HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-09-03, Page 11 A I t-­4,-,,�T­-i� t_­P"4W1M_WW I _"."."W, % -W 0 Y --1 I 11 Ablkb--d .,A I � I Counter ChedE Books * .dqL7 Artisfic Aiwouncements , �� A 0 MW lblar is wow" to " al*" at. 11 Th# a" aa,& ANP.ft opoew WMAM"aaft" I 1�, cnAuu *#A t,ouawr thipek tftt" W A"nWe *A* ixftutft mw - 7 1 i I L:�= ullW oc#sr, at x000uia- 91 tk b"Assa, *U40"8000at car�ft WA � � WAt pdzas� 14 r jeric, 0"v 4. eir . '040" ot *U wltic 11 � 11 Try Tbo SW with yow Noxt 00W � . %#Wa4w UW r*604w, 11 —, 1. I Try 7*0 4`40 he � � - . I _!�__. ___, ___ - __ I _____ .—,-�',-,---,-,—,,-----,"-.-:-- ��­-­_______ -, Owwriptlon: 0 a 7W In cw*" GODERICK ONTARIO* CANADAt THURSDAY, ,SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1931 . 1; SM—Q-1;Ti?%,zXCOhD MR PAO a you to V. a. points. NVALTM 14&rm ruwww � . - . I 1 ­_­_­W� ___�__.__ . 11 � ­ 1. � - - A 'SA Al.j.; .. Inj . ion y Aujourned to the 1"Ash and Disqualifica" 1 � Motions for v f uncty' and to'Quash Cemeter Bylaw I I , � . __ - ___ , ,:,� li;;:=���� ­ . I=:;;, . ____�­'__� I " ��­­­_­.­__ — __ ...... ____� _______ .. . . ' � � . - I . __ ­ ­ 11 �. � - I , I ---- % P1 11 I ­­ I - I r,�Qm needing furnl4ijus ,� and John 4 UW1 and Ramon, I V M IN .,."", " I new =. il ,,,,,, PF40PLE WE KNON I NQTTET TO HON. - RY EN ,AL ; 1*1 t 4 . 10. .1 I '. 7, their Oppqirtugity. There,win W Catholic. Whey,% tile diserepaneF was - DA � M .. I . .1 eight new roonui and the solarlum voluted.,out, to JQhAh1* comment %� ur. Yad Ws. Jack seat'w Are Visiting T. L- KENNEDY - I I I "That . doe3wt Make any differenc � In Detmit. — — t Ur. . STU*Dv- I .8 . I � ... lun fe bourence DOMPHAD Of Boada .1. i. 1=rr )town" for Week , - Quit Mm James 0. Ur,,Mx*%u!X ot � � — Anyway -John &WRiM removal. to the He. Colin Hunter was home tram Wind- Hoa. Tlzzzaas i: Remedy. 0;A803, 11 I � ".!, _.. _ 11 =______________= ­:� I ____ 06diT returned at IIQQU f()rmjktQ,ry Whewer he twlaio oaOT ljot, spr for the weell0ead, I minister of Agriculture, Is to Visit (joderich, Announce the Marriage of . � PROTEMON PLY$ INMTMENTS - Qn. Saturday frOM Port Arthur %ith ,T, Mrs� Aeddltt arrived home on Men. Goderleb on Tuesday, September l5th, t4t-lr 4�091104 OlIV0 Martha, to vjl� �, I B, Miller, at one time a merabex and UWQA rmlqtm. day frem a visit in vat le. M3 Helen Batebler how returned to 1),tion. and in order to mark the occa. My to Own 4ho. 004erL,11 rudustrial Exiij. 1140% Oswald Sturdy. son Of Mrs. Stur4y The ordinary. Life, PORCY.-� Of the Sun Life Assurance Co. scoretary ,of 4he vhwl l)04" *f­'j�,Z&­,*,_=00jaj` mte%jjjV,r.­-1C,agVlrcsb�tL and t4o late Oswald Sturdy of aode� � ' . Of Canada is,an ideal combin4o4. of ma)dmum protection and IND. 3. Goderich Township, 'Who left tor at Huron or the, resbyterAu church was bar sebool duties at r0tchener. I $ion and tit honor the u1nister ,4 ; , , b0A. HOW, On Saturday. Anamt 20, 1931.,064,� 1 I Its I I . , parts unlatowu after he got -$WQ abort held 44 tha Presbyterian church, Ulu- - MW Margaret Canner 1% SPendiAg quet Is being = by Ithe Enlillol- Parry Sound- 00t1kd%, by Ucv- J- H- 11 11 . % ,Safe investment acquired by small depWl - . . .. In W., accounts. He was brought W. ton, On Wcanciday to consider tita c -mi. her vacation itler home tit Toronto. ition b WCUS of Party Sound 'United church. � . . . * I I . By leavi . ng poUCY dividends � on idepoSit with the compau)- torc Magistrate Reldva Monday mom- of Roox thurch, Qoderlizb. to Aev, X). Miss Robinson, qf,chtna, Wiro .Was oara Of This, Will takO I I . � -1 place Ili the dining ban under tile zx�j " DAWSON-34m . . . , . ch ad with the theft of $500. J. )Lane. of Wallsoehurg- I I . .- - benef icyholder not oulp,increases Arg , �tevl, lCr, 1)414- vjsjUnZ Miss gab�l Tom, left"llst MOI11.111149011 grAud Iftud. wu�oo % )Auudred � I . llu - I .1 I ,, I .; I � - toa,ccuinulate for his it, a pol elevated ,to be trlea by the magistrate, jian presented the can Which was mod- day, . I j A V110ming AUtUmn wt4ding, 'was . ' � hi's protection but AlSo secures an 411yestmont lor his later years. 11 and, on the request of the Oro" Attar. grated on August is. The callWas au - Mrs. Wm. Smart, of Toronto. . WX . s, �t 1. b4UquoV.,era. o Can east . I$ be. iecomMoW- solenmlaeil, ,A North' street 1julted � . � � I � 11 I . . p ed . . . I . . � , . . . . Ichuroh, 00detleb. on Wednesday ot on* .. , . I . � . I ddrisult us for particulars and ratos. - . My.. Was' kelllAllded %Or a Week, not p0tted by Dr. A. C, Hunter and 9. J. Week- - end guest at the Baptist parlim"I Alter the banquet, ,which will Do held � IQ, Blanche, mily, � . . . being asked to plead. to tbe Charge. It Moovwg . � . . .0 and 4. to, TliQuIson, of x I I . . no, 430 O'clock, vixen miss Lee 11 I . x . I � . . . , W tile early evening, tb13 OfACI41 OPen' ..daUgUtor ,of Mr, 004 Ur,14 Wait !� . . I Was, back In 1020 wllmi the abartige In ellUrelij Oaderiela. .The call was sag. Ur4 and Airs. D,)u$los Brown return. ing, Ceremonies will tako er Hem, Residence A49 . -0140, BcsidtS, of Goderlob, - was united In Marriage ta , I . Phones I . H. R. LONC#,District Agout I accounts .occurred and a warrout was tatued and ordered to be forwarded to ad last wAaek AVm % Very pleasant visit ,the- main address -by the visitir I . 10trice 116 , , , issued, for bla arrext at, tile eUo'ot,that tho Presby�ery Of Chatham. Provision- In OMX86 _ - ,- - . . .1 1 .4 UU)'I'Mr. J. Herbert Da,w3oji, of TqroUtOj.so4,_ . I , I 0.