HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-01, Page 5� ­K��, 7.,. . ___N -_ � __71 --. -- ­ _ , . � __ . I �-,Mpqmwpwppww.r,�Twrwlr",W"-"T'Tl"w-� � � FX1MT`W�7T—q'77­',:- �­7_,-_ " --,, ____ _-1 -_ - - - —,- - � -_ ­ .1 � --- - - - - -_ __ - _­___ 6, 1 . ,, .- ­ � ­ .. 1, �� I � - ---T " - , -,- - . I 'K� I I . I " . . :_ . , ., 7- � - - - .__111Fr111K1,_ n'. ; I 11 . , , ItV 1210AV. OM. ZA% U" TRE GODERICH STAR I � I . PAM rM - 'A .11 --- . . I � - . - ­_ . - - ___ �­Amm- . -- - - . . - - - . - _­______ - � I , " - � a I - - - _____ - - ----- - _.. ____ __ __ NOWIN-M.- iliaROMMININNO11101"am— .Ae t� od*� CoArbMxlt, 14*#,d by UW, � ­­­ -1111, � - ; �!44 Dxi44 &"Y 41414 W, L ratrw. Werich Bows ' Victor Moft Is 0 � HEAR THE lel&, 03ji"A111 oat 11�:ewalr for that P*11,� f I Ladies", Misses" and Children's . Senior 0=0011 " 11. 1� "*k&!�4jj Mr, rwr"Z " a coil- 1� to 18fttford" ear. i. All Wool and Silk and Wool ,, A.-az; tilere, wi-wa C -apt, ww--014 letV � �1111 I ­ Vw, WrQalr; U0 at Uo"Awr$ an We � I __ ,NE W VIC 17"OR . W.Meting Gem* Of BOIL Lacrow �., MWAUUve L;i r�cjojvo WinW - -_ �i4wzl t_-��) !��.­a CJ1111ingwood� C,,4343 tal 1� I I , I 1� � Ann^ ! Sisper. 1143 V.Irff��11 41.1;�I% W; 11-;irz V�.`*-_).,Zle, U,1� 1, At Ann"d CA. C. 1. Irlow My � Eight VZa-a'.1 cjv_ , '114101M mcwaa'd lwk` -.1. _1- - . I—_ # W5 V,.a,e a-, fa!� 0 . Q;Iderl�,11, V;�.eze CAd'- � j6, atf,�rd bQX IU111440 t1plam) P101119 � � Tube mrodyne U4 � w"h` Y ' . I RADIO 1-19 - s P141yed in w4st Su"t HOSI E�K FaultIm v;eatlier prevalled for tll.el I ta%j �.,i�,�;c7a t7.-4 chwr6e. E"vaeerPt fkAl, game, RN0MIA"hed the ullex. , 4 IFTOM , - .D-21,4�wal'er 13!1y =7�vc-�ed 16-�-..,u br�*," pected oa Saturday Wgut %hfu they , - 1 Ullival :4014 "y of the colleglate lvau- 11 Firice a-,"WerA ti waollau wteran W��!-t the!� CoGic. the, Lxals Into cainp at Wat street at GREAnYREDUCED PRICES . I itute, held at Agricultural Pro, on Wed. 4 '! arcwk by 4k,4. 00dellora vectory Dvfr � &­Tcst cr�lir-_Innt, US'. fall h, sut- ,, 1. I . neway afkrnoon� cousiderl1w the. $122-00 fc:�C,l a L,7e4c,a Mix b4t, de�,�)13,� Kt5 r,ev. i: Claton ia Wat town a weeik prev0us - for the coming season. $80-50 $119.SO 1 had cuated ,% caafideut air In the Lwali , 1. beautiful autmu day "d the 4u*ye*t- I . � kwty 4d �7ears, 1W Is 2=? waulrzc,, a��mn,a � I , I � Ing prograta of track =4 field events QZ cpzj as a frnz-o' ca.t. le4inp of the gritted 6tick and a VIC-taryl f I was counted upon, but SlratUrd was , I 79.'!.=11tCk% the g1toridauce of titUeUS : TO-R]K­ '1111.% .tit tj)a We have jug ro"iyed ow new stock of La"' *" Child- ' , ,,KF,V,%"%"Q V.'ty V,%('F,S J"t a It. I , I V*4 disappointing to the 4"kials In CAMPBELL$ IDRU, G a I . I an Wh s'kud bad t;�a - ". �� . Charge. T1106e anw*kg IU4 and seconti CA01)FAICH, 1DXT. . xb,�� TW,= c4l�) I= =r,Aa;C3 Z-.1 �n. I UlAny rkW1Vt4-­e'.jht spates, all told- .-4014P A%M UT AM"OH A%Ut^ P" IV01 SiV" I � -,- in botal girile and boys, gwaw Vill, re, rhone So ­ � . ,r 1-- vcx=1ZJ3 pl,�,grana fe2 T1140541V114�;.11,�,plaerea of thr.'m juniors. They pRed ulki ni4 cilors and'a I . V - J� .present their 6ehool at ttw 40untY lueet A __ '0'",W" P1 W morning, Nawrabpr Ut%. It 111�21U&3 01.66 lead of four goal$ III the *At pelloal = - ­ - - - ­.. .11 I � - I � �� 0 . - � -1 0 - , I . . atcuutelAou�;aturdo,Y*Adwl3lle43,0.1- - . ..."..'­­ _. _�,__--- ft.-volu.n1wauzoa Sul ca,ly oaluott"IM. I and ,although tile- rcd and white Clad 25%'Reduction in Price. V _-, ,_ . has 1%*t some 9 � ood atl"o 44 the gra- - .11 . � ; mtmt 1!� ulade to IgIve contelant� cauqAo t tcaui, fought valiantly. they could not I . � -4, of students. U19b, I -feet, 8% W). J. Autherland. .1 *nrt=I1,7'to tmlle. Irat, rnarat*,wa is I overcorao this lead. ,� I . Auation and remov. "her (36 , lwll� � TONVN'TOP" � I oly, , d n6 to iz.fl Vad band turned olit for flie garne � Running high 11011"ttalor, X. . for boys Uudev tvorAy 01 M." . I I lopw are hem that the county chain. � -imi, W - . ­� I crajg:ss corw�r ,,�'. 14 u.m., a %� big . . . lgonship will ag,aln ca"tto ooderleb. kirA " it., 44% - Crou; Intm I , . round tuo apd the scene vas all Ect for a . . ,� . .. . . suewxte. .T. UoLeau, Pat page, G. WO,"- Z;P,W,V. P. A. 801mam, . , I Square, dov­a, RaMilton ta vi�"erli, III.-livs ft., but ban an bow before See our window display of seasonable A New Stukr "40019A tuy, Senior, D.M"ayl 1. M".,K". W. ,On U00do'y a new 0. P, R, time-tave . stro�,- to Z.V'Itlota, turnin- to t.tJ3 le9t 421nl) time the rain came dow*n M the I The diiiiinutivo Victor Ulllot�,, One ol-fttheftnd. on the , r__i�"-OW ;�' Hos 0 at th, e new low,prices. I � 1pli JW,t1o.x under- tho 0. P. U. Ovorhoaa b�ldjo, proverbial buvr'#-.cW alid spoilcl every- Cory es _ � _ the .smatiest pertomers UL the three PQ1,4 Nault-Juwor. W.,)�ralg, !;,. car- branch beegme, iTffectiv,o. �The morning around tl*Q U1%T!u turn to Molsl=us� thinit. TIAO contest was not lawns IA . I— .1 .. �� cusses-lutdor, int%=edutite And senior ter,, Tatermedlat% ,Pat page (a M 11% train ,wm leave Toronta Ut 8.4$ IWZ"d Corner, ft=00'�'ta 0314tUM"Pa's eorr.er, exelteratut. however, and, enough was . 