HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-07-02, Page 32*
twlkyl JULY $no, 1931
� Cum
PAO11 Tin=
Prop - tic for o
NeighWrMW News Nuggets
Sinking, Smothering Sensations
Picked 40ni Our Exchangesi'
Gr&d% dics Gits
Included in 01f, br-i"illAnT pa
list that will foaturs the
Wt two on
(�Ijntqx tsoy iffall Reg"tt,ble
M' 2%U, at the lKift SU"t
for tk YNN In of won" III
the r
ts Mpre" of Britain.
on flagshiu, of the cloadian
0. , '
� Cum
er 8
Prop - tic for o
ro Corwe
St a: q
DOVGL8 R. NA1411111
Offtee: NORTH ST.
P= -PO.Nw=4T-
Awmiaterb Sollell
Phone 282. NORTE
Bmbter* Solleltiorp Not
Successor to. J. L
Phone 97. Office, The'.�
'117111NEST U. LES.
Bm. Wet au4
Sun Life Bldg., Ade�!�,
t4 wwwa voure.11 var4ions I � a 6 Pacific Atimic neet, at the end or ray itiggis wetv, tonw*t*d with frightful dMAX
AcintoshVili. London ead 1")
Cree of Clinton, Wet 'W! by Rpm. W. D. D. May, will be Lord Itothegmere, i. trible, sinting &ad awothoting **&at'
mn�_Wff 'I JAVi� you o, Wy or girl giadilat,,, great Enoph publilist Awl owner of aud I would tot U
painful accident the other 49Y VLIM lVill;ligin Manager Tr&%wf4rrQ toI, _"a,-Ah*-AWXAiNt f0slivs note
Z9111111-% of Rght her Tiarjl *4 boa Wen In,, a School or collep is
the electric wrltWerta 31r. Bert Humble. -* 4 f�oll String of British newspapers, tirea, tlaix w on I wout to bed, but AOW, after
and drevir it in some dIstgueQ t*re charge of tJ-,e.fe1rIte Store in Wiat�,, UA -1 *Uiauitr? Qluding the London Daily mikil. havIsC usea three, box#* of XilbvrW's Heart wA
she could reverso the WROfte- AS NAM for the past year. has I)een TItAt day cQWiUJ-()radUatWn Representativ I e FA ;;meh railway $arv* Pill$ I gad tit onof so gmat :1 can vajejr.
she was alone at the time 6110 lb"ll t5 lran2ferre4 to the bianth at Thavold., X*y__lwA bee" �Oqmins before experts touting this country and the rest at nisld, and not U tormeatoil witu
I and 10M1st immediately t
do tibiv berself. hiS now duties. a take over t1wa with uALxed feelinp of sip. State$ recently made a a akinir saiiiiiatioss.1t
Ashton _�413tevtvs- Mi%8,$eOtt. who bus 111co 50c. a box at *11 drugg4tot and dealt or
A quiet June wedding 04 Place at k-ou in ell" �1 I p"IWAgon. and dolidht� Qadua- tbOtOUS14 illIM60A Of Canadian "It
P. Qf the, xioeardiao UQUI 9 they poss; ravewally alt Pacific trapportation. fadlities. Nailed. direct on rectIV4 of #tic# by Tho T. 141100m,
tile manse, Se*fortb, on'*901cirby 6tore, will takb his Place At Wingbarill. %he World Will be overcast With 1, stvarnshipo, hotels aud ttratinals, Cot-* Limited* Tatoatq� (Mt.
at *ring a considitrable body at
imorning June 90th at 1040 �0�fi lyingfiam Business Novqd to Larger ro*,y pink. 10st a day for wal
ti renewal
JAMIat Yhzaboti -,
tevens, eldcat Quarjeje. to?, ation with a view to
-how proud !VOWII be -and :�ou Mproeut on the
iftpubter of Mr. and Mrs. Darifol Wra. oto 444 U 4#
Stevens, of Ifullett, was unitil I bg1*10. Vho, for the past COU14W4 let It PAU without marit. 19 . A For 1114 or 14 vroace.