� __ I - , I I . . I . ,ina i Istor, Addresses are expected tram the of Ms. Dawson and - 1110 late John Dww. � . ! . , 1. .. I . . I I . Al Arrangements were made for the in. Mrs, Fred, Murne'v And 1*11ss rt couliw*mVMber.5 of tho, House of 06m,* son Toronto, tot, . -_ , I , Of I I. I I � I ME= . I � - - . . . I fttlon of Rev. Mr. Lane Into. his new Murney.spent a -low daya-this, week In woos and the Legislature, and . me4v of Sault Ste. , � . �. I . I and WAWU014 CharlIO StViwstt, Of Sea- Convellt, Music Ruplis All $5utemsful charge, Rev. It. B. 4bodes, �Iot Xxoter, Toronto. I there !M%vie. Uev. A. E. At. Thgm$on, 0j).. . i . . 'Will be 0 %UU,4c%t Ptatroull, Including of 0;lVay United church, Ilondon, . I r . TO", TOPICS forth will at% % rt', the qaluo& The pupllii , whor tried: their amoco Uaderator of" tile; Preabytery. of Huron. Miss Evelyn Clark returned Ioxrza Ust choruses by We- school ohtldrew. U11010 Of the bride. offlotAted, assisted by .1 L.. 1-41P�1_ erlkAt I Ion % I I "ama. at StIl Jo4ePW3 oonvoOt on July will Preside and induct; Rev. Dr. Dou. Saturday atfor..visitilig to Essex and - . . I i , jj IrIt".n - *,*ht' 1 ,I$ hoped theft will be 4 large tUrA4 % Rov. Crossley Hunter Ot'Carletou Streel, . ' I lui , "i 1 4th Were -all successful. Mr. Crawford; ta.1), Clintorli will Preach And nitrate Contr0a, I . I I .It � I I 4kderiph Band at C. .N. 8� I .d p1j;oOns will be slat . out of the People Of town *All Country Vrated church,, Toro . Half o'llnildre P, Mos. saoq from the Toronto Cousor%-I, tuo stop$* - 13 - Dr. and Mrs, it. P. 'Martin. who spent to., Ic I I . . , uto. ,pov. to. I � - . L L Thv Goderich bond took part L In the pea trorA oodQrla � - Rov� i - x4lue, Suforth, WO 60--thO Mulltet Ot AgriculturO'W01tt, the =141ster Of Worth street, , . . I � b­QU Friday afternoon tory.''PresideM. . I � Will address the Minister and Rev. Jos. the. summer 1�ero, , have return 'Weriell and I � I I I. I Class C poutea on Thursday -at Vorm ,to be releoeed, along with the lour or MQHroy,L XXoter, Will addre I ad to ell W Arst Visit to Q to church, WAS 1100014%bly absent frogi . ,$S the people. Wajk�,rVfiie. . HOAQr3.' JUUjQrL',PjooO'_j*(lyn, Dean, . , . . � I � : . Onto Fair but no one As bra$glaq about five"'thousond taking part 44 tile later- Honors, Primary piomo_jtuth . give the Ooderich Exhibition ,of 1931 a town. - During the - ceremony the MaA I . . . thaL P , .. . . Our- The time of Induction will be net by Mrs. Alex. Dj Miller has� rotur"I to .'tood sendott. . , , . . . L was � Played � 'Clay L - � � L , � O,qtlQIIL ft��took In the COAte$t- � national' P . a . softly by,Url. % I I , I . , #00A night 011- SAtUtd%Y from W.A. PASS—RaMonk Whitely. the 14oderater and Clerk, - when the Toronto after a tiott wjQx Mr,.and Mrs, 2 I I I I i I ton Watt, , ' L I I I I . . . . I the grounds Of tho'C411241411, National Elementary Plau6j, Pass—ftyllis transfer has been, Sustained by the W. H. Wiliam. - '. I . . I � L and while the trulster irsks being $Igu* . . . . .. I -A tpmme Revival � I L exhlbAtOn. - I L- � : Ilao4blor, Christina Atfirrison, . Marie Chatham PresbAeq, I Profeasor',F. 0. Vlflord'.oud I,Us._41- THE .COLLEGE FLAPPER caMr. Arthur 003tift of "Toronto, s%W, . � I I � . � . I jl"�,* LAn interesting, Labor Day event , Will L . . .. .. I TOmer. , 1 .. . . I . . . I � I . I I I ford, of Ottawa, have been visiting in I I I'llocausel, In spiendid, voice. -11 . . . . . .. he the b�x l4craase , games, one, - In ,the TolIders Callod,for Go4erliph Sabo ' L . L . I I I . I . . I . 34ktrofttory Plim%, HqU00--wrio .A4U,ATICS this .vicinity, I . - U ' ons? � club Pleam #3$ fair Crippled The church was. prettily decot4ted, . . � , �L Aftei;1004. at Agricultural 'Park and one Tha, , crtbwetk will and Tender l000m Baker, Juno 04 C. .1* . . I I QbIlArm's F,,.-,ad�. Otyer tMuction the altar bejUg bauXed with ferns 4nd. ! i� In the eVerft'g at the.rink �. on . West to, be coustruoked by the, Go Shepherd. Pass4�-.OlkUei I 11---_ . L '. I . I I. - " flowers In the goldoll shades Of LAUturan. , I . I I . I ­ I . Miss A, I Strong left on her return to . , L . I emm� Llo.yo, Agh Thomelm. , Itingoville and Miss .0 "'a . , CRITtli. I � . . I , V -At as race trang to ! , by L total :Talent I TheL,bride, Who was given In marrla$e. I I . street, or in oos , th games cast Thli ThUrAday afternoon the Cone. Guelph, or, Monday. . . . . . - 11-. � . c of ral.0 bo of the elevator Is )low- advertised Primary 'VI011n-UoUlpts, - . , .1� ) . . I . Will be played in the. rink. . The games %or, tender, tenders to be in by Sept., 1, : , I , . Eleanor VI%to Aquo,tio Competitions at the har. Min Viols, ilis ret L ' I 0 urob aa i I . The Production of the, College ZsPP6 by bet father, entored. the it . ' � , . . . .1 . bor water tvwore4 with 'One day and Bloomfield urned to 0 L I . � � I . Will be between 11%nevor And picked 15th, This Is to be ,where W-ollingtqa IV, ell * class Will ro-opon, , x Buffalo . after spending three weeks, glveit by local talent. under the direction the Atrains of the Wedding Mar h pea -L . I ' I ., -a tvator of t4e h Planb, including there Was % large attendance of 3peeft, ked - � � Acams from q0dorlob, Oft.tollo SOXfOrth street. values to t� stbor., ,vioun. and Theory. ' at het.bome, Huron Road. � of MISS M4119160o Of 'the MAIVet8al PJrQ- 04 fOtM She- 100 IOV9IY gowned in LL I I . . I lease of tb6'IQtP.L neCesSary' f4r, the W I ' L, � "a I . . - I---- ,--.- v-_-1_.,_ . or); L . 11�� t9M The events were keenly contested — 7.11 I L . I IL � 4013n%� Company. last Thursday and White goorgette 610 im � . .L . I S, McKinnon has returned to , ,, .the pklrt b . v t . I ; I . '. . Racers -of. Blue Water Stable$ Wbk and ;some splendid' swimmers, 'both U07% Windsor after, ,Friday Ill the Capitol Theatre was a with rose IMAt lace 'Which felt in grgee. - . i . � . . . LOST , , - . having been mode -by the town 0. the . seng did L PL L . r I I . I I . � ovorn ' . and- girls� to6jg part, The vhwploos of ,rforra%noe and 'the, audience t fUj fold�, to her feet. Th , .