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The Goderich Star, 1931-10-22, Page 3
il . `tRUa9pil'i', 0= 4�. 1431 - w..._ _...--. _ THE GODEHIC�U STAR _�_. _._.�___.._._ VIIACQ � HRE9 — -- -- - _ - . -- -- - .___________.�_. ___ . �. .— ' I L d. SAFEand .�►.TI FYING . + 1� t mo leatot'iloney e . 3f, ' £i011tl time Or • . ctbelr 61 th""11 h'1. �. taita►sclni b3 II".ls` • oacy itt aM012 - .�svit1oSAcc.ot t is :a1-`1�e,`yi!.'lds'' M1 I ' . a rlatr tvturtll s�>lx�,�c©uple(d W>lttl>a' L .a (Iffinite plan ,o1.r sy�lteinatic i' I .1. .. > nng,will prove tabe,itka au ` + �, ... for Eto, Mr tt belt t th fiorul iuxa�nsements for both these Places I - ° t't l#1 Illltumber ti SVA T;V,-401M or) . %p Barrister, S i . John C mp , agen for e . Phone 282. HAMTLTQN ST:, Goderich. Cookshutt Plow Co„ is . moving to Exeter so that the work could be commenced' - ' �- �^ y - r k.. . . __. from early in the. 1pring , .. _. _ _.- _ , _.._.,..:.....,�..-...»_. ..._.�._.... _ ,...._� � .:,�a.:..�_ , _____.3IIaX-:and:-saili..nCaupy-•the'res�idenca ° School �,tQng�`�',�... :.,_::�h++R: �aa;�it-inve�Jirn�(�n�i rra .._._, of Mrs, Taylor on Andrew St. • . I ,fir ,�.........-.,r,.._,,.. m.. � . R. DAR oW. ! . A Very pretty weddi g Ives ea]emnized 'rE' Cor to Children �: . Peterson?."I .. „_ , .. i . BarrYster, Solieltor, N Notary Pablic, We. ! . . Successor to J. L. Doran _ A quiet wedding: tool; .place in 'Port At the parsonage, Lualmow, on Monday. ,l ht $hneul.� Be �� ht to Rai . ' Phone 97, Office, The Square, Goderich Arthur' on Thanksgiving Day; when Lor- October 12th, at 11 a.m., by ReZn. W. Y u8 - raine, ..eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Craw, 'when Miss Dorothy Reed, eldest spect, Not Fear Autbority,• ' . R John Till,. of that city, became the bride daughter of Mr. and�i2rs, Bert Reed, of Speaker; Says • . . 1T'��A 11�1� ,(/�)1T•�� MONTUAL � ...LL 1.., . G # RNLST M. LEE. !of Earl Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J:.'Whitechurch, became the bride of Mr. .. . I, i++ll �,4. K 'V, +L . . . f A, Peterson, of Kincardine, and former- Alfred Dowling, of Hamilton, Soni of Mr. . Barrlskr and sgilci .V,ictoria SchI L ool Home olid (School Club Establiishtd ,1$17 • . t3un Life 81dg;, Adeis de and Victoria ly oY Seaforth, Mr:' and Mrs: Peterson and Mrs.; Dowling of Mount Forest. held u Well attended kneeling last Thugs, Telephone; ldglri 5301 will residr at. Maadlarm!d, Ont., where , .. . . Peterson is a Barn Burned at H.insall _day night 'IXit o kindergarten room.ofL. � a f _,; � S4 iapD Ot7Q .. - . . , Tgrontu 2. Mr ete on s to .ehlag .in the public The barn' on the farm o , 1vYr.:Melvin the school, tvh�n 112iss- Mary Robertson . •school. iT4ta�.As5o't;i #n1 BxCesS Of � . • SPECIAL115%. I Lire D4stroys Tank Traquair just east,of Hensall was burn- gave an' informative address .ori tike sub.- . . , ... ,V�*�^-.l ed. early. Sunday morning, Qctober 11th. jeot: "'Lessons Not Learned in .School.” .1. 