HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-15, Page 3T>,icVwY: aC�l' latiti, 1if3A ''HE � S''�4
-Neighborhood _ ._..._
�W A d $a £le3riu irk +a" ' Y: s+4h� _ � -� �, _ __.:-` m _ _. ��_ __. � PAC$z ` iM.�t
a WAUICI x vet. ; 1 �Q a . __�.__...._ T._._ _ _.. _ ..-._._.._ . _..-,_ ,
__:._ ._ .._._.._.. _ _ p p p i��yr ,_
iek Fxo� Out Iftchange --'-_'IFt"kim i��*40— Mt - M ROBERTSON u$ %wpm*? Ft29pUt _Bell
hash4 lz Sp��indal u+t�'ip1F71:p��,�hpW RI�Ppoil $4�I2 F�.CIa)^9y� 4� �7ti4Y3 , i�� � ��,y
. . ._,..... _. 6hes! A M�.T W tXNF µY�'Yl f �a �� ^';�f 4
Minton :l'I9Rart' Ii" tr �nt, Toronto, Thursday night, A,:t. Massed Into the liap.ds of a wcew i fimI Iia the A.era Ga dens at S,ratrcrd nest .
"00-111v *
�r 1st, #n lass ilUtja a FOR Monday. Macida and Wedne,day oven•
. avow
.gar. J. Nell has laurebwtl the•Mclver 3 ar. lie had made Bars of Tor�:ato, tufa eolruuen4Cd to tear 18, !sails, with tol"it'la"
laaat4nCo cza Tites�aY a .mttr:ge. Fredcrl* street, Cllutet, aznd home in. ToroptQ clucc vetlrinil from art- down. This bulldln3 has not 4cen Bur, After :Sara, tine {lra« t1wo tlaaCBetz Immediate possessiozi. lt,* praetlC0 "d Membership iia tho use for quite a number elf 3047% axed land afilo la4aplqfTAG'A iaatq 11ACt aua ppaldwyS :Ipso at lOrrtu sets Iiouso of 'gmmwcs, fallela laatq disrepair and at the bAtai:• DIAMONDS portuaa8ty 3a this iseA Att st of
Walter Kerr has purchased the fine Denratgwae•#1TieltAritlnrb ruptcg of ciao t aanaar$an-Ola, the �jSz^ 131b11 ai dramas, aaad r atlACaas r'f flats dof ;11
brlu% realdeuce, of Mrs" Fraser on James At the Roma" -Vathoua church, zur- it d receive i was fTOTa1 the tzraeGaCrw . - filet are fertuuato Indeed to he able to �����
. ;street, Brussels.. wposite the United Ich, on Monday. October Pith, a. happy' Muir.ldarttett $ ' sea. it sa eIlOse tta #aghtlO. Tho production e
%fnll�liat vatlle til llallloll
Clxtuala. event was eelcbrated, when Rev. L,.. A p,Gtt1+ weddingteak g)la:q vt$ fila ` is bClnii presCuatCd iaa SlrACfor�l unlet' �
New Fume #;ease at 1Finrbaa► Power 'united in marriage Evangeline Nortji4titie United claurcla parsanazf@, Sea-, Rings. This is hrl oppol'- the anspleea of the 14023 Club. of that r S��,V1P '
Tia@ contract .ills been let by the Jmia' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davids forth, on Saturday, Elrt, Sid; at 3 pan,. tijlltty til Sec r4: is i)i=1i41t1f111} ^ elty, the entire proceeds to be tairncd to t
Ducharine, Of tine Goshen Line .South, when ,lane'. Bartlett, danhter of tt�ta.di:Sl�nCtl 1IHI�, Set fulfil �ll�si the Welfare Bureall to be spent In ro- 1MIli1�R i
WdnghAara UEiI}ties Commission for the ,and Victor DenoMme, son of Mr, rind and Mrs. Bartlett, of Mitchell. was unit-.' , Ilef work this winter.
