HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-06-18, Page 1I t�l Counter Check Books Tt* war has aa* opww arr"wMents . 'W isupply merchanta with coianter check I boas. yclawd to their orda� at TWAM- illile pricev, TM The Star W14b yow NOVA 0104W . � , - I I i ; , P I 15 m',I;: I I - I I I I I � I � I I ,I I � . 1, . I I � 4 1. 4 -1 � - I k1- � 60 I k , i . 'I 'a I 91�1r_l Artistic Announcements I Tht 8W U WOPW" U $IV* &WIAl at- teution to PWMU4 VA exiKutlag *""- UO Wont" Ruilovia'-wout cadit aud t4ars of OU wata, %'ty MW SUr JAV 41ftha" t"I "WW10 11 I— .1..­:.111­.1.;� _____� 3 U — ___ - . -.--. ___ _ - _­ "' "' " . : ­ - . 1_-___-___ __ --,-. — -:1.11:; 1Z, �,�:m zz­ 11 � . . . . . . 11 __ 111-;r- ,­­�� __��� _,­­­­­-­�,_ ___­ � I ,I I— __'. 4� 1 1 � . . WAMM WAr=. V01114W ��,;": #2 * you lu, CatwAa, . � GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JITN' b, 1931 8zVXNW.$XC0" r9w 1PIN a IOU to V. 11. YOU*. .1. I ------L-- ���" I I— ___ — — , __ 1, — I'""""Z., �, =;.,.4.;�! __–�,.� __.­�­­.:11': ..__ 0 _ � _ ____ ..... . . I— .. I 10% � * 0 a ^1 11 111rents tiames ft -00 -ght I .- Do, Day�*- omtow"M � in the , Moruinj;- Band Concert at Ni Gode" Wit Celebrate MIMOU I _F �� 11:y ­ --- � . I— ­_­ I I I — , � I ;���Qrgouuut Qt, __ . ;;- � ..., ­_!�_ � ­_ ­ � —,------, . .., . - . , � "" mrvu Vas ,Played by the TRANSPORTATION KNOX CHURCH I I � __ _. -4 - -1 _..'' .. W#**W# u=,.Vke-Ury UT , - - 11 .11 �, tile Church, Tile, Wide given away 11 , . ourills %he last ve* floor covering, , U41% Ot Un- "I IN HURON PLANS $10,000. UR IN- _# 8_- f On* stmilarto vust Is on . � don. suelooked lovely luber long gowa I APTERt R. A. X.,#"�* WROYMENTS -� . ell ; I It . i4nolvAm in -I warit by be,r VAlle. Mr. T. T. W*s I NIG I- � *", � 1, , � 8 surance Bomple 0 I "111 11=111111:4411:11, . of �Clloiw. Wearing yellow kid r4lippers. . ffl: �_ - . --- . . I . several of the room% t � " ,witit.hat to match sud. carried w showe ! .1 .� ­� . I I === i I � � ­ I ­ 1-11, I the MeWo ,wava or ,Mexandra, Maxine ... . .­.�­ � - r Over lot Companion% Inclooliq A14AY lcovxv�xattonal Micett"s wan4q za'Ovs � . .NT bouquet of VWS *ad late& of the 141*1y, visitors rXesent—Grallit superilitzol. %� It To I r4awgievi to Fatted It 'They 4 i I ,pp,OTEcTlom mus imsm erm Hospital, * ,#lit from the Utue MW a. QuarrJustou, matle a dicat stalics 101.01fielall vidt I I... I . I difie ASSurall&i COMMY M -Womewa Hospital Auxulary. chaming4over 9-M goiw4td 14 bluawlth, I Decide Ikst . . I Tile. Qrdinitq , un __ . -_ - - , .- __ � _. � .. -_ — . . . � � V,� L fe Policy of tile S � I _. � � ­ . __ - - . . . , _ft a 1-1 _. rotcoHouland safe Ili- s 14MOAMM Tiffin# " .... .. -11, and uIss 9. 40airluation -MOut 02 t � . 1.1; W all ideal combination Of m XIMUM P - _______ 4Xr._G3UAr,hff�la, __ S I .... .. ,� bat to m3tc TU0WV AlUbt WAS 4, big 41134t 14 V14M far *1D IMDKOVC " .. ,� .. I vestment­acquircd�,hy smit4eposits : _______._ .... . � WAS bridesmaid. Ill Ptak. with )lat UrA cut of Xne.1 ellureb. qedeTwl. lov. . � __�­��7-�_ — -_11 _­_ __'­------ � __ �Housc I . � Huron 104ptet.0o _4%,11- -A. 51. , It WaS bw5cul "'..1'"', _.. - . . � � ­­­ � ,. _404� '04114 �.. "r0ft I a - I�Izholwr - . �- _4ku . 11 By leaving policy dividends on deposit with' the, - t -O -W P -a -11-y- -to ­ , -Mr. and-- Mrs. , _V141010 .., I I shoes' t44all'ich and tho,ozcas,161i, 0UdIU­­ - - a- -- - .1wittiog w3att . . - � . . . of tile VIA041. viait of tile S a now C414 I � . home on the Sth concession at Colborne I uouquet. Tile groomsman W�a Xr. IV, Orand Suqerinteudcn� of Itaren DIStriCt V0413 ter boiler And C041 have been pro- . , accumulate tot his benefit, the policy. holder not only in- last, have McIntosh. and Messrs. V. Yates 444 T. 'ed 0V U"r 3- S. S- 00-4 and soi-4 * . Was. -destroyed by fire on WldaY No., fl� Rt, JQ9. Comp. Altoa Huber. Of P -V . , creases his protection but - also secure$ an investment for I his rented Urs� Timaiis home OuBrock street K� Lt�qk[Q were, Ushers. V01141449 the 8oUth=pt9uv and fUe tour calidid%tes architects. ot Toronto. =4 M a meetW7 . I . . . . . A lun ,ongregatlou hol n T ei ., . I ' lator years. , - . - � 4 � . I I And have moved In. The on, James. ceremony a wc4ding buffic . clleoil) was for tho Uoyal Arc.4 Ocgreo Wbl�.; 1111 rag. of the r, d Q tt dAy . 1*1_111"11 � I . Rates'%vill be furnished, upon ap will contlowl to, operate the farm. going . I served at the Wide's bomo, the tablO ithr, worlg Via t prication. I 11 �� � wp,y men, �� . tauea *0Y tile evewn,7 I W04 decided to Toler the, w3t. I - . . I I I back and fortu in the meantime. . ..,.'.. being tutofully decoratcd with roses and fallowing vAllway compalutom: .. tor back to the, 110AW of manavra tp 8>, . I . Realdemp 50 , . 11 ... Ifiles of the 6116y, the blildws cake being lat p., V�,.,C, ,an. Tooum,. ahmd It they deem -advInable. . namooOk JVIns at Chatham 1. . ,olap. W. CUU16 - I , cc, I R. LONG. District Agent the Contra of attraction. The toast to sell Chapter, Stratford; 'Jild P.. Va. The plans Oil for V10 lowering of tho . I . , � _.... , , : Phones 1. I 6in ,15 , H. . "', � Dr, Whitely,$, Romano, Grattan ,was the Wpm couple was responded to by Comp. W. O.. XcUillam"Ituron chapter., floor of tile I�eturio room by is Inghea, ­ . I . ­ , --- �. . . � �. I " . ­ V- I ­ I � !