HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-10-01, Page 1H U It Itle Staes Me Trial Trip Irle, ooftd�h *Xr. Harows MmUe-A Pal*r, W11 �tw sent ta N?-* aulwcrr,j,�" 9,,)r the ba%ace Qf w3t tzv 2s caut�. T* its . � 4 . I - I . I * I I � : 1 _40b, 1 1* AIL A, A.9 . I 1 41* , � I I'll, I it 4 0 D I � I I I . I 41 ,, u t! I , . , rir4 st . � � - ar A . - I -1 9 I . ., I .Rp ,� 0 � - . �­_ - I , . . -, " _­ --- I I .1 .1 . — - - � P . i - ! .. - - 11, � � . - __ . �­­_ ,__­_ , , - - �_­.. �� ­_ - _ I _. —Z=. ­ SJXr-=_*=N10 YEAR . 44uscrtooll: � $2 a V"ir in Cu" - � I I . �. 4344 a year to U. la. voluts. GOI)ERICK ONTARIO, CANAD44 THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ist, ligal � w4L%wa WAnV4 ir:111114e* . - I .- t __ Iry * V * , I — �, - --I � 1. An as$ Bayfield, - Lunch and Mitchell, - Fairs Have, Good W19 vathv,ky Blyth, Lucknow, and Seaf orth Not So Lucky I �. - IM . . � I.- . ` ­ I _� = = � - ��_�, - L L" IN .0 - 0 i m" 14immi - F ­. ' 4 - - . � -0 ­­­ 11 ­ ... RELIEF PLANS, " .%,:1-- __­-V�: 1, �. COURT HEARS ALUE WATER 111GHWAYCAUIRD I ,��.� * I I ., �, I . . .1 I A.q q . " � �i . . . I . 1A i f , Uffln R RMBRUH Of NO ' T A J(P. QU A PP. I . I I A L . 11H P. .. Balance of 19,31 FREE **4QQ 111�14i �:ta lo qwuaq r,r;,j;lj,��a Puv sr.dwe.,J �1,v *%vaca 04,L Qua I ") 194t 11�vfl T C1 IOU Q14 114;11_1�qn# �, I ,*4ue4.;u;v.-,-It-,Z,*Zczsttl,-I,a�eua-�'-t I � I * I . - i � ,�":., � _-*q.- ., -1 I -11 . . I ­ -- - --avorAv .11AINUENVUb AND DIN I 1. 0 ­ - . . - ­ I I.. I _ � . . , .. 1. UICAUBFUL : ­ " I. � 4 . ____ 1-.1 . I .. . — - I � -­ LIFE ASSVRANCE FOR WOMEN : Engineer Kkke* Swv*y For Trimk , : .. � �,, 51 i�'. * � - : I . i -18- . . - . . - 1. � , .� I � I plWa of I'MMAT WV1KU% : . . Mwers Cootior About 11 upw An"94140" to to V"A .. I - ' I . I 1�.Y, . �.. . I I- I I Sound T647 to V - oice . . . I . i. ' . Jhe advantages of life.assurance are not limited to the � , $12,009 , I � I � " I . . . . I ,.' a . I I � � � - �� I . � . . lia-ve under � In - I , 'I'beir'.prolog . - � : married' Sin le ivomen—all women ;,who �,re dependent on I . �.. I . .,.,, , , . . ' . I - I � � The pollee vesti. . I �. I . .� I � � '. I 'their W�� n worl r�iid it a sure and convetileut medium. both for IS PREPAIRRG, REP I I ! � 9QU04 A GoderIch case In wb 3% . - I � , I, 1 . I QRT I CANNOT PAT OR DRINK � . _#"j i savings and protection. It . guarantees an income- in later . . . p :�, ., � I � . . — A dIRMOnd ring, Vl�liea at ... $140. ?AONEy IS NOW'WASTW . I . , , , years when business opportunities ate denied. New " Permanent Sidewalk For ._ , _A, I I , . — wa$ 4*11. the M&MOUCreplaCed � ­� I � : . An ondowment 14ar4PV_fW L"r , � �L , , � . �Colhorne Tiowush;p Poop!* over. . . . . I I _A#_V'? , . . � I - ��" With 00% And tho %ug rc-5tored I . � ­_­ 7- I 'dlW'T,lg'..'at"'aig.5'-ftft,yzfLy.o-or,.siA.y. .years.,would-prov __;_.", _ ; , � " ­ -1. I � 1­11­�% 1.16M 0 -4, Trade Board Wnwsm ummv*..,_._.111..._._ ­- - - ­­ . -,— _J?q1ky­PU 4'- .�­­­1_7­ � I I � � .� I L. W -.,c . 11140f...0m , or ... tot--its:-..CUAOM$r�r-vljxze�-w-,-astc�-----.,,-.-,-,��..----,----�-- � 7 ' , tainty , I � , , _. I I I - , "touts' County Fair OnA . . . . attractive. Rates will be furnished upon -application., - n . . . oa�.Cer : . � . I r � r . Town " " keeping lit a local home. A Ulan : . I *1� . - , I . . . , , . I* I . I . . . . I — � � . I � � . , �. �i, , , . . . . . -*---,A— . and a woman are accused of this : . � :� .� �. � I , . Other Matten . . � . ., I .1 . �, . � A! - . I � . � 11 rReslit6nce 40 . I The town 0ounaills gettl4w� along Wit); ,... 1� r.. 11 !rhe 'poilco ,CQ,Art 0hamber Was t abaIrp pr%ptitce land 'are. said to I . I 10�� - - - � . . . ,, . �� I . Phones ., I oft * nt - its rellot program.. Engineer a. U., : � , .1 I L out -heir I . q town � 1. �, a 11:0 . '. . 11 R. LONG, District Ap' i .. I M -41t, this morn -to [tee liave admitted t - guilt, or to atroQ1; deputations. trout t4 ., . r - J 46unsonOf Stratford has .bQon.hore and I I ins ommodato have'siocused one another of eorq, Council,* headed by Mayop *. .0. I,te, %Ud .�� 0 . 11 I .. ''... I—- 11 -1 -- -UrVay of 0,000 feet of trunk : - those Who W"od to hear five Vit%rgo ,, Mittlog the. OCW, They have beer% from tile board of trade, hea4ed by pre� I . . . . .. t:;=_- --- - I ,- - I'-,--.-,— agwers. Toughly estimated to cog " week 61404t f1 D. Croxt. left tw wo"AbAg t,)r ,. � * I . I . . t' 4aut � Of crU043r to Altiluals and one of assault, , gI On until Saturday of till$ � . , 140TIOB To CRURIT,088. � 11 I THE *WEATIiElt , ' $12,000, of Which, If approved ome towa. � I . I , � ,, the Pro. having their Origin in boib - to� Make .good tile loss. ,or face . QWQU Sound to ittendix meeting Oi t4o . , I __�. ­" ,-, � - . , --,..