HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-08-20, Page 1M I - . — , I I ; 11. ! I i k, � , 4 1 1 � , I I I I � I , � i L'�l I I 4 . I I I , I � . . -_ 11 I . I .." . I I I Ent] M, i 9 I 'W # -1 IVA .1 I __.. - I 0— � - "THE COLLEGIR ­­__.— I . . ­ . __ School by Up"'A"' Rl"(1 and on Taes - KNOX CHURCH CALLS DETROIT TO DENM 11 � day wuntw 00111111t*101411 Guildry 34# 4101, I " I K INDIAN SADHIT IN . the trio In hu"ICIlu". The boyli,clalm. - � � - I I FLAPPER' � .REV. D- L LANE ,, - ST. GEORGjWs PuLpm � Sun L1,168 ARBUTDROR DOMPHAD, of 0848da � ed that they did not purpooly set Am t4 , i I _... . fttlrolt Illym XA* raplosalat stop aV � I I the cat but were playla$ with maitcheA 14141W VIO 84xiar "Tho Collogo ftellbytery of 11w*^ to X"t $41101j. :14 "!kk . =:;= I ," . I ­ . and 40me lighted, Matches Which they Inalp"r-_150 X"llArcoille in gara ft"llywy *f $An" $*. im "I'll, 11 Hear .09 His Wo* AIL . I _. PROTWnON PLUS IMMTMNU threw happened to strike the cat which V000111Y 1, Goderich W" not Que of the stopping laws. k1w,coat" 3144"y ` was 30404 In OA1,01). resultIng In eon- I ploccis Planned 04 by the - Detrilit Ayera X"as . The ordinar . At tile meeting of the congregation who art endeavorlas to ch*rt $0 4RIr .. 11 ­_ Y Life Policy Of -the-v`W-tife W'S3VT=c4 Co- Jugration. , : On Thursday and ftlday xaght Alt next Unox church held on Tuesday eve"In .There %.vA a. likile, cmaregalfork in At. .. � . . _ I " - - ima the X40W Cub -U *A&0 0, t4tte- 0, vonsidor 0644%fttjoa of TAlift S rojn, .T-allte from Detroit to COPO"Wlf- ')ell. . I _�- � -of Canadw is ayt-ido;klLtombina.tio.,n,of--maximto. prate�ctlon and mw *oft Atikicli, *iok ftvi: � '' � mark, but a Atoll' W04 umde� 64 -Tuesday I oeoxs(As churell, oil 43unday Morning, tu. - �;A, , safe investment acp1red by small deposits, . � . . act comedy, "The College riapper.­ at Ill Alt the Vacknoy viWll by tilt, night . � �, . . . I . I � . At XtGIR ., , G to ' I sliorux after s ,wdock. and the tirtly Ailing the mvo of the churel16 to . I I " We Capital Theatm for a Charity fund resignation of Rev. a. c. McDermid at r4oacillo.Me 4 � I �A , By leaving policy 4ivideuds on deppsit With tile company . . UJU Rose Aitken arrived -home on fVr.Crjppjed children. Tro performance was decided to p . jig not get Away until %! hevir Rev. ,70bil. NoUen Cbrhte=" . . . I � Monday from. Montreal where she took includes over 150 tweed, witha, call witu. I quarter to I *!clock WeanosdAy alter. I The �Whu 'is * member: of one of tux , , . . F to accumulate for Ills ben6fit; a policybolder not only increases . ry summer people And promises W out hearing Any furthe'r, A"IsterL The noon. owla'; to adjustments boing mado.1144he3t castw-lrl India, a grAdull 1 , . � Ills protection but also secure$ an investment for bis later years. the McGill University Ufa* bQ One of the largest aftIrsi In. QDde- sevelt who have preWched, bete for a call' . , ,,to og I , . . School course, which )at$ six weeks, and lieu Tor Some tirth. I 'Tile ]Detroit News. at Tuesday U44 on I uadras UAW"ity, 'Who 46mol tj - ta . I � 'ci I ., I . I . , I I Were all vlaced.Ja nomination and tile . � Consult us for particulars and rates. . it will please her Mary friends ln;-Qode� Thi- - . , Wo aalow ' I 4- , 'Past of obikracters luclu ballot, 410%ed a Majority in favor 0 Interesting story of the ftere departure'ycais Ago, itarted .0hristian, rk . . , f I . I " " . . I . I rich to kvow� that she.headed the, �class ,prominent . 40S many Rev. D. J� Lane, of WAllaceburg. And the from Detroit slid oPpuently It took little the higher classes In liIs own land, with' - . 1, ., 14 bw examinations. local' *OP1e,­:D,r, QrAll�m, . I ,_y. C-Wn6�._JQ3d0tJCUv 9=tft . I Resider . . . . Faver since -she _Vr I . 0 z9WtIW . __­_%ir�_ - .-a- AbIt .=Ce1S,10r-VtdI4. l)&AWrNd__ ___­ _ --- ­ ""W_-, __ -__ zaisii -4 the-ixiatlim-of-ftraillui" Aiii-owov,504"D an - � - � � -, $!_�J_11, - - lm)0p0-8;1_0;11 I - -WAS,A)IM-111444,41talfthnowby I � I I . -IFIVITON-1-111 —116 � M—R-.7LONG.� Dialirict, A46iif— � me wali Mrs. Keith ,aevell, Harald. Blackstone, Mwolutlon. The Call will 'b%ve, .to. I* . _­ . ed Over Goderjoh and with only one s"UU4 thm are .now . , ; � , � 004cricIt, library MISS Aitken s4ort 'ers OVIdently twenty-severk assistants ealaged. in tA,- I " , .. I � . , r. , - � . � " . . has t*m Bud stody, Muglas "g1ro, 1301 Tilgia., dealt with -by tho, l?tropilytelry. of HUron, thlaking I returned. tile A� I I . .1 . . � I .1 4 ­ � 10.1 � -_ I - I - a k0h 'Interest In tyao work And It I$; � 'Pro — that 00derich looked like a Work With him. Tht� 8441141, told OV,the, ' I . zz_—====== I Son, Miss Delight Mutch, Peorge 3u.11- which Will belbly'v ,;;7==-_X=====_-- =====—______=;r� i, _ , .atet September 1-50, Pretty fair place to drop IrltozAd dec-14- PrOJUdice Which M Arst Attachei& to. liti � - . . � I . I I . . I � . I i . very pleasing to know that alaer was so . . . I And then by ,the Presbytory of &%rals, Ing not to try to mak I overhauling $or .the now occupg . o. Sudbury, a$. iti,work In, India. Anyone of. iitho high ' 11 . . at� The successful la -her -courso at Mcolli anau, And,othirs . .er - 1. I . . , _ '. I on Idorl", . . -which will prollaoly . I . TO." TOPICS " property ccunnitteeo' met , , Aside from the regular tbre&act cow. . meet. $o0t, atjl� 044 would. be dark by the time they. would Castes who turned to V r t ty w, . I WI= In V. HibilerVs Guessing 0 ter- which Mr. � h Is 1*01 04 , I I . � moming 444 -decided to put in a new � I . dy.tAere lil v, flapper chorus wade up of "" Will I tit" OPPO", get there. The plane, landed in the t.reated as in outcast, I ' . � at Cont St. . -men In town. ft fO04 placed lu � � . . tuu ,of Accepting or declining thQ,9311- lake. Uelng'equipped with pontoons and 4, vessel for.blat, which was : ThItY � workinx the MAI tm. for, a, .