HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-07-16, Page 8PM a yaw SPEC I •-•••••••••1**********.m. saaltel air, and AL -3, rina Msilfat, Sara! ctai, thls week -pita, Miss Loraine aria Master Verrzin flay. af Toroata, aro gacata land• 151m.WI Ivwin. M. aria M. S a anttleta iami ram - • of Essax, isaliciaaina MIT cat,- GOLF BALLS taw, Kint:18, claircis hall atarliveasaay E=ViZo Sainday. Jcital lath. facrtiesa made by a le ading e;aa and 7.fla pm. manufactur Mr. and Atm. J. U. Stathera and, tam - • of „tendril. axe spending' a MSathat Reg. 50c each o, cattago at Part itrult. ana tira. John Maim and Miss SALE -4 for $1241 .17.,:ernico. of Viliagliant, gueata and Um. Ernest Blake Sunday. Ata and alga. Lout riaathlay and Mn T.ora Glen, Jr.. of Detacit, aro spending or Cl per. dozen 4 4aa.day vacanon at tho lattwa Immo T1.44u Balls are otlaran. IIt'ZIT:a and Pern. of lareknow, aro Tam. Wallace Twaraley aria daughtaro, teed, cilcaam,3. t4s Wiidaya en their farm acre. llov. C. W. Del,Vitt Cesens. of Strat- a:a. is the. speeiat preacher. air. WU grad itobinean a Dannybrook, will assist the local chalra. Da. and Mrs. Erneat Ball and chtldren laid Alta Mary Ball. Of Brantford. are spending the holiday3 With air. and Mn. Ocadfrey Ball, Misses Orace Blake and Basile Lane where they purlieu, spending the re* ••/•••... BELFAST minder of he lioliclaye. AllaSea Olive and Elsie Anderaori are aar. and Afro. Cyril Campbell and fain,. Vests of their aunt. airs, R. .of mmt-ISteirlay Mar -Ripley,- _a atioderich--this week, while they 'attend Mr. end Mrs, Will Anderson and eons, the ohautatatua aorta% lattieSel, ;act:. awl Wife and little. babe. of . mro., Wm. mom who has Spent the Kinvercline, called on Vir. and Airs. Jno, past eat months with her eon, pr, , thetv Slake, Winnipeg, returnedhnne muster Laniard and Oster. vaeanesday: she was accompanied.east Hacella, are visiting near Eanditee with ay her crpaattubtor. miss Margaret • their grandnarenta, Mr, and Ivirs. John slake, who .vill spend the 'vacation with. • Campbell. relatives Listowel and Ashileld, • Mr., George Lane, non onooco, and daughters Winnie and Hilda, motored to Riverview Saturday, returning Sunday with tha and Aire. Jim LaYburr4, • Ma and NUS. Allan Alton and family, ef Tomato, motored. up from Toronto on Mrs, 4aelaion, of Wirigham, le visiting BOOK STORE• loft fOr JUddhaven. Mitalcoka, Priday, AUBURN Mr. AUSsel King, of the village, is re-, Joicing over the birth of a daughter. Sonday to their uncle's, Mr. John Mul-1 her son, Janus.' at Waikerburn, at pres- Su, the Mln.cs Isabel and. Marion are ent. ateying for a few Weeks, • Mr. Earl Raithby'a family donned in Meand Mrs Harry Beckett and babe, ,a1ze last weak bY the addition of a acconipanied by Mr, and Mrs. Joseph 1aughter Beckett Lueknow, motored to Stratford Miss Paterson, of Toronto, arrived here en Saturday and Me and Mrii. John this week on a short visit to her parents Tannin also anentthe day there celebrat- In the Village. laaaathe,oaange IViellvene, of Clinton, spent the MArBliING • '',ns Anderson relatives In Owen Sinvid !Tuesday. • Miss Jean Reed, of Belled, is visiting Mrs laiellead Johnston this week. Messrs. Ctracge Twainley and Tone An. careen, Jr., spent the week end in. Lon- ' Meters. Richard and Elmer Johnston ce, Our Ailsortazent of BOrclerei Linen Tablecloths