.x., ROn of a now pump house eq ed W: Mrs, Philip laenamme, Of near Drys- erl In marrfago to Mr. John 01arenVo:ceptiio l price. ,. :181 t'�;« Tlae greatest of Spoken dramas, us . 2 . I ,,
gI, RlntQul, Work, was commenced last dale, Mr. and Mrs. DMOMMO will re- Muir. son. of Mr. tend Isirs. John Mulr. a CelathQllutl price. presented by tine Frelbur
A Wee% on the new, building w#alch will be side in Detroit. Sea%Orth, Rev. stsses a wealth of sCenlo sll4e �Otrs�, pas•
I 1# t . . ulancalde the reservoir. Ay. P. Lane perforndn, • . *-�---- siva di mas'
(' Maley»11l way the ceremony. Aftt;r spending a honey- P, Salify and beauty beyond des,rlp•
lPiitY Ball Weighs 2a 3•Z tilts. t The marrlago toolr moon trip in London, they will reside In; tion. It tells thO over nervi stgry Of the
Mr, Iz V. i#oggarth oY EFretoz reports p#leo -on Saturday, Seaforth.' , fast seven days Otn CarGla Of JRS0.aS ¢tsarist„
OctaDer 3rd„ at two a cjock at the manna , E. e�
u pug ball growing an• the farm of Mr, at" RO�e'SUn from thq first entrances of tine Christos
. Exeter of Edith Alberta, eldest (laugh. TO 'Shin Carload of Bearisa r ��
Cecil Jones, Townline, Stephen W. that, into Jerusalem until His tcsurrection '
p ter McKay and the late Hugh lie re«entativhs of the various chair+,
s p 1 ` DIAMOND SPECIALIST froan'tho dead, Tile Character of -.Tho . w' � _•...
vreiges #!0 1-2 lbs: It measures 30 1-2 McKay, to. d12r. John E, Dal@Y, sort of ches in ,South Huron met #n Housall( And JZNVELER Chrlstus is taken by dCOrgo Fa snseht ., To'
incises across and quer 300 incheg in c1h
Mr: Peter .ilaley and the. late :Mrs. Daley United church on 'Tuesday, evening. of Phone 136 . Jr,, and his aken r y c3i a of the role to T! CANAOA ���� ��•► I.imltest I�tQ
caamference. of t9eaforth, Rev. J. H. Rhodes opieiat liasG week and discussed the pzacticatail, IL such that grouses the deepest Sympathy I 1.�L, ""
Depth of I Former .Wirtghaar, Resident. #ns. Mr. and Mrs- Daley left immedla Ity of sending a carload of tood$tnffs. to ,We speeializ¢ in remodelling old Of the enc l "
t Ira audience: The rale. of
.., After.a brief.illness: from cardiac trou-Y. after the ceremony on a trip to the dzied-out areas in Saskatchewan, Jecrelery, and Watch tie aizin�,' Judas
Die, complicated with Pneiunonla, ..Ar....: London. ,Niagara 1F'aUs_ and _ . p _ , u .. . tba betrayer, is taken by deg e _ ° ^-�^
rg �- ,.
TgrQnto, And .The various churches ware well repro Fanaciat. +�entar Protect tIi
', Thomas- ChisbolM, formerly-; of Wing- ' 04 their return will make their horse an seated and the tenor of the meet in tats. Th rd rte c. Cht,d from Lha rave ea Of .
t g was , . - • rn . satidttiah to the carat of 1 1 1 c nue; derived from tho g
3 p ay-ers ttarlc QQ3 o _, worms 'Uy usln3 Alothzr Carave3' Worm
ham, died: t :his residence, 15 Playter'ie groolat's' farm !xa McISiAop, .to assist in any;tvay acceptable to the upwards of 200 "su 11 t P"avtda re reatlon and
#.� ,� _.,.,�..__._.r. : ..:. �..�,�...,.�,.. j ##ar&waves-5htilinsiut>r
Relief Commission. Varna, Kippeit and ..,,, �,,, . i U the of 2 pets will tako Part comforts for thOsu, of their Comrades Exterminator. It IA a standard remedy,
� - ,- ; . , .- _ , ( p ction. There will be A less fortunate, many of whom Isave Deen and years oi„ usa have eaihanced. its rem .
ilUSlC . Miss Gladys Christine Shdtlinglaw. HensaL volunteered to ship a cox of t massed alaoir o1 quer 150 vglces an abed patients since t v putatlon,
. �Xr a beans if the Commisslon favored the 4„ Iar o he tar, and tourth,
yY .B.. OMW t 7Cho gest . daughter , .ot Mr. and 3�Yas. idea. 6'o symphony orchestra.
.:-,_,,, ,SlalIIingiaw, of lleaforth, and Mr. mne dCrlxcd. from -their -sail by'tltliia- - _.. __ .�_.. _
.. ,..._-1.- .._.•,.,,,-°,,...,,,, r Archibald a schitbe-S t , ch s s mmnce !s suffer .
