HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-15, Page 6_­_ ­ I - - I __ __ __­ __ . _. .... - - ----. --I.-,-..-- ___� - - . ­ ___ __ V � - _-, - __ — I . I PAUX = I-14 J .4 1 THE GODERICH STATt - c _' WUSSI)AY. OCT. isth, 1031 I -­— .. ­ _ - -1 � - _ _. _ __ � ___ r ___ 1 � — � 11 - 1. ; ___.. - ­ - I r _­,­ ­­­­­ ... . _1 ­­_ ­­ � — , . )�Rre.;,)A or the V41113 -as ulembers ot the ;Am Aitan. 'Bea si�w. ary age or b�Cn - , COW. WILLING TO PAY 70 PER CENTo XQWVlWIA1'.FAVU"9VAt 14 000 (3)"UN, 76 oftina 00 __,�Xm X10"I" " __ rr ­ ­ _., .. I . RA* *111 show that tile XeVots of the 11_ 0� I - - �_ �-_ . 16, . �, . I I � 100 I � I __ - � - WATER as;M311-m-1 di really Inerl� CnI ,Adera� "Pft1_f3M& _ Ago;,. II'lk"11" . _ ­ .- " 1� . � - .. � , 'J :L ... 1 ­_.". . COST OF PAVING PART BLUE, im bZ3r- - Til)1410' W. Sik4l- 1 " "" — — "wrl", ntj Col. WQJ,�drow. . I ;0W. lzavivj ralsvil ylW4 In 1932 --J. ,X.=. I . , y . ..�,'r.-.- ,,,,,, I ,_;�-__,AW� r" h ., Icr- W. riuvatte. aaar. naerea in 1931 J a � , - r . A5;"Ja09W# lFimucits I ,','.-I, r.­,� . .. � �;�', 4�7% ) r, � ��V r - y i i , ��7 MM�.aQr Ck %ShW*y3.M*k4Z AU- r,704M 13 0 M0 C.^=C*-3V,C$ t"10 �a'=,Aa- = rcaa a 8w.cmea, I -yo!rr"_ ,1;.f U. Vcmtland, J. Tilr4,eg-. sow, H�. "_17,� '_'� �J , _ M o ire - � .. . ,X� , X4 �'. U1=_3Q:,nk1C4-It at 'I 14w"y , tL­41. AT" Vj�."gas= tb,-� ;, ,� -A. I 11 X , I . -1 1. P �� ,;at, tj tbD 1143U.M3 Qf t1le 643330�tl .0,-1. W �k 414 � - CO. ,V:a34-ari. Mo p7m1aL %mIr*:;3 4 %, - -�- 'a".04, In 4904—j. P=Q.-, W. r'he;k;3o, . * I r"'Ceting ,r . r 0,3t tb3 it rmald 1;�,, bard to M,1154 tum� 41amt C-,0ICd4'A tbls year, to date, Wa. 10 *1 .� . I 15 _.- . , Qtl,� � 4 . 177. - �-, I . 4A 1 .7 (Yovkshire , d -A'& 5 " "' �__ 'Ila C� t4o lvtzad t1-=.n_%I.�,1 as the ro= I � . = I C IOUs i � . . r Agcd 'War-sam Alton. sow# jlavin� U4 , , � � i COUNTY Is OPPOSED I f0lows Me 1340 More. =01 -tut 09 tho M,�Mdlzurea. Last Tea" I I ... .. I — , I . a I 11'r � = K , oml f there was a acalt of V� I 1% 'alsea VJWS, In 294--Sanl Wtqa. W, A. 4 �14 " P �_ 14ilo rcl*luttlon ,Z,aa 111ca ras"'.d 87 cccls, leavigs 'UlDcrt. war, litterC4 In 1931-5= � I " " Object cony 41 mat Vart of it regerrinr; t9 tht 4 b3lance on hand at ,V,rC3'�Itt Of #29,9��' � I , . S=.C. rxu3ty Ccuacillars, U."ONSts P,Vabla awww"4 to $1,9=6, 1 . � %ltQn- -90W. HtterW Ila 1931-5atn Q. ­ ._�_ r. I . 971 o re . i , ar�,nmval or tba 9:141ellpo 09 tile highway � r I -OnA T- W13i;Ws. , �1�� the couoty PAYL-119 *UY b2cominu a iviii's xxight,'ai viol D�^ for- Lid Z4.,% rcramon 0,%mezea, ti"a beue r A . I . 1�`�k"131; .. __­ t .rr- N N a . t i� I - ". I I � Tamwortya . , ". ^0 . flowt Of the CO3tq waraa to 1104. Lcorold XaLaulay, Milk. ;U34 It all mozey m4tstau Jug, ia� CQ1 3 . - - ,.t i : . , r 4 . le� - . I nourmning , �, � � 1�ter at illgj4waya, the interc5tca county id. the a-tioalation will Do In the cica,v . ') � Aged baar�:3am, Alton. Cow, ha,vlie�� - . I I . '433 will rcsult Irom tho cC;3nclI3. tile Q.Utarla Motor 1_,,�a,-ue and Wheu the bOOks Q1XQ b4lar-ccd At t1le ezc. TJ4C XT *34sad Pigs In J93J­_:$am 'tu'an, T. .6 � . i ,vica. come n� et of fcclial: .a. - . I . . 't the Milo - Watcr Highway the 00,011 Roads Ao�oaatlon. . of tile year. r -tr aer4ou. Boar. litte-wd in 1031-sam . , r . I . r. , I -3g, e . rDISCOS �P;ot,lelia I , fivsh io to 1. P tho woulth fresh. Alton, Ist, and 2. -Id. S,,w, littere.4 Ill . r , . A ! Z7; r, '.1tl2a 1'0�ld at Oven 00=0 whichl Tourist IFIgures I . . . . Im Irlo � - TN�rll a't1_,g4%"4 by a duzon d4cgat�3 fg'QM I rgusog, or ,qgmla, s0era- pisom1on With regard -to varlod, llp). � .1 7�*,CQQI tuvor of WRIGUY's FA - i . d Uuroa county r . Is IU41- 1 . . . I , ,hwly then r,tarted, �r reff"hes the =Q00), it remove$ 4090-0- A. Gre0r, LUaknow. , . I 4. . . A 4 1 . cladle'ach Da - .110= or the lit& r 49 G, ; ft. 14 . hw '4% , prQ5cntC4 a To Veria, *tl AlraC FOWL AND M -r swoolc . ,� I r o,tcd in dezpatrcl grow wilbury and taty Of tile '"'"latlan .14, ofo:lllla� Pointe I Out th3t a of eating, Q1 . rort with regard to tho tourist tkalao : 0. 0 . ( - 11 . C.'4�Tlwn in ull London papers. Hon. thIs -ar. lit 1923 there were ,1%4oa OrIlltai Midland and other towns, in f or smolang sweet . I � , , thg I � I 'aborrs, lvbitu, Cilicuona-a"w- Psir LL I 'L�wz:!Ad t1a,4,3411y. MIUMor of 1:10 az=. %,,,24 So ,to 05 day retmittl VIhicu '410410 bad boon aubjccted to = I"Jus., ., ens breath. . I . I I ; . I V;,Iy�, bas uivcia 1114, approval to the plan . In 103C 3ca by th3 government and the Ontario X> . � I 1011 M1110r. A. 13. Pentland. Pair Ply- ­_"ej Canada W. Ounia, aad- vouth R03%% 4arred, chJck=­GQrd9u L I A, --'�� I T, .0 , . . . 10 to rf,zonstrurt put of the 131110 Water �' ore Vero, 52,1Z9 c2r6. In 1931 there Uotor Lgl!;uo Aamina Dawle as t4 I . Villor. Ist a44, 214d- Pair ,Plymouth U, UAKER VAT3 I I ' I be an Incl:cv4o,ov ., Z , xf�_ I � -0� r � . e� ter, � - I I L ; r6uto ail a p,rovinelal highway. the Pro, I3, or lkqj � of-- Ma'a to MInga of the hiallway in their literat, I - A I AoU - VbltO. chlo.kons--Art ,Elliott, , Bert . . .1 i vLr, C, to pay 70 P -.r cmt. -Of the co4t, and ,7.000 eara. � . I � Ure- Mr. Ferman stated, that this bac- ­_ " � .. I Ireleaven. Pair b,anore". black, thick. Cook* Ipt 21/2 . w tha. W,49,t 0--l-, ��-:n� . . � : . . I � . . I � � - "" I - I . I � t.11i,, ca,,Ijjp�a r;hich it raveri;e3 ,30 P= � .101 them 62'.400 cars V.U04� 22 ,Per .