(,ift oakiloor, anow partition, "d oxopAl the prominent business ,at . . . .. . . 9, x , And: repa There were $70 boxes in Mr. Mbbert's Mayor Chas. Lgo IS: the ging of riappera. orlm, wt)d�'ratar, Rev..Xqr. Dog, taxied not used . . . . pq the 0111ce.. I � , � Up onto, tho, Uc%eh. sert litcDon. � 09014 and. many such Indignities, XoW . - I I . . .1� A c1large,apirist Jos. B. Swall, A. R. . . Island 41sPlaY window And the neatest and almou this tevy a beautiful , . I i , , nces Karl. Of 01111tOn, VrOlcleil Wthe corgre. Aid 44VIaed theva'not, to stay there oyev* I, the case W43 much different. The, $ad. , I , . . : . .4. Auburn, has been laid by VrLVjnQj-aj ffirellauW ]PIsilays, at GoOeriih Fair gueso, to: the correct, number was Mrs. college :glr g4lonm Mee on Tuesday evening., . . � I Is that the followl4s; men re. 'In" .pOsed to the wA411o* and towed bU contrasted the old religions 61 ludla�. . . . . Meer Whitesides that'Ito did at'Clin- :' Merchants, m4nuifilcturerk and, othem George, MacE . 300, Miss Viola pr4soat_4 W. rlgsor. rrapk Sguaiders, The various minis I njobt ex . . I . �.. 11, I 1. . . � . . I waxes, � for I tOrs Who Were, heard the VIOMe lato'llte. harbor and up -onto ,with tile Q11tistlanrcilglon In that wbz> * 4 . . . . . . . . � � tan on Aug, M, obtain $51from Revi Q, Oestrin � 00 8" deArl NI - the vacancy in X40% ch I . � . , g space In the =W4 �,Ilullftg lat Osbaldestoll came second with a gaeaot Phil Carey, IT t V1 ,. b oillyor. 40mill4ted aa follows. 0�oh WOrO the island mid here the following day a the old teligions, were 04 .system Ot WkW � . � I., . Rev. D, AT* U-ae�, goodly number Qtpeople had , religion I I ,. � V. TL)uSsxi b I - . , ,y ialso pretenses. Ow Oodorlob: ExItIbItloo for display, of 375 and Mrs,, W , L. Uorton third with a Jack Laudor, Frank 0allow, , I . I '' * ""' rge Adjourned for M:Week ,Ile guess U 379.. 'The 9 was In Con- Newcombe, Jack Beady. Roy atone on the A 1, � *4 Walter by- Dr. Zleld, aeconded � . a view of .1119 3ftOr light, the' Christian . . by Mr. goaoqm; ,tile plane, . yet$ . were. re%dy, was the Saviour seeking , Manor. . I � ' = house' Rev, F�O. Harpero by Mr. George Stew. to le I 0 I 'O' 2 Oro d . *. apavit Chu 1 'goods "To now � to '4�� 0 Wh out the . I , , p I hosiery, , the Prod, at Sinderiim, Pay Pat. ave they were towed autlato tho T4Q old religions were like the traveller . ., Schaefer soon as ble, so noction with the I � ,I I . . .. A-ChArge of assault, preXorred by Son, that Suitt Ole r�Xoaloxita y be manufacturers: of which Ilavip this. ye�r Orson, 9VT Art, seconded by Mr� J. 33is3et; uOV, 0. lake I I . . I U411, Charles XAftel, 0. UatShkIl, U7 . I �, Ault got Into tije 41r About 2,14OLtaxi the road from . , Mr. P. 0 , Jerusalem to Jericho , . . L I ..�, I I. Andrew Porter, A � 'all' The Detroit News' 4 1 too of the tako,toff , Who fell 001013,0 thid L *s. .1 The,osoetic, was I , , Goldthorpe against Alex. Powell, ,whiph made. - , I I . a.ttaioed the, position of being the largest � . ,a, Whateley, Lawr, Weir, a% , 1: . .1 V48 Po be he,ird on Tuesday momijigin - . deli b.vMr. 0, young: ReV­J.' H. Wood, I taking U Crooked :road , . . I L.:. still XWO od IteCora L . IV AMPU01" Clarence 81dot by- Mr, P. J. Mdftalt, 4toorldea, by Edwin I as follow4: I .. come t* . . . MAWrAte Reld% Court Was Adjourned ,t do " L . manufacturers Of full fashioned hose An Once Mumby. James O' from Detroit Is seeking to . . . . L � � . Xhe - BrItIsU Erapire.'. They manufacture Walker, IL 33. .er, rraa . . I 1. 11 - . I IL Merril. .k. *AUbe,rt, '. pro . I : 14 ,.� � � I . lot a iyfek. - The auq$Od assault, At Is, Friends, of Vre4erle. T. Moller; Jr" at Sberbrooko, Quo, I I Il%rry, sandfxs0a, � , . William Waite,' Rov.. A. V. lit,, ,1 by jj�aoxl, Detro t $toll and Robert X Col. light and came to disaster,, and it waA .. I I I ' . I LL . I wa I fliers, took ,oft from the 0144 410 Uib Good SawarItAxi 'SQU ht. L' . . ' � , , �, I . I I 4hArg,e4, took place on Aug. 8th, -when 'who attex%did,Ooderlob, Collegiate.4 year - ' , . Mr. H. MOCieath, secondoll by Dr. 'Imr* Detroit U I 9 . . .1 I . the complabialit tried to. ,Collect rent, ato, obtaining Pt, I UlddI4,00mol sub- LOT' Whlt;!W$ Horses at Chatham There. Will be soverM ,G)i6tusa- of WRU ter; Rev,. X� 1 him okit and eltato to bl$'43sistalive. .., . . � . Ivor in their MoltopIllne. at *6:02 - . , ... I ... . I 'L . . I . . . . tere$ted te. intojy. his ex- and fitratford , . . I . Sohool'glila, In L 0. 'Court, by Mr. A, ?ottor, pj33; today, ,After making one lxxlsucccss� . I .� Crown Attorney's 0slico Being Mod'Up jecU, will bq, in I c0larful costumes singing seconded by Mr, 9. Black;. 'Rev. -Mt, j. fuji effort to . �, The ipoaker was talking on, t116 text, , . amorla Or . got tile' piano 11% the. air, Master what shall I do. that U t y 14 I .1. I I � L . I . amination. rLsulti; this year Item St. Dr. WhItply's R clever stort ard.. dolng rAtchy dlatco 0. Jack,' by Mr.' Gtorgo�ocbae , ,aa . , . . .attan Won . , gs L . .. ­...: . :: .L . The Ojowxi Atilorriey14--offloo in_tl ZtePs.-Mllose in !the Cit,orua OX6 . ter, Socoxi* They �ate'atteMpUnit'to'tr(%OeL-#'noW aer. IlLrlt eternal li(o?-0!-- And tile answer, - :, __. - . .- I", . . L L .1 I . il" ' . - : L - Jal, . ne Catharlil , iqap p .. . I b ,earollogiae- AlgobraI, Ancient second An the'liand ace. or trot, at as fol- ded by Mt. john, Be .. 11 l .� . �Oourt house I lows-4dith. Q � , - IOVO the Lord thy, God witil, . ., . L . . 1 4 Is undergoing a complete Hlst'OrY,I, Q4=11-547 IX, Latin A. it the. Chatham' r4cea.'oa Vrjday #01shing 4trlce , oralifildi Phyllis doPeudry, . — , 0 , I . route from ,Detroit to Dellittark. . I "Thou L ahajf4 L, ;, L . �, I ., : L : . . .. I - - " . .. , Latili Com . ' I Arst �xl Ono, heat :and second In three. . So ,. P9* Nina, Bruce . Margaret , The ArSt stop is to 00 made at ,SUd.: All thy might'Land,with all thy, sQui SU4 L 11 . . .. . I I I . . .... LL .. L I !' 