HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-08-13, Page 8SPECIAL
Dinner and
Bridge Sets
51)We Midge Sets for
vice for six. Lovely
terns to &OM. Prized
niSse are special
. y c P Cea teeeee i n .:.a a Zeal 4 pa.:.y to i cF >; es Lar l da
1i. y 5-i;.t"z, t, .� w iD wi' 5►i' i laeseswil Ail tale family ."ea /some forfile fele
alta ire t handy aspectail, Ile waw tui' btatien, ata I -,T leseet,c.., DI.a J. -am Meati
et Clint., c.
Mw. • c fiaaault a b^,aek itla, wit
creara-3 of the L7 1tea, Land an elder' alma i;iecva 1aa peer 1aeattla fa: the g-.eaatet
for oltneet t meeservo Seas3. Ile was part of tlao euraree .taws eraurtteci from
to active ata Ca .cr[ay L► i e, t Teri: ar'.d Alexandra Maria° woe Gew.eea1 Hc.a 9
la u 4ee, 8s. o:wet 1:l e tee `-ti ag that � tea Goaerleh, where Ito tine eras a est
wean for ties eclat of,the e., tattea;ty, W s operatleaa for samosa/ of taasils. Al-
` -Inn i3 a eletltiet Fese to the. wh3io-'eitaugh In ca weeteo sal•eoualltten from a
eastaet. Elio Wider , feense ty Diane W. l�emknprhago failec ing. file p .. tletr It
ralis 'a. ,ala tette el.tt,^iatetee 11ir3. )Gd: 'ta ltelleval that 5tv is now on the road
tae�._a3, ease. Jean Walter. i^s$ 1 arltl to u'eitorerg,
Su'.la. lacca tae cy.a�satity of at larvae Detre t+ir, Jostle E. Young Ito been c;, Yie>
a IC c8 frlenda, what ludas, teed of hate.
M se ayar, Cara When wee a 'former
• 1,� ES £ iigt4D- ta, alae; near Port /fovea 'Itis reamed
to Yoraitera ttra bit* tFicea tiaY ' i • ut- from ,a very element visit: -watts. xor;;ler
: z;, Ansi athero ; lit FLtalts+ Wends In trust vleittaty. Sao was AZ
Miss aterjvx: Camnbetl t visiting her 2 ctattt.laslied ley Mt. and �1rs Jo1.4 fiatrA
xgwt, Afro. 1Z1theed Gia.sdiner, Asiaileld,
Mee,. Robt,,.RuehufAn 13 aDendtna a
.air 1iy4 watlt K�iuiaom 1trli9ids.
Mor. end Mrs. Alva aleDiwelt and chile
TemetapAY', a t't rsT 13th. i 33(
y, a iatail, wee it _'i t. ins of iil:A,
Minh? 7�4Ai:latcr Via. a geael
ration or i ewe.3�ri prese:lt, `roe afteee
nem vete *pent an. 4e:6Zi 4n;. Arrange•
melds were completed Ser treading the
Gineeal lauv.se Tial splits g aeralee-3 iTa
fit. Pau1'a Anglican church flit Strada).
:ieptewber flth, with r►ervicea .at 11 am,
mid at 7 p,m„ when the sector. Rev.
Win, ilAli, *ill conduct [loth eetv1ces,
e At the close of the meeting. da1eity re'
freeinuenta were Served by lite boa -tree.
The atteneanee at the wen—air ser
vitas at .the asit at Pot t leert (len-
til -mei to be good despite egg er 5teethe:.
The Harvest T1lanksgivir , services of
Quist ch le% Poet Albert, are to be
held tato Seralag, Await «aril, with tor -
Wee* at 11 aria anti at 7 stoma, net ego
of Main *mesio baling end afternoon tea tsaiaron; itis Beth A:4ett, t` ueknew., and
veal be held at Mrs Sylvestera cattege sitars Vent. Realm, rata lvomp ou ar
at Poet Alert on Prtio tlftern„ias, atom are eligible to enter thA ,1:trlabe3
August 21st. tela aetitloa a tate C'aradian Rational
Rev: Wear, :11311 eeturned on TdediaY E.alatbitanl , n63t1 :1111 baby '1:44:4•4° 1zot
frcm a visit with fxleitels.att ttraden. Marta 'who will 8oatllete at the Royal
A treat le in attire for resideltt3 of Winter Fair. Three of, the e, all but
Oe lerleh, Dungannon. Port Albert and Mates Yenta Burke, were meaubera of the
Dungannon eel—Wiling tlass. Miss Ptu-
elite . ;nets justcompleted' the CQ L'ktiop
class, .lig-:d 191 t iuddl ag frt
tale •t.of u, Nitron
r,autl�tottCouus, andles left atI3rtateee w ok end oandr
1VIU3tit0ul.ta fslaatd, where al* wUl con-
duct eoaebipg abates and afterwards
essiet In the wore; •ttit.$ohool fairs.
