HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-05-14, Page 6THE GODERICH STA9 'n'luiWam nay 14M 19$1-
duArlat productlmx a weighted average
Agurea for *Uch 114ye JW bew iuwd� "A It# proovelwL
for -
Had, To 5"Iftey In lapsed suic"ted. to #003.37t0i, an increase ""%QVXQ TONX IN JOWWYMNNT "CA" the camPWte Wait Qt
QC "hUy Mae than Wx per fgat over ottaws, Njay ll%h fgpecial W Tft 90W- mining, nuMuf"turint " coo-
Q1NkL_ 0 striw-Jw was " per cent l4ber aid 'Es
wwombWS (In lCh4pit the pricidlAt Year. Of QA* total Van' a4r).�-A coogin*A Improved tone 34,
I the 4ecling In W-We"le PtlCe* WAS Uwe S
%Vft8ad Wd otuan manufacturers supplied 70A per maufactwins In Irallwily W4 steaxoxwp tliAa I per ccat.
tent in IM and qgo Wr Cent ja 192#, tMu*pW&Uoj. in buUdXW construction,
writ".—"I us" orw VIAW Of manufacturing prouc.1 in retau Nw, wholmle t]r*dt# in
wa's Rw-w kia� Syrup IlAupwauv 1,
O"ry zVom * pot:,I)r. W( tion In 192V motmted to more than mining otW than coo, is 411own by ECZEMA 'RA
'W $t has 400 of #.umti, 1 UA * vary boA coU four billion dQuars -while tuo Capital an' CAUAM#u empsoymmt statistics for Apr. Ottawa, May lith (special ta The
to "y is, b" tVV woiw� "A 0"M Ves billion dcj- The Increase A toanufactutlog Were, Star)i--The prodmAlon from We bud -
I UW " over Ave
ft awn, uro, an incirew over the pmedint year unusually law for the Uwe of theyear, 'I 'OWe and 0013 Judotry In VauAdA R1
*idoft $04 lwixwat I of 7.8 per ccut and 03 P"_LCfnt ft�pcZt_ larger in $act tilat in SL41Y Year since reubed 1% new high, level 10,1929 When OMER!!K"
'A" my bumboad T*4 J=t, Or. wooa,# N0r*#y 04 of the -output W143 valued st $27,658,821. Ul h
am WOO the previous year production was re- '%othed & H*X1*dbV Z^00'13uk'
11im Syrup so T 114 owy lVely. IM dotin.1 the postbellum ped
I 4"Aod to A". ApproximMeW a per cc of the knouslon,
Pat ii4 I ass, iftily W Wowaieud it to aa)r OWN* Canadian witrseas SbIpmentil of wbes,4 UO Line . manufacturing cul. potted at $25,131,021 *nd lit 1927 the
�nts w botf* laftle family Oise. 45 0041s; durbw th reose to kas been vj4qe of t1j,, output industry was *24.-
Vidw. �N ", put up o0y by ILU T. UK- 0 VAst tight 1400ths Of the ployment in C*nsda M13 sm 1 Stitift WAX
%t All drag nr.vp0r4 OWM; present Crop Xcar Rgswj tbrouth.140ow more
burn (�O�, ports COW rapid tbm U Vol ed
As Oared with W.a per cent 14 prom reoruary to March the Increase
ada's per toots,
the corresponding porlod 09 the 1929- WAS 1.$$ Per Cent jAnd from March to fio� Mm 01= 0AW IN 2,494 wssels, of x realstered tonnage of the United States. Can per
1934 Crop, year. Vbw x VA$ADIAN SHIPPINO )nL for 1929 Showing
APrIl the hlCteAW VAN 2.1 Per cent- XU Ottawa. May 11til <$pevlal to The 1%W030 caudy Consumptl(
-ments of CAosdiso wheat have 111=4V the United atates Me Inereikse from largest number steady rise through the t7'VO
Star).—Pnona the sxst, 04 TearS oup- "atts re, pounds, Tbe1cO=lMM*
ed by 02 per tent Shipments thrQ11011 rebrggry to Uarch. was only 0.90 per Ot 014-91== the�lcrea And eleowed Years'L Was 334
plos of #11 kinds, entering sod jeavlog Anage for the tive ;O%ure for the United Stoo"VVA
Is summary, Of Woridjeja CS11441AU Wrt* U00 Increased nearly 0 cent. Comparative *_ ares for the It%- aW With tW largest to
per vent while these through Volted Crease from March to April In the� Volt- Canadian ports, his increased 60 -per 12,9a pound,7.,.
