HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-08, Page 8,-. . - VAGI: luour � ti - . THE GODERTCHR�TAP_ . I ­­_ ­ . . - --- ­­ F- �__ ... -_ . - I i . 11 I . �_ I ,.I 1-11—i", I V , " .�, ;i � --- , "��_�� - - ____-_� I I .. 'i;��RYBR0019 I . . � abla clw.wo, t4aluir a two dquble gar. ­ - � . , ____ __ I I age, Sbu paiatuw ana SrAlolux On the Doinp at the m-eptfaa of W W. J. Th1)MPSo-'l, 114d to the churiub thb ii!�IaAy evcraug., . n"T. =�hael UUVAY aud family ,were, Ulterior 09 the dwelling and IloWIL-4 of Auburn, wh3 waa in atteldauce at Q,,t*er io. Mr. Arnold Porter will iza-ve I Vlclzrs Ili London IW 601140Y. I , tile ftweral of a reuijve in Torouto, tkvge of the XaVetlag. Rev. F. W. � Zlrr. & Q, Jobuston al,endeA the call" Leoding the hydro. Making a beOutiful lame, DuRpmon, I The fall fair, Which was held bere ou art* train* Vlolwk W. *4 4. Qxidk Will lead the cits-,U$gon OW $be . I �' V=%1014Z Irl UAMeY Ua% Toronto, 1*4 aiad- tiero - .., I , WeilacAday and Thursday last was, * de- No. The 40=0 Of M0 ­0c"80 Anderson subject, 'fWby should we bno.me xnem. r�,,�-i:. l I , 004 Swccss- Fine WvAtber prevailed Will sluott, Now U*eard, bas W43 -the meeting place for the W. X, a. b"s of tw 1�lmre,b!,* AU Me YO=W 'k nwatku of D M,5:)vvic p0ple �t. been, vistuo; WIWI liar Maher, Mo. a", llary of , � , " a - ,and tille exhlbIta were large, bah in � xr1likina PreoYted4n church people Ara cordially Invited. � . U.,&3 VA0a3QIvc03T7 4=0ZO at WC31 � L Ire (FroM another correspandent) . . Lry Gwos; poultry ana,.e Inside exhibits. WeWAY afternoon. 7he prestaeut. ,. . . I - of T.40 , , ly" a -.,e last &"day. lot Iota Brodle. vanceolm 4, Ash. on NIS$ ROM Davidson, of Clinton . 40 "MR19 conlica, which Was held on fair $jeld. 11".1W hy4r 4dane . cute , 4 , Y QC V 4 the Chair and I xr. wit -03 ww")uy 1122 returned to . . 44444. aad a crawdc4 bouse. The play, _ 0 ingaliC4 In h1l fine UrA^ UCV endauce. After de School of Commerce, opent t -he weck-and . farm home, I there was % good Ott . I . Oz-�C=. Valley ,attvr a vie�Ws visit With "Wilen. a Feller Neeft Lil Vriend", wa's votloual exerebes. 14 which Urs. V I this!'Vicullt.y. by Mrs. Harry Anderm, ot' , , . 1 -.1 --las 14 illson With ber parents, I I All our old, l300k3 Put on the AOuravlayors and y4lip"J'owl 904 Xr,l, George Anderson read pos� Ur- alld MtS. .Irwin apelran, of De- Tila Wommla Instfitute win meet On . w" Was x1miltar an Tuesday with Mrs. sage$ of 'scripture, and . . well taken by each one taking part and RU Harry An. trolt, mcb., Oro ViNitina ulth Mr. =4 . %VzzDzcsday, octabc., 14M, at U10, homi UtOrge Anderson, dersm led in prayer. Xr$. UcWhingey Mrs. J. N. ,spelran. -4 . I � are Sold lwa-% weltrecelvel, by the larpaudlgu�,e, 'W" 'Tralle Carr has returned to hiM gay Q., Mo, 895t. Q10=0y. -04 t . 'Miss Maud Modregor is Visiting -"4 home after an an Ur. and Mo, Robt. 3&4%ilts.ter attend.,, .14!63 vozlla. Chamucy 44=01.04 t , joyablo vialt with Ingo a slnop$b of the executive Meet' ed the funeral of the. late ThOo. Hear/ . We are restocking our library frlend$ In Clinton this week. WIngh4m, velatives. . which sue -attended -in Toronto last , . co=�eatlou 01 youn� pmfplols �a3zlotical 1� '';, ­*_.­_­� I . � , .1 week. The r*cret%ry. Mrs. RM, read of Aubum, on Thursday, I a: %)Ad.1t1PT., last FrAday and Saturday. ,wIth, nc%v,., � clean, fresJl . Mr. And Mrs. M�Burney and family. tim Minut#3 of the PrevIDu* ,m"ting and Born --04 Sunday, Oct or 4th, to M*. an .0 . . . .d Urs. ,11aar PAtMon and , . 1. AUBURN rordyce. Visited Sunday at tile home of called the roil. Feeling Vefereace Was up, And Mrs. Vto. VAcorler. 4th conces- ,, Mr, ond Mrs. Thos 6104, A. $04, 40OZI U. -.1.11Y. of w4n,"llar", wera Sunday vist. � Books. . . .. Adauliworc, visit. Mr. Sind Ws.,Wlipam J. Carr. made to the PA0111419 Of W-Csiroltne Mq. t"'m at Ilia homo of ,161r,,0hX5. RGbInson. I I I . . 499 friend$ In ,Toronto last week� . , . M4 and Mrs. Ites--ou and Mi , gratulaunas I . I . 1 S.3 Clara wilald, a much -loved :And Valued =is. . ,,The Beginners, Class at union chilreh I . At a ;NW#= - meetbw-� oro tile Young Ms. Prost, at Elhna. townsi-dp, is vWt, Sproul. Of atr4ford,. were receiRt, ScbOOI, - wIth XQrA Sowerby as teacher, . , , Get a book from our libra' ' I 4IQn;4ry W iapan'� and sirticje$ on ,let ! vz�.Aos socigy *the. �,)Rowlua officers ry. �u at thev,boxie, 01-mr. ..0e with Mr. and Mrs. Davia' , I Were 01043-1;4: Presid at 9 present. � orge DAWSOR Dungannon. Pair. one of tile lAs Afid e And -by her pen were read by Mrs, WOU the attellidgMe banner lor the Vast . gat, OordoA Nay- and ionjoy the long evenings.' McWh'nuey and Mra. NVidlion, Vile Quarter,, � . , to-.; vloo *v-.I4e1kt3, Joutl. A. Thommoft, . Airs, Andrews, of GogerIch, w4$ the 'best of the, I I I sessoin' is to be hold on ft4l arrangements for the tbankoffer, a. S. X% 6. Godcrich TV. . � t � - I Vc=a C4M., oy, Uorle,r�. 4ohnston and guest Of 11140 son, -30, Amm Androwso-the Thursday, ON Friday of this week. . I , I - e . � . �, � -� - -Tetxryotreaaur�r, ; - - ­.. ­-, _­_._­-.- - ,� I,-. --0 . .i ' 1- r:� ­­--Xr­V. ... Ituat 6t0hox, qf:Tarouto, Was 149 meeting to ,be. held early, in Ngv=. T-% f011OWIng 1:5 the -report of a.. S. 11 t -F �, .Stweek;. ­­ � � I P'Ta 40fremat-4, JANt VArt"Di! 4 I I I . � . Or veto -e efed and after the alngp- NO-. T, .00deribb, . . Marjorie, Oara.0101. Last Veld4y. even- I I ­' I I . It to rf-porte4 that Mr. Nelson Hill has a transient vWtor Ndth his parents, Mr, , � To,r4rabip, for th6 � . . . . I I g or a b . , ana pr4yev by the pre4t, mouth of September, 1931, � il . 