='=;;,�= , I the Winner In the handicap race At tile gro,m, Later they left 04 A motor ard p., Ex. Comp, R. 0,.Sanderson, Itur. which would make it neces3avy to, bavo I I . . i -4, 1� . - , I _;=== ___ I , I . � 0110114A night races lost Friday And. . trip and 0 return will make their home on 043pter"r, S.. Ex. Cowl). W. W1150% steps down to% the MIntstees vestri , ' . I IrUISIAC NoTim " Saturday. Uamot%4 bad to start 100 trip and on their return will Make their Tecomach Chapter, 8. S., Camp. W. 'and from: tile surrOUA41"W class room$- � 1OWNTOP" ­.­ feet. -behind jhiS .W , fre_�Gld- .L1tb_Aud.A, ­.h0uW...At, 'fto�._kw .,,, Toronto. The Patton, Uuto.1,t;Uj*er-�.�,1_8�iC roo"Ig_�pt � , . ­ I ­­ 111. __1_111 — _ . . - At 4XA .oMpi,,..p. Tile boiler room and coal - ___ _ ... � ....... � ... ... . -___1.1..1-A. �___�'. , � WILL m�CUWQ � Yetwou both had entries in the race$, ­ . '�Oroserus were numerous and W661 and 11, nuan, Hurou,.Chapt"; S. Z, Rt. U. j4__ih6T'ii�iffi­�j'tho� present oUud0a3o% �­­, " , ,X My modern home � I I . I I .. ; � � I with an conveniences in the. city I . � I 11 -D -r. Clark aud Ilea Rays were timers, . . among. the, guests were Included those Comp 0, 1). Croftj � Huron I Chapter; 8, Tho.bDllpr room will be OZ ft. by 10-tt�. - . ' . . , : . of Stratford for a, gorage or service sta-- Quiet at Hub" '. bo"Ses, the ItzV. OZO, C-� WATT$ from nd oth places. i, ix. comp. 0. Mona I , .1 I � I . of the 00dorlou . , Detroit, U,ndo.u, a er rl%ld, Huron and the cog storage room, lar.$e enoog I I , . I . tion. Give particulars, In first letter,' On Tuesday tile 0overmneUt, Steamer The OWAQ19 Th63, awart.i and Wa XAtt Now Vast" of No" $4. Val" Churob, I I I I , . � I - b it I Address, Box 101 STAR.. � Miseford was in - Vort. No .Other bOAW timers $44 chapter; Ist, V-s� V. r4s. Comp. 0. L. to Contain Afty tow at coal, *ill a . � . ' ' , I � -;,, ... - 1- . ' . Vero =041; the ones from ooderich In vho, *IN imume cb*rX& firfif Sunday In PEOPLE WE: KNOW Parsons, nuron, Chpipter; Und V., Lx. -ft, by 2D ft, okud a now clalumoy will lmva . . � I I li from, su*tbroy'. I I X011TkX HrJROX t.r� F., 0: GARMW ,avo, been In'tbe Pis' . Wi0ek. � . � . . . I laly, ,116 comes b" . Mrs� It. Datong Is visiting friends- at COMO, W. Reaps. Huron .OWpter; ard , to be prected. The priesent Coal rooln. t . ,� I . atteodsoco. - . . � ,a i �* I . . A.1 . PARIM. � .� . I . � .1 � .. � ., .. . I � is. .4 . graduate at Draw at. catharblis, - ' . . I ; � . . � . : I Inspector. Creitsy vis ts 004erich garl nutowns,iii Trou�le Asaln '.. , , ur, WAtta, . V., Comp. J. S. Pl%tt, Huron Chapter, the south at the basement entrance will � . ­ . . . I I � . - . , J., Mrs. Albert McDonald. of Port Huron, 4th T., COMO. Aumel Wilson, Tecumseh W converted 116 a ladles' parlor 16 It, 4 1 ' , %pspector. Orgasy, tho� now appointee In Theological 8emlawl. li.ludisollo X. I � I I . . . . . An .opportunity for friends to. get, to- place or 3]o$r.qP#QX Rayi was, In town On I Earl - Itutahini,* pf Goderleb. Township, IL $.' A�, "Was a Member Of 11*01*011 In visiting In town. ­ I . chapter; - P. Z.. nt. Ex. COMP. John V. 0 In. by 17 'ft. 0 In. rkovislon, is, made. I I I I . � . $pther. 40ft$ "Old Home Week" Isbeing young. man of '*bout 22 *Osrs. Was . . � . I I ,� U0443y, Tile new , to, a Methodist Couterencei, p 0 P. Z.,, v. vx, tot Ave sepavate class room$ best ,as tho, I . I- .. I . 4rranded by the 1VAtted Farmers of. NJ . ins*tor comes brought before li,itagiStrAto add -on Taos- ,vlor to entering Sheriff Middleton and Mrs.. Middleton Miri* Otlell)h Chapter I . - d . . ... I I I lotchio#,er from the Niagara district, . London Conference. - In the Un4ofi visited lit Brussels. an Saturday. . I Comp. J. IT. Cameron, Halt= Chapter, main room, the present- Cholr room Mad, I . 11 � , murou at their an . . , . day. .,Us bad been, obtalgiAll =Oue3r�))Y lielph. L AtkIns, To _the Ia gual garden party to P. Z., V_ .0museh ftol'roora to ,the north of . k ,. � 40- lie held in thr' ak. Gr�ovtaud ",mohanicra urait-man - . I$sublg and cashing obeqU0, .the chequeg COAftvence'bc 4er"4 GtAce UethodtSt % Hunt IS home IrOM 0 1. COMO. B. 0 1 , ctura . , AgrIcOural Parlt'..Wu Miss Edn . i I . I - . � XiViln", ,on Tuesday!, Y�IY 7th. . *aborch, St. Tbo*%9, W�Iliniitall St. wheic.sho attended" McDonald Hall. ' Chapter. , . 1. room to be mado Into tAvo, Class rooms, ,X?k L. supper - woi. A. Paltriox _ gr4divatoid %t the. Proving to, be.'warthless, A COUP14 Of On, ' , . V ,. ", _ I ,served from a to ,8. 'Good program lol� 0LjJV4 Method% . ,a Strang ba%L rotiujued'fronl 'Tfi6rcWa$A large 'IttendAuge". L Including %no the glkl'&' Bible Class room to be . I I . � , , Issina Trade Sall I , t obulpb,, �Lood ,and for the MISS Qr%V 'a L OP.'nair clan Lool. i,�a Azlgeles,.Call- yea in dOmt. On a , . I . I � � , : lowed by Lice. Admission $00 V � , , . vs, Ago .Hutchins W44 . past six years has i*eu pastor Of Strath- Guelph, the school term Iletag.QoActuded. ,m&ny visitors, the gathering runabarjn,� Made Into'two Other cltii� rociml, Tbet L , and -25o� � . . Aiargo and, was lot to on SuS.; . . . �. 1 4 forulti,. 43 IX, . MCCUOIC141 draftsman. A Similar ( . L t� kitchen Is to- be ojtcred� and mad , L . . , . A good time for everybody. ,�, , L . a. Sentence At that time, lit$ case roy United church. In 102647 he was Mrs, M� A10110 and little son, Bryan, over one hundred,, tour from Soatortl . L . a milob, ! I .',, . .1 ... T. A, CAM=0N, Was. . Anquo s given. for tho.grgduates AD pende � Its purpose wi neW . .- . . . . I is court. bere on Chairman 4TWa0ttddI0Sex Presbytery� W- visited Wends it pbtrolt *during the P�st L Sig irom Lucknow, , three � from Listowel, move Convenient for th L � . WX AUTYWRPOAD, Sed"Y' .th school June,,5th. and,WliliAm mail a � � . . 