HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-05-14, Page 6THE GODERICH STA9 'n'luiWam nay 14M 19$1- duArlat productlmx a weighted average Agurea for *Uch 114ye JW bew iuwd� "A It# proovelwL for - Had, To 5"Iftey In lapsed suic"ted. to #003.37t0i, an increase ""%QVXQ TONX IN JOWWYMNNT "CA" the camPWte Wait Qt QC "hUy Mae than Wx per fgat over ottaws, Njay ll%h fgpecial W Tft 90W- mining, nuMuf"turint " coo- Q1NkL_ 0 striw-Jw was " per cent l4ber aid 'Es wwombWS (In lCh4pit the pricidlAt Year. Of QA* total Van' a4r).�-A coogin*A Improved tone 34, I the 4ecling In W-We"le PtlCe* WAS Uwe S %Vft8ad Wd otuan manufacturers supplied 70A per maufactwins In Irallwily W4 steaxoxwp tliAa I per ccat. tent in IM and qgo Wr Cent ja 192#, tMu*pW&Uoj. in buUdXW construction, writ".—"I us" orw VIAW Of manufacturing prouc.1 in retau Nw, wholmle t]r*dt# in wa's Rw-w kia� Syrup IlAupwauv 1, O"ry zVom * pot:,I)r. W( tion In 192V motmted to more than mining otW than coo, is 411own by ECZEMA 'RA 'W $t has 400 of #.umti, 1 UA * vary boA coU four billion dQuars -while tuo Capital an' CAUAM#u empsoymmt statistics for Apr. Ottawa, May lith (special ta The to "y is, b" tVV woiw� "A 0"M Ves billion dcj- The Increase A toanufactutlog Were, Star)i--The prodmAlon from We bud - I UW " over Ave ft awn, uro, an incirew over the pmedint year unusually law for the Uwe of theyear, 'I 'OWe and 0013 Judotry In VauAdA R1 APOW of, but'l go: AMER ON TROUBLES I H *idoft $04 lwixwat I of 7.8 per ccut and 03 P"_LCfnt ft�pcZt_ larger in $act tilat in SL41Y Year since reubed 1% new high, level 10,1929 When OMER!!K" 'A" my bumboad T*4 J=t, Or. wooa,# N0r*#y 04 of the -output W143 valued st $27,658,821. Ul h am WOO the previous year production was re- '%othed & H*X1*d­bV Z^00'13uk' 11im Syrup so T 114 owy lVely. IM dotin.1 the postbellum ped I 4"Aod to A". ApproximMeW a per cc of the knouslon, Pat ii4 I ass, iftily W Wowaieud it to aa)r OWN* Canadian witrseas SbIpmentil of wbes,4 UO Line . manufacturing cul. potted at $25,131,021 *nd lit 1927 the �nts w botf* laftle family Oise. 45 0041s; durbw th reose to kas been vj4qe of t1j,, output industry was *24.- Vidw. �N ", put up o0y by ILU T. UK- 0 VAst tight 1400ths Of the ployment in C*nsda M13 sm 1 Stitift WAX %t All drag nr.vp0r4 OWM; present Crop Xcar Rgswj tbrouth.140ow more burn (�O�, ports COW rapid tbm U Vol ed As Oared with W.a per cent 14 prom reoruary to March the Increase ada's per toots, the corresponding porlod 09 the 1929- WAS 1.$$ Per Cent jAnd from March to fio� Mm 01= 0AW IN 2,494 wssels, of x realstered tonnage of the United States. Can per 1934 Crop, year. Vbw x VA$ADIAN SHIPPINO )nL for 1929 Showing APrIl the hlCteAW VAN 2.1 Per cent- XU Ottawa. May 11til <$pevlal to The 1%W030 caudy Consumptl( -ments of CAosdiso wheat have 111=4V the United atates Me Inereikse from largest number steady rise through the t7'VO Star).