_..------- r
OrSax+tst Knox Church.' Qodericia son oP P ter Hargreaves, Young¢r iter, e . i used for local reltet amonff •Cont* .
In a word. Ilrltlsh 1i
L1G�N iG'Tv�`t'�t'' talcs and their tatnllles in need, from the high Dost of 6aeiauam.�.Ta. .
Music Master Stratford Normal SchgoY. ( the late Mr, and Mrs, Jahn Har- An event of interest to many !n Gh¢ do Smjd onto Telegram,
Teacher of Piano; Singing. Organ. greaves, of Toronto, were marzled in Eg district took place st St. Peter's Luther- O Ry. NaVamber i;th, the local
- Preparations for all examinations of the mondville United church, with, ah ch'in`ch, Zurich,, on Saturdn d caber ( n Wednesday eveninu, October ;31st„ veterans will attend a Local church in a
Toronto Conservatory of llinMusic, Y. c a banquet is being held at 'Clinton un- body, Arrangements for, 1t*Woh have nL.V w�-�-.
Oharles Malcom ofllaiaLing. I,iat @r Mr. .
Studio:. Cor., West & VVeIU. . ! rk- 1.der the auspices Of the Clinton :branch yet been Som leted,
3rd, at . 11 a.m., when Rev,: E. Tae p
^Phone. 033. , and Mas. Hargreaves left by motor for him Performed the ceremony which of the a .
Lak¢ of Bays. On tlieir' re ur ani ed : jx . marzia a rt '� L Canadian Legion in honor of the - P Armistice DA all veterans
. .. r.-^- -- t n they. will B Gertrude Bertha n Y velli .LEGAL�CARDS live in Toronto. ou e- �. Pi'ovincial president; Lt. Col. P - meet iia Exeter f Nernt%
Y ng $t daughter of Mr. and .Mrs, C. "x rpnse OY at, Ir
. .
. ' """^ Forileth C. SchAbe, of Zurich std : '! ha will ba the main speaker.` •Iteds exp t dins A County�Arvtistice' a --- --., .., .
- Ay,S,,& HAve� Wedding Aunt orsary n
3 , 1v
n Mr. Wlulam ,
' a Pected a Oooflty number of the. local Far the first time Canada tV111 thisrveco t
On •Frida . J. Sittez, of Thedford.. Only the itnme, year A raidYel1 Ta Ste : Alor . i
members will attend • observe Novemba y . 0 i# mR Da
Barristers fail Solicitors. son Y, Qgteber 2nd; a very Plea- diate .relatlt�es atteniied t A' r lith, ttte. v
R, C: Hays, K,O„ and R, C... Hays, B.A. t @Vent was quietly celebrate ha wedding, On Thursday, anal ersarY ttlhQ..Df. illisl '
s od rl h I ho e d at the A>t@z u motor tri :,.Mr, and Mrs 6 a s t . ;:: day, aletaber 20th,_ the local Of thQ slaning of the Armistic ills unit Pitts: (tt1nlG
Hamilton Liget, CI e c m of �2x. and Mrs, James Bell .af p liter branch intend Putting national @, as a PIGYEd t0 0
will : seal@ dawxi an the .groom's farm tt g on their first hgltday, to be knatvn as Ra• l�1r5,tIIlStill .
. Telephone $8' ., H'ensall, being that of the 40th anniver, ;a l al
-* :sa oY near Thedford. '. , e Pseason.` Among other m nibrance Doty. The holiday has beam be What
rY theft wedding at which their r t events of the. evening .the c t made statutor b
„ e+ Y KjaCc to Y Y reason of fittexaslve �,
OUGLAS R. NAIRN. - sons, Wi111am; St. Thomas; • Elliot, Rea4 IEntato cleats at Zarlo>i jaaYe' with them ns s Le ollotving a leve
T� t" rn
xp "-- -. Toronto, and Rb °f Twa re 1 r :. , a pecker, the. newly Sion rtiotts, thereiOre; they intend i1 " . .
Roy, at home; and da h,.: a estate deals of 'interest were "� .. fn'dueted' minister of Knox loin the r NQW' I ntss, writes bits,
8artilster and $
Oucitor ter, Jessie trans ' ' z Church, Rev. g I uimasC to. make the occasion o
iYB� J hn Stinson, R,P Mo,
Mrs. J. P, . Campbell, Were acted In Zurich recently whets Mr, ono, late of Wallacebpr v a .memorable one.