1� I _ � . , I .. . In.), Qus Worthy, Senior, V. Elbott. of g Welock %nd wivie st, aoilertch at turulaf., rl�%t lothe riverroad and tl?kt �vhuwa to vzovo that box laeroi�e, played . * . . �,won the senior bopl honors, Annexing , , , . LADIES' FRENCH and 13ELGIAN _IKI0 GLOVES-- ' - � , ,ave, .ftsts. no *" 'fun Value for ills Running I)op. step and Jump --inter- 1,35 p,01. Instvad of 11.45 ,#,m. as here-. agila - to- S%Itjora.. pand. to tlw r,tivulag tinder Ideal condltloA� by. elever, stick. I . . . � to; 'he replaced meillate, 0. Pap. J. Johnston, W. $Utb- tolo�ra. The aftcrnom train from Godc- * polAt via Vietorla ana 11arall6tou ettrects: *10ders,, hm great pussiblatt" , # � ,,victory. WIM, Ave Ars , � und Snappy styles in brown and blaCk, per P',dr � . . � X%1% Macy 'MX's whuier� Who icrIqind; .Seri.194� V. 011ott, 0. XWeKaY, rich will depArt at a.,6o p.tn. Justiead at Tl�t-W 0XV'M.M$ for U= uuRer ii yewm,, Would quIeldy w1a,pablic, favor,' - . . .1 I. . . � I . � , . *gy. ulz , . . . I I �,, _ , year was VUIrdy out of condition t Jr. Suttiorls,0d. � I aao p.m. .arriving at Toronto at 0,65' Qnt lav� -�rouua the Oquarol. boys undw Watt, Durinell. Moore and Breniivr- . . I . . . I . � �), - -and lacked trajutii%. A, dark horse, Roy Running broad Jump--4ulitor, W. p'ni., a3 herotofom The hour'& ,wait at 10 yearg, tva lap% and for boy�, under Mall. Scored ,for -Stratford In the first . I $140 to $4.00. " . , .. . I I I . 'V�tfg Craig, -9. W41kim, X. Cralk;,, Interme- Guelph Junction "bas been CUM, Mail Equ,ve,, out Klr.�- 15-MInUte. period. Mille Ooderich owaa . . � I . . . , &ton, ,Js %W new Intermec!146 , n I . � CUMPIQn. It %aek $Omer urging to got diatc� R. Page, W. Sutliorlacvl, J� 'Mac, on the trip to 70"Idg., I . eton to V101 oxonuo VU the pavement held peoreless. The, veteran Watt, tile . . . I -Ii� b q pL Lean; Souttw,-V. V�Iliott (IV St. It Ja I I na 1ADIES1 FINE C114MOIS4TTE, t , , - - ;Roy aut� Sojild zot-ftAk-ho, 44�4, �� ­ - -)K .A.BlusVI Srov-­ - ­_ I to tho 14114ra, turid right On ZrItart. Pick of both teawa� made It F).Q cliortly a - . . L . . � . " � "Pull -on style in th -eaw f' all shades.- per - _ . jjjj&�,Vbauce. but he was good grivilgh to voiv-, 15.'U�6xo,."I."dat,4014*L"'�"", , , , li", . I ai�. to South eticot a-�jd right egzln to after ther second, canto, ope,tiod. Vdcite, � . 'P4�tr . I . : , The cooper 4utp ,of: William Symonds j,%�� e_qUar6.,, r�lth one., jai d do ch � jWture four firsts And honors, B.111Y,Cralz *XRLS1 XVMM . .3 to Crolql$4 Aobln�oh broko ,the "Ica', for o . if . I I � 1 * I � ," won the lwoor champlonswri, just %los- UOP, 4b* and Jimi . . in $altford is .,4 �busy place these da$4, coVner. - Tlic %ual Valuable prLnt3 .= With a, tons shot, but Wculi3r came � . , - " , I . . , ,i ,. Ing oub-Cl*lie Jerry, a newcomm Who ins (2s. ft, �:� , P_,Junior, Xs% NIV-. . turning, out buTIT19 Ln,which to market offered, ' They o o AO It ,0-1 for,tho Visitors. I I I 1, . 49c, 59c 'and 95C 11, .. -ow ", . 4.1 I . . . � . IM), Doselda McM0,nus* the huge apple. orop.�'�:Ia his shovs. at .blar. �. ." . � . I The thlrd� period Was, very rauch I.. I . . 1. . , .1 .1 . I . I'll . . I � . . � I rioxpped ,home an ,easy winner It% ,the, Joan, 1,�op.� Soulqr, r4leon. O'Brien, 28 Saitford an . , Ift, Symonds WAR I . . . ' , 11 . . . .. I I .., : ! rtmi, 1A.Wlifeb, lie stamped himself as at , i*,.RutI% Marney, MWW,Y.Daer,.- 4. Clinton � I'D - . . Oodcrlob, Burnside, Allison and Olea,ri- . , -1 8-50ftillent of new panev Buttons and 1�uckles for , . .� � . . . , , . I to M -this seasor- � PO"n" '-"N HOSORE , I bite scorl.rAU4 4, . . I I I . , (a 3nanufactu 00 barrels While the Visitors Were .See our a . . I . . � vcnnom, lie ,was not entered in tliel Standing -broad jump --444 Elliott S Ler txudeiti� � -At the nineteenth annual rally 02 'the, iganked, Tile 1c1ZglS p, press t . . I . 11 � I I :, . . . . � ome,maY think the coop . ed 'he play, . the new light weight. W0011in materials. . .. . 1. I � . I I I . . . . � . I I . . ­ � . � I I I � . I . Jumps. : Ift, 8, 40, 10a, Nivins, Georgina Ryan; most. q lost art, but. On Mouday Bo i III. 't. P. U. of tile IlaptIst elluraeg of thx,011004t. but they had "shot their � , . I I . � . . I , � . . I I . : _ "The'.0irl '$VInnerq Sonfors, Marjo*,Daer (7 ,ft. 2-/,__Iu.), Symouds =p4e.onCcomploted 110 how-t'alt "Walkerton AxsOcJ'1t4QU,' Ux- 'Which ligh" � and f" aded badly fix the'last frAine I . . I . I . I I . I .. . I Elleen, 011RIen, last year's Ju Gracel Mason, Bileen O'Brien. . . rolp and On Tizesday ))a bun�g up� * TL- fooftich 14 iopregentea, Mr. ZX. Grur Stratford tomilaq on to ocore two, more: , I :: ��� ,.. � . � . . . . . � � I . . . � . . � � 'One workm4n, a .. � , . . ,ob%mplqx6 proved:,herself v, consistent, Runding"bIgh JuOV-�Junloir, Phyllis cord. -of i1Z, daus ouehMS'eleAcd president ,at tlz�t*el Ott, from .tile Alckspf�'�%cWiy and Dimllell. I I , I . - . . . I . . 0044 athlete when she woo or girl4l Taylor (3 ft. ll,ln.), VUla.-Solton, Oeor- 4 ' BB 1, I .. . . plorgirlel I I . . $ , 6erd, lM.m v IM -T `Wadla%day of last wook. $Wv.: W.- T.. . F � E.- HI , � I . . , ado 50 barrels t Iii. We day. Z% "BoWls Stoddart� plo , g his, � I . . . . . . . . I I � yin � first gamo . . I �:. -� iiionoira = Wednesday. 