—Pnona the sxst, 04 TearS oup- "atts re, pounds, Tbe1cO=lMM* ed by 02 per tent Shipments thrQ11011 rebrggry to Uarch. was only 0.90 per Ot 014-91== the�lcrea And eleowed Years'L Was 334 plos of #11 kinds, entering sod jeavlog Anage for the tive ;O%ure for the United Stoo"VVA Is summary, Of Woridjeja CS11441AU Wrt* U00 Increased nearly 0 cent. Comparative *_ ares for the It%- aW With tW largest to per vent while these through Volted Crease from March to April In the� Volt- Canadian ports, his increased 60 -per 12,9a pound,7.,. QrTaSed by only 44 ed States &W_p* ar gu4ing March year under ravlow. were, Vancouver. Za for 192D f" be-' ates ports have in _;# 4WO vessel$, 11,401,087 tonsk Vgftble, Seasonal cent. For the fiscal ye jWfax, CauadA,s aver. 31, "39, Ole t6tal tormage, or seagolow ad. for that Year 1CM perceatage of Canadlan wheat Ver, 42 7 T. decreme4 wgre Shown, UWever, In Can- usive of 0245 vessel s. 9,1!71,804 tons; Uonftoal, twqen those record, and Inland. navigation c3cl, a border States Of min - 113 being ewpo-,ted] through Can*dlatl %a trade durlux the adIgn employment in logging, In rallwor X 1.01, vessals; Victoria. the -two north M ta owrSW countries, that AV past ow4l, year, lUnited States purchases sod highway construction And In coal foastlof, was 80,,438,180 tvm. The net 4,461 L Ve&VIs#' 7,Q91,881L tQnS,. Quebec, nmota And Washinff.WD- Most Of the Ilth'(Spcolal to The tounAgo of vessels entered and cleared QWw.Aels, 3.30,121 to4$; 8kint John, other iorthern States were above Me parts avbolo 0 - used in Canadian blast factories Is trem. the Mmialoo ihowed increases mining, J; Increasingly coustwise was $7,134,773 tons.' w.Wer I I p.-od=64 In Cana0k that the qu%- over this priwefflog: year In sugar, silver, Other indices of the tv -Solos sbippl. t7 uvq=q got the United States as Ai6t*4VP0#0* In iitr Industries, ber un, ohd of Can%- Rea inwards and out- 14470 ves", 2,004,704 tons, No 1!ty of canidlan meat and dairy pro- coal,, electrical �;jergy and automobiles, 4 for the Mouth mitioter. 043 vesse4. 47$4,$3$ ton$. while "Practically all the SoutherA St*AeS ogriculturo, according wards. was'mader up Of 6,034 British ves. ducts b - improving under. government and paro, �Ihe Utter were mainly re- of 10relt over lFebruary show that bank '$veto belQw it. These circumstanm We sels. registered toanAge� 20,171,383 tons; AV . L L , JIT issued by the GOV- AN Ing the belief tW. Xftm = as swport (11*4 "POrtetA exports Of original Imports from that debits, 0X- the aggregate amount Of Of sugar. Y"- adlog =4 that Caulk singly succt%sful in their to- country. Cao.�;_ unts 14.14$ Canadian vessels, registered ton- -d largely , ij�j expQ#x to.tho Ur As So ves- candy., cou"[POSI Atm --rhmeoVm sboix that despite An In- are Ancrea At, checks charged ogilng bank accO, ge .010731".8 tons. X01609 font koer of beat and *energy, Is 4 con4umption of olAu. soirch, for new mar;WW WOU019ut, the ed Hinstlom, showed 144artaw med in Canadian banks, was 441413t higher sels, registered tonnage 23,1464,pol tons Ottawa, May 110, (special to The tit uantities in the colder 06000 - Vegetables, c%ttlo, canoed 6ZI[Ce*Mer., Man In February but after seasonal Ad- W. Stsr).