QrTaSed by only 44 ed States &W_p* ar gu4ing March year under ravlow. were, Vancouver. Za for 192D f" be-'
ates ports have in _;# 4WO vessel$, 11,401,087 tonsk
Vgftble, Seasonal cent. For the fiscal ye jWfax, CauadA,s aver.
31, "39, Ole t6tal tormage, or seagolow ad. for that Year 1CM
perceatage of Canadlan wheat Ver, 42 7 T. decreme4 wgre Shown, UWever, In Can- usive of 0245 vessel
s. 9,1!71,804 tons; Uonftoal, twqen those record,
and Inland. navigation c3cl, a border States Of min -
113 being ewpo-,ted] through Can*dlatl %a trade durlux the adIgn employment in logging, In rallwor X 1.01, vessals; Victoria. the -two north M
ta owrSW countries, that AV past ow4l, year, lUnited States purchases sod highway construction And In coal foastlof, was 80,,438,180 tvm. The net 4,461 L Ve&VIs#' 7,Q91,881L tQnS,. Quebec, nmota And Washinff.WD- Most Of the
Ilth'(Spcolal to The tounAgo of vessels entered and cleared QWw.Aels, 3.30,121 to4$; 8kint John, other iorthern States were above Me
parts avbolo
0 - used in Canadian blast factories Is trem. the Mmialoo ihowed increases mining,
J; Increasingly coustwise was $7,134,773 tons.' w.Wer
I I p.-od=64 In Cana0k that the qu%- over this priwefflog: year In sugar, silver, Other indices of the tv -Solos sbippl. t7 uvq=q got the United States as
Ai6t*4VP0#0* In iitr Industries, ber un, ohd of Can%- Rea inwards and out- 14470 ves", 2,004,704 tons, No
1!ty of canidlan meat and dairy pro- coal,, electrical �;jergy and automobiles, 4 for the Mouth mitioter. 043 vesse4. 47$4,$3$ ton$. while "Practically all the SoutherA St*AeS
ogriculturo, according wards. was'mader up Of 6,034 British ves.
ducts b - improving under. government and paro, �Ihe Utter were mainly re- of 10relt over lFebruary show that bank '$veto belQw it. These circumstanm We
sels. registered toanAge� 20,171,383 tons; AV . L L ,
JIT issued by the GOV- AN Ing the belief tW.
Xftm = as swport
(11*4 "POrtetA exports Of original Imports from that debits, 0X- the aggregate amount Of Of sugar. Y"-
adlog =4 that Caulk
singly succt%sful in their to- country. Cao.�;_ unts 14.14$ Canadian vessels, registered ton- -d largely
, ij�j expQ#x to.tho Ur As So ves- candy., cou"[POSI Atm
--rhmeoVm sboix that despite An In- are Ancrea At, checks charged ogilng bank accO, ge .010731".8 tons. X01609 font koer of beat and *energy, Is 4
con4umption of olAu. soirch, for new mar;WW WOU019ut, the ed Hinstlom, showed 144artaw med in Canadian banks, was 441413t higher sels, registered tonnage 23,1464,pol tons Ottawa, May 110, (special to The tit uantities in the colder 06000 -
Vegetables, c%ttlo, canoed 6ZI[Ce*Mer., Man In February but after seasonal Ad- W. Stsr).Producers Of Canadian maple , greater q
Sew-gQlng shipping entering and lea - rearly al.