011 ALO OR TO RENT , . I position Q, . - . � X ant a rdmay, .Y,;n MODPA. , ]PEOPLE WE KNOW, . nge from ,the illot4t with all thy, 'at%,e0$tj%, Oad thy, 4e ' . ... I "�, - '' F L �, I I And Sid, 00 took third ArdshingL- Iecond , 1�dre , . . I i Ighbov , , - . . . -- ��_:,�____�� Hospital Wing Wig Be V" I a14�c uhroe, 41;thMUxacy, Phyl. L Mrs. :Oartonj .of -To thysOlf 'D Of, thig, love as an � . . I L Be I .. I . . . , bed in one -heat, third In'two'and fourth in 'It I , jonto, Is visiting plllai* 10 W11101% thei oxPeoted'to'rcach As I S ," SO SPOL �� . . . " 11 . ,. . 0 Uld.TT,--rStore 0. rent, e0rier I.King-, Ahtad'.Qf Thr�e L ' . I Us OrAssick. Silvia jjajkq14,- Onve,jon, ftlerids in to.W , . . 1. Cochraue. The entire flight to 'Coporli. 411 possessing passion, Which, javolved %� � I . "I . . . . L . T - .. # - ­ L .11 one,, Baron LiAlwater was fourih. in the ' A ' I . I . I : . . .... I I StDa F . LLLL I � I I � $troe$ and the 'aquar6. All L - the new 'Wing at the classIfie4'race,.ftIsbingL.3, Pralicla Thomson, - Margate . Kenneth Hunter IS La g�eSt Of riod huort ,over tile rouo to:U6 followed Will w3res Whole being ,And *A%s not oxorclood. - I .: . - . : � I . ,4,4. . . . . � L �� . ply MRS. V. 14. HIBSERT, j2hol46- 067 The Xoof Is on 5 t armth, .. .. I . L GoderIch gospital, the Plumbing, hea ,,At Stratford .on Wedrie4 y Ramona UarJorlo. Movie, Margaret Sandy, '.Got. Sooner la,St. Catharines. .1 take tho #.lots 4,300 lalles. . , . . I .. I . I t-. " I I o i at any. particular. fte, � but, was An On. I - I I 11 . . L . I . 'Was 7 4 ,1$jon, �ColltjauOUS L . I TO I ]WENT.-­196deirt W, L 0,110' olectric wiring Aire. in. and the Grattan wpa.,the froe.for,ail, sooting 3 , trudo Who -, Nalloye maia , ThOL fliers Will follow the L's me route dtirIng P;k. . 1 ' L FOR 6ALE' 0i't , L I . eler, I � I I rkei Zlloex% ,InXl4tLr. of Ottawa, is theguest, , and uncoll- . , - � . I �, . I "I I I% , I house O Xiays St. Apply to' C� plastering Is Ili progress. The -work *ill 1, 1, j, and Sid Ifal eagrie ' -0134on, -Audrey Wiellnd; Dory MoKin.t. of her sister, Mrs, Ruston. -� - which Parker D. Cramer 'and Oliver &0IOUS ',As, any 'Of "the normal fimCU0,tQ . . L L . .. -1 . a - '. 4,,18, 3, 6. � . . over . . I � ' 11 q " . ''. . W. WOUSZLI", Zpays St. . ba -completed soMe time between sopt� � irce Hays wj� -one or the jud os ,"on, AT�Jrjone bae I , exAllus, . -:M19a Annie Campbell, 0VTOr6lito, 13 L. P4qU i such As breathing-, LThO 'speaker sajdL Ila: . , . . I I I I ., .. g . . r, norlef4 9 Otte AO* In the first 4tterapt to I . I I - - . I , . .._ L I . � 11 � � RENT.-Allartmeat to rent. rlrst 15th afid,21ind it Is-expedtod ,a week or 1. I 1, . 1; . L Mary, Bae6bler, Margaret Aftfshal , An- Visiting at. her hOMQ On Qileboe-St' L Chart. t Dotrolt�Vopoahagca,, route, I wAs glad there Was the ,a .L ' 11, ., .1 � ' . . t . 'he . 000nd. question, . � ��,- - � - -TO. toot'. Modern L .conveniences, Cor� - ' 19W-7mixi-Old Club - ­, - ale McKinnon, ­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid And Miss Cramer -and Ills companion have not boorl.'. "And 'who. 14' My `4101gbbot?"' got - jt`�'. : �, . L ' . . �. , two, ahead of -time, ,& ;�,t time E . I ' Grace I- . 1 % : . I � _L ;��pgtxjck,s 8�rlO%�,*getWLjexm6t_ MUrraY, Mildred I . I'' W ... ner Xing9ton St, Apply S. F. E, being the end of Septemb - '..L. I -The Octogenarian. . 1. � EIVA,have, returned to Brooklyn, y,- board from $into silenC4 cn6ulfoll. theta .brought out tile parable .or. tile- Gloct ., I I . . � . -or, . _ . 9.rou.p..At� - ,, �., . . . . X. I I I ., I %.� I L _f . . . , I . . his ThAnday- afternoon -comprised The Sa* pagoa Mr�.' Henry Xelilp, Detroit, is � spend- between � Iceland ,and * the tonthlont * a Samarltiao, And We bave, already- stoem . . I � j.. 1. I . .��34M .. Phone��36T. ' I'IR I . . . L P�rk t I I . ­ lit, made 10, of chit. Ing q in Qoae. Wool;, ago. . . L I . . I � . Third Season With No Oral) ' I L I I . I .� . . 'L L - � .. -1 I L I . I . . twontY-seven gentlemen. This Plub otl-: 4ren from 5 to 8 �oars- Will �6 jid by Miss I . . L the Sadhwa Application of t1lat . . . . 0. U=T.-Orx ,Ham ' ' . rj&.a,CoUpJZLOf.w . Coke holiday, . . At6ty, , .1. . t. ,� " .:, . , .STOM To , litoii St.. County Cl�rl� 0. W. Holman., has ,j4$t gltlatod eight,'Year L Wit Oup a . & I ­ . I I IL , L . . I , . . g - . A 1196 h A� it of M ry McKay a _ the 'reader, L T11P ChIl. I � - Both flights. are backed by.. tlie Tr na. The S%dhu o,vp1alixed that ,$2 - L. , ' ' . . .1 L 1. �, ,.... . now .odoiipled. .by J.' X Jermer. resolved-. a letter 'froa "his son, �Wl . . ,, 19, :1 ­ I , . American � a $'�ao Wa$ onoUgh, to- 00 * or . I . I .:: . � . . I . , bAqt twenty-'sIx,' Three.of the ollglual group dr miss wake aid :, ! .Airlines, Ino, a I provide 0, Permanent :.,. . I 1:. ; ""L , ". � - L Oft: Ili the pageant will tecelve-axi in. ,ls,J,,tjng hot ai4to. .Commercial Olt . I . I - . L'.1- . I I Real I, . ... I . .stat L � . I 're4doup . :. , , . , . L ', Poz-Ses4ow Sept4 -ist,'1931. Apply �tO J, G. Holman" 'Of'"Moose In, tit cirled ate .-Ick In bed at the , p ti S4nd6k, schools. Th- ,, L . ,�vd 61i 'Two." this rout . Oh America And -Europe. . I . I . �. L . , , Jaw", o ,L , , ' re$6nt Me, Vit4tion .at. thOL Mrs, Walter Rick, e.'botwo building.for 6 church - or. for. - 0, � . . . . I .... I . . . W. L CRAtGUI e an�& �Cnsurarxce. � , . � . . : I . . .... -T1 .. . . _. . � , out area, inylilch he st�Ltes that for the n4inelY'Stopheri Andrew -%t William Allin -Daby� PA -. ieri 'ii)eclal, t�po�z �' week, . . . Ten,, a,tdp ,. plauxled. on ,t�he aijitt, ;Or,;� k".Ox!lf�r and )to Lja.V1Sltia$ 'th(f C , - , ' . � L . , I f is, U_ , 1�� L, ' ' " ", �, ,', '­.E� , , ".,, '' ­­ '' _. , ,qL are , . , , 0.11 I � "' - , ­ - I I . �;.', * 7. 