'111 ton ye4ra has conducted a tlrb aud. Ing it with some worth -while token
marriage to Harvey B, Ashton# son ct licitterY buSjnQS% knoWn US the! Wing. otyour pride and aftectloa� stopim Day
hoot, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton of t*er. _, hold this year an a
Torlaw * , . �am Tire and vulcanizing Depot IV alve Nametblug that zaqers u6ndky, made a long week -end
out smith. Rev. L B. K41ne officlatel the Morton
i; Ors" . Blogig, b" moved its busi- thern-SOUretutus that WHI last for In every part of the
US to= of the i'Sell St"OSela BUS'neSS neSS to 0. TuOric'iQuimodit bui ing al.,holidsy-makert took ad- what Shall We,
of Messrs. Walker & I erly known os the South mwnyi many yeua, recalling $ouv vantage Of tbe'ijeW low week -end
0lack. wbo have form nt
coaducte4 a furniture and undertak, Garagv� End love for them, and that great day ism. racentli -Inaul
Jai the lives tot c;qer, happy. glattd brihi
youth 1w -
Canadian Pacific Ha IWO.LY, c1iiareAt
jug'business in Brussels for 00 Post Lyddiatt-ssrith -OrAdilation, 11 .-R
25 Years, has disposed of their store, A, pre* June w lare and a quarter for retift trips
edang took place. -Narne-the Baby)
[stock and equipment to D. A- R4611) on Saturday, June �*,qtb, it ;4HaV4 A wrist-watch—w ring—a Dress to any point In %ba country. - This
"Of w1ughom'. -W�UQ Will take 2ses--wood Farmll, Oth set., we for the Virl #raduatels reductioili In force everywhere tit
its of Mr. and Mrs, Oliphant Smith
rhoiac� 012. , session, thig L week. The olp firm hou tile "Hope Chest," 4i6mare TlieAe conads, 0yory week
will take, things, easy after a qarter When their daughte A sifts of beauty endure ana endear.
I I r Marjory J. -was, And theeost 14 surprisingly littl
A- lif a century in busnew. United ln� ma=Isge to Mr. Albert 10, Tat WAY 0VT1 -heir u
Wont 1$OU 10t US make. A low The 0mitha vove deep in t arly
ift dIatt son. of Mrs, llyddiatt and iconterenoe.* Everyonio, wanted
t late r. Lyddiatt, ofHuitatt, Rev. Auggestlous some day son? We
"T., Ooderleb. Thtmarriage of XuriFtl daughter of to Ko a digervat place, and no one know
have a race display of Jewellery.
Mr. and Mrs. HAM Smith, of york Ila Moore Officiated. vatches andsliverware of the best MUCh about any of them" On ""s
Street f'ondon, to Samuel Rily Broad. Itusty, 1qajI suate4lon, they called several places by A' S VMPOSIUM AY FAMOUS PEOPLE OF
Toars Winghain boy's quality. at very reasmable prices.
JfO4 �9.Se4frth, was Quietly aol"- Leg. Long 101104nopt, and fauna out TO-DAY—Couthicted by Willisin X*wW
aliea Af a ollelok on Saturday after. Mastir Trevor Jpavjson� son of Rev. wanted. it Y;wx eiaW, then to.
c 0 Cir
dod $and Mrs. Davison, of Winglarn, re. To SeleCtLe' $UjtAble none for each baby tbat como into the world L
cOived a iiastftear in Andeed, , an absorbing problem, Witipas 6t now bobits were bOrA Ust
le -by a rusty rial pluyin e Year.