�O= c�orrectvd In the Motor boquua ut-r �� . =-Zetherland A � ... I � I I ____ --- -­ . . . . I p ]i . dnt,lpy�,Ui. and Ilao . . . . . , , � .... � .. I I . I 1:­ Z,T,". Ltricaulay'a announce- cc.1t COM� Up tUD BIUQ Water Highway. oraturo. He had also wrlttqu to I -to$; White, clitekens--oor- I— . - ­ . I . I � ­� i I � cent, After , . the . ?Air' W.varldOt . ment. Zent County council ,road cow- A�tcordlng to DoMinlon Zovernment 10q- 'WernmOut'r . . �. � , egarding the error, at-3ted . . . 1"XXPX"3WX ,on Miller, 14 and 2nd. Pair Orplog. 1049 of Tompkins Counti-D, mcAllis-Islor Class. VU,Iqt orgailet-mrs,gowrt-.... __ - I I InItUo hold a 01=111 meetlnf;. It Is un- Ures the average, tourist spends $119. Mr. ,Ferguson. . . I = . 1. SATIS"IM6 -,Ons; bUff, chick011s--00rdola Miller, Ist ter, Wallace Mller. Talmon Sweet -T. Mrs. ROaQ � Fanoy., Imitting Ill ciottwl- . . .i � . , . 11 I , I . i I . I .1 (ky3aad. AhA I POMO mcrUbOr0- oppowa I'Tills, maTleu a total-4et 4bout � _$1,QQ0j0QQ�11. _# resolution `calling on 'the - govern- . I . i And 2nd. P;dr Rhode Islands, chl 'eld, Wallace V11,ler. Canada Red Miss, Livingston, Excelsior CWa, . - I I U pkei:As J. $all. I I � I . I portion of tile test. The said Mr. Vermon. . � ment to tahe over the conijecting link -Letherland es) . i . , p3yJaa filly , & Bentley, Gordon Miller. -WaMve =Iler. Art Elliott. Ontario- lection lady's worl� (10 pieces) , �. - - . p=t of the road involved is on'Ttent and . ,,Uaad condItions'this year have been between provincial highwaYs 20 and 27, -A- H"9TORY ."'HURON '�,Ir Leaborns, White, old r4wi-Lether. LorUit Durnin, 1p F. ., t , I . - . � I . _ T. J. Salkeld.*. Golden Harrison', Mrs. V. Fdwler. Brost a. � I ­ . . . 0 . 4 . msev, coun los., - � 4 in Nottaw"aga tqvmship . �L I I . very bcid, espo."Ially after wcek.�uda 4n p gear. W%aaga otlag, 09-tho Exosutivo land & B6utleY. Pair Legborlits, brown, Rus-letw-J. R. Stirling, .T, Anderson. ment of Small novelties, suitable 14p,r, . . . I :1 .. jrbc Owen Sound Xcellatr holidays. V,y candid opinion Is that it Beach was passed unanimously, A su,=.tal Me a Old fowl-Letherland 4; Bentley, Ist'and Wagnor-Wallace Mill -V,r4, D..Fowlerj Jean Harri I I � I 1 . , %o Huron old Boys' Association of Tor. 24d. Pair, Plymouth .Ro( , er, J. JR. Stirling. $oil. .deso ,... - i T!lp, owea -Sound jUcetinc; Was Attenil, we � don't get anything done there Is WN0118*4 then ,,%Us, hold r0aarding. :1;5, barred, old Fallawator-7-D. Me iliste�, & R. 6tirl. labor-saving . devica, bomew3dc._Mr4. , � r'. I . , onto was ))old at the home of Mr. and f0w'-Gordoya Miller, Letherland & tug. RUssot--J, A. A Stirling, W.'A. Cul- Howrle, Miss Livintpton, , ��"011oc#3�1, , .. t . ed by :�.Iayor 1P.e, a.. 1). Crotk U L, .empthing wrong with.us, because other mealla* or getting the govemment. to , A I , , � I i i - gra. 41, _-MeXto6ron,-aU-gil?�tdl=.,RgAd,, - Bentley,.-- - Fair. - Plywoutit--suditg, -*laid,. -bert, Rhode- Island areening-7i) me- girl's sewing, under 14 yeara_,_Mts,,A I � . . X=,i, 0. L; %mona, .1. W, r0r;%IRW,� J� lisoclationa are, Uottlag­blghwaya�, tako-ever the-Blug witer:HigliWay, ,And V0411c3d%y evening, 30th Ult., . Z I � � )n , - �W- I I I Un.,,er, D, .D. T4oaney, 0. H. Bumbor, '"Aixother thIna I Want to i 'hwily . for old fowl-totherland & Bentley, Allister, J. A� Stirling. Cranberry p1p. Inostone, T. J. Salkel'a. �4 'WRI �, I � ,, speak. about MS`1;o It 06 proy'nelat ll'L - 00nie che purpose of considering the question 2nd. Ist and * . i Warden nc,attlo' Count�, Eliglneer,Pat- Is tile roads they are building In Itruce deioa.ates believed that the county f th . Pair u1noreas, black, . old fowl- pin -T, J. �Oalkeld. J. R. Stirling under 14 years -H. Stother4, E, !X$clea, � I :r �, I . the ,couiaty road . o e -best system of collecting, data for , * � I terzoo and mombero of , county. The man who is supervioing; councils should be approAciled to Im. a, history, of the Cou. Letherland & Bentley, la and -2nd, P1149nIx--j. A, Stirling, M I- . er 14 - I . pity of Huron, to,be ana-wa - ven. Best dre4sed doll, by girl und �__- - _- :� �_ . . ,.- -, ­-commlcslon, At thig-uleetinq a -Motion those-mds kn9wa_-Ns L Job- bqll-OVa.. w... - - ovo A* highwar. in gaph-cQUnty.. Ali - . Pair Wyandattes, white#. old fowl_-�Gcr. 1ace lailler, Sam Alton. Stitrk_4. R, -pars-A.- McMIIIaa__U.rs T.-embily. ' � � published at, some time � In the Ilear fut� . . . . i I �, � wr,4 s0mitted by Air, )David W41441319 of If the county of Lembton and other agreed that it was through.-tho ebunty , don Miller, Letherland &Bentley., ipair stlillng. Bea Davls4Vallace Miller Centreplece by girl 111ader,X4 years of � 1, 1 4 . . � . CoIllogwood. 'seconded by Reeve Byars countles were doing as well'os. Bruce coultells that the work ot Improving. the Ure. - 1. . . I Rhode 'Islands, old fowl-Letherland & Lo . rne I . � I � I )UMIn, pQWa%kee_.,W41IAce Mil- age --Mrs. D. Fowler.' T. J. $41keld, . l, . - -attend . , I I The meeting was largely edo, � � of Wiarton, lurgina that the principle of there would be no trouble, but. they are roads. must be done, whether ,the work . . . -Bentley, '18t, 8114 244, Pair gafit�ams, ler,. Win. Watson. 