Cottage Sets Towels,Handherchiefs Eta. • ORITISH eXCLIANGE KOCK MISS S. NOBLE Mr. Alexander McKenzie of the vit. lea% arrived tram this week after spend. In g a few days with friends in Haview Tito Preabyterian garden party last TEE GODEnICH '411111040.44040•••••••••••• „lion aa towbar LI the Certral 4:11131, GooEmeu TOWNSH Gociatich, Mrs, Norman Wiglitmica and babe, -0A Al"' Rasa si)endir41 a with Moeda at Mitchell. week with tutu coups, mr. Ana Mrs, W° ay° 59/17 tCP reisgt that Mr' Cad Mani* are *pending a few WO till W. 3". CeniPbell end other friends. iEinaaweibi is 1.114 1W witr4 li broken eaUar Ur. (leo, W. Sriell, tali daughter, Mu ""ne' Mgt and his inecesa Misses Bilyth and A number of people In this vlainity Jou masawst aro vemuna ,,,,, f,,,,, do.. arc taking La the Chatatanqua in Ciode- thia Werkw111 the foriner'a Welber. Mr. dell tills *eel:* John Snell, of Winatsar. Mr.t4inil Ma. Samar Orr, of Toaonto, Nri„. and uri. lobed Nolte/7 awl fama arc aperidim their vacation at their for - 119, af Hamilton, are visiting at the home Mer hUrd" here* of the formers sister, 4aire. Jame.* Ma,. 34.* Uens°n 6nwerhY Is under t4/"IWS' OM and the lettere sister, isirs. Ivrea a, tor'e care at Ire4rAt. We impa for a alai; and other friend* <34:4"1Y /'°°°°):7. some of the farmers have completed baying in tins vicinity and have sterted In barest wheat. Quite number from around here at. DlingallnOn tended the i2tli of • auly celebration Stretford on Satinday. Doings at he CiOderich hip Ifomital. Aux. Ward has beeri recanted of the death . week was Tate a metes's. There was a „or_/Iowa vairtnitu, a fo, 4, .ma.... s.....rsereny,wunutroreneertu4a4t. theouhoumrsecul, attralays, IMMO attendance and over $100 was ree. tor of Smiting, Presbyterian churchalaills - . . lazed. 23rel; at 2.30 oclock. Last woos mta prnest Paterson had :14t1111,:41' who 11.15=sed e'waYiNhEt t'lle, Utnne Miss Marguerite Falconer, of Ocalerich . 3 younger daughter. B. li.• NV, S. the bounds of lila tautly vaertaca by osoonet Dawn, man. oc, uad xp.,41:.• spent Sunday at the home' of her pax' the addition of a son to tim family civ* ed t110 great tIPYearS, but was• flIS' Mr. and iVirs-Geo. Valconer. Ma. and Mo. Eoy Wilson and design.. - .Or, of Acton. motored up and visited clo. • bright and active until the last. Barn a Mr. David aalcAlliater and his sister. in Ratan sa.atmaa jnni„ igg7 h, over tbo tirith ,miatiyog laero, Miss Josephine, called on acquaintancea In this nelabborhood the. beginning of the Week, St. Mark's church:in the village in.! tend having their annual garden party on the 24th of the present month on the church grounds. Miss Margaret JaektOn, Who la teach- ing In Toronto, is the guest oa her baca, Wei; James, on the 13th toncession of Bullett, at present.! Several Or the Orangemen took in the -Celebration in Stratford last Seturda.y, On Monday a large number went to ElYtla for the same Purpose. Misa Lelle Youngielut, of Stratford, - spent the week.eraa! with her parents , 1. Ce0.