D.:. J: L g, vho, -
` r' Office: NORTH ST: Phone :512. f Present a d o J h t ., a
most .enjoyable. %amity re- Purchased, from mr. .. s p Arinistica x11 erboro,',t)ntarla, „'
• g a n H. Iiochems
according to report. is can aetive Legion ght, l�lovembcr. lith, :an. 4 my nervi tt,
. : RANK DQIiNELLY, $.. A. union spent. Oscar Klopp the house• and jot. now oc ..,,t worker, having been. a me old time dance ere badly
cupied by Mr, Frank IC s executive of alit]
L� I mbar of the a a testi ba laaici in the .Odd,- SCCOD �
. , , , Address and Presentat o Qchem , 'Mr. the • Wallaceburg : branch . fellows .Hill 'under the aus
• � �. shattered, I could not _ •,
n At lel "' ! during the x'st ar lac l pleas of the slaap at night. and tufa
Bara+ister, Solicitor, Eto. , ;On Saturday PR+nloPp retaining ,the old church -proper P Ye and as Wallace- a. branch, •wl.Ch added feat afraid tq st
Phone '282.: HAMILTON.,4T., Gaderich. Y, evening, October 3rd, the formerly known .at the Zurich . k Utes in ttae ,� , aY nitlne to the da tlaae,
• neighbors of Mr, and Mrs, William Mr., Klo h ba Cry, .
t. , > burg: branc;i,_ obtained the highest Per. form of jluckY Wekets, cEc. Finally l dacidcr -: ,
pp PurCliased the fine dwelling• centag¢ of new members Posters tat ole o o use m
Hornet', of Iii en
,Pp , gat{lered at the r Property in the southerly VinCe-Wide ¢ pro-. later, Lo id ratncciy--Lir, ti itliams Punk Pilb . I
•�t. I�. DARROW. .• . home 'a i Y portion of the j tgembership drive lase 'sPrin tool sovcrtal Loxa9rt-I ti
and ape a social avenin town -know s { :: Italnnln s, tnzantsuro:ofthn
. . . l11 I g. with n a ,the lvlcl3ride home; by competing Pratt •soon onto numb
s the ileo p . ng against Y now the girl hitah�hlker er, hatt;ic v as not Over six.. I
"""' - ahem ;prior to their departure for their_ which includes. one: acre of la 211 branches
Sarrlster, . $giicitor, Notary 1PubUn; Etc. land, Pos ; at sural Was: a credit' t tl Yet someozT
!new home in Exeter, D ses �. y' a tviil bo looklxi a to +pull her an "Veil' lard-stkong nate-•livtti qn a
Successor to .J,. L: •Killoran 1 uring the course signs, tzt bgtli cases were given linin¢ . the executive. of that bra around tl • farin tivit 1 *�
elphone 07: Office The Square,. C3aderleh., of • the evening; Mr. and Mia. dlatel .. ? Lyn nth. i a@ sitr►tliig rfnk,•..Torotxto. Tela h p enty..a da.
.> were.
Hornet' Y , j, November 6th and 7th the annual gram, a iron and other elements in 1?r.
presented with an aleatrie toaster Cars . Collide at WtxiSham 3'oPpY Campaign 7vlli be'ha W Iliams* P1nk Pills o
..:,: unched. >Itcli' tt (tonic)'have a direct,
RNEST M. LNE------, , . Two cars met. i - �year.thla Is carried effect upon {
- . . ---,__. ,_.. ,_ �:`_ n a tread on collisiOil . ' ed out throughout flan.. I. Britannia iruies tho waves, he bloxtd, They put ri. ea . '
'_ - -• Monda a oda, in fact thio s, 'but':somer ; IntO cite bio
a c 'tYg
y night of last !@ek on the, main , ughout the .British Em• times when the' ..vin-aK}gan, .the etas
. : Barrister and Soltoltcr: s p1re, It h is income ment.sq as o
1 lues la dstreana
'i}An :'Life 81dg., . Adelaide and Victoria
treat, of Wingham about 10.30 o clock. i as .'iEs many Sued features, Britannia:, wlaives the talcs 4 , scptlai •tn Iffc:
`j� s.:: First, Canadlan .products aur
e rr e$t. treet The :one, car was driven py Leonard Mcg F <. ' a
Telephone, Elgin 6301 ` ;. makl tot'c ttiletam
are .used far Ytoday
Innis, accompanied by Miss .Blanche ns poppies and ,n refills. 'Seco
1.... • Tor' 2r { .. ....�.... nd, benoiits�ive O E)cr swill toy.
