HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-01, Page 7TIWRWAY� OCT,,'Ist, 1031
__ - __ WAN"
- , I - - I--.--- - ___ � -
_1 �1
.11 I __ 1. * 2 to the lat""t tity� 010 c" Of Roya.14,
, .%NXO 0=0 19=QX====*XXQX===0=t.
, 6cprWW; and tba bs"A to'style WM poweroo
10L _ 0.__ �d iful,
W i 1.4W 91wr -44 -W-11"
I �� ,wiitAI44,wa-"r�,WrA,wa*�ulam4ot
,.),;unday clitternodn I'�,]$Uddb*,)%Urlati",SMWC*Mett*bt-
. , ,ieued, althoug'# she had 11"ed WO4t
$.v 1.546K. NAMI&I-0.9, 604ric& Off. atttauvely before, to 'What lur "% b"l,
. I I iproaclied, W,en be, W#11W to Iia to
I I the "GO-4pel Hall" 0 get better ALI-
I ,,O=o====omo===;=O=**-r"----**Mox==== =I
. i quainted with the U-trint, *he hinder-
wj*e� 37e pure In litArt", , hm Chrut"ims, lit bad made Others
Rejoice, gives thanks and slug; t� Pau through. Vra-y� wtio beaten and ed hua� Betiolp hu deterrainatiou,
I your fW�al b on high. 'ea5t buo PrJsQ,.i aod treated as dauger� however. to go to the "Ouvel 1141U, she
, 3autr wave veheineutly vppo�ed ft. aud made b1m,
The� Qrosz 4)� Christ your War, 01W% crill"Ob. its 06 AM Von, pz,�4mue her not In hV&
. SWI llft:your exudArd high, No M-treat=gnt., could. however, de- life-thue ti, maiee aus, azqualutaw�e With
W -in =44 -ell in arm arrxy� stroy that secret source of joy pad peace the foreigners.
I As wk,r;ora through t'Ae 4arkAtU toll Which 64'. Paul pqxwwd In his loved True to big vwf�vltse as a lu'val aolx lie
V-4 dawim the Oldta. 44Y. mastWs , cv4sclous, pregeuce. 11 take kept away from us for over , two FPars, '
� Z IL plumptre. r1easure ill, Weaknesses, In Injuries. In thougli,not fram, the fragments of his
% I Ir"T" PerRoUtiolls, In - dlgre6ses for OhrisVa New Testanient. This Fear Ills mother
soavviay Father. Ilear out pmw.- I �ake,*' Is his own triumphant expre;�SIQU dled� Iminedlattly he came to us, Las
. Be Qur derenee vitilta our bearts, that When, looking back a few yoArs later ever LAnce taken part In all our Sunday
, ever the way by which the Lord h%d Iva Gervices, and Is Already looked Upon by
UmVUt'QA may' )lot lead 45 A*W' him, and therefore at midnight the A U a a 0 . our n Xt
JiUve pity *u all who. 40 Isn"noW Thee', Ustordshed Prisoners heard the Inner us as hoPef 1 Q nold te f r a.
andblosa all missionaries who haSten ta b4ptIsm.-1101ble $oclevy RecorW'
. tell the old r,tory of Jesus ana Nis 40ve. I dungeon ringing wItIL unwonted Songs _ ,", � , . * , ''. ,. �
4 of -praise ralscd by the Jewish strangers.
Vor HIS 4kol ften. I Ali 'earthquake, too. lent its terror& to flints FDr I '
. � . . (Weotevd) I ;I I the strkup scene, Shaking, the Prison. to I I I vir . *
, , IiI S. YXSSQN FOR OCT, it, 101 Ift fly4a0atious ,and lobstni tho',staples Plug , les
I I I .,1k*snTO,VIa_V1*UI In Vbulw* , , , , to which tile prisoners? chains 'Were . r 7, J1 , .
I . ft rjjaave�-Acts 1642-34" rhmp- taste � I .
00 , 'ned, 'The jio4r. roused from,Aleep. I
10Ans 4i4-7. . � =4 Feting the 33Y #Tezole Allett UfM
I , prison, 400rs opened,
, ext-philipplano 4A. 1 � , �
i '. .-, 0140A Te wide, would have committed -An
*�:A` � . lolde .bad MVINO THE �WTV - BOTTLEal"., 1+
�VAA came Into contact 'With the arl' if wt bem few 'Pault- +Iplpg "a "_A.11�lf Al. I- - Of the year
Alw&,�s fresh -because he
keeps hit *4014411 fresh with
wittak"I's it "0011[1094ea
by doctors vlad 40atistp- It 0148
ftestion. #.clemsts the "au.
A, simple not of btoltho of
uwuth hygiene, of elficitacy.
, -
� I 1R1&hTX1_9P_9EfiQd0R0P1`P1_ I et",
I*AOX arm
_. ___ -_
ftld rota-utue we") xttoi�
sowos� S"t wirserviia, J�an y4v;�- �
vice, Wzfy rouwvleC
"10W=8 11
* I .
Asters-violitt area., Cameron w4u,1111
I .
John Bauder", Magnet vhl"04
I I . .
CKII Thowlson,
� I
Viftox—WU Sm. IkVY F*Irkivlce� I
I P . I I .
, I
Douala PaCIA01 az�tt Vairsevvice.
I -1 �
, vation Ilethery, utta, Bawes
saly Rithl, Irtre ro-alagK, DOTI$ 1
OF .,
D&W01- " _ ... -11 � -
I Z"las-auth Hilboru., xathleeu Uc- ."'. 5 11. I �
-.1d-11 *,r -"' 7 tam
OaL Nonald Bowt% IRAWA caldwc% N. *"*,W* ," .
S"Inigeour. 14= ,.", 10 ,
VerW-*A--V1,Ar4 Hunkinit, Irene Cole, - � � '.
, _ . , .A �
UdIeXQUAII UOUCI z4ftety, Jack MC- I
ftoy- I, I I � .... I'll �
i calelloula'--Tom Val.c. Dorothy Cald- I _ . I
;well, Ray Debby% Marjorie Gr#*Y. I . L I I go-
, . I sit.
liatel ItuakIng. .1140".f. 1910 St.Aut ..'Mollitrie"
Sal -Margaret rothergill. L " � 10 , '.
, ' a
. . � .
p1glossu I � .1 " . '.
.1 �, ,�. 1.,� send"Mocubeftd
vrench marlwolds�xeu Lyon., Verne . ,� ,. , �
I -1� I,%, , 114
Ru 6 , . ,. . . :.. 400 WM�1 ".... . .
oking, Itelen HoWatt AubVey How- NSL) , _ 1-1- , ", I 'filla . txviplvi� Alpalu 4Q�;� 195lu I
_,Cr Vux I I
Itt, Audrey Toll. UPPla 114gitt- "_�.�, . . Qr � .
astill'ardig-Dorothy U1141M. MAT20U, I ____�___ �
Hunking, Luella, Taylor. . , , .
I r4uquet_xen zyoll, Vern wotson. Jean Vairs"VIce, Verne Wat.40u� 13etty V,bgo Bros,, $8.QO for best butftes
1'reno Cole, View Snell. Glen M00111. Fa4sevvice, Lorne linen, , . law
- lb" 0wo or wethoz� Uot to "'"ed 04 -
. lm= - _ - I I - - � '. - Whitt Ugh"ma QcekVreI:--JcaU ,Fair- pounds, Iamb to become propelty ot .
. � .19 I � . .
