HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-05-07, Page 7ViAY, Mar Ink 1181 tint &beat A • OVER $iO,00�OO IN SASH PRIZFS The Goderich Star announces the launching of a big Dominion of Canada census Contest • , inwhich every reader is invited to compete S .000 IS THE . FIRST PRIZE Over 100 Oilier Cash Prizes..paid-up subscribers to the Goderkkh Star only, Special cash awards to �' iviin IS TIE POPULATION OF CANAI)A ? iter+o is .a questiiom of national Interest supported by a $10,000.00 Prize List. s The Census in June next will decide the answer. The big Cash Prizes go to 'those who most closely estimate Canada's population according to the government figure., Read' the full details. Thi°did. offer Is sponsored by The Goderich Star the Family Herald and Weekly Starr, and open to readers of these *simpers. ACT NOW.AND SHARE IN THIS WEALTH or ATTRACTIVE AWARDS a , The Big Prize List A Wealth of Golden Dollars. for Wide-awake Readers. $10,000.00 in .Cash To the realer who estinwtee the enact population of Canada 55.01.0 To the reader who eetinnat:e the merest to correct figure 2,51.10. To the reader" who Manatee the woad nesuata.40-ehrrectligure 3.01.01 To the reader who estimates the thtrd;.,neareet to comet acture,:,.,, 11.01 TO the reader who eatintates'the fourth neared ago cermet h#ara *000 • Per the next Ten nearest to correct estimate, 525.00 each.............. ... 100.00 To the next Twenty -aye nearest to correct eaatinn#ee,. 3110* emit x51.01 Per 'the next Sixty nearest to correct estimates, 5s.o0 each.. ....•, 300,0 0;0,00.40 And In Addition . For Readers of The Ooderich Star only . '000 in Cash as an added primewill be riven by The Qodeeioh Star tat the subscriber to The Goderich Star ywho ��rrWiinne//t��heeFirst Prize • Of $5000, n ..5250:00 in Cash as an added prise will be given by The Goderich Stan to the subscriber •to The-Goderteh Star who she* the Second Prise of 53500.00. Grasp, This Golden Opportunity t1'se this coupon to .send irk your own.: or. other subscriptions or both... An ordinary sheet of letter paper may be used instead of this coupon if desired To The Goderich: Star. Enclosed' find 'S .. to' cover Club oubseription (s) to ,The Goderich Star and the Family Heraldand. Weekly Star fey one year each at the combine l rate of $ each. • " ••t The above subscription (s) entitle (s) me to estimates as •follows• r ....:.eV...w...,., •..• . , ., (If you are sending other subseripttons besides your own, your subscribers. may_ also snake estimates onanother sheet. See Rue 8). RULE' OF THE CONTEST I. -The Contest is open to all. readers or The Goderiels star sin the. egndi- tions foliotrinR 2 -'Tire prcblein is to estimate' what alll be the papulation of 'Canada; for 1031 accerding to the government eensun taker in Ilene, 3051, 3. Ese'h contestant in order .to' win a prize must continue Oa be a subscriber to The Oodericit Star.tand. The Yarnhly Berated 1St Weekly Star Until the Content 15 over.. r 4. The Contest MAY Close.** time .after notice lits been, given by the Cfoderlchattar and the.1'anily Herald & Weekly Star. --Seven estimated. white allowed for your club subscription for one' year to The Ooderich Star and; The. family Herald & Weekly Star provided it is renewed before the Contest closes, ' • • Hew to Get , Extra Estimates Q. --,Every present subscriber to' The Goderich Star who secures one club sub- scription at 02.50 front' someone who is nit at present a subscriber to The Code. +tett Star will be entitled to make seven estimates ip the Contest, and the new subscriber will also be;entitled to make seven estiinates. (let extra estimates for the big prizes byf ae#adiatlf in thew subscriptions:• Tile :mora: new subscrlptlons You send into The Goderich star the greater are your chances of wlnniugrthe big 55,000,00 prize. 7.-.A11 new subscriptionstocount in the contest must be for persons living in Canada or NCwfoundland. 8.—Estimates MUST accompany rho subscription orders mid cannot be ac- cepted at a later daate`or in.& separate envelope. All estimates and' subscriptions must be mailed toThe'Goderloli.•.8tar. 9. -Credit cannot be: given for.. stibscriptio#as sent in before the Contest open- ed -or after the closing 'hate, I6.�-13o changes in the estimates. will be allowed. 11.—A contestant may net chain the estimate'of the new subscriber ;as well as his own. • See Rule .8. - ti • 15, --Should two or more persons •be tied for •any prize that prize; and art tunny 'others following as there are persons tied will be reserved for them before any . prizes are awarded .for oleos Correct estimates-- ' .13...-Only stimates - 13... -Only one of tiie first capital prizes will be paid to any one person, but More than one of the last ninety- five mailer prizes may be• won by the 'same 'person. protidedhe (or she) is net .084 the winner of a.capltal prize. •• • i4:—Orders• and `coupons' must be dated ' . 