+ Mcboitgali of Luck ow �.... 1 It occupies the time an . Pln .l'ills:havc to fiivC. au? R
. r. ( n ,and the; other , . 1 d wind of those I ,� , 3 . a aura to
., k The humble • ar wa D ,,.
E 1 Qii,.. Wh Il .1Villia
; 1 1@etr"cal ilQ by deorge G+lonscher Win ham.
g Mc <; o y tnCaPaeitated In the hos f- wink d to ,,y drugglyt
. , - ^^-�`....,. Y nis P e be proudofsanythin thctioe it exactly by s vi �t th
not r ,
will know. a
DUDLEY E. --Owl S. ^�*-�+� .. n who heti ,be tt sS P You tv
1tl .
marrlster, .Soitgitoi•, Notary Publie,
Conveyancer, Wee
"Phone 27: UALMILTON ST ,
. --- =� -.,., k
�t"'SPECIALI51 !
~ 3 7F, F. J R. FO`1 BTER, ...
Lute House Surgeon New York Orph-
;tthalmle and•.Aural Hospital, assistant at .
Moorefjeld's. Eye Hospital and Golden i
•7r. quare : Throat 'Hospital, London, Eng. .r
03 Waterloo St. 5., Stratford., Tele-
. Phone 267. .
Equrpped with electrr.
o -magnetic: baths.
'Electronic electric treatment End chtro-
Isrtagtic. Chronic; organic ..and nervous
:disease's, Lady in attendance. Office
hours 2 to 5, and. ? to 8. phi., excepting
14onday and Thursday by appothtment:
A. N. ATKINSON, residence- and'
ice, corner of South sheet and 'Uri,
tannic, Road Phone 341:
Live Stock and General Auctioneers,
1£igln Ave., Goderioh.
Sales made everywhere and all efforts ,l
made to give you satisfaction,
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
Phone 110,
'%'•", BAILIE.. ' .
General Conveyancing donb
Gogd Companies Represented, . "
Phone 08, • Goderich,•:Ont.
irk ANCC CoMPAr"Y. . . '
'Ei'TY I\b111h1;j)
'Value of property insured up to Jan- '
nary: 1910._ y3.f,'r,8.n76.M. '
OFFICERS -••John , nonriewlse. .Prost.
Ient, Broadhagen; Jas. Connolly, Vice -
?resident, Goderich; lb. F. McGregor,
gen-Treas.. Seafortb.
WRECPOIi8-,las. shouldlee, Walton;
Vin, Wxin, Constance; George MCCart•
ey, S.Itorth; ltobt.• Ferris, Harlock;
rohn Pepper, Bruceflold; 'A. Sroadfoot, '
heaforth. .
AOMN'T�-W. J Ye:o, IL A. 3, Clinton,
:s. Watt, il,Yth; Ed. Hinchley,' Sea
trth; John Murray, Seaforth.
PolicYilofihers can pay their aespss-
nents at Calvin Gutt's store, Uoderieh;
'he Royal Sank, Clinton, or J..Ia.
tell s, Bayfield
1r111E .. .
en a ending the show,. huinllitY.^Los An el l 50 cents a eek' fat,
waseleavin for home;.
-- -- _ s es 'Pluses. N .. age: .
We C e, ..when i3lgii:igheir, --
g r -: t33 _ ...
arty, a 'good,sto:ck of-GEORfiE ,)t''A _•
$SNf1CiIT;.. Sit. - ..-„�
driving' north, crashed into him. ' 'As
Electrical A]�pIi411CCa soon as the accident Happened CFlousch._ :One of the famous Tassnacht. Sanafl oY
Y L�uli Pens iAround , He
er jumped from his• car and: ran and Freiburg, Germany, :plays the art .of r'HEADQUARTERS
i ,Y.tratr,es 'otc. P 11 % .
was not .located' airs: His c "Jolla,'. the Hetr er "t 11 1.
. - Again. ar 1Yns aY ai the ]Sas-ion '
,. ..
