HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-08-13, Page 1Counter Check Books
The WAr h" AA& Wdcha 411*45"401"
it* #"y =AWCb&UU With eQ4=U1r Cb*Ct
w,�", V�,Uted tj "Ir orsder_at rwAou-
"to pmes�
Try Tile st3v V61th lour Next Order
-4k, "
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Artistic Announcements
'Pit Sw U prol*rw W ove spkw St.
V.tl'.�.134-j to PIAU111tig %Ukt 4'.1pKuting ASUA.
U�, 1);;4ae&i A1,r.VwweV;Wat c4fila "d
U�12ra of all "t*�
I xty Ti" Star Irse sirtialing t"t P�Sww I
� __._,___ - -_ . .
I - � __ ..W ms -01 WeI33 was called, Away by t 11% I% �
11 - __. I PEOPLE WE'KNOW , 13RIEF TOWN, TOPICS ala" shoulder corsagfo, of or�hi, t - � THE GODERICIR . .1 .
- -a-" 40� � .1
;, � - , I death of her ,lister-Aii-Uw. Xr,% Alber. Uo trafft, vfflcers are busy at,4 "Ulu- vaed.lattly 61ter tile cepti:)a the brid ONV I
, ; Mr. D. U Jones. of the 0. V. a. staff, i4ews of Milverton, , . and groom lett for Aft-3rcal. and fram),� � FLOWER ISH '411
. ; R08 OOMPRAH Of OR* 1113 on holidays. . AV$. MATIOW, Of Zondon, b 00111aing CTOU3 fine$ lor varloust Intracilons of the th= ,will tako Mo boxt tr. tho SA3. '! 1-1— ,-,�,� . .
* �i` " Sun Life #884TO It Miss btyri MeNivIii visited In Otrat- a gew wgckgg with be. nephew, ,Mr. 0, M, Z%w -are being tmpwd- .1 i A, wallrje�fully AnD display of. fisser4 �
. Uenay Cruise, For travellag the WW Or
� .1 � _.- - - . . I j�ecky, Quebeo St. T40 wi�r% ou the extetion 0 Are ware a smut talueur 0 brown nat crepe.
!.. .4 on Saturday. 1^, ta 140 6m,x In Nfacruy 1191 this TUTirs-
""Mus, 11111im.��Ts -Wt- ticar-t �,atL�j Ar Viday at tho %U114A
. , . W=. Jas. Wilson, ,of Toronto, Is i R�v. Dr. Wontzoraerg. wI!q a14 I=- Qacaj�e3 at the Masouto LuUlug aud 4 wlth badIce of banana. .q day and F flawa
I � ! tile Goderlea Collegiate is *%*ell wavalicel
... I � ..PROTECTION I Ing in town gt present. Ily. of MontrVaI,,,%T0 vWting at the bemal -
� Ca CO, 1 Mr. DQUSW WUW16 Of Toronto U of Mro. SM Bisset, MID now vius; at MO bospatal as ready short coattee, Thly pearl buttons were show Of the Goderlell Horticultural S�
. mcr &
�2 ' - Sun Life AsSuran itsca = the, elose,-Atting dcAublo collar CtC�'V, W- IleUty J- M00re, for ly '-
F� Tile ordinary Life Policy of the x1mum protectionand � IvIdthl." Won& In towr,� fQ7 ,the tout and the 41WO 4r4*X*_woTX ,e� % .
'i of Canada is all ideal combination of ma .. Mrs. D. V. oray. F.Ssex St., ana master and, the brick work for tile, two.story art, on the cUffs, whieu 6U=4 beneath ravraQntal treturer on, hormcult4i
. � . . I Mw Helen Strang Is home from New ran oray, Dave returlwa froul a weeL in the three.04tter siceves '01 tile coattee, posit -1014 wbletl to V%V0 Up ,to tokko e.a
�; safe investment ac uIred by small deposits. 1 YorIi,.:foi* I'Ler voeition, solarium W priptleally tompleted. . � . . . .
. q . . aawiton ona vicinity. . Her small xmiwm, Xuacrite lie. lwa:j 4n ze�rctaryshlp 09 the InternatAoug'I reaea
I �
�1. _. By laving polley'diVideuds on deposit Nvlth the compall). 1, I Mr. George ourre'll, of Toronto, -wo's 4 31r. ,u WO regret tla'ICAli Of WO Serious lit oardeti movement, is the -judge. 'Nq. ... I I �':
�. ai RumbAll, of Ottawa, was in uqs. of Mr. Richard rhalen. , Agnes model of brown felt and volvot. Mearo speaks oo Thuisday evening In. .
1 to acci,imulatp for his' benefit, 4 policYllolder not only. increases � v"AtOr In town last week, town on Fk1day. a g4o,4 with W. And aua she 'bad chosen, breswn Lid shoes ,
,* i 0 t also securos, . a - As 10 Zar- Ijarry Strickler, of Iftw York, Is Mrs. W. V. isauudetv.- . . Chief Wstletlawalto waS taken .With an with =kc,4kin. Her gloves and pursia M%eNCIF-1141 6a the anwc�tof ale in.
, his plot ction. bo' a investment for I ter years. . I , of I t roatlovm! ,PCae,0 Gardoo, the .14ex 0
1 , I , 114ving a short vacation lierk., . . attacL . aoute. Indigestion Wednesday Were., 0180 brown. on their X,ctU j, C I .
. � I . . . 1. '. , . � ' Mr. cad Mrs, J. Woor and Mr. Ord morning, but Is Improving nicely. laud,W,s. gaglo will reside. In * r W. , Ish such a garden s3a%:� 1 .
" . Constift,tis for p4ticulars and rates. . � Aug., W, Be. orahAms, New4ate ,St., is Mra, V, Moors Kine"Cune, spent Sunday ,doutreal. wbich Is to establ .
; . , . I I . I . . � � I vislUn,i- lrlwds'at CUtb#m. . With Zu. And Ms. Hender�jon, Clinton basebali team,talled to 811DW Both Attended Victoria Collev. Toronto. where Along the boluld-oxy between C=- I
. 11 � . I . Ir. �uc� Mrs. Victor Dean! 4" family, UP for the ball game acheduled for X.Prl- out 0 aft and the 'United stastes. The 111,33 .
I Re4dence 60 . . I Mrs. c4rrios, St.. was to London lost I town Guests Were: Mrs. M.
. ,
. I P110:103, I L I .: H. R. CONG, District Agent. ?� iwo�,, Pro visiting, In tom mek attending the Olftoa fatally to- �d.V .night 1�st. A Rama was, plkvvd. Halt% Mrs, A, ,3. Sockett, Mr. and Z�U% was Introduced at the Toronto convea-
, .