4 named varieties, Print.quilt. pleced-Mrs. B. Roach, Art , I � � the .k I . over 25 membe of the ExQ,-gtIve .10eing old- fowl--GQrdon Miller, ,(5, Dalibiook.. winter,jive of ea6 , . I . ' . . I . . ., Bluo Water Highway being ta -en .not.,, I . I . be' undertaken by the county counolis . rg , h -Wallace Miller, T Elliott.. Hearth rug, any otho'. vAdet,r_-;, . I � resent, with President 0. Vanstorle Ir An,o.na% old g . i over as a King's Highway be approved, - The meeting, AS reported by the Owen Or the provincial govern- the 01Wr. I .. � owl- Howrie, Excels-lor Cla ,. � � .1 them5olves ' P Gordon. Miller, An, � J, Salkeld. Wolf Rlver-W, A. Culbert ,Mrs. -1, Bridge - 1 1 .1 . The Te!:oIUtIo4 fur#z I . . k , . . .or urged that the Bound Sua-Times, follows: went. It was urged that, the Idea of a - I cOnas, chIqks­Oordon Miller, lot And 4 Son, .J. Ueld.'Ribston PlppIn--J, R. set, 5 pleact-A. MoMI144,, Jt -an H4rrI. , , , .. i'� J. V,1rI0'US vice-preoldCults approach the. Goderleh was very Wei oonlo, and. not A. vomweroW. highway Prof. J. C—Robertson, of Wotorla Col 2,ad . HambUrg$, old lowl-Letherjand SWIng. 20�oUnce Plpptn�.i, R, stirl. son, . Hemstit,hed shoot with Monogram . . . I represented At a - I . I . irounty councils 11� their territories Or -the. meeting while both. . I . . lege, a Oodarich old boy, Who. boa given & , . , � �� g;aj7l1a , And bd .9trIssed. I I . , . ' BOAUM -lot and 2nd. Ualfiburgs, Ing, Wealthy�Wm. Watson, Wallace -,Wss Livingston. Launtiry bag, -new . I - _. . . the road commIsd0w at whatever sea- OrIllia, the toWUS'At the two -extremities I . Tourist. Traole - " , this matter a good deal of ztild,4 ad- chicks-Letherlind & Bentley , . , Palr Miller, $now -Lorne Duinin, ti. It. Idea-Mrs.,S, Roach, Jean Harrison, . . . , I dressed the iheeting stresslaX the Imme- . I , I , q 41an. they doom - advisable and . report of the highway, had delegates present geeko­-Sam Alton, T. Wiggins, - Pair StIrli4g. . ,� -V - I . � ' I . It . . __ ' diater nozes4ty for procuring data for a J.DUelip - Walla�e Millen Judges - rs. Jean Lyons, LVO�now; . , . both the president of the associatlor,' I I Miller. I,Qtherlancl & R011anC Ip In_ V j, It, Miss Elizabeth. Lyons, Wlngliain,-' , � . I . I The various v ce,presidents. then gave guinea fowl --,---W. �l . . MbA111St;r,, I .� � . . ilcrll.,01110000�.." a brief outline of the tourlat,trade in history of the ,county which W911t be. Bentley, Pair duck$ -Art Elliott, Loth. ri- t V,d � , � I il I , Col. C. S. Woodrow. who presided. and ' SterlingL Blenheim Pippin -J. a, Sti . . FINE - ARTS V� , !'R�� � I . A � . � . Js.uod at. A: subsequent period. During land & Bentldy� Rabbits, Over - six lng� Z Wiggins, Crab apple --W Painting, water color, lanost I . I I I I I .1 I' . . all�ce . 1. I I . . I I.,the si-cretary, Wo 1). Ferguson, bel6g their district this year. � I his Intowating. Address be throw Out , * lope,. ii��t .� .1 * or Mr. 06rgo Overland of Orilita. re� .. ,a 4 montIls-W, I ..T4yl Dan. Miller, A. Schmidt.. S. named varieties, . I -7 - r I � . =4VA o flow Sarnia, Marton, Tob mory, Uda�- . Livifigston, Mrs. Howrle. .Painting, ;0,ra_ 11 .. f.. , I.- I � op *-o"w"Womw raer number Of- toUr;. many valuable sliggestloht; -a R,bll,-, or .& Son, C. ski tirling. . . . . - . I iford and GollingWood wore All repro� ported a sllghtlyla . to Ways brook. to, under six months -Art; f 1, :fiv6 Of ea6h-J, It. b * I . . I � . ' and means of carrying the work to z 1 , T� Wig- ter color, animal study"Miss .Livingston,, - . I I I . I . I sented while there werez-good balf-doz. ists'lli the, district but less money Spent. . . � I _Mliott, O', I)anbro � 11 . , � �., , � I , . * -cessful issue. , I .� 04. - I gins. . I � I . .. . Mrs. Howrie. Painting In olli flowers- . , , �.. 11' � . A Cliolce stuck ,of Cut Mowers al -I en local men. present, .officials .of 'th HOW04t the tourist trade oil the whole su� , I I . Judge --i Lyons, Lucknow. I . . . . . . -UvIng=n. Collection fine arts, Q . I I I . . . -1 . .1 . . . a . . .A committee.was appointed fully to , � ' � PEARS . . . . MISS . . ., � .� , � . " I Board of Trade and members of ttle. was good, he Stated. . . � � consider the I 4 . . I tea of I -pear.%-J, R. � � , 1 ; , "vxV�xIAland.ready for my., oc- . . . � , GRAM I I 3 , named varlet pieces"Ifis3 Livingston; Mrs, Howrie. . I . I , --- - - - I council, -Includinjr- E.- W; w-.Qurqr,� p-keglr W4 -ilorsley, 6 matter and to report.at the . . . . � . . PafrUng .On chlna��M.iss I . , . . . bi�shel f I ea w ve-,Andrew umrAer. pears, nan(ad-A, - � [ , yor' f , Meaford, agreed next evo-utivo meeting.' rn* the mean- - I a I wh t, hit Stirling. 5--s . Urs, Rawrle, P . Z4vInggtqo, . I ;� ca�lon, -suck is Wedding Flove.." (lent of.the Board: of Trade, and Mayor w3h. Mr. Overland that more'toarl*. time the AS"Sociatiou will get behind Schmidt, 1), 'McAllister. i bu el. foal Cul�ert & S Oster, �409rtising- Ca�a_ - -. 1. ; , � 1. , . : , Freeman MdRobert, I . . all on, 41. R. Stirling. 5 - fall . . ; '. . had been visiting the distrlrt bul. that ads � produez-H. Stotli B. Treleaven. � .. . .1 � '4 aor,11 work, etc., on sil6it notice. . . . Prof., Rob. ertson .In his efforts in this wlieat, red -T,, Anderso � d --J., R. -Stirling, A, Culbert . era, . I I . i i ;) . I I . When the =041-19 opened. Col. lVind probably less money was,spent, . n, Letherlan4-. & pears, name I F, . I 11 . . . I . I direction and will-glve him every pos- Bentley, I bushel spring & Son. 5 wilat " __3, .,,I Callectign wild .flowers And grasse - . . . . I � t I , . I I . . . . . . I row Outlined the iiiesent .