$04 .4401 Many years. Re is sin here, She was accompanied by her. vived by two daughters and one son, friend, Miss Wenzel, a nespeier, ws„ su„ R. tiauphin, slam, Mr. 1Vicalvene, of liciivManville. who aluton, and lacy, at Eitirbairra, of has been holidaying in the village, re. a/x=00a • , turneto his home this week!! Later We, Rev. Mr. LVfaashersOn, tAStOtrel, open-, MOEVene and family will teturn. pied the pulpit at Erskine Presbyterian • The 'My Fortune Cigarette Company church on annoy, having come from offered„ several prizes for :those , who could guess the amount of their Arlie sales. Miss Laura Phillips secured the third prize and a cheque for $.75, (Prom another correspondent) • 141of 414sevteendtetz,CanhisadpaerWohntesn eace3toonrpanYlg ;Anal; were e guests on Sunday at the hOnle of Mn and Mrs. Gorden Orr and children him. After teaching Sawa in. Ontario Mr. and tars. Percy Graham, Shepperd- for some years, he 'became a student of tom, Toronto University, and later graduated Tho sacrament or the Lorcl'a „supper from Knox Callfge. -dist Pastoral will be dispatVati in Union enm'Cia next. aerved Vona charge was. inolseOrtoo, 1090niter as1°' pastor of will occupy tby and he alunclay. Rev. P. W. Cork, the paster, the -charge grsitine- nistire14Dungan-,Mr. Richard I..*ori,er and deughter, Miss non, and St. Andrea's church, z'ora"-aar Marion. and Mrs. John Blau. motored to pert (now United). He w" a• very Wingliam last week and spent a couple :rairsigrettlaietenatw81:?ItaWytbha jous:Mdtitiwnsottrry:r1ZwwriTtuw3etilisliivire inhe:ha,mjegt4:;,3,b127et'abch8:atQplacralltmyllipt°114zols7Criodcamilazyine, even - years Bible Society. Alirs. Fairbairn Merle- young people aro cordially Invited to at- tend. , Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Trewartlik of Clinton, and Miss Achescna, of Holmes - vine, attended divine service in Union church on Sunday Wareing Ms. Trewar-, tha's foriner home church. Jolln. Harmer, Mervin Ii4eAllister and Maurice' fvf.cIlwain. pupils of S. S. No. 6, were succesaint in passing their entrance examinations. We extend congratula- tions to bath pupils and. teacber. The best wishes of the community are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ross p(TrirtoenlY, Mise Twheerietria.M married °rtecSertry-, AU join in welcoming Mrs. Ross to our midst and wish the young Collide' a long and happy wedded life. The Sunday school of 'Union church are having a picnic on Thursday after- noon. July 23rd. on the Union school grounds. The races Will commence at 4 o'clock.' There will be novelty races and games also. Supper will be served and it expected there will be a seabed,. game in the evening. Everyone come and enjoy a real good time. Mrs. Wm.:Phillip entertained num- ber of her friends and neighbors to a beach _party lot Thurssday 'evening. The Welling ayes spent In games and novelty' cases. • Lunch was served and a most enjoyable evening was had by all. • 'me many friends of Mrs. Oswald Sit- ter, of Thedford. who was seriously ill in. St. Joseph's Hospital. London, will be pleased to know that she is much bet- Rer mother, Mrs. Thos. Sowerby. very pleasant cley in Stratford on Satur- was able to return home on Sunday. forceful Speaker and' was .well versed in of days viaiaing with relatiyea there. camp laintaal where he has been for the past week. Rev. 0. IL McDonald ex- -changed with him and occupied the put.' pit at Listowel. " Very successful anniversary services from Toronto, • +.01tarch (Lochalth) on Stinday. The Miss Marion Morthnore 14 home again • were conducted at Ashileld Presbyterian services were ton:Meted by Rev. lien. alicil‘tra, Roy Roberton are at his -week-Ohl visiting