1 ,� 1Z. F. J. R. FORSTF,R.I ` Returning home recently a truck driv- The cause of the Tiro is unkngwn,.: A . "'One lesson:very, much needed today. l�. C. 11VHATE1.EYr-inn Nagel ,1 -on by Barry Workman, solei of Charles number., of pigs, hens and imple ents ' Is 'respect for authprlty, not fear of1. . % 11 y OSE THROAT Workman, 5th concession Of Morris, d fro - r! colored the s coker. , .' f'sOfieliClt 1�.C1iih11. r EYE. EAAR, ht , and. also the seasons crops Were , est . y awtho ty, d- p . loaded. with live poultry,. ca ht fire: and „ :: .iaoe House Surgeon':NeW York Orph- ed. T'he separator of the threshing out. Many children' are taught to.be afraid . e and 'Aural, Hospital; assistant at a' totally destroyed Fortunately .the fit belonging to Trlebner ' Bros. Was of. -the policeman, and , of the teacher. • / the efl e's a Hospital grid Golden ; poultry was saved and the loss of the g . s h school is err rL ` Moor old EY P -.•-- nding on the floor and, It was also .The day is pa t when CI a terror L. . I "Square Throat 1 0spltal, London, Eng. :truck is coyerod by insurance: burned,• A call was -sent.to the Hensall t tho hildrem Respect for.low should i • terloo St. S• 'Stratford Tele- . -. r-., a o C P 1. 58 .Wa . .. Postmasters iVleet lire department which quickly respond be inculcated, Wrong should'` not' be -- - w phone 26T, : _ . A get -gather meeting: of the ,post- ed and helped to..save. the other build- comdoned. •Shama is in. committing the _ ... , ' - *..-._,.,,.,-.•,.��„,_ ...: -�---- -. masters for Huron and Perth o i tugs.. crime, not the unishment. . . . . a. C unt es g p CHIROP&�CTx r- t r "Respect the rights of . other people: any all all times. That sounds, Tike gal snot in rasjalS: Creates compl:lasut faR l f v was held at the hicks House, Mitchell, 1lCer Proo a Re,peCt erg S h P p., ., (�q (ftp ,. •. "" " --t " "` o comfort an property of others: WoMA 81: NEVER 11RL exaggeration, down t It? In many cases rare beauty and. charm. DClightf;WrI i . I.On Thursday afternoon of last week.and " A very pretty Autumh wedding took .the c Mier .. d P p Y 1t4 , f y tUGLESS PRACT3TIOITER.. I ostmasters., were .present f The reset for other people' rights Will It is as true as can be. Getting married cool and refreshing, Never leaves a, - P p t ram. Exeter, Pisco, 1n Brussels on Saturday, October P c is t most serious epoch r inn 's vestige Y stickiness, A velvety .. " Clinton, St. Mars Seaforth 8 Ices= h Lulu bring self-eontrol. Youth is a period. of . TAKESIRON QN D A 1 t Y . h0 iI a a n0 v vo y amo0M `iH]ROPRACTOR AND DRtTGLESB Y • , ha 10th, at high !loon, When 1+. i Adell, on este Brussels Mitchell and thoughtlessness. Few children think of life. Think pP. the hundreds of women lotion toning' and stimulating tiro akin.. . GODMUC-H: , , i l an other Pla 1y daughtetr of Mk and Mrs, William g . ..HERAPiSTV I - " the average. man can plelt from acidhien Making it truly rose-leaf•f1%Aexture. All ccs, The speakers were. tiler. JOlmSOn, Proctor became the bride of Walter C. -anything but what they aro at the mo. •. I am II7 and go to church twice Sun- , . , ogle nt:What the oar ba�h:Chonses: HO dainty women invariab hoose P o- olio baths. vine -president of the Ontario f'estmas 'Derr, son f Urs, Kerr and the late Mr.' Ment engaged in, but they can be taught days, wake long rides orad attend pkrties,- p y h" a Cmmn wipPed. with elects magn , q o , He i y lis A victim to her great fault, lifer of Bohn. 