1� even third.-yoax�ln gqqob�4sldn fic',WM have no � And Robcd, 1%4asell 'an " i1j;ii " " - t,h , g0illz i . f I a; X J, A, Mae won and'Miau Ed-� T,fi"- I - ations ill tbo,vlocea I . . . . . � , . . . e ontprta I e oagW ho over .water Is that be. CrOr. 0 with tuc� sallo. . . I . .t I . . � L d"'Q0 . 'on of e 1. ,. I . . , . . I'. � FOR' gAlz On- =OR W'G,"��`S A ­$pIcrdfd."raJft came for threa I iliment und'vviy good. I L 1) tion, of"L tho.,&rChUla L I � , I � . I . . . . . n4s.'KaoEwa�a it Iland and . � I .. " � ., . T.00m house oil' at., Georgo's drop- . original group was In the picture this . Them Is an �, . . . � 11 . L I . L , , 'Alimmi Gleo Club,in thL Ave, -returned frotii a vlait tWeOn Angmaggaft Greer hop solioltlaq funds . L I .. 44 , I � I L - .a )c but this is too I -ate for -1 - � - t, : . Vrescent, hot. Water heatlog, hardwood day . last wco. , , . - , for ,Art , . � I . � , , year, namOY James MacVlco,r. In the sh6ij t,bat *pand, tUO_perf�rxaan In Fort Huron.. , Rqy1iJ%vlk,':TVOTAA4. 400,1zilles. Approxi . - I the C . ying !on of tile: I�Vrk_ 110 . ., ..... __ .. ' iih, it L' `aja,t,�Venty: of the,octogen. Mi.'s Climstine - MatOlY ,� 6i thc route wilf be has learned to rely'On, faith for th b . I . : I 41loors, everythIng inddirxi. Large lot, the grain 'rirOp thou way helo, ,to past eight je co With , L -L � . I :. 1 .1. I . . double gat tage.- Will give giVO:L . lots 'Of Pep bi singing -o, bunch of snappy R, , � Matheson, , 'Of High , 2,600 31114 L . 0 Uj)-" . I ,. � �� , , Mertfice,'and . thoal 4 .little food for ,cattle and arlan group, have .p , Mityor - ver, .AIta,,'.I& vl*W, at the how , over land. .11 I :, I.. Ply -of the needs of the. work,: , It Is ca. *' * - . 1. I , , . "sea on, College zong 0 of . I _ 'Ile *111. not L . . a.. Harry Sturdy is the Glep, . n �,� ' L , . .vory eazy terms, enli4rgb for hoses, 110' I . r ,,,,, OlUb proatdC . Mrs. JD� a. Sale, : I L L L I . . I 'S or - would have Led resent and -spoke bfieff in. , :_ , . � _ . . '4100rr acy rf ,6 . r L ,� �:�%Jl Cottage in L Goderich or vicinity, fifty bushels I was P. L _ t Z ,O I ttlorls packed into the ohip tirclY a worh wh'Ch Ile ttarted L. ­ . . ��::::: I , . r. - .. . . ... : h wrIT `ataa� i=_gt V. *rristrong r 'and UndL ­ could 1. ., Of 11L ad Oats, this year, mo§t e of those Present made A few to- Tickets go Olt, sale -at purilopls �33i= ,family, of Inoluded, or li�.W.. , ... to US04 for summet home, . I I � . I I I . . biAltod ,' milk, checolato, e1g. own Initiative, not being . . .1 . matir'It.11'acludh *wsm' seq,ger, Bain I lo, Store ,beginni L L ' L AvIne'L 'Pre apeadfr[g �thojr V,%na arcto'.1entorls, and figs. L - [Cos. In the, efterao6n, ;IQ upolzo al . I - . I � s�l I . . . . . . I I . � -r,.SPEN,0% 21 Green St., R!�� Vat Tormintors C.0 to 1twilStri-I , " ' and, a " riap., L ftX'M1e04Y,'.AtijW�t 20t. - _L I . Tile supplies 11%4 4uapl 1)0,rtL Anglican ' ' L .. �� .., I . I I . chr U.c '_ ' ' * ltouxlg . ev . ' pors.' rehearsal: _Momigly.�rniffht I tion. in a6derich, - , L olude . 4 AlCoholL Stove.' Pori. A) . I I . ,.. . .. r-- --- School for Three 'yeara ,. ' leav,r -A� 7.30 r I d a thovel, an f or- church and in 06 I . I . . . I . 1. L : . .- . . . J, X Ford, A further report Will: be gIV, to 8.00 at the Canoo Clubi , :, � ' I I . Mr.'and Ui%_S; Mallott, of srsa evenirg adcIrossed the beach . I L 11 I - I . AUMON SAt9S " I The three boy$ concerned Ili - the cat Oil next week. * .1. I , e,-, at%, lined 40PIX19 b3o:6, -a collapsible mfi; And - I - . .1. . . rsekVIO, - . llr . L. . . L r I .1 L I . � . - e visiting Mrs. MallotVa parerita, wr, and an aerial camera'to p Ible � I I . � ­ I . hicluetation were on Monday . . I Miss Marguerite. McRae is lia,26b I I . hotograph poss there, , I . L, L . � . , L .L. , . I 3CIZARING AV,CTION ',S,A=' or . I morning 4 -of the pro I I L . 1.0 Mrs. Robert Clark, . . . . landing Aeldg Along L tile route. . ., - I . He piviorlta. �Ulte a picturesque naurc,..' . I . :. , L . .. ANTIQUES, CuRibarrm sentenced to three - ut1for *hr;60a and Junior C.1ris of " . do . . . I � L I and . years-, in -Iadwrti�l 01012. . I � 'Mr. and Mrs, it, T, Phillips, g r dlad- 111 a lone; orango t colored � robe, ,vilth .. . . . . _-, _�__ .. . ­_­_­" ­­ .,. I I " .f. = - � r haVe Xot ' d fji�1,4 ' mail pilot, was . I . . I . . � ­'�,,"K,_Is, I r"MNITURE., - L' ' � r . I --- -------- -- noid outing I . . _.. '_1 . - I L a4t 1�t.�, Presbou, a veteran air his 4 I card anij . . L I- � .�,� , _ I r . I r . �­ T]RD L I . . I . 144 I . . =. 0 a week'a campht at at,tho controls tit the, take -off, Oollia- ar . tao.6 And black U balt. L . L . r . . �, ._ . , I r L . I 'lie took to the dit ., g 1. � He - Speaks �� Rrlffll� . 1'�� . I . .. L . �. L WAZZ .. The Huron County Junior Farmers c4, the'ear .t Ing London andSarnia. . I . I. 'non will ae -pilot Arldr radio oper �h fluently 'and fault.f � . : , I 'We are,inatfUctod by' L , ; . r r 1. . And Ju or Girls pilrobs . bol Pyrr. and �t . urA L r 1� ot as CO I . L I e dint. theirr he OCCUpartS, receiving some Mr, ;kAd Mra. r, .Lr,,- Hibbert or '00� ator, - r r I lv� *W -, - ,accommodation for L . a . ., ' ' ,,r .1 I �1' . MR F. IL JBVi�= , . - I "I � , . ' , . ICS'lly and *�Vjth� 9� ="Imf dxford atot-;rk, r. L - :L ' � . .. I I , two OtU . annual neld day and ploalo at L Bayfi.old Injuries. Txamc oftic.ar-W . Rinks., '60 t 00 at SUnSof I M L r . '. I I . r I I . , - L . . . � . to sell by ;J�]16 dUctidn -at his ware . " , ents, one. bloc from. 4061- r Park �r On' , hitty who,'. Is cupylog Ur IL ta 'rhO Plane. Is knowlt Aa. Sur�.oy Piano t 'L I ����! ' - ' � , L . I . . I . Wednesday� � afternoon, Ailgu'lt Ili Charge' of laighv�,ay No. 4 Was calle.d. Beach at presieltt, . 