1. n 0 p Dard ow I � . . , . clues, up,,Iw,*,e polto 1 $ Ila L 1. . , . fraln Sti.tt.ya, two from,.'Mlt-� 411114 counter$ a d , U 4 S, A n . . I . I d Ui#.' Ve three children, weelt. - . nineteert . . . . U. R..2. ImcknoW, * e � 6'CIQCk' L - =_ . o ' I I L � & M . chosen . % L Ing . I L As master of ceremonies, Friday molnlh�' at 10.40 glla, graduate :of 'Victoria HoSpital', miss Margaret Ferguson, Of. Hamilton, chell, eight from WinghAm., 0ovion from outside eutrsweL Is to be provided 41v L � ' ' v. . . _. . ___== ===" . I , , .. I ' . . I . I � ­ CoXlV.eAtI9l1 L and . . , apeom to the platform i biol . I � . I CUSTOM UATCAUCS - L. J Ren . oyatIon of Store, Fronts . . Flower Show and Obtrict a graduate of xrnivorslty'. at- Western is visitin her aunt, hnsa,Lilli%u� )Fir- Xtacardloo, And one each from George- . ,,: Lw a will be of ' I I , I . � . '. . -------- L I . i . L . � . . . g " I IYA, X.Y., Guelph, -Montreal, great .Use Ili putting, on, of ontertalu.' . 11 I ­­_ L . I I L , ; Ronavation.at grocery store fronts -has Next Thti"OXY * I Qnt., Instructor of Xtlrsa�S; L Cl(tyton. at- g4son. . . . - town, Brock . . I , . ­ I � Ja";j__CWQXa � A'XD CULST03$ , , . tending Weslat University, ,and collegiat �o Grand' ments. Three wilet rooms are, provided . . . I . . I I been the order i3i late. Both, tile -now Rouiember­.the Horticultural District .% 'Hazef, : was E. mollaughtan, or the a ,XAt0boher And afatltfotd. and tb I I . . 11 , . I - � , . . I , I . . - Urs. Witts is active, In 'left Saturday for her here for. The pre0ent Stairway from the, � . I . . , I . 'L . XATCBZ40� .. A.'ad P. Store, and the Dominion Store Coaym;ntioni . anq.L flower display, next In public School. L . ' Staff. ,a at Superintendent 001A Southampton, The g , . L . � elug. L tly put LbV I . . . I I I I I . ­ L _. . . L art. resplendent in red,'Yellow Is tho Thursday, June 25th, at Vacxoy jKoZ, churob: walk, ,b Aitracularl3t Inter- Chathani., - L I . I . . 1. . . L Work -of the dogrim WAS agoollon �eMejat to the auditorium, at thq� I .. . I � I 'to Leghorn obitke,' . . I .. I . . I I I Single CombL Will a W. M. S and , Mission Band . Mrs. Forish, of Torant% has. ieturAqd on -and 4row forth tothlair but proase northeast of the building �wlil be- dona, I I - . . . ­­ . . . I ast batch June 18th, ,x)lor C. X. 16bortsaa:has Adopted and Lavory inember Is ,urgedL'to-brlug Some ested In . ej . � . . I � PrIne 10. cents, 1, , . �' 4 . ., I I AUS. IrOM the Ith and the. 009,t: Or UIQL auditoro. I L I i. L . Vrom. pedigreed cockorels� wbos� dams both Reg. SoWoft and GCO, 'Price and flowers early lu the forenoon. that they activitio" ­. .L ". . �. . home After viatting tw . w we I S witl : . . - Grand Ouporintenddut� away IV ioeetl� I . ..� L I I � . . I � . : were L from 200 ,to 275 � egg - ban& 4ggs son have new brick frontsatlo repahat- maj, be . I . I . . After ' & a banquet. was � 11014. In the tum contInuied over the opaca now , . Arranged bef0c 'tho ArdVal ' . Robit.. 14. Young' . J war . , ' I I 1. � L I � ... � , from selected high .producing bens. Ing, . L . L . . , �iu connection Mrs, U.'H,, )$ -room, the tal - pled by the Stairway' L ;. . . . . ." I - I . I. . .1 ates. An Interesting Program elevator -extends I I I . Aes being arrang . . L . . I .. . the ind ua0 path, of Bolton,, England, Assembly . I- I L , . I I . Custom hatching L 40 per egg.' Royal : . . I . doles I - .. orLionwood, cd,in trian6ular form. Decorations Were Minor changes In the way of new WIUA . � . ., . L . . L has been arranged to.begin about .30. with the troatskge� me."urpments of. the is visiting Mr. and UrS . I . I . . �' .. : ftooder s S"'4140 poultry , . . . All members are, Invited to be present w1gle and WWins,propirties bu _Wel� Bayfle.ld roao, ' L " �� ' . . %L dows. eto.1 will be .necessary, but the I � . � L thvies and.supp �ie . , A WoO#erfut Contraption usports. � . . . . I . appropriate to the occasion, tra I I I I . . � . : cod liver. oil, price -reasonable. . I 11 I Tbe� I round' n at the bo greens 'and bring. some One 'With them. I . .. . . $Stated bilLout I , .L L of. Port' tIon ul�;,hl, Miniature telegraph lines.. archItoova estimate * of the ep'st of the, - I � . . I � ' W, HU= CLUTTOX, a. R, 0, 00de- has a Q - ontraption t . which ., . 4 Rogton' stredt,.w, list. Issue. I L Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Platt, . - crosa . . � plete, W11010 '10ft IS 0,000 Plus their geo of .10 ,,, .. . : L I I - ' - 1. 4 art , a I I .r to get a -point lWmeasureL from, I Colborne, Spent the, week -end With their polest .arms, w1rox arid all AgM . . . . I ' L rich. Ph�= 1413, Carliow. � ,.L , g, 4 ' ' I 44 at lftqdonald Institute lit orde -itip hill along'. relative& Ili to"i - � . I I . . I . - , , . I . I . . _".__" to roll t , a nowi I . Oridurk I I . - ,. the silrvi6y, was carfliicl" of ther. fablea, Por Cent. The Chan . I a re L t is 4 gasoline I ges wood Certainly i !I - �_ L I . I . � extended along the length al, a2r%t Improvement to the �b . . L' I . I I REWESTATE AND WSUR 01$ propelled roller that can be 9teerod and I Miss Edua, B. Hunt, of Goderich.-wAs W , I Thou on a �ide table Was - h� VaTO collrl-� u% 0 . lurph AN . , oftoon street and, uOWe8t street a4d; m. yor 1ea, Councillor' number And . . I , I., �, . - � - "the -tion of lutoro# in transporta . uch more ,Ser- , I . . ____� - 11 I— - ­�__ ,_ can turtl. round ju'awond�rfully small' the winner .Of the' Macdonald'. Xnatitute some lots were found to, W overmewure- I Town Clerk 1�nox are Attending tion IT1.0 Property and. Make It m . I � , I ,,. - , L � . I - - - - * I . vleciblo for . the Various purposes It I . I I There was the 6rialual 4bo�el ultb . 