Rett. John polloek, Wlsdteeleixo11, tie.
maned the pulpit of Erst:itae Presbyter-
ian aura; very acceptably on Sunday,
%1a##daia• nlin ias6. Ayers �:... 34...z44Wve-nleade iii--C,01stialx.mork i '9"eaeellOgh.. oli?i11 11 -mf.-.; grin ae V10
Ma and MM.James Rfelea nney ani i YuHta and Is .. member of _.__ the is lame On turbo 11 •...,n bo the Mi
72-7.41. cf the late and
ceety NC) an the Gze Ha
%vas boa N3V. 16th, 1864, attended
No 3 public *shoal mid Marais Celle-
giMe, with than coureee at the 0, A, 0,,
•011elpli, Ile was a member of the
atiaitiaa Ilia Preseleateelan clench end
Doings at
alma of Pert DeVer, wile' Were Week:-gil
glirStS at her honey.
Vise Lisette davghter of Rey,
C. 0, and"adrs. Woo. of Ilertgannen
Melted ehurch, left last week to iksalline
Oren wore teedeabaro alatoro on Sun- her dutlea ae teacher In o school near
day. s nanbortori county,. School
Mr. anti aim. Stanley fillithorPe. condectea there duraus the month or
MeDowelt on. Sunday.
e eery holtdos are observed. Mies Xaine
CARLOW air. Grasp Melaanald, of Cadence. eaa eeere alum. 11 basin= cauesa
tau. Wane.
air. Veen% Clara returned home after
(auto iliontbe attendanee On. the 'tete
n. Young.
Rev. Colin Young, DD.. I.Vorento, L‘t-
istr., and Mrs. Ed, Ctittler and twO 0111.
.dren visited their Cousins, Mr. 0 A.
tataberteon end 'area. Ed. Vieher, over the
'and Mite Maud. lauesell. Ottawa. Motor -
The WaNsTr aux Shop
invites you
to inspect the newest ideas
for the smart Bridge prize
2114 gifts for every occasion.
Capita). Theatre Bldg.
leta, they will hive the prtylleee of
Warble an (Regain/tug man frOm Xnclat,
Sadhu Oahu Nelson, Caristanarela. who
will be the epeelel peeecher at St. Geor-
ge's Anglican church; 09derich, at the
cervice let 11 at Chalet church.
Port Albert, at 3,01) pen.„and at the sere
vlees at the beach at 7.15 Arm The.