1 14u.,3 the mceting va I and Mrs, Thema, I I I XV.-Jearl I ) .3 40 charge of John . Il 1 $ 4 UDUO Into Q, business In Ooderleb, Us 8 Mothers, recellt)Yo deft t4e,bleeting closed Sowerby, Gerald - "Stanley, Men, � " Thompson, Wia� topid waS given by I .Atra. Tho ­ . TvIth the ropoti- Orr.- , � nW :�. A. , I -store - family ,a remaining In the village ut, . , McKendu and daughter tion.of the Graham Johnston, , I . Watno Samford And mouth,�orpn sdee. , Ole. s B_ A . I � P . . d's prayer Ill uiUon. A waln' *W111 Porter, I . . , � resent. .,,, AVS1 Eleanor McKenzie. Cituton, were -as a *Dick Porter, sr. I . . , 11, were da luno 4% served by the bo3tesS. ur.-.Maurtce Har, tions were, given by Calvin UObInsoul- . I . . ,We, congratulate Moister Stanley Man. Sunday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. G. D th of Whom . . . � all on talking the Eaton . M, McKenzie. .1 � ea, as Henry 'wood, WIG 114CA11140r, *Mailtland Fuller, I I w,,1omp4nIW by, Margaret -Counlogton. Cup for having Ur$, Robed D , I . ' *Herbed Pow�jl. Maver I I - 'I : ��1 = I ��� �� tile 1! me Powell, Sr. . . Nent. Friday evening the meoting will Ptr I . . thl highest Standing in th , , school 4vidson was. in i - uOther highly esteompd reald lt� .1 , A - � . ho co I . � . e lat� 01 I vorouto Cut of 11--EvelyA Monk, Viola Tlebbbmej . *Wednesday ,and Thursday� attendin; , trict Passed, to his reWar - In charge of Verna, Ch4mucy,-misslonary ' � fair in ,Colborne, I I on this dio . - - annoo, visited on. Sunday at the 0 * , - , , d, at,out *Arnold -Pulter, *Mlldi.6d ,Powell, *Betty _,�_ __ _­ ­ *--meeting- or ­M07 ,9 P�VL­64­71 d . �.., -1-��l,'�."--.�,-�--��.-:vlco.-DrenldeuL--.-�..: .�___­__1_111 A _z. ­V V,,*0w__­1__­­­- ��­ ­ -Xr-Aud.-Mrs; --*cOrga­MaUb7 -`VMdiO4ji-'4�bOO1 - - 0437 morning, Octobaf Fuller, ,411ottle p . ; _.: ;�'ffc . accom I ­ I . Owen, Sr. I I OT'Ift., , - J I" Committee. I. . 6t to the pedon� of - 34--Jrean Ma- . .. I . I . . . � .... I Mra.'Oordoa Cook, of Cochrane, Spent - Pointed by Mr. Matze's mother, of LOA. OU= . Ill Mr, T110111M Henry. Allister, Mary lj4tWood, Phyllis Uonk . . . I I �, I , 11104, 0411ed, on friends. in this locality the Mrs, klillarY Horton bas'returned to, 'It Ills home In AshReld.about 4% mile,% Mildred Monk, Eric Spelran. Pr,-- : . .1 CREIVIV4 .I. - lost woe4, with 'her � .sister. Mrs, WM, ee . Exeter following A pleasant , . , I , I I A I.r. And Tdrr. Jack- .Swau . spb I at 't a Rodger, and 'oil .fOrrAerpart of�tlie,w k. I her home at . , =4.th of, Dungannon. The fteased Dorothea �Tlchborne, noddie Johnston, I . be . . ,.ter friends. ;U� William, J. Thompsbn,was visit WIth her ,sister, Mrs:% R9 MAn"hadbeen in f4illoig - health All all - I . Mr. and, Mrs. part 'Vincent and fam. - at Dun- sell, and _ M. WCOZ-end Mill relAtIV00'at Wlarton, gennon lost TUM48y atte4ding the rep other relativeo..bere. �... � . Elva Od, !Edna' P�well. Best speiilri� I . I I . I 1'. ,:j,.-. a�d ,�ft Will diuley and 'Afts� Ily, of Belgrave, were guests on Sunday ular m6atilly -,. . I mer from head trouble,. Vitil, complic%4 _jpI4 ,Scwerby,,. Number on roil.. W. � . I I . mqeting,of t�� West '_ Mrs- VrAest POA, who had -been ' tIOUS, And hisdeath � . T�n% 0auleg. of . Ooderich, visited Mr. at tho'bome, of 0dr, And Mrs. Wis. wal- we - a was not unlocked 'average attendance 2�9. Those Marked I l den, I � . . WallOsh Insurance Company, ' . I guest with her mother, 2%as. Wilson, for for. He was born nearly e5 - yeaji a4ro, I missed ,some e.xamInAtl . am. and Mrs. Issue 0auley Sunday.. ' I J; , , . . Mr. Cameron, of Cob M fortnight, returned on ,$Aturd,ly, f6 4 Ile 'County of Gray, being the scoo .. *. , . . .Njr.. and Mrs., V(al. Robinn Um Bert. Taylor and ,children. Were guest of 'Rev, W, T. ,,Qurg;. WAS the bar hQm9 at Normand I , 1. . a0A Of ThOWas'and VUza Houry Ad M., A- PENTLAND, Teacher, I I ' guests aver the *eek-enil at tile home of , odwill over the a fp� � I . .. Some , . � dAUZ-4ter, Laura, Visited their daughter, . week -end a short -time. ago,' I Mr. Gilles iwnes, , who Is emp . -two years .ago he Vat ma S- S- No. 1. Goiterfeb, TP. I I Aft$. , John Kilpatrick, � 14st Thum tile former's olstqr, Mrs, R". St6noho e, When Mr. , lbyed, �QrW , tried to The following . . . � � � I I I ______ Q. , . 48 GQOdWIlI was In Cobowg �Mr,. Cameron with A farmer near Whighami, spent a his MW bereft wift who was =a$ Char- XQ� I I -or th , Is the report for S , 0. � - . ,Urc- John Blake And son!; Harold of'Ooderlcb�,' " ! ,: . - I . was a member of his cb�urch, � few days at-blo; , home folicnif.rl lOtte IWAHIster. He had 40 fAMIly, but ' .e m.onth of $ 1 . miss Mae -Vincent returned; to Tor- I . . . ,g the de, =-Mervin Elliott, 5Vo. Jr.... XV.- . ,-zd CeplL' spent i�unday Wim- relativo . The Rev, Duncan MQTAVI struction, tit Ills ftivIng house by.fire, Is Survived OY'tbree brothers, Gio . . . , k ;I � . D.I., Stratford. T I . O: - � I I `4arge, cl the . all, of, Exe. . Thomias'..Shao atr-brother, William Henry Willigni 73; Adz Farrant, .5d; .. . boy were Accompanied ' Op. on Xonft)y aftQg spending a con. ter took . . Henry, a h . rp 01adys Farrant. � . I home by Mrs. Thite, who Intends jea,v_� ple of Months, vith her parents, Mr. and Services .In 0: Door. bealt] - klVtOn,'VhO has been ftr Breen, 43.