her friend, Mts. As. Zather's home' for a few holidays.. • not McLean., of St. Andrew's Presby,.! Miss Margaret Jaekson called on old wentle,th the village last week,two very 11111404We nernionS. Special Masts H., arid C awytutori are atotta music was rendered bY.the choir: log their cousin, Mr, Clayton Robertson. guMiestsswilitheiseanc.Cordpurbello: Stratford,Iou. 1;a Mr. Alex McKenzie has been •spending and Prank. a few days visiting his sister in Hayfield Mrs. Sciater, of Seaforth, is the • guest- quills of the village. , Airs, Gaedsvill has been spending bia holidays with his father, Rev, W. T. Geodwill, of the village. Mr.- and MO, George Maise. 'of Lon- don, called on relatives in the village the former part nf the week,. Several from here are attending .ttie annual meeting of the Masonic calx•and Lodge at Windsar this week. ' • °f Mrs. R. naNievm attended a meetirig of Spent,a few days last week with Mends terlao church,. Wingham, who preached Mrs. Hugh Rutherford, of St.'Helens. 'of her daughter, Xr8. B. Lawson, tins is visiting her daughter. mrs. John Ben- e . nett. • , Miss Vanstone, root>, W e . • . • • Mrat ResS, Mrs. R, McWhinney and •••••••••••••• COAL! COAL! COAL! in this neighborhood. - ' oociety of the W. g a. Wingham, and Arm, Forrest carter. the executive af Maitlend PresbYtefiai Now iS the' the time ttiput in your winter coal. The Anthracite Coal that We handle is from the Hazelbrook Mines. This coal is guaranteed to be free from slate and clinkers. Allis coal costs Twenty Five cents (25e) a ton more than other coal, but we; cm selling it at the same pricer EGG $16.50 per ton less $1 per ton STOVE .CHESTNUT I for cash on delivery. WE HANDLE: • COKE. , . . .$12.50 ton'PrIcei ISUbj"t to soPOCF,T0:11.7 N11A.S. , . tiohl"onc'ff.4efir:: $1L50) ery ifor Hardware, Plumbing and beating -Try We guarantee $iktisrocgon. . CHAS.C LEE Phone-Zere 1.12 AT TRE HARBOR FOUR DRUG . STORES , Four dere rents, () taxation, nine THIS WEEK'S .. four graduates in Pharmacy, sales people offering their services. TEMPTING CASH "wril.. . . $30 Philip's MM. t ,,,-... t"",.. inagyleaIl., . Dun poos Kidney • Pills...4...39e Mt Kidney Pills ... 39e 4 4 • • • • • 4 0 4 * 4. • 4 6 r''' ••%••••••••441.4•114444t444441/4 Paste.. ... . . - ........ . • 44 --------------------. Cram... : .. ...... ...............39c .... - - ...........5410, ... .......... 4 4 4 * (will not scratch). . . .... . - - ..pkg. of 5, 39c; Agfa, Gevstert. Printing.24 hour service. . . twelve *nuts PRICES. ' t'111)AY ud . SATURDAY spEdAv - , , ,,,rvinin i'l°1114!'.. . be, qic. wig FRIDAY and SATURDAY SOAP Special Infant's Delight ratraeue. oetro 3 Cakes 19e Chases Nerve Food... Chutes Ointment. Pepsodent Tooth Perul's Cold Cream,. Pond's Vanishing Ovaltirke._._ . ,,, iloriiicks mattett*ista. Fly Swatters,,rubber llett Razor Blades, larint-Esttruat, Developing and • 4 4 • 4 10041 10U,411190 .49e .... . . . .. .29e ..... .4444.% 85e, 41-25' 4 450o aud• $1.00 45e, 65c, $1.10 10c and 15c im. 10, 750 --•!---- .. IL d tillilLOP JAS. A. CAMPBELL J. H. LAUDER E. R. WIGLE Miss OgillthY Craig Is hc'110?