HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-08-06, Page 1Counter Check- Books .
, The star Lu aude swcul arawelaeuts
to "Pply mereh;ult$ with counter chik4'
boaiis, prhawd, to thelp order. at Ye"04-
4ble PrIce%
I Try The Stu witu .your Neld Or&* If
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n_VFtrn_QXC0NP YSAR I , aubscription. $2 * YW In, 08"" GODERICK, ONTARIOt CANADAt THURSDAY, Airvem'sT otily 1wa � I � WAMW Khr=. 114=- gr
. . 4%w a yeox W % 9, pigilt& I
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� 11" ' 11 ft11rM60%;k "11 IOL "01, wv I
. Godefich Bowling Doubles Journament Next Weduesd".1' Irlower o0ow Next Thurshy and rna,,,,, I
- _ '� - . __ - — I — - . —I - I - :�!_
...... _._ . " � . —
-,- .
* 4 � --------.. � - - _ 1. . � .. . -_ " The 'Western Ifame MODWY, UY VIOU OBITIUART 4euly clauty Stara a;4 ou tbia fAv.th PEOPLE WE KNOW HENSALL ToOK BOTH -
I __,.__ -, we can offaThe GladerliellStu-sililThO .
I - wes ern aom Monthly lor'la-W a stox. � T . C=0310a Of QQ401deh t0=3111p� W1=0 AV, Fred PAI%0D,, of P40% I� VI$ItIng . �__q
1, t Mr. Aw. MUSLWA ., 140 ItIvel ,for,40Q ;k Autatm ef V;lral .
.1 I I .8 * uranse DORP of Owda The weam now mothly lAs been � later Movin3; til CoZiotne tmllsltip, Qmd frIL'14% Alt tO�vn- . . am& 0047crku vat, It# a lFine GXne, toe
: Un Life Ass - — . — publishea for the pmt thirty-two years. A life-4ong resident Of Brucefleld In thenco, to qodvrleb� In. 1882 ba 'was Mr. BM, MeC=tth Was UP MO% DC- F"it JVolw juntuo 110,D 1VC4uj$"y
. but hitherto. the elrculMloix 11",beea tile person of Aleu.nder Vustard. Imsed marr" to ;s4ri'all, Jane who. trolt _fpr,tho Itollday. I . . Afftmoqu
. . I
� . . - - 1- .. . -Ma T�ft_�!
- -
I � - _____ I ---...I- . loft PWS 1144M.MM _ I vonflued-t6- tho four Viestem province3. aw;xyat his home In t110 Village on U011- Drf.deaca-aca '4M,ne-wo! a �eav ugo-.---Nhltk-btpltde&-C.vnpbeu-is-vlsltlna re- I - 1__;T.;_____�A . .
, PROUCT � The ourreut Issue Is a 64-Me,vugaziva 144Y evening, following An 1111103 Of th Ale leaves tp� moul'u, Im Lml two 6=3 . The ald�rlzb, atr it' 3H g'Ame 13,,V�
� � .� . jfe� PoliCy . ree lativm at Money Creek. = , .
The otdinary L of the SuaLife Assuranc - , with, a generous supply, ot,ft�tjeo, tag,. yvects. %no late m U ="
. . ,e Co , r, Mustard. W34 ana twiv-4uglitera. -n. U. X. Tiehbaru,% , Ala T%IrB' A08M Mettay' of Re- V4437 W33 v, 16-4 wll� fer,tho 110min
, . I abination. of ma�hnum piotection and i tons. feature articles .01 varied interest, UlDruzefteld 82 year$ age and, b,,ad farm- ot Oodericit, T -i G. C, 11chborno, of t�olt. ivere here lov the lieliday., � AIAC'- It 1406C -d " V It WV4 001111,11 to 4� .
; of Canada is an Ideal cor . ' , 145 llfe.' BY Ills Wllnfj�r, Mrs. . 110race I'lorton, of L- I UU. avid Dirs. rred Munro, of TorouN. %, dtirc,ront &terp. hove on Wc4nesaw .
I . . , humoli, I cW4reWs, department, Young Qd In the COMMIQUItY 411 �L I
* it $Afe investment acquirod by� small deposits, I . . wcro. holiday visitors Iii Oo&Vleb. t I
, � . . , Man 0,ua Ufa Problems. goitorlal. eto, =4 boneskr=4 integrity lip. Won tue, rosput bucll, n1ld. MbS.01tV0. of town. an4 one I aftcracon -when up to, be end Of t.,ba
��, , BY' I dividends on e e.company ,,the eattorw vlowpilitt mew,%o qt�er.ft& eatilvall, of 14S Ansq1t% Cal. I Mr. a4ld Mrs. Vintners= I Elliott Were fourtb hu"illf,3 tho wko w,m U to a .141
, I leaving. p-ollcy leposit i0th th I _ be sato of a who koew him. Ho..was� a room, *I- . . �
, *11 . , . "al) from Detroit for Civic Holiday. lwls.
_ .4 � to. accumulate for his benefit, a policyholder not only increases and. %an% Anti,communtstio anti for tho'. ber of tbaVre,5.UA04" cuumb. 4urviv. - '. � Tues. vv� w.;aw � . favor of Goaorlcir� but Fritzley, 4> .
� . I building UV! of C=144A 44 94 whole, Ing bestdcs Ills w1dow, formerly Xdther.� - i =�sea'ieau McCabe and ,yeall DVell, had been V1t0lInE; a Wonderful �am.br ult
� � his protection but also securesan investmo,fit for his later.years. I I . . : trip Maclarea, are sb; . Sons, Alax. and After a llnZia-W,- Illness tUero passed 4114 UeJrt) weQ74-ond, visitors Ill at"Oid. to that tuAtN "-akeucd In the SfUt or
' . . '.
.. . � I Cons.41t us, for particti.14TS and � , rates, , . I. . . i retrio-Ilay . . . . I - away at tile faintly restdoico, Wt 21, cou. , Acy. 0. T. Watts. Ura. 'Watts 4114 the V41tors, folmd. their ey03 .and bo.'A
. 'cd4104 � t00% Place in . John B., i8rocoflold; Thornton and 'Obar� 14. 11ulkott, an Tuesday. Jul$ 28th, S, family = speadinq their vaep.tioxv at' to, coune , n �
, . � . _et .with� 41,
.1.4w, , I I I . I I A. Pr9tkV W - rot. Ics, 'Toronto; William, Bayfield; Brsic,34 ,Much respected resident of that townshipt � . " delivery., Ha.gavo
. . . 4%.-Aak-a I I , p Ii. i � . 1. . , .
� __ - tN7 a,
, �
11 .1 � on."SaVirday, July 20th, when Of Thomas NY. mmur-He , Afr.. 044 ,'Ira. Ale,
A ... Motj�gj_-�'r
11 '��I'strddt Asout .1 ' . . I � I GYP3aln"had been A . . ,_ ot�- _4*h11JWA1P00m . .
- __ �caw 441turch,' 00d;rJoh. ,at "' ' r Allce WS �Z: ;iveno am 'Placo to Vreltb,foc
, A ' - W i ' 0: I
'I- .---Waco 040 � 'V ,6d liallmoble
* '
0g9n1gt'v7 -f - i 6 N� �6_ I UO'Hoiiiall b6p ...
I " - IP es-,, -�' '_ 14 Aul,*.r O�tMn4� *41,1'a,'V Lt. t . ��t=_il
. IT �, I Office, 110 , ,o R. - - $ Jessle Irene, youngest (laughter of, Mr. ,ville, �4,3,i,, and three 64#tersi Mra,. Ngil a -PaQr health for the PAst ,onto* %%vro week -end visitors With trlouda from hitting and four rain, were coorca
. , 9pplo of years but cut durinia tile to&t I
I 1. . . . I I � =ss Jear; Mug- " ly . in, town. . I I In'the Mh and tour In the oIN
- �,�.___ 11 I.— — I _�_ 4. Hoy. ot,Port.Albort, was iWaregor, Sruce,field, - .1�1. lit .