-Ituation - p.n' wheat --Saw . el, pears, named. , I 1p - .''. : . . . , , . ,. ,� . . . . I . d Mayor' C. 0. Lea, of, Go4erlch, thouqbi 4bie Malstan= - He ,wAs accorded a Alton�. Andrew Schmidt. I buslief c.rOW Stirling, T, Anderson. -1 name .Mrs. Brodie. Spedwela of Penrnanshf_ . . I . , � , . .� . the. need for Improvement ota certain a different class .of people were � touring standing vote of thanks for his WeAdid barli . oy-,X. R. 'Stirling B an Am �-- arne Du . Mill, -T, . R .d S by boy, or 'girl ga,.r 14 vo,t­'j - ,f Stv ' . . . " , I : sections of the highway, especially those . . � . ; A, o Pe,itl d, Of Pl a L . Ming. . 0 I . I t i , , A � this year, the rleher men being bound address containing as it, did..Muoh valu- I 'bushel cats, wblte��A4(lrgw Schmidt, 2 named varieties of plums, fIve:of each (Prizes I bv Mr. Fred- Ross)�D) 911' Adw , � , . . I . * . . Aii x owler. � � ;` I I . in Laliabton Ootmtyj in a short but pow- to rexnaln �at the helm of their busi� able . Information.. . , � . Sam. Alton, 0- � . . . I I .. I �� FLORIST - prehensive speech. It ,.stated that th I I - _ I bushei titS, bl%bk.�_A. _-T.'R. Stirling., Collection u,..apeS_T. u,,rsoa, A. MeNuilan, Mrs* . �_ I a during -the troubl 1, bashel peas, Small-w4aint . . . nesses ed.'timeg. . . It ,k�as.doq ed to hold tlid usual'meet- Schmidt J. SdIkeld, F. Barker. 1 Plate peaches- Best map. of Ontarlo!�y boy or girl under . . til � I � 1 . . phulle 7015 year had not, beeil one ot�. the best. so at ' ' 8 . timildt L I -bushel, peas, large, , 1 1-4 YearA-N#. A. ,Culbert. H.. Stnthers.' . - � - . BlruLp St. . Reeve By6ia roported, that the, tourl Ing of. the Amoolatio-i combined With a Alton,A. J. R. StIrling. Plate of quinces --4 R . .. . I . p. . � . . . . far as tourist ,traMO."WaS obnebroed but trade In Bruce had greatly Increased euchre and .'bridge on Friday eVening; -46A.- Ochnildt Sam, sti . i 'I . I �t. � .. I . . I 0 I rling, X. Durn�. . . Collection basketry, reeawork7�R_ X - , ' ­ ­ __�__ . . Al on. I bushel Treleaven ',.Ti -- I , . . . , I .. I . . . . �- I L '' . that, 14 vleW'of the pres6nt- depression, I . ' 11, - timothy - see;9-Zlzi ' ' t 81-40s, A. Killou , . ti - ..tni- mrl ..f��-aworlr - t :� , I ­ ' ' L � h Nov, Pth . .1 . I Alton. I bushel Jud gii� . .. . � ,. I .1 . .1 . I I .. I .1 . 1. . —6 It IV43 ,remarkable the liumber . I � by. boy -J. R. 0 rltng, !,Mrs. Zrodl I . � ?.-- - - _ � - ­­­­­, I., , � . - --- �.-i� .. Of People more money had.,beep- . ".11" . ilio flaxl.soed�A.,Sdinildt, W_Btothers. 1. � I �- � � � .. 11 I . , Wha had visited -Canada this 'year,. 'H' . .. spent -this year as uronifes residinght. Tor6nto, w . I � FLOWERS . . --- - ------------ I_ . '. .. � 0. �..., . . I � . ,e last, I . I . . �� , I �are not;already On the registeri are Peck beana-Letherland & Bentley,'J. R. � 4:111's, ,demu . . . . . I urged that the condition of certain se�. . Collection , of phloxes, Drummondl ... : judges --Mrs, J.'R1 xql�ab,. Aug. wu:. � .. � I � I . : I J L J* - MOSER ' t ..Co).' Woo I "secially .requested to'send their name, StIrling, I , bushel Spelft,--A, �QWbe . . I . . A - 6 tI011s Of tfial highway be brought to the drow, rop.ertlAg *for Lambtant . I � r.', Mrs. B. Roach.*.'COII00tiO11 of Marigolds--Li=s, ­_­_ . ' I ' � I � . � � I .� .. � I . I .. . . . . I I attention 'of thet. pr , opor . authorltles In wAo. Inollped to agree With 'those who and -street Address to 'the secretary, E, Lethorland'&, B%htley, * C011e'. loll suri-: -."Mts, - Trembl . .. -.. 7 ­� I I , , . " . . . . t J I , I . 1. I � . Ct,ment worl;, movingand Jacking' 16uch A mander tli thought that me � . he I Floo4y, 5.8 Close .A*e., And this will flOwOrs-Mrs. D. Fowler, . 0 ears. oopi, iura, an AY, F. Bdrker. Geran� 7, - .. .. 1, A leY m6all' b . . I .ty, in bloom -Mr . And love will som . at tl .o . re tourists W used t # Y vArle I . � : . . , 1, been [assure them'rboeiving notices .of all 'the 1)011t--D� MOA111ster . a. B etinies ni,-ske a r,�va . . �, � I . . tip buildings. . . . - . forced to.ueb ,In �hlghway -but that loss, motey hac .. Mrs.. -Tremblay.. 6 Roach, Foliage Plant--4xcelslor class;. tIllInk of ,a I . I � . . I . . . . I . I I . I . I . 4 recommended that, i4le .11 . meetings and functions Of, the Aasocl�. ears corn, Fljnt�_A. Schmidt . . .9mathing .beside3. himself for - 11 �1 - . . . � I . 11 4SZOcI&tJO4,d9 all in Its p er to 'have .spent this year.L .. . . . . 1: . I � A Culbert & Son, Ferns, three varia.� a whole afternoon. : , .. �, I . . .1, , . , :�Izesh coffient.-and Ilme 'Always on I . OW . I � � I I I I tIon..' . I I . . . lis . I , D.- MCAI­ . , �... � � . . � . ter. . . . . ­ . . 11 I I � hand. Carload *t arrived, the road taken ove as . . . - ,ties; naratd-F. Barker dicius, three , . � ­ . I . . r a provincial . 1, . I .— I I . '. � . . Judge -Joseph couybr. . . ' . . ' - I I . , deliver either h.J hway'... . ., .., . I I , vailetles, ,me -F. - .. .1�� - I . I ... . . . 