••i&X-.3vith Mrs. Howarat d-M=14i' newlY- (1444'4h; Weds, of London who had been spend - taking In the Chautauqua. - log their houeymeen at, Detroit; Rimer - Mrs. O. N, iiirratt has returned home 1/...1 e egact other places, were Week -end "Woodlands," neer Clinton. Ashitoid, after a short holiday at her old boule, guests with Ms. Onariotte,Reid, con 6 A number from Ilene took In the „atm s, Reid and mrs., orange celebration at Stratford on Sat, .Y Bruce, West ytrawanosh„ spent a urday as welt tlie one Blyth on aiondy. • • • Congratulations to tar, and 1Virs. fins- sel King on the arrival of a baby daugh- ter in Goderich hOSPital oZ1, Sunday, - July. nth, ' • Miss Martha Adams went to Toronto last Friday for a week's visit, taking iser little niece. Gloria Adams to her home there. Mr. and Mrs. R. a Munro and fornily Motored to Sarnia and Windsor on Mon- day and will spend few days in that , . uau),,r. and urs, 13411. pow, Gordon 06,, N.' e(tb1;ourimd 47.ot:ulster ic9Orrthe,stlailoondse:ctr Luther Oke, Lela Oke and all of Exeter, avereaaS undaY glieste V."41 IVIA Ella M Math; f Toronto,la visit - Mr. Adella oke, ,, of the Lord's supper will be held. Mr. and Ms. Sea „yiketi. • , it Ing with her sister, Mr. Geo.. Ittenwain. ss McMath; - Miss Beth Wilds.) of Detroit, is 44'4' ' on Sunday Rev. V. W. Craik took, as daYlOg at the home -of Ottucli"tiler' his text, slitith Christ Through EretY Mrs. Elisabeth Crawford. - Day," from St. Marks, verses, 1-31 NUS.- Mille Stewart Ls sPendIng ettle 'Arranements are being Made to hold time his zcIthoediertcaellso,To‘nTehlurto, is a attest day,. July Sonchiohoel grPiconuniedsonoffili,mxitirosn. this week ith her friend, Miss Daisy School. vicinity visiting reltitives. - On Sunday evening, .ialy 10th, the s"Y'"", and ---rneWing former acquaint- ances Dungannon and vicinity. all 'th. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. TreWartha and MOS Acheson„ of Olinton, were renewing hilialtc,11)AY, MTN" Ic.?itt1JJS 441.1441444411.4440•••••••••••••••41•1444•141.14144000r ANTAL THEATRE Now Playing "All Quiet on the Western Front" 'MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY I4ARLENE DIETRICH =atm. sensation of the talking screen with LARY COOPER laud ADOLPHE MENJOU,,' • . a fascinating romance laid in a faseinatim Iocale t, .7'4Morocco Aciiort and suspense abound in this cobirfui ta to of daring TiomsDAY, rniDAY and -SATURDAY OSLEN and JOHNSON foufnunittrittybaTt they iver were in ftraYtTra.ifrat color hurricane "Fifty Million Frenchmen The kind Of fun Americans go, to Paris to, see!! Whoopee with a Prenelly flavor aid younit roar as you tour with, • .0104:14 AND JOHNSON $letiteea-,,'!'-WertnesdaV and: Saturday ;if Ssicifi Consing-f‘TII.B r.A.SH,/ WM. Puller,and Miss .. lidellwaini Lel- kiwed by a 'prayer. for, the. missionary work in China and. japari. by Mrs. TC°112isk Mr' Taw. menam hills ala- ur ter at E; trs. was ;May NeTy.l.s4p1Loieat:eini:dlem7ewae dt::onpgts'ell-,sn)iegrviihieo; read textdhe r 143 :4; roll11 1 1 5 11. 19et,ittihedltif Needi 3°°' sreTel :elsacida ecutiedi .1 I suffered ies edaughter , stroke,t7:4uy 'tabtook l t. 4 al se alablianion" The creed was repeated, Mrs.:Et-emir ITawkkes mother: We hoPe for a speedy.recovery: "and ;another trio "Higher Ground " was :1 dance of fruit and we should not.- -corn.' sung by the •Toronto Ladies. 1114 orolmaon gave reading, "We Would See jans," which wan- ranch enjoyed. The meeting: closed by repeating the Lords Prayer • in unison. 