Northern Spy aPple"Ack MQI�lroy, service, Scott FaIrservice. Betty Vair. donot-lorvillo Mc0awan �
,I SerVIC0, C&MM)AAWAISh. mays0rio or". I 114rold 6_e*,;,t,;r`.'_*ff1� '1100T best vjrAda , , , ,
Ralph CaldWcll, Uiijorle, orasby, Is6qL . I ..... litcer, age co delta Mi 3 Barr.
Notheir,vi Bobby Meallachey. . .1 by. � t � $3.00 for bta 5 W.
$now UppIes-,,_U%Jplx Ciadwell'r Itagel White Z�4113VU palI&t-Seatt Fairs -a H. 0. Johnston*
. A"�'V.1, vice, 4ean rairservico. vietty Fatr4or. butter, liamo to become, proporty of doa-
. � ------r-- -�,� .
,, med orowdo. and those Ux Authority In autblorltatIve volok and. then the aston- is, A busy one ,for the housekeeper who I I 1. � . r Hanking, JX 4340NM VO4-TIM, * vice, camerial Walslik Marjorle GrAsUy. ,QX,_V1A. Taylor. . I . I
gh ft,!E���pg,�..O-.,k..,Iy�l��*.Oxted, lAuretta Kelly. , i, $2.00 for be3t milell .
Philippi tbrou Jshed,_oftal,-,who,� must--bItv .Alta v clacts It - __Me -=Ilp -, ----Vi�a=)N�Jx-tj�t-w. -.--- . .
., , #,bea*J_tha 444 4ims 4 lalaesl� it _b __JXaA0ZQA,1bVM1n._e99o_.!WdM! .L '_-_.._-..
.11-- __ ai -I..".... , =.. � _I llie%� � . I _ t_ .W.t.t _q :Matk ,19#jInd And 15041. � _ T. Dobbw
7 ung 'Woman po; d f- "' I—— _-_._____ -.�781r-.1r.ar,q;--ww-i4riety-�Oeorse--C-ow- ty ratroervles� Olga Itunulo ,g. . . .
1IW e,21- A 0 I— I—— soesse a an strange rumors to which the words of way,% s-,ems,oxtra, work, bat Somehow to CORN WrM BACON . P'o, Vern Watson, Ralph- Caldwell. , t, Scott COW. Any , $I.QQ for best busW of '
jW,a spirit wed ,her powers t4 riecure .the - It Is one of the- most exxjosable of S er 2 Q P3 OM 4 t from t 0 00 FaIrservice, Vrallkllil, XMI11010. Melvin Mdn90 Bros, . . . .
0 , demoniac �
*.� , aln for" bar wasters. - She, as did oth- , alluded -"These, men are me, tam 0 c a it 12 4 Frank Keplintoi Doroth,,V Caldwell. � I - vlat*--4 . ,.
. . , . I wb%t. Any .0hrallft
� L the. strVantg of the Most High God, household duties, � -1 love to see those in*onc_and-oaeb4If CUPoIllilk uUtIltea- Winter pears, any varlety-Alvirl Brial6te.l. . I
ws in Jesus' doy, reco ad the spirit whiou proolaim..Unto 'n wulto eggs ,,oxtra$,-_�BLtV It. 0. 401matou-41,00 for 04 bu*4 . .
, . oniz . I .0 the -way of . Alft bottles,Wing up. The Uttle bat- der. season with s0k, Pepper. Paprika 'Plunkett, guy Taman. Dorothy TAM_ VA01111 dov� .
yo a . �
9f God io Paul. and his corsp"104§1 salvatlqu!'-rushed Into the of. tleo which 1IMN4.1 tpld salad dressing, and $we tablespoons buttei, Cook ftv- an, Marlon Xothery. Cameron WA106 Irservicc, 'Tcan VaIrseryleo, Marlon of garden earrott, the same to becowt
UA i4ve expression -to. lier'beiief " Itechnio, r4the ... .
817' the Apostles crying out in 111011111111 ..tter , ltlmklnlr� rraAklin C prop.Mlty Of donot-chas. Stowmt,
I words Which peauat,bu and so forth, are so. h=,. eral strips of ,bacon until crisp. VoUr Basket 4s%rtod frulta-Iroile, Cole, . The It film .
I Ing., "These men are thO servants of hckvo ever ,since been famous' -sir& dy., ;Xt is a, pity that some enterprising the corn mixture, on hot buttered toast, . . V , obe.0 . Pon CO.$ 0.110 In Me .
� . . . Vorng, nunkIng, Hazo HunUing. Thelma OrOss' . I . �
� themost Algh0od, which show onto us ,what ,must Ida to be &%ved?" to which manufacturer - does, -not make serow-tbp lay the bacon Strips. on top =4 Serve, . I I . . . LM STOCK , � forlu of silverware, for best Peo, ot she .
, %lie - ivay Or.: salva I Tbl'r Snell, Frank Xechale. . .34Y breed., 2 41earllng , lowes. 2 ewc
, , t1on," After several the equally famcim answer was Se4lark in half-pint � � c raug . I
. given, sizes. Small fami .arlissh with .parsley if d0strIg , - D lit and Agricultural M,t-;-AUb lwalls. i ram-Eph. Buell. 11 .
,days of seeing aild hearing this damsel, "Utlieve oil the Lord Jesus, andAboU lie$, And It diflaoult, to UoQA latger jar makes "'tasty suppe� dish for .
� a Cool . aileclol-Longest root of SOW thistle rey Toll, Jack U41nnett. .
. I I Paul'used his God.;glvon power and shalt, be saved, thou And thy house," withqut. ,tirlag of it. There "a- ,60 nlght� I � . . i . Olen VicqUI, Bildle MCGUL -, . . Boot, 04ttle-,Jack Bound% LOrIle - WOMM's Institute (Agricultural. Sa-
�A_"" ad the - evil Spirit to depart . . l. I V. , - _ . . D01,MSTX,0 kiw�w- . . I . .1, � oloty). beat collection Qt home-made ..
. - ;el ; . , The. joiloi then took, the Apostles, bath� many ways to use a Small quantity, that I Snell. I . .
P1 her. Her masters, being enraged ad,, .their braised bodles, set food b6fore I %)lways welcome the , sniall jara, . . llkilIg, Dairy calt-Viranklin, Koollule, George Plekles, 18t 16c, 244 DOC -A. rdg4r*. Urs. I
I � 'over this. seized Paul o4d Silas and took t,Uem, gathered bis" hoUSehald, to listen . "'Ah FAR Fair '' , Alm, Maliro;.,mauroon Merritt, I � I T. Johnston. .I . I
�. . . I Tho,op -small jar$ requIror waxing. . . JDAI I . � . - . . ,Van Cowom. L
'then% to.the rulorsi, and -accused' them Of to .the glad t1din � . a tako.3 wax top � t, I k Fairservice. . Market laa�Ualph CV4welt, Large
. , . 0. U. Chambers, $2.00 f0r,�I;ok two,
I 11 t . ching' otoms which it, was net law-, s .. gs, which. tUey received There ax t1nies that to ing -4 from page 6) . . ,R0110d. 'White .CQOk1e$VerA HUAXIAO� Snell. 1 . . I . lamb,. 100�poimtl weight, - donor to P%,-
. 't �It% � (Continue . .
cu" . ,o rapidly gAd grasped so. 'thoroughly OR n, bottle is about as exasper4t As . chase lamb , ,at, market, prico-orvIllo I
for them, being Romans, to receive. , -�ar,_ Cameron pair ba6n hogs�_Taody Fear. - - ., . ,.
� ,
I - that they wore at once.baotized. anything I know, Other times, At be, Mrs. D. Itawler; 'best plege of faI1C,Y Gladys Webster, Teddy r . , . I
�Jre'.oxperlebn# as n . � � c awful. � !