-"^- searched and twb bottles of beer weie
Play which is coining ,to the Arena fib' � _ �hort�i-rss o
bund.- None of the occupants wer¢ Garde"ns iri Stratfbr on ii 1
We Specialise in P
.r t e nights o£ TSH COCICSA
hurt . Octobe
althea r 1
Y h Mi 3 0': n ..
g Was :Mc and. . 21
baa a c1e
11, or e. y'as -
g .. s
.Mts �r)=
Wiring � n
t Itl7Fr
n O1F' , C b
AI nnv.w
$ I Kinds . reaeiyed a bad bxuise.on her apse.: Both nacht, Jr.,..piays The Ohx Out: writes; --"far 9Ome e ` ., ifamilton
• � � .. Istus", in the: sad general ,linos. of •b'arm Izn- •
« a t ino 1. hall pains a�roi na .
Estimates given on cars were badly damaged: rireat Biblical drama: elements ^and :Repairs,' 'ir►clud• my heart, I teas tg short of bre tl..
s t could: hardly
Engagements Announced' ^^ ^^ ^^^•`^�^^^^ , Ing the United and Allis Chat- , . Lao up acusis, and a ttuld not et tiny sloe at n'
.application .6 p. night.
.The engagement is announced of Etta In all infantile complaints th.&t 'are •mer Tractors, at i A friend' had told -100 hbout-9Iilburtt's : '
AST Work Guar anE1.
Ilight and
Sed Rae,, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Robert the: result of: the depredation of worms Nerve Vilis sox .tfir).ught I woulii give the atrial,
In the stomach and Intestines GODER I fin ,thun�fnl I dirt :far after taking t
Wright, of Hallett, to Mr, cavil, Wren Mllier s R.. .req 'bozOrl X
EYre,' son t Mrs. Silas. Eyre of Tucker- Worm Powders will be found a eff : rsrm; can Stec) eoundl ail
:.. felt like ra tiiffetent ice
drank McArthur Tu ex n act phone 598: :Kin at • : ni¢lit, and da all 1tiY Osvn work not ,'r .
smith, the Nodding to take place the 1ne remedy, They tlttack the cause of
middle of Oct «- :the:,. troubles, o
g n St yol I u+ lilt tlz n and e�neral atony or mt►ilad direct
October. a es, land by ex elan the° g R
, Phone 8� - i est Street 0 p s ' nn rtlolipt .4,f lir); o, br The T. 14T&ra : Ca., if 1, '
Mr..And Mrs. Albert .McGan of ilea WOMA9; from the organs Insure nn order r "" MCA, X5,00 'i box 'f`,�rnnrir, Ont.
forth, announce the Cngagement.of their ly :WOrklnn of ,the System, without whlch� -- ;" » - �•---�,--..-:•_.. .
w, „._.--
-.,». _+
a e-. , ..
only daughter, Della Agnes, to tuft Ale>t-.:the child cannot maintain' its_ strength "'
under T. Dennis, $on -Of, Mr, John Dennis or 'thrive•. These. Powders mean health .. ,, o
. &' . and the late Mrs, Dj.nnis, MCliillo • and improvement.
• The . morriage will take lace tri p r . ,. �.'
. . .
(� Q early in October. p q .Cly _
i, . :,
. R , e l � . Ma bO.
exhaust from the air shi s
i+ �.:e Mr. and Mrs,. C3•, W. I•lorne, of Exeter � P
the cloud fads
a na so
announce dark:
c the ettga a ant
g m of their' .' `,
.ter E
t1g !via La I
a pain uretta, to. Mr, .W3ll34an^
J. Routly, son of the late Matthew and . a ,
Mrs.. Routly,. the marriage to take place • '
,safe' In Ogtober,
5.1'1 el.�%. 24 .Barrels Apples --One Tree • _
. Western, Ontario, home of the world's ' - '
finest flaunted appICs, can boast a. wor- , These Special Values Are Ei'feetive (let. 15Eh tb 17th
�� thy champion this year In a glorious. 11
,SPY 'tree on the property of Kenneth . i''- it ,
Cameron, .of LucknoW, whicli this year
will produce more than 24 barrels of I� .
apples, This line tree,'lufr. Cameron's
1 . IS '.of Q UA. '111 . 11
h g. » personal favorite in his 300 -tree arch- 1 r '
r .�- ard. has in, the past' 1s years .produced a AT PRICES THAT REALLY ,4PPEAL .
0 _ - _ I03 barrels. of saleable 'apples, and is to- = .