,eL " �� , Oftice 10 . I � mfii`�-�*= AU4eVg6Wi4"4tilall�4�4-1-01404;,��Kl' IM - _-1..11_._- however. tile ro30ars beat_1114' '�j S, - , tIon_efAUe.Vat1o,uaLAssOd&%IDA vf�QAzn, 7 _ � -,,,-,, ,
I � ,4niolLIl-ep;iugbUIL'-P�ar'L.:---. ,W , At
;; �'a11nV.V.-._"�_____L _A�ot' -1��-,.Qb;Arl�S,�,-Wftter-,iLft�-10%Vi(i--Ugle,i-] .3
7' of === 1 '71,1�1�,;:; � I � paffk� b la 4- ttlo�- �r I " . . - ,A- t�
, `
� ,
, ----P�
I I , A I - - - �=111� I . =��� ;_ , L " Mr- and 'Xr,s, Havold Rivers and son, AMID. Eagle, Mrs. 11 Sent =d Mls�s denem lit August, 1920, and the aS.Foel,
— .-?* �-��-,7��-���,-t-,�-,:,r�-��,-=;:t�.-��"-!��=.;;,-,--=:T-� �- _ ,
0 - I . miss The public pchool bNard visited tho, Jean Mo 0 low y % pea
_, - ' L . � . I . � 111. � I a 1�1%rcara. retux%pdlast wool; from Don. are spending their vacation at ral-�Dwq�lw I I. to , Allilan, 44 of Toronto, Mr. Aj3d tion, enthusl t , I ece t UP . re- . , I
. visit at Niagara 'Falls,And vicinity. tbelrco4tago atpol,t Albert. - Monday , afternoon
.1 . rommUs.'. Tile outside Cos.. of, at. pathavines,* �ii$ses project a4d. during the I
� I _�'. _,;t� I OWN TOPICS . Mr- 411, Brownloo is seriously Iii and Ulm, Margaret X coot sponsibIlity of fosterl0k IU4 r�marka!)I:� � ,
I � . ri 061 SALZ OR To RENT "M
, :. . I S, Vtank Murphy an(! Ulsa rabel
4 I �,-: T . ,00re,, of London, Is inspect The fu Intevve
'a !Ar,*, 1114 bl= t4ten aft One an -d this Ono 0
Ilarr r op I h, her la in bad condition and prices or .
v% U0, .lectrIO Rau'. ------- - - to Ids hom Cam
� " 1�70A ZA" ,bria, Road. Mrs. J., A. Ilobortson Ulm months IM erdl3ted'tho Antermt of in. .
.� , N� � - - .1 L I . .. . I. .. I . I I , spending three wee)W Vaco%loa,witl � : 0 bona .F.11,0`1111Z I
1 41 lirit Class COUditlov. Roason, Tailke, UV04 . WS8 Currie, of Torolito_ts visiting hot Parents, Mr. and Mrs� 0i. wooror, . 0.0cured, a lberoz Mr. - and urs. V, (). I �.Obe;i- 11tiOtl%I C39adtAW alltA PeOW� Of tU'l .
.1 ble, Apply Zox �!.kl, STAU Ovnos- . sister, Alm. VL W. Uy�, and,,1&. U$Oiu, Miss M, R. UaDvicar attw�a 4. for a now furnace.. Tlw other son Zklr� W. T. Morney, and No. j. V. S., who will serve us members of tha � .
11 ..a , . . While Lake.uUiou derlob showed e tho furnace %Vill LID repaired With thR expac. Jo��t International committee. The, garo"n �
I at 00 . ..
_L . . - tho; ZOss ,Pb,ylW Elder, Qf'1113501burg,'15 millinery openings in. Toronto this w . eek tattoo that It will Ir.t the wintoraut I . � I on, all of Go4erlob, will bo'o, striking I , I
. , pg ,SW,.. OR, To UZNT,Modor�- I an Inch bigbor during July U IA. jinio v1sitinj her graxidmotIxer, Mrs. It. Elder, and is visiting PO I I -_ _. _
. house on Xcays, St. Apply to 1p� it Is twouty-Ave inches lovmr th� it, � , int4 e43t, . . . I . . . r. 11 . I . . And bef,utitut SMUDI.
. I . . - Mrs, 0. A. Bloor and children,: of De� ,RD., C, U. Carrie 0 - I
- W---VVO;1S=, acay's St. - . . ,nd Mrs. -Carrie - . of a contury of peace between the Wa . .
. July, 19$Q, - and* t*eAty_eIStL,tr inolAw . . � . -
.'' . .. - . trolt, are, visiting Mr. and Mrs,HDuder" hox,e: returned to Jersey City, N.Y.. .Alter AMONG THR01URORES � OBITUARY couatrio. , .
" ul , . I I , . . OS follows . L ' ' .
�' , 0 ;Q. ! a son. . . I � . - speaftS holidays in,0oderleb. - 0QrvIces at� Victoria 0k, Volted church, I I $ohn 4. 11untser The prIzq w1unersaro . � .
. . . T F"4k4*x�e-Apartlkle�"ouutvietnoleoces, Ftirrr-t ltloiwooprA$ttb4s]olvetnhtpY�'oanvoer�frt'O�4er$j F level 'or -on Suad;7 next will be cond .
.. I A00r.. Modern . rom; . Call
. , ter"ICU15ston fo&� APPI,1� AM% F� 33. � Mrs., Ab & of 'Wqronto, . bas. bQe,4 , An% Alice. Nairn, vt Toronto. is, 4. uoted, by .'john.Janies Hunter, OUO.ot . udul% Xsehool ehildron)-Ulily Fell, . .
. . �� Inju tlqo 11rootedin$A.A.4jourma io� " � v1sift 1, � I $pea Rev, S. A. Pentland.. His so' the be. -t. lsq skeddi Tholoo. and., Nor% jruck�.' I � . . .
, go ,.,f'her parquts *cts will I I
, . . ,, Mr. 4nd Mo. J. W. Ing her holidays at the home of her ku weekly oows�ap - -
_ . I I * HIBBL, We. phoncy 367, -, . . . . . . I I . . � � � .. .be, it a,m,, *,The Supreme Test "-and own 0TWOU in 1114 Pro .Ord. Walter Tioliborne. Sm,amia laawdva, .
� I . 1. J �� , - � 11 Two Wooks. I . ! I I � . rrawn . . I � mother, Mrs. C� A,. Nairn. ... . . I
.yoR . $A= iolcots, for � I . at 7 P.M. 11001don Auto"* Ounday school vince,, a post orandMastor Of the Grand' Carl Bloomfield; Betty Cantwell, Rf*3 . .
. I .
I , �*�� .,__Strawborq, The head" of the 404tattOn, Of four MIsses Maude And 'Vitie LUXton, Of Mr, and Ura, Alex, HUme, of Ottawa, , Orange T400go In Ontario West,- and Bawra, 4th. . .
�� , *Sale, olm . I I , . . .
. , , I � U%ry* and Prerater I . . I atroit, are holidaying at their hame on t 19 0.14� - . Proullnen't in other frat , orual 4.3 well. as I
2 . , 1 � . 14 oil to, restrain D I and Mr.'Don Hione, Of Toronto, are a �
'� 4, lop,,d - pmbors.pf t,40, town jDOWA I .
" I Runner Plants, having well dove' o Xeays st, Tile � August oloeting Ot th.0 Basket (school ohildren)-Vora J404 .
- � ' Hiin- . the town eounen fro& y � . . Arthur .. I I Raymond Barker, � 2od; Vowlhi3 .
I . I . . Toot& 100 plaota -for $1,00�' A. . " � pure'luising six Mr. 0. U1, Dm$Qg, orgat v1sitbiff at the old, famiLy home fiere, Circle, Will be held - n municipal endeavors; died at. his home lct*. . � I
. ilst of Stb 0odorson, of Toronto, QX4 MOWRY evening .
I �, : FALV3� VAdo,n St. . .. _ laud.for cemetery purposes hai,been ad� � . Mr. Gordon X 011 Princess street, Xi"a.rd.100, �Tuesday, 1,3U.rko, ., 3rd; Maine . I I
, � . � .� 4 -Per two weeks* .. . . . . 10egrgo's, 6hurch; is visiting, in, Guelph ,�Idtoel ,It +.he rek,lepee of Wr *J 'P at 0 o'clock In It= phUroh lecture _ * :4, �t . � T�mmblay* ttoso . I I
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W.AXTZ.D.-L4dY,- I)oarders, or rOon*T§,
� - . ,
1, teq.bers or collegiate students '
prr,ferrW+�clpso to school, aod 0.4110,01.
Apr,ly to MRS, F. W. WHITE, 6011th' Sti �
. STOP.!!; To RvxT�On namiltoast� .
K , n , OW wupled by . .1. H. Jenner.
'Possession Sept. 18t,'1131. AWY ItO� J. 1
�W. cRAIOII�. Re31 Estate and InSUtanC9, I
� . 1 I -1 I
,.Von SALn or. =WHANOX.-Soven.