� . , , � . % . - ___ 1. . . vacation, at her. home oll� T. . e3d S$JtUrd%y L Dt, Friday the *7 wore as follows" L . , I ' both evenings was L J%tje... The pro , . , I . ��_ mqut ae shori tilui ago,, . At tjIe*j,c�d9n night.race' ratalgox St sPlon _ . e bridal veil Of . . 'WATOX 10ST.--On Tv . I . . . 0 lost - d - 11 , . . � : . ay. -of - this logs Adjourned Two Weelts and. , WVtel � IR , : I . . � Mr. D, it' � WrI of due.. emowdered.Artmels net Was fa$htoned�- ..- - , I . . . I . ,y1a 4morta, . ilIi,� London. wital, . ; � L, , to,r . . Were Win. Boys---junlor-Norman , Cralk, 17' Mrs, WrIgbt'au4 Children, ab I %udL %he. Crippled C in Cap .11 Land ., . , * L : k I I . � . � - 'week, On Hamilton St.� -a Won't' Proceed . an InIUAotte . Grit � gUe#4 of lng aOMX)41W OftOCt With orange blO$30=1 . . . .gold watch, Reword, Finder please The motion for a e ton -and Baron, Luiw4ter , XeIvIHaL Crojee, 7 Points; V40 Ur', WrI$ht!S Aunt, M I L . . I . oem On, Friday Ramona Gratton had P01144 X . Cattle, St., this , dren's Fund L h %d a. shower. bouquet I . I . I I . I leave at STAR ornCE. . . . . strain -,the town council from acting i n I of. 06derlQh Lions' UlQtl I PeS1715, 0. jb xoirlL I ,,, r I,, fifty. of' t%llaman ro3oa, SkAd n 0 ' I L' ' . . I � . � I un' little trouble walking awxy .with first, GrAft, 0 - Points, 4Itetmediate,-Kilth we�k,' . I I - - , shared jAr the net,PrOqoods lies t the Vat. K� . I __ .. erjo der the cemetery purchapt bylaw, ,which MQUOY''In this �,12 Pace. �Altliough. four ,Sauziders,'14; ,Harry Babb . , 12 It J� Jolmw Wanes Uthel and L I auto F eft I fifty Ovistoli, .. I I I . . 10)' tied' with flowing loco. soarf and ' . 1. I . CLU13 ,BAG TOST.­130twoen a tamer Up LOA L Aug. 21th. Wis. adjOurijed,' , - arrow 4. 'The, main- characters wore all well wore the brj4 . 9 * ' . . , and Clinton. Finder 100c at -W. for a:, Week to �as to L horses - waili ,itated, to start, .Votkat Bay stOn- 3- : $eIlW-40e , Taylor, 17 Points', On their return to Toronto 074 Saturday , egrOOWS gift a Vid 6 gold . � � , , ion* up at the . I . " T4yl(Fi a ,Points; B.�L �OL Parts.. WQd Sale had Quite a Wrl$t Watch With diamond' ait . ! . L 'ZERNI,S SHOE ,STORE and receive a to driwn, leaving 'WAR Barrow, 4. kfter a. y1sit; ti o0derith. Of sov jal PO g , . L , . . And Great Treart we . I I . . � I . . � . . , � � a rtX4Y . 4 $apphkria I - , - . I . . ilew Club Ba- as reward, L same time As the m6tiou. T,to quash the, Peter � Chino as Ille, onLy.. - throat, Dr. *u". , ...., I . . L " L :. .. : �L, . i diftioult. partas the,star'f9otball player Settill9s. Pretty white I . . . - . Weeks' � ;L-'.. 'L . . I . crepe! Abaft I I . . . . . I ' J, I I I I � IV � . . . .. �� -- _____-�;_ *Iaw Whitely'$ fast , little 'ral5ei L "took. ,three OWS--jean Abo'll 15"PointS, Mar- - Miss can" - eirp Led ,with silver completed the co$�* . L . . � I . . ­ . - - .. and, when- these motions Come up ' Who by the. force, of eumstanees lound trImm . 'Thursday - Tom leaves 'en Mond I oy himself. mosquerading 03 the new houge tume. Miss Doropw _;We4tbrooko . . . I L ., ,� . L - ­. % IWAN . L this morning In Supreme, holkt$, leaving 'Peter ChIn(Ll. to garet '. McLean; 15 - ,points; Prances jaeXt On j, return, t6 New'Yatk and AS � rL ' � I 0 1 , ent wa4a ke 1. I , er . . . , L I ' - _�_ , .0 ti - . � . . . Dr, M. Tom returns to Ton - JMrs- H. C, .. , . I . __^______�_ L, 1, 01. � Court anadjoumm , , 4 by, the =gbac$nd money. The � fattest Tliomson, o. . .1, mid the mother of the 'residence, Mald of honor, wai charming .In her �, . L ; L . I � AID WANT -91). -Por WeWe;4 houte- town and the motions were Pat over for , R110, 'rS of the . I � . -Dunlop and Mr. Darrow, the* tormov m I 11 I . - 11 for this event was 2.11 And the Winn Varlo I - ROWA bf,_bUtt.001UP .90orgette �and gold ., . - work. Apply . . %, wade�.Ih the I a L ,us events . jaMe itay. I . L . .. I i .1 L istwung experience two weeks, to the 11th. The 41squ4li. , , 41 1 1 . dean, of women -oad Ill I � . and referenee Ltb jjQX 150 WA,A:% QFFXCE. '4tion proceedings doottl , third heat- Qn SItUrfty Litti, driving were as. follows . : L I ' .' I , was Olive Whitely has returned. t , o latter as Pro" lace With French taodej hat Land shM" i I L I I . 'At , j up . this. ]Bar a _ .Pvoyau . . 'L . . I . 1. wets were �a Colonial . � . . .---. . - - .so I;Wwattf, ' surprisid ' ' �& faggot Oaddis, wore very striking Wd to Ma". - � Her. . Ito I . L ivore, a4b=ed for ,When 116 ,Nor, - L . I _ � Stratford, and Miss i . I PrIday mo;ning also.. ,, , I ,BOYS . _. StIlot. Whitely to aracte' so were All the bouquet , Of � OPII411A roses and Was Of - I I I . I '. . FOR SALE OR TO UENT. ' two weeigs, to the Ilith L . . - I the 3eoQU4 'lloat Latter, , - , 'L . .. L-Normou Critic" Letaldo to ta�e -.up t4qlr ped%gogic Interesting' all rs, I , Aga I � . L, 1. . , I I . . � tl*Mtg )A' sixth - p1doe In 'the - opening .-Breast Stroke­-)-Jmllor� duties. again. : .L . � I characters. for that matter and Without the, Vo,110Y. The -bridesmald I . � '_­� . . .. I I I - I , . 1. . L I .I e cing , wAS Wall L do4e, olooaL zradfoN ., I I .. . . . . .. .1 . REXTi-More -to renti comer- King- g ­ t ,' ErIQ OrIff, Fred gpW, rntorzncdtaic� I I I ',a I ,­ - . tot 061%erouo.)i"ded heat, H . c . Mrs, , T, -0. MeXonz* rot I- Ut * _fortmulijL 1,4 Go 1, of Detrqltl Qusijj OfL ' ' - ' "� ...., . . d home VL �,;� - To .... is An Opportunitj 0 - istepped third, � L urne , � , � : '­ -jr - - , ----- tea -Street, sn(A the - Squarei -AP- Persons to pu , � X * Saunders, H. Bibb, . J. �McLaiin. ta ,Toronto on Oatqdny after �tj��dlng a .be4 We . . . derIbb the *brlde;roozul� wes -441fitili �jttjjod�. in �, . . , . . I I ralfl,l; a AosplW Ward on&,, atter that gaining -second Moncy, lot Bill . * ply AUM F. � V . . ­ � r� . Senior -Joe Taylor,. Stan, Toy , - . ' * . I . ,4. MBSXBT. elholle SO. L . I I . . 