HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-05-14, Page 8PAIS* 111143*0 rting Goods Toni* Rolra:a4rALS4r) '44.* Golf Bills* 354 50c, 70c' former part GY the week; The **We of the CaUUealate at , Oi erleft agent the weak aaci w.tli their' parents Aare. air. Cheater Taylor and fanny, of At, itekd$ vieited^ trs. Taylors .parents in. the village •o4,Sona.Y. Ur. and atm Prank Hibbert, of Gode- Trkn, the former tit: of the week visit- ed friends inllie the village. MILLINERY SEE MY DISPLAY LOCO how tow sod Mahone hat.. master BiHill has rex,- bed the Mot Tuesday Means, JO. W. Medd Miss C. A. McKinnon f, dont of a new bicycle. • i tank tharge of the'aerAcea In the Pres.. :. i Rev. Mr. and Airs- reeeek Called Ola ed sPeclal mulie. 'Ille infant ' soh att. qitorne et the members ‘tit' their congrega. Me• and '414 Z4°nnart lidutell. *43 b""i lion here the former part of tho v:etik. "zed at the elag° et the aergce' hes been visiting licr parents, Mr. end PORT ALBERT ' ,Mrs. IledilWagnzr; 'returned Imme,-tlita Vistrenee 110Y• of Gonerielli anent • • Mr. Cloten Ladd andF UMUYI, Of De" hh.S1 Chkra Willis la, home again aft*er - weak. Sanday under the parental roof. AL linitt Veld the' weeb'elld with -the far* Vending Sone tllaa OW& - mer's mother, Airs, Joseph Irwin, of the fauna a number of people !Kali Strat. . ford spent Sunday at their cottages Cc Wcir and family amide n trip to The concert in the Poresters' Hall last here, the rity of Stratford last week. rrlday evening was well petronized, It Mr.- and Um. Sage %rut son Billy, of We lire 'awry to hem' thet Mrs David wa$ under the Auspices et et, Mark's Detrolt, spent 'a, te* daYs •at' their eat. Ifinantosi it on the alek. list. church, , Zast. Sunday Mr. Pcek„ or Hayfield, Miss Alma Mitch, sell° has visit- Mr. Wm. Itisitheaon treated his neigh. • tag° here lest week. diked stqualutenees in the village. Mg her parents in the villaee, returned hors „to a social how In hit new eottagO liouCeall JAI tr:arlOW her stable to time mot or ateel aldnale4 tlits week. Mos, 3hthi PhillIps. et the village, Is. 'ctritiret bet Aster an Clinton at present, Sire.• Wed Muteh -and filthily, of COM. !,..•nnt. want Sabbath with friends in the • Iik,s 'John Dingwall spent the former part or the week visitIng triends in the, • Altheeigh the growth has not been wine have turned out the; . settle 00 -the times. • e•-• garaerel ' from this neighborhood at- ,teriSesit the tuneral of the late Dr. Ira!in Wiri, Mtitch and family, et Olin., Ars: visited relatires In the vIllage the bhe occasion arises where peed. 13 aesdedr YOU Vat -noon the !; Pord. Light travel like. the wind ,atui rot Fudge Eveqtliing that is Geed in Confectionery . rides Confectionery te her home in Toronto the former part on Saturday evening. ot the week. „,. Rev„, Elmer and Mrs, Taylor and TUE GODERICH STAT. ietb, xai, and M• r. Avila, `Cowbell visaed on r ,.r • sad Ms ?rani Xosh.w and 1)0ings at Dungannon Mr. 8COtts was a' angst ret,•ently with •Ids Parente neer . Born—On Wednesday, Islay nth, to Mr. Mid MS. George Rivett rohngeM1014 mr. A. E. Errington, of Carlow visited at the liame at 'Mr; and Mrs. Robert MIN Rebecca .Tniaripson, or St. Aug, Sistine, hits been's vlsIter at the