HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-08, Page 111 i , " — I ; i !, . Balance of 1931 FREE . � � � � The Qodfft�h Star WM be $ont t4 new , I . I j I , --,. SX,Wrlbers froul now ti) I &U., 1933. f4r Guly -Two wuaa� A3 P-Captly *0 I . 01�9r. I .1... J ��, L get the' fun beuent Of this "e' I �� 0 i I I , . I I ut 1� - " � 'Me Stues 25e Trial Trip ;I The oodewl�lt Wilt aa*=13 Nows.,^.�N � I VIA.. -i win b2 acat ta New saweribers - .. W it t . - " � - . - . - . . . ­ I . -_1 -----­---­ � � . . , I I -- ­­ I -- � .11-111 ­.­­ ­ ­.­ - 11 .11 I MISSING. DIA"M FOUND W,OIJLD 0U*S I . . ., . .. � I - * YOUT14 FOUND ,� ­ .. . 1-1 'T � .. ­ .1 . -71 1 PATRIOTISM 18 'I'm - r W, ... �', X I !�.,rloux djm6earanuek of . ,7 ;4;%,;- its settl1w, In a rior. In *4 ALL TkANSIENTS ' THEWWOF TALK - IrTo , . go ' , % . . 1. , I But fe 988, Due' DOMPORD Of 0898dt FAR FROM, ,,''.. , � I i 1. . . I .� ­.... . I - I '. . — � . '0011erich borao. and the substitution of � . . I I . . . I LIFE ASSUUNCE FOR WOMEN � - - - Thirteen-TIOW-OW W - Sets - Out a worthies& ,$tone therefor, has bcog Town CovAcH Askod to An4orse, - I I" 11 A Fervent a I . * . r ... -- '­ � . .,I. -­ � �. � - 1, , - , I " .o�.:�.­­.--�­­­­ . The' -Star. -reported , - i I.. 174w.. Unswomw , , , - 14�, ­ � � ­4�­, '.�. '- 10V * - 4. � - , -- - Z - . � -�4 .i� , .. ­­0W-8ky01W ... lrron��Ni,;Wst, -7- �soived. . ,thv� -Ing ' - � -, . �.:,, .­� - . , ,Woja �;:,,R4"Wiowlrimviwov �­­ I - 7 1 - � ini 'Ap" ' sit 1` ' ".7 - . ., . assurance are not limited to the . IA Its last week's Usuo owad. lx*B been iff- . Loy** V1 . . I . w" . . � . , . The advantages of I e . I 'O' L ­ .", I.- I Vwls . to publish. the following expl . . .. North say .. - � � I �. .. P*riah,4�d' - I . . . married. . Single- women- ­all wonlen who are dependent, n . . I , Iluest � � art" � — � . I . , .. I L . . I , - . - ' attoin� . .P I . .. --�� . � * 'Wir own. work Pind it a sure and convenient * The diamond hap. Since been.' �W , Medium both for AND LANDi 1�,'16DEPCICH � .O,ULJ> SEND T*WA HO'Mr . f - . � . . . I 1P savifigs - and protection. It. guarantees an income In later . -.I-,! . found and a full explanation of the , ­— � UNITED �%TATZS Ist UPPED - .. I ye . — . . facts Is available which entirely to . . . � . . I I ars when bu�ines� opportunitiesare denied. An endowment Qvvs Wircog N4um and X4dms* " , Rent*1 of Space in woribb"se *t . .... .. ­-ArA­A#$poW- moves any thought of theft or of ." IR" I Win Be Gud ­­­, ­­­;.­­-- ­.-PplipX.. Maturing at ages fifty-five'or,six�Z.10-AK§,.:Wpuld,-pr.ovc,-- �--Authoritiwt­­-- --critteism--or,-ompleim.ot.opy-.,.ppr4ou-.,,— arborProvicon .� .- .. -­-­­1-11�ia ­ --,J) ­RktiFs -"ffifh-- - if . ­ _&WIM00 ­� . 01W. *t�p attradijji�:' -WIlMd isheT �6 a. p licatio ,. . - . .jAk­W0"­'___­----.-, I. . I I . . I I p n L � -for Two Da� Thw aUtUjorttles have been so Ia. . . I . I . Winter Over I . . . . . . L . . . formed and the diamond is back In . . . I` , '' . � . . . . . . �� - Itesillence 049 � � . . . .. At$ setting. 'The ring. In which the. The tow4'couneii 4oaued up its, rou. ' . � . I A,% , � Phones.: A thirteen-Year-olil boy, bubbling owr - tone b d become low 4', lie greatest earthly. heritager a, M01a I . . . . : 1"Office 125 . H .* R. LONG, District Agent I With the urge to, "See the world." wa . , was left on T I . I .� ,s s 11 U316 business In three quarters. of an - . . I I � a *14dow-aill N�Illle � repairs were hour Ia can posseas Is the herltago'--of ladtl�ll . I I -1 - . ;.- . I I I voke" Asa hacAd herd, on Friday of last . t, Friday night. Adjournment I � . . .-�. - % - � " q -7— �` - " . . I 1. I I belftir roads at, r the hou4c. . The WAS taken Ia -oroor that Members might oltUtuablo." lir ringlus'640 go spoke - . . . r . I . . � weqk by Inspector -IX. T. Edwards of the . . I . � . .. r v � . V I .L . I � . ChIldrenN Aid, Society. HA was '.one valuablo rIA* ,'Which apparently had p6ttond the box lacrosse match in the r Col, Vansher. of Aylmer, In W addre33 . I � . ­­ -------- � - THEVEATHER not beet � An Sk� Georgo's church on Tuesday night . - r , � . .. WA*thb.-:,�Used Heater, in good Coo- . .r . � . . hundred �and Afty allles from. his. home x nOtIoW bad been brushed y1ok, but 44ne"Jott the Council chamber, botoro the 7,44lon's club of the putsho. . � ­�-­ ' - -Nlasarv. Fallis-froM whence ho had ,off along, WIthr some repwrl�g ma,- Xnstead they t4vklod the unemployment .1 . . I I I ,dition, small Quebec preferred.- I The "Week's, temperatures, tltls� year come on his trusty r terial and the loosened stone* bad p . merits ­ . The Address was a fervent -appeal for. aI . I 11 I Enquire at STAR OFFICE. , bloyole, eating And r roblem, sitting out the respective . � "I'll . ,14imper and 3, More apprectatIve un4er. . .. . I I and last, recorded by ;�:R.� *Utch, ofii� sleeping ;rt, rolled onto tile. floor and.through a pf the two hundred t 'ro, 0� 1. ()"AI"10 . � . . Udine I . .. 141 observer, .follow: ' . - . tarM'-holnes along tile route crack therein. The Xing was own- ,registered for- work, * . MVIO � S gta , of' "Our IJrJtISh Herltag,-�.sl I .. . . . BT oats And 0 foro Ave days, HIS guardians motored th . . .JY.­Qood. , I y y workman, , york sit th Tile construction Via, Elliott" In , o c6litro, van the, senior Col, Van8hor left no doubt AS to Jill � . e harbor a4d the sewerawhiolt . . . sliest price Paid. AP,- r . . 