the calf of his
E C. Rob * rNon
I while in And yet there are left Wan, 1.00 names to choom from. PWAtw
JUST ARRIVED— e United ChAr 9
ell sbed recently. The search directories for sus;e3ttlow, Shall we create some lutemUng Inew
flesh was cAt to th( DIAMOND SPECIAUST names?
victort%, art;l JEWF
was of such a length as t�..,jequ, .L
oil L Ire SR Re 10V
bone and the cut
S 7"1 KF%A W.' several stitches to close th.--- e NO. ?3.7r' -48y* Conde Nast
WOU04. Pholle 136
Death of Mrs. Faun- §1118
T-OUDI =, E. 110= early, Pat �Vt this A mass. conlle$s lu"Ar, L gave Ito PrkTCL _AX1*3 Or I cnJJU_
year. Mrs. Farmita Sooliii 011s, 'widow which
Barrister, Sollcllor_$(otary Public$ of Mr.4011n D. $flts, formerly Qj Engagement* , Announced em.
In new Shades: and Wiggliam, died *on WacjTiesday� At the. - Jr. F. WAsInan of 191into U conk-
d6hveyaucer. Etc, ho - sofel,
Phone 27. Me of -her daughter, Mrs. Ch1krIe:$, pounces the , '�ngo,gement of his y
Inglis,. Dundas, hi�-fier 75th year�, $he daughter, 'Ethyle M., bo -Ur. Cleve -
is survived by two, sons. Ta�hn,I).,SiIIsj loud Stoftord, Vorrie. 'Out., the m4r-
Come In anaTry Them On Toronto; George, Sills, ver4um Mon., riage to takO place quietly in JUly�'
R. F. J. R. FOUSTER. and her daughter; Mrs. Inglis Dandas. 'Rr8-, Heurk Taylor 'armou � es the rt,
Tic III IP, Donald 4 Art
EyE, EAR, NOSE, TMOAT' engagetmorit of her youngest daugh-
ter, Annie Stuart to C. Verne Dole, Edward Is a name 9f Toutonic orI& meaning, "rich, Guardill $eyo4
Late Home surgeon New York Orph" The inarriage Was �0010111111$04 Ut eldest Son L a' Mr, and Mrs. James 110, kings of Engla
Ad ha
the home gjV.D borne thtt:`AAWO� It IS thatfirn
0 ot.the Pre
thalmic and Aural HOSP031, assistant Rt of Mr. and Mrs.. s sent Prince of Wales.`
Churchill, Josepit Street� Cliritou,, on Ne ce d
ThQ - Dale, 411 6f Hallett. The marriage
Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden- ROB NS
Square Throat Hospital, London, lgug� to to uietly early in July. Evelyn is a viamo of Latin origin meaning, 11hiazel out", 1r.:V"4n1V
Stratford. Tele. rm rou 'ZIP TOP TAILOIRS Saturday morningi June 20th, of their , 'Mr. and Mj�. I C.
53 Waterloo St. S., _Q., Gordon, 080 6 titular llerb'no Of aL novel -b� r'Anny Burney'
phone 267. Younger daughter, Edna Pearl, and Rosedale St,,. London, Ont., Lan
rho e $86. Goderich now
Goderich, on tile
At Hotel Bedford. ames HelirY Venner. of HeAuilton, thid engagement f L �their,
evening of the third Monday Of each Puly' son of'Xr. and.Mrs.)O.,H. Ven- Constance Muir, too - Vernon
inonth till the following day, TUesdoT ner of Olintell, Rev. Pl.G. Fartill, of, Ross,, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ross
at 1.00 p.m. I Ontario. Street United Church officl4t, Bruss0s, Ont., the inarri4ge Lt tak' A811FIELD 1ANES
ed. 0 Is You can alwar mlieve that a64
Ur Ouncaw MacRae, of Toront0i �ls
plao,quietly the latter part ofXune, Or pain . harm essly with Asp rin. Wedding. bells are ringing
F A :Parker Xam�d'-Presfdvat, Death of' MigL H, Snell. Even 'those deepscated pains th4t tome for�tho holidays.