.�, 1 , w . Dr. Trench Seto fOrtivthe contrast'lli b " r ,tohu Walsh . Halter- Woken ooltZ44ek. Bennett, M 0
: I ,
� 0 .gs now tasting 00 PrOPeTlY. and tOmOs Oil like a ,,vork by woman olver 03��, rs. :. - - Plain ' White � cal;C--uargarat Cald- Aubrey Toll. . . I 1. 14, It. Erskine, $240 for best bushel of ,, I . I
:fOr Silas� b �, Paul � W . ,the Conversloa of 14y4la and'that of the charm,', I have ,Wed: various WaJ4 of , N .* I � tablo
. . , : , Stoll Urs. :9. Pornnsdon,'bri4ge - .
what, as chief persecutor of. the Jerusa- jallor as followA.'-witiat 06 "Maidrold helping. it along . such as putting several ' . . . well, Helen Shaw, Verna Vincent, Lena Halter broken ,calf -Jack Sennett, Snow opplesi the, vame to become rra
. I . . ' . I
. . � . .1 I . . � wIsdom" Is the vloclOm of Goal How strands of t��, or a piece of:clean e""7_T', rerrott. ,'-%TVS` lt' "a"'; Fern, Huillklng,. Norma, Daer, : Layton Fran4ila Keolmia, Lorna, Sao"' L ' petty ill doxior-4. u. Uornar. �� � .
I I I � 1 . I ,... . , t6derArm pli"e. wool ana sttaw—u. Magna, , , 1. .. I � P Stojy-tollial; contest -Phyllis Bray. *A. It. lErskluoi $2.00 for best. ditmed � I
.� I ... . I 0 I I r Illftnitely vartoua are His ways -in, the string -Under the w4g. ' $ometliftes It Livingstone-. eashlbir. anv klnd.:-4tr8 - Half 4ozon. butter. tarts-Dorotby School. pars.do--S. S. X . 8; Hallett; _ talll� fed-ohloken, ,Same- to L-b000meq -pro- _*_ _, ,.. .. I -1 �
... ��� �� . I 'work of, the conversion of the souls and worked, alld more times, It did -not. * - 0 ty � of Aonor-Mro. W. Jeffrey� .. I . I
� ' � � I , . � D ' Inell 041dwell,: Margaret 0aldWon, Norma No.. 3, X:a$t Wo�waaosh, Room 3. Blythl. per
* � . I A . Fowler; Ida V. V,�cO,ovan; spect
I . , . 1.
, : :� � . . . ; the,, bringing .,of. simters 'to. Himself I Then I tried using a piece of tape and , � . I � . . &sklno, $0.06 for big bushel of I
.1 I . 'One Is never moie struck , tory. : X keep a bo I dfut�lltl Livingstone. . � i no. It,' Vast' W - A, 9. * .
'' �. I I With this Ulan It Is very satlafac i of needlep - Chas. Dritnim. . Vaer, Hotel Cowan. ' avaboah; No. lo, East
I .: I judge-Xr�. .1 . Maple cream -0 3310 , 00
. � I , In comparing the two,. "records , of. eon- narrow white tape in the� kitchen An � , vetiett 601ingeour, W)jwanash; Room 2, , li� poolo 1, Tolmall SW t applet, SAnio: to, become ,. �
. , .
I.. I .1 I L 11 � . I i: , version wh ,, tell took place III the. city of Put La* piece On top Of'the Jam .4 . � ART WORK Marjorie Grasby, Marjorie Caldwell, Blyth, . I . I . .. 4 property ,61 donor -A. )4dgar,. . . �, - I
I � - 'L
1. t I I . . before L Oil painting, eopr�ullss_u vlr4nt, Doris Barr, . . , - - . I I � Publio a eakIng-GladYs We�s0r. William Johnston, $2.00 for the, bat. I , .
11 11 .. � I I . . rhlllppl-� The first, what a.quiet worki putting on the wax, leavjng� the. -tape, , - - I P . . _. � 11 � .dressed dwh, name to become
� mrs, H. A, rups; oii painting, from � Peanut tai I .. XO)Wty .
.1 . �� � , , , � : The evenidg -ddws do n(,)t: light, � mora� long enough to mako A �hfindlq at either I . I I tfy�ftrsa�et sot'llAgeo .. peno, Mauro, - , I . AZ 0 Mt. . . . . I I I
. : A - I . Isabel of donor. - Ag6 . . .
I .. tturt--311ss�L, Grftnt. At. Livingstonel, 'Bray. . - � - ., - - , I weed namfag�Veraa Vincent, I ..
I .1 � 1� gently, mori fthper�optlbly On, the �arblx end,. The wax IS, - dasily taken - off, by 'If I L L .. L , I . .� I... . . .. L .1 . . . I .L.
. � ..: . L . i I . .. I , !As 'T . I . SlEWG .. , L ' 1010, 0 : c �Vechkl A(trattlaos . . . . I I I .
. �. . I .'' I � I than, did ther , doctrine of'th6. Lord USbt lifting up tlie, tape. :. , . . . . Nvater Cofor,ppJatlug, coplv-x .4. I I I I ,, Netbary, V rats, Ustho Orodui. - . . I . . L ;' I
. . .
. � � I . I - Doll's Patcllw aco. eon ... . ' - ,
I . I Cc� AE!A: � I �N G .�. � and. -distii:,upoh her heart, , HQ ,that one twat -1 hav'a Ar�fly .resolved Is, Grant. 1V4. Toll. sr. t',wai4 color paint ork quilt.�-.1-laUre6n. Mor- Opening match-4�Brnqst, Rob.i0sOn#.XS4_ L' Farm,eWs trot or p, Oned to L
. . . . - . I . L
�. , . . I . I . I I . 11 . -
rOSS. . .1. I :
, � . 16wau,Mrs. ritt; Jean. raIA'Servico. , .mile heal;N, best, I I
. ; 11 I : hath the key of David with it tg,uc - or n Win an� bottles, go 3o Ing, orlgInaJ__NJl,q,.5 rtla. Xo(x b4'Xcthery,'X0A Lyons. Mthee 0
;. . L 466-pousml I I I . . . . 'L . it that never agal - , A I , 11 green horses. one-half I . . . I
I I I I . . *
I � - . 'befu� labelled� Lot It. Slift -.% ivater color.'.11 I . �, d.� . L .. . ''
. . � � . L d. the, c the Callae L*JthoUtL Mar- , . L 6 PrU49 . . I I no' $040, 1. I
0 the, key aaase , h4mbers of Ah6 , I . L AV qlnting�- .still . Padded lloidez.�POULI, GrIllith" pecial 2 14 t4' Parse Ist $10.00, 2 .. .., L
�,* I ;- I OtUARNITAY , _! . 11 . 1. ,heart to Ay open,. so; that 44!�. a�t .a -end,. of the pea§0 labels, lifomm--L. Grant, Ida MeGoWan:L cr;iYon, garot Vothetglllj� "L,il Man j. L Hoffron, Oo*.� "Ole%' . .., .
- - . , _ _an4pd: y ,r , Verne . - air . Shoes. valud $5-00�-W- Nesbitt, I ,� . -1, I .
._-__-_ .- .17. ____.__1___
1� . - � - ----MANO , I . . I , _ ant4 th6'ffifiif_Z spoken. of Paw, � , ar,, at the - __ _4,J" - edlorA -Af,, TAN Ing , It, _�_� . . L _:Aftse.., Xc0_1Podft__P__ Oster. : L - 40 , a Ed - b 0 tv"ffl%�,, 0 TownslAps or-nutm� , , , - . I
I I � L I , � 40 a � . .