1931, 1930 !rom Niagara Falls to Goderich, an Sun- thinking to save him the sense of the. town proposes to build are expected ollkIMPIOAship At the annual fleld',day sincority. Time and agata. he eMph%_ , :. - . 7 BROS. riespoleri Ofit, ObeL 1: . Max, =, n. Mag. Min, day. r The boy, Who had been a guest at loss, had on, balts,tiou, stone last week. On the left 13 Roy UrrIngton, sized his conviction that ,Gre&� Britain . r �, r � -Middle-aged r ,Woman .Wants �k,, rr I . ...... 69 59 � ji(Ir , 36 tile Children'a Shelter for two; o1olits, re, set Jim ,to PDX0311Y and teMporarily relieve ,the Intermediate ch4mploa' . tile would surmount her, pre*nt dItIlcultle-i . , I L. � . WANTED � 2 ........ the ring, while, so' L It''developed that not AH I., I and on . ... I I by r Clay, Q5 63 ,"r. arch,was ma4i for - *situation, , . _ right is Billy , I . . housework, if possible. , . fill %37 turned, with them. So cud his'Moycie, the- ,diamond,, . Unfortlinate-ty L 'the plloantr4 are deserving. People with pro- -Craig,. the junior ieh%.At� and rise triumphantly abovo.tho3e Who . ; TInqUire at STAR QMOE, � L � P# r :3L : .... ­ 72 L.5a . Q1 47 TbI5 wandgrTust-Imbued youth is a . linitatloo Stone r' �,(USCQVoreo AS pion � I . . Ought. to dqatroy hei. '�Flfty r . . L ; ; �.���,, . " it ...­. 77 60 63 36 Ilkeible, Chap -who, took g t I was - port�`, &n4L.4n receipt of iucont ' L 4 11 . I . � . . today . . . I . � � L L 0 - 4 . . . I Po $ ........... 7i ­ ,,. L Sch, before thb� Search L Was ,Cora- . , " -have ' , ' L r . years from now he r aald.�' tho United r , . .� -1 , . � NOTICE -T6-C-REDIT0 .3 1 , 63 ' '37 spoofing tile lauthoritles. lie thIdL Of A I registered. On Uke , Other- -hand. there , I I I I . I � , . � ' ... L, L , ,--------. r I 40 L trip on his Ifer . I CV TO CRXDITORO� L � 8 41 L . bicycle to Califor. to What Appeared to be a dramatic, and from. commercial.. and financial aupromaey '. . . I r �71 ... !�� � " 0 ........ '72 6 *Onderfid . Pleted and this, of course. lent color ,are -Married men with 4 w States would Still be trying to wrest th6' � X OTI ., . 67 5 . 0 Wa Arid .to He. -has a wonderful 'r three to seven Obildr6a ,with -,no,, job And -L .,TOWN -TOPICS. 1; . , . . r . I " 1! r. I - r, 1 ..�­ :75, 44 turn. 1 f t Brltg�in. .Before the .winter, " . I . I . . and 'fo story.. ,However, the diamond b , no Money- These, of to — roM Grew W" . r NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons � ,# .8 ..... ­ 73 52 - . 64.: , 5g Imagination � r I urge, Are. to bay . .- 'was over Americans ..*Id L . . I L � . . . MoVin I I � ,� � and AG trouble :in ginee been foned, t as r 0 DRXVER EXONERATED ' , having any clabn against the estate,of .... —­—­ =;:;--- concotting yarns . of . hor,,by re g ; tile ArA call, - . . . . r . . be glad. to . . , . . ­ the draina . ,� . I . L . . j r . .. - 1�, I . big Adventures In . . r W�, PrIddle, mi -of the . the *Idq .tic flavor and Incidentally - A coroner's ury at Soaforth I . r r ;r ., - . Her, late . I r . - I restorday accept,the Canadian dollar,'a't it's faeo � Joseph' . open APaCts. He Was a little , removing All .criticism ,o nyoni, . .t . Value. . . � . Town. of GoderIch, in the County of - 00 , hazy Ott i geography, however. When :.A,, : In eresting PISCUOSIO11L I exonerated John Lamont -of 0.11 blame I I I . . � I . L 1 I Huron, Who Otedr on or about the, 15th � r TO" TOPI -:7 asked his nanto 0 Inclaeutally. it ft f a f Mar r ... . . Thei Pairlotio Taruch. % I . I L.,T ' � ::' r ' L '. '.. � . ­ %A . , , Ws. how un- John Marriott came a little too late to in - connection., with the � death o � . . . �� � r' I it IS to L .. ,., r , - . L I - and address Ito L gave 4 fair form fireo Opinions on. do buslftd,94 ,With tile council, which - had prof, Drake, ikged .11, killed' to an ,auto, it Was a t000ly p%trict4c L Ok�&C�a ,r, , : L day- of August, A.D. 1931, to send Same - - � " r fictitious namej -while. the Only place he circumstantial .evidence .alone. I I adjourned When !Ile Put'in 'Lan appear. , 'q '�L, . . . rsigned on Or EASTMAN WAS BEST DIA?i . �, I duly proven, to the unde I I . . . CO�Idthltlk of other than his proper ad.' - I r Howe r Accident near Dublin Oil August 26th which Col. Fanshor gave. Nothing Ilk,,, . .. I I � . . 1. , 1. L Executrix r D �.. .I I I I . . . I an I Ce. ver�: they. out w9s the driver of the gar,�. H; At has ,been heard In Goderich since tho, . . � r before the 9th' day* of Octoberi A.D. 1031 I. - Eastman was the,wilingr of the dross was Fort 1krie.. ' ' a . talked their diffl. LIM � as on and after thatL'date the 0 . ­ . . I . 7''! of the- said estate WM-pro aftOW, Cup at Maitland. GOU' Course, Thp chief of po 48L I L "" , " r . . . 61ties o%n informally,. Mr. Marriott is Will Appear In ,police court. bero.on Sat- recruiting ,days of the Great War And . . 11 I I �. . lice at .Fort Eric w - - U r � I r I I I � . Ceed to make beating Charlie Naftel by.one point - In 60molunfoate4. With L L fio e - , Seek SPACP L L . I . . : . Ir 1. ­ L, .. Ing In the municipal. freight urday.-on a mansl1iighter charge. lie IS r the Tinton Government. Campaign of. - 1 - , 'r . a.. . . av n . . I . . - of which notice Ia" .been �, I .- mr,his towo, bUtq .. rly , . . . I � : r .'' toL the ,claims . 00 rephed tha, .e , On 'r . 0 . 1017. Thor L I I . distribution thereof, having regard only the final. . . . � . boys were missing fro . 1 . . r beds I at ihO harbor. The Council hit-. a gut Ott $10,000 ball. . . . . . .speaker divided his subject. - I L . . . . L . . rI.L is war '' I ..