$10110po"Ics Canpdlau Inemu. world- root- copsinoption In CA044a J. ja t was 9.2 per cent lower than , and i�v' I the candy eaten In CWAdlk
mm: heir The W3 raw woo , rm ImplemenW, hardware, justmen :River L yrup And maple sugar a* required to 1i �he Dominion. The
than 11010ins t dex of 14. Ing VIA the St. Lawreace. totalled
wslx�, this jleMond, that An or V=A!4ured commodities All Iron anct ingots, nIcke1j petroleum the February level, The In label. their -product to indicate the true is ManufaCturad in i
juction in the Dowlelm Was
contents of the cooWner. The law, 1929 Prot! pounds, valued
pa4ed 120,913,508
-At, , recorded
7 the Dominion paruarat
were 6i
at $32,131), 25. Total ports L -d
e 9rd whiCh the Uo*
atipulat s thai the V' . "maple" #. r 22 po 0 01
not be used tgo 'except to 377,7
on the ps4p, I d
ed 1,140
ths case of e nure'And ungdultefated States I
�i-,93- t� c0N-V_,jRR$
r$ t,, /,,7 rS 0
, f AlsAfe., M11
go! of Canada offe .1de
T,6t AliptMer of.0imsoce of, tl .10
'rile a issu
),.ri go qj.e"hang�ng Ikeir h9nWs into to, q�r 4t, es, in'th'd 110"44
t . ernis . atift mnder thefilloving robditiolls
Thwoffer a
Hord$ to holder� of Vjjfte� Jilt, the lifle
the same intet,estpok),Me�itaudtay.-frte vil
of sladasoontaloo In th6prellent bonds, �Adthc OPPOkU0101
of ixtending the term of the InVeatthe"t at 0647, Per:01n,10m.
V 40AS 51�%
!,931—Holdois of these' bonds bavo the 2$t NOVMBER, .1933—Holders of , these bonds
of e1c.hangino into bonds
I to oads hoo ih
priviloso� of excliansing In b Ai6riag� Ist
In t9set, bo� *ng 4 /1-a 1'�
oven* stoom IsfAlivil" atuil
ep,�,19560 bearing intore
ali. months, interest payable,halPycolY from Ist A(ay, 1931L.
19310 The fir$tcoupon will be 16i
The,fit$t five interest Coupons, being, those t6 sind
'�,4xjre* interest ott the rate of 5% Per annunt PZY- -ill' be ta�.Jree-
i. th;.second coopo4 will including Ist November, 1033""w.
-*Qa lot Oqobor, M
bt for , stveA mouthe interest at tho rato of 0-15 There will Also, be Aitachetl to these bonds five
ieaftdr to tax-free adjustment-COUPOns. payable respectively
per annuIA:payable ut May, 1932; the
November,1931 nd1stMay*AdN0VCn1-
maturity interest will be pkyablo h%V-yearly it on: Ist.
bet� 193:Z 4tid 1933 for additional interest at tl%L�.
Q_ Of 1:�o V�tt Rfttium+
1932—Holdits Of those bonds VIC110,9Y LOAN 5 Y.% BONDMATUR-INO Ist
hive theviivilexe, oi 0--chAnsing latobottos 1AS14 NOVEMBER, 19$4—Holders of these -bon�s, hav'6
turio8xstX4vtmb*4s057obm1oA yS%jutor st the ptivilege of oxclizogling intob�ads toatuting
1931,, Thero� Ist,$ovombor, 1.939, bearing 4,�S'%' interest Pay -
payable, hidt-yearlY. 1010 Ist May, 193 1. Th�to will guo
wllt stso be atatched tolhese bonds three able half-ynlyfrom UtIMY,
adjus ati-coupons pajzblo� respectively on Ist be atachod to these b -Cou-
oads seven adjustioeat
d Novo6bor, pbas, pAyable tospectlivelY On 1stX0ytmbtr, 195 1*
November, 1931, a4d Ist May to
lonal ifit mber, t932i,1933 *4411934-.
rp3l, for'additi extst at the rate of 1% Vad Ist may atad Nove
era of.1%poratkiiam
tot idditionalinterest at th te
000,00. zho Atio, op 61
-td P It tual 01 $250
*hf so idrrease;r decrease $Us 4006wital Mdisceetiop.