- Sr.' III. -Grace I . =4 United Church last Su A And who has been at the alld Robert Henry; also four Sisters,: Mrs. , Beattle, 73;' Jean: 11111ott 69; Vail . I I � bla thortly for the West. I , ! Mrs. J. Vincent, . � Ing. Re Preac#ed uday In the Mom- home of. his daughter, * Josevri Haoiieii, -Xadiao - I 1 4 ­ Alliniversary servIces'Will be. held- in Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, VICea in Weetilela f. Anniversary set. Mrg.� George Fex- W. M�4. Annie Craddock, 63; Frances Elliott, 61, Jr. � . w a L , UISSES LWA ,and Eva $is khouse, oi .evening. .. .the dftqrnooh and gm, near Nile, wa's ibrought to his home BarXeT, Dungannon, Mrs. Thomas W. -Pearl, F ' . . � . I I I Ct4 Wted church on Sunday, oat. , 0. . �.. .1.. . . COnceSSIQU I ,5, . P Ashfieldh I on . sat ' Agoir, Brampton, .and Mrs, W.1111 arrant, 76; Billy Bums, 'Go-, . . � �' . I . am Xr- 0394 Moore, 24. II.-LaWry CrIch, 78; - . � 10'..'l, at Z30 and,7.30. Rov. JKr. Wilk. Srucafteld, were- Sunday guesti o at the Tile For , urday WIZI of Ashfield.- One stater (ZdA) Mrs, Wilfred Beattie*. - I ; Win. MODOW011. . O'Stere Hall $a Undergoing. a evautnX- . p .i. I KTP -1, Of St. Helena, will fle the speaker home'of Mr. , Ten feet Is being Ad. A UuMbet, t , , atte W1111AAr Oardn . 73; Bruce Beattie, ei. � �, I . �. . I � Complete Change, ., . rom .Dungimlon eV. Predeceased him. Ili I.-Sernice Johnston, a 1. . . for both ahernoon and evenIng Services. , Messrs. Slumerapri a�d Norman Rod- deA to the le,ioll. and I , , , . . hartatte Salkeld, , .. I . I this extra length . the XlductIQA :service of ' Xer. Da 1878i 63 years "(F. b"Amb to West Doris Seattle.. Pr.--Joi0kfe Eilioti. I ,,, I . v1d .T. W14WXaoS . . . .' L . . Z,?2:Ial Mosid Will be �lven. .1 .; get, Mrs, Wru'., Rodger� 'ass Mary and -Will be�fltted up , as & Stage, making the LAM Into the �,pastoral ell ,h' . I � : Mrs. Gordon. c6ok, ,-of Coe argo of Kn= to live,' and at his marrkige V. DRIVJM Toe4w, : : The W. K S. met at thoh . ra, ,.rane,.vIsIted h4lI..Sultab16 for derlph. on Th=di3r evening.:nlo"d to Asbhiltr� where h4 . ................. 1.0-_. � '': , . Q416 ot U h church . 00 . . -4bn - ,Kilpatrick last Thursday wall a =as Marjorie Pitknorris, . . - every� kind dt. entertain- , . I I . I has since . . � . : - . . . . . Of Ingersoll, mellt. . .. . I .. Rev, Mr. tme'. a )pi,oci FeSided_ The funeral will take piace� 01, . I , �. , - S;�41J:-Attendamte, with MrS.-achn, Men on Monday. .I . . 1. . . Miasi ,Dorothy, Wilac , who vi�as a Pa. 1. , 8 a ,student, Sul A . 1, , . . . � , . . In Erskine PigsbYterlsrx -church ,at One ­TlmrsdaY .Ooday) to GreenhIJI C�ane I BENMILLER . . . " . . I � . 0,7- the *031(1011t, In -the chair, and Mr. and Mm Thos, NerrOck, Mrs. A, tiont n ti .1 .. , 1. . . . I ,tery,. Lucknbw. � �' . ,. ' The,csrldad of prcvjslo�s,to be sent to � . I . - 4 Stratford Vo . I I , ... 1. . . I . I � ..'Xlss Asnes M400h. In charge of the Carr C44 M11 -:40d Mrs, J, H, Xfooveri of from IngAm spitil -sUffering 140,' . I I . . I the West Js being loaded'Weduesday. - I .. I . Slyth, i�ere guests on Sunday At -the h6mo th matIOA 'Of. the eye, arrived , TaxPayera In' U -S-0. NO. 7, Ashilsild D04th ot Geoi. Edward'Smyth . , : * . . ... I P:04xam. Tile Meeting, opened with .h me of the latter's nephew, Nr.. W. P, . e, former Part of the weol,, She "Dlulpon6n)� 'ar04 Smiting ti -ds'. Year Thore p Tbe Teachore Coxveptjon Is beln�r I : I . . I I at�ascd Away at his home, con4 held In Exeter tills week. , . , dnO119 hymn 20. folloWed-by the Lor&s � ' . . - will not be when they look' Lit and cession , West: Wav - Mrs, . I . ;, � � : L PrAver In unison, readings by ,Mrs. Tie. Campbell, . � . ,Able jo .attend school, again find their sch46 4' t th r tax�sheets . . anoall, late Friday Mr. and � I :% il I 1, - - Icaven and . . Successful anniversary a I ervices.- I fOk it while - . .. I . . .1 . �. #:tax down from, ten to a OeSPected. citizen in t W,.Straughau, were In ' . .. , I � Mrs, Sherwood. . Vote ,. At % ' *' I twelve. L dollars * hq. person of Toronto last week visiting thel . r - daugh-.m I . 'Mrs, RAY ., congregational � on 100 . Acre farms, Gnarge'Edward anyth, in, his - ty_ t r ra� . , I ..� .FAnnigan.. and . - I lu fifth 6 , U Moxi � . �. � . . I . � �.. . � , Mrs. 0 y rendered a ,held In the-Westflield United Presbyterian church held last week, it the Watchword oftho year� He � . 0, I � 1. : , , . . auto , church on Meeting Of- Knox Xconomy 'bas� tieca . . I . . . - . , �� : � I duet, a chapter of the- 8tudy'Sook was , Sunday, Large eongrega#ons wqo.ipre. . . . . . . bad been In 'Poor health for Rev ldr. Patton d Rev, M I . )urs . t r . . aft I . . I . . � . :� .141. : Sent at both 'evening set be - ibut, was confined to bed,.only attended- a .Convention In ', To I WaS decided that, as,BWU want,04 to ,p6hool hhaid this Year.' an . " I . . given by RW.'C. C. Kaine, followed emoon. and, . I - , united t6;tqlgravj. to. form. One Plato � roil ' ArAlverlaary'seivioea wilt be held ' POMe thm I" . I 4M." 04, aft,cr Which Mrs,, Meouiri by I Vices. Rev. Duncan .McTavish, of. No. ell . . In during, the past, two months, The late Thurs ronto I I : .. . I . ' . 11 . . i Auburn Pungannoil. ,U41tod. Church. oh.. Sunday, Mr jgm�th. w . 1 44Y And FrIday. � I I I . I I ­ 1. � , , to' r Vlll*-be wIntoi, to'be O,to Lt. I � jt . h*., ''When I I . � . � $on of- t - . . . I . , . , I .- �Uskmd: to .06Mo forward. Uts. Sbl%olwaa ter. Preached-. splend a unitegdox . b , as & A large number of old friends attend- . � . � ­ . Ie6 Afternoon and, ermous at -both I 6 Sinith's; Hill. � I Rev.