� I � . ,. into flVeL beada;:�POS , Unity, L PrJo I .. . .. . 11 I . . . I L I received. I ­ ''L ' 2L CONTRACT AWARIDRD. I.. tthAt:a YOUth.!Md been missing a week . . . , Suspicion the space nted, for the son nissET rd. c. c. rxivsrovxt� elple, ,,,,,,,t r Cc , OeSO16A L ' ' L , LL t . .. IL - : ' . L . . . DATED at Ooderjoh, this $th,day -of I '" , . . . . . rom Ntag , . Crgelty Charg" 'Robln Hood Flout MIIIS, �Vhlch WAS re. . an And SaicrIliftL September, A. 0. 1031.2 . it IS�111140r#66d .that t, ara Falls., The jig, was up, . - - r . — . I I . . Tuesday olght Was nOMIU;ttion -night - - In a copYincIlig ,and. Illumin . 4 .. .,. ­. r : ! . . . . he contract 'for .The boy ,wild, L .. , SuSed'a, few -weeks a - council did not . 'attag,' - . HAYS and HAY1% � -the Completion of' the r ' faced with the facts ad- L , ' ' 11 .90 AnAhe �Xeucsettidg7 Canoe i0lubL agti,aoh manner the appak6r . told- of- -the i6got. ­'­ -- -.- . , . r r , 11 1. .. _41 ­te ' I r Ar a* L prth­arldr -501101 mittod ills idenjity. � �, r,' ,, . ; �� . L ­ DS= "r ._L Por --.-,- a - -wish _AntagOnJJa_thU Western -.01111ida, Bisset was . _- Q ­ -, �: -,:. . , - Goderldh; Ont I '' ' ' plers-0-the harbor has been SWAntA A#* . I elected PtesfiloAt, George tudi of, th6 British Fanpire. xf: Biftish - �� - , : . I I . Sollcitorij -for the Executrix herein. I .an k1our Mnls�'tbe town,� largest employer War vice . q . — Awarded to Tile matron at - tb e shelter was an Costs--Nonnan AMiaL Is r Of .1abor, b�. rendrig spive Jn'It3. Inuolol, %wan president,. $14 Palmer subjects Were to Pass IM review before r ".: . 'L. . 1, L I L NOTICE To Op r, William Serminghain & Son, contract- taken Up' With the youth. 'HO gave.no.: ' � pal L Secretary; T. R� . Rundle', treasurer, it, King George at th6 joite. of 706 an hour r .1 . . . .. -1 e r � .'. r , � Of � Kingston. - M . . . L r r . . ' r . .EDITORS. ors, . r, Serodughain I" trouble. He Said be ran Awa . Bounil Over " ' - warehouse to � A competitor. The , Sanderson Commodore, and Rev. . J. - N, it would tako 11 years to comploto tile I I I ­ .. I . . . L.E i.. . ., I .former summer.irosIdent her . y , from . . . I I. . . . W:UnCHL . - . .1 .1 . rerAnd wasa' home because b . I I — . offered to�'fijjat Mr� Marriott r I I � ,. IN THE MATTER. OF THE ESTATE OF Onetime 9 business paitne*r of Mr. Wil- 0 was -kept In the ' house . I .. . I . . r. . . , I IL Mills cbapl%itt. rFor vice LCpMmodore review. A' now s6n;ratJOA'­W ,� . L I r I too Much. He liked farm. life 6d -a charge of, Cruelty to dumb Ant- $pace If he Savo un.agreeeniont not to Gordon, Bisset 1 ali born . ., , - I HANNAH HORTONj WIDOW, LATE hant Forrest. ­ �. . . ­ . L And'was MAIS, Dinr Sws, .0 r r � '. . ­ . . I . . . . � So it to Store competing and Ned Sale wore nom- every 2 .. . i r . . ntz,. Colborne tow qUtiv�o Jos. r .. r � I L . OF THE To'" 0�i OERICH, IN ' , . Anxious to get back- among the hors' . ," lines with W ,2 (It yeari,, Nothing Was growxtt , , - . �. ,. Got osbtp Lea- Inatvd, for oxe I . . . ----- es farmer, Was on, WeduesdjS�1­,,,* , ' tei? Cal�aoa,� .Mr. - M b1ch was not $town AA I .--- r , I . � , L .r d at, ,r " , 'He ol Imed Prldbamp' W, t6bbutt, Peter MACE�vstn .nthq jjrltl�h V L , , I THE COUNTY OF HURON, and .live' stock. 110,.spent big, last A . -ftgorft, , arriott -refused to MaoVIcar, 'E, under -the'aUn W r - . ' 1 ,1),V4. . ­ I � ­.. L. � L . 'ed . $50 and 'Cbsts b W ic� * Re 4. aO Any Such thing., r a Western , � In this 1. : L CN&SED. . � . . Ight i - L . -----------­.� OST ., '. ,, . .. ,Of freedom wIth.LMf. .Sam Stirling, five , Y r' & I , L r 4�DOA4jd. La�4 . . Mplre,': n6tWog r t., L : , . I IL . . L, ­­­­ ­�,�- . beenL And 014toxod I for Audi- world was'mWed willol.t -W , .� . , "". I He was given o4i k Canada had , as for�IgAL I . I -L 'L . — , I -.A -reddiShr brown , I es Ir ., , *ee W POF We fine. very! kindly d - I 1. , . . . .1 w ­:,,. ' the mattar'of faVotsand -I ' . , , . Out Godericit qn, the Huron roadi The ealt wit!t ter$ Hawnd.1tobertSon, R.' T..Zdvards, British t�.irltory. Tb�se, Rr? but o,t%e-,0r,, L ' . r . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GrvEN, pur. .11)OG L 0 ST, . . r L , act Of L . I � L r ' I suant to Section 47 Of the Trustees L j" L, , 00*erel 4RAT401, no,pied !,Sandy), ,After a'heart-tO-J1ftft talk, Mr. Sterling cruelty Consisted, of. the ap- by the town in r I . . * . ­­ � *.. Tag, No, 72., T40WATd.qffgtCd.,; MRS-+. thought it b ofa "arStMall And It- 'C, WbatelY- It 'tw Of the in strationa' used to-dtive-.. ­ 1. . . At Plicatlon*,Qf a "war bridle," with charged th6.,cre4tion .fn. r U . L . R-S-O�, 1927, Chap, l5o, that all credi- . eat , to notIfy , L a twitch �r L . - monopoly,. He WAS d, 0 L, ,, . L.. I . I , the. pr6per :gripping r eol4od to 491d, 41M 00004r athtlMe; home the ralghtt "'.., I` :i 2 L � O* -12..: L.L.. . tors and 'others having claim H.' MITOS841;j 40'Ath St, Phone .20. , 411thotities, The boy has a i the horst's lower lip, causing, Pffered tb rent the efitire,wareliduse. He I r UO3 and 0149nitudo . X ­ - � . ­. . ­ . or do. - - , grandfAther . . tho far-flung Empire., I . .1 .. ': . ... ---- ,­ . ­ NEW CQOI,ItqQ ,SV4%%r4 . r. . I , . . �. I I.. I. I ri v" 11 .... . I I . , Inands against the estate 'of the sa . I -. -Lotidesboro and It 13 bolleved b ' Paralysis,' .the animal being unable to It. He ,said It bad, o . � , .r ­ : .. � . . . ? . FOR . JUTO RENT . I er was I ,aid the C nee 4; 1 � ­ i " ,1 . . . .. I 1. .. . ". �.