1�%W!16jbiik(i' REAL ESTATE space: It, Is a, product. c uw rlz* � . L , L,IASS At . . - ,)f�: Thas; - San4y;S: Alw I �p . , bi.the Homemaker id . mont and thqeL was some diffi Ultr to I-Weetlng'4t the Western Ontario- Boards tory, . . TM a I I I I . d , A . 11 . a L at OWen Sound tUW VrId L ay'.� ' WhIch tile,first,sod of the Northwest& aiirigs. vk6a board of x4fiagWllaoo to" .. .:, , ­, . . - ., :butL . rn � . , L . �'.' ' 4' . . , nd 1Mt1RANCE AGAXOZ� machine shop and weighs. about a,. tell. Macdonald Institute ,an Mi -ss. Harriet 4r, get lines or Tr%d . .. _40finit � - , . . ��, . I . — . I Y ' h -.1t. go. � , Irlylor'Was tho winner of the Jean!Clatk iqrvey was Made. j.' . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen and babe, Railway was turned. May 16,th, 1858, takc- adition before it' is 'a that the, . I � I . L : at; s ould 4�e -, - . I . . I I . . , I I A lot of ver use L ----. .Bradley Memorial. Scholarship, 'a' _ tiers, with a I I . . . I ; I . , y cheap ��p S tot sale In ___�­_ - -,.,, ­_ ___: , Stablish- - Ist that part of -I of. Ooderloh, - . laboratoly catvod, And. a copy of the 11. work will go ahead but via prepuino they . . I I . I � Goderich, - Suf tilnes'prities tr LOM $300 _­ _­­ . 4 dd �by­ .tfieL 1929 . graduating. class. Miss ---- -- - - ­ t6 I L were.Sunday V41 1 I I I I . ­ I . L � . I . ' XXOATOPARDS; . L the harbor- on which dt.blevator extends. J! their -parents, Mr. and Mrs; Harry, Bowen M P IC. W9414 AO& We gaffe � 86 far 30 they have . L I . I . L L I L I to $3,000 each, Easy temLs for payment " I -, , A- - - . -_.,�--_��-____ L I ' L I . .1 bistrated L��404i VOWS'coutsInina . . I . � L . . I L I � . , 'Taylor W�s in � nothing . 4i, .. I tho ASSa0late class. The . an Court House Square unless k was pretty wall sottlaid, that the I L . I ,- location - ]R iJA­ and liad to do, With Wellington I And Mr. and Mks, Chas, ROUS01 BlYth, turer of tho,Oodprl . WIM . , , . . � . . 1. 0 required, fte i. *� An Of the 4YO . V01 I grAduatIngL Os-,were.,beld on Wcd� stro * . Work woulo.begone on. I I . .. ,, . ., I I . -11 houses have- modern CQ117.�WeACI!$;L. , t -Barristers,ai,la Solicitors, . oxercls . et frolitagq%. .11 .. 1, I . -11, ' ­-_­-L_d_­ 0; I . it - appearit-4 - = the Occasion of, the , . I, I I f ; '. � I , . I 1L. — . , , , - - ___ .. �... ,�� .&' ... - , ' , L , ' . . IL I ,&­ C ­Storvr-ho. J 0 , 14, guad aoadli�� R.- I . L ,;d�rIC4 a : L L. . —, =VA ..... 1 C-__U0,#_"-W..1Q,-,� �Md ­R,��-Xrixys, . . ' 'last L ­_"0Otb-the__Qade I— ­­ _­ I - - �­ 1, ­­ o o a; .. hcftkas­'�and. - founded . -B, I , - ,. �C, -nesdaY. ric"tudebW Vf-$Jt;-,opCuiAW-QV,thP-44ffAIa` '. I . , 11 L' , _ , . .W ther 04noWi L , 1. � . ition, .good lot. $050.0. . I . ,,Ot,'- (Jo#erIch. . . .stood, at the bmid at their classes. I 'L r,IreA0,7z1,,sz Tournament and Ball Game he 1-11#i - AdLWAY,jil - 16010. When 0 1� , . . fiatolltop stri . .. I .1 ' I I r stuilQnt at the same and L an g Lord �000. I . 1% story house, $bad lot, donv= I � T110PI)QU $, L. I I . I At Clinton Dominion Va,*, .4V. Parsons, A . Compa'Ay In 1027., bonotin _ *. L ' . tent , I l� I � 0 ll . � . I � vacation. Lord-migglij A�.as liar And a urdwd.of 00 �10 .. I . to Square. - 41SO.Q0. L I . I , __ - 1.1 , Institution, �re home for'Liho a . rich by Its name. one of tho diroctors of . I . . L I I I _ .; , � _ - . ­­ _ ;- - Motorcycle, Cinbi, Formed . . With a'big ball g�mo In the afternoon nco. a�� - thollsand- people assembled. Vile view . I 1. . , .. 'L I �.. . . I . 1. .11., ,� . . � nistory I 'L ' ' Mrs. W. P. Abbot was In atteftda . thlocanada compally. . ... : . . . . L I.. House, largo lok small barn. $1000. L : a Ooderich Motorcycling .was between the. 1). S. A. Champions 'of Class the Rebekah Assembly W4 Monday. Shows, the huge tout eltondluo Out from . : . . . . �., - ., � WAN"o . - - . I . .1 1% story. house,, nearly new, Suit lot.. __�__ ,�,- I . I L HiWbor coAqtrUctlorl WAS -.. com�kauqe'4' � , . . I . .. I L� I - _11_._�­�­­­�, made last Fx1day evening when thaJocA .A for�.LD.'etrolt olty,aud'tha Queen city - *., . .1 1 41000, � .. . _ W I Utzday #nd Wednesday of thIS.We0k At the Court House towards West street and Ih 1035 �by buIldlut p1le'd #14* A .40th L . . . I I I . Q�. , . AXM.----.Llve, oultry. Highest rm, a club to, )*,.*.%%own ' he falrto,%S�-Worgd AsAll t0m. of � p;i: .1i 1. I I .. I , , t1d.fra L Met to' 'lip � ,. .. I Glalats� -t thD iies. and acted as as I .; � the d.,pQrritiono for tho 0=511on. Aud - on I � . . , I I . 1%, story bouS6 .10to'. 4150 1 , 'i I - MarkeWork *� .0,27; -Eks,ibi 60.derlch "irse of $900, L St. ell 4 . . 'utl 0M 'Olm tile MO'lilf Of thO 94tbrid, I I I I I hO tw CS VsId., pi�qnq' Motorcycle Club, -Frank -Now Y6rk State, fol�, w pu I . . . . . I � , , Anothar Pa6a Is - n .k'InS ^�"� Alv,,t ThIs �Vork of' tha - Callo ­6'j4tn�­ � ­ 1. r' �;, 1. . �.'. U " 7 . , 1 I %, story uOus lots. `$1300, ANTl3'D;,-4k flood. second BowrA.,viks chosen as president,, Bill $6o6 to w 4 I I � Olin- Qbaplain, 1. 0, w.. -O t�2c , ,,dl ,. Ili stofy chielce'lot, small b0n, . , innors in ,�$390'to Idsers, Mr.. aud.L Ufs� rred Hunt ,'Vote- In .about the 064t,'. L I . . '41700, . L I ,. . I . I W hand 'We L Lquiby, f7r.j as 8ec.-treas, . pany was transfe.rr ti; the Buffalo and I . , . ' .L . , . � L . 