411�48�w*. Mr. In having. 'a *oo* -number Of .young 0140 $lowered Chiffon Over Powder Ll)JU6 ' - � *�'­ ". ' �711-. ­�­-. . I I � th , 1. ZjjjTO%1.­ . . a motith� 'with her brother 'i �,rL, . OA:L'To RENT. � ­Wlth e completion of,the new wing vovcd, ts,� Windsor, . - __ , I . I people who'have developed conoldetable silk .With yelvet, streamers of tbe,.Oamo IL . I. . .. - 'SALE _Xoder . I I I � James M"Vicar, - . I I . , . .10�'. , . � , I I I I and' Side Strok6--Junfor-No Lnit4a .ability oil the stodo. Other ohori�ter$, slukde. H�.r hat was of match .. 1. I. TOR 4 house . on. .X§4ya St, � Apply to . L solarium at the ­OpderIch hospital , Mr. G. -J. S. Lloynes, formerly -of rmRn Cralk, Misses � bob' U , A , . . . L . ; . ,� . , , . 1. I 'rme� el, - Mheson Or � . . ing color , ­ "', L' in . t art opportluitty will ble.Aflorded L Goderich, W)Xo since leaving. Ontario has meivilie �'craigl,a; Fred Am%, ,XAte I . wore George '(the st4r football Play. With Ostrich $44ther. Sho oo ', . - I . W. WORW"I x6ays. St. . . � dlatc_: MaoVicar have returned to Welland, to Mod A col, ,, ­ , f . L for. th6 oerierotply-disp'osed. been In L _jt"L Set= ra, dr'A friend), Bud dturdy-, Nellie ( . Fresh.; 0 1 ea With , _, I some of L . . .Eftontoa, Saskatoon and ne- de J. &hngtoh. Bert resum.a - their duties on L the �' Wellar.d Illal bouquet of Briorollfto to$ � - , L I . . "I . . . people of Goderloji and district,to, coln-, glfiz� In charge- o the wort ( or-joe. 'Taylor. Stan * TAY- Public school .s . 11 . �.. � . . . I 0 RENT -Apartment to Tent. Firs . f '. '* �t the ',Sun Medd, .Sent ftl),-MW Delight Uittab, Joan blue R11331% I I .. . , . I . _. � . tea, � I ,� . min C $lattice, and.: lilies Of,. tha, " .,. . I.. , L , . I I. . IT Modern conveniences Car- I momorate their family n*qle OY-fur- Life Assur �L Ma ' lot, W. Barrow. ". : , . . . newer *js .1 . I., . . floor, : ZL , , a., , an,ter ACOMPAny, his Wen v*L . , Miss rather Bunt, 14ho. has ,been - 00try's girl). Was Helen ZiVltv,. Mary V4110y* - Two lovely llttlq� I I . . Apply, MRS' F' I tl* new room Tbje ad to. Windsor by the Company , * * ,. ( orQjjty +,proldent)i �fAlss Oe�tt%ido c%rryjq old fa&ldaV,o4 nosegay$ w ­ .. ­ . . , - ' ,' two wsC1W vsae�tlon wit,il'Iler �91 . I I . era, . . I I.... �. 1. , net Kingston St, ,I Alshing one, of . Land. � Crawl Stro);e--junior-11., CrAik, 4,qej� spending �. � I _� 111BB911T. Phone 067. . : solarium will: 4" A18dj takes ,over the ,work there .the 15th vdile, , CraIgIoI+ . brid, flitermediate- a 0, They %*to 0 n. � . . I . . , , *6' etiulpiXiont L on . . Parents, Rev. W % Aa1zt'oiBdck`(t6otbaI1 tralner)j 4,L*eorp also In attend no � 0 . I .. . 1,L' .; T'and Mr$' Bunt ha ... 1� - thW whose, generous hopultes had Of th4 - month. Mr. Llcynes,,, Move Was Saundarg, . ftbli', 4. Ro L k ..3 ftchanan,l Dill 03riok%:lluddy) ,William Mouse TAOM300 of 00derloh 944 oath-� e�' L '. L . ­ all , ' I , I 4111tt. Senior- I . I . , � 1. . TORE TO RkNT.-OA Hamilton St., I to be, declined ou, *%cootint of look .jbf a to .have We $0TOro),to and big 'T returned to� Tororito. . . L Monk ., (football tralner), � arl0e Davis of Wlno_aa, th L tO , I . .. . . -� I . § next to J'. Lj� MoSer, Apply to.." � 1+ . ! L .. A g000s� L W,TATIO�v 0., Taylor'.1sill'-surow. UL the Thomson; a jmcj in I +.... . ..: . ,is Ruth Bunt left k,early I ­ , . , . Mis 0 - - � . .1 . J. W. CRAJOXE, Beat Estate And Lullr- ___­_�,!=�_ ­_­_._­­, .wore shipped there 'but on,%1sWay east Oack, Stroke -.Junior -"N. OrAlk, Griff, weak for -New Hamburg, where, the 113.3 Doug!l" Nairn; football Coach, . .Fred i 0Owdor blue Vella, -and lace with blue�. � L I - - , . I . L I . I I bet, ,received. a. wire atking.h1m; to: take P i ' .. + . .Oss.' 14tormedIAte-- GrIch, butte , LL ance. I . I . W-14DERS WANTED I ., -Barry 331bbi 'Itelth taken, _u� bar* new dut!es'as tpacuer Lon I r and ego manfiom Omaha, hair ribbon; the latter In..whito. oy6r , � .... . ­ . I — , _� __­.�, �� � over the Work In Windsor, which be, is �Saun(10174.4. Mdtean, San L Harold Blackstone` Dr. 00amorth, pro- J yellow silk -with. white ribbon bow in , � ­ I I ., _�! - . L . . L 10't4' Toy* tho"public school staff. '' :�. , , . I I her . I . Pandora. ringe, With .Urg, IOrL; Joe. L I I I . I .,hair. -The grOOWm%jj � was .. , :..'.L ' ' . . . .. .. - hi good condition. I I At a�cordtngly Aolng.', 10, -ana,j -Taylor. + . I I ­ oldent of the C611qe, 8, D, Croft; Mrs, - I I . � FOR 8ALr'­A TU'DERB FOR' Boo= PRXV=GE-'$ . . W , . I . L . warming closet, . ' ­-Tandors.'for 'booth. Privileges Divisional Briginear, W. A. Wagner and I . - ' � . . . heap for a quick sale, A-pply JOHN the God 1.10Y116S. WS4 Batty VOYnes.h1ad Uaster Distindiw-1K. 00,1144irs, 4740 Taylor, Aoadma4to+ Somhoro, Uta, Vrank,Saunder,5; Oleo *01VIA FOelY. Of Torontol A04 tbo,ush" '', - .. I eriou Xpdustrlal 9xhibitloa L I . . + I .� k !I, - It - be 40� S.op- Share Uoynes, accompanied by Mr. B, Barrow. � - I . . I I .L . r J,. BIIIO, of the Canadian ClUb� President" L Harry 8turdyt cheer era . Were Mess", L . , ' I , i %%% � HARRIUSON, Cor. Victoria St. and tember 15 and .3, will �.; cc 11 ' I . . . . National llallway4, With headquarter.q at . ! . Walter John$, BA I* . � � .... . '. . . . L : _� 1. I ,d L,!ved, by -and song; Joe And Peter aro. .1 I -N- Cralk, T, '04941, r, StraYord, were In't6wrt on Thursday. . , I the, L tho 1 Now York, :and '� - I .. '. . . B; undersign to *a , , - leade buss Marjorld Dur. - Iversity, L I itannta Ad. . tne .ed up. )c Brophey Diving--Jiinlor I of coman vi . ... . . I . - : � L'. I I -H - ' 11 "a I . I �:, . . L . � , . I � -Y, of. -Woodstock, A Ross. iutermedlatt� . 