Nowet remrsts,
jS$Xtd by any 6taNch jyj Caotda of 4my Chispitred 04sk and 6y,
smbscripti"s scillbe ratived and receipts he, oMis'sed
r"Vived C#044-sjs Rod Dealers ond Stork Brokers" IP009 Whom 010 #14*66H
t lett"mails 61 the A�P&
raifts Irky *ot At ralid 6)t -jorms other thad those PiMed AY tht Kft's Prittler,
The mbscapt I iolt 11'sts toslieforegoifte will#tmt 6# 1106.6fty, 1,931, stod trill close ox or beloit,23rdMo, 1931#
at gbe discretjoit #j the Mot of Noostee.
or Fr-4-ANCV,
ottAws" 11th May, 19"k1a
product, and that, oo'6tbVr words or
phrases, pictures or trAemarks, not FIND CITRUS FRUITS
even the tradItIoual plotuxe df the. log . I TAINT BW OHIPNX=S�
co$ln of A kind that mwgiabUlMaple pro- I London, Uay 21th (Special to 'I%e,,
ductA, . will be, allowed on 64talniailo Star I ).OeXeral Shipments Of eggs 606 -
other than tfioso'botdint the pure maple, signed to Oreat Britain JroM illffift-At
syrup or maple Sugar.- put few weeks have
sources during the
'Can&",# output of ms�pla sugar' 4 beea found to be tainted as a result 01
maple r too near ISWOWAnts "M
yrup sonUally Is vdlued at morel having been stored
thxa� $0,000,000t. by the -DandriloA � Do- I' of fruit.
partmeqt -of Agriculture and. about, one- A tounlAr. of the Instance$ of, tAe
Afth, of:the� Pitt Ut Is. Sol to the United
p tainting Of egge.fro- being stored neAr
other commodities, particularly, citrits,
fruits, bay# been -noted in cana&4 In
1, , NVARI)r4l), HOLIDAY some refrigerating houses the result VM
" May Ilth (Special to: The
Ottawa, -noted where:thq eggs were, in Tow.2k,
St4r)"—Reorl couisler, Arst smretuy. �o boj�e , or. other c.�mzzm*ll-
eparatq from t
the French Leggtion here, 1�xves ifarly r' es, but In Which the same air cizzw.
next month on a four oxon4w, leave In, 14ted.
'France., Mr. Coursler came to, Ottawa,
the Frtucb: Legg -
three years Ago when persian Ulm. --Cool and. refresblqg�
tion.Vas *$t established wlth,'gon. Jeho, S d
Xwobt 04 0 . first minister. oothing an protedtiv6. The perfect
e id to 'beauty; untIvAlled in Its sotte4o
Ing �nd beautifying etred on Me 034,
CANADA% CUMP, AIR "imp a fresh and fragrant dwIm 46.
LIN9S LOST� $68j764 -the Virts I I .
lovenpst complexion.
-Ottawa,. May lith (Special to The rou&ne$s caused by weather condiO.M.
star) _-CAn4dian Airways Limited sus- sifeguards the Skin and �eeps It smooth,
taluod a net, 104 'Of $00,704 during the. soft and flawless. u*se it foi,tuo balods
13-wonth period enfti; � Decomber 31. and face. Always results in the ftb*St
I)ecreased. m�o operations And gen�- expression of bmuty.
_6ral:buslness depressign are oupposed to
be rdspoo.sibler for this'condition. X
..�The not operating. revenue reported by
Cans.41%J2 Alrw* including returns M.M[ldred And Gay were lookIng.femard
fiqm: of o iff the mountains; -L*e
_p orn to
�roti6n. on, western
lid ""I t- "on' eastern they mW
es ant" A poik ll*. :youtes, the modern girls they were
& arrangements. by
was $1,817,643.65, an Inquiries an Loans
74ring 1.9,6%12*�, miles during the 13- Distance. The small � �oot, - -WAS WOM
month period, Canadian Mrwsys piano Man, outweighed by the satIsfAlati M. 'of
transported Mqi3 paunas. of mail, Immediate reply, And.in no tim* an
15,270 Pounds of.expresp and,4reight-on �thelr plWnS :were completed.
air MhJI . lines and .486,iOl , pounds of
freight -and. express on other line& The
number -of 0484engors,cArrled amounted
to-3.*1fi on the, mail lin"! ind 5;255 On
other routes.