-. .�., .11. �. " " L r L r tfi.t� . L Dr. . - ZOP 'I ' r Ld place offoro"�to L . Hannah Horton, who'd � ri I i I . 'been d ,r��ft him. Her oun L Geojto::j�I�o I . I ­ I L Ud. on or about i � headed. for oat or drink r properly. FreeMan, - son k4va j.as coin- I 1. 1. . . .: ... . L- I P , L . I I . . L I 004's 40hojett p I ' L � . ...� . t.. � . � - ,Would L not"doil;t it �S I , , , . I . . .. ; . L . I L 1. . Ia a Ward of .. the eighth day of eptoMber,, 1931, At 4 although he V.S., has reported ah improvement In Oil was restricting the providing. of ,em. pleted the itistaill , 'Col. Vanshor was p tive in, Ills cd , , . '.. , : to tom, cornpr: long. 6 L I Atlao of � A' handsoma ell, are, r1*uIred oa � . . I action. HIS Policy was now and inoderu, AxtU - V, . . . . . . . ... . . 'the Town r of Ooder I T I R , t Huron C JdJC�en 'a COAdItIon, , otherwise'. the to give everybody .all equal thanCe toL t wero. * * ?,, the horse ,I)JOymont by its . or before t ' L 4 (t the s4itare, Ap- " r � .r . Aid Society, L I . to,. A. refrigerated a Ion that the .Au 03 I . . - ,I L ho -seventeenth day of Cet, Ply L ­ 4: . .l ERT.� f0hone 361, .. � I . r . .L. I PrOfialty Might have been More a6vere a In . . . . , . . Ober, to send by post,, prepaid, or deliver . I L 1. . . ­ ----#— The r =34MUM I .,this, offence Is $ - . 19 oats, 004-C chosen People. These VCDP16 1_%�� �, � ', I .'' ' I .1.L . . . do anent .. 8.11 , n%oi . WhIOWL .keeps L .... ...... ­ or, business, provide employment ai%d,b 4. A , ­ ,:. r 1� to: the solicitor Of the* executor r ­ . . L 600 L I . elp �VWUW$101. milk butter 4nd All parl3h* .sAid,.had. accepted the �( 1-i AsIbill , , �L' � , . I � STED, , * L' ' . p )o ty a . .1 ALI.,, L 1. . . �cf t-ber OR 6ALE�Germaa Boner canarlosi AGED XANW�XE L L I 'audcottsr or onow.yei Page 6), . A Ott -in Perfect contiltlon,. free were toajj� the 'greatest. Chlistla anj'r..' "�' r ,:. � - last win and testdinent of the $Aid,"deo F ' . �, - . 04;*Wboubient, Or �-� . "' �Cqlltlnued on . . r . n I L -N I . . DM bouil The� hbri6 be101igs-to, lqorm Al '-� -- r I L, -.' .. . reasonable.' M. J'� BP6 an - *' L � I produ L. tL : . I � P % A Clinton � man, aged 62 r Tlie"two�,hj I 11 I I fro dust and flies, The case Is refrli,,-. and IVIUng force In the 'i ., � . . ,. I I.... I - .. ceased, their:Christian manles and air- LOV-11, Concession.2, AshAeld, or addres , , was arrested . .. . top C world. � .. names, addresses and 'descriptions, the Sh6poa . .S at the week- Ad -charged with Indecent U4, neighbor of Swantz, ; ,,, r . I Crated both and bottom and 15, Cross and t1le Ual .r . � 11ill particulam., in Writing" of tbeir rdton R, R. i. * L . . . I assault Upon e his'three-yeat-old grand. ato"at loggerhoada'a6d the ofti e!� ,,;�-. - TOWN - TOPIC& . on , Jack . liAd so.no � ..r . . : L . . I., I I � obfr*as . thormostaUzally cqn�rqlied with, the_Lhand . .. . .1 . L ., in hand "eve.- M,u, WaS, to, be . . .. . claims, a statement of their Accounts, - all committed Whiler.,$wint -'. �' , WA%o. 11 . ,. . r Fou RONT.-Apartment over Mae- d sfit0r. 'who residei With her widowed HA,g horsQ3 to L z was takfbg� AI- — . . ­ r r L Maximum as desired. The lixtu.,.2 . Is . I . I .. %nd the rature of, the - security,. If, Any, . L r . ­ - LDS . L . found. In German 'East , ,0n4o. . r. , � .. I . I - ' . VICV's Shoe ;Store. modem con mother In Godotich. The coused elect- the pound'after they had MRS.DONA ON V"NS rCUP .L ' .." , P �: *r, ' ' . . *, I , . 1, y J. in. rver L L L . 1, I I I . . 4AAk by the'Uni'Veri3l CoOlInt ,SY$tOm policed by S,000 , Get . Africa , tbe.f,r, . .. ,!. he d he .� itences. Apply to 2416S WSITELY, ed trial before judge L A been dig OVered IA' his buckwheat. 'The vil . I . I 1 IS L . � .Man soldlors; . . . . . , ' and Jury and was I C . aner or: the Bills 'CUP at L the lao..'of W-Intlsor, and ,a decided AC41AI-' Weroloday fewer than fifty '':L' I . . I , , . . altion to the L r British fuaj�'; L. . �� :r'.* ' - : i AND TAKE NOTICE that aft ' -South -st., - , r the. Case has elroUsed *Ideipread. In. Maitland . 9juipinent' of "'A L. iota, 'itself A r . '' ,J. or L Such , . r r ­ - . . ' . I I . '& ,tributo JL .4 14 I xuc�. - r' " " . :'. , _ L' 'L - L , I I - , - last mentioiied'.dato� 'the said .executor L:L �r. :. . .- committed. He Is iii the. county )all. - Golf Club': thIs'-.year WAS. Mrs groCeri, '', 0 . L . . or evidence . . . . , . 1, - I., 6trikin 0 6 I . . _ �, I . . Ti, I ,store. r ­ _L, � . . . . . I � . will proceed to distribute the. emetSL. of ' I;E,FdA SALE, in firs OCTOBER RASMERUIES r I 1:;d The was taken. on' jAM03 D6�alds6ri. - . r . I . cess of the British', loolch . Policy;. , I I . , 'POOL TAB. .. . r r I L L . . 11 I the said deceased among the parties ell- . . . . rt Class . 4 .aY of last week and sentence Was . . .. I ­ . � ; Izitidn� L I , .. . L . roll .1 . � L � -NTU1s1C,C . 4 few al"ghteninj fact$ Which 00 r, only to tile ,,, condition,. will be sold cheap, as Raspberries,. large' red and juicy, were :reserved Untur yesterday. Qd.r L&OY bOVMIEUSL '. .. .1 � iZ -D TO YEAR L . L 011�. ­ - - .: �,,' � -- I L I . titled thereto, having.regard both r - r .. . . I . r . have -not room for It, CRAIGIE plucked from A. i Urt rocut Wit' t . .. 1. , . are, all too pique to forget. �Vers eltol, I 1. . claims of'WhIch It shall then have uo- BROS. bush on the,side of the caslOns the 6 - 5 'O.0 ginall to Last Frld�y A sentence Of six. M�nths.determlnate Forty-eight Out of every hundred abip'S L . I . . . . . I . L L the lady bo*lors had a and L . . 