I . L . and al disappeared %Ad r did not bother m �, , Atone, 1 A. . H. A� HUAkIng. ' . $4.50 for bed Jett, � L,VZSt Wa�Vflnooh alainWth, . I I .
0 , grade cow�rred: �T .
'. I '. I IMUPLIOR , K . I'll -,. I . InoSt without an eft6rtL'for , OU14 placing them; thinking. I w6tild'be sure 1,�U$g " PaStel.7k fln.� Pillow Slips, ealbr(ildered-Pearr Grif- L -$9,00; Class. 10 Mortis, . .
I 0 I I:. . � . So it W _I(In UcGo,�T,
. . . . . . . IL . . I. I . I L . � . � I I ., ' I
:1 , _ A . . .. I appear wae'barn, into the kingdom of to.,kn6w'wIll. , qg-, �.Ropla 'rant 11th.- ' L . I L . . * Snoll, . '. ., ,the 'winalng munIcIpallty- takinf; the � I
' IF� ' � I - , b4 .was whioh� My cellar A, rn 'Ultis 4 G � I)r*.'41. . . See, I_")EP1J. . L
L 'L: . 21 , � 11"O. 'T1. John. G, RM10h;
. -_ ILI-�'_FJW ' I L . . I I
� L I I !_ -1. � I ,� laod� - - -itJ&'hjeL't r1ove: * pe.n. and 41-11c, orlginal -_ It L .- FAUtTr'_=CITAX1CS. I Whole � purse of $16.40--Zlyth� lat.- Vor� I I
.. I I . � - ... L 0,6iltralst this ,With the miglaty, shelves � verti " liou1seclea0 his ell -J. St. r. 4. Hollymau-�.-Best 2 lb, loaf white rig, 2n . I... L, . I L . .:.. .
I I I I I . . . L though brief birt4-pang -Way of a Pleasant surprise'.4. ticill L "model d; Hallett,, SM. . . I . ... . ,,,,
.. I .�. .. I . .. I— _�� ,. I with Which the spring by , rrlorlhty, Mh4q., 11,mc(4o%1nu; any olltayt , - iu, a of Irlab, Cobbler Do- bread, 01.4o-Mro. X. L� Carter, , . . . -L L . I .
L �L . . Jailer .was born Into the Same kingdom, The., b' -all mixed � __Thehoa L SnalL Gordon V --halt
� - . : — I - . I . , I I x inning Vaco� -mlla heat.s I
I . ottles 'were up, and I -L Grant, Dr, J. Q ,A(we' lut 110 -ml III t"I tat* ross, i ..% Slbthorp�-Olasil 2,, 804. 4,'$4.60-�- - R1 . .. ._, bgsk ? .. I . I L'. . .
, , - -
Sh Gk:hIj . . ..
, . , , " I 1 �, . . . . L I � . the earthq I '11. T,i,. L * Farill. milk stool--Zeott 'Oro Bros. - - Urse .$15;0 , Ist, $7,00, 2�d $5'00� - - .� � '7. _.:
. I . 1'� � . . Uake OfL fear Vhlgh 0) 'L will deii allyone -to tell the differeno . FalraervlcO, L 1. . . � - I - In 3, D 0 1 L
phonL ,chinit, fl"grp work -L. Grant, . $ - '
. . Soul, the agony of terror out of �whlch between `Jfla, * grapes, aZd blok' . I 3rd � a 00-Oeo. � Nott, -A, .F1*0r. � .T. - _ "
�. : . , L I ; ingstone;. ZVerott . Scr1mVLeOUr,-,,,..WalIac0 Riley. .V� J.1. 'HO113'rnian-Best, half . dozen .. I .. �, _.. . ", : ..l - 1. � � �,
- .
� - L. , & ,he tried, �'What "must I do t6 be savedr, currents, for instance. Ton c6n buy'.75 lift'hi4iint�il 61nft;! renlistle . . . . S-� . 07; . .1, Wiwi, '. . L � . . .. ." . . � ,� I . ..
I. L ,� . , . _� � 't I ' :. 1. . 1. I 1. . ,'(.' 'rltht, br. ';r, A' "IeVe': llan�t' Irene Cola� ' . I . bUfts,'st.50--U� -.W,' JeUr.. . . . I . - L
11 ' I blank �labeli for 15 icents, -and -you �wl,ll. 1 .
. � ',-/� 1`4111pplans: 4:4 1- - . I I desIgn-T, ( L . I . I
� � , . , that L ' L Bird hou&6-Mmok � '00iners, . LOW0 . " .1 - __ 1"q'M tt 2lid, A. 0,"JmgVe�61UdorI6 . %1$t� T_A :'
- Mae -4. J F
gif:'a Jalifi atablint Of .,
'followed 4at ' . . ' - . . .1� .. 7 4-_. " *Pbolal L 3I*. L . �'... I ,
. .. I . � I .1 I painfed Olilim conVIMIOURI di-Ishil- r
��., 11 L I '.. 1900�� Throughout �the Years, . I. I n. ense Isf,46tion __... 401.11--- 'I L _''''
. . I _. I - Paul r kept in his' affectionate -Te� out of�them,`I find L t t I I It Uvlogstone, Dr.:J. Grieve; sbigle, Snell, �GeOrge Cowan' . ,_ �� . � . . ,� . .1 ... . I � I .
I �.. . .: ; . I ha tave used - He -10tiner .1 . I I . I I -ter - X�L Watj;on" � L , .'_,. . , , , L . '- ' '. . -
1. I I Zo , ,Pa. for, halter br6kon calt . . . . St' a. --'W.
I I . . I . . . . I - ster, . Lao I . � . � . L'
� . 1, I . merAbrance ..his' converts In P,hilippl. the most og-=y labeIS:al"adyt An4x Still plood Rd work. not ltsted7.F. 0, 4011. : � . I . H' DQUAR 61m-11.1�n. krington, , , � I I . .1� .:L . . . I
. A FEW DAY$ AWAY MOM HOME - , Son . . . Somers,:Loroe I$ .. .. ....
� . " A. Fu� ' . I I , JERS_ Jud- , . L ,. .. 111!. I .
i . .'WhileA tpri ad for the SeConif time have. ink fall - fruit .IaS to do I MrA� R � s.14. . � ' L , I I Soiap 600%-41can rairservice, �Uur- , NEW L ' _12-'_,;_.___ , .." ': : .
� . W14L 00 YOU GOODAND II& � WY ' �an& Pick % s� .I)rumni. I I - . -
� . I r OU O&Tgi FITTED FQIt � la . ,Tudg(--�-'Ur. ., irha. . I . I I STAV
. . L' TUR" I ,Rome he Wrote the Xplstle -to the am silr6 V.o,Lwlu. neier use. all the fruit I I 3y J,oluison, Hazel HunkIn Margaret �� I ADURTIM IN .T1111 i.. L � ' ,, . ,� '�� ' 1.
I , L. L
I . I I - ri 14 L OF . I .
- . L
11 . . '� . .1 THE DAILY ItOUTIW9. MAKE UP . lans, 'fincouraLging and Inspiring have, but ,t have had an, orgy of doing I . rhortAt VXHIRITS ' - Scrilngeour. . .L ... L. I I . 1. .1 . 1, .. I . . . I .. . . I I I . . I .. ..� .
� t I , I . I . . . I . . 1, . - .. 4�_�.. . _,'_____ . I
'�. L . A IPARTY. FOR NEXI WEIEKEND� rl""!P Ito tells; � thenli and - repeats, � It, up wild:frult, an Qpportunity that never I : ' . L I . � . .