- L� Bartlett and 4ji. Wiln 'j � - he late Mr. . I - ; :,. , . t= read an address dud Mr,s,XI1p3trIck. . evening services, . . The Mr. I Brownsl am Ohn SmYth, and was .ed the fUxleral of �Mrs. .l4col .1 . 1 17", , , I . m_bject.,Irl 'the aft6moon Was "The I, Johd WAnIASS, ,a former : MIS, & 16ml,er. Pastor * of- the cIr:. hOrn . , . illazi on , , ., PrEsented Mrs. Me6ary .With a certillicato � aw resident -cult wilt . . Qvithe .turn wh6ftPhe-r6ided pre., Monday to Colborne oemctory�___ 11 . tim., . I" be � the Special �Prea her for the vloui to Ills . , i . I . of the HArvest.," "'be not rie'�elied, Go In Walkerb was arotifiti laSt..W00k, day. OeiV. 'c I I C I I I . - ,� . I of We Membership of ,the ftlety, Ray. ls� not � . � . ,4 'He built the so _Cos-villbe h Feitlk. Pot ,a *numb.ar. of The monthly m6ethlg Of, the/ . . i - . - - � - rdJl there, And was . eld at Ji.00 %M: Years the raniff I Woman's ' 4 . X91 -le closed the i.�aeotlng with prayer, mocked; for Whatsoever a man Sul 1 and at ' Y real ' ded hi. Dungannon Assoclatlor,L will meet at. the bome of � . '. . , I I . . . I � I � sowqtu 010 aboill he.also to TrIsOd tO'Ste the. itructqro h' 7.00�Parl. and al*61a! musle- will And wbne.her,o Mr. Long. on Weft6adwr.a 1 j2 � . I �, - , , I . , .- 0 i� . I .. 30�1­04101,­ spent $6 much-tiffie in'.ereoilng' 'Ad bD -rendered b3r�,ther.,Choij ' , ''. S,mYth leam'6d the .Xr;..,J, ' . . ­ ... -7, 14r. Moltavlsh,s text at , gon � . ... � . I bameSs­;m1kirxg. Twerl � t � ..P=1 � I . tiallo 0. night 'With no, trace left. .. . . �' "Mr. 02ld.3141s. b' E. Anderson ' . . I I ty-elght years -, . , I � , . . . :J1 . . � . , � PORTERIS HILL . I was, "A Song in- the night,'. "X - *in to The U,It6 - - And s6n, ago !a Ptbruary.h6 was Inarried,to big -- - i I , .. a -.1 I I I . , . Cin I 9 -, the, nlgl ,, 'Was Well re e I I . . PORT, ALBERT , � I .,I 11 . . � 4�11111V,ftrsRrY s0t*oa, '6611dUcted by Tem brancO MY. � ACA Ul .it, _;� . d church here 94nnan'. allLl- dhVghter Al"la, 'Were 'Week .4ckw, ber, ft wife formerly Ahm lice ahas M � . . .1 I I � i � .. .. .. I . , . . Presented k1be Meatlng,ofn Toro ' 044 visitors .with Wr.,And . � � A �. . a -6. ­ . . L I :. � Orbon*s -sister, .Thompson,, To them' %tv MaCKQn2ft. !was i vialtor.at, , I I " Zev- V. 0. rarriii, of *Outarlo street Ps lai, 77. � . . n'to '$'!at Mro.�Jw C. Pentland.sud. Mr. , ware barn three o i , I . - � I � � , . . . ; ; Weak by Mr. .and ,Mrs. Mogridge, the n the nd ; � Ual;ed OhurCbeOiftitoxt, W,111.be held Inli . , . -;�p , �:, . Pentland, children,. Clayton, Gordon a 4� Do .borne Of Mr6ot MrS.Witilam Gray. L I . . . .1 , Rev, W.,..Y, MortUner And .)&. Of Grimsby. On-thelr r6turn.'On Sun_ of whom I . . ris'. Ali . . . :- � 1 - . Grace United.church on Svitida�,­Oot. . I Amd, Mi" Mr, and Mrs. I I I . I . I I I XXLZ I - drows, W and M � day 'eve�faz they we . - survive. He 18 survived .also it . Robert HC,T And baby- ' � t ' I . I I rs. O.- E. Erratt, Goo. It i ' ke ftCcOmpAnIed by .43r one Sister, Mrs, ChArles Dumin. �.Iha uth,' of G6derlch, .,visited. Port: Albert .1 z . , . I I I . lltb- at 240 P,mi and 7.$0 p,m, Tho . Mr, Andrew Mill S. Sturdy, and'Misd Eliza . h4 d . . . . . , '. . choir win be jiststo an, Ot, Goderlehi was . A. Blair. - spent a,ghter-'Misi M11dred' who had do.c0asod m3n friends on. S ' . . . .1 � I , '11,1 . � a it the afternoon a visitor In Nile -Ou Monday. Mr, 4amps Howatt Is .11 busy,at some weiks-at Grimsby 0 - I . . was highly respected In lmday4 I I � I I servIc by it' male quartet from the rltes- 3 r - present, .11 . I the COMM t� '0 was evinced- by the ,lMrs. JAWAS Johnston '. , �&. arid'lk& iDavid 10. Erringtou hav - and Mrs. I . � . by.erjo Thl 'Om decorating a Interior of the house e large, number Of PeOP110 who came t4 of urch, of Godeflcl� visited. 6t tl�eyjo ,, 11, � I . �, 30 church,, Vlhttoo,� and munity'le helping to fm tile .,at th be returned from &,delightful motor trip t . me � � . . 'a the car that Is to go to 016 help 01*the,West - ,ely a0utred ill the vinagoi ]mJt1nj,LJo I . 0 03Y their ftnAl, tribute. Of ,reapect on, Mi; and Un. Prank *jilts on Sun- I .. .a. furnace, and tWdn&'sdvan4ge of by- Detroit -Windsor :And Monday , sift�-moon,, when his., t * The ladles ara,ai�tenL - . ..'I I',, , I - . evcWllk bY,4,-M%lO iluartet from North: iromi. ,UCC14w, at%t,611 th, , , . AMh6rstb4rg, , '' LiqAtham, -r � � I I a week. I I day. I . i I . Street, United church, Q, Odetleb. A XoW1 . . . , At� - uneral ! . 1. 1. . - . I . . The- W. ft M And Ladies' Aid drO. When. he toMear in a 1; 142 ace. The services at the house It_ has been decided' to, hold foWl . sup-�er *111 . w4ro 6010 of guests of tbjIj,d#q4ghtor1.MtS. � . . be given Monday a held at,. the hoM6,of the Mies. . Will 4aye a, comfortable rest - , .61erStbYtg,- .they Were fook, pl' . � oil I ,Shep* weekA be I Bart Bad- and -at the grave, were cbnddetea by Rev. SUP��r' on PrIdiy; Oct. 023rd, a .� 11 . �� . ir-311) 6 to 8 .o'clock, Which Vul donee.. � " Mail', And Mr. ! ' � . - PRrh OWTue8day' and *46 Carta , - . Ili the , I. be 'Cl S04104mg, and, wora� me. 0. 0. Koine, Pat, on-UnIt. basement of CbrJA'ctnnnJj Port, AlVed. . I . lawad 'by & 406d PrWalft liftu by 'WeL eutodalnod;,L QuIlling V the o er of I COMPanted , on. �fttr,i- b tot of DungAun I . I SUMAIR AftIO Chorus of Exeter Consist I I �w , (ftbih Another correspondent). " I .. I return .y their ddThUtch, And interment was,in bun- Further Pxrtt�Ularg next ;;�ekf ' - . � ' L !