-*, . . . VIA" IVOI94 Pay I 25 *V0 qcAti. tile )Dom� 0111A CO 1441JOUMi4out Was t ken, to the arrest. The -'Tb* was left � to a 4luo Water Ulgilway As,-Ociaij I . - To C=DlT0A% ' - ,ek% temperatures, this . . I I 141on 25 �er cont,,' and the� municipality A . . , Z�n, ;it , I . . NQTXCE . . . .. I . pa we year tOWIX bail, where there ivo-i more cibow Younip mom bF Ius mother, noij Which. protcat ,will .,be voicied on the cori,� L I . and last, recordailiby J."E,, Mu -U,. orA. per �coat, This Is only On . , " Notice is hereby given to Ali persons I .to . I .0 of sev. room As a ,result of tho moming,s - deceage.d., Short 4f ready cash lie dition IntO W11101), 00 highway has been, I . . - � . eral relief works. Proposed, . work: Dau'awantz 1...11sving., any claim against the eatate of clal.vbserver, follow.. . but It also Wag coliviotad on the , took the Tlug� to a jevlet to Tea. � 4116WQ4 to deteriorate landn'T'the season � . - .1 I . ,. I$ the Only one go ,fsr 'to takoL d � cruelty c1large, and rqm4dded - . 6.1t, 1 , just I .. I � 4ohn White, late' of the Township of ' � . lost. , .. 193V eflnite .' on Ilia own 1120. 0 It: T .I nrW'hd was 40�4, and .6 -concerted Movo I , . . , Colborne In the Conn f . Huron, 1. , , , :Nu . Xals. Mill, form., it Js� e0fttett -the engineer's we. . � bail of $200. for sentence oil .October . told that At was practically worth. launched to have the province, take Ovor . Ity 0 � X, min I I ,� Laborer, who died on or Sout the 14th sept�- 25 ..... Port Will bo In the 0011000i hands when Ith. : Similar al)p.rLtes , cigs,fast Stanlo - . . . . I . I . ,­ 54 42 78 67 It meets lWiley night, r .. . Ud Lawrence Snyder. SO �y . losa, .Tlie stone was,not.0 din. ro o . The Assocla- ' day of 'itlaust A, V. 19,31. tO scud same .26; ...... :,.,,, 41 .' 48 10 57 pJa no mouil, simply grass, t1on frankly admits that nuless somo- � 'duly provert to the un - on or .tile r1nR. was &opt to, 04 ex. thing As I)TOmptly 40,40 all mo-zley and . I , - dilea and To touvIme I , dersigued 1 The Proposed trunk sower. is Planned � I I I . here th c3rd day af.Octobor, A. � D.1031, . 27 ....... .49 - '58 $1 _ William Young Were Withdrawn, r;or. him � rp Z, I . � 2a ....... . :.., ,,, '30, $0 47 . man Allin, complainimt in the cruelty , efforts to attract t6urig �, :_ for Nalsou-street from Mitorla. street to pert, a0k . �;,:�, 4, or, afte.- that 404 the, estate, will . . 64 .� Church street, on Church 'from Nelson. 0114r8cs, Was himself convict _ t tion of ont I ta Into, this C,:�6* .� . . . . , .1 be c butca among, tho.persons an- 20 . ....... � ..... 66 ,44. � 04 ,47.� 1 - I . ad ot,lltech� "$lass." The pollee were.- lion arto will llowe beou ovmt 14 , I . . llsw , . , . I ' � . 11 I : I titied.t I heretai, regard -being given Only to 0.0 . .......... �. . 69, 48 . : 53 , 44 ,�troct, to Colborne street, on ,St. Patrick . . 11 I.. , ,,,, "I'll, L L.. 1110aft"i assAuItIng- . Lawrence Snyder, Appealed to and Investigation - - V31a. .' . t . . � I . � . .J I � .the clabno; -of which wai then have nottm 04.. , I street from Colborne. to Wat street I -LINUT. COL.' A., STVROY HO, tod 4 Will 'hear his late tober I .. . I I!,_ ... * ....... sq. 69 : , . erloo . . . I on 00 � conOrmed swplalous; of on "In. �- sirovx Protents , s, , . - . I �. , . .. . � I , � . . . : . . ., . . Pated at'Goderich this 17th do, pf :; __ __ — ­­ ...... � , and on Waterloo, , from St, 7th - - . I � , � 11 . . __;�=Z� Patrick to New CoMmAlial"t Officervi! the Rutolk ,, , I. - I . . side job," It Is stated,. , .1 Stroni; protests Were. ,be,xvii on, the . I . . I . Septeraber, AM. 1931�­ -. . . . Elgin avenue, 'these connecting up With I �� � Retimem ,. ,� . . $10mil. Rxlgts� . .. . It ­ . . .. . 1. Present , condition of the. � , I . ­ . - I . I . � 1. . , J314 , , � I . HAYS & HAYO; I I I t . . . �. I .1 . . i � ., - _1 . .1 . , I , q Water . . .-. I �. I .. . 11 . ,� . ­ I I -, TOWN - the existing ru.nk sewer, 'The . size of � I These. Pollee -court ea ,. . , Highway ,at Monday evening's, ,rikeeting � . I , , 1. I Go4erl'* out. -,. � , TOPICS .; - : �. . , sea are the out. ,' �. � . - __ the I ' I . . I In;,prop9sed sewer Will be X5 or 18 RIONRY-EI'LlOvT - . growth, of a feud which li�js existed (In Or (11461,101 board Of trade In tho toWil . . .1 I � , I . ,Solicitors for the AdmIalstratrix herein, r S , e�t Bo.ati.Wit 4 . .1 __ . � . . I * � .. I .1 I'll I . 'h� , I . . .1 . I I "003.= PUMPKIN" . I 'the Maitland OAC69siOn . of Colborne 1EXP I . '. r � . hall. It,was oallodAisgra0efult do . I . 1, :. �.. . I . I I ,. . I I '. , I . Thts. program. J4 Pattly'aft o0tgrowth The marriage wag quietly ,solemnized . ,township I ser.r . . I I . NOTICE TO CREDITORS, I I . I. 1. .The , annual competition, ,. for ': the . in St, aeorge�s church' 0A oatuway,` for some. time between Allin . - oils. 14,44, the lftughlno sto�k of the mot- - � . I . � . .1 -I �. `-�; � I . 11 I "largest pumpkino Is under.way. Reeve lot the Joint meetIng-Ot the: town cc=. September 20th: of �iios' Ver4. C. Elliott" nnA hio neighbors, Dan SwitntZ. clal I ... age:carkoes cring I -tracking ' I .. I . . I . Si0i . . public. Mao 'were'. side . I ­ 1. . NOTICE Is hereby given to all porsong '01, and, Water and light boronfloslim 11014 that AMU'S tattle and horses h * Ing . I I i I , . I - I . Albert 'Goldthorpo of ,Colborne t4wrisbip 0 Mve re. , . I I . I � I . � .1 having, any claim - against . , I of. Qodorleh, and Mr. Charles Victor - . . . I . � . We vstato .Of at on.Thursitay .evening last, A perhian- of Kineardine, Ont, The factor, . Peatedly Invait . . I . It"It was stated, The discussion 'Arose . % .. . . . �;. I . Jb$aph W, PrIddle, mIII g rolling SaturdaY. mom. , I . ad * and, damaggil his man. So May Be:- pt*�%. M104 the gUbject of sending dele;atosto, . . � � cri. late Of tho ant sidewalk some r6ad . 