goalt,lndustry ad � , nct Sugland. is the., United $t%t , it to'offer , ' I 1. . . I L Hur- reflected, too, in the afteroug woman opportunity- jOr material suote' ss , . . L , lt, I � L . 061incM 1 The, Utter body. claims, 014 on: and liruco ivas a very fibriving lnlsl�,, and man at 411 agep selling flowers a4d - I : . I . . Puta Most of� its; goods In Its show wba � � . . . the SCAM ot, Irrad6 Ig. long o1i ,juggp�, 1%e&% L .S&1t was, manut4okuked at UOA-* apples, 'and rubber toys; on .street, f,or. dow$, . by -skilful acIvertishig, attracts � , . . . and � . ' tions cold Shari on .aCtlen, � When - the �odi, Clinton, sl�th nets. . , I I L. . thtattentICA'of tltopcxnbitlol�s, Can&- . . ­ ' ' , Qodorl6b. soarorth, , I I I , I � Va. I , ard ot, 'Aacto makes . I 'xt4rby. i�. 0, C01116tayy contaltdn�, the cilans Almost invarl6bly Ilong for the : . I L . a rec011fteltd;�_ 'Brussell. Winglilairij, 10neardirao. oLrid.0-.& , they L ; I . tion, to tile Town ,00 cli-it, I$ welved . I . L I I $airious 4tatuo of St. Oaudxms�, popularly Obome. land, Qeoauze know its iritei:. I . . Un I .Tlw..� � I . . . bably scone other.platea. %tthy the art- ent4tled Oorlef,*' thou8h­U'TS__1adr(r -, , mrit-s 4harW,-aWr1tT-fxr�*reat' " . with tome snIej*.eejng, byL the. town jy'� f " -IS *0 ' � I I � . I 0110 of the'se places W11M SaItL air*". tlrt� EcUlptor progerred to call a., observance : . - I . I � . . . . I , , 16 .'reae of'law -and -order. Vt, bi-, L � I .1 IL L L fath?,%rs. There Is jockoylkv to tee whICIA m4npfRcttW�c%,d IS - sIxoderleb. dud not blielil Noinathe appearg.. on the statue, thiolt I Cause, in Corradej. the Youth of the I=d . , L I I I teeming. from Ito tehoo L' a as � I totanutwo will be dele * Is a Iaxj,,,o bobded, br6odhi!.- bronzd fig- Is and ollea 0 � ' - �atcLd to aire it a ' 41 10 01.16 there* 'We uudox6taud, . . . � I . decent, burial. it there is. Ono reco . ' ure of a mman. seated .against a; wlslo� . (which ara vastly ,superior to, those � I . in', NVIten tjrl� jafttry jj'30 O,t jt�q he'134' marble L slab. She 'gn%�= InW ,tpacd, or across tile bordor) CCC4 no way,toi direct I . � - . Inotidat-Ion 61 the , :bo:�,rd ot Trade ,olildi t.hp rallwayd. bad to pub (in extr.4 frelaut. I pdrhmlis at tuo two Moves at the ba8a of Its Oner(OsS W pitying V00ttweS, It IfOckS . I I -ha' the gatut. Tbeze arava� are level with across to Ur.cle Sam who certainly holds � 1 Abo Town 'Coithe I 5 this year actQ4 service to haul ,salt tud from tile laito L bVI'L . �X 'Itijorig �fr%L high esteem. , gori� � � 1. . kj .1 t upoll vj��, do not. finotv, ot it. 140r,lble 4U.IntIty V= shippe4l the e4rth, �ove.� which In a *.tied brielt his Canadian, � . . . I ..- Thma are tile Plea, wheti, - floor 6ontil4lo.- Ila ij�mes, A handsome, The American oloc;an 8001no 'to. be � I I I . : 'I . kr *6'�. t"Y'b6at. Vils, wop one of the buslest�xnmrbla rlgl�rnorc�` bowh (4c,signed b3t. VuAb.11 The country Is so -JiMed Up I .1 . 