X . Is
. I I room� . bous.6 Olt 64. George, �
I Crezeent,� hot ,water heatinin hardwood -
noors. everything niodeto, Lmlgo lot"
double garage, . Will sacrifice,, and ,give,
"very.,easy ternis, or wouict exchange for.
small :eOttago.In,Go.der10h ot YJCIAItY� .
.vblbh .-could �JE4 'Used -lot surniter home,
V. SplulMil G,-� a e n S t., x1to'hener.
_�____ 6
- _;_==L��_ " � . � I I
� I
.. . � WAz1-4,A-hE0. I . � �
___,� ��--?----,�
WAI,TTp,D _.c.^lJe4_,Iatq I . students W
I I I 9_
r6amers, - Apply to- I ,vuli-i. N��
+-rowos wocl� st, ; , , � I.
" I I . .
I . I' � I
�.,.W,AN'�'*4P-77-�'400140r.4..s�.Ulaoix�s ,prqier�,.l
, , �
. ' ^k.'froni Collegiate � on
. red, one blo�
Waterloo St. - MRS. THOS. WAUIV 8 Is, �
. .
Ph I I I I
,one 61Q.: '- I . .
I 1; . 1. � 11,
.Bb,�gbsas , NvAlqmko.�-�Caft'-. accom-
r4oda4e ilorMaj School Oil Word -
ors In, Stratford, Aw in Oodertoli-109 ,
.while, Vor fixtevvieW address MRS. R, J.
I I .
CANTBL(R,T, Qe4erol. , DelivaY, , GOdP�
XIch,: , � - . . I .
- - I I . . , 1. I, I 11 I I 1- I �
. NTED.�-.Vw6 house-to-hougo .sales
� . . . men 1or Huton'CouAty, .will,., car
. I ared, for woh-4rade line household
01 ,
neMsities, t lot, artioles, home reinedies'. ,
rAberal cora pton.' 'PARK- LANZ 'Pi:0-
11 OTS, TEII, HandItba,.Ont.' ,,
22 � .
1, . . . I . .
. .
. --- _L�
. . .1. I ,
: ANTIQ-us , , -QuIttloarTIES And
P .
WMRMi . I . .." I
TJSPP ra , , m I 1. . . .: .
. .
We are'Instructed'by ' ' I., ". 1. I
� I Z�M, F, lit . J�� *
. to ,sell by. public auctiort- at his Ware
.1 .
Tootm, llamllt6a 1�t.,, Gtd6iich, on
% I -G�� tOth `
. SAT119W.V, XJ I
- I . al..4.30 O' lock � : � I
� . commencing re
.1 A!l the Contents of the place� consist.
I . .
.Ing In Part of: - . '! . 1.
.3 walnut settees, a walnut dining ox-
tenelon. tableW, 0 pak diWnE; ohm: , 2
what,IMOU; � elteks. 4 Oman tables, 2
Valnut; 3 walnut chests, 3 rookets" I
Walnut dres.ler afi& stand� 1 -walnut alde-
board; 2 cherry beds;. I ppring, 6 antique
ibeds; 2 music -stools) I organ, I -com-
woode chair, 3'heaters, 2 Coal Oil h0at-
_�or",-ben- * I-
. ,111 libtu;y table; 1-waldut�
. oou�h I
� ; 1 walnut :stand,., odd Chairs' 2
:old &adle,Z, mirrors; mahogafty tables;
$-tube radio,. glassware,; pictures;
Dealers; .gl= � cutiboard; coal oil' stove:
baby W6�gy; child's outters,� vacuum. ,
41eaner:- Candle stick$,,' brass 4ardinote:
bookst'lrot beds; pl"o��skfds; ballgifig
� !anip; old silver,, pla� - ,
IT; � 1"lool. In-
strm � Wt IC10. too nion.
- 9-00W.J.0 , 1�14-Aylvll 1 �i I _ I _. � � " .. . I 11.
TERMSi--Cash: . I . - � .
, T. dtwnny 4; soil,
11 � , * I Auctioneers.
, I .
e, - �
. I . . �
. � , , .
� 'A large humbor of houses. and . lots and
farms for 0416 at very low prices.*
. I . I See or write 11 �
; I 1� 7. W_ AUMSTROX6.
I .. 20% 89. 00dorich.
� . .
. 1. I . .11 ..
. -- ---- I
I . I � I
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RtalEstateandlosiorlace I
I I 0.
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. C. No NUMBER .
I Ipswr-LLeft I .
. . WITA 'THt *1fA4,1`0C:K
,;W�_ .
! . . o ' . . I � . I . . . nos mf Au Mont 4 Bowra 4th. - . . . - . . .
. I � . :.. . this w4ek. . .r . 11 . room. Mrs. Alo4io will 'Preside and 4 "44" 'u a `4 aiA & . . . . . . . ... .
trAttord Big Ance c4rniva , . .. lulmie, Corning up,wltu Ur. Don Ron% )y miss. He Was In big sIxty-fifth yor and fox, Agte`rs�-mra. winters, Wm ; . .
I � Mr, and Mrs,-�G, E, Hqlt, of ,Toronto, Xrq, Sh,eldon. Wa�Wlck, of Hamilton, Paper On Ohio% will be read I I - coats".J. . . . 1. I
-Thice fgsi I XACCO, Indian are spending the montl D 1. , 1. .. some time past had been a sufferer from T, Fell. . . I : . I . . ., . .
e . x of August, At' Is .vUltin, " diabetes and anaemlai J. AT, Hunter, as � .
harness . . g with her, moth.or, M r& rox, Donna Be . ' .. I : .
�DXIY. TUU-�-rltitli=$ In native Costume Odderich, . " . I . and he The Lou Young Poo. . u� - . .
, doil Conference . Collection , Cut I'lower. -A, Stou6w 1.
,rom 'Vijalpole'isle Reserve.. , M n L. -Knox left ,op. 9 slateri Miss, Soso Fox, West St. P10's Union of the Volted ChUiCh will, he was most f4millarly known through. � , . I . .. �
, $At" Mrs. Cathcart. and daughter, May, of . out tile Prov),100, particularly by.his. in,- houso. wo. wjnterri.'Mlssi noytiolds. I
a ' . t . Oalendula-�,U, storielmus% Goo� Uov- . . .
3 nd. The ( , ting In College avenua timaie, friends..Vas born In Brantford, ' i � � .. � . .
.Jay, Wednesday, August ura%y for Kingston and - other Points Dal Toronto, are visiting at. ,the hixaq ot Mr hold Its fall Mee ra, , . � . .,
. I . . .
9thj at,�.ls ,.staj�dard time. Reduced on holidays; � , ,� - . I * tTnited church, Woodstock, ,on October I . . I . . . I
' and Mr4, W, H, Wilson, near Dungan, . . and game to Xincordlue. twenty-six y ors. ,wm, . , .- .
dralmloo. 506s ,bloachers. �5es cars 25c. Mr. 0, C. Grabbse Is returning today to n'ij. , . I I .1 2nd gad Ard. Some ,350 drganizatiqns .oats 04WIM, 6 ox%ly-��Mrs., Wint t .
eat, I I . . I . . . ago, ;�herwho took over tile proprietor. Coats,: � _. � 1, . � , . .
,--. miss this'real tr I T4ronto after..a, visit of several weeks at M14- GIO. U01OWIs irlsiting Mi.. i will be repteiented. . .. . . . . . . . . I �. . .. . I
. .1. , . I I I I . . ind ship of tile Xancardine'Reportor, , Six , Mbllau, 3 only,mrs. Winters,. M. W� . . .
I Hotel. Siumet; r Mrs. J Henderson, 0altford, after spo:n Yoars:.ago. be.purobased tho , :- , .