home Mrs. Cieerge Andereon has Oxen ing wit.rt her san, Sarre Anderson and Mrs. Anderson, Ot Lucknow, Mr. Nounan Mutat and faritilY. Of Carnal', of Ethel.' Visited with Mr. and • two children, Malcohn and Audrey Jean, tite West, svho have been visiting the formerli•Parerite here, 'returned to their Of -the sick list. MU. RIddell is no better, Mr. Thames Hamilton, Is iraprev. Mg, Joeeph Zatann to holding his own Awl Misa Arin$4 illtindY is getting no better. On thmdaY evening, May 17th, the • 1r,.'•12. U. will hold,their.next meeting in the IleptIst then% at `tan p.m. 'the Mr, Gross will apeak, Everybody Mrs. Wm. noble find her son and dahehter -the first 'of the week visiting Met. Doble'S daughter. Mrs. An - dans, on tne Dth concession of riezt, Last Triday Airs, T. Ridden. at the -village, reedited the Sad neWS,, that her father hail died, lifeline° wits nu• mfier of years hefore ho went Virett. tton na in orange, . 0 r,•an Mrs. zo, Caesar, (tow m Mr. and, Mrs. rinney and email Son, ar V OILCLOTH RIJG e I Rugs Heavy nion Linoleum, R s LINOLEUM WEARS BETTER $12.$0---$16.50 SILK HOSE - weight full fasbioned, with deep gaiter . welt and guaranteed quality, perfect -shades, siZes va to 10. Recently best $1.50 value, at per pair. .98e 1074CK 01=07.1"1" 20 New patterns in fine PeiCale, 36 in. nuTroucK PAITERNS TOR MAY ALL IN STOCK 14". AcHESON & SON Avome;Nvompoofram,40.10.•#0,,Afrftwigtioft‘ii+,_ftvi,liww0101~1(1"1"Womitai, accompanied by Ivitimd gm. It, 0. kw' ot Lueknow, .were recent vieltors at the 'sermon 'United clime *AM sunaity last Vent .0400 Mgt TelatIle$ 11111°Varel OunXre. 04#1.44‘44, an.dir 0.4111$4,, Nis 0 plc., 711h:417%a:41r:: ontiosarnesingltsartlheee: aseartnact aort now; *Ltrokio'verYn 'uti8Texsite9Atileaaitr Ati'd,•••tvere recent tvithors With Mri 11,_ols* ;mdse.:, . The Mother§ Day • service as Guelph last. vieek, hotel Wid now, • • ' eational Council wee tUllowed,„throliallt• /soon lie yell akain , and Alit' Wm, .14clion. RIPleV., out. XV: Heber Ae0s, , the .....sunday • The ladles* Guild' of •Ohriat • eluirch •have been visitorte•witli Air and mrs sszu(4 7,supefultemeuv, took: tuo.- part ut. here met • at the Ovine Of Mra• george Davicl Olena ;Ur.'" arid AIM.' *teary Adsenstin . 00, 'Wednesday afternoon or ',raver, „ end friends were Preterit •and •lrell cur on Wednesday. Mai. dth. te Mr; dild. the %4134itt0V4Plidelt4Vbr four -*embers gird and Chdre Mut Mesetrs... Benson awl Alan. Islies; Wien" Anderpon melted' ' • ; 1 The 'play, Pthiele ;Tom's Cabin". "was 'Made.0,'„one hundred and live %Ando, gannon %one evening • this vieek to air ,the phurch Was' very' beautifttily decor? The Union Toting People* Sekdety• will Interested 'andienee, • " ' • ated lfith riewers.,,At- the evenbig• sero hold. 'resider ••• MeetOng on Friday ' Alexandra, 'Marine and gee•--, mothers' claoir led the service of evening in the elurreli. Mr, Herb John- era. Hospital. Goderieh, an rignsr, Isay: wog ,00d, :rericlered ..ta'4r:',.arrtheing br The following delegates, Mes,srik non. The ,Motherq DAY Service which wits il.. Ashlieldilsvine teen • and ' daughter). Re had "passed the fourscore years. enServed in Untort, chnrch laat 'Sunday • me. and Airs..11ert Wren moved their the, oth,tvt. The ehjoects tog m•-aeide ar°--... 