- . .. I I I I . .. them ' A�,�..L - 'Collectic'U'Of 12 leaves, oqxmwon for- K S i uVr PLOIN C0. : .1 . 1. . : .. . . I .. I . . . . I
! .. . CA*ejJJJJ* I t*MJQrt4j6A& fooM$l "to rejoice in the L Lord alWftys�" It Is egme my � way� bar ore.' There� are alNvayg As.ter, i(I bloom INIgar, asters, * THE ("W', 1* I - . I -
� - . L . . I. : I '
..L L . . . IL . . I .. I . their - Privilege to. mak r 4 volom�Allce -,GlUeNple; collect,o,, e3t, Ioa,vc07LBoAkaW 911100, Hugh Kerr, . - -71-1 . .. . - I I L
� I � I 409 L I e, All tbeir, wantq .the standbys that Ve do each yqar, and I � -Irene 061w ' ' ,rrw romevol- lih.o of r, irm, I in- � I C . , I'L " ' , I . . � I
�� I 'L I I Tosty f0d, kotfu,surfouts s � . 11 . -L- ': Mice ailleg- Ruth Hilbotu, ' Rilp, inel u4 I � I I . . I . L 1. I .. � I 4
. I 1,; 1, � , . -will thin I am, alway§ tt�dng L Out dalillas INIrs. .1 , Wrlklff * Collection 15 weeds -Jean Me � : Vn*.Tq. AUTOM .. ,; i . .
I . I I � . I ,and wtsheg known torWd,;ana1hdy�' . L .game Of � . y* tion.vifinlits-H. �XeFlro.v. I Callija, pleltlPlItc, avid airs. I �, I - � .� . L. .
1 . L �: . %,' I , : . PLINIV OF CUPIN PARICINd SPACE 'Pa, surprised at' the . . . them are� as pl�,;. Q I . Mildred. Bell, eL,'United. avd Allis Chid- - � I . I �.. � : .r ,� �:
' ' 'A . ='Lt'l . ROY DOW70, Henry Ing 0 =�V,A ACC . - L 'L # I
.%'d,Wo d looking reolpes. 011(v
� i � .
. OARAGE OHE MINUTE,W LK, tafte possession: of 'd *eL ' Gillespie; roAes-30%epillue , Tfuetork. at , . .. I .
L . I ' - . , .
I . L . 1. .. I .. p good. as .they sound, and bear repeating, Xtif , Young, � I . t ir4er . . I . I ul�.A I, wS4tVA.r11t0, ... . I . ...
. I . -.1 .. I I
I I . .1 - $16gla $1.,50 to $3-W , , hearts. , � , I . others .. go Ulto the. discard as -bein-k lyoolleoek - ole bouquet or basket- I . .. - L '
� I L I I . I IL . L . , tat insect collectlon�Wlllam Watson, M11- _, . , , .. �. L : I .
. L
1 . r. ... _ . . � . .' tried, UndL'Ifto . . r. 11ast! Nile " . )', I I . -1 .. � .
, k"" Rates ,00ubt, $i,s# to sco . . L . . ngs, ; e Gille'vit" Cellc�ctl()fl� dred Bell, JOan McCallum. . .. � . I GODERICH I I I 1, . % r; Nv. (.*) 0. r; TX ( NT IB31ID43 I . '. I
, L . - . I !f approved I � . . .
�; � . I.WoRLID "VUSSTONS . . o . . . . I I . . L I *f �" . . . . I
. I I . . L . . . DtET gHMTS A:gru ON.Ly - aunual§-Mrg� J. INIrIgilt, Alice Gilles- I Coliectio , field.' and' . . L.. I 1, I I A,b.t t r.,t .S- , L t'�� e k,t 14, I.�4� L � . . . � . . I . I . I .
I I I I - � Phon Lb')8. L X * g to I i I .. : I .
. .
I., .H01tL WAVERLEY I � '"O't - 'Palled 4"'.d"" Vestament I 11 GIVIDE-POSTS. I Pic; , rolloctiork , peienrliAls-Urs. J. I vegetable crops-Wilmo.'-Whtson. . o ' L I . . I ., 11 - PHONI.., 21110 . - . 11 I. :. I .
L I L. . . . . 1:6111d'do., . .: .. � L * I I . . . . . . . I - 1. I 1. 1, -_ 1L. �
. .*odlns Avenot ond C016p Street. � Tha.whe mother uses 9; diet �heet by NVright,, Altee, - GllltispiO, POI)CICtIoll ART tli�AWINa and WRITING. L I 11 . . . I I . . -.0....", � : t� ,
- � 11q L * , , : . Woontly. we have hid the pleasure of ch L . 1. L . .1 I . I � ,:, I I I I I I . I - � . ..': I . . I . .. ;.'r I . .�
r L . . woft to 414, - - , � ". I . . _ t,o Anapdragons-Allee: Gille ' Flowers In pot-I)Oris, Moody, John 17:::=:: , -.. . _.. � .1._-- . ....... j---- ': ..� --Z.-.— .. I . L .
�- I . . I I L . � 11181dn- closer acquaintance with fui old, ,whi I road her baby. !Modern morth- I .. � sple. . . - .. � 11 . 111 . . . L'. . . .. ". LL
.. . I - L . . . . '_ . �.,, LL
I .. � .. � . L. - - � I ., . 1. . 40114;�dd' Ch ,.- gentleman and ,ads in 110vint, 44ding �9,ve tha4ged ton Pot P unts . . L 1. . I.. ;. _ I
I �, * '. — . IhL .;ar. . . , I I I . � 11 I . : . McMroy, Janet Raminj Rhea, Sha I I � I . I . .
L I I . � . .. I I I I . . . 11 I . . . . I .
I I . I .
All�.. I lvwx� _- —. — . , -. I mo, L The head of a , family of thirty olderably fr6m the old-fashioned on6s, 1106-onla, rex-1-1. 0Aor; kegguln, lu- , Pattern suitable for linoleumi �._e�r�,,' 1. . :. ��: �. .
I I . . ., . I . I I . etor has not kep . .1 . . . , . I
. . I L . . I
. .1 I— L - , � i I; .11 - 'L " � Vilers6ns - .1 . bawas I . . ,iL I . IS .. . . " . I
. ,; I from 'Same other I .
. n- I _.__��t�,� and owner of*gome ,business in , P o _F. OhE9r1_Urq._ J. ,",right,, lie, L I
I . , I . . 'L , . 0 , 7 he ' Goderic Sta ' ` * .
andif your do t U t kagglt�;' Margaiot� SdrItageow .16
� , . . .
.. � . . his ring.,pr,vi the tftes; tat advice' L' -0111.1 collection -F. 0,44�r; collection 0 1, Gibson, Layton Bray' � � . .h . 111�. . I—! I .
1. � I . I . . I. aco� W I . I—. . . I . .1. 1. I . . . I
. . . 11 . 1. # 1- �1'.. . I . . . . . . I.. .. I . � ..., . .
I - �. _.. I_- . I rMoAdble an Mcmue- I'.'*" ."Fal --- T_ Mu :tiey ;il .-Donald Mason, - �.. I � . �
_ 'S - - l4s,. - V - I .--- ��
cc - --- .. -._.____.1_
li- , . 49 -.11 I . . 1, - ,.. - --=--
1. I �
I 1041% � . . R; w ch is obtainable WrIght,L in Haggl t, Ruth HUborn. -� I . . ,, . . . . �1,
. I free. -from 0ttAwa'Is, an 'ektollent guide. ,,ilIa,.qplki,, fera�-Ilrs. 4. ' I . . . I I
I . - .