� I . nutted in Marriage to Charles X. Petrie .. few rapatha did. his. coa(
- -, - __ � ,—'---" 0 . . I tard, X York City, all � . J�Jtfol% become , Mr. Win. Weir IF, spending tho, week tile sixth 004orleh was out to evoil, up .
. I
I . I ' T 1 - of Mr. ond Mri.;. Jolla Petrie, Of Laut, CrossfIeld, Alta', The Ilmoral. tqok .
. . I . . . . . I a= . QW 4 Mrs, 'laules critloal and, a3wltbatanft3. constant in Goderich visiting Ills parents. Mr. and the, cdara and catibered blAbrea runs
. . LOST ANDFOM , - ! - , 0," . . to.
. . � � — , , a,unon. Rev. J, M U� Mills. per, place on Thursday afte alavO343 Of.dIsease continued Mrs, F. 0. Weir. I - I . . add to the three thek, got - ln,t the fir4t - . -
I I _� I TOP11CS . Dung, .Tnoou witIt In. care 10 -...
. I I ona RIM. LOST�=ie�tweexx O�Z_ . _. formed the 10demOlAY. 00 brIA0. was terment Ili Baird'a cemetery, near B�wo�,- and he succumbed as above stated.- The I Uts.3 Annie Campbell.. -of Toronto, is ttama� ,Vcher �and $�Irn
. . . , I
. . I T`R` . Firestone " . . . ,. . . Prettify gowned In pink georgette with field . . . . I . . � late ThOMW W. Sloan was born wnuf � bothbad come
rich and. Ardberleyo 040 . . 1 . I . . I spending her vacation at the family nice fielding W thoir erodit,
I . 11 . tire and rim, 1307. PleaSO leave at '$Volk Trophy at Xincatill" 'lett Township, on the farm now operated I .The Wx
I . % . , . I I
I ' . I bat and,411oes to match., Fo4owing the DIm, !)Ury A, I)aftm �. home, Quebec St. . - .
. � 4 � , store and aubunary follow. ,, .
. uran R -, A. . � I . I � I . . by ThOS, :9CM111all, M.P., oldest child of 1 !4r. and Mrs. Lewis JArvl5, Urautford . . .. I I . .
� .CANADIAN ,01L.sTATION, U God was rV After a long lll=s� which � Confined , nen al -8 R.PO A 9
, , trich rinX, consisting of L'A Cordinoby , a wedding ,dinner , se - ed
. or communicate with.,Canadlill 011 CO., Bastmart, R. L Jo, I
nuS, , 9 .
. � . I �oui 4.'Prldhaln and at the home of the Uride%$ sister, Mrs. . . . the tote Au4rlo%�,r Ula,Janet MOM10bael spent Civic Holiday- with. Mr. mud Mr4 , I . AU . � ,
I .1 � I. . plinton. . I � I
. . . . I . _ F. ,Hunt. won the trophy at - Zincardiae Real -SQ1ara= The groom's g1ft, to. the her to the 004drich hospital for- many Sloan.. Xpw4rds of sixty, years ago the A. J, 14aington. � . I . ' Horton, It - ___ _. -4 2 1 0. 0 1 .
. I 11__P�_ . .. I ma'AW, Mrs. Mary A, Dafton, sl,�tet of family moved to lot one, eons McCauley, 2h, .. _ .._. .
. QUXD;-�-.About a week ago. at the' tournament t1ils,'Thu.0day.' . ., I brtde� was A string. of pearls. Shortly - . . I , essloo. Ild . Mrs. Thos. '04uloy and 1141101ter . '. .
I I � F , Mr& 0. A. Reid, Pmeo away on i4li- the farta.now owned.,by Mr.'Pred - ua,�el, I Ronnie, ah _."..".. �... 4' 2 3 .3 ,.2 0 � .
. tattoo -at, Luokaow, on the road arden, after dinner Mr. and Ms. Petrie left by day Uorr spent a few days that past wook 11
. .
21x tonal relte 0 X13" , evening. Mrs. Dalton bor�bor suf- Met, esido � Inn. With frien * Qawh%, 11) ,�,�,_ 0 0 1 a 1, 0 ..
I . , one�hs,lf mile south of, Belfast, Q slightly. The luterUa* . . Motor on their boneymoon trip'to , Here Ile continued to'T '43 at port Albert., ' .. " 0 0 .
?", Used Goody0ar t1ro, 4.4_ woe . In connectIft With the annual Rower ,ferings with patience and. Cbrbtl= for-; lit, tile je4r 1900 Wben he purchased the I 40ynt, rf . . .. ............. . 4 0 O� I �
� ' . , gara Falls a -ad other, points of"Interest, tltUde, $hD Was much lo,qqc, by Mo f trut on W Rev.. R, .C. And Mrs. MoDermid and Young . ,
: roporty and she* of the 0o4erich Horticultural So- I 'y i hich. be died. H6 took a ke "blut. et .....,-__ 3 6. 0 2 0 0
, May have gaiO y prov g . ,
. ;* payIng for . advert elit. Apply elcty Mr. j, H, Moore will'give: an ad- CivIc. Uollday Drovmhlg . I .1. . friends In, GqdDrIeh, w1lo 'learned to interest in euxMiss, Naomi McDor%AK axe spending Calateloni a _.___�_.. 4 1 6 5 , 0 , 0 , .. I .
. , . ... 'a � the:W01fate Of the township their .holidays at Menes0tual; Park, - NIcoI,'ss.,.__1.1 . ...... . , ,
I CALVIN WeIN R9. cman, D=gan- dresson "The, InterflatiOltal Peace Gar on Monday ,afternoon about. 4.30 esteem her vory.'highly,... 15b-1_'.VM born to which he lived 4nd-served four years ,. Mrs., Wm, Mpllacy� and, sou, Vanco, of 2 1 2 2 -1i 0 J� .
I I , : , � . � Ilom ,0 . . . I I I . � . On" 14 MAQXaY Hall On Thursday eVell- drOwnlag accident occurred In the God. ! in Stratford, wbere Most I ot her life. *ai. .. Welsh. 1) , ; . . .... ............ 2 3 () 0 1(y. 10
� �;, - I . . oh the 6uncil board, giving splendid I .
1. — .— _ .— I- the W1daW of the late, service to the" -municipality., Pungaunon, vlsltod� with. Mrs. Menary's V . ...... -.'4 � 0 0. 0 ,. 1
-- . . ;—_ ; . I I
� .
I I � I Ing, Aug. 13thl. at 8,15 P.M. . , L erIch harbor. Charles, Neville, of Mon. Vent, Wle 'was � RD Was A brothm A� T. Phillips,. on Tuesday. � Mortlake, I . ,0 0
. _. - -
� . . I � � , . . .. ..
:, I � flower ShoW Next Week � it age, whowas OeOrga M--D14tOft and daughter of, the life long 14beral in p6lllt.lds,� dispi4yinoT . . . .� - - - - - - - . I .
, � �: Volt SALE OR.10 RENT � . . treal,* twenty-two years o .
. � employed oil the freighter Shapp which late Mr, und Mrs� T. J. Al , of ,Strat� r , � . I � �
.., I tell ,on$lddrabl� activity when an Mr. and Mr.s.-� & J. Young and,littlo I I .1 30.10 0 Is 7 1, .