Sutliff, who Le a graduate of iViadraa
UniveraitZ, peen one Of the greatest
spent osier Surteicee-teliethe home el the aeaeay at tAa hem ae aa., ante ma. pare ego ae, aesemeeetbe tasta carry. ' Rev. Colin saarapbell, Ids daughter,
friends. Mr. and Sire, 'ar. Campbell •
the tuneral of the late Mr. Ittalertek
IShe Wm. McDoatell visited' at Guelph wee/. mace, was held On Setardo
aenccoamonpaanoi;t1 04 hie return, Mime lie Was frent the Carlow lathed cleureb. •
Ma and Mee. Roa Stenehouse raid end um, Adam Johnston, or Ashitela,
eon. Douala visited on Sunday with la in bootee et wineitant. Where she
their 00frefrts. Mr. end Mrs. W. A. CAM' underwent an Operation tor • appendeci.-
a ond eaant a week with thet filecot IvIr• 41141 l‘•1113'' '1°°.-aelaug. ht" -"4.44/10". lowing the OPeration 33 Pneumonia. has
Mee. Tait Paulo and Ur. Oak. mon, Or raolluOn. ;Omen- on aunts t
Roe eifte•Otiodwill, of Auburn, preathe
eel to the Preebyterian emgregation on
Senday lest and wilt have charge not
the home ot the ladlas uncle, Mr. WM.:
Rev. Mr. and gra. WIrte Taylor and
OfindaY also. Ilve members are 'retina' ohildeen visited on moaday with Ntr. and
ter eaten tease two leave • ... Mre, Bert Taylor On their way to their
settle tidleg 14 a eaupe, had the Mr. Better, of Toronto, is here at pro-
miriortufte to fall alit when the door ent orerhatliing arid rbpairing the church
'peeled And- is/though ne bouea were, organ and Mano in the Sundo.y scheoi
brelto be neeteed brutee3 alid a bad roan, Ite Is also doing some other work
eh:141nd up sand WaS Confined to bed for / i
a few days, and WM Urea tO be
preeent ot tbe funeral et his brother,
Atalertels M, Youne, on Saturday, the
After many yeers of euftering and gra-,
aer41 Insane away' there passed awaY,
Pt tee perem or gr. leetteelele Yeung,
'Thresh/4a ie well" under way in the
district, and the grain Ls reperted te
yielding well. Some are threshing trope
the steak while meny are threttena
the barn to get room for storing the re-
mainder et the crop, The cutting le
practically .all thine in the , nelgabor-
David NIvina -eldest" Lon et Mr, and
urs, 'Wm. envies, of the ath eon. *street
nosh, her :deter, Mrs. Serve', of litteter; eraorltat.her, Thos. Culbert. The
fate home of .the formetee daughter, 1Vira. and DaVid Wes On the front of a load
a. Reward Carhpbell, Iast Iltursdase &Ilene the team of one of the netgb-
`,..easesseeeaaseaseeepaaseseate-esatieeeee-seeeseese—' them aed thea started to "run Devise
Just' exactly how it 'happened It' is not
knowet, but wben the koy was plotted up
' by Ids tattler .wao. was pitching Oa the
load, be Wag lying ea ails face, bis legs
and arma straight down, face was
terribly hurt. Ids' nose belite bruiSed al -
Most to a, 'pulp. Ills 'one eye wee also
,..sruiseti end his 'al:total:1er injured. The
local pardelan- war summoned end "viee
soon on the .scene ot the accident; eome
two ntilee ease, of Dungannon. After
reodering first aid, the doctor Molt hint
to Alexandra. Marine and General nos=
dressed, and he is how reportog to be
resting comfortably. The only thing
that saved the boy's lifec WAS the fad
that when the horses started, one seas
1 quicker than the other, and that mimed
the wheels of the wagon to °ramie so
that the front wbeel passed on gee side
of him while tile hind wheel pfsssed on
the other sele, Otherwise the leaded
wagon would hAve paesed Over hart
crieling hint to death, The boy, whiels
thirteen years or age, had aot .been feel -
Mg well the daY 'previous 'mid Mso that
Iforenoae. At dirmer time he fat smile
better and ate a booty dinner, It Is
believed that he probabty becente titer
Iagain,. *Melt caused him to fall over
• A special purchase of tra,vellers' samples
enables us to offer you a large. assortment
of dainty Voile Blouses, fast in color and
the smarteSt styles, sizes '84 to 48, at only,
The balance of our stock. Values .up to
$1.50 a pair. Button and slip-on styles.
Your choice, pair.. ,h 69c
During: the week -end we are offering. very
special prices on Linens, Blankets and Bed
Covers, 'fresh clean stock at prices that can-
not be beaten,
50 doz. Pure Linen, worked by hand, nice
size, dainty patterns.. EXcellentNalue, 6 for 98e,
ce our window displays of fine Linens and Woolens.
Save Your Coupons
COup ns are given with cash sales and vdeerri-
by us for valuable premiums.