'It Imparts that subtle' distinction 1 el ctric treatment rand, ehtro- to Association, and the secretary, Gores Herr iii Land Later Mr, :olid 'Mrs• to, think of others, and.prgperly equ peed but do ..riot et a, bit tired. I eat acid fa 1 - i;lectrgn C e . r qt1 a „ looking :nice, walks right. Into her trap. so characteristic .of the elegoat Woman. practic. Chrgnic, organic and nervous don whitiield i'of Whitby. Kerr left b ;motor ,for .Toronto where ,ith toys they will learn to respect the sleep well. Ali thanks tri .VinoI. -Mrs.- • 6 dice sex. Lad .' in attendance.. OfHee Y desired quiet, of older people. • r 1fVe11 he peeks `her himself. Yid IY the I '--'°"`^ {'^ a - Y G`ogd 1'ilce tar ,Baby Beef they entrained far Montreal and. Ottawa. M..Batdgrf. - ' .. .. 2 5 at! .7 to 9 .. m„ excepting phoice means the grindstone for tho rest Nearly all children are subject .ta . hours to , d p I On their return they will reside on , Responsibility can . ue taught by Old people get quick benefit, fmm Iran, ,� I `' . Monday and `Thursday by appointment. i On 'Tuesday of last week, there were .. of his .life, that s his funeral. worms, and mho are born with them. • •ATI SON residence and five -thousand -head of Cattle 1 _ James $treat,. ]3rnssels. as to each member nf;the .family lime and cod liver peptone as Combined y . . A. N. T - at the Tar Certain . duties. , The ro er use' oY lets- in Vinol. The very, i'IRST ,bottle • brings. GraW, ti Wo .sUiExte g by using .Mother gfIlce, :corner of Saut'lr street. and B .. onto. stock yards. ;Notwithstanding this, Car Shipped West. froth Clint6o P P Persian 13a1rn-the id0al %flet requls- G:avea' Worm Eater in � , Phone 341. are will be useful in keeping children off appetite and .sound •sloe m alar, an nXcelw , p, F;qually good rte for every discerning '.wonlatl; Prr � . tannin Road, Harvey Rlehl, of the Stratford road, A carload of tdegetables and :produce, lent rem�dy, - -- - u-- - • the streets. Boys cern be taught the use _for. nervous,. run dowtx men and women • - =—.� - -- - -- ^-- - and Norman Heal,. of Pullarton, received the' gift of.the lice le of Clinton and sur- .-,--..:.....^.---.... . >:_�. � :_ �..... - - . ' .. IN p of tools, The ability to : do things by of . any age, . Vinol .. tastes delicious: Get . .. rt.. . . AUCTIONED G . the sum.of S925 a hundred Pounds for rounding Community; •was shipped from I' ' themselves helps children in many ways. • a bottle today! camp 1115- ;Drui . Store: .,..- M. -• o three baby beet cattle:.; These cattle that statiotn•6r •Mond6,r of last weer; to , 1. . i. & SON. We'e'd Children. should learn to look for . , ► - . • Nab a :Severe Cali . F%?:1r1A3 GUND X r hipped and sold by W, A.'.McKen Abern,614, $ask., where it. will be distri- �- IFI± A Y . Dr. Woad s - . - - =----= ,zee, _ the ' d lted Farmers' shipper for .bated amongst those liven a strick_ Worth-whIlo ,things !n newspapers, The W W,► ■ . I PP g gin th.. i ::..: . . perusal of the best in the latter makes (•E.. A.. D. in Wlarton E:1101 , /% Live Stock ..aria General. Auctioneers, ... I that district... .on area:; . The Car Cont�tined:225 bushels i .. l n .Ave:, Ggdericb• them Interested. in..their, own and other E. A. D. of the Wiarton Echo gets aft nnM V akin Con Blyth Park to.. be Beautified ; beans, 600. bushels of apples, 300 bags of jk.' " Sales made every�xhere and all efforts lands. Lang before . school age children quite a screed under rho heading- • Sgme e satisfaction. 