_ . - the dty,L�Tht Invitation Aft. and�,Mrg, ;d.,,,ughter, =as 0OPW krzington, wh6liad garm I . I L 149, of 16 Singers, U Lot the Fort At- . Bert Msrgh Spent Ta n . 64 cemetery. The Mrs.. Harry. Hawkins arm , L . I 1. , . 1 A61 W. it, . . 'Pallibeaterg: L nJ'CllAr4 . 'eou" =53 'E. Poster, Attended lhe� itlanery -1, :1 . , Uder, the , leadership bert 'society to, attend their th,*nksgiv. (lay -01 this . 6.1. 14 064. �rlth­� her sister, foi a6mal SIAS were . following park ' ' : I 11 Goulding. &T,0J., a violinist, 'week With relAttv" 4a I=. time.. , L .. � . I . I . I . . , I E � L 4. reider, and in Ing fteeting:noxt Tuesday, was .accepted, don. L .. t�, . . . I . I 06bed jr. Durnhi, HOW'sr.d Durnin au� meetl � � . I elocutionist. Adults, A bale of 4e,ond I . to" SmYM .' .. Ug at BlAh On Tuesday � ttlis L - The home of. " 1�. 13 _, , L - .. .. or. ' L . . .1 tl= 60z and $00. a . I Mr. and Mrs. Jacob � I weak. . , :. 11 I L . . . ­­ ' ' � L . Thursday. 'of home of ­ scone Of L Mr.. and WS'. .. . . i.: '� , . . . -hand Clothing. for the Mrs, atevemon Was the guest at -the Reed, Asbilleld,,wai the I � I West IS to be packed' on liar brother, )At, Oeo, Beau ' de. WAUarid Piftbiteriali W * , ' . ., L - L . . _ I I ngbttU, gath . on a . . AM= Ir;Xyd%T were� at - � � I � this Week.. L , I L Sunday jut, 1, . .. 0 On ering 10ridaY evening. I The � . 1. ' MI S.. . BlYth� on Tuesday of, this wook att,w,d- , . . .1 I - � . � � L�e , - I . . : "ME . ­ . 'Mr. and Mes m' * I . when q reception Was held, In it .4 . n WES . -The YbMlg People 00tion3l m0etifig 4: Maitland Ing the dea ery meetl g whlob_%Vaa� rreld LIP - had. s'good rally onor of -Presbytoldl W I , L" n bam. IS visiting last lrrldjy� , L I I . I Murray and Uri. ur, a , , M.. S� Of the. Pre . L �� . i, � =ss: Sturdyi, of Wing . And MrS. .103eph Sbkter- thet% . . I 1i I . . I , h"­L'6%tcr, MM� LoWI& Cook_�, . , e The - lftAndanc� 'Was 'in. Wm- StraugbAn spent M-ifiday -wItIX Lily ,,teed), who A. Pattie 6ee'Miss tau .4urch Was held in . 4 .1 IL I I . . . . � I . . ouraging and thQL.f 1. X -fier I . were, recently. luAttled. , As"Old PresbYm 11 I.. I . I . . . * * . I . � . Wowing program friends In itobb . . . 1. . 'A 'VeX7 Pleas tL .t6rlka - church L. #LQ0h%IS I �' . . � . Mr. and WS, John Vincent worel:rm... WAS, enjoyed: InspIrationaladdrerzes by Mr . 11A , evenin I h) under very . r I L - and Aft$- R- Jenkins and Min W� - games And, � 9 was spent In . I I.I.0 I . i, L ellitne-Z *Wtorg,oa Saturday. I L . . Mrs- GeOrgil Rutledge 444 10is Orsec J61141111 were guests at� the.,home of, .0. , Music, fto the b#d� ,.Faitha [a4sant "14' PrOfIt4bloo augplce4, 401% 1 - O... ' L '. . , IL i, ___ 24 1r)-u4liS-:--CAmpbeIl� after.04-the- B14kb,L"Olbt-solo-by--Zdgir�Sheppxrd- Z,-X.tt-,,,-,,Md, .-.--..-,-.,-_-.--.-----,,-,-Teciple fts, L'AtL , Wlth..A�Lgood ,AttMdane&_ The X09041! m9ntilly mebtiog--prAlid. I .1 . ,. rlt...Of _mW...,�e%ptiful IN ollid' An active - 0" W. %t---S;-*H1-b,Th-- -- --- 111.1 , I tVenfng,g 105tivl L Tl1=da YOlMtt PeOP16's 00nve�tlou at Wood, Who VM accompanied by -Xisi Marg&;g Mrs, Won. at - , . the close of theq Mo : interest in the 614 at the home of ��; L 'L ties a Work lot Missions. About . . Uri. Wilfred Ramon on , Thursday, W : d0zlk- 04 PrIday last. I . . r4ussbt And �sojlj Stanley, dainty luncheon *&a served, ,ob I � 4 . . � ' . Pentland on Ut Piano. Edgar Was Of StbrillovIlle, visited at" the hor ' There were present, th J.-venty-ave - Oct or I Oth, . .. . - 4 � . . L I TUaid .0 AUX11tarlet 41 Ashfield . I On.- A It. I). MUhro Lon gy of this week. . . . , ' . . L.V,V�, I find MM George Brown, of Dun. L L as of were about fifty gueAs present. . Dungtnuon, Ripley, South Kinjosi, IM 1' Mr. and r4tm P.obett; WILSM of . I I , L . . . k1ft4ght back. for a sicond 3elecu . I � . � I I I I L I I L. . . - L 010 by )41384thtl TAbb, ?&, Shaw and ft's, M. M0000,-Whd has been vbl 006 Bags of pof%toag I I I , I Coch_ . I . .- I Ralph, acoMpoled. by AhS, 'Oord 'itlh liuss -�Z thig ' . tough, LuCkAOW And MUCIrdine being rano, have r0uMed from, Flint and are ' I I I * . I -_ on, .w 11ali.. went to,owerlch�to I Mr.' 'John J6ynt*. I 110 L w 1143 Men.erlg4g- represented andL anS*erIng'tc vISItIng-the f0tinet's ParLutS, Mr..and �� I V 'et"011; Prayer by three WYA aud, bible 'Visit Idends for A the roil, Mrs, Allan W, I 11 .1 . . I I I QJP,L__ I can when MO S?cretsizy or'president 'fie, 60M bon.' I . rea, ln$; by. Wis L'Beth � Mdpbaa. The L few;d .. � d return "to Galt, L %Y5 .And will then ad 111 harVesting his slxtY-:ftVe acres of T I I . I LT , : ielapk Inf ter Squira'L Potatoes Which Will' produce sk record gave a brief but Comprehensive re _ munity Is loading - I .1 , . � '. . 1, . I I president, Harold I. presided, The The =sslon Banjl,,and W. X'S..wIll Yield amounting.. It I$ expecto Port car L Of I , I . � I . . Apples. beans and vegetables a3 I L #L 'Vening's P - was brought cl, to� 8�00iy Of the work In her auxiliary. .*a, UC. , t MaGaw I I . I � 1;. . . I O.'. D. E* a � mgralft to a hold their Annual bustr and -tea In. the bags' Of matket#ble potatoes, HIS SIX. KAY, Rinegrfte, .Conducted the Meetl0i Station for spare , point . in Soluthem , . . L i � close by Some laterestbW contests under -basement Of ,Knox United,.cbt*ch on teen.men ;who are at. work gather In the In'a . Saskatchewan. A bale Of clothing isal� I .. L, Will hold � tile dire-01100,of Gordon Pearson. 