1� . In town ,or 9 ... . . .. . � � I 4 Barker, Mrs, rr, . , I I _. � . ''I'll � . � I . coutitry. .Prices reaa -MO"' EXHIBUS 8MALLER CROWD I I I.. DAIRY � ' Fowler. I . . I � . I We � � . i , � - . 2 , 1 "If we could ,have from. the go, � imiv$ . I I , L . . Tab bouquet_�.� barker, . onableL I ,, . Yern�. 9 . I . .. . . 1. . ' I � . , . . . . . . 4 1 . �) I . I I � . . . Tent an AsSutance, that they Would take , 10 Ilis. butter, Ii! .ro A. Mcmillan.. Mrs. Tremblay., Basket- of I . I � . I I ,. . . . I Arinuais"r. . I . . . I ... . over the road. alid iMprov . . 'E, H DUNGA N : � lb$. table butter, ill pr . ­ Barker,.mrs, miWillay. Coj,��, � I I Olve us a call. . ..e certain Set,# 04-1-cl � N 8-W. A. Cul, , ctiou of . .. __I-- . . � � � ... . . . . ­ .. HAT � .T. E ONF AIR a . ... 'I. .- I . � . , �.tlono in :successive years 1, am sure it � . . I. .* bert, H. Stothers. 20 lb Asters -F, Ba or, B. Treleaven. .Col- �_ .. I . . . , rk . I Phan , . . vasolion, .-St. WOUld .h . . . . . I., 1 . I a, Packbil butter .. I f , P, � 6 303 ,Ave .a. tremendous eiject . �. I. I— , i� . a; .. .. Salted to. k6op- CillberL 9, lection of Dahll4s­�. Barker. dollea- . .. . . � . � � . . . I On ,the, . ! Gauley�:. Foal of - 19za �_ A. Culbe .W. A, I 11 .� . . . Gode.00114: On.t I . t6wAs a ic. Exhib Is Fav�red By . I I tion'llouge plants, 'Bark- : �, i r I . . � . . . nd titles on the ..highway, i � Histori iti�rt lb& farlty table butter -W,. A. Culb6rt 1 5 varlet .lea -F.. . I '. I I r � � I _11. - �. . I . . I .. "The worst a -1 tile' Son- Dave Gauley. 2-yoar-old filly or % - S-tothers..' . '. 7 er, Tuberous I . . . , . - I pot ol Whole road Is ,.- I Begonia, In blooln�zx- , . . ; :- - - . . I . . . , T , F I - � . 'C= the part Which lies Within the County 9xicellent Autu.mn. Weather , 6eiding-W, Taylor :4� Son, 1�yeaf�old '.,jUdg X, b, r . . . . � � � I 1, I I = , , of I . I I . Ls�- R- Me a J, Casemore. beltI10 Class, F. Barker. -Qoileptlon Zih- . . I ., I . . lity,or gelding -W. Td�lor & Son, Best 1. . � � . I . 9, I I . Latabtoxv' On the Whole rthe highway Is I . . , I nia-'--F- Barker, Mrs, Tremblay, Col_ 1. . ---- — .. . DOMESTIC. M4NUFACTURE . . L . , Z': ___ Iliffividual7-Poter Watson, 'W. , Taylor. .0 . .1. . , I .. '. I — i ._� �. � . ... � � I � . � 1. .. i __ �7.. .,- I 41 Vcry:dood shape.tonsiderl7ag.tlit x,a� FRUIT DISPLAY WONOERFUL . , br. leetIP11 StOckS-­V.' .Barker. 10 varieties, . I ; .. , � 4 turd of the "ad, with , a few notable ox.� w ,, . .. 1. '. TQ*,m.4A.­_JiArXXe4,S­­Pet0r Watson And Zia loaf ead,'white, entire crust-. ' Cub:Plowersi na,wjtI­r,, Barker, .Mrs, , I i . i I . . I . I Sor�,-W, ,rAjInr atIrl gqnfi. . . T. Anderson;' X Mothers. 'One' loaf Tremblay, Table decoration -p . 11 �, I ceptions, . . 1, . L I i I � �.� INSURANCE I . . � � . lor &' 8631. 1* bread, brown, entire crllst­m-T. Anderson_ Mrs. Be. R h . I.. I . Barlcer� . I . � '. I - T � . I "What Wo want Is, to have tt. . Apples - Never So Good­-�Dirlecit- VoIlLof �931­W. To . . oae .- I � . � I I ,� .. � - - ne. Blue I I yeai-61d. ally or geldine-s, ,-. --- I J. h. .Stirling. One loaf nut bread -H, I . 1. . I ,� � . I . . . . Wafer HIgh*ay running direct from the � . OV3 are W.ell Pleased With Mrs. Tremblay. I-1alf-dozen 1. L'A=r-'--WQR--. I J I - I..". I I I . � . I . � . . . � L. Schultz. Sin$le� horse In harness road Stothers;L I . . . � - I 1, i . I I I I I I I . I ' I I . . .Comforter, fane ­ 4 � I , . , �, _ , . ' city of', Sarn1r, Without'' touching ,any. . . . Resialts � Plain white buwjamall sIZe-;4V1. Dur- r,lo I I I Y, homelnade�Exc�l_ - � i IL , I , ... I . I �. -Jim. Johnsthn,'. W.. T. MbLesn,.Lorne 1�' . k . . : . The * . Other hlghWiM While the governu.,en6 , . I I — . .1 .. . . Durnim, Single. borse in -harness, car- bill, .I'. Anderson, 'Half-a0z6a Graham r Class, A.Uss LIvIngStOno­C6mfoA- I � . . . .. 1. I . . I I . AS tonSidering UlleMplOYMent relief � . . or, wactio, � ho 1 � . . . I . . it , a] mem4cIe-­VxoeIsIor Class ,11 . - IriRge-W. T. 1<014004, 1as . ohnsto- T MlIffifts, - small ilzd--:T. AnderBoo, a., Mr& A - Fowler� -Bedspread, fail 1; . � . : I I . � . , Wo The'woatherman was on his very best � J�. I . .11 . � I I Uld 1306M to me that -they might give -behaviour. for Dunginno,nls fall fair, Sanultz, . Lady driver (one ,of lnei�aborls StOthdrs. . Hitlf�dozen tea rgscults, small .Howrle, ey—mrs. . I . . I I Mutual' Life otl8lildration to I . jir . .. . J, I . ,� - �.. . I I . I . I I . . . . c 11 our reqU're"U"'ta' held, on Thursday and ,Friday of last;.Taintly) 'Izl-. a Miss Jean Harrison. 'Rearth I . I ".� : .. .. JPTTh. I _ -Mrs. Iiprne Durnin,. Mrs, L. �- , -W411 ce Miller, V. ) rhin � . . I �� . question, ,Which I tblnk� W.e� . - � 1, u - COO- rug, hooked -D, .N . I I ,. � ­ weelp. There was a; good attendaXIC - 04 Schultz- - ** - . .1, . kle-4, flvi* VarlAtlesi 4 of'eaoh; . McAllister, . Excelsior . � .. . . . . I 1i . �� 4 I �hhould ,Consider this 0 . . . . . T01,64- class. I Pair Of Mitts, ,heavy (wool)- . .. ,. . , Assurance C ' . , afternoon to the .the ,,big day, . udg-e-7-.4ohn Gillespie, Whitechurell. ,lean Harrison, Lor 6 �� I I . . T 1. " � . I 01n 111Y. ' best,wp,y-to approach this problem, Iie. .,, Friday, but not as,laige J . � I I. I . '. I il�r6e �vilrletles ,he Durnin., , 06kio8, Mrs. Rowrid, .n, W16AIIiston � 11 C I , I PC . I . . . . .1� , . .. . is Ili some former years. Ther gate.lie- I CATTLE � 4 ach, drop-Mra. B. seeks, h 1. i . . � . I . . .1 . I 1 4 , 1 Pair of "..... . I 1, I � - - I '44n, . �� I I I . ", X4 :C .. eavy (W900 -Mrs. �D� -Pbwlet, � , ., . i , .