'Ll . , .r . . .1 leglata. : . LA I BrIta a 4t .L. L . No. Z' The Tiansametle . . .1 I .. r. . I . room$, Hamilton St". 00dorichi' On __ - - .. . d, 26tu, 4931, OAMOS and ospoits 16 com- and Investigated the accident, w t . h - , he I �d honia Corp Ili . an -Alrilao3 AMONG THE CHURCM, IS, , . : . I ' L . 11 L I i , L I I . . — r;; alone L I t L rog4lt4 A ii t e Miaa,vt I tandyrhas returne . tins 4 sorles of auritCy flights over Mrs. S, J r ,, r , ", , L ' I . - . I I � IL � I � SATURDA1, A-jG. 29th, L rat' .1.10 o'clock, st.andard- fiftip. that chaxges of driving. without ,a whi i (for�, � L�. 11 r . rr I . ROOMS FOR aTdn t�._All Con- The 'program L After a week's visit with her sister, Mr- 1, ,.a worly MIS$ WI L , Or.onto earnmQTtaing at 1,j()�.#Oloek . r - " the. .rcLute, Ed . Thompson, r prcsA� , i MoRoarle'vi of T . . I r . 11 I I velilences, one block west of 6.0.1. will Include Intei-club POWIt and reckless driving were laid Vlct6r'BeIt'Of Walkerton. r ". " . 'dent, qaI . , 1. . . L .., Illarns, 'eVangeljS . L'...L . r . .1 I - r. � , 4.1 . t) L WIOLL LL 11 I All the',conteats, of the place, coasist.� �Aiiplk -to, MRS.,,110AT. MM,'Eidoft St, comipetitJon ''Ili the 'Various sport everlts� against Mrs. Beavex$, . On the cb,arge'of I I L I I I .. I , L . . ". _t L � I — . .' r I �Mlss �Ossie roster and Air$, Boyle of From 0oderIch they Vent t' . proach both moraing and evening at Vic. -r� � - . Ing lit part *fi : . L L, � : * ' .,. ... 3 Walnut aotte6, 2 L t diaing L D. O( -and games for -the bossession -of the dklV�ng Vithout a petrnit4a'Alte, of,$io Toronto, are sr;�4rs amPton, whIch they reach . qd 0 South, toria rSt, United Church Olt SUbday noxt, L , Lj, L . I wahm 'j_ . . . 3mors, students prefer -L Assoclat , � this Coming r I and . Visiting their mothe , , , at'5:35 on' Sunday.nollool at Io a,al, . pr jet wCC& r . . r . . L . TUnsion tables; 6 oak dining chairs-, 2 r k - from Collegiate bri. .. . ion'o silver r cup, for . cdd4 Was imposed r the* Polic4 Adam:ripster, .at.. P�trldkos St, . , . a _ . . . .. red, one blo, W, . 'Wednesday ovonjug And were, scheduled . . ... .. L . whatnots, 3 ,clocks'. 4- Small tables 2 Waterloo St, �,ms. THOS.. W.&LTERS, year. 130yal and girls' ; Soft-Uall, race$, Court lot '81turday morning And the 4:6, Luxuby, ji, loft on T, Ing Wednesday )light, r. .1 I I . . . . � . . asO Wo- UO2day front there to Ru . r . I . L a and 4iorse shoo pitching aro� qtller .c adjourned lot ameek at Chlcago� Bay the following morning, -., 1 Sunday . : I? p a �11 pert Home r . . . *wAimlt; 3 'Walnut thosts;!3 -rocket$$., I PhOne 610- 1 ­'__­_­_ I . _, In morning' to vUlt relatives � law�'Ilsp on SprVloo3. at Baptist Church . .. .. r � . . � � I I .L� ". . _eSSerL and stand,* I *ainu alde- r' L ' � . .. I . r .. � walnut d' t Among the w6gt, Important items on the order to alloW of the driver of the Cbo- The trip Was made by xaotor�cycle . I I L � I 'I r Spriog; r o antique 3f0i'my . ­ The Detroit flyers doclar�d that they next, Pastor,- ROV, W. T. 131411.1 . 1 lble I . . school, - at JOL A.M, I . . � ' a hearty. weledino, r I .., r . board: beds; _ WAXTED�000 warited on program.- The, Junior G .Very Sler car to be got from. D6ttoji, Ili was Mrs, Lowil 'and. Mits Margery. �ewjs, had had a fine trip from *oder , L . Iris bave . . . . . beds; 2 ell: 4.601O; I organ; 1 Coal- $1 o ' . erty wortb. kindly consented too. bring a basket lunch R X DOrr 4114 with him in the car was of I r 2 lm 07' 'first mortga�e on prop 10h, At- �jj CXL,M;. �jg6spoj 4oryloo. . L r . I mode chair; & heaters, 2 coal oil heat,, , 00. 'This. 15 ;j flr$t.CjaSSL proposition. Nashville, Term., were . week-ond though they Were battling hoadwhada all Refining ,Purpose and. ,subject, '-The� . . I . L . I I L . ers; I beach; I library table, I 'Walnut Interest pald rprblilp*� rate 61fi%. Ap, with them',to ,provide refreshments for, Mr Gordon Taylor, of Auburn, who guests at -the home of mrs; Nt#r Mat. the Way. The distance from Goderich tion.,, 7 �P,m,# ,,P,, PQJVOr of Awc� I . L I couch; I Wdftlt�t'r stand: add, bhalrs. .2 :P17 STAR, G.oderlob., I . r , . the picnic supper at 0.00 jl�m. - SUS60-d Injuries in tile accident'Willeb, Ewalt. . . I to 'Sudbury is goo miles, Rupelt 1100sa 'I service, sublect,*T I . L . . . . I � I 1. ­ . L . I t,!_L I r , - ====== I . . ­ L — I ­ . . I , required medical attention. He was, to. Miss . . . ­ . .1 . L I L. I . old cradles; mirrors, mahogany fmbles: TO 116forwatorY for Chicken Thieving VOrna Barbour has returned home Is a gullson's My Company post, sjtuat� "Tholliseparab1c,r LOW." A hearty -wel- % l . . 5 -tube '. radio; glassware; I)ICtUre,q;r , LOST AND VOIND . � . . L ell to the BCAVbxB'Lhowo and W;I on a afterL spending 0, �Weekls vacation -.111 ed about 310'atiles r ftmo to the abrVIC0,5L - ­ . .. _�__ VJheont' GerOnletto, Stewart 40ko:and r L .L ,. toalr oil at&61� ­� --- �___­ . . , ,iOUlx8Q,"tbO Tile 0 Sels, with. hot frlendj was rtleda �udb . ury. . xlorth-northea�t. or ' nox PrOgbyteria4 . . _ _^� r � ... .coders; gla,as Oupboard4, I .�_ __ . .re after tile Accident. US L The services It, X, L, . . . � __ - 11 ­ baby buggy,- child's, Cutters; vacman FOUND.­About� %'-week, ago, ,at the Ali' Iluckins"Plead6d guilty .to the Crown Attorney and Alt, V. Donnelly, Pollard. r . . . .. ,�chuftb Oil Sunday will be ConC , r r I r . rrr defuier; .candle stickt; brass Jilrdine . tattoo at Lucknow, on the road stealing of t Mrs'L Beaver% Were and, ­ : Wednesday night they wore entertain. � LIU�t*(t byr . . LLL over $20 worth of chickens the lat or acting for , Mr. Mrs, Fred. �'thc L n gain, r L I ­ --- . books; Iroa heds; ll�ono skids, 111110 sOlith,rof BsYa�tt,a s9ghtly, from Elmer =111ough, of East Wa"anoSh, the CoUnbel OX1 _-th"ate. L. _' - � - - .J: . Brophy And ed. by Aid, Joules Nowburn, Act, tt, Vi_�__a_,Rld,,m��­_­ :"--. . , -hanging Ono- . jr�. may�, OV' J.L. A. of .. , ught ___ -�.