HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-30, Page 12m • DOLLAR DAY VALUES —IN— I Qu1ity Ji t greatly Reduced Prices k. p • See, our: windows or _Specials of e1 • our different lines of merchandise C. Robertson Diamond Merchant and Jeweler lab PhoneGODERiCH, ONT. �,.,.-- etat09====tdr:90...' 09M p 4[. Dollar Days at Campbell's PALMOLIVE SOAP 3mires for 17c Not more than $1.00 worth to a customer. FAIRSEX SOAP 3 cakes for 1'i'a Not more than, $1.00 worth to a, customer WANT'S DELIGHT 3 cakes far 17c Not more than $1.00 worth to a customer. CASTILE SOAP 8 dikes for 255 - . COMMON SULPHUR for Cattle. 6 lbs. for 25c CON EPSOM SALTS for stock • 8 lbs. far 25c 4040,1 prime for FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 1st and 2104 ' RIiNMO DLLonons Regular 50e Side Primp 29c IIAG LAC MILK or MAGNESIA TOOT141 PASTE ' Regular Spc Set* F ics, 2$c West's Tooth Brash, 50c Wi't's Tom Paste, 25c .Sgle Price, 50c . CANDY • Peppermint OEoc : Pew 29c per lb. MIXED FRUIT DROPS Regular 35c per lb. ° Sal« Plate, 23c pqr 1b. MANY OTHER ITEMS Drug Store COTT'S FACE POWDER 59c Ends of lines of FACE POWDERS CREAMS E'Tc. At % PRICE. K•501.14MISMW1001,11,11•11.00 •11110•111.1.111111,100011611,001 PARISIAN FACE POWDER 49 ants SARGON 2 Bottles Sargon and 1 Sarson Pills for $3.00 FRENCH'S NUERB ° 3 for $1,00 VITA EX $125 a bottle PENSLAR k•�•• DENTAL CREAM Regular Sec Sale. Price, 29c hone 9O . CA!W BE Llo S DRUG: STORE, Goderic 02 OitO 0 O iBiacIstc.ne's ......... „ Dollar Day is the day to ha" Furniture or anything , for the Moine. r- o. NEW SPECIAL Reg. $9.00 $6.95 • i 0 0 NEW CHINA CABINET o is - Reg. $25.00. IIDom+nDonau.(Days r, $20.00 0 "SPECIAL ° NEW BLINDS 11 69c Cong�okaaa RvBs C targe NEW BUFFETS o Reg. $30.00 DQllair Days $25.00 0 04 SPECia •NEW' OAl DINING • ROOM CHAIRS ° Reg, 32.00 • a Sale .Price, $25.00 . 2 only DRESSERS New and Used at Special Prices: size) One Dollar o0 Mail o Order House prices. Every day we positively! Osave you money. .. THIS IS YOUR STORE. USE 1T. Rklac stone's Furniture Exchange 1 ._ o . BROADWAY, GODERICH IL-.-..�os to .. ==toszto 3ogn°r •ooa ° SO Osiris of Flannelette Blankets .Largest size 98 per pair • ry [ Urtstarrd i n ON DoHar Days and 44inch Circular Pillow Cotton est quality. Regular .49c. Values offered ed a'HI BBE RT' !9 "HYGEIA" This New Sanitary Towel SPECIAL .OFFEEi";. 25c per pkg.., it v 34c Y HOSIERY Ladies' all silk • Hose, full fashioned. and circular knit, Reg. up to $1,95 a pair., Clearing: at per pair.: ..69cY. orient" service weight -full- fashioned silt- hose -with the-,:. new French heel, per pr. $1.00 Ladies' .lisle diose, fawn: grey, and black, colors plain and ribbed top. Sellingat per pair.. , . ... 39c ;end 59c Misses' silk stockings, a beautiful allose for growing girls. per pair, only.. ..........59e See our new range of kiddies' anklets and three-quarter hose, 36 inch Plain Satinette Reg. 50c ,per yard: 70-inc1i Bleached Sheeting Close, even weave. Ladies' All Wool and Silk and Wool Suits In two and threeupiece, new styles, new colors and 'wok' prices. Ladies Gauntlet Stirle .e Gloves 49c pati` #1LIyREN'S WOOL'N • WEAR SELLING AT Vs PRICE We have decided to reduce our stock of Children's and Infant's War: WOOLLEN' N BONNETS SWEATERS SCARFS KNITTED 'SUITS BOOTEES. IAIT'TENS SHAWLS CRIB COVERS, ETC. tiorslnitat * Pike. Figured Georgette and Celanese Voile '. Regular $2.00 98c Per Yard TOWED: 200 Extra; heavy. English Bath Towels, white with colored borders, size 24 x 46 inches. y-.{e Each.... t1 . ♦a M }.; All: Linen 'Huck Towels, at: attractively hemstitched, with damask 'border, 18 •x 32 inches, Each.. , 39c' 22 Inch Glass Towelling, blue, green, rose,''gold: and .orchid. borders Special value, per yard...... .. ..:25e .'