Phone 56
While his hied 44 all terribly swolleto and
ejoteing7 Over the fact that he was not
his shoulder hurts him considerably he
himself, as wen tie. biq parents, is re -
fatally hurt, The outlier of tlie teem,
who atta$ bUilding the Rod, sUcceeded in
quieting the horses by. talking to them,
and getting them stopped after they hed
run across the field, tend before any
Iother damage was done. The lams had
been, earrted to the ground when tae
boy fell so the oweer olaS helpless. Da -
*yid is one Of a family, ot eta, three boys
and three girls, and has been wows*.
ui in passing Ids Entrance marairtation
this summer. Ins Parents are farmers.
hit toed Mrs. Robert Reid toad son,
and Uargarek Toroutoi. have returned to
Ulti.linaillideY Mantel- elehet'erteZatitatevklese•tort and
their reepeetive homes after Visiting tle
ladies' sister, Mrs. kiebn 14feWhinney, Mr.
two children, Doris mid 1tarl, were re-
cent visitors With the fortneee mother,
tits. Nellie talmettleton.
Dr. Arnold and leare. Yokes mid little
Ma. Robert, are spendirig a few -days in
Vororito, where they attended the wed-
ding of, Mm. Vokesi Mater.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tigert, of ,Plint,
have arrived at the /Wine Of the torritees
father. Mr. ,1no, Tigert, Where they
C• tl'he regultir ritO1.4111 Mt 1
When Its Drugs, onsu t o r, Dr ffffISt
Send your money .away and you get nothing .back but gOods.
Spend it at home and it will come 'Jack to you in a better town, better
stores, better schools, better churches and better social. advantages.
This week's bargains:.
SaiuMay only
Res. 250 for
5eidletz Powders, fresh and
114M fuli Weight box 25c.
Abbey's Mt sat, 3set Mc,
Eno Fruit Salt. —Mkt 98e
Lyfaies Health "S'rdt, large
Andrew's Liver salt 35r, 40e
V‘ampole's Milk of
Magnesia. . 110e
with 10 Shilan$
4 choice stock of Cut Flowers al.
?Pays on band ready for any oc-,
asion, such as Wedding Flowers,
al work, etc., on short notice,
a. a. mama* Phillip's Milk of Mag.
Toilet Paper, weight 7 ozs., two rolls for.. . —25e
Mandy (Mercurochrome) for cuts and blisters. — . .25e
Cbase's Mouth Wash, fl -oz. bottle, regular 50e,*for..........311c
Swart* Oaly
ar000lats leen
The Season's
Atoning Shoos
Sport Shoot
Vi hit* Viand Lipton
tot Us NiNlyTo*
2/. HERN
gellstie talethods, At. first he had but
one helper. Ilythie watt but so euccees-
tut b04 it been mid the work baa grown
tr, Snell an extent tbat he now. has
twentyesevea workers aesoeiated with
him. Basklea the large number who
tahrietian chorea. there are leigeereurt-
beta of secret believers who ere oedema
awing to live Christian line, 2 and, by
their proers and gilts, ate dieing *mulch,
fellowmen, Satilno Nelson is an MIA-
Mate- eOMPallion and frleuct. of Lord Ire
enjoys, the trlendeldp or .Mehatrne.
"Oandhi. Being well verged In 'the life
and thought of Ida hatlye •eountrla he lees
Ounplete- Understanding of the Zealot
mind and heart, whiCh it would. be al -
meet inipoSsible for a. foreigner te gain
even aeter re,strang In Ingle for men;
Years, The aadhu preemie a most pie-,
frook which reaches his feet. Prom his
foreign ;appearance one. would not ex-
pect to. hear the, faultless end talent
Erigilsh Well he epeees, 'Although We'
Ocineation was carried mit entitely le tae
and atceet woUld ate suggeetive or Ox-
ford or Cambridge He Is a forceful
anti contend* speaker. One his SYmPa.
of the religions aod vulture of the laud
of India, Inaadditfon to Itts•bureing zeal
:Ind entintereant for Jeeus Christ and Ille
qhurch Melte' hirieet real. aoever for goad
among, hia own petiole as well as ainong
411 who heve the .high prIvilege of bear-
ing •him in otherlands. While In Cade -
Rotel Sunset where he is •exPected to
arrive on Saturday...nfteenoon ea cone:
PanY with Rev. Wray Mil, teeter of St,
.01irist church; Pert Albert; who itt briag-
eatsforturtee never tante' singly: • At
least so thought Rabat Doldeon one
day recehtly, while drawing in -oats. lie
was engaged In bele:late a load on the
Seem when the Mazes gave a smitten
ot the load near Witch he was worklag.