-,, - -daughters;�-Mlsseg ' toft., * - . I I'll - lamp,, bid silver,t _UAd---Qoodkftr -- tire., . � . , Gladyll fthd Irerie-, -,of W 6f-Suadbuiry-, - . tX-�Fll5dnrat Of ille Synod . vrm, I 4LATAV. %JWLIrrTl­� "-44, 1,Y44MA U"Vff WULC LPIU r . L I 111alailton And Lordoxl� Speolaj, ;, I . r , . I .1 otrilments, and other attleleg-too nwft�L May.haVo m perty and up In police court on Wednesday. raar,� Chas. 111cukins, In Charge of r Olovelaxia, 46 visiting With. mr, and Mrs, - . Those *110 heard StOIA404ores Addr6ss.. ,,, Or$ IV,n be tend musical , I . erout to mention. I . Pasring, for this advertigeate tit, Apply ing'and wore-sonte, . tho Mae I � `Wn. lar6phey. . L lit. ther Qoderjob Chautau 4 r bab ered by tba strat. � I . , . L . aced to te&&s In , I ardixte Coneert' r � 'r quo, will rower * . r I 1. , TERMS,CaShr � .1 . . CALVIN MCINTYRE, T'JaQrnan. Dungan- L Cats . Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Modookin and her tha -ford Normal quartette 4t the, wornlrq - . . I . . , do Refofmatort r . t10 told us,thet direct route from and evening. services . . I . . r I L I . L . . . T. ,0V=Ry &,aOlq, , non. I I I � I . I . . , Oke gettlagrthret A PrOWL4104, ,house greeted the ataludl 11416.9on, of Detroit th the states to gurollo would �,b * and by Dr. V. T, ,., I . . I L ­�_ - I-. ---,-. __ months determinate And a- further IA. ,goApett p"t..'04 r by.� Rincardlao, hp,� , are visiting ,Wl . 0 . , .r ,, ­ L . . - - - AU0tIOnQ — 'Mt" '6, 1dr,''Ar'd 'Uri, thro r at the event g qjUili. . " I I .. Ork; - 'Oetorminate. term of three xaj)lift, anti 6ht�­ 'TJ)I� �46ajdwi ' liiiiit - was hold In - `*'UdGddk% Yly liarth . e '�Ode Ili I I . . . . . I -v- I - _ .qh..t�j. ugl� dafilda; but'thq Apgtl' up north P L service. , . I _­­ . .., ___ . A -W. Ryall. . I I I 1. School At 10 a.m. r . . L . .: I L - . $.00r 1,0 L$10.00 I)AMY . Huckios and Getent to, sl�x. months de- the Zineardine town hall . did 'lot t011'Un thilt.00derich wou d be r . . I . i l, . PLEAL ESTAM AND: i�SiCRANCp, I "Up� -s I et , . under tlja, Miss Ando . . I I � ________� L. I . I r , 1. . L L . .--;--. . ­; j r .. I I . tinio, r While. I.e� terminate and 4X r Montbg judieternoinato.. auspices of the� Last Post Plaid: The and J�Vs - . rasa, of Guelph, and Mr. on the route, I . a '� . . I . _ . I L . - .1- . . L' _� REAL I � %TA .j� Earn part raing Geromette a p Tilcon (ace. .Miss Edna Mc.� . ' �� ��_ 'L I - I L ]BO.WLINC; L ", r L , I I.. I L . . L' 1,0114, ARMSTRONG r . . - Iso. .1caded ­gullty, on. a c*l%,COrtwRgAndllo,tga..Of.,.OAarI meakhm Iparlano). * - _13 1 . I � . A - "r . following big .b*y.. trades: - Garage � .4- Ire. visitors at the h6wo" Of L a-. A'YnELD ,SUMMER, r AND IUSMANCS, AGEZICY, work, weldints' barbierfat hak Charge Of having. liquor,,In 4, place other Of 00darlPh, who was formerly pt�sbelat., and Mrs, P. W, ,nunt, � . r HE .. 1. . Three 06derich,rinkg took. Part 14 tum.. . � '', L . ...� , I . ",,V"*,. A :rg' .r, . �0 � � ,� , , , dressing. Positions ol*n. 'Utot. than MA pt'VatQ resideace andL got a ed With the 1.11doro Widow" -and "Rose ,D L, tucku0tV tOurAala0nt O:a Thurallay thI3 .... . .. I � I r. StOwatt Pritchard Is oupoeted ,ft- SO . . . . _ ,r Visit *Uilt failed to briner home any PrL�6, . 'f". number of boute, and lots and nuttion free. 'Zinployment service and throe Marjo" companies As. well as other pro- GoderIch in a few day.9 o . & WOO . . , fax�j f sale lit ver,v low 1 from Coast to . CoasL Ap r MOAUU hidetelininate sontonge. on that ductions. Each ]lumber wa� to a a IX DETROITYACHTEN . Tilo, tutus wore P. Hunt witliz pvldhatu, I r , e ' . L . I L . " I . . 1, DOMNION SCOOOLS, 19 �� Undly 111). Is planning to :Q.v froor-gattic Creek I , , ,. W.. 'roranta. .. . ft" Count. The 'liquor , _1 It. Johnston and 1. D. Vaotnian; j 0 . � . _ in quorstioxi waz Plauded jund encores gonerously MCL, to* Goderich, �. _ Isk. - ... , . . L I . . . . L , '... - , I . I . . L L - - I . 1. W. AlZW,STROX0. ' L - L I � I . Were , Elizabeth. C'" Mo. . .ROUTHAT0.00I)ERICH llold,. With ,10,, )0rophog,' JM'.' =111.1�,r�. . I .. Box 89, Ooderich. . -found la a bay st�ack.-: ., I given. Mt, Meakins and Mrs; Zelolerj of "MisS6 ­­ . . #­_ , r .� " - th, r O,d,,J,h . nvo And litlatine L � .'', I ;;, I L - . I rlmt)(m, gave excellent numbers, t� A large .ddsol1r.0 po . r - . I ,I- ,., __ __ Improvements at Can and Colin McLean, of Xnnerklp, yacht out of notr Wer , I and W, Litt; and J, i�,, W With' U. . I. ,.� , . , — , . Mrs, Zeigler Is t)lo; obamplon lady drum- red ploAsUro *1100, V, T60Je ind Jat,1466r` . . . I . L . 1. .. . I .1 I r Collegiate Institute I . t'108 w4ck4lid visitors at .the home of 00doilch ha L .Olt and A ma4viedr, , ___(?�, � . . , . . . r ,,,t,,,,,,r ,,, th :06d L 'met of Amorrea. The - prc.�Iim I�YP,3r . P 14WOU. � L rbor, , maid g fort T-110re Wag & t4.)illoUt 1dUtJJ4flMA1M&'r ... r. . r __ . -rl...- �,__ -1- I , P ter __ __ � h-- - I I 1. ­ - � ­bpoaxac, JaZt-ja, rthe: Pri0ay-af L Z '71 t'j en .Vrad JIUat Woa . r I .. . , L . q I _'Mac __ ,__ .. _ . . - h" - - - I I W ;, .o, the - --- - -- � O� - odr,b,_Cwo-� 'o$*4ed_:WI�h_p1Pe- -011"htw­ 1610010".., . . A 46kno . . . .C.' . -14UMBE , 9 a 0 stltutd Vuliding -has bc6a-lfi, the 'r , le. , . LL .... . I I I - UAIGI,Er '� � . 'm 11 ------ - 10-,t -ifi decorators, r by Pipe Major W. ff. young, At* I ve , George Maevicar.'allazonr A ..r� CIVY f0o" Which nettled down on LakO. third prize, tile other p1s,yors. on Ills r .11 . . 1. L . . r . JEW9LLEP., r ., hands of the Mr. Warnock Cameron returned from M visit to 14m. rd'I.