��. - � STORZ- TO RuNT.-On liPlailton Zt- Tile Annual Rower show of,the Gode� , .. � election daughter, of Detroit.. are visiting, the � . I
1. ,� I . now occupied by -J, U, Jentier. -rich :Roiticu�tur4l Society will be.he , Id In caince In on �Saturday, and who had left ford. She is survivea.: by two elat,g% was at han1 In religloii be.'was an ad. former's motheri Mrs. Wm. Youno,. . I Ooderich " . A13 -It 11 P0 A E -
,� . I . the boat here eitteied the, water between ,Mrs. A. S Davidson, or.TorontO,'aud herent . of the Queen- -street UAlted bletler, of Detroit,, is NRIrn, ct ...._ . .......... � 0 i2 1 1 .0 4. I . . . .
. I Posserslon Sept. Ist, 1931. Apply, to MaeXay Real or� Thursday ,and I Miss Porgm
. 14th, L Frlda3r, the piers And apparently a heart 4ttack Xr8- 0. A: Reid, .of. 00dedch, aad� by ohiirch.' Tbirty-four years ago he max" v1sitlair Ito -grandmother, Mrs. W� Murricy, 0 .... .... � ....... . .4 2 2 4 1 li�
I I . HARR'r WBXjLS, over the. -store.. ,4upmt 13th. and. -Batries of. mem- Was tbo.cause of his getting1tito Oft- two brothers; W. -J. Allen, of Stratford tied Johnna ,XraeIJu0,, or Morr 3 TWP-t .
. . . . . � I . I I bers � wishing to exhibit must be placed cad - P, S, A16, a - J � I I 'youno, Park St., and other rojatlVes� . Archer. It . .... . .......... '. 2 1,:.� 0, .2 0 4 . I
. OR TO RMT,_14odern . . . cultles, Mr.- -NeVille'i parents Aro dead Alberta. Mr. and Who, with v , up foom B, ,Robinson, cs __ .
, I � - . and 12 o'clooli thallrat roorlt' Mrs. geld w oil'# son, George, survi e, Be- Miss Floralice Ortudrod Was, 4 I 2 0, a '2 I .I
FOR SALB . ' but he has a brother'llving in moritreal. ert In attendazied at. the sides Mo. Itutmediate family, lie leaves To;onta t -A Ispen4 tile hoOday with her Sanderson, lb __ 2 0 ,2 4 4 0 ., - '
,., I . . ..W. Weouse I I jy to C. 11 'display is to the public , - which. wag. hold 012 Vednesda '
, RSFL4�. Xeays St. App open . .me
. , *eS74 St. L - . L I , L ' Ville was recovered .1n. about. twenty funeral, ly, :two slster-Mrs,, J. Oodmbs, Toronto,, parprlt,s, Mr. and Mrs, Win. OrIndred Mallough, rf " . . 3. '0� -.1. 2 Q %
' , �
I I . .
�. I . . � I I � I . . 4 A 'numbqr of special prizes nlibUte . 3 af , ter 'he went,down -but� life was afternoon., With aert4cj bl.St.,Jamw An-, Mrs, W, Volker, Goderiell, and thvee . ME. ArthUi, Osborne, 01 the local 0, Robiason,-2h , _ - .2 :0 '0 .2 0 . 'I . .1 .. .. �. . I L .
. OR'RENT,--Cott;Lge ,on Bast St,,- all are: being.. offered. prize .lists May be extinct, - ]Dr. Hunter and Dr. OalloW W�o glican churcb,,Stratrord, with Interment brothers, Dr. J. Sloan, Oakland, Cal., Dr. branch qt the Bank of Montreal,— Is -_ - I .L
; I 11 - . . , ' . . I .. . .. . . 11 . . I Duquette, :3b, ...,. _ 3 0 1 3. S .1 I
� F convienlexkees; L near � The Square. obtained. from Mr, J� 11. Fell. :: , .. * worked over b1m,sor 4 Joing time being In Avondale Oelltetlry, . . : . . Wm. Sloan, Of Timmins, Ont, and Ail, It Id to n, a d Fritzley; P .. .''. _ . . a. o 0 O., X. 0 . . . . I
. I Zaquire at STAO- 0"%CB1' . ,.L 1. . I L .1 . . I . . I I . . � . . . 01 , q. u at,Brarupto n Sterling, , I F I . . I
I I .11 J. W. N - -Infi4 T b � zl�� 44 , Jobborste I - ,Sloan, of Gan, I lateral took L MS. L 4. J. I'lltillaton,' dattall I., . I .
.. , aevicar Won�spotton C0 , L bid. to resuscitate him. he . ody . - Thout :). W drew The _ Frelth, p . "� ... ..... ... 0..0 Q Q I 0 * .
.. . ., � 1, . . * I . .. . I I . plae L froill �'. his Mr. and I � I , I "I .
I . I , by Messrs. 13 6phey The funeral � of the late A late. residence, servic k -.__ a ............... . ,� .'L. '.i ,
, J' W, MudV cAr*,woi , wom taken in'eh4rge, e . e - ri Albert Brown, xi�ir 1 0, 0 O., Cr (f, , "
�. I RV=o-�Apart4uent: over store.. . " BrOs, aud shipped t :�,O�tr.al. ,r 1). L . Tlebborne . . .
. FOR * a the silver cup 0 Q � to , ok . 1r, Thomas tor,Chatiotte and M � I � .
. . Apply, to W. HERN� 'Shoo Ver- donated.�',by,George-$Potton, & 0 th, - _�on .1 L .L
. .P., t . . : Place _�� 6unaay, betng - conducted At the -house at 1,3o Were 'week-elld visitors fix Hamilton and . . . - - - ;_ -4 - , : � 1 , - ,
. I .. I . L I . . I . I
. 1. .� . . . I .1 — 0 . A,qg.!. om, the horno P,M- 'by Boy. Oeo. Welr_pastor of St. . . . . I � .. �7 Q . 9 t4 .8 0 .. L . . . . L I
. chant, . % Ind, at 2.3Q p.m., fr' 0. . .. , � ,.. I I .
. . 1. . . <,1.0.4grich Homing Pigeon' Club. for .the I L141cs' and "ts and Andrew's United ,sun ell � Torout . I � I I . : , �'. I I.. ,� . . . . I �.Lf I " .'Ll. .
. ,X0E.-Seven greatest ngralopr Of Points. won by p1g. Misses' Sweater.. 00a � Of. his, ban� H. B. M.. Tichborrie, Trafal- ,i , followed -by In- Mr, " . .
. L SALE OR BXOHA , Pull-ovois. CleaAng at half- jxrIce at . I L . tho Union cemetery, . The Cato and Mrs. .Wmlter Auvfhs,ll�h, ';or- � , 1 2 3 4 5 6 - . . I I .. ...
. . _. ,
I YOR room o ge!s. cona'lo the old birds' Right for. the sea I . . I gar St., the services being. conductedb� torment In , are, visiting 'in Goderl4h, haying: Qoderlch,�--3 0 0 0. 0: 3- .6. " � - I I . .
I .
L I t; Lbot UIBS241178. . * . . � pail�beaze . andl*as- Heitaall-r�? 0 0 20.4,4_ , 40. .�. � .. L � - - _ ,,� , ,
.. . . Creseen L water beating, .,hardwood soll.,- Mr...ghcvicar,s, No, id1l, the Will- — ' Rev. j� N. H. Mills, rector of St.;Geor-� to were Messrs, James' Logan, .come by�way of Ba�txc"Orfllltk . , . . : r . . . . . . I - - . . I .
I floors, eveothing , modern.. Large. lot, nor � of the. competAtion, lait year 114 � f;�-,' jo��One � $6'� . Anglican church, of. which the de.s ThO3..Pate, Win. 3160ron, Jno, a .1 . . I .1 .