- . 11 ro ,& %;. , , the. God, and Sd�lour Of Which It speaks, L Who .. ()Ile" -11. Ouse Iilant'in bI.0om---;Ur4. .1. chalk. box,, -eto.-Itsabel. .. . .. . I . � �' L I . I.. I � ..
. I
li� I I . ar . . . , , , . . , Mallets live In the larger -places ' - ; bangbig 11114'at-MrA. . J. (, %6 15meat --r L . .11.1, . �; L . . i .1
� 1! I . . . . - : made .up his mln4 to be a r chy's �Aiqe � SOO , ft . I
. , follower: of '=,)a f
I -H A . to -spoiled Tostame L . . olate. 'Dr. Hal ,1_-WrIg� , P 0 ts
- through a�Soiled and _�Wee] Group of three� i
i . . ,
. , It happened th , 4 4 B .19-.4
r . � . is wavy, While h . W4V 1 , z . %..%, , -, 0
" L' . : �, 1, I L. I L .. L a, WrIgIll �� � I . . . . .. . . I . . . .
. I --.-"----
L . . � . A out walking . have tbe, benefit . all '"'T lor. "I'mail' Zmeati. I U, 1.31N-14 . I - . . .
. ,. ,at the clinics, and they . I =,b1ma!,' Xrrene Tay W'g - . . I
I . . . . I . L . ht of, in 4h, lvrfgllti Allee Gillespie, . . _ .1 I . . I I I . .
I I . I . .1 .L . are a. real bionefit. It the 'Women . �, - r . , p of - Hinton county�Murray John- ' . . I I : , '. . I. I .
. L . 'L 1. . . . a�book lying In the 'dust, dirty, torn, - li0v ,eo. W"Pir au.d Mrs. 0 a Voll, ,Glenn Gibson Bileen , , , -
. I BUY 411 I smaller towns,and Irl.the rural distTlets Jklit"i'll - c, T_ DT Audrey I I
. 1, . I L . . . . ' ,Without' cover, and without begi 'rig tr , led hard enough thty would get them A- T-01" . I . I . .. I I- . . .1 The Star and l.orldon J-*ree PresS. . -,,. ; ;-. . .*.. . , S6.501 �. . I
: " I . Robinson. � I , I .
I and end, ,rence � . . . - _ _ ,
. Etectric Range' 11to old r6apeet and rave . . . Tile Star mid The Lniicion AOertis'er. . . .'. .. .6.50 .
. I .. .. . 1. for the printed page da too, They will zever,.come� until ,there : . Map 'of Quebeo-Ruth. Mlborn,, Irene . I I L .
. I L Q4. t used him to pick ,. ALY71i . Cole, Cecil Thomson, Wallace. Bowen. , v r ,' , 1*10 . .
� I ' ' " C1 a , E . Is "a. demand from ,the Women, and It L IS SCHOOL FAIR , .1�le �)Ia, ,nl Tile ' oronlo Gole 1 . . � ., . .. . � . .
' L*
. � . ,C� DOMICZ I ' 4 up, free It from dust,' with the .1 .1 . . I I . I I 11 :.. .1 .
, '.
. I . ck . , e.n . I 1 I 1. . thought Of L taking it, to an' even at a ,IV to the ,women to.start; the ball Tol- L . . Map of Asia-:1rone Taylor, Anne I Tile, Star and The Mall and Ennp-re. � * . ....# - . . . 6.50'L . . 1.
. I . I .
11� . . . , I . . I % , . , 0PvAIN AND CORN ey, Toll; Crida, George L CoWala, Isobel Cloning. , .. , . . . . L (). 50 � . .
I I . . And Cool io Cook. With shrine� *here printed pages,'ary offered a". � ,Oats, Alaska, one qUart_Au4r � Tile Stat and Tile Toro,ato Star ........ I
I .. . . � 1. � I to the god of.L%terature; L 'Diet Sheets ,are, only a guide and Barley, O.A.C. No. 21,. qUart-Hazel Writing, Primer -Garth Morritt, Phyl. . I . Tile slue "'.11.1 Tbe Fariner's Cun ... L. '. , � : : : : : : .. 3. 2s 1
. I -1 . an, act by I I .
L. I onaldered lunch I lis Bray, Dorothy White, First ,class-- .
L I L . . 1411 merit Is supposed tOL should not be o . .
. I .1, which no an . be ' o"OsIble, Ranking. - � - I . Tile 5; -,I r ,an.l 'riie Family Herald a d .Weeld,? $tar. .3.06 � I I
. . LL . - Won b� mombersLof dome one mother said that her'baby WaSL .� %,16y' OA.10. - No. 21,. Shelf-Bazol Doris: Moody, 11,orcy Harrington, Mildred , I n. W 5, �', r
. I I I I I _,rallgioU . � . *1 " %" ' S ,,�. I IfffLi , .':J"j":� . . I I
,� - z . . 's sect,q, L ",f �.� . . .1. . . . . t
e. 11 . . I . I On the way there he�oPerled -Ind looked ftots for arl'hour before leading, The Dexter, John VoWroy, Second -class.- . e . .. . .:. .
I . . I . . ItUliking. � . � I . , . ' r . ,
. I I 'at L�the* b a ening meal . Glen $aw_ c -, w 4:. . f 011, .
. . . . 00k, becania Jhterested, arldL de. . . -Pleld corn-Jaelt Bowes, -;Ilden Robinson, xa, uie S'.ir . ad Saturday Eviining Post pjww * o . . . .,
. . . dlbt Sheet Lidd to give th ev * I r thleen McGill, 41 , I
..L I . . I . L. "Id 'I JIV * I I L I �. .
, , 'N �'.
. '. .1. � . �Idod to take It. lijmO for further Par' r1roln 5 to 0, and tho child was 'so cross ene - Cole, - Irons Votheraill, Bruce Glenn QIbvq.n, Mory Taman, Third ola4d . I Tile Star 4t ,W ()Utiot'K. ." - . I 11, . . ., . . 3.9u
L I I I . I .. r , . . . that they fed It, 'at f1v&, Cons Y. I . . . -��Bertram`rwlott, Wallace nowen,-nosal ., .
. . . . I . '. 'L . - L .1 . 11. U841. .. L. i I I waking � Up' at L 5 equentl ;d" Lw�.. 11 . . . . . ' ' - I I � Tlio Star and Cpadian 'Hoffies and Gardens, . , . .4.65
. � "i . ��. � I I a.m. And there . Maagaldg�_� Helen, T11011% Ruth 1111130TA; Fourth, tlam� I L � Tile' Star and M' ay fAir . . . ... . . . . . . . x . . . ... . 4 . 4.65 i .
. : - '.' I ..'.. " ' 'L ' .1 I - T1104110rd he read, the 4ore.Interested it Tvds I ordori Plunkett-, I I
. . .
. . .
.. L
. . I
w L L 11 . he became, A,s he beganj doubtless wag np morL* sleep for anyone. TAO. Howatt, Melon tittle, LOUIS Daer, Billy tvelyik Wightwan, Leona. Munro, Irene The YouthS�, CoMpallion ..L �. . , .. '
I . : . L I - . through the interpretation or the 'Italy child Is A very. large baby -not f4t-olld Pollard, .,. I. .. Taylor, Donald Ulchdrds. . . I . - Tile Star and 0 0, 3.75
� . O' . . IV L . . I
'12ff"" , as alwa�3 L simply ra*aoUS at. a I I � I
. I .. . .0 . III= ' , L � 'Spirit, to underUand more of L Its 'Con. 4ch . ROOTS AND "GETABIZZ � .N .. Pot�LTAY . . I The Sta r arld Tbe CA1ho!1C RtCord. I . . . " # 0 . . . . � 3.75 1 ,
I . .� L. I . _. . 'L .. I tents, time after tinio he would call Ills meal, 'The',dleb isheet was made i6r an . Barred Rock - cobkere . I -Jean 11fdrsev, . . The Star and MCI.eanli -Alagazine .... ..... I ... 3.75 1
1 lftga, family together, and try to. esplafti average bab.y. and this was not an,aver- - Turnipr�-E, verott ori geour, I VI&I � I Vaiizervlce, natty Falrae,r- I Tile S 'CA r and Rod - and in. ,L . . I " � . . .. .,. i . ... 4 .