9.4144, Joe..Tay- L Mra. 0.� I,. .Ste,nuard I 1. , . ,� '' '11th. I . I .1. . Pilo Wore An town. 0 1 . T!Irf were College Flappers, ! ataut Hem, L M;IA,,, of the 'Univo � . � - � . � . I. . I . (nee Margaret 91 . 04 Of . I � I ... . . . I I I . . L I . RENT.-Houae for rent, modem. . L . z *OLLCOMBA Sunday. Miss tiloynes lot.. it. Dean. . 'L . - Toronto. 1. L . I . . . . . I . ..._ I I I I 0 ' d ­ Ut rin MCMWC11Y)� Of Sallia.'=01110%: Calif., "I , L , I � - I 'a. _ � I . , . Secretary, t4m University this .fail up. a aoe--JunIor­?4. Ctalgti, N. . � . 110=oad on the program ,but �=Iy hW Tho b. deg.rooin's.alrb to tho,wajd,6t � , I . I . L' . V 2r ra . it a 0 W Wes' ' 80eed R I FOR . . ThoroL Were twenty,oliht of them' an. . . . conveniences,' comer to ,take . I Victoria Sts, . aj� . j�- L � . � I . . . : and Mrs, Ili. X Worsen, of moronto, are - _ ' 1, C : 8" TIVO S medical aours6 Critic, u. GrIM'. ratel,medlate;-H. Babb ;�'-I%t nt�­r A't',AAIIY '4002',W, but th000r Was All emerald ring. to theI I 'O 'rich, . addr=�a'� to the L �L . . . � . I . . I W . . -, � . Apply B. H. I L I . vidtin. their mother, Mrs, 0. �19 . I L 1. � I . . I I . . I L , Ta or, 1, Jolmstp,j, . � ' I they Mipped voily rj��;perlsh Mid Most bridesmaid sterling #IlVer lloCklace L wIth - - . - . . 1, L L . Joe . ,%IL � . . ­ ont. . L . . L I . undersigutd, and endorsed. '-�r . I A � I I I uroby, Picton' sf� .1 . ­ . I Will en- R.yal collej.W& - Ora�kimtra ,it. 41 1 , I I L .1 . L . , I 11 lupinstone- Pon th L . . . 1, der� for CrloWork,L and Fender the Lions Dajlee�_ �. . I ­."� ., � .. � 1. -, , 1, misr 1104 .� . of these m6romales made quite.. -surpris- . . dant, to a- flower ,*U 1. I I ,, 1. L -House, 'iyoUld be satli- , . I I . . 010L.S, . - - W54 , .,m .Y11! ,,.:returning frc. -A L . . . . . "I I . I I I . I birthday rings, the best L man 'r . I I I I � . OR RENT, BOOM; Goded0h, Onti", will be received 1 , A , " , ,. r Pacific"Coast I inglY fine Flappers dressed up for the L the , uallerS I I :10000 . . .. ­, I . I F " noon ,Ur. Charles Saunders, �ohverior, of' reasb� Stroka�ances ThOM20n, I I 0 spent tile ;travelling Coto, L eather Wal, . . I . factory as double house, Would unto 12 610100 %( yught. suving), the L Part In feminine e4ornments. The I " Margery ]*er,'Jean Whiteside . lot$.. the .organist oUgrayed . rent either -pad at low rent also born. Tues"Y, Sepfelube�j J."', 11):11, for 8. week -end with Was Ugrgaret Redditt . f I the Z111010, Committee for the L Lions dance King of Flappers, in brilliani haed suit] - wakulfo, . .. Located one"half Mile west ;f villo'ge of cOrtstructioll. of'a timber orl6work wall ind 'bridge, in tilt. Hotel Sunset, on. Bogk! Stroke -Jean Abell, Je and bag gone to Rarrow to take u I p her I With a toil silk hat was Mayor Loo# who and the ,soloist a �jgarctte C456 . '. . I ,� I . . Dungannon. 'Apply MRS. LILION and tender boom. at Godorich , sides, iiMirgery Daor,. I duties In. the -sepool there, � I . . 11 � I I I I Comity, Ont. ..' tp I Huron Tuesday evening, a6ptdmber 841�­w . , . �LWr. -and M6. GrIndrdd jUd MJ431 Introduced tile Iliadic$" as they appear.l. After th6 veremony�a. reception WAS - . ,. . . OAWBML, 9=60i Oht. I . PI engaged the Royal collegians ., eight. 'CrAWI-MArgaret MoLeall,-Jo4n' Abell, I � ad. The Zippers actually appearing I -hold at the home Of the brIde'aL 'ount. . I . . - -1 I . one. 444 form or Contract. can be . piece Orchestr . .. . Plorenc6 GrIndrodhavereturned home. 11 . I F .. . PUBLIC, NOTACE I . � seen -and -specification land forms Of 4: W116 haVejust clobed a Frine"'Thomson. .' -! . an after a thre'e-weeka, vacation spent at Were J., IV. Frazer, Toots videan, Frank Mrs; Ada Waiters, Bruce street Wheret . I . L . IL I I I tender obtained at very Su0coesful summer season at Grane, . Sido - Stroke-,;_Xorau - Costello, Je Sauritters, Roy Patterson, Charles Oafm th6 ,quests W00 f0elVed by ir. . . . . IL . OM608 of thOthl')Sl�tntleeptar'gMnight,in'e.e&rt Wrid, for the d , an Abello Jeah; McDonald. , - CIIAZY, �N.Y., Montreal and Hamilton. . and . . . the . , , L . . I tint at ,,their Boo"', �jprea StyIdL .Speed Miss Grindtod. returned to . tell claxonbo.:. Walker, . max 1181 Mrs., Hem, . tho latter. in a v I .� ; � 0 TRTJC=G. - .' _- � Customs Buildinki Loaddil, Ont" 'k6ron_ night, from . _J�alj Abell, . Joan -Toronto on Rohl I I .harming . . I I .. . . . III - Sunday, I . . I . ' Prank Gallow, Walter Newcombe, Joe, I 00 n. of navY blue georgette And , I -to Suildere 'Exchange .4 construction who do not dance bridge- Is being pro. . t McLean. . . L _. 'L � I , out I Engagements attended to for long or ronto 5 L ne tin out, L For those WhItesides, Margare � Mc. Mr, and �. I A. CampW)I,LDr'.4GrAbaM, Fted' Sturdy, velvet, blue hot With. gMW trl . I � . . short dW%%nCe8. Sotlisfactor� rates. 'a. Industries; 1104 Bay Street, To v1ded Under iLenq Rubber Ball R -ce--6tog4reb : � ft�. Oeorgo Schaefer and I hulling I __ 'A. MadMATIT, Clinton. Out; ,Talephone -104 ".,nd--at-_`thO_1)o3t-OfftCo,j --do4eileZ. , ____We_A9A rsWp _Qf_UoUg, AWIIl_L ... 4; . . _4um I. �Pd wearing. a* corsagO Of. Orchids and . , 27 Tiewh; Jean Groll Costello.- - .- - fo,nlll)t�ftr W1th--14rs­,- Zahaefer% .,Ind Lawrence .� _�y, I . . . . I bisted 0 AAAY 94 -te- 01"640 . .. . . . 601 r 34, Clinton Central. , I Ont, ­ . . . I Beacom, Meld And Patterson. ,Tile 16. The Alumni Oleo Club con ;no va vlafid grq,� . I . Backward. 