1ga, x1vios and I girim' Ryan; Sen)ori,,zlieen 0113rion (4: heads are vaalde atlW121tooliUrell and'iho, '-Ott* And WOXItY ,MCIAbO.V8 61 t1le 10til Of lacrMse, sobitIllated for Ociderle I I . .1 . I . . . * . ' . I � . . . 11 , � '. . Ucy Harrison tied for the Jualor -tbam- * It, 2 ip�j, Ruth, Uumis , Marjory. Daor.*t - h, We , , . .. ore . ­ � . . � . y staver, voxm 'Oom ..varlous. seotions (a union %tterided and Codorloh was end.to-end rushes elillvening the,aame, d Phone 86 . rho Ca.qh St . . . � plons,hip, The 'girls' events were - ttia I so , d"dogh, Ounior--aamoria, Wlitte- I I . . . t . . ­ . . I � . yar I I Westem. OaT40. , - laWarded the silver trophy for buffling lie hurdled through the Stratford to . I % . . I , . - . , __ 111111111 --.-- I I I . . with the boys, the; ly, Jean Tliomp4onj Phyllio Waqlor (7.1 . . . . " . . . . 'the larg�st- delegatlox� from the greatest with abandon anit played the hour �,-.-.,.�,�����-i--.-..--,-,---- . I , . . : I . , I . � ofr simultaneously I . W.QU ATTENMANCE AT I dist - L . , . . I I I . � I ... - ' . . . . I I � A ack'wd geld- nuinborg; being beld al- - �ec-). I . . . , ance. The guest :gpeaker war, Rev- Without relief,,- as did several of 1118 1)1$coiV . ' ' , temptelk. Theri .was. not ok dull inom-!,' 75. yard. da�h, 0621tOr-Elleen- &)%rlen, Va. 000AXIS, VIINT-V%AL . I , ERX PJt0VB8 A !1OUD-1 , to be hartAICSS, but of' $01110 . Value M I , , . . . I . .1. I ,0."V. Vrofoot, ppiotor .of Adola,ide, street t�a�m ,mat.og. starldart, however, , to.04- I . . . . 11 .. . .. .. . . . . miee -Orrinot A.!,(O 4 heral Baptist c ch, London. ]�% tb� alter- The finding of, three loaded revolvers 'antiques. , I I I � I � . . , . , ent. the . � t 'being ParticulariY Well' X44MY I?aer, AuW i , I o. IS I The, ful ,eervices for nev. Father blur unnems,mry tbauws �ort ,being AnJurcil, �­ � . . . � . 11 . . �. . co .. �... . - I . - I I . _-�. I . I . : - . nd4btr)I. It4as in charge of D., 1� see). . - . . I . James �Qgau on Saturday mor'Ablt� last noon the speak�er, spoke on �the.zubject, 4Ut � ho Will lep,trn. The',to der the - floor Of an old, buildin in , . . . . . . . I � I . Dale, physical Instructors!, TSrget throw ams: , un, .9 I �� . I I I :0111, antl,'Miss lng--:4ualor; Lucy' lUr- at.Zt. Patrick's church;'Biddulob.. woe ­.mxperIen, 'the touch stOA0 Of the AMMUQX4­0041, 33atteridge; tioterice, SaItford vos reported to the polloo this I _;;�_ - .1 .11 , , ' cO, I 1. 1. . 1. I I . � . . . . . � . . a tiewly.ap- Christian lite," .taking as lits, tod.,'the Smith, 'ck� . � * . .1 I I .. . . . . I I 41; tbe, !4schocil, ,as4lsted by Principal rison, 'Uarlaw, Rattles, Jean Whiteside; very liMvly*�A#end64,.and,th . I . . Orapor and Dimucli., centre, NvO Tavestigation, brought out, oat wr-16HT . . . . �.. �. . . Hume, A..,*. Robertson =d Miss Olinp7 SA3iW,,-M0+JQry Wer,'Mubr 4trington, pointed Bishop Of the ploce$.ff, ms, Ex- verse MEN'S FALL I � � 1. � I I . lyndalt, L . . in-Timothy,:11 know,whom. I have Roberton; jorses, 'Wat, and N10111. an: Itinerant had beeri showing the llre� . � . , ,!. . . � . ! Isabelle . oellency,:Rcv. J. t. -Xiddi ,OXF., was in , , � 6 I I . . I , ''. ­ - � Son, believed and am:persuadod that X46 Is spares, :pOV , , *oxi. volvers, Of .ancient German, vintage, to , � I . ... I � I .. . I I .. . � I 11 . � The = listoif 'winners. follows* . -1 . Throwing .Dasket.ball (AccuracY)- attendance. .TA) deecaso's brothers .%ble: to keep that which i have commit- norma I varloVs, people and IiAA casualty, *- . I . . . I �. . . . . � 4, Vioxey I Xauf- -6 h . . . I . , 1W ,r John Ho��, �Vas'lhe ' � , Usk , :M1tT11Nrn74,�M0i1 �110011, - merin6c M ioatloAs . . .. � I . I toys­t"NT�s . , 4=16r, Xorah Costello, Lucy I � l8oft, ,3ev, FithL cOle- ted unto, Him - against, that Aiy�11_ In mailm I I I c: marked that be. found them, �under thi � . . I . . I .. � I I , . . I . . 11, I I I . � $ n � tee; � Senior, Margaret YMIott,' brank vith 'Rev.' V*t-hu. W.. Duan, 06f the ovenint Mr.L Crofoot, brought =Oth- Goderldh--Ooal - BlundolLi - defence flooring of a building In SalttoO. �Tho. :0ood welght and � fullsize.in � , I . � . . I .1 . . it, . 'Port %alubton, , 4.5 deacon and Rev, er very Inspiring, address on the. �sub_ VnUord, Stoddarl, , Westbrook; ,cent . ade, sizes 3 4 to. 4 4. . . I . � . , 100 ,�L,Akd daoli--Juntor, 0. JPr17, X. E .en,013illbri. Audrey Wieland. * 4 ' I � .� 0 ' ce).- Father Thoo.. Ford � natural . . . . . I . I 1. Vgatk, 1- Nafteli :10te= dtAte,' X Er- Tftrovhng,.� baAkot-ball .(dtqtAn I . AS " ;ZdeUOn#., and jeat,. "The ,Challenge; of the Cross"I., foi�. , r�. Inforin%tion was passed on to.t)ie police. I . .1 . vIngtonAW. Sutherland,, Senior, V. 91- . j1iJjIOr,, . I Robinson,'- home.-, ,Burnside, Allison � The maA had been trsingto, ralse� some ' * . . . , . I � .. I I , I . 01adys.9o.rgan',(50 ft, 8 In.), ' Wther 11011111$ O'Connor, Of Petro- '10WItig which %� solo chtitl d '41�4 jiJm spares. � U6X y� Sale. learl L ' � a� � � I I . , I .