9UoC"=f0I,In .go$!* I . ok 110 , 4� ! services at Bapttst churph, Sunday . I I
� �. . ,Mr.-Ja rAld, of.Twonto, Is spend� Ing � t ia wiliter ,IA- Detroit I ,and Wal I k . .0view 'a Kineartilue Knights J.-T.-Vell. -, . . . .1 I . 1. �
. �
I Misses . Mona ond Lucy 11ar I t1son have Ing his holl4ays with his m . tIOXt, Pastors. Rev. W, T. HUM, BIbI.e .p 0 Amalgamated tba .papers, Dablia, .0 , .
I I � other, , Mrs. Y1110. � - _ I r , ' * . � or- 4�hool 4 1% la.ni,, classes for all, 00s.. , . � no Only -Mrs. 1#111terif M. I . . .
been succehesful Ili .)� asing -their: rausieW or I I I . P. and four .years 496 ho %14o.vamc� Into. W. Knights WM. Coats", I 1. I �
. . I Miss Dorothy. MaCP44zean - of I Ownership of. the, Ripley Express, Mr, I I .
. . . . A Wilson H 0,10. St ,.I servloi at It a.m., subject, "God All . , 1 , I
; ' In Ali," or ' our -fold Coinfoiting Hunter at 44 time$ evinced a,4een In
,Ue&y q%a,mhi%tI6ns,, having received I "A' IF Gladiolus, 12 spik s_
.. . Mrs. J. W.'Uartln, Of- London, Is I VWt- Catharines, and buss Margujitt Logan, . . . _ Miss SW.AfA014 o t. w. : Vdward%
ionors,"14aster-Oordon also passed,his ing" At the houle � of M , �V, 8, Bowden. I . 1.
. 4 alld.A08'.. St. of Brussels,� are visiting MlAr, Margaret Truth," 7 p,m., gospel service, .subjects torest In the activities Of �he orang ' Glad . . �
Piano examination' with- hCAQV$. Con' 6�.GrgO ,I!rlCe I., . : _ . . �, .., _.� Hustdn. - ', .1 I � � . � is .'The Christlan's Poor.f.old :sbield.), A Order And rose to the ofll�o Gran 0 , tolun, 10 apikep-Miss Swoffiold,. 4, . I ., .
I . I . 0 , . Rl I
gratul*oosi � T�i6y are.. pUp#g of Pro- lqrs, r� R, " r d T� pell� : , - ;_ ! . .
_ I Redditt ,Isl the- guest of bfxpi' -W,ireir,t to, ,ear 1164rtY welcome to all the. services. Master of the Grand Lodge In OntarI6 � � . �. %
tetsor A. W.. Anderton,, of, C114tpn. - IsIrri 4 th fa a a �Of tho, IIInoss'of Mr, The , aeritl4es at knox - Ptesbytorl T,01'caldlolus,"S vlkej;�Xlw ill
I . . Ale.%. q,wan, 0, t eir cot. ge t D�O, . an Wost� ,He wag also: a member Of thes 1, 1. �. , old J. ' :
. . . , Fraser -at. Stratford. miss- Tainwe '00 , . SWA . I. I . ", , , , ... . .
octasCA444n dub , . � 11 �, , sie.,voy�'Point..., , , I church -on Sunday will be conducted � 136wra� I I . . 1. I : . . � . . I. I
� - - � .
I I I : I � -,_� . � . . . . CralgleF, fts cajle4..to� St . ratfor .1 d IT . uisday the gev..,. V . . Osborne, ., I by Mm6nlc.Order, tile Ocliffellows And the Pladiollua, � Z kod:_-Mra. J� 0. StQwarbo - - ..: 'a, '.1 I I I .
. The annual meeting of the 'Bighty- . � . ,roorning. . . I I I Of ' TiiQrnbUM V4rosters, In jutoilolpal ' offairs Mr, GOD. Vowra,:X T� l3dwards. I., . , I . . �
. I
I . I , . I 11 I � �. I . .
. � . .
Yosv�bw:!oiub wift: bg hold at, St, Pat-, able to proeiA the Concluding summuary Mr. -And Mrs. R.A,� McCarter, and Mr, %bbatli school, at 10 a.m. A congrega� Hunter also took kie -Intempt. , lie - Pink ... _ . .11 I .
I I 11 . _ . tional meeting for. the purpose of chQos- � a en .Gladiolus, 3 -W..'s, obwoeo o it'. , .� I I . .
rl*,A p "V � w4a a. former nxiym, of tha'tok�n; and . . .
ark on Thursday, Aug. 20ths* at PA". !� %' "s@f"%XPJP1,?g by C61,* Edwin S. and Wai�.AndrewMillet,;of Jarva. spefit , 1 12, . . �
npkjjjg�j� aj- Ile found ln�, a . I . �.
'Orse ri� minister Will be bold OA'TuesdD3� T. Edwards, Goo. Bowra, - . . � I I . 1, 1�
three osolock. In the afternoon. y �, Conditions the iweek�ond with, Mrs, a. i . Huston, ' . -served for Many years as cotoicillor and , Gladiolus, g Whit - , - .. - - :' .
. . . evening at 8-0b �Volock In the lecture . 0 - � cipal I . e-�4 ,it Fell Mi%
adiog�.. � thp,! lrfeighl�orhood of , eigj,ity , mhtl,�:- on.'_%. Ahree apgnths? visit, Prueft. '�- . . - or . ,-CIS(,.. I I I -11-1, 1. --.1 I—. "". ... I I �.. .. � -
* - ..� . 11. I.. � ,
- In. - . 'jh6 011�5t6h, ' ' ' ' ' " '' '' 4 1 CIPAT , eosi ut,-A-.11%oft . . 1. ewart, -van, 00als'." . I . . - - ' . .
. I a - ,- � - � . -- room of, . . � " , R . 1.
, vele , there, . I I � A, Of . . I . . .1
Y008 .. of age wlll,,_�l6o - bo� owe,' during which . beg tr0elled 6,000 miles, Mr.. teu,s, ,Joe Kelly, Boston, � I .1 , I . I . �ti 11 01 d Ifill' lie O- OlAdloW% 2 blot �. I L
. I I . N . �. .1 � . 4101 be r , ched-H. 11% Adw4r" .' , , . I
, zi . .
Thosor�deslring to aftj�A Will kindly Doti- 001, George has tTavell?,d VW.,Qxt0nAIVe- havo, rotumid home , after a Pleasant - � 11'.41 �CIXIEVEiwib WI.CO'DING- one � t e = I y-troasures of tu'D jhd..� Jag, Maq�vlftrl 3rd. I" , '. 11 - .:.... . : I I I -. I .
. I I different countrlos, vacatiO t6king with �4eni..Mrs, Oxed I I , Kin , r Inc ail . air . I I
fy, Dick, Black .at � the pogt-office an.0 ly, �aVlnj;,vWted 02 � . , A, , , ard After fifteen I I
. , , . - .g . Gladiolus. '2. yellow-MI04 awatileld" . :. .
cQnvoy ;�-,v ll,,Iie -,Provided, . . gle as a guest, . . .1, A weddiii . of much 1xiterest took place years of tervloe�, Ili addition t I
.; and be is'well fitted not only by his Wide oral, . . I
,i , ,� .� . . .. I . I o Carty, Uts, J. 0. Stewart. J. T, Fell' " . 1* I 1. . -
_40p , �
�. I � . . . ; .
., I
. ! - r1a . I Wcporle�ce In business and publie ,41fe , Dr, Frederic and Mrs. Egener, ,Miss on Z%tUrday 0*0moon, August Ist, At Inc on th� W3plapot business he 'WaS . .
I ' .. . tho� Old Stone church, 'Cleveland, Ohio, also.. presl no � . 01441010i, 2 . orao9cMIgs owatil6ld,, - . - . � '
S � Comin . but bphis tr%vols, during ,� I .1 .