'And Porward a4ce-Mar. Inother and brother, Mrs. MCCDoI and L I I uUlL cal '"Lions' Club deepl� apiweelate the an Pro L ' . � . - � Tehders Will not be � considered cat co-operation of I the people Of S*Fet , McLe I, lVes Thomwzl�`Xgr?� Of WIngaialft. left Oni the following: Reginald Fisher, RdSill.; mother Of the hpideocom,.In Ismart e65- . SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS 01-1 Mide On Printed forms supplied by, -the GodatIpli th"LauOlp-erollfoorl a trip to namiltOn. aid Newcombe, Walter Newcombe, Johni tuM0 Of Agured French lame and velvet . . 11 L TAXES, � . � ]Department and In accordance with and vildolty In the past, and Would like gory Met Loh" Distance nacd-­Mar� and videan, * j with black Into hot. Her. � ­ ­ �.� I % . .- . � . I Thompoll..,jelln., .Toronto for a,te ,daya. L. , I John Pardons, Din ,DI4hQr,, EmPtest 11110 to .W, their - on that � I _ _ . yj� ­­ 114 --dasile-­ -J�iiii Parans, Wal. � *6fa'- - I I " — L -, . ­ - ' ''' Conditions tontal�cd � therein. - L . - llosta occasion. gory. Door, .Fr��eg.­ _­ L - --- ­­- ' gihdId Ito aud . L - Town of Godcriobt county.'Of Huronj ti) '94011 tender Must' be AdCOMPifiled by Those Who have flot recelVed Invitations Whiteside. . MISS FIOreaCO I si WOM Orchids. The guests - in tW spat L . .1. . . . ­ I . . Bunt,', Who, OWIng 'to Vero received ,IQUS ' . I 11 "I wit : I . . . . accepted pheque 'on & charterbd aU4 would like. Oue_a DIVII19-40an, Ab i�'. Illness, has I tot Hunt, Xenneth Jilok, Herbert 4 11ji. i L porch . I . .1 . I I . an to asked to tele -s . ell, Margaret hom . a of spent the past year -at tile dle;_ Charles Baeahlor, I tawirbh L Ce Mum. I with the lovelY batkgro.und of gardetz . . . . L bank, pityable -to the order of the Min,, , . L her parents, Rev, W. T, and � by Win ' I . I ,phone the 'invitation commi 4 either Lea"I France$ T'horagon- flowers. The. bride's table, cov,cred *Ith - . 1. . NOTICE is WMESY orfm that the Is"tor of � Public Works; equal .to 10 per Lions a. D. Croft 'L ' tile . . . � I . lam Thonj4s, Donald McDonald, L 'L W of land4 now liable to be sold for cent of � the t , Or G, L. Parsous, I - . I . — Mrs. 'gunt, has left .on a visit ta Tor- a,, . . . I I I Vas At_ ' L I . . . =ears of taxes In the To.". of Godorich I I aMOUft Of the tender, L I . I L L I 000.and Party Sound prior to continu.I d. . . I 'On 01411161W, Oluny lace iloth I . .11 'Lot . . 11, .A., . It__ . --fo Ila . " . . � . has been Prepared aftd,L IS W 4% of the Dominion of .Canada or . ­___ _-BOWLING I __ _­ a ing as nurse. in Toro 1 And the chorus girls 0 . , ng ,publish. Bon Serious Acgidebt Norlh 4Zubft- - . 9, iito were� E.h f6ilow� werf$ ' % . . I . bonds the Cau6dlait' National Rall- I L L I . Lon at r n - McLean, = tiV# wlth.j" andL �j� � . ,. .1 . . ed in an. advertisement In the Ontario WAY11"Pompany Three of the'young L bo, were . ,Wednesday evmlus tina week Dr. General L Hospital. . I . . In$: N1111% Bruce, . Margaret od' silver. thO wedding ChkO, surround . I . 11, *111 4186 be accepted as .. people ,w , . . . � th,'11 ;August sediltitt. or bonds a - In the .auto Accident, ,ijor Hill and. J%s. 14iloVicow -won *first prize . L . i Marjorie Mople, Margaret sandy, Both Ift retn", . . . Guzefte, upon the 20th di I . I , , With 'tUII6'A d MaMbl% hair', " .1 - and the 5th. 12th and - th of Dublin I and A. Taylor and, .1. Newcombe second. Monroe, Mary Baechler 'L I . : .. -- daya, of ndL .'A obe4ue if to I Praribes Thom. .grdelng the Centre. . . . . I .. L . . , September, 1931. ' I . 01red to Make Up on odd. mno oil Thursday, night, are.ttill in the boj� D& TOM WINS . I Later Ur, and Mrs_bawaon loft. by I . . . L jqOte._Bjno p unt, I � Copies of such list tot tints can be obtained at pitat. at sooforth. Two ,o GodOrleh Is represented at the Brut. i 0011, Aftr*16 330f. Ruth Mumey, Dan- t4 � L I . I . I _." advortlsem'nt this Department by. depositing An 'oe- M. Drake and Alex. 0 f them, Wes Ws bowling tournament this Thursday. _ I . .. ROSE BOWL ald; Oylvia InO r for London, .where they took 06 . . . ardiner, are in a This I I train for Sault, Ste, Mule, the brido . . .1 I may be had .upon application to rile. Xlx teptdd chtque for the tum dt $10.00. CrjjlCaI_LoOnd1tIOn,.-bUt hope- is hold. for . . . I I . 1. . -4 8 " payable to, the 6tdor,of the Ulnl, or of this Club his held, Ooderfoll, will also Eft Cup Compeiltio ins, Mlared VaXoyI Olive , Hill, Ger. travelling In smart haVY blue vren default of payment of taxes and '00 Is the Arst general .tournament I Salkeld. Phyllis Grassick, Evelyn -Rob. shown on said list, ortor beforo the 3oth Public Works, WhIell-will be retur t thair recovery. Two' of the party have be rcPr636jt1ted It For Bost Net . Ch I day of November, 1031, at thu'llour of the iniallding bidder submit A. r had If at WAal-tou tourhat. ScOreg for 800tember I . trUdo Wheeler, Audrey Wieland, M,r,, fiwill suit, White bodloo tolichod W" . � 1.30 oau left the *,hosilital. The' young . . . . I � I I � blue and becoming hat . . . . o'clock in the afternoon, Z shin at bid. .1 ... tar bad been to the corn people ment on Labor Day, I I 4M& Griffith, Mildred narlow, Annie match Mot, On tbol flud.shoes, in . . . I - . that time, at the Town Itall, 00deflob, DePiitment of Pu�j . � roast of the junior Last Vrldd� OVelling a, twilight tour- Dr. * 4 1. Tom IQ,the winugrL of the MCMU11011, - Phyllis dePoudry, Elleen, Win IV r return they . . � Ontario. proceed t6sell by public guotiou � . to Wbrks� I FaMI&V Institilto held In,Staft and liallient was held On _ the local green$ 1100 Bowl Competition, winning out in O'Brien, GraC0 Murray, Naticyo Clarko,; Toronto, IdeL,'at_ 102 no3elawfi . 