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The Goderich Star, 1931-08-06, Page 2
Inflammation of the Bladder, and kidney Trouble Via. George W..ft'3ruir., i?cerctor, Sank, ' Ei.riy last spr,iog 1 was Wren very OA with inflam, ribs n of the l;lad" er ar:1 kidney trouble, and a bard si.telt cf corstipatkm, T tried different remedies, tot bevy nio"u,c.4 to 49 we tte good, I then got s box of Dealer U>`<.9ney FAis and can truthfully wy tbey, gave ine wonderful relief, sod1< caannet recO feud them tvc highly to x31 Baia anfferltg from bladder or ]liduuv. trouble," Wee 50e, box at; all druggists rand dealer*, Or mailed direct on receipt Al price by `lbs T. h[llborx' Co„ Limited, Toronto, Oot. ,aldiaw, flirt.. Gecg•, Botany. Heinleth Laidlaw. XfdGx.. faeGi,., Art, 11ofanY• c . 8 N. I West Wawaus rh (BanlnY" broth..—Graeme" Cham&oy, Own Art. William Crag, Hist, lr',eOg•. Art, Agile. X. Gordan Hobinse n, crS„ A6r11. !. '$. S. No. 17, West "Virtr7r°an(rslar.!lrrna Sproul, ',Flit.. grog., Agile. 1(, V, C..BEACOM, F. S.. Buren West. LOWER SCIIUQL EXAM. INATION RESULTS OF GODERICH COLLEGIATE LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINAT10N RESULTS lignent-..,$elmein Inspectorate of West Buren `7[ha fellowhon pupils from ravel n;ehcols In :the Inspectorate of West Bur. who were cernhiilatrt ;rt tb9 11 xer . •fictive) cxrareinarllena held, in June lxst, Were aumecsfal In fabtatning 6'd.°3 etand. fag in the subjects indicated; S. Ne, 4 Aahtield lXo, lialsb).-a►ohn It lolayr oau. Gunn., Ilial., Geog•. Arith., Art. 800ttrxy.Clara MiseKendrick—+ Gram.. Gees., Aritb., tri, Do`any, .liana IltaeKendrick. Gr ,41 t . r1th.. Art. 8, 8 N0. 8 Ashfield (Dungannon)- Helen Andersen, Pbysiog, Claire Pent. Bald, xltbt. Jana Reid, Grana..; Aritb. Bell Swan, Gram. • Q. No. 10 Ashfield (Crewe)—Cohn; Crraler, 1*Kt,. Grog, Artth., Art, Aette. 1, Frances Groner, Arith. O. 8. No. 17 ,Aahfeld (Cedar Vatter).- • jetin Johnston, Orson., i3Coa . Arith; Art, Agri©. 11 Margaret .Johnston, +eiram.. tztrog., iritis., . Arra. xi.. ,, Lf. .S..S. No. 1P Colborn 1V11o).— Cath. leen Witllams, • Oram., .. #lst:, aeon., Agric, L S. 8. No. Q' ]last Watvantosta —. viola OkVier, Gram., IUUst., botany.: Joan Me. Dowell, Oam, Hist., Botany. ,' S. No. (i Font Wowc4no1h, Gertrude Arbuckle, Birt., Ocox., Art, ' Botany. Pantie% doinnston, ruse„ Ocog,, Botany. s, a5, No, 10., Vast Wawanosh" -Euth Utrtrughan, Gram.. P.hyeloa., Brit) Zoo- logy.. Clare Vincent . crani„ Physlog., .lids„ Zoology, . 8, B. No, 4 West Wnwanosh (St. ilel- ens)w-1 orothy 1U1111Gr, Biot., Art, . l ior. eneo McQuWAln, Hist., Art, ZJeelY Todd, Pbyelog, Arith. • Richard Weatherhead, lPhyslog., Arnth, S. S. No. 13 W;st Wawanosh (1F'or-. dyce)—'Eileen $roomer,' ' hist., t eog., Alt BotanY. MAO Dowa hist.,. Gteog', ' Arte 1 otany• Etta Taylor, Art . • 8. No, 14 West nirawanokt4-h,'iroy GOGEGIGN MONUMENTAL WORKS .. lc5t' iiiterial`in11d' ,akteat 100100 ° Expert Workmanship A11 Work Guaranteed Prices iltexsona le Tour business will • appreciated. R. A. SPOTroN *deficit .,.., 000 10 I' 0.Box.101. THE GGJ)ER1Cii, S7x;ell at �faG;z, i 8 1 Niru. Ga eras*rL 12,4!?. ealnwe:x, ci ,. Can -Tie, t r Vis. IMADcZ i aa.Ca. Nc ,a. t3auilas dal-n-fs".