. . _1�1_ 0 . . I 4.14 '..J. -t., . , , 1 the Scripture tor. them. All grown -Ups -ago baby As it, was much largeri and aaret Caldwell. Tloyd Longman. . I .
.. . . I In tho, . active , Lorne Snell, Doris Barr. 11ic Star and Montreat W ess ...... ......... 3.65 ,
. ', : 't I 0 famlly, became interested, even. then, It was one of those wry Beot&Donald Jouldna, Luella Taylor,
, .. ,� I I=Z!� , I . ' L W aged mother. By hor.tonsent even babies, that was never still a Second. Ruth HUbarn, Jack Webster, Arnott Barred Rock pullet --Scott Vd1ramIce,!.1 * The Star and World Wide ........... ........ 4.25
I - I . . I .
. . . I -At L 16 I the. family Idols '�werd. S I ban -Alle. twer, Craig. ,. I , . I 11 I . . . �
. I I mashed and I 0). . I a . L� I'' � L , . . .
L ,. . . . _-1 . .1 I : thrown lit the dust. ' I . I agg , a , _ -d it wat hot gettInV it; The .40arrots-Carmall Merritt, Mary Ta. ve so -V I i Special Clabbing Rateg wtih,other Pcriodi6als
� . .. . . 01" . irb I . sviej�s_ 04�ce4"Oti ,�! I .. .
. I Not content With teathilig Ilia family, uallbit of ,solid Tood At qach nical was man, Irene 116theraill, .Va. a ,V, I . . .
I . . I .
. 1.
"" L
. I lit ad olig tly, and On extra rusk of a ' ..�, I � . I_A � . �.111' . "t.
owan, ..." . � ,� I ; .. ma L I
I . I . . he began even to teach his neighbora. Ina . . y bo had on application �
� .,.,;L,L ;� .�,�%. I ,
; I I. . I b Paranips-Maric, � , �;: . ;� ; I . .
� . : 04hoo 'L I Tboll those, 001alned to film'that this sun -Wheat §15cul. .Wag glVen Lat thS tib"' aceingeour, Arn �, I.' , " 1. . I I., ., J. C..11 ,it tl)e Si- A I I
� . L , I ning meal. This meal was postponed old Glousher, Wlllie draig, William - ll � " ,,r (*Xfica Or I'llohe 71 -, dny 1n6�,-0aI'-vn,
; . . I � . . . . was the doctrine Which the foreigners evO 1. . . -1. . I . , . I . . .
. . I � I . . , I'll I 1. .1 L . ,
L q . , . 4 I until 40 p.m., because It 14 a lot easier to, Somers, violetI.Orkos". . : , ,� , I . I . . I - I I . . -
L . ,. I . 1 . .
� . I . . .. 11, r. I _;,n, I . I . 1; L L _ . .
I I . 11 . . � . " -� :. 1. -- ry -it . I . . _. - �� I .1 . ___.. __-!��.
� . .. .. have a child cross at 5 p.m.. than at 5 Onions 4sabol Xethe , 0 nerOn - . I � . � .771� � , , %� , . " - . -_ -, -L - I , , .
1.�, . L . I . .1 I Ralph 0aldwell, Marjorie Gras- . . . :�,% �__111 1 .4 _-L____ �_�, - � . '.. .-
� L . . a.m. Thd mother reports that the child Walsh, � I'� L I � .
I . . I . I I .. I . : . . . � L .. I . L .. I
� . . . . I . S PRA IN S In better s,Wfled and 11. rtot-cro35 long, �y,. Bottr vairsetilee. I f'. ,,./ , , I ., 1, 1��" � V_%Ast waAswlo .
. . . I
I . . I .
. -Y ,�
. L . I . . L � - I I -
, **
kaed's SiTPPL =,VNTAUY CLAZSZ. a - ` , I ,�, .11 I 131
� , I .1 . I Pub rAI In g-etttlyy; It before Oath ideal, and that It is Sleeping i . �: " L ,. I "IFf". V
I '. ;,:!4 "Pf .. C, ,
i. - _. I Ueftj L L, . , .�� 1 e - .
r . penardta 00ro til'icato"togn:96" Until 6 or 0:90 In the morninir. 00, 41- - Winter wheat, ,any variety, one quart M . I . .,.
. . . ififiammatid ") ways rememIx-r that & dlat-8heeb is Us- .1 ',,*; _ �': r � I I ; .
I :1 . L I � I
L N ". * , 0 ' ,;-
rMA a"T"'. -natty, ValraervIce, Jean ValroervIce, "y 4 , . � �W, -_ � ,
I .1, .:'L .�, r �, . - �
,, I , ,Z_#
,� ,
L I vally merely P, gulde-l5ost and Is =bJect Scott Fairservice, Irene HunWaa.- I i T, a 0 , 4�`I' e- - _4,"
Puff you on your foof I L, ; "W, .. I I � I "
0 1 " L . '17 1 , to chanoe. . A . ,", I - -- r`101r I
., � L; L _ �,' ,� ., 'O'Nio.
L . .1 1. . I I _ � �� Potatoes, XrIsh- Cobbler6--Clare, Run-; '1:. I I ''. 64 C., �- � ;;It�l
%"k) - 11 r . PLTP = PXXt"n .1 Ling, Isobel Brigham, Petit Wa "In, Xorni a .11 .. _ � , , I - I �%61 1� _ �fe I I 7*1� . . � I
.,� - , ik . 11 . I I -1 - � �, 11 . *,A I .
� , ween 1,, -ett, .'' , ''I , , 11 V 1, .
.1 : 1 large head cabbage, 6 onions, 9 L von. Gordon pluaL % I ""'L''" ,
, and '1 "Pat r tbro- rjorio . �_ .1 � -1 I ,- ,
I -display of,,� ;)Pa1% 11 �e .1, :
.. dgl% potttta S, or a
'n Mount t� ,
. 60 tyle. ,� . . . , � -
s * I . peppers, 0 Irod"p. ain Va ,,, ;, I � � .%kL Aly ---L. "I 0 %
. e 0 L I --
I . V�111, .1 � , 11 'I . ,
"I - or � -f - '. .;;:, , , I . . . - . . L I
'110 vor iilght. Xn the morn- pot, � : ', , ,( N . ,
. . . the food choppZ,r. GO? In I�, CUP Calt Gra�by, am a xters. , " I . ".11
Nmkes at I . . I 11, 1.11 � �, , 1
I I . and let'stand,"o .ttoc�,, Doolay*datuc-rou W41010 '�,� .1 .. ; 11 .1 11 ,� ., � .. I N . " �r
. 0 11 lng� drain Ivell and add I oz. ,01te =us- nilly, p,lohl, L,ddle Uaaill, Harvey Gar- '_.:� I— I r�_ ' I ;�K I L, I i � . .a, . c"V94,41410 , I ... I
, . I I -, " I I .,
I L I I .., I , 1�- , I . I .
, . tard teed; I tabl"; son Celery Med, I nots. Ra7al CoV73n. .� 11 _'L . "' L I / ' r - * .