0, Harwood. the Superintendent of the week and 'Will reside 'there in•the future, rangentents with '' the cengregatiens ot kiiindear School. was Art 'charge of . the ' Dr. ,ik. Akt 1..,simpson, Medical Officer With, Itelgrave, Anbern, 'Carless' and 'SerVice. nev. O. friV.- Butt, the Paster. gave the address. ' During the service ina'de a °II/638'1°4 Iiilsit tO It S.'s, No, Dawn:nide. : • ,, , • the 'choir sing an 'anthem, the solo nart ei As,htleld 03ungliOnon'schobl).! on wda- • Tho WOmen's Institute will meet in ....- gehr, ht 2.13. 'miss' stint's. of Olanford . '.- - - •_._ _ .., , ,.. . sen,..,110wattr, tort st, Augustine, arid .24r. ' r-falf. oarnd,;‘rilevIttroiltt:R:`'Nvuesereel,'Alis" unlicias yandviscitoblit; Otation, will sPeals,. en .4The Pour -square Mr. arm mrex, Wm. rimer and, Nor- and Mrs; WM. 'a.,-Thoritosort,-,ot-Aul*rn* ••d ' ' • • I Institute." Roll call, "Ong, Say or 'marl motered to LOO, 00. an , gue.st,s • reeently with friertds in .• t th ti '` rhi • ' ' ' ' Mother's JAY WAs observed at Union at the annual Inottelng *61•Itn • ut - :---0---• ' - '-' ' °. . • ' .4011014 form, Rev. Kalne preaehil evening at tan etioek, the. olmissien- PER0178011. Prem A, young •tarmer arrived at 'the, Ilan Or 'Mr; kilener lkic011itehel one day Out Mr. and 'Atra Clayaon Ladd. est ,Ditrolt. spent sunday with hiS mother, Mrs. Jo: Detroit; 'spent. the week -end at Airs, Mrin 0. of Clinton, „Wu .14.04:, Wm. trackton, or Witlialon. woo the guest at the hem of her *OA JAIrlar shirdi last Sunder; Air. and Mrs SpenCer RIM and little Mr. end Mrs; WM. Roberton, on Moth, A deer which bed broken its, leg was shot on Sunday lisst irear Mrt Wm, An. derdon't and the genre warden was • Zemniner ;roung People met with' the Ititcei United Tons PeOlde Triewhir evening and bed 'nodal tiMe. 'ernifen.,. "On ntio44-/ mra, '40g#0.°°d.. Preikeierial: SaeretY1W held Itiesday afternoon • of list -week at the superintendent. of,tha schnol.:had charge .Lethel on • TueadO; ;Were: 'Ur, ihome "'Dave' blianineY. Mu:steal clam viss•used 4*M-whoa. Two hors • them, %desk littet Atari' MarrAV, *ley. ,Laurreritehinieh'.; and' P.PS;Iteatilet Eric MeAllt•ster gave a reading, "Tlie, Airs, charlotte•Rekl..the• Misses rian- gave an ontline of the, historY, oortion,. actonipeltiled by W. Mason Mel, Or the service. The Mother's DO ni't)-*' Richard MoWhintiell-Mrs'• 0°,7 !Selections were. :given • by Verna Chamn, Cep That mother made." Mrs, lisirWooe dee' Aga Olitralteettivilth their brother. Mother's DIV..' and lisid•ItAlsute to all Alleiter, Welt, giteSte*Oxf Stitid,Y with Yir; _ mothers, The mothers in' the emigre- and uni, atanle4,0,4Aaa?adpaTi add .tatrdjy miss Hunter. near zi n, spent goon ,weie asl;ea tO stand. and, three: ot leinearditiO. ';'•• wee.it ase,, Uhl Pinned a 'white teeter' tat tech; We intimated, Izirik1O14-7- , loss *nand. of neer Carlton, is visite 'WV Hutt daltvered'''theti ha , ga41:2° , 'with her sister- Mrs - Posing Z,Inst ming o areinformedhy Mr. Wm, McClure, l'ente- with the choir assisting. ever, that' he.Idoes-eilet-intesurto Agee Mrs. John Helm 14 AlOn pent Mon. Detroit. with bit Mrs. Mak' Hoff - sok, S' at* I Inas.