� . . �... Maq)�ay, 4. Suth. Imemlor -vyXtdb,1L , AOV� e � . a . Nivens) 0 hue, Monoy. on I tho�.. -weapons, Which ciro sold While theY I- St.at - . . . . . . �� . '11oft 00;�3-0 t8eaJ., X. , I uargar&t Macaulajr; Ida,-pmaohed: the sermom 'At qCWA, '746uld, Thiee,11: was. rendered by., Ur. Mo4r.thur. I I � , �. .. � . I � . . � I .1 . � . I I . ., .. I I L I.. ,� .. . . . , 11 I =U*L .1 , � � Senior, Xsabelle Ty4,dall (56 1t. 4- In,), bridge, where I�terment was ni4do Rev. O'Baggett. UuSic4l'sel6otions during . � . . . � -, . . I . I . . 1 89C - ,. :�.. ..I I . � I I I . . . the nere*�Hyde, Stratford.:. - - `1 - - - . 1, . I . I I 4 I . I , 1. . 7- - � .. I . . , , I .11.1 . _ � . I � �. 290 yar4s-­J%a-4Or, 0. Jerry, P4 Carter, 'Marjory Daer Ituby, Eaftigtork. . . FaftT-%WdAr4lo.'0rid R,ev, Father$ Q,uig- ufternoon�.,4A4 evening were Supplied by 4 ,— . , . GIRLS . . : . . I . , I I I I I . I . 1. 1. .1. � .1 . . ,, , 1: Bov� ; � 0 . 0 P � I I . * zalngto;i, I 11 I I 1. ...,..'_�VL ., � .., I . 7 � . ..� . L HT ... ..... . . I . X ' Cra*,, Intermediato, R . Throwing goft.b,all-4uhlor, Vera Mo-� ley and Como= Were attendance, .011 members of the Xerillworth and Auburn I - I . I . � � , -VAn ,&.,; . . IL . . 11 I: Air A_mw ' � . I I ., . . I . I -ME � I � I. � . ." . . . 610r.% vu� mmid it, ,9'!4.),.Ele�p�t_��, _p�y,p 1,011 . , � -�Wo , � -S . . .. . '! W. Sutherland, J. Johnston,. � a (120, � t8th Requiem Hfgh.:Wass. be , - ,- � ____ _ .. DWK WEIG - __­­__�_­______._________ , tllo.. - ir_A_AIVAr� ... AA ___ _____ .1 Mlloft.423 44 sec.),'X. Uhcxay� - I . Ruth CutWe4;, ,�$onlor, IS .11-81"11--ta-131e, . . . .- J _,_ �� ____W10 � I V I , Oelle Tynd2LI1 celob=ted at St, JOseph'S:dhUr*,7K1V9$- 'UnIgiri coming t e, jui- .� stance N . . L I I a and Mort: fur' lust 11 I., � . " � I ErrJngton,-'QraeeL.i bridge r � 1. . few hours or your -sp�ro time,, i I - I I : . .. I .. . .. I . , I . I . . h , rtbast. , Va$ . 'wort . . I . . I I I ' . 1.41 I I � 440 yards-Tatormedlate, R. nrtingto�, (120. ft.. 7, in.),,' Ruby .%y -Rey. Fopthie Me le, ' , , won by the 00derich B,Y.P.U. i The Z&W,Mae Craig Is liperiding a well- . . � ., ­ ox, . . ) � . . . I I I b2imn. ­ . 1. . . . * L Lo 10, and YOU don't have to buy a 'thing' I . ; I . .,. . . . I nouta:dfm-town .delegates )were, entertained dogerved wqck�$ holidays at ii� - I f I . , I � I . . J. Tobfiston; E.',Crawford; Senior; W', Relay rAce--V9rm'HrA.,'Vor ., RLPORT CONFIRNMIll * . . . . . . Port Huron. , . ­. We urnish eVetytWag. write 4t, I . . - I . . . 3�arrow,'X Maojt4y; D; MacKay. . .. n n1B ­. . . , � . I at,suppei provided bi the ladies of thi Once, . , � : Of wool and .cotton 111=-.� . I . I . . . ��D . . . . � , I.: Hor m, . . 'Porin 310. . . A, _-Utetneat Issued from Ottlw0t, 011- local Baptist churoi, The QxdcutlVe, for Miss . Catharine §ale, has returned to . . . TIN UAGIC SAIUmAtAx , , turq,': While.they last., I" '. . .. I � . . .: P . . , I 11"uplor, C.'Joiry,'X. PrAlk, . .. � . Toronto to resume their studies %t the * , , , ... . . I �, , I . . JAWor $All ."Obamplon-Luby Harrison Arms themews given Irk .last wE+k%fSt4r the � comWg year -Is as follows, ."Prest- I . , � Dot. 03;. Itoom 900 � I � , , :. � - % . . ! I I.. � . . . I . �!. .1 I I . I .. . � . � I &nstrUcilon th?,,4f'W6r . . � . I . . �61V, � , 9C 1 1 1 4 . -A UniversIV , . Wellingitin"'plft., ­, Tfto�nVV - , : . I . . If :i - R ; : � , � Miuonnaw .Intermediate, R. Brring,, , � ­ dent.', ur, 'Harry .Grlf.� ,doderich,l ' , , I I � is. orawto Aw � (tie). �, � ., . . I . first . M,, - , , I . . . � I . . I 1. . 'Itoli'l , . t I that the kelly � - . , I I I : rd tie) - 6'Ad 1sa giVl - vi�ted o i ,, - . . 1. . ,� e . ., * d 11 I I ' . Senior *141�,_Ohamplft, BileeAO'Brien. onto bad. been iwarded IthowAtraW for Vtc�-p l4ent, Mr. Frank Ralthby 11. R. Elder, of Toronto . . . � .. ... . .:: . I . . � . . � , , . ,:. I . . ,res . ". I . - Za 1, .. . 0 . I . I - . . I � I . - . ;, . ,:$e4�� W. Barrow (M28), L.Ifte Y.".�, I . I . I ; , . , I the construction, of: crib, Work end fender 40 I 1 VICe_p ,hl�. mother, Mrs.. N. Vidcr, during the � ­,'. .. I . . . . .� I .1, .. ­ I . . . . , I � I . . . seconi . . i- ­­---.� 4- . , . . I . . . . . . I 'L Mae USP I I � I ur4, � resident,.. Miss ';: past Week � . .� - !. ., I . � I . . . . I . . . I I : I . . 40ne�mff"eniok,,' W. Barrow, - STRATFORD ltiO Z RAMS � I . , . I � - � � � . � . .. . I . . I . � � bown,zt the harbor., Prellmbzar��'.W#k bel Ross, 14stoWel; secretary-treagurer � 'd i . I !_ . �, ., . " . . 1. I . I . I 11 .1 . . i . I I � I . . . - . . . . Thomas, spent Sunday. with M7r. and . .60 To $101-00 OOZY I . ... I. I I ..: . . 4unior, N. Craik. !Three� fast. har'409 clambs, two e 'is given as $6054. A' e: � present from Qoderlob� i I 9a . rn ppkft . ... I . . .. *' IN I .