1. I tic% and that the Said executdr'Wtu not ­�- I — - bighW0 at ball'a bridge, near AuburA, accommodate those who Wished to :hear ,,tournament, The .Winners -were, ' � sla months Indeterminate wras met, W . I be liable for the Said assets L . . , I .1 . M . Which 6all9d the seven sela,wera Brit . . . � or any part h hot oil aY by Mr. and Mrs. Goorse Wh� the. pr6cqidings. I . I . I ks., T, ed - out to 4, B. Miller Town- Stitt or c go * I L' rr . . . . , 'doderloh . - . thereof to 'ahY� Person or persons of $12.60r�Modern flat, heated Wit .. it .. Mrs; I , . . . I . I L .­' Glazier, Mrs. O. Ginno i t4c mliodL-troasurcr­ w ont. of the tonna car- : .� . . . . I Wsdpr, n . � 'Mrs.: W� J. rMA.- � T� -, *till _hWI-Alighte"o. . Nevin aud� �---V-S%jlnoerg. . . -RNALA . . . . . . ..... . ell . . . Whose lalumA . tice shall not , hAvor been Bb. Allift soundt0if ­ - . I Mam eat or. thp .. . . . . receive c it atthe tiM6 $75 ",uebeor St., six -toilet P ell . ff . , I .. r I . 1 , r I 1% - AMd 0a, Mhdltoday."Tbe� lit it rrr . I too=,. Ick a Puff ball wh she spied the rasp. Wa&tratL P I d by . otsuelt dWrI4 I and lights. 0 NINA TAM borri .Were On A charge ofassa . � I bution.. . . � . . . es, which -brought , home, but N ' an Allin , r uning Mr. swantz �QLSOX 9ML JOIN$ CAREY F1101 crime Was committlod ilve yoilrs qgo 11411 : nations Was written ln.Xng., r proved too . . 'o' ted r , . � CLAUDE S.. POTE, . Executor, . , teMIA149 to last long eno'ush , orm. WAS found guilty, - given ,Mr. Nelson Hill' has tak6 ' . whzn- the sum -Of $600 -WIlls found MIS. to linpro and btber'lacts W re quo . .r .. r . � I L I suspended sentence, bound over to, keep I . the'bWnesa A an interest, * supfcoldoy of : . . . .. . . . � . � By his Solicitor, .. FOR SALE.-A'nuMber of choloe.Hol- to L Put CA exhibition. , I I , In Of O. F. Carey and Son , s1n; from the funds of.'$. S, No 3. ;It ,as the marithao . . . . Stela cows 'and better$, du - r I . ,., the Peace and Ordered to Pay ther r " . I - r I , ' L" . D. R. NAMN, Gcderldh� ont.. freshen tit October and November, also API&OINTE6 HARI% - MASM ". L . Cost's of thia.Lease. ­ I r court Ltd., And will Move to town trom Aub. Was. not UntilL last August that Miller the British Ernpire. . " -140, I I . Dated At Godortch this Arat 4 of . 6R. � L * . . 14Y 50 Barred Itock PUllets five months old. . Urn .with Jib Wife' And family. - ,, ;. Was.10cated at Fort William and arrbst. I United States, Plater * -*7� r ' 'L � I I Octoberi 10t, - ,. H.- J. TA"AR Mr Batt McDonald has:received ,OM- . L . . � .. . I I --- L , �­ — THA, Clintot A Ttabn1cal Assault- - T 0d. His cast had been adjourned from 7111f Germany hail'' understood tile I Clinton, . . . . : REAL 9§TATE. AND INSURA�N�CE� - I . ', Marine and, Fish me to time In the hope that tie would a blud thq, r , Phon I e 21-601,' 1 9. IL 2, ..tat ,notice front -the . Department of .25L, at I Woo6i;TOCK WAS WE . � - 4 'Which - sties of his app6lutnjg.lit On Friday, September 8.30, a.r , trength of r the ties . 1. � 7 Mr. SWantZ was . act of L it., About five hundred, bowlers foregath-, -to MakO,aonte restitution, 6ut he other Country and her Dominion. there I - R SALB.::i0ii LdShoin Pullet$ , ' 25 as harbor Master At a In the taking Mr. be able M r I I r . oder Oil Wednesday for A Was Unable to ,do, s6i ther'Sofiteneo Is never WOU14 have been a war," said the . .. .. L I . ' �;&nald, WhO Hated tits did Of Lawrence. Snyder. rinks it tournament, including three to be served In an Ontario reformatory, Speaker. "And from , that wat � h15 . I � I ,04ptA, bOWJIngL 'VE ARMSTRONG ;Ar-�L . 96TATIC -. . . one -y kitchou rdeoda - kft_.,MaJCOJmr Job He suc. Allln% COWS to the Pound. He had ell. , 01-0i�:�-�- 6red At Woodstock AND INSURANCE AGENCY. ,eat -old 1.2ens 1 -1 . . I .. — . . range; 2 heating stoves-, I coal burning resigned last Spring$ L owing to his ad. OM Goderich., .Thd. rain cam I . . r emergdd a Britain greater and &trob;v . brooder, 2 oil burning -brooders, 1, refrl. vancing years. The Position has been Norman . Allia appeared On the seeno down In torrents and the. .bowlers could I L 'r. A good 200 -acre farm to be. -given gerator; is few Colonies of bees: I kitchen fIfted L . r e SAf;l(TARY ' I ' N'SpECTOR'S REjPORT - r . (ContInUeed roll r Paag6 4) - . . to the -person who will purchase ;table� I cream sepolato*r, I light W%gon� - WaPotarily -by Mr. Andrew., Porter, with his LTO1440 and collie dog And not get started, The event was post-: The report. of Assistant SAnitary in- L . . I . ,,­ � r 1 , ­ . %S L' Collector. the , r , We400Sd L L . .1 � . . . 9,"Yhouse and barhlrow, on the, property L single , plow;. 1 set harrows; I turnip OUStOn I Choice of Mr. .Promptly wrested the cows from, their Poned till, next ay. . . . Spector Fred 0, W61r, submitted to the . . . and. the standing timber at a low vallia. pulper; 100 thrde-lnoh tile, bond cutter, McDonald I Captors and drove them back 'to� the . . I .. � I . CAUI)S OF T11AMS '. . . tion and 0ay.the taxes for this year a baby carriage, Also a r good ., �jWFJ�l M ' a Immensely Popular among Allin tarn,, En route Allin andr'S L I * . . I. Board of Health At its regular meetings Mr& Stephen Andrews and I . I . atine Mftl and citizens generally. nyder, FALL WHEAT rdtNAVkJ)r . . . 