­Producers Of Canadian maple , greater q Sew-gQlng shipping entering and lea - rearly al. $10110po"Ics Canpdlau Inemu. world- root- copsinoption In CA044a J. ja t was 9.2 per cent lower than , and i�v' I the candy eaten In CWAdlk mm: heir The W3 raw woo , rm ImplemenW, hardware, justmen :River L yrup And maple sugar a* required to 1i �he Dominion. The than 11010ins t dex of 14. Ing VIA the St. Lawreace. totalled wslx�, this jleMond, that An or V=A!4ured commodities All Iron anct ingots, nIcke1j petroleum the February level, The In label. their -product to indicate the true is ManufaCturad in i juction in the Dowlelm Was contents of the cooWner. The law, 1929 Prot! pounds, valued pa4ed 120,913,508 -At, , recorded 7 the Dominion paruarat were 6i at $32,131), 25. Total ports L -d e 9rd whiCh the Uo* atipulat s thai the V' . "maple" #. r 22 po 0 01 not be used tgo 'except to 377,7 on the ps4p, I d 148 POUAL ed 1,140 ths case of e nure'And ungdultefated States I 1 is G,0VnXMEN ..DOMINION OF Ci�A_ �i-,93- t� c0N-V_,jRR$ r$ t,, /,,7 rS 0 , f AlsAfe., M11 go! of Canada offe .1de T,6t AliptMer of.0imsoce of, tl .10 'rile a issu ),.ri go qj.e"hang�ng Ikeir h9nWs into to, q�r 4t, es, in'th'd 110"44 t . ernis . atift mnder thefilloving robditiolls Thwoffer a Hord$ to holder� of Vjjfte� Jilt, the lifle the same intet,estpok),Me�itaudtay.-frte vil of sladasoontaloo In th6prellent bonds, �Adthc OPPOkU0101 of ixtending the term of the InVeatthe"t at 0647, Per:01n,10m. V 40AS 51�% BOND$ MATURING 'WAR AOA1q 55"OBONDS 41JAMRING Ist, OCTO'. !,931—Holdois of these' bonds bavo the 2$t NOVMBER, .1933—Holders of , these bonds of e1c.hangino into bonds I to oads hoo ih priviloso� of excliansing In b Ai6riag� Ist In t9set, bo� *ng 4 /1-a 1'� oven* stoom IsfAlivil" atuil ep,�,19560 bearing intore ali. months, interest payable,halPycolY from Ist A(ay, 1931L. 19310 The fir$tcoupon will be 16i The,fit$t five interest Coupons, being, those t6 sind '�,4xjre* interest ott the rate of 5% Per annunt PZY- -ill' be ta�.Jree- i. th;.second coopo4 will including Ist November, 1033""w. -*Qa lot Oqobor, M bt for , stveA mouthe interest at tho rato of 0-15 There will Also, be Aitachetl to these bonds five ieaftdr to tax-free adjustment-COUPOns. payable respectively per annuIA:payable ut May, 1932; the November,1931 nd1stMay*AdN0VCn1- maturity interest will be pkyablo h%V-yearly it on: Ist. bet� 193:Z 4tid 1933 for additional interest at tl%L�. rat Q_ Of 1:�o V�tt Rfttium+ RENEWAL, LOAN.$ g-%' BONDS AIATMING 1932—Holdits Of those bonds VIC110,9Y LOAN 5 Y.% BONDMATUR-INO Ist hive theviivilexe, oi 0--chAnsing latobottos 1AS14 NOVEMBER, 19$4—Holders of these -bon�s, hav'6 turio8xstX4vtmb*4s057obm1oA yS%jutor st the ptivilege of oxclizogling intob�ads toatuting 4 1931,, Thero� Ist,$ovombor, 1.939, bearing 4,�S'%' interest Pay - payable, hidt-yearlY. 1010 Ist May, 193 1. Th�to will guo wllt stso be atatched tolhese bonds three able half-ynlyfrom UtIMY, adjus ati-coupons pajzblo� respectively on Ist be atachod to these b -Cou- oads seven adjustioeat d Novo6bor, pbas, pAyable tospectlivelY On 1stX0ytmbtr, 195 1* November, 1931, a4d Ist May to lonal ifit mber, t932i,1933 *4411934-. rp3l, for'additi extst at the rate of 1% Vad Ist may atad Nove era of.1%poratkiiam tot idditionalinterest at th te 000,00. zho Atio, op 61 -td P It tual 01 $250 *hf so idrrease;r decrease $Us 4006wital Mdisceetiop. Nowet remrsts, jS$Xtd by any 6taNch jyj Caotda of 4my Chispitred 04sk and 6y, smbscripti"s scillbe ratived and receipts he, oMis'sed r"Vived C#044-sjs