- �­ , :_' . '801VI�M­D,A'Zi� Q'QT. 12th 'alrmi.ly, has started. .T,hL� cdhtratt a- 1 4T 0 � , , , " � � : - '... I 13hyiI. J� M - (4 =Ins.;, 48 l.;5 sm) . TnANK . '. .n wet Mr. and. a arles Cole, of St� M . R ' . , ycLeah I `� . Price W -o Merle Xorritonj Kenilworth. D61 ' , .Ur ,.0h .. EAW - . - jSh4t,,1Jot- I I 4 X�ft, , , mli uh6r mutraot,ftir gates , : - OB S : ,�, . . Mrs, John. Cutt. , . I - time* 'While learning, . . . I . I , � , . : ..,-. I .1 W. Carrick; Intermediate, V steepledlidse race by Toronto: Hunt Club. $i9A06.50:has been let. atl?qft1H9p0't.O ;jubun , Itinto.rdine, Wingham, Kenn-. . .. I . .. I � 1 ... i . . . . . ' ' . . - -4e . . . - I I I ilatid, Z.K. ,Cook, R, Pfrimme.r; I S__=& - Admi slon 55cr. A,. Veal'. treat. , the 3M. Huffniki. Constructiq (Co., and . Miss Mary Buchanan Is leaving this. f6ilowlaX ,big .1��v.y ."es. Car; I . � . I . I . . , . . I . � . . . . , I I . . . . . I . . � . , , � . .1 . wort � h, Mount, Forest,.Tiverton, Olin". *ock-end for. Toronto .to take, & course work, *diling, barbering, .hair . g- t fo,i tip T9, . I.. - I . .1 !�I­ I..� :;_;_-=:t=- � I 11 � ,_ I 11 —1 _ axid rAtoWel. . . I �. � I I I - A en . .1 . 11 I ,� .. I : I I �, . . � . . I dr,-.S�,Irtr, P41191601" 0 C . InfOW - . � I . . � .1 ... � I . .. . . I I., I � I . I I . . I . TEND I SPIS WANT= I � I . ; I . . . . . tu,tbe Art School., . I I , matIon free. . I ROVIO service. - I I .:, I ... � r� ,,, ' . � '' I'. :,L .... . 1. I I .. 1. . � . I � I I .. I . . -_ . . I I Tim] 6 I . � - I . .1� . . . . , . ..." ­_ � , .11 I �, �'__ 1, I : . � Miss Maroaret Uedditt left last Irri- from coasat. to . A Ply I . . . � I . ''. I .., �. ;. I . 11 I I. . - I . � S " . I . I I _. s- . % I ... . I I . . . I � . I . I.—A I I , . . 11 . I , HYMENEAL. ' , day 16t Toronto to resume her studic I DOMMON 50100 u i Phone �64, � . :11, . --1, I I . . .. . I � ,� .-, - �. . . . . � 11 � I I , . . I . 'L I I . . I .1 .. . :. . .... 1, .1 � _ � � . . . . � � � I . I 1. 4. , I , . at Toronto 'Uujverdlty.'� - ­ . I - I I ­ . I . i I .1 �. I . � 11 -, I I I . . � I . . I XrAnp1N0_)gZyAt W,. Toronto, , � 1 I . . I 1� , - ==_ L — ' ­" 4 � � I ,, . � . I I I . - 1. . � I I . I �� , I . The marriage QfL'a,�mepqer of � the ,* miss Helen Zavitz- returhod t - � � � � , . I _­­­­ f . . ­ . ­ . : I I I ... I ­ ,�-�,- ,t I I I I . .�, : _. L . . LL I, I ­� , , .. . L _____�,� " -11 ".. . _­_=�_— - �_ . , ... . . . ... . . . I I � : . �--a " � I 0 - ( . . I I I I . , , �, , .. StUdICS I - . 04TOiOn. , . L L I.L. .11 �.. I I I L . . � , d&:.. It 1:1 - .1 . , .� . . '', �, I . . , summer t6lbpy - to,000derleb; MISS Nor*, to on Monday to resume her at I , . I., 0 1 � -I- I _j i - I __ .P� � I . I I L., . - ". � I I 11 , I ,; � . I I L� . . . 'Byrne Revell, daughter4of the late Dr. Toronto University. . . . . L I . I L I.. L . . . � � L . .. ., ,., . , . .. . . I . .. I . .q .. . .1 . I . ' I I L . I L . L, . . I . I . �. . I . . . I I / - i I . 1. I - � ::. L I . Mrs, -john Longrulre Ji In Toronto, .. .1 .. . I—., L I r � .I I L - .. � I . _ . . I r .. I I 1"� , and Mrs. W111.101 Revell, thok plate In , ,. . ! i 4 * . . . . ?c . I : I , I � ­ � I I 1 C , " . - . - 4 lc� . . I I � I � . I )� I � . I � . . 'All Saints church,'Windsor, L receritly'to this weelt visiting With lior� daughter, . - ,11 - 'we I . I , " I . . . k. . . . .. . .. L . . . , "I . , L'. . 11. r sy� L . .. I I . - . . NM29�m EN L - I � , . I I , . . / V � . . , . � lVr, *�deriok Vlothr *Htirding, son of Urg*:R. U, Needham. . .. I., 1'0) U 'N'O SYST . : "L, . � If' " I I �� . , * I Mra..13. W. -Thorne,' Of Toronto, I� I . I , . � I . . . . . .. . - I - ", . 11 . . � ,..!4 1 . �, , I . I . . I . . . . ...� I . . . . . . Mr. and. Mrs. "P, A. 'Harding, of Wlnd.� . I I I . . �' .L. . . , I . � I I . .1 . . . . I I . . . 11, . I . . .. -L I I . � . sor, Profuslons -0i'lan - flo,werS formed Visiting her Mother; Mrs� Chas. A, Wells, . ­ . . I . � L I .L � . I I . ; � .L' I �� . �.,' 1. .. I . " SZA1XD TENDERS aadrev4"pith� . I L. � L , L. . - `�," \'. , ' . 11 L . On �tlha Bayfleld Road, ' . . k IV It I.L . ­ I I k 'i � ,� . L I . . . .. L ... . f1L L L undersigned and endorsed "'Tenj ,-a,iovefy seftiog -for the ooromony� tit 11 Miss Mary Howell has returned . nt : � , . IL� L.. .1. ...' 1; 'I L .. ��� 0 �. -,,, ��- . .�ill. ' which the, bridegroom's brother, the I � 'AL. I V_ I .. � � nst , " L ' - . . � I I ,�", "' _,_­ .- I der jca�L. Roe& . rUctlon. of *q.ftitth 'Pier, . . '... - . . I . . L � ... �Ivgd until Rev. Canon 11. NL. Akidink, ftetor' of "' . � , . . I I.. � , . I . . � , "' , � . I I . . . . - "', .� * . . . �8�Jnt$o­ ' librarian at the, School of Art. - _1 7. 1 .. L . I I ,%.:. , 11 . .1 I .. . f, . .'-_`-_��: - Toronto 'to tebume. her �position A$ L __L I L n - . 1 . NA,g_,� _" "' Oodericb, Ont.," will. be reo4 officiated, assisted by the Rcv.� L ' . to . I I ... . . � : �� L I � . ;T EXTRE , I I . '6%10.��:, V- _... .e,__, la welobli noon, Ttiesday, oct.oberL (;j, I I I . d, L Of . . . ,. I I ,� I .. I I I . . . ­ '111 .^oonorete A. 0. Calder,. of Obathafti, v)ia � Is the Mr., Boy Copelan tho'staft. of ithe I L .1: . -1 I . .. ­ . I . . � I I 1ps construction I . ' . ....... . I . . I I .L . , I ". . I I . : . I Superstructure of the outer end L local branch of the Bank of Comm, � P L Ung ': -, ... I . � I Of Ith" bridegroom's brother-ln-lgw. The bride, . � ej�%' . Lpltyllftj fnij UU$�1XkOgf . L. I . . . I I ' North, . 