=,;:,` ;Guys Iav,nnee, Man Mititide*;40 Wig; 1W8re, Ruth 'Tam cera.-.7a^_cs eS tM .sc who rayls fix IF rt .ezta3 eanns9tat: ;aa 3 vp ire23 rent catr"'ir man. The eert.fi Pates cY tie oflfor ttude:ats will be given• cut cn taae ><c ;. lsN 0f c>taacl c a Ti:esdny. &c,,t. EG:. /431. P. HU'ME, ° 1'airaS9pal.. WEST1IEW Aids ra9P eel Th, ntou is visiting l:ef crawl:nethe; at Guelph. at present. 31153 Winnifred Campbell left Tues- day morning to spend a few clay's with lrer EQrn<9n, Mt=a $ernlce Ford, Comber. Taira: Albert McKefar, cel Mieir,9gan. t3. EpE . ,n►lg' v few brother.', Irtr Earl Wightrnann. ° Ur. Mark Bucher an and- hia dacUttlr^ les, -183 Florence, of Brussels, visited at the . home of the former'a brother, Mr Rohl, Buvhanan. Mrs. Hicks and children, of London, are visiting at the hems at the Iady'e cousin, Mrs. Alva MdPoweu. Mrs. Manwe% airs. Lewis and MK Bench, of Freeland, Mich.. are visiting 'X'be standing of the'students 48 award» tho foriner's brother, Mr. Robt. McllQw� cd an the •• eXaminattons conducted • try the staff throughout .the year, but the • , and Mrs.J. N. Cs ompbeil arc students who tack to conic h p to t3ie . most et the 'work as .determined by-tbe gamuts; Mr . R.astonehf ouse, of ode. with. their staff may write the 0=044 040nas hot by r9clr: the Education Department 9n .tune.•• The sacrament of the Lord's supper W40 administered in ;the. Westfield United church on Sunday. Fifteen new mem- bers: were received into the church. The many friends will be sorry to hear that Mr. 3•'tobt. McTiotvell is quite 911. Wo wish .for him an itnprovelnent health. Mrs, Marvin. McDowell and daughter, Anna, spent a few days fast week at tho. lake • With her sister, l4lrs.. (Rev.) Mari. sob. Mr. Henry Morrish, -Mn .Carman Mora, rich 'and 141sses Morrish, of. Toronto, are visiting at the home of the former's sister-in^law, Mrs. 'Robt. Henry, .and other friends. , Mrs. Win. Walden; attended the fun• eral of Mr, Jennings at Windsor, and le spending a few days with her daughter, bort . ireene, Erie' Gritf, Mona Harrison. Mrs'. l eg. de#nnings. • Evelyn 11111. Bernice llogaarth. Marion congratulation; ore extended to' Miss Holmes,: Betty Jenner, Doris Johnston, Edna'Walsh, who was successful sin pas - Raymond Lawrence, Irene Lyneh, Tier- slag her . musical exam with. ,first-class tram McCreath, Ethel MacKenzie, John honors. • • McLean, .Burke 'McLeod, Grace Mason, Mrd. McKellar, Mrs. Robinson and Jessie Mathlesona, Margaret . Mero, Mar- Miss Winer, of Saginaw, Mieh., are garet Mitchell, ' Ruth Murney, Alma spoenthdeirngMra . feRwob:dyMs cbwoitWeh lt,hesofdormothere'r&Brien, Myrtle Pirimmcr, Marion Raines, dean Robertson, _Mildred Sal friends. Iowa, Margaret Sandy, Keith Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown, 141x:= and. end 1(2rs. Marion ono. John Snyder. Denson d E. Ford. and Miss Bernice Ford, of .Straw an, Remit Straughau,' Keith Sto Comber, spent the week -end with Mr. tilers Harold Turner Eleanor Tyndall, ` and Mrs, Brown's