HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-05-21, Page 3ra
Nei News Nuggets
Our Exchanges THE FAMOUS
Picked From ROBVITSON 'I
WOM italwas to� new" to UVO mr. sua Mrs. 0. W. Notk of the Huron FOR�
Mrs. Peter Nunn, who bas I Road, ueav seawthl met 'With a 141wr
Ue", ll= us Ueldent, r"cutly. 6he v(A's out
OCR in tontiou for several �Cars W retu FRTIQ
Ingwhea the h9m ten. throwing her.
ed, to Halsail. and is now occupying. 1wr XId DIAMONDS
04001101 ON and ill the tall she 4tivered a �cu� on tile
own he= on Quveu street. ileari wi*h rmuired ser%al ititcUes ta
iiiiu�rlkipoiv pool. T041W sear"M X" ]K~ Graiivat�a
08400 Close.
Mr. Hobert 0. W111% 604 ef, Mr. to Vulaton or"WA
Mrs. W. 0. wift or �Segtortll� bRARVA 1!946911 40fifffet This 1portunity to se -
who milnozer-i of XuQX Presbyterian is an 0
dilated VA a eutialcal elf4lueer from the cullrell. x1near4ine, have offered the cure �x Nalifuly designed
001001 of $clelico, Toronto. t3klug boa V
i positiou Of orgaum and Choir leader to ring set With Be quality,
"s in his course. Misa Eleanor Saider. wh -,I'll exceptional keeps Kelloggs Rico Krisples-
IV. C. T. Us Reaal Vortitst at gse4er a bas beelt Or, diatnonds at
ganist in the Qjitnttoa PA-e-SWteV1AA cultreb
The W. V. T, U. at Exeter held a very prico. k
XU810 successful. lagdal contest last Friday for the V%st year or two. I so crisp they actually
W. 3:�. RoziwMa. night. may Btu. Uev- 0. X Moo).rhoue Clinton 0*40s Atteluil SmIce Namond-set Wedding RIU98
ff T very ably and, acceptOlYaCtO RS 0*19- The Clinton Cadets, untler command carried ill pur Own siOCk. crackleL
Orgardst Xnox Citurelt, Mon. of Capt. Bert, Middleton, and heaaecl-"by
MUSle er 8 ord N0rM%L Appointed raumeratqrs the bugle band. marched to Zt. PilWa.
Teacher of P p g. May' lotb.
chureb, on Sunday. overft
ft ra ons for
Im the Messrs. Jas. Mrons and WM- J. Hamm
CL of of Blyth, have received the appo.WZmeut when Rev. Capt, 1C. McGouns, rector of
-car. Of enumerators, * Their dutlea.wla 14 JDhureh, , preipbptl. a;;�_ �LIWTAVISW Roberlso
u 01 L .0
conhnW to. Morris ancl East WaWallosil, servAll;'
National 11"pital, visiting Day ;4 DIAMQND SPFCIALIST
me 11se"o
Fine4 for ]DIsturblut WinihaM,
A resident of Stephen appeared be-
DO"GLAS R- X&U`N- fore Magistrate 1W. D. Sander.9 of Exeter About i0vent-7 guests UAfled 't em -i Phone 136
fino ot.$5,00 agd,eggs en a 4(lvfs of the opportmaty of visifts the'. *0
end aida
Solicitor. re of disturbing tll
Barris .0 -41 on Tuesday,
Offiee;, NOR" r e peace laid- by., Wingilam-0eneral
Night Constable E, Parsons. The 4 MAy 12th. We National 1106PItal VISIt-
FPANIC DONNELLY, 13. A. turbance wail created with in auto on Ing Days an. 4 were received by the, effi- lamps added c6lor to the scheme. . ..... .
d for 14.9 dancing au�
the UaIn 14. Tuesday, ufght of last we
ek. clint'matron, Miss M. E, Adams, the Ale. was Jurni ill of lax
Barrister, sallettolf, Etc. 'hospital staff, and Members of the ho$. orcheWaArom London Consisting
tupgoment, Announced otece#. The dange was held =,der the
ST., 004erich. pital Auxiliary.