' . I. . Jr.Layset's a nrsz' quality . . . olllmo'*4 4ga. Beach' L I . . I I . .;�'-.., - - _
L I .double garai4., .Will L sacrifice, and give Decatur, U.S.A., a diAtance-of 516 Bilk Ho46'wlth 'Wond6l' heel at -'89c . . cease4. was a. MejAbOr. Mr. Tichborne Dunc6at UcCalltun and w1b, GrAy. . . I . . I I . SUAMAP.ir . I .1 . _. � I : , ... . .
from . pt . . . I . '. .. MO. Win. Million slid 9011i Wilson, . � . .- 'L .. � ,
- .
nI ek very easy terms,'or would D�change for , leS Llast year. -from. West to'east. ThW,Voile -va. ow a. 'L �Vasbabler C,repa had'been in. failing fieilth for the. past . . Mrs. Joint omit I . and -two grand6hildroo, of Detroit, vWt- Two-haso bit&-ii6ften 2, Runnie 2. Z , . I - 1. .
.5,411 o vidnit i 0. 996 . . � .'� I I : 1 11 . � I 1:., . I
. � �c in Obdericlt� Or Y, x - Years And,owing to constant Weak Ono. bf tbD -oldest rbsidiriti 'of Wftaj od'wfth Mr. axid'lv�ii, 1�, 1"t. OWA)Pi�6iie R61ilnsoh,�,,�', � -, � . L. 1. . . . � ...
. .. . d --from, Montreal oloa�ez - -, Gifts* - - and � � � .
1. . *hltfi.� � - k year' I I . . Ladio' 'SL - - - . .
I . cot bd aed for suraidek hobi Ae sable'bird' fteVv $,11.95. L as d . . -1_ I '. -Sacrifice h I .. . I . . . . I . I L .
d . It, and Dress Crepes last 'lline , . row -a -d .1 11 I _:. .
.. ... . '506 Miles. from east, to West. pro -010. 07�. volies Opells - he wos confined - to bed lor., the 1 wawaVosh pa e -last week.' I . . L I iti-Joynt. . ,. .. . .
. V. SPENCE, 21 OrLetif St., 30telleaer. to 60 POP . . , , . .to her. on day I I I . I ..;
. L. . Alllcifmb�PrSL Active, . . 1 37c a yd. - Silks, In. a great variety, 49c months, passing 'away Friday, TLnc�day tubming, July.28thi in the Per. Mr, � and Mrs. R, Reid and .Miss Elva ,8track L QUt-By, Welsh t, keral%ko � 11 1 I . I . 11,
� . I . . . Reid, L front . - . L .1 I . . - , I .
. I . ,� .1 . Mid Summer Salo ends All- - Sth morning. July 31st..' Friends from a Son of Mrs, John Cralg,-f 'BLrQ9X1yA, kild Miss BtIlel VrIttivy 3 .11 _ . ".. . . � i.,
� . . r L . I 'PUBLIC NOTICE' I ... I . .. . Uem�ers. of the local Motorcycle Olub a yd , .. . ormerly, mar- , , : � , . ..".. . I
. . .., . li L. distance. .came from London,, Luckn6w are, visiting 'ill Hit by PitcberL -�Archor, Mallough. . . L L I L
. I I _____ at SCI1AJEZF=1S, , . � I . I . . garet Gardner, daughter 61 the late Win, Farrow, tjoin Toronto, .
.. � ----------- I --- have, been, providing. thrills for -a uulft� ' . ____ L �,� j6". 1 L -woe -many and sArah Gardner, of 'Ashfield; in.her town at .Present, . . I .. � . -, ! " � : 1.
. . I L . . . I . . and WhItechureb. * There Base on balls -13y Welsh A i"Atia ;
I . OTI02 Or nEorsTOATION OFBV- ,r night, Ili . He . L I I b . , L ' . I oy A., � � I— :::
� . I . . bet .Of .spoetators� almost evei .,ve you .sent In your guess In ,the beautiful, floral tributes. Thi po - ear, g7th She was born in Streetsville, Robt. Vli 'Clark, "of -Pontiac, Mich.. Frelth, 1. .. . - I � .
LAW� 1. � I I .. . I I I " . '0� L Jus; C oat, .L . . I I �, , . . . -
. . L . . . I Bisset's T#Vjno� uIlls, spills and thrIlls "Orlent,Uosiery' gubasing coutest?,� �Cbn- ers were, Messrs. St. , Go Price, . .. 14r . smHotnsali st Godorich: G., I . I . � ,.
. . . . , I i , . . , Yoe I lith, 1844, nod came to.the Visited his father, Dr, W. F.'Clarti, over , Lift, Ott bane I .
L . I
. .
I . Notice - is hereby giVen that a By-law have been the password At. eaol� contest. test L Clote� August l5th at HMaMT1iS carrIc. Thos. Bell: Clad Wilson Brown., In her the week-end.ard toole lit the races oil. UMPIreS-13111 Wait, :Toron I . 'L . �. I . �..
I I vicinity of Lucknow in, 1852 .*it � I h' , L, , to, Noblal � � �
I . L ' I I .
. I . . I ..
I nell of Bill L , Jr., and :belt Bdwn, are the STORE: . L L lee. Ther late - Wk, Z - " ro 'And three. for6thers, WIllism, ,Civic Holid - y � . . . . 1. N.;4L
L . was Passed L by the Municipal COU . I I - I � ... I . . - 11 I I . _qhbQl`he.L V parent$ . Young,. GoderIc . . �
. . � -, filth my fastest climbers to date, While Wrank - . , . - I I I . I .. - - . . .. o. . � 1 I I �' L' .i - . . .;. � . ,:
., . I . the Town .of,.Godeilch, on the 4 . . I . 1. 1. John 944 James. all of whom prode� Mr. and AVrA. a. 0. Hardit, rind daUgh- Clinton will '. be 114'_ to 1,rIfty for. o6 � � . .: . . .
. Of June, 1931, authorizing the issue of Bowra :provides some real thrills -with . . ., ceased* her They were a-hoftg6t- the ter, Mary, of Ustowel..spont four clays sceduled gAme. . L'. . . ,' . . - . . . ,. . . . . I . . "I
L .1 .. debentures to L Flity4lVe ts, The .Club Intends ' ' 8 I. .i 'L . IMI i .. ' I L . I . .. 11 I . .. . ..
I the amount of his rapid de§cen . ,O RIC MOND �ST". .W, Li I I
.. tris - ($5500,00) to . Provide partaking In � a billelimb, at Baden this . I I . I I r-.( early and ino.;_ bsteemed pioneers of'the !.%at Week. Visiting Mr. Slid Mrs.: t. T. , , SCIIQQ,4 IN, , L '. . ' ��
Hundred dollf � .. . . .1 I L I ' ' : ' " L � .
. �� week L . . I I I . I . . .1 _ . ��IA7_1$1 Fur-NAC98 AT CENTUAL I L.L I L _.
" " roofing . tho. wat0wo . — .lip Uf A�j
. .14
.1old and,*dre totem
. oat Phlifipg,.tul St. ,
1, I ", _L fund ,�;s -end'-�sponsored by the Stratford I %. I. I I . I . - I I I . . I BAD CONDIT�qN - I . . L L .. L 1. . I � ,
.1 ,_,, building with a new steel and fire -,proof Club. I �1. . 1. . WnongA "the. ,piorAoters.of early Metho. ,-Miss AuQ,'ry Stewart has returned to . L �. . . ' ' .11
. I ' '
roof: And that SU04 By_lowL wits reglst;ero .. L . . I I . 10 I . I .. , .waS 'DIW 'L ;her home In'Toroato after via dting, of- tile, pabI17, I '
L" . . L . . �. . Notice " f * Mc,eting cif. Holders of FirSLt'MoTtg@JgA_.(Q1o§�d) - dinn' The Gardner .home Sys Iting with The L:,&UgU.gt rat, , ' .� ''L � :
I .