'L :, I I I . � I N wanted lot, -one ot,tho-Tevvii Hall And Bert BoWn tah,ls -celebrating Dominion Dtby. The 04 ' I ; . Guelph on 'Wednesday to attend the on the tal$le also %vare * som(,! Other - . I . . . . . . L, game, starts,.at 3 o'clock and is Preceded I . . . roil Railway Ili 1859, wheii apap- I . .. ,:. . ''I For Sale -17q- stOry 1-±0002ed Cottage, 601ces, I particulars.' rid price t. Id *1411, curios, an.old tamaha�*"and Pipe most . AtI603 L were undertakei - L - : I .1 , Send a 0 as road captaln� Club meetings will'be . Lake Ho - I - mearly new. .Celldr, ,bathroom, electric . . . 1. .1 . . L. L. KNOX, Wd VrIday evenings to plan - tours. an 0. Ontario West Firem6u,s Tou�ua. I I i to divert ;the) � , � .. . . I I k ' L' '' . 0 th . .� 11 Town�c mces, ,Hill aid each ment at 1.'o'olock, with various, sporkino - . . .1 .L ­ " ft,% hited. Garage, .manufacture, ditted . . � . their daughter, Miss Edna; belfig,one Of Probably of t",VerchL I �__� :N graduation, exercises at Macdona . . _;� . . C� *� Harbor � I -1 I 1-.. .: . I or ­ . I . allmVs will be h . now of the, river and- construct a pro- . I . I , I Price - Itingt(flate'' pow.s. __ . I . - , tj � ": � F . I I - i858, and With the riamo. at I , ark. -_ the graduates. ,. Oct. 30th, . � $I ow L ­ .. Tueodmi it 7, pan.�behind Saltford�' td eveniis'la connection and exhibitions by . aker left on $at- w. P.'Vo,an tooted harbor at large area, Tha Work . . . . . Wri­ . public, - is cordially invited. the Burlington Drill Corps and Vire lwl� . ., Galt, two plece�p of the first , - � 11 . . I ,. . . � . . - -,and Mrs. Job . 71 _ slon, . Mr. Ift B .. , - � _ Ile. Ifte pror ARTII.QLES SAL9 which the,. was Carried out by the Dominjoi oov�' L . . . , I _ Arl _�� I . - . I , . : For $2 �y Abar -15§4iiat.eL a fourt�en motorcycles In O.Ode- lerIch band and urday by mQtor fox a two-weelial visit at At!aml,lc ciblb 'And, .two pictures of the orn 'and 1871. capAble - � � . ' low vhluatlon, gIvIng.-stire:revenue . : o at very Wnere ar L gade. The Ooi . , fte brit. - mont between 1072 1 . --Old fashioned file place nt time. L I I , 1821 L, I I . . of over 10 pet cent. 6ii,lovistment. Paid (coalbasket; fender, arid ali'metni rich a the pr6e -taking part. lia -the A46=1001i 4b 'Mrs. Bak sailinj v6sols of light I .* FOR SAM ga& ird' MOrdon, Man. They were accompanied first. trains o.1 the lilverpool and Man, L . _33. . %. ;,; . I I tio also, two 1) . . � . I'� I.. .1 . v Cheater railway, .also the" of handling . I .." I . ' Parts .And Mani rig. for .. draft, but has glacer,been ,extended and � - . - .: . I I 11: monthly prolnpt?y� � .1), airs told- '. . . program and the band islemalftl 7 We sister, Mrs. narry Tinge. There ,%w '. .... . For Sale�ll,:� stork fto'brIck hou.s� Ang doors to fit Opening 8 feet high by, Roitax staff.-Ilave Picture Taken � the band tattoo at night, .In deciding. and. Mr. illngey, of D . atrolt. . � ., . a Small model Of= ancient sailing Va$- deepened to 'aCCOMMisdate Any Stoamors , . .1, .. ... , . . . ­ . , . ' .1 I and two lots. Mectrio llght"� tatfi. 9 feet., a inches across. Apply to ,STAR Quite on. Improvement Was made In.not to'put on a4 tormai,program tot Mr. A. J. Do Carl proprietor of The -set. Then Inside' the triangle- formed by which -now, ply th lakes, . . . JL . ; .' , ". L '.. . , . . I . I ' . .. .. . L Iftiviet' L . � : I . L' - I the apptaranco of the Goderich postal- the Afternoon Ooderich IS co-operating friendly call on Thursday,: -S having o*%t day'style of grain transport, the T , e t 0 t,r Was built 14 : . .. ; . : ... . , L room, WIred'for eleetilic arranged OPPICX�' , #arkhIll Gazette, javie The . itir 4 th,-tablos *AS a large model at the pres� h IN . gralla. eleva 0 . I Yor furnace )ipating. .Price $1800,' easy, 1.11=1!"t '­ ..'' -1 -1. - __ ­ nce.Lby' the taking down of the winter With -Clinton and the. local. committee Oodgglell b., the Bullplo, end Lake, uuri.� , . , .. ' . term, Immediate possession. - - � ,VOR -SALF. OR TO, RUNT brought up some ladies to ta4is Part In Ki) hways. 0 th on Ilwa ., I . . ,. L - - _ ,patches and on Woone&(IaFL�the Staff Tait madedt clear thls,*aa zdt(toi looked I L . 11 amarloka, with ten bate n a in 1860i 1 us a. facility for .1 I I . For S ile,-200 Acre farm, �14y loam � , '09or'L , upon AS , L the bowling tournament here. . 1. head,ttable was a model of a -modern - � . I It .. . I L , L OR =NT.—Apartmdut re. go much, better With the changed ap- &I,h e3tAbllsbing 6 Precedent as , . Iture to rallw4y station' Byng Station, With rail - transferring gi'Rin 'from 'Chleagis and . . I I . I Soil, A' drained, n, waste. Good! I'?, TF HERN., Shoe Xerw the building that thoy.bact Ood has 31W 00 - 1. L , jys put it full 6yls Judges Holmes Moved his turn Story house and bank barn. LVery handy Chant. Apply , to . W, . I . ' . .to cars destined for the Jqow Goderldh. Over . I .1 . .. 't'1C'.'Ir'nPa1.'tArs, tzken� In I Barrie this week and '1414 son, Crown way track, etc., Complete, =11tates throuph Ituffalo. Ther6. ­ 1:. . . location, 12 infleg from I _,,.,.,, I , , ' Jug T front of the build- Dominion .Day program. The program Attorney Holmes And Mrs., Holmes and at. Ex, Comp. Dtullop' %13- toast L , 1, . ts 110 acres now A grain And bay crop� . he �'embets of the group Were Ili Goderich this'yeai will, be morning . was Also a aheil for package freight, gfid I �. 6 Mne dondittoM large To. AXNT.