. 10 .doz. Linen Glass Towels with colored borders, fine evenly woven, 20 x 30"ins .. .. .. .'2.5c 15 'Dozen Pace Cloths in ; two tone effects. 2 ,for..... 25c xeeptional Value .35c •yd. 1dn >ic Woods "Lavender'x ne", Silk Bloomers in all sltatcs and sizes: Reg. X1.75; $.1,95 and $z 5t Sale price, per pair— .•.: :$1:29 '(?Roods_ .`"Lavender Line" extra harry shadow proof : silk Slips« Regular $t:95 tri $4,25 each, Sale price, each, ,:; . - _..•. .$1.95`. Misses' and Children's Silk Slips and Gowns, from 6 to r upt. 16 yrs. Regular to �o S each. Sale price, each..95c. Children's Rayons Vests and Bloomers, selling at each- .4 20,01-o all $11k Lingerie on Dol.. lar Days. 36 ineb patterns per yarn : 2.inch Irish: Line Pillow Cases, Strong and durable. mousimmisigsgmaloW HOSIERY SPECAI 200 pair of Children's Lisle and Cotton -Ribbed Stock. ings in brown, fawn, white and black. Reg. up to' p1. Clearing at 25e SILKS col. Fancy brocaded and plain wr , b l ors in 27 -inch Rayon, . a beautiful material . for child- ren's wear and Lingerie. Special 'value, per yard. .3kc- 38-1nch • Heavy flat . Crepe, Crepe Satin and Crepe Rom. • aine. Rego up to $3.5oer 4yard. Sale price, °per°.yd $1.95 36 -inch Heavy " quality Black Duchess Satin, b e a u t i' u t quality. Selling at per. yd 980. 36 -Inch Crepe Satin, navy blue, golden brown and black. Reg. $1.50. Sale price, per yard..., ...gag 38 -Inch Pure Silk Crepe and Celanese Crepe in all colors. Reg. $1.75, Special value at per yar .14adiete Woollen Underwear and • Woken Hose Selling at 20 per cent. off II Fine es Laces Narrow and Wide Se Yard Fillet Net. Curtains 0;Incit by2' yards $1•49 Pair Special Value at .BROWN'S IRISH LINEN 20% off the following: Colored Damask, LuurCh and Dinner Sets All white Satin -Damask Sets, all`. Maes. Damask Cloths' 2 yds,► 2 :yds. and 3 yards long. 12 Inch�Damask Napkins. r Linen` Huck Towels with color: ed borders. Linen Guest Towels, beauti- fully appliqued in assorted colors, • nrcf. Madeira Napkins selling at 6 for... .•. .. .s,$1.25 Gild Seal Congoleum Rugs In all sizes. 1931 patterns now in stock. Kellwoo ets Special Prices for this 'WAST I GOODS' 30 -Inch English Prints, dark and light colors,. a large range of beautiful patterns, at per yard... 19c and 2i5c • 36 -Inch Pueblo .Prints, guaran- teed tubmfasf, stun, dainty • designs. Reg: 39c. Sale . price, per. yard, .............. Fancy Voiles in float -patterns, also Wendy Law'in the new \Checks and .'stripes, at per yard ... d9c and 59c per yard Peter. Pan Prints in forty differ - 'cut patterns,. and guaranteed, • fast caters, per yard.... A 49c, 36.ifnch Itleached or tTnbieaehied Cotton Heaviest quality and good value. Linen n Ligch Cloths 52,x68 Onl.. 95c each( HOUSE FURNISHINGS • 3'S -Inch Marquisette in checks, stripes and :colored spots, a large assortment to choose per yards .25c bon't miss, this secial offer on all 50.inch SilkOverdrapes• Pot Dollar Day only 20% off. If you are considering new win- dow curtains,we invite you to•• see our new stock of Swiss Curtains, Ruffle Curtains, Silk and Cotton Nets by the yard, also Tapestry and Shadow Cloths. YA Window Blinds and Curtain Rods "• al1iays in stock, Fancy cross Stitched all Linen Ladies' chiefs each` Ladies' and Misses' Sweater•..Voats and Pullovers At 19c yd a Selling at 20 per cent 'off 27 iNCH WHITE Fla�neiette 12c yard HIBBERT , Quality Merchwacliseat Reasonable Prices Ladies' and Children's Rent Room above Oar Store. ., i. Ser bests Short Sleeves and Comfy cut 49c each ke