11� Is 004049. Its vle a-d-ouelPh. - ­ ' Nckw , Giril with L.orettz Ya I �'. . I : � .k I I I of, the , Pier at Qoderldh, kIlirtin who was, given..1 -.maJrjIagc,.by_ h6j_brO. ___ NWQ . . I I I I .. ­ I I -1 . . I . - I I . . :..,., . . �, ­ ld� ., . County, "Out, ' . . I . -b 'itherlhi-law, Mr. Stuart K Henry, chose I . ldr� and Mrs. George . Mac'ftak and . . I I .1 ­ I .., 1. . . L 11 . I. . . . I . - � . I . . . I . I . I . . I . I � . I � -- I L Plant,:Aiid form of contract tall' 0 - Modol L of son Alex., and Mr. and Mrs. AUggle and . - . : . . . ..­­. - � for her wedding a stunning . DAY, TUESDAY - avid WEDNPDAY, . . L I % I . . . . 01 , I I . I . I I , I seen dh-d , specification and,lornis -ldf- ten- soA, Frank visited in ,Detroit last wgelr. I MON, L L. . , L L - . .. .. . .. . � .. I �. . I. 6,1 ; L . der obtained - " this Department,: at the cocoa brou-n crepei fashloned on long L - M Ry PIC L .. 11 . . . I I ol ., I t ,: . . I .. ' T . . . . . I I .. 4�. i . . . _tl� �r.."--.-� - - Mr, find Attu. U. - Phillips returned . . L � L � I , . I 11 .. . I. '. . �; : i. , . Offices of,the District Engineer. CUStOMS lines' With the long sleeves trimmad . A KF .ORD, . L. � I .. I . .. � .. -'��"�i� ; . last Thursday from 'a"Week's Visit with . � I . . L . I . . . . . �.­­T­ � Building, London, 10nt., Toronto. )3ulld- 01th beaver. Her hot Was. of matching L . .. ..,'.' .,�., ��,;� . . . , ' I. . I . `f,,"��,.` "" " , 1, . I I . . . I 1. . � . . . ,ti, I . I I .. . I . . � , . ..�*i I_ ers.Exthange friends at Woodstock and Hamilton, . .. . . NN�ITK I . . � N . !.: .. -i.i, , & Construction Industries �brovm felt. tight fitting, With a small . . . � , - * . t�:��,� 11-.� , : I I . . L I � , , I ,q P �'.`.,:.. ,� .." �� 11ol sa;y'Straet, Toronto, S, 011tk'- alm orange and brown feather at the back' . Mr. James Campbell ,underwent an -' . . . . I . I � I , . .. A: I. , 1. , I . ... . V. ., , � , I L - . . I I I I . 12, . , I . the, post Ojn�ee, Goderich, Oat. an -d 'bar slippers were P Ope�ption far the removal of his tonoils I .,REGINALD DENNY I L . . I . !4 , .? . . ,� , f � ,, . i . I I . .. ­­ . . *% I I I .1_� �-,-� 1�:,i.��;, : I I at also of brown. . I . . I � I .� . 1. -� ­_ . ', L . ..... �, � ,'' .1 I ! I . I , . L 1 ..... .... ; " �1 , " . 11 L I � Tenders; will not be considered uniess at Alexandra hospital . . .L",�.:.."_ , I I Her bouquet was of bronze roses. .Miss . last - week and is - Fh_� rare artistry of. tile sereell's f0ralllCiSt ,actress Colm to fu I . . I Ar. .. , s 1 �.­....:..4_ 1 . . .. � I , f:_� .� . , : '­ oy the � I I . �. . . .r.X'. s !­..- j . . I lk I I ag now, on,the job again. .. . . L. . � . . 1 r. I . L `X' ­ v.. . . i made on ptinted' foints supplied I I - . . L .� 1 .L;, `��'�I: L � . , . - '. , Dep�rtment and L in aqcordance . . ,.: - , , I . I . . HI I . .. I . . 'J. . L . w-ith'Sliz0oth .Peddle, whoet attended h6r L exilltessloti as file little madcap . I 1� ; I I . . . . . .I L I . .. I .1 ,. � ' T : , I I Uer'. (Dr.) H4 U; H40, who has . e , . I . I I I I . . I ..� � I X� . ;.. L' L . I i . . conditions contained therein. I , b en' 4 . ( . :�.Z ,� ,� �L �:,��', _ L��' � �i . Each tender - musti Tbe sorcompar"a maid Of honor, wore Persian green I - . .st 1. . . . . . ,X� - V . '*J?y crepe , the bodice havinf, tiny buttons -ill In Ale;%ndra hospital, was � able to . 19 I - . 't \ , I , - il, ��. iRll, " , . . � . 1, . � I � 1� � �',.­ 'L - L , I : 166 . . , . . . . .. I � y . : 1. , ..."..,."L. , .�' . .. .. an L adeopil 'leave that-Instittition on -Monday and L IS I- � . . � 1. . 11 . . - ., . . I : '. �, I : . er home, - . I L. . 6�11 . . . . , 4bo,back to the walst,'with a . I . � - 1� .., � . .: ., .d oheque on a chartered bank, I down . I 0 .. ; . t . �� .., .. L. � I payable to the order of the Minister buckle at the ,wa convalescing at, h . , : . � 1. im . 11 .. . . . " I - - Z , I ist, Th6�sklrt had 9. I ,� . K . Kmal 4 . ­ �. � - .1 L .� . I .11 i . I ,; , 11 11 �� I � 11 " I I . of Public Work$, equal to 10 per cent. of I � . . . �: . I I . . I . . I I L I � I . I small. peplum ending, In the back. .Her L Mr. A. D.' Matheson ban returnO .to . I % . . . I . L . f - ; . � J, L . Bonds of the 2ils home In Port Colborne after visiting p est little'. tW6� - , . � . � . ! .", L : I ''! . � . DoininIon of L , smartest, of sinart entertainill . : I ., the amount 69 tbe'tender. - ropres en .atid,th6 merri . I . 114, -1 . . I I . . I ; hat wirs, ut E t Eugenic model, of Uo;, trandparents, Mr'.4nd Mr3.,Atff L I . is I I . . . I . I . I i" -1 & I � . . I *^ , . I I Canada or bonds . of the - -os � you've ever seen. I .1, . 11 I .1 � . - I -, , . : ­ . black felt, trimmed vith. bllelC Aff6li- us . I . ... .. . : . I . L �. . .1 . . . . ­ �, � I I � I . ' Zho carried � � L L .. I . . I 'I - I . I.. *�' � I I 1. , .1 I . g . . I Canadian' 4101 - MPMV ' Matheson, St. Patrick street, . . I . ;,41. . I . Ift .131 Aaa"y M I . .11 . .,, ­ � : _ ". � Z # . I . I . � I � 0, 111 I i . .. L . I . 1. L . !..i ... M -WA -6 I I . . . 11L. . 11 I I & - . will also be accepted aS, se6urlty,, or and she wore Men shoes. - I __ - , I I. . . I L I ., 0.1 ..'..._.. i�:. � � L : [11� . I I I Ophella, r6ses. Mr. �Oeoftroy- Blnlngj�L 'Mr. J. E,. Mason, formerly of Clinton, I I I . 1. . . . . I . I ­ :" . � 1. . � bonds and a theque If required to make I . . . . , I . 