Xontrftl, May Ixth. 48pecialito, The
SW).--Vc0fl1 'University vill
Lord BmboroU#h, Goveraor'OteneTal-of
01910AS at, the anoual spring Convoca-
tion AW 9. when'Sis 2preeillency valli
receive � the degree of Doctor - of.- Laws, X
norkorls Can=.
Freparmlow ate being made 16r- one
of the most br 1111ant sun�tlons at the
University izi Lord Bess -
borough wM-be the only;,cAudidate tot.
$in bonothry degrea at the coming 06n-
vodailor� In addition - W thl$ he . has
consented'!to"clonVer the* gab4ioc4tionaj
toy lith (Spedil, t4 Ithe
star).--Osnatu imported mot-e-facub te-
'colvini.setalrom, the ' Utilted.,stato,s dur-
Ing, Js0huary andi February Aban 1%
ot1wr torel*n country, ItAly, being secon
and 'Aftentin6 third. '11* t�xpoft. to
Cgoador.amounte(f.to #U,32f wo;jb of
Sets and Italy bad. a total of $123,70C.
UVAT a Go d
..Wpwo Time Mey Awe
041111, IndlK May Ilth (Special 4p
''Th� 6W).-1119 coiiWoed population of Every waking hour is filled to
British Indls 4n4 the Indian st*tes wal; briva with %. varlet oyous
_y of i
351 on February according to sports *ad bealth(61 pleas
the Is census 6f India, Thisahows $Peru, day races a"
an'bleVeDso in the 10 yeari sinei'thel eye t
other comped us
1021 census of 33.06.00 or slightly over deck games shuffleboard W
10'per tent based. on,the 1991 figures. "of deck tennis quoits J;
will $0 1
herst racing danciag..
At thls�, rate another ;0 years pben you tros% by 6[Ulati
India runhing neck and neck with,00hina Pacific Tourist'nird Cabia to.
In the t94W for thop6j)ulatloa record. Europe 3 to 5 sailinp,
Weekly. 06m Montr4l, oid
MO%MTED POLICE Quebi,� to 9 British and cono
tineotal Potts.
4uebeie. Atsy lith, (I a t76rTh,' T**#�d Third edth) 1 jwvft
.--tipecial pro*tIO111V Parts tt low as $Z83.00
Autbee mounted police be. given
thowwads of inforstory gamd,blras, In.
eluding the only known Awk of greater
SnOW 9ftsE. On a, MUP Of, snUM Islands aefteral posod*ser Asthr,
In the St. Uwttnee. The gee* test eA0.4di.an PAdfie. Buildhsg, T6rato,
Several &YA. oothe Islandi on their VAY
2169h, aftee wintering Ift Vit9ir" And
North eirolwa.
It Is the aftond year that the Qnebeo
ent -bog given Special ctire to thi
birids, d tb6, ct b to 01rateet them
from mititut ters, other same
birds Which Owe on M6 Islands *hIch
#0 NO t0t Of the Wand of Orleans.
am Ciknt" Ocose, Wait, black duck%
platalls, m(dUtd", And teals, Theic 8*iAb
birdl return in the Autuifin 'with, their
young ell route toutilwita.
It via r4toorted thAt a similar police
I*tr6l for, 23 days of Apill last year
StoPped 101191% hunting of thege birds,
WrAW 431,135,4t� ldldren,or
oftw*. Msky 11th (Spedal t6 Tho FOR MUMS
Ston.--ca"dIM15 tAt mote mdy oh I*ASTORtA
tht, I'Ver, 0. Win, thin do iresideutt of
bold slarilly k 1holoOrk
Was h Isak sod too WN
Um Uwaa A.'Allm Bestum AlW, *Atu:.
.41 WOUR like to tA134— of tu Oft, t bodbiAt T kma
-I *aa fto
VM so *%k i9oz
fAtt, I Wftld VAV* id
bw I* vo� I saw yo
a bat Wm *dth am
� *a wwftls*� I
fiol sm
At Id *A
W#A ~4d Vjjk gW
C-6., TAk,