Lots of V. �� . 6. . 9 which be has Kay Carpenter and W. Don 2goner, I .1 dent Of . .. . .
. . . r I �
,44. God.orlah " ' I 11 . . . not - 04 �When, Wauda.LOzekalski, Only daughter Of Telephoner 'Sy'ate , the BrU00 MUT11011131 M T. Edwards, Mrs. & 0, Stawart'. . .
� The Wm. PIW. . cypt the Morrow Steata- ,made -It a Point to"ObsorVe. and. Study St. CaPArines, aro Sue4s At- the. borne . sr m. ror one term he *.ws,3 Gladiolus, 1. spIko, , .. .� I
Merely sceriorY but also . , poo.pXes and of Mrs. Peter XaCrkWAn,.A Mr. and Mrs, .Czekalsi;l, ,was United In imnor,g nion open -W. s . I .
,, d with the.vreslde4ey of the Con. Bowden, . M141 - swafflold., H, T, vtiw�ris* , . . 1. . .
shlp_ .q;6.*., Unloaded wo,090 � bushels � of their ouitonis And civilizations,. for the, Mr. Leslie.Evans, of Galt, g,cconipan- rnatrIniony ^to ;�iniam]3. 0auley, eldest adlaft. , 1;owgpaoor Assoclati , . � . . � . .
� , .
I .
. I . . .
whoW from. Chicago ,;it' the Godertch . son, ovur..drid Ars, Wililarn Gaulei, Oi I Weekly oil House Plants.�- 9 only�doo. Bowr4" a �
task he S06 hiniself, namely that Of so- led�by:Mr. Lon Wicken, spent q,vieHoll- He �V`As 0, ifigniber of the Oolj�d Church Mrs. J.- 0. Stewart" V, Barker, � 1. I ,. .'' 1. . .
dlovator 1his, week, clearing Tuesday.� earin& ,a first -h I " Goderich, Ontarlo, The Ceremony was, anc Urvivinq Win are. his - .Ho L I .
. and and honest picture day With the f4rinees mother, Mrs. J. perfornie I .1 a Liberal, 8 use pla-n% 'in bloom -.000" Goul I . . .
And the Joba, Anddri6n of, the. same line ,of d ,by Rev.' X1411r, On entering Widow PeatrIce Hunter; on& sister, Miss I 4. I . , ... . � .
- Rustlan,donditiong. Col. George ,has A,. Harrison, Vigtorlo.st ,� � I . .
arrived Tuesday night with .180,060 ba- been a friend .of Mt. George Lalthwalte's . Ms% �p f,eni L . Mrs, I .
Maty ClarkD Is , 0�4., the, sanctuary, the bride , was given awiy, - Vu ' Gordon, Geo, Zo%#ra, I . 1.
, I . � . . natter, who made her hotne with hint; I , , , �, :
O,h.to,,;40i.Ai,4,00,.,,*tt�"",-"i,t;,hi6u,g6, silearlog to by bar $other., she was gowned . . House Plant, foligg .
� -, r the,past 25. Years and, It is through for the woek4n& Visiting Mlss� gign' , in white and one - brot�er, , Tho . - 0--bL, W. , Knight, t . . I I
wodu�ia�j.� � The di�ei�'of' th e. mass of Brandon, p, Bar.kor, . I � . . � I � I
. 11 . I Rev. M F., � satin, with, a- -flowing veil of 81* tUiloo N .. . . � I . .1 .
� e Pickard- Mr. Lalthwait& we 4re.�Able to present I . :and Mrs., Clarke brou ht )i , . i4n. _ . ... . I � . I . I � . . �
. . . .
Uattlatows line unloaded 30%009 bughols * 1. . . I . 9. Tr trimmod with _Orangb blossoms, -HtrL, : : I . � .. �. .. . . .., Larkspur,_Wm, .00ats. Mrs., Winters, , . I : I . I
our'readers with this V*ery Interesting UP on their Way t6 Bruce Beach. . . . �-,. 0 � , I � I
of wheat,,. also .from Ohlcasq,..and The article. � I . . . �. . . Mr. and Uts. U X. Green � - bouqdet was a shbviir Of roses, -and My— ' � . H.Tz,Edwards� . . - I -
I , I ,, .Tor , to ' ' . . i � L . .. ,. I
MoInto4h of the Wilson Transit line Is . .. . I . � 4 � 1: '' , . . � , OP , of the, v4lloy. sho.was attended by Mra, 'BARHU JO , LSON.. . Marlgold.Win. Ocaia, jirs..� mo� , . .1
. I .1 1. . . . Dr� and Mrs. BOWIqs, Orangeville, ai 1; I . . - an,i-Mrs. Wintcro. I I . � . .
thi. latest. arriVal,'dito to_'61ear on :Friday. . L '. : - - J. . I � . Edward B, �Oratgkl, matron of honor, .. i � , . . I . , 7 , I . .
oij'Tuegday the Getstge R., Donovan � un- . I N= .�PHQoL rEUNION I , Lynn, Gordon, ,of .Kamloops,, B4O1r gowned, In. a rose beige chiffort dr* , I . 0111 I., ANDA - sasturtilfinc—Mr& mactwah, MO. � � ,� �
About One hundred, former pupils oZ were , Visitqrs In 00derleh this week.; � , . . I I . I . . . . . . . .. . I . ' : 1. . .
loaded 101,600 busbels'df wheat fror4 . . trim, vied with lace with slippers I , . .. I Tremblay, Mrs. L. Salkold; . . .
'Fort., *111laift. ,at � the - 11�Vostero . Canada Nile. school, v�it:l**-tl�eir'.friendsi.,ixitt at Ur. and Mrs, Jacobs, managers. of the to matola . , , I . .
I . 4nd parried a bboqiiet of plak rose,-,' To. Sp�alr In at.'Gcorrels chutoll alid at phlox -t -Miss L,,03lk0ld,-MtG_,l3oyC . I
I � .1 . I . I . - I - 4s ., . . �
. . . 11 . . s, flarbor Park On satorfty.,aftoriaoon for County Uome,.011fiton, were A � rork:Albert $uhday Xo*t . F.: Barhor, . . � . . I I I
-Mour Mill$ 'elevator, I I . . "'to"" on M1.0 .XreneL Cgachorgikl' bridesmaids wa:3 I . . I I
. � . 1. . . ,heir annual plenici The splendid. faci- Tuesday With their,old fTlend,R,: Mr. and ; —_ . . . � 1, , I .
. t I . . . gowned In. green satl� With. slipp6rs to I Pansies--Ooo. 116fta, birs, U Salkeld, I � I .
F=7nk,.Riley to, tlackwell I lftle4 -of Harbor. Park. were thoroughly Mrs. T. M. Johnston, Huron Road, match and catrlbd deep pinit roses, The i Citizens. of�Oodorlch will, have an op. Mrs. Boyce. � .� . . 11 .
tor, vi&'ix Riley left us, TyrondAy to appy,oclated, the plaildron. ,enjoyina the Mr. Ernest Le& left the"fo . portunity next Sunday roorAlno at.11-.00 .. � . .
� . report of the bridegroom 'was agsIst6d by Edward B, . petunias, slngW-ni stonehouge, F. !" . . . � . . I
t o whi .tile, older people k on his m Z Din and beaflng.000'.of tile Aarkoj, Mrs, Boyee,. � , � I
a 11*6-inontju position as tornpor- swIn.os"and tmeter, le Wee. , -return tb 'Toronto .after Oranski and Elvin Smith,' of *Cleveland. a" ' of a 9 . I I . . . .. 1. . . I . .
ary agent tit Blackwell, hit position here Indulged, In reminfseencee to thoir hearts' Spending a fortnight here. . He, exoeots. . Outstanding native leaders. in 0 . . . .