11 � ,. _� I - � I .. . his - rented tho- furnished residence of I THURSDAY, FRIDAI'and SATURDAY . I I I L . � A . . . " . L . . .. . . . I I . . I I � . � � ley, of St, Thomas, twolsted Mr. Harding R I I . . L 11 I . I . , . I . .1 10 . . . the 1,214JAses Dougherty on, Victort . � I � � I :� I . � alned at XmWgdla��Iy after the I ., I I . . I . I . I . L I I . . I . . I , coremony the bride And bridegro ont left . WINNIE, LIGHTNE I 1. . . . . I : I as beat ',man. . . 0 � , - . I . L , . . this Department by derlosIting'04 D.C. , and hag moved In With his family, 11 . I ,WT . , . I Note.-Bluo-�prints can be obt D, street � .1 . I ' ' . . I i 1. L , 1, - � Cepted cheque for the sum of �010,00,ifor a mator ttl * I L r ' (yinpilig thio, ' tig ' It a mad fandango of rnIrth,. assisted by, � .. . I . , , . . . . order of the 'Minister phi3, bar daughter, Mrsi BelfAy, a - I - * . . L . I 11 . I-.' � I .. I . T payable to tile of p, and. after October I Mrs. Wililain Maralcoll, of PhIladel r . .- . ­� . I - I the ,will tdl;e up residence In Chatham' ftd I , . . -1. A6 I .. L I _. I - I I 11 I . PublIa Works, vMldh will be returned I It i 1. ly -_ I � — I . granddaughter, Ulm SP--tr1co, Bolfay, ,11 I I . . . . � I . I I . . �10` - I I . . . the Intending bl4der Submit a I 17catt ar .. V , . are Visiting the faiinc.'s. niece, M.4,. . OLSEN, AND JOHNSON . L. . I � I , TONG . . . . . . I � . - L bid. . AIAPE Arthur Buchanan, Noisy,knockabouts of Nonsense . L . �, . f, . I - , . 1. L . MY -Order . I . I I I . . . ;;� --.1111 . ,f I , L , ' 0 r. L -L '. . ., . I .. .. . , 11 , - I I IN.. DBELTAROWS I Afts; Zogy.Xevd, of Goderloh, spent . ,Mr. und Mrs. Alliert, Whitesida m to t6 I . I .1 . . . I L . , � I � 1. . . . 1. L , ft . . .� . . L I / 1:11111, . . . . I , * . I . $eorctam. the wook-end with her niece, Mr,g I . . it 0 I :* . 10 1. , ,� I �0 T.hOl. ed to'Hanillton on Tuesday. Tboy %vore . . L ' . . � I . L � � 11. L I I � , 11 , Department Of Pubdo Works. . . , Anderson. - I . . . 11 17, L .1 i Ott;awa,­Soptem1*V 422, -1931. , Mm, Wm, Blake. went to .Diiiinville 'lea Sea ' I.e.'. L 't I L ff I I I ftecoln0anted to that city by Air. Char. . ", , , . I . ffer, XA, who went to attLend . Go d'DUS Gert - . I I . . I . "e ­ . .. I . - , ------,4- Priday-to vidt'her daughter, Mrs. WII- 'the luarral 0 his olster.� L :� 1. . . � , L .. . . I i . , . - . ...".-1 ... ­ " , ­ ­­ �� -1 . L . . . - . . . ." :LLL I ­ L I 111, . I . TBNDEAS 04&emed to ilie"Ir.04-1toffm . . . lAcut.-Col. A. V. - Mtirdy, 11, Jane, is faster .and funiiier than,an eel witli, -tile ague. �.. . . . . . I . , I 41i � .. 1. I- I_ � ­ 11 . k L . . . ­ . I ­ I . A I I / I i's"412dertigned. and endoroed -ten-! A number from here attended the chariot Barker, ra. B. Davies and W. . 1. . . I .1 , LL I I I I I 1. I . . . er or Reconstruction of South. Vier.' funeral, MoftdaSr Of tbo late Mrs. Harvey Bel) on Tuesday evoning attended the';' . . . I . . I . I i ; Goderleh, 1. ecelved Until, j W.fl, Of AubuM . � . banquet In .Staforth gJV6n in bonor . Comi"�Jahn, Wes, in "Capta,6 of the Gui ards.". : . . I I I . . '. . . . 012t.", twill be t . . of I . L I . .. L . � I . I ,. I . . . . . I .. I 11 I 12 o'clock' noon, L ToeSafty, �Ociobft f'. visited Mqjor.S. W. Archibald, , ' I L . I � I . I � - . . . Mr, And LUZ'. Tkoz. Anderson Mat' turday at 3 io. ra. I . . . L 11 " 1091. for the recon,�trudlon ,in, tondreto church, Mr. and Urn, John 0. Leiner and Mr. 1-11.2es.-Wednesday and �Sa - . I . I , I . . � . . I I I . . � :'of the Superstructure of tile outer end Mr. and Mrs. Bert J%eed, White . - I I - . I I -..-- . . I I . — � I /L - . I I . '.Of tile North )?ter at aciderich, muroft o7go day this W,eek. * . � Lolner'n eb*, =Lm Josephine At, Leino I ­;;­_.____..�__-: -1 t==_" .t�o , ___- ___A_� I I., - I L . � At; er, motored Itere from Chicago t4 vbJj " — . I I I . ". . t I i Ura. olivra Tndavm, of Montrc 1 ­6� ­�_�_ ___ , 0 . County, Out. elll�. I 1�1 . . .1 It is not too early 0 Choose -.1 . Plam and form: of colittatt can be- sl�ont cc few days recently With Mr. and .Mrs. Leiner's mother, Mra. Chas, A.1 —1- — — I . . . . . . . . . ' ttcn and specification and formb of left, Mrs. s. i. Wipatrick. I Wolld, on the 'Dayfleld goad. " . . I I I 1� ' , der -obtained. at this DePirtiliftit. dt, tbe W, ,OLhd Mrs. wirow Moffat, I of Oat, We teoret, to learn tbit U1, �eoev I e F a d , . . At I . I . 1. I . 111.1 ? Hav ­ You Had Your unace Looke . . . . . �. i ofares (if the nic-trict r.ngifteer, customs week -end viritOV-9 With thO Varrow, forMqrlr of Ooderich, Is Ill I �L. . I . . . � . . . - : goding, London, Otit., Toronto SuIld- 1114, *00 13 L � . - .. L I I . L I erS EXobanLte & Coft�triietlon Industries latttr% -Po,rent% Mr. And Ws, Richard I hospital in Toronto, having lindorgone . . .. I . . .Your: Fall Coat L �. I 11o4 Bay Street. Toronto, S. Ciht.', ZO: Johnstou" I . I an Operation. Hq allo%1m, Coifie Improyo. . L . � . Over and put in Orderf. . . . . . ' . I - - � . .. . I . .1 I . . I ab the ro$t Oface, Goderleb, Ont. I Mr. Palmer and Mled Olive 101p1trt0k Mont but to &tilt quite fli. � . . .. I . . I . . I . . . . . . . I I I I I I Tendarg *111 not be conSiderefi Unleag �Vero, g1mo4g the sueftcatil eakididatel Mrs, '11,64ditt, of 06derich, and Mrs. . - , . . 