11 . most cAPAbl0 1440her. Mrs. (Rev.) I , . ,UM L I . .1 ftld&Y. October 9th, from 5 to S pX4, a0il.ghborbood Of 460 bags par d%Y, ii�e 001011011n, A3hlleld. welcomed the -dole- 80.6019 Prepared to be sent later.� ' : I ,� . I .. L I . . I A R MACE SAUL, . I .,� . I I I. Messrs. 0. And ' tolfic taken. to Winghlot On trucks And gates in a pleasing a4dres or The ladies or the Presbyterian group .��;­­ � " . , �:.­-- , - . . I BAYFIELD - . bell and erson� Doug'" Camp* Atored for sill mont. Mr, .1, Aft , the mot on, Wo4nas � . 4, L . I Harry Sturdy', AcCOMPAnled by U. P .1cylkt, Who Is opening devotional exercises had been d4y &tteruoo1% in the ban 11 1. ! , , .." _'. 'L " fRIDAY _. and. SATURDAY . Migges X XIMAll And V� Chamney, gt. ot6d for his as grown taken by Mrs, Mccrae. land dirs *Mail. ' I . . L. 1.7th L .Mr. Thos, SAI10,7 4 having his hotel .progressiveness, h I . to Arrange for the Collection and for. . � . tended the Voung, Poo a IAf90 Acreage (if ,tile tubers: for two zle Of Ashfleld, Who warding OfAbOX0 Or Adcoxid-hanct ,or I . roshiftgled this week. , L_ ' bl'Wo6datock last Ple'$ Conference . . read, the SdrIpture . new I i . .00T. 16th and . Years, now, , . � I I .1 . and led clothing fbir some- needy 4is i . . I I Um. Partridge, Friday Sind '84tutday L . ­ , . 14. prayer.�­1ni;Ct6gUftg,j4ni,en_ triet, . . . J; , . . . . to ,Usrold her 'Cottage In A large .. det W. X, 9, . conferene . I arner Xingstimt -st al�,K sjvara� . . a L I A Sectional I is L the.roll-call, sfiowln that added intor, Mrs, � and, . . . � - and AUb Pcilte to *0 Vat held at the home, of W, . Davis, Lond n. from Donnybrook, Westfield 'g and. baptismal ter- � L I �"o opens Friday at, 1�00, P.M.. teAkeside Row of L bale of Clothing And L iftfli" D151 COUXA91113 rePorts Came in tot A Mayor 1400tin I 111 � last week. , Willialn L. Wig Packed In thd basement of urn Conference -of the' Auxii. est and growtb� . . Gordo I A MacPhee On'Tuesday , ; 1 Zo Of dbtht�, chim, books, - etc. larlea; of -the W.. 3W.. S� of the United Monte Malcolm, 13 t g I I . S. . Mr. and Mrs, Xn6:K - L a Watchword. MO even - I � p . . L . aobL�oui and UAIt0d Church on Tljie$ft� ' M h 0 . ' I - :, �_.. I A Church of this district. is .to be . n - Ing, CO:oiductc4"by th . , . . , family- Of London, SP331t the Veek-end for ,the n aftlernoott L .. I held In. ugh� gave - "M e Rev. Mr. )?Atton. ; i I L .. I L — . . An mcir Odttsga,heft. , eeO In thd dried out area in Dungannon UnIted! Church L COMPrehehslv0. report of tile Sol -ThetO was' quite a large numbe; presolit. . ­ 1. . LL I unuaw . . . I MISS Ethel Drelmighn. Oj Louddu, IS , Mr. J. .tay . 04A ,60tobbr 15th, With S0S$lo3j1STabur130_ School held fit Camp lkintail In July. M. and Jean It. 2W$1P 00 And *loan � ; L . southern saskAt6hewAll. , The and James WeMoin�s Mcph L . ,re *,to _. _­ . , . . at prose L , 1� I 1. .Alt VISItIng her father, Mr. licktry - 4-m- And also In the Afternoon Dinner 5 registered students thfir L And ,lohn 1.:d. � � . I �, . Contest. on .lor & son had a I Year. 'Phee ­ : ­ I I it L t.0' guessing Will be served W ,; or the gar Wllg9n were baptind, . I � . BUY YOUR MIAM Drelunah, 10 tho Village. I., , thA -ladle 'A'8010,hr Mrs. Robt. Scott,,Ash. I i . the Me guessing The ladies of tho. Presbyterlari group I I L how many nutmegs In a j"" church for .35c, for the Act neld' "Only waiting tIn the at I I . . . . . AT THE L .. . Rev. 1%. M. 0310. wife and daughter, ber' to receive fiesirest the nuM. of those In at OmmodatIcu. was " Much enjoyed, .mdo*s,,, met in the hall L I . , . I 01408, returned home On SrIday. last a lovely 04mora. 'on tendanco,j. Missionary Ad- Aft R. MCWhInney. Preallyterial Wednesday And or- . . I A message from I Aid, societz . . . . Now pasteuelt'llig 'Vink " after spending a, Montilla vacatto 'WeduO&OY last th6. time was Up sod dresse3,wUl be delivered At ,hot,%,$ tons I Outted a �Lhdles On .. I L� I .. . I . L . ­ L. � r .. arts. i4r. U With ?At. Tolor had the M. . dehf, *110 was not p' preal- ladies 'were Present, 'Aft. Eighteen � . ids In dWeieftt il high school students and A PrOlituble as *011, as plea"llt time , regent, being In Tor. In t wma-t � . 91,401r. Raw it Pasti raelo Gale "" do thC co . . th� - Johnstone WAS � �L � . . urlsea - . Cupied big pulpit 0U.Sunday. jut, MO IS Anticipated. out* On W -U.S. business, Weis, cid 'by 9 Chair.. the ofacers appointed - - I I . . . I I o; eVeni M- miss untinig and It Wili found that . . . I I I . . I r I I . , . . milk S. Celits & 4bskrt JUS and 4L and all were Pleased to t.118 - Dorothy Craig Va.$ tile, Winner of COM 'Growth , Urt. Davldson,. of Dungannon'. After were: Mrs'. Robert Dolor, President; 'L . . ­ eameri. . . I which , tress � I . I I ! ,IXYM04.1" DAIRY Sat him back. , - I �, . Some Mrs' W"-'.M0VrlsOn, kincardine, ur6r, U11. Mitchell; secretaM Oct. o . I I I Wonderful: Crops; Ot Corn are to fkvored , thy Abbertiofi., Tile group Vill . phani 334 , . r6wile, �-Of London, VhO roeohtly On Sunday evening, October lith,the be seen, in this, Ae with a 3010, "WbY Stand V 6 hold* g 1. _ dch was much ,enjoye c 6,0144 evening � . I Puftb&led from 'Mrs, Glass her A* V- P- S'- Of Knox United Church . . Ighborhood, the a"r- Here. Idle?" wl d. given by 14cawith lunch and M Program . . . .. Willhold 'age height of the Stalks being from: 12 Mrs, 31okay read an Intere I . It I .1 Summer rosidoilte, ball made,co �r. their meotb4 in the batemont of the -at z talent in the limit. A: : � I . _nl�71�, ­­ ... __.. I ___ . '20 Ing mis. ,� I I 1. - I e,11 and after 0 date IS - . . I