9OW, turnips �and buckwIleg Railway. Cars Al . I., . I I . I , e4,lnto Service—Milling.. I up. 11 .. : ** ... ,� I- for. harbor bill, U: ' ' 4 , AQ I TOM, of Goderich, in the County of .1-09 when he brought a 44�piiimdar:blto uevn. X. it.. Mills. 641clated Imme. it The the OWOA -Sound meeting cal: � I 11 I I. .,., . I :tluroni I who died oix or about, the 16th I 'the , work and the . farm$ I P . every effort . *. - ­ I I., . .. � 4tar, .and WhI . . . straightening and- cutting diatoy ', or the Ceremony the bride AcUoln. and in some likoes fences President - CrotV said that . dzY of August, A,D, 1931, to.'send game ' ch rp"sos 'A our down of SaItford hill ' are down or do )a . . I I � I " . Show WIACIQW� It -has attracted Wide at- are - Other � -relief and groom left bk motor pri.Weir, hohey- oil I , Ot � exist. . - ,, 1. I I 'Conditiona. Impiove �:. - -should b6 Made to have 6I 14rg4 0, ropr&� ; . I., , ' I . 1. .: 1 A duly -Proven,� fW the undersigadd on Or teritl6n, Whots-z t? '' _ Items talked of,, but "eLpt In the'6ase moon attar ,which t ,- In Sat . . . � . . .. .. . � . . . set . 4011 . On I ItOM . I 00dor I lch "an PQ , . .. . :. , . ex , , � boy will reside urd* September 20th; at . . UW16� ... � � _. .1 before the lot) - ­_ of harbor bill, ' about am in. the averting. Swantz. fo Prospeqts,of a goodly number of� grain FhUlt, also Was found. With the location I I . I .I. day of October, AM. 1931 . � I . I -I.. - � .. — Way hkVo, tiot jet le'morg4, Kincaralue :Ont, ,' ' ` '-F " und . � - . : .as ch and after that date the.Executrix . .1 , I ad from the: I :' � I . I . , ;: I - WANTED discussion or suggestion I . I two of AIJiWs horses In his.buckwhext., bontS with' storagif ,cargoes %lutgring at of the, inecting-­0wea Sound, Godertch': I . . . , the said e�tiite Win proceed to. I _­ � stage. At couar * I � . . � I I . in . - _­ �Q�� I . . I % I � I 1. � . ; . i .: - . . I of , Ue put Whitt he called it "War brldlo1A or � . . . 4 � distribution -thereof, having regard -only I XPER, . the last ,Jl Meeting �IN VOOTBALI, LEAGV_ . . , . , , . - I MANt. M=1941 Seeks 'Councillor E. D, Brown put the.-ontirc. i 0, 0. 1, Isugain r0prPson'ttil thip yellr twitch on the - lower 'lip of a. three�year. <)oderlclx never w 9 ' ' tral pot a to ]told : I . �. . �.. �_ � to the claims of which notice, has. been . , Poo .on ,on farm. - Apply sox 15, tqWA. r I , .this meeting, It wn . ..., I L. . � I received. I . .. �� 'Ouncl, on , . I . ­ � . .. M I I . 'tlle occor Old - bahrot : tied It up Ili his. barn slid is )nformod by a, reliable .a h6.rJty,,,. At st . . ,, % . . .. .1 I.. .; 4 . . DATED at 0 � oderich "this , , . , . 0 1 1. . .: I . . .1 construction Of record As favoring the in 1 county interscholastic 's later took At to. the place or i, p1sher ated. . . I . , , . I � � oth day — — , . a Permanent L ildowalk league 'With Clinton, SoV.fbrW_MitoheR I 11 . oderloh - elevator is Ailed � It w0A 6. I., Parson . g . �. present the 0 ' ' ' .. 9 'who voiced Ut� " , , . : September, A. 1), 19%. .� I. I ,. � on, hc�rbor- hill' trAve ad by hundreds .1 . the PoUndkeeper, without 'rem' ' to the brim . ' . . . . � . 1, � � � - ., ` . � LOST L� �� .1 .L � . . I � M . and Exater, Tile. schedule Open$, on, I oving th� slid It may be thnt the 001014111t.' 'go told,' tho, meeting that ., : . I .1 � . . . HA'Y4$ and'HAYS, ' -1 .- _____­�_ _11_1� — daliy�..' I . . . . ,� . Tdondai Alght,' Wt -the full , ' ' I I � ,L, . .. . I . I I . � twitch, Cu, ids .trip' - I .., � . I � - I ly�ric, � - . I � draft has tb the pOunkikeep. -4innorous � trelght gara available Will � til- last Weak he baCd motored, from. Peter. - I I'll I � I l , . . . 00401011, or , U=RL7,LA L 0-S Z�IA - .,'who WAter.'Arid light 06famig$lon haS not .yet" been approved.. The group is Or's ,UO had With him.,tbe-Snyder oyo�, so ,be:� Pressed Into -servleo,,,'1dr storage boro to Almoutq, in Easte , . I . dieg" gold .,!: , � , - Solicitors - for, - the 1EXeoutrix bereln, A .. .. .-. handled umbralls.: � wil � I I � . I � - 11 I . m, ClAtarlo, - . .... 11 , � 0 . I � I the finder promised to endeavor to Redden onil, y * , I a ala4ator -114&� In '00r`7'47 MaCXXIOM' road - 8 . ­!,�L�_ .. . known "'No, 5 of the' Woz Oun * Ile admitted he Purposes. As it is tfi urldead %Uh - . . �� � I 1. .., I _. — please lealve. .at a ar . Office or, at the gram, 0 t, present a pro� , , . . s4 League . I k. . I I . % . . - OTICE TO CUP 0 ,. I . �f relief, work, bu as, yet nothing arid,, the winners will enter the - sorni. eXpected .trouble from Allin. He Iliad 6, recent weeks had to turn dow busl- � fte %'road w . . . 1. . , .. �DITOA$. � I � horn lot it ; Newgate 8 . . � , . I a brown �grimjto .chip, as . . � . . . .W ,, C,�W= t. , 'has been heard-, damage claim With -the POundkeeper toi nqss. It -is ilix Weeks ahead of Ita,1930 � I � '_ . -----' I I , i ,;� * — . , I I .. ftals, with the thamplons Of the St, he.hmd .ever been over. trilON WaS A* I .. . I . - -, , �. - . I . . I . I . . � . I ­ .1 . 