---4PurnIshed Bungglow to his daughter, win to Barrio for, a few mazter. rlr34.vas the toaat to P-UtUre, ground,, Rout durfaie the.,sunimer months, Postmaster- John Galt; -Assistant,. MISS and.Mfitug With the afternoon free for �t the, Xing, -the Interchange, of frolgfit and grain was . � 11mber enough to half Pay for. entire ,A . - I Barker, Postal dlerks'G. W. Blacki 0oo. the ludividual-lualinationu: days to help In getting him settled. . honored by tile singing, of the Niltioual . . . . . . . I . . fann. Price. $6.606, Terms $160, cashA , pply I to STAR orFrCE, I . L L Buchanan, Miss TlcW)Ome, Mrs. Dickson, . . Mr. and Mrs, George 'Stewart, of Anthem lWtily,. with Mr. Q� B. Davies a busy odeupition foroomo years withi . . . 1. balance good terms, zmmedlatd ultimately, a Aqamer each day dk1charg- . . . I . - Summer cottage. at Port Urs, Brownlec Customs House OMqer Allss BaIxtor of Hamilton Addrosses Goderich, .'rtnd . Miss 'taylor, of - Slyth. At the Plano, A couple of ,splendidly Ing j,vraln ond clearing with Eastern - ­ . , . . . . -11 . Stan. I ­ P01`6s � F0R,R=T- Arthur cirile . I . . many others. Ask about, them ' I ' Albert . now, cleilu, j6Dmy. Avall- A. Portart ,and �sZi4nt J. H. Hays,, and I I I . . I motored to Guelph Wednesday for the rendered vocal nuzub= by Mi. Chas, p�.Pjtaaq, frotaht d1P,tIne4 Jor, West�rn' � . -Jub , . - I I . � I I I Month. Apply, to RkV. W. J. TAYLOR � .. 'eidGior '10 & ... - .. . I . J. I W. ARUSTRONO able for � and SeptL . by week or (jaretakpr. v&. jAe�.0rind1rod,. L . .. Mhe regular Meeting of tht ArthUf icrjidliatlon of MISS Harriet Taylor at Neaking and. q, couple by Mr, 0,'Org' "erican PoAo. The 1. I . . Circle of Xhox Presbyterian church was McDonald College. Mrs. W. Naftel ao. SuchotAn Were given during the pro- 11 . I Real ritIttef , Rockwood, Ont."tr to ROUT. nay, iF;,; Ahmetk Chapter. Appoint NOW - L . I Capacity Of 60,000 Intshelt. lluloiAit* :�� - I . - . Phone 599. ',.Box 89. Godedch, Out. Albert. .. I I L . Councillors and - Treasurer . I held on. Monday 'evening of this week ,companled theist. .. gram, ,01th Mr. Davle�1_9A_ accompanist, .grain at the rate at 2,000 bugh6ls per . ,� . . ." L I ­ . I - .. � :Wlth a large ottendAnco. Mrs.4answaY Mrs. Stokes, of llletrolt.L 4nd Urd. And a gat Coitnet 6.�W by Ur, R*1 hour, ond. each railway eat carried as - . . I , L i 70 I . I . � � FOR SALX-12 acres of laud, 11fi story At their last. regular meeting on. Uon. Was in the "r. A chapter of the Wyatt, of Au6ura, are'visitinG, with Uri. Azhry, aUd W following toasts were much as 400 bushels, Contrast this w1th I . I - . L , 11 L . frame house. and kitchen) ' good day Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. E,, ap- Study Book On India was introduced by. Cunningham In Brussels and on Satur- honored, The Oidud Chapter, propmed thei modern lalle typo of stomor, for to- . � ., . . I " � � cellar under hous& Good *611 of water,, pointed. Mrs. It. J. A. Maclgw4n. and Miss Eva Somerville and followed, Up.. by day last a trip to Qodorldh was . Made. by 11t, Ex. Comp� Hugh Hill and respood, stance tbo CA t Co , I I I %,A ; . bAm 4licl.citbor, buildings; Il*t.trees 4Ad. .Mrs, R. J,�Wwtei tom the.positions on, -a.% ss Box Mrs, Cunningham being compahl by ed to by 9t, Ex, . 44da 8 QP _ lunhip . "P - ,! ,, . � -­.. .,� , L�, �.'.: , � I _. � 11?,J1ftA-1G1E ­ I I—. - � .. t I 1, I . L - I-" " : Some - Small t . I . LL, - psk.latereAting Address by ML ac .ad tiomp. Alton Huber, Lemoyne, sailed by Comb.'C, 9, I Rob 'Ia. . . .. 11 � . . I : .L . � . . . I ndt. Four Wes, from: the council of the"Citapter midi'i6citit *ter,'of Hamilton, a ihisisionary on Itir- bar son, Harold, I I . I . . Southampton; Rt. Ex. Comp. John son of this Chapter, whIchaarries:600,00 ' . I . I L . .. God ch, on Provincial Highway. AP- by the..deaths of Mrs. D. Holmes. and lough.from Central.ladla. A,diuct bv Dr. Clark acted 4.3 ane.of the oflietals Stevenson, Rt. VX. Camp. John. V.. ugirr, , I . L . . . !Ply to MARV A.L MCQ=BCX, our local - I .L Rul Estoe W 1mrance at' . ,at the Mrs. -1. Dickson, and Mrs. Wilson races on PkIday Guelphi atid Ht. Zx� Corlip. Shilroth, of bu"hels of wheat; and %ith. . . . . I " " house. 1. . . L 1 Urs. W.'Dissett and Miss 0. Heist wits at the Chatham night � $L .. . I � . I 11 .L I L I I Herald was appointed treasUrerin place very Much enjoyed. Miss M&tgafat Wil- and Saturday evenings of last weeki * lie kincArdlue. Transportation, proposed elevators, WhIell, hold $150,400L bushels at . ., . IL , I , I L __1�7 ­­ 'L .. — =,_=�� t L 11 . — of ,Mrs. A. J. Maclthy. who has moVed son, w1jo-has been an active worker and had just rourned from a visit In Toledo bk Ex. Caln'p. 0, L. Parsons ang respond. wheat, four marine legs with aggregate " . I I . . . I . L I I i� � I ..1. I ,,, I -1 .1, - -1. .- . . I ;,"# 0 0 M --r from Town. Still. another VAcancY Is valuott member Of the Arthur Circle, and, Of some. weeks, seeing his . daughter, Miss ad to by,Colrip; W. '9. Weea4r, auperI4. Unloading Capacity 61 76,000 bushels Per . .1 . . I . ') � I EARX sus, To,$ hour, and ftolgbt cars. which carry 2"O 1 . "' . I. . . ­� . 1. I .. i Earn pad timej W'Jillib k*ndft that of assistant treasurer made vacant 'who is about to's6vei her coqttection Iretta, and stopped off at Chatham an tondout of the c, X. it., -Stratford; SX. bushola oaah, L . � , I . I . . � . I I I f0lowing-lbit pay4ftilft: Gaft", by the deata of Urs. James Clark, but with the S!)daty, .was made a life rouite to 004orloh, . Camp. 11.