. I I L ed In the , Realstry* Office of the County W. IF. joh . . ad I . . . . , . ....Tweniy-ycar Sinkin Fund Bon�a, . � w L the itome, of the ministers of tlio gospel her L uncle -and 4unt, Mr, , . I - . School b6ard wits hold - .on Tuesday ulot I . . I . � . . .L..
I . .. : of Huron. at� Gadorlch� Pon' the 17th day 6i Ray b'sIbu R I un Over by U I . .., _ I . L . I . . - .. I . it) matter.tO What denomination they Mow, XAODoral .[$t., . %nd Mrs It'L jR . i 'ur - .1 .
. i., I - . ; . I . . I . . . ! r *, . -it #h s wfo�t 90114 Vustom wau=(31
I . . .. ; . . I I . I*'.. ,JL * I L , , I.. .. .�, *. . .
I . I 'k_ of-JILY, 1091. Any . . .. I . � . . ! !,..�, * r i .4k.: 5,k L 14 I ' ' � . ' ' ' !-
Motion to� quash or, I . . . I I . . 1.#'*L' I . �
I I set' aside theLsame or.any part fh�reof. On Wednegday afternoon W, P. Jobft- . NOTICB 14 AERBSY GIVEN. that ��*ML4 After hm, m3r,".1age tQL �1. imla'W L Horton and Was W.�BaII fill -the -chair), Tftmson, Currie,: Par-'. I .. 1 I . �:� , .
I I t be made within three montha .after ston siistalned p such purposes as the bondholders way We buobin4, Mr. John Craig [left ,;I,� Xdo'dft� fo" VOl1tf6fLL V" eons 41adlfttej, � T110 teOretary reported L "' .L . .11, ,
. MU$ , ainful InJuties whort he The Royal o pany.as Trustee for. I , In 18W , , , t,arW-,.1A L . L i .
. , Trust 0 m direct; and to Instruct tho.T'rustee to L i . .
* f this notIC0, and wag thrown off a load,of hay at Wm. the . borrow moneYA al aforea ' . .
the fl. -s,4 publication 61. L bblderg of First. Mortgage the deceawd p4me 'to .St.. AugwUn b,ant Lvip to lhlnce Bdward Island, Now. that - contracts had boon, signed �wltlx .
I -cannot be . made thereafter.. , . I I . . . (closedY aid and, to . b, * L . , L .1 1 . I . . .
. . Garrett's -farm .at the south of the tOWn, Twenty -Year sinking Fund Zon6 Issued - furnish -the Trustee with, Instructions w eresbo lived until Mr�.Oralg's death foundlanid and Labrador. , AMiss Mcbm,all and Miss Durnin, the ...
- I . .. I I
. Dated th# 2.3rd day of July' 1931 ' where he was�workhlg The horses took under a Mortgage Deed of Trust dated as tothe applIcatt n of such,borrow- In.J012. Site spent her last few years .Mr. and Mrs., Fred tagle aad sons, 'new teachem The ccrdt4ker of Cent' 'L , ' . I . ��
. . .. ' ' Mr. J L . . .0 . I of. H L iltoll, Wer rat I . � L
L, Ij.. XXOX, L : . 6d ton as of the I�t day Of -May, 1920, blade . Ings. - . I at the home of her daughter, Mij, Thos. Edward and Gordon, 0 s6hool -reported several� repairs needed, I . :,�
Munlelpal Mirk frighi and ran away chits clunond Street West, IAM- 5. . -'tile .Trustee Bamford am . -0. to the furnace$. which L , I I L
.- -_1 ��=_ . fell'off the- load and was. run over 'by between ,80 Ri To, authorize arid direct I Of Westfield. She leaves to. visitors over the week�end with the Mia. Includift.repah . . .
L .
:= _. . � . . :. I I . I �_ the.wagon which Injured him on the ited, and the said The Royal Trust Coin- .. cause to be Pula the prem . .
L I , TENDZRS FOR. DAEDOIN01 . . . Pany,* as Trustlei has called a meeting to pay 6r rn r 10$3 three 4tku#iters:. (Sarah) ses Campbell, Quebec St. . �- ., are In bad conciltion. The report was - . . . . .L� �.
. 'head iind shoulders. Dr. J. M* Graham .of IUM. in respect of the Policies of life Ung. Thomas Bamford. (Mlon16) Mra, Mr. and Mrs - r� D. Roller have! re- referred to the*:p�operty committee, A . I . .
L . I . . . I of the holders said Bonds to be held Insurance. effected by the 'Company David I ,X) I Ow Of L I a L I , I .
SEALED TVNDBRS, addressed- to the attended to.199 InjUries'And had him r,e- at Room #1G,11 10hg 19dward Hotel, Ring Wingiiam, and. (Bmml) turned to thel; home. In Detroit after letter from the Goodyear Tire ad Rub -w L L I , . �'
undersfgaad and endorsed "Tender moved tothe hos at.. L . o ' L Pursuant to 'clause (43). Of the said Mrs. William Finlay of AshfidId, and one visiting during the past Week with'Mrs. 'ber Co. ofXered to -replace 150 feet L Of .
I . . . .. . Pit . -Street East, Toronto, on Wedneiday, the Mortgage Deed of TraStL or otherwk.- Son, JaML IL - . . . .
L for Dredging, Little CattlroLqul, say, August, 1931, at the hour -of to instruct the Trustee. regarding 4.he ,. ts, of St. August rie� She was nollor's mother, Mrs. A. Snazel. zi&.Inch garden hose for Victoria achool. I . .
, , . ,
I . langston, OlAt,". will be, received until 12 Troubles Nevtt.Comb singly Irty Welod - in the afternoon (Day . 4 woman of sterling charactor-and.ot a al.. and Mrs L N. J4_ McLeod cand S it, fol 67,00, pill .-I I . . . . I
I . - � two-th. L - ditpositlon to be made, of such . I . O r a 406'for couplings, 614 hwe . L
� o'clock tioon (daylight Saving), Wodnos- :Ernest Kneeshaw had the misfortune ,light Saving Time� for tile purpose of ; I . . .offer -,was aceepted. . .
.. the day of . . . polities, . � . I � gentle and. loving disposition and m cl,
day, August I& 1931, his bra. .considering and it thought advisable pas- . . . her ex� Burke, returned ho o *Mon ay from a to be returned. L The L
. to. break his left arm . 6 To make provision for the proper re- Malitle -will long be remomber6d by her motor trip to Fort Colbornp, Nia ' IMPOW004 . . . . ;
Teriders'will not'be considered' unless ther John's funeral. Those tram out of sing all extraordinary &-ordhia,ry. reso- .,- neratibu and fication of felfilly and many friends., she was , . gara The property.committee Was t . I
I Made on the forms supplied by the Do- . . . MU - Indelinal I ell� Falls, Toronto and Buffalo.. - . to. have fetice ay.viet6ria. . School. - repair- - - . .- . L ..
partment and In accordance vilth ,th town In AttendaneeLat the funeral ii6re . lotion or iresolutloils to i . the-Truateo-and generally to Instruct dowed. With'it keen sense of humor L and Mrs. Culver (Miss Margaret 'Skelton ed, at an. aWro,dIX)ate,
. I :
coriditiong .set fOrth thqeIn. . I e Reg. Jones, Mr. I and . Mrs, VIC.L Jeffery, I I Rattly and.confirm. actions , thereto- the Trustee with regard to its further a really Wit which she .retained to the ai� she used to be,"whon' rotideut In a - numberAf cost of $40. And . . 11 .1%
I -M, -_ L � ., . ��.counts were referred ,tq,. ''_ , �, , ,-� : .