�p£ER : day a splendid, health `
�. y _ y specimen of the In .
,SPY variety, ,Mr. Cameron•, one of the r FANCY ; ly
I.. .
y most ardea;t orchardists n Western On �07 p,
,may z 011� . , .
tarlo,. . . . . .
sprays his trees flue tiaries a year;
and cuts the grass in the orchard for -a. 9' •
You Can stays relieve that ache mulch, He Uses more than' 1 rif70 Y s .O
or pain' harmlessly with Aspirin:. to hold u the limbs p2'' - I ..B ,
/' Plie7g,
-EVeri those deep-seated pains . that ing. trees, had fl mbs of his profit -mak- I C
male a Man's very bones ache., )+Ven ds his markets chiefly
.....'systemic pains. so many' women in Montreai, and to some 'ea;tent in lilt.
suffer,- The : tivill ter years in the British isles: #n his.'. I" I` . . . MAP= L> AV
Y r. Yield to these OLVAN, PLUDAP
tabletsl Genuine Aspirin has many orchard are Baldwins; splea, Ben bay. - ..�� ? CHEESE .. .' .. .11111 -
to... ?c DATE z -lit. 2
important uses.. Read .tile proven iso, Mazlns, Wolf Rovers and Russets, h��LJB . , •
directions,in every package of gen. ""^"""`------- ; t'11ATt nt•;Nz'oa y
wine Aspirin; and don't a lfilA, any �^ CATSUP ... ........ .r;o;,, lUc CORNED BEEF . , 112.1 19C
needless pains from lasuratgi3, nen- Bladder LrQ��Qs
suis, rheumatism. -•
Keep t; bottle of these tablets -in • ' Icy .past 40 .
the house; carry the Pocket tin if Bother � � ". jam.'.'`
subject ,to unexpected heudaches, Seven Out of . Ten Are itlatim�T But I H EAT " OL KS
sudden colds: Quick relief .without
tiny harmful effects; Aspirin floes not Writer Teas It'ow d'Uratabs Bring '
deP ress the heart. Just look each Swift. Arnazing Relies tVlth 1,'rt tSWZ' HARD -rO KLI~P
time for the name Aspirin- ilnd the Renewed Vital 1 ores . A e) D64 -
word denrtixlc printed in red On every - .WHEN �� -
box, "No' one lmows' better than 1, the hor- Y CNGA C. ''fir
blended snit Peeked in Our Owit Plant - •
Red .
JAT04*00 116. 2940
A BL�AL aTlitlNf3, 1•'LAVOTtY i3LI ND - 7- —� .. .
..t. . if
Everydrnggisthas genuine .Aspirin, ror of joyless days and ticepless nights. FICAT �OL}CS 'rO 11G1 -rte HE(. NAVY' . VLORIDA GOLD .
and if youjget. the., enuine tablets 'There have been tini,@s when I felt hope- TOILET PAPER 3 nw.w, 25Cc CRAP Na. 2
YOU are sure to getrelief., Ieps and helpless --anti when my wveal:- 7
? 11
EFRUIT • • , Tin C ,
ness Caused me the most intense lluanili- • "- at1 :11r;� .. z TN 1
atlon, Only those who have r �vl��/, t lblUSTARD , 4•g -•_,. �..,..- tone { ,� ifi I r
""' through such tortures can possibly rea- j•• • '�t idr + • • , . T
•tin 25e SHO POLISH 2 Tim 20C
lize my great satisfaction when Dr.` -i.
A' �
SOuthworth's URATA$S brought me ' 1: i jl : riIIf:T,TOIrAIItt .
0S qutek relief. URATABS are truly cion- • SAADANEVS
IIrAvt)w.Bf derful,• and I give them full Praise,, „•, ,
.. f LAST
II&IN WAtA1VTW� C30bE11rCM +9pch amazing evidence serves as, con .. , �- . N l .
.�A j
slave It attended to by the Vincing proof OPS the POWei Of VRATAIar r. y ;, - fI
2111: bnADPQri--• ii
WXWAti93N MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE to relieve those distressing alhnenti5 so r, r b i ' MADE1Orty
FIrN�irAl: I)IltucTo il- Often a handicap to those in middle, llYe, �% K jf
`0 XER
a Estabifalleri 1II9$ life.(3 tlu4a Il artiia
Bead Office: bun , - 4 .