Rod Dealers ond Stork Brokers" IP009 Whom 010 #14*66H t lett"mails 61 the A�P& omp. raifts Irky *ot At ralid 6)t -jorms other thad those PiMed AY tht Kft's Prittler, The mbscapt I iolt 11'sts toslieforegoifte will#tmt 6# 1106.6fty, 1,931, stod trill close ox or beloit,23rdMo, 1931# htep at gbe discretjoit #j the Mot of Noostee. or Fr-4-ANCV, ottAws" 11th May, 19"k1a �t product, and that, oo'6tbVr words or phrases, pictures or trAemarks, not FIND CITRUS FRUITS even the tradItIoual plotuxe df the. log . I TAINT BW OHIPNX=S� co$ln of A kind that mwgiabUlMaple pro- I London, Uay 21th (Special to 'I%e,, ductA, . will be, allowed on 64talniailo Star I ).­OeXeral Shipments Of eggs 606 - other than tfioso'botdint the pure maple, signed to Oreat Britain JroM illffift-At syrup or maple Sugar.- put few weeks have sources during the 'Can&",# output of ms�pla sugar' 4 beea found to be tainted as a result 01 maple r too near ISWOWAnts "M yrup sonUally Is vdlued at morel having been stored thxa� $0,000,000t. by the -DandriloA � Do- I' of fruit. partmeqt -of Agriculture and. about, one- A tounlAr. of the Instance$ of, tAe Afth, of:the� Pitt Ut Is. Sol to the United p tainting Of egge.fro- being stored neAr other commodities, particularly, citrits, fruits, bay# been -noted in cana&4 In 1, , NVARI)r4l), HOLIDAY some refrigerating houses the result VM " May Ilth (Special to: The Ottawa, -noted where:thq eggs were, in Tow.2k, St4r)"—Reorl couisler, Arst smretuy. �o boj�e , or. other c.�mzzm*ll- eparatq from t the French Leggtion here, 1�xves ifarly r' es, but In Which the same air cizzw. ti next month on a four oxon4w, leave In, 14ted. 'France., Mr. Coursler came to, Ottawa, the Frtucb: Legg - three years Ago when persian Ulm. --Cool and. refresblqg� tion.Vas *$t established wlth,'gon. Jeho, S d Xwobt 04 0 . first minister. oothing an protedtiv6. The perfect e id to 'beauty; untIvAlled in Its sotte4o Ing �nd beautifying etred on Me 034, CANADA% CUMP, AIR "imp a fresh and fragrant dwIm 46. LIN9S LOST� $68j764 -the Virts I I . lovenpst complexion. -Ottawa,. May lith (Special to The rou&ne$s caused by weather condiO.M.­ star) _-CAn4dian Airways Limited sus- sifeguards the Skin and �eeps It smooth, taluod a net, 104 'Of $00,704 during the. soft and flawless. u*se it foi,tuo balods 13-wonth period enfti; � Decomber 31. and face. Always results in the ftb*St I)ecreased. m�o operations And gen�- expression of bmuty. _6ral:buslness depressign are oupposed to be rdspoo.sibler for this'condition. X OOERN, IVIAIDENS ..�The not operating. revenue reported by Cans.41%J2 Alrw* including returns M.M[ldred And Gay were lookIng.femard fiqm: of o iff the mountains; -L*e _p orn to �roti6n. on, western lid ""I t- "on' eastern they mW es ant" A poik ll*. :youtes, the modern girls they were & arrangements. by was $1,817,643.65, an Inquiries an Loans 74ring 1.9,6%12*�, miles during the 13- Distance. The small � �oot, - -WAS WOM month period, Canadian Mrwsys piano Man, outweighed by the satIsfAlati M. 'of transported Mqi3 paunas. of mail, Immediate reply, And.in no tim* an 15,270 Pounds of.expresp and,4reight-on �thelr plWnS :were completed. air MhJI . lines and .486,iOl , pounds of freight -and. express on other line& The number -of 0484engors,cArrled amounted to-3.