.I-.-- - �� Mr.,;- VVM Jefterg And_Mrs� fore tak __uKee n c - . L � __ --.-- - __- "ou4id�- -- - - - --.-..-
Colliblit _�I_tlje Trude _,actlahs; .- ... L'..-'. end.----0d.f Mit' r
WA-0110d&aVoll. -E4`s`1r"ll-' —mencirij an acti cl Pit . ffitf -�je&`j�erj d_w4th Goderich years. -ag& . Is -viat-ina tile the finance commict06 t4 .piy. I
6ii-for fore osure . ; , - tif, L. L"" � � 'ir�f&ijc . .. , I I
. I ,tender can be obtained on Ifaml, of Bowlitanville- Mr. and Mrs. for sale of the mortga&ted promises NOTICE Is further gtvm, for o Pur- suffering which she, bore with Misses Campbell, Quebec'St. L' correct.., I I . .... , . I I.
. . the urdersigned,L also at th, Jas. Rc�;sj of Lucknow; �&;;, WAlt and Pose of enabling the h6ldera of Uniegist- Christian fortitude but I . Mrs. A. Buchanan, MIM Mary Such- . . I I �. .- — I . . . . . L. ... . .
� and for the appointment of a Recelv- ored Bonds to be present and vote. at . . . . :
. .
District En,-Inoer, Hunter Building, qt- daughter, of Or -and Rapids,. - 6�ro Mrs. L er and In entering Into -an arrange- e, ffgbt� of:.;sMIles_- ShIll,fill. lt�&ln . � �, anan al, . I . .
. taft. � . I % . . " ,the meeting without produclng� 4helf id Mr. L 000, Sifebona 1, loft on "Old BlOach" linens, All Wool Stan- I I .
; . Fraser ,and Itwo sons, of Port.Wittlam: - . ment with the lielf-holdem find to Itet., and *11�4 -Covers less 15%.- 'Special _..' I .
i Tender's must Include the t;o.whig of Bonds and of - enabling them .to be pres� 'the 116 iiat -overflow with tears,� . Sunday by *mnitor for �r two Weeks, visit I
: the plant to andL $'OM the work. , - Wm� i0rawford, of Toledo; Lewis Thomp- ratify and approve advances thereto- . L lit tat d6artments during �OUV bi& . , . L L .
, IfUStee for maln� proxy, that the follow- And weary hours of - wo it ichoopill inn. Parry Sound. District, Price3 . . I '.
�, 11 The dredges and Other.plint which are son_ Mism-40cell . McLeod. and Mrs. Me- . fore made by the � ont and vote by eL and pain 'L XfS�,� W. R. V aler sale. a., W. 90HALTM. . I .
L jr, . tenance -of the Mortgaged premiaes.:. - Ing regulations have been made In ac- Are prOM1065 of bappl6r yoais. , .L -arder return6a to .her Mid-8arn " I . I . I . . � , L
intended' t6 be .employed on'thig work; Lcod# of Bityfield, And Fred Egener, ., I . . . � Oorgande wlth the Provisions. of the..6ald . . . I . .. .
I shall have ba I en dilly registered lit Can- of St, CoWdrines, 2 1 In', the,, elvaht that the Mortgaged MortgagQ Deed Of Trust: L 4 . There is a day of. Sunny f D$t . . .home near, WhItechurch after it pteaCsant SPECIAL OrTICAL NOTICE ' .. I I .
I . . . . .. I .. . premises are 'not sold at the judIclat For every dark and troubled night; Visit ,wlthi%htr cousins,.Mr. and-Mr.g. it. . , I � . . � .
ada On of before the 'thirty-firSt day of, A,holder of unregistered Bonds desIr ' , I
1920, or shall .have Iioen con- Trailer Breaks toose and Orealm . . sale to be held on Thursday, the -20th ' Though grief may bide an evening guest r. PhIllipa, East St., Goderich. Have your eyes examinbd by our Won
r . L I.. day. of August, 1931, to consider any *g, to be. present and vote. Without Pro - , and. PaInGtalting, Specialist. Mr. . I
... I =.arid registered. In Canada,,nblee Through Wln4ow . . . . duction of such Bonds shall first deposli Yet joy shall come with- early light Mr� A. C, Oalloway, of Baltimore, Md., ItnOwn . 11 , L .
�',�N-Ithe said date. . � . offor or offers to purchase the Wort- ' has , , arriveO. .on Thursday to join Mrst. Gallo- Hugh.con, formerly - optical expert for . . .�
��i, .such Bonds with any list Company or For Ood marlwd each sorroW Xents, Toronto, and 110 Mrg . .
� , A peculiar accident happened about 3 1 gaged preiniales which may be pre- .
. Tr
Bath tender Must be accompanied by ,',lock ibis Thur�day afternobn 0auk or any other depository sati5fac. Ing way, Who baa be�n Visiting her mother, . I .
. , 1, , - ' -Sandy .. pouted to the 'meeting and whether � dayi ' �. � I Mrs, Ohas� Wells, for the past fivoweeliz Co., blontreal, Qvor 30 years' expvr� I I L .
. an av,epted cheque on a chartered bank, Sawden as driving round, the Square heretofore o , r Uorefifter made alid to * I . .
. payable to the Order of the Minister. W tort to the Trustee and a certificate -of And nu bered every secr 0
of such deposit, signed by -a depository, to ot tear-, � Mr. J. A. Mdtaron. of Toronto, va a lotted; 20 years coming to G derift . .
, Public Works, for 5 Per dent of the corL- With R. Wilson's -trailer attached, Mo V. authorize and empower . the Trustee, stating the amount and . distinguishing And -heaven's long aae of'bliss Shall -Pay Ashok fit .town during the pact NV63 You are astured of the best optical work . .1
. . trust price, but -no qbtituo to be for lew Ing some Material, When the bolt broke al of the, Cotlfb xltuftboi� of the Bonds and that th6same I For all his childreri suffer bore. ek-, to be obtained and at very moderate ; . I
my Such. offer td purdho'se I I - 11 .1 i", ......... ."..... .... . .. I,- . he hitting been lit .4ttendance at the 0,
I � than live hundred dollars. Bori4a, of the and the timilot continuing gn7lts way . to accept t Will rel-Afthi so 'deposited until after thc .. . I L . I to Mj8d cost. We- have all the late Otyle mount- ' . � .
Dominion- of Canada Or bonds of the ,h L one the Mortgaged Promises as Is deemed funeral of the a Mary Memallon, �:� � I
. unhampered drove throuf o said meeting,and the last. adjournment * BRIE F TOWN Ingsi the best malre of the best makers I
. , , t the
� calladlad National Railway Cc 'of M,�S 116gan'S 604fed advisable or any offer thereafter made thereof 'has beeli held, shall be produced TOPICS , whose Pupil lie had been so .a boy Ili . . I
I .
I mow will whf&%va . tion4ry which the Tristee- Ili Its dl�cretfon ' V. Woolcombe has removed Ills Insur- public school. , and our prices are ,from $4,00 'Up. . I
. � be accented as security, oir bond$ qtd a .10te, Th6: plate glass was shittorodand, I deems advisable and upon such terms at the meeting by -a holder of Bonds do. ance Office to ,the premises' formerly 6r .. THURSDAY and IMIDAY, August '13th I I
, cheque Of required to make up all odd alring to vote In person without produe.- _,. - Mrs, J. E. laryt!Cea , and � daughters, I �
amoubt. . . . .1 ,the, frame work of, the bottom of the . and either for cuh.or credit or part tion of such Bonds at the meeting or be cupled by the ;Ate Norman Lewis. . . Francis and Mrs. S. T; Armstrong, of and 14th. Come e4fly. ' - � . . .