� I . I � of . ca,nakda: .1 . . Putations, Of , course, Me sometimba, delpis were - down sonriowhat, while the ' I . . - . . .. Roach #iScA, Layer cake, lig Ol . I . , . ,I �� : , .� . . .. I I . . I , � very little,, 'A aepUtatloia .from . thg I Durham -Purebred L Howrle, lit Excelsior, ass, Nightgown, fftncy-Art I .. 1. � .1, . P � I � � Atalillshed,11161 .. I SUM to be I :�� -Larne MUMIU.- Layer . I . : ." 1 �, . .. I . . . Association would, I -think, have v ' . pald� out: In prize. money Will -Mllch'cow, having raised or with calf coke, dark -Lo no . . Elliott, - .Jean - Harrison. House dress, - ! - - . .. I ! � nUAD. OF11110 11ttle effecL . * .. ., . .ery .be wore, owing to. the Increased num4or Ila: 1931-A, Gaunt, B. Trel ' ' rt Durnin, U. Durnin, PMTE- ItOOM ' . . . . � . . n , W&TZRLQ0,9.0xT. . I . . � . eavenj B, Angel take, UW094-A, U Smart, new .1clea-Nuss Livinistone, T. �j. I ! . I . - !.1 , t. I . I., . . OThe county councils of Bruce, Huron of exhibits. A similar sItuailon. fa&$ Tre eaVon, ,? . CUJIIah, , H. Salkeld. Collar And cuff set--�-Mfss..UV.� RDRE-SSIMG AND I . 1 , � I � . 1. I 'Most fall ,Alr8 I I -year-old. heifer -B. Tre- Stothers. Dirk fruit cake, inalced­zx� .Uv� Y CULTUR6 � . ,� I.. ; I . n Huron . county this I -ye 1r; ­A. I � I I and Grey doservQ'a "great deal of credit year. . I .1 .1 , . I - , eaveni' i .ArTold helfe O�lint. QeISW Class,, Mrs, A. . Ingston. Apron for. IIOT�Iivork­Mlss , .1. 11 . � . D. D. NOONEY, %Agent , . for .tile .Work �,hey . , - . .. . . Heifer. calf. six, raontho arid. ov�'e-A R030h,. Jelly' roll Livingston,' Tht-- PE,R50NAL i � . . ''. are doing on the Mrs. D. '.pewter, Child% SUpERVISION or- MRS. I I , I P110sn 240 . highWay al -til 116 doubt woul I b . Splefidl� Irrult Exhibit . Gaunt.. Hetter calf, under six -Joan Harrison Mrs. B. Roach, Scotch. sweater I I . I . I months.- . � V�. . . .: . I to -op � AM% W. A. nUrhIn.L' Tarts, three, varieties, 6 each . . . .. ! Ill 1, L' . '' . . . d like to b . ShOrtbroad-A. 'C;71bert . and, ea.P­illss Livingston. VC. KE-ri N 0Y. CA NADAS I , . N.OUTIW St. : : 0ODMIC.11i ONT, relleVed Of- 'this QXPbnae.' I think tile The -display within thO main building A, Gaunt. Aged bull -,.!A, 6 & Son, Lome Child#s dress, farlgy-Mrs D Fowler, A, P&MOIT B�ALITY ... I i - % I . at-16110fthovarloltareuntycolw� Was this year.' artibulatly road, with. Orser. . �. , , I I I � . J � 1. I . I 8r p I MtMillan. Baby's Jacket and bonnet- SPE -C 'ALIST.. . , , I � I I � . I. _V,0'. . 114 . I fruit, especially apples,, carryinV off the . I Hereford - � -Mrs. D. Fftlei, Art -Elliott. Pie, ap- I C0 -1 I . . --%, 1. ­ � � � . the eo- . -ple-L Livingston. Table Ili POSITIONS. "ROLL NOW - � . � ti. � . ­ . ill$ Mks' D, Fowler, Miss . ALL STUD[RiTS PLA I . i 11 � . *, ... , . . --11-__ _._._­_______ "I . honors.. "Owing, to the lateness of the '. TY1110h cow, having raised Or with calf Orne DUMIn, T. Anderson, .pie, tLintreplece,. eolorad�_Mro, D, Fowler, , � I . ..i, : ,. � .. .. I. 1. � . - - . IdWOZZI-T, J� Salkeld, H, Stotfien. Pie, POR 5PC-CIAL ftAT65 � . .�, - . . . . I � . I . . I . .1 I ... I , . season flowers were not plentiful but le lo3l.-j. Lyons, .Geo. Xewloo, J. 1311MAlh-MArs. 3). Fowler, J. R. Btirl- 4M. 13,*ROaCh. Table contrepleee, white ....... . - . . � i I - its. A . � , 4 I they wore of VeXy fte. quality., The title Lyons. Nyear�old heifer ­Goo, Xeja-� Ing, Salads, 3 varlet e 3 n -A, McMillan, %&a, Howrie� Cushion . I � I ..f, I I I, �, � . -0— I I , arts. ladies! fancy work, cooking, Pre­,nedy, J. Lyong. I -year-old. ,heifer- T. Anderson, , n. cho v U,I 1131.11ilnahedl� hocy�Mrs. D. 11rowler, Mrs, - �� . . . � , , I 3, ,I at Id _ I . . � - V . served fruit, pl�kles, bread And baking I Goo, Xenned, M DUral S 61 lunch ... , I , I 1, . . v, ,,T. Lyons. Heifer ,calf. _-M. . I . ; , . - - " - /. . I � I . . I - R1 : � . Dumin, ' T. Axamon, :Beat 6 plecoo akfast .set, . colored 0 I . . . . I f 11 medi I . Bro I I __� � I 1, 40 of all Sort$ made � a tempting disp! . I MAIL I I . lay six months. qua Over_ -J. Lyons, J )­44drs. D Fowler, ?�;s, ' . I I I" I . . - Ly- Volock luncheon -S, Triileavin, Mrs, B. 1 1 Rowfle, I . f � Roulp , A Deadi�, Disea$0 of Poultry , . . Ifid drew much favorable. comment.' Buffet s. -t (a pleces)7-4. Culbert & Sol, ! TH.K B . I 7 I I .1 * . . . - . I Ons. Bull Calf, six months and over -L' Roatli b011ecti011' cawled.. fru%. -four MISS, � fAR"'Ll URI . I . I ) , . -� - - . UST W ERADICAT15D � The local brtaxelt of the Women,$ ,In-. . fe " . I i ITISCONTAGIOUSs.41% � Lyons.� Hot r'cWf, Under 'six months.- varietlesi-mrs, Llv"h9stOil- 0 tea tOwelk hand." ('00" 1 -% - � I � 11 I stitute conducted HOwile, T, .J. &Ik,ld, 0 -I - N6111 Q � � . I 1. PROMPTLY. Sol: 7000deakrs-InCniiada - : . A booth� selling re- J. Lyons. - Bull ,calf, Under six montha-, Mrs. B. Roach, ColleCtIOXx canned v flnialled-Mrs. Brodie-' MISS Livingston..,. - .. � . � 1.2 .. . � " . - , * ; I - . frieshments, the. proceeds to � be dev6ted, . , Td -DAY EX 11; _ � I .1 . ,J)- ­:Z, , - ­ . - -"-... ". , , I J.' - - __ J. Lyons,�, Aged b ege­ CurtaIns, . han(4,11olshed-Mrs. Fowler.,f .. _ —.