60 Monday afternoon last. deals . MMILV . I I (19ai). No back taxes or any charges horse, will Work single ar.double, JAB. position Is More Or less all hohorary one ,,, 'Asung mon, tangled. *SnyderL jay� I : . � - The bothr yo ' , With Wish to thank their friends and neigh. . . . � =At�e Property. IsObation -and de- BOTZ, South St. - r Heavy growths. of Wheat, Lfoatered by the Months Of July, August and SOP, bora lot the kind - expresslo r Of -L. . . ' L . . of pr6perty�'. r , . . ... '­­ � . ,. . . and draws but M uOuilital. salary, but it knocked or pushed I tember. Several complaints W I us ,Aym-. . . . .. I - —.--,. I - nto the the most Unseasonable Autumnal wea- ere lodt- pathy shown them In the r recent bor- � . L A ,the to�nship of West Wa- ��'- POB -LIC NOTICE . . ther, is- said to be menacing the fall ed *411, the inspector about nuisances eavement. They wish also, to thuk . I ' � also Is a recognition of the reliability I , umped after him. I Situated I �:--­­- ditch by Alliho who $ . L L � . I of The two went to the mat, wl h I in r various parts of the town oil South, those who sent floral tributes,'and thoje I r . . wanosh, County of Huron, Ontq. one, . I — the w nailing atten I t . Aft on wheat crop of I r . I I hJ8L r I half - mile from school, one,half olle r 01=09. 1. . I r tIdn to duty which bas cha' !' top. Mr., Swantz, Wai alleged to, have Instances the' Huron County, - '19 zOlne Kingston and Weill Who loaned Cars. LL . . I . .1 r r , on I . . I _ I I I. raCtetind said . the Square, The COMPIAIuU were all Mrs. William Morrish and daughters I : . . r from saw mill, three miles from hne I �. I . . other dutlim'at the wat 'solve If; -t* him, L!t�w L wheat,, his actUa . ngton Streets and . . . A]l L �' erfront. rence, won't Out, ao far'advatioed Is the-srowth, in looked Into and reinedied, the repor I large village, convenient to jood i mar. gee. you hurt."' Whereupon the, 1. � g r I Parties having decounts against ��. �-17�­,n: �­,7 t= ft.- = a e wish to, convey -their thanks tp frlenli - . kets. In . fine larmin district, good '�7 9 ,such case the wheat will be Unharvested at, ed r " 1. ,�lutpeighb6rhood; twelve miles frora oode- the Alexandr& Marine and General Hos- EXECUTOR" SAIstr -� -- Allin Stopped $Or'thrand warned SwAntz . tea. The dumping of aloa�f Without hbors tLor kindnesses extend -M rlbb. - -^---^---- '� -fLbe t , . nex I dUrInd the lengthy, Illness, of . . � *� I � t year. The cooler weather which it being covered up WAS $to ped. r 0 their dau .L.. . ' t And 11019 . . PItAt are requested to file th�m with thia ­­,—� I to - stand - baok:', ' , to them . Good roads. Close to hydro, ­ superintendent as Soon -.1 . P N L 1) I S SA,AE OF A LA Junior Is A ,,,,,q-,,,�-,-­�Aft"�AIIIn set in on Wednesday is most welcome it, Action .Wag taken, on a Complaint offerings aliter and sister, also- for flora., loo acres now under cuitivatio ZE -W W.M3 dd the rural districts. . L, as I)ossible after ExEc"Tolt' . . About L 7 ready, principally find clay a * more the 6lose of the hosplt�ll year (Septein- SHORE FARM. . . I his beavier aftersaryin the *nilling, but - I the rendering of lard, In Ali . and use of cars. . Ica;; soil, ber 4 . . . , I . Seth) And hot later that% October . � Oust M31' Mr. and Mrs. it. V. Morris rind family , . . in Fine even undulat- 15th. , � L . recelveg & beautiful black eye, for his WITH THE LAWN noftgas sances Were reported from Hiu�kh I I We are histructed by the execUior of -*trouble, And wish to thank their noighbars and � Ing purface. No waste, very low Stan *. 6. L PAR00118, Piesident, the estate . the late Mrs. Mary O'Con There had -been, bad blood be- The glorious October weather & the, Cobourg streets Ind wete remedied, In friends who to promptly answered th�� I � es L . . L I . - of - t . . . - ty WOVIOE. , ". I -speaking tdrms' welcome to the . . acres .timbered, balahee . . . , . gel � I . by pub . Ito 't . tuction , At the not been On I . - rantit;%­as was tile cou,ity Inge from burning, , . 1 225 loads of excellent barn yard, fertfli- nor -to, Ween the L two for a year, They had past Wbek hasbeen most 06pteftiber two . home� Were released fire call and no doubt ;saved their bulld-� ' -. ser just spread on land. About six ., prentises, on. , - . . lawn bowling, fraternity. 'Duture. Good , — Front the 'to L . 1, SATURDAY, OCTOBMt loth Magistrate Aeld read Jall7i (qn"o" 11�1- Story eight,rQom house. Bank barn, I W. O.. Lumby wishes to Ann f(tetiotl$. 'A L the Waiting manner, in. which plans are .�aelng made Complaint, WasrmLetkse ..Ot diplither"la, 1�(Iessro� 0 I - Pent- - . enty fralt, excellent "ter. ouncethat . . la� I d silieIllell Haloes arid A. B. Orchard. Pi Commencing at 2.0o,ollolock. p,m,. lecture and asked them to one would think it was Midsummer. 