11 . I them 4�r ;rot,� The St3r. w4s auxldua�to sectioniq of tile count*. in thwo ,years MworA vjhlt�.) b coo8tantly olledwim Itom Coast ,to (!east thitt. many people ' - . ' . . ,,�Crt for tills 'eoridjtjo� ,of Wb' �hp - . gal ,I 'L, _ , Its, hrr�o I I � loan the r6a .6 J& ,jtry vl�'Itora t1ho, 6a, in. are , q �o Into the *01n, . . I y "du an,a� W arytu� of .Its loudness, � . . L - affalra. and madj" aomt� 144atrio. %V0 b,6�,n avowed to ca ull&r? It I,q certain. Mr0able faco. This L'ejjoli L IV, �attxxlzcd billboardi, It!; hypocrisy. It Canatia� I . I ' 4 L : . L %2r-1 tOld that the . Zosard, , of *V,�00,g Ts�. ly 'not becatno tho s L r L b� tol6m- il- trm� Ana tho appro,01 is L Can deVIC6 rjays of - pjaejn'�V L her ,VoUth ln� ' . L � . , I I alt Wine . has - p�tor- ubrcktdod 'w;tA t4rubbor; I ?. Tho,pop,qlar profitabla daderta%lAgG her problem villl s . 4%%RiZ1C0dat!Dn5 'Wero ,,old -istug.11 that . '16 0, 110W tacf 11 mmth u16 in%imPeut was, trectcd be7 nol�ed. IV Dtsltor )ias il�oard, luany � I L I I �ed out. At - Wneowdino, w1w I I . * t anL t", '11, I . ltht*' 144 hzt'11. .dlmuawd ,In cotmell ltd , , Vy 4 nx, tjo ,%d failed ill Americana ,dtiy that While they admire I � I Well %Ilaa drill Only a year or'two .a�jo. In rc�mome . ,., ' - L I � . . . llvear.3 00VI and i 81101vc-d for ona, of nov. I Onalaoir., repv$t��J that thore V,�s ,sui life to iippre�.E�tef tho: rpadne'13. and the ,,�nqpjjy elylen and troy wvs lof their I . Q11:1rht, CC jjj�; la'4ely r4lfj?'.�L, . - ;p . . own countrynion. _t whon th,ey waa I i I . Oral -real pc==3. %ve %Vejo :tojA t1l'It jalma-,t hienliduuttblo rnuppl� dnd that It. Wlrbg Is a catbom. lnonattQgv witu articles that endure. tuelt = MAG , wabl� L . . . I . . 'the cliMly,= t1*13 in thb V=ld Is ad- we", of eneoptlenal U!, -h w;Mtty. . cutilmn I G'ardeng, rftulm, t&lld a "mall re- lenblanlwts, reliable china or good lln- I . Vle,�, but that It wt -13 *0,11 eAtIrely dWr. , r,tatmlo ��,Itovt t4lat r,alt b Ll�jna U�Ocj -rll�,j of Tile I I - . Cstacolmbz of Rome. Batli i ens. they CW3 tho border And buy in I I � rn� tlft," tQ ou up tile =0110y to, act In Gvoatm Quan"It.'em t0a3y th3n ever I Greek Mid, V.=Iln altar& aw, crcttcd I Wlhnlp�a or come other Canadian city, � � Upon It- ' III Otht'r W -3rd -1, W attft-Je of b�fore co t1it, Qomand e4rcn�lt, li th=. rarefoatod Vrancl�c= Mauhn In And. Indeed. a nt V 11 011 h AM - . I I . avo,,d�- I .The I 8 t art I thv t3wn ralh�!�3 r,�an tgtat t,jj,�,. meu&r. . browif,earm aW evM3 twc- at times ift ,= Wrote t1lat. v4hm the nativea there . . . I , , s (!re:jtC(j. L L L evidanec% L . . . .. I .. I wl1t to M;1:q rL tpeelally blndhl6+ vow, � - of the B03rd'of vade J;jloald tat�a 'ba ZZU0 As 11wo walfta0g, th0n that Ora Anos'.1kir, lorp,rmlvo Wldincr, Aot Yet they & to by tlyftig, "I pledge you t-110 '� , . I I ond do M � .j0tj!jn_ 14 the t%,47 11�0,91L fk r .. . NXIT cuat3 � ,C -;j. thC11311 alle'Itav t.hjr,tv *S- WoTd, lot AD r0811181man.", Ut c6toad. . I- . 