�- C. Atkitwo Stratford, and The last. to,u C' L ftitots pro. . . Welding, b ' The eiW.apmeut U announced 'of COMO. J. 13, Platt, of Ooderich. It' pro' posed by At, Ex..Comp. a. V. Craft and, 10 C. H. HUMBER wall Arbering, hair no appolutment was made to this post, member of the W, M. S. the pteselita- t tsim to our I L JltWZi4L1tA " ' � dretstot. P001041 open. War. The ChApter I decided to hold a bridge tion of the certificate being. made by Alma Uargarot 90nige, youngest daugb- postdo4he toast Ex. COMO. Parsons SaVe rodporldedto by Ht, EX. Camps. W% C&.' - L L � . I - : mAtion: Ire#. Employment SeMee tea At the summer home at M4 -stud w�,, W. 0. Uacg n. talent manig., ter of Mr. Wm. 0oWerby, and the late the folloviluff historical sketch of the de. I a I I .1 . L ) Tke �MXLL,STOR9 _- . from CAw4 to ponst. Apply Mrs. George Williams, Blue Water High. rat . Wa . , . Igart, an W, Wilson, 13tratford,and lat. . . ­ _ I I sed by the mohlbers since the begin- Mrs, Sowerby, 00derich Twp., to Wilmer Volopmeot. of transportation at Goderlob: V'V. Comp. lit . . . I I . . wrrA-'-rmx mo STOCK DOMMON 19CA0oX;S, . 79f . Way. Aug. 6th, . . rdug of the year, was brought In and a Ha"ism eldest ton of Mr, and Mrs. , X,3ke Huron was . the flrd'�f.tho .Great a, T. CaMoro Oualph, and ' . . :, - : .. L . . . I L W, .Toronto., . I . I .. . I 'L * Bx_cornp. Ofias. Budge, Brooklyn, N.Y, . . Ill , L ...... . L.. ". . I I L . I . � , Don Igener Wins Flying Comp,tiftion L L splendid 'sum tea4zed. It was decided 'JAS. Hatrisch, also, Of Oadorich TWO., Lakes to be &covered, lit. 1610. the I A tout to Huron Chapter �Ya3 propos. I . . . -1 .- . ­ - ­ .1.11, I . . I I 0 r , . to bold the mext Meeting In'the form of the wedding to tak4 place qul6f -Caron and, Chant. L GUWint I 1, L . . I 1. .tly the Viandh explorers, te e4 by - the Grand on . I—— . LL I L. . I Dan Egefter, son of Dr, V. T. and Mrs. a I Plain, L . I L 111. - ot�fanla icit Harbor Park, At the close middle of June, I . dent AU41 .. I - - L both discovered It, but In separate rimponded to by Ev, Comp, W. Itbape, I I . I I ; I . . . ­ -39gener, St. Oatharines, ,representing the t V in oting 4 Social half hour Was L Miss Jean COW3n left On '134ndaY with Pattie.% They came up the St. Lawrence lot principal of Huron Chapter. . I I I I I I I .. . .. . . 1. - . . L St. Oatlitrineg Flying Club in A. finding 'spent. , . . ­­ her parents, '001011ol'and Mrs. Alexander River as fair AS the Ottawa� And flvor,q ­ I . . . . . .. 1. . Competition at the Urant-Norfolk Aete, - � . _. . 06WOM, of. Barrie, ville, Motored to Gode. tllerO traversed 1110 Vreilbb, River . to This wal followed by, tho singing, of I L . L � .. day rdo!or Aceldinfil, , I ' Auld t3ng Syne And -tho national Aft* . . NE W , I . I Club Ineot'held at Brantford on pri rich, on Saturday, for 11artle, where she Geotolaft Day, They t00% . different I . . . and Saturday, took first place In com. On Tu6sday afternoo,ft two eara oldo- Is pre6ld g thb week, at tile %liddle routes acrO35 the country to 000rolan them, .1 I I I I . In *­�., ,,_=4--_-. I I..... I I � petition agalmt r=6 of the best known swiped in patsing on the highgsr just 0011061 C=nlnatiOn� 4t the Barrie Col. Day and joined force� -aaaln -just about $ I . JN It , Pilots Of,VISterb Canada, X90ner holds past the railway crossing. "BU& 'rjullth' leglate, VOr Your vacation or- week, -and Inotor , - - 6 Wbigh he ,k,oh of. Alf, 4as. -8mith, and his inothe ' Ulm Powell. of tile G. C. 1. staff where t110 llcp�uib Shrine is lic"�V 10catc'd trIP3 YOU Vill have Perfect freedoni and I I ,,V,, - USED LER ' . 0, Commercial pilot's certificate, , r. has left for hot hanie in Prercott, Ulm. near Midland, . I comfort 1A arts at our Wool ar ollk olud I I . I I .� .. : . ,. I secured through training at -the JaCol were IA One car 404 lift'ald 1011, Of Olin- Shipley to her h6tile In Amlt�rotb.urg Th6 fird binip to uavl�ata the Great �Vdol :Llatest . I Nonittod Suits. A largo L � alrP 1;0.1 V113 t, L . � 4 ,.ad,' Ia the compatition at grant. ton, in the Other, travelling In appoizite and, MISIS Wellauallton. to her 401no in La Ate "Oriffoll", 4 omall msillp&r. as�,ortfiletjt to 01100:0 from at . L 11 . .. . ; Ll f0kil he ,competed witlW pilots. v1ha: bad dir6etions, Tho;CaroL,woro badt�t damag. Chatham. . I 'VC -"'CIL Of about f)lJtty"toAS. built in 1079 . HIMBEP.T"O. I . I I FA,b L War4ftud mid Commercial flying exper- ed'And Smith zustained � Mght cut back � � I 0 *�, . . -' '' ' . . I 97 . .. M01VIR S 'GAR 1 PE 11 . by the Vrench explorer, taSatle. Th'S ­ — ' . . .. . .. I I . ... - . 11 L . Jence. Three Machines from st..Czith. of the ear, . .1 . 'BRIJ 'OF TOWN -TOPICS was launched Into tho 11%34ra River, "Ifollywood" sathlur, loulta for overy . I . I . . � adu0s, the tWo club machinea and Bill ThO3. A%ttu, of Itirktoft'r And 'Cecil � Per,&ons Intere5ttd ,11 childrows. entcr. 4out where the villace of raol liar now membc,t of the faml[13? � lit a �areat varletsr . . .,on St.,Andraw* '$.St. L X)VUrVD Privately owned Platte were at Ztewart, oflIxetei, figured in an aec.1dent talameht on the Iqr8t of July �do narrylvart of 141agairco opront; up. 121,110 ilrob of Plain r,ilade�, and color. coMbin3tJoW, I 1. I I , . . thO Meet As Wall as About thlrt� ul6w- on the Thamos Road b�tjjeeft, Sxoter and L I . . , 1. bera of tile local I-Ving Club, .. Xirkton on Saturday about mitinight, UCCreath, Phono 384, . trIp.of thI7 vet -tel wu up the 14kw to Ptlec-3 are $1.00 a Dult, ebeaperthan Wt . ' I know Ute*d Car Vahre�—Sed Va, pi"t Awtin vio,5 holding the road and Ill At. A special neeting of the V1, 0. T. V. I Mackinaw, Obe took oil a carr,o.. of furc tcatom Ste our opecial tult. an vlool, at I . I . I . Prot.entations to Uis� Cowan . Will be hold In It. At preen nay in peptowbov ana otarim suip. mid only at conAmm, ....... I I . tomting to Paws otowart got into trou. U04:07 Ifall 00 i(rue.4- — . . . L I tW3 Jean Cowan, who 2123 VC01guc-4 ble. L . . day, June 23rd, at 1.20 p.m. - . . I back ta U�lw Wo but wau npvor heard I . *0 . . . . I of pcaln, .110 doubt havinn:lboudood, in Zlo mention of nrov.)ll'o ohamroerc . L---,.