'to.. exproos after October lat his basin . I - was eC Ived about the enist. their SlAeorcy ess � Will be bury tho'batchet and 6 At onto Of a nuiMnce at the rear of tile I - to all,who assisted in Any way to . easy terms for'balatice. conducted tit his now garage on St, . at While he L a A h Down cash Payment required, $9,lott­ The West half of lot 27, ti R. *eat In Mr 0 good neighbors. last Friday nIshVs tournament Albert town 11 11 a d t I thanks Estimated to be the Township of Ashileld, containing 107 SwIdAtz said tb prevent their recent fire from spreadIm enough timber Ao Pay this b3lance It David St. 00 his Prices on battery had Taylor and Walter Horn wore the win. In the thre a has been corrected, to the barn and other buildings, whoro I charging and repairing, rebuilt batterlesi less), The land Is good, backed down, front the Ailing be Would ners, , hs iector ro- gr I ICYCIL L properly handled. Immediate . %ITS t`hM1,OrP-, U11irldings Include a With Tom Pritchard anti Dr. Ora. a n, etc., v;as stood. I possos-v car-t6pping, motorcycles, b (mine not admit their Pugilistic superiority, hAM rufinorS_liP. ports having spent It total of thIrty-t - 11 � . . . I slon. 15 ton parts house,* frame barn 4ox8o*, it log barn, He ,considered he On Monday evening wo, a of good well cured hay and repalrifig. Phone 314. . bad used atsod judg- ChAs, Griffith And Lorne young v,�On hours at his work, DOUN . . and' quantity of Letraur given with., the _ . and a granery. There IS a fair Orchard went In refr . I . farm. I . I . LIE OF LANDS —FO1-'jS ainlng from fisticuffs, out, with William pot-jel -.--.A- ' f . SA Z ARR91A, —,01,, and from '10 to 20 Acres of bush. -The ' I And George New Winter - 9=011AW.-At Alexandra If I tetested write or see at once . 110.501- I . - Mrc.aY,, October Ith, gat - � 0 . - L MaoVIdar second. A jitney tournament smart Wool Crepe DrL,3�es 'in the liew Itir. L Albert Xoelshaw, OZ , . ­­ ... ­­­­ ... I I . TAXES. � farm runs to the lake, Is In ,an ideal pRES . COM6 at .Popular prices, tat, On Wedhead I , tj If C%Ing be sure to tend woid before . location, in 0, good nelghborgood and . ENT19D WITH CH9QVu 44 . . — . I Town of GoderIch County,of Union, to I . -After - last- Thaiadli L hing, induc- Ind 'it tbP, Pleton street'greew. MU , **- , .rlday) oven- J411 Shado; XAYaer 8111t 1,1050, obant9l. Goderich, a d chter. . �� , In being held toolorrol'I (V and ,P: , I coining. ,# ­ an eagy .,farm to work. I tIon ceremony in ,,,,, eve . J. W, ARMSTRONG. Wit t Tile !3310 Is being held .to close the . . ,church a plea� I . Qtto.and*8IIp-oA Utyle Kid olovez;, pull. I . rs I 'L , ­­ - .Box 89. Godorleh. NOTION IS HER IM -Y 01V=I'that tile P4tate, and It Must be 'disposed of. . gant; godat hour, with prograft DEATH OF ARC41WXSBOr W1ZL1A3tS OVL - Skirtu, Bloubc$ Mild Gtarve�- I I 101130 . I I ­ ---- - -1 list Of lands now liable to. be gold for TEAMS, ­Ten per cent, of tile pur- i and re- ginart-things to wear , at Z01IAEV=­&' 'MEAXINS.-At her residence, . o ­ -- l L ' freahments, Wa5 held In ,the lectureroom 'No5t Rev. lia ' ; 33' .... I . � .. chase price to be paid at time of sa V.d * - willianig, D.D., 11­*---� i Main 8tteet, r,ast Ilanilltall, Ontago, Olt . . atna= of taxest In the To,dh of Ooderich balance on Nov; loth le, of the church, When many of the coo. D.C.L., the Lord Arphbiahop of'London, . O.,tober 4th, 1031, Wlzabotlt . , I � bai been pripared and Is being publish- 1031. Further i fA' nummaLlg 0410 under tile au8picea Gunday' MoaldnD, wido,tv of Cbarlaa . I particulara-may be haT grogation and toW=P�Ople C#�fioraljy Metropolitan of the"ChUrCh dfL ' gland, 0 tile UaPle I&Mf Chapter, . I.O.M11".1 William Aleakins-, In her OXth ye3r. . J. .W. CRA, IGIE ed Ia tin a4vertfoement In the. Ontario from ral � caMPUCH Ga2ette, upon the Mth, day of August I SON, Auctioneers were introduced to ,ROV. D, J, and Mrs, Province of Olitarl diod on Mredn& yJ will be held On rridait and Gaturday, D&CIAS I . . . T. GUNDRIt & I thue. On behalt of L Huron pretbytery At* Ida realdonce, 01 d,,& ,t � ' and thb Sth, '4th ,and loth, days �of SIMON J. STIXAW, Executor. , . ,LAND._In Goderlell, I . I beptember, 11)31. RAY0 & HAYS, Solicitors was found dead in Jill bed at 10.2 1931. L r ,* ",nishOp5towe," London, 1 October Jotll and 17th, Anyone having urday, October Sid.' 'Irs. atolli , I . 00d6rich Mr. Andrew Portft prL,�entod Dr, 0, U., lie on 8a, � .. !�-=- 1 :` CoPIW -of ,such. list or advortisem, - DOUg3n,­0f--CjIfttOn, Witir a, 11afidg6nic. Oleloel;. The Church 09 - ,koglaiid ist*, 101. * - . It I . Real Estatead Insurance ont - 0 [ClOtheg, China. bDolm., oz- plo,,%so phone tZeClelland, bwlovea daughter of �Itrs. I I . L I.- . . May be had Upon application to me. In I I . AUCTION 5 : ChNuc In recognition of bla able fulfil- Canada JO.SeS One Of lb Most brilliant I —1 . -4� tAlargaret r4orri6h, and the late WHH-= . . I -----­�­ li I !lh . I I ­ - ­ - CMARXXG AUCTION 0AIX. - since- Rev, n. 0, moderatov, � L --- he 80th I . � , . .' ,�J�' ! , , ­ . I default of payment of taxes and coats as M0At Of the'duties of lntL�erlm - leaders in Jib death-, The Arelibi hop -Anniver8ary services IvIll be b.ld t WOM. , In her 30th year. L --,.;; shown On said .list, on Or before t a a I I --- -- - , ---- I I L . IfOOL s Grace .17111ted church, Porterla H IN MEAMBIAM . . L I -­­ — , I Of ve r, 1821, at tile hour of I � I . Dr. Do ' Irnild's doliarture, Wag to Confer eonfirmatlon In at. Mor- III, Sun. . . I - . — � L . . fb . . : I . I -I---- e I V � - I . I 1, I 11 -1 t, 11 I N , I , - � 1. - : I I i I I I I I IFI I 0 0101 10k the afternoon, I shall at . We have received Inatructions from Veyed t1gan -replied Attingly nfid con- ge!5 Church, Goderigh, on nund4y mbro. day ne,ut at 9,30 P.m. and '1.30 P.M,' =Vcollbti.-In load and 13VIU3 * I . .. .: I ... t e, at the Town Hall, Goderleb, M. J. J. CLARK 1% 1AVIZ396 Of greetings and well Ing next and to dedicate tile re. -ant nov, V- G. Varrill, of Ontario street m01AOr.V Of John .NCWCOM'w�, whi do- , . , , C. H. HUMBER Ar . Proceed to roll bst public rtuctloil to soil at Ills residence, corner 0outIt WIS1201 from Mr. McberMid to the new memorial gifts to tile church, tile hap. United chureh, Clinton, Will b,� tile prea.. itifted this life tbreoyyeara 0�-a, Oct&�r I I J6W8LLEA t 0 . lau to pay 8U011 arrears, tow and Picton; Street% 06derlell, oil - � mInEter, Ills wife and family and to the I tJbtr$r, 1611t ond b3Vi1stfY Window. cher and epecill mmlg Will * be given. 