1 Prof, Tomlt son of the s p vegetables, besides A quantity Of ptunp- ,; . made to give you ri tail o. Ontario should be tauoht the right ideas, about thing On . Wimmin, . %hich would make % Mrs, ilii. X bxaeNid lona ZV' A teretes,^*- 1 tools a , s dexo anted. I , 0 - kins, squash, citrons, etc., and 300 -lbs, of , e . Farmers . Sale Note o Agrlculturai CaLcoe, Blyth, :wa ;ln. Blyth God's Fatherhood,. said Miss Robertson, any married man lc order how he could ,,,,, .Cold and, dovela led a 6cZe cough. I kept oke honey. No . otatoes aero included as it „ .phone 119. 4 on' Tuesday of last week and comforted p irt', s eakitr Of religion. !'Religion is the .get away with that sort of thing till he zee 1CCtin it. thinking it would leave fine like sbmo revious LIS said potatoes maybe obtained at more: p g g S .. 1 " p .--....- '"" "' I duty, . and privilege, of 'the `ar nts . first reads a. 'pos. script, My wife' Is away Canis 1 had, hot it �of worse. I . tried . every Cough ` NOTARY •PUBLLC,'ETC. �� adjacent Points. . Y p g P • e t �. and foremost, and home is the' place just now, and won't read this week's: -NoCWa medicine I could thin t or'. A friend drop, ed nn to deo ' .. �^ ----- ;--'•*TMS- •^^^"' '^^"'•"^" " Former Wingham Alan Promoted me and -advised me to take Dr, Wood's fine,. ^ where fonder memories- hold. Eche:' E. Ar D.'says: j". �TAl. BAWE; n r �/ Air S C. wee resident f T e On Mr : 'tl. obe it-presided..I Most women have t10 sense aP Valu s` tayrup. I purrluwetl a bottle once bnfgYir I itind irnish@d . 11 . Yt W�i,.�:1 "�/� I Tweed, p o h s,, M, R rtso.A. C �iGp rr NdTAFtY ,PUBLIC°p , 7'lnlf of it 1 svaa"rem 1f, trly relieved, . ratio Equitable Lite and Ihsur- Piano solo was veil rend4kcd• by Miss and s' end thplr hustialkd s �iioney. just: ,, . ,,n'�,� General Conveyancing done l ew. Nee Jot a bottle,. large family size Osie. at all m a es Re 4"t" �j ance' Company, Witerloo announces 'the Jean Price. Billy .Garter re6lted well as though he picked it off trees or could ,J�16'lt�I - , . 4 _ Good Cb p of presented, iT � , and general stores, put up only by 7,he T. Milburn Ca.t nry:s cornet solos were very walk into., a bank and help himself, at . _ _ - , . , . •.Ltd., 1`oronto,. Ont. Spheno 208 _ Gbderich, Ont... � promotion of Mr: M. J. Smith ,tq: the and i%� Ile Busty 1Elanci8--at had taslt9. 4lioution of General Manager and Mr. G. popular numbers. Prizes will be: depot, .:.-�-..., -_.. ...;. -.,�.. da 'n W. Geddes' F.A,S. ` a .former Win ham t .b the, club.to' a its in the various • " .. - INSU&ANCE .. y > .and day out. Persian 1 , • g y p p _ _,..,_ ,i ,„ - c w Mme«-. bo to that of Assistant 0.6heral Mana-:'forms. Mrs, Palmer, the new• president " ' �° . _.' Balm keeps thesl;ln soh anti . Y, P d ` c2iILL01' IdiCTT1JAL F INSUlZ ger. Mr. -Geddes. has been the Com-: of the Home.and .School VOUngil, Was ' . jyj pliable: Remiodea redaetls - a ` Al\Ck, O)Mt-A`Y.. pangs Actuary since 1925, prior to which requested to send, an Invitation to :she i . �h and relieves:irritation. - 1. he was with other life companies in both council tb invite that .association to. meet E' �. . >RAfi�t A�L7 l 0LATED 10tiV I PRt)P- '.Atyofi;•inmestt .. tele United States and Canada,, here whenever: convenient: . 