'A dainty ' luncheon was served by tile hoStess. BERTHA HARWOOD, Rec. Scretary. SIIEPPARI)TON Quite &AM:Ober:UNA m 13Iyth celebra- tion Monday. • . • Mr, . Burrows, wife and . two daughters, of Stratford are visiting Miss Mrs. Penzu;bakees coo.4.L,R;Malf, of QUO ton, called on her sister, Miss M. Dur - rows, here.," • 4 ' Mrs. may' PO dic and her son, Melvin, 9f Mich; are visiting the former's aunt,Mits Eiturews. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. Sarah Young, of Port Albert, being so low. We hope she will. weir be better,. • The traps are being- helped wonderful- ly by reeent raiha. Is- an alma- Tlieriace • . • !!,. Ii FINAL CLEARANCE II Rt. Y. P.11`.. 1/4111 hold their next meeting in -the Baptist church. „ at /.30 Dungannon visitor this week. Mr. A. P. Disher, of Wiarton, a out, arrived this wept to spend the van - fl tiers. with her iot*, airs: Ellen OlUff. Mts. Jen Laeltat, Sloan 100%- The .10esee Jean and Minnie uainaige YOUR , • Tronto. have !been guests^ at the 'home MILLINERY th CHOICE $1.00 11 and Misses Gladys and 111sie leiferies of Everybody is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. CI, Thompson motored UP sutra London en Sunday and spent. the day with Mr, it Alogridge.. misses felon and June Marsha Whe had been vir.itirig In London for two weeks, re turned home with them, , A lawn Social- under the 'auspices of St Mark's Anglican. church will be held on the chivelt grounds Prickly evening, July 24th. An excellent program hal beep arranged and all omens point to a very pleasant and enjoyable evening's entertainment. Instead of the regular monthly meet - Ina of the Women's Institute neat Tues- day they have decided to accept the in- , mitat.ien of the St. Augustine 'Intitute to picnic with them on that dale, Tuesday, July 21t, at Mr. George Wallacea grove. Everyone bring baskets and enjoy a day by the river. BENMILLBR Mrs. Westlake, of Sanford, viSited in the village one day this week. 'PatifttsterEiriZilrdlateirned tistrt, led the Mr, .arid Alta Good, of Miliari. are vnisitetwirigotyisse,la unele, AU. ‚rises Good, for Mrs. Win, Vanstone ma under the doetor's eare for a few days but "at time of writing la much better. a', A. mat at the home of gm. AkUn atilin With very -good attendance considering the busy time. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Percival and eon, of Buffalo, visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. end Mrs. Gus Vaniitane, 'Satlir, tiny. WESTFIELD lattater Edwin .R41106111, of Landea. bora, is visiting lila. eontla. las-a Pan !Masan -en. , Mr, Win. Vtiate, of Toronto. Is visiting at tee home of isia cousin, Mrs. WaiterCook. Westfield ortb311 team aaain came oft the Sisters In the game Played with Bel' grave On Prithy night, the Core being 04. 3f:S. Itt.‘itatiln, Mrs. (Rv.) Davitlean • Mid Mo. Wellwod. of Wingham, visited at the hone of Mrs. J. E. Ellis on Wed. nes...day last resigratulatlima are extended tO Gladys, MeDsweli setuflog the post. • od Appearance Makes Success Easier Men, clever men, pin their :faith on our clothes year in and year out. If you are openminded enough to take a look, you will too - The newest things in Suiting, Overeoatings and Itat& /11.1011M1=1101110•11111=0111110=01100411111t011:=4 REMODELLING AND REPAIRING nammitimmuumetioweesminglilit01111104.111=111MONSIO FRANK H. MARTIN MAX TAILOR and RATTER HEAR'S SHOE STORE The Season's Newest in Running Shots