41 W, THE MATTER 00 TIM ESTAT,n op �Lt I V011 SA I;: 4:Wf��'. I � 7 ­ UArYs, Ligiowel and Mvert6ii 'group. $125' L. . . . I . �. . � %cliedu16-that is, ,as much grain. has, 4111W Oi Aki4ding. Obviously At did not I . . , 1. I t I I H&NXAU HORT0111, WIDOW, . , I I . I � . . � WInners.inlist be:declared by Nove � . I ' � � � . � . I . LATE __�� . rnber i I LO`wor Lip Paralyzea - be' an received ,this Yeax- to '(tate,'-as at c0t as - Much as PaAfalnent, and be . , , . 11 � , - � P : ,OV THE TOWN RENT.--atorp. t WIL14 FVRNxsix SUN Itoom � I . I . � � I a Tea, corner Xin- F"ONS I . I I . I . I . I ,., : '. - OP GODMI011, IN To � I . � . ist. . I Next raprnin bar 24h, 1639. . , I . *11 11,1111 the good roads commissions of . , . THE COUNTY, Or HURON; DZ_ .atori Strad. and the'Square. A;- ,At their last meeting the. Qoderloh I . I I . , 9 It *as' found tba&� the Noveni . I . �- . , , . cc ,� I 1. 11 . CRAS=, s , , I . , I IN'POLXCb elouaT 4. . I . horse's lower lip was'paraIyzed and that . nail quipine;Its from 'the 00derich tr�tla$ W Ch the )Xuo Water. xlgitwaq � . � I .. ��X Phone 367, 'Lions Club decided.to lumish tile men,s . I . - Versed � , � . I . ply MAO , " VRT� 10. C� . - I . , I . . . , 1, . I . _11 I I . I T4k .1 . � . It could not emt not drink properly, Dr,� elevators Art lit Oros m . a 414 be ,advised , ' � ,� ". - ,. . I . " . I �R . , . solarluirt, In the now hospital wing, at , With the Passing of the summer S", Of, -a �e4t odarat �and I ! Nivil.l., . ., t? � "". I . ,� NOTICE IS HERERY, 01VEN, pur-i . I 44uwfor Tent. ;uodora �. 'rreeman, V. . it Over. . � - .: . � ­ .. ooliventoncei, comer Naple , i ' -�.V*St, Of about $200, 1 son , . 0 derick nd Dr. Prospects are 'brighter -elevator. oillcials . . .1 . W11190. are quiet. In pollee court. cIr , 0 . I 0*6 . � , - Dil,sr4ceful, banzero07 ;�,. ..' , � . . susnt to Sectioli 47.of the Trust I . - � I I I I . � . ees Act .Victor, . Sts� Vacant and , � . , . . . . I I I oleo. IT.' A., Miller, VV[msJ VA., of Clintoil, Eald the horse. state, MillInd Oofii�tlons, too, , . 4 � , . RZ. -. Chap. 150, that,all, credi'-' it who 0806,11ded -with had been Pritetically Tendered use .Geo 0 William$ said the prog , I . . . I � I O., 1927, 1 September 23rd. COARGEW Wxw1I_PAgK1.N0. , - . ,. laij someWhat heal6hier. 'The 'Western Cau. - � � - I tor$ .and OWMI having - claim ,or do. Apply S. H. GQIPTHoRop, Goderich, I A - . . '$000 Of the;-llfadki Of S..A. XO� 3.� 00do- a wbrthles%. it 0 1 Ito, -a , 1�s hots been rilaulog along Ition ro otw�cn- I I . 1 � .1 I . , charge of parking on �a Pro � � 1114, ,dhl�lbtiv Ml d . . I I , ,vingtal, 4ch tOWnslrfK11v6-:-yc** .A*6 ,'cod` Was'. oats, eat grass nor lap since 400. which is In direct positively. dangbto,us and di I I (_ . . i mands against. the, estito OX ihe sIld Cut--. ' 91114 not Pick up .1 I 1. 09 tl'w 131UO Watert. IllghWsy,w3w �, ,� 1 � '199hwlay, Ali Offence Of ,which miany . water properly ste4d4 saraceful, I Hannah Horton, who died on ;r . 'Lontlyl arrested In . . , , I . . , % . . .. ibout 'P,<)P. SALE.�-100 �Leghorn pullets; 25 motorists. are not'. I* rL -�Wbrth;;� ontail. . With A Par*J$zad � lower lip, the' blood contrast to some of the .flour mills of The way t a Wqre I I 4, . 1. the eighth any �Ot Soptol.nber, 1931, at I . I I � are Of- 'Or. 40 not 'Ob- and brought'jozoic, loced Maglaftte, Reid vessol& - lie dtug hand a . and, I , � I. I the. Town of'6bderl .,R- . bno-year-old. ,hens,� L 'kitchen serve, ha� boon laid Against. john Mar_� on Tuesday momin '- �and berves-of ,*hlqh.had been Ontario, either clos6d.lor running Part tile 10000 gravel Plied 44.A.. heap in. the I I 1. .ch, -are required, -on range;: 2 .heating. st6*,os; 1 coali I . g, Pleaded gigIty4nd killed by the twitch, I I .1 ,,, I or before -the seventeenth day�.of 0.ata, . burning Tiott .by, ,Provincial Trafftc oracer I The; JAW was bad�. 01110-_- ThO WesterA Caaada.laocs the centra..of the ro4d, an automobile vvga, I , ' �� I I ". SA: ober, to send by po.ot,.prapald, or deliver brooder, 2, oil burning brooders; I refri- Foxton and' WM ,be .heard next X J- Wits remanded tojall- for elght'days-1or ly.'sw011en and the horsekwas gais future with optimism and confidence, 1%ble to- ciipslzo.,at any ruora�nt, " " , � .. SAtur-, sentenoe. Royce Clark, of Stratford, erally i . _V�O the solicitor of the executor of fhe gerator, afew colonies of bees; -I kit hen n a bad .way. I Dr� -preern The Robert 1P. Durham w a In port I . C , day morning.: it wag U, Marriott truck paid $10 and c9sts -for feckless driving, hopo ,It last will and testnmant. of the 841d 84 table; 1 cream separator, 1 hb wagon; . an had little a Mr-PArsons added that the highwiAy : ,� , Ales and I set harrik" I WhIch is ,Alleged to have ,caused two He dIsrogsr4eA,*hts� . for recovery, Dr. Evaussaid, there on Monday and Tuesday with 196,000 was AdVertisod as. a 80410 roilii, but .' : I . ­ Ceased, their Christian 114 single plow; 1 01 1 turnip detour signs arid. was 1i remote chance,, ,' 1. � . . 