1. ERTY 'INMIEU.,L L Former Lacrosse Player 1Pirsses Fifty boys; of the Jams street Voea- k ah t Value of ;proUeriy lasurrd'up to Jan- .The death occurred in EgmondVille on •lienal School,. Toronto; ivlil. Sive a .cony . u rv::1010. p3,fiSP.:975,00: Wednesday evening, .Qctober 1hth, -bY cert under the auspices of tiie, club on . 1 . 6f, . ff Ok`'N'ICERS--John . BennPwise, . Pres!- r BALM 0 John L. Smith. 'Mr. Smith; who tVas in the 8th of November under the directfan . ^ he , i ' dent. Broadhagen: `Jas. Connolly, Vice- h of the principal of the TOsonto School. . . ,I ; his sixty-eighth th year, was born, in Har. µ' `-'" �. � - - un • ,President. Goderich: D. r. McGregor, :�_ --- Tliero: was a good :attendance and the. . Ce . .._ . PurheyY the -sem of Jahn Smith: For . . 'Sec. -Tress.: Seaferth. I _ . _.. .� . meetin ..Was most lnterestin .. � If 2 . — -- n 1)IIIECTUt3S---,tux. Shouldlce, �'Vaiton; i' T `xj many years: he had been employed at g � r .! M Wire• Wring Constance; George'McCart- The' West ,'t;'�f;t the veil Engine and 'Thresher Co., and tley, SeafOrth: 'tiobt. Ferris, Ilarldek;-•••,•- in his youth Was a inell known Iacrosse . I John. Pe»per, Brucefleld; A. Broadfoot, . player, :being: a member of the famous, , These SPECIAL VALUES Are L�ffectitle Oct. 22, 23 cmd ' 24 . . . •SeaforGh: i Electrical �}1Q� Beaver team and a teammate of Sir` . AGEtiTS-W. J 'Yeo, R. Ii..3, Clinton; • . •��„r. _ - .,..�..-..,. John Aird, now president of the Cana I . 71,s. Watt; 1i.yth; Ed. Hinckley. Sea I dian Bank of Commerce. He is:surviv- . array, eaforth.. } 7`h Fly avAr's he . T . hing ,toL'U.,; John m S t We carry a good stock q1 ed by his. wife, two sons, Ralph, of Ponce � ����� . Poticyuotders • cam Day their assess• tiae, Mich:, and Glenn of Toronto, and mettle at Cilvltr.Cutt'g store, (loderlch; 1 Electrical Appliances. i :�, '1! one dau blot 1Vir clot Hunter, of ■ Tile Royal. Bank, Clinton, or :J. Ii. FIX#CC1'CS ate. g s P nt , itciYl's, Bayfield. . k 2okantaa 13e: Is also.,<sUrviGedI .by Three . , .. ..I 1. brothers and six sisters. i _. ty,. - Flit[. IIYa�#tANC cF. I YYe ,Specialize in Qreei4.Henry t 1 lily BkpgEtt7 �� . . 1.�}, _ Aver Have df, attended to by the i' : Wiring of All Kinds y pretty wedding was solemnized .,, . -'1 ' . : at The home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank . NEWLOW iflAWANl13N..1NUTUAL FIR.H iN5U1tANCE < Estimates given Gn Henry, Castlehiil Farm, Whitechurch, on ' p __ 1 •, :.e - - •.stabiished 187II n + a hcaliOti Monday, October 12th,. at one o'clock , PP 'las% apt r , tivholeaomr euts�,. Molle 7n our . - Head Oilice: Dgngannori, Ont, (lobiga.Mattlaild henaiiie<#11 .. -- '��- - - r -- .._ ._. ; »- A_ w » .....- ..._..,._._..no �� IIQt RTJ ce s _ � _ � rich, Jroai.tl i« Mites& inGct�di At :+ Chas. Hewitt, Kincardine, President bride of Mr. Malcolm F. Green, of North tf'�tt�'1ti`- fib: ,E; f Iyungannon, Vico Pre . .-.- Bay, son of Mr. and •ll2is: J. D. Green Of ;• Robert Davidson, '` ■ 1' lndividaal • aident; in addition to the Pvesi