“.uwilvor tier nletteerli,thltti!YINt' att(INI11141itri OIternied vislt with her daughter, Mrs.! Par yrs, Richard .00iniston, sumo, 1. The, Dungannoriverarleh' the-.Willn- Aft Elmer JohnstOrs Id to, be filleted on hie atanding In The results of lar Ineetiligt'llY WWI* .the the Tortint4 Univeridtr eaanlinatimis in meeting of the Hinton braneh *Web leas eillaled all. lelectricsi engliMering. Ida/ afternoon wlierr the aumreer. sneak - Mr. and litre, IL Conierern. of thleiph, The *Wield paraonate Ladite eri Miss Smith; Oh he Present. 4%11 ourea up last eourdiy and spent hare set the dste ter their show gar., ,members of the institute who wish to sew oaya witit the ledS'a /Asters. atm , and litre. J. 4, Wathirtaton. Mot4tekt,P6Y *ma in. Knox bemnitul hewers Were brought for de. den Park?. rridaY' ertning, June go s get in touch With the accre- Vice, there wiR be the reception or a Orttlon Alla the httitherls choir rennet. me, rorte3 called 'on friends .nere„, ot new-meniberi, *boat twentY. tor the Week.erid. parteke of the consumista* for Doing Shoes iiave season a very It range for every member the made in -good stytes and at very low priCeS. Witb. 114.4 Order Pik** 'KERN'S SHOE. STONE LET US HELP YOU SIIIING SEWING boareallons phisoltertze eaml Patterns THILSINCER STORE MSS S. NOBLE e est Street Electrical Sholi We tarty * wind *lock Fixtures, *tc. Wiring of All Kinds Eittimaing steel) on application All Work Cattraistmed Frank McArthur Am"' 12 West Strobe CLEANING aemt PRESSING DONE Abbe friaa FRITZLEY Smart Millinery for Sun:mow INTERESTING NEW MODELS, CLEVER COLOR CONTRASTS. MUCH FABRIC AND STRAW ALL WHITE HAT and NEW TRIMMING DETAIL You are cordially invited to inspect our stock, Mr, I.. Zindser, Ooderion. caned on th,e that time. The evening netviCe.i411 bleeds here Sandal'. • I be in the nature of a Song aermell. the Alias Orid. ritizalgari tithed en friends then*, iss outlined- IV the. peetor. Imre for the Week -end, 10,0. Itelne. being.interspereed with op4 het' *tatted %%flatness here yeto _ _ Ithe aubiect, and rendered by the entar. Trees ivla be 100king their best ',nth The pariah hoc Dungannon, vas the bloom and farmers are MOST through, centre st which idirenteert prospective NOM Wed Johnston, of TipPerarr. on Wedneaday, May lath, to' retelea Lia hilted Mho B. Green Sant °them for thelattathens and nftetwarday test womb*. Iinitettelti at the Woe ot her brother.;*elt, Colborne and WeaVettermrsoalt; Quite a tow tram 'here attended United. McLean, ot lannglitime wet the officts1 ' chinch. Port Albert, tor Meithera Dar.lba e,harge. The iloger*Are tO be Sent JO MM. Distal did her -part AS mother. and Ottawa tor approval ot the work. The her tout little girl attendinst* did ex... !taking ot tho tenant's to begin on`Men. eeedIng 'well ter tots, MAI the diy, suet! 1st, • • The people hi thingannon and +deist- ' add°46L Wid ity lettrnot with Muth regret ot tho 10 - Alien• . Called on. their autit. ones en. !Add molt church, rt4.,. sever his comet. barrow*, here. The trip wits by „non sluts this wish, , win retumt, 111S aOth Moog the . Seenimates hi the contend with hear Sketer„ t the store, • vleinity °Vaunt* *ay, where he labored WESTFIELD to siactessfillly prior to his toming to Dinagannen Over k