� a. . X,,Q,ILJ;LJ%X,Q " , ,. tltww`�- -Q1Ca44d*1-1Mi1td.__ - ­ ­ ' ­­*�4.:_ 14�qns_,_q�(�,., takes, four . V.Arletles-,�-A. B., . pbntla4d, Wag.. - '.1. I __L 1. I � , . I . � --Fro . WC.wi % I. , - � . L to relief. work In the W,e­at;-' � "­­,---- , Renne&. _t�' � . . , ... I . , I -Liviliff-srone. - . . . . 11 . , . L - 1. . i � . . . . ..r. . . �. . . . . .. � 1- A., Culbert. & Son. Collection pickles Livingston, Alia. 0. Guest towels. -Mos, . ;� I I .1 � ) i" . , � . . I I 1, Guef�h.'�004r r i� � �,�� "! �, . � .1$ � ' Grade Cattle . - 11 : I � i I . I ,. .. .I ­ - I Dungaunon fair , each year the , ,four varletles-Utg.r'Tremblay, . . :Fowldr."' I pair-1pil. r e&aba irend Me pi,ati tillow r " � I . . . ...- , r I 1. .. . Fr ,.- ­__ '. I ' Of Milch 4QW,,hAVIUg r Mrs. B. 1�bout gour - . I . . - . . I . � Mecca. Of Old-timOrsi. former residents raised calf In. ltmt - Re lolwcases, embroider --LT. . be&ukq pouweeil' � I . . �.. � I .. ... I I . I . I . I sell' 00"OctlOn *Jelly, throe varieties Miss , Livingstone led Anderson,. r � lt,, . . I . � 0� 1.10 . , - . I . ' ': 'r 1 Pair PlIlOwcages, - !J f I � ­ ­ � ! , 10 Jo ono V4010# 419109 Velf the district, D.Ad this year was ilo ej- -W. A. 011ser, ,13t and 2nd, 9-Y"r-mold, -Art Elliott,. Wallace Miller, MAN other haUdW6 r JIMAe . ......... I ......... !,.. � I ; r ' " . — � .. .r . I �. ,% . . I I 0 Addee,rx ......... *_'­ ............ F .......... ­. . I . r 7 . . .1 coptioni There Wag a good turnotiffronr heiter-B, .Treleaven.. Steer calt, unaoi sytupi 1. quart -T. Wiggins, A. Ctilb rk-ATC 21110tt, Excelsior � .... "! .......... ­ ........... ­­_­.. 4 , I . 4 . . Ooderich, Prominent Among whow ,Was I Year+ -W. A. Oraer, 1). Anderson, . . Orb 'Class. . Tattifig-Mrs, 0- VOWler. txeel- , . . , �, � . I 1. A VOLLAR'S WORTH � Speclal--SlIver - & 8om . � , � .. I . I l'i - I . . William BV0116. who h4i . _Up detlated _.� . . .. I I r 1, . . r I . . . . _�— � . I . . . li6,skrld ... . . . Act Misted a � y the . -7W 1 � r . . I � . 1, . . ) 0, fair for. 161f a -century or wore and was .Canadian Bank of C r JUd9qS r .4- C- AUtherford Wa. � W.. E, . � I _. . .7 _-, r . . 1. .. . I � � . . ip'thl 1114 $1 tot a elk weeks'tri.ql aubscriptlon to � . 11 .. . . . . . I . . I ; 01, is eon MAI, it W& oninlefte, Dungan- Loudon � I . . I ., , I for twenty-one yoars, its president. On nOnt for herd, four females ', dr I . .. NOWM - - . . , � I �� I I .1 r . . A one , VZOLVAOLL'S AND ROoTS te ri.f itiSt. W1 . . � , . . I . I , ... "Idar Lucknow bran band provided the Mafia from blAWes 0,4 and D-4 8, one )at yo,U . I � " . r . ..r TH13 CHRISTIAN SC113NCE MONXTO%t V. r. Lyon . T46, valae -ot y0ar telepb #;ahe it." � _- r L 2 heads cabbagc�-r. Barker, "arow . , . � 4d by Tnit es"itittw &biwxA*tZfttRd ftem2f . r I - I . . � . 1. � I 11 � . MUSIO. The Concert In the evenia,% was JU09d­­JRarr7 Salkeld. . . . . . . . robilab, � a . . . I I Schmidt . ... I. I r . . I I . . � Boston, VaW I very well attended. ., . . I .. 6 long blood beets ­� A, I . . . q . . . - . . � chommM6, .!8. & . . �� , I r I , . I i I" - . : I , I . '804 ,,,,,,t,. r _ . SHEEP - r� Schmidt: A. Culbert & Son. 0 Mangold I I I I � - I I . . '. . . In It t4U '0111 iltd th,J &Ity WA lftftj of The 1rOTJLJr% IfA se,6 1p"I&I WrIten I � e I .. : . . . I I . . I " dft$JrLne�j .jen'a &tj t. g . .� I . I I , . . . ,Leicester , . . . wurtzel-A. Culbert & -Son; A. Schrillat. � . � . I 1. 1. . . I ,Ift.otedr to Wo" ',I nto Ifit spoh. 1hutt: . The retUltS, Of t r . , . . .. ; , i . edatition, x1i to., etc. U will, it? V1.% r amw so . . ,� . 1, Woll to welt- 0, 10 your - � � I I � . . I , . " 11 1� RM VIOCAta Of PMIZ-& IM'19 13TO1111)l $On, 0 d4141"Oto Sdub$6 On 0 r WUrtZel, Mammoth Yellow Internie. . ; - fa.. W, ,B , . hQ races were as f6i. Aged ram, must be Mgistored-Purveg 0 ' . . . I . I 1 1 rlup, I I at:d t1k4b oner ItatuTti. . . . M., - I . . . . � Bros., let, And �UtL ShoArling rala-H, diate- D� l%JeAIIISter, r T. . . , ,r . 1. I . . , I r . , , � I . I , I I I I r - - y I I 6 I — %I I * - I 'I I � I i I i i � I i � I I I I i r � I *11 i I I . . , F - I I Art the , -,_�_­_ ­tf. . . - %. ___ - I lows. . Wiggins, J , I . ' I I . . . . Gk�la'Tace (Veatries).. no Colvin, Patterson & Soll, Afpdr TaWe I . . I . . I .. I Datk 13mv SlAtton . y ralolne� 0 Swede tUrnips-A. Bohr . I I . YOLTA telephotie is as � 1. boatot,ea$ok'ss didt, D. MCAI� I . . I . . . 17 .... 1,'Z:�'�'10'A"?9� n44 r,0S"3NhI tr 44�0 tt . . Alvin ID41e,, Ja 6s Ouibert and Samuel at and lister. 6 OrOy-qt011k tutIlIPS-D. MeAllis . I . ,� . I F od'auticirlDlIon. emele-ve 1). . . M Walla Ili 1931-Parves'Oro8.,' 1 . � . . . I .. '' ; . ) I . I . . � I . I I I Swan. . ., , I . �nd. Shearlinc , R*e��H, pattergon & ter.. 6 earrott, rlitermediate, red ' � valuable as you inake � , q I . I . ,,,., ­.. r _V1 . I I � I I . rL ..... I Mo, P1715 � .. 10141,0diled - raeo., (four entrles)_'noy SOX, PUlTes BrOS., rwe latnb­Vurvd4 Barkeri A� Schmidt, I I .. it, �o , , ,� �., . � , O.. . . I I � Colvin. ,ChrIq:!'Co6k,, S. Zintmermall, Bros-, 11- Pattel!8011 & Son. Raw lamb f0ts-�D, MeAllister, 6 Early Horn car- I �� r it is. always ready ;�., , r .. V. barker. 