Phone 202. NORTH Dr. and Mrs.4. J. Brown, of Wow- auspices of the wives of the Collegiate
I)Ctl. of XM Jos. Gluespit,
FR- DAnHow- Stock, announce the eagagement of their Board. Amonii the guests present In
daughter, may Bernice, to Mr. John Aug. Joseph Gillespie died in Detroit addition tv the 'staff and students In-
lurdster, salettoro Notary ftblit, Etof 1jarloy Crawford, of Wingham, son of, in 'her 601th year, on Tuesday, May 12tho eluded M r. 0. and Mrs, Gandler, W.
Suocewr to .1. L. X111017013% Ur. and Mrs, J. T. Cluwforit of BraMp. Wording to word received, Deceased and'Mrs. S. L. Lucas, Mr. sad Mrs. F.
97. Office,, The Square, Goderigb
jhone ton. was 4, re;ldent of Seat"All , "At"I she 0. Ford, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Fingland;
11IRNEST X I=. Statorth Girl Thrown from lRorse moved to Detralt, where she had since Mr. -and ?,Vs. 1%. 33, Manning. The,
Miss 1,01% Not ded, being marrie(i theM to M11. Oil- ne and Was
youngest,.daughter of rest dafice was a very enjoyabloo
. 41 lesple 26 Irears-ago. Mrs- OiU"VIO '"'" follgwod by a dainty hinch which was
id solicitor
a daughter of.the late James,10. Held, $,,,e4 'AL the Collegiate gym. The
Sun Life BWg., Adelaide and Victoria
53 0. 1
Of sworth., ladies ot''the staft bad assistance in
ftwhant Bank
T T4=M Iteke serving. Tile "eat was pronounced oub
'Ur A. M I . . ager pt the, of the be$ . t 'Yet held.* , @ L, - ., ; : . 11 . I . . J
Bishop, Man %
Do;�dW� Bank ;,t:WInSh*m,. bas ToIgn
ed his Position, to take ellebt an Jun; rHESTAR'S. 3UMMAXY
Barrister. -,961101tor.: Notary ftblict
Ist. Ur. Bftop has not'stated 4eft- NEWS
Phone 27. It =TON ST. Itely',wbat he Intends dolng,.but expects
to be lInked'up with A Loprinij f1m.' It (Continued from page 2)
Is with Much regret. that, the town' of FARMERS ANXIOUS
Wingligm is losing suab valued, Citizens TO IMPROVE M=0136
-a. v. J� Ri Fb1WT= as Mr. BIsh9p,and his esteemed wife,,
Montreal, Que,,'Xay 10th (Special to
wlBlvjo� Flynn The Star).--Gonergl desire among far- th most famouslKenogg features r-jue to use jij,,9reci 'a. Make.44itiout
ry I E, rAt.3, -iio—sg, TBndAT Peath of AU. merato learn better and tmproved*:,me- ONZ of e
Mr, William Flyn-A,, of Exeter, , passed 6ous, caudles,dess!ortSo Order frozU
DIL Now,York Orph- thQds of farr.aing. is -Very evident. Dur- is the patented wii%tita bag that brings. magar
14o Xfouse Surge mm%' Away. oii Tuesday;. evening" last week
al Hospital, assistant at
thalmic and Aur I Ing 1930 *and the Aro Mouth of 1931.six Kee ' re&andgreen jpack-o� .1
Moorefield's Ey;b1to50It41 and Golden, at the home of WS Son pecMk at Clan. trains were' an lKejloggls your grocer. p a
lecture and demonstratior. creals, dellelouslY, fresh to
I)tal, LL-oucton, Eng. debQye,:follow1n9 a brief Illness.. Thw
Square Threat goal
run over lines. of the Canadiaxi . 11tation- d I
53 Waterloo St., Was ag�. In the jprtuti�. N14 a bY ]Kellogg iA
S', Stratford. Tele- deceased In .his 88th - year. Before
0 r JaSt fallL Mr. al Railways in different, parts-of.tbe Tourtable.