HEADQUARTERS I* -F. A.,.Parkor,: of. Wingharn, *a ' The death 'of Elizabeth Helen Mo- make a matt's -very bones acbe. E ven and Mra. R. , MeNaughtim, Sex- Uls$ VO4a Pollock Is sponding, liar
S Gill Hawthorne,. Widow the, latb
6ill.LbS,li IRA T TIO.E�M.l A*; OV: L L , the sy4temio Pains so viony-worneir Smith, SL ask., are visitinq relatives. here' isurnmor,vacation other homQ in a
ected, president ofthe Wesie�rn on- Hurriphrey'L Mills 'S . A few from herq
01 . . of HUlIett suffer- They will Yield to these . Mr. B. Ross, of Wilagba, � tookla tho'ball 0=0
CHMOPRACTOR AND DR11GLESIS tgrio'06teooathie'Atabeiation..�t their !rwp. Occurred tabletst. i0enuitie Aspirin hois-many. 'friends ancl, rel in, Is vIsItIn3 and danco:lln Luoknow last.*.Tu
THp, C CKSHUTT FLOW Co. orivention held hi th fte 00 S4t ay, R atives In this vicinity. 0344
ead the proven evening,
a rn 'n urd June 20tb. directions In
THERAPIST, GOIDERICH. 17ih annual P -at 'her vhome on the important Uses.
-magnetic baths. I 'L localities eased was born on Ke bank� _y pa
I city of Londoi recently. Members of The 4ee Miss Lois Mackenzie, of Toronto Is
I. and gen to line of Farm Ira- ever ckoger 6f. gen- fto L the Vacattd1i The school Plclilc�hcld At. the river o
Equipped with eiectro chiro. plem ts a I the vrofiission - froij man Farm it HUllett toW Ship :UirWAspirin, and don't-enduj4 hily spendii at: hot, borno to * a �L ' .,
Electronic electri6 treatment and n I Repairs, includ. rice at t Y n Saturday w�s W0114ttended aind both old
tnic and nervous ink.. nited and Allis Chal iTI0011 ittenda e s 11 May needless pains fropilneuralgig, Aeuw icintall.,
practic. Chronic, or T X; L h L * essiOA held 12th 1872, Her Parents,'.Petei n' and. youna drijoyed Tho
in the offices of R. Hi4rkiiiii, Mary Hawthorne, -are, both deceased. Mr., and Mrs. Har6ld Colliason , orb afternoorr was spent In ;pI
diseases. Lady In 6!=�ndance. office mer ract oli-N at. & nd ritis, rlieumAtism. therriselVo�., L
of t.h6o thblets in spentling a 3yo Oth aying ball and
hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 vm.. excepting Richmond,. street. Sfie"Was. married on Sept..22nd 19o2. Keep a bottle few d at thc"bome of Mr.
the Or games,..
Monday and ThursdaY by appointment G EM�CH Silfs.iu4ert. to Humph house, -carry the Pocket tin. if. Goo.. Colunsou� 10ritall.
A. N. ATIaNSON, residence and reY � Mills who passed, subject to unexpected headaches,
one - 591 QUidLit relief - *it
t6 �moio��: fts aden c6tdi,' mectin(c at the -home of, Mrs. .1).. M
any harmful effocts; pirlax
ta;iL Road. Phone 341. .,nized r, One 'd9iight6r 'A�' -'Io&noLt
§0f1s, one sster Lennon on Wednesday I
Seafortilil at mine o'clock Monday and 'two brothers, Mt. It Nvas de,
depress Ahe heart. Just look each
office cornei of SdUiW sireet and Sri- 3� 'Kingston St; A. v.erY pretty-VeddipgL, wag olerh.� away one year -ago. There are left, The Tt, V. W, 0. bbld their monthly
in St. JaMis' Catholic Chuicl
Morning, .:of hon olded annuQ11 plonlo at Lak PHONE 33
lost week, -%v Tbo,ohildrtri o'je, Helmerof Se,4forth, time for -the nan a �piritiand the, 0
oughiot of, Mr, Apd Mrs.