11 . . I a ` pUlper getlOgs accidents W I ;' . bushels of wheat for the Ooderloh pl6va- thm, it w&s Impossible to .00 'th , ce .,-- . , 1. . . I . 1, ;4) mames, addresses and describ , lw Wree4nch'tlle; b�ne. cutter; 011' 44neodaY even -r all else to.pluageAnto a culvert under . . I . . . I 0 0 8 4,o . I . tions I . � _1 . . , . . . full Particulars, in . a. baby' carriage, Also a good useful Ing' Of last Week. on the Huron road I' '. I swant; to pay Allis , . .tdr, , . . I I . ... Ory, . I . � air . . � construction on t . I . . -for the dust, Totirlsts, were laugh. ' ' I ,� I . ' L writing,, -of �'t he .. , L . be..Tbames 'road. Much ' L . I : , - , � I V. claims, a, statement or 'their -.sets foe, Will Work oftiole'or double. JA,S. Wlian it; ,Was st nrm . . .- . . . and the fiaturo'or WL. Boo .. 4, I OPPed In. order -that .a damage was done to the concrete to Maglitrate Reid, iii're . Ing-af It, ho'sald. �go knew 61 r . - I . ,. . urityl. . if , # 90w;24, South St. ., ILI, . .� tarpaulin might - be. spread over' the L load L 9 . . serving sentence I . .. � . I . who - avoided it. . .1 . , wmy I ... 11 I - I held by them. ,� __ _ I during a 1. rainst . orm. . I . . A $e1forth man got Into an argument for a week, did so In the hope that, We VICTORIA SCHOOL FIELD DAY . I . . � . . . . I . .1. .. . L . . I , � -- . I . L I I I . . . . - that.rt horse might nialib "�paftial f0coyer ' h' ' . 11' . . . � ' L . AND TATI�R 90%7CE that art ' I � . -PUBLIC NOTICE . . I . . .. .1 .� . .With the z4ht'coustable of Own a y I T a annual sports L In Connection With "ASSWItIon A"ts- Sltoatlol' �W� � .; . . . - I I ­ I . �, � last mentioned date -the iiatit er such Nov - -.--. 14 ­­ A -SiUCCIESS aifld Is a result faced a - abargo of and If so the ponalty,jmp�?ged W , . ' . . . I I exec CE. - I . . LIONS. cLiNlib 11 ould bc I . . . . .. . will 6 thbi sets, Pf I . I I . A VOry' successful Ing a police ofileor In the dis I lighter, . I . . . � I Altor.1% , Public . School were held sue- oAt, thil: point, 1�000tafY.,X. 0. Orld- . r "' . I . odeed to. distribitt 'L r L I ". 4111110* for oripp. I assault . . - . I . c�,-.fully thl� Thursday afternoon. Tile ham read a letter from W. D. vergusoil, ' . . . . " . I the saffid'deceased arn(Mg th L . charge -dutlQs. He, r. S*Autz took full responst I r . I ��, I titled theret dinVing--f, - L Q Par as enw , 'All� ' elilldren ana, t . Of his tobi Paid: ito M 41M . prize ,,winners 'Will be published next aecretary.� of the blue Water W &Wny _ I .. — parties- ba "19-- ao'counta, -A . I hose With-defec-tive, i .. ..6 act. He gaw - h(i__bad__ Y;f.�. &­ _. ­­ ­_�_ , r I I I . . . . agar .on y - the Alexandra'Marine and G 0 9 � 'W" , Aela last - ti -4hd--c ­_ 460 --- L . ..... L" -a Whfoh'At �*aa admitted- , - � L . I . . 401= Of which It shnalf t 611, gve efteral I �09-; . alurday at Scott I . .. .. �. r " . . . __­ Association, I Ln . poor . . jL r , , r - the Modlorial hospital, 86aforth; im r . I I . . bridles', 04 .horses �beforo wltlwu I . L L. . . 'that the road S lit ,oliditio _. eL pital are requested to Me them With L R r . _ tice. slid that th sold axe L Or , t ail C�o L do the iUMTED ouuptcu T. P. it t ln'� GIVE YOVIM-DUUGGIST .. . U. , r . I . , r , �. � Lbe liable superintendent as soon.as possible a _ I JUrIOUs f0gUlfg. go admitted'the horse , . . The letter Was In reply to a complaint . � , for We said nose r the ter spi Of , 0odarlah andr, Seaforth The Young pecl-010'$- rally of Via r . . � 6 L . . I. . close - of the. hospital Yeirir, (Septem. Lion$ Club a". .Y. N. H .. I torts Was. not part4culaily fractlol�;, but that ,"QUAlit DEAL made by Ooderich board of tradoi and , . I r . thereof to tiny Dow= Orso Of be S. , - M - L other eVI. I le�_ 1. L r 30th) and not later than Oct(ber -older O' 111g,'tho at. and North rSt. churches ch Monday It' It first iefused to be led '30e the announcement Or the 00de- tells Lof 0. move oil 'foot to haVc� the. . L . . . whose claim notlee,gliall., Ave a l5th. : I � . I 1. f the, local club, L16110 X T,, Ed- evening Was or I . . I � . . received by It At the, t#fte 0 � g Lo � - I . War&, S, D, Croft and Others Were , lia great lnterest� Rev, J. dence was that it Wit quiet mare, rich druggists on page 4, of till$ issue provincial GoVormn6nt r divert highway I . bution. ' L ' I. L O.. L, PARSONS, President. X Patt-on, of � l3ennifiler, gave it very The magistrate asked aDla for some extra.bpecial prices for.r-riday, NO, I SOL na'to Incorporate forty' . � CIA :, . r .1 - attendance. . There woo thirty.oria ' , reeman to ., � I . r . , on, AATha Continue his t r r, or afty . .- , UD19 6- POTE.. Executo . helpful and Ingpirilij address reatinent, and r and Monday as well as a list miles ,r . � � L 'NoTtor, . ... I I r' Patients, about half of ..whom came from Constructiveness of JeSUD:-L, ordered �80141rduly I L Of the Iflile Water, Tile I , . . . 13Y his Solicithr - ' r .. . . . - �MT#4rDoug_ aWantZ' t"PMY the Veterinary bill. Dr. of every day prices. ... . alter L., ' . 