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The Goderich Star, 1931-07-16, Page 6
pm= race Her W o r''" Tai OODERICH mit vats frit* wit -340 decaying Canadian readers ���lF1F ally°iliwg in the WAY of a..irable read- aits scums fig rota ei1a1 WV in favor carat ire «lt lir MIL iffiat, If.801°4W*lillAai', nee ting ba riulwnt4e to 'everyone leen. Qua wan the praci:..L.'.. and difitiibue Ont., venters '1 lave need lrour tem a eeadl-'tg matter in any loan ill RlarJoek Blood Bittern, with wan° the Canadian magi. derfful aerate, for •exam$. i bad larch "tiedt wick it 94 *Y. 1.4. BOARD a +' TRADE for years, and a year ago it bream teat oa ray bear Rud AMA 1 did DISCUSSES- mat know what to race to get and ye T1GY iKS CUT INTO it, after having tried numerous B. R � � remediee without any sueeees. happened to ree Burdocit Blooal Bitters recon mended as a good Matter of 'D. S. SVeasels Getting Se Meth bleed purifier and• need it 'petit of Canadian Crain Carrying 14iadineaa Vendetta intense. I )lite only Taken lip With Premier . _ taken two betties when my ltiauda hcDne meeting of the r edealyrA )toned of and arms were entirely herded and Trade vii ting of .ill ci O. land Board f Or th. part 52 yon them w as only amp .email *pot on lengthy dCsceP °aura en • W . h d fini out INAMtWACTAnt1al *NIX DoT n41 leg. 1 intend to continue until bite the Winos .l a the railways, ke out THE T. 1U11LSURN COI LIMA* t#44Mpy, daughter elia. nalwiva.al bas eeaelaed rtine1 a paint that the rail- h 3erarlt+r Ont. with t aatirfactlooa for ways azo under the necessity of ca THURSDAY, XXV lith 1131 ;WHAT OTHERS SAY 1'Centy of Good Reading Despite Tau en (Eeotnseller 84 Stationer) • , . It is 'doubtful if any provi ion of the xreently announced chenees in discal Soy bar; eaceivett as much stttentton or bun subjected to as much unconeelOWi aniE epresent tfo;► *rough ignorance of facie, as hes been the case with the pro- ;ins�Ed maga.'dno. tax. Giese study reveals the tact that nide tars as ft b finally to be applied .win likely prove Muth less aiisturhing to booksellers: and stationers than tics keel _entleipated. It. will pro- 3ab1R stili retain litany Of the elements ';:men are intended to prove udvanta• Glared idea has been more to control the EOM lir the :development of.a cuspate. flood of Mneetean magazine and radio toe•ncour encourage more publtahing In this literature and thus serve advertising whieli has been diverting the to encourattention of Canadians from t atladtan country,. and to provide a better marketpreducte, It ie the intention to counter in Canada . for the work of our author• this advertising. lava ton In .both. the and artists. What helps one Inarticular magazine and radio fields and so clear the field for Canadian manufacturers to more effectively promote the sal.) . of. their commodities, 'rhes, should melee. for More prosperous :industrial condi. none and provide adequate revenues by which Canadian . publishers can be en- abled to cater to our national tastes lu reading material. Undoubtedly the pre - rent list of magazines produced' in Can• oda will be -augmented by existing Can- adian' publishers and by„ thoestablish anent in Canada of plants for the pro. duction°'of any 1.i. S. magazines virion might find the tariff war) too high to sale. There is plenty: of enterprise in ;he publishing business of this: continent and the reading `• requirements of the Canadian public, will not be neglected. Another important • element involved n the fact that :many foretell magazines. ire sold to • mane ti ,profit whereas the cutting pim l w t peen t (Imre-001r freight' nigras, It was decid- ed ny ed that trio presldent call a meeting of ;emptionOf edusatian and llterarl? trio retell merchants' conunittee to tis - cum the matter. Congratulations