AUCTIONEERING, Therese, -d LU'Y'HafOld, Of:&I'Ville; Allierta, Gordo enU4" V101v Ju
Pri teA
word n d to rdq pn every bark;;: X tAll on - ly Ist. r Upho
ona iltl � 1. -1 ___ .. . '.
MHOMAS GUNDRY SON. 36siph Eckert, was United in at home.-:
Conrad D, Mrs, it. 'Alacmiiaid and -Miss. r;oUlse
marriage to . Mr. ' Charles. peat� eflaishhho
j, Death* of Mij. $ 'I acbonald motored from Toronto on
Andrivirs Every druggist has gonufneAspigin M A larse ira�gie of StitnplaVovor
Sills, M. A., Se., Postmaster of A woman who was held.in uniVe��Sial and if YOU -got tlid enuialo to,) Monday and are visltln(r* at the� bbme, of jojaL earr,
Live stock and General Auctioneerso Go H ]ja%VA3 JoVe P All
Sills, _'gev. LG. L. -Many sweet,,and d for h6r' YOU are sUrc to 401. r6 the formerla sister, Mrs. MaoLenn;1n,- ZIMMERM
FlOn Ave., Godericla. forth, S%,ond son 'of Mr. 'and L Xr*,� e$teeim and w. 'ef,
hi I
sales made everywhere and all efforts MORNE WORKS George �Uld wom4nly quaiti"os, tit L:;urler.
made to give you satWaction. VAMIL T. B)Olido, officiated. High nuptial Mass An 'honored Wife and beloved mother, Noloon Sroiat
Farmers, sale Notes discounted.
Phone 119. Best blaterial Latest was celebrated by Rev. J. M. Eckert, passed.igay on Saturday, June4 20th,1
Designs 0. P., uncle,"of t�� bride. very I � enly in the person
of Mrs,
Kno� ' ter. Andrews, wife of
PUBLIC, ETC- trate, S J.
—NO—TAR-Y-- ltxpert Workm ship Andrews of Clinton."'AL49hadibeen' in
All Work Guara eed
Prices 'Reasonal A prett!i weddi�g Was solemnized rather poor health for some Weeks,
BAILIZ. Your business *it 4aturdiv- iii-6rntnk, June 20thi w14en3KTs.--Andrews *was a native of Aullett
NOTARY� PUBL1C appreciatei... Rev. E, 1. Anderson *at Queen street township and spent her-whole"11fe ju.�
General Conveyancing done United �dhurcb, Blyth- .conducted the this Vie
Phone 298. Goderleh, ont. qooderl;ch ir, She being a daughter
R 0 Yn ffren daughter Melinda Glazit hme, WaSL
Good Companies Aepresented. A, SP marriage Of inity. Her maiden 71 OMINION
P. of Mr., and Xrs. David Carter Of of the late.James Glazier and, Mrs ewtwre Quality Counl.15,"
Westfield and William D, Knox, - son Glazier� She*wiasniarriedtoLhernow
Mr. and as L KAOX,
("AN 'RS
xNSVRANCE Mrs. , Thorn bereft busbandjo: 1870. They gel�� ADA'S LARGES'l'... ml'r.All. --(]Ro( I-
Hullett. The ceremony was witni6sg_ lbrated their golden Wedding'
ILLOP NIUTUAL, rl)RE IINSUR- ea by the bridi's brotlir, Mr. Reginald of 'AnTiLivet.