daughter, Mrs: W. F trs Forty-three pap. were Written by such students. and twenty were auc e - fuliy passed, thous .indicating that the standard set IV the staff brad been lair, ..neither too high nor yet too low. roar subiecta are included in each of the 'lira and 8e0Ond years, though a number of .the students are taking fewer of the optional subjcets. - The following aro the results' of both tests:-' A. hose passing in an subjects taken by them, arranged' alphabetically ; BGSSie Bete, Frederick Bisset, Helen Bisset, Mary' Bisset, +Philmore Bisset, Al-. pert Blown, Oe0t'ge Bulleal, Elaine Bur.. 1'Qw$,. 1ltarlori4 Cannmbell, Philip Carter, Ernest Crawford, Donald Croft, LuluCroft, Raymond Dean, . Cora, Dickson, Raymond Drennan, • JCilda Finnigan, 'tier - Isabelle • Tyndall, Laura Wambold, Albert eamPhell. Webb, Kathleen Whateley, : Ida White, } , number from One vicinity attended Helen Whitely, lean 'Whitely, Audrey the ftnieral on Thursday of the :late Wieland, Howard 'Wilkins, Colin your*, Mrs. Craig, who passed away•on Tues day at the home of her daughter, Mrs.; 12:etfn; YQtr1?&•.. hid ., ... .. i,WYiN•i$a 7'in JOHN' WILSON. AUBURN HONOR 'BRO. JOHN WILSON, AUBURN ancianow Sentinel/ At the last regular cOmmuuleotien of held July 23rd, 1031, the Eros, present had tbe pleasure 'of conoratulating Bro. John Wilson of Auburn, on the 02nd an.' niversary of his, Initiation Into .M.o.sonry. On the everting of JuIy :03rd, 1860, Bro., Wilson was Initiated into Free MasOrtry, by the OffiCers a 019 Light and during 'these Years has been .en ehtlUtslaitle and' valued mkember of the Craft, Bro. WU-, Son has the distinction or being-, ale a trre oldest living Masons la Ontario. IS still hale ,and. hearty and aide to take part and enjoy the Work. ' the nmne of Old I:Atilt 'prezented Bro. Wilson with. an horiefary tlernbers;:ilp and read the fallowing address:. • The inemberz Old Light Lodge wish to do honor to you this .evening. They wish to shoW with' what esteem and af- toi•tion they regard -the oldeSt Mason initiated by. this Lodge. We aye Teraina - ed ,of, that phrase in Esther' °Witat Shall I do unto hini 'wpm* my soul de.lighteth 'Stott • were Initiated Lute Masouri In July, 1869. ThO Dominion. of Canada had been created two . years prevfoustY, and we know that these years Mast 'have been stormy And Strenuous - We are proud to think.that' in such..difilcult In this age of speed we are inclined to over estimate the part that•the young v&rzio forbear. Vera Clark, Kathleen 40Ur8011, Verna Edward. Marjorie Header- gox4 Witte Lee„ Margery Lumby, dean MacDonald, William MacKay., Annie McKinnon, Marjorie iviaelle, Mildred MiIllan, Bruce Orr, Herbert ' Palmer, Doris Plante, Alice Ruston. David Tab - in, Eunice Young, Keith. Young. a—Those Mains in two subjects bpKnr.t .'nf.1'lianxvh,:eAir :'.a►•:lhn' gathered to oaf just respects to _„ their aged friend. The "e"ytnpathy of Ann Vie etron; i,;,`,11 in the dranla cs !Its. this vicinity is , eXtended' tO the Sara*. Too often ay: ilia work' dono fug &MAY and Mead, Mothers cog eas knOw when their children am troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying a reliable remedy—Mother Graves' Worm Exter- celebrating 15 of ti IIECIAL, DEMONSTRATIONS SOUVENIRS TO ALL; VISITORS off ARE CORDIALLY INVITED &thaw the hydrator makes' even witted 'vegetables Crisp and fresh --how the Cold +Control makes possible * wide variety of delicious frozen desserts• -=how the Quickube Ice Tray enables you to remove ice cubes at the touch of *finger. And see us demonstrate the enduring 'qualities of1Frigidaire porctlaire—him this gItss.ontooth finish withstands hard knocks, scratches, dirt, grease", heat—eve tre There ere souvenirs for all who attend end a 'Teri special anniversary offer to those who purchase now. In addition,lwe offer terms of $10 down with the bal. n e arranged to suit your convenience. FRIGIDAIRE 4' A GENERAL MOTORS VALUt GUARANTEE!, FOR TIME YEAAS L It ZINN Goderich Ont. 1101 MAME 111 ON THE, Allt TOrtiltODAlt, OA pia Pfaoiard Vast, the pioneer. Too often we take for granted the institutions around us, that were erected slowly and painfully hy men such as you. It is* nr.,17,11. easier te 00- eupy • a house than it is to build that house: As ono of the first inernber8 ef this lodge' you helped to build it. God has beefi' good to you- in the number of yeari vouchsafed th yen,' We honer yeil, riot simPly because you have readied such a mature- age, but becaUse you have arrived at these yeard retairt. hag a, cheerful, hopeful outlook on life, i 'roar influence in thia Lodge has always been. most wholesome ond salutary. vOd have riot beeome cynical or over critical of our institution or of human nature. It -encourages us very touch to tee yoS GO tun Of 10Ve and enthu8198111 for the Craft after 62 yeara' association with it. it Is a real pleasure for this Lodge to have a chance t4 express its, appreelatIon to you 'while you are here In our midst, and our pleasure will be multiplied many times by Sur continuing to abide with SASKATCHEWAN PBBLISIIER NEW PRESIDENT OF O. Yir• 14..A. s. J. Doran, Alameda, sink., becomis president of the Canadian Weekly News- papefs' Association /or the ensuing year es the result of the 'election of °Dicers held Friday, July 3rd, at the convention in Regina., „He, 4uccoeds Malcolm. Mac - Beth. A. W. MarSif; ,Amlidfstbtirg, 'Out, is the new vice-presitient. and E. Roy Hales is u•dected managing -director. Among the Ontario directors elected were: 3. A. lvfact.aren, Barrie: Lorne weed; Geo, Lake, 'Timmins; Col, A. 0: V. MacDonald, Alexandria; C. V, Chan. ters, Brampton; Eight Harris, tiorling‘' ton; A. Lancaster, Tol.P.P., Havelock. A touch of. auto= reached the convention in the form 'Of a telegram annoutteing the suddext cicala of XL' r.taciere, Pre - Priam of the Acton, (Mt., Free Press, an old member of the association. Mr. Moore had been publishing the paper ler the Past 50 years and was one the best known men in his comratmity. AVG, Oth, 1031, You've Tried the Rest Now get the Rest JANTZEN and KLINGTITE BATHING SUITS FOR MEN Are the Best—We have Thera CHAS. BLACK HAND TAILORING and MEN'S SMART WEAR Phone 219 THE SQUARE, GODERICH . THE