0 . X - ;L .. . I 11 I � . vomde tin printed f6ring 6uppliod by tht -who Wj6t6 oxaminatlow oft univeroitg Weliard MoWliffintyi' of Dunganno .1 I ,:1 EWL STYLES! ' . L L . n, , If not, n6 o do it -before thei I I N, I . L Conditicilt contained thertlu. alAort courcel this summer, left Wednm,day morning for Toronto to � . � . . . . . . I . . _% I r-aell tender muct be acconip3n1ed by tie, )Dan IML-1ko, oJ'WJrmIpeg,- made a attend a meeting of t1le PAvinclal,Pres. - w6ather gets too'cold'. . , ... 1LA.JTH51 An seceptedebeque. 60 a thaftered bank, � I 1 I I . I � . . .NEW Cl e A psynblo to tho order Of- the - Minl5ttr ZbOrt 'Vlldt rggeritly� -with ,044%res; here. bytorlan Women's Mlesionary :C,aclots?., . . . * . I . i , I .1 . . tick .was lionle frolft 11orth otreet United 6urch in repro. - 1. . I . I � I . " . . . . NEW,PRICESI L- i of Public Works. 04" to 10 per 'Cent of , Richard X11113t . . . .. . I . "I . . . I , r.he..gruoitnt Of tile tender. Motift of the Stratford ovor the �WeeA-eiitt rented at tho,big Micifoilary Conference . . . . I . .�� . L To 6 O tq 0 a re i . . I . . L . . I . imminion of 40sinada, or bonds ,01 the ;8Im&, Johnstoft Went t0 Toronto at Mas�e,v, Hall, r nt , b dd m,d . . . ,.. . . L . I . . � lCftl, the'ne�,l flaked Cloths carlAdfan National Rallway clhmp&ny Tuc�d$7 to entcr his,tecond yesX V-0=0 b7 Dr, Toyobll:o Itagawa, py Pov, afr. We- d6 all Uinds of Heatings Plumbittg arid Tlnsa"ng. . I I I � .1 , Coats this season are very praCt - 1 than in prOV10119 seasons, *M also be accepted M otiltldtF, Or of study, -fn elcttrjC-al en8imerltig in Tor- Watt% tit. Dullift, Gco, V. Jobtiaton, . . .. I . , bonds and a cheque if required to make onto VnJvC_rr f I 1 biing Particularly SO- "'lav'61 'Sty. We 'WJ$lJ him fteeel". Mr. and t1o. -V'VM.L ffiVegs, �Vjiu, )3311soo If YOU 8X0 C-Onte,W)1114649 & I*W J01) Or aft OVCrhatll, lot US give . I Sinartly fur trillinled and inter -lined thtougliout, you will up (tit odd ainount, be eitafti(4 at Ift, Gc-"90 T"n'037 rect'llved tile U$00'"ek and a- -V' llarnw011- , I . . . u6tt.-Blue vrint5 can neW,s Suadar of the death of 110Z Mrs. Ifortlon, pro�ldent of the, worn ',a you a figure on taftleo, find Oul''SeldWOU very desirable, We adVIBO an early . this Department by deponitifit tin DO- C14 On I I . u", for the gum of $20.00. uttle P'randde,uglifor, t1der datighttr Of hogpltal aUxiI!aj*r, and Mr. T. 0. con. . L . L S Coll — � * 1plet��- L , L I �, I selection while our t0Ck jorder of tho Mfuhter of Mr. =4 No. L14OU Tvan%16Y. of ChAt, noti, M17 e dip I Lsard are I . I I . , retri� of tilt h Ita , . I . tt'01116 1`1010"1101 I I . I I . giving witli eat'll casli pur- Vklywic, lvolks, Idileft will Ift' Mttli%cd If 113m. T110 ljtlt,lo 0110 ww playbij With this wtek attonding a m cemg of tao ., . L l sava tile, cask coupons we are , thLs Intendin,-, U10 I 0.1, robuilt a regulir OtIlCr 01ILtdreI& in froUt of tilgr -home olitArio, and At' ,lorlcan 11_,1zp1Jnl a_=oegs. -,� ito Cital Coke, efunis free. bid. 1 W6 car" a full line of *h Grade Anthrad , , chase -and WCOlVe Valtiablo PrOn 81tUrd1,y Mid ran Out on, the tfftet in tionS, In =16n, at tile Royal Vork, Tor. �. V . . ­ . I , .. 11 Zy 0�6or. tthe liltli of an ajit-omoblte� th-A W" Cato. . . I � � - I - !!. . I 14i I � I � . �.... _._�,, - ... ­- 11; N*. DWJAUDW0, 'kna�%cd do%n, eaus!ng c0U0U!LQI0U OfthO ?&.1-tta. JalZc3 Calkeld, J Taylor and and Poeoh6afts .Cotf. , Guaraotted No Clink�rs 4--,r fflate*,. ' L � 1. ­ Specrittary. , — ' � , . , ! , , I � - I � I � , I '!'I , I , � , , , " , L �, , , � I! . -­ - "Oft I . - ' ;�ict I ' 'X%A I #-Ird I I , I I � � I� I I � , jto.ei , I i, I * i- , , -----__� , . � " 11 I ' " :Arn'n " 0 - "'O .g ar;, � I.$- � h � 4"I"o for .711,celi-i 1'1' .11, m. " '.. 0", �'i *k! ' a ' -pp' , , zs� , 79 . . 11,� . , . I. I _ �. I * - I , I I. 40 1 *,. *�t I I' I I. I I no# I . rer.ff" CojjtCJOU�_ �1=84rot (Iril%tILI, Wtjo ree Uff.7 Undor. I I I I . Dnpwaicnt of Public Wolks,, train, and d9d . 5. I .11­1­� . yow, GEO, W. re -M. V�_,e_11118 Avv�v in U14 11060titt 0 went apAond9tKII overatfry at.AleyAn-1 I . 5(6ft L 041tXV.13, nowmmber 2;% 1931. 11a ' I . 11 .- ph, — _.____.1_1__- 8midn' IV& Ttmnloy arid mins, Me- dral I=Pltal, bava Won dl, Alsrgcd tind 1 f L Ono, - '. "' "I , us, WaVn�ce stud dtwsd Ir-womley. mot- aro now wavalavIna, 010 flret t�-M nam4j Store ,I, Z CHA& Co LE - 'Of I 1 56 i 'Childrdu 0_7 4 Orel to C"44111 mofld*91-� macil 01n. CA at M,ftIr 113=1 and tWs (Jafth,ftv phone—lionse Ils � . Ar THE HARBOR I VA06 CHAEFE I . A FLETCHIN'S VwS17 is fo:t Ile= for tile *reaved W- Mo lZania of Mr.aud Ure''YoUnt,mv. �1'1 — I r. 0 1 _,,���� .. ­_ L 41#1691fl, Mind e1her rel*tivel re;,_e, l"'w"r/a tt,Trct. — ----- - - __�� . I I L I �� .1 % 'A� 11 - __ — �� . 1. ". ­ I ­�, �1­11111111ilbwiob ­­ - ___ I-,- I - C*rl r-% S T 0 R I A - "", 97""' , I I — �� 11 - I— ___ _ L-----.-- �' I * .1 . I C � I I -..-- __ 6�, - .. i I I . �_L__ - — -md& - - - . ,f,V&L,#.dd&­ ­_ . _ I , I __ _dwfi� . — *.a ,000mt,.�- _. _,� _ .__._..__._______.%11� . ­ - __ . ­ . - . ........­­ ­.­.. - ...­ __