The aronee of his fork etuck into the
theeaaridie, 'which WAS. standing •stratglet
up. The load was aaoue halt on at:the
time. And although le.rell from •this dis-
ge. up on the load mice more and com-
pleted building 'quite a large load. Wben
ready to etart ter. the been, his nothew,
whO sttem aSSLsting him, lase Mounted the
was assisting him, aiso Metanted. the
load, and as they 'Weee Making a turn
neer the toot of the hill, the lead Asset
oldest a fence.' The leases afoot still
and tae two men -extricated theraselveS
from. among tile sheaves 'which aitneit
covered them, and agate found them-
trerock let they did nnt fetish the idea
of putting on the load for the second
Petty Shields. doncession 2, .Ashfield,
had. the misfortime to lose a valuable
wOrkleerattavllide he turned out to pas -
tare on ale farm on' SatUrdaY night.
Vas berm Mipped , over ;the edge of a
ravine, sliding about ten feet to the hot -
tent of it. an; atteMPlifig to get on to
Its' feet again. It tolled into a- nem:ever
hole, nearly °nate Meek,' and, In its 'fran-
tic efforts to rextridete itself became ea
ealsaft3ted that, A wag dead Shea found
Viirco young 'Weineri who are visitors
Perienee recently while trying to, drive
their car up the lung steep. hill near
Bert liones' farM,oet the fourth tomes -
atom 'As the hill could not be made on
Idea gear, it Wee necessary to thin gears
Which. was' not done soon enough. and
the car stalled and,sterted to back dorm
the hill. Tt was theeked in its backward
course by the brake and ter° of the
Young women got out of the ear think -
Mg that they could assist to push it to
tho top of the hill, which they were un-.
able to do, and the ear darted to beck
down the hill. -The yoUng Jody at the
wheel then, jumped Out of the tar.
which continued 1M coltese atreight
sliced lel t proceeded. Then it let e
road end hatked around 6, telephone
pale. condos to it stendslill neer the
fence. The cm US little the Wane for
its worry ride, the fenders being wale'
whit dinged, , and one doer which In
their hurried exit the YOutig ladles heel
tailed to doer, was somewhat among,
is it .evidently attack the telephone pole.
Setae tamers at work neer the /scene of
Young bailee, who hied the car brought
'to the iterate toe repairs. As the yOung
ladles leered to atteript taking the car
up hill *gain one ot the young men asat,
lantly drove them to their destination.
The regular monthly meeting ot the
directors and Meter* tit the West Wawa.
mit Itutitin ?ire insurance Commit
ime"held in the company's °Mee to Dun.
(cannon. with a full attendanee. To ad.
)oat cloaca were dealt with. the amber
number being tot Mock killed by light.
Mg elites In Dittlearitiest On *WV tad
,natartaty tor the ltdgh" gide In the
I noon, Connie' NOON carepetitkirt.
They ire: Wee Margaret Mania, Otett.
Ur, and cites. Thompson, Lon-
don, have been visitors with Mrs.
Thompson's mentor, Mrs. Slizabeth
(Henn.. ann. with...her sister, Mrs. Z, J.
Ryan, Mr. leyag and other relativeS,
Mr. aed Mts. Carl Worsen and their
sons, Carl and Bert Worsen, Ooderlehe
were Sunday Visitors, with. Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, David caugheY. Amherst Islaad
has aeen Visiting with ter fridad, Miss
Sarah Polley has recently returned trots
• motor trip te the islatict, where she
formerly' taleht school. ,
Miss D. M. -Cornell, Toondon, has -been
a 'visitor with me. and Mrs. It J. Durnin.
Miss Olive Jefferson,, nurse-M-tratning
in Woodstock hospital. was a recent vlsi-
tor %vita Ulm Myrtle who enter-
tained a number of friends In honor of
her guest at a beach party at Beglea
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Alton end tiaueli-
ter,• Nam olive Alton, Lucknow; were
Sunder visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Mae. Alton,
alti„ visited with ivire And ears. tieerge
"Toward, Exeter. recently_
Mr. and Mts. 11, E. Willis, Deteolt,
joined their daughter, miss Beth Mania
and Mrs. Elizabeth Crowfor4 at their
Messrs. Alan Pentland and Lloyd FM.'
nigan were visitors with Detroit friends.
a Orr, of Trsrorzto, were guests on
Wednesday wIth their emit, Mrs. Rs
• c)annd Mrs. ThoS. Reed. and son,
motor oh Monday night and will spend,
come time. vlsitieg relatives in this dia.