0 tive thftt t1to inftttp, Ilaa b,cen COWPle I I . I I . I ov othial wooc., I rdellbOTMOW -Wed by -what ft tAing on 14 ec;.r4'truPtloq., Is the VpI!WCj*j. (Mt -11- fella U0. Lytaterdl Mat tj!6Y %re C"a�, � � . Itit 4tuntlon b � dn4 ply tjdq, . "ore tbo copeet of % ulvnoply 01. tho modupt. caral of 8t. ' 'j?0tej' Mid St. P'lid - Cro'! t�'d j dlan�' - WItIt O'L follr land to IlVe In and An � , . are tevae tcry capfablo fouov,3 ,,,, the� ­____.­_*___­ 01A the hdgl,1413 at b1t, Gt AIW13. It ft � unbleMW144 111SWY, TtMembering tjAt — ,, 41,519=1 to bo to ArdC."le,% ,Kb%t �V�A-IMOURII-dlst,lxnf field$ May look . � , , J30U-4 of Traft. tai�y are ;�pv, 1.%rkt�$ Aft PEOPLE 00-11WING 51ONEV' . 'allalita -19 to Volland. 11tra lfe-,� for- tile BlueblrO or Itaoilints8. b Arz,1,111t, - I L In 14MS 0? the, ability t,j, raft ftell, -Mlen a Gt&1133 t;a4gZ�m3a jrx-L�01 mer PVC44c"It Vvoodrlw Wtholl with, the � One% own d6orlmd, 0 the Spirit of 1030. � . . Out. UUb 1hey r_tQUjreL M'mey lmd a tivio a farme-T, to., paliment, of Cs sin-monar", Wvlcin ft and 3 spyay of! oreblds, I tentinent aUd tove brooft ov�ir that r�l - - I I - : '_ - ' jo Ills w1f6's taverite AvTor (with - .r&__.,_- .... _ �-__ � � - - _- __ '� .nt of at fea%� LS5*. jk yftr Ahou,4 b, -Z =,��L' iag, Ahe, - �Vwft AQqm,A I - , . old,kwaftM Ixt rlatnt , v� Ta , - - Ito 6rovi&il - 1,&"d1Ij0,*,UP0A his I CANAW". . I " , L fit nfe� I . rt %To WOY - bmtds o)f "119 lexuled that t%rib., ., , � pravided. it. thc I tarmet, %wp hal W2 &10 1. . I � ,�_�-*_-�� frjoAb lu oj�tulo r4a% 1��j r . Ito ,w&3 ,-,nzrxm��A­ pra-4xly mk , , At a, dittsl4cc is ttto greAt Masonic, . etelpt Of C-IVL� '. ��. � . ADV914TISIR IN 'TIM STAR 11 I 9111111tS Vt ItAVO 11,3t 1jend of tjtM. ft% YXI C.ZW10 16 havp&cd 4JIt-ag! -bill - I . I — "howw" !! � lb -Ts Is the taa,o ,01 n." ,rrl A ,; -lust 110 t1W_ Tho ig1"k:1V%1 L. 111. I I .. L. . I � 1. I - . " 1,1�1 IlLo r,t= t1rought It V, ­j 4 ,f,:,%0. L)c to reptfcal" I *4,asr., wtxn wo e!�,-,Ull ?,%D thir,Wla Of �,r,-,!�,-,2­_"jC:,) Sic, V_,,� t""11. %VD.CTIA I - mmonamm� PrWd1fi$:. ft? this gvant, V�,3v:oz,� _,C�V='�. th.��, I I _I tkr,'��a ttr) fatalcl lx,,�d Ims ' I � . tto'614 ho mmit tu v_- ,­Avl,� !;,Wgcl� for lattcr chtta M tt�� L"Ick cc:�s 020 thel", � 1 2031". This Attempul-Im tho :nZaTd of 07. wMt la� lludXt. M�_, w;lo vxla�- I 'ruade ,Call 106 C1 I!Lj CAt W41 C3 t3 1!0�s xo'l cmt, ,�­_Z �,)J7 !�103 1)1!:j�,, C.,Cnl tIv, � , *Otk imi s2_�n c�f jtj OW61 �ic,,!,,.jtr,�, - -,!1-ka0an "Ill-i-acrY lmnW* T-a� &iT- ECZEMA RAS ES �� ,�wa- 1�� I I tlolll� vchth, tr V,­�Ip,�Irtl 0,!,."1_,"1,"!. 11 te, 0&t!!l!% 02 V,Izm�. C_-­"�Il vtl, C!Ix�,&� 91� 11 I A , . I _q IAT J, 1� �, I - - and nlal,� fivMCDANWIM TnA of Lo . � -to, r1ft"ai_r 67 UlY trto Llxlt I �.,-Y It" e_,�V�10 F3, UD, � � , , � i� - ­9�� _- I rAl.