� H I .. ., -1. ,,;. � I.. .11, %. . .
� , �
.THE. HYDRO SM � 'IL . I I - -- quart white ou.tar, coXer with white wire L, %310 pUni91;ln_tI6y,d Jolulcon. Annie r el the, Lake andLand
� i . Trav
I .... �
I . , Lefalle, Alvin Plankott,
. . GMERICH . " 1, k , I . .1 vimay'and pW Over low heut until t110 � Cralff, t4ary Ito I .
: % R.0 � �, L � I I � . ou�ar Is ;11�tplvcd. Do not boll, Battle .tob tleclinel,67. I . . ,� of the C&H Line to Cleveland ' ' ,,____.....'�
_�_ ,.,--- .- '=_ In sterilized bottler, tuld -neat V71th V;wr. .— LL ,�._I. Nearly. NuArvous , .
-o__-- � This plelft Is ancooked but M11 -Jit��p. . I I � � , 1. points West and SouthweAt . .t.le%'. I �
, ?. . .1 . I . , ,�'..',�,".
for years. ThLo recipe doog nat make 11111111� I . . � I . ' y ` " # 'A 'L 41" , ' _ ". ,
. " Was. Covered With I . . V Now Low Fares atid Auto 1(alef- � ,' . A �', �, , � I..
Is Face .11 . . I a very lar�e quaatlty� ond I Usually dou- I C L .... I
A q . Sore Pimples ble the rooxi, .. . . � L Prostratiol, 4 l3etween 'OtIFFAT.0 and UtWUND, MZ7 Ut to 14 "M Im - " . .
I 6 kaving, each vmy at pv) p. r 'Uriving
!, , . . PXCIM W, '%VAT=.1ZL0DT =111) .. , .� .. %, , 7:30 a. " (11-5-T!) 'L '' '
� lr,%o $'Ou kaotr her.. i * . $4.50 one wh,V. 41. $7.50 found,trip . ... � . . I
� . Irr. Geotgt G%dvetfov, ltonftowp 0. . , - this poor � A,w = tznk J t 6 A s r a j,ri 4 coJ r 1, q ge,; & I e �?, 19 - w =j az ct wro . .
L ".. L _. ...... _ I --.1.- I oat,, ,W,tIto3:-41* face VMS real watonnelon find and cut in 0 Woman V7120 rlah-as up,hat samr_,4 t'r.-J, ,�-alj ss so ,:"_4' J?. �0 - '.
; 01vorod. vith soft Nimplet Which luat", Walm a brine in the propot- I evad,,tillachinf;,IicrtwxvooraS5cd? ; -, .
� , - � ti I . . 1. .
I I 0 i . .
. *; . no tres,talent I bx trita wonia t4o,a of 2 tnble-1,00ans palt to 1 quart of � � Ec-twcon POILT STANUY, CANADA, and C ,
� 0 I I . waUr. Vour over the chuntz and Wla� ' Howailla7 ounawomenata 5 1) . June 20t;'t to Sept. 9t1l. LcavaVort,60tan1cyaC4;50 .ra'; A- , .
, ri(I Ina of tlioln. ThOu thetb fAM,8 to a ball. 01rinuck VeTy cently until Me L wothitif ricar nerva" h6cause : C1001aadO.'30P. An. LV.tTaC90Il:51>P.u.;W. . I Ryo: 0� I
P, da�v w1lon M friend migg4mma I & I , kwnlo we4nogs ba5 t&L,cd them . . I
I . . u7 Baraock 33100a bitter& W011, 17atarrA61011 L' fcll&� but not Cart. -aldl? -1�5.00 ona a .1. 55.0of tri . I .
� Dr,*Ux aud vovcr %1,19t:a vInc-,7ar mintare I of atrangth and 11, 4 ylg�ollj cadca, 8-440 t�11. . I . . .
I X did"aud 60or tho fint battlo Zly 2na(Ze in t1lo Pro.flt;TUOIX. of one cup ville. Iftbey V00" d onty try Lydia V. Sava n. 110, an � Miles of consc-�Zqd rqdway, And uavol &tzTly.
0 fily well,flearca'ap of . . � *01' �� -
. faeo wafs fal Pitikhani'a V, 4unble C, upollad.
I ,par. one �eu.v� brown m3ar. onq tilbiv- � i I tc-.4trally ljoyably bl? t.AUIr, d"Cle lu;aliolz stewxr team
:. tho Vim P104, and X rvao 101ing that rp3oa allucs Mtm,l, rid One, &,b1C_,D36r It strongthen'; by im tonic action ... L� . F�Z�11 Tt�?.a or 71�v,%.A "'MI f'? c:.7 t-rw . .
I hafl. I" .
�OZOL lifo in V,dj an(l 130foro wbalo rtwvcl. Ive tl?e� nW,ZC,' Ill a ba3l 1kin5a soulbing, covi(ottionrelicf. 'i TE .n!, f1j"I'V4 22-1111 CQ ,,, r, 7, C �� &.,o L!_"� I � �a cl V, �;� 11�=_, I .11.
.. I tho ena of the etcorld bottlo I wws GC 0 a tho liquid from . �
0 - - IM -0 a cl, ilworont =n; full of enorr'9" wicl LTIng tho vble,�!_sr rnixtWo to a L�311.1 I�ZJ111118)Ysl �)z ay ft in
. 1. a I 2 Oana 24 hozrml, i -41 W7 tlr� ty=pl . 'Pout t teday. ( 11111 CCUVIXANO, AND DIXNAL0 TRANSIT M -
� I _0. I
I I'
I. , I
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tn 8 U $t 11 t.
- 11, I 11 . I.W.P.O..
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- t �,'Guvlc In *11 � . I 11.1 .
Is nad coula cat, deop ona V�Orl: IWO, - -r�� I Von Em.kv. C`43aad;% 1% .*. 4 131ce U.0" *11to
___ na of twerlty-:avo V40t, aaa. Qinr,� It 2,rahl to tho bal?. Jvmw , 1()o 'I fe-4-of all fir Wl1cr&, 22'le 00v" convooklit tabla f6zm# I t a 94;�=P*=t:� I �L .
,tvc t1n -a b3ttla or hitido L Clewl, _4111cli, Mateo z �
. I L - thii -- ------------ ; t W14Y theilp �y *ag
For the P00 S2 Y#Afs �. Ailk , 6ur I � MAAS;�-Irk,cc-vc
Lot tb%t I neca, S to;lieq Lut I I ,�,�* C,0^,.,rJq,Sf4X# . �
,L,.&o 1 p4y xhs#Vwer ot Gaieral 6117 19f' Vae�g" Al_�* __--��_u=�� , �
MANWAt"Mooro 4"tl*f Illy -t - V4&., e. CPa41,W--.*- I , ko,tej C!I tl .1,1��, *3 I'm 1)
intenatoelt,,r/jstal&6anc,,!carior,l- i , Ircoh. ego !* IZ,21 0
"r T, MWOURN CO., LIMP,ed 'al do!�6 of ".11, as I want to lkcop th "C40 � wu" rot ow a* YRS# store, I �. t � m __ =4_ � I....-..."...-- I— __..___ -
PA" , - I I
Toronto, ont. Vm_�m* , - Turt *"AA*4 ".V V C_ ro 9TA I LE C 11 M I . _ I— . I .. - L - -
tht ftl�en X tmve acquiTca with �� �-; ' M01M 9-0.4 IIJAIMILT01114 T. I - _-.__1 11 I---- __ —
,e . -
,!5e, I -
'e� 014 :
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� it's LC!D.S-* - I I 'Ir � - , 'I . �4 i . L I I
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