- I from tile 0. 0. 1. St3ft to accept a post. J. Cooney, of Clinton, baA IU3 ear ine il U210113 fafte-1 all the V,�Orry oat of CUW3.. - L. , . .. t I __ The re,cular Ineeting or the %*16 n. a otwlm on rialte Huron. 14.13ite. how. . . __ . . . — - . . � — tion as ,Secretary Ot thO .Girb' War% 6*rtMed on Monday nlCht about Mid. Ha3pital AusIllary will he held in tile Was not aboard, ild having travel. Ina a C116 for the June brldc. Vou are I ­ - _ I — L b0AV4,Ot the PrOsbi/ttrlsa church, was ulght bettvct.n Zurich and BruwfiaI4. Public llbtaTS7 Ward Z63111 on Monday ever. * Ith a party Of e . blvlk-4 to oco the -many new 11=3 azriv. � PfctCllted With a foAtilin Pen and penc-11 In attelopting to V= it car he got (tile June 22od, ot 4 PLW. ,& (11;1 aftendane" led oero."_i colintry v r4 n . 0 It vrw runlored la4^t fall. that the fraWo,� Ina At IllogmT.'s U:&g all'or. � I % 1W ate Isenlor gfoup,ot the C. 0. :r. it. Of WlIct1tvior t' 110 odgo of the road, and tLe ft rc-400q4ed- of what wen bellovtd to be t4ab of thcr� 11._.1-.-. ­­ , , I . J iv I � F4 " x9ox church at 0, fartwell IATt,V at tile .car uwt, Nso one-1wag hurt, PUB111 IC Nf_%'_V1C*E I )v TIUNXS � . N-04-4 Tbo 68dC_k1oh Tvp' lro;)1t3t Aug"llary Wallo, )tad, -been 06tovetca ion. the � I . h0fad Of Mr. and Mrs, W. Abell Wt Ott" Ur. j" Vit-ittrs, three.rcal-old 30,1 win mMttt Mr. 11. f4rujilrey's, Ifuron r1anifoullu .131and, - but %Aakli haa no, Mr. and U= John Ck1hatter And . . dAy night, and in flid ,%ddress feAd by was knoiektA down on Ot. Patrick, Sk on MAO, Oat Tuctft, Juno ftd, at 2.90 . ' fAftilly. Of Carlow:. dcs��o to thank all Nft Jithh A10, appreciation ,at, Mi" Tuesdas, aftscriloon by the r�zy fondir of oleloek A good attelufanea ss desired. duca, Wen Wedged, th= WIM to kIrV129 aslbted witan. t eir . � I I 1, 931 � TA , The, AVit ctearner .built on . 4. a. -r-0(B � COW&A'S work 0 leader Of the tIM VAS Me, Tait M-A*ls c4r,, as lie ran out Onto , 11041PUlturill lgoialc,tsr met U10 01rcat 'hoMe Was &:tToYcil by laro JaStL rrld3 . 1. I - to . ver took the Wy rose lovars Should hear Ur. Paul 73, � Vatted. WAs #uth Cividweft uilkde the tl* Street, T116 dri ubcra V�'W Ara IAkC5 was the "Ontario.*, built At 8ack. and to azwo 311 that tWs kindnc3s w I prt"AtatiOu. Ulm Cowsm WAS receAtly ft hospital and a(tCr%-,q6. to hu hm*, Sanders, of tK16 6'. A. V., dudlpb, at the otvs HOW :In Isla, nh(� WM a WV4 � ,ct flo+� coon be liargo��,ttn. . Dhtrfc-+. Canutntloh of Me aftemoGn of of 292 ton% TRO' 6al:Vfflan 6U3Uiir 1 5 per cent. will 6e added to I st . thr:*61Aw bty tile popli# at her thA in oukolftstba-melver , huotatigh " . 10. , . in form no Vith a gold ,Thne ftlll ia uiercay, Hall. '100nft-Uad� Wdl� bUft dIA409 WO ta%O CA ' . P6dAnt# thb lid&e* being read by Her. � ft- 1*0d.'s Unitelt CIMM4 Tdtzalto, shard reiv. 130% theze boats traded on Like .$tP`)�Z.,M-MW1%—At -north at. . Itour itovers with Otbow. All '01 Wt chUteb! W&apse, by Itev. 0. r. itistaIlment of I 931 Taxes 'if unpai bert dr�eft and the ptematiLto,ii, being WAS th# Reft! 09 All dATIY Juna Wedding liartIr.-ulta I Ontario Outy, not the &4*, attalueri I .. , a 6ocletY Membe-tS arin 4*0 built 00 TAko rdo for up4akd "rvicia 61firkit, 6b, 'AttsdSY, Jane lath" oleftwm . I rhtdt bY Helen ftwt, On ftufday, June 45% At `7 P�W`l *I*A to bflng thitir toters to Volcoj* Iftit Ot&C-ftnW.11, son of Mr. J%nf%L Mr& JXX I af te"r IUI,V I St - . - " a , I . Helen Main oftly daughtee of U0, M. Til'JiMir 1 n1aming, JtJ115 !gstlh, for 016 w'" thit walk-In-tht-wit"'cr bailt, m Buf- ftlbl)bell, M40616 U., to, IdS WifingtM L I , , , ' I I 'I �[ I - I , I - I " - I I —1 I .I. I I I .1 - I I I � I= - i [1 Quft" �11 . I I Ili Al I I _J1 I , AW"y W" 14 (!#ft*ftt10h V"ih te** Vaver, Rockwelt Ave,, bCcamo, the bOdd ldig*plty ts,19 in 1814, Irwin, daughtev of - �q of ljardf(t Wft.M Qt*frfttJteH, ton Of .". & b� held in cannects'em with the Mr. And UV& wft J. . of Water Uk sy riftato ,6� Wntlaii, . , ietwem im aed 1828 a traftg Poett Itwlo, AW of M"eld TV, . _tflo,t ttiofi,V, . J. H. ROBERTSON, TM SMeV Wtllch **Ifietr llr6,wn of Mr. and Mrs, Wm QtAlngteo, Tbroato. - - --��-­ W" "atted At 0601,kh by dkvtma. Otto, 1. �, . I 0 .ft* rout W&ks Deparwent was 01hi. T116 cetemoy wu Performed by jteV. L we,-koefld tpetftl, 6-M yards Of C"%rLs. poo -ding arid a rreftcbmil n2inled I)U. )IMMM-1to the, Towgil-ni) or Asit. . Tax Collector ft lot weti su If, eftne,taft with the cho-S, vhftr&� poor dt, tbt Chalcll, Ill, dt" Oingh;jin eJ# ja� *Ile, &St chftk,q, ithUM6 the bstteretl %ith tht Indilm gzld I � ell Tce!dzy. Juno lstt�. Inr-ptitt . . '. r -e of T'*htive I I I I—. 1. .. - I . . - ­ I lease bt wAter lots in the, fttbor ft the pte-"_n,� 's oud jrlmds of I starathttm fast, Color$ It oftIg W a yd, for f1tair faw, gIvIng Ia L*&IIARge clotla, '10� 1�. � - __ '- , _­ __ ­ ­­­ ,- __ I 11, M,!0204 kA,At0VCd Wife Of AZx%tt M I . ,-, wmth lthl� Istel -wt #ddfn:�n t�%T� bg t" 4 thle ftld'e' AUX gtl) . �)M Tlit wtddia3i Oro. W. omm"'m IfitA13, Wvr_�, 4at-Ctt!3 mad 19,m-watowlic�%0% asc,j eo yo:�-,,% 11 I . .. I ,'� I I I .- I I . . h - - - - - - --_.11111111— - L_ - - I — - ---------- A - --,.-----,---- -----,---- - -----A.&, ,­� ---------.--- ---A