11 . . . I . later left for BrOdhftgCn but did not . I the, said -lands to PAY such - arrears, to- . By Orden 1. I Wit, Avenue, � .� ... . -reach there. Ift the ecir Were John Lio, h three visiting tirik8 and several lo. the finals with Mrs. Mills. , ' rvforY Ueltionon, Beatrice Pete, . Edit1l, I where Mr. Dav,40n. 15 field . I I I h ches . I . X, IDEWAUDINS - 041 ones Competing, Vhe Clinton rink The r�lllg Cup is Up.'for competition, I Comfield. Nowe 'Barlow. I Uct0tary for 11;orth Toronto of the Big, I I I . . .. , L.,L, XXOX. ­ .1 . . Soere&4. Mont (driver), big cousin, C, XCDOU.� I Brother ra . . 9411,olleal TAmout, brother of the driver, re * Thert tile baby pageant In the op�,.n. 1 B nch 61 -social Service D.,- . . . Treasurer, To" of Godorlollo - - .. ottaws. August 09, 1031, . won A t Phze, Second went -to a rink for the best net ScOrc (the. total of best t . I . L � . I I I . . doiltistlAg of "R Prldham, 0. Orifilths, More for� each, -week . in ,900tembar). Ifto . Mche was . very pretty, with Misa Patt"4011 - . Treasurer's Ofte, . I � ,==== �_­ L und Miss Drake were riding in tile I Amoji.g ,tII6 many lovely �jkts rcool , . Town of'ooderiall. . . . L. . 11 . 1. ­ rumbIO'geif- John Lamont wished to it 116veoih�a and F. DoloUelly, -And Tho ldwot: not soeoro, 13 taken for each Mary MOXaY an the dramatic' reader. by the bride wa&� a handsome Ved. . '' - . ;ek L In I _. I - --- third prize was won by a rink, conslat� we ThO VW0113 fttusO were, given with Iloor lamp I "�M September (Sept., 1 to 9th, � 9"N $Mo To $16.0 Meet a Chum, of bb who was at & dance ,ing of a t : ,*, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 11 ! 0 VAM'k L cOrge MieVicar, George Mae. Sept. oth to l6th' Sept' 10th to 22nd. snap and Vlabr and tit. 0. 13. Davle3 at rent bY friends Ili the concrouallon 01 . . " �� ­�­..J­­J��' r-ArA Part L time, Willie Iftriling In larodhUgen and started ,for there but ,Ew4u, George Symonds and im Bro. Sept. 23rd to 30th), the lowest not total the piano, did his part of tile worr� North f.;truat tyllitcd church, Of which �.,. _ L i i TIM ARUST9024G REAL ESTAITO foll . 19 OXY trades: G*rage the 1101t Was Very foggy and about four phey. - . . for the four weelM winning. opleudidly. , 8110 WaS 0,.Valued an4 popular momb,,r. . . AND 1"D`URAXOE AGWCT. '. work, I barberIggi Mir MUCT north of Dublin tile cat struck I . tarda must I I ... .- I I I out of tOT'Jn RuMts 'who IV, Oro pre ,�­,�nt 'i Ov � . , At the 'Atonddy night tournament V. be Properly njaned rind witnessed and I I . , . tint. . Woos open, jbitf. some Coarse gravel freshly graded and ,aunt , Me: Mr. and ItIr.j. Retbort .ualtojt, � A large number of hotites and lots and on Employment skidded oft thj� and James t,racVloar wOjj iirgt plabed In tile teoro box. I MUTr, FJLOQ:Ur, 41,qCp reiviob road Into the ditch, . , I W sale at' very low prices. , It and Dr, ge On ,day -gets front .1 ­ 4Mr. John. Sart.on and Ut-1 Helen SU. . . � farms for I to IOL0031L Apply � The brakes MIZO and J. R. Wheert Ad Wednes' seven PIA L ,see or Write L I D I S, '16 Queen were applied, but tho, car second. ! , - . I . . I Maitland Club attended 'tile Owen ,Sll�u 1�31 . �, I toll, 4f Port Huron; LIM William Vallb . . . . - 1 6. . "Od and 'finally Overturned. `lthc Two rink , Sound tournament. VIC. pillott macV, , OPP, Detroit: Mr. � � J. W. AIMISTRONG. -,---*. . t Swc 4 .plAy,td at'_tIj6 , I I VuagO DejuOnstrated in bimil. 1�nd 11M. 11'. O., AIL6 __ . .. . _. , I . . L. - ww"11161 I I I I I I —1. 1. I Occupants Wero thrown Out and saiverely t 0, � Brussels , . . ZIUrSda.V, LIP. BL _ . I 202C 81Y. adderlah. I ourn Mont. this . aZe", the second' bmt net S, I strates Court 'And Mrs. George Hem, IS&. Alep.70; Mr. �, L I - I -­ � _____1 ­ - I InJUrcd- Tho,tar WW badly damaged. � I core. 'Those from and' Mrs. Charles Johns, altet,�r: . — . � ... ­ ­ ", . ,� W, L Litt, 11. I I , ­ .1 11 ­ ­� - .--- � -_ I I _0 __ 'W_ - 46hil Gets Big whefiler 116 XdWktb and A. WhItesides 00detlell WeiO D, D. Mooney. T. Prit. - *, . i and Mrs. HentSr Thowco,u, Ul�. I . I . . L . . IldlIft , 1,'04 third MIZO, bla1*00. T110 Othor chgr�d, J. R. Taylor, 1). razon, it. wil- � Wi, Ond 11ra.: W. A. Tamabon,y, Ilth W11. Dr. r4nd 11ra, winglialn, ,- go or Xot ll rink, T. McnermOtti, ,y, MacVioar, j. p, llama, V. PlIlott and the pro, Jaett cer-CeMlon Godertch Towt,flilp, wcro.�n M, A. P,. 1% T110=onl �. . . � I j. W. CRAIGIE � c. H. Humem - 4h;ea momlij definit WIXelOr and V. Hunt, did not break In.' Annat, aeftl1panted. 'them, - About L40 tlla magistrato's court eatllrday morn. i �3 Jeanotto T11011404. 24ndon; fit. i - -1 I . , JP_WM�LCR % ' 'A" "-" W t116 Circle Of Prize Winners, .Pl�YOM took par" In the toUma Ing, Mr. Tao4abetrY Wna tharc,od r�jtll POrOV Aftieklam alkid ruf.�5 %Vjunjo, I I montlig lndetermlnat,.�,, Magittvatc Itf,14 A MIMC4 doubles Went, . t,:47. I I . I . tournament for Otrat. VOIntfnC a gun ht the hou6,a of a notall. aSel Coator - th; . Ui-,a cartlo Androw, . I - THE SNALL told, J61M rim On VIdw-w-day zorning held 6n, tho '10 , CrAT ovemur this Thursday ford on tho 9th, P- I ., . I k� I - tya3 A touthamentub tehedul6d. I I I . ,; Rea[ESIatelod1mrance ' .. STORE % lie, Vould have to spend in tjW iontsrjo even,, 11 b nd ladle -5, field day at b4z, that of - Air. and -1,jro. CO-L�-Jouf,ji' 81moce . . I I I . I I . wit" T"X xjej� syt)CK V, Mrs. Ginn and A, 0oldtherpe StVAtfOrd %A V -0,11i, Mr. and Mrs. Thekaborrp -are ­,­�, - _____.1_4=�� . I I I 1 6 .... iij I 11. Reformatory. "Oh, r do -Aft think go,- . a thO 15th of September. , I _1 I." 1.,!:::::�� , . ­­ I Was thb,woy phin reCelved %15 lfft�, Won Mat, Mrs, OaWtthotpt Wnd oce. . �__-#_-____" i dumb and demmunication, with them ', thO - 1006tIOU01 ltoazo.. Tho oun -was . . I __ I I � ! � --- �- I t , hid to ba by the deaf and dumb alpha. produced n cotIrt. 