L 'Chur`cb- Mr- C611ft FluglInd to 16 feet, W' 8'Muel 13hapPOrd Of slondry story, "lAttle Ulk ,Small fee will be 6hstged, 7% -_ I . I ! =101= win be the Nile. who Is Very iobserv*nt, *bile wWk set for tile sobb, of October. PleaSi re. I � 0=0z=9==6=0XMZ=9=* aPe*ktr Sind si� Special Progrim Will bolln,o. through the held .of his nei8ilbor,' Meeting come to 1% 0108�- serve this dAtO and come and enjoy A I I . . . . arran9cd 1W the MWIOUA17 Vice L Weal. I Mr. Alexander Voung. recently countt(t VOS beautifulLv decorated Pleasant evening. � , I " * . . dt'At This me#tjag Vill t tile T)JaL tile nWnl*r of grains on two , I , ""' . I burei, sbg ix 0 10 0 . � Alto 'a tobS orl 110flWorS. Ali repaired t.0 � i� than Pharm with autumn 'Whore refreshments ,vtro Can'a tho, buement : � , t I I . a I . I . Of tht� regular Tuesday evening Meeting, COM, Otte of Which had over 'DOLD .grain . served And a SOtial hour "at. I 'OOOT AND SHOE SAtIR o : I . . I . I 4T110M V1110, Attended the MIESIOnary n tile ,other over 1,000 grains. The 4 _____­_6__P__�. I L I . I 'rMft In Toronto. lUt Week report eom was th6 f044�r variety and was put , GOV 04RIOR tr . � ; i� I 11 VOnR for tutire family, . : i . .1 acy Week - TOIV�Nsurp . . . . l*r90' e�owds Sind ,601ellidid, vpeakinq IW6, &.Sl o. Vangolds and. Witodl are , , 250 1 . . . -1 I . - I I . .1 ar . a, Rar. Mortimore. httsSrs. Alb Johnst4* ako bumper crop$, � Air- And A*80- Arthur TiellbOM0 and Aubb"o, - , I CT I 9'tLhL W. 16 th . 0. L. StUr4y Anlo� An. W. IV. lnsursnc� 4D% . Ing . , children 4nd'Mr. Geo. ralconer vlatted C I - - 1, -0 0 "Vew. Mr. au4 Mrs. ft)grf�je, .SIr. Not at tho home, of the lattet,c br6ther, A r � _ -L L_.. - � I � . . . � , . Mrs. and The regular meeting of the We't W4. � Jr. � R ­ - . � This wftk & CAftdiari phattfii&" )�rratt and 1�11SS 91' A- Vlalr, Went Wallonil r,lro Ift. rhleoner# 03tanley to ... I �: - L frdm the Insurance Catoplu'v, Was SM441. %V118101), - on LL L I � ­­­ L L ... ..... . .. � I . I - I -1 - I I . " Un'tod held In MO '0111ce Of tho soretalT on I a .1 I . . � I — .0otomers som. * Imik opeupled tile, pulpit . are telling theiv 0 ureb. *('a Of Kno' I . I L111 � three chat& Dev. V. W. < I �1� ,A* , � , �-�----*--4_� Tmmila� In addition to toutins bust. 1.4 Union eha-eh -on $Unday and preach. WAWED ' 1. I#' *,.I Z I thiareftbe history of " loro- � ,�� no:1 a UUrAbtr Of 10" tWMS Wero ad- Id Alt Jim ' . _ _ it :, ,;�, '.4 4 4 , jt,� �. I Jutted. Inclu" Coe blim. and a Alun, t - Agent!�.-nlen and- women, Mrd' fess;" they havo tho"A a* tm* ,� , 0 . ,�, . . BELFAST piting germon QQL tha aubjeL-t, ­ I I ., ­ L" �Z, - � b- ' f L , �_Tiw " of a Friond", itom the'lith: , I We iNUk '"gth fo'bo &*0 fl* 1� ­ - 11 T, I " ' Mi.— slid Mrst. ' ' I or -o sftMet, laws. 14* the tourto of time tmd after Workifig hours, to " A .9 I - _. __ T. A. , Calmoro, ChOtet Of St. Job% . V ivaftv,of servko in 0* th"a of VtS Sind Were extendt A earloacl of apples, potat a .11taftg'a Im days with relatl 0 'Are tho' ­Mfetlng t00lut(601 Of eondaIMCO $ell an engraved Me of Ilortonal .1 . . W_T_W� � thtllt,bld neighbors In I Uork Co� _d to,Mel". ftnest Vkett J*r,lshable! Vegetables. At$() ot,t nd un. Christmas Cards, priced at fr6m . I "". . P I - Mr. and Mr And WOUSM MCQUIMO Who both, Sutter- d6thing, is one to four dollars a dozen. rx. : L I of 0 , I � I , i= C 0 . 0 1, I n� —I I I h I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 14 I 11 J I` ' �� I I -� I I I , ; � I �1 I I I I I I .1 11 I I * � I I 'I, I I'. I 4 I 11' I I I! I-- I I I , . , , - I I . � .1 , - - ill I I !,­---� I "00 _t5 -'11r Ru - V =RLAZ=_ .1 I I . S' Jim Lsyburu AlOtOTW ell the.bereavtment of Velat,lves recent, being shipped from Megaw ceptional valuts In tards 'Priced I . Thursday, of tilis Station on medlail agents, frOfft RitefV16V and "ut tht week -end ly. Ali tbb direetort werL- pM*L,,nt V.,Ith in week fo help the hoody dogen. f;pftlal noto: rAell &gout . r1l-AXALAr3!-T1k0 art of prepoing and dbimfts " with between out and threb dollars per I Z10 t0M'Vll%rMCY Is llho applied to the Place 14hop ,or SO") Vhtre the 'SO's Sisters, MrS. ROY Alton, _ _ - &utbern Saskatchewan. 111­�. " 1. =didftes md preparccl or sold, tor ex,"t(k, I)rft Store Or Apotl,K*Ota and MM "016 J!AtkC I I . ­­ I � � I I ­.,., , ". , e4WOPM with light leatbor Ctkrry. . - L I � I— - I 11 L L . . 0 The implis O-w-ITnion mbool vi e Oy Ing Case. I . I a - 6, "O 00014CItt U ft OM%tok ft 4kkftW. knaWn MsO as 4 druto 0efte Phillips. ,�nd - , ­_ . 1% hOlIdAY on, ThUWaY and F*Iday of I . C�:- Mr. and V", I L � :er, 0 1 no th I Dest. 4, JPAMZA AST GUIM .1 gtst. I 1 family. of nftr lilordyee� ,Veht ilundo this "k. W111116 their teftelt . me VWt6d* at. Teronto, Out. , I "'he "bluft Of ft 4WAdlC0 Of DWOWY VASY bt 10-tatezi In tht 04 with tbd Joidy's titter. Uft. JACob 11uh_ HERNIS. SHOE STORE Mwtarea 11*01404. is sittendl a its' . ! & fC�V'3 of Pr1ffiltiVC OMPIt. of all " to touUtfratt d[SefiSe or Velleye L Injurl I ttr. and U:. Itunt", near Zion - ehtw eanvewitiolk at fteter. ­ � I b - I , A utul r I JUST Alkive . — *_� 9 1 12416 Ttly ftfi(tft litetatn" of an rultio" oteg Vroot of the AtUdy 41 W& as AftnIverary SeTVIM at* Mug A h Ott tht an. FFj�i�F�RT) 4#1-A held In . . _ATXM$VAT1 =. ON 1031 __ _ � -.-- Poultry - Shipments Rec eived on I Tuesdays and Fddtys 'L E" shiptuents recivived 1. every week-doty Open Saturday Nghb until I I � 10:00 o'clock , WE RAY CASH , �V F,gp officially Vaded whoe . you -wait. I . L I � � . I Mulholland& Jerv,is I -- WarabOaW M'M St -4 Goderfoll., I Telephone I0 � - . ­ I - -1 111.1 . , . I . I . . I If businegs has,gone Where eVeryb . ody . .