. . I ny'order,- Al . . window Wag driven back against the cub and part.L credit as the Trustee attached to or produced With any proxy Ron. T. L. Heratedy, PrOVInclal. Mia� *Nanton, , Alberta, -Who, have been visiting SIMITH'S ART MORS,, 00derich. . I f
I and to.authorize the . h.,dL � .
. ! X. DeIJARDIN8. pounter. Fortunately'no one was in the ,.. deem ,Advisable executed by th ,r 6f Bonds, Any Ister Of Agriculture, has cOusellted to theWbrother ,and uildle, Rew'S. V. R. . I * o I
. . Secretary, Way ( - Trustee, subject to the approval of I . CAUO OF T11mms . . .
I . Pr there might ba, . Ve been a cocsuaa- the Court 'to accept in satisfaction or Such certificate shall be satisfactory evi- Open the GoderIch Fair on. Tuesday, Pentland. left ye3terda for a short visit I I . I
. I
Deplrtmell� Of PablIaL Works, I . ,ty to report alsli. . L I L I 'dence for the purpoSe of action by the Sept. 15th. . . .L Y Nt'r., Richard. Oprung�. and ' family, . I
Ottawa, July 2q, 1931. ____�, eL . . . part satisindlon for the sale or trans- 0 the I L ' with friends in Dullaarmon. I Auburn, Wish to- tivint: friends and I :. .
. '. _____ I Th Star aad Western Ilome bfontldy fer.of all or any part of the mort- ", I 0 L faith thereat. Miss lroine Johnston ,has beeh . ap. Mr.� and Mrg� W. V, Prtcoland x1aul,%1. nelfshb,oa for their kindly officed and .
REAL ESTATE AN -111 _1NS* " - for $2.66 ' . ganod promises any Shares, bonds, . . ' 0 further. given that'thogaid Pointed chief oPeralor at the local Bell ter, W18o Florence, atid Mrs, cteorac Mil* egpradons of rynipathy at the time of
I I .._--_�. ___"MAFqii L � . debOnttlreg, mortghges, debenture Mortgage eed of Trust provides in Bub� Telephonc oface, at�rtlng . from the first ter are back from a lnato� trip to Was- tliele recent bereavement. i . I
ARIESTAORd ItVAL, ESTA19 -"'ff' weeK we have Pleasure In an- stock or any other securities of any stalled I follows., THAT the holders of I
� . W" T110 Ift6ancing, oluVblng arrangements with re , to d non may by Inatruirlent, In ")f the month, In Succe-MlOn to tile late aca, P,each. Mics- Muriel Wootton, The faMfly of tile title Mr. ThO3. 0. -
AND INWIRANOP , AGMCY� .. . - ., I - ..,-, ,_.�_. ..�,.;��=" company formed or to be forfaked or MISS McDonald. I daughter of gre, Wm. Wootton, of Owen Tichborne desire- to exittew their zinecro . .
11 � , — � . � . � .: .- , � to accept a.4 part pa,"nent any obafts Iting under the ,Ir hands and statinly � . i
. � I A Iclrge�nUmber Of hdu,.le5 and Iota and � , I . WAT,491) - ' --' . or -geo.urltlds as aforesaid and In the It 0 nu r of the, Bonds regarditil Applications for Copies Of the 0ode. Sound, acCompanled them home, appreciation for the , kindnez shown - .
;arms flbii sale at Very 101V PrIce3, . I � event of any Mch offer being accept- lah, they are entfii,M to vote appoint rich fair Prize Mt are beina 'received. The marriaae la'to take Place Mon� them In their roeett bereavement, for �. . . . I
I Zee or w4te . . WMUD--Roolrlers, btudents Prefer- I ed by the Trustee 0,nd approved by any Person as their proxy to Vote at the The 1151ts have been sent out far and day'llt Stratford of Mr. Fr6d Eagle, ul floral tribulk-t, , and- to'thot-,�, .
, I J. W. AltMigftONO. ' '.1 red, Two bloekt Vein Collegiate, the Court to authorko the TrWtq!e to meeting ter tWol and THAT rave as wide but still there -aro�proapvetjvo exill. Pon of Mr. and" Mrs. V. 0. Eaalej Of who to Itindly leaned earn, ' .
. . Ww. ROM GOOD, -Britanula Road. �, I
.1101 go. - oderleb. _,�_ � �, _ recognift A 11amilton. and nephew of the �.Jt4.o . .
a .. _ __ distribute In' bpecle any Shares. or 4folrecald the only Port= who bhIll be bitors who .are enitairing for Mto. I We 461re to express our heartfelt
� I — . __ .. 11 . I � ; - = recurittes 00 received by It pro rat -i -d at the meeting 0 the holdera prominent horce Mail looking at the ]lot Campbell 'Quebec St. Mr. Vagle In wItil I tbankx to tbe�'many frleaO in 00dorloll I
. I I I . �d� I--. . I I I I . , among the bondholders upon tha of Bonds or Ag entitled to vote Or be thl,3 woolc I ' . . 1,
� ____
I I I . -bondholdew respectively delivering -up Present -at the meeting In retile6t thert-_ commented on the goncr for tile lanuneta and symll3thy extended I
. I P . I prIzes Oodorlcly is offering. ous'thc A B' Allies Co..In Nontreal. on the death of our beloved wife and � .
I � � I W. MAIG , , their Von& to,the Trustee for can. Of, Shall be tile per.cons Who produeoun. I . I Mr."Gii Mrs. A V16110L,on, of ;OtObeg arandwother, Margaret Canninallani Me. � I :
I I i %0A 1E - C, H. HUM13FER ,cellation.and td, autlwrlz� And direct Mi0t0r0d Bonds at.the meeting and tile Oroct, and their r'oxl, Mr. Urno, Nichol.- Hardy. on July 17th lask'tollov. Father �
� . ,rtd bondholders, � . HAYFIELD I
. � . . . JF-WZLL8#t . - the llyugtea to do all Acts, &Ign.and registe I I Iron with. Mrs. Nicholson and tWo ron5, Lowry and the �434' r,le,tora tot, their I I
I . TUE SMALL STORE execute all doetiments find tuter Into . Bondholders are reque3ted to Make For the first time In the hIst6ry,of )Lorne dild Bruce, of Prultland, were lyrayern and ecricolatiou, and to'Draphost .
., % all agreements which tile Trustee may every effort to' attend tile meeting in -nayfield tWO chUrth bells are rincAla on; week-tod visitor8i with the torma-4 Sro3. for their ki d and offlefout .=4 1
4 1 Real Estate and 1wranco- , WIT" Tilt "to STOCK . 1. dOm ftteestlrY Of adtf"blo f6i tile PLIMOR br:by proxy as the queWovs to vivol " . . -P -1 I . . �, -1 I
� . . . S1111647 WrilhiC.- Mis. Holen JhndD -of , daughter. Mrs. Jas. Campboll and Mr. 11UGUANband OnANDMI. .
. Al ill . . . purpoit of taming oat any such $ale be 00flolared thereat are of great Ina- Ilayfleld jl�Xo prp,,�tnted Itnox pl,C�'byt&.., Campbell. . �
.11 .. � - and Confirming tile title to the mort, port'alloo to the boudholdorn and it is lah tht4rch with a bell in mcinory of . . .. DIED . I
� — rgaged premltms or any part thereof I d Mrs. WhIter 11cm announcell I .