Bannon, Out. and tiIBA .i6tElt . Overworked, , ZIUC91811 Kidneys, and i j: L' ' t"1'
01=4., Hewitt, 'Wricasraltle ,,roldent, AL'3O Madder Weakness,_ .bring Ola. ad xllalil+ .-_; . _.1" "" . �- T1IP nto'
► 15'obtrt bavidaori, 1�ungannon, Vice Pre= f
A1113IM5A TC> SEUVW8 ALT A'LL diotreasing: ailments which so Often lead �• hoe'Ver Cooks' , file falllilv'S SOAP 11AIt J 0 pit
si URS••- XIG11T OIl DAY w .
aident; 11t addition to the piteafdant anti:, td Geridus.dlseases that every tiutferer "mealy-wh0t}ler it's the }�av
Vice President, fixe fdltoWing are IDiz front Lameness, Pains in back and down of the 110 se or a; illald, 15 ell• MAY' FIELD SIDE e
' .+actors: W. J.. Thompson, Auburn; Wln. i'boeet:ltight 1i. -. Day 1Z0 through groins, scanty but frequent titlelt tO tht; heat fuel obtain. `I`
2, Lticknoty; _ "..letting -up -Nights." S3ervous /�s
McQuillan, Lueknow; W. P. heed, iR,. R, urination, V � ��yo� fill, cc
rtart'y L. Salkeld, Oode-i Irritability and Lael. of r'o;Ce should aide. 1Vr)ilottd call cook �oUtf s� �.RMR xLOA ' VC
# . rich; Ernest Ackert, nolyrood; Tim I ====="--=��� - try the .amazing value of Dr. t outh. fold witll poor' fuel. A great
,GriMn, IL. It. No. % Luokntiv. Worth's UIIATABZ, at linen tl deal of dissatisfaction anionrf
e .,% Itat2a30 per .tilouisatid ` Any room dru_ h ,, '
gi;lat will supply You on Cooks rltaJr '}3e traced' to tPIa �• 7 With a world-witio to ufaidgn stet curtly11
� G» T r.> AVl zit, et,Y. b , �'�,, a guarantee of satisfaction ar isaoney . daily battles tsrith a refractory I G,�y
.i�+ 1111 .W. 1,Stl
THOS, 0TO'lrlMUS, Tren. r back. kitchen Move. .�,,c, ORat H NI''s
p �- Solve your 5erv;lilt r(llalelll l"✓itil
_ __ _ - . _ ___ _ _._ PtInO rAl �ii't dor and The Stanyrurpase oit._Both Ia the Y _
Embalmelr fo•lse alto aable there ora scares Of uses sonic of our excellelrt Blue , 14 `' ..
far Dr. Thdiilas' Y 1eCtric OIL "Use it coal. , ';, n,z4, A.GLE ���
°' Also Ambulance 5lr+iic ,�f '�� _ `' 2,
for cuts, .bruises, laulyls «ealdi..tha linitis � '1ltlfi
Of rltea.sslatL,sxt and celatiea. cora thracst Tl� '
t Infatnta and thiidtel►t ad8 l� Ontario and chest. ItOrcm are llablo very larffe • -- ."'�.`*_
I7�Lfwf tf;$ I A1OPATtl])
fit l�s#d�t�`ow01/�1r30Yta>wr► All a}}'� ps�tnp�ely.aittlded to aiij,�t inallkllad, auto ora cglnilslaapx ns
a to yhYaliar , and a and CHOCOLATE BUTS lb.
Bally �srerax.r; APRICOTS ..:... tb.
Altvaye baro r�dy ilii night stole to fila it i'dC11 11a43uent0 of cillo flia0 , 4110V I'Ll6ric 3 la¢sv,q C e�TtA
ti,a 1phoneu Mora 1166 to 353W Old retxaedp tvlalell 143 Mafia tl=:tnds°� IJ �� ��bp I,0AI, ,�$
Ugnliture oS4il8iul ' a • (' . ,�y ¢¢�tt a. x1�, ra AIS .. Sr 290
,;., ♦ �ft4 .. .., frfieiael$ rdtlrrtsl� tIa vitt �, I `�A:IJ`. �. $ ....tom' � 6.r t..,:�tf , . , x.
Ma 1% '. flR s y ' R in
JtaFti> U y� TE +r��� • ..... ilia
!"adtie>alCle ° � � ...�•:L..,_u.:a.� r�. �-.. ��4, • _ . ..
. 1 :
i.c2�::_, ..