1. , I I � the Ooderich, section, examined. Some l"c"C41fiPbell'Ied In a verr enjoyable I . I L "I haVe-your letter of. September 9th r - L I , ,. sin - HOP, TO VISIT G0l)9n1C1I r I D. U. NAIRN, Ood�rIZ, ont. *4 G., Lumby Wishes. to announce that lifteeri median 4n0n. Wiie In attendance Vrnraan kald 'he had be Dated at Goderich'Wis trot day of I . On out to, see ARCIIAXS and note what you SaY regarding Wor �. I I after October Ist his r business will � be Dr. Roberts gs6hg aiid Mr. A_W-Aobertson in- Lthe horse at ,7 o'clock that mo OCTORElt r, I I I I � . , __ October, 1031. . . I conducted at, big I SK on of the, Sick Childian,g trodtic ced mingand 11th i Water. gighwa,V, I I . ad a novel acquaintance game. had pler Its lower lip wit Ilia GraL , , I I L r L - - - ­_­ - zew� garage on Hospital In Toionto was in charge of After , r, I will adrid that this road is Ono of tW - I I t�--;-'� David. St. Get III& L prices, on .battery the 'I . the business and devotional art but tbe*animt%l bad no fooll h needleg� cc Archbishop Williams is to t . . L . . L _____�� - . , Iting a delightful.social h ur 10 In In ti a . (Continued on pago'4) . I... I ". � I . . � I REAL ESTATE AND INS A140E charging.and repairing, rebuilt batteries, .. inle,,asSisted by Dr, Macklin, Of� Of W.0 nice P ng . or'son8a' visit St. Oeoroals church, Goderleb, for I . ; . L Tllg Ap -1 : chr-topping, . motorcycles, biay� r . o t n the J r d part, �. --------"%.— . 1. . .blr,TgOXG .010 parts Godeflah, and Dr, 11,08s Of Seaforth, W45'spent and lunch was served by the "This is 0, A6rJcUSL confirmation oil Sunday'raoming, Oct. . Liaterit Lovers of music, res�_40 , , . .. . REAL ESTATE and repairing.r ,Phone 014. . r . . Dr. Robertson expressed his keen appre- pools,l colurnitt '� 0 ' ii. . 'L . ., . AND IN.SURANCE AGENCY, ' — I . I . ea. X)4­94tes Were 3P- M4916trate Reld. "The ffariee," said Afth. at tho.marning zervica at. IL The October loth. 'MaoXay Ha . I I . . 1. . I — clation of the r penalty can � be now memorial b4ptlatry, foot and bap.- . . 'L _ . I I . — L, Very Ana arrangements Pointed to the Y..r, conference to be as ,high as $500 Or.1pno year's . Imprison_ . . . I I I . � .i r .,$AIA OFLAND$ rot Aunpmua OF madeby'the staff at the hospital, the held at WoodStock. on PrIday and Sat' -fftnt,: br,"b6fli- . .. A large ruftuboi Of houses and-lots,�and� ,I�.�-I­VA=S,­.� L . . tl5trY Window are to be dedicated at tl � ,,I, r ,� .L � . r niffitiao Stile 'under, the ausp1w,,; . . f6rms for I . . L . , 1�'_It a Act Was amended 5,me rerVIce. ' .. � - . Of he Maple Leaf I . I ''I . 1. . at -very low. prices. �. - : .- . . r Visiting dOotorg wero later antaftAlneil'to -urday of this w6ck. ; % , r . . . 10 A t Ail I I I � i I . : , I' � -, I I. . , � I I - - � '. .11, i. I I IE, Iti .1. STAR PTI I 11 I the h unt tiny . . I � . See or Write . 1. . r . , P . To" of 06derich, dinner at thi commercial !total by th The Outlook for the by- the Legislature* last Maori; And it i � . .0hipter, LO.D.r., ' , , .L � . � UrdV , , . , r J.. W. ARMSTRONG � - ,At s County Of .ifnton' to Llof's. r' - ' I . . : : . L e. Young people Is very bright and a winter making the .Agt Severe Our, legisla. ALAUAO;NO CONOITIOt4S � � . ' .L � Will be 11014 on lFrIday and Sat , . .. r .. - .. . , laox 80 . . ­'..".. I . ,....,Ir of.splendlid xotivittes'is anticii6ted. tors -have Virtually"olold this soa or thing The r 1. I October loth and 17th, Any,6 L . . �_� — ,. Godorich. .1'. NOTICE IS HMEJAY'.LGIVEN that.'the . L — L I . I .. r ,Children's Aid Soctaty held 0 clothes, china, books, etc., no htivin� - . . ___ , . - . , . - I ploage Phone L . __ . ist Of lands. I �, I.,. r . , , .� — L hag got to stop, - . r - meeting' at the Shelter 'on Tuesday 10, I . . . i I ­ I . r now liable to be sold for UN U11WIT BLYT11,- Those who gaVle -::�e were Nor. afternoon, With Rov,,J. k. Vord, prest- _ ' . I I .L . _.- -_ 1: � .4 . � , : , . . �. I , '� 1, W, 0. I afr9ars (if taXes In the TOPn of Goderich . L CILIL 1,,AGMN,P1CK$ - __m ­ � .. I , 111t�L;1111%4 L �Lj�: 1�'� -1 ,vared and Is being publish- . . . n (lent, A. &.' Robert6on, Inspector H. T, L PWICAL XOTIM :.' " ,.: ­­ _1141 - I L has, be6n, pro I . FO.rk .... � I _1. I In Allin, Dr. F,reeftiiiu, Dran .3w . a tZ, SPPCIAL 0 _�. , 1. '. .. _. '14, " . I " RAIGIE ad In aft,4itvertLwment JUL the-Ontarlp . . William Young =4' Dr. Evans, Vrank Vilwards, Rev. W. F. Cralk and Rev. .0. . . I I . D. .R. ir'. Watto L pre� � I . I . ,, Olaz of Au . I RMNY,D 10021h011Y .represented Mr. ,�ent. Thera are ,. t I . . SaVar Your I . ' St I . oyealght looked aftor by a F -U" r I AY R. EXHIR , Allin, . . I I I . . . , the Oth, lgth� Plalm for Mr,.',Iwn"f� A im . . r . . . "I .1 and and .1.9th, d 'Yo . . . ,�. '. ' . I ITION zow nine our wait known and 'nalnotaking spa�! r � I Real Estawandlusurah,ce Soptezubert, 19al. � , , . . I. � I � Copies of subb. list Or advertisement . I � Smitk-Second Annual Fair 16 Rain. 11 I . 11 I - �. I I I'll . . . . f" be had upon application to me.' ,In doryau'llt of payment o taxes arid costs as shown on said list, on or before thei.Sobfi day of November, 1991, at -the 'hour of -1.39 o'clock in the afternoon, I Shall at �led C)4t---,%Af0ktho Ltick-. ,'. . I . ' I . I .. now$ too . . .1 � I I . i EVENTS ARE CANCELLED'�: . I . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2:`:�� ; �'� - . ."