Reed's. brother, Jacob Reed, and his sis-
ter Mrs; Thos. Anderson, of Ashdeld
Mrs. Thos. need eves formerly 1Vitss
Letitia Culbert daUghter ofi,the late OA.
Culbert. They report crop eonditions in
'the West' very poor.
Wilmer and Lawrence Cunninghani,
of Carlow, are guests at -the home of
their grandmother, ears, 0, C. Brown.
• aalae Matte Stotler, of SW Thomss,
o ral isfas. Dorothy Mitchell, of Detroit,
are gueste this week with their atttet,
that at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lVfax
Hoffman. of West Wawanosh, when
hesbatids, who were here for the Surf -
day school rettition of Dungannon Unfit -
ed church last tveek, spent a very plea-
sant time as her euests. The sisters
are: IStirs, E. 0,111ann (Ette Bowers), of
st. Tboznase Mrs. Perry (Edna Bowers)
of Toronto; Miti, Bowden (Matilde
era> of St. Tliontas. Mr. and Mrs. 0211.
ton Mann and little son, Of Windsor,
were also hatIthecraorite, Mrs. t. C, M n
faVorable comment has been heard of
her rendition of "The Other Wise Nfan,'"
Which she ,gesse at the Sunday evening
ifourvIvlocItvilatt triztneittIttd,„:,,,,,,,,,i,,,,t eotemee.
David Sproul, who has been ill at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. H. Wilson.
itioderich, is prokressing favorably,
ears. Spraul 13 still In Ooderleh with
Mo. Ellett Olutt and Mae Letitia
lateraley Weee Mete' on Sunday at the
home of the foresees daughter, Mrs, AS,
Miss Perry, or /40400, sister. of Rev.
in, r. Perm a tomer meter of St.
coned oft former acqualetabeet here tbis
Values !
Bigger than
ever for
Aug. 134445
Brunswick 50Troi"
Sardines L De
otpBkoi.scuits KEttoavs -1,0 4 -RINSO
Large 21c
Infant's Delight Soap, cakes... ......19e
Toilet Paper, 8 rolls...
Log Cabin Pears, 2
RICE pxo,
Soap Fla ken
19c SSuoraPprise- 14bil'es Krispies I 0
Quality TOrnatoes, 2'S Squat
Lealand SWeet Mixed .Pickles, 30 oz..
Crown Brand CO/all Syrup, 5‘iti. tin.
'Premium Tea
Free 59
Cup and Saucer e.
tins 25c
..2 tins 27c
Cake Flour
ins stables sprayed with White-waell
Mother Orestes' Worm Exterminator will
elear the stomach and Intestines and te-
.° Marvellous Fest Healing
cement work, moving and.$aoldng
UP buildings.
*Veal cement rand lime AlwAys on -
hind. Carload ju.st arrived.
We deliver either in town or
See Our Assortment of
Linen Tablecloths
Cottage Sets
&Aerie!' Beauty Shop
Finger Waves, 50c
Marcelling, 50c
wEsr ST,
Plans and Estimates
Nelson Ste Goderich
MONS 290
Verandah Chairs
improve. EGOS. MEAT, t4140111t.
elle 'Zest Of EverYthIng.
Invite you to caU ht and In-
Aped- tine dean wholesome stock.
IFIgidelee keielpeell fee Yore
Spres Grocery
See our selection of
Verandah, Lawn
and Deck -Chairs
*limn You Want Anything in I
call first at
Wit WW1 WI 11110I
,klirnitwee Deshler mid Rams**
Furniture Exchange
We positively Save you
Clearance of Summer . Millinery
Displaying hats of fashion—right materials and trimmings
that correetiy interpret the 193t summer mode, at greatly 1
reduced Prices for FRMAY and SATURDAY.'
. Rafted from PAO
itiv!on Se, Miss 'M. R, MacVicar