Vhol* 267, 44. "I'lle only certal :80'.
d, , Gede)r1ch, on 0 3ving to. VIxete Flynn was Dominion and were AtTended by 45,700 _eUog# Loudon, Onta
At liotel Bedfor, a res1dont-for many years on the town This waxtit
!rdnj � of the third Monday . ot. CA= line between Stephen and Meenlivray. farmers. The trains were operated in g an risp it crackles 10 ercaln.
till the following. day, T4es cooperation* Vita , Federal an P-ature. It I lally Sealed againat
d I al' Mrs, Flynn predeceased him. on March d Provincial is aetlL,
at 1,00 P.M. Departments, of Agrjcatum and other
7th. of this year. Two daughters and ations, No
InStitutions'Interested :14 t4e.�promotion jAoisture, odorg grid coutal.Wil,
CHjA0PR4CT1C nine song survive.
A '4 0
of bett*r farming. , A- poigtry 4nd dairy U�
- ----- Exeter. Tennis Cjub" wonder Kellogg's We Kr.kVlV*
------- demonstration trgn.o�eMted during -the
DR RACTITIONER, T�e Exeter Tennis; Club, reorganized first, part of 1930. in the Province of -and a Irri they actuall,
, UGLESS: P delicious re So $P
at 2'LMeetilig it the Canadjan Bank f Sasita -had a
. ..... tehewap made 18 stops and.
:�PRACTOR AND DRUGLESS C evening of last week. pop and snap I
VEM4 ommerce. Mohda] -total Attendarite of. 3,900r. Tit Britiall,
TIEMAPIST; GODERWIl. -le club have entei0d, the W, 0, L. T, 'Columbia., an. agrjcultuj�j-
demonstrations forL toinprro-tv.
A,:9h4 proi0ects are'bright for an active train toured the province. Making 29. Have -thent
Equipped With, elec,tro nagnetle baths Season,. e gro . l -an frults L OSL
ass sbap L , t In or honey
etronic electric treatment and,'.cb1ro-. TU ;uds are, lkeln� pu Into Stops w]jth attendance of 2.100
Me . In �1 Enjo for lunch 'With
VMCUC, Chronjo, rgard arid nervous lam first�cl 01 , The -otile6ts ireas Manitob kih,'tbe �eiidy
v co a In connection
0 0 owe: Pres.; j.. �M- -southeott; Of Placing.4he
diseaseo. Lady at reat for the 11(frefils Supper.
in tendance. OfAce foll Chi
ep Oil fa added
rMs,, a sheep dem
hours 2 to 5, ' arid T W-9 Vm., excepting Wm'L Davis.. sedi,-treas.j: MISS, o4stration train was �,Verated with 29 ris
Monday arid Thuriday by' appointmeAt. Q�etol' jaftrnesS" �Con. of. L MeMb6r*dp Stops and. an attendance of 1,700. Nourishing and eaSY4.0digOSU.
A. X. AT=,SO.N, residence and An Alaskau cruise com., �W.Illtarh Qul)in,- Cori, of grounds In Optarj6
ofAce. corner of Muth street Land COM.L; W, E"QUITur 'Con; of a soft ithd crops' deznqn�.
tannia Road. Phone 341. &aiantees YOU AeW.. tournament ttration train Made, 55L.Stopa And"hAd'aft
versv ew s� 'n and 466thftcho, tietwalgi
sights, oew �expem com.': J. M., Southoott;.'cou. of social attendance 'of ojir 26,000. LANE$ Rl 1 t la" week with Mr- quinsy. and croup, 'Invaluable for buft
—_ -, �;; , --- -:- I ., o j In . Quebecj ind Mrs,
ences actrious. com-,, Ms. W. kieas. Lane azL%4,. M
OXz6&ING Lane,- of Wfthiun, speAt s % Baiber's. lt�h and Ringworm�
Aluou b�
1� and a BiptiSt young the Soft improvement train operated by Miss, Meld% Eo�n sore
41iffirent holiday, People, Convene at the Natiollal.RAilways and� the Quebec the . week -end under the paxentAl =09 arid famlly*rpcerit
"MOMAS GU.NDR Wisigharn Department of �A . gritulture made 36 here. Mr. 4114 Mrs, Watt.