were Forks, enttexmed to President Croft on 1de ap», Bdtlait mane ne3. too, are unaffected polnttr 0At, as. 000 of the vire presidents ,y the tariff and will be available in ani aF uho Wostermi Onttarto' Chamber ut •amity to wholesalers and magazine Commerce at the recent meeting irt. etailera and that without the payment °wen. Delia t UAW ta:c els of of even the ara1 s �'U© seeret.ary repoi�ked the disposal The Immedlato Odvantai a to establish, 2,000 folders : advertising Goderieki as a ed Canadian publieattona la hypothttl� courser resort and of an industri4 %ul- cixl even thOugfl tion game .pubu3her: • Latin advertleing vacant factories dzi .nave already beein: oubjected to the very oderfch. A letter from the iletren rear slicers of oilier higher trees, in. Chamber od Cennsnerce advised that tey. creased postage. and dutiea 0n, paper were advising'mannfacturers in that city machinery, printing ediuipment, int".sr °etc od available factories `in Coder/eh tlu ough' at leas been :irate unit• clear that tut a nthry bpUetin, mai;aelne impost gene not ,applied lei' the The way United States Vessels are t werrlment 10r—the protection Of Cana getttni so mel of tbe business csf OM - Man �rary elan publfahers, The Governnient's de- Ittg Canadlao. grain from Port Milan* to Buffalo for trans.shipinent: to Moir treel has been .the eubjeet of correspofld. epee between Manager 1Parsons of the e;loderich Elevator and vice president of the Board of 'rade; and Premier Rene nett and the Premier hits promised the fullest pbesibje consideration of the mat - ten b;ttach of Cenadian trade or industry ultimately helps the country, as a whole twice the minor adjustments have been arxfed .out,' and it is in this indulgent ,frame of mind •:that the man snit the. ot •f.hw_o :connected with ell branches Canadian magazine publishirtq and re - toiling trade are • Viewing tine develop. Bilad provision, for exemptions and tol a r Machinery ads connection with tate .new tax is eo elastic that no .hardship result utile the readjustment is in r•ares . Txuo ,the duty in some cases alley be -claimed to be prohibitive, but 'only •';Mere iter 40111e .:good reason it is tris ib' i 'ta' be, es e. measere• oflimit•' . ' tin upon promi:,cuousl an x,rtlshng of 'laden pr,adurts in this market, or tr ca:rtall the spread of salacious, readint natter from abroad. Certainly, the tax in na instance, rendre• the extreme of tejteity of the lower' prleod rtai;azines to d::t'acareo.• are dependent upon advertisinG revenues, ' Vluen completed, the exemptionlist It is the latter Class which, are sold wits undoubtedly reveal manyMaeazines. largelyen the •basis of a minimum re-, wr ieh have been popular sellers in Can-. turn to. the Int}bllsher in order to coin- side for .years. The exemptions are to'i mend the largest possible coverage of a 3netude reftglious, seientllfc, literary and field for the influence upon advertisers, du. eational:publiratfons. allege will and the fact that is characteristic no sales tax on them The .first three l of many foreign publications now enter - terms oxo quite clear, while •.the . educe Monet group : wll1 likely Include such, jturnals as ,Literary Digest, National Kiregreph'ic, Time,,°Fortune- etc. Wide nee is given- for the application of the 'exemption clause, And there can be : no guttural lots. to Canada, beeense of the n A ttW DAYS;AWAv lrRQM Home will DO YOU 0001) AND RE. VON. YOU 1mmYER •r1TTEP FOR THE DAL'►, *OUTINL. MAKE', UP .A 'aM*TY FOR titin WEEKEND. e'�lkeri+,f; toitfortibla von n,s,t T. ty fe.J# Nola tortou,,dlest MINT), O'CuttaGARAGEN OHe .MIK U WALK Srarta $1,50 t, s coaxes moth sue 0 sem HOTEL 1 l`AVERLEY S a• Avsnw owl Cetkat Sora W,m to r.Mh, . • • ' -"--4 lug. Canada 1s' a matter of much im- portance in considering this question of tariff • on ,magazines Reis 'likely that the.'produetic'n , of more:; •coal ,newspapers' and Canadian: woek:end papers will be .sthnulated • pro-, viding suitable reading for the public end a profitable medium for newspaper and Magazine dealers. Canadians will have no dearth of gone fiction, for the best. fiction appearing serially 10 magazines is always' produced in book forth upon com- pletion. 