�� t%�s farrr, 011, 7*1 Z"�Cn, ,f,,,,.,2 T. -t 49 U a 4 wt�Vl 1�4_-�w Z�,,A,�, 11!� &,1, EL13 C_:�,j,,_�,,. V,'�,,, 4 STAR 8PARKLF,.,,4 lo,=,- I P�'T'111.51, P. ­ � L I �! �­ nt tao , 3"thad & N*alod by Zam-ksuk, 111 $Oftlog fn�wk desmte!m fri tho da�tty .�, ��­, ­� - .1 ---11-11.1 � 001111101111M.— �, Ki"J" &!-vt PnAkt% 4._z�llt, b�nt ftiere�p ­_ __ _.� � __ Woollw­ , 11 Y'" thlt Xe'a�M%414!� MU,q I* trwrel� il�! eer. I"t­ -- . .- ___ � , d " t It. .- _-1.____.._._ � ------ ­­­ . I . I I . ,- _N_ i I . jaur .� �p .�J),jv, NOV. 5th, 1931, 1 __ _ "Y' �A& ,�, ,1"?L � : __ . - . I I . . I . . . . . . . . I I . � . d � . , I , , -1 . i � - , � �� I � 1�1­17 '0 , . . : I � I �1� 1, 1-1 I -1-116. __�_ . I I .. . . . I I F , .,T, I . I I + .1 . I . I 1. � . I . . . � � . I I .1 � ._,4, .F. I .... w4jp! __ I - I . I . I . I . . I r � .. ,�. : . . . & I ��',44t,�j� �� I A Lk , 1. . . . . I - I 0_0 . I I I . rrr , .-.. .. � : . : I ' I . I. .1 I .. I . . , . : I � I . I I " .. - I . . I . r I . . , .� I � � .,�� I 1'1-_,�� I I .,-. . I . � I . I � . . . � .. . I .%, . I . +++ a ­ I . _ � . . . . . — "-, I .. � . . . I .. � I I � _1 I& �1. . . .. . I . I . . . . . . � . � . I . . . . . . . . I . I . i . . 11 . . . . .� 'i ,. I I N . � . . . . . . . . . I I I I � . - ;�b g. Y, . I I I � P0 � . . . I I I . . . .­, . �� . . . .. . . I I . I . � I . . v I . . � I . . 1$, -".. , i . I I � I . I ,A .., ,11 . N. X I � .1 Why Pay More ? . . . � I . � : . �.O. 1. , I + + - . . I'll, . . � . . . . . .. � . � .. . . . .. I 11 I I . i., I . I __ .1 I fT-1 � 1. � iness and - e *ill 'give � . . I I �11; 1- � Give us your bus . W . . �i. E . . 11 I � , %, I ble goods are I . h. , , . -you the price. . Aff our piAsha � - I . �, . . , , i IVIFiN . .. � I ­ � .. ;-, �,N,;z io - 1. V.. � _6 ., �,� . � . I , . ,­ . keptunder ref-riger,at. n for your protection. I � . � . .1 - I . + .... � . I I . I . . . . � ­ ... . r vill be - I . . . . , * . .. . I I I . The bigger our � turnover the 16eite ' ' I 111. . � � I . .1 . . , . . . � 1, I . .. . � . : . -1 11 . �. . I .. � - our ice to you, Come.in and be -convince& ... I L I pr I . . . , I I. . � .. . .. . I .. 1. . � . . I I' that Nve save you moneyo - _- .I.. _ � � - .. � 11. _1 ,.. . I .. 1, - I .. I . I 11 I �.� .. . . . I I . . � I I I I . . I ­ . . . . . . �... I . . . . .1 . I I .. � 11 . I � .. �� ­ � 1. _ ­ I . . . . . I . I . I I .: � . I � � . I . I . . . + I . + � I � I . % , . . I � I I.. . i �. B1G'SPE01ALS.F0R'+THE WEEK " I I I . I � I ". �. I 1. . .� 1. � 1. 11 . .1 . . . . . I r 1. . � ... . , �� 1. , . *,, I 1,1-1 _-1-1 .­­­..­ -1 I . . � , '. .1, _.. _ . I... I . . . , , . , . .. . + . . , . : .. ­ 11. .� I " '0`V.1' - . . . 0 NJ , ,4 � ..A., 1�. 1 4:, N I - � FA:T- , , - Novo � 1 4th ;w. 8'..'LT V., . 1. t+ . 