� I I . . . . � � the Coming wieek, - I : A�ro. Victor Czajka, baritone, gangs . hristlan Rose$, 12-M. Reid, 0. L-althwatto. '. . . . . .� . .
as. ae.-prid 0,pqrator With thq 0. �X. A. content. . . . . . to be up for end, - 10va YOU Truly" and "Oh' Prolhise "� work 1A Xndlu when Sadlow John Xelg6n nmeog'. 4-mrs, Sillibo X� Rdld, gre, . . . I , I
havink, been abolished, Before leaving Two Of -.11080 who' had attended the Miss Laura'Farrow_ of' Toronto, has MCI",. Christanando, 'will preach at at. 06rao'o b .. I I I . I I . .
Frank Asked the editor of this paper to reunion on fornier becasions have passed joined lier sister. Miss. Ethel parroW accompanied by' Mrs. Sykoia, at the or-;' church, The sadliti John Nelson Chris, OyCe. . - I 11 I . ... I .. I . I . . I
I 'a 4 �glft, Friends of the gr6om. took moving Roses, 1-1 T. Fell, Wro'. Coats , . Go,*. " . , .. � .
convey to the%peopla� of 06derich his on� e, and. they 4re holidaying hore, tananda Is a graduate of Madras Vol- nowra, � � . I . . . .
. Mrs. Thomas- EllIoUp of Nile, and her . for pictures of the bridal P698681oft. After � . . .1 . I I
time, residing In th old faml . . I .
thanks for the many 'expressions 07f inspector .1. A.' Tom. These friends e .1 ly home. the ceremony a dinner was served tit the Vifulty, and a .member -of one of, the Snapdragon-mi'm k, Saults, oeo. , , . .
good I will and reluctance ,at his 'depart�. were missed at the ,plonto this year. Mr. and Mr. Harry Wallace, of Wount I highest castes In India. some years ago Zowra, V. Barker. � ; - . .
ure Which he bias iet,11104- I He, promises Aniong.'those from distant points were Forest, and Mr. afid Mrs; Iran and Mr. lome, of the bride's parents, about 110 he Set 11IM011 'the task Of C'-�'rY!ZZ 011 ScabI03-MrS.. Wint' I .� I � �� , .. . , .
L . guests being present, Tho, guests were, . era.* Win, doto, * . , I.. . , .
to try and look after ,his radio customers Mrs. F. OreightOn (Laura Kirke) And Wallace Iran, of Grand -Valley, were I I lnle�,104aiy Work among the Memberg'a V. Barker,. I . � I . .,
and keep in touch with hlmt�x friends hot three children, of bitrolt, Mr.. Week -end guests of Vol. aritt tecolved ,by the bride's mother and I I . . . . . . �
__ . . I - I Mrs, ff. 0. � Uth6r, -mid t tho�_V94e:r_C4P104_VhQ_mId_ not 6rdim- - salpigiogais-Mlu I sW4ffleK___4_.._T_� � I �
I.L .- - -_ "rid0groonalt.�Ihother.- arfly be reached bY. evangelistic methods, Poll, Mt. 8 . a 0 i . . . , .
by. spending week -;ends and A Week In 1,eondrd Dunkeld, 01 FOW1010, MICA.; &,.. � .. I � . I Guests were Pr . eatot -at the w4ddi I 1, .
Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Macdonalli. � , ng from , , , . ' . 1 .
Septembir with us, and hopW to be ba6i Mr, T. Carter, .of Clintgn, Mr. atid . I Gibbs, Of God.rich, Obt.,. Detroit,. Woly., and starting out vylth one h0pot, bonoW has stockr�F. sarke , . .
. r 0asirb, , , r, Urs,Winters, Gem .:�,
. . . .
here Permanently before Christmao. And OW Kirke, , of Soaforth; . Mr. and Non, 'Were Xegistered. at:the oode. ttllentY-�CVen � assistants, , showing.' the stswra": . , . I I . �
ll c a and Mis. Wnt. ,Lydn, 'of Londesboro; Miss rich municipal 'Motor Camp- Friday Pittsburgh, Pa. Later the hippyi,couple otlan " . . I ; . . . . ,� I .
I 104 for a honeymoon trip to. doderich, I er, Mrs. Winters, *1
. Mr ' growth of Chrl work. In his land. , Sweet Pea& -t -P.. Bark, .
Inalle Arrangements to - kg�ep their large . Igabelle Scott and Miss Young; of Lon- . 0 The Sadhu 'is an Intim.ato fri4od- OtL lord ....
usual . night last. qjbbs Is a f�rni r, pr-�, . I . .1
Ist, Of XTIOX dhiireh,,Wrg .� ,.Ontarlos, -aijeomponic&�_by, the- groorn's, 00,4041d. . - , . I I
. desboro; Mr, and -Mrs. 1) Cook, of ciio-m goo - � ,,; I � . . . . I � . .
r adio family, happy. .. I I . . I . 'niothe'r. "They �were joined', by . the I the Mr,wer Viceroy of Indias'and Verbetlas-F. Barker, Mrs. - MdcEWan, . . . .11 . .
I . . �
. . . -ay Carpenter � the frlondshl� of Maliatma,Gand- jj-, T, Ed"jar , � . . I
. I . * . I . . ton. - . � L .13on Xgenor dnd X e�r1livol,31r; . dZ . . . . � . .
I . . . .
The Ahmeek. Urldgt . � - . , of groorW.9 sister, kara, -GaUlehy, and Wirs, Ill. . . . . 1. 0 �
I . . . Two teaellers of .previous -years, 1MI.s.9 St, Catharines, Made a trlp3by plane ,to Edward B. Oftnoki, of Cleveland. go has a Men Understanditior of tit Zlnnis, r, -Ir, T, rdwards, Mrs. Mac;. � . I
. The gardea party and IVIdIP under r. sequ, of tondesboro, and Mrs, J. 00410rich last Tbursday, Don. CIA life and thought Of big native land, one .
. , ,kotUrned-, their return they will fake Up to d. jo van, - I .. .
, �
tli6.-- hUspicog -cit' Ithel- Ahmeek --Chapter, Hetherington; jat abderich, were Present the,=010- day, taking -as ... � 4tywluer In I Ole . veland .. . _ glidente Yet spoak6 With a beautitut Oxfod Be. _ k I -.Oco.- C110 . ulld.. I ... 11 � . . __. . - � - - . .1 .1 .
L O. D X, held -on VrIday afternoon and ,enjoyed meeting the pupils of other his.uriale, Mr. Peter MMEI�an. where� the bridegroom Cents though Oducated In Xndla. In - V000 44Y Ijalvel'-R. Stonoholl�a, . . . .
' - I . Mrs. Russell . holds a Position with the Brotherhood .Con- A' h. JOIfes-llatemao, Mrs, L, Salkeld, .
last w&; a good success, with thirtp, days. , . I . VArrOW, of Walkervillo, of Locomotive Enginper 33!dg, I trUst, to his fluent and faultlo*s English I re
__ tables t4king part Ili auc- After s'upper the Company was Called who, with 12b*r Children, Is bummorIng at . .. * .. h a donso 13 114gkot any flowera,_Mtsp 15waftiold, IL � .
and 'eontraFt bridge. The beautiful to- ,order by Mr. William na - who Bruce,Beach, was in Goderjoh On sun. .:� .18A � .. i black: beard and attl arker, 9, R . . . I . . . . .
61�i. . q i X I he is A -pleturet,quo filure, Wit . . eld.. " . I
grounds. of the late. Aloi.' S%VnAers, spoke A few W ds . I )to . diatt d4.v 13CLI1119, M4,and M . GIX-LOVIV811ft red In 9. long orange
. or. of API . � " 1 �,�_ . I., lored habit readlihin !o, the feet. lie cut 1?16M.,k�Ut,4. L, balkel&. Mrs. : I .