cK sary In 1929, all th riemberS
fL , of their
ANCE CO.NIP&NY. Carber.and Mrs.:Carterl �pf Auburh. I amily
The reet beirkir Present for It.- Three
Death. of Mrs. John aurnett. sons an& two daughters survfVe:w
FARNf AND ISM,ATEI) TONVN PROI I 'The 6ath occurred on -.Sunday.. Silas 0, of AliX Alta,,A'. Russel
F, Cifford.of , arboro Bluffs Out
ERTY I.NSUIIED. Ele'ctrka Jurie2lsti, tof one 'of Seaforth's. older Rc and IN' TINE
s� F.,F,LGJIIieS (E
OP residents in the person of Elizibeth Mr Wit�he " july gad,
Value of property insured up to JaAw o1% o These special offerings are ef feetlye
uary. 1010. $3,648.975-00. Fergus 'V�nEgmond, 3rd and 4th.
Worth, widow,ot thb late John Barn- L er,, and Mrs
omcERS--JobA gennewlse, Preal- We carry. a �o stock of Ott, at theaget of 81 ye�irs. Born'Lin (Miarlon) of bunton.
dent. Broadhapm; Jos. Connolly. Vice- A: Devonshire, lEng,, she came to this. ..Va
Electrical A plianceb
'President, Goderich; D. V. McGregor. country with,her patents, the late
see.-Treas.. Seaforth Fixtures, etc. Abraham and Mrs. Worth, who siat& One. of Dominion Storeal 'kV=OUS Blends
DIRECTORS -Jas. bhoilldice, NVALIton': ed. in Seaforth at that time, 'She Was
VVfn. wrin. Constance; George McCart- married about sixty yea . to ago to Mr. Elk
ney, Seaforth; Robt. Perris, Harlock; We specia ze in J01m, PIND
Barnett who died. thirteen ye s ago. A IGOOD STRONG *Ad_
4ren '4' 1 am 0'4' to set do
1h a 5 It a
av 0 8 1 hen I havo'
hot lea"Ing' W
on"�h"" leud$ the'
ug PU no a
08 c hen, 0
rue in I
tk that with 04 of hIlOr
notion f
o 0 Christian name wit r M
low �t t . Wes fancy are
he na t at I
M nee � Ima, Re an A cat Eunice, C4nstan
J ari Rol ri Ve a W I I it
semo , A4raln, 0 atd, soman. Ito or, aer4
Donald =4 Arthur.
WO Sons, -Charles and Edward Bar-,
John Pepper, Brucefield; A. Broadfoot, Kinds EcoxomrCAL,
Seaforth. Wring 6f A PACILILIDE
AGE�NTS-W. J Yea, R. R. 3. OlInton; nett of Seaforth un(l two ddughters, BJNGL BLEND
1,11fthley, Set- ATING
Sts. Watt, B:yth; 9d. es giveip on Mrs, Win. Filret, of Seofaitfi, and PLUM ................ .............. ........
iotih; -John--Murray, Seaforth.. applicati kii, Earl D. Cadatet of Detroit. TEA 2 7
roes e. CHOIC.r MEATv
-Polleyholders =_My their asse89- AIIL_Wo#.k G teed Setforth. 146 drit4itat SHMT METAL WOW
ts at Oalvin Cutt's store, 06derl oardni .. . .
men lob; L I , - : I On Wednesday aff*rnoon of 'I
The Royal Bank,lClInton, or J. H. ast
Bayfi eott ox
Reid's -Memorial Hospital . presented a color-
FrIal k M "Arthdr The
ful scene upon the occasion of the -
FIRE wSubtANC9 V 641 txp,-- OL week theLbeautiful gvounds'of 8 0�046- 127 P- 0. B' 131' ........... ...................
olle L rces graupotang exercises of tne 1931 0
Have It attended to by the
I Of the. mutseg.' -IThe, ' idocOratio1w
WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE =OUghout were in tbe-ho8pital colors THE
Established 1810 of, green 4nd.9614. A large gathering
seated u on 6airs placed on the
Head Office., Dunsu"on, OnL p
Chas. Hewitt, kincardine, President; witnessed the proceedings , whjc)� 1wzern-40, GOD ERICH
carried out upo
n a special PlatfOrin
Robert Davidson, Dungannon, Vice,tPre- on. the terrace in front of.the hospW
sident; In addition to the Pretident and !IR:l:! al. The 1931- el
vice President, the following'aret I)lr- !Rill!: ass of,nursiiis is,: A"o
d6rtrade . I HEATFOLKS
ectors: W. J. Thompson, Auburn*, Win.