1� w . .1 I .- . ! -­­-, ,_ "VO1110,011," 116 ftid t0ftnstsblo Gundty. lftvleft Second, and 'aft, $1. sawider,q BRIEF TOWN TOPICS " as ilor4F Jo,jdej - .1 . L . .======_=g_---- ',art him back to and 00, AUck Stood third and Mrs. � bet. a Mr. HOY being engag0d 0 Inter. I Whon it r4aq poInte - btlt . L , I . I - . Who VM WdtIA9 to 03, McNavla and T, Ivitchard foartil, . A. M AtLlmm, elijrap�ater,r, will W ­t;terdr. Tha beckjouC113 opmk 4 Mr. Wkj. , . . lan tlWtas to b� sl%ty $cars of OU Volifty 'alle ,00aerlell rink W out of tewn qUito berry Ta" 91von to tMac,rel, . �, J811'. F aand tuAt utab . I . -8 n11111111 fr 4" CatUr4%:7 until Tues* bigW of their nelebbors And tlkm aid nat rollol;o .11,141 of ljjVjn8:,e0ftMdt. : , , I ',' AT 1) Ago but WOst 19 allots and look, and MO. r-,AwArds Aud Air. and jtr6. day nooa� . poottlough, wro, Ill tcars as she narrated tea an ofteuft Tho coun C-O�Wderec,t . I . , N(WRE"t' GARAGE SO T 0 ANDREW'S ST11 as it lie could sprint a bit it nece'Wyl P. ftunderso Played at a Witokysial W- May'VOR Plawltil to OWQttalu t1go 1110 elmum!�IUCO of tho -PolztIng of ous� . . UL% It 010 Mft1a *111, Was Pleked up by 011==Ont, btit did uo� v-,ju v��,jy D1.120. SIC10tra of tile Elght7-year. 1 MdC4 C10,11tonce for twelve ingntjd I I . . We -have sold Used cars amounting to.$9i93-00 during our PrO450131 Otter Wwtesi4es. a short 1. ­.­ ., . i on Tat'! Old 010 tho ounat jje�r 131 nbe could not k"co"Mt. and a waviiitao 'Was M9111dont Und t%j flay afte-ft,60ft, at rta.lvca golt for It. It wa!l whoi come expla4l),tion elrouw4mnecs . Or and the Interpreter Con. t I . time 40 Aa the, cook WOO at CAMP Wtftblg, to the thZeatelilng wcathl,,r It cf, tWs atrAnge dtit vovcd We 1cm to Me w�zu*�Cd and 'Won. . L short time ill business in Godefich, ft leasod, thapremiscz; thitall. Ito cittims to htmm.been born Wiiart Ali Wool Puilo'vtr SWCAtw In Was 0-6kcd Ice that ,^ � I now occupied by us for 9t. AtiM1,1614 'Ontaflo, but no cila at &'Pompleto range !.)f $Ifts for thoL ftaiter, was cc .d bettor to jpastpono Me Mrs. TackabtM bcC3210 WtO 40QUMt, W hhn� to kt* (kw3Y IMM the tl,Vk- . I olle year and Nvill, endeavor to Carry a 111181ts afid ladt", $a a ,%,Jda . ,a the S!gn lauguast, tad w a. tittent . PfUs-114S aee= to know tht MAU, W11116 raw Of ThO Cc . ; l3uglo, Tlten it w,w; 4!,­0VL,zL'd thA4, � . ,good assortment of used Cars at all times to ssell' at lt)west r-lun , Slladtg 2nd t0lor co,mbfilad Intral Rome 6nd r -Mmol blub ,t),mbinatlon, of die Inuto.'altillabc! and tlltugll Un3bM tO Mf3k Aft. TaekAt�erry � V08 tVo*6I1t thero know,� him MIS. tit now VVIll hold urlo reld auct ,a C I 11 .1 Tl*ft,V,rdw$rjS W110 we sit zrusiell, t j; low Prices. 0. IV, PICITAIMM. V1c2;-*0=bCT M"Ung IQ s1#11 1AV19U'.%9e" in SMICTAI SUO MIdO 010 M7 ablo to -dl ,,��U= Of thif I prices. The,s,pleudid values 1*70 are able to,offer on usea cav* 111�t ._­�4i_o"­ - 11 -11 ... 3 mheUOP liall on T= -by anctita-la, court Underst"d 'througla the tjter4.0 I - ' Othtr dAy Made InQU1fleS but cotild not � rtam at CA'o als" it' -ft, 011cit, 0 t'� and new battefje�, firesl, tubes and A leadion, automoboa re. find an mtla analtlal e,tie of vAr,0t-,jr* September tal. Olt 4 010%;ek. ML -S 1%,t,, ;TC C I ,k V=W` V01 Lit Over in & 0- 90bUt!031 Will Sivo aa aftc-::3 on IrLsalt.,.d. It. ljor � 111vo bem a to Ircad 10 � YOLO VV113 k1i6W the Man. Ask. Slnmra� 41t': 110W 8116 "VJUSht t1ley IA'A bctll DO'= 4% gUn M m r.erean rm g1vta WM I arg to " *elf, sz, -"A� prejumo, ' ed on wednestisy,ftwi-ning VVII6:6 zrd_,�-. - w ML 11 ' " I 010 , . I , , IN" , il 4 (b 0 4 t , , - ..'.I� I I , , I I � . . . . : , I Ar"U"tNI; I . , 1, 66" , === I , . I . I I i I 11, , I I - . I I - I R'l � I 0. t 11 1, _­ ___� N",I, _ _111mr- !_ I I I 11 I I I * le `IV, - i , silort tin" 11ol-I OC up Od as oft, jees. .rll( ,4 ", , FrPg�(.r).'e.s, 1. . quiretilents, is made possible Tly a lalge turflover at TiMonbilrg, 1INVO jZIA taken &d%nt!jga "Dick1pune.1v ca$6 Of retding into "turej, a rileAn. " sels 'Wo MW (it that h "i itillt, nlmt 4t=b��_ Ito Wat bo 110 P. -_To. 4!g -a lkligaiga 01 i I IMM And Godeele-IL 10,119 P113nitl %lats zo ftrt, otttr. IV4 Mat W41 r6Ver EntenCed, did faaa. smh a-ellaus Immit *I-wem uzo atfaL,z. , . ) of t nel;cc Ult � w1d, 1-111ght 11_01e�,, 6 if amerlith ft ing 4 U11611,ANS, AT-TXNTj0.%4 I , cent occupAtIca, Of 86thetlnx tM,.jtoA,3 114 ftm.$ in fatwo, F � P I MM"els 10110% MWIt bo totnebMy the, G _. -11.--- 0111-1. I I. 1� .,i�j %10 W,31 U74tich of Me e-mladlan In ho? tkgrt 'by fto C.,w)cklo4lt 8�fj zkp� ..#�� I wt� A for, All 0110 am te% Aft6tht't njgn jV 14t7 I -rails to mcc_t at parciitBy -cs I I , I 110!�Icry� f�L'16 M 1l1btC1t'6, :t,%4;fV I 1� i-E-STEDELBAUER _y , 611co, ,nrgn tc:�cI3 t� jjjsd L-�81asi invite aU velc - y 8 r r wiwg a pot. mrs ?,-,�J�h r�tjv 1. 1� Proprietor mob raig ot rnn nift in afoot -is ood. valat rw& ank chifrCim, jail 10-41)'Ic.n. t1to C�',IJC.40tj? safc,j_ sar,fts . �� ,4,�, � I , I I '%% ga d t . I -,e at als � , 6zh, Ift Ttcmu� -w t1z^-zI,q14 t"wc-'a fatmxlca .6 SIX HeAvy &T�'Imc� We:#fAt 1pt 'a . . ­ . .. - .1 . __ -16bil thInks,'ht b wm-o, Itej,%don, but t�a 01 1_81=doll bre .3 �wc�, $1,00 0 V�W. far tile vu�pasc- 01 taklzg M LIZZOUC19 U41 ft�. TAclabary toCk_ r6tWoned jj0!je.rj in an ottade � � I !!;;:!Z! = __ --- - C-2XI, 1,17. M:�.j V, t � 3. Itfg. I 4__ . _�.,,g!!Ltj tk��l 11Z',c.1- DILT at 8e,jtkr#ft-13, V010V In tizo, da�Zrxt!_= ctrt=w. Ca PV Wsr *400 By 0iV,111-9 1113 XMZ go, 10MIN. ftkUy and MMM-fty, #1;10 Vr,j I � 0 - I . I , 1� r .' I I - - ,- - _­ -.---- ___ .1m9knia -.d __ __ - I -A