'a, ear. . � f, t r .16 �A . and a1w, 14's - . . ,,� *.. - . .11 MT17;)� � � Harold Allen. � . r . I ol­PUMOS BrO.9., It. Patterson iSl rg,)11. rot'", for fccaliall VlUVOSeS--A- SebrAldt, I . arys depeindable. I 1:�6 . 4 gunnhill raeo (or ontriesl-AllAn V,Ish. L � - O,qotd Downs I . , I . . . 1�- '. I � � .. I V- Barker: 19 white WN -1 t I � — , � .­ I! � � I . , _i;0_Vk ), . .; I" . ­ r ­ � .1. , � . I I d9ar sin onlo=-V., Barlt. . 11 It bffers, �ou speecfi with ? I . - , er. r ShIm ,Arthur Moore, j. nre. Aged, ewo'- rat G' lambs Ill 1031 --Or- Or, Bf�rt TrebaVOII, 12 -vellow onions ' . I �' . . .. 0 n (eta 'A I te) � . I a. I I I . . I � . . . .Am&4.6�-, 44-,6,1�1 is, t'1h,.6 I—. 1, 1 46 � 1, . . -4 I r I U10, I I . V1110 - 11COOV0411, Purveg Bros. Shearling P. Darket, A. 8elmildt. 1 Calton Multi .11 I mom people. It I . , ARGOWalil. fto laulb.- VI10r OnI0W­Lijthe%,Ia * I I 1; I _­_ ­ - I . . HIORSEV . Owe-OIN1110 tie, , . wore and I . I .. — . . tld & 33en y T. . . . � - . ­ I 1. ­ . 111. . . I L �'. ­ ... L I . . . . . LLLL LLLL - Orville UpGowan, Ptlrve5 "aroti. Rata Alldttson. . I I I L I -,1 ,0jj&_&_____ Oen=l PUrVMV:"T0aM In 11!�nle$% JP. I 1 q1tatt Didtling onlop I is always increasing in - , . . M ^ I . .. I. " r . . . . ThOMIV,0u- ACrlcultural-7�rvad nl3re 1,"Ib_O�vlllo MeGewall, 'r n3r1ke .-V. r I .1 L: . I r I*. ftooblor M,v$. ig tomatoe.l.._ : I 4 . I . I I 4 ;�l A, lulbqt. William Taylor & �Son. , ShropShiror 'A. Z;chu1J(jt, Mias ]0M%Ih, (; 0,1ra t I . cffl " i ineyand .� I I I U CW Q I . . I.. A, r I . �� %, r UK %ViggIns. Veal Of 1931-W. A. Cul- Aged .kaW, JnV$t er Porn -A. S4,IuW(It. 11. gtoglorg. pump. . .. . I . . , YOU * ow a man l It . krt, T. W1991M. 2-YeNr-old filly or batibrook, 0. Mcootvan. Shearling Taln kln-Wallac.e Miller, A. Culbert & eon. I 1Z I . L r I . . Able . Did ' ev"14 ka I . who d dn' like ' . - be *91st ed --6. I.-, I I . � r I L . � . !�ldinc-% Taylor and $,)A,;Oh&s. but. --M Vanbroak. Agt4 Liq,, raising .1 winter '_qlIa$ll, tor table --r. It rker, I L � . I �� � a g I a , � . . " r ,nin. I-yo%r-cld filly' or Vldlng-r4. An- I lambs jai 1931-0. binbrook, 0. McGo 0. 'UeAnbter., I summer, tql& I I I . . I . r � tustom Made Clothes? , ill, tot. . . 11 I " . I . , .. ­ � I . r . . . � , r ". I �, - I - I - I 11 . L - . ­ � _.' 'O' - , . ' . --_'r_--_-. - ­ ­ 1_.- ­,­. __ - W' table -4.' n"8tIflJfig,­_1).' TdZ!,&lU5t&, !I ,: ­ ,­­ � r. � . I '. 4=o% T. W*gln�. Vim iw,barnoft_�. aw v*a1h=1I,.1g 'bte-0. fdeddwail . . _, . " ­ ­­ ­ . L ­ rL I . . . 1)ettr %'Vatsan. - I I T 11 � . . . W& I bat �Wj I I Anderton, fte I GowA4, T' WA,ttrull)lots-V. 113Tker, 0� MeAllidor, . . L � ; . h. . ced, : 'I Peck J)otatws. carl% w1litt. na . .-- -K . - r� -_ - - 'L ­.... . I . .,., ,110 t'hey are igAcr prii I 1100�r &aUglI'-­48rWd nlae�-NV. Itay. Anderso�.' 9-im McGowan Med- . . I . 1=%�� I r r I I lor ruAd Smi, A. Culbert & Can; D%vo T. Anderson. . . A. Culbett 4h si)II, W6. D. pajwler. I . I - -_ . J ., have Sp-ecial Order Clothe,v at ' . . -, ­ f., . I M" -6A&*4jft1kW0W* Aur Other 11reed I VZT1k P3tAtOOS. ftrljl� ITfl, lasinied-A, . � K r . . , . Aged r&w, mmt be regIttCZcd_,V WhIftidt. 1 pwk patatees, late, white. , �lq�!�!��!�r "'. ! . . I 11 L , I—- . . $124.00 and tipr r . � . I . r I i)b_­�braal" Ist and 2nd, !Aearung ram. 1181fted-W41111CO, Miller, A. ISCIUnidt. t - ' - - - ;1 I , 10V I 1 ----.0. 0stibroak. Aged o% -p, ralsWg helft e4ullflo"r-p_ &,Lmldt. V. W,ty- Contracted Bad Co d " A� 4ft '41 ,=,,A In 1031-0. mcomia, 0. ftia. ch eltrout-X' Xtarker. J. B-. sliplilIq . 10r., Woody$ . . braok: Silearung Owc�-V- 1)3abraoko a ritsuips-r. X11Tker, A. &%lillat. ejq�. . A ... . . I A7Z t $0 1 # Left A.Wful Cou 11 ft�, .0*1 ' 0 . - lfttl(ilk Of 83rden Vegbtsble�-V. nark�?, I L�', I , . 15t, and 2nd. Vffill lawb�_7� "A"brook' A. Ml�m5jt. . . Stlits and "",L .. : 'Sust ll%M"At IwA twAs 0. UtaZTAn' -Ewo lLlraN­_-" I A178. Elmer " VVritea:— � fivertoats, dry-cleaned and' � 0. I)AMmk, 4 1 1 piatterpon, rtit, 2. rietou, X.S., I % � da I in and day,out. Pemim lc�o aild 2nd- 11�WtWlt&kt W_'b for ,best �tad5e_w. T. murrity. . L "I e0WrfttCd a bad 61d that left me with an Awful r � pre-818ed, P.M Rospatrinor I I . M L .1 the skiA WIt oftd lVa Of sht*. - say breed, to. c�njjnjs-t of $%WT19 L 11 L cough. I .. I - - I pliable. : 0 itt redness Oat 01,116 wad tilreo f6l!llv-,�. "do- . Applt5 I I For nighfs I never tut Ing heAd on a Pillow, Atka Ws* ') I , 0,),V'JA . _jdL I Would 0, eke to death. . . % ftlVtJ PTLO�1. rat &h" I ofteftafta 'D I resnodelling. iUd 14fte* I iN606 b�ctl­o. D.Awnaak. " " , any r,p!cj� 1 hAd Wtd 8111. "TtS of Medicine fmd wu in I I . J I � , �, .L.'r - _11-11— xvtt-'�C­3. Tdc-Quillin. tn',�W.ow, U,1144W�-J- It. iStIrIl". T. 1 q4kolll Norway U11til a frielid skilvi"d We to C11*. W06d's N42WOM ,,, I , . I- . 11. 1 'N * � _� Rmp, which I did, find I 0* uke" 4 105W &VO i � r . I P;m Ift WGR I I L"A% H_ 0 RTIN . Rf Chlldre.n 01*$0 1 . got 60" *W #Ad Xftt'r It"$ th"o b*h$ . I JurnANK 'A L . I r P " L jnj."b hAd eatirdy &;I �J L I � 13�t',Wl . � � Jr& r . I - $ nft W,. sk botfle-.U' oftoy*g* W` ,?#a aft I I . 4 , -n �azu,,a Z,,�,O�� x�n% V V ,t _V 141103V 144 TAILOft ond HA TTER . * � 'u -N. r" 'IV am View Ato"s; " - I . ,*-#*.*,-* ... 4A." K* . � R .! .�. !Mcarno. Bmt bo3r, 'any age or bicta, - Put UP OWY by Vw T. = 0Z, 0 � �, � I I -�" OASTORIA� MAI Tormto, 04k . I � 0