I I . I L .
as decided t'�'� By 4 other friends 11 a Is a man of burning onthm1aam and SylIJb- � . . . .
Where the ovent'was hold, made a lovely a unanimous voic 'it W ��O hold UW -6 Varr6w an ra. R. W.'Reld".the Centenary t1silted chure' ,- H'iAlleon, I DO
getthig for tfiF�"iniitea scene. Mrs. the plonle; neit j�oar and the following W. and-Mro. 40ameroA and . family wa,; the setting for a charming. n1ld- conviction for Christ and .His church, Best spitte of Gladlolim-W. S. Bow- I . .
Douglas Browii, the, Or6sldeot, received Committee I.vas appohited. Mrs, Nellie 11390 returned to Toronto otter vigitini summer Wadding Monday at 3.36 O'clock; t and St. -Goorge0a congregation Will U11. do". . I . . . I I
, .
I �
the guests and she -and- Mm, Williams mofta;, mr, Charles Elliott, gr&j D, at the home of Mrs. Comeron's parents When Dorothy Janet, -only daughter of doubtedly be Inspired by bla' appreciation ' t1ra, Winters Ia the Winner. of the oll- . . . . .
(litat vice presidetit) Were in. charge, 61 UcGratton, Ura, Sandy Young and Mr, Mr. and Mrs. nra4tord, They wet, Via'.' Mr. and Mrs. M. If. LouAobury, became d the Clivigtian religion The ruasahu ver cup donatsod'by tho.Verberb. Water$ - � . .
the tea table, Mrs. Costello, ivas the Isaac Ourroy, I . - . I . . OOMPanled by Ukt, Helen MACEWan, .the Pride of Mr. Preder1rk Campbell wIll, nioet it,We i�ho wil to Meet ,him 00 ,Toronto, for the greatest AaMbor of . 1. .
winner �of thor prize for c6fttrAbl; bridge A Circle Wal formed and "Auld Lang .Who is visiting IA Toronto. ]Agle, -eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, V, 6. and coliverae wlth'hlm a ter the �orvlce, 00in#W. 3 beft allowed tot, a firot pi" . .�. I I .
. . MIS$ Helen ZaVltg, Who hag been a 10
and Mrs. Warren,, of Windsor, of the 'Syne" and The National Anthem. Were . 'agle. L The Der emoby V144 conducted In 6nd TeCOIVO al T . I .
Prize for auction bridge, while ,Mrs. sung CI I guest of Mr. and Mrs, O..L, Button at' tho proonce o ha"110 DC410 2 for a 4ccond and I for a, thlrd.', ML#i3 ' I .,
. . f the Immediate tamillej desire to, give lit 'aid of 106 ivork, (W he is 'Swaff101d WW the runner up, ., * .1
Paedelit of "WIftipeg, Was the sfteess'- Very bwaipthplf'v,ie,gvoejrii.bringtntr 'it*. a Low a their bummer home , Windermere, - UU k., by Rov. U. .0. Dod9son, wqslAed by Rev. I comina throdgh tho. Dlodboo w, $th the, � . I . .
. IS OPending _.���. .
ful, one Ili a draw, for it beautiful lace . I " ar furih�'r two Weeks,tit Moon J. 0. wililan, of Baltimore, cousin of the'Archblihop,z approval, In the afternoon' . �, I I
nearf. Mrs. W. Xaftel, Ms. Dublopi Wor,mm's 114STITlUTS EN$oy River. San Souel Bay, the guest. Of ULM groom. Tall UEkndards of gladioli " "OrlenVl and 1,Suporgilkto heavy cW- . . ':
In at 3,00 P,M. he Will preaelt at Port Al- "Conulne GronadInOt Silk Holo.
-Mrs. Macklin, Mrs. Herald, Mrs. Pholan, PICNIC AT SALTP,040 119iGHWs P-1thor brelthatipt, of Kitchener. tawny. shades flanked .the. altar, WhIch. bort aild in the evening at 1.80 p.m, hel fell.
1. I I
and.Mla Belle MacVlear were, the cont- Tho member4 Of the GodPrich. branch IVES Martino, Husloy is * away or, a was blnIC04 with Palms, ferns and Dum- i w 131, preach at �a 46rVico hold, on the beac I The hos-a that' Ovea"you the best op,. i
ftdttte In Charge, of the function, . of the Wonioles Institute were entertabi. woeklq boat trip UP tho.lakea, aoina to met flowers. T110 Y61111C bride, who Wo.-Ut I�OA'Albvrt. 24o one should mls!% h, prarance una the itI63 vmar for your . . I
ed, mO!A delightfully by the, president, 041`1113, on Saturday tos take the'Roronle 1* I
. - .' ,lVen In marriage by- her father, wag Opportunity, of hoarinC this i money. Sold cle UsIvoly a& 1111301%%10, . I I t I
,q0tonet oeof9c *t' ltu�$U' - " ' MM. '*ord6o Bisset, - at her' home on there. She - was' Accompanied 'by he OUch an IMPDr-' � . - �
Tho'Star I-, P10sed this W061c to bo ,1SAItford Reight', on Thursd4y ,after. fd1her,,Mr.% ,r plCtUiecqUe In the quaint, Old-fashioned taut and hilluentlat religious leader from', . . ___04___�_ . . I .
,.= I '701111' UUVOY. who Vialt d'at gown that had been Worn by hot, Mother one". of our foreign nifsZlon I , . I CAU10 Olr� T114041ts
=4f��_,. _- .'ptt", ��:��,- _., � . __ e I I firlds. � �
. ____ 'loon of last week- The 'bc3utltul the' Sault 'And has' 411109 returned to at' hot Own Wedding, Of 'Victorian Ift-1 I N_ , . � I i - The family of the late Mvs, . I � I , I , I
� d
I. I
� , . OrOU110 WINI the shady old trees Wer* a to". sPIratlOt), It W05 fasIllone-d of Ivofy crepe.. I wish to exprec-5 tht,ir olneo 0 apprce t1on
LOST AND PbUND, Willis nem:, ,
----Ilk� _,,,� . . .
OUND.-About a week ago, at the 90DI -retreAt On the, Intentely hot day de Paris, With high wattline, and long, YU. 8 i GOOD POSITIONS I for the Rindlicta Bhown, luoin 111W .
V I tattoo at tuckhow, on tb6 road and every part of the varied program Mi'. A. 0- I�filfth*, fortuc,rly of The full skirt, lbe Yoko Of embroidered recent Wroavointrit. for the btautiftil,
VA1104111 Advan , FOR GOOD PUPILS
one-half mile south of Selfost, ii Alightly was thoroughly ftlJoyed. After a short Vd-ttOrt' ,Syndlea 06 'low With the 'A- Chiffon, simply fiftithed In round neek� � . __ . flOrill tributt.1 and to tbo:e who so klod-
to 'Ili Toronto ,�Iag in line extended fro I . I
usbod Goodyear tire.' 210,40, Owner bUtfift0ts meeting ASOrics: Of races and town 611 Saturday Wt, Mr, SMIth Is. rue In a double row of � During tile pzt, feW month�j Ecoro!j 0. ly 103"L'd ega- .
may have, "me by proftig property And 00' , , , . .. I . .
es rb$ulltel With the following Wing 9 X holiday at uslnot3 .
payIng tot this advertiffitifient. Apply I i� .. I Ling Into 3 bdflfil which fell over I�dy graduates of the Canada 13 Dons
declar d -winners- . 1111d'" doing a little organi2ition Work oil the . . .
CALVIN MoINMV, Lineman, Dungau- 11 so BrudD :""ell but the tiny puft b1coVes; three doublo frilla College, ,College and SP .---On Wcdnesday, .
. I Mat h box raeo,_Mra, olle , 15kirt muno, Torolitai COWIMBY Augwb . .