'Summarized, the advantages. of tlte.new tariff' upon.eertain magazines to Mite Canddian reading public and retail- ers of books and magaunes, are as fol- lows: • St Patti's Anglican ehurch, Dungannon, Stimulation :of the Qalladiaa book on Sunday last at 3 Am. when the trade. rector, Bev. 'Wm. Ball, conducted. the EntouragsnYi;nt of British and Cane -,services.. Memberr of St.. Georges AnteU a dian in gatines, I cat`i church, Godertch, were present, and Closer control of undesirable reading the service wee a song service through" matter. • .. , Stimulation of interest in library meni- bersitips. Encouragement of sale of reprints. new fiction end books reproducing the can church held a very:successful quilt. 'pia of ^magazine serials. I ing in the parish hall on Wednesday Encouragement of a native Canadian afternoon vt this week, At the close of. literature. • ( the quilting rofreshmce is were served. 'e Eneouragetnlett of Ctanadlatt author• The' regular' monthly meeting of the and UUlustratere. 1 Ladies'G idler of Christ church, Port Al - The accomplishment of these objec. 'beet, Was held at the church on Wednes-. Time has Tested It --Dr. Thomas" Eolcctric 011 has been on the market upwards of fifty years and in that time it has .proved a blessing to tholbandsr. It is in. !nigh favor throughout Canada and its 'excellence hascarried its tante beyond'the seas. If it were double the Price it would . be a cheap liniment, a, Doingsat 1. Dungannon ,art (Intended for .last week) Wire. Owego Begley* a: iamflt on, was a • recent guest at 'the, home of ber bro ther David Sproule and Brs, Sproule, Mies s Mary pwil§on, of Goderich, has been a visitor with her grandparents, Mr, and airs. David Sproul,. Miss Clara Sproul, of Stratford. after enjoying a week's trip by boat to Wind- sor, Detroit, Cleveland and: Buffalo, Is spending this .week with her parents, Me: and Mrs. David Sproul. Her ee and: Alvin Thompson, children. of Isfrr.. and Mrs, Stanley Thompson, spent the :week with Mrs. Charlotte Eteid and.famlry Mr, _and 'Mrs. Eddie Durntnand twa children, of. North Bay; and Mt.` acid Mrs. Marvin Durnin,. of . Paramount, are at the home of thein aunt, Miss L,. Dreaney., Gordon 'Reid had the Misfortune ..of having one of his horses severely out while puttin :pasture this week.; Just how it ocourxed is - not )crown as it does not Look life a cut from wire, The wound ie a deem, deep one, goingright to the bone arid' aUawing the joint oil to escape, enrich' is quite a. serious matter, A Very interesting service was lra'ld ht n' . crackle po: • Lig the pa.it tan or three years, *AO feeling so well on Sunday that site wax Atte to be tat„en dor a drive in ei car nevi her nephew rind Wee, Mr. and Mrs.' Beet Reid, Nei to spay site enjoyed it very omen and they called upon se- eras of aids relatives. Airs, Jia Hackett, with tier Wand. daughter. Biltry Tayier. of Ural-raw,haw, beep guests wlab the farms 's datrgirtee, Airs. S. H St ffiers. )tins West Treleaven of Tor:rate, Lel a pest with eelat9.ses• - . 7'''f miles .