5tht 1028, - � �, TH8 SMALL STO get Ith th charges thereon. _ cougro'gatiou Of Knox, Aeeclitable tolos Oil I�Jondjy evenina a fot,vl supper tvill I Ure Mourn for one we do3rl 10 0j, I ILI , SATURDAY, OMIIM 17tit y v \; , RIE . L. L. XNOXI , eommenclog at 1,80 p,lu. sharp Were ht3rd from UrS, W. V, Saunders ItARVESW THANXsGXVJX6 Ile r-orved from a to a 0!�0100k, W bo fol. n For Ono wo COU14 not t2vo; 1 11 i WITH Ir"it did STOCIC Wastirer. Town, of 60,1etioll. . Ali tile Content$ of tile 110UM, Mitt JOsdpIlIU0 Weir and ItIr. 13sm ;�Ef, SERVICES .1 . oloved In life and mouruc4 in, d�aa.!I. I r � [Temurer's Ofue indIdd- . I lowed by a good Program given by the ReMoMbered in the Grave L . . 1--.--, � ­­ . 'I I Town of ClZtleh. Ing: Out settee and two eltairs; -one ttl�- A r4talago of welcome from at Inspirinu and appropriate llarve�t cor. Ituronia afala q1tartotte Of Exeter ton. I . .1. I ­­-��­ - I . Arm Olair; two roekh)g chairs; one W- George's parish was Voiced . V1 I 1113 lovilic voleo we'll noloi forgo,-, . . ====:=' . - . L 'by Rev J X: CM were hold at -8t, C;eorge,a Church tlotlng of 10 CIUMS, 8 V1011abt a roador n- -- . . .! I I !i - ­­ 1.11 I I . � .L$ Wola MaY pa -14 UIWM,7; .. . ! � .A� AM; one extO ion -table; slit ditilng =0 6nu It,% T. 1). ctCullough, of on Gunday, with nev, W. p. r,ellairtc.r, and an '014MHODISL Adml%lon Cog and Tile 10:3 ,oz him tie a3dly fool I . I . . ­ � - L 1`0024 lellatr41; 0110 bed 1MttTCS3 Ind Xiftlr(11116. ftl--o opoke. Dr. A. 0. !tun- 4f W111911M. W the to�,Clal Preacher for seer. . . . I I � . . ; L M10100: thfC6 -couches; Ono It'll Melt; ter PresidW, Thero wer6 a large Anot. t1io d.A,v, lie spoke morning, ekftergogn —­....­ �, As keenly " that first day. . . FRANK DONNELLY one 8 -tuba Do Forest tromlty elep,tric bCr 01 vl3iting OltrsYlli6n and elders and evening, Ills moo,mgm bearing a3 SPOCIAt OP Whai 11407, hotira to once onjoyel, � radio; Ono Connor electric wmhh* pvc3ent . ,TICAL NOTIC HOW owcot their MCM021M ttlil; Machint. nearly new; one tewing mg- from, Inuton and Maitland pro. their thollie aincere I 'ft an '40111ne Vold, , BARRISTER & SOLICITOlt vxpre�sions of nave rour 0SM1814 looked after Wllua they have IL . L . phine- oto kitchen table; tout Ignign bytewles, The elorgyntdit lne2u&4.1 Rov. thankfainem for tile StIts of t1le harvest Car Well known and p3h,Btaklag, bD2.� Tile world e4n never 0L .1 tibles" four console -am, rugs: four,pleces J. 21. Rhodes, r1oder-Ator, of xxocr; I)r. bestowed thid year upon Calladitins W Id3lbt, W. Itogimil, fo2rAorl 02)!Ieat� , WIVS and VAMM7. I I wish,�s to -Announet t1lo removal of Ills offices from I oiltloth: ten elairs; one ptincets V I Pat A E- DO"011, (9ntZ-,-9ev. 1, 1�. X&Sno, tho Ahnighty. Tli,T ellureh Wa3 tasto. 0*03 062 Xtn% To=llto, tind Ilearp . MIL.LIAN,�—rn ovt�,r lovilla, U4�rg,3Ty 01 IttlL, � I Notth Street, to . range OWIth Water front find warming fjtsforth: rtov. Jamts Menroy, .all; fully dworatca VI It the produtts of U043a & 60,, MOntVC-4 - Ovtr 85 Our &347 W11070d W110 and nnatiltor, ! . ovtu; otict big Jdwol heater Knd iglies; , Ribv- T- W, 6001wIll, BIS�tll:tind Aabum- field and garden. In the marning; Mr. VICArs, 0*00=40; 20 yc3t-s it �, a wito o I , officts formenly occupied 'L - - D. E. Holmes Ono bl' 'Yeld' neArly nt*. digheS, (-utlt*,L1 ReV. "John ,011114�,g to I i OW-Angla Cugrey, mucla L,�Io,vc ,I , � - I . iny craek$i lawn mov .Pallaz,k, WJdtc�,;JUr0h-. io. nc-alnald nsirr wM the tololct 'and In noddrIch. Vou MTO $*lured of, � the beqtl� Arldrow 23114an. whor V=�,;l awal? ono , . I . . �trl gstdtft 110"i 96111M T. D. Mc,eajtough, rincatdir'o; U6Q. the aVolting t2l= ,&on 1WtlztoJe,. Tile QfM,011 Waxk to to o�jtjlno�d and &*, Ve;j yc.0 ao,a 0,1�!eber Ist. I ,�. L HAMILTON STRECT , t0oh, pletures, VMM flower, pM SU41W . L I 'Other tfllcle!5' to,5 n"Mt' . ,,l,Stn moorl�. :11ri3mls; Aer. KermeA, mw", WA �ovlgs Witt . uto ovmt. moderata, e,G$,v We havo an tho lato ,VV1810 wa rnown for Ito, I . .oaS to fftfltloft na -a -1 in Itt , nd tnL,3L I"A� I " I I.. Z;V0*tlWg, tnt of as 9i", mettt% WIPRIAM, nev. ,1. C'. ooyqu. TIM d,* 'd barvo4t thzak�-glving etzvico StY' W-5 Of VAMCS and lr6ant"$, tlzo V - M116 ft"—Ad ' � tescalw how, wo knov ni,,o as, wz6,11 t!lt' I I Oct. Ist. 19M I Telephone 282 M-tk Is lavins 3,derM. I'Oun, t,OthAkl,11h; 06V. Clwle3 �.foMj. T0.10 Me n. V. euoc,c-zt:uI in st,wa ycaral lics� MI&O '01 t1le' bft'& MJkeL,-& a"Id I redcorwit 14W. abovv, w1=6 W6 timt, we I . 1. I Tn".­JUARI, . ald, Lud"43w, and Rev. A, 'I. more'. Tat coa8ro3Jtj5r4 rvo2o Istgo and t1n; MICC3 are fN)M KOO up, by 02* � tria n, cci ixr c=o t2%y tit t�t:) o,-eb $, J. CL42S, T, 0t)NDAV & eo.V, JA,�I�. of , TUM8 60 b7, and t -,i. . 16,-0113-c4l-trzl-r�ft a vz�lt3? 011c-,Irlsa 0:�=�l a Ivanc,411mg Ln,,--C—'--N;, F411-7. ortew-1 154M ana vltl� I r4v1.1ttC?. Aactlxiea4i, to,60tilch, " � I C��C? 1A:4, V"av� � 0 -MI -11V8 AUT 3T,0�#,, 0a&T1,-I2. " lildl Lovltm tamov,13. I t I co -M oni D)Mr�K=k I I I � �. I I -- Is_ � -A- . --.--- - ­ — � � - � - ­ I - - ­ . - I- - ­­ ���,----��-�--,.,�—..�----.-.,.-�I ­­­­--- -------- .— -- ­ - ­ . i - � - - — --,Mh-.&- � - -