SCHOOL OF COMMERPE -off= yoll Peetleal. Business Training that has.roncle it-possinle for our scores of students to obtain and hold positions in this time or de.: pressian, 'because of their high standard of efficiency. F•repare to be one id the eniployed next year by takinn a Triortquda We offer yon the following Courses : r SECRETARIAL GENERAL OFFIcE d COMMERCIAL arranged. - FALL Timm mots SKEIT. atb 101, 'Write or phone for particulartia4ii:4.varses, r ees, Books, Etc., to SHOP AT Always Less Nevertheless e Best BIG SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK • CHES easily relieved Aspirin will relieve your eldicring harmlessly arid in a hurry. Swallaw• a tablet M. a little water. The pais is genet It's as easy us that to be rid of the pain from an aching teeth; of headache from any cause. Muscular *Melt are soothed away aft The Modern sctty to relieve p it with kkpirie. That is tht way that works ---that doctors approve,. They Mow fienuint Aspirin arle---ean do VO harm, It does net depress the heart. Rex and tablets always beer the Beyer cross. You a; di *la ays Aspit ifi any druattore. and if yrnr read the proven directions and follow therm you *ill always. lut relief. You:win avoid lots ef Puttering if you just reenter/ft *Mut Aspirin teklets. AUGUST fith to SAT AUGUST 1 5t BANANAS 15e, 20c Una 25c doz'. Orange Marundade Fancy large Maple Leg SALMON .01:0A BISCUITS Waxtite pkg. • .15c AYLMER SOUPS (Except Chicken) CANADIAN CHEESE TOILET SOAP Large Tin TOMATOES TOMATO CATSUP '2 Large battles 43c PASTRY FLOM ORN FLAKES C` all kinds- Heinbs PORK & BEANS Large size. ...23e Kedium size, Lay's' Hard Water TOILET SOAP • Heintz Bulk Mixed or PICKLES Shelled ' wAuarrs CUCUMBERS Slicers,. per basket -50c POST BRAN FLAKES CUSTARD POWDER TANGLEFOOT IFLY SPRAY HAWES LEMON OIL . Large._ bOttle with _ . polishing' cloth 59-c likedium bottle . 23e Fancy Verdelli LEMONS White Spirit Per gallon.....49c Fruit ler ZINC JAR RINGS Per doz. Edwardebnig .0r Bee- hive CORN SYRUP SIZE 4 PEAS Our Own Engliih BREAKFAST TEA Black, Mixed or Green Good bulk COFFEE Seedless , Oak Leaf TOILET PAPER . 8 Rolls for. .25c. SWeet .BISCUITS Large Jumbo Fresh Yellow • BANTAM CORN SittLazen'a or Fruit* JELLY POWDERS Assorted flavors Granulated or'Browtt FRUIT JARS Small pints, doz $1.05 Imp. Pints, doz.$1.25 ORANGES 25e, 35c, and 60c doz. WE" SELL Avery Pork Products .(Fortrierly Kincardine Packing Co.) Fined Breakfast Bacon, per Ifs.. .24c Pure Potk Salvager caudal style ib.18c Half and Whole Cornmeal Per Exult good 5.string BROOM St. Charles' EvaPorated Small tin, 4 for 25n Eagle Brand Condensed MILK '• • -Carnation Tall tins, 2 for.23t Sn411 tins, 4 for 25O _• See us for your pickling supplies. Our stock is fresh and our prices right. Compare the above prices with other prices in town. Besides these good prices we are giving 5 per cent coupons on all cash purchases. Come and see the 'wonderful premiums you may secure absolutely free of cost. We sell Celd Soft Drinks, Ice Cream and Picnic Supplies THESE PRICES FOR CASH W. BAECHLER OR. KINGSTON ST. AND S41.1ARE Our Own Delivery