•rata %Reach, •nurse=in-ilr3l'nieg at Alexendra Marlin• and Omega) Hes. pttalA3nd'r eh, spent TThurmay after - wean whin her parents, I. and edea. Burton Reereb. Little Irene Alien, and her brother. J. Q.. are beil`iayintg with their uncle and aunt, Mr. end A'.Ire. WM. Altai, Ripley, having . accompanied the latter on thele visiting at the home of Aar. ana )sire. recuen to tltefr home on flunday after Chas. Alter.. Miss Oraao Hamilton. of Tomato, is leolictaying under the parental recd. Finlay Shackleton, of Fiesherten. a holiday ;ue$t with his parents. Mr. and ,-?riga. li'ormen Simeideton, con. p, Asbfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mo'Whtnriey. con. O. Aslnilehl. retprned totheir benne• this wgefi followh a rrrost enjoyable trip: to the Feeble coast r.nc'1 to various places' sea ads i t n W ret can e Itfr. and Mrs, Bert Wren; haft as guests recently the dormer's brother. Gordon Wren, and the Misses Xda Slavin and Agnes Serb of Chiihurst,and Mr. Atkin- son and Miss Dusen.. Verna Anderson is visiting her grand- parents, T41. and Mrs. Joy. Xrw n, of Auburn:... • - day .Atternoon, July oth. Tine meeting.' Mr$. Wm. Begley ant son. Cotard were opened with .devattonat exercises .con- ducted by the rector,. Rev. Wm, Hall. The results of the lawn social and bazaar were announced and ware very eattsface: tOrY. Arrangements were made for the serving of afternoon tea, and sale irf. home-made,baking on Saturday, August lst, at the beautiful' sumarer .home of THAT'S the way Ritcet li►riapies sound when you pour an milk or cream. The crispiest cereal ever made I Mico Krispies are toasted rice grains. Golden brown. Delicious for breakfast, lunch or supper. Add fruits or' honey. Over xesia la the i ed ,and.green vantage. • At all 'grocers. Made, by Ker• logg in Loindofla, Ontario. 1440 RICE MIRISrIIS nRK. I' Sin ES.."' "How do 1 keep my agurer guests this week with the lady's sister,- Mrs. WMason McAufstter. :• A number from here attended the garden party or the Auburn Presbyterian church on Wednesday c#ening Of this week Which leas a very successful event. Born.—On June 16tIi,; to lane; and l�rs,. Karges of Listowel (nee Irene' Q er,; Mrs. Sylvester, of Stratferd,, which le so cf Dungannon), a daughte.1 1e13armfngly located on the large shag• aE zvirs. Annie Hrydges and chug.. er. Miss !Part Albert. At the Close of the meet- Francces Brydges•And Mrs; . S.. ,Azar sttrong . (formerly Miss Laura Brydges). and two little sons, Stanley aand Donald,: of Lamton, S.' Alta., are guests at tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin; the former being Mrs. Xrwin'e sister, Mr: A. H Erskftie, of Myth, reports a peculiar incident whiQh, happeuled On -Sunday Mast. Mr. Erskine, with Mrs. Erskine and family, were driving front Stratford during the 'heavy storm of rain and wind: Just as the rain commenced they saw an acquaintance on theside- walk' and drew up ta"the curb to con,• verse with her. She laid her puree .o n p. the turning board of the car in order, to , put -up her umbrella and forgot to plok it up again., On their return to Blyth, a distance of some 50 miles, Mr. and Mrs. Erskine found the pocket book whiOh was still upon the.; running -board of the . car and none the Worse for ,the ion, drive. . ing tea was geared, atter which the ben- ediction was pronounced by the rector, The *Mural harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices `will be held. at Christ church, Port Albert, on Stul:day, August 21st, at el a.m. and T p.m. The rector also . an- nounces that commencing on. Sunday evening, July IBth, open air services will be conducted on the beach at Port Al- bert each° Sunday throughout the sum- mer months, beginning at 7.30 : p, m: Seats for the accommodation or the. worshippers will be provided and there will also be provision Made For music during the services. A' cordial. invitation Is extended to : all to attend these ser- vices, . The regular :month'ly meeting cjf the directors' and officers of west. Wawanoskf Mutual Fire Insurance • Co: was hold at the seoretary's office. on. Tuesday • with all members present, Routine business was conducted , and a large number of. loss claims were . settled. Melt/ding that of.a large barn and also of. several cows Which -were 'killed • by. lightning during the recent- ; ttorms,.Arrmugements were out. The • services next,: Sunday will be: held ift the usual hour, 11 a.m., with. Sunday school at 10 a,nat, The : Ladies' :O i11d of: St. Paul's Angli- Conquers Asthma. Ta be relieved from the terrible suffocating due to asthma is a great thing,' but, to be safe -guarded far the fame is even greater, Not only. does Dr. J. 1).' Kellogg's Asthma Remedy completed net .the annual •.picnic. evhiclt, ;bring prompt relief, but It'introduces a is to 'be held at Hatbox Park, Ooderich, new era of fife for' the afflicted, Sys - Tuesday; July 28th, when the ,directors and Officers wltli their `families are an- ticipating an enjoyable time.. • .. • Mrs. Charlotte Smith, burigannon's oldest residept, now approaching her Both birthday, and vino has 'been compelled to spend most of. her ;time in bed due :tcrddii.g rates ora e,z'l/t yore•'• (atatiaxda•stutton calk 'r Aly as 7 p.m. (toed btt'imae). INst gke "Loos tiistcrrrre" the totother sola vett it speeds arc the service. If ye* don't bow the distals! sat tte- 'er, c'(Nformetitoe trill talk it of for pot. ,q, Rita had to arrange her vacation trip in a burry. A sudden turn of events at the office macre it a matter of now or never .... and Rita chose "now". After seven o'clock t11at evening (when evening ratee tncr Long Distinct were in force) she called her old school c11DM Iirlen to ask 'tier suggestion as to the lest place to go. "`Wonderful", said the happy voice at the other end of the Ziac after she had e:tplaineci everything. "We ate all going to &aheaich for two weeks tQfmltrOW. Now you will be able to come with us." And so Rita spent ttte most enjoyable vacation sbe ever had, thanks to her call over Long Distance. And The cost of that call was less than the tip she gave to the colored potter, tentitic inhaling of Sntoke or fumes from the remedy prevents re=attacks and often effects a permanent cure. When . a Iocomothlewhistles for a grade crossing It a good time to, believe an you hear, • ..r "1 eat Shredded Wheat but instead of cream 1 use whole xlrilk- w i ,come Jr" the bottle:;: That 'kind crf'meei gives me pep and strength. It's delicious and nourishing ar Ieasilydigested. Sometimes for variety f add sliced bananas' or otber fruits, but 1 lakeit any way at all.'# XHI CANADIAN; SHR DDEDAWEAT ' OMPANX. WITH ALL THE BRAN Of: l'Hi;• WHALE WHEAT Little- Edith- rm going to 'marry a Dutchman when I prone up;'. mother,—"But why ' a ',Dutchman? uetie'Editkt—LOh, I so want, to be a t uchess.'" JOHN DEd,1.. PLUMBING, HEATING SHEET METAL WORK Pho . 1,27 •F. O. Bea 131 A s3,'T' • . - r th in ;loam Over 30 Yawl e iliLnu war! John: "What :do you do when the brakes on your car give way cheap, Bruce: "lilt something p:, THE STAR ,ADVERTISE 1N 'PIMPLES Add an wand amount .f cream, or sweet oil, to Min. d cod's, and apply the tnlwente once daily. A ample tiwt•,'a went which will. Clear up your sklatl MILLIONS o£ Pathfinder Tread Goodyeats Were sold, before ever this tire was advertised. It be- came. a "best seller." because 'it is a quality tire within leach .of alt. . read -grip and mileage it is the equal of many well known tires .selling at 20% higher prices. In fact it is, secopd only Ito the All -Weather Tread Goodyear. Note the deep.cut, husky tread,;the strongly ribbed sidewalls, the full size. Buy Pathfinder Tread Grdyeats' with confidence in 'spite of their low prise. - �N CANA►D�A Where yoit tee a eign this you e finctetvefiable merchant able to glint 'Da intotedio ate. service on .the Worta's Greatest 'Tires *OA ..rebee GOODYEAR'