Y &,SOX- the ly of. Crewe,, have moved* to the farm
Young $tope �And L Set
top over People's Societies : 4 t Acid
RJ ' ed VA farell A group - rally'of. some of -Ved 11,200 farmets -and � Miss.nolland, or Clinton, has return. recently- vacated by Children Cry
lAve Stock and Gent -ml AtIctiOutt", Mths he Walkerton more tha
0 We
n 6'000-: So" tests were rulde, ng 'the 944 jeV welcome them to out.��Mmtmjty.
Assoc was- held, In thp *jug4am During yeAr another
Elgin Ave., Goderich. h ;U ed bome, p1tVt..4peadJ FOR? LETCHEIrS
eyeryWttere fa)A weeks with friends here. Don't be wtt4out Douglas, Egyptian
Sales made _�,.Aff efro;ts Naid-onal PilMang' �Ztklitlgt �'e utc - witli del�;;�Ires 'from the demonstration train -was opemted in 0 A S T 0 R I:A
litade to give 'you satiSfUti011, L%toWej, L Icanilworth 'an(t X SaSkatChews. L n Mr, and', tfiq., jamea Loeburn, -of Liniment, lKeop tt alway's handy. ReLL
rstmers,,L Sale -Notes discounted. InearcUrie, :,.with 42 stops and a total
Societies Present numbering abo4t flity., attendance of 6,800,
lihone, 1.10 i=h Ill 11 Is."" Mr. OpPertsl14U$er, of - Listowel, 'the 11.
Pull jeftils mul illus.
-AgSociAtion, ItIft- Ili,the LuW-
J�Om algy ..Y:. P. U� president - of this.
' rt*i o'I CLa-nadj,a#' .4 occupied the chair. W. Fred Reynolds, , Large, lovely ftpestry love s4ty. Vitt
j=j j "_
. . - : Sell -or exchange
the general secretary, of the,,. Baptist for.. -two. occasional
BAU= T_jo Young, People's Unions chairs,;�-P&tJbnd Telegram, -
of ontailo:L-213
-Quebec '*As the of the evening,
General C611v6YandI1ff' don
Zurfe), Coupl,�
Good Comp"des Represented. CANADIAN Celebrate illantonix
Goderich, Onz.
phone 296. Weddinj
and MrS, ThoMas iohwon; or Tho WeSt Str�et
..NATIO.NAL zmr. L _L
INSUAANC%. Mich. celebrated the Sixtieth AnniVer
s4ry of. th . wedding,, on. m N S
wir 0404y, way
IRAILWAVS, Iltho A � presentation , -was -made Elgeithkal $60
L rjtjj('jNSUA by.
their family of four daughters,
StOskopf, of Xitchenero b0ages Matilda, �We:ca
rr3t a good, st.ock, of'
VIA&M, AMD 11SOTATED TO'%%7.N PttOP- Alice and Susie'Johnson at home.
E6,fy INT.13U119DI., Johnson Was born �at 11%javi1le; OntArlo, 'Electrical AppliiinCift,
INSVRANC E -Ave years Mrs. Johnson In
jn� eighty . 1490, Fixtureal etj:.