_ �, I . . . I . . . . , I I ' � . C�, H'� HUMSVt I 9 Jr-wiftLLe" I I that time, at the Town gall, doderlon, 0:11tatio. Prbcced to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such atTAD=, to . I I I . I . . I Entry -Uit, , .on Saturd*y . . TH9 SMALL STO RE. . ather with . 9L , the ehardea thereon. � . I was Large'and in many se * C. . I . 1�11M THE Old s1rodic 11 . L. L. KNOXV . Tre4lquftl', Town of Godorleb, I I tions a Record . I . I % - � I � __ - I 11. . Treasurer% *Illao, I . . Townuf Godorich" . . I — I Myth. -1 SOAfOrth and Lucknow, 'Fall vitrs were "rained out" 1496 ftek-end, — . _. I . � . j_ - ______ , — - . 'V�Jth '14—f.— ' . . repretanted the crown. - .e.. � - Aluunva - Warus IT T310 War, Uve of,whom It- ciqlk, Mr. Ulighaon,L formerly optical . ' Of' M charge of ama L . tend achtyol, There are 123 Wards It' expert for Ireno, 'Toronfor, and. Henry ' L . ulting Lawrence the 06114t;Yt 0,11 told. The Matron; Va$L Morgan: 4, .. , O.., Jontet . SnYdar, X"'Man A114 Will hear his late complimented L 0.1 the tidy arid, 40;M OL A 'al. Over - 00 . I � next W,edoosde6y. I . . � eonditloo of ,the chililft I 0.%Perleneo, '20. Vent$ e6ifing to . . . , '____.1__-*____� I . and promises. la 0 ch- Y04 ate tialllred at the boat - - . I CUILDIUM'S DAY-rAWLIt ]DAY I Alarm was onpreosed ht tile r I fteteasing OP IcAl W Otk to be Obtained, and at very . . r. . . . Sunday, October.. lath, I number of casea coming under the, Un. moderate cost. we have an tile lit; I I 3 to be obo married Parenta Act tri -Huron. County, .1 I . I rity ttYles of fritme3r and 'mountinga, ,tho terved throughout the 'whole church of The number for the hrst seven months ,b&& zn6ke of,itio best make�a, . England in Canado as CWI&onla Day- of this year IS thirty.two, which 1, Moro I . and, our I ilvai�lly Day, . than In any previ W twelve months. Prices are froffi $4.00 up. Thurada7 e$nd , . . ___"_ .9 Pridaz 0itober lath and lotil. .. . . I � I I a L 0WITH"S ART f�TOUP,, coderloll, imoressive and Hfippy Services -Mark. r ­.­ L I I .. 'Pth's'.1" L T.' A ' ' r . . CAUD OV TUANKS . I I C11 4.10. " Ift.1t.0.1 T It Mr. %ft. Turner 6-' ­­# U -Vowvj A"111 A Dot oince Standpoint. on Vriday, the day, Of Sen. hal'441d It' rain that mud 4notie., tiffel, , . ut" It I AV;; * ulle � - � ­* �0$4 W . I thank their friends and notallbora. al.,zi �. forth 4114 Lueknow fatis, it rained off _ covered the track iind grounds, People I I I I � . � , . ". '- 11 . I rkmen. for laaftezr_ . his fellow vio '0 , I shown durinC tho IlIftesa of his vlzo , * . and on All day and nlyth had good rea. Were chazled to their homea Carl Y aiul at Largely" attendod and� lmpzer�lve rer- . . Dr. 130119an, as Intorbid alodorator, al- Iiii! al -V for the expreg,glow of byn. patily Ili I Von td believe that old ,Yuplter Pliviltia 'had I five 61cloolt, MAIM It eaced Oft slightly, oes tlila evenln5 marlted the forinAl ln�; no related the stap� I ailing up. to tile ,b lPi',tOtal tlivir time of tereave. *. 0 T ntan Tay ao . 40t About exhausted himself, But ther6 word Itta than Ono hundred PL,Ople 411010u, Of RM'DavId' J. Lane 'Into the ,cel"tion of Mr. Lave as folni3tor or . I 21�O MY t4.0Zteful for Me, h,voly florm . I It was not to be, On $aturday rain left-, . . I . tq14r90 Of r-1169 PVVabYt0tIah 1:1102 alid Of 1110 transfer from Wattle& tributeaft and a1w for eat$ le,juej r�r th.3 I . thtesteuell'till morning, 1011 lightly after blyth has been unfortunate In reec,nt � church. )Fko.% various pointi thfoualt- bura. . . funeral. - I the 1166illiour and �cama down In ter. 6 ril In plekitig ralay, days for its 09. . I out the Pre%yfeO cain6 a 000illY Uum- The lmorewive, Inductloi 6roinony. -�_­_­� I . . I 11101104 refits shortly after the Outdoor program . had commenced, with 'tile result that hibitIO11, T193' Year the town has had tWO %J9 fts," the Orange colebration, ber' of laymen arid idergymen, vonio ,of r1aa talten I Whom Particil),dad in tile cerouloor. by Itev, J. 11. llhodon.-or nno- . . cui,,r.--0n Tuosday,, CePt. 2% 1031, . MXUY ovents bad to'he ,calleil off. - So and the Vair, and it rained lleavilY on ter, tbue Viev. C. U. lCaluo. of ilcaftth, Mr. Lane is UOV' A' C' "lener- addr'004 thO 40WIP-Tuducted mInbster. . . . to' r4r. and ?.1ra. Itarvey catt, vl2tarl% . � . UrOet, a ten, .,Z;t'-:�t­_�­­.. �..­­_­:-,__:__ . I , . 1SXECtjT()8S,r.4ALn_.. .. I 11 both cWastoac, nala and a slyth cele- bration have beeoifie gomo%41hat Isygony. mid, now oulceado Toronto. 'Zia pulpit hag =402 chumb, doderlell, waa 04ju of the been vacant Dince June. I . . I AtArtiftlIF0 � -� ... ��;­__.,,­'­'­� E4 XECUTOUIG SXX 0%1 A LAXII MOUS, to 3011ell ,to tUot It ha5 become mmothina of a standing jouo 0 -at ttlat ,fin0b In Alle Pretbyt6rian eharels In After the Induction a coefal hour and 0 d , 110 n d. I Proarain Wero'bold In the le�tu ana a 9 Ro paid high tribute rO TcOrll PLVX111-11LIED.;t;�-on 031.urday, - . : - 0"),1- , . I I "' I" 2 ` " '� - , 'I SLOU9 VAMI. . . . WAY. : I � to ML- character and ability of tile now of the church, durina w1ach cgemolo2i , ,r and Wc4let,ed a OULC"nful r1l" rOlnl,qt0 � 02,ir ti��-104D,�ll,00,Xlbt,OYU�p�VOI�VO,i)""Io"iCo�,�'a,,O!t�'ITI�;,"-;"Ir�l�,4,t""t:13.