Sport Shoes If hitt Kidand Linen IA Ili Supply Tat WHERN Plisee *1W aerluo.'hitanes1n the conirounitY on is eason s me ti -Ip was to Windsor by boat..,7,1fgt•-•: turning •to Toronto on Pricier af Alrs Phillipa for the prast!Weele, re. Ur, and Mrs. Was. Jackson """ -"I!!" The V. P. S. of 'Union church are hold- miss. McKIN1101 and Au& uoaalus. gliesi.? Mg a beach party at Hitchigami Camp on Monday! with Mr. I4na *1'8' r`" '1. on the evening of Friday. July 17th. Trafalgar -S;reet • Ernce. ' Mrs.. Shleriglit and Miss Isabellethe Tonna' people are cordially invited, • ° Litowl, and masters IVItu'raY arid day- btu.. , The•tiute boys; Jahn Bernier, ivieurite. • ! • lmalwaln and Mervin' IvreAllister, from ton Were guests •ofUrand mrs. U. J. S. S. Noil, who wrote an the fight Bruce reeently. • Salami entrance, were catteessful in pas IseVcrayliqnfeAtaviteht °ix:1'411'5r irreild,tglAtUrn IVier'l.3. IngtrICsTwgilrarntytilawatipsnpaain61141511y Injured in 2naerelat Andrews. . S. AA' having received a broken collar bone and a Motor nilslittP near Loan on Sunday. Alt.lia.aThasna.gu8ehstacklml:Ab'eresboni Isis fain- cuts abet the headwe hope his re - Si' Including Mr, awl Mrs. Harry Slse4k- covery Will be rapid, At present he is helms, . of Avertible, Sash. Mr, end Mrs • at the home of! Mr...and UM- 'Wilmer Albert Shaltleton, Of Toronto, and Mrs. Harrison Old Line.. ' • -' Matheson and children, of Petrolera very enjoyable time was spent on Congratulations are entended to Car- Thursday evening when Mrs, Phillips Man Haines, Thoihton Hedy, Gertrsido entertained at a beach party in honor of antigen, Alma Avon% avid Nive,n80 her guests, Mies Jefferies and Iternage. Agnes Young and Bert whyttra a tviou of Tornto. About fifty friends arid S a No. 0. Aalifield (Dungannon) and tma, .., were present Supper was LiVicanrtraret$AltnObtr 'of TICUSI :1‘nlanioaallJil Wat'-:eat followedlithilt,6 bjuaechttot tile:, agthreateninge WaWanoshwho were unceetsful in paa stoma the party withdrew to the cot - sing their entrance esaMS. Lenore tage, where community tinging, games, Stahl% and Ailliesaalaatuaa obtained first- stunts and songs. Were VlaSs linnet% VirlilII'argaret!. S11103. Carl Lunels tvas served at eleerPodeullotIet and rinnigau and Carman Baines obtained it war; almoat midnight when tile Party accortil-alea honors. Of the seven can- brufr,e up with singing "AuldLang Syne" s(UuatricatutssfenSitanuift.0:1:01)1 ziatvaanielilv1PULer:heo.olts.011,13w47. * good time. everyone voting that they had had. received first usiee at Myth In two clatl'. 'W. Itt a of ()niers church Met at the The retailer monthly mectlng of the ea, onn5.tt. being the largest ldise leoiu of Mrs. Pnillips on the afternoon lodge and tim other for bel a of July at% with 10 In aiWridauee. IT (.4'/Ifsrdallsoddietio. F. RoSs iSsd son Donald tbertal exercies were taken bsr Wis. G. There was no sawing done. The devo- . . and Mr.,. and Wit rt. ttenonald end ralconer, who opened 'tbe meeting with Miss Mame •,7 litelaaald Spent 8=1X' the Winn. '•The Spark:m.7 Minima -tent, 011 wittlilaratitiviget.417-17c4:aiftt Mluchhille•t and svrItten for Ale Satiety by a pupil ire a Bih." altara P. Melina read a prayer, Mr . riatlianadaay/E.30,,,,r!orinst. ri,avivtlidtcontr7(e'rnedgumeart:, ,,tivtoscliatto!emselligenotil. v•raliem, oveerrls:petaarle:C.LItstata. Mr. ca