vaiue oi koverty Insured uP tp Baden eighty-two years ago. theyL Were
$3.648,97100. married In the New Rqmburg Lutheran ICT03146L'
Bermewlse, Fred, W
dent. Broadhag6n,' Jas. C01M011Y, Vice- church Arid have .,lived most.'01. tudi . r in emain iClosed All Do Monda May 26th
D. V. McGregor, The time An Zurich, Stores Wift it Y11
President. . Goderich Wiring of All Kinds AIDST ItNEW IT
Sec��Treas.,, Seatorth. M t�,j L L& Cann-stran'; Nuptials QUV, EX VICTORIA WE
61REMDRS-48. $houldice, 'Walton Eotinwes givell &A TZ IY40f May We WOULO CIOM91
Wm. Wrin, ConsfAince; George WeCart.. U A wedding ofr much Interest to the aPPjjCatjbnL on the Nth D I ;� ,
Seafovth; Robt.L. Ferfis, 11arlook, L COMIntmity took: place on Tuesday, May PPRIX 41 telebrate the birthday of One I , ving, Yo-yo Sn4
A, Tlroldfdot, OUN of the noblest Worut"L Who ryeryls�d)*s OW nolue
.John Pepper, Brucefteld Sur 12th, when LU%kbelle E., daughter 'of All Work Guatanteed ever Itted. Who ddvoted A here's a tuante 40.90t 3C gemolho
A. aft. Co m4guy. Mrs. Jenry IStrani, of it ijittlyne r Of "Ust'llIsh Ctrott to baucau To -yo at the Same
beaforth Afr. and Usborne
AGUrg-w. j Ydo, R. R. 8. Clinton Of' cmilit4a be0ame . the bride of.. Mr. OK 1AXY. SLIEND OF bor Country. Such pt record d"y 1#13*
Nvatt, B:ytlj,- -Ed. Hinchley, iW! Cama'A J. of Srervice-a single rels-L ot 0100 enJOY the trIAP
74L ` L Cann; son Of Mr. arid Uro'r John 0ann'. Fisank WA th 00161alon stoven rl.d,t 44 years! culls for *hfCtA' WeatonS . itre.:
loilh: John Nlurra Seaforth. Ihe Itoe6rd Of ID0,0111118"
cin pay their Assess. HgAD orkj6r, WATPALOOrOST 31SO Of UsbornO. The Marriage Cere- We0tr S Stores, is jostly
poliovitot(lers' Molly was performed at Caven church PAone 82 et alsoone of faithful
Mdats at CAlvin Cattlo store, Godbrich; artVite, at unstinting effort
'Manse by. Rev. 4. 73. Rhodes. The bridal friends and Wve5touls X4416 rackost:
the Royal Bank,' Clinton, or J."' 11 to ltive Itt
ndd's, 'D. NEyt PartyL..m6tored to,,LpWon from which As pattons the'btot At the 10115t
& ?rSSIble L Coat. WITS
D. .1100 Inco sc.
'jhey'r= ga" to nafiftcf"Ugard, -ratis file ot Ontario
n e 'r P (;UXXO
IRIC 1jqSVjtANCjg ,,Ind. ther points,; On their return the All Our ow 1.081, Xce"f Oat In e A
I re. clatton of this, aq Shown In
T W 0 side on thd jio6mls� farm on tile THE retallbur t OS 09. for $1.0t
N6rLwH GODPRlcnl 0P re 1 0 Per PoUnd lot tyAltj tite inagnificent total of sales,
i�ave it attendefl to by the h1ghWay north of Exeter. 01 oicoeding #14,000,000 A year.
ode ===
W"A0"*ViL"0'064r'A'1 _IN4
rAtxb1I3hedI8j$ ftwetactilailtuna*sLy it Exeter AL14 8111AWSP-t
Head Office,' 1) A three -horse team driven by Mr. GO DERICH Sboj j>j)ljSh. 4 Tins 2 5 C. DO591NO
sn"Unon, Day of the W911way South of �Vxetef W.