*1fi on the, mail lin"! ind 5;255 On other routes. SONORARY I)LPGRW "FOR BEMOOROVOR, Xontrftl, May Ixth. 48pecialito, The ;Q SW).--Vc0fl1 'University vill Lord BmboroU#h, Goveraor'OteneTal-of 01910AS at, the anoual spring Convoca- tion AW 9. when'Sis 2preeillency valli receive � the degree of Doctor - of.- Laws, X norkorls Can=. Freparmlow ate being made 16r- one of the most br 1111ant sun�tlons at the University izi Lord Bess - borough wM-be the only;,cAudidate tot. $in bonothry degrea at the coming 06n- vodailor� In addition - W thl$ he . has consented'!to"clonVer the* gab4ioc4tionaj Address. toy lith (Spedil, t4 Ithe star).--Osnatu imported mot-e-facub te- 'colvini.setalrom, the ' Utilted.,stato,s dur- Ing, Js0huary andi February Aban 1% ot1wr torel*n country, ItAly, being secon and 'Aftentin6 third. '11* t�xpoft. to Cgoador.amounte(f.to #U,32f wo;jb of Sets and Italy bad. a total of $123,70C. UVAT a Go d 0 ..Wpwo Time Mey Awe 041111, IndlK May Ilth (Special 4p ''Th� 6W).-1119 coiiWoed population of Every waking hour is filled to British Indls 4n4 the Indian st*tes wal; briva with %. varlet oyous _y of i 351 on February according to sports *ad bealth(61 pleas ufts the Is census 6f India, Thisahows $Peru, day races a" an'bleVeDso in the 10 yeari sinei'thel eye t other comped us 1021 census of 33.06.00 or slightly over deck games shuffleboard W 10'per tent based. on,the 1991 figures. "of deck tennis quoits J; will $0 1 herst racing danciag.. At thls�, rate another ;0 years pben you tros% by 6[Ulati India runhing neck and neck with,00hina Pacific Tourist'nird Cabia to. In the t94W for thop6j)ulatloa record. Europe 3 to 5 sailinp, Weekly. 06m Montr4l, oid MO%MTED POLICE Quebi,� to 9 British and cono tineotal Potts. 4uebeie. Atsy lith, (I a t76rTh,' T**#�d Third edth) 1 jwvft oi .--tipecial pro*tIO111V Parts tt low as $Z83.00 paft Autbee mounted police be. given thowwads of inforstory gamd,blras, In. eluding the only known Awk of greater J. BLACK MACKAY, SnOW 9ftsE. On a, MUP Of, snUM Islands aefteral posod*ser Asthr, In the St. Uwttnee. The gee* test eA0.4di.an PAdfie. Buildhsg, T6rato, Several &YA. oothe Islandi on their VAY 2169h, aftee wintering Ift Vit9ir" And North eirolwa. It Is the aftond year that the Qnebeo ent -bog given Special ctire to thi birids, d tb6, ct b to 01rateet them from mititut ters, other same birds Which Owe on M6 Islands *hIch #0 NO t0t Of the Wand of Orleans. am Ciknt" Ocose, Wait, black duck% platalls, m(dUtd", And teals, Theic 8*iAb birdl return in the Autuifin 'with, their young ell route toutilwita. It via r4toorted thAt a similar police I*tr6l for, 23 days of Apill last year StoPped 101191% hunting of thege birds, CANADA% CANDY DXLT,, WrAW 431,135,4t� ldldren,or oftw*. Msky 11th (Spedal t6 Tho FOR MUMS Ston.--ca"dIM15 tAt mote mdy oh I*ASTORtA tht, I'Ver, 0. Win, thin do iresideutt of bold slarilly k 1holoOrk Was h Isak sod too WN Um Uwaa A.'Allm Bestum AlW, *Atu:. .41 WOUR like to tA134— of tu Oft, t bodbiAt T kma -I *aa fto VM so *%k i9oz fAtt, I Wftld VAV* id bw I* vo� I saw yo a bat Wm *dth am � ­ *a wwftls*� I fiol sm At Id *A t W#A ~4d Vjjk gW I C-6., TAk,