- HUFOA on PkIday ffloraln�. 15he rm- rink . .. I . . L , 'Bert ,�ojuiinod aild I�iria ei It. Jolinston'. acorao Qymords and , , r , Past four w6oks let. Dances by lJttlO'AxwLV'An and ja�. LRobla . L . I � and his statf, for the I Imes parents, Mr. and r=eued by two YOU41. bf) r . .. r , Y$, John r CUU. 11 . �L . THE SMALL STORE I , O', 0 Mrs, X. Dle&4 _ Wt them rinix taislig, put . . . I. lEstuate and 10SUrance . . . and the halls and",cla5srooms pr�seat a Will,thaln, . . 11111811101aer, of Clinton, 'to %,V. 1, � ��Oialjazler. �'O Rea word well xzocolved, A , at Ploradale, r . . 011M . . - . . . .� -Set . VION - Mr. and 1*4re. p,ro4r ratio, daughter ' ,On, Of t0nd0i), Whose families are saw. . . I WITH IrHt- kilo Stock . I %Ylth T. Pritchard, W. . . . . . very fine, cheery aad attractive appear. ni;= -by a string q0artoto comprised jean, , werjn� at )3a,Vflcjd, L Litt And L, YoUng. .. . � . I . RM d - . I r LL . .. r a' tint, gr . , � . .. - _,1�_______._ 1. . I . O%va and 86h, Clarence. all 'tile fornler. I . In tile local tourn�weats y. ,gaUadoxa r I - I 1. The toot.- too have Uteri - of, Mae McDonald, Clive Munro,,.Art goc .ban a skit? Which lie Was I . � . I — . . - 11 . . I 11 I ancp . thor - of Woodst f . . I . � I r'.. . . r, Ou3hIY Cleaned And they have boon treat- erS and Urn, g. Kearns,. Ock, 0011t the %eclt-dnd' with and Jack Jonlioton, Won first and Irow. I . . , k ... I I I - -­­ L.. r I.. demonstratinj to Ills Comp,inloa v�jlo had a . � (��, I . Ott with An espec Ily fine quality of oil This 4"rtotto Uk.r and Mrs. A& I , . I W. 1, I ­ I 'gave liuMber4 Idol; In f1161,15rd wo, 31rhie, Emt at. It lit mind to obtain. 4,sImIlar �Tb . � 4 ,140 and T. s% ­,)an second, W5 . . i1, , , I 1. . . a to Prevent soffing by well. Mis!5 jean',kreUt:6n. Lot gram as Mr. and I&S, Otwell A� Tozid end t�vro ctullIna alona out ,,,, one, ey 11riday Wld on Monday aeorC;o Gyrnono � I ., I . I r . Brussels, family, -of Toronto . nhora when , _3 . . - r . . r NOTICAVETO UN104MLOYBID. I fo`t1)`lCl1M`ax41l`n1:� A very substantial and contributed two 'fine Soprallor tolaS. , and Mr. and .Mrs, ,Ind ra, D. Croft were fir;,�t, . . . -MC31le had been Installed Zeigler inuddition to . A dtilmiaer, � linton, _-�� --.&__­�. . I "I - Capacious fire Mrs. UlItOn Stcel) ;and family, of . they heard tho dintrovi tignal of tile ' . r L. . In coxifoipity with'the re of 0 belzi- were visitors In tomi 'C , ., , quest the. F ederal ' On -the cast, wd of that bunding i4cing ta A el' tile past weelt yacht Which lia4 drifted too near thel Ladic��- OndMimeal Sweater Coat.5 and. . . r I I n &,* daneor.,of no Meap ability. and l4f.,andLMrs. Thm. , I nhore and ftarina that th(j,ir tVoUld Gtxj$':o PQlj3Vgx$ ,,I,,,I,,, a .0 to lair ptleo a� I . . . I I . authorities, 'it is desired to got at once accurae7ljft� , on Plot= street,, With the 101teal a 1110TO' dlspl%red her VeZatiliti, by doing a CIO,* r 13. 90154 Mattor I I . .1 -1 I . . to from tile P-q-rem4le Toolu 0 d TWO and Uhs Betty, returned to Pet tile roolts.WhIell. abound in that locality IJInD=T%, - . L I . L . I . I Or' had east, -anchor. The boy5 followe4 the I ------. I . . forination. In regard t n t1to thir d3llcc and '4 0cofth 6fice, Mr- MIX- bOrO on Caturday after spending tholt I-*------- ., . . I . . o nuemployment conditions ixf goor and from one ot tile cloakovoom, kiwo baritone n0lo delighted the and- vacation ith, . . I � . - this munidpality by means of registration. - : On the zecond Boor. Itho, width ,of the 101160. Ham ttovello, 0116310y'a lavorlto a, it, IOU w Mrs. RKY mothor, n1r,q, wilfid of tbeir whiotle And .elmo up; Officers and men Of tho Pe#J% ,rcaj;, . . It . 4 . ttairtvAy 13 9 feet 41a Inches on the comeglart, 1.143 O&O featured on t tIv. . alonagido. L , ment, onjoyed tile, rveel�-Cad in cat . ) Therefore, All, unemployed persons in Goderich he pro. k,jr. Ind Mrs. rr a� CamP 10tchlaalal. Oft OUnd. L Up a6 I L . I . . Clear. The tread and. vice ot the st,Ir 13, gr,aft, T110 ptwMtq of tile L . .Ahk .nrot7n of gala. Tho pilot was %mpletoly bofo3664 I alv MoThIbe, r , . -t , to their loeation, and r) � ae pm . ­­, are. requested -to register ai the Town Hall not later very CM 57 and Comfortable And the )'I'll- Yund was c.,qtlalnod b Col. RUCII Clark. 11111,"00, Melt.. are vicitina ,Zdr and Ura a5 ndvIz-vd'liY the IZICV. J. X It, tillis of aadorl�h condtt�� I - .11 1. . . ilied -and platforma 4tro Y , 0- W, 01301r, St. PatrIOM3 nt'*,;)t, Lit, baya.to pit into Day,fiold Harbor. 'hie td reMice at tho eamp, , 1. I . . I I I - . . -'s 'AS was followed bY a, P144 d m I -.*-1-_-_._,.**­� '.. ... than August 318t next ,,,, , V7144 arld'sat - TA 6 an guitar grown - yachM craw apparantly - Were not %wara I . . L , . . . . fNza. The fta mcape was ,coastruct , kluot by 11-15 fOrmO49' =3 aean Vivian, . r., i . Art Rogers, And Wra. 9. Kearns. of Goderloh., 1; that there was a IlAtbor. neater thati , I . I By order of by tile Domilsteol ft.,.of 1�on 0 Ill VALI nolbbborhood of $90,,V,,45 resilUd Mo�eg Ma;:Ifto A . . 0 . � . � * dc,'�rvo groat Pralta for tile excello for thc, ftifid, �nd, nogle, Ball, of Godorleb. Tllcy toolt tile ftyz on bo:�rd MO. Vdddlo and family wisl, t Iw% . I frjendJL and ne1g) () ft Auburn, have rotu- toWjaU tllolr nAllf Alorgr alld 'John Cun. lbR4 for t120 many klal . . ,,led horno _r i L 'at ITACM010ment Rel" 11) I*-- , after exprecApni ot symp3thy shot7a them In I � i . IftoVind lef Committee. Character t�nd warkmatlell Of ! 0 drug. _r i , . . 9 - I 'r. I I - � � - ­­ L "" L 1. ­ I.. I . I .. I. -1---...--. r � L- _11- ­ .. .. '' . I . bare. The (1, 0. 1. 903rd Aro to be cont. Go C. X 19B.011UNINO Mendlog tv week T.