Year aga• Nis trails* Mr. Jason *Ills was a Torentts visitor ter witi tate Plitet,in the month of June. lest Wednetdar. . ' • During his. stay in litnigmlnen 2.0.0ibbis Aft doliii WWI* Chalon: 'deed on hes endeared, hinseelt to one and *IL undo with his lister, Ales. Mantle, and hag' evert Yeti treaty of his ttervleeS Sr. . to anything whIch he belleVed hi be tor Mrs. Morelli McDoWell visited hat the uplift and betterment of the coin- urstio with her mother. Mrs. Chitke. munity. and hIl. Min* Wendt here are Ws. John Snell mid ehildren, of Mothers Doty was observed hi 1 storey to ate hint leaving, St, Helens, . Geo, atilt% Sr. end other friends.' Mrs. Atelltiell. of Whitechurch, la Tbilisi, her deughter. Mrs. ?Prey Vin -1 Wt. 0013111, 'of Winithein vilited on Satunisty whit her stister,-2f440, et xi Mr, Alfred Conk ot 'theotitth Mont '-• now the noeit.ond with Mt Motet: Al I load 4. Ooolt> Met Va. Withett to visiting et the, howl ot het shagliter. MM. Sid Itto W* stee anti Ile roped that Wt. nett Wow, le on the lien hat We *eh tor kb* ili *ear Menem We, .Theit Weir and MIA Moo Welt hone et MN ,lt Itedieoad, 0,1411t Mg trees eethoiliting et eider, illaara and white ethe en ha two, 1 MUM) NOCK BABY CHICKS him la Itanalatt yids Uwe wale" C. A. eiltir MONUMENTAL 'WORKS-- Rese.materim 4014. West -Expert workmantimp , mi Work Guaranteed ' rates Renewable Tour boolneme will be sParroN — Ontario MISS D. COVE MILLINERY LaieSt in Children's and Ladies' Head- ' wear Birthday. Cards and Gifts • welconte .24r, Mid Atm • Waft' and. gamily, who moved. from orewe, to Air. " Mr, and Mo. John CoOk motored up from Toronto, and, vent the. week -end Um. Sidney reigns= and' little son, Perlsild. and Miss rreneh of . Louden, are Visiting 'With Air.. and Um. Thomas McDonagh, near 'Zion,' • Air.' George Lose and daughters Mis- .sehool same aver to Belfast school. Mon. game of baseball, score .to ill in two; FOR Groaeriii Fruit art& ditties call on :Car, North:, St.- and Square specials in Ten and Cate INSURANCE Paw, Arrrorpton,E, 11 T4, leST.8141 • WOOtALCOlviliE Remodelling Plans and 'Estimates Furnished " • Wheal You Want Anything in IISED Vleoit• and Cpred Sleets at lowest Vie* gig " Galeria. itiekst()ti es JON 'THU BROADWAX Ore GOBSIVICH We positively Save you of ,clothes should' be pf interest to-to:cry • mqn who is thinking ofa sail.. Or Cartons Suit* from "Ir --Ar‘g • .114'11 rice is &melon timality. nit season clothes cost kn. with 0,$$ Cab ream is'out, troupe to Select from. 1, Asters Snapdragons, Pansfes, Double Stocks Tilerebkda Petunia. , Asters, Onapdragons,Thoodesia 3. Alters. Stuiptiragone. Pansies,' Mint 'stuffy Ruffles, MAW t Stoat Snapdragons, Mint Fluffy Insides, Sinnifte dada.- ' .These are the Wee Whining annuals for ' the Goderielt In. Mistrial Illsiabition. grown 'by STEWART- BROS. 'Phone Carle* 035. EE OUR LINVOF GO0CARTS, et All the latest s.tyles at reduced pnces FRANK MARTIN PHONE rAmiji Ana nArrett NIGHT ONLY ene FrttzIey AND HIS ORCHESTRk Direct front 'rile Hollywood:Toronto, Ont., and heard over CKNC. GODERICH PAVILION SATURDAY Aft A VP 4&,,AL EVENING Mt% Comt 6etrii! and hear all the latest Dance Hits FREE TAXI from C.P.R. Cor. We and Square Pavilion 626. Reaklence 576