Chas. Hewitt, rcla"tdizie, 010idient; I - %I
IF , fluftntirr% *,000I)-V0RXl-
Made A wild 4011 throUgly tlie.,VIJUg�
14obert D%vidsots Dungannon, Vice ;Ore- about 1.45 Mondayv Morning of last week HEATFOLKS. Marmalade. IV* 23C.
in JAf
iddent: addition to*the VMjdeht�zfid and In spito of the early hour attracted
Vice Presidents the following ire Dir# the attention Of. a number of oltizelm Volt ',00 AND JEW399
zot Vo i 651)"elf
U��,yj Thompson, Aubm; Wm. '61 ,
0, � I Mt- Day was driVing a team With a tl-&(l Certo 29C
ekilow; W. P. Hoed, It. It horse alongside and about 'bait a, mile #%Oronl4e Otte, %.tst 2 Ti6s qU3111ty
Itarry L. Salkeld, Gmv-
MUMS- South of Exeter they becamb frightened -1 U 600 To It
MAC stw� WE'D U
Ackert, MWWod; TIM at a ditching Machine and 'started at a 4rW_�,Tr412=r-_S_rV.CAjW Ki tj eo
No. 7. Lucknow. *10 N 250,
Rate_$2r a per thousand. banging on ""Ou'r
to "the veins. The, horse� were br6ught
It, to a standstill aboUt half a, mile north
road gallop rWith Mr. Day
CECIL *MMAVEN, Flo, T - Von Sot'I'S AND Wt%vin;
THOS. STOTOMS, Treas. 4111te to' of Exeter Without any Injury or damage
140141tSTAks- being done although tile hcroe4 tvbre. al. 0 Bisto Tin 21c
r soluA Most ekhausfeO.
Clinton Cadet& Hold Dance I�ge. Till
The Clinton Collegiate Institute Cadet
Corp3. hold their annual dance Fji' '0
MON Bros
day 61VOullag In ther Collegiate auditor- V
1=0 Ingla Man
an examma of
ow atory Mwe
Wob Wellill9t;
GODERICH V T hen Itim. The staff an4 ttudeftta alWayq
-(Xtlg look forWard to this event with plemant
anticipati6n, T4e decoration., comailt.
MNORAls DIUCTORS teo,went to conslderablq troubld to make
d E11111ALMUlks 12AIN il� 1019
the room gay for the occasion, and t NJ
AMID I resultV wera delightful. . TuIIp3 were 0030NO GoLorn No,. Tin
In abundant,() and tile tUttled
there Did you over Oop tothink WAX Beatip .... 2
A.sjj;rf,A1N6V, smtvtor, AT At vj any of
es. - i -
A'ft t%AV co, in .1 It t CAs- A 14e
a ' ' , &-
0 in a warm, co fortable 110950. Tilt
I�VATsnany people ('211 Itkillf-'ef- I You wak
rksol. NiA, MAY 120 tion very often Means e%cess
jP11110ral Dflat"tor attar
Also AMWAM Sbtvift
fioderi6h Ontalo.
&11 oalla 'promptly Attwadca to
'JO617 OZ rflight
600035*9 1110a" SSSW
Igold ill tht,%tomach, Tile stomach
gerves have, herqj over -stimulated,
sind, food s oun. The corrective it all
alksli, whith intutralizes the, acids
to medwat science il PhilliPS, Milk'
of Usgoesit. "' , -
One - 8rq0nf"l of this hatmIess.
tastdom alkili in water neutraliz#3
i"tantly, many tin[les that Much
jeid, and the svioplam Aisaptlelr
jkt oft", you j�jll never use crude
motliods when once you leatil thim
o-facioney of ibis. do got a sMA
bottle to 1*�
rof Magnesia prmribed b7
hUyks,d*ns farlwyea" ilk cortertin,1
,ejeeft *ei& 23e Ind 50c a bottte;;
You eat a gubstantial breolda5t-
Coat cooked It.
Vou go down tovm on the btre,�It car.
Coalgenorated the powerwMed 011*01
It . " .
All day Iona
ftd works for you.
Be rure an4 keep supplied ttl�A It,
CAM T"18
Ot K""l
6. MUSTARD compay
A new and
delicious sWeld- 6.61.
cohisitne boiled Hould
hu"'. chopped
pirulet and other
Vatol IlittedNita, 236
Asmss' 40W
Corn F lakeg. 31n;�
All Brall
Choc. Utt.di
. llwh�re 0"llity Counts"