1� .. . ... ,. . . +� . �. I � . .1, .. I ...'...." I . . I _� �­ I 1. �. :;__==.==F=. . . . . . � + . I I _ . . � 1. . . 4ranalated or 33rown +. � PMTRY FLOM ' . � . sherlifos ., - : , . SCOAR I � io lbs. for .. 1-1 ..... I ....04 -24 lbs......., . . � , , 4..47c Orange MarmAladle ,' - . . .s. I - - I.. .... � . . . 4 -lb. tins, - ... 1....;_.---i5. t I � . I I . . I .. I . I I � , . I ! P, .i .11 I— 1 7 lbs i,. . . .�... . I... I I ... �....,,.18c: I I . _. i .. . .. , I 1. . _1 . . . . .. I .., � . .1 ,...,..,...,_ � � . I ,� ICASOADO SAMMON .. I .1 . - . . ------"- - I . �.. LOW . � Aylmer- Choice. QUAWY �'Tall -tins......15c, 2 tor 2.5c, � P PORK CHOPS . � - . . . . T�LLOJV CORN . . , Sarall­­ ... -100,:'S fOR-.250 ;r er I lb... I .,. . . .. ­.. - _' -2 tins. for ...... � ............. i_uo , . I � I . I . .. + - .1 ...,19C , i � , .."..— I . . , — ii — , .. I , 11 I . . i . . I .R5 PICNIC . �, "". � . I . . F F7i H Erm � . I I . - " . I I . I New Crop. , Shanklesg,_Per lb..,,: ." .,.. . � . � I .. Euielia. 1411nute . I . I .. ft'UNES, , .,� I � - . . - - - , - . 12c; 1 TAPIOCA � I 0ood - sIZ6._.1. - _ I - h.ik� - -� 2 Vkqp.. for; ... i ........ ?:­ ... 230 � . ,.� ,�� . .1, �r C I q . '. . . � . .. .. � I . .00D BULK T" �. ­ . , ­ I 0 � ­_ I � I . . I � . . . , . . SUNUGHT 86Ar * Per lb ... .................... 39c * IFIIWA � 3 � Allan Tea � Tvbars ..�., ... ,........+.: ... 611590 � - ' . 0 Per lb . . ........ � ....... A..."11.1519C * . I - 3 lbs. for.. � ................. $1.0 . . I . .1 . . _ _ _ . . . I , I .. � I I . "� I � . . � - .. . ___. 1. I . .. - . 11 , � . I . BOX rEANUT BUTIVM � . STAMARD ,OR QUICK ROLLFJ) , - sattford or utuevAto I 9 lbs. for ........ � .......... . �.� 350 � I . ... . I.. .. . I . I ... 0AMS . .. . . � . CREA=43t BIVIXTM, I �-� ­�_--_�_ .. � . I o , . ..� I I I . Per lb. i.� .......... � ......... . .... 05o '- . 8 lbs. fdr .......... ­.. ­ j,�k . I I � COUN VjAxr-s .. . I � � I , - � . I .1 �. I . � . . AU kWds . "I + I . 1. I I .. - . . . I .,_jAN1D,T...4&A111%oNjA pkgd.. ,.­..,...­ ...,p ....... �.,"�0�6, , , . 3 pkgs, tat ......... 11, I ...... 1.250, GINGER SNAPS 1 - . r , � . . 4� . , 4 .... ... ­. ­ , ............. al I I � - .- �L - I � I I . . I . .. Itelatz or Cross . e OUT- �. . . Good quality, :1 tbs. f&. ' . - � ... i 23c � I . I 1 7 Visickwetils, . 1 -'. ­ � I . � .. I I . .1. . o I � CATSUP � . 13ULIK SODA BISCUITS - . - .� . Brunswick Sardines . . . . I I 5 tins for ....... �: ................ 25o r4r& bottle, � ..... .. *17.1 ...... 21C , 2 lbs. for.... ,,L.'...... ' ' . I I., 1. I I . I . 4 ........ 250 � - t.4. �, . I . . I �­ ., I __��_nni__ _r ____-"w-____� ____." __ 'R"e_w_.Cheese,' per lb.� .... Igo 1. ' 1. .' �56� RIDEMHALL COFFEE . ,. � I ahle or,� Ola Cheese . . , f ,. I I -­ , I- , Pot lb...,.... . 1. . I lb. tin ....... � .... ..... I .... 