- === __ ____ - - ----.--- ... � We Ito iritttucted by w pxecutov of I bviendid ExItIbits . 'Was had to fritrodtled tho Zew rillubtev toz,,to jar 111M. In IlIq kindlY vord:,i, -of ""�_ , . t�� 'I t1W "tat* of tile late Mrs. Mars, ovan. llut for th And 199 Vila to 100nbors and adWmW3 adVICO Ila *W,5=11tod tile ohavin,7 D9, the :, DICO � �, a inclement Vf'olt"Ov tlt6 of MIOX'd cov=Zatlon and to towns, nd&t(-? of blo, cangrogationts jov and VM14M.-In (ladcTlell, 0�,, r,mujM, . nor to 861 by public. auetIoll at tl�a ;Pilir ,Would JIST,6 been, a I preml�t3 on 'Ile '" Quat, sucet�s, M3916. 90notallY. 904,11 Mg� and Mrs. ,worro'.70, and aVoldaixo of w,)Adly of. Q,6111011AZUMI 27. 1031. Loulm Llay Wry, L,3. . . BUY A BETTER USED CAR , S&Ttyn-DAV. om,00m mal bTors, _XhJb1wt$wlvere thert M Urge num' L%no *Za vN7 rdtfeh,at home In Oode- . y tec-tiolls t1lord Werc. a fleh. nst,, aro nafl,vc I I *� of n falr4 and politics. Ito advL,t.4 11jill tq� lovcd vitro of WIlUaLq,_,%7a�U0r, It$ lz�r a. ft* Colulnent,1119 dt. 2,00 VIcitek p.ni,' 0 fate' Conn- k00P 4brC0t of t110 timot '3114 to give 40th voar. : a A MOORES GARAGE , % . r Cord numWr of elittle-t- "t t00+19, tY. while, Mr, lano liag ceores ,of rela- 4uo po ard U13113 --.1n %W-3 Whwanqlh TOWA11,11D. I 'All of lot "' L' P" WeLt 4a 'Vege'ableS and frUlt tfCtI01AIS WCtd fXeer- 3 d . I Z10 West L for exoters'a an Mereation . . � tht TOWInIlIP of MhAeld. eontaiiiing 107 tIonsily Jorge, ly,jlry, pradujs� a t tivoa In Ifuron. wi, on n1daY. Coot; 03M, 1031, Mamitl � urcs (Mcrn O? 1,M). Till* land Is goo, gjrxl duiggy Vvere tlp to atmadar . Adalpido o3Hor4o. doarl ' nd he Toa, Many ultoLotms tod:ty weto do WId ,4 but - y ij�ojqvoj V;Iro 02 , .We have used cars'ar,, good agnew and the dollars you the blaildhip Ineludo * , Church Win Go Forwata Oring Pft=40, 110 C31d, itarvor noid, . : : TW1110; fratne bant ftgO; it �log ffamd the ladles' work do ", #, utt-10, Tho. live After tile, op,1ning %L,1:1bn and prAy,,va, t0% W. MelkoY Of Jfowatl Caver t14 IN ME IIOULA31 pay ess Hic 110V OfiCc are just So Inally dollars ,.mvad. We barn. ,r . , and 3 rMUMV. T -11M Is AtMe U411rd 'tack thowlas %as 1,*ntr alla for e5m�5 and terl0uro rtaoing by rxv. Ur. pot- plinrca to tho rtoplo lia %,;deii Ila mado'D O.T-.r W'.-lu ovn, lovan,q alm-my of � havel to offer at tile present time cheyroiet &Z in coacli, and fr�m 15 to, 20, acres of busla. Thel ytus. as Were, lionsts, W11116 Statep V�ejt Toek, the wrn, an Ta3 weaselted by )D:. a Vita fo2 tile �Cat,p,�Xmjon ot t1lo 03. 5 doir d3uglacr aild el�ter. V1�4,v�o Coupe or Sedan, several atniost'new Fords an� filodel, also � f0ft lafi" to, Me l3k0, Is In an IdeIl * b* duplAy.- Swit,.e, whiolt bAv,o been C. 13. DOWIXT, Of IM111ton. wltj took 0 erceatlall WWI t11012 nlhl15-,C2,. tf=7 r4uit�blla, villo P3�,_xa away &V ro-ocs. 383 other small Closed cars in good Shape. 9 Ic"Atl3n, in a gamd nC-!811b3-,.z13VJ, and MeCtfeaw orr,the jut M,U�yth for soint 1115 tOlk Ting �Zly 0:20, 111rue Qurch of con6vtgatl=% 116 Said, hft-Tnell tll& t6431 0�toticr Ull, 102�, Id t-MlY 10M ti, wiatk, FeAM, this YCA'Ar did a "t-alfirbitek,r, it U16 Uving Gad". Dr. volleekil 'C,4tM0X- W4120,tor te; tho elluTell and tX1,zal., lahn . 138 611re to get 011r pfice on a set of Tires or a,ne v, naitery. Thd 11%16 Is being lusid to cj�jts &6 W" Could via but Itavc? ecca va'_-t�o% ap�4,Lt, rs!0�1- Mid It wwtl b-�, diApm-el. of, th6 '81XIY-2erond annuAt cxhibinin MW WUV� G1 tho toks Vlidth flt� RVIng to *,aw t116 eattro lotid T1W ati�ul(j A3 It, 'gaincd tD�e gUgt1L,g 8;,�Wa ice at BlytIl chureb p%%7a in t4o ruAT-ell C,1"�-�vlllz3- W�, 1b. ncm, tt,�lj, . We are selling at Depressioli Pri -s at St. Andrew,qstreef. TERUM.�wvn Der Cent. of tho Pat. � . was a R -1w tdr all 11, 11CArd till TqDtuptt� tma i�f wol��a�_-3 . C-h*M mled to W Imm ott� HIA6 of s floa and e:nVhoWxcJ Ulm Elio gee.3t una. i tho 'Ohurch� It was t1ld l%t/Mm#11 datv - � We. fteks Cal" On rccm mo b2ism fri1w..oTt"At t,j"d. I L STEDELSAUP-M b%1jR11"6 CIA Her. - I&% 1031. VwMer witu t%�a uft" 61 tile tTMW1rX I verslf, InV14r)"o c4urera, tififted fn ZDI�m t,:L�, nnd it. to P&p forwArd Ana t�l wa it. Ahl M0,149ilks wold cemo fta,�'31 we'Ding .1 � 1"_T*'l,-,UNtA rrsv bn Ilia Itom MIA would rzoVt? teC'!� dtfeAt, QM , All a, cangrejglo,,� caljld d3� lot L% *,� And sllbytlh,tl7e�y Wcam Ely�- I GODERICH — I'ILLSONBURG — DE1111 r��O,.,C*�3 lfttinng evetits and 11Z tt!w me!�Cj be, fS U."T'l T:zl P,Xetlu, � � . I T. Ot'NDRY & &31. Au .-,.. _ . Lq1trivias at3rer"Lfna 'a"I avft vtw­pq M522n�el. was too little, "r- 13 C �,ngrfts. H!rjx,�d ]in, %?J�) tA .-A� a al? 1011.111-= I 11 "Alt.tit . I !I AIMON J. iSTIt^ LN ratt campletea It �, . " il it- % . - -­ 'I " 1, 'It rlclf�q 0 ttlak'�[ Cl'% 1101 1,()VLN(J Uft-jff'�t, 'Il - I.. - .1 � .:= JtftL1tJr. I , W" found ft".—We tt*%, 'ghl'blo ct=b, ,W." W:t�1KVV M 0 , C-,� zo r.31.4, 11 1, , _t(yr-lift 0 .� 1 ftys & HAYS, ft1P_!t&#, "Melich [ (Caritinuo-d on me 8� Z 101CU19. I fi�i-IttIll I&-i'--pliera Cr tw;s r.l:,-.,, , i - V_"FL4__" � I . I � . _� - - . � — - - - . - . - _._____,__..___..._ - - . , �-� I -A. - - �