I flon.. 11 I �Gf a ArdOwn't In the district, " I Were taught 00 In bustle have aeoepted pwItions nging . from 12th. to Mr. and Urs. EdI;0 sowerby. I .
� I I � � . . I 11- � � .1 . I .* Ce CO211;-C31D--=W. 0, -Xii0al"t " 0" or' T,x10 Daeg, wnerc the Wide 02sh rqeVOU Hundred and VlftY Dollar$ to Two Goderlell Township, a daughter. .
I I -1 . _"'�' Mi" M. Silkeld; Jas. 110binson, 13111 Itobinson, Bill Of Vol
-_-_�_ - -_ Gu"* Ing Vot Chifton W'" flufthed In, 3 large, I Thousand 'Pour Hundred Dollars pot I
. . I �_� . .I .. . . � � Mrs. 0. Voting; 000te8t Gammagc, JDOn r1`6336r, Dick 0044'and .lot bow, Her Wide -brimmed lai,,y st . . DIED . . .
� Im" � Walking raco`-Mm- ,I- Mack Usutell, of Undon, and ijob list was White, 4uo;, at the rI r3w Peat. ThO )Ott two lady graduatns YOUNG. -In Co%orno, Township, on
Per -Mrs. Harvey .: Mcking t1le Alip- X'40r, Of Xltolleoer, and four other a, I d 911t $IdO 123d Plitted by the Winsham Blisfiltss College Thu['146,17, Aug. Cth, Roderiek 14tirdoch .
010V Millet'. Mr$. It. Stowe arge mit allion
1 ' AT MOORE'S I I GARAIM S1. ANDREW1 St WebSter, fts. R. young. hion -like flower, of Ivory,) receive t,penty.eight d0llara per Week. Young, belovea hWb4n4 of Diu& "-
, Walter; stone mces, Mrs, 0. Bliset, are tho membcita of a, C'Amv- t -tope, $Ile
1 * ' We offer tile following in used CAts at Vefy Lattfaaf[Vo Ing patty *t naylleld, Tile first, four mitte" 6114V'�Ote 1091 oPen-Work SuOdO ThOr names and addrOtseo sliolged to IOVM oac! 0 YCUO and a moutim
� . Candy race --Douglas Orr; Ananingfted are ille publishers of T;I White fatill supwra, and Intort5ted Dorton$. One Huron county =L. -III Gode-Tich Two,. on i�und.V. I
� �11 I prices: 090, Buick four pasSenger Coupe, one Whippet Se�il -,Mrs. suteurte, pin ettp rate-uree R, Of ,London, 6 mail 6 Ia ishbothig $tAr eaftled on old-Ymbloned nottgay ot to "xer,a Was tvljo graduated two years August U11. l9al. Emma J,AWrason,
00 1� one Pontiac Coupe, two Ch6rolat Coupes, and six modet A WAltor; Word -eouto6t__Mr8. 11, T-lelt. Ing 'Star stops shoal Wr. The Shoot- TaWoman, ro*_cs, , for-get-me.nots and ago and bgs aince ronialged on the farm 'Mdow of Me late Willfs Bell, In her list
� - I Fords, Colipes, Coaches AtIdSport Coupe. Trade Your p0setit borne. . I . mer, ,ng durifle the sum* babyss btrath, Mr. 11AftV J. Allan was ttarts at Zlghtooill ItUndred Dollal�i in I War. . .
�� I Tft was, served on the 13*4,L flic 110S. . Ortinist 10 the M-CASIOn. A rectptlon Ottavva, n"t montlL P-irget, about tile AtDOtr,---At the rnldcneo, 214 ChOs- /
. - ear oil any of these better used cars. We' can atrange easy t"Ses befog: Mm U. 3fttlle,Soij,, Mrs. Mr., Walter M111tr and lAs son, noy Wks beld following the 4!crt,molly It the .,1)CP7(Won.,, - "Deptc-tAlons" ncvcr Ia",t' ele St,, Toronto, oa Monday, Augmt 3rd, 1
0 Can btly a liew I 0. aftwaft, ure, ,J, Miller, Mis, 'J. Miller, We returned to Toron-�o 6(ter 110WO Of the brides parent � - .
I � - terms to r0liable persons, Do you kj� 'W , �- Mrs. long. Some V1111 rrep-sro and be ready.f"1031. IQUAel. bolovcd d ughtor 01 Mr.
. fly �yo ,u; for $7.50. Sdktld, MM J. She&rdown, Mt& so. vhlttVg rektIVt$ arid ffloodS in 6,040. Uttftsbufx frotherof Mo b4do, was otheris �Vjll hin . Toll AMY AW94
. . t1ioroughly guaranteed 13 -plate batt . �0 I �', w 0 sad tfva� W11111m Wdou$1
) I . Also got O' I , ood 1, , ll� r I 11 Phillf1w, � Mrs. D. Memovin, Mrs. Rmnes Wt and vichilty. Whoo In "OderIch wearIng. a, handwme Jacquette, golin 01 College or ttudy %U by mail, rj%y wjjco� ' IN MEMOS 9
ar Ilew low prices Oil 6 11 ell $11 towa Tires ant L"All,
un. Awkason. I " thty wtfc thd Auettl Of Mr. and Mi$, J. velvel. U1 Only trim- , YOU gko, WrIte today for psttlewars tol Q ole .or
1� Tubes. We stiggest that your next oil clkatlpo� be supettest Tilt . r'Onn'.-In jovt _ ,� oe tho bta, �,
18mrts comblittte 11101"ded W$ 8, 01`09111. ftItAft *Mpsthim dftply deslk� of daamaaM wi eanadS Bwfte�,s College, Torollto, oi, toltizis. C111TIC-1 Ratb, of ssnuon. w" �
. Oil. A tank,of Supettest Gasolh � I . a will make you a wilstallt I W. Vs. M r1tict. mrs. maks, Mrs, �9r;, With Mr. Millet *nd Ill$ fawAy Ia tild E;i� be? t4t,of oistoblux George spottan, win8h;1M nu,,.inc�!�J Cal. Patted away wao sreaw ago.
� woet. I I I r I r - J. Aft"L IM Of ft Wife ff'Otm.607, MIM Melinds ftixttrlal Was 90shed with ostrich lose. I 1)aar lzzlcr, ,you pire not forgattcu, .
� 2116 trALnWiLA960 of, thib nimbeft "tAhIlvd, Of Port Albtrt) w1m wttta Mount, Wt, 'risle, rauther of tim ,..;r�4—Js_ "i INZaT114 en csfth vau alre lie M3.10 ;
I J. LSTEDELBAUER, Proprietor 1.11� w#!t prrslogetf by a committee namr the it*&!? in '1,or�3uto anletat laospitik, on . *100111, 11*4 01101eR % 90MI bf MAUV8 &ad 23 Lxt , MIR Ia $140ttvny vazi %to tvkh tn�
� COW'Aner8hip of WS, it. Titto-woe, xe� FfIdly, Jaly 21#11, aft,W t%,agiesl aiMr,_ black ,c�u& velvtt, Witlj bliek alitran Cent, dfica�ta off aaf rGl�jtclg,otl,� �1 As yal alwaryn tf:CM befolo.
------ ____ _____T_ , tlp;ft,�l fifty And 8111(ty Ik4It* wert rr" � I 1SA,1;zr.W!% bl" Ooxsborm)e . ; � . 'IDIM3 op T'Im vx&mv. -
A; V Mt UO3. :-1 rv�
. - 'i � 9 � _,S fct.� tj3,,� Wooltoa Wo1v 01� Illan,, s,.,X.,r3. .
� I . I I. . I I . , I
ill . .
�. . I
. . I I
. I I
I.. I -a— .— ___.A,sss1ssssssss � � — I - - __ - . I _.dfi_ ---,-- __ --..A