nNeil ende 'e'e ilirs. Robert Ilicilicha'a vis.itHeed. A Mo. "Jeus Understands," was Sung Roan read one N ,Edir." m -Iowa posits. relaitiletesathstenadaondecretiattT.opleenivTousbestlfoz boyntoa.taaAaatma.e,tg:rjart:3. aonareaaraineade,aa.a, optraTlieerr-.. a -anal at nilltall this week IS adult in Learict uu "Oriental 'Work III 'Unlade" excess of wilat was expected and the were rad by mrs. G, merhvoth), ult uttoriS -ikma Droving very interesting and instructive. , PORTfarti HILL The sonei.7,^gation of Grace church are 0 -willing a' lawn social on the church lawn on Fr:day' evening. July 24th. The p',:inWS iscoVe et Westflehl etre praZding 'the program Mahe form of a play en- titled "In Cherry Time." This play bAs been given Iseveral times and is highly 'thought or.. it ts. wry *musing from dart to fltds1). A baseball game suit be played at 11:30. At the CO merits* on Tuesday night Dr. Gallaw. et (+Meath, gave a very interesting and prectleal talk on /first Atd wort He also gave a short sketch of lila work while he was connected with the Orpington Hospital, th'iglend, thrift he war. Ilefore the meeting the netts hetchall, team played a game *ft- the boys from Ittchlgissid Camp, the Moon going to the Tusk be*. It le ergetted there will be statelier genie on Itiersdey ,fleoing. Verandah Chairs See o Vera and r selection of dais; L wn eck Ch ars J. It. WHEELER Fetratece Dreier soil totheral Metier Reasonswhy-- we go to The Wallis Treasure Shop (1) For Roomer's iielklotts hosed candleS,-,-PeCen 'tolls, Scotch Voce', Chocolate Pepper; mints, TaffyAndoldie Tynan Chocolats. (2) 'For gifts that are Individual, (il) For a Hook from the tending Library. (4) For a copy of "The VOSS.. wore for A good laugh. S P AIM'S For OROIOS QUALITY ottomans, ,ruum, VEGETABLES, LARD, DOTTER* EGGS, MEAT, VLOVII, SZIOWIENINO, ETC. • Eat er taarytunigT We invite you to call In and in- spect Our clean wholeatme stock.' ENXidatre Etrolisped for Tone Potetion, SILVERWOOD'S„ICU CREAM, Spares Grocery Ite Store et Satisteetlert Hamilton St. Goderleb hobo 146. WE DELIVER TOWN • PHONE 33ROefinishina For Upholstering, Repairing A large range of Samplit Cover P. A. ZIMMERMAN inis carried Nelsen Sreet ' • 54;;;s7 •41106•164W4W4 cboice, stock of Cut -Flowers at., rays on hand ready for any o- asion, such AS Wedding Flowers-, fforal work, etc, on short notice. GEO.. STEWART. FLORIST' , 00DERlai • Bruce St Phone 105. • LUNIBER. for SALE A 4sactity. Or second hand funiber and titabea off reef' ply/ to Water arid Light IczL .LigbtIPo:Supt.,. esruHose for ale. Ap • Goderich; Ont. • (.40204) <00>(0 &deli& -Beauty; Shop l *" SUMMER PRICES, 11, Finger " Waves, 50.c Marooning Vic MISS CAMPHELL 0 WEST sr. none 531 . a , 40)=0:1===i0=04 ***,........r...••••.* Vijien You Want Anythintin NEW a USED FURNITURE 1, STOVES WI first at illackstot e' $ Furniture Exchange ON THE IIROADWAt We pootiveiy Saye you Motley 'SALE OF MILLINERY! THREE ZIG StECTAII. GROVPA AT SENSATIONAL riticEs A Collection of several groups of Hats, whIch have been in stock it eitea time reduced in pace for ntuay and CATuntuy. Showing StlawS in many attractict styles for summer, color end trimming e/etls are goctl. Nae the reductions -- Reduced tem Ilia to 5444 to $3.04 Idle to . Chilarena Kett SIM You ett cardieny Invited to inspect our SaLk, Miss M R MacVica Kinirdon 6 _r