15 The: prizes will be awarded and paid, as soon as .the oiScial figures from , ' a►ttawa-are lsaued. •' The_'Ce ut vrill"be'talaen `during''the month of 'June. ' Additional blank coupon4 for estimates can be obtained free .of charge by applying'to The Goderich Stair.. If coupon is not available, write names and ad-, dresses and estitnates on a plain sheet of ppaper, . The subscription price of The Goderielt Star is 32.00 per year. The Subscription price of the k'amily herald & Weekly liter la 51.00. per jeer.; in the Celsus Content we. offer Both Papers together for one Year, new or renewal, at 5240. Every subscriber remitting =11.50 to cover a conhbhled sub*eeription t0 these two splendid mere at the specist reduced price may Make 7 estttnatee tor tib • blia priiam, Use the coupon appearing on this Amin for your estiaiastea Or an or. divary' sheet of letter paper and marl it with hour subscription at 18.50. xf your `subeeription to The Star isalready in advance the a .plry date Will be adv*need another year it you take advantage of this Offer. • xf you wish also one Of the prettliume announced below (the breadknife or the sharpener) remit 33.00 in place Of 5240. Seven Opportunities to win $5,000.00 or any one of the alto'. big awards. Act Now, How .to Take Part and 'Win. The Government of Canada Will take the tenses la hes. 01 We yar►t', Every ten 'years the govern** mikes this tertius to detenaino 10 p peastion of. the Doree'helon.. In Jane.. next Government representative* will set Ura wit 10 cover every section and mike a count of the number Or people resident in Cent ads. 'Government statlsticisn8 will then determine Jvat what Cansds's palm- !Canada e o-!anada bane gtiwo rapidly since titer ia+at erosus in X011. ,,'prat to what saeti.t her'.popidetlon has lncreaeed is the problem of this contest.. The . splendid Cask awards 'shown on this have ito to *Pe who can wet cilaseiy estimate what the f1i pveartwtent NSW 'Ana eve 1831 popslatlr* Trip. Omar to lac: What an opportunity for canting a n* ve lous cash prize with little Or effort.. Ile suave to lake pert, What is Canada's Population at. the Present time ? Population of Canada :.by Provinces Last f?rthdon Census, . 1911 ' ProVlnce , or 'Territories. Population Prince Ldward Island' 88.515 Nova Scotia 553,537 NeW 8ruuewlck 307,878. Quebec. 2,301,109 Ontario 3,933,062. Manitoba 610,110 Saskatchewan , 757.510' Alberta 580.454 Initial, .Columbia 534.552 Yukon Territory4,157` Northwest Territories :7,008 Royal Canadian Navy • 405 Total 1• , .... hf , 8,7854 03 Whatwthe 19 1census sof Thatla the Problean in this bit eo2tteet. What will be the increase in the. Dominion over the abate figure*.. Address � u i ti 00 �� $ bsc�� ane Estimates to ns Goderich Star 10130111EINNEMISHMINUMS akablei Prizes with New or Renewal Advance Subscriptions to Tl FOR Mb, MONTHS, OR ONE YEAR NO SOLICITING! THE EASIEST WAY IN THE WORLD! No ONE UNSUCCESSFUL �x THIS CAMPAIGN EVERYONE WINS �A PRIZE All you have to do is send in your,subscription in advance for a period of six months ($1) or one year ($2). If. your subscription is in arrears pay up to 1 May 1931, and add the advance paymelnt for the period'you wish and you will receive the premium for the period you pay in 'advance. NQ 'CANVASSING:.!. Make YOUR Subscription Money give YOU a Prize In. stead of , Helping to increase the MERE a CHANCE OF ONE for SOMEBODY :ELSE ODERICH S'. .s PREMIUM •WrIT 'C ONE EAR'S ADVANCE,PAYMENT THE BURNS,BREAD.KNIFE CUTS LIKE WILDFIRE P., IT CUTS WARM,. FRESH BREAD, WITHOUT CRUSHING THE LOAF t i of the hand producing a clean cut without tearing the bread or llmkilig•crumbs.. It is not in a class aim The serrated ridge cuts with cash motion r p g with ordinary cheap bread knives, but an article of merit that you will appreciate. The serrated edge will last for years and can be sharpen- ed by rubbing the smooth side of the blade on a whetstone. fl COTS A ,Sat.ICE `ri lDS TvaCR AS NICE' • " i a the: firne to .act, tuhril the offer holds 'good if you ape lout a aubstribr.,, alto yourself a prise by i fur ,The Ormiericis SStax6.42.00 pet you.., If you are in wars, pay IOW while . these beautiful premiums sire available, PREMIUM WITH SIX MONTHS ADVANCE PAYMENT Knife and Scissors Sharpener of 10 discs, made of high•grade bluedtool steel, on green enamelled inches long. Bach„tool packed in an individual box complete with ennanent.. fastening .. Consistin base, 2 14 screWS for Either of theme premiums may be Iliad in connection°with.tete Canada Census w nderfutl efficient and sauti<sfyhi Knife worth $1.25 retail �t �a really a �'► , � d arbon Steel hand. ground ly polished. The llandtes are lllacia> Contest of The Star and Family Herald at $3 for both papers for at• year, the 111 of Cocoboio All turns l tad Knives•are made of high gra e , Q 1 bt el with tutee brass rivets fa .;premium and 'the privilege of 5evcn estmates. . wood, which is also. hand polished, and fastened Ito the steel a e wi i'1Qd at oayou wish one of these splendid premiums send`ns a further ent for the - re. �f your subscription is already in advance and � ed to earn the prendu m you d esir+ , or get us, a new an d we wi11 send both you. and the ne ,subscriber the premiu. Muir __- at ilE ���i1k�lE�lE TAR Phone 71 GODERICH zossissasst=issig NINUMIONIMONNE 11111000113MINNEMIMINMENLININMONIONVON 11111l1111IEiIE