%AkIi I - , V'St 7 that bant1holdera of tile face ,YOIUI V�4_10r. Uargafc-t Glb�.oa, jabie5 . I I
I . - _,�_ %-tot freo from the charge ,Til;f $213,1000.00 be repracented Mr. = GV=90 "In Auburn on Oqturdaz .
- i tile , engagement of their daughtor. If
. . to a Pur"'th., .1d,M....... I)eed of thOrOat In order to constitute a qu i Aug. Int. Z.V8. nebert A. StpunU, In Ito., I
I preated b Galrdner, Caroline tv,41115 "c4azzle" I bert Dawon of fix year. - I �
� I Tetat Drum, 11,10lard 'Manbury, Z,1,D.;. Jane L1123 Leol a D" to Mr. 1.'Her! . I
7 I . aAX Wr t;lc Bonds IMUCA 02"' TRIS VOTIVE Is alvan-purauant. to atan;5arr, Tbionto, C921 � of MrS. Damon of Tdr�nto . 73 I �
� . . atiant, the'reto. tka PTOVII'loas of the cald 4,fortgago Dced Charle:; 8imong .Pact John I ,on, of S., DIYVTOM-At acdcricb. ' Manday. � .
. 2 To authdrlze and cmpowc,r Mao ULA. of Trust to tha intent that nay rc-,Dlu- W41ddon. Theiliorning service on Can and tile late John Dawr I'Au,jut 3rd. 1001.. Ma* T Dalton, I
I NOTICE! ' - - .agreement or t�oa VIZ�C-d by tha m4uu day Will tafto the form of a . . 0 ' , .0 ace, thO I w1doW of Ill(,, Late Ge3rge 14� Dultm, I
I �. tee to Cater Inta any to majority at dodleatlon early part of - ptem bor. .
. 0 - agretmou" with the licullolders bs, tile tal Illettlne or any adjournment Of MO tiew belt and aL,9 0, r I �'h�%tratf6rd. Ont. - �
I . Tcrct)t at a0morial. Eoz. I
, . ;Which tht- right -3 of the bondholderg - whiell a quorum, 11 prou at In vice 102 fll&�,� In W130,-0 memor dy, of �, TICHnORN131-At Lontlon, on Thur,3- ..
11 We bave a1w taken 0M thO ,,811ft-roonij and gaS puilip stud t or the Ifenholders lit r4�,*pL*r , y it ttas
. .�b of ateardance witli the Vrovblow of the L,�� = b Toronto. woro weca-clid vt1t&a with;�,, di`;y. July 80tb, Tllomaq D. Vellborao. .. .
I S ,,;I alvc,n. Tile bell I c.
, m. said MartgaNd Deed of Trust tliall bo twd ci bro:120 tablet will be put In t.fjo I .
i I the n1ortgag(d Promises may be " On oreeted their parent,,, Mr. and Mro, Tjjo5. Candy. � IN MMOSIAM
i at Wore's Gawe and will Conduct, .in addition to o promised OZ settled And to do ILIJ *c-ts blndfi�g upon all tho batdboldtla w;ie I
; ur used I 1 -eutranrA� to the Church. Rov, I! T, MI'l rcarl romaint4a for a tv�O-WO(21m,",
and exttut6 all dw,ultltnts, lit,t-elt I - � Pr.:N=AN,b.-In momisrV of M. 19, .
� Car SaleS, all UP4040 a Superfe5t Gasoline ,qnd oil 8 ,%fy the pi4ti(int or abitent at,4 ciell an, llcnnl�', ZIA. of Aclon, w,J . ' vblt� Miza MarCaT�t Cindy, v�ho Izad Vcutlilln4, ,Mzo pa=d away,wne &Q3r$L a$a'
P � ervice, Or Afthlble In thO OpInion of tile every Wndholdt-r. I 11 61nefa,to at
� ^
. Trutteo to cury out any ime;t agreo. -VATED at Tozanto Nib 41101h d.Ay of f,VJI EtrQlec!), OPtelat 02OW5 will alza bsn hi Tomato for, three weeka, roturn. ui� AWI. Otil, 1030. 1
1 - We Platt 0A giVillg daY and night servite. We invite' Went. . � My. 1031, � ova ostl,*t In the !Srvfco� of ,, with Mcm. . , u0b be 11= Gone, well U3',' forgo*, 'I,
I Station Mole, 04 hom" :� T;Z3 �. -
4 TO flitify and CoMfInft tlk!� skawa of T-1115 1107AL TP.1U5T COMPANT It , ,-*- - P2 " ,Dr. Vaekwud anI Mm, Valckwa8d, of bim, .,
;hree, I
I I al
yott to deal with its at St. Atldremq St.. Goderich. I . , Tmt" In entftlilt Into ft weo. T�Wtem , M's. ItDblamn, of poldn' 27. t -cm,
1V . 11 . - . I . " . , theT - - . �, ch2n% �3 Drown C Xell'. 0 -ad. M621 domsbtor,� nut %ill lice -P. h10 momom V I-
. ment wIth, t116 (�Offlpgny -1 � � vL222,g hrr JrI,, i
6-� --- � saftendiag ,nd, $4jv�s V4btj, T,511l. ML*3 6WC-V4e01la ViekweW, ttlssfo unyse I HO 2:2-1 ra-"C42 br-70nd ttw weml
I � PQb-P*fWAPh (1) Of C14tM (41) Of Saititbld forml of PTOXY Arta-ctitsiltatt Mm Llfnt-�'- JoMkn; of 11'smilt'an. fa fWA tLo T-abc,jeull? AL*0clition at ? To Mm laad by us Emote%
1�1 , , _*S4, � I
, tht' Mid MOtl448 I)ftd of Vtutt fO Of deMit May be obtllrztd St th6 dMe , III .S I k hw" 4 ,,- ��' Ile is waizgas foT 03T cal"19eg. .
� 0 t ,V4 V n ame-t IL I lAntir,3, Nch., Lit* relarntd to th_kl�,, I
, id - - . pre'Ade, thlit the Tkiw" nky bar6w of Tht RoyAt Tfatg-Oftony# 50,YLOW mr& nru-*% Of ,Chl,�,180, is tPending t Wkc,n Mo san ects gn Mo ve�4.,*
is"AN Jlhonty upon the Politift of life W Atrftto Tdfttm The Rqlil Tmo� e. Wile after IvMft Ufa.' Packwood`at-or,
'J'A E, STEDELDAUER, Prop -' tur I om-'a6mo tlmti fn boatrLeh att ore"ent, kv,ther, W Will, A"W"s% W . VW6 hell lrct� and grftt us fa"'4)d��
. 81-1taftee e0ectedby the Cmpo,flf pw� �, owly carnot undefto-tet to Act. " twot W, 1, iii the- I-ftnds of the blttt, �
_� 613,'At V) thO ft1d elft" f4ls� *#44,1*n4 rv,,W!tS Amid ot"ths-refte Y' Ws, Writ WCrAla'A, fto 14 _VMMg hi ruk,XW41 e!stlers, Wfi, effto, Mrs. Daw Xv�tr M!"ed bp .
V� I I � � ====' lifl -AX*y V* lftontys sa "Cjwed f0tf4XemJt* ", GJAe'%al, , �,
I 1� d in Its tirk. ( and W& I(ArfrOt of IWIM, ll VMS skwl :PAMMT,
. , . . I
Artistic Announeenlents
TZ� 6tar U Prepared to give swut St.
t'CUM3 to pLailaing aw,l cx-,rutfr4f &VtU�
U1, bisM.C34 61=UW,(l4-= carib W4
feUcr420f W1 *um 11
I Tty Tb* StAr Aw Vdatilig that rkawv I