45c Tomato Soup I I I r . . . toe A tin I . , - . . I - .Oak , Itkaf — I I ' I I . w___�k_ � .. ........ d - - . - " . , . . . I I TOILET TISS= , OXYDOL � � I I I . . I . I a rom I,Or., .............. P ........ 25C , , I Large.'packagwe, per pke. � ........ 21c 1�rldp of tho.valley . I I " 1, ! . , .. 6-o.- 1. . .� PrAs , � : . 3 Xo. 9 tins... ­'.­... 1-20e. . DUU11IGZ CLCAINSES ! - .1 0 &a CWE FRUIT , 6 . . . 4 .. , I . 6 2 pkgs"for .......... ;� ......... A0 � . . . I . . I . . .. . 1. . . I . . Wdiuiii size, seedless, 6 for-, _. .� . ,. 25c .JEAW;rdsbut� or *:9eehIv'o. , . I . . P.. � . 1+ -.1,61 1 11 11 .11 . I .. . 1. 1, I B141LICING ' . ,� . 9YAUP . I s . I I Me , ,9,. phga. tat ........... :­­­..IS0. SAUEjkKRAUT- 6 - . . . � 5 lb. tin .... ....... _1 ....... o . .61 � " -1 , . , 10 lb. tin, 6 .. . .......... . G$e .. I . � . 1.6 - 1 . Al-, � . size 2 �IA till, 2 tills for ......... 190 I . . . . I . WATOW 9 . - ' - . . I t, 6 - __ __ - � . . I . . 3 boue,q for_ . ............... Voc . . I ---..,.- I .1 11 1-6.. . .� ... . NEW COOKING, PIGS . . I � 0111 I Cxr,,,N nAmniEs . . I . . 3 lbs. for...., � 1-.'� "... .....29C Par tin 7 . , � . . � ... ... ...... 490 I CITUONS . . P . 1 6.1. . . I I � 6 toe and 100 eftell . 1 6 ,,, m 6 F � - '' . 1 4­� ....... �� - FINEST CALIFORNIA ,QW,ES � r,asifirst shortening . . WT,aroxe 6 s Invineible 1 2 IbS. fOt. � ..-- ... - *, .'* ....... 20c 2 I -lb- c3tfts ----250 .. . 3t,t16Y .rOjVDE.nS L ' ., - 14 Ifts, f(;r ......... . . ...... Z-230 . C 90"; rO L A" M ! D rO ;S"' 5 � I E L � ILI � Y I . Plain or Iodized . � , I I . � I - ,N:� � BE . I 2 'cliaons 'S , ALT . , � .... I.....1910 1 6 ANS . - - , . ..... 1, vpg COCOA I I - . . � . . L 1.� lb. tili . ...... __.." _21e �* Per lb..'..,..' .......'."..".19le . - I I --­�—__�_ I 1 6 I . . - �, . .­­.10­4�4- — .. 011. 0' ''! --P I.. . . . . � I I . . Our own nakta; sjiRvDj)vb coco"u%! , FRUIT .,CO0XIES . . L 6 1 1 1 . I POWDIER Per lb . . ....... 1. - I"....... . ­... 230. I Pef lb. * ........ **v ... * .... 1$14 1 1 lb, tin . . I ­ .. .......... 190 I . . . . I 11 . 61, I—— - . ' - . .! -- , . � ,,�, - �',':5n;E:,p"qs� � : 177 ' � vAtroRm �!ngs SHELLED BROKEN WALNUTS �11:;� 90 re 10 "it I Per dozen, ... .... Per lb ..... .............. I .57C b� _ rgl?rr - � . . ". . . 111.1 6 ... .11--.1.11.1 ... VC '. . . I I � I I. ­­ I-- __-11 � I 1. . - � I - .. . I - , - I - - - Compare our prices Avith Wh_a­t___Y"'4U­ Aia­*­e� Non .0j3ping'and- Ask,yo�lr Neighbors & * aboit the, wonderful premiums they have been recelvmg oll. cash purchases with sb,mlotely no intrease'in the cost of their supplies. lie sure to bring in, your Lifebuoy Soap Coupons and redeem them, 1. .. ' W., TV W, $all Cold Soft Drinks, lee Crearn, Cii ars . �j I I . ' ' . THESE PRICES FOR CASH �( . ­.— Alliftak — I I , G# W# BAL&COHLLR, Phone 368 - I 'COIL EUT ST. AND SQUARE � :I N1, Ir O%vn Deliver), � . � . #