U, Ila L Margaret ROUIston, -Torovto-
McQuillan, Lucknow; W,,P. need, n. R.
Mona Ross McGregor,,Ki
2, Lucknow; Harry 14 831kold, Oodb- IrOut, 6tratford
, ; Isobel McLoughlin,
rich: Ernest' Ackett, Holyrood; Tim
vorval. 9R CAN
Griffin, R. R. No, 7, Laeknow.
Rate -$2.00 per thousand,, DOM Of Mrs. R., Scott. y Decis Vie so
CECM T=LEAV1W, Sedly. The, -death -of rtJ"gWar tr Free
MAVIO11 ja
lVery higlily esteemed resident of Sea.
"Zortb, and, -%vife of Mr. - J.. R# Scott,
OcCarred�unexpedtdl- 4fteii, .a w
hours' Illness at her homo on Th�rs-
day aftirnoon, tune 18th, Mrs. Scott
had -been in Ill health for the Past two -
Brew BM Years but had been"mucli Vetter of lote
R stl 9- and was able to be, around again.
Surviving are her husband . llamep, R,
-Tim =01N(4- cott and an only cot, Yarriez Aful. tt,
dt`cW Seott, also tWo brotheri;, Rev.
FUNERAL DIRECT611:9 ICHI DR91N John muldre'm of Vtwctuv;er, R,
arid r-111113ALMERS Ira -ad. 9. X Muldr&4 Brockville, and
t two
AL20 CTUDIMN fttrt. often for no 1�isterg, Miss Miry Muldrew, and
i Mrs. Robcrt Scarlet� Scaforth.
app rent te . But t1lerels. al-
ANITIT'LANOV. 881WICE AT ALL ways astodial JIM wk the tftip
HOURS -NIGHT OR DAY ft the d'and bland as it
Reirlowber ttat hictly contested battle In
Phaes -Night 917, But 'its 0 4etion soothes the war agalwt the 06mbined forcea
_-Ai a yotwgster hip than a luord of wintere-foualit And won by tho
pdwaffil sydic, Hat V6)ks 7
InAVI& the Of this A",81 Y
thildren's 1*610t L May be RIVen nistlovy, at MUNI, repeata Awlt,
the tfill"t 0 6ftft AS theil`6 This airmY.of frint and oleet and tnow
% ae6d. In ip tok, dwkhft ior IVVIII , but) iftelf again,,t vour llodiWAd
A_ it ig Invaluable. 'Winter.
ralir .&tot KIDNE tht#
d1foA, fn
A. Wheeler A toated, to for Jim a few, rettor vilgago tile Ifeat rolka, 'Who ilave I
dtom fd6% C6000petion; P I 1.1,.S D"Ift" 'all one of thr-se battl , me to win
iviinerd Director and do" SAY s -of bid bmth. this one for you.
dowt #At
If You b0lovit in prtpitedaoo�, f6t C31
t W01 b y ttl fortify Your houto today.
Also Amballace &Wice flA CAM TIN
Goderiah 01dado
All talls pitmVtly aft!wdoa to
day or night
pboneri! Otero liss; ""so 335W C R I L
A S 0
Xl� ?&. .. A
WA= ]Wt* A
0 M11010tTS
,0"IcKEN HADOIE -17c
10001) 8TV10tio
8900MA 39c
1,10, D Ut
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