�Itlj their Atulto, Mrs. nin�llamo, WIM has been fre4uoatly out their bereavement throU311. tho. death of . ___r -, � . la�zdod oil tile Imptoitment"t "4, 1-17likillO and tft� Mbtlldcstorl, GloUees. with the, Whorm on and has beeome fa- I 1� I ..... . -1- ­­. .1 60d6f0h Colle)�Isifw Indituto will 2-10- fe'r Terraeo. U1111ar vilith tho havLar land tho waji�r a Moved limUmd ftad tattler, Ana, C301. � � .. . - ,—...._, , _­­ ­­ r '' ... I . —, vation %bleh has Wc:A done 9b ft oron on Tuesdo, c�pt. lot, at 9 =. U -411V nOv- J, R VOTd and Mr. A. M I I I J I L I , I I sebool, Tho resnit of tilo r MO. It, P. 4011a,,toa, fQx,41e,rl_7 p nitW alor lie whool ntbortcon for tllcllr fWaucint VLotts d=. F. . , I 1�1 � .. r 1 . MCP013tlng Alt Inteliftg d4dano are ,=Led. to tLt_ VVLqu poljoCk, T110 spent ,Lr�q daz ,g the dtoro toot- t - r . 11 IS MJ)8t pleMlhg afid tilo Mo fteillo L " , � A qt L I)VW,S St needed preicautid - WIlich, IloWovMb tV lend f�& ft$t day to make oasler the c�_ with Ut. And NIr he'r. slondara , cilia oteoling out Into docp w4ltr,., brought, Ifig Ub loag Illne:3. � ,a, t MOORPS G "' cop , 11. W6 caniz-Ation 6f 01". k , .0. a. IV. Itolwan ift WO vmwt ZAMY Into harbor V11pro It �W4 W014 to tA0 MIJ 01)V3�tnnity lip , IAMM .,. ANDAW hom rft&y nover 1mve ,to I* a". '00d(e4ch Ana Wth her, paronts at )Na!7. I 1�01"ne�4 UntIL tIlO f63 IONA LAW W MO thaalt ,Our al3UY kind fric,nds who a* . 11,110 ftlnelv:l�l will bo .At Iliq 1=6 ca :cold. bas rt-tumod to t1i day. . I . C0=6U0lY 0110=4 ftt UO2p duTIngL thl, ,,%ga door CA$*, of ,fr. Ab � ? V 1�10. We offer tile following in 1186d cars' at very attractive ' OVII& 'Withdat 11,ernlit Qlagei With BrithtWa Ro%d, 4� d 'It',, Aftl"a and ft"Jp, or I Thoro tras a ueag� Pardo Among tUo 111110:1 nild 11treavewc,xib 'of ozw, fath -r, L L priCO9.1 Offe'r HVIc 10, I �( , t k foue passenger Coupe, Otte Whippet Seda . stelae" Wring, , r 83Uth 8t., dolly, When, Ifg WoUtd U0 pje"� Londo, " V hle'N ard al-, � . , . one Pontiac Cdupe, two Clievrotet Coupes, and six model A It b 116t often tllgtf . � .4 gets da UO3rd as mo Mr, Joan W a, for , , driving ten at Od tor'Coliguit VVIth - I 4 Is ,, rtn f It woro htirt la3t vvc.ek.c,ad an Iromell Va-MM a tc th % d a v et r% ts it t th Po=dWg ,line f9iowed only sovei -C.t ot 0'atcndod And to? the many aral, fti- . 0IT voangt3t, Non, solls'na,v2d, wMI , buto, And wo wish a Cie Ono � Fords, Coupes, COMICS and Sport Coupe. Trade your pre.vilt twdve* wlle�. an hour b taued. Tecklm 'regat'ling the Various touret's glvt�2 150 1115 AT41VAPUMW3, J,fr. pad water and tho rock's plainly in elglo, t,gzo I driving but thtte May be tircurrmtsates tit# ftheol. Mrs. J. 1'. mt. no kindly, otltrcl t Car'll . Cat oil a-hy of these bAtter Md Cars ten it ft, At All events ws, Sft,er$, ft", for the 'Week. mt, Altkc,n %'Ja Ole- Inte boya 03me In for mucI4 pr&%40 ftz . SON and I - - ; ,3- ohd I I iabM penc no W" on gan buy I 118W of Xtettr, it chillrged with re *�Jells drIV. ... J. P. 1115MV, , D", -bb- litr6.-On, oundly to t:tko h1s 1)"t tnger$ s.nd- orbW and wtro rowamed I . - . I , terms to reli In;. 6 you k. UP101 Jot .[ thorouglily guaranteed p -pi ta battery , roll, us for $7, ­­­ ,*"A�­,, 1"t,111c"W. '' Y01109 $09 fiorA6 tgaill, r 102, thdr setvIcts. . �, �rl .5p, 109 and ftys she, wAs gota; eltly %t gmt ,�� L illd M t �----q)'­­­­ .. , . .�� - . , it regulay, r,eeMw Of tho womm,� COWtY CWk Ifolmll I VIOXN . I ! � I" .1 , I I 9 � ill i � � I I , 11 , , I I � , )I I , 'I I I i I . , �1 , � - I I . , I . Z- �________ _ I I �,_ . I 9 age' r rot - L Qu J -d:116,11 Unr � Id g I .. I I , M_ wbv _� at I q1a,!,,-C__. t thok I fielf DAUG IT", IN VIrMIN OW fflc6s OR 600drf .- I ill ' , . r3- 1101- CANADUN Go")KIN T -S -Aft :102'.-2n GA-tw1oll, en C,Atu",, Azt � sPeM. Mt bad just et out of a 1006 _ , ,T, firi and , om,meltrs, commssioxitas xo sr, Att,owN lub, to, mr. and mrs, uAt� stoy, az , Also get out new I ell SilVertown Ti tne min ,Md & vfsl� du Voltdgv ft 1, L "APAtal Attill1afy Will bo ,Wd In MO . Tubes,. W01 on io mghfty X6, 4 AM rrett anct f3l�,ephon &fAtyft And X ftinji 1. lat your next oil cliallge be supertest M C twe was 1)(Mrd 06M ef Cho ir,lbno 21broy M r",,, a datlawor mmald -nutll). 00 �a I 011. A tank ,o(8jipertest Gasoline, win inake you a constant oinifts *t tho rate, of thirty -&6 Aftldky. August 2491, tit 4 D.M. A ftdj 6f er"S"l, We5,, 0 Of WhOM lvtm itea , AI)p1leatlon . I . I tMent. mm j3e,Avims the"tht alit had Alt'"dollrel 'is requo � Cordo"led 13s, their *Ives, 1%6 mews, tte. V. it, s far spvolaltmew5 wilj% DIED .. . IL d'se f. . #Ink* ft 04 ft to tht hw,h"- Y &Ad %tu". I ,14�­ ­.. _,_....,.....­. ". . I ftfs'noft 'Are cmllip�s of fL16 Ito"Atr ,tl PAtmer. Narmdltn (joverninciat Wllftr.-M rU=U1q.L 'an V�,jl�% " �� of , ,%n � - I ,5wtal wz�ct!3, M�j ,O;aAl mind this Ws's th6r Ant ,VfAft to ame. C-­��,,IA,Tfcs on le's Vitz to, t, UM - ;, ed AlkAd of t1te t*r, N# tl* ftiver Of �, 26� t1k Trade - M,nr4L"_%1s1Rr to fkandlisvian AuqCW 140th., Vot%o_r� 'Y�� 11 I eL--- 11M e%er,mr, a Chrysler frOm r 'I &m. I za wlat�. E4, " - M T3_ftdAY. AUgWl, 94th &:U4 43th, ][,E. STEOELDAUERt Propri roM %litte vilth NW6 b-aic:,1 oz, A fol-,,�-Villtlh Vith VVItlell they yrere nr�vh dt'� d1Y 9, e8ffi �ear. � tor A-14 r5t, lft� tht CA? Ali-Oad OR be" was chftkg in g,114, or -ell 4, Sr4_-,1 Ar I " ,11 ­ ,� ,,d blat, Tr8b11!1, Thr -Y tere on it m3t,�,r tTIP j%!tj ttr�lald L'o addrMeel , MMMM-�Ift fjadtt-L�tf etl sat(id-il,f. I.I....1.11..:"�.,:,I,""il"'. .. 111.��, I I 1. I I 1! i. N:11. , ?%M, on it llnd thell f3 &V0!:1 0, 00�L,:)�, lat "NIMT.'s, , . to t" 14ond',--1 AW,al� 25th, Jf_Aeph W. rzzixei� S JAIA . I.. _ .— Iff"M I'LlUr 1,1,�_!Y ,.rt -,t to rn-tt"m GZILW_J�v C1 comt-wrct, Afty4krat ye". , 11 ,#, � I . I - ­ - � - _­ . - - _ - __ __ _ - -.,L-- - I . ..I&__�_ - i .- ___ — - — 4..-..-- _____... - - - — — . _J