- � says It bas. why don't some of tile fro, � zen assets thar$ out? _ 0, . I . ; 1; 1; I " . ,� I . . I � I.WILL BE LOADING - . . I L I :. BUCKWHEAT. ., � 1. t , . nd McGaw . Pit MeneSet a , --ml, 'WA t hr% " after OCT. fat I . One of st pri�qs for ,your , , . . L I . I , . grain. . . * ­ I T. H. WJILSON . - 11 I .. Carlow 13-16 . . I �. . L . . I _;=========1 . � q, ,Z L, . - I . .L. . GMPRICE&SON. " . � FOR . I I � I . . . Finest 4uality Cimmies , . . Reill and Im orW. F .P . raits.. Cooked, Ham � - - I ; . . . . Dutch Loaf . I . . .. . ' . . Macaroni and ChefteL 1'"f L . . I .. I Bologna . I . .1� . 1. .. . . . Chicken . I V Ham and .� wougue , L Loaf L'� ,. " . L . I I . . .. � All by the pomd4, ' � , . Al I . ... 1. . . so, Freolk Mft. . . I . . . ' . Electric, reffigeWbr for . . your . .. I. Protection. . . . .. . , ' ' ; ' . L ,�.. Free Delivery : ' L . ' , .. . . � . I I L . Cori N�rth SL � and, S a . . . . L , qu to � : . , LPHONE-1248, ­ I � - � . .� . I . . Gitat saviug in - , . . . . . 00 ­ C, L 91 I. . . F.I. � I . 0",rings � . _ I., I I . . . I See our'Wrde'r1eis Con!,*.' goleum Rugs ,-at,, prices as follows : . . '.1 .. .q . I L . . . I L . Lt 9 , 6 . - - ` $tQO� - 1 IY2:x 9 - - $15.O.O., . . .9 X 9 . . - I I ; , $5.90 , . 9 X 10y, - $6.95 - 1: . L .9. X 1-2, , . 1$7.95 . J...]R . . '. L . .1, '. I . EMIR, . L . I I L I Furniture Dealer and 11Fn - 1 Dlra�t , . . ner" or 1� I . I L . — I � I . .... - -L I . I I I :­ , - ,- -_ __ . I I . . � L I . L I I. . . . I . . . .1 ' . L _.__..__SPARRyS ... . , ..- 1. .- I - . . . � . .. I . � I . Far I . . . . CHolog QUAUTY Gaoftg=%. �FAUITS, VEGETANXE% LA", BUTTER0 EGGS, DWAT, FWVX, I - .93019TWONG, 93M. . I I I I L .1 . 1. A!be Beat Of Everyffidpg.. . .. I . -ISPECIAL PRICES_. - -, . . We, Invite YOU10 tan In slid �- in. Spool; our Cle2A wholesome #OCX , I .L . , F1191dalre.two 'for I Tor L I . L . . L i � SILVEAWOOWS I" . I t, I. - CXFAX I I . � L I — � 1 L . . . . . . I ' . . Soar. r f s Gwery ., - The Store of SaWfttleft I Iftlunten SL . . Gaderlob ' P60f.-A46., Wg I)ELIVER . 111 TOVVS . — ' L L � . L — � � I I I L ' Wholl You Want Anythini ix�' - MLIN INED . I - . 11r, or .. I . . I . . � I . I I I IFURNITURE, , . . . L : I OP ST008- I I I L. . I I tau first at I I 1____� . . . . . I BlaekstJ6 '' L ' J - ­ . ne s , Furniture Exchange . .%M- I on. Tar, BROADWA'f ()rl GOI)P'ntelt . we Positively SaV6 you Money �Col a A— N 6 aumvifteii a O" lanc ftdlAW*1 referente to 1, 'Cle dftd Alet Is the olftunent. 4Dt the1l1MtbK*r$.o the ft Multite applied by Isalkil, and 1116 MODY I 311vt T,Y aervIzem held 14 tas United *lZ1)1h*1tM1�11t at, lella C 8"fty. Rm P. T LA01W 21" ran Tira vith ' 1"' I' bou i "" 04boni Tteol#, for $*I$ pr, ': On Murth 'on Aunday"Oetober 2$th, at It *A. Arid 7.36 P.M. Itey. W. Jr. ftttm- 33-&. . r"I . . _­� 0 I he Autumn Mode in Millin6ry , lWete" Ift 4MINIsh and tlmewheta In th I I '�AMAMS Of thO Mefficlul virtues of Ult Iftv am plants si" j#t a . fo diligr to . I�L%. ffforth, ,c both Services. � ondwled I "bt"I M% kW "OMM' *lth ftb" neelt for mo X.r. " � : of "enwifter, *M .1* the "ker At both Services. Thttb�,Vlft,be . � The Hats of tile season have a more definite and feluilline, . I #!1104t" Of tht lAiNt And 8116 PMf of the rrattlo� at ther att Of phst. risty Among the Rebftltsl L W6 "a "S t6 htlkr ftt Att. Thm, 1 lt-Vy- 609th Of Belt0t, died, 1*8, I -ADM, 1UX Mb M ,Kith ". oftn:metlt sww fttmt. Re'r. AC C, raft'. or undou, A rotmer . Charm that has been ab seasofla��Ti �qeut from 1110, MillifterY Of the past f46.w bbon tows, VOY Wei 449mit "or vNe"riptims t &Voly a Clinical Uettmom- - ('��`, Med-kh*'0164k rO"Wh #YdW, '80t Water *ttle. Alo,"Cu�blm, � 1�, Uesfty M-I'Ming, at Ims b"n in rmr ,&*s1th � for soint tirAe� X6 legives t.) r L ""11�' $LIS and li"I ft � M"� PAT VIkbm, PAU" ,%Ith MTPOP, LE ft-ttar of Iffalm L thurdt will 0-ildad the, ThIllikftIvInS gefVlce ft, ti,ftlein thlifth I toque feathers, .6$ttl IlloUnt or quill. YOU %'Vill find theL ne ch, a feather %v hats captivating. . L4�"'Ivm Cur— rftd" X4M "d1l)(108 T%k*_, ROW" Tticum I IL _4�%urn his . �� 16" his %Itc thr" sigte"� M - ' , . ts, Joseph 118oicketw, r_,W6o1W. vr& V�ft Lb M '. Ito 80"Lob It"W for "As ft _1, 4W The Qftwy it 00m, ntit Mo -pear, ottober 11, at' I V�nit, ftrifty school at A VM it 13 how \1. They offer variety enough to suit every type. You ot CM1611y inivitta 11 I Know Ymr 1WMW Netter. . i rr*ln,..Of I �� xel(ASL md M(S. 74irkley, & ftMRJkn 0 ,� L" . SWW AT I' for A IXT#6 atteftftftce'� Rev. 10. W. cralk will take t t6 1"� M. *W &. I ,--.--- Ufa, 2 . Ile I I Luk, I A. Cks" I C* DW* E L W I ftm� 0" thre* "b"t Notsat "d 11 oeorxe� Of &Itft� and Wim. of xqoh. � �, #*_V, W6 I . � W. HERN'S -he bmlt6 In nyatt 6 . 0entl vilited thurtn' 1',o-"116% ovi nun. Ifty. " !I _­.... -11.1. �� Mi M. R. ,, t? '" - -- "I IN _­ .... LL ..... -01111- 1011 I I la on _ __.. � ..0 - 1 "teni Our ssmpathy t.3 the be�exve& rh"* 41W � noft SW I ; Tbof i r"zAAr m -"it" of ttle "Ing I Kingstan St I is S MacVicar L _ . __ ,�� , ", � - I . I - � 000140 Witty of 'talft ell" *111 be' 11 �_ -_ I .--.-, on 